CORRESPONDENCE _.;.( . fJJie City of tBoynton tBeacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bem:!i 'Boulevara P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Bem:!i, :JforUfa 33425-0310 City !J{afl: (561) 375-6000 :F.9lX: (561) 375-6090 November 25, 1997 Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Weiner, Morici & Aronson, P.A. Attorneys at Law The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: Cooker Bar & Grille site plan approval - dumpster roof Dear Mr. Weiner: In response to your attached letter dated November 7, 1997 regarding roofing the Cooker Bar & Grille dumpster. Further review of the Board Minutes from the Meeting when the above item was discussed indicates the following: a.) the applicant requested the board leeway regarding enclosure height limits (this will be by code so long as the enclosure met the setbacks for buildings); and b.) it was the applicant who offered, voluntarily without prompting from the Board, to provide a dumpster roof. Therefore, the City did not require roofing of the dumpster (since it is not a code requirement) as a condition of approval, and cannot compel the applicant to make good on something he promised to adjacent property owners, and cannot deny the applicant's certificate of occupancy for this reason. Sincerely yours, . ,~- ,: ), .I / II /' i I, 1./- \- ''l.-Jt:l'.-:i H....., ~ l-'\. / t.. \.. I . ...., .. J ' Tambri J. Heyden AICP PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR T JH/jbg CC: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Jerzy Lewicki, Acting Senior Planner Vanessa L1era, Plans Review Technician J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\CORRESP\SITE PLAN DUMPSTER ROOF. DOC )tmerial's gateway to tIU gulfstrt4m _-.;:( .,{ I .' rr1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacn 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BtJU.h. 'Boufevara P.O. 'BO/t310 'Boynton 'BtJU.h., :rforitfa 33425-0310 City !J{afl: (561) 375-6000 1'5tX: (561) 375-6090 November 25, 1997 Michael S. Weiner, Esquire Weiner, Morici & Aronson, P.A. Attorneys at Law The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: Cooker Bar & Grille site plan approval - dumpster roof Dear Mr. Weiner: In response to your attached letter dated November 7, 1997 regarding roofing the Cooker Bar & Grille dumpster. Further review of the Board Minutes from the Meeting when the above item was discussed indicates the following: a.) the applicant requested the board leeway regarding enclosure height limits (this will be by code so long as the enclosure met the setbacks for buildings); and b.) it was the applicant who offered, voluntarily without prompting from the Board, to provide a dumpster roof. Therefore, the City did not require roofing of the dumpster (since it is not a code requirement) as a condition of approval, and cannot compel the applicant to make good on something he promised to adjacent property owners, and cannot deny the applicant's certificate of occupancy for this reason. Sincerely yours, "i~ J\ iiij.,Lx-l..il,'\. ./ t. '- j . .", ;1"~.J / Tambri J. Heyden AICP PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR T JH/jbg CC: Jim Cheraf, City Attorney Jerzy Lewicki, Acting Senior Planner Vanessa L1era, Plans Review Technician J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\CORRESP\SITE PLAN DUMPSTER ROOF. DOC jfmuica s (jateway to tlU (juE/stream WEINER, MORICI, & ARONSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 P.A. m ~ n w ~ ill N(W , 0 S97 MICHAEL S. WEINER ALFRED G. MORICI CAROLEJ.ARONSON OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 November 7, 1997 Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested and Regular Mail Ms. Tambri Hayden Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Cooker Bar & Grille Restaurant Our File No.: CANROOl Dear Tambri: I represent Canterbury Realty, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, which owns the office building immediately adjacent to the above-captioned restaurant. The building is directly to the south of the restaurant sharing a common border. En:::.loscd is a p!lOtCCOpy Q[the Meeting Minute:; of the Pla.--ming and Development Board cfthe City of Boynton Beach, Florida for the meeting of May 13, 1997. The Motion which was approved and passed included a very specific statement concerning the dumpster to be built on the restaurant property. The statement reads as follows: "Comment 19- some flexibility of working out the issue of raising the dumpster walls so that he [that is the owner] can roof it in order to deal with the neighbors". I have reviewed the approved plans and specifications for the restaurant and consulted with your Building Department. The plans do not show any consideration for this comment whatsoever. We are requesting that no Certificate of Occupancy be issued until such time as the plans are corrected and the dumpster is built in accordance with the Motion as passed. Please note that Mr. Aguila in making his Motion mentioned the neighbors. It was important that the office Ms. Tambri Hayden Our File No.: CANROOl November 7, 1997 Page 2 building which is much higher than the restaurant and obviously built prior to the restaurant not be required to look into an open dumpster filled with restaurant refuse. Please let us know when the design is changed so that we might review it to see if it accomplishes this particular purpose. in advance for your cooperation. MSW/mph cc: Lee Rothman, Esq. Mr. Eric Ansel MEETING MINUTl PLANNING & DEVEh.uPI_..:NT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 13,1997 Motion Mr, Aguila moved to approve the master plan modification for Quantum Park PID subject to the following: a. ,b, c. That we delete the commercial use request on Lots 17. 18. 19.21. 39. and 52: that we delete industrial on Lots 3 and 22 through 31; and reject the request for abandonment of a portion of Quantum Boulevard between Lots 22 and 31; subject to all staff comments except: 1. That we delete the first three paragraphs in Comment #1 : 2. that we delete Comment #,11, 12, 13, 17, and 19 in their entirety; and 3. that the applicant meet with staff in the near future to discuss the traffic issues and develop some triggering mechanisms for improvements to Gateway Boulevard when appropriate. Mr. Rosenstock seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Golden feels staff's comments were on target and this recommendation would take something away from those comments. He cannot agree with that. CHAIRMAN DUBE ANNOUNCED A PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS REQUEST. The motion carried 6-1. (Vice Chairman Golden dissented.) B. SITE PLANS New Site Plan Description: Cooker Bar & Grille Restaurant David A. Donaldson Cooker Restaurant Corporation 1333 North Congress Avenue (west side of Congress Avenue. south of the Boynton C-16 Canal). Request for site plan approval to construct a 7.886 square foot restaurant and associated parking on 1.68 acres of land. 1.- Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner, advised that staff had no additional comments to offer. Dave Donaldson. 4980 6th Avenue South. Naoles. FIDrida. advised that he reviewed Exhibit "Cn and does not agree with one comment. He requires clarification Qt~notheIsomment. -, .,...._..-.-------~----------- _... _...- ---- '---- Comment 19 - Jhis is an itemi\"LQroc~ss and the applicant is ~orkirnLW!lb the neighb~ to screen the dumpster. The 6' height requiremenfls dn6fa-'probiem. However, -th'eneighbor -,_.,,--,~ 11 . ' MEETING MINUTES - PLANNING & OEVEL..r JARO BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 131 1997 has expressed concern regarding lines of sIght from the third and fourth story. One request was to move the dumpster enclosure. but Cooker was very reluctant to do that since remote dumpsters present the potential for criminal activity, Cooker would like to roof the dumpster --- ~Iosure wIth a roof that matches the building, There would be a neea for a sfight variance over tlJe-6.:...b.eight to construct a rqof. -_________.d__._________ .-------,-- The board members had no objection to Mr, Donaldson's request for additional height to roof '--1fie dump'ste{ enclosure. ' -- '"'-----.------... .----- -_._---,---- Comment 25 - The applicant disagrees with this comment relative to eliminating the backlit awnings. Mr Donaldson said Cooker's does not have backlit awnings. They have lights beneath the awnings that shine down for pedestrian traffic. No light shines behind the awning, The applicant shows a gooseneck fixture that shines onto the awnings. Mr, Donaldson circulated photos of other businesses north and south of this location that have the same situation he is proposmg for Cooker's. When ChaiLl1an Dube questioned why staff objects to this situation. Mr. Lewicki explained that the lighting fixture shining on the canopy would be the same as backlit awnings. Mr, Aguila explained that these light fixtures are added for architectural interest. They are not providing any real difference. Vice Chairman Golden pointed out that Mr. Donaldson is not asking for anything that is not already existing on other buildings in this City. Mr Haag advised that when Longhorn Steak House was built. there were different guidelines in effect. There was a requirement to put lighting on the building. In response to Mr. Aguila's request. Mr. Donaldson agreed to use mulch other than Cypress mulch and to make sure the perimeter landscaping is in good shape or replaced. Mr, Donaldson advised that the hedge row along the canal is in terrible shape. He has a revised landscape plan. and has no problem relative to the landscaping. Mr. Donaldson further confirmed that other than the words. "Bar and Grille". there will be no use of neon lighting. Motion Mr. AgUIla moved to approve Cooker Bar & Grille. subject to staff comments with the following correctlons: 1, 2. Comment 19 - Some flexibility of workin9 out the ,inue of raising the -.Qumpster:.walls. so that he can roof it in order to deal with the neighbors; Eliminate Comment 25 based on the understanding there is no back lighting for the specific purpose of lighting the underside of the awnings; Comment 26 - It is mandatory that it come to the board for review; and that no Cypress mulch will be used and landscaping will be filled in along the perimeter landscaping where there are voids. 3. 4, 12 MEETING MINU1 PLANNING & DEVt.L.O. ..,eNT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 13,1997 Mr Elsner seconded the motion which carried unanimously, In response to Ms. Frazier's question. Mr. Donaldson advised that Cooker's hopes to begin construction in June. and be open for Thanksgiving. Description: Lakeside Church Donald E. Bryan Bryan & Associates Lakeside Christian Church South side of Old Boynton Road. approximately 258 feet west of the intersection of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road, Request for site plan approval to construct an 8.939 square foot church for 284 seats (main sanctuary) on 1.25 acres of land. 2. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Donald BNan. of BNan & Associates. represented the owner. He advised that the only comment in Exhibit "C" requiring clarification is Comment #27 which deals with the platting issue. Mr. Bryan advised that his client was unaware that platting would be required. According to staff, there is a question about whether the property has been divided more than two times, Mr. Lewicki explained that when the tax map was researched. it was determined that Lot 53 was already split into four separate parcels. Our Code requires that when any property is spiit into more than three lots, a plat must be submitted for City review. This process is being omitted very often, and the City ends up with non-conforming lots that require variances in the future. That problem will not present itself in this case, but staff would like to begin enforcing this requirement. The applicant can either submit a subdivision plat for the City to review. or request a waiver from this requirement since the split will be a very simple land subdivision. Mr. Bryan explained that the platting process is a four to six month process. His client is hopin~ to submit drawings to the Building Department within the next 30 to 45 days. The client has a financial commitment that must be met on this land by the end of July. They could lose the land if they must go through the platting process. Ms. Heyden explained that the timing of the platting process is driven by the applicant. The City has a very quick platting process that can be accomplished in Mr. Bryan's time frame. The process has been condensed to one step and can be accomplished within 30 days. The applicant will not incur any additional impact fees. The client accepted this condition. Mr. Aguila pointed out that Cypress mulch is not to be used, and the Planning & Development Board wants to see the signage at a future date. The applicant had no objection to these recommendations. 13 -------~-- %e City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. tJJoynton tJJeacft tJJoukvard P.O. tJJ~310 tJJoynton tJJeadi, :rforufa 33425-0310 City !J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :r.9lX: (561) 375-6090 '~~~~y' June 6, 1997 William W. Merrill, III PO Box 4195 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Dear William W. Merrill, III: Please be advised that Cooker Bar and Grill located 1333 North Congress Avenue is currently zoned Community Commercial District, C3, according to the Official Zoning Map for the City of Boynton Beach. Also, please be advised that the current use for said property, restaurant, is a permitted use in the C3 zoning district according to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach adopted in November 1989. A 4 COP SRX type of license is allowed regardless of proximity of residential areas. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Sincerely, J..~k'Q~~ Tambri J. Hey~n, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:vhl Attachment xc: Central File S:IPLANNINGISHAREDlWPICORRESPIZONVARIFICOOKER.DOC 5lnuma 5 gateway to tlie gulfstream .. WILLIAM W. MERRILL. III ICARD, MERRILL, CULLIS, TIMM, FUREN & GINSBURG, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS 2033 MAIN STREET. SUITE: 600 SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34237 F'ACSIMIL.E 1941l 366-6384 TEL.EPHONE (941) 366-8100 IU), ~ I~ l1 aLL L\l\ " - 1 1----u::~~;;-.; ::')} -,~",. /- ..-.-...-".... _.",..~".......- . TAMPA TEL.EPHONE 1813l221,21oo REPL. Y TO: P.O. BOX 4195 SARASOTA. F'L.ORIDA 34230 May 20, 1997 Tambri Heyden, Director Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34225-0310 RE: Cooker Bar and Grill 1333 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Ms. Heyden: My client, Cooker Restaurant corporation, is in the process of building and opening a restaurant at the above address. I am interested in obtaining a zoning verification that the property has the suitable zoning in order to support a restaurant with a 4 COP SRX liquor license. I have been informed that the zoning is C-3 which would support this ~ J::OP J SRX' type of license. I have noted that the C-3 zoning does support this type of establishment as long as it is not within 600 feet of a residential area. I would request that you forward a zoning verification to me that this property is zoned C-3, and that it is not within 600 feet of a residential area, and that it will support a 4 COP SRX liquor license. Enclosed herewith is a check in the amount of $25.00 representing the fee for the verification. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. WWMIII/sdf ""-".,...---~--,_.~.,---~._--_.._---~--_. PAR,-E -4 I, - ... - -.... ~ 1.1 " - ;'0 1.53AC r..: .2-0 ,.. - ~: ~ ..- 1,\ JD ~- 5? AC, .j Jt;0~O },; - - 50 ., .. "fol - - . - ~ - - Iv - ,.. - .. "Ill c.:.. '1 ~ -s 7 I /5 ,; @ ,J f 2 1:7:;A( 'C t.. - :-\J Ci('-t~:;; ~ .: 9/.87 I '':''17 I. I I : I r -+- I @ 15 -' , 70.67A(, -, (,~) 6 ~. '--, c',,; 15 - ,... . ~ 1.84A '- S\ I @ .'- , - , 15 I @ I; ~ f'aC~ t~': 1.06 AC 'l' ~J ~~2""\.:~~ lJ)f Z,I \c -- .,J, -, 'J , . 1 I , I rr ~ 0- - ------.li - ~ IS' , ~ n - - 11:-:--" ~ 'u:.S' .. w ' ~i ~~-=---~~ ~f--~~-~-~-- ~ E~'" S'~~" E 62,61' h~- --I!l... - - - - - - - \' '" - -. - ~ .. ~ ~ . ~i i~ t:~ Q I , '0 i Ui I ~-- '. ~ - '0~i 1 ~@ I i' I r i~ ~ i~1 , w if li~ gl ,,,", ~~ : ~ ~!' i ' '~:/ \~ lEi I ~ " ~ l\ I . n /_ _ _ -,~ I~ ~ ; ,,~'- e \~ . .... .. I~ I~ =1 I ~(J) m-l ::,m :'1) 'r llJ> Z i ~~ 11m Ox c- /U(J) -l (J)- -lz \)~ ~ OJ c r Q Z G\ ) !I el ~ I I I I I @ ~! : i I ',:11,' ~ e. "~"~"~"~": "-", ,- -j- - --:- - ;J. - - -,- ,- Jf'tIoo< -,... - - - - - .- Q)I;I."'"!1~ 3~""E'21&~~ -w-. _. _::;..: ~ ~:::: JJ!! II ~ _'_ ~~';";T"--r--rl" _ _ _ -ii(_ _._ - -..... ,- 7-"- "lit:. -. ------ II .. .. I CONG:REee AVENUe I ~!!I ~i I i i "l R ---------------------------------------------- ..- :I i i ~\ o -< ~ z I 0 Q Z i ~ ( z J'- r O~/15/97 THU 15:59 FAX 1 9~4 763 2439 --- ,-.mro ~OOl ENGLISH I McCAUGHAN & O'BRVAN, P.A. Fort Lauderdale Offlce 100 Northeast Third Avenue Suite 1100 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (954) 462-3300 Facsimile (954) 763-2439 FAC$IMIL! TRANSMISSION MEMORANDUM -- ~~ .~~ W-@ R ~ ~1f ~ \. ,r, ~ rl, VI, t'::. d ,IJ '~, 1,1 D {..L~-~ ,\ \ \..~ L M~~,l ~.'~_J Pl{l.NNmG AND ZON\NGjL~~T. - ,.....--- TO: FIRM: FAX#: Jerzy Bewicki City of Boynton Beach, Planning Dept. (561) 375-6259 CONFIRMATION.,; (561) 375-6260 FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Rana M Gorzeck. Esq. UTract 1A" In northwest corner of Cookerls Restaurant Site Plan May 15,1997 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (including this cover memo): 1Q MEMO: Enclosed '5 a copy of the Reciprocal Easement Agreement that we just discussed, Please call me with the City's requirements for conveying Tract 1A to the Mighbor on "Parcel A," as defined In the Easement. WE INFORMATlOIII CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT ~DRESS!D AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS ATTORNEY PRMLEGED. CONFIDENTIAl. AND EXEICPT '~OM OISCbQ.SURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF THE READER OF THIS MES5AGE 1$ NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEtn, OR 1l-IE F.MPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSII!IlE FOR DI!LIVERlNG THE MESSAGE TO THE INTeNDED RECIPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NonFIEO THAT ANY DISSEMINATION. DI9TRI9UTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOO HAVE R!CIIVEDTHIS COMMUNICA lION IN SUtOR, PL.EASE NOTIFY us IMMI!D1ATEL V 8YTELEPHONE (COLLECT) AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA REGULAR MAIL. THANK YOU. "-NOTE." If you do not receive all pages or if you experience any transmission difficulties please call EMO Office Services at (954) 462.3300 Exl. 115, or Jean Fleury @ Ext. 118. OUR FilE NAME: KranitzlSale of Boynton Property CLIENT/MA TTER#17350-48436 H:\u5er,\wp\rmtlktanit't\boynt(ln\jen:)'.[~x: I , 350-484)6;3.15.97 ;jnf 05/15/97 THU 16:00 FAX 1 954 763 2439 EMO _.-~..- ~"ff'-i:a-l'~~g (JZ:JrF.. S~-269.rIOS ~t: ~e:.2 ~ ;'-: '1 3't 8 RBClnocN.!...w~ 1.u;@!~~ Ti-aS 1\GUEMDIT IlI&d. n ()f tliis ;1.:4d- day of Septelllober, au by and between FlU'!' AMEUCAIl Pr..A?X ASSOCIATU, a Florida e'enenl putnerlhip (the "Mort9ig'Otoo). FIRST Ml!:lilCAN BANK Nm 'b.UST, a Flodda bark~n9' corporation, (Uk/a Pirst }\ntedcan Bank of Palm le8el1 county, a f'lQdda bar,lIing cOI:PQratlon) (~he "pucel B Mcrt9loqee'" .nd PJ\UcO LlFt ::N5URANCI COMPMY, and ,\r1&ona corporation (the .p.rol'1 A MOttqll~ee"). ~ J ,:r to!,!;,. ~ ~ ,~ :.r!:4: WHElIAS, MOrtgagor i$ t~. fea ~imple owne, of two 'parcels of land in hIm 'each county, rl"dda l Pall;:el "p" and Parcel "8" l mOle part1cularly delicdb.., in Exhibit A (noUect.ively the "Property") attached hlll'eta and made a part hereof: alld WHEl.ZAS, ;taco;;el ". iilnd yarcol 8 I,re adJac~1\t prQP~rties intended to be develope<! by Kott9agol' in ,c:c:ordanee loI1t::h a OQlnltlO:l $ehl!fll(> , IU'.d IlHcel A lias bee:"! ill1proved by the conlltruction of II fCll,jt (4) 'Story ofHce buildlnq eOM,aininq approximately ~o.OOO square feet alleJ ]lncel 8 t'l1S not be~n improved lot1th the exceptitll'l of the conllt ruct ion of \;Iottl 0) sma !,l one story bu i ldinqs contatnin9 "'1?f'COX imat@ly 580 II squ8rl~ feet and housing certdn lacil1ties motlt patt.iculaz;ly desodbed b8reln to~t;h.r with cltrU1n p&vil'lq ar,d parkin! (collectively the "Facilities"). wl'\ich serve an:! b~nefit the blollldinq located on 'PHcel A and lo'hic:h ate lc,cned all II. portion of pu'c81 13; IneJ WKERe~S, Parc~l B MortqMgee is the ~wr.er and hold~r of a mot't'J.q'e ...nd collateral in$t::u.'T.ent5 de:>ctibed in !Kl1ibit S attach8<1 hervto (0;;0119C1::1voly. the "1-'lnt Amti!r lean Mon:gage") encuf"bedll9 c;~. Property as d;lucrlbll!d ill E.(~lbit 1\; and WHEREAS, by partial rel~~$e 9r ~~Gn date herewltn th~ B [ltor';ogagee ha1i rele.sed trom the den of its mortog6g8 A so' tbat the li'il'Bt Merica", l'\ort'18gl!! encumb~rs on 1y 8; and 'Parcel P.re;:ltl Parcel WHERl!AS on Ot abQ~t J1.U1. 20, 196:; lI\ort9agor ~ec1,lted ane! deliverod to .. Tl{~ cHAsE MAlmAr1'.\J~ B1\l)T}{ (NA110tfAL ....SOCIATION) ( "Chau") II pote li>t!C:\ltlJd by Il monC;i1ge enc:\l1llbering the Propeny, whieh 1I0I'tqil9o, U "'lIIended ~the "Chase Mort9ac;v") was SUDlIllquently uIJiQlWd to 'rhe Pllrcel A Morti_g8" by instrument d~ted eep're~~ ~~, 1988 desoribed in Exbibit 8 attached hereto; and -'.'. ~I'BAS, Mortgagor has executed and delivered to Parcel A Mort9&Ij!te a note, mortCjJaqe (the "Pruco ~Qrt9'~") and . Mortgage Modification, Conllo1i4nioJl and Extension Ac;reement of even date ner",.,ith, eonsolidatinq the, ChuC! KO~tqaqe llnd the Pruco Mortgage (coLlectively the "Con so lioatec fIIIort~aqe") enc:v.:nbedng Parcel A and. nl-.a$1.nq ilar(!9l !I from the lien of tl18 Cgnsolichted M(lrtc;a9i1, as If~re pattkulerly d@scribed on Exhibit B; and WHS1U:AS, i~ ~a ~h. mutual intenl: end dellire of each of the pal:'tleli to cre;lte . p8tpetual nonexdul!live recipl'ccllol e..e~ent for the benefit Of Parcels A, and S fOI a ~Qmmon driveway for vehicular in'iresB 8nd 89I'C!1II5 OVet and across . portion of the P,"operty .. llIore partio\llady oeac;:ribed herein md to Ctil.te in favor of Parcell; A and B perpetual nonexclusive reciprocal parKinq easement!; aneJ ~ ~ an4 to be raturM<1 to. JIIltonl.o Martino~, .n:" DJq. .... { ~. , J!eIWI!!n , 1675 Palm IlMch ~. Iloulevard, Saitb 701l 1IIHIt PaJn 1e.8dI, FL 33401 ~002 05;15/97 THU 16:00 FAX 1 954 763 2439 EMO ~003 1l!1E SC',21 P: t 31 '9 WHEREAS, it is the mutual lnt:~nc and dnin of each ot tile parties to create in fal.QI: of Parcel A a perpetual I\Onexclutdv8 riql\t to tne u.... ilJ:',';' ben.fl'; of the F,ciHtlelJ lOC8~ed on Parcel B; NOW, THEJl21'OJU!, 1~ cOIU:~4erat1l-n Qt the I1II.ltual cov.nalJ.ta cOrlta1ned nee81n aM t~e $UllI of. Ten Dollarll (JLO. 00) and otner 90011 ilnd valuatlle corl.~(\eration$ paid by Ilach of t.\9 part 18. to th@ .the!;, the t'e.:;.;lpt whet eof 111 net:eby acknow- ledged. tn~ pattie. hereto aq~.. aa follo~~: \, tacb of the abo..... t'ecit,,etions is true and correct and is lncorporate~ herein by r~fere~e9, 2, 'l'here is t.er8cy C;titnt4"d. in (avor of Patcel A, a perpetual nonexclusive ti9ht and e..~ment to ute the (lre pump room. dumpste~, generatot tOO~ anu Florida POW~t ~nQ Light enc).05unr locatec1 i.n the nOt"tI.wef,;t cornet of Parcel a (coll.ctive~:y. the "Eacilitie.."', t<oglther wan an easement for inqress llnd 99rll&8 for mlintEln.;U\ce and repolir of the raeili~ie~. &orO$S the paved ere, of Parcel a both as sh~ on that certai.n $\l~vey by O'Brien. Sui.te( Ii< O' Bt 1en, 1ne" dated July', 1988 85 revised 9/~9/a8 desiqnated oraer NQ, U-170t!h"!" (tnc 'survcy") wtlich appearz; <Il> Exhib~t C ;1tt~chlild hereto. eor vehicular and ped.stria~ aec&cs to the Facl11tie~, 3. Tal!re is hereby qur.,t~d. 11\ favor of ~.re.l 8. 8 perpetual ncnexclv.ive ...em~~t for ~deEtrian ancl non-con'ltfllction velliculAt ino;rells .me! egress over and across tile now existin<J, and as frOtll time tQ ti~ hereafter lC\cated, driveways and walk....ays of hrcel A \,hlOh easement shall include the nO\l ex~tJt1n9 .nd as ftOll'l till'S to time heretfte~ ~oeatEld aCCR5 to Congrells Avenue and 80C:)~f> to thtt certain 9allt~.en~. created in St;lectal Wart~nty Deed dutllo 1Il.t'ch 24. 1981. r.eot'decl in Offlcial Records Book 3489. ?,qe ~9 of the Public Records of Palm !leach CQlmty. Flo'C'ida (the "PIrcel B Drlve....ay !asemeot"). 4. There h i\f~rllby 9tanted in (avQ/; of "'.reel A" '" perptltual n;melCelulivE- ea581t1ent; fOt pedest~1an and nOJ! construction vehic",l.r ingreslI ane\ ~~re.ll over Citld across the land ot Pa~c.l S. for the now eTi$dn9 Ilnd as frOIl'l tinur to time hereafter lQC:.~ed aceE"" to CCln<rre\1$ Avenue (the . PaL"ce 1 A Driveway aaaement"); ",':QviQec;1 hO",."I6'r. that in the evel\t of further <lev.lo~ent of Pnl:el B. the elsement 9rariteQ here1n fQt the benef~t of Parcel Il. shdj. not: 91 roacl'l on any existinq or futur-e building or blJlld~r'9:s CQT15trl!ctad on l?ilIt'cel 8. Mott9aQoc hereby coven.nts thllt any future bul1dinq ot bui Idinqs bv.l1 t on Puc:e. il $ha 11 not be- consttlJcted lO" as to inlplir or lnte~fer. with the use. by Parcel A of the 8lClstin9 access to cono;re:n l....etl\le as sllo\oln on EXhibit C attaahe<J hereto. (The SOn,"e 1 ;; Drive",ay 1~.lU!ment and Parcel . ::lr l"e",ay ~.&em8I1t are eol1ectivElly reEerred, to herein as the "Drive"'.y Ba.~hts") . ~. There h hereby gunted, il'l hvol:' ot' pucel B. a p9rpet~.1 nonexclusive easemen~ for patkinq in the ate.; now or hereafter exi5tin9 trom time 1;0 tlln. on P-.rc"l A 'the "parael 8 Parkini' Engment"). 6, Ther~ i$ horeby qrttlte<1 in favor of Parcel A. a perpetual nonexclusive tll,.eltlent for P8X'ltin9 en Patcel B in the areas now I;lr ill~rQa[tllr illlpr"ved for parkin~ purpose. on 'erl:el a (the "Pucel A Puk1n<J Eacement") (the Parcel A parking Easement and P.r().~ lil par.',nq Eas~nt Ire collectively referted to herein 81 the "parklnq )!..,e.tIE!nts') , 7, Use of tile l)rive..'e.y EalUlments ..nd PuKinq Eall9lll8Zlts shall be limit;ed to vehicular in9'ress and evresll tel ~ile 1'.itCelll ~ end B by J'l\ortga91)t. PlIrce. III Mott9aglJ8 an~ '.reel J MQtt~aioe. their t~II~Jotiv8 tenants (if any), -2- 05;15/97 THU 16:01 FAX 1 954 763 2439 .._-~._..-_. _~MO l4l004 \Jff8 !r821 p! 13'20 employ<<les. quests and 1nV'it:ee~, and, it applicable, each ef their respective te~nts' ~loy..&, ;U8StS and invitees. 8 _ MQttc;aqor hereby COV$l\<lllts that in the event any a&!1.'tiond bui'lclin9 or b"i14il\c;5 otht,t than the P'acUities ue constructed on Parcel e~ {s) .uffl~'eftt p.~~inq spaces will be provideO by Kort,a,or on pareel 8, independently of parkln~ -Face. on Parcel A, to satiefy e~8 zonin;. platting anJ .\Jbdivislon ord1n,.nce. of IJ1Y 9ove:;nmentd a\lthodt:iell havinq jud.diction over Puce! B ....ithout th'!reby affe~tinCJ or iUminl.hinq the nUJahltr of palOling spaces 01\ pucel 1>,; (b) sufficient tacilities ~ill be provided by Kort9a90r to benefit Parcel 8 in liuch a manrll.r $(. as not to 1nterfere with elr imp.h' 1:he ability of thll Paeihties to serve an<1 b4lnef1c Parc:el A a:le:! (c) P~rcel . 10'111 b,. d.q"(11oped to <!omply witn the 2onln9. pl.~t.inq and .~G1vision ord)nanees of any iovernm.nta~ 8uthoritla& lllWl119' jurisd.iction. eV4iH' Parcel B. indeptpdent of hrcel A, except that nothing .~(,n;;lined hli#rein shall be eOnllttued ::0 requlre any .c;\~itlon.l access requirement 11 over Parcel I than u& cunently provic:le<J '~Qr 0:\ the Survey. ,. la) Notwithst&r\ding anr:;n1r,g eonLainec:l herell\ to the contrary. 811 mdl\tenanc::e an;j '''J~a\1r; to the Fac;l1itle. and the easements cre&te4 4ecein shall O~ pedorllled at /'lolOt9a9'Or'. $ole cost and eKpenu. Sueh 1I..i ni:ElnanCe and. r~pat r1> shill include, \)\It not be l.ind ted to (i) l:'litl!;lQV.l of truh and : i tter; (11) operation and ma1.ntenance of 11g'Clt:1nq; and (111) renrip- Inq and resurfacing of all pavf~ surfeeeli. Each or th~ fOU9Q11'l9 ut'vi.c.. Iftlll be pe:forrnlld by Mcrt9&9or a~ nec9ssary so as to ~.intain the Facilities *nd th~ easement' cf~at.d hereln in a neat and pl:elentilble c(m"ttion. and 11:1 . condition SUIUU to theLr oli9ind eoru1:ition upon CC7r.lpllrtion cf construct ton thereot', reason.blp. wear and tell[ eKc.pte~. and in a manner tlut ....ill net unreasotlably int€ '...;. ..,ith the USf.> and en'or.ment of the PropertY_ Cb) In the &\lent: ti',st there 19 a divisum of: ownership of E>8tcel A and Parcel B. inclUding ~itho\Jt ll.m1ta- Hon. J:ly Parcel A l'lortqa~JH oc ParC4l1 S ~rtqagee acquiring fee simple title to it.' t'es~ctive P;IIr1;l!<~ 1:>y foreclosure. deed in li~ ~, foreclosur_ or otherwise, ~h8 respective oVllers of Parcel A and Parcel B I~ltll each have the followin~ obligations: All ma1nteu.nee of and t"ep8~t's to the :'aoili.tiet> and the ea.ern.f1U c:rene.:j he"ein r.h,sll be perfo"m~d at the sole C08t and .xJXrns9 of the 0\oll19r of ~'ucel " untll such time il& the OW8r of Puce I EI Clommence$ to improve Parcel S by conBtr~c:tion of .. bui1ciin'i O~ buildings in addjtion to the DuUdinq P'te!lently lacated on thn Facility, S1,lch mHntenenee and repairs $hlll ind\.\de'. but not 11. limited to (i) lOf1mOVOll of tush and Utter: (11) "pe"atic:m iJ:\'lc:l ll\&1ntenance of Hght iD9; ~ (Hi) rectripinq ond ref;,urfacillg of all pav9d s\I'thc:e... Each of the for.90ing services nhall b@ p~rfo"me~ by the respecti.ve owen of Pate.l Po ;l.n4 Parcel B as nec:e.sary so u to Illaintain the F.c1l1tles and the oas8ttlel'1U created herein in . nett and prQlentabl. condition. an~ in a c:ondition simile, to their ori9inal c::ondltlon upon cQllIpletion ot construction thereof. reuonl&tlle we~lI: and tlitll't elteGpted, and in _ manner that will not unreasonebly l~terf.rv with the use and ~njQym.nt of the Property. A.t sueh time tl\at the owne~ of Parcel B CQl\I1Ienc.. the furth8~ dlWelopca.nt .)f &'arr:IH B. thl!t costs 'l.nd e~enses de.cribec! in this s\lbpar.9~aph (h) shall be pa1d 50\ I:ly the OWtKIr of Parcel A and 50' by l;he uwner of pucel B. 10 - 'l"hi5 Aqteement 81\&11 1:lln ,",s a cOII'enant with the land:. and IJhllll be Mndinq UpQt\ Illld inufe tc the benaHt of Horti.gor. Parcel A Mortiagee anI! Pureel B MortgagEe F'nd thl!h- respective 8UCC\Jssors anQ .e8i91\s. The tel:M "1'l.,r~q8gee" a8 used in this A9rltement GMll includ,e. without limi.tation. any penon acquhinq eee s1rr,l.. title t::> the Mor:tgll'il'ed Pt'opet"ty by purcha.e at: ~ foreelosure sale Of by llccttptance of a d.ed 11'1 l1eu of forsclosure. Upon pllYl'"'nt in full to the pf,rcsl A Mortg8Cjee or the Parcel 8 I'tO.t9.q~U of the ir.debte"ne5.. any -3- 05/15/97 THU 16:02 FAX 1 954 763 2439 .. EM.9 ~005 \ItlS 5' S=z~ 1'9 13'2-1. nr w.~__. ~, ~bt ~r:.l~ have ex.Clutt4 th1e A~r~ .. of e&e ~'tlC5~ tbo~.'wri~~.a. JIIOR~ll: B1Q'n1!6. S,...l~ and ~l.'~"vtlCt in. 1:M .r:...nce ot: nRST AMQ[QAN PLAZA ASSOCJA'nS. . rlQi~. ~~.r.1 p.ren.~.h!p ay: :n~~ :~ICAN ~ITY 8()YN'1'Oti BEAtlf ,J ~,lOlf, , ,r.l~d44 cor:poraUoll. ......."..," ': it. 0-'1:&J. 'attall: " ., '(fllt/' ,...; ." '~l. ~..~ :'~ ."".' ;f.~.~'; ;', ..' '..."" ~'I; . ~ '" ......., ....,~~ Ce P~5' !,,llt : '" . I, ,,', . ',' , I ,......, ''.1' cpatate ..'U \.~.\' ~ ; .,~ tl" it. ; ..,) '. c.>,1' 1';" '~"~ ~",::,,, ;,.,.....,~ 1]': ~ ~lrt J5aOCIMU.. "..t1tIlJ;i., ".; , nodll. ,pen! pannenh.lp, " , ." ; It, GIDt;.l >>'t~r: I)' l I!IINIlt MISOCtAlfBI l'!VE. . '1~'l" ,~r&l gcrtaer_b1p. l~. tIa.r:al 'ateoer: "'. uaocrAma. a *" ral per: r- ~i ;.1" ., '!J+ a,,~ ~ tOf{J......\.I.}~ - err ~~ ii:i~1~<. :r- .~ , 1]': ---. ~: Fl.'!" MIIlI\." 8AIGC NIP TJWtIT, . Vl,~t~ "."i~ ~po~tleo(f/k/. Fir.t Am.~lcaQ ~ of P.lm ...ob COunt1, . 1:!::!tt::~~-r [COUOAATS SISALI , '~~ " f ',j- ~~/ 'y lIWCO loin t_U>>INlS COfUIw(. ep AUz01211 q9~porlllUOD ~-Y-- q.;. 2fk.4-' :J: ti...~1i.rj;'t~, ~.~~ ~lt1.:Vtc:t J'ore!J~d...., [CORl'OMT!: IlUL) -4- -.-"_._._._-----'~..__._-----~.- ~--_..._~--~---.__..._._--------- EMO ~006 -~- 05/15/97 THU 16:03 FAX 1 954 763 2439 ~ PlWCO l.lFl~ UISURANCE COMP.\N'l, an Arizona corpornion .. .' By: _._.__ "'______.__.,___..---- N_u: Tl t I.e ___::: = :-~=:-=~=====-=~-= (COIl.POAATl!: I:il!:AL 1 " 'J STA'J'B Of' n,oJllDA ~y 011' PlI.LM 8EACH 8..: ,The t'Qceqolnq 1nstc:ument I.UI6 aclCno\;l9dged before me ui. AllJ 4ay of septembet, un. by JOHN SNAJtT. u Vice I'r:..ident of f'IRS'l' AMERICAN EQ1H':'t 1ICJ"~'i'ODI BIUtCH CO'kPORATIOtl, . Flot1d. CQrporation, on behalf of said cor:po~.c~~n, .. " 'i)'8n.nl put".r of FIRS'l' AMBRrCAlI ~l.AZ;" MSOCIATES. " flor idll general partner.hip, on beh_lf of .~ld 98ft.ral pertnec:ship. Wl'l'NESS my biiln4 ",n~ ot;f'lel.al stilal, thia ~I."..Iit.; da} of September, 191.. , " ..' . l' ", , ;. I. l ~ ' '" \,.. ,;-.'. ; ';j'. , ~~~..............._,..__'Io UL..._.L.._. ~"'" __ ,,_~) ~ . NQt;~ ry l'\lb He .....J' ,<:- ._'... St:II1:o! of FLoride at La~: " '. .. ~ .:" ~ . I,', . "'Y C.:,lMI\i liS I.Qn r."p i rl!>ll; . '. .;' " ~'(.~!T"'Tt OIHl,."i,.' If, r.1"'1~~ f.' '$(~! .', ~'l,,!:~, :IW:JI~f.')"": ,. ':~':.""'$i;.,,-' ",./' 8TAT~ or FLORIDA sa: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregolnc;l lnstrWllent wn acl\nQlo'ledgec1 before me thil ~ day of S.ptottnbsr, Ui88. l)y PAUlo S. FERBER, 8& . q8lUlul partn&'t' of l'eRB!:IVSOU1:H ASSOClATES. a Ne\'I Jer.lilY qener:al partner.hip. on behalf of said qeneral pa~tne~.h1p a. a ,ft\eral partner of PDIER "C'OCU~HS FtVE. a Flodda <Jenenl partnership, on behalf of said 98~.ral partnership as a general partner of EOYN'I'ON BQUI'l"t AI&c1Cl'A'rBS. a Flo;olda qeneral p.;otne"Bhlp. on behalf of sald 98..ral partnership as a qeneral p.artner of FIRST AMEalCU: PJ.AZA. AS$OClATES, a Flo:ida general partneuhlp. on behelf of said qenE,rd partnership. WITNESS my ne.nd ;Jnd o(fi<l1al uaL thi8.~ QilY of 8.p~el\'lbeI', 1988. ~ t (fL t. , trot arY'l'\ibl i c St~t. of Florida ;;;?;j~ -. .'., : V ~", tar, e;\ "~ . . , . ..-'p/ " ~ .. c 1 " E" ", '\ ,;. . , v,y Olll\'ll 81..on xp.res: -.," i~..:i''''' "NAllY MlCSTAl! f>> neAlCA "' .:;r:lrillKll UP, WI 1llI.199:l Uf'", '1IAoI 'il1CAAl. iNII.1MI -,- 05/15/97 THU 16:04 FAX 1 954 763 2439 .,_EMO ST"TE ..., CEORC:IA ORa 5"821 P9 132:5 68: COUItl'y OF lIEI'.AJ.ll The fQr890inq 1nsUUlllent ",.. ac:J;1'Iot,.lledqed ))elou m~ Ulh .~ I 41- day of $eptetllber, 1988. by tJlIJ:.,.:r. L:,Auut , . 4uly .~hothe4 d9'J\&~ory by llctiQO of Cb. loar"- of D1r.~totl; of PIWCO LII'I ItlSUlANCS CO/'UlM'i. .m Arhona corporaUc:\. Qn ~~&lt o! ~be corporation. WI'rWtS my band a\'ld official nd. this o?l'If day of s.pt~.r. 19... , . ,.;...-..~~...:.ii "~:'" ~ j ~ ~.-t; r' .~~.,;' ,....;.t:"". I. Ne~:t~m i '1~7;G::~~; SUn of :'o~"~ at: L.~~.tfO ~.~,:1tj M}' ComrnisuQfl Expi [.$: ,'''n,~~........:.....".('... t." >11- Nv..;Wy Pt,111ll ft.: ''''' f:C"'...ltlty, rlN;'II~ M~ Co'J.fn''-)tOllf_l",f".'II", SIp' ]49.Wl AAHU/pm( 9) STA~ 0' FLORIDA COUNTY 01' PALM BEACH S!il Thill fort'90i.nq i net rllnoE'nt WA:; aclo;nowl.,dqli'd b~for.. mli' this ______ d.y of ~.pt~m~r. 11B8, by .s . . 01' PfiUCO ['II"E [Nli\JRI\NCf.: C014P"1\I1I. anArI7.0l\a i:or$)oraflon. on b~tl.,l' Q~ ,.a;ld corporilt iOIl. \fITNESS my hand and c:~:!' idil J sIi'a I. \ l1i~ ~_ d.y 0 f September. 19Ua. Nolllry Public Stat~ o( rlorida at ~ar~e My C:OnICft;'$,ion ExpirE-a: 1'.,.. Ii t<? ~~c: lll.""..1 ~.M'II<J"~ I\l!r.."....nt. ~007 ...\ Ij ;] :] ~ 'l .~ .~ ,~,: ~1 :, 05/15/97 THU 16:04 FAX 1 954 763 2439 --------~ ~MO ~008 UR6 5821 P'i 132J't mffi'!.U ~!k.!! A parc@l of lan.<l in liHlt10n 19, TCNnBlllp 4~ South. Aanga 43 last. i.1111 Belich county. Plor;ida, being \llQl'<e particularly described as fol1o~I, CotlYl\9nalr at the SouthellE,l; corrutl:' of sald Sect ion 19; thence ~ortb 00-59'39" \118$1:. Ilonq ~Ile East line of uhf S.C!~lcm 19. 6 diat&nce of au.zo re.tl ~ll.!\c::e h()t:t:h 8~'4,,'34" West 8 distance 0(' 50.01 feEt to 8 poin~ on tne West r1911t-ct-W8Y line of congten Avm'lue (S.R. 807); ~h8JlC. NQrth 00859'39" West along .aid We.t line, a disC4nce of 2145.01 feet; thonce South ~I.O" 26" West e dietance of 10.00 feet to the Point of 1eg1nn1nq; thence N"o:-th Q'59' U" Wen a distance of 2!l1.50 teet; th4mCe south SIl"O~'Z6" Nest & dlst811ce of 291.87 feeti thence South 0"59 ':3~' East . dh:unce of 62,61 feetl tbehQe So\Itl\ 8S-0r.'2'" We$t a dh1:L.,ce ot 37.00 teet; tl\enCle SO\l~h 0059'39" &ut a cU:stance of 194,83 feet; thence North BB80S':U" But 8 di.st.ncCf tlf '328.87 fel'/t to th.e uid Point of Beqlnninq. TOG!:1'HER wi th tho perpf.otl.lal, non-exclus i ve l' i9'ht. pdvileqe ItICS easement n set fc,rth in Spedal Wart"nty Deed dated March 24. 1"'1. rec:oC'ded in Ot'fi.cial }tocord BOOK 34U, P4ge 59, P1JQlic:: records of Palm HBacl'! County. FIQr i.ds. p~;;r~"s. A parcel of land in ~;Q~1:1on 19. Township 45 South. Range 43 East, Palm Beach County. f' 10 r i 6a , he i nq more partlculaC'ly ce$cribed as fQJ~oW&' COIN1lence at the Soutllenr. c;:orl'ler of sa id Secticn 19; thenc:e North 00.5$1'39" 1Ii',;~, al.ong the East line of said Sect-1oB 19, . dl$t.nce of 1242 .20 feet; tbence Wcrth 89.46'34" West a 41st.nee of ~O.OI feet to a point on the ~est tlCJ'ht-ot-wa}' line of Congress AV\!'T1\1E!' (S.R. 801); tnenc::e North OCl.$"3'" West:, alorlll sdd Wt>s': 1 ine. . distance of 214:;'01 f..t; thence South 88.05'26" '~elit. a d1stanc:1iJ of 10.00 feet; thence North 0.59' 39' West & d:.stllnce Qf 257.50 feet to th. Point of iegir.nin9; tneJlce CQr\ttl'lU& Nor~h 0"59' 3'" West a distance (,If U5.36 fe,et to the south line of: th& Sl:iynton Canal; thence $0,.t1l 88"05 '26" ~Gt. &long li4id Svuth lill", a di 81;epc;:e of 328.87 feet; thenclJ Soutb oa!l'j'39" East.. dl.t.nce of :ne.03 feet: thVl'IClIt North 8.,"05'26" Bast a ~1&t~nCg of 37.00 feet; thenca )l'Qt1;h 0"59']9" Wes.t a di$tllt'108 of 62.67 feet, thence North 88805'26" Eaet " <Use811m! of 291,87 f99t to the $a1d Poine of Beqin~in9' TOO~THER wlth tbe perpetual. non-exclueive right, priVilege and e.sement as Bet forth in Special Wuunty Deed datecS lIl.rcb 14. UIl, l'.corded l:'1 O.ff icbl Reeord Book 3489, P&q9 59. p\I:blic: rClcords of 1jlltllll Bouch county, FIQdd... !NH33/mt ( 1 , 05/15/97 THV 16:05 PAX 1 954 763 2439 EMO ~009 - -- _. -~~. ---. ORB 562~ "'iI l' 32'5 BXlUIrU eauor.lDAJ'lfP. ~ 1. ~ l1lOr:t!Jllq8 from thJ fint Anled<:an \)la~. A..oaiates to The CRaBe liIaMattll:l Sallk (Nad(mtl AnochUon). . aadoll&! banldni ...echtlol\ (..ct\.8.~). Clned .:run. 20, 198:1. recorded July I, 1'8' tn Official aecoxd, Book '~85, at Pa4:J. 1600 of the ~l1c R(JCord$ ()f Palm Beach ::ounty, l'lori(ta .ecurlnq . note 4at" June ~(lo, t985 in the ,n1qinal. pl:1nclpal aum of '3.000, aoo .00 tne matur l t;jf date of whJ.oh mortgage ..nCl note ...r. 9Xl.:.nded t1y that certain unrecorded ~ten&ion A9r~t by an4 between Mort~.ior and Ch... d~ted .. ~f ~.Y 12, 1"8, which note and ~ortgaq9. &8 extended now con.Utute , va11<1 firee lien <;In t,he Pl:em1ees and wl1iC'h have been ...lined to l'lOrtCJaqee. 2. A cnortq&gff of 8Wfr.' date herewith from Fint Alaerlcan Ph.~. "'.ociues to li'r\loCO LH9 In,'1UI\C9 company to be r.cor~ in tbe pl.\tlUc Iteeords of "dm 8.~eh County. florid<< J.-.d1f1tely prior to t:he ~e(;ol'dir\g of thl.s Aqnement. ..,h1eh IIlOrt:g.c;e '.~ute. a note of even i:lOlte hervwlth in che principal SUIII of . 1,Qe5.~Q~.1:Z : 3. A COI}.Ql1.dateo;1 "'1)rt9aqe of ~en date t,li'uwi th !com f1rst A1nerlcan Plul\ Anoci.ate6 to Pruco t..ife !rlsurance Company to be t:ecorded in the, PUblic R...co(<;ie of P&]:n' !leJeh County. Florid. 1Imleti1ately prior to the recording of thh Aqre9ment ~1ch mortQB98 aecures: a cO~&olidated tene~al note of even date herewith in the princlp.J Gum of $~,ooo.ooo.oo. PAT1fl/pm(1) , , . '" _ r~' -~-'- _.- -,_._,._.,.~ 05/15/97 THll 16:05 FAX 1 954 763 2439 EMO ~010 13Z6 .~,.~" . .~..,~~.,.,..- - \'- " ...... . _"'_._."...~r ,...,...... ....,.'~ ;", ~...... ,._,_..._~ j', ~J i :~ \ \ ~~ ~ '( ~ '.. Hl:i~ , Pf"; .Hutl ~~'l'~~ ~~~ tt Hum ~ikJ.H ~n tl ':,~rJ. ;; ~ I ' 'Ii.:! A : II ~I! !llr .:5 ".\ I "I h! l!i :: I 't: :11 "J i " !Ii (I, .. i I ;! 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'i' ~, ;, ~ ~. ,. ~ ~\~ ~ ~il~ I~: I ~ hh h: I , . p~' S _! --. fd.;;";'>.~- -1.vli .,;1vr~"'p ..:- i'" ,,~I' ~Ir'llll' I( ,I~," '1'.. I, . ,'Ii :\'1 '~ I,-.P,f ~!~: 'i k. '11:i! 11 !;l!\j; ~I!t! I!; !j~~ !l~! 1111 HIi:1 r.mtiH f'; Ijljill-' H l!it "11"!1 ,-m' . Illl:!n:; rl~ 1111 ~~Il :~H !I. ,':I!j' 11~,ll !I; ~~ ~I;~ !!l f:*tl 11~!1 I~ ~~I;il IkJi r. II.1;u I~~" I. !i..U c , ) ~~ ~ I, ~ ~ ~ , t '. ..,(;t}M[) l/\inJfIEl> Pf; M ACM COUNTy' fLA J H , c,tnK CltlCUITCOI;~T 5'J7ra I HX;7[ WEINER, MORICI, & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 [oJ 1~@~aw~ ill iL~ APR I 0 1997 I I PlANNI~JG AND I ZONING DEPT. OF COUNSEL: Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer April 7, 1997 Mr. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: 1331-1335 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mike: On behalf of the property owners who own the building named the "Republic Security Bank Building," at 1301 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida, I am requesting that I be notified with respect to any public hearings or any other appropriate notices in connection with the development of property at 1331-1331 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. These properties are between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Gateway Boulevard, in front of the Boynton Beach Mall. They are on the westerly side of the street and just to the south ofthe Catalina Shopping Center. It may be that the vacant property has not yet been assigned an address but our best guess is that the address is 13 31-13 3 5 North Congress Avenue. Thank youJor your assistance. ve\ ~j \~\ ~ MiChLI S. Weiner MSW/rh cc: Lee Rothman, Esquire