CORRESPONDENCE ..... ".. _ f: LOUIS R. CAMPANILE, JR., P .A. CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 546 Spinnaker, Weston, Florida 33326-2942 Tel: (954) 389-1400 · Fax: (954) 389-0206 e-mail: lrc@campanile.net January 31, 1998 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Re: ! ~~~r; _ . c- ~p - ~ (Iff(: . JS~ pf,rr . Vanessa lIera City of Boynton Beach Building Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Ms. L1era: This is in response to your comment sheet dated 4-30-97. My responses correspond, in number, to those listed on your sheet. 1.a. The edge of porch canopy is shown on the enclosed plans (2 sets) from the project architect, Design and Engineering, Inc. 1.b. The overall horizontal and vertical dimensions on facades are reflected on the enclosed plans from the project architect, Design and Engineering, Inc. Lc. The overall projection ofthe Canada Dry sign is about %". 1.d. All decor will de temporarily attached to the building. 1.e. I have attached two sets of color photos of the decor. Should you have any questions or need any additior)al information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosures ~ ~ ><... ~-- - tOe- nR 9>~ , ,,'Z v-....?".? '- ~ vJ ~~-/ ,..... ~ ,\:'0 h/" "- 14 ,./V .... ~" Sincerely, LOUIS R. CAMPANILE, JR., P.A. Lou ~anile, Jr., P.E., P.L.S. louis R. Campanile. Jr., P.E., P.l.S. 546 Spinnaker Weston, Florida 33326-2942 Tel: (305) 436-2800 Dade. (954) 389-1400 Broward Fax: (305) 438-0206 Dade. (954) 389-0206 Broward e-mail: lrc@web2000.net December 26, 1996 \..,1 /1 \ v .\~- " \ I- 'L/ L A ~; L . ~ '" { /ir' v" - ~~A' y,.yYt \J~"& . V{ t~ ) ,,,V '.l f~ :J.;1.....L L" \. \ t.v .j ,- Y\'l '1 !vI t.. . . /1 vYv \,'- , , )/&" t ..10 t')Y "uvi.tL >' ' , ~t l L- 1 \0. l1'" . ~ , lrt' Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 1 00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: CRACKER BARREL OW COUNTRY STORE, INC. Boynton Beach, Florida LRC Project No. 1002 Dear T ambri: Please be advised that I represent Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., on the above-referenced location. You may recall that sometime immediately prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy on the building, an issue arose regarding the placement of the standard Cracker Barrel decorations on the front of the building. These decorations, the theme of which is standard on every Cracker Barrel, include antique "advertisement" signs (Le., Pepsi, Sunbeam Bread, etc.) as well as certain antique adornments (i.e., a washboard, a scyth, etc.). I have enclosed two color copies of the decoration plan which was produced by Cracker Barrel which depict the theme that is proposed for this store. The majority of the decorations (those above the windows) are below the level of the front overhang and are not immediately visible until one nears the building. As I remember it, this issue regarding these decorations was about whether or not these decorations could be placed on the building under the auspices of the building elevation approval which was secured at a public hearing of the City Commission. Therefore, I am respectfully requesting that your office review this situation and advise me as whether these decorations can be placed now, or if a public hearing will be required for their placement (and, if so, the mechanics of the public hearing process). Thank you for your cooperation. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: Ken Sweeney, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET PROJECT NAME: Cracker Barrel TRACT/SUBDIVISION: PROJECT ADDRESS: 1475 SW 81h Street Bovnton Bch PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: Signature Print Name DATE PICKED UP: IPlans - Comments REVIEWER'S NAME: Vanessa LLera PERMIT NO: 97-1802 DATE: 4/30/97 RECEIVED: 4/29/97 STARTED REVIEW: 4/ 30/97 RETURNED: 4/30/97 REVIEW (place asterisk): 1*234 REVISION APPROVED: No ZONING DISTRICT: (place asterisk) COMMERCIAL* / RESIDENTIAL /INDUSTRIAL MMSP I SPVW* PERMIT FILE NO.: FEE: NO DESCRIPTION: Add antique decor to buildinq's facades. The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior t< further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shal be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it i~ recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner (561) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name an< permit number when corresponding with City's Staff. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance wit! the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Please note tha additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall bE ,lllllmilllllllllrnii~mllllill!lllllliilll!lii! 1. Provide a scaled drawings of building indicating the following: a) Edge of porch canopy b) Overall horizontal and vertical dimensions on facades c) Dimension indicating overall projection of""~sign. d) Indicate which decorations will b~ permanently attached to building and which an temporary. . e) Actual photos or detailed renderings of the pieces being installed on building. * Departments required to review the project: Building PAGE n.uun.uuatea' "--,- mode. rr---, ~y,-- . -f._ Cracl{erBarrel 01(' d I llt,,;not ,'coulltry' look . ' I . ',' ,.,,' _~', 1:::1<,'.. ''! ' Y ~HUCi< MC:GINNESS;:~':h;~' l \, t:. change the: residential ,portion. of 1m Beach Post StatrWrfter '~..,':::,.' t. \~~, the development to build 85 SID- BOYNTON' BEACH -.,.;.; The ',. gle-family homes instead of 90 ty's planning and development'.' townhouses: . ard approved plans Tuesday for These plans are still under Cracker Barrel in a WOOlbright review by the city, and may be oad shopping center, but only if presented to the city commission te restaurant tones down it$ '~old next month. untry store" look. Board members said the eat- 1)"s exterior, except for the front hrance, should conform with ter businesses' in the Shoppes of oolbright, part of Woolbright ace, just west of Interstate 95. . e center has a Home Depot and gas station is under construction. 'Developer Michael Morton "d he would discuss the change th Cracker Barrel executives, I t he also said that the country 1 ore motif is the chain restau- i rnt's logo. ! "I can't see why Cracker Bar- ; el has to look like Home Depot," I Iforton said. , "It's a very bland, boring build- 19," board member Jose Aguila aid. "It doesn't do anything for le city of Boynton Beach." City commissioners will con- ider the board's recommendation: ,hen they vote on the plans next lonth. i A 5-foot landscaped berm and a ~ainage canal will separate crack-J' Barrel and the gas station from mes in Palm Beach Leisureville. , Residents in the retirement' )mmunity opposed the mixed.~ se project when it was conceived I 1985. Their protests led to a ve-year zoning dispute that end~ d with the city paying radewinds Development Corp. . $8 million settlement. Leisureville has no objection 1 the restaurant, said board mem- Ir Lee Wische, who lives in the Immunity. I The board also agreed to :ange the size of two of the three lildings to be built just west of, )me Depot. A fast-food restau- 1t, a bank and a retail store are ~ned for this area, . I Morton has submitted plans to., J~ c ('. Vv J ~ 1 /)~; O~f~ N'J Sf fY ~'~l'l'nUII~ CUIIUllt'WU I of (~erumic 'me Edut", -----.,.,. ..I......:'~ . DEPAh.~MENT OF DEVELOPMEN- ENGINEERlNG mIWQN 100 Ba.~ BOYD~on Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 August 29. 1996 [~ ~83:~ ~ 00 CCL Consultants, Inc. 2355 Salzedo Street Suite 202 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Attention: Louis R. Campanile, Jr.. P.E.. P.L.S. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Re: Cracker Barrel Final Plat Dear Mr. Campanile: We have reviewed subject document and have the following comments: Fire Department - None Police Department - None Public Works Department - None Recreation & Parks Department - None Utility Department 1. Show existing water and sewer easements serving Racetrac 2. Show easement for on-site water main serving Cracker Barrel Plannin~ & Zonin~ Department 1. Indicate on the cover sheet a dedication regarding the buffer areas that are shown and specified on sheet 2 of 2 of the plat drawings. Include in the dedication reservations and covenants, the exclusive use of the area for berm and landscaping, ownership, operation an,d perpetual maintenance responsibilities. Development Department Buildin~ Division - None En~ineerin~ Division 1. Include in the title the name of the City (i.e.: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH). Chap.5. Art.V, Sec.lD4, pg.5-5 2. Add the word "Plat" after the title. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec. I D4, pg.5-5 3. Provide full and detailed boundary description including the P.O.B. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.lD5, pg.5-5 Phone: (407) 375-6280 FAX: (407) 375-6357 CCL Consultants, Inc. Re: Cracker Barrel Final Plat August 29, 1996 Page #2 4. Sign Certificate of Title. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.ID6f, pg.5-6 5. Provide corporate seal. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.1D6f, pg.5-6 6. Obtain all signatures. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.1D6, pg.5-5 7. Correct legal description to agree with survey. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.1D7, pg.5-6 8. Include a statement on the plat that no buildings shall be placed on any easements. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.IDIO, pg.5-7 We already have signoffs from departments having no comment. When comments are resolved we will obtain additional signoffs. When signoffs are in place, plat will be placed on next available Commission agenda for consideration. TRC approval will be covered by signoffs, so no formal meeting will be held. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA p~~~,eW William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer WVHlck xc: John Guidry, Utilities Director Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director C:CRACKER3 ~(' u9 1o)~~~U~~ ~~ JJN19. ~ - CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Engineers Planners Surveyors Landscape Architects Environmental Consultants PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. 2355 SALZEDO STREET, SUITE 202, CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 . (305) 448-8955 . (305) 448-9810 June 14, 1996 Via Federal Express MJl Lynn Hayes City of Boynton Beach Building Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida RE: CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STORE, INC. PERMIT NO. 96-1314 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA CCL Project No. 3629 Dear Ms. Hayes: The following is our response to the comments generated by Jerzy Lewicki on May 28, 1996 and correspond in number to Mr. Lewicki's comments: 1. The requirement for the final plat was limited to the time of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy of the Cracker Barrel. 2. For the building permit drawings, the original survey was photographically reduced to fit the architects 30" x 42" sheet size. In a meeting that I had with Mr. Lewicki on June 11, 1996, it was agreed that this comment would be satisfied by crossing-out the numerical scale on the photographically reduced survey. Two copies of this survey are enclosed. 3. On June 11, 1996, I handed you revised landscape plans which contain additional information on the berm. 4. The project surveyor Mr. Keith Chee-A-Tow, P.L.S. of Avirom-Hall & Associates, Inc., has verbally verified that the existing elevations on either side of the canal are equatable. This can be easily verified by City personnel. 5. We have enclosed two signed and sealed sets of sheets C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4 and C- 5. The requested dimension (85' :. 0") is shown on Sheet C-1. 6. This has been done on enclosed sheet C-1. 7. This has been done on the revised landscape plans which I gave you on June 11, 1996. C:\wpdoc\LRC\3629.614 IllY ~ IV-r;, =~~ - ~ P~IOS ,.. Pr:.A.A/ , ru n I GAror7 ..J c;. ~~ l--t a~a · Departments required to review the project: r.V: ~-J"5 N t C O~1'lT ~1ll'\ Page -L- of ,;') ~ 05/02196 THU 10: 04 FAX 1 407 241 0646 MORTON GROUP ~002 4" ~ ......." .. T.... Ifttlrument W.. pMpared by: Howerd 1:1. Scharlln. Iiaq. Schadln, LaN'tIe. &. Oohen 1391 SoW. F1ttt Av,nue, 1'400 Miami, FL 33130 BOUNDARY SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT lHlS AGREEMENT, macJ9 ancJ enterecl tt"liS day or , 1 991. by and between HOWARD R. SCHARLIN, as Trustee ("SCHARLIN"). the first party. whose address is 1399 S,W. FIrst Avenue. #400. Miami, FL 331:30 (Social Security No. 103-22-3025) and FIRST BAPllST CHURCH OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA, INC. rCHURCH"). the second party, whose address is 301 North Seacrest BOUlevard, Boynton BeaCh. Florida (Tax I.D. No. ). WIT N E sse T H: WHEREAS, the parties own parcels with common boundaries lying within: WOOLBRIGHT PLACE P.U.D. being a Replat 01, a portion of "LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 1" as recorded in Plat Book 13, at Page 32; "LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 2" as recorded in Plat Book 14. at Page 17; "LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT 3" as recorded in Plat Book 13. at Page 53: situated in Section 29, Township 45 South. Range 43 East. City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County. Florida as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County in Plat Book 67. Pages 47 through 49 ("P.U.O."); and SHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGHT P.C.D. Part of Woolbright Place PUD being a replat of a portion of Lake Boynton Estates Plat 3, as recorded in Plat Book 13. Page 53, together with a parcel of land situated in Section 29, Township 45 South. Range 43 East, City of 8oynton Beach and recorded in Plat Book 65. Pages 137 through 136. of the PublIC Records of Palm Beach County. Florida C"P.C.O.,) . \VHEREAS, there Is some question as to the specific location of the boundaries of the respective properties. NOW THEREFORE. to settle all issues and questions with respect to boundaries, the parties saree: 1. By this instrument. SCHARUN Quit-Claim's to the CHURCH aD his right and interest in: TRACT "F" of the P.U.D. 2. By this instrument, the CHURCH Quit-Claim's to SCHARLlN all its right and interest in: ;. P.U.O., less TRACT 'F" thereof, and P.C.D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the partia hcmno hal,/Q caus9d this instrumanl to ba gXQCl,llQd on lh$ day and year first above written. In the prGsGnco of: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, INC. By: .Iernlll",,, 0' wlln".. name ot wlln"..: (Io;lbl)' pooled) By: slgnaluro ar ".,1,"11$. n.ma af w1tn...: (Iogibly printed) (Corporate Seal) 05/02/96 THU 10: 05 FAX 1 407 2U 0'346 MORTON GROUP ~003 ~ --- t/'" , ~f ~ nalUl't of W1U,... n&me or wI'"...: ,t../1tJ,.4r:'J1~ M~1C'1d~ z... Qee1bly prlnlod) eo .... . EJ..I:ir...,.,j-e-r1<i ,.;t.,~ (l"liibly prtnted) STATE OF FLORIDA OOUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY OERnFY that on ttlls Clay before me. an officer duly authorized to lake acknowledgments, personally appeared and J to me l<nown to be the and - respectively of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, INC., who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed same as tno ac~ of sucn corporation. wrrNESS my hand and official seal in the County and Slate aforesaid this , 1991. day of NOlary Public, State of Florida name of Nolary Public:: My commiSSiOn expires: (legibly printed) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before mo, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Howard R. Schar!in as Trustee. who e)(ecuted the foregoing Instrument and ackOO\ovledged before me lhat he executed same. WITNESS my hand and offioial seal in the County and Slale aforesaid this /5tK.. ~P~.iN./ , 1991. day of My commission expires: t.OiAI'lY pur-uc $TME I]~ fi.O:'lrM I1\' r.O~'J.!r$Slv~1 ~Xj), JllL Y t\,1!~9~ r:U~l:Ji.O milJ "[;flli!'l.'\L Hr.;. Ull~. -2- ~ 05/02/96 TUU 10:05 FAX 1 407 24J 0646 MORTON GROUP ~004 . i WR25:0.1,6 WARRANTY DEED r THIS INDENTU~, made this ~ d~Y of November. 1986 r -I ., tJ X3 ='') n N ~ Q.. ..$ N ~ ~ e.Cl en g:,! BETWEEN THE GRANTOR: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOVNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. INC. a Florida Co~po~etion 8oynton Beach. Pslm Beach County, Florida AND lHE GRANTEE: HOWARD R_ SCHARLIN. e~ Trustee 13~9 S_W_ First Av.nue Dad~ COl.Jnt" Miami. FLorida 33130 WITNESS. Tha~ aaid Granto~, for ~"d in eon~id~r=tion o~ the sum of Thr.. Hundred Thirey Thou~=nd Six Hundred Ei~hty Five Oolla.5 ($330.685.00), .nd other good end Y~lu~ble con~iderotion~ to ~~id ~rantor in hgnd paid by ~~id Gr~nte~. the recei~t ~h~r~Qf is hereby ecknowled~ed. h~e ~old. 9rant~d ~nd ber9~in~d to the said G~antee. end the Gr=ntee'~ heirs ~nd =551gn5 forever. the fOllOW- ing de~cribecl. lend. $ltuClt,=. lying and be1ng ln ~l!Ilm BeeCh County. in rlQrid~~ to-wit: " SEE ATTACHED EXHI5IT "AU This conveyance is mede subject to restrictions. reservetions_ easements ~nd limitetions of record. 1f eny. provided that this shall not serve to reimpose same, and SUbject to zoning or- din~nce5 and other reQuirements imposed by Qovernmental au- thority. and s.ubject to real estate texes for the current year J 3/J,~S~t.'t\~hd subsequent yeers. The Grahtor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land. end will defend that same ageinst the lawful .;I.ft;O claims 01 ell perSOhS whomsoever. Grentor and Grentee are used , for the singular or plural. as the context requires. I, t_53. SO IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Grantor has hereunto set Grantor-s hend end seel the d~y end year first above written. 0- m o -I 0- f"") 00 o Ln 00 Signed. sealed end delivered in our presence: OF BOYNTON (SEAL) &~'opr~.. BY: A. A. BY' l'\ ~CI_ Q"-~i'N-...l~S~AL) A. C~R~L~, Truste 6 Sect. ) IIotUalnut", Tatl ,... t; fi, s: .3.<SO STATE OF FLORIDA . _~ COlJNTY OF PAL'" BEACH] ,---y->:-r.-t 1"~"'':1IU" t.. r. I - Cl.~.t~tlor.u. . r HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day befOre me, en officer dl.ll Y aualified to take acknowledgments. personallY cpoeared A. A. STUART end A. CLYDE WORRELL. to me known to be the President and Secretary respectivelY of the mboye named corporation, who ex- ecuted the fore9oin9 instrument and acknowledged before me that they e~~cuted the s~me as the ect 01 such corporation. . ", , , .' . ~ J af:ore.;.' ' . ' .",~' . ,..., ~ I -;:~ ~:t. .,; 1 .. I -...., . r'-... " "\ . ..:, .' .t' ~ i . . , h~nd end official seal in the County Bhd State day of November~ 19S6. , (' t. ~ ,. . , '. ....r< kallr)' "Public. ~\i'IIe of F'1"r1dllo 31 L i i :ty ~ammIS5'on tl(I'Irt'~ Nov, 11 1 ~:;- - e)( p r"e s : on .eg }nru Nolar)' Public. UrH,1o;~wrltcrs. "PREP".t.RE~~~ANO~~~ PHILIP G. 6RAUN. TOWERS III, SUITE 5C~ 1600 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, IDA 33432. '". .. . -'. , ' ESQ., ROYAL PALM BOCA RATON, FLOR- o ;:t- O .-.ol CL fTl 00 CJ Ln CC 05/02/96 THl' 1U:06 FAX 1 407 241 0646 . . MORTON GROUP ~005 EXH%BIT -AM TO WAftRANTY O~ED F~M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH O~ 50Y~QN BE~H. FLORIDA. INC. TO HOWARD R. ~CH~lN. ~s Trustee The ~rODerty ~e1ng oonveyed from the Grantor to the Grantee is located in P~~m Be~oh County, FIQrid~. end described es: Lots 9 through 29 inclusive of 610ck 39; Lots 1 throu9h 28 inclusive of Block 44; Lots 1 through 25 in- clusive of Block 45; 811 of Block ~6; ell of LAK~ BOYNTON ESTATES. PLAT NO.3, eccord1nQ to the Plat thereof on file in the Otfic~ of the ClerK of the Cir- cuit Court in snd for PBlm Beech County. FloridB. re- corded in Plat Book 13. P~ge 53. EXCEPTING THEREFROM. ~uch portion of the above describ~d property e~ is ~ portion of end contained within the follo~i~Q described ~roperty, to wit: A Darcel of land lying in Seotion 29, Townahip 4S South. R8nQe ~3 Em~t. ~alm Beaon County, Flor1d.. more c~rticu18rlY deaoribed .$ follows: COMMENCING at th~ SQuthe~st corn~~ 01 ~=id ~ect1on 29; ~h$no. s. 88-02' ~2n W. ~lon~ the South line there- o~. a dia~anc$ of 1445.58 fe~t ~o oh int~r5ectlon wIth the SQutherlY ~~ojection o~ the EssterlY R1~nt-o~-Way line o~ the Lcke Worth Or=in~~e Distr1ct CBn81 ~-~ as de~o~1bed in t~~t Quit C181m DeeQ to the L~ke Worth Oroincge Oi~tri~t and recorded in O~TIC1~1 Record BOOk :Z146, F'O'i'C' 176,0t' the PUblIC R:ecorcls 01' F'elm Beaoh CO.Jnty. F'lor1d2'!lj thence N. 00.24' 11" E. along seid projeot1on line, 8 distance of 305.61 feet; thence N. 20.~4. 51" W. alOng the East Right-Of-Way line of s2'!Iid ~ake Worth Dr~1nage Distriot Canel E-4, a distance of ~~~.7~ Teet to the POINT OF B~GINNING of this deecrip- t10h; th.nce contlnu. N. 20-54' 51" W. alon9 the East ~lgnt-or-wey llne. a d1st~nce of 972.28 1e~t to a Point o~ Intersection with the WesterlY projection of the South 11n~ of HPALM BEACH LEISUREV1L~E SECTION 3". as recorded in Plet Book 28_ PaQe 243, 244 of the Public Records of P~lm Beech County, Florida; thenc~ N. 60"52' 06" E. along seid South line, e di$tance of 248.35 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 23 of seid "PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE SECTION 3"~ thence N. 88-26' 51" E. e distance of 60.00 feet to e Point of Intersec- tion with the West line of Block 33 of -LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT NO. 2", ~s recorded in Plat Book 14. Page 17. of the PUblic Records of P~lm Beech County, Flor- ida; thence N. 01-33' 0'9" W_ slone ~l!!Iid WlI;P!st line, '" distance of 180.0'9 feet ~o ~h. Northwest oorner of Lo~ 12. Blook 33 of said "LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT NO. 2"i thence N. 8S-26' S1d E. .long th. North line of said Block ~3. a dlstence o~ 368.39 ~ee~, thenoe S. 01.06' 2~" E. a di~tanoe of 440.30 ~eet to ~ ~01~t 01 CurV8- tur.; ~henoe Southerly along the ero of e ~u~ve to the le~t hevin9 m radiu~ o~ 1540.00 ~eet, ~ c~ntrBl ~n~le o-f 1S.06' 13", on e~o diebance af 46Q.5'S1 teet to P.l ~oint ot ~eVer$e cu~v~turQ; thenee continue Soutn~rlY along the erQ o~ e Qurv~ 'to the ~i~ht h~ving ~ r~d1u5 of 1'50.00 1'e~'t; 0 co:-ntr-el ensle of 09"11' 46", en arc diatehoe 0" 2aO.90 feet; thence !l. aa~26' 51" W.. e distanoe of 46?55 feet to the ~OINT OF B~GINNING. $~id l~nds s1tu~~e in t~e City OT 6oynton Beech, Felm 6coach County, Flor1de. Conta1n1nl;l 14..0258 acres, mor-e or ~~s0 ,he sbove descr1pt1on bein9 in Bccor- denee with a survey o~ C~ul~1el~ & Wheeler, Inc., dated Nov~mber 12_ 1966, JO~ NO. ~87. 05/02/96 THU 10: 06 FAX 1 407 2H 0646 .\~ ~ MORTON GROUP 141 006 WA:26:0.1S CERTIFIED COPY OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION FOR 9AL~ OF PROPERTY MD. CORPORATE AFFID~VrT OF TITL~ AND L1ENS THE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEES OF: FI~$T BAPTIST CHURCH OF BOVNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. INC.. (the "Corool"etion"). .. oor!:loretion 0" the St:ote of FIQ,id~, hereby certi1ies that the 1011o~ing 1a e true snd correct copy 0" = r~501u- tion duly and unanimously ado~t.cl by the Corooretlon ~t a duly e~lled meet- in9 held on November 20. 1986. mt whioh ~ q~orum of both sher~helder5 ana dil"ectors were present .nd vo~in~= BE IT RESOLVED, that the Corpor~tion 1s hereby ~u- thQI"iz&d to ~ell pro!:lerty locBted 1n ~elm Beach County, Florida, mOl"e psrticul~rly descrlced as: Lot:$ ~ through 29 1nclus1ve Of Block 39; Lots 1 through 26 inclu3ive of Slock 44; Lot$ 1 through 25 inelusive of aleck 4". e311 01" Block 46; aJ.l of LAKE BOYNTON ESTATES. PLAT NO.3, according ~o the Plat thereo~ on file in the Office o~ the Cle~K or the Circuit Court in end for Pelm Be~ch COUnty, Florida, recOrded in Pl~t Book 13. Page 53. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, such portion of the above de- scribed property a. is e portion of end contained within the following described property, to ~it: A percel ot lend lYing in Seotion 29. TOl.Jnshlo 45 South, Rmnge 43 Esst, P~lm Beach County, Florida, more par- ticularly described .s follows: -I ::r- o -4 CL m 00 o In CO COMMENCING at the Southeast corner o~ seid S@otio~ 2Q; thenoe s. 8S.02' 22" W. ~long the South line ther@o~. a di5- tence of 1445.58 teet to ~n intersection with the Southerly projection ot the EasterlY Rioht-of-Wey lihe of the Lake Worth Oreine~e District Canal E-~ 8S c8scribed in that Quit ClaiM Deed to the Lek@ Worth O~ein.Qe Distl"ict and reoorded in OtficiBl R@~ord Book 21~6, P8ge 176 of the Publio Reeo~d~ of PBlrn Be~eh Coun~y. Florida. thenoe N. 00.24' 11- E. ~lon~ said proJee~ion line. _ diG~ane. of 30S.~1 teet; tnenoe N. 20.5~' 51" w. elon~ ~n. Eeat Ri~ht-of-WQY line 01 ~~id Lake Worth Or.in.g~ 01s~~io~ Cenel E-4, a di$tcnce of 55~.79 f~et to the POINT OF BEGINNING of thi~ de5e~i~tion; thence con- ti~u. N. 20.64' Sl" W. alonQ the East Ri~ht-ot-WBY l1ne, a distenoe of 972.28 feet to e Point Qf Intersect10n with the We.~.rly proJeotion of the $Quth line 01 "~ALM 6EA~H LEISUREYILLE SECTION 3". as recorded 1n ~lBt eook 28. page ~43. 244 01 the Pub1ie R~cord5 01 Palm ~eBch County, Flor- ide, thence N. 65.S2' 06" e. elon~ SBld SOU~h line, 8 dis- tance of 248.35 f~et to t~e SOUtheast corner of Lot '. Block 2;5 of ~aid ",.ALM 5~ACH l..EI5UfCE.:VILLE SECTION 3"; thenCe N. 86-26' ~1" E. a distanoe of 60.DO feet to a Point of Inter- section with the west line of Blook 33 of "LAKE BOYNTON ~$TAT~~ ~LAT NO. 2d, as recorded in Plet Book 1&. FCge 17. or the ~ubllc RecordS of Palm Beaoh County, Florida; thence N. 01-~~' 09" W. along said West line. a distance of 180.09 ~eet to the Northwest corner of ~ot 12. alock 33 of said "LAK~ BOYNTON ESTATES PLAT NO.2"; thence N. 88-26' 51" E. alOng the North line of amid Block ~3, e distance 01 366.39 f~et; thence S. 01.06' 24" E. ~ distanoe of '40.30 feet to a Point 01 Curv~turej thence SoutherlY along the arc of e curve to the left having ~ r~d1us of 1540.00 feet. ~ central engle of 18.06' 13". en ere distl!lnee of 456.59 feet to flI point o~ reverse ourvmture~ thence oontinue Southerly along the are o~ a CUrve to the right having !II radius of 1750.00 teet, l!lI centrel angle of 09-11' 48", l!ln'e1rc distance of 1 Of 3 05/021 96 THlT 10: 07 FAX 1 407 241 0646 MORTON GROUP Ii!J 007 , , zeO.90 f.eto thence ~. 80-26" 51" W., II distance of 467.85 fll'et to the ~OINT OP 5EGINNING. Said l~ndS situate in the City ot Boynton Beech. P~lm Beaef! County. Florida. Cont ein ins 14.0258 ecres, more or less. The ~bove description beihg in accordance with a sur- vey 01' Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc., dated November 12. 1986, .Job No. 387, (th~ .Property"), in eccOrdcnce with the terms of e wr~tten contr~ct between the Corpor~tion end Trsdewinos Development Corp., which contr~ct wes eS$igned to "Howard R. Scherlin, as Trustee (the "Buyer"). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with th~ By- Laws of the Corporation. end in particul~r. Section 3. the Chci,rnan of the rrustees of ~n~ CorDor.cion is authori~ed to execute 911 deeds end legal docum.n~a on behalf o~ ~he Ccr- poration. e~d thst ARid ~ection 3 1u~th&r proyide$ th~t the Chai~men Shall elso be d..m.d ~o be the President of the Corporation. end eccordingly, the Chairman 01 the Tru~:ees being A. A. STUART. i$ her-.by di....ected to el<eeute c:md d~liver en behelf of the Co....po....ation mny ~nd ~ll d~~ds, af- fidavitA, e~~e.m.nts. elosin~ ~t~teme~t~. =~~ignment$, and any oth~~ inst....um.nts and documents ~s mey be n~c~~s~ry or requi.....d in o~de.... to aell the P,..o~erty and con~orm to the terms of the cont....eot of ~Ql~. I FURTHER CE~TIFV thBt the ebov~ Resolvt10n was duly end ~egU1Br~y enBo~ed ot 0 meetin~ Qf th~ Corpor~tion called fo, t~et purpose and neld 1n Dceord~nce with the ert1cles o~ 1ncorporet1on ~nd By-Laws of the Corpora- tion end the laws of t~e ~tete oT F1o~lda; th~t the Trustees of the Corp~- rat10n heve fUll po~er end autho~lty to bind the Corporetion pursuant thereto; and tnet the Resolution is in full force end effeot as of the date of th1~ cert1f1oete end has not been ~ltered. modified or rescinded. I FURTHER CERTIfY that the Corporetion is an independent, congressio- nal tY~e of Chu....ch, which is autonomous and governs its own eftairs in ac- cordance with its own BY-L.~s, end eccordingly, the Corporation 1s not sub- ject to the cont~ol 01 ~ny h1gher orgenization or body. I FURTHER CERTIFY thet the Corporation is the Owner of the Property and that tho Property is tree end clear of all liens. texes. clairns ~nd en- cumbrences of every kind. except as mey be $et forth in the Deed and e~cept for reel eatate taxes for 1QS6; and th~t there are no unpaid-for imcrove- ments. alterations. or receirs to the Property: and that there are no claims 10r labor or material furnished for reDsirino or improving the Proc- erty ~hioh rem~in unpaid: end that the~e are no meChanic's, mat~~ielme~'~ or leborer-~ liens eQeinst the Property, no.... haa en~ ~ork o~en p.r~ormed or m~terials su~oli~d to the Prooerty con~....act~d for by tho Corporation, within the oreceding 90 days, ~hs~ h.s not boen paid for by the Corpora- tion; and that th~ Dersonsl property, if any, bei~g $Qld to the Buyers is ~ree and olea.... of all li.ns and enoumbranoos, and that th~ Corporation knous OT no violetions of Municipal Ordinano.& ~ertaining to the Property, and that no ~udgment or deoro9 haa been enter~d in any oourt 01 Florid~ or the United St.tea a~air..t the Cor~orstion whioh remBi~~ uns~ti$fi~d; ~nd th~t there are no ma~ter& ~endin~ asein~t the Corpor~tion thet could give rl$e to . lion th$t would D~taoh to th~ PrQP~rty between the dete of th~ disbura~ment o~ the ~....oce~d~ of ~Qle end the dat~ of r~cording ot the deeo; ~~~ the eor~o....~tion h~~ not end will not ~^ecut~ ~ny instrument wn10n WOUld ~dverselY Bf1eet th~ titlll' to the ~roperty. '\J :r- Cl -I :?- m 00 o Lrt [D I FU~TH~" C~RTIFY Cnat the corpOr~t1on 1s a domest1c corporation orQBnlzed pursuent to the lew~ OT ~~e state of Florida. This certifica- tion 19 ~8r~1elLY made with tne KnO~ledge thst the Buyer end the olosing agent Will relY on 1t to estebl1$h that the Corporstion is not sUbjeot to tne w1thhol01ng tex P,ov1sions of the Foreign Investment in Reel Property Tex Act of tne Un1~ed 5tftte$ of Americ8. x rUR~H~~ C~~TIFY thet t~ere is no peraon in possession 01 the proper- ty other enen the Corpor~t1on end that there is not eny claim for PQS$es- $1Qn to the ~roperty f~om eny otner person. 2 of " 05/02/96 THU 10:08 FAX 1 407 241 0646 . I . .~ MORTON GROUP ~008 I FURTHER CERTIFY thet the t~enefe~ of cne P~o~ert~ to the Buyer doe. not ~ep~e$ent ~ $~le bY the CQr~Q~~tion of ~11 O~ ~ub~tcnti~11y ell of the ~s5et5 of the Corpcreticn. I ~U~TH~~ C~~TI~Y enee tn1s 8f~1d.v1t 19 made for the purpO$e of in- ducing the 6uye~s to pu~e~~se t~e ~roperty from the corpor~tlon. and to in- duce Chic~go Title lnsurence Company to 1ssue an owner's title Insurance I:'olioy. I FURTHER CERTlFY tnmt I ~m femili~r with the nature of oaths end with the penalties ea provided by the laws of the ~foresaid State for falselY s~ealin9 to stetements made in en effidevit. end thet we h2ve read the facts of this affidavit. understend them fully. and hereby state thet the fl!!lct.s !Ire, true. .\l~' ;: ',~,: :'.~ " ,'~ II ., . . ::.. ~...; j. t ~. . .:..'; ;'~ ~ ~ '.,.: (,.' ;"~ ". " 0: ' I ........ ;.. ;" ': ,1" ' ~~~ikb,D~ A. CLYDE WORRELL. Tr~stee~See~ete~Y ",:',1 '. , ,:," SlATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) I HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ on ~hic ~ dsy of Novembe~. 1986. b~fore me. e~- pea~ed: ~.A. STUART and A. C~YDE ~ORReLL. ~o me known ~o be the P~eA1dent end Seoreta~Y of the .bove named Corpor8~ion who eXee~ted the ~or.going and eokno~ledged the ~eme ~o me. (NOTA~'t' 5E!:ALJ . 'f ~. ~ I I'r : o ~. .., " . !!xp1res: /', " '.~: 1 ..r:., ..:..,...." ." ~ ...." " ,:, ,,' r'" o ~ i=" -.~' ,-' . ",... :" r~ ' . ,~t' r~,' "!, 1~: r; . ' ~:"I':~ ,.... _" ~ ,..; f_~.. "~ J 1\' '" . ..o~ .. r:~,~ .... . Notary Public:, ShHe or Florid" allarce My Cl)mml&&Ion bpirc! Nov. 11, 1989: BOndtXI ~lIru Nutary P.ubUC Und;m~fjt.,1l.o rn :t'" o ~ eL- m co Q Lfl co 3 of 3 RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLA. JOHN e. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT (,2 PcPr: CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners 2200 PARK CENTRAL BLVD., N, SUITE 100, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064, (954) 974-2200 · FAX (954) 973-2686 May 1, 1996 Via Hand Delivery RE: CRACKER BARREL Boynton Beach, Florida CCL Project No. 3629 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Planning Director The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Tambri: Enclosed herewith please find seven (7) sets of signed and sealed drawings for the proposed on-site signs. We would very much appreciate your adding this to the Site Plan package that goes before the City Commission on May 7, 1996. We apologize for the timing on this matter. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~_.-- .._~ --"-" ampanile, Jr., P.E., P.L.S. resident LRC/kag cc: Lynn Vezina Michael Morton C:\WPOOC\LRC\3629BOYN.HED 215 Jamestown Park Drive, Suite 100 Virginia Way at Jamestown Park Drive Bren~ood, Tennessee 37027-5252 Telephone: (615) 370-1779 Facsimile: (615) 370-9108 LETTER OF TRANSMITT AL DATE 04/03/96 JOB NO CB414 ~ i5 AND =: ~ DESIGN and ENGINEERING TO City of Boynton Beach Planning Dept. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE ~ ATTN Tambri Heyden 407/375-6262 WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING VIA: ~ 0 D PRINTS TRACINGS SPECIFICATIONS Fed Ex D DISKETTES D COpy OF lETTER PLANNING AND ZON!NG DEPT. o SOILS REPORT I- 5z i:1l C. WW V} ~ -~ COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ~~ F-< >~ o~ V} V} ~o ~~ -<~ 0::0 0 >- QI 00 ~ u.Z ~ <( 12 3/6/96 Blueline copies of the A-4 for Boynton Beach, (showina buildina elevations) x x x D APPROVAL REQUESTED D PLEASE SIGN FOR APPROVAL AND RETURN BY IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. REMARKS COPY TO Ken Sweeney SIGNED Katrina Bergman, Project Coordinator D ORIGINAL 0 CLIENT o FILE D BILLING 04/04196 THU 10~07 FA~ 305 448 9810 ceL CONSULTANTS INC. [@002 CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Consulting Engln..rs m Surveyors Planners 2355 SALZEDO STREET, SUITE 202, CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 . (305) 448.8955 . (305) 448.9810 April 3, 1996 VIA FACSIMILE (407) 375-6357 Ms. Tambri Heyden The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-Q310y ~ RE: CRACKER BARREL and tvo11< ~ ~ WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PUD ~ h Shoppes of Woolbright pce ~.? "br'- CCL Project No. 3629 and 31 01 ~" ~ 4f5, ' '" Dear Tambri: '11~ :1fi.. I am in receipt of your April 3, 1996 letter to Mike Morton regarding the above-referenced -:.fo tJf-%r ~ projects, I have spoken to Mr, Morton regarding the requested information and offer the .If _,' following: ~~ rl~J- \.:~~ Shocoes of Woolbriaht PCD: j'Un:c. ,viJ.. k The traffic analysis (study) is being developed for the PCD and the PUD as a whole and will ;~.1'I~~~ be submitted upon completion in the very near future, The water and sewer impact analysis Vv'{' will not change as far as the aUoted ERC's are concerned on the entire PCD. Minor changes } { to site specific allocations (Le" Racetrac = X, Cracker Barrel = Y) are not felt to be significant lSf? t I since we are not requesting a revision to the total ERe's alloted the PCD. L I J u", SU Vl?\.-f ~ Woolbriaht Place PUD ( Boynton Beach approval process. ~-V l~~~ yj- r~ (~ The traffic study, as discussed above, will be shortly forthcoming: however, the projects submitted will not significantly alter the traffic impacts that were previously approved for this tl,~ I ~ PUD and for the peD. The master drainage plan will not change at all from what was ~$5 w~ ,submitted and approved during The Vinings at Boynton Beach approval process, The buffer ~ ~ // plans will not materially differ from those submitted and approved during The Vinings at . !. . 1 ,,-"~ 12 10 '10 7-5' /" Vui+.-\rW- s ( \tvtJ-. 0- (~- - ~ ~4..w-n1-O \"(1 ~ 6.L. 0.- ; ItfS <-toe 'J r;?- . cJlJ . 'YeS) ~4k:-~ ~S -fu ~ ~~-~ 04/04/96 THlT 10:.08 F.\~ 305 448 9810 eeL CuNSULTA~TS INC. !41 003 Ms. Tambri Heyden April 3, 1996 Page Two Cracker Barrel At about 9:00 a.m. this morning, I received a call from someone in your office (I did not take notice of the name) who requested twelve (12) copies of the architectural elevations. This person said that they couldJJ~~ilding floor plans that are in with your Building Department and d~iJ\ef'need additional copies. I received your letter by fax at about 10:15 a.m, this morning 'I have requested that the project architect forvvard the architectural elevatio.ns to you Department, but ! would no. t expect you to. receive them be,f.,p- f tomorrow at the earliest. D V..-'I.J' L. 'f ,_.d.. ~. (j..S vf -1f~ /., y~ ,oy f~(J' '::-0..(5, r' /01A-'h h-.... /wMcJ... (IV'-'- , I would greatly appreciate it jf you could verify that the projeefwill receive final approval at fJ~~ the April 23, 1996 Planning and Development Board meeting and will not need to be heard 'cS .~ before the May 7th City Commission meeting. Mr. Morton has requested that I reiterate his fg,"V 'i~ ~ demand that there be no delays of these submittals, ~~:~ ,~tf' Should you have any questions or need any additional information, plea.. do not hesitate to ..r I r . tl"'r contact me. ~)\-- ~ ~~, Sincerely, if~7ANTS.'NC. Louis R. Campanil Vice President lRC/yb cc: Mike Morton, The Morton Group Brett Nein, A.S,L.A., Cel Consultants, Inc. Jim Cherof, Boynton Beach City Attorney Carrie Parker, Boynton Beach City Manager CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. tJ1ie City of 1Joynton 1Jeacfi VIA FAX 407-241-0646 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevartf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi., ~foritfa 33425-0310 City %1[[: (407) 375-6000 ~M: (407) 375-6090 April 3, 1996 Mr. Michael Morton The Morton Group 902 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Re: Cracker Barrel site plan Shoppes of Woolbright PCD master plan modification Woolbright Place PUD master plan modification Dear Mr. Morton: Please be advised that as of today, we have not received the following documents for the above-referenced submittals: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD: 1. traffic analysis 2. sewer and water impact analysis Woolbright Place PUD: 1. traffic analysis 2. master drainage plan 3. buffer plans Cracker Barrel: 1. architectural elevations 2. building floor plans My staff has contacted your agent(s) twice to request that these documents be forwarded. However, they have indicated that you would be providing and/or authorizing this information. As you know, these applications are following an expedited review schedule which does not provide for resubmittal prior to forwarding to the Planning and Development Board and Commission. Therefore, if these documents are not submitted by April 5, 1996, staff will not be in a position to recommend approval of these applications and the Commission may table action on them. In addition, please be advised that there was an error in the PUD master plan modification schedule set forth in our March 21, 1996 letter to Mr. Campanile. The schedule :;tmemas qateway to the qulfstream Page 2 April 3, 1996 for this application is City Commission review on April 16, 1996 and if they determine this application as a non-substantial charge, it will be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for a special meeting on April 23, 1996. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Sincerely, jhJ.L. ~ ~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim xc: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Carrie Parker, City Manager Howard R. Sharlin, Trustee Louis R. Campanile, Jr., CCL Consultants, Inc. Brett Nein, CCL Consultants, Inc. ..\..:.... , " :~: -.0' p. ..."-,; ''":'-':~''~:~_~.':~r~:~'t;~''':; 04/04/96 THU 10: 07 FAX 301L448 9810 eeL CONSULTA.llffS INC- iii 002 eel CONSULTANTS, INC. a-m.r=!! 2355 SALZEOO STREET, SUITE 202, CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 . (3D5) 448-8955 . (305) 448.9810 April 3, 1996 VIA FACSIMILE (407) 375-6357 Ms. Tambri Heyden , The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevmt Boynton Beach, Florida 3342~10 RE: CRACKER BARREL and WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PUD Shopp.. of Woolbright PCD Cel Project No. 3821 and 3101 Dear Tambri: I ,am in receipt of your April 3, 1996 letter to Mike Morton regarding the above-referenced projects. I have spoken to Mr. Morton regarding the requested information and offer the follOWing: ShoODes of Woolbriaht PCO: The traffic analysis (study) is being developed for the peo and the PUO as a whole and will be submitted upon completion in the very near future. The water and sewer impact analysis will not change as far as the allaced ERC's are concerned on the entire PCO. Minor changes to site specific allocations ~.e., Racetrac = X, Cracker Barrel = Y) are not felt to be significant since we are not requesting a nMsion to the total ERC's alloted the PeO. ' Woolbriaht Place PUD The traffic study, as diSCUSSed above, wUl be shortly forthcoming; however, the projects submitted will not significantly alter the traffic impacts that were previously approved for this PUO and for the peD. The master drainage plan will not change at all from what was submitted and approved during The Vinings at Boynton Beach approval process. The buffer plans will not materially differ from those submitted and approved dumg The Vinings at Boynton Beach approval process. ..... '....' \ .:..,., -,.~,r'.-.'" 04/04/96 THU 10: 08 F.U 3 141 9Sl0 . ....... ',/ . : .._..; ..;4.~...."~:~...~....." -..,~.... ~ ". ., .. w"-:~.L.io~.",~.,.,_,..,,~_ .._. CCL CONSULTA.'\'"lS 1M ~003 Ms. Tambri HeYden April 3. 1996 Page Two Cracker Barrel At about 9;00 a.m. this morning. I received a call from someone in your office (I did not take notice of the name) Who f8qUIsted twelve (12) copies of the arthI8ctural elevations. This person said that they could ~ the building floor plans that are in with your Building Department and did not need additional copies. I received your...... by fax at about 10:15 a.m. this morning. I, have fR9l8Sted that the project architect fOlWard the architectural elevations to your Dep8rtmerd, but r would not expect you to receile them before tomorrow at the ear/iest. I would greatly appreciate it, you could verify that the project Wlll8C8ive final approval at the April 23, 1996 Planning and Development Soard meeting and will not need to be heard before the May 7th City Coll1lllission meeting. Mr. Morton has requested that I reiterate his demand that there be no deIap of these submittals. Should you have any questions or need any additionaJ information. ptease do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, V~NSULTANTS.INC. . . ~ Louis R. Campanil , Jr., P.!.. P.LS. Vice President LRClyb cc; Mike Morton, The Morton Group Brett Nein, A.S.L.A., CCl Consultants, rnc. Jim Cheraf, Boynton BeacIl City Attorney Carrie Parker, Boynton Beach City Manager eel CONSULTANTS, INC. rz1ie City of 'Boynton 'Becu!i @ 100 'E. flJoynton 'Beadi 'Boule'tHlJri P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton flJuuli, nonaa 33425.0310 City 1-fai[: (407) 375-6()()() ~JU: (407) 375-6090 March 21, 1996 CCL Consultants, Inc. 2200 Park Central Blvd. North, Suite 100 Pompano Beach, Florida 33064-2233 Attn: Louis R. Campanile, Jr. RE: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store - File No. NWSP 96-004 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr. Campanile, On March 20, 1996, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced proj ect was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Michael Haag, Current Planning Coordinator, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The following review schedule will apply to the submittal. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on April 9, 1996 to discuss the first review comments. The comments will be available to you on April 5, 1996. A special Planning and Development Board meeting will be scheduled for April 23, 1996, followed by the City Commission meeting on May 7, 1996. Please note: this review schedule is applicable to both The Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Master Plan Modification and the Woolbright Place PUD Master Plan Modification requests. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260. Very truly yours, /~ ; . '''1 :J i ", ____ /--.,~J;(. \; I. '/L t/J <.c.-j-cG:__ ~-- ./ ,/ '. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar .9lmerii;a s (jateway to tlie (julfstream ~.'~~~~~~Tr~ ~~~ ;;12 L/dfF Elrod & Company Corporate Sign Program Management and Engineering March 2, 1996 2316 Old Fort Parkway, Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Phone (615) rn@~owm Mr. Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ill MAY -3. 00 L PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. RE: Cracker Barrel Facility Identification Program Site: 1-95 & S.W. 8th Street Boynton Beach, FL Mr. Haag: Per your request, enclosed please find: Front building elevation drawing, indicating placement of the wall sign on the front of the building and external light fixtures above the sign. The specific light fixtures utilized are specified by Cracker Barrel's civil engineering firm, Design & Engineering (615-370-1779). Drawing providing color placement details. This applies to both pylon sign cabinets and the wall sign. Brown, ivory and gold color samples. As we discussed, additional sign drawings and a color rendering of each sign are being forwarded to Mr. Campanile for delivery Friday morning. If you have additional questions or need additional information I can be reached at 800-553-5111. Sincerely, ~ (),.tbllit Leah Oatsvall Program Manager Encl: Dwgs. #CB-ELEV-FCBI7894-P, dated 3/29/95 X035-P, dated 6/30/93 Brown color sample Gold color sample Ivory color sample c: Kevin Kerbo / Cracker Barrel/Reg Mail/No Encl w: 163,0278-08:Facsimile(407-375-6090):UPS Red MEMBER ~ ~1i1 MAY-12I2-1996 15:4121 I I Ii it ~ I " ~ QE ~ a U ELROD &. COMPANY 61589121350121 ...: ..; ! I s ... ; II 5 I 17 '>;, " .. ~. r . ;. ~"" ", "'... '..........,.... '," .' j 11IIo... .,"':: / ~ ";'\'. 11" " ",',., -1 C ::J 8 li! o :z: o i== <l: :>- w --I w ~I , ;.. I P.12I3/1213 10 I ... z: ~ ... ~ ... i ~ 0.. !;; oS 0;;:' ;I: !!I ~t !~ ~~ "s ...", ;;; I .... 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