AGENDA DOCUMENTS May 21,1996 I. OPENINGS: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA A. Cal\ to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Rabbi Max Roth, Temple Beth Kodesh C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Jamie Titcomb D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Accept resignation from the following Boards 1. Dr. Floyd Beil, Regular Member, Advisory Board on Children & Youth 2. Fawn Bradley, Regular Member, Community Relations Board B. Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE III Jaskiewicz" IV Tillman'" MayorTaylor'" I Titcomb'" II Bradley" I Titcomb III Jaskiewicz IV Tillman'" MayorTaylor" III Jaskiewicz" IV Tillman* MayorTaylor* I Titcomb* BOARD Adv Brd on Children Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeals Cemetery Board Community Relations Brd Community Relations Brd Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisance Abatement Board Recreation & Parks Board Senior Advisory Board Golf Course Advisory Com Adv Brd on Children & Youth Recreation & Parks Board Community Relations Board Stu/ Alt Reg Alt Reg Alt Reg Alt Alt Alt Alt Reg Alt Reg *.. First time appointment appears on the agenda Second time appointment appears on the agenda .. III. CONSENT AGENDA LENGTH OF TERM EXPIAA TION DATE 1 yr term to 4/97 3 yr term to 4/99 1 yr term to 4/97 3 yr term to 4/99 1 yr term to 4/97 2 yr term to 4/98 1 yr term to 4/97 1 yr term to 4/97 1 yr term to 4/97 Term expires 6/01 Term expires 4/97 Term expires 4/97 Term expires 4/98 6:30 P,M. TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED FROZEN FROZEN TABLED TABLED TABLED Matters In this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager far "Consent Agenda" approval of the 8Qtlon Indicated In eaoh It.,m, with all of tho accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes 1. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of May 7, 1996 2. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of May 14, 1996 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1995-96 Adopted Budget C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Rescinding Resolution No. R96-037 designating T & J Equities as Developer for the Marina Project D. Approval of Bills E. Payment of Bills - April 1996 F. Approve purchase of Raid Array - Data Storage Subsystem for the Utility Department Computer System Network from Engineering Software Services, Inc. (State Contract) in the amount of $45,008.00 G. Approve refund of Boynton Beach Mausoleum space in Devotion Building, Section F, Crypt B-3 H. Approve transfer from Contingency Fund to City Hall other contractual services - Real Estate Advisory Services - Marina I. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Severn Trent Systems for utility billing software maintenance J. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with McCaan Associates Inc. for the continuous testing services for the position of police officer K. Approve Phase II Tee Renovation for seven holes and the teaching tee at Boynton Beach Municipal Golf Course to Laserturf Leveling in the amount of $9,912.50 L. Approve purchase of three six inch Metron meters in the amount of $9,585.00 for the Utilities Department M. Approve Change Order No. 12 for Cassidy Air Conditioning, Inc. in the amount of $1,223.20 for additional work IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A, Announcements 1. Historic Preservation Meeting for site survey presented by Research Atlantica and the Planning Department Wednesday, May 22, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. in the Library Program Room 2. Open House at Fire Station #3 corner of Congress Avenue & Miner Road May 25, 1996 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 3. Joint City CommlsslonlPalmTran/Senlor Advisory Board Meeting May 30, 1996 at 6:30 P.M, in the Library Program Room . 4. Palm Beach County School Board Meeting - Wednesday, June 5,1998 - 5:00 P.M. at the School Board, Forest Hill Boulevard. Show of support for Boynton Beach High School B. Presentations 1. Presentation by Pam Gerig, Executive Director, Palm Beach County Sports Commission - RE: Feasibility Study to determine if West Palm Beach Auditorium should be replaced .. ,. 2 2. Proclamation - Memoria' Day - May 27, 1996. Accepted by Jerry Levine, Chairman of the Veterans Council 3, Proclamation - National EMS Week - May 19 through May 25, 1996. Accepted by Deputy Chief Jim Ness 4, Presentation by Barry Jennings, Senior Environmental Analyst, Department of Environmental Resources Management - AE: A controlled burn at Seacrest Scrub Natural Area at South Seacrest Boulevard v. BIDS: A. Award bid for Ocean Avenue lighting Project to C. R. Dunn, Inc. In the amount of $17,539.00 (Proposed Resolution No. RiG- ) B. Award bid for the construction of the Dispatch Center restrooms to McTeague Construction Company in the amount of $10,859.00 (Proposed Resolution No. A96- ) VI. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: B. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: D. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: St. Joseph's Episcopal Church and School Jerome F. Milford St. Joseph's Episcopal Church and School 3300 South Seacrest Boulevard CONDITIONAL USE: Request to construct a 7,591 square foot new library, art and lecture building, housing a preschool facility, and a 299 square foot addition to the Classroom #5 building in place of the demolished library and lecture/art buildings Hills at Lake Eden, PUD Burl Gentry Newport Properties, Inc. 15.45 acres located at the west side of ~he Intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and Gulfstream Boulevard REZONING: Request to amend original rezoning conditions to reduce the required minimum unit size to be constructed in the PUD from 2,400 to 1,800 air-conditioned square feet and reduce the required average size of the units to be constructed in the PUD from 2,600 to 2,400 air-conditioned square feet The Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation (COC) Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr. The Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation (COC) Three parcels totaling 0.339 acre at 2191 Seacrest Boulevard (southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard) LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING: Request to amend the land use from Moderate Density Residential to Office Commercial and to rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to C-1 (Office/P rofessi onal) Boynton Beach Mall Department Store F 801 North Congress Avenue PARKING LOT VARIANCE: Request for relief from City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, 1.1. - Parking lot layout, to reduce the back-up space from 27 feet to 25 feet for two-way parking on both sides of access aisles on each of the two levels of a proposed parking garage and reduce the length of parking spaces that abut the perimeter of the two levels of the parking structure from 18 feet to 17.25 feet VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS Will BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENTATIONS 3 VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: lOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 8. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: lOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: D. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: OWNER: lOCATION: DESCRIPTION: E. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: IX. NEW BUSINESS: Woolbright Place PUD TABLED Brett Nein - CCl Consultants, Inc. Howard Scharlin, Trustee Approximately 1,000 feet north of the Intersection of Woolbright Road and SW 8th Street MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - Request to amend the previously approved master plan to change the dwelling units within Pod 1 from 90 multi-family dwelling units to 85 single-family, detached dwelling units; reduce the north PUD buffer from 25 feet to 10 feet and reduce the perimeter building setbacks along SW 8th Street and the north PUD buffer from 40 feet and 60 feet to 20 feet and 25 feet, respectively, add private recreation and establish recreation setbacks Nautica Sound (FKA Knollwood Groves PUD) Karyn I. Jan88en, Kilday and Associates, Inc. Alan Fant, GL Homes of Boynton Beach II Corporation Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the lWDD l-19 canal NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval of private recreation, common area landscaping, and project signage for a 424 unit, single-family residential PUD Knuth Road PCD Service Station Kieran Kilday - Kilday and Associates, Inc Andrews & Copans Gas & Oil Company, Inc. Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester individually, Elsie A, Winchester as Trustee, Ruby A. Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a convenience store with gasoline sales 'and car wash on 1.13 acres Boynton Beach Mall, Department Store F Cormac C. Conahan, Esq., Hodgson, Russ, Andrews, Woods & Goodyear DeBartolo Properties Management, Inc. Boynton-JCP Associates, Inc. Ltd., a Florida limited partnership 801 North Congress Avenue MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: Request to amend the previously approved site plan to construct a 162,502 square foot department store with parking structure The Vinings at Boynton Beach - Phase II CCl Consultants, Inc. Boynton Beach II Limited Partnership, a Florida limited partnership, and its assigns East side of S.W. 8th Street, approximately 1900 feet north of Woolbright MAJOR sITe PLAN MODIFICATION: Request to amend the previously approved site plan to increase the number of apartment buildings from 12 to 16, omit building types III and V, add a volleyball court and reconfigure other recreation amenities, alter building types II and IV, add a building type VI and reconfigure the parking and access areas A. Item for discussion requested by Mayor Jerry Taylor 1. Visioning follow up .. ., 4 8, llem for discussion requested by Commissioner Matt Bradley 1 . Boynton Beach High School C. Review of Road Hump Policy X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance ~o. 096-30 RE: Amend Chapter 7.6. Envlronment.I AeQul.tIC,", of the Land Development Aegul.tlon., providing for open space preservation of natural resource sites 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 096-31 RE: Delete drive thru window requirement facing City street B. Ordinances - 1 st Reading: None C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Consider proposal of William R. Hough & Company and Raymond James relating to Water Sewer Bonds 2. Proposed Resolution No. R96- Hypoluxo RE: Release of Surety for the Yacht Club at D. Other XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Criteria for participation on City Boards XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F,S, 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EaUAl OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND &NJOY lHEi QENEiP'lr.. 01' A elllRVlOlt, P~OGA~M, 0" AQTI",rV QONDuorao.V 1'H! 0'1'1. Pt.!"'''! CoNTAOT JOYCI; COSTELLO, (407) 37e-801S AT LEAST TWENTY. FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. 5 S - t I I ~ t.J- \. ...r C I T Y 0 F BOY N TON B E A C H PLANNING AND ZONING DEPA~TMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-258 AGENDA MEMORANDUM FOR MAY 14, 1996 CITY COMMISSION MEETING PROM: carrie Parker City Manager Tambri HeYden-71Jl1 Planning and Z~~ Director TO: DATE: May 13, 1996 RE: Cracker Barrel - sign review File No. NWSP 96-004 please place the above-referenced request on the May 14, 1996 special City Commission agenda. Find attached Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-255 regarding staff review and recommendation of the on-site signage for the Cracker Barrel site located at 1375 S.W. 8th Street. TJH:bme xc: Central File agnccmtg.CRA PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96 - 255 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Di~7ctor . ~.~ Michael E. Haa . Current Planning C ordinator May 13, 1996 FROM: DA TE: SUBJECT: Cracker Barrel - Sign Review NWSP 96-004 NATURE OF REQUEST: The developer submitted a sign program limited to the Cracker Barrel signage only. The site is located in the Shop pes of Woolbright approximately 200 feet north of Woolbright Road on the west side of S. W. 8th Street (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map). The location, configuration and size of the proposed signage is illustrated in the attached Exhibit "B" - Cracker Barrel signs. Color elevation view drawings of the signs and color samples have been submitted and will be on display for the May 14, 1996, City Commission meeting. The proposed signage is described below: Wall sign - One 91 square foot wall sign is proposed for the center of the east facade of the building above the canopy: The sign is an externally illuminated cabinet sign. The sign colors are brown, yellow and beige. The sign displays the customary corporation logo. Site sign - One 149 square foot free standing pole sign located near the southeast corner of the site is proposed. The pole sign is forty-five (45) feet tall, externally illuminated sign cabinet with the colors and sign face matching the wall sign and also displays the corporation logo. Off premise pole sign - The Boynton Beach City Commission adopted Resolution R96-15 approving one off-premise sign. To date, staff has not received the drawings of the signage illustrating size, oontent8 or looetion. How_ver, e;olor elevation drawings were submitted with the May 3, 1996 package. These drawings are also mounted and will be on display at the meeting. Find attached Exhibit "C" - Resolution R96-15. BACKGROUND: The Cracker Barrel Site Plan was approved by the City Commission on May 7, 1996. As indicated in the Conditions of Approval of the staff report for the Cracker Barrel Site Plan (Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No., 96-208) the signage proposed for the subject site does not comply with the Shoppes of Woolbright sign program. One of the conditione of thla approval mandated the appllcllnt to process a sign program modification to incorporate Cracker Barrel signage into the sign program. The approved sign program includes the following specifications: Page 2 Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-255 Cracker Barrel - Sign Review Project Identification: 1 Free standing sign - Multi tenant project identification sign; 30 foot tllll, 150 square feet, internally illuminated sign cabinet. The sign Is existing and located at the northeast corner of S.W. 8th Street and Woolbright Road. The sign includes area for tenant signage. Currently, the sign identifies the name of the shopping center and Home Depot. The size and content of the sign was approved by a sign variance granted by the City Commission on August 21, 1990. 2 Monument signs Non-illuminated royal blue channel letters mounted to 8 feet tall by 55 feet long angled wall. The letter style is Helvetica Medium and the copy is limited to Shoppes of Woolbright. The maximum sign area per sign is 27 square feet. The signs are not construct and may be installed on both sides of S.W. 8th Street at Woolbright Road following permit approval. Uses on the east and west side of S.W. 8th Street - Royal blue internally illuminated or back lit channel letters. The letter style is Helvetica Medium. The size of these signs shall be no more than ten (10) per cent of the face areas of the particular store. Home Depot Wall signs - Existing orange, (corporate logo) channel letters and sign cabinet and cabinet sign. (The overall size was approved by a sign variance granted by the City Commission on August 21, 1990). ANALYSIS: As indicated in the sign code Chapter 21, Article IV, Section 7, the purpose and intent of this section of the sign code is to encourage continuity for signage in planned districts, while allowing flexibility with respect to type, color, number, location (exclusive of setbacks) and design of signs. The general requirements for signage in each planned district can be found in the corresponding regular zoning district with the sign code. The Shoppes of Woolbright sign program was approved by the city commission on August 21, 1990. The code also indicates that a sign program can be changed by processing a site plan modification. Find attached, Exhibit "0", a comparison of the proposed Cracker Barrel signage and the Shoppes of Woolbright sign program with the sign code and community design plan regulations. Page 3 Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-255 Cracker Barrel - Sign Review RECOMMENDA liONS: Staff's recommendations are based on the review of the submitted plans for consistency with the Shoppes of Woolbright sign program. It is recommended that the wall signage be approved following adoption of the proposed signage to comply with the sign program by: -omitting the logo, -changing the color of the sign copy to royal blue, -change the sign style from cabinet to channel letters, and change the external lighting to either internally illuminating or back lit. Staff further recommends denial of the pole sign based on the fact that the current sign program does not include specifications for site signage for outparcel sites. Before the re-submittal of the sign program modification, the staff would offer the following recommendations regarding the Cracker Barrel signage: Wall signage - Site signage - a:barrel.sig MEH:arw acceptable It is recommended that the proposed 45 foot tall 149 square foot pole sign with corporate logo be omitted and replaced with one (1) eight (8) foot tall monument sign. The overall height of the sign would be limited to not exceeding eight (8) feet above the adjacent public right-of-way sidewalk. The design/shape, sign style, contents, color and external. lighting of the proposed Cracker Barrel sign is acceptable. It is also recommended that the monument sign be mounted on a sign base with a minimum height of two (2) feet. The color and material of the sign base would match the walls of the main building. As required by code the area of the proposed sign would have to be reduced to comply with the sign code which would allow a maximum of sixty-four (64) square feet rather than the proposed 149 square feet. The location of the sign shown on the submitted plans was not dimensioned, however, by scaling the drawing it appears that its location meets the minimum setback of ten (10) foot from adjacent property lines. It is further recommended that in order to provide harmony within the project the concept of a monument sign be adopted for all outparcel sites at the Shoppes of Woolbright. E X H I BIT nAn LOCATION MA~-) CRACI<ER BARREL : !~:{tQ~1 I :I_j~~ J '11Y-;O -- flpY/IJ 1Pr\) " ~,I'o " · I _,. 't r -. : I I I J . . \' ~~...'" r:13 ~ .~'... ')' -," o 1/8 MILES Till I II '0 400. 800 FEET 'j, E X H I BIT IIBII !! ~ ~ ~ \ \ , \ ... ~ \ \ --------- ." ,.' , '\ \ ('1 ~\\': , \ 0 P1' ~~~U1" ~~~~ " C~~'- ('1otz~ \ r4 t;d c;l pooo4 pooo4 0 o z z " ~\ .~ @f - \ \ _l-1..':,~~ - ::::.-l1 :::J .-I - l1- --- -'~-- ITI!~ ~ --' - -=' ~- ~t:: -- ,..., :;0 o ~ {"T'1 M < ~ - o "z:, -, --- _\1 ~l> :\:1- -'~ - l.- I""" a.--_ l~~ ~\::= l-l: ::: =-: I""" ~t- ~ T L~~ =- - ~ \1 Jl jj\E _ ~\!:: -1- - ~ \:::' -- ~ -- ~ ~~~' - -~j\~ ~ - - --= P1 == ."j~ :;:;!I :;-~ '1 F- ur- \ -- .-l - -- - ~ -..... - tit -- :: ~E: -- ~ '-I \tfj[: = ~~ - - - - @~ @fm - -- - =- - ~ 1- _ - =-~~I=- - ~\:\:tffi\r -= '-I ~ - - L_ _ If ~~,;: - - \' - ~" \' 'T -' _ "'" ~ '::'\-1- ~;:. t:::. === ~ ..-:- \_~ - _\-1- I=- f'-= ,- === 1- \ " ~. ' . 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'... ....-............. -..--.....-........... =:..:::..:.::'.~r..- ..--.-.. E X H I BIT "C" RESOLUTION NO. I'IP~ -/.:r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND HOWARD SCHARLIN, TRUSTEE FOR WOOLBRIGHT PLACE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach entered into a Settlement Agreement with Howard Scharlin, Trustee for Woolbright Place, a Joint Venture; and WHEREAS, an additional issue regarding signage for the Cracker Barrel store and restaurant is outstanding and subject to resolution within the context of the comprehensive settlement reflected i~ the Settlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Administration and representatives of Howar( Scharlin, Trustee, and the Cracker Barrel have met and reached a tentative resolution of the sign issue which requires Commission approval. I 'I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City, an Addendum to the Settlement Agreement heretofore entered into between Howard Scharlin, Trustee, and the City of Boynton Beach. A copy of the Addendum i. aetached hereto as Exhibit "A". JAC/lntl 2/2/96 900182,88 TRADEI./ND.AOD Page 1 of 2 section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THIS ~ DAY OF NaAluA,I2V, 1996. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY: /!JlY Mayor - 'r\.. " '. '. \~~.r- . (~ - Vice Mayor ('- / \. ~- ~ ~ '/x~ ~-,:; c~sioner , r Jt~-"~'~ Commission - ~--....:. ~ ',~ ' --I -~ Commissioner ATTEST: .~ ~ ,~ ..I.i"?JI../ iCI CLERK I; ,: ,:1 HEREBY ! 'approved I' Ii !i CERTIFY that I have the form of this RESOLUTION . - " 1 ' . , . .'f; /,,_,~' .l.)/4r -t:'{ ('" -' : -,JAMES A. C~ROF CITY ATTORNEY JAC/lntt 2/2/96 900182.88 TRAOEWNO.AOO Page 2 of 2 03; 13,'4i:: :.:::~ 12; 18 FAI. 1 -&01--'>41 0848 IlORTON GROW' 141 00 1'f9~ -/~ ., '" AOOmrntlM m S~TTL~ AGRR1!!M1!!NT THIS ADDENCUM is entered into this 6th day of FebJ:Uaxy, 1996, between the CITY 01' BOYNTON BBACH (.CITY-) and HOWARD SCHARLIN, TRUSTEE FOR WOOLBRIGHT PLACE, JOIN'1' VEN'1'URB (-SCHARLIN-). WHBRBAS, the CITY and SCHARLIN have heretofore entered into a Settlement Agreement which bears the dated of November 7, 1995, and which was signed Qy the CITY on May 17, 1995 and by SCHARLIN on June 21, 1995, and WHEREAS, an additional issue of signage for the Cracker Barrel store and restaurant has arisen which is 8U8ceptible to resolution within the context of the Settlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties are amenable to amendment of the Settlement Agreement Qy Addenaum, leaving all other terms and conditions thereof fully and completely ineact. NOW THEREFORE, in con.ideration of the mutual ':ovenants expres.ed herein, the partie. &gree as follows: 1. The foregoing -wherea. - clauae. are true and correct. 2. The S.ttl~t Agreement ia hereb,y amended aa follows: A. A new Section 21 is added a. follows: SCHARLIN ahall be permitted to locate one pylon sign on property, to be conveyed to Cx'acker Barrel, adj acent to the Interstatf1 9S for the purposes of signage for th~ Cracker Barrel store and restaurant bei,ng constructed in the WOOlbright Place PeD. The sign shall be of a size and configuration as depicted on Exhibit - A-and shall be solely limited to iQer\.tifying the Cracker Barrel store and restaurant. There shall be no directional language in the content of the sign except - Exit I _, 03/18/98 .-ON U; 1S r<~: l.a. /.4.1. Utl~6 1I0"lUI~ (;!<UI.JI:' I4Il .. West.. In all other respects, the sign shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable Builc1i.ng Code. Approval of this sign is conditioned on the construction and operation of the Cracker Barrel store and restaurant in the Woolbright Place PCO/PUC. In the event the Cracker Barrel subsequently ceases operations, the sign and sign structure ahall b. removed with a period of 90 days fOllowing the discontinuance of that business. B. Paragraph lS'o~ the Settlement Agreement shall be amended as follows: C~SSION APPROVAL: This Agreement shall have no force and effect until approved by a majority of the City Commission. ~ CI'l'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH By: A'I'l'BST : (City Seal) Truste. of Joint Venture JAC/lmh 900304 AOCmmtJH. 1 ~1tl:l:t.'B:t.'t 11 D 11 ~' l~ ~ \ ~ ~ s \ n % ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ n % t"< rJJ. ~ ~ g a~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ 7- ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %'~ \ ~ 0 ~ \~ ~ ~ (") ~ ~ ~ ; % ~ ; f'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a a ~ ...,"" Co ~ a ..., ~ t ~ c ~ d 7. 7. 7. 7. S S S S ~ ~ ~ ~ \\\\ ~ ~ ai ..., ..., ~a ~~ s~ ~ ~ \ s d ~ .... $ ~ rJJ.. 'P ~ ~~ a ..., 1:. ~ ~ ~ tl'1 ~ ;;. ~ n \\ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~s~s ~~~~ ~Q~a % ~ d ~ ~ ~ .... ~ Co ~ a ..., s g~~ va ~~~ ~ ;;l'!1.... ~ ~~; tl; 0 (") d ~~ ~o rJJ.~ ~i ~ ~ 7. o % ; ~ 7. Z Z Z o 0 0 0 %~~~ ;;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ a % ; ~ ~.... ~~ 9.~ c:'l~ ;~ ~~ ~% ~ ~ ~ z o % ; i a ~s a~g ~ ~ ~ % \~, ~~~ ~~ % ., 2 ~'a a l<l ; ~" ~i~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~~ ~ ~ ,. ~~?; ~ c ~~e ~~~ ~O<~ '6~ rl Z Z 000 %%% ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ \ \ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ g ~~ . 1= ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ \\ s ~ ~ ~ \ ~ d ~ Z o % ; ~ Z (") '1:"\ \\ C) z \ Q ~ ~ \ ~ 7. ~ (") ~ s ~ ~ ~ i ~\~ ~ n n ~ ~ a ~ ~ d , a ~~ ~ ~ ~ rJJ. ~ ~ ? - % ~ a \ ~ 7. 7. 7. 7. 000 0 %%~~ \\\\ ~ ~ n g l'!1 a ~s~s a~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\~~, n\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g'" Q i, ? ~ ., 2 ('l~ ~ ~ ~ l<l l<l ~ ;> li ~i\ ~ ~ % ~~~ ~%" ~ ~ ~ \"'~ %~~ ,. ,~n \~~ 0< O<~ ,.., ,.., ~ o 0 S'1J5~C,' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-217 Agenda Memorandum for May 7, 1996, City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director DATE: May 1, 1996 SUBJECT: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store - File No. NWSP 96-004 New Site Plan Please place the above-referenced item on the May 7, 1996 City Commission agenda under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: Louis R. Campanile, Jr., CCL Consultants, Inc. agent for Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee, is requesting site plan approval of a 9,970 square foot, 178 seat restaurant/gift shop on 4.12 acres located on a portion of Tract B of the Shop pes of Woolbright on the east side of S. W. 8th Street, approximately 200 feet north of Woolbright Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to all staff comments in Exhibit "C", with exception of comment 7 and 14. The Board recommends that comment 7 be reworded to require that the fire main be moved to the northern part of the landscaped island where it is shown on the site plan. The Board recommends that in lieu of comment 47, the applicant modify the northern, southern and western building elevations to reduce the amount of wood siding, change the color of the walls and replace them with stucco. In addition, the Board further recommends that the lighting at the dumpster be shielded from the adjacent residential property or relocated. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File alCCAGDMEN .CRK s~' ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-257 TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden ~ Planning and Zoni:~rector DATE: May 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Copies of development plans of current project scheduled for review by the City Commission at the May 14, 1996 special City Commission meeting. Please find attached five (5) sets of plans for the following current development project: New Site Plan - Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Re: Signage NWSP 96-004 Note: Please return the plans/documents to the Planning and Zoning Department following the meeting. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. TJH:dim xc: Central File a:CCplans.Cra C; G"J:\ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-239 FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager /'1:G ~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 3, 1996 SUBJECT: Copies of Development Plans of Current Projects Scheduled for Review by the City Commission at the May 7, 1996 City Commission Meeting Please find attached five (5) sets of plans for the following current development projects: Master Plan Modification - Shoppes of Woolbright MPMD - 96-001 New Site Plan - Cracker Barrel Old Country Store NWSP - 96-004 Note: Please return the plans/documents to the Planning and Zoning Department following the meeting. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. TJH:bme Attachments a:trans.MAY!P&D 7.B.l CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STORE SITE PLAN New Site Plan / PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #96-208 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION April 23, 1996 DESCRlPfION OF PROJECf Project Name: Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores, Inc., Applicant: Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee Agent: Louis R. Campanile, Jr., of CCL Consultants, Inc. Location: East side of S.W. 8th Street, approximately 200 feet north of Woolbright Road (a part of Tract "B" of Shoppes of Woolbright PCD). NWSP 96-004 File No.: Land Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Zoning Designation: Planned Commercial District (PCD) Type of Use: R~staurant and a gift shop Number of Units: Not applicable Square Footage: Site Area: Building Area: 4.12 acres 9970 sq. ft. Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - location map) North - Vacant land zoned PCD, and farther north vacant land zoned PUD South - Racetrac service station zoned PCD (under construction) East - Right-or-way of S.W. 8th Street and farther east Home Depot zoned peD West - Right-of-way of the Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal and farther west is Palm Beach Leisureville, zoned R-3. Existing Site Characteristics: The site is currently undeveloped and has no vegetation. Proposed Development: The developer is proposing construction of a Cracker Barrel restaurant with a seating capacity of 178 and a gift shop of 2,042 square feet. The parking associated with this development will contain 183 spaces (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan) " Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #96-208 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Concurrency: a. Traffic The project, as a part of Shoppes of Woolbright PCD and Woolbright Place PUD settlement agreements was reviewed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. It was determined at that time that the PCD and PUD met the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County in effect in 1986. A traffic statement has been requested, but not submitted, to compare this use with the use previously planned for this parcel and to monitor the traffic vesting of the overall PCD. b. Drainage- Insufficient drainage information has been submitted for the Engineering Division to certify compliance with the City's drainage levels of service at the time of site plan approval, as required. The Engineering Division is recommending that this be postponed to time of permit review. Driveways: Two 27 foot driveways to the property are proposed. There are two pre-constructed curb-cuts in Northwest 8th Street for this property. The northern curb-cut is to be modified to accommodate ingress/egress requirements of the property. Parking Facility: There are 183 on-site parking spaces to be provided. It exceeds the minimum requirement of 88 parking spaces as required by the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning for this use. Landscaping: The landscape of the site will fully meet the code requirements when staff comments are incorporated. Building and Site Regulations: Building and site regulations will fully meet the code requirements when staff comments are incorporated. Community Design Plan: The proposed building represents the standard design of the corporation. The dark brown elevations are made out of a painted rough saw wood siding. The canopy of the front entrance porch is covered with a gray painted sheet metal. The proposed building is not compatible with the exiitina/belng constructed structure. within two city blocks. The adjacent structures are made out of CBS or concrete prefabricated slabs and, with the exception of the Racetrac Service Station, are finished with a peach colored stucco. Signage: Signage submitted is not part of the approved sign program. Staff requested that a new/revised sign program be submitted with this request, which was not done. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comment. Included in Exhibit C - Condition. of ApprovAl. The Tile recommends that the deficiencies identified In this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. JL:dim xc: Central File ..r? " .' , E X H I BIT II A" 1 LOCATION MAr) CRACKER BARREL .,..~, , ., )/ I Lhi. ~-:-~. ~. -u ~ - t J j J-" U l ___H4~1 ;.. J ! (<:'>3,'1'/' :.'t -:-::-~~",., ..:. ~ 1= i .. ~~: I ul - t",tj,ll 'i/r;tU~lTIU~'J ~UV/~~<~~ ~''cO~IT, = :1-: ., t. I ~E. ~ ~~ , ~,.J, ! ~~~' '-~) 1~ -}: ~j,j..J Ii _.:1 T~ 2., I-r-~'~ . ~ ..:~! .: ; c:: (1T11 ,II! I \ , I -:- _. ". :'~-=-...~ in.:.". I" 1 1111,11 U ~.~.CC " _ -' - ~vp 1; i' 'i I~!., .......c '11 rh i',~ L . r-.v I ~Ll. ~ -C!..tjL.., --- ~~ h)Y/lJ1?:N &€AC H . . " " " -, < ,1J::l ~ \ \ [f c.. ' -- ,~..,,~ ,~ ~~r~~~:-~ j~m 1 tt~;R~~t~!:H ~~i~f':m:~ f \\\ III I r2ill11 [~~,:CI'::1.1'1 i; I 'T' ~t;:- ." r :~'l"~~:jf~ llC.-,~:-''T1 I J I: liT'~;; '\~'~'l :) _J_l .....~.:..:LJC ~ .P, ~ w; ::-::::.:J ..,'....1. L.~::~:'/ I . :.' , I 9-. ~.. ~ t:l3.__.. 'f~4J,rf~! ;:~..JI[:__H-R~'l ~f/'%~';'~'[ ~~ III \' r', m.. ia~lo~E ~ ' \ , !,. ._~ LJ'L ~-_.. -. c...T~ L ..--- J::..' "'1f ,,< 1 r~ 'l'"'T1. 'fl I ~~, '~ tr .:~ ~ ~ r111 r:--.J " >- -~~-, -- I " I '....k ..I: ~ ..+.. t --~ ,...;. " ..;:L I ,f~~~.._~' : " , '; _~'_f. 'F1. ':.. 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"III a 1lI00LIIIIIGm' ROAD aOYNTON BACD!, /FLORIDA Old cOuntry Siore,lnc. 11'.0. BOll 787 Gt8rtllllllllllll Dlllve. Lebanolll, Tii. 317087 -.-...---...-...-P--...... ....-"'_ ;;::: =.Z,".~~:<<:.:--::':~ ~ ";. 7 E X H I BIT "e" 8 EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store File number: NWSP 96-004 Reference: The plans consist of (nine) 9 sheets identified as 1st Review, New Site Plan, File # NWSP 96-004 with a March 20, 1996 Planning and Zoninq Department Date Stamp markinq. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: 1. Palm Beach Health Department permit for the proposed water main will be required, (Sec.26.12) . 2 . City water will not be supplied for irrigation. Indicate proposed water source and location on the plan, (City Compo Plan, Policy 3C. 3.4) . 3 . Plan shall show location of all utility easements, existing and proposed, (Sec.26.33 (a)) 4. Relocate the proposed fire line backflow preventer downstream of the proposed fire hydrant. S . A reservation fee of $2,106.72 is due within thirty (30 ) days of Commission approval or upon request for utility department signature on HRS/DEP forms, (Sec. 26.34 [E]). 6 . The Utilities Department suggests a meeting with the project engineer to discuss plans for HRS permit application. FIRE Comments: 7. The Fire Department would be better able to service this building if the fire main is relocated to the north entrance. POLICE Comments: 8. Add traffic signage and pavement striping on these plans as none are shown. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 9 . All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 10. Provide certification by developer's engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6,Art.IV,Sec.SA,pg.6-7 and Chap.23,Art.llF,pg.23-8 q Page 2 Conditions of Approval Cracker Barrel Old County Store NWSP 96-004 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I II. All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic water supply system. Chap.7.5,Art.II,Sec.5B,pg.7.5-14 12. Areas subject to erosion to receive sod. Chap.7.5,Art.II,Sec.5C6,pg.7.5-15 13. Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. Chap.7.5,Ar.II,Sec.5H2,pg.7.5-17 14. Certify that light poles are in compliance with standard Building Code and withstand a 110 mph wind load. Chap.23,Art.IIA1a,pg.23-6 15. Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23,Art.II,A1a,pg.23-6 16. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan. Chap.23,Art.IIA,pg.23-6 17. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23,Art.II,pg.23-6 18. Provide stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the 11 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 11 . Chap.23,Art.IIB2,pg.23-7 19. Paint handicap pavement symbols white. Sheet 9 of FDOT Index 17346 20. Provide northbound left turn lane on SW 8th Street into Cracker Barrel. 2I. Remove planting in right-of-way. 22. It is recommended that hedge material for north buffer area be used In lieu of the code required masonry wall. 23. It lS recommended that any tree material adjacent to light poles should not shade illumination of parking lot at maturity. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 24. A handicap access walkway must be shown on the building set of plans at time of permitting to comply with Section 4.1.2(1) of the State Handicap Manual. 25. All signs must comply with the Boynton Beach Sign Code and the approved sign program (Maximum height 20' ) not 45' as proposed. 26. Omit the logo on bus parking sign and other signs, per Code. 27. Building elevations must be shown on plans. I PARKS AND RECREATION I I I Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING /0 Page 3 Conditions of Approval Cracker Barrel Old County Store NWSP 96-004 DEPARTMENTS Comments: 28. On the survey map, Sheet 1 of 1, the zoning district line between the PCD and the PUD, being the northern property line, is depicted incorrectly. This line is actually located approximately 130 feet north, on the church's property. Amend the plans to reflect the correct location of the zoning district line. Adjust the location of the 25 feet landscape perimeter buffer and the 6 feet high buffer wall accordingly. Indicate anticipated use of the 130 feet strip of land to the north. 29. File a re-plat for the entire PCD in accordance with the city's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 5 - Platting and reflect plans to assemble the southernmost portion of the Cracker Barrel property to the RaceTrac parcel, the 130 wide property north of the Cracker Barrel site to the PCD and the new land area created by reducing the width of Industrial Access Road, from the PUD and add to the PCD. Rezone and change the land use of the new configuration of Industrial Access Road unless otherwise determined unnecessary by the city attorney. 30. The settlement agreement between the City and the developer requires construction of the 6 feet high buffer wall along the zoning district line dividing the PCD and the PUD. The location of the buffer wall shown on the Landscape Plan, Sheet LP-1, should be amended accordingly. Also, indicate this location on the Site Plan, Sheet 1 of 1. 31. On the survey map, Sheet 1 of 1, the numerical scale is incorrectly indicated. Correct the survey and eliminate inconsistencies between the actual scale of the drawing and the depicted numerical scale. 32. Provide information regarding landscape berm along the western property line. According to the settlement agreement the berm should be elevated five (5) feet above the bank of the canal on its Leisureville side. Include on the survey, elevation data of the other side of the canal showing compliance with the conditions of the settlement agreement. 33. Provide inventory of the planting material on the top of the berm. The lack of this information precludes determining whether the conditions of the settlement agreement regarding landscaping of the berm are met. Additional comments may be generated when the inventory is submitted. 34. Modify the sign program for the Shoppes at Woolbright to include signage for the Cracker Barrel site. The most recent version of this sign program does not include a sign for the proposed restaurant. This will require future review by the Planning and Development Board and City Commission to ensure signage has design similarity with previously approved signage for the PCD. Also, make a note on the site plan that the wall sign is not a subject of this approval. II INCLUDE REJECT Page 4 Conditions of Approval Cracker Barrel Old County Store NWSP 96-004 DEPARTMENTS 35. Provide samples of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. 36. On Sheet C-1, Site Plan indicate the exterior dimension of the northern portion of the restaurant footprint. 37. On the Site Plan, indicate traffic control markings within the vehicular roadway system. 38. Provide the following information in tabular form as required by Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan, Section 7.E: - Total gross project area by acreage and square footage and net buildable area in acres and square feet. - Square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, other paved areas, building coverage and total coverage. - Height of buildings 39. Rename Site Grading Plan to Drainage Plan and modify information regarding elevations and flow arrows as it relates to the storm water management. Provide relevant water quality and quantity calculations meeting the city drainage standards. 40. If the buffer wall is to be constructed at the proposed location shown, indicate its setback distance from the northern property line on the site plan as required per Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 4.L. 41. City's Landscape Code, Article II, Section D.1 requires a tree to be planted every 40 feet within the landscape strip between the abutting right-of-way and the off-street parking area. At least fifty (50) percent of these trees have to be native Florida species. Also, required amount of hedge planting should be represented by fifty (50) percent of native Florida species. Amend the landscape plans appropriately to show compliance with these requirements. 42. City's Landscape Code, Article II, Section E requires a 2.5 feet strip of land between the side lot line of the adjacent property and a vehicular use area. This perimeter landscaping should be planted with a four (4) to six (6) foot hedge. Create required perimeter landscaping along the southern property line. 43. Remove proposed planting material from the right- of-way of Southwest 8th Street. Landscape Code, Article II, Section D states that the planting material should be located between vehicular use area and adjacent right-of-way. 44. In the tabulation of the landscape material mark with an identifiable symbol all Florida native species. /~ INCLUDE REJECT Page 5 Conditions of Approval Cracker Barrel Old County Store NWSP 96-004 DEPARTMENTS 45. Indicate anticipated use of the northwest, unimproved corner of the property. The entire property should be developed into either landscaped, open space or paved/built, usable area. 46. On Sheet LP-1, in the landscape table located in the lower left corner apply the 50 percent of the native planting material requirement separately to each of the following categories: -perimeter landscaping -interior landscaping 47. Submitted elevations do not meet criteria set out in Chapter 7, Community Design Plan, Section 9 - General Intent, as they do not provide visual unity of character and design concepts with the other approved building within the PCD. Also Section II - Exterior Building Design requires consistency with the existing architectural pattern. In order to meet the intent of the city code in regard to exterior elevation design the following is recommended: eliminate rough saw wood siding from the proposed elevations and replace it with a stucco finish. To meet the uniformity exterior of the Community Design section, paint the stucco with a peach color, and provide one inch vertical scoring spaced, approximately 18 feet O.C. eliminate curved forms of the exterior parapet walls modify rain cap over the top of the chimney by using simple geometric forms to maintain color compatibility with the proposed south gas station and an existing southwest eye-clinic, retain gray color of the covered porch roofing material Amend submitted elevations in accordance with the above code provisions. 48. Provide a traffic statement indicating the peak hour trips and total trips per day for the restaurant use, as compared to the retail square footage previously planned that will be replaced. 49. On sheet A-4, identify color of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. Depict their color codes and manufacturer's name. 13 INCLUDE REJECT Page 6 Conditions of Approval Cracker Barrel Old County Store NWSP 96-004 I DEPARTMENTS 50. It is recommended that the 130 feet strip of land to the north of the Cracker Barrel location be used for one of the following: I INCLUDE I REJECT I - combined with the Cracker Barrel parcel - this solution would require the buffer wall relocation to the common line of the PUD and PCD boundaries, - combined with the church's property - this would require the submittal of a plat, rezoning application and land use amendment. It would also require the buffer wall relocation to the common line of the PUD and the PCD. - left alone as a separate lot - it is not a desirable solution due to the depth of the lot versus very narrow frontage and existing easements that would limit development potential of this parcel. It is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Department that the 130 feet of land will be combined with the church's property. 51. It is recommended that the landscape plan features of the site will be coordinated with the landscape design scheme of the RaceTrac project that is located south of the subject site. This recommendation would help to achieve a visual connection of the sites within the PCD since the existing and new building designs are so different. 52. It is recommended that for each of the submitted set of drawings, a cover sheet containing index of sheets shall be provided. 53. It is recommended that a north bound left turn lane on S.W. 8th Street be provided into Cracker Barrel. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1. To be determined JL/dim a:ComDept.CRK /+ 7.B.1 CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STORE SITE PLAN New Site Plan / S'u..\Jo ~"' "t' C I T Y 0 F BOY N TON B E A C H APPLICANT TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TIME: Tuesday, April 9, 1996 DATE: 9:00 A.M. PLACE: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Mangrove Park School 1. Introduction 2. Old Business NONE 3. New Business A. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (other than site plans) Master Plan Modification: 1. PROJECT: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2 . PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Louis R. Companile, Jr. CCL Consultants, Inc. Howard Scharlin, Trustee North side of the intersection of Woolbright Road and S.W. 8th Street Request to amend the. previously approved master plan to reduce the building size of Outparcel 1 from 6,920 square feet to 5,930 square feet; increase the building size of Outparcel 2 from 5,755 square feet to 6,745 square feet; change the use of the 5.36 acre tract on the west side of S.W. 8th Street from a 28,000 square foot commercial building to a 9,970 square foot (180 seat) sit-down restaurant; and expand the size and boundary of the PCD by reduction of the width of Morton's Way from 80 feet to 50 feet. Woolbright Place PUD Brett Nein CCL Consultants, Inc. Howard Scharlin, Trustee Approximately 1000 feet north of the intersection of Woolbright Road and S.W. 8th Street Request to amend the previously approved master plan to change the dwelling units within Pod 1 from 90 multi-family dwelling units to 85 single-family, detached dwelling units; reduce the north PUD buffer from 25 feet to 10 feet and reduce the perimeter building setbacks along S. W. 8th Street and the north PUD buffer from 40 feet and 60 feet to 20 feet and 25 feet, respectively, add" private recreation and establish recreation setbacks. Page 2 Applicant Technical Review Committee Meeting Agenda B. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED New Site Plan 3 . PROJECT: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store AGENT: Louis R. Campanile, Jr. CCL Consultants, Inc. OWNER: Howard Scharlin, Trustee LOCATION: East side of S. W. 8th Street, approximately 200 feet north of Woolbright Road DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval of a 9,970 square foot, 180 seat restaurant/gift shop on 4.12 acres located in a portion of Tract B of the Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D. NOTE: As described in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-154, written comments for items 3 A. 1 and 2 were due to the Planning and Zoning Director on April 4, 1996 by 5:00 P.M. Written comments for item 3 B. 3 were due to the Planning and Zoning Director on April 2, 1996 by 5:00 P.M. Memorandum No. 96-154 also indicated that the Planning and Zoning Department will notify each department regarding returning plans. NOTIFICATION: Brinq the plans for items 3 B. 1, 2, and 3 to the meetinq at which time the applicant will determine whether a second submittal will be made. 4. Other Business NONE 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (407) 375-6013 at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. MEH:bme a:TRCMTG09.APR PLANNIL,~ AND ZO:t~ING DEPAFtolo.J.(ENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-154 TO: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carrie Parker, City Manager Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Building Division Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde IISkipll Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department Jerzy Lewicki, Planning & Zoning Department William Hukill, Development Department FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director DATE: March 22, 1996 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting - Tuesday, March 26, 1996 following regularly scheduled TRC meeting. On March 26, 1996, a staff-only meeting will be held to discuss the projects below following the regularly scheduled TRC meeting in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, Room 201, Mangrove Park School. Master Plan Modification 1. PROJECT: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD AGENT: Louis R. Companile, Jr. CCL Consultants, Inc. OWNER: Howard Scharlin, Trustee LOCATION: North side of the intersection of Woolbright Road and S.W. 8th Street. DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the previously approved master plan to reduce the building -size of Outparcel 1 from 6,920 square feet to 5,930 square f,eet; increase the building size of Outparcel 2 from 5,755 square feet to 6,745 square feet; change the use of the 5.36 acre tract on the west side of S.W. 8th Street from a 28,000 square foot commercial building to a 9,970 square foot (180 seat) sit down restaurant; and expand the size and boundary of the PCD by reduction of the width of Morton's Way from 80 feet to 50 feet. 2 . PROJECT: Woolbright Place PUD AGENT: Brett Nein CCL Consultants, Inc. OWNER: Howard Scharlin, Trustee LOCATION: Approximately 1000 feet' north of the intersection of Woolbright Road and S.W. 8th Street. Page 2 Administration Technical Review Committee Agenda, March 26, 1996 DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the previously approved master plan to change the dwelling units within Pod 1 from 90 multi-family dwelling units to 85 single-family, detached dwelling units; reduce the north PUD buffer from 25 feet to 10 feet and the buffer between Pod 1 and Pod 2B from 20 feet to 10 feet, reduce the perimeter building setbacks along S. W. 8th Street and the north PUD buffer from 40 feet and 60 feet, respectively, to 15 feet, add private recreation and establish recreation setbacks. NOTE: Plans for items 1 and 2 above are attached for your review and comment. Written comments are to be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 5:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 4, 1996. This time frame is pursuant to the court ordered expedited review. Do not return plans with comments. Retain them in the event the applicant requests a second review in connection with a resubmittal, so that you may compare the first submittal wi th a resubmit tal. The referenced expedited review does not require a resubmittal, but allows one at the applicant's option. If no resubmittal is desired by the app1icant, the department will notify you to return the plans. Therefore, please keep the plans until you are notified. New Site Plan 3 . PROJECT: Cracker Barrel Old Country Store AGENT: Louis R. Campanile, Jr. CCL Consultants, Inc. OWNER: Howard Scharlin, Trustee LOCATION: East side of S.W. 8th Street, approximately 200 feet north of Woolbright Road DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval of a 9,970 square foot, 180 seat restaurant/gift shop on 4.12 acres located in a portion of Tract B of the Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D. NOTE: Plans for i tam 3 above werE! forwarded to the TRC with Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-149, dated March 21, 1996. This memorandum indicated that written comments for this request are to be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, March 26, 1996, however this time is extended to 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 2, 1996. This time frame is pursuant to the court ordered expedited review. Do not return plans with comments. Retain them in the event the applicant requests a second review in connection with a resubmittal. This will allow you to compare the first submittal with a resubmitta1. The referenced expedite!d review does not require a resubmittal, but allows one at the applicant's option. If no resubmittal i. d..i~e4 by eh. .pplia.~e, the deparement will noei!y you to reeu~n the plane. Therefore, please keep the plans untiil you are notified. 4. Other Business NONE 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual wi:th a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (407) 375-6013 at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. MEH:dim a:TRCSPECL.326