LEGAL APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 13, 1997 IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman Richter moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting as printed. Mr. Showalter seconded the motion which carried unanimously. V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Color Codes Being Enforced in the CaD Vice Chairman Richter reported that Christine Francoise owns South Trust Bank Plaza and quite a bit of the block to the north of that plaza. In the block along Ocean Avenue where the Salvation Army building is located, she has been notified that she either has to remove the shutters or repaint them beige, brown, yellow, or blue because the existing teal color is not the right color specified in the guidelines. Vice Chairman Richter pointed out that the guidelines have never been codified into an Ordinance. This is proof of the hassle people have to go through. Ms. Francoise was unaware that the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board could have been a voice for her had she appeared and discussed her problem under "publie Audience". Vice Chairman Richter recalled that when Ann Ford was with the City, the teal color was acceptable in the historic district along Ocean Avenue. He is unaware of whether or not this color is included in the new guidelines. However, he wants the record to reflect the fact that Ms. Francoise now has to apply for a variance at a cost of $200. Mr. Kotas pointed out that in the CBD Guidelines from 1985, the beige color on the building walls is recommended. He is not certain if this leaves some flexibility for the use of other colors. Chairman Powell advised that he has sat on this board since its inception and tonight is the first time anyone has given him something in writing by a Resolution that these guidelines were accepted by the City Commission on April 16, 1985. He has expressed concern for a number of years about the fact that people have been forced to do certain things that are not part of the City Code. This board has always tried to use common sense when making decisions about colors because using only four colors in the downtown area is so limiting that nothing will be distinctive. Chairman Powell is not certain any property owner wants his/her property to look exactly like the neighbor's property. Mr. Kotas pointed out that in addition to tan, brown and blue, green is an acceptable color. In his opinion, teal is a shade of green, and these shutters appear to be green to him. Chairman Powell feels this is a case of someone having a very narrow conception of these guidelines instead of using common sense. Most of the people who come before this board do so because of colors. Mr. Kotas feels the Florida teal would fit into the spectrum of green. Therefore, he recommended that the board find the color acceptable because it fits in with the guidelines. Vice Chairman Richter requested that Mr. Kotas intercede on this property owner's behalf and speak to City staff about this situation. Mr. Showalter questioned whether the board should request that the City Commission have staff look at these guidelines again. Chairman Powell would prefer having the few individuals with problems 4 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 13, 1997 come before the board seeking assistance rather than rehashing and redoing these guidelines again. Vice Chairman Richter feels the color spectrum for the downtown must be revisited and flexibility should be shown with regard to eye appeal. Mr. Kotas referred to the section dealing with roofing materials. Tin roofs are not applicable in the CBO now. Therefore, we will probably have some difficulties when the marina project comes forward. We may also experience some difficulties when DOT constructs the gazebos and the bridge. Some of the items in the guidelines are outdated. Mr. Kotas feels we should move forward and remedy Ms. Francoise's problem, and then look at the guidelines. Motion Mr. Showalter moved that the teal green shutters on the 500 Building are very palatable. Ms. Heavilin seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Ms. Heavilin added that these are guidelines only. They are not part of the Code. She questions whether anyone can be cited on something that is not in the Code. Chairman Powell reiterated that this is the first time he has seen that these guidelines were accepted by Resolution. In reading the Resolution, it appears that there is flexibility for relief. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Grant Received by the City for CRA Chairman Powell announced that the CRA received a grant for development in the amount of $560,000. Because of its size, the City is now able to apply directly for grants rather than stand in line for money which is handed out by Palm Beach County. It is nice to know that our size is moving us forward, and he is pleased to note that progress is being made. Chairman Powell reported that Peter Cheney, former City Manager, passed away this past weekend of cancer. Chairman Powell was saddened when Mr. Cheney left the City because he felt Mr. Cheney did a great job. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Mr. Showalter moved to adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Ms. Heavilin seconded the motion which carried unanimously. ~~-'nt.~ ~~-;M. Prainito Recording Secretary (Two Tapes) 5 RESOLUT NO. as-LL . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE BOYNTON BEACH CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore adopted a Community Redevelopment Planl and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, , ' Florida, further desires that future development in the Community Redevelopment area proceeds with a unified approach; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of Boynton Beach, Florida, recommends and desires that future development in the Community Redevelopment area comply with the following Design Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: The City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the attached Design Guidelines for all future development in the Central Business District of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The City Council further recommends and requests compliance with these Guidelines. Section 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ihl1l/ I 1985. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 1I~i ~~ ~OR - ~/~ VICE MAYOR /' r 'p"~ ,[ ~/f'~ ~1/rr(..a...'lt.../ COUNCIL,~EMBER II I I COUNCIL MEMBER I AT2T: J~ I': ~ CITY CL .