REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-024 FROM: James A. Cherof City Attorney . ~t! Tambn J. Heyden, AICP I(jU Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: January 20, 1998 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge PUD roadway ownership compromise and settlement agreement See attached comments regarding the Cedar Ridge PUD roadway ownership compromise and settlement agreement. I don't know whether the strike throughs and underlining are as a result of your review but it seems as if Mr. Koehler's wording is twisted in a way that makes us legally vulnerable. Thus my comments are worded as such even though I know that's your role. Also, this needs to be forwarded to Utilities for their review of the accuracy of the statements made on p.2 and p.3 where noted. TJH:dim IICH\MAIN\SHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDIWPICORRESP\CITY A TTYlCEDAR RIDGE AGREEMENT.DOC D~~ ~1 '~( l~'~~ U~Nh15 P KOEHLER, P.~.) r-.':: ':h1. In.trwaen1: PreparecS By: DENNIS P. lCODLD, ISQ. DINNI8 P. lt01l!llT.U, P.A. 1280 N. eongr... Avenue, suite 104 W..t Pal. ae.ch, rL 3340. Telephone (561) 684-2844 Fac.iaile (511) "4-9370 DRAFT ~,,. II:aOIl.M. COIIPROM:ISBnABD SE'i"TL'I!lMEII'J.I .a.ORl!!KMDT f THIS AGu.aNT _de 'this _ day of , 19~7, by and b.tween CONDOR INVBSTMD'l'S or PALM BleACH COORTY, IIfC. who.e adcir... i. 430 N. "Q" S~re.~, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 ("CONDOR"); CBDAR RIDGE COMMUNITY AI~IA'1'!O., INC., 1000 High Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33452-5006 ("USOCIATION"); CEOAIt R:IOOI: DIVlLOPMBNT CORP. :INC., wo.. addre.. 1. 7000 High R149. Road, Lan~ana, 710rida 33462-5006 ("CEDAR RIDGE"), and t:he CITY 07 BOYNTON BBACH ("CITY"). WIT H E S S B T HI WHERDS, CONDOR 1. the owner of the Cedar RidcJe Planned Uni ~ Developent ("PROJICT-), lo~ted at 7000' H19h Ridqe Roael 1n the CITY, aore particularly described in IXhi))lt "Aft, attached 'heret:o and inoorporated. by refennce hereln, and WRIRBAS, the ASSOCIATION ha. been de.l9ftated on the raplat for 'the PROJJ:C'l' a. owner of tho.e road riqht.-ot-way an4 drainaqe and ut.ility .,.te. .hown .. CODmon area. ('l'raot "A"), .aid replat having be.n approved by tbe CITY on Hay 20, 1997 and recor4e4 in the Public R.cord. of Pal. Beadb county, Florida 1n Plat Book 80, at Pa9.. 28-32 on July 17, 1997 (the -Replat"); .nd WBDBAS, CBDAJt ltIDGI i. the developer of the two (2) re.ldential pod. or portion. of ne PROJIC'l', having .ntere" into an .qr....nt to purcha.e th_ froa CONDOR i.. A.,.,... on S~t..lIIh11r 29 r 1994; and i. also the Aqent for CONDOR 1n Petition No.LUD 97-001, which petition for ~ laneS u.. ..encSunt and r.zoning on properties no longer a part of the . ,ItJlOJICT 1. currently pendinq betore the CITY; and , '('F. ~i \ I , Nllo 1, \,;f DEe 01 '97 12:20 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.~.) F.3 WHDU.8, the or1;inal awner-developer ot the eelSar R1dqe POO, the Boyn~on Developllen~ Corporation ("BOYNTON DIVBLOJKEN'l'''), oDtained CITY approval tor ~. original plat tor th. PR03ICT on Au~t 16, 1983, .a1d plat having been recorded in the Publio Record. of Palm Beach county, Plor14a a~ Plat Book 46, pa;e. 58-11, on August 18, 1983 ("original platll) I and _~ f Vy WHBRBA8, the original plat for the pROJBCf.r contained provi.ion. that expr...ly 484ioatees the road and draina;. facilUd.. located within Tract. 8-1 8-2, 8-3 and 8-4 to the CIT~ an4 alao dedicateet certain drainaqe anes u~ili~ie. ea...ent. .hown on the plat to the C:tTY, the 1.tt.1: ...ement. "deesicated in perpetuity tor the conaol::ruot:10n, operal:1on ...4 ma1nl:.......... of Ul:1l17..a ,. all4 · '/~~~onf 11y. ept;1", wner.hip ot the PROJECT'. ro&4 and draina;. faciliti.. .a....nt. tor d.rainave and ut1litie. after they wue:Z;:e4 .d to the C~TY the original plat tor the PROJECTI anel . /lA.1i..J~.~ ,'_ . ~1P , ~-f?h~~~~~ WBIREAS, atter ob~aininCJ all required approval. an4 peralt. trOll ~ the CI'rY, BOYHTON DBYBLOPMBNT con.tructed co.plet. nfra.uuc~ure ~Yf^ .y.te. to ..nlc. the platted. PROJI~, inc roa4 and drainaq. faoilitie. and "dry- wat.er and ..wer line., . latter extending from the CITY utilltl.. connection. locat.ecl ediatelY aoutb at the PROJBCT t.o it.. northern l1m1ta i_ediatel .outb ot the Lake Wo~th r,f.' Cbd.l:1an School propal1:1"1 an4 f/w'1J.Uo tJ.~~~ WHZRIAS, abortly after complettn; c atruction ot t.he PROJECT'. ~ infra.t.ructur. .yata, BOYN'J'ON DI!:VBLOPMBH'l' c_ed all further activity ~ on the PROJBCT and ..nt into foreclo.w::., and ~ I ' ~ WHDBAS, .oaetime in 1'84, a. a co~it.ion of approval tor . ~ / .nnex1", I:ba Lak8 WorI:h Cbr1.tian School ("8CBOOL")propert:1- 1nl:o ~ ~h. CITY, ~h. C:tT~ required. the SCHOOL to obt:ainp~blic water and '.' ..wer .uvie.. by oonnecting to the CITY'. utility ay.tem through the now-detunct PR03BC'1". .xiating "dry- wat..r and ..ver'line.; an4 2 DE\... l:Jl ':U' l'::::c:... !.It.I'Ih1~ I'"' "Vt.HLt..t'::, ~.I-<.) . ~r<'f 'tCW.MfJ '0 ~,,-,lNA WBDBA8, de.~~;;' Unv an4 cont.inuou. cont~ol and \18. of the PROJICl"a lnt~a.tZ'u,*ure eyete.s to ..rv1ce the SCHOOl ever .inc. 1984, 'the C3:TY haa never acknowl.c:tc;ed thai: such active conuol and u.e ot t.he PROJzC!'a plat.-4edicated lmp~ov...ni:., even in ~e aba.nee ot a City Co1IIIli..ian re.olution formally acceptint th.., oon.tii:ut..a ~,,~ legal accep~.nce of ownwllbip of and maint.enanoe re.pon.ib1li tie. for J suob intra.~ctur. ayat_; an4 ~'{, h \ r WHBIUIAS,.l c1ev.lopaent orders t.hat have been app~ iad by e . \\1 0 ~ ~ k r:ITY aince C RIDGE a..UIled developmant. ~..pon.ib t.ie. for be ~ v\~l"\ PROJBCT haft 0""t_1a_ privata -~iJ- BeT'. in X~ tr' r-.... ~~?~- :tl } j;l ~ WHEREAS, CEDAR ltIDGZ has been 4en1e4 CI'l'Y permit. to develop ~ certain illpZ'ov_ni:.. ahown on the CITY-appro J~ ...lv....._t ~ ~, .1 te plan and re la~or t:h. PROJBC'l' beoau. of 'the controver.y ~ over whether ,the CITY' continuous control anc1 u.e. c. 1'84 of tho.. [i roadway. and intra. cture .y.t... that. were 4ed10a d to it. on the or191n&1 Plat for . P~Jl:r cona~i'tute legal aoce 'tanc. of such ~ dedication., and ~ y~ '- '(~ WDDS., all ~.rtl.. to this Agr_.nt now de.1r. 'to reach a ~ 4t'? a.." 'i..&l oo.proai.. anel ..t.tl..ent: of the afor..ai4'cont ver.y, one ~ the NOW'l'HDlPOltII, in conaideration ot Ten Dollar. ('10.00) an4 o~er 900d and'valuabl. con 14e~a't1on, CONDOR, 'the ASSOCIA.'rIO , CEDAR RIDGE .ncl the CITY hereby. .... tallow.. ~:~J ~o;.fJ~ ': GS~~~~ J? ~hj~ (J1/N~ ~v..Y~ fl 1 0 A ,/ 1l,r:' cV/' J ~ , ~ D ,VJI. . ,; , ~ Y~J- r n "_____~,______~~~_Jv ,_L1?~~ , , and vb opment, ..1. an / 1 Onmel\ DEe 01 '97 12:22 DENNIS P KuEHLER, P.H.) F.5 1. Th. rec::it.tion. ..t. forth above are 1ncorporated .. it tully .et tozotb herein. , -;JV(,}IvY'- -rh ;&j4, b f _ 2 · CONDOR and eBDAJt RIDeI agr.. ~ ,1 pr.par in; .ne! , , pr...nt.ing 'Co 'the CI'l'Y a pet.it.ion all CITY inter. at. in the PR...er-_ rl_~~ roadwayet '..i1i'1.. .., 'i.111'y ~.'-.f aaid ...1.J-.... .. petition to be init.iat..d l:7y CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGE on the ASSOCIATION'. behalt.cm-eI'TY fQmu provide" tor/ ~hat papo.. f vi th the unc1.rat:.and inllJ ~t th. CITY will ~ all t... and char n th. afor...id -.dN.nd<mldllL~UCIIUon. f!h.-. !..v-l--~~ ,,c. ~? . · ,.,. 111'l'll ...... ,. _~,... .. ...11.... .. _ A88gGJ~IOM ~ aft' all rl~'a er .la~ \. GlWI .Vft...ft~ at ~... !ftf....~".._. .Y."~R. (Jr..<<..,ay. f..'..'. .Y._.. all' nili'i.. ...~i.. liR.. aRt all .,,~,.Reft... \h...'.) ~a' w... 4.<<i..\.. ~y .he ..:L,i:n.l 1882 1'........ ,la' .... 'II. Pn8JB8I' tie 'Sh. GaR 11\1' M~..r .....~~ .....,.. ~ 81" ....l"'l.ft. !ha GIWY a1.. a~a.. ,. eal.'. f~.. "a .'a..aMi."a' Paw""." It.. .VAR g7 sIn allY ......ft.. er ..tyi....~. ..1..iftl .. tha PR84BQf-. HW... r~a..h!, 4i.,~.. 'h.. ~h. .~.ni.na.'" ,."'iIR .....1... ...eiR 1. ........ .. ....1~.. 3. Th. C:ITY acknowledge. and aar.... ~B\, i ~~:~~~~~~~ \$V~I' . 1~: }. c. to d.l.t:. ~rOlll ~. a~or.men~io!HId pat:.i't.ion No. LUAR ~7-001 a~ reterenC41 or r.mi~.ht: relat:in9 t:o the PR~C'l".. "road ownershi:D I~/~ , ''YIP). · J\ J0-V, 1.1" ? ~,1t )\Y1J ..-- ----_._--------------~------- D~~ ~l .~( l~;~~ u~N~l~ ~ ~V~H~~~. ~.~.) r-.o d.1.pu~." ~~ ~. abaft4olUll.n~ p.~lc1on cte.cribm hareift 1. eJmact.1Mi ~o : ra.o1 v.. 4. The ASSOCIATION, by and throu9h CONDOR and CEDU- RIDGB, agr... to acc.pt, upon CITY approval of the a):,andonment p.tition retarrec11;o, ~' full owner.hip of tho.. roadway., .aine,e .y..... .M v..... all. ..8l" ./ y..11.i.,.. iiy._.. ~""I~ 1 ..... ~Ltl ~t A t Ul T i ITIQC-..I&p .~ _J;l'fll-ea _8 ? \ - fda r If' ... 1. l we UM pllu.T 1'1 -i'iJrov.CI l;y .. I;~", I .... TIll) a I, ~ anel f~er agr... to provide back to the CITY tho.. certain ....mant. n.c....ry to enaur. that tb. PROJBC'l". .1..... dtldi~aCad. drainaqe and utility .yat_ are properly operated and ..Int.lned. "( 5. 'l'b. CITY .cknovl.dqe. and aqr... that t:hi. Agr...et i. .~ limited to the ..tter. adelre..1Id h.reln, anel turt:her, that thi. , . /v Jx Agr...ent n.i ther .4dr..... nor r..o1 ve. any oth.r c1a1.. or di.put.. ~~,\ . \ that any pU'ty to thi. A9Z'....nt may have w1 th the CIn over the coat. , .t', of brin,ing ~e PROJIl~'. original 1nfra.tructur. .r-ta up to current ~ l:i . oad.. . - \ ~JA : v " ,. Thi. AI)r._not .ball noot be tU"JlliJ'laot.4, 'altered, limited, chanved or .odified un1e.. in wrltin, and aicpw4 by .11 of the parti.. ! her.to. 'rh1. A;re_nt .ba1l be bin41n, upon, and run to ~. ):)eneriot , of, eaCh p~ty, it. .UClC...or., ...i9l'., 01" heir., .. ~. ca.e .ay be. . '!'hi. Agr..e.ntaa, _ enforced by any of the part1.. ~ereto, including but. not lba1 tlld to the CITY. 7. 'rhia Ap'....nt .hal1 be recorded in t:h. Public RacOZ'd. of Pal. .each County, the: .xp.n.. of .uch r.corctln, to be borne I)y the ASSOCIA'1'XOll. in 'th. .V8nt tb,l. AlJre_nt 1. .ver revlaacl, the : ASSOCIATION .h,ll iilear the exp.n.. of r.cor4iri9 ..id revl.1on(a). 1M WI'DIESI WBDBOF, tbe partie. b,er~to have ex.cuted. the.e : pr..ent. and aftixed ~1r ...1. b.reto .a of Ue ~y and year firat above written. 5 DEe el '37 12:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.H.) F.7 CONt)OR INVIS'l'MEN'l'S OF PAUl BEACH COUNTY, INC. IN TIm PUSDCB or: By: J.... Vandez1foucle vic. p&-..i4m\t S'I'ATI or PLORIDA . ) COUN'1'Y 01' PALM BBACH ) Th. ferecJeln9 in.~l'WMn~ va. acknowleclg.d before 1M thi. _ day of , 1997 by J.... VanderWoud., and that he/ah. i. per.onally known ~o .. or who ba. produced a. id.ntitication and who 4id (414 net) take an oath. Notary Publio, 8~at. ot Plorida Comml..1on Ho. Hr commi..10n .xpire.: NOTARY SUI, CEDAR RtOGB COMMUNITY ASSOCIA~IOH, INC. IN THB POSBRCIl 01"1 By: Jo.eph P. Ba.l1., Jr. Pr..ldent STATI or I'LOUDA ) COUNTY OJ' ,ALM IDeB ) 'lb. tor.voinv 1n.trumen~ wu aoJcnowlecS9ect before me ~hla _4&y of , 1117 by Jo.eph r. Baal1., JJ:., and 'that he/e. i. peraonally known to Mor who baa p&-oc:luoed .. ld.ntitic.~ion and who did (d1d not) take an oath. HO~ary Publio, st..toe ot PlorlcSa Co_i.. ion Ho. Xy coDai..ion expirea: NOTARY SEAL 6 DEe 01 '97 12:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) F.8 .' CEDAR RIDCJI DBVBLOPMBN'l' CORP. ZR TIIZ 'DSDCB OF: . By: Jo..pb F. ...i1., Jr. pr..id.nt. STATB OF" I'LOlUDA ) COUNTY OF PAUl BBACH ) '1'be foregoin9 inau-waent wa. - ac::knowled9e4 before .. ~:S.. _ day of , 1"7 by Jo.eph r. .a.i1e, Jr., and ~at he/.h. ia p.r.onaIly known to _ or who ha. pr04u0e4 .. identification and who 4id (did not) take an oath. NOTDY SEAL Rotary PUblic, state of rlorida commi..ion Wo. ., comal..ion expl~..t CI'l'Y or BOYNTOH BIACH, PLORIDA A'rrBST: BYI Jerry Taylor, Nayo&- Cit.y el.~k Approved .. t.o l'OB: city Att.orney DEe ~1 '31 L~;Z4 DENNIS P ~V~HLER, ~.~.) 1"".:; lXh!b1t. "AM LIQAL DBSCRI~IO. - The project 8 m@rnowrnfnl JU ~ I A ;~:'; MEMORANDUM PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. January 13, 1998 FROM: Bulant Kastarlak, Director of Development Vf"ambri Heyden, Planning Director James A. Chernf, City Attorney ~ I ~ Compromise and Settlement Agreement Cedar Ridge Community Association, Inc., Cedar Ridge Development Corp., Inc., and City of Boynton Beach TO: RE: Attached for your review is a draft Compromise and Settlement Agreement which has been prepared by Dennis P. Koehler, Esq. After you have had an opportunity to review this document would you please get back to me with your comments. JAClral Ene. cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager s:ca\depts\dev\Cedar Ridge Memo I (jU r2 n ~rr fi; j', j t.!!J IE U \ '.' : r ... ~ ~, ; --.....-...' . .---- '00 ~ur'.1 "", . ~ , ~, , . 'W' , MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING AND ZONING ADMIN. FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: JANUARY 7, 1998 RE: RESOLUTION #R98-06 ORDINANCE #097-54 AND #097-55 Attached please find copies of the above mentioned resolution and ordinances which were approved at the City Commission meeting held on January 6, 1998. \~jl~A"... \ \c h\main \shrdata \cc\wp\memos\heyden.doc RESOLUTION NO. R98-~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, INITIATING AN AWARDS RECOGNITION PROGRAM THROUGH THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has determined that. an awards program should be initiated to provide recognition annually to those property owners, developers and!or design professionals who significantly contribute to the beauty of our City through design, architecture and landscaping; creative design; signage; redevelopment of existing properties; renovation to existing buildings and structures; and! or new development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Planning and Development Board of the City of Boynton beach, Florida shall conduct an annual awards program to be presented in October or November for projects which received a certificate of occupancy during the previous fiscal year. Section 2. That the Planning and Development Board is empowered to decide the award winners by a majority vote and, in the event it determines no suitable recipient of an award is available, to withhold making an award in that particular category. Section 3. That the appropriately inscribed and framed certificate be presented by the City Commission to the person(s) or company(ies) receiving the award(s), bearing the name of the awarding board, the year of the award(s), the category, the name of the project, the Planning and Development Board Chairman's signature, the Mayor's signature, and the person(s) or company(ies) to whom the award is given. Section 4. That recognition be afforded in general categories, including I but not limited to, architecture, landscaping, exterior renovation, redevelopment, I CBD development, best overall design, and signage. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 day of January, 1998. ATTEST: ~~~~~~<<2<:/ Ci q~~rJ~lIl"/('i:I' . ..s-"" f BO y tV '//, (~.(pa~~~ti;\ ;::.... ~ ~.. :::. ::: () ~.. 0:> :::: I i.ca\r o\Awards ReiilnWO€- P&D !tI221 1 : 0 ~ ~ Q"!j'O -... ,::: ~ <;"j , ;:: ~A) ~ ~ '0 ~ ~//II II, D A ~,# IIIII! /Ill \I 1\""" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~ ! ' ORDINANCE NO. 097-0~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (CEDAR RIDGE PUD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI~ED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL/ INSTITUTIONAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has requested the above mentioned Land Use Element amendment; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and , i I WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Sect ion 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Future Land Use of the following described land designated as and Public Private shall be Governmental/Institutional. is Said land more particularly described as follows: Parcel "Bit and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County I Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. Containing 6.376 acres more or less, and subject to easements, reservations or R/W of record. I' I! , Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. Section 3:' All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding this amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F. S. ,; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding amendment to be in compl iance in accordance wi th Chapter 163.3184, F.B. FIRST READING this /6 day of ~C!e/1?.eE~ , 1997. - -------.." ---.-- ."._._-._------~~_._-~---..~_._-~------------- ~ day of SECOND I FH READING and PASSAGE tr""--s -- J;dN/LfiJllfV I /998. ATTEST: ~~~<>~ Ci Y Clerk (Corporate Seal) \\\\\\\ \111/ ""'1 ~,\\ 0'( NT 0 IJ,,~;..: '* /~ ~ .......... Iv ~ ~ so " .:W'o~.f.. Vi" ~ s: c~oQ~ - ~e'el~..~~ PUD Si .). :~ '0\ 0 =. =l-~. ~:r:= =0 = \ 1920) J ~ ~ ~lll ~LOR\O~\\#' '11111111111'\\\\\"\ CITY OF FLORIDA " mmo;:n: p, Commissioner ~ d- ORDINANCE NO. 097-55 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (A 6.37 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD, APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF MILE SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD); AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM P.U.D. (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) TO R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ON THE NORTHEAST PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted Ordinance No. 91-70, in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, Joe Basil and Cedar Ridge Development Inc., as agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, pursuant to Section 9 of Appendix A-Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a certain tract of land consisting of 6.37 acres, said land being more particularly described hereinafter, from P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA (Single Family Residential), which requests that the 6.37 acre tract be removed from the boundaries of I I 1,1 ," . the P.U.D. zone to allow for the processing of the rezoning application; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida as set forth as follows: Parcel "B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Page 58. Containing 6.37 acres, more or less be and the same is hereby rezoned from P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA (Single Family Residential). A location map is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of this Ordinance by reference. r T Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this /~ day of ~c:?Em~~ , ~997. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this 6 ...:::7:iNaA~l/ ,/??t8. day of CITY OF BOYNTON BE A~ Mayor ommissioner ~~- _B Commissioner ~ d- ATTEST: ~~~' Ci~s ~ Y~~~I/~ ff. O~,~ ~ ~.QrWC1te ~ ~ ~ =3: ~ >= := ; () = :: "'.. ('\?O .:r ~ # .. ~ . ..... ~ " ~ -:-..~ ., ," eC LU~A' 'UN MAt"' .. pW tJ??-5$ FOR:~~: ~,9~~~!: A~~~,~J~~!~:' LU : '-, 70 \- L;;I?" rR-' ~ J i II _, -- '-, I '-r ;= (( [ '-.') I .. ~b :l-~ If Tll [I - ~ ./' 'll..L~, ~:lAJ cu-::-j I - -_CiI \ .' . . ~r~ - \ , _ ,_ _ 1 --i-C:, ~ <- 111 .1 t (,,/ ~ h f' ..~ll ,'-r-j . ~ ~I ~ \ , ciF .' TI( I ~l-D i { ... i/ 1'--./ :. -~.I rx~.H~ " I .,,,, II ~,~ =_ -=::-;-__. -=- I1i ""l\: '-', 'r T 1,-0J'I~ , " \. \ _" _ _ ___.::ail ' ,,\\~~~'\ ':"" !. \: c-.- _ - ; I 11 .........-;' -~ ~. -= T \ I- ,_~ ',\\';,\,' .\tC-l~j ~ __..' __ \ · m L..1, \ I ~ II l'01'r~' ==-..:: . ' 'f ( If"T \.)) ,L:J;: " R'lAAR 3' I r u;~' (~;:,' I ~7" 7i'. /,.. ~. ~ ;". 1- __ --l' -, ,., IIto-1 · I l,J I I" __' .... I r r · -~,~..- -,,-' _ . ~ I ..r " . r- . I" I ~~ ,:: . ~~..~ fI' 1t!"1 I ~ ,,' .-,--J '-.::i'..... . =. __ ' J -' 1- ,.\ ~ I. ' : I~' AR RII2l~ IT ,'; ~rr ~. \, \ ~~ - .l:~\r.I\'- I~', STATel-'~ I' , II! 1 I :u 1 r \ .- ~ \ ,.IMtl.'.'. '~. r"; _ "" ,. ,_ I ,,,.. . ,G .. _ c ,. TTi " n '- II W'" \ .', ~ ;,;l!:, 1 A A . I "'""", _E. . ' '~')-' ""1':', ___ '}- _ . t: d1=~) )~.~ ~ ~~;~ . I \ "_ _~~It~ ~ \ it\ll+~ ~ - r[ I.___=-M_J.I~~. ~ -l,!' "'..,;.;.:;,; ~ .,~." " I _ 'NOT \ -~_;f ~hl~~J#{'\\\:\\\ '" IN' 't M~ i ~~.f c I ; I 1 \ ,i. 7' J ~ -" 1 (~, CITY , ....._~~.~ ~lU:r ~:~ ./'-&fi~-~~&~~'~T;\) \' \ >--' _ _ -'- f-f -t .- \ ;'\.1. . ,= '[:.\ rw.', . 1 1;1 (, I , ' --0- " ",:" ' " ~I I -.:' i-':::: -... - -",-. T(t.- ../ .......' .~~J. .-:: f ~- - c...... r- ~- ;:1 ~\ ~ l ~ ~~ , ~ _ _ . "" ~ ) . 1E:3 . P: A' ..-. I . . ' . ____ f ..A ----- -\1, .-: ~t~.. \t- .- ,,",. :=0),1" I j - I It S \ 'I 1 .- - \. c-J \1;-t'~ '/. ~ L 1.--\' _ ~-' ;uq 1 1\ T1' -\ '::lJlI- ,. f . ~ - ..- ,. I1LL .' ~"" = :R 1100. ~ ~jl I) ,-,- 'F,~ .---1r.fflffl, \.- r : ~ :., i13'- ~~.. . (l / ''':-?1'~': J-' '1\1'.', I ~;I!i"I'I~~ti~~-: -..: ~~ - ~7'" '" , ..\~ ~/. I ,-.---/~!., ,"- ~ (~ " - '-~ . - \ . ,- )~"- "" . 0 r I l ~:t' " ~,..... / ~--, ,.,,~q\H'-' ,: ~ ......:. ",p. L. \' \ '- ..' ' I / ~ ' l .:: 1 ,r-'" > "". ,.J 'L' -,---~ i 'f ,;\.: ~ ~.t ';.,~ ,-~- "'-- J1:11 ,..' " . -.' ,. ..' TT - I ':,' -'- ~I-; ",.1 . · '0 1/8, M'L~SIV~ f L 1 ~ I \ I~\~~ .\.\\\\ \ ' ,I ,--- I~ R C -'\11\\, 1,\1 ~\\ 'n' . \ - _ ' ../ I~" ' ~"~S;' \; \+,j.. ~ 400.800 FEET ""ff~/1l "'.1'~'1 ~~~ft\f-TT . l ".'r' ,. __ ..,,' _ r 1-" - ,....' ~ " .' '-,,:IT' ' ' ..~. \, '\ r;;'; "~I \, (, 1_.- . ' , /\ C:::::3'. '.' ," . ' . .'. . .-' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-197 TO: Kerry Willis City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden ;:j-rJ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: May 2, 1997 SUBJECT: Status of Cedar Ridge Estates PUD since 3/28/97 As requested, this memorandum serves to provide you with a further update since my update of March 28, 1997 (attached) regarding Joe Basile's project (Cedar Ridge Estates PUDlo John Yeend (our contract engineer with Gee and Jenson) met with Joe Basile, Tuesday (4/29/97) afternoon to make some head way regarding the drainage discussed in my 3/28/97 update to you. John indicated that the drainage lake cannot meet stormwater pretreatment requirements, therefore all lots within the PID must provide their own pretreatment. Mr. Basile has told John Yeend that he has a modified South Florida Water Management District permit, but has not produced it yet. Since the previous city manage directed staff to issue Kilpatrick Turf a temporary C.O. without pretreatment in place, John says that it is too late to make Kilpatrick provide their own pretreatment now because their parking lot is finished. Therefore, we will have to "look the other way" on this lot. Joe Basile pretends that he has no control over the PID and the drainage or any other part of the PUD, except for the multi-family section, however he keeps getting involved on Mr. Vanderwoude's behalf when it is in his interest. Also, it is believed that he and/or Mr. Vanderwoude are marketing the PID lots as having approved infrastructure in place, which is not the case. Last point on drainage - John indicated that when Joe Basile requested to finish the lake without permits, he became infuriated with a "tactless" comment made by AI Newbold; surely a knee-jerk reaction based on AI's, and all staffs, frustration with the way the project construction is being handled. With respect to Mr. Basile's applications, he has three different applications currently in progress; a master plan rectification and two plats. The issues with these applications are as follows: master plan rectification - See attached Engineering comments which Mr. Basile's project planner indicates will be addressed next week. PUD multi-family plat (see attached memorandum) a) complete rezoning process - On good faith, the city allowed Mr. Basile to start construction while the rezoning process was underway. During that time he (actually Mr. Vanderwoude) sold the part of the PUD to be rezoned to the adjacent, private school, represented by Rick Harris (the same applicant who completed the Miner Road abandonment process in 1 % years). Mr. Harris Page 2 Status of Cedar Ridge Estates never completed the rezoning conditions, claiming he needed certain documents from Joe Basile/Mr. Vanderwoude. b) recordation of association documents - Mr. Basile intends to comply. PUD, tract $-4 plat - (see attached memorandum) a) comments are the same as for the above plat Lastly, two other issues Mr. Basile is complaining about are: 1) landscaping of PUD entrance - Landscaping was installed without plans or permits. 2) landscaping of drainage lake - Kevin Hallahan signed off on these plans even though he had a staff comment which had not been addressed. If you meet with Mr. Basile, I would like to be included if I may. The city has given this property owner and developer many leniencies to date, on good faith, that are not normally granted. However, the project is nearing completion and the infrastructure can no longer be put off. T JH:dim \\CORRESP\CITYMGR\memo -status Cedar Ridge PUD.doc 2 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-118 TO: Kerry Willis City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Date: March 28, 1997 Subject: Cedar Ridge Estates PUD - status/history As requested to prepare you for speaking with Mr. Basile, the following is a summary of the two conditions of approval that Mr. Basile contends are legal issues. Yesterday at 4:00 p.m., one of my planners met with Mr. Basile about these conditions to further clarify them. Also, as requested, I have met with the Assistant City Attorney to brief him on the 14 year convoluted history of this project. 1. Cedar Ridge Estates PUO and High Ridge Commerce Park PIO are illustrated on the attached map. This residential project and adjacent industrial project were rezoned and platted (under one plat) in 1983. The residential project is comprised of single-family lots (recently built out) and an undeveloped multi-family portion that is being processed for replatting. 2. In connection with the original plat in 1983, the city required bonds to be posted to ensure completion of all required improvements. The infrastructure was partially completed (no buildings were constructed) when the project was abandoned and taken over by the R.T.C. Twelve years elapsed, during which time the city never called the bonds to finish the improvements and the bond company dissolved, before both properties were purchased by Mr. Vanderwoude (current owner). 3. In an attempt to get this project up and rolling, the city agreed in 1995 to allow construction of the single family portion with minimal up-front investment from Mr. Vanderwoude and his builder (Mr. Basile) with regard to completing the infrastructure. Although out of the ordinary, a special arrangement to match the unusual circumstances was made which allowed construction of some of the infrastructure to be delayed until during/after the single family home construction, rather than prior to it. This allowed Mr. Basile to sell some homes so he could afford to finish the infrastructure. Page 2 Memorandum No. 96-118 Cedar Ridge Estates PUD 4. There is one storm water management tract (lake) that serves not only the PUD, but also the PIO. This has never been finished. Our contract engineer (John Yeend with Gee and Jenson) offered to meet with Mr. Basile to resolve the drainage problems. The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 am last Friday. Mr. Basile cancelled it and has not rescheduled. Completion of the drainage is needed immediately since it is a condition of a temporary certificate of occupancy that was issued five months ago for Kilpatrick (an industrial use in the PIO that needs permanent, not temporary pretreatment of their storm water). Mr. Yeend has determined that what has been partially constructed does not even correspond with the permit that was issued. Since the drainage lake also serves Mr. Basile's multi-family project, staff will not approve his replat until he amends his drainage plans to reflect what's existing (or until he agrees to reconstruct the lake) and posts surety to cover the cost of completing the lake. Staff's position is that the drainage can no longer be delayed since the multi-family is the last phase of the residential project. 5. The other condition is rezoning of a portion of the single-family section of the PUD that was platted for 11 lots that the owner wanted to extract from the PUO to sell to the private school to the north. This application was started 1 ~ years ago and the conditions were never completed to allow adoption of the ordinance. To summarize, the two conditions are completion of the rezoning and of the drainage tract. T JH:dim Attachments xc: Mike Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney \\Ch\main\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\Status-memo,doc ilr;f7 . ~fZ\' (\::=.:- C t:: 0\;~ K '- \X; E 44 if Y(fC flrJ}Z) r- S/CN-CJ~f ~ %'/J14rn/{f'/(' GfV~(tJe::x:.(~ CJrnfl181JCS '-.... -rs [b: J'ATrj-F/bi) ~(D(~ Z0 S/~;J~., C \=>~~ -Gr~~ ty\2~.9 1s- UZ-b/ f/<'7/9j-, ~/' ftj1CJ(C 6r\-/ 1/7Hf(c.:::j~ flAn/7f-iAT ALL ,J?G51C6wTrf~L- ~eJ:::/;w~' ~p14:"8-. Sl--{H~l., ()G Ie) l~ 10 l ;{/cJT ?(~ If' ---~-- ----- ~ ------- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 068 TO: AI Newbold Acting Development Department Director FROM: Tambri Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director DATE: February 28, 1997 SUBJECT: Plat and Development Plans - 2nd Review Project: Cedar Ridge Homes, Tract 5-4 Location: Cedar Ridge PUD File No.: PLAT 97-001 The following is a list of 2nd review comments regarding the subdivision plat for Cedar Ridge Homes, Tract S-4. COMMENTS 1. Complete recordation of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions document for Cedar Ridge Homes prior to the City Commission approval of the plat. 2. Reinitiate rezoning process that served to extract from the PUD the platted lots within the PUD that are no longer intended to be developed but are to become a future expansion of the adjacent Lake Worth Christian School. JL:bme xc: Central File D:\SHARE\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\PLA T-SF .2nd PLAa".4ING AND ZONING DEPARTMEN1 MEMORANDUM NO. 97-187 TO: AI Newbold Acting Development Department Director FROM: Tambri Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director DATE: April 25. 1997 SUBJECT: Plat and Development Plans - 3rd Review Project: Cedar Ridge Estates location: Cedar Ridge PUD Agent: Paramount Engineering. File No.: PLAT 96-008 The following is a list of 3rd review comments regarding the subdivision plat for Cedar Ridge. COMMENTS 1. Complete recordation of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions document prior to the City Commission approval of the plat. 2. Reinitiate rezoning process that served to extract from the PUD the platted lots within the PUD that are no longer intended to be developed but are to become a future expansion of the adjacent lake Worth Christian School. Jl:bme xc: Central File J:ISHRDA TA\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED.RIDG\cedar.ridge-est.PLA T,3rd.doc 01/31/1991 18:52 4075335801 PAl:lt. <I'" CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL Cedar Ridge Development Corp. c /CA J/~/~7 '} = ~ 1 TO: Name: Company: tl ", ~' Jt.tN 1- ~: FROM: Name: Phon~ # Fax#: RE: Illi(()jJ/ [tl- DATE: PAGES: COMMENTS: = Fax Cover Sheet = ~ :.. ... _ K-- 1/",/1 J--_ j"C'-41/I,., r:tl'1 -I- (.(7); /~!i f 7 ;ns--t.:Ji J - "J 7 ~-- ~r.6" ;?L>~- l ~n - J :>>-- ,,(HO rIM '7 ~~'In',:~,__' ,.;. \~"..,' .~,,~ -~'~-~ _ ,: ';7~ ~ ~F~~".~ _ 7-- 7f;,s,,/.. _ jif"MAY -~ 199~-- I ! r.,....,,_,:_:" 561-533-5199 561-533-680\ ~_ J- fJ,...~ ;;~/I.:-, Pi- ~J~v' /)rf;J T - - (1';, ~ I = = -~ rD~ \\)'f">'^"-C DI"- 1:}sv ah..! ~.LA-) ~ <::}-6 ~ ~v:c &cd*,- c,,1~- l.i:--~ -=l, ~ "- ~cllY'-' K '~rfL ~I--' A $ S = '-- D~ )'N<--~' l~ ~_____ ~ 1;;s~",*,; 'l~ ~... IL e L -l/'OL PAJ1AV~' f1!... z;/z lee 7 --- . -.-/' ~ ~?-z l ~8rV .- -cR;:;'G -+- k~<:cC K?r"'TI""~ f>l_l~N- F\ t)\)\SN ';Ill rr0 L'2> C. Q)X'><.~ R \ \>u. -;:; t0Y,",,,^"'.)'-c-c ~5~, \.:rc. ft.J.A. \ Fe 't. J,. _ 4;. ~sJ~~ --- G J\ 82.....- Q '=:r ~~ U.1.1 _' J.' .1 J :\.1. ).U..JL ..I;; j ..J -,,,-,0 '-' oj J. _,~l. 11 . . J..... .~L. .l..t'L ~ L_ - . - ... '.. I., .. . t....:,. . CI:DAR RIDGE TREE PRE81PtVA TION PLAN 1.0 .NTftODUCTlON A t3l0 aere parcel lucated in Section 9, Township 45 South, Ran~e 41 &ast, Pabn Beaoh CQunty, Florida, has been proposed for residential devclQpm~nt And designated as Cedar Ridge Development. A prtl:JArvation area rnanagcnu:mt plan was s\\bmitted to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida 81'ld ftpproved by the City Council. To facilitate removal of native tree, and set forth acC'.eptahle mitigation requirements per Chapter 7. 5 Ankle 1, Ordit\Cu1~ 09.!l.02, lhe fOllowing tr~e managCJMnt pla.n hu be(\1l preparod as an addendum to the Cedar Ridge PreselVtltion Area 'Mllr138~ment Plan. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development sitE) is loct\te.d east of Hiih Ridge R~)ad an.d W('.5t of Flofidrt's SeaC<.)ast Railroad right-of. way near the nOl1hern bt1ttl~dary (If the City ()f Boynton Beach. Florida (Figure 1). The .jt~ i9 b(\rdered t(, the n(\rth by Lake Worth Christian High School and (In the lIoulh by the Kilpatrick Company piual The preservation area is located in the sourhwest portioll of the !:i1e and is cOlllprised of gO(ld Quality l1a,nd pil\e scrub, The tree management area is loc.ated within a 700' long by :t W' wid~ conidor extending along the southem boundary (If the parcet This area has previously been cleared ofnati",e vegetation. The soil underlying the tree preservation area is St. Lucie (5('.B) fine saud The Palm Beech County Soil Survey describes this soil as nearly level to doping, exce!sively Ofl\ineU. deep and sandy. The aoil is located on tong nanow, dune-like c;oaslal ridges The Wl\t.er table is below A depth of 6 feet. The veaeration within the tree preservation area is comprjsed primarily of AU$tralian pine (Casuarina equiselifolia), an exotic, invuive tt~. The eastern portion exists as an open area devoid of canopy and i~ vegel.fIt~d in herbaceous, wt':edy 5pede.~ including natal grnss (Rhy"cht.lytrr"" l'~pe#1.S). '.0 MANAGEMENT PRESCRIPTION The following mana8em~nt shall be ll3ed to provide l\ n!tl\lal buffe.r area comprising approxi1ll.te)y 7000 !quarc feet (!700'xl0') loc;\ted east of the prese.rvation along the entire remAining extent ofthe southern property boun.dary" 'rhe obje.ctive of the trc-e manllgement area is to mitigate for unprevelllable lo~s of native upland ve~dl!tioll protected by the City of Boynton Beach per the Tree PreSClvAtiol\ Section of Ordinance OQ5.02 a,Ild to cr~ate It butler from tht> adja~nt property, C & N EnvirnnmnAt ,.",) '~... , ,""\ " " ..\ \\.) \} \~ ~> \\ ~ ~) , \'-"-- Uli jli 1 j;U 1';;; '.J.. ..I:J, :':'.;l.lb~.U1 'l~.ll'l'. I .J..L ~H_ .L'LyLI-.. ..... .".", :'''''1111.' "HI. ",.t:.J f~"'''lDb I p.e04 1 The buffet will be r.$tol'tld in~rudill8 CAnopy. shrub, and groundcover to 3pprox.hnnte hiltori~ natlve vegttative conditions exiHing prior to elcl\rin8 -/llld revegelath.)ll in exotic ....(gelation The buffer "",ill be restosed with nativ~ pJants elldemic to south Florida coastal scrub. The buffer will be mall1tC'lined in perpetuity per management procedures set forth in the Cedl\J' Ridgl; Preservation Area Management ,PI,all The buffer will provide addirional hllbit.t for wildlife species known to lItil~c scrub habitit thCOll,ihoul the vicinity of the project site. The scope of work is as follows: . Designation of buffer area by staking · Clelrins and debris removal . Installation of ternpofuy irrigAtion . Ground prepat'&tion . Planting and mulching . fer1i1ization and pestk.ide applicatil.;)I'l . 90.Day mail\ttmmce · LOlli term 1118imel1i\l\ce · Monitoring ) . " ',.1 , ':. . .....n. , ' . , " \.' '....:.,,: A, The butrer will be s~lrveyed IInd slaktd to show the limits of the area The preserve will be 700' long and v~ry in width (average IO'} to create an undulatini effecl. thus simulating more natural conditions. The total area will eomprise appro~jnlately 7000 square feet. Orange barrier fencing will be installed along the north limit of the buffer to prohibit con~truction equipment froltl accidentally encroaching w1th the planted corridor Prior to planting the buffer area will require inspectiol\ ana approval by the City of Boyn.ton Beach Foroster. B. Clearing will be conducted to remove all eKOtic ve8et~tion and debris SOil disturbance should be limited to the top 6" of the ground surface. Tle.es, shnlbs, stumps. elc, shaH be disposed Qf in accordance with local, slate, and federal regulations. Other domestic debris and houaehold trash shall be removed from I he site and dis.pos~d of in "" approved lalldtlll site, C. A temporary irrigation s)'sten' will be jnstalll~d to provide water for the planted material for up to 90 days foltowing plallt installation Following the 90 day period. the plol1t,ings should be watered bi.weekly. thereafter, for a period of 60 dl\Y~, d~p~nding on weather cottditions Subsequent to plant .~l~blishme.nt, temporary irrigation me-.aSl.lres should be term.inated immediate-I)'. D Th9 groul\d wil1 be prepared poor tCl plant installation by raking; Ollt ruts And fC'ltloval ofve'8~tfttive oebrh. The planting areas will be dt'si!ttll'led as to plarn 'pe.cie~ llnd ~jl.e r) ,.' Ulljl/lj':H H,;:';": 4tl,~..:,jbofjl '_LV..,!, o'..l'.IL lJt.'d_,- H A " _ (ll 1 _ 9 .. T H LI '" 4 ! I.. P M ,- - "f ~ I.' V C (I tl ~:. U L T r4 t, l S l' l.': ~, b lJ: c14 2 :::1 :~ 7 I H~.'1.- '-1-' F'. .3~1 ! E Plant Installation wi1l be per the Ce.dar RidgePlantina Plan datisn~d to Ctf.att a viable scrub habitat. !lY$tem Se~ attached planting plan. Ellch plant should be thoroughly wat~red in to prevent ~ir pockets, Do No. apply mulch to scrub pJanhngs, F, During plant installalion, fish meal should be a.pplied to the soils to enhance growth and benefit the re-establishment period. Lindane s~Q\lld be applied t(l all planted pines to discourage inftlGtation by pine bote.., end other pc;SI11 G. Following plant installation, the planting!! should receive 90 days of maintenance tt.) ensure survival, The irri,eation system should be operated dail}' for at least one hour. Weekly malnr.enance seSIJion9 are required including w~eding and re- stabiliz."ltion of planted material llnd other activities needed to prevent the loss of t.he planted material. H Long 1enn maintenance should b~ conducted CjllRT1erly for t.he fi,st two ye.an and semi.an.nuaUy theru11er to prevent the invasion of exotic ~peciell and wtt':dy nuisance specie", Every effort ~houtd be made to prl"ve11l5oil disturbance At no time should mulch be applied (0 the area, Management will he condll<.~ted per spedlkalions s~l fOl,h in the Cedar Ridg~ Preservation A.rea Management Plali 1. Monitoring will be condueted annually for the fint two years to Mi'lurc lOO per~cnt slIrvivo] or the planted material All dead plant nlaterial will be replaced on 8 one to Me basis per the planting plan, The tepon will include a panoramic photograph of the buifer plantings taken from a permanent station AJI plants will be cOllnted tCl quantifY succe,$!l. The desree of e)(otic infei:tation will be noted Rnd wildlife utilization ~~1I also be noted, Exotic tJlfe.:,tft.tlon wilt be maintain~d at It~:5 thar! 5 r(:rl;~nt. 4.0 ENllTY RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN The owner of reoord will be responsible for i.mplement&tion of the Cedar R.idge Tr~e Preservation PIM inl;luding planting, maintenance. monitoring, and long-ten" managem.ent. &.0 FINANCIAL RESPONStBIUTY The owner of record will be financially responsible for the costs of implementing the Cedar Ridge Tree Preselvati~'lll PI!.!\ and the replacement of planted matl:riftl should the plantings be deemed unsucce~sful to e1\Sllre 100 percent Sllc.cess. ') \ ' ,,\ . " ,. . ~.. (\ ) ~lJ31!1~91 1~:~2 4015330801 d:.l>i4t<' kll>\:lt. Dt. Vt.L I-'A\.:II::. \1~J 6.0 REfERENCes AUltin, 0,,1003. ~b Plan!~. Th~ Gumbo Limbo Nature Center ofSPBC. Inc, CI~nter. ChetYl M" 1990, "Sugar SMd Park Mar.agemenl Plan". UnpublishEld, Carpenter, Cheryl M., 1993. "The San.ctuaty Upland Pre8etvt: and Gopher Tonolse Management lJlan, n Unpublished, Pernald, R.T. 19t!9. C'9astal x,!ric acrnb communities of the Treasure CQast R~9.!l. ElQrid~ A summ,ty of th~r disttibutioJl and e.cojp.1~, with guideline~ for thc;i,L: preservation and nwllqement. Florid. Game end Fre5h WIler Fish Comm. NOl\gam~ Wildlife Pgm Techn~al Report No.6 Tallahassee, FL. 113pp Soil ConsetVation Service Soils Atlas for Palm Beach County. 1978, Workman, R..W. 1980. Native PIAn.lll (or Land$cape Vs~iJ:l Coastal ~oU(h FlortillL Se.nibe.I.Captivft Conserva.tion Foundation, Joe " \' '. -~ , ~ . ,~") , : \ \~"'" \,., " ) \ ' , \:;J \' ,~) v \." ~. tlll -:>J.; 1 :J':H 1 ij; :.u: 41:.\ I 'J.jjboi:Jl "t.lll-\f':, I' H)~t. l.!1:..1/t.,- I HI....1L.. ljl.J CEDAR RIDGE mmil~~ LAKE AREA PLANTING/MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 INTRODUOTION A. !J3.0..acre parce.1 located in Section 9, Township 45 South. Range 43 East, Palm Beach Courlty, Florida, designated as the Cedar Ridge Development prQj~t. has been approved by the Ci.ty (If B~)ynton Beach. Florida A tak.e are4 planting and manag\ln"tent plan is required per the City of Boyntonlll Vegetation Ordinance (Chapter 7 5. Anide IV). The following plan has been dtsigned to cl)mply with the det1r,itions a.nd provisions set .forth in the ordinan(;(!. 2.0 SITe DESCt:tIPTION The Cedar Ridge development site is located east of High Ri.dge Road and west of Florida's SCaCoa$l Jbilt(lad right-of-way nea.r the nonhern bOll/1d~ry of the City of Boynton BllIach, F.loridu (Figure 1), The site. i$ bordered to the 110r," by Lnke Worth Chti~tift.n High School and on lhe sOllth by The I(jfpatrlck Company parcd. 1vloSf of th(l Jite has been previously cleared of native l,'ogetatlQI1 find is c.url'(',ntly vegetated in Australian pine (('aslWfllltl tqui-wztifoll&:l), Brlu~ilian p~.ppcr (SclWIr/.... ten'bmthlfo/ivs). 411d invasive, weedy h~tbacellus l?peCie5. The southwest portion ()r the site is vegetated in native saud pine seNb typical to xeric coastal ridges Twenty-five percent of the Jllltlve vegetntion has be.en preserved in compliance with rhe City'," Ve8~tati(\f\ Ordinaol;e A 0.28 ftere 6)(CavAted lake QCcu,", in tne e.asrern half of the sitt (Figure 2) The Ii\ke 18 currently vesetated III lorpedograss (Ponicum re.pem). an exotic. invasive grass which ~i8niflcantly lowers water quality and forms a monoculture. Torpedograss rapidly Q\ltac\'mpetes native vegetation. Maintenanca to c,ontrol torped(')grau i~ costly and nuely 100 percent successfuL Prior to p1antins, alt torptdQgra~~ and iLS n)ot systems ~hould be physil.',a1ly removed, if possible by eXollVlltiQll, J.O PLANTING PLAN The pla"1ing plln was spe-ciAcally designed to Address the existi.ng lake conditions in an dt'i;)I1 to ensure 100 percent su~(:ess 8t1d to prevent hltllfe maintenance problems and expense. The following scope of work will be required. · Plantil1g area spa.tial e.onditions . PlAnting are. preparation · Plant li:\t · MAintelli\nc.e \ --_-.-.._...._---~-- ~- ~ \- . ..f ~ ..- U1/~1/1j~1 1b;~L 4\:.l,j.jJt>bUl A. Plantlna Are. 5peclflc.tfon. I t4Ul- IJ '__LUHi'. I l..L"...U:" LIL'.Jt...1.... r~) lid w rj') c.") V lJ The City of Boynton Belch requires th..t SO percent of the lake bank bc: planl~d with II 20' ~rridor c,()nlpri$ed of I 10' littoral shelf and 10' UpllUl,d buffer. The littoral she.lf will consi!lt of 3' of planting! below the mean waterline a.nd 7' of plantit'lgs above the mean water line on a shelf sraded to II 6.) slope. A 10' uplalld buffer will be installed landward ofth~ plalued 10' littoral shelf, ApprOKhnately 615 linear feet of lake shore will require planting wi'hh' a 20' corridor. The planting area will cOMprist approximately 12,300 square feet 8. P'antlng Are. Preparation The lake will require e.xCAvati(:~n of th~ !lhortlline to create .he 6 l. littoral shelf. The upland butTer slope should be no less than 4.1 Care should be taken to ensmc that all torpedogJsss and their rhizomes are removed to preV(lnt future prQblems c. Plant List The City of Boyntol1. Beach requires an upland buffer be planted with (;,anopy. sW'\lb, and groundcove.r plant spe.cles. The Iittol'al shelf \Vjll requir~ only a hel'bac~ou$ ~U!\tulll with no c.alloPY or groundcol,'er, A list It[ plants ~lIilable to be pluIltcd within the buffe.r, 1he l' corridor above WElter, Qrld the)' cNrido.r below' water has been compiled. A.ll plantinas are subj~ct to stlb3titlltion due to availability ~I\d suitabi1ity to physical site condjtiol\~, Suggeeted Buffer Plant.: ~'l)qQY: Scrub oak. (Qkf.rc:U.s gcmillala) Sabal palm (Sabal palmetto) Slash pine (Pinus el/iottU) Sand pine (Pinus c/ausa) Chapman o~ (Qau,,'cu$ c}l<~pt"(mil) Myrtle oak (Qi.ttn7US mynifolia) Silkbay (Pf!'~~ea IrtmtiJis) ~: Saw palnletto (SertnOLl ,.epl!Jl.<;) Seagra.pe (Cocco/aha uvifer(f) Florida. pnvet (FOf'6stiua segregatCl) Wax Myrtle (Myrica cenf~ra) Toughbumelill (Bumeba Il'Iurx) Rusty lyonia (Lyoniaf~r,.ugi"ea) Cocoplum (Chrysobalcmtls kClCQ "horizontal") Senlb paJ.mt;Uo (Sabat efQnitt) Pawpaw (ASimino spp) Tarflowel' (B.ifaria mcemo.st1) Groundcou.r: Dune sunflower (Heha11lI1tl,'i: ddili$) I'rickly pf:ar (Opl/l1lm Imm {(usa) Railroad vine (/pf'nll)lut pt!.,-caprae.) Silver-Ielwed aster (Pifyop.fh gt'amill~rQlia) atank~t nQwer (GaillardIa pulchf.//ci.l RI:\7"iu,Q ~tar {UIJlri,'!r cntlp>>umh) ttear yrass (ruee'er ftlamemoJa) Elliott JO\'E!grass (Erfll/I'otis e./lioflli) ), U.L,' .)11 J. .I:tJ. J. CO:.....JL 4U I ~i-'.Jt..,-'U~ _......l.'J 111. ,..J. J... --lL JJL 'I L......o- , . Y" I I \ I Sugg.sted Shore Plants: Blue flaS iris (/rts \liI'81111""') Swamp tern (BJ~c1tnllrn ,J~",.ul(llum) Blanketflower (Gaillardia pllic~lIa) S.nd Cordgr... (Spartilra baker;!) Dwarf Fakahalchee grs ss (1,.ipsQctlm florid",,,,m) Blue porterwMd (SlnchYldrphe((,1 Jp. ) Broomsedge (Andropogon spp. ) Maidencane (Pan/cum h('1n/ll>lnOJ') Muhly grass (Mf/Mt.n/)ugla capj/faris) Suggested Aqu.ti~ Plante: Spikenlsh (Eleoc!ul,.is illfe,'sflcta) Bulmsh (Scirpus spp.) AJ.ljsattlr flag (Thal/iIJ gnlh"ulaf(l) Pickenllweed (Pomeduin ('O,.d~'1lc1) Duck potnto (So.giflaria spp. ) Fragrant water lily (N)""'rhaeCl odomta) Spatterdock (MlphlU' ("'(lum) String lily (Crimml aml','rccmum) Water Hyssop (Btlc()pa carolmimlcl) (:( ,-") \\ \"? \) .... \, ~ \' , ' \. '" " "'""' \ ,l "\ ';:':"\' \y.... ,"'\:-"\ "\,-t~ , ., \I \. j) 'v' D. Malnt.n~nc. FoUOwiRa plant installation, the lake plllntings. will require maintenance on a weekly basis for the first 90 days, followed by monthly treatments for the remainder Qf the first year, and then quarterly ther.aft.r for the Ot)(t of t,.,.o years, If the torpedogr8Si is properly removed prior to planting, monthly herbicide treatments with Rodc.o within wet Mea:i and a mixture ofRCldeo and arsenal within dry areas should effectively eradk'6re the torpedosrass. MonthJy treat menu f(lf the remainder of 1he Yi'ar should succ.e..~fully control re-growth or eoJoniutioll , , -:.1. "\ ~) \) ~,~ I)." ) ilf/f7 . ~Q'-~ (l:=.:- Ct.:~~ K~~E k/ijY:<< j{r]k) ,,-- ~ C'" ,.------ =(C- t.. ',_ '!~f- t_ _,:::>_, / v ' J \ ;?GirJA (tV?d (, Gl/\J~ (AI Ge,('( ~ C J rn (11 0vrs '''-. (S lib ]' /1Tfj- F(Ff) ~(ute ZJ 5'/~jv} -i:fF', ~ V~k, -~G; ty\(3fy\-S y-s- Dz6/ f/<7/9j-. ;L /' fl/j1G-)cG '6 f\.-/ //74 fTL:/Z fL rt-1n/ ((-fA T n L L ;RG5(i).s\Jrtt~ L- ~eb~1k-;;' ~r1;:r::-~I-. 5/..{A~\'" G0 /UL~ IOl NJT ?{~/rl .,. .{>.. , March 26, 1997 ---~..............--',.".,~......"..., r:-'",\ 17. r[ll i7. 'J "1{' [:l ,......, ~ , ~ I is Ii,) I~ l \J ~ WI : i ': r-"-'-'- ~ --...----l . , II ; !" ? 8 1~97 r '-PlA'N'NiNGAND zot'i!NG DEPT. ,...~,~....--.~...-_-,~- BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97-092 TO: Technical Review Committee Members Marshall Gage Bob Eichorst Charlie Frederick John Guidry Tambri Heyden Jim Ness Police Chief Public Works Director Recreation & Park Director Utilities Director Planning & Zoning Director Acting Fire Chief FROM: Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT 7000 High Ridge Rd. J.S.K. Development The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Building Division issuing the Certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending conditions concerning this site that must be rectified (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a city approved surety) . If any outstanding conditions are related to permits issued by the Building Division, please provide this division a memorandum containing a description of the unresolved conditions. If the unresolved conditions are not permit related, please notify the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectified. Please respond to me, within ten (10) days in order that we may proceed in a timely manner to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. No response is necessary if your department is satisfied with the current state of the above referenced site. Thank you for your cooperation. ~9f~ cc: Kerry L. Willis, City Manager Tony Occhiuzzo, Building Code Permit Administrator Ken Hall, Engineering Plan Check Inspector/Technician A:TRCMEMO /'(L~ju~ ~ ~ () {/ DJ~' (/' v-r fYiif'" p~' lID) ~ 00 rn 0 WI rn "i) i-oAR' 0 1991 00 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 97 - 042 iP~ AND ~mIG DEn TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Direc~ / John A. Guidry, Utilities Director} \JIJ.r/ FROM: DATE: March 7, 1997 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge PUD - Townhouses Reconciled Master Plan The following items from our memo no. 95-037, dated January 27, 1995 have still not been properly corrected on the master plan: 1) Provide stabilized clear access to sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main on south side of project, Utility/drainage easement, (Sec. 26-33(a))(Note: the utilities have been relocated on the engineering plans, but the Master Plan does not retlect this). 2) Proposed side and rear set backs for buildings 4,5, and 6 are not sufficient for access, operation and maintenance to utility and drainage easements. (Sec. 26- 33(a)) 3) No walls or fences will be permitted in utility easements near buildings 4, 5, and 6. Unobstructed access must be provided. (Sec. 26-33(a)) We request that these items be corrected so as to agree with the plat documents, and current engineering drawings. We believe that they have been addressed on those other documents, but for some reason the changes are not retlected in the "reconciled" master plan. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-056 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works AI Newbold, Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. John Yeend, Development Department FROM: Jerzy Lewicki Tambri J. Heyden, AICP, '~JJ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: DA TE: February 25, 1997 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge PUD - Rectified Master Plan (sign-off) - File # MPMD 94-009 The amended master plan, in connection with platting of Cedar Ridge PUD has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee. Three (3) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in the Planning and Zoning Department. A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Rezoning will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the three (3) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., MARCH 7,1997. Ifthe plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subject to memo". To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., MARCH 7, 1997. It should be noted that the applicant has already submitted the plat for the southern portion of Cedar Ridge PUD that will be processed through the Development Department. The plat and construction documents shall coincide with the signed-off Master Plan, any major deviation desired by the developer must be approved by the Technical Review Committee. Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MEH:bme cc: Jim Ness, ActingFire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File d:\projects\ced-ridgd\mp-cedar.wpd (v '-. (f;J p c'-J" 0 CD 0 r>-q.' -? / '-' @r~?8- /1 .// _ @ /,7,Ci 0~.cr~'" G o ;,.?-0:At;' J (' - /i::..(' 77 c tc /'() '(7/ J ..... . " '" (,. t/ r'<l" -~ , "/ 'I - b'iJ1f,,'I/- 1'1' f]KT! ( l:::. I (' /' ~. 'c' \ ... ( . .fI) "; I !:"v ). .vr.;:.-r iI</ I '. / / 115 /t;"jt. /, /7 ;/ ", d J" L~XI.iIB/I- [) ,/ /J r,- /.". ;-t fCI/C (.h< "l ~t) !/- '~ 1 r /' /)/1 l;l j/.(' , ).1 (/ Ir- 1/,/1 ,:/J (. / ~ .L: /' ':;>:' b. ~j d<! '''Y) ~. ->.5 Ap )~(J /c-- /' . (.::;7 /()\I.~ .~ ~- JfI .//YlA",/i t)/"'!/I-T ,- ;J.I3L1-/0i) , N'),f/lttV . (' ).e, . (.1 ad '-'\ ..) ,. 4f') :. rtIf j6.,J,ts' Ie-*", @ rS) __ 5L'~:' @) r CD C ' @--- (EJ -- Sic i'C) t' ~ ',. X~({!)f'0 ( ~) .- --- '/~ /-./ (2" TieL;. (7 r /.--. ( . ~/.C- ,-;>- /1 0~./. / 1/ Ij " ,. ('1 [; '7-1//) Y/,' v//',' /' /..~' LJ ' ::;, iJ& ,'.', T /J ~ , c' to , -- 0 '" A LOp Y ". -- ~ l'>"uHi', r /y /- A. f.tjt1~;, 7-6 ~ ',' IA.-;?7,:; ~. , ,-' ~ v ('1.10 ..!)'J{'; Si.tU:J 9 b Aj,- II I; lJ'1 . /, &y' 1 AT 6x1J1~jr 'j) A Q--;;X 1/' . HA/'O <..J .s ~-'7,/7.t\.- [-6vT{,t,IC7J l~!: /"JID^<-o"hC17;;::^ /., 0.5J h ~ ('~'U;\/-.,t:.:) <",) f~C IJ(Ld:'J\ r0f\ ~ ..1- .'.-' /(~) - " , , 1 t. /...;" c~:( '1,;' ~ ~/) /.'0;,/01:/ 01' D)'JII. /.'(' ,. i::- _ .' 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(loll/) J)ef)i'~7 c:.;. ~-s-.~/N~fLv/J,"" S1Pf6P "E . DC t-J. <J 1 !l-Cf2c S /) "/)f (J4 f2.U:::l Q ~ I'''.;~ , ...; '7 /JC/~ ~ Y. g {" 7t>T,(lL ~~ fuD ~ 7. S l ~ 4.8'1 t- /. fa$' 1"" ;S,7(O - 37 81 ~ :k(c9-/~3tr~~~J 7N{ 1tAv"- ((, ~ ft; ~ ~ -/f; III Mr~ - t1' /. ~' p--fv .~./;L/ ~ ~~. H' . ~ ~;;}f~jt:_, I ~ {$~ I."'," fv1f'^ ~ ct: '( .r-/J~ 0-- . w--. i" {4' r ~ ~. /_ L ~(ri - 0 '-;) v~-,! ~ ~ (p'VV-' 7-' ~ ~ Wif tJ- ~rJA ~~y~ C-bJ eft. ~C A -tv · ~~ n~~ Ij;frJ~~ r/'-.N'f .kv . ~ ~ f'l ~ ~f1 f1Jk CP' b' ~.f ~' -J (Jj:t::fr 10 ~ . V~.~&{ ) - I ./ / ..' / /..... 1((.. . V 0'" + " f1 ' . .' ~ \ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~ ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-388 L .,~ ; ocr 6 L..",. p.. ';,',.: f ...",,,_l;ti;.,~jJ..~! i. i ~ ..~,~...,..=._,.,.,....."...~" FROM: Mike Haag zoning/Site Administrator wNitlam ~ukill, P.E. ~-Englneer TO: DATE: October 5, 1995 RE: CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES POA SHEETS 8-11,18,21 & 26 We have reviewed the underlined changes on pages 8,9,10,11,18,21 and 26 and have no objections to any of those specific changes, except that the fence paragraph on page 18 refers to "the zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach" when in reality the documents are referred to in the LDR as the "Official zoning Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Palm Beach County." (see LDR Chapter 2, Section 3, page 2-2) WVH/ck xc: James Cherof, City Attorney C:CEDARDGE.DOC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-559 FROH: Bill Hukill Development Department Director Michael E. Ha~~/~ Zoning and Si~: rynistrator october 21 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: cedar Ridge Restrictions review) File No. MPMD Estates (staff Declaration of Covenants review corrected document and 2nd 94-009 Please evaluate the attached corrections to the above-referenced document and return a written determination regarding the acceptance of the documents to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than October 4, 1995. The Planning and Zoning Department will coordinate the review with Mr. Dennis P. Koehler. Thank you for your prompt response. MDH:dirn Attachment CC: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Central file , SEP 21 '95 12:42 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.~.) r-' ...___............p..l....._ LAW OFFICES Dennis F. I\vehler, IJ.4.. Con;r... Busln... Cent.r 1280 North Conor... "'venue, Suite 213 W.lt Pllm al.ch, Floridl 33409 Telephone: (407) 684-2844 '~ Facalmlle: (407) 684-9370 FAX COVER SHeeT tiJ lPlJI'HAZN!J6fQf TO: (j)A(r:A(ihHANi fltftHIt,f.s' ~ ~ r. ~ BA;slU5; CiMA.~' lHl'~c."fJ' fAX NUMBER: ([) 375'-6351 ~ G~-6a:Jf FROM: [)it1!#.i$ F!I:DMfel; Esf. X LOCAL: LONG DISTANCE: CHARGE TO: C6{~ P,-. PU [) TOTA~ AMOUNT CHARGEc: FI~E NO: ~~~ NO. OF PA.GES 0: B @:.J.. Pl.US COVER SHEET DATE & TIME OF' TRANSMISSION; q/22f'1S--/Z:~ /).JIfI, , IN1TIALS OF PERSON SENOING FAX: l)~~ COMMENTS: IE: ~~ E$f4tN' ft)1~S . O/:ItA, 1it:(~ : 'SEP 21 '95 12:42 DENNIS P '<OEHLER, P.A.) P.2 ~ -.....J' LAW OFFices [)ennls ~. I'\()ehler, P.A. Con;,... Bu.ln... Cent.r 1280 North Congr... Avenue. Suit, 213 W.lt Palm B..ch, Florida 3340~ Tel.phon.: (407) 884.2844 F.c.lmll.: (401) 894.9370 BY FAX September 18, 1995 MEMORANDUM.:1iiJ '. TO: J-";;~Of, Esquire ~O~a:kCH CI'I'Y AT'1'ORNEY/n . ~ FROM: Dennis P. Koehler, Esquir~ SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge astat..' 'Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions," By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation - City File MPMD 94-009 City planner Michael E. Haag supplied me with a letter with enclosure dated september 5, 1995 (copy attached) I offer 1n9 certein questions ana comments on the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions that I had prepare4 for the Cedar Ridge Estates property Owners' Association. I bave reviewed and incorporated where appropriate the suggest10ns for changes that were made by Mr. Haag and City Engineer Bill Hukill. I have also aC:Saed certain changes necessary to clearly authorize participation in the "umbrella" or master association that is being required to maintain the common drainage retention facility that serves the entire PUD. These changes are attached. I have not yet, however, been able to learn from you what additional cha~s (if any) that you would like me to make to anyone or all three of the.e proposed POA aocuments. As always, time i. of the Gssence on this. The Cedar Ridge Development COrporation is preparing to clole on a number of real estate transaction. for Cedar Ridge Estate.. Several lenders have advised that they cannot co so without first receiving a recorded copy of the Project's FOA documents. Please therefore call or PAX your comments to me at your earliest convenience. I apologize for any responsibility that I may have tor this delay. DPI</nz pc: Hr. Michael E. Haag, Boynton Beach Planning, Zoning & Building Department Mr. Joseph F. Basile, Jr., Managing Director CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP. SEP 21 '95 12:43 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.3 \--, -- 3.2. SUbse~ent Legislation. The Association is not a Condominium Associa ion ana therefore shall not be affected by the provisions of Chapter 719, Florida statutes. Further, the express intent of the governing documents of the Association is that the substantive rights thereunder shall not be retroactively affected by Legislation which may be enacted subsequent to the date of the execution of such governing documents unless the provisions of or a reference to such Legislation is specifically included in an amendment to the governing documents and approved in writing by the Association. ARTICLE 4 COMMON PROPERTY 4.0. Ownership. NO later than 120 days after the earlier of (a) the sale and conveyanee by the Developer of twenty nine (29) of the thirty-four (34) Units within the Cedar Ridge Estates property or (b) the giving of written notice by the Developer to the Association of the Developer's intention to Convey and Transfer Ownership of the Common Areas to the Association but in no event later than seven (7) years following the date of the recordation of this Declaration, the Developer, or its BUcc.ssors end ass1gns, shall convey and transfer the record fee simple t1 tle to the proj ect' s Common Areas to the Association and the Association shall accept such conveyance. The said conveyance end transfer of title shall be subject to taxes for the year of conveyance and to restrictions, limitations. concUtions, reservations, aAd easements of record. Commencing with the date this Declaration is recorded, the Association shall be responsible for the maintenance and administration of the common Areas in a continuous and satiSfactory manner and for the payment of property taxes and other assessments which shall be liens against the Common Areas and any improvements in personal property accruing from and after the date of the recording of this Declaration. In implementation of the foregoing, such ta~es shall be prorated between the Developer and the Association as of the date of such recording. Any portion of the plat of the Cedar Ridge Estates property conteining open spaces may not be vacated in whole or in part unless the entire plat 1s vacated. 8 -~~--------- --~~------ SEP 21 '95 12:44 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.4 , - '- 4.1. Oblioations of the Alsociation. The Association, through its Board of Directors, ana in cooperation with the master association for entire PUD, shall be responsible for the management and control of the Common Area. and all improvements thereon and shall keep the same in good, clean, attractive and sanitary condition, order and repair, and is authorized and empowere~ to adopt Rules and Regulations governing the USG, occupancy, maintenance and.operation of the Common Property, and such Rules and Regulat10ns as may be amended from time to time. Each un1 t owner, his/her family, guests, invi tees, and lessees shall be subject to the provisions of the Rules and Regulations, as, promulgated from time to time. 4.3. Extent of Owners' Eas.m.~t. The rights and easements of enj oyment in and to the Common Property shall be subj ect to the following: Each OWner or member of the Association and each tenant, agent, guest and invite. of such Member shall nave a permanent and perpetual easement for ingress and egress for pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic over and across the walkways, private streets, sidewalks, driveways, bulkheads, docklS) and boat slip(s) from time to time laid out on Common Areas for use in common with all other Members, their tenants, agents and inv1tees. Each Member shall have a permanent and perpetual easement of the use of such portion of such lands as common open space in such manner as may be regulated by the Association. rhe foregOing Members' rights of enjoyment and use of Common Areas and easements are subject to the following: 4.3.l. The right of the Association to suspend the enjoyment rights and easements of aoy parcel owner for any period during which an assessment rema1ns unpaid by the Unit owner. 4.3.2. The right of the Association to suspend the enjoyment rights and easements of any unit owner for any period during which such Unit owner is in violation of any of' the Project documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association may not restrict the ingress or egress of ony member to or from such member's residence over any roadwey or walkway. 4 . 3 . 3 . The right of the Association \ property, either actin a. 1 c homeowners' assoc a n r e re P O. 4.3.4. The right of the Association to convey, grant, transfer, or oedicate easements to any governmental or quasi-governmental agency, authority, utility, water managementr or water control district. maintain the Common n with 8 master I 4.3.5. Restrictions contained on any plat, or filed separately, with respect to ail or any portion of the Property. 9 ---_.._~'-"._------,----._--- SEP 21 '95 12:45 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.5 \ '- '- 4.3.6. All of the provisions of the project Documents. 4.3.7. The right of the Association to adopt and enforce the Rules and Regulations governing tn. use of the common Areas and all facilities at any time situated thereon, 4.4. Continual Maintenance. In the event of a permanent dissolution of the Association, ~he un! t owners shall imrned 1ately thereupon hold title to the Common Property 8S Tenants in Common and shall collectively provide for the continued maintenance and upkeep thereof. . 4.~. Easements Appurtenant. The easements provided in section 4.2. shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to each Unit. 4.6. utilit~ Easements. All utili ties may be installed 'underground in the ommon Areas when necessary for the service of the, Cedar Ridge Estates Property, but AJJluse of utility easements shall be in accordance with the applieab~provisions of this Declaration. 4.7. Public Easements. Fire, police, health, sanitation, and other public service personnel ana vehicles ahall have a perpetual, non-exclusive easement tor ingress ana egress over and across the Common Areas. 4. e. Easement for Unintentional and Non-negligent Encroachments. If a unit or the Residence thereon shall encroach upon any portion of the Common Areas, any easement, or upon any other Unit by reason of original construction or by the non-purposeful or non-negligent act of an Owner or Developer, then an easement for such encroachment shall exist so long as the encroachment exists. 4.9. Additional Easements. The Developer (during any period in which there are any unsold units within the Cedar Ridge Estates Property) and the Association shall each have the right to grant such add i tional electric, telephone, gas, sprinkler, irrigation, cable television, or any other utility easements, to relocate any existing utility easement in any portion of the Cedar Ridge Estates Property, and to grant access easements. and to relocate any existing access easement in any portion thereof, for the general health or welfare of the Owners or for the purpose of carrying out any provisions of this Declaration; provided that such easement, or the relocation of existing easements, will not prevent or unreasonably interfere with the use of any Residence for dwelling purposes. 4.10. Delegation of Use. Any memoer may delegate his right of enjoyment of the Common Areas and facilitie. to the members of his femily, to his guests and invitees, subject to such general Rules and Regulations as may be established from time to time by the Association. The foregoing delegation shall not be deemed to exclude the Member from the use and enjoyment of the Common AreBS. 10 ---~--_.,~-----_.-._-,------------_._-----~-- SEP 21 '95 12:45 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.R.) P.6 l "- '.- 4.11. Liebilit~ end Property Damage Insurance for Common Areas. The Association sha r obtain comprenensive general publiC liability and property damage insurance covering all of the Common Areas and insuring the Association and the members as its and their interests appear. in such amounts and prov1~1ng such coverage as the Board of Directors may determine from time to time. 4.12. Maintenance of Common Areas. The Association shall at all times mainta!n In good.. repa1r, and shall replace 8S often as necessary, any and all improvements situated on the Common Areas (upon completion of construction by the Developer), including but not limited to all landscaping, Iprinkler pipes and systems, paving, drainage structures, street lighting fixture. and their appurtenances, sidewalks, and other structures, except public utilities, all such work to be done as ordered by the Board of Directors, either acting/ \ alone or in cooperation with the other membet's of a master as,oc1at~~ formed fo~ent1r. PUD. All work pursuant to this Section 4.. i~ ana a expenses tiiereunaer.... shall be paid for by the A8sociation through Assessments imposed in accQrdance with Article 5 hereof. Such Assessments shall be aga1nst all Units equally; provided however, that the cost of any maintenance, repair, Or replacement caused by the negligent Or willful conduct of 8 Member or by the failure of a Member to comply with the lawfully adopted Rules and Regulations shall be levied as 8 Special Assessment against such Member. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liabil1ty for the assessments for such maintenance by non-use of the common Areas or abandonment of his right to use the Common Areas. ~he Association, lts successors and assigns, shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for 1ngress and egress on, over, upon and across all Lots. and to excavate on Lots in connection with the maintenance ot sprinkler pipes ana systems ana other utilities, to the extent necessary for the performance of the work to be performed pursuant to this eect10n 4.12; provided, however, that the party causing any such ~xc:avaticnll shall restore disturbed areas to the condition thereof immediately prior to such excavations. ARTICLE 5 COMMON EXpmNSES; APPORTIONMENT AND COLLECTION 5.0. Affirmative Covenant to Pay common Expenses. In order: (1) to fulfill ~tne CO'lenants contained 1n this Declaration: (1i) to preserve the Common Property for the safety, welfare, and benefit of the parcel owners, their femilies, guests, invitees, and lessees; and (111) to provide for the maintenance and preservation of the Common property and the services and amenities provided for herein, there is hereby imposed on the Unit Owners and on each Unit, the affirmative Covenant and obligation to pay the Common Expenses as defined and more particularly set forth in this Article 5 of this Declaration. Such obligation shall commence upon the recordation of . the original Declaration in the Public Records of palm Beach County, Florida. 5.1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation for Assessments. The beveloper hereby covenants, and each OWner ol any Lot 11 SEF 21 '95 12:46 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.R.) P.? ,-.~ -- wr i tten approval of tne Board; such large unit (s ) shall then be defi:l8d as the "Uni t, II for purposes of this Declaration. 6.14. Laundry. No portion of the property shall be used for the drying or hanging of laundry, unless such laundry is adequately ,lfcreen.,o from the public viow, 80 that tho laundry is not visible from the Roads or from adjacent Units. 6.15. storm.. Dwellings may be boarded up only when there is an imminent threat ot a tropical storm or hurricane. In no event shall any Dwelling be boarded up tor a period greater than twenty-four (24) hours after the imminent threat of such a storm has psssed. 6.16. Garages. No garage shall be permanently enclosed or converted without the prior written approval of the Association. The doors of all garages shall be kept in a useful operating condition and shall be closed, except as nee~ed for ingress and egress. All gersges must be attached to the Dwelling. No carports shall be constructed or maintained on any Unit. Gerages shall be used primarily for storage of vehicles. No ventiletion grills or other openings of any kind shall be made in any garage door. 6 .17. Architectural Control. No 1mprovemen ts, including, but not limited to, any fence, pat1o, deck, terrace, Bwirruning pool, or screenee enclosure, shall be erected, constructed I or removed, nor shall any addition to or any change, replacement, or alteration thereof be made without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. The Board is hereby authorized and empowered, but is not required, to create wr1 tten standards, cri taria and specifications governing the procedures for application for and granting of approval of any proposed improvements. No improvements shall be approved which are not 1n harmony with the external design and architectural theme of I 1 the proj eet. c t e ee tio If identified n n1 . 0 t 0 80 n on a.GO an may e no grea er than six (6) ee in 81gh and may on y e constructed in the backyard of a Unit and shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet from the edge of the pavement of any Roed abutting the Unit on which such fence is locatea. Patios, decks, terraces, or similar improvements may only be const~ucted in the backyard of a unit. The Board may, but is not required to, appoint an Architectural Review Board with powers and authority with respect to all matters involving architectural control set forth in this Declaration or otherwise. A majority of the Board or the Architectural Review Board, if appointed, may designate a representative to act for the Board or Architectural aeview Board, as the case may be, and shall have the right to disapprove any plans and specifications which are not sui table or desirable, in its sole discretion, for aesthetic or other reasons. 6.18. Architectural Standards. No improvements, incl~ding Dwellings. snell exc.ed thIrty-f1ve (35) feet in height. Any elterations or additions to said dwel11ng must me.t the approval of the City of Boynton Beach Building Code. These changes, including color changes, addit10nsl screen enclosures I and landscaping must also 16 SEP 21 '95 12:47 DENNIS~ KOEHLER, P.R.) P.8 ..... _....~ '- Dwelling; further, all such equipment shall be painted consistent with the color scheme of the roof of the Dwelling. 6.31. Landscaping. The landscape plans for each Owner's Parcel must be sUDm1t~.a to and approved by the Board prior to the commencement of any landscaping. Sodding or landscaping or a combination thereof 1s required for all front, rear, and side yards. In lieu thereof, xeriscaping may be permitted in the discretion of the Board. The builder shall be required to landscape the Lot in accordance with the landscaping criteria established by the city of Boynton Beach and the Board, as amended from time to time. The aforesaid landscaping shall be completed by the builder prior to issuance ot the Certificate of Occupancy tor the Dwelling. 5.32. Swimmin The setback m a onl se or n. e y 0 oyn on Zoning Code shall specifically apply to swimming pools, screen enclosures of swimming pools, and any other accessory structures such as tennis courts. No swimming pool shall project with the coping more than one (1) foot above the established grade. The location and construction of all swimming pools, tennis courts and other accessory structures shall be approved in writing, in advance, by the Board. Any lighting of a pool, tennis court or other accessory structure shall be designed so as to buffer the surround1ng parcels from such lighting. 6 . 33. Setbacks. Minimum building setback. shall be those required by tne Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beaen and as ShOWn\ land described on the a roved master site develo ment Ian tor ine ro 8C . ARTICLE 7 DESTRUCTION OF RESIDENCE In the event a Residence is demeged or destroyed by fire or casualty insurable under a property damage insurance policy, the Owner of such Residence shall, with reasonable dispatch, repair or restore such Residence substantially to the condition thereof 1rM1ed1etely prior to the occurrence of such damage or destruction. Any such repair or restoration shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the city of Boynton Beach. If for any reason such OWner does not proceed with such repair or restoration with reasonable dispatch or if such work is not completed within 90 days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction (or such longer period to which the Association may agree in writing), then and in such event the Association may, in the exercise of its sole discretion, elect either to repair or restore such Residence to the cond1ti!=>n thereof iIMlediately prior to the occurrence of such damage or destruction or, alternatively, to remove the remaining portion of the Residence, clear all d.bris and plant soa and/or landscape the Lot in a manner determined by the Association to be consistent with the landscaping plan of the Cedar Ridge Estates property. The Qwners of such Lot shall be responsible for the payment of all costs and expenses incurred by the Association pursuant to the 2l --'--~---------_.__._---_._-_.~--_._--------- SEP 21 '95 12:48 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.H.) P.9 ~ '- 10.2. Uti~ity Char~.s. Any and all charges levied for utilities used 1n connection with he Common Property, whether they are supplied by a public or private firm, shall be Common Expenses and the Association shall pay them monthly or as they otherwise come due. It is ~ontemplated that this may include charges for gas, electricity, telephone, water, sewer, waste removal, and all other types of utility service. 10.3. Insurance. Any and all premiums, ~ees, or other expenses with respect to insurance in connection with the Association and the Common property shall De Common Expenses. 10.4. Maintenance and Repair of pro~rtl' The Association shell, at its own cost and expense, keep and main ain any buildings, deck areas, landscape bufters, walkways, recreational amenities, areas and bUildings, fixtures, and other improvements or items which may at any time and from time to time be 81 tuated on the Common Property, incluc3 ing , but not 1imi ted to, all Roadways and all appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, including fences, decorative lighting, security gates, sidewalks, and steps, in good and substantial repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. All costs and expenses incurred by the Association in the performance of the duties imposed by this Paragraph 10.4 shall be Common Expenses. 10.5. Maintenance Agreement with City of Bo~ntori Beach. In addi tion to the duties and Common expenses 1mposeCl by Paragraph lO.4., the Association shall enter into such maintenance agreement{s) with the C1ty of Boynton Beach as may be necessary to ensure that the paving, drainage and landscaping improvements constructed by the Oeveloper tor Cedar Ridge ROld, Forest Road, Oakwood Court, Redwood Court, Pepperwood Court, Maplewood Court, end the project I s landscaped I I common areas are properly maintained. 11 cost and ex enses incurred n the er orma ce of th ose ara s a e common ex enses 0 e Asso a ion. 10.6. Management. The Association is hereby authorized and empowered to hire such employees or agents, including professional management agents or companies, and purchase such equipment. supplies, and materiels as may be neeaea to provide for the management. operation, supervision, and maintenance of the Common property. such sums 8S may be necessary to pay for such labor, equipment, materials, and the salaries and expenses of s~ch employees or agents shall be Common Bxpenses. 10.7. Enforcement of this Declaration. In accordance with Pat'agraph 12 ~ l. heteof I the Association shall have the right to enforce ell of the covenants, restrictions, and other terms contained in or imposed by the Project Documents. The Common Expenses shall include all fees, costs, and expenses incurred by the Association in connection with its enforcement rights. 10.8. Miscellaneous. Any and all other costs and expenses of any type or nature which may be specifically designated under any of the Froject Documents as Common Expenses, such as, but not limited to, 26 ._."'_..._-,._--_._._--~~------_._- DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-329 TO; Mike Haag Zoning/Site Administrator ~ IwiN~}am ~ukill, P.E. ~\~~, Eng1.neer August 28, 1995 ~~~~WgE~~D FROM: DATE: RE: CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES - COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS We have the following comments on subject document: Paragraph 4.6 page 10 - The description should begin with the word "All" in lieu of the word "Public" as in "All utilities may be installed..." Paragraph 10.5 page 26 - Add a sentence at the end to read "All costs and expenses incurred in the performance of the duties imposed by this paragraph 10.5 shall be common expenses of the association." Signature page 32 - Incomplete We have not reviewed the Articles of Incorporation or the proposed By-Laws. WVH:ck xc: James Cherof, City Attorney C:CEDARRDG.LAW ~L~t~~~ -------- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-460 FROM: Jim Cherof, city Attorney Bill Hukill, Develo~ent Department ~~ Michael E. Haag Site and Zoning ~inistrator August 23, 1995 Director TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge Estates - By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Cedar Ridge Estates Property Owners' Association (staff review) File No. MPMD 94-009 Please evaluate the above-referenced and attached documents for compliance with the City's Code of Ordinances and return comments to the Director of Planning and Zoning Department no later than August 31, 1995. To ensure that all parties are reviewing the same documents, it is recommended that you forward your comments to the Planning and Zoning Director. The Planning and Zoning Department will then coordinate the review of the documents with Mr. Dennis P. Koehler. MEH:dim Attachment XC: Central File DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-233 TO: Mike Rumpf Senior Planner ~~J/1IA~I}-- Hukill, l5fi\1~ng ineer July 12, 1995 P.E. FROM: DATE: RE: CEDAR RIDGE PUD - PROPOSED CROSS ACCESS AGREEMENT presumably you have sent a copy of subject agreement to City Attorney Cherof for review and approval, as the Department of Development cannot provide that service. We have scanned the document, however, and have the following conunents: 1. Exhibits A,B,C & D are missing. 2. The agreement is silent as to access to Parcel B by Cedar Ridge Community Association, Inc, which has, by plat, perpetual maintenance responsibility for Parcel B. 3. The agreement is silent as to Parcel C, thus perhaps causing a drainage problem for the school.. 4. Reference is made to the single family homes as a secure, private community. Since I believe the streets are public, I am not sure a secure (read "gated") community can be attained. One final thought, please. Why are we involved with .this agreement? Isn't access to Forest Road, a public street, already available to the-school, and isn't that sufficient access? WVH/ck C:CEDARRDG.AGR xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Cherof, City Attorney RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM *95-048 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Directo RE: Cedar Ridge Master Plan Modification FEB 2 1995 00 FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent THROUGH: Charles C. Frederick, Director ~~ Recreation & Park Department ~~ DATE: January 31, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the amended (1-30- 95) masterplan modification request for the Cedar Ridge PUD. The following comments are submitted: 1. Recreation Dedication Requirement 34 single family homes x .018 acres/d.u. = 110 townhouses x .015* acres/d.u. 0.612 = 1.650 2.262 acres acres acres *per instructions from the Planning Department fee simple townhouses are figured at the multi-family rate. 2. Credit For Private Recreation The modified masterplan lists the following recreation elements: 1) meeting hall* 2) pool 3) childrens playground areas (2) 4) jogging trail 5) turf playfield 6) family picnic area 7) landscaped quiet areas *Provided that the developer agrees to a 1,300 s.f. meeting hall as shown on the previously approved masterplan (presently shown as 1,000 s.f.) one-half credit for private recreation provided is recommended. 3. Payment Of Fees In Lieu Of Dedication A. Since the developer plans on starting the single family lots first, he has indicated that he intends on paying the full recreation impact fee on the single family home section (0.612 acres cash) at the time of the first certificate of occupancy. While the code requires that the developer pay recreation impact fees or bond them at the time of final plat, we recommend that, in this case, the developer pay the fee or posts a bond or letter of credi t now (110%) and pay the fee at the time of the first certificate of occupancy. He indicates that he intends to apply for 50% credit for the single family section once private recreation is available in the townhouse section. B. The developer has also indicated that he intends to replat the townhouse section. Although he may pay cash at that time, he indicates that he intends to post a bond or irrevocable letter of credit for 110% of the remaining recreation fees for both the townhouse section and the single family homes for which they will qualify for one- half credit. The letter of credit for 110 townhouse units allowing one-half credit for the 34 single family units calculates as follows: 1.650 acres = required dedication for 110 units .825 acres = one-half credit for 110 units .306 acres = one-half credit for 34 single family units (cash value of .825 acres) - (cash value of .306 acres) X 110% = bond or letter of credit amount. c. Private Recreation Bond The developer must provide cost estimates for the private recreation to be provided and post a performance bond or letter of credit for the cost of the unfinished recreation improvements. In addition, the developer must complete at least the meeting hall and swimming pool by the first certificate of occupancy for the town house section. 4 . SUMMARY: The above listed process for payment of recreation fees in lieu of land dedication is somewhat unusual. However, in consideration of the length of inactivity associated with the development of this property, the payment of fees described seems appropriate and was arrived at after considerable discussions with the developer. The Recreation and Park Department is comfortable with its implementation. Actual recreation fees to be paid will be set once the Planning and Development Board determines the fair market value of the land. A letter from Dennis Koehler, Attorney for the developer is attached which discussed land values and the payment proposal. JW:ad Attachment xc: Bill Hukill, City Engineer Dennis P. Koehler, P.A. REV. 2/2/95 t1Jie City of tJ3.oynton 13e{U,fi - - TO: FAX NO: FROM: DATE: RE; 100 ~ 'Boynum 'B~ 'BouktKJrtf 'P.O. 'Bo't,310 'Boynton 'Buu.h., 1fm;t14 35425-0310 City:Hall: (407) 375-6000 1"JU; (407) 375-6090 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION ~~~ io 7 - tf 1 t - S7J J '- f}1~ t: ~ /- / 7- 1iJ- cr-~ -~ f(~ PUp Is- NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET c: EAXTRANS. frb 5tmerUas (jr.Ucwa!! to tftt. quifstream -------=---- ~_.__._,-,.....~------~-------,.~~--------_._-'- ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-027 TO: Carrie Parker City Manager .____~- Tarnbri J. Heyden /. Planning and Zonin Director FROM: DATE: January 31, 1995 RE: Copies of Development Plans of Current Projects Scheduled for Review by the City Commission at the February 7, 1995 City Commission Meeting Please find attached five (5) sets of plans for the following current development project(s): Master Plan Modification - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD File #MPMD 94-009 NOTE: Please return the plans/documents to the Planning and Zoning Department following the meeting. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. TJH/pb Attachments a:transmtl.pb 3 MEMORANDUl\1 Utilities #95-037 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zorn FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities DATE: January 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge Master Plan Modification Resubmittal Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offers the following comments: 1. Provide stabilized clear access to sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main on south side of project, Utility/drainage easement, (Sec. 26.33[a]). 2. Proposed side and rear set backs for buildings 4,5, and 6 are not sufficient for access, operation and maintenance to utility and drainage systems, (Sec. 26.33[a]). 3. No walls or fences will be permitted in utility easements near buildings 4,5 and 6. Unobstructed access must be provided (Sec. 26.33[a]). 4. No trees are permitted in utility easements, (Sec. 7.5-18.1). 5. Will any of the roads within this plat remain public or will all become private? 6. We recommend the project developer or engineers meet with Utilities staff to discuss design options. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. /gb xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella;y File ill rnoornnwrn ill JAN 2 11995 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. . . ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-026 DATE: 1/27/95 TO: T AMBRI HEYDEN, P&Z DIR. FROM: ~IAM HUKILL, DEV. DIR. KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE SUBJECT: CEDAR RIDGE PUD - RESUBMITT AL - 2ND REVIEW The following comments are submitted for your consideration: 1. Resolve those items mentioned in the first review dated 1/17/95 (attached). 2. For all parking spaces, specify a minimum width often (10) feet to comply with standard dwg. B-91004 (attached). 3. Provide visitor and Hie parking spaces for buildings 5 & 18 as provided for other buildings. 4. The Hie space dimensions may be 12'Xl 8' in lieu of 12'X 20' indicated on plans. 5. Visitor and Hie parking should not allow backing out onto streets per Sec.5-142(i)(2). 6. Indicate on plans the number of proposed parking spaces within parcel "0" and the number required by city code. 7. Paving, drainage and site lighting plans shall conform to city's codes at time of permitting. KRH/krh cedridge.2rv 'X ~~~ a ~~ . - ~ .... () M C) ~ I ~~:1 " ~n Ol~Q':. z. Xl ::tJ 0'1 ... n-. fti t] . ~ ~ III -. " ~ I!I ~ Po ~rn ~ ~ - ~ ""QUI \:)~~ tj ~. ~ot<:~ ~c ~ t5 i;l .~ ;:t)~(J) ~z (j) M~ ~~~ I~~ ~Ei~ ~ ?:~~~ ~@ '- ~~ z _ Ilj~~ :'<;~~ a. ~t-' .- . .- @~~ !:b9 en ~ a I '" . ~~ b() I' a I ,,! . ~\~ ~() ! ~ I ~ ~ I ~'b I }}~" ~ l/ ~....I\l l/) b~ ~n ;aQ)t~roG\~ ":'i l ~ ~:tll'l ~~ 1Il~ ~.:Q 111 lI. ~ "'c: \J\ I IJ\ )J~~"\g~~ .::tJ=b ~ ~~ ~! ~ 0 :(j -..: .~ o~r~ ~~~ ~ :"1~ -~-(I % ! ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ en ja ~,~ ~~tj. ~ ~~ h itq::~~ ~b ~~"1 ...... ~ I\)~ ~ . . ~ , i Vl~...i\ ' " U)~ ~ l> '\ s::~....'~ '- ti fl1 ~ \ m ~~g~~ ~ :--t \ ~~~:t\~=t:~ !JJ " I. ~ "'.... 'C~ ~ "'e 1'-- ----~ ~ ~~ ()~ ~.... 'i~ ~g ~~ ~~ ~~ f ...... (l) Ut ~ '1~ ~'.;..'~' =ti ~~g 1l'lC),b '~,.... ~[liU) ~;ti~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~ Ul ~~ ~ ~. :b- ?<~ )> utO .~ ~:-t ()~ . ~ ,.. !!! ~ tJ ~ III ~ ~ ,.. ~ :It 0 B tl1 b, U\ . ~ 'i ~ ~ ~ .~ 'i 11 ~ ~ :-. ~1 ti Ii) ~ '" '\ (:) ~ ~ Sit I ~ ....'" ~ ~WN"'" "'i"=t!Ot"Hi"=i"="'t::t "'i"='" c:: t'll-<~ H' Hl'l l'l ~t"n~ t"~~fl~l'lt"l'l >no n"'''I-<H t::t~n no~"'~> t". 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U\""" l'l cnt"f t-t cno cn~ ~~l1\ ~ i ~;~~s;. ~~~~ c " ~ l'l >Ht"",;;l!l1 ~ tll~rJ1i:! 01 ;:'i n - l<! n "'l nt"S; > H~H- ~ [J) 0 2:cn I ; JJi ~ <~ /") 0 "'I-<<H~ ~ to V1~ ;t :llI ~!Zl'lE:l ~... 8 o c H ...... > rq . ..... t:::::I .... t) ~~ ~ ~ l<!N H "!Zl'l OH~~td f;~~tn () "1~ Ilj 0 ~~l'l ~ HHl'l"'l o !t:J ij) ~ . n '" l'lno ~ :slJ) ~ ::CO< H "'l<!Hl<! ~ :z: I-i H .....' m i"=t" " enon I-< l'll'l~0 ~ ~ t"~" ~ :::~~~ :Q t""'c:: HI-< t" ... ~ ~. ~ I.n HO l'l '"'l- I-< 0 O~ H 11 ~ Zen l'l " "'~H '" ~ tl ;" 0 t::t "'l'll'l "l l'l Q ~ ~~!" H ;! !it I-< l'l t" (j\ H ~ ._ __u.______.___.____'. -l :ti ~ ~ ~ Il] <: -I C') ~ .... VI ~ ::t> ll:J ~ ~ 8 ~ n ~ .. ",-- / --- ENGINEERING MEMO #95-012 DATE: 1/17/95 TO: T A~B~f.-EYDEN, P&Z DIRECTOR FROM: WiaJIAM HUKILL, DEV. DIR. SUBJECT: CEDAR RIDGE, P.U.D. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - 1ST REVIEW The following comments arc provided rcgarding thc subjcct dev.elopment: I. Replat the subject site to show all roadways, units, easements, etc. to meet the requirements of F.S. 177 and city codes. 2. Indicate location of all sidewalk on both sides of streets throughout both developments. App.C, IX. Sect II. 3. Provide a master storm watcr management plan. Obtain rc-approval ofS.F.W.M.D. for drainage plan ifneccssary. App.C, VIII, Scc. 4C. 4. Depict street and pedestrian lighting within the townhouse development similar to that shown in S.F.R. area. 5. Provide a note indicating that all utilities are available and have becn coordinated with all required utilities. App.C, VIII, SecAC ( 17). 6. Indicate the names of all public and private strects. App.C, VIII, See 4C (8). 7. Indicate all existing casements and their purpose. Sec.4C(9). 8. Drainage inlets shall be installed within grassy arcas for pre-trcatment of stormwater. C,X,See.58. Also, show proposed drainage of80' entrance roadway. 9. NOTE: If the trip generation rates used in the 1991 T.I.A. arc different than those used in a current analysis, then a ncw T.!.A. should be required rather than an analysis ofthe old rates in relationship to the reduced number of units shown in the MTP Group, Ine.letter datcd 12/26/94. KRH/krh cedridge.rev illm@uw~~ ,II 1 (H,l 1 ~ d", VI" H ~ . . 1 ",-",,_" ; . PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-040 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist 1<- ~ It- TO: RE: Cedar Ridge POD - Master Plan Modification DATE: January 26, 1995 1. The applicant should show a cross section of the Ii ttoral/upland planting scheme on the plans. It should include species, specifications, spacing, quantities and a management plan document for proper maintenance of the area (referenced on the plans). 2. A management plan for the preserve area should also be developed and referenced on plan. This would be for proper maintenance of this section of the property. 3. The two management plan documents #1, #2 above should be included in the homeowner association documents. 4. The tree management plan for the existing trees (reference to the tree survey included with the MPM) should be created prior to site plan submittal to the City. KH:ad ,-^ -". ---;n~~-'\. ;, ~~ \? ~\ \'; -;;;..'~' ., f........ ....... r? \ ~ ~...-""~,........ '. ' i('>>. \? \ c:-- ' \'~-' \\\~\~,\ . -,' \ . \,\ ,,., i,__,-"~ ~ \ _-' ,\~..I \~,v v....r"" '.~. L..---!)\.P.\~\'\\'\,'c'?t ;...- .~ '1.0~\}\.(;, \).... \ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 195-048 u w ~ fn) 2 1995 ~ TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Directo FROM: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent THROUGH: Charles.c. Frederick, Director ~'U Recreatlon & Park Department ~~ RE: Cedar Ridge Master Plan Modification DATE: January 31, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the amended (1-30- 95) masterplan modification request for the Cedar Ridge PUD. The following comments are submitted: 1. Recreation Dedication Requirement 34 single family homes x .018 acres/d.u. = 110 townhouses x .015* acres/d.u. 0.612 = 1.650 2.262 acres acres acres *Per instructions from the Planning Department fee simple townhouses are figured at the multi-family rate. 2. Credit For Private Recreation The modified masterplan lists the following recreation elements: 1) meeting hall* 2) pool 3) childrens playground areas (2) 4) jogging trail 5) turf playfield 6) family picnic area 7) landscaped quiet areas *provided that the developer agrees to a 1,300 s.f. meeting hall as shown on the previously approved masterplan (presently shown as 1,000 s.f.) one-half credit for private recreation provided is recommended. 3. Payment Of Fees In Lieu Of Dedication A. Since the developer plans on starting the single family lots first, he has indicated that he intends on paying the full recreation impact fee on the single family home section (0.612 acres cash) at the time of the first certificate of occupancy. While the code requires that the developer pay recreation impact fees or bond them at the time of final plat, we recommend that, in this case, the developer pay the fee or posts a bond or letter of credit now (110%) and pay the fee at the time of the first certificate of occupancy. He indicates that he intends to apply for 50% credit for the single family section once private recreation is available in the townhouse section. B. The developer has also indicated that he intends to replat the townhouse section. Although he may pay cash at that time, he indicates that he intends to post a bond or irrevocable letter of credit for 110% of the remaining recreation fees for both the townhouse section and the single family homes for which they will qualify for one- half credit. The letter of credit for 110 townhouse units allowing one-half credit for the 34 single family units calculates as follows: 1.650 acres = required dedication for 110 units .825 acres = one-half credit for 110 units .306 acres = one-half credit for 34 single family units (cash value of .825 acres) - (cash value of .306 acres) X 110% = bond or letter of credit amount. c. Private Recreation Bond The developer must provide cost estimates for the private recreation to be provided and post a performance bond or letter of credit for the cost of the unfinished recreation improvements. In addition, the developer must complete at least the meeting hall and swimming pool by the first certificate of occupancy for the town house section. 4 . SUMMARY: The above listed process for payment of recreation fees in lieu of land dedication is somewhat unusual. However, in consideration of the length of inactivity associated with the development of this property, the payment of fees described seems appropriate and was arrived at after considerable discussions with the developer. The Recreation and Park Department is comfortable with its implementation. Actual recreation fees to be paid will be set once the Planning and Development Board determines the fair market value of the land. A letter from Dennis Koehler, Attorney for the developer is attached which discussed land values and the payment proposal. JW: ad Attachment xc: Bill Hukill, City Engineer Dennis P. Koehler, P.A. REV. 2/2/95 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-040 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist [Z ~ It- RE: Cedar Ridge PUD - Master Plan Modification DATE: January 26, 1995 1. The applicant should show a cross section of the Ii ttoral/upland planting scheme on the plans. It should include species, specifications, spacing, quantities and a management plan document for proper maintenance of the area (referenced on the plans). 2. A management plan for the preserve area should also be developed and referenced on plan. This would be for proper maintenance of this section of the property. 3. The two management plan documents #1, #2 above should be included in the homeowner association documents. 4. The tree management plan for the existing trees (reference to the tree survey included with the MPM) should be created prior to site plan submittal to the City. KH:ad BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden, Di;wect .' . Lt. James Cummings 24 January 1995 Cedar Ridge / Master Plan Modification TRC MEMO# 95-0116 I have reviewed the amended plans and find them to be satisfactory. I recommend that this plan move forward. ~ ~ ~~2: !~0<~ ~\ PM;N~!\t:f~,~'~r' -~-f> , , -~~~...........,..---"...._"....." TO: PLh....NTNG AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Bill Hukill, Development Department Al Newbold, Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Jim Cummings, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director '~;.J. January 19, 1995 FROM: DATE: RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 1995 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 24, 1995, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: I. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (other than site plans) A. Preliminary/Final Plat NOTE: The Engineering Division has previously distributed the following three projects to the TRC members. Technical comments and questions should be directed to the Engineering Division. 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: 2. PROJECT: LOCATION: 3. PROJECT: LOCATION: Citrus Park PUD File # PLAT 95-001 East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard (NW 22nd Avenue) Vinings PUD File # PRPL 94-003 East side of SW 8th Street, approximately 1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road Nautica PUD I & II File # PRPL 94-004 and PRPL 94-005 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the LWDD L-21 canal 1. B. Master Plan Modification PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Cedar Ridge PUD (resubmital of project) File # MPMD 94-009 East side of approximately 900 Road. High Ridge Road, feet north of Miner Request for modification to the previously approved PUD master plan to allow exclusion of 11 acres from the PUD, a reduction in the number of units (197 to 148), change in type of multi family units (garden apartments to townhouses) and establishing setbacks for same, phasing of the required improvements and amended master landscape plan. Page 2 Technical Review Committee Tuesday, January 24, 1995 NOTE: Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 27, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. (three working days following the TRC meeting). II. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. NEW SITE PLAN 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Nautica PUD File # NWSP 94-009 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and LWDD L-21 canal. Request for site plan approval of the private recreation area, perimeter landscaping and entrance walls. 1. B. MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. TIME EXTENSION 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Christian Come Alive Deliverance & Conference Center, Inc. File # MSPM 94-009 3664 Old Dixie Highway Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan to convert a construction office to a church and upgrade site improvements. Outpatient Properties, Inc. File # MSPM 95-001 Southwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan for the Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center to incorporate the vacant parcel, at the above-referenced location, to construct additional parking. Tara Oaks PUD File # MPTE 94-003 and CNTE # 94-005 Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PUD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Page 3 Technical Review Committee Tuesday, January 24, 1995 2. PROJECT: Knuth Road PCD File # MPTE 94-002 and CNTE # 94-004 LOCATION: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. 3. PROJECT: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Filed # MPTE 94-001 and CNTE # 94-003 LOCATION: South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard DESCRIPTION: A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. NOTE: Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 27, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. (three working days following the TRC meeting). III. OTHER A. TRC Schedule - Find attached the TRC schedule for the first half of 1995. Please take note of the text following the schedule. NOTE: Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department (375-6260) if back-up plans and/or documents are missing. cc: MEMO ONLY City Commission (5) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Larry Quinn, Public Works Central File Applicant Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Gary Lanker, Lanker Engineering Project File TRC File (Original) Bulletin board a:trcagnd.j24 3 ... --.... --- -- ...... ...... -A-.J......J LJ V.1..1..LJ LI LJ.LJD I, Ii FIRST HALF 1995 , Submission TRC Deadline Meetina Dec 27, 1994 Jan 10 Jan 10 Jan 24 Jan 24 Feb 14 Feb 14 Feb 28 Feb 28 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 28 Mar 28 Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr 25 Apr 25 May 09 Hay 09 Hay 23 Hay 23 Jlun 13 .lun 13 .lun 27 NOTE S : 1. An Applicant requesting review by the Technical Review Committee shall contact the Planning & zoning Department regarding the following: a. type of submittal, b. board review schedule, c. submittal procedures, d. fee, e. application form, and f. type and number of plans/documents that are required to be submitted for review. 2. Unless otherwise noted on the Technical Review committee agenda, the meetings are held on the date identified above at 9:00 A. H. in conference Room "C" - located in the West Wing of City Hall, adjacent to the Planning & zoning Department. 3. A request by a City department to place an item for discussion or a project for review on the Technical Review Committee agenda shall be coordinated with the Director of the Planning & Zoning Department. All requests shall be submitted by the end of the work day of the deadline date listed above. A request to place a project for review on the agenda shall include transmitting to the Planning & Zoning Director twelve (12) complete sets of plans and/or back-up material. The planning & Zoning Department will distribute the plans and exhibits to the TRC members at the time the Technical Review Committee agenda is distributed. To properly identify the project on the agenda, provide the following information: the project name, owner and/or agent of the project, location and/or address, brief description of the request and to whom and when th~ comments and plans are to be submitted. Due to the fact that all members of the Planning & Development Board and the City commission receive a copy of the plans of each project they review, it is imperative that all plans that require their review be transmitted to the Planning & Zoning Department no later than the day following the date the comments are, dUe. ..UtSlrc,lal I t: ~" 1....'~., ~l j- ,~ :r ;'Yl t. .~ .. :",Jli TO: Pl.A1mING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Bill Hukill, Development Department Al Newbold, Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Jim Cummings, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director '~;.J January 19, 1995 ., FROM: DATE: RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 1995 Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 24, 1995, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: I. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (other than site plans) A. Preliminary/Final Plat NOTE: The Engineering Division has previously distributed the following three projects to the TRC members. Technical comments and questions should be directed to the Engineering Division. 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: 2. PROJECT: LOCATION: 3. PROJECT: LOCATION: Citrus Park PUD File # PLAT 95-001 East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard (NW 22nd Avenue) Vinings PUD File # PRPL 94-003 East side of SW 8th Street, approximately 1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road Nautica PUD I & II File # PRPL 94-004 and PRPL 94-005 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the LWDD L-21 canal 1. B. Master Plan Modification PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Cedar Ridge PUD (resubmital of project) File i MPMD 94-009 East side of approximately 900 Road. High Ridge Road, feet north of Miner Request for modification to the previously approved PUD master plan to allow exclusion of 11 acres from the PUD, a reduction in the number of units (197 to 148), change in type of multi family units (garden apartments to townhouses) and establishing setbacks for same, phasing of the required improvements and amended master landscape plan. Page 2 Technical Review Committee Tuesday, January 24, 1995 NOTE: Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 27, 1995 at 5: 00 p.m. (three working days following the TRC meeting). II. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. NEW SITE PLAN 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Nautica PUD File # NWSP 94-009 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and LWDD L-21 canal. Request for site plan approval of the private recreation area, perimeter landscaping and entrance walls. B. MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. TIME EXTENSION 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Christian Come Alive Deliverance & Conference Center, Inc. File # MSPM 94-009 3664 Old Dixie Highway Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan to convert a construction office to a church and upgrade site improvements. Outpatient Properties, Inc. File # MSPM 95-001 Southwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan for the Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center to incorporate the vacant parcel, at the above-referenced location, to construct additional parking. Tara Oaks PUD File # MPTE 94-003 and CNTE # 94-005 Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PUD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Office of Professional Standards To: From: Date: Re: Tambri Heyden, Di;wect r-:::::. Lt. James Cummings . 24 January 1995 Cedar Ridge / Master Plan Modification TRC MEMO# 95-0116 I have reviewed the amended plans and find them to be satisfactory. I recommend that this plan move fOlWard. ~ ~ @ .~ U ~ ~ !~\ . \ P}~h :'{ 'I,~:' r: " . ~-f:> __r._.----. . PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Bill Hukill, Development Department Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Jim Cummings, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ClYd~'Skip~' cM~~l'. Utilities Chief Field Insp. T~~~~ng & Zoning Director TO: DATE: January 3, 1995 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 10, 1995 Please be advised that the Technical Review Conunittee will meet on Tuesday, January 10, 1995, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: I. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (other than site plans) A. Master Plan 1. PROJECT: Hills at Eden Lake (fka Rollingwood) LOCATION: Northwest corner of Southwest 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard DESCRIPTION: Request for subdivision master plan approval. NOTE: Plans previously distributed by the Development Department (per Engineering Division Memorandum No. 94-104). B. Master Plan Modification LOCATION: Cedar Ridge East side of High Ridge Road, approximately 900 feet north of Miner Road. 1. PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: Request for modification to the previously approved PUD master plan to allow exclusion of 11 acres from the PUD, a reduction in the number of units (197 to 148), change in type of multi family units (garden apartments to townhouses) and establishing setbacks for same, phasing of the required improvements and amended master landscape plan. NOTE: Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 13, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. (three working days following the TRC meeting) . Page 2 Technical Review Committee Tuesday, January 3, 1995 C. TIME EXTENSION 1. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 3. PROJECT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: NOTE: Tara Oaks PUD Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PUD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Knuth Road PCD Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 13, 1995 at 5: 00 p.m. (three working days fOllowing the TRC meeting) . II. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. NONE III. OTHER A. NONE NOTE: Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department (375-6260) if back-up plans and/or documents are missing. i ",,~\~ II (rID:) ~3 ~~I,j3~Jl, :g t,~"g(2~ AI ~ - ~ '~',~ ~~~t1?~ rlJ~ .. /0.., ~ 1- 0 ~ ~ lob l~ (~rg ~'Al '~~,.8ti:~G,~6 (' ~; t> ",' ;; R' I ~ ~ _(!l~ ~ I" ;r. C. I' ," ~ r ~ I '\'r> ,l< ; I ~;: \~:~l~: ( L Ce.o.... ... I I ....=::~2.~~ __ .' , ;; ~ V ''''U!~'ljHt!I ':;:0 "" ij ~ ~ I I ~ ~Uf "' ~ . !!I ~ ;Ih .. .. 0 ~ . i i~i 'Tl ~ . ~ .. Ii .. " ~ t l: ~ ;;: ~ > (fJ -l m :0 "'0 r- > Z J ( ,'"~ ~:':~~; I.U: , I~ '. o ';':~~~r IJ I. I) I) 0 \1 "'~k ~ ~!D; I I. IF"" , I ,.. . t ..-)(~ J , u; p ". "~59, ' \) I " " l, ,.r 'l , } UJ f' LIr~g ~I- ~ ,. , '" ;Y k t I - -. ] 11 I {l-. .~ 0 ^ '" II L , "' t) I. (I' I t - "' , .. , ., '"~ ( " \) 'J' h r~t;t;\'li:, , I .. . ,.. I ~ -u / ': ~ . CEDAR RIDGE PREPARED FOR JOE BASILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA me ! 1'1 ~ ,Ii' 1"~'" PROPOSED @ @ '"" Ol' on !-1 (~, ~, <:v '1 . . @ <W N' \,:V 1 \ P 'i~~"~--:" Co" \.~v ,.' , 1(0 I~ ... I,; '" rc:;,-, \.()..o' '~ I. II II i ri { 1 '" II 1 l) II 1 '" . '" LAND.~ DESIGN ~ SOUTH f landscape An::hItec1ure Iland1'Jo~ ~r\."...o........oo::,:.o.,o."....o.....~ n; - ~ ,"" ;= ~ .= 'i o ~ ! 5 ~ '" ~ .. ~ <5 ---l---~._ I .. " () I a 6 0 ::> " /P. z " (t> c 0 '0 ,~ :;- 3 c- o '" , ' ::r:J C" '" ~ 0 ~ )> () - :e So (l ., - CD -a 0 [ r/l 3- It Q. (j' r/l 0 { ~ , CD '" 0' cO' ~ ::> ::> .~, ," , - p; a>6>.,.CW ..;;!::::~ o Nl%Il%ICIl O_nf\,)NN ::roon(") ::0~~ J.o )' ,~ ~r:-J --;:"f" "" , o ~ ~ ~ ~ EXistiNG HORSE f~AM COUNTY RS- "",:-e . 'c a. 13 ~ \i! . ",'';lo o o , t...... ...~. ,....M.~ .~- ..-. $. SOR/W ~ . '" ;., 0 ~ ~ g . . ;;. i ~ llGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION LAT aOQK 22 PAGE I; COUNTY RS~ . . o _0 Seaboard Air Line Railroad --~----- - -- -- -- ---- --- - ~~g ; ~. g r- ~CJl!C ~:- 0 'tl III ::> III n .. 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'" It' ;: ~I I ." c ~I e,! : .10 Ql f"p Ul CD CD Cn~ (J) 1.>)> ColIO )> )>)> !' !' !'!' ~ ~~ ~ c= ~ .:;- 1l ,~ E "'~ "0< ~~ ~:; 0;" ur~n site L...A.J planning des~nlandscape architecture stu 10 site grcp'\ic s N I\) ....OUl Ul (:) /P. )> H~~---~'C. t 1t~f' :~,'\~~ ~l = : \I r :p. r~ Pl" . \ ~c ~< ~, ~"""'~~""i<n F ~~~'.l~' '~, J "7~;:r~ ~~t ~~ ~\_. CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES P.U.D. / \:'f,j HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK P.I.D. .~. .. !:'.?~~I ~A~~~!.'!~!,'II?~Y~~~!",ENT CORP~~~~I~~ '-~''j ~--~_.._._-----_. ,-OCAT'ON MAP CEDAR R'DGE ESTATES , ' \ ',~ , ' \ \ I~ , " , I, , I, , j' )\1", :,: , \..' , '. , , , ' co, '~" .' ,\ , ' , " , , ........ '\ '\ \ '\ J ~ ~ ~ ' " - '" 0 ,.. IN ) CITY l ~, '1~:?~:: '//' ' ,'_ F.," / / ,:' / @ I '\r. .. .. .- I~ ~ 'U J; ," , I G~ @ ~6 n8 11 ~, I \ I~ I -I' 1~ '" '" '" @ t.>' \.!) 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DIUINAGE FOR TURNING LANES :o.iIf- 50'R/W ~~ 20' PAVING 181964' j,,4~!~~tl i I ~ ",---~--------~I F-~~ ': ;t---.-mmJ"11 ~ ~ ~ . ~ I cu CD' ~ i I ~ ~ J54J ~I~,ow~ I~ _1 ~II '1~1 0>1 ~Irn- I i~ I ~ I ~; ~. ~~ H~ Ie i II : ~.~ ~ i / I J.--. r "J:J ~\" . : ~. ~ . .~ ;--J ","--l :l~ " L..-. , ~ t~~ ..",,,, (p...t,) Ci;Ciii>> ",,,,,,, ann ~~?; _ =----_ _---:::_-: ~ ::-- 622_50' I", Ie z " C .. 5' 3 ~ :tl C" en o ~ )> :E 0 " - ~ ~ 0' en 0. - C:;O en ~I gO I . I I I E ~ f ;> i'5 if' .,. OlZ < 0 n ..'" ;!: : .,,'" IE ~ o HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION PLA T BOOK 22 PAGE 6 COUNTY -RS- o '" g " ili > on > z o co '" o =-.=.-....=== =- = =--== = ==--====:::::::----= =--== == = =----=-= Seaboard Air Line Railroad . L 131805' I-~~~~~OO~~~~_~ > ' '" -l ~ "tJ 6 :tl r- 0 -t "tl C1l ::;:- 'C ~ III "S'C1l 0';' ~IQ::I ~S' r~ cn~1Q !=:-' o' ~ a: ^ "tl ::I III " 5' .. .. cn"C1l ~~ 01 a: C1l ~ ~ ii O"~.cCJ~ o C1l .c. c: '3 I :tl 0. CI> C1l iii .c. o' "'Ii 0. :> > ,I co :x, o ' - I .... 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CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES P.U.D. / '1, ~ HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK P .I.D. ~ ~ '\ ~c?~~I ~A~~~~!~~ l?~y~~?:,,~ENT CORP~~~~I~~ <P. <P. <P. 5' 5' 5' O:tl 3: ~ c ~ ::E ;; eg :;;~ o III " (J) C1l 3 III -" Co :: 3 0' i. r I ~ 1::1 I i ~ ! c: EI I .f>,.f>, ~ ~ ..... ~ I\,) .f>, ~ <P. i .f>, ~o Q)Q) cu)> r m~ wco )>)> rr .... 0> 01 Q) )> r C ::I ;::;: ~.. ;.. ~ APPROVED Ci9" ~ c9 -(J !; ::~:~,r 1~ / "';:: C'l <nc: lD _- en Q:=' () '<;- o 13 ::J 00_. ~ "0-< C roc- n X" I:": g' ~~ <noo r- '" :> 0- <n n '" 'C CI> ^ CI> '" ~ urh,-..n site L..A.J planning des~n landscape tu architecture 5 10 site graphics ,~ ....... , ......,., :':.""', ,;000'.'-'';'" ::J ____.__.______.______..__.L,qt'JJ.___~u~.__._=__ ~_~ 1Jt!:_f{~O&C Er~~- .___&L?....._... La'ts 1- 3 Lf q J g ~ee s ~ /J. tx)o. ~ ~ 1/.4tJA: '-'-'--"-'-"--'-' .- .. .~c. ... '-.. . ." _ .... -- ... ..,. . ........ . 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C.J 285 PEACHTREE CTR AVE NE . 600SALE VR 91 ORB 705~ ATLANTA GA JOJOJ ACRES ~,51 P 0109 PARK PIC 095 l-H6'786-~ p/C 000 l-7~6-79l-' 08 ~J ~~ 09 l1 DOl DOlO FED DEPOSIT INS CORP RECV'R CEDAR RI~ & FOR SUNRISE SAV & LOAN ASSN HIGH IUDGE!}' OMMERCE l8~ PEACHTREE CTR AVE NE . 600LT , BLK I ATLANTA GA J030JSALE YR.. 9- ORB 70~5 PARK POlO' p/C 000 ACRES ,JJ l'7~6-798-8 08 ~J ~~ 09 II 001 OOlO FED DEPOSIT INS CORP REcv'R CEDAR RIDGE & FOR SUNRISE SAV & LOAN ASSN HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE l8~ PEACHTREE CTR AVE NE . 600LT l 8LK I ATLANTA GA 30303SALE YR~' OR8 7055 P 0109 PARK po'C 000 ACRES ,2~ l-H6'80~-6 08 ~J ~5 09 II 001 0030 FED DEPOSIT INS CORP RECv'R CEDAR RIDGE & FOR SUNRISE SAV & LOAN ASSN HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK l85 PEACHTREE CTR AVE NE . 600LT 3 BLK I ATLANTA GA JOJOJSALE YR 91 ORB 705~ P 0109 p/C 000 ACRES .27 l'H6-810-0 {.1.;1j GEN VAL 5CH VAL /l~'~AND ~ .UILDGS ~OOTOTAL i fOB' ! ~~~ ~=ti L'b~~DGS ~03foTAL I " ~HOL Ex' COB I gCH EXM: EN VAL i CH VAL ~'~I~'AND UILDGS, OO,OTAL : I tOB' , ' tEN VAL. . $CH VALl 1..1 ::~ '" rOOfOTAL t08i : h~ ~:t: I: I I i I r~I\;~~~DGS: ~OO'OTAL I . 1'''8; ~EN VAL' fCH VAL /l~1~AND I ~ UILDGSI rOO OTAL I fOB; ~EN VAL' ~CH VAL 5B880 588BO B,"4687r1IJN SHA TOTAL 125 7.IOI~GEN TAX 9,60305CH TAX \25 \25 125 TOTAL 125 7.101~GEN TAX (~~ '.6030$CH TAX 125 125 TOTAL 1353 7. 101~~EN TAX "1 J5:;'jl '.6030 CH TAx ,- 1353 '353 60~35~ 60~350 ; \8000 'BOOO B.~687I\UN rOYAL i I NUNIC: TAX 51 r' \0 I I i 7.IOl~GEN TAX '.6030~CH TAX I B,~6B7/lUN rOTAL 7. I 01 ~t;EN TAX' 9,6030rCH TAX: '4~8 6'" '9B.OO 16BO. " 9,61 13,00 11,~6 3~,07 OTAL TAXES \11~,26 7lTO~ '"f1Ifl".. ~2" ,73 5803.~8 ~'18,06 1~2\3,37 127, 8~ 172.86 ~ .., p . <:: ..., 'r ~ . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . .. .. ~ . . - . .. - - . . .. . . . - - - - . . - .. . - . . - . . . - - . . . .. - .. . .. .. . - - .. .. - - . - .. .. . - . .. - . . . . . .. - - .. . . - . . - - - - - .. . - . . - - .. . - - - - - - .. . . - . - - - - - . - TOTAL TAXES I ; fOBI I ' I tEN VALl I $CH VALl I i I ,;;:;;;:;;;;;;:----;;';j--;;;:'jijj~----;;;-jj;:ji--';;;;;-;'ij-;;;:~~-~;;;;; -~f:-----I;:;:~~::- I I I .. u____..__._n._ KE<lUL"ft ttJn: J'""",Ur"t.PC If ~X-lfO"C"C-~---- P;"RLn Zlt.FH,.H ..t:'1JU1lfTT"' ~ D"" A S T A.-J!...~-.lli2!~H) L ronm --- ~'U_--[(Jfs-- ~~ . NAME 9.~ QW.N4,..'DDR.H.r..:::~.H..!d!JPTJOl'LOF PROf.ERTY A~__--.lli.fQ.RMAT.J..Qli_.t<c, VAlU _ . MI"AG' ,~~X_E.i - . .-.-.------....---.. - .-.--,-- _.... --.--.--- -'~--~-~-~-~~-----___~...___ .~_..1tLr_~ .__~,~.~~I. DB ~3 ~~ 0' 2' 000 OO~O ~~- 00000 CE:Qf\R" RIDGE , It~ I ~AND 60~350 FED DEPOSIT INS CORP RECV'R ~t~H'vIDGE COMMERCE PARK r .UILDGS~ FOR SUNRISE SAV . LOAN ASSN TR D ~ OOTOTAL 60~3~01 28~ PEACHTREE CTR AVE NE . 600~/YR" ORB 705~ P 0109 ATLANTA GA 3030J ACRES '3.~3 JTf~S r~ON.EX-YAL NON EX TAX EnAIDD DEBT SWA/DD ~AINT LI8~AR'" TOTA' CO MUNIC TAX 08 ~3 ~~ OS II CEDAIl IUDelE & HIelH IlIDGE tONNElltE PAIlK 08 ~3 ~~ 09 II 000 0010 tEDAIl IlIDGE tONNUNITY ASSN INttEDAR IlIDGE & , 10YNTON DEV tOIlP HIGH RIDGE COHHERCE PARK ~6" SHEIlIDAN ST . ~65 TR A HOLLYWOOD FL J3021SALE YR 00 ORI 0000 P 0000 ORI ' 0016 P - 00~8 P'C 09~ AtllES _., l-766-9JJ'5 ~~ILAND o ~UILDGS, OorTllTAL C081 FEN YAL 5CH VAL '2' 7, 'O~OFEH TAX ----., 0, 06JOlSCH TAl( 1 ~~~/J 125 .25 iOTAL p...........-.....-......-..-- -. --. - -1-' !TENS NOIHK:;AL - - ~~~ - ~x' ~~~ - - ~~~;~~. ~~;T - ~~~;~~. ~~i~~ -.. ~i;;~~I-' T' - - - -"I ~~~~~ - ~~ - -co - - ~~~i~i- ~~~ -. 'i~~~~~ - ;~~~~,. ,PG-TOT'SCHOOL ~ non 72~,01 ,00 212.00 i: PG-TOT.GEHERAL ~ 1201' ',1.18 .00 ,00 ,po 1~~7.2' 60~,67 20",92 i O"'OA S TAT E OF FLOR I OA llTGlIU!rlfElI1:."'l'llQPERTY TAX''''l1lU.'-'-'.''. ~ IEAtH COUNTY Cyt'~0GENlf' "",';-ua NAME QF OWNER, Aj:lDU$LQ1.H:!J}>:rJ-::ONOF.~Q!ERTY. AND OTFlE@'Lttl.ORMATION'. -~...-=-~.-VlUJES.._ M''''O' ,~~)(ES "rmf" ,---- - . - _.._-~-~------~_.- ~-~ --~_t~~-~..~~~~I 08 ~3 ~, OS 2' 000 0020 FDIt IlEtv'R FOR SUNRISE CEDAR RIDGE & ~' ~~AND 125 ','O~~EH TAX SAVINGS & LOAN HIGH IlIDGE COHHERCE PARK 0 UILDGS[ ~~'0,06J~CH TAX 5150 NIlZEL TINE NlliL DR . 190 TR I ,0 OlAL ,/' 2..5./ OIlLANDO rL J2822SALE YR 92 OR8", 7 P OOJ~ ' , ____-- P'C 057 ACRES 1,6' 2-166'535-~ 08 ~J ~5 OS 21 000 0030 CONDOR INV OF PALH lEACH COUNTY INt , SCOTT ET AL ~~OO P G A ILVD . 500 PALN IEAtH GAil DENS FL tEDAR RIDGE & HIGH RIDGE COHHERCE PARK TR C JJ~'OSALE YR 53 ORI 7~6' P '318 P'C 055 ACRES ~. " 2-166'S~5'S 08 ~J ~~ 09 2\ 000 OO~O CONDOIl INV OF PALH lEACH COUNTY INC , SCOTT ET AL ~~OO P G A ILVD . SOD PAL" lEACH GARDENS FL CEDAR RIDGE & HIGH RIDGE COHHERCE PARK TR 0 JJ~10SALE YR 93 ORI 7~6' P ,J88 PIC 000 ACRES 'J.~J 2-766-551 -3 08 ~J ~~ OS 2' DOl OOtO CONDOR INV OF PAL" lEACH tOUNTY INC , SCOTT ET AL ~~OO P G A ILVD . '00 PAL" lEACH GARDENS ~L CEDAR RIDGE & HIGH RIDGE COHHERCE PARK LT I ILK I J3~10SALE YR'J ORI 7'61 P 1318 pcC 000 ACRES ,33 2-766-''''2 <:081 "EN VAL, 5CH VAL, ~~ 1 LAND ~ ilUILDGS' ,XOoliOTAL ICOBl liEN YAL. 5CH VAL ~~I~AND iD IIUILDGS, ,XO~OTAL leal: GEN VAL 5CH VAL ~~ 'LANO 10 IIUILDGS !XOorrOTAL 12' In TOTAL c.. '-i~ 7, 'O~ojGEN TAX -- lO,0630$CH TAX 1~53 9,63 , 3. 62 a, ~~9~UN I' .~, 1353 13'3 TOTAL .. 60~3~~ 1,\0~~EN TAX ..,-~ '0.06301scH TAX 60~3~0 3~,10 ~293,31 60a, . '8 a, ~5.'3"'UH 5112.38 60~350 60~350 TorAL 15~81.27 18000 7, , O~~EN TAX \ 27.88 10.063 CH TAX 181. I~ 18000 Icoa ~EN VAL ,.~8.~553"'UN 5CH VALr,__.~8000 ,,-' 152.27 'TO:AL ~61. 2~ - - . - - . - .. . - -. - . - - .; ~~~~. - ~~~:~~:;~~ -. . - ~~~ - ~~ - ~~~ . . ~~~;~~ - ~~~~. ~~~~~~ - ~~ i~~' .. ~ i ~~~~.._.. .. - -- ~~~~~. ~~ - -- - . ~~~i ~ . ~~~ - - - ~~~~~. ~~~~~ . ,PC-TOT'SCHOOL ~ 6nln 6216,3~ ,00 .00 PG.TOT'GENERAL ~ 6nln ~~30,82 .00 .00 ,00 10707.16 5276,10 '~9a3,l6 ._----------_."----~ --- . CfJ ~~~ <Cj~ 00<- ~~~ u~c.n ~ . .t\~ ta" \Y~ '" r.: C z 5 o :: ~ '" \l ~ :: u o ... ~ ~ ~ Q ~ '" '< ~ ~ '" ~ '" z o ~ u 5 u '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ "" "" ,< . .