APPLICATION 03/17/97 MON 16:29 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE ~OOl O~^~ AGlU'e'A1SNT - 0)'. SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rir.hllrd K ~llrl'~ JC'thn L 1'Iry"'" Jr. J. Ricl1.,,..\ 11311;' .lohll M. .!or~Jl!lell Dnnna .\. Nade~\l f<.aymnm1 W. KoyCe Klc",ill M.. W:,gnet U ELECQPIER T ~~~ rn @ ~ 0 w rn JnI' MAR , 7 1991 ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Rot'l\'lil C. S<.:oll. (1925 -19M2) DATE: 3/17/97 TO: Mike Rumpf TBl.ECOPIER NUMBER: 375-6U90 TOT AI.. NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUD1NG THIS PAGE: J. Richclrd Harris (561) 624.3533 L~~ '\ . 7 FROM: Our Telecopier Number: RE OR NOTE: 1 am enclosing copy of the drainage agreemer1t exeCllted in May of 1996. I have a hand written note in my file indicating that Joe Basile retained two executed copies - one for his file and the other to he provided to the Clty. Let\...,m~ know if you need anything further in regard to this matter. Thanks - Rick. FILE # 10099 ...PLBASE DEliVER IMMEDlA1EL Y*** Telephone rmmber in case of transmission error: 1 (561) 624-3900 THe INFORMTlOll ClJMTAIIIED III TillS TRANSIIISSIDII 1$ ATTORtlEY PIlI'/ILEGED AlII) CCIIflD"MnAl. IT IS UITENOED ONLY FOR TIE ust: OF T~ ..lnvtOUAL Olt EIITlTY lIMED AJ(NE. IF TilE ItE.lllER Of THIS MESSAGE IS 1101 TIE I.JEIIIED RECIPIE11, YW ME 8EIl IIOTIFIED lMAT AII'I DISSEMIIlATHlIl, DISTRllUTlDII 01 copy OF THIS COlIKJIIIcAnDII IS STRICTLY JPlOHIBlTO. IF YOU HAVE REcEIVED THIS tDIIU1l1CATlOtl IN I!fdtOR, PLEASE lIOTlFY US I~IATELY BY TREPHONE COl.lECT AND 1tE1UR1l TRE ORIGIIIAL MESSAGE TO us AT TIlE AII01/E ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAl. SERVl(%. WE VIll REIIllMlRSE YllU FOR I:XP'ENSES. THANIt YW. 4400 PGA aL VD., SUITE 800 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 03/17/97 MON 16:30 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE ~002 AGREEMENT ~9NCERNING DRAINAGE THIS AGRE~ENT (hereina~ter referred to as "Agreement II), is made this 3 J :JJ day of Mt:l~ ' 1996, by and between CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT C RPORATION, with an a.ddress of 1222 Sandpiper Lane, Lantana, Florida 33462, a Florida corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Cedar Ridge"), its successors and assigns, and CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., a Florida. corporation, with an address of 430 North "G" Street, Lake worth, Florida 33460 (hereinafter referred to as "Condor"), and LAKE WORTB CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY, INC., a. Florida corporation not-far-profit, with an address of 7592 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (hereinafter referred to as "LWC"), its successors and assigns. RECITALS A. Condor owns certain properties (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"), more particularly described as: All Parcels and Lots established by the Plat of CEDAR RIDGE, a P . U . D. , and HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, a,P.I.D., recorded in Plat Book 46, at Page sa, of the Public Records ot Palm Beach County, Florida. B. Cedar Ridge has contracted to purchase certain Of the properties within the Project. C. LWC is the owner and operator of the Lake Worth Christian School and is the lessee of that certain property (herein called the "School ~roperty") more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a pare hereto. In addition to its rightS as a lessee of the School Property, LWC has an option to purchase the SchOOl Property. D. The School Property is located adjacent to additional property owned by LWC and adjacent to the Project. LWC intends to develop the School Property as a part of the school operated by LWC and, more particularly, LWC intends to develop the School Property as its athletic fields and such other amenities as are customary and usual to athletic fields. E. LWe, Cedar Ridge. and Condor have reached certain agreements whereby the School Property will be included in the drainage plans and drainage system for the Project so that draina.ge 03/17/97 MON 16:30 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT, ROYCE ~003 Of water runo!! from the School Property will be collected and transmitted through the drainage system for the Project and such water runoff and drainage from the School Property will be transported to such retention areas and other drainage structures as are approved by the South Florida Water Management District and the City Of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the Project and as are constructed by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor within the Project and by LWC within the School ~roperty. F _ The drainage structures and facilities constructed by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor within the project and by LWC on the School Property will be maintained by a separate property owners association established by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor and such separate property owners association will establish a budget which includes the cost and expense of maintaining such drainage structures, and such property owners association will assess its members for their e~tablished pro rata share of its annual budget. G. Cedar Ridge, Condor and LWC have reached agreement concerning the matters set forth in these Recitals and intend, by this instrument, to set torth such agreements in writing. NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by both parties, Cedar Ridge. Condor and LWC hereby agree and declare that they will abide by the terms of this Agreement as set torth hereafter. 1. In designing the drainage plan and drainage system for the Project, and in seeking necessary approvals of the Project !rom the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and in seeking its surface water management permit from the South Florida Water Management District, Cedar Ridge and Condor will cooperate with LWC and its consultants and include within its drainage plan the drainage structures and facilities necessary to accommodate all drainage of the School property. 2. Cedar Ridge and Condor will be solely and completely responsible for che construction and installation of the necessary drainage facilities and structures within the ~roject; and, LWC will be solely and completely responsible for the construction and installation of the necessary drainage facilities and structures within the School property. 3. Cedar Ridge and Condor will be responsible for creating and establishing a property owner5 association whose members will be owners of lots, parcelS I and residences within the Proj ect . Cedar Ridge and 'Condor will also be ~esponsible for establishing 03/17/97 MON 16:31 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT ,ROYCE ~004 covenants and restrictions encumbering the project that require owners of lots, parcels, and residences to be members of the property owners association; gives the property owners association authority and responsibility to maintain the drainage facilities and structures wi thin the Proj ect ; and requires each of such members of the property owners association to pay an established share of the expenses of the property owners association, including the cost of maintaining the drainage structures and facilities within the Project. 4. LWC agrees that when the property owners association is established, and when the covenants and restrictions referred to in paragraph 3 hereof are recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LWC will prepare and record a covenant encumbering the School Property that provides that sO long as the drainage of the School Property is in accordance with the drainage plans for the Project and so long as drainage and runoff for the School Property is transported through and into the drainage structures and f~cilities within the Project, LWC, its successors and assigns owning the School Property, will be a member of the property owners association, with the following limited rights and limited obligations: (i) LWC will have the right to vote only as to any matter concerning the drainage facilities and structures within the Project; and (ii) LWC will be assessed by the property owners association a percentage of the costs and expenses budgeted by the property owners association for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the drainage structures and facilities within the project, which percentage will be mutually established and agreed to by LWC, Cedar Ridge, and Condor. 5. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 6. All notices, both oral and written, that are required. under this Agreement shall be timely supplied to: As to Cedar Ridge: Joseph F. Basile, Jr.. Director Cedar Ridge Development Corp., Inc. 1222 Sandpiper Lane Lantana, FL 33462 Telephone: (407) 582-6929 Facsimile: (407) 582-2315 With Copies to: Dennis P. Koehler, Esquire Dennis P. Koehler, P.A. Congress Business Center 1280 North Congress Ave., St. 213 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone: (407) 684-2844 Facsimile: (407) 684-9370 03/17/97 MON 16:31 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE ~005 AS to Condor: Condor Investments ot Palm Beach County, Inc. c/o James Vanderwoude 430 North "G" Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Telephone: (407) 588-3854 Facsimile: (~07) 585-5574 with Copies to: J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Earra ~ Jorgensen, P.A. 4400 PGA Boulevard, Suite 800 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Telephone: (407) 624-3900 Facsimile: (407) 624-3533 AS to LWC: Lake Worth Christian School society, Inc. 7592 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Telephone: (407) 586-8216 Facsimile: (407) 586 -4382 With Copies to: J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott, Royce, Harris, et aI. 4400 PGA Boulevardl St. 800 Palm Beach Gdns., FL 33410 Telephone: (407) 624-3900 Facsimile: (407) 624 -3533 7. This Agreement shall not be extinguished, enlarged, modified, or replaced except by written consent of both parties I and shall be binding upon any successors and assigns until so extinguished, enlarged, modified or replaced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cedar Ridge, Condor and LWC have executed or caused this Agreement to be duly executed this ~/~r day of ~QY , 1995. BY: DEVELOPMENT (CORPORATE SBAL} 03/17/97 MON 16:32 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE ~006 BY: CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH CO? IN~'~ia ~A-_lii~' A. V""""djt:!R- (.A...:OuO...... u/ t..'o! ~~l'?tt.SC (CORPORATE SEAL) LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY, INC. BY: &~ ~ !ts: ~re5jd~V/t (CORPORATE SElU.) 03./17/97 MON 16:32 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE ~007 .\ 1\ fI E~h.. \-\- &. l LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PARCEL 2 ) A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOTS 35 THRU 45. PAFlCEL "e". FOREST COURT AND A PORTION OF FOREST ROAD LYING IN THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.O & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK. A P.I.O. AS RECOROED IN PLAT BOOK 46. PAGES 56 THRU 61. PUBLIC RECOROS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICIJLA~L y i.JESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNE.A OF SAID PARCEL "6-, SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT OF CEDAR RIOGE, A p.u.b. II HIGH ~IOGe: COUMERCE PARK, A 1'.1.0.; THENCE NORTH 88<'45'58- EAST AlONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID PLAT, A DISTANCE OF 39.82 FEET TO A POtNT ON TIE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAlO PLAT AND THE WEST LINE OF THE SEABOANJ AIR LINE RNI.AOAO; THENCE SOUTH 01.12'~ EAST AlONG SAiD EAST BOlINOAm' UHe AND WEST RIGHT ..oF-WAY UNE. A DISTANCE OF 1838.28 FeET 10 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4I5~ THENCE NORTH 51"'<<l"'t8""-WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 46, A OISTANCE OF 261.30 FEETlC) A POINT ON THe SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FOREST ROAD AS SHOYM ON SAID PLAT OF CEOAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. II HIGH RiDGE COI&tERCE PARK. A P.I.O. SAID POINT BeiNG A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWeSTERLY. HAVING A AAOIUS OF 85.00 FeeT, A CENTRAl ANGLE OF 5PC3"1 ~ AND A CHiOAD BEARING OF SOUTH $1 '"Qe'22'" WEST: THENCE weSTEAL Y AlONG lHE ARC OF SAID' CURVE. A DISTANCE Of 85.83 FEET TO A POINT OF TNlGENCY; THENCE SOUTH goooo'OO" WEST AlONG SAlD SOUTttERL v RIGHT-OF-WAY LItE. It OIST ANeE OF 91.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00000'<<1' EAST. A DISTANCe OF eo.co FEET; THENCE NORTH 9QOOO'OO WEST, A DiSTANCE OF 13.27 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAJO L.OT 35; THeNCE NORTH 00000'00 EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAIO LOTS 35 THFlU 38. A OtSTANCE Of 4SO 12 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAtO L~TS 3S AND 38; THENCE NORTH 88"~1~. EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAtO LOTS :39 AND 40. A Dt8TANCE OF 315. t3 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Of= SNO PARCEL "S-; THENCE NORTH 00-05_ EAST ALONG THE WESTCRl. Y UNE OF SAlO PARCEL "8-. A 0tST ANCE OF 1318.08 FEET TO THE AFOREOESCR18EO POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAtNING 6.376 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SURVEYOR'S NOTES NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC FlEC~OS WAS MADE BY THIS OFFICE. LANDII DESIGN SOUTH Congress Business Center t 1280 No. Congress Ave., ( ""5 WEST PALM BEACH, FL;,v ,.)9 [1rnulJl~w ( "'-;:::1 :J u~[m@UYAJDuu&[1 (561) 478-8501 FAX (561) 478-5012 DATE 2/13/97 ATTENTION Jerry Lewiski RE: Cedar JOB NO. 432.1 100 east Boynton Beach Boulevard TO City of Boynton Boynton Beach, FL 33435 D Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints D Change order IZI Plans OAlivAry D Samples the following items: D Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU > IXI Attached D Under separate cover via D COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2/13/97 Master plan . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Resubmit copies for approval copies for distribution D For your use D Submit D As requested D Returned for corrections D Return corrected prints > D For review and comment D D FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Received by: \.s~ ~~ d-~ ~ Date: (~ ~-el-. \ ~ J<1'1'l Released bY:~~ ~ Date: I(!~/a ) I .. COPY TO SIGNED: Conrad Smith If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND AUTHORIZATION Comes now your Affiant, JAMES VANDERWOUDE, as Vice President of CONDOR INVESTMENT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., who deposes and says: 1. That your Affiant, in his capacity as Vice President and stockholder of the aforesaid Florida corporation, owns the property more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" in fee simple. 2. That the warranty Deeds attached hereto collectively as Exhibit "B" are true and correct copies of the instruments by which title was taken to the properties described in the said Exhibit "A." 3. That your Affiant, in his capacity as Vice President and stockholder of the aforesaid Florida corporation, has the power to authorize and does hereby affirm and ratify his grant of authority to CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, by and through its agent DENNIS P. KOEHLER, P.A., to act as the agents of the said corporation in all matters relating to the Affiant's Applications to the City of Boynton Beach, FL to modify a previously-approved master site development plan and plat for the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. PALM J STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH } The foregoing instrument was ~ day of ~(~~~~r , 1994, and that he/she is me or who has pro uced and who did (did not) take an oath. NOTARY SEAL k(,-~ "f\.~ Notary P~blic, State of Florida Commission No. My commission expires: This Instrument prepared By: ~~A<;" PGl~ KATHY NUG .. l!; COMMISSION # CC ~~~543 EXPIRES J \)OF r~~ Atlantic BondV;g18~ 1~97 800-732-2245" nc. DENNIS P. KOEHLER, ESQ, DENNIS P. KOEHLER, P.A. 1280 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 213 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 684-2844 Facsimile (407) 684-9370 v. ~.. .-'v J . . I , ......0..1. ...,_ ~"..J" RETURN TO: w/e #32) J. . RICHARD BARRIS, ESQ. 4400 PGA Blvd., Suite 900 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 : JAN-22-1993 12: 16rm 93-019681 ORB 7561 P'3 1388 ( II I I 111111 II .11. II' III Con 2,075,000.00 Doc 14,525~ . . THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Daniel P. Hansen, Esquire Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. P.O. Box 725003 Orlando, FL 32872-5003 407-858-3300 ORE: Highridge Comrr.erce QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE ::r:ade this I')."il\ day Of~ilu.~ ,1993, by the FEDE~..L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORA':' ION , s Ma ager of FSLIC RESOLUTION FUND, as Receiver for Sunrise Savings and Loan Association, and SU1~-OP, INC., a Florida corporation, whose address is P.O. Box 725003, Orlando, FL 32872-5003, hereinafter called the Grantor, to CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COlJNTY, INC., a Florida corporation, Hhose tax identification nun:.ber is 65-0287208, and whose address is Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan & Hyland, 4400 P.G.A. Boulevard, Suite 900, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410, hereinafter called the Grantee. When used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee", include all parties to this ir.strument, their heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations. WITNESSETH: Tha~ the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND 00/10 OTHS DOLLARS ( $10. 00) and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the Grantee, receipt and sufficiency hereof is hereby acknO\vledgeq, does hereby remise, release and forever quit claim unto the Grantee, their/his/her heirs and assigns, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real property situated in Palm Beach County, state of Florida, to-wit: . ~" THIS DEED IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY (WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED), AND GRANTOR DOES NOT WARRANT TITLE TO THE REAL PROPERTY HEREBY CONVEYED. 01:1"\:93 11:5i U.,\Oi 282 Jlo':it) fill <; Lc<;AL ~UIJ~ ORB 7561 P<3 1389 .- TOGEnrER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anyWise appertaining. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~~e Gr~~tor has caused L~esa presents to be signed by its Attorneys-In-Fact this J..:t!:'day of ~r\L.X:l...V1 1 I ~9 9 3 _ . J FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, as Manager of FSLIC RESOLUTION FUND as Receiver for sunrise savings and Loan ASSQCiation~ . By~~ ~i ... . '-", ,"7". .'" ~\' Nfull_. f. Et H. f'i\L,~, ~;'.':~ .!.ts: Attorney-In-Fact P.O. Box 725003 Orlando, FL 32872-5003 WI'rN"ESSES: pri:~~~ _ Pr in Name: ___.S[s_!:.Y::!.. ...~3:_,. ~:K~ r-'\. d~0 4Ltf~.~ --- ---'-'- ..-------- Print Name:_;:fR9~ '. j.t'I.~y__ .7~__. _ Print Name: ,RNfYlE:.SI1 UD\LAD,(:) SUN-OP, INC., a Florida cqrpQrati.~.. . By: CS. Name: c..~ f;'. () Its: Pt<.t:SlDE;NT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE 1: 'HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ~day of 00S"\l)~, ~993, before me personally appeared -.1::~_'0.-!ffi~~~~ -r I as Attorney-In-Fact for FEDERP..L DEPOSIT INSUR.L.NC CORPOR~TION, as Manager of FSLIC RESOLUTION ~~, as Receiver for sunrise savings 'and Loan AS~siation, to me known personally or who has produced as ide~tification and who signed the 'foregoiii-g-rnst eriE-and acknowledged the ,execution thereof to be his/her free act and deed for the uses ar.d purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Orlando, Florida in the County of orange.' .."r.r.~"A~'", !:Plrltl A_ ~,,(::~,~:~:,~':~:1 '-""- It. /tf\ ~~';..~:i.:~:::I,::i' ;::~' ~.'; 1 ~r.;:;~2 ,. . .... ...' I..... . ,J, "..IY ..J. l<i!)ll :::::f'~.~{:~-:J~';~~'/ r;r.:.::: ',k"i ,~,,~t P6:bllc UndcrMit8rs prin~d.!.~~.- . NOTARY PUBLIC .. My Comnission Expires: (NOTARIAL SEAL) 01 " 1-1 " 93 l1:B 'a.Wi 282 0180 FDIC LEGAL ~003 . ' ^ r' ORB 7561 Ps 1390 . STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF ~ I lIEREBY CERTIFY, .that on ttis of ~ ' 1993, bef"P^o~~~~:~~~~=.=-__:~.~:~~_~~____ .J for SUN-OF, INC_', a: Florida corporation, to me knoTdTI personally or who has produced as identification and who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his/her free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my signature and official seal at the County of Orange. Nota.ry Public, Rockda!e COUtity, C::mgia My Commissi~n Expiie" DGc/'r;::);HI1 1';']3 My co!tlnlission 3 U I I -IH;S I I : I H .O..JUI ;:r,~ .)I:)U I'U I \.,. 1.1:"\J."\ 1. .",...v... . '. r ORe, 7561 p~ 1391 EXHIBIT MAn I ALL OF THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE I A P. U. D & HIGH RIDGE COKMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., ACCORDING TO THE p~ THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF 'I'BE CLERK OF 'l'HE CIRCUI'r COURT IN AND FOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, AT PAGES 58 THROUGH 61~ AND THE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY I FLORIDA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 9, BLOeX 1, OF THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P. U . D. " InGH lUDGE CQHMERCE PARK, A P. I .0., ACCORDING ro THE PLAT r.rnEREOF ON PILE IN THE OFFICE OF' THE CLERK OF" THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLU BOOK 46, AT PAGES 58 THROUGH 61, AS THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL, PROCEED NORTH 88 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 14- SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 542.99 FE~i THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF lS FEET~ THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 45 ~NOTES 14 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 542.99 FEET TO A P.R.M. SET 15 FEET NORTH OF THE POIN'!' OF BEGItmING AND SHOWN ON THE HEREIN REFERENCED PLAT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MlNUTES 00 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 15 FEE'r TO THE POINT OF. BEGINNING. j. .. , "Il> ..... PROPERTY CONTROL NOS: 08-43-45-09-21-002-0010 08-43-45-09-21-002-0020 08-43-45-09-21-002-0030 08-43-45-09-21-002-0040 08-43-45-09-21-002-0050 08-43-45-09-21-002-0060 08-43-45-09-21-002-0070 08-43-45-09-21-002-0080; 08-43-45-09-21-002-0090 08-43-45-09-21-002-0100 08-43-45-09-21-002-0110 08-43-45-09-21-002-0120 08-43-45-09-21-002-0130 08-43-45-09-21-002-0140 08-43-45-09-21-002-0150 08-43-45-09-21-002-0160 08-43-45-09-21-002-0170 08-43-45-09-21-002-0180 08-43-45-09-21-002-0190 08-43-45-09-21-002-0200 08-43-45-09-21-000-0030 08-43-45-09-21-000-0040' ORb 7561 P9 1392 RECORD VERIFIED DOROTHY H WILKEN CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL J 08-43-45-09-21-001-0010 08-43-45-09-21-001-0020 08-43-45-09-21-001-0030 08-43-45-09-21-001-0040 08-43-45-09-21-001-0050 08-43-45-09-21-001-0060 08-43-45-09-21-001-0070 08-43-45-09-21-001-0080 08~43-45-09-21-001-0090 08~43-45-09-21-001-0100 08-43-45-09-21-001-0110 08-43-45-09-21-001-0120 08-43-45-09-21-001-0130 08-43-45-09-21-001-0140 08-43-45-09-21-001-0150 08-43-45-09-21-001-0160 08-43-45-09-21-001-0170 08-43-45-09-21-001-0180 08-43-45-09~21-001-0190 08~43-45-09-21-001-0200 08-43-45-09-21-001-0210 08-43-45-09-21-001-0220 08-43-45-09-21-001-0230 08-43-45-09-21-001-0240 08-43-45-09-21-001-0250 08-43-45-09-21-001-0260 08-43-45-09-21-001-0270 08~43-45-09-21-001-0280 08~43-45-09-21-001-0290 08-43-45-09-21-001-0300 08-43-45-09-21-001-0310 08~43-45-09-21-001-0320 08-43-45-09-21-001-0330 08~43-45-09-21-001-0340 08-43-45-09-21-001-0350 08-43-45-09-21-001-0360 08-43-45-09-21-001-0370 08-43-45-09-21-001-0380 08-43-45-09-21-001-0390 08-43-45-09-21-001-0400 08-43-45-09-21-001-0410 08-43-45-09-21-001-0420 08-43-45-09-21-001-0430 08-43-45-09-21-001-0440 08-43-45-09-21-001-0450