CORRESPONDENCE 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FlORIDA 33435-{)Jl0 (305) 734-8111 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Office of the City Engineer June 17, 1986 Southern Senior Group z/o Health Care Associates P.O. Box 9019 Winter Haven, Fl 33883 Re: Stanford Park, Boynton Beach, Fl., Required Improvements to Hypoluxo Road Gentlemen: Forwarded herewith is a copy of a letter from Charles R. Walker Jr., P.E., Director, Traffic Division of Palm Beach County dated May 16, 1986 and a copy of a letter dated August 4, 1983 from the County Engineer. Palm Beach County has approved the proposed improvements and you are requested to proceed with the required improvements as soon as possible. Said improvements are to be coordinated with the improvements and turn lanes to be constructed by the Developers of Cedar Ridge P.U.D. and High Ridge P.U.D. The referenced improvements are a part of the bonded improve- ments covered by the Insurance Co. of North America, Bond # MNR KO-19-78-85-8 in the amount of $655,000.00. A response to the above request is requested as soon as possible. Please advise if you have any questions concerning the above. Very truly yours, BOYNTO~~ Thomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer TAC:ck Attach. cc: Mike Schorah, P.E. Charles R. Walker, P.E. Carmen Annunziato Bud Howell ~ CITY of .) _t.._- .. 'A~""".J r::. -. -~ :y.f/u,u;..J i . <:' ~=.t:.~~r2:=:8n'R~ I! '~~l: BOYNTON BEAC'~E,o,^vENuE'~~~~~:~r!} L~ c.,>. P.O. BOX310 . ~~'-'5>- BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~310 <"- ~.:~-c:~. : . ;,.~,~.~ (305)734-8111 Office of the City Engineer June 17, 1986 Mr. David B. Mankuta Attorney at Law 4651 Sheridan Street Suite 465 Hollywood, Fl 33021 Re: Intersection Improvements at Hypoluxo Road Dear Mr. Mankuta: Forwarded herewith is a copy of a letter received from Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E., Director, Traffic Division of Palm Beach County dated May 16, 1986 which is self- explanatory. Reference is also made to a letter dated August 4, 1983 from the County Engineer, copy attached. The referenced turn lanes required at the subject inter- section are bonded improvements required for the subdivi- sion, Cedar Ridge P.U.D. and High Ridge P.D.D. (Union Indemnity Ins. Co. of New York, Bond #59660 for $27,000.00) Please proceed with the proposed c~nst~uction which has been approved by the County subject to coordination with the improvements required to be done by the Stanford Park subdivision. . A response to this letter is requested as soon as possible. Please advise if you have any questions concerning the above. Very truly yours, F BOYN$~ Tomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer TAC:ck Attach. cc: Charles R. Walker, P.E., Co. Traffic Engineer Ralph D. Denuzzio & Assoc., Inc. Bud Howell, Bldg. Official Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director .f ~/ Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Jerry L. Owens, Vice Chairman Ken Spillias Dorothy Wilken Kenneth M, Adams County Administrator ] ohn c. Sansbury May 16, 1986 Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert Count} Engineer SUBJECT: HYPOLUXO ROAD AND HIGH RIDGE ROAD.- TURN LANES i U I -.;j ~-' ~ ' C::(~V ~~ . . r,JG It ~J'.r (/1 Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boy ton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boy ton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. Clark: As you are aware, the city has a number of developer commitments for geometric improvements at the subject intersection. Traffic volumes on both reads have increased to the point that these turn lane improvements are now necessary. I would request that you take whatever action is needed to require the developers to accomplish these improvements. Please advise me as to the status of this matter. If I can be of any assistance in expediting this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER MJiyl/1L-- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:lam BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 . (305) 684-4000 DAVID B. MANKUTA ATIORNEY AT LAW 4651 SHERIDAN STREET SUITE 465 HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 (305) 989-8500 DADE: 620-5660 RECEIVED OCT 91984 f~I.'I ., L!';\<;~ii;.G DEPT. ~\..;.,.,...\IV~ - October 4, 1 984 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Cedar Ridge Dear Mr. Annunziato: This will serve to confirm our conversation of last week wherein I advised you that William Gardiner and Bohemian Savings and Loan are not moving forward in the acquisition of Cedar Ridge and, accordingly, you may disregard any pending applications for site plan modification or replatting. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, DBMjhdg DAVID B. MANKUTA AITORNEY AT LAW 4651 SHERIDAN STREET SUITE 465 HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 (305) 989-8500 DADE: 620-5660 ~ !l.r. .;;.:;"IrT...._ J1.~~".!~.\, ~f--..'~' ~\f ~c_ ID ~ ''-;''-''~_i~t " ~b_~~; OCT [) 1984 ,.':' 'v'"'">.,. ~ \"'.. L, .c.~~ .I.. .) . ,,'- { ':, .... ,:~~ ' '--~'~----- October 4, 1984 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Cedar Ridge Dear Mr. Annunziato: This will serve to confirm our conversation of last week wherein I advised you that William Gardiner and Bohemian Savings and Loan are not moving forward in the acquisition of Cedar Ridge and, accordingly, you may disregard any pending applications for site plan modification or replatting. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, < . ....._-.~- \" \ .'\' '~---/. '~ L____/lij] DAVID B. MANKUTA DBMjhdg €o4eHdM S~ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PHONE: (314) 352-3100 ORGANIZED 1884 August 22, 1984 City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 N.E. 2 Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attention: Mr. Annunziato Reference: Cedar Ridge P.U.D. Sit Plan Modification Dear Mr. Annunziato: Attached are proposed changes to the water, sewer, storm drainage and utility easements necessary to accommodate the proposed changes in the site plan. Upon approval of the modified site plan, our engineer will submit complete and detailed engineering drawings and specifications for all of this work. Very truly yours, C71/ ~ William A. iner Gibraltar ervice Corporation Subsidiary of Bohemiam Savings and Loan Association WAG/pt Attachments ~A\ .Ulllll. or,....t 5~ MAIN OFFICE - Gravois at Morgan/ord, St. Louis, Missouri 63116 ARSENAL OFFICE - 6201 Arsenal Street, S!. Louis, Missouri 63139 FENTON OFFICE - 558 Gravois Road, Fenton, Missouri 63026 PLAZA 21 OFFICE -11624 Tesson Ferry Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63128 August 22, 1984 City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 N.E. 2 Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attention: Mr. Annunziato Reference: Cedar Ridge P.U.D. Master Plan ~odification The Cedar Ridge Master Plan ~lodification affects the following: 1. The utility easement located along the southern boundary will be vacated while the drainage easement will remain. Thus, the remaining drainage easement will be located within the standard forty-foot (40') bU1TIding setback. 2. The utility easement vacated from the southern boundary will be moved and relocated to the north approximately one-hundred five feet (105'). 3. The boundary line separating parcel "D" from parcel "C" will be relocated to the east in metes and bounds by approximately fifty feet (50') to one-hundred feet (100'). 4. The multi-family building architecture will be redesigned to offer four, five, or six dwelling-unit buildings. All parking will occur in the open in parking lots or on the private streets. 5. The approved dead-end street right-of-way intersecting the eastern terminus of Cedar Ridge Road will be replatted to reflect the contiguous and surrounding multi-family use. 6. The buildings shown within the southwestern corner of the multi-family site (on the master plan) will be situated to accommodate and preserve as many of the existing and healthy trees as is possible. 7. Recreational facilities will be increased numerically with 1 of 2 August 22, 1984 Mr. Annunziato Cedar Ridge P.U.D. ~aster Plan Modification the inclusion of a swimming pool, a tennis court, and a lake all in addition to the originally planned tot lot, picnic areas, passive parks, and jogging trail. All other previously approved elements of the multi-family pod shall remain unmodified, shall be retained in this master plan sketch, and shall meet or exceed existing city code requirements. All proposed modifications shall meet or exceed existing city code requirements. If I may be of any help in answering questions regarding this modification, or in clarifying any point, please do not hesi- tate in calling me. Respectfully Clif Leisinger, ASLA (Authorized Agent) For: Gibraltar Service Corporation of Boynton Beach Mr. William Gardiner, Director 10030 N.W. 6 Court Suite 12 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 LEISINGER & COfvlPANY 200 De Sota Road, West Palm Beach, Fl. 33405 (305) 582-5960 2 of 2 August 22, 1984- f-jr. Annunziato Cedar Ridge P.U.D. Master Plan Modification ADDENDUM In addition to the seven elements affected by the proposed modification to the master plan presented on page 1 of this letter, the Cedar Ridge Master Plan Modification further affects the following: 11. 8. The lake and associated drainage structures under the jurisdiction of the South Florida Water Management District will be constructed according to the existing standards set forth by that agency. 9. All major utility lines within the multi-family pod will be of same size and material as was originally approved. The roadways and parking areas within pod will be private roadways, will be according to existing city standards, tained by a homeowners association. All dwelling units within the multi-family pod will be fee simple townhouses. the multi-family constructed and will be main- 10. submitted, For: Gibraltar Service Corporation of Boynton Beach r-:r. \tJilliam Gardiner, Director 10030 N.W. 6 Court Suite 12 Pembroke Fines, Florida 33024 Board of Count~ Commi""ionns Pl'C~\' B. Evatt. Chairman ~ Ie , }.~~n' Sl'illi;h. Viet Chairman {i /I,tfJ Ih:nni~ P. I(Ot:hler ~ I Dorothy Wilken /, Q 0 Bill Ibil" I\. " \ t/' \~:};- COllnty Adlilini",jr;,t'jf J( ,1;11 C. ~:.:;j': li;\ l I r."/ J. Dcrartment of E:iginecring and PU!Jlic '!Iorks H. F. Ka'1lut County Engineer August 4, 1983 Mr. Thomas A. Clark; P.E., City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 NE 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: .!!YPO!NX9_,~9..~~ ...HIGH-RIDGE--ROAD _-:...PERMIT ~E COMMERC1:AL'-PARK"'-PRO.JE~---->, . """;C'-"--'., "'.',___. ." __.'_._..-------. . j _...:...... .':' ,.~. - Dear Mr. Clark: 160-7B~-~ ~~, I I l I i t j I I ! i I I I t i t The above developments were conditioned by the City to provide roadway improvements (which overlap) to the above roads. The County will permit the improvements, al- - though we request the City require the developments to have the construction done simultaneously. Your favorable response to this matter is appreciated. Please contact James Peters at 684-4083 if you should have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, H. F. Kahlert, P.E. CO\mty Engineer . . / / ~::~ ft: ~<-~f/v; Alan A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division AAK.:JEP:th cc: Tom Twomey, P.E. - Michael B. Schorah & Associates Earl Megathlin, P.E. - Robert E. OWen & Associates ECX 2429 ':,'EST Pj\..L',~ BEACH, FLORIO;\ 3=,.;(;7 r -:.' :.': C31iOOO DAVID B. MANKUTA ATIORNEY AT LAW 4651 SHERIDAN STREET SUITE 465 HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 (305) 989-8500 DADE: 620-5660 January 24, 1984 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Cedar Ridge, PUD Dear Mr. Annunziato: With respect to the above-referenced matter, please accept this as our request to effectuate a minor change to the master plan. If you will recall, the plat for this project provided for a four (4) acre dry retention area. It appears that our former engineers misread the water tables because when the dry retention area was brought to grade there is standing water which will not drain. This is not a desirable situa- tion from our viewpoint and, probably, from the City's view- point. It will never be fully dry and will, therefore, have vegetation growing through the water. Since the dry retention area is a "lake", we propose to modify the master plan to construct the area as a real lake. This will necessitate digging the area out. Enclosed you will find all pertinent engineering data relat- ing to this proposal. We regret the necessity of seeking this change, however, the facts, as they exist, require it. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Should you require any additional information or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, @~KT DBM/hdg Enclosures