REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen s. Annunziato ~ Director of Planning August 24, 1984 RE: Cedar Ridge P.U.D. Proposed Modified site Plan There are a number of things that I question on this proposed modification site plan. 1. Is the fact that the water line that presently goes between two of the industrial parcels, east of the sewer line has not been considered and therefore, there is no loop for this system. 2. The plan does not show where the existing water line coming from Cedar Ridge Road is in relation to the road turning southward. 3. The existing sewer line on the eastern portion of the multi-family unit is ductile iron pipe and there are no laterals to serve any of the five or six loops of the built together units. This will require cutting in ductile iron fittings in order to provide sewer service. 4. They have not addressed how they propose to get water and sewer to and from the tennis area. I will not sign off on this modification until such time as they give me more details so that we know exactly what they plan to do and how! G l~ per~cessna, Director of utilities apt MElvl0RANDUM 28 August 1984 TO: James Vance, Esq. City Attorney FROl>1 : Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: ~~STER PLAN AMENDMENT The current owners of the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD have requested an amendment to the approved master plan to change the multi- family portions from a condominium to an attached unit, fee simple ownership development. In this regard, they have submitted a proposed declaration of restrictions which purport to meet the requirements of Section 6B of Appendix B of the City Code. ~a-o-"66'2- ; z- This item will be presented to the City Council on Scpt9mbQr~, 1984 for a substantial change determination. Please provide for this department, a determination as to consistency with these requirements. ~ ..fL- ~' CARMEN S. ANNUN Z"t'ATO /bks cc: Ci ty l-1anager Central File 1'1EI"IORANDUI'1 1 F~?bn..IClry 1 C?t34 TO: F'et.er L. Cheney City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning RE: CEDAR RIDGE PUD/MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION David Mankuta, agent for Boynton Development Corporation, has requested on behalf of his client, modifications to the previously approved Cedar Ridge Estates PUD. The modifications requested are as follows: 1. A request to be permitted to change the proposed dry storm water retention facility into d lake, with an average seasonal depth of approximately ten feet; and, 2. To adjust the street grades in the single-family detached homes area. The procedure for approving master plan modifications in planned unit developments is two-fold. First, the City Council must make a determination as to whether or not the changes requested are substantial in nature. A determination of substantial change on the part of the City Council which has sole discretion in this matter, would require a new application for PUD. On the other hand, a determination of no substantial change allows the forwarding of he request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board then may approve the request, approve the request with modification or deny the request. This procedure appears in Appendix B, Section 12 of the Code of Ordinances. With respect to the changes requested by Mr. Mankuta, the Technical Review Board met on Tuesday, January 31, 1984, and after review and discussion of the plans submitted, offer for your consideration the following recommf.:?ndr.:\t ion: 1. That the City Council make a finding of no substantial change on the requested modificiation, and that the Planning and Zoning Board approve the request as submitted. /J....,___~ ~r~__ __ _ ___ ~~".lIII""I;;-----""-~,;IIC;.,_;;;,, -..u-~-_.....- CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO . /bk!:;; cc: David Mankuta Technical Review Board C:;(~?rlt.I"'i;",l Fi 1. e R,ErT7r~]lGD ..........~_.. ... . .;L..' JAN '>l 100/ MEMORANDUM ," ":PT PLAN \ '1 'rO~ ~. .Carmen Annuziato, Citv Planner January 30, 1984 - Re: Cedar Ridge Estates PUDI High Ridge PID Utilities have reviewed the proposed modification to the Master Plan, and have no objections or comments. G tl~ perry~sna , Director of Utilities cv Plans Returned