LEGAL APPROVAL Q) .CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 7 November 1983 Mr. David B. Mankuta 4651 Sheridan Street, Suite 465 Hollywood, FL 33021 Dear Mr. Mankuta: On Tuesday, November 1, 1983 the City Council approved Resolution No. 83-HHHH which abandons, in part, the public right-of-way quit claimed to the public in Deed Book 947, pages 25 and 26 (see attached Resolution). This approval completes City action on your request; however, keep in mind that this abandonment is predicated on granting a utility easement over the north ten feet of this abandoned right-of-way. Also, it is our understanding that this abandoned right-of-way will be portioned-off to the adjoining residential lots. This office will be awaiting evidence of these two conditions. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not ~esitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c~v~ Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning /bks Enclosure cc: City Manager Central File J ) ; ~ I , , RESOLUTION NO. 83- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RESERVING UTILITY EASEMENTS THEREIN IN SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED BELOW; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Boynton Development Corporation as owner of certain property located within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, more commonly known as Cedar Ridge Estates Planned Unit Development, has requested the abandonment of the herein- after described right-of-way, and WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments, and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and City Council on the proposed abandonment, and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information that the said right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The City of Boynton Beach, by and through its City Council, does hereby vacate and abandon for right-of- way for streets and roads purposes only, and expressly reserving the rights enumerated in Section 2 below concerning a piece of property located in the City of Boynton Beach, to-wit: The north 15 feet of the north 2/3 of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, in Palm Beach County, Florida, as granted to the public by quit-claim deed dated June 4, 1951 as filed June 5, 1951 in Deed Book 947, page 25 and 26 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 2: The City hereby reserves all public utility easements in the above mentioned property, lying over, under, and through the north ten (10) feet of the above describe property. Section 3: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this , 1983. day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAYOR VICE MAYOR COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER ATTEST: CITY CLERK (Seal) DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim for road right-of-way purposes the following described property situate and located in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: The north 15 feet of the north 2/3 of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, in Palm Beach County, Florida, as granted to the public by quit-claim deed dated June 4, 1951 as filed June 5, 1951 in Deed Book 947, page 25 and 26 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, reserving unto said City an easement over, under, and through the north ten (10) feet of the above described property for public utility purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this day of , 1983. MAYOR - City of Boynton Beach Attest: CITY CLERK (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared and , Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in said State and County this day of 1983. (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: 'I RESOLUTION NO. 83- iff/fir! i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RESERVING UTILITY EASEMENTS THEREIN IN S~ID RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED BELOW; AUTHORIZING THE ~AYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURP::lSES. WHEFEAS, the Boynton Development Corporation as owner of certain prc?erty located within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, more commonly known as Cedar Ridge Estates Planned " I, Unit Development, has requested the abandonment of the herein- !I I: 'I jf after described right-of-way, and WHEFEAS, comments have been solicited from the ,! ij il I' t! II Ii I I 1, appropriate City Departments, and . . WHEFEAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planni~g and Zoning Board and City Council on the proposed abanconment, and WHEPEAS, based on the foregoing information that the said right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. :1 II I' ;1 Ii :1 'I I i I I I I I I I' il ,I 'I ;j :: NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Sec~ion 1: The City of Boynton Beach, by and through its City Council, does hereby vacate and abandon for right-of- way for stree~s and roads purposes only, and expressly reserving the rights en~erated in Section 2 below concerning a piece of property loca~ed in the City of Boynton Beach, to-wit: ;i :! d 'I " , , The north 15 feet of the north 2/3 of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, in Palm Beach County, Florida, as granted to the public by quit-claim deed dated June 4, 1951 as filed June 5, 1951 in Deed Book 947, page 25 and 26 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Sec~ion 2: The City hereby reserves all public utility ease~2nts in the above mentioned property, lying over, under, and tr.~ough the north ten (10) feet of the above described property. Section 3: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. Isl- PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~0~J8m he,v , 1983. i ,I I: .! ii I i ATTEST: day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA <:.]-;7:]/::'7-'/';/77<' b ~:Y0R"'. ~ - r:- ( L)! :;.. :. .t,.'.." ,:.....{"..i.-,.~l.. ,.~ ;.;" J.~:~ VICE MAYOR , . IJrt{({ COUNCIL 11~~~ CITY CT i1 (Seal) 11 i LEGAL DESCRIPTION The North 15 feet of the N 2/3 of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of the S. W. 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. This road right of way was deeded "to the public" on June 4,1951, by Quit Claim Deed from Charles P. Tatum and Louise H. Tatum, his wife. EXHIBIT "A" KENT w. EWING PROFESSIONAL LAN D 3575 COCOANUT DRIVE LA K E W 0 R T H 1 F LOR I D A . 3346/ SURVEYOR P. O. BOX 59/2 PHONE (305) 968.0421 l;~a y 3, 198 3 LEGAL. DESCRIPTION FOR LIFT STATION AT SOUTHPAL]\1 BEACH COHMERCE PARK A parcel of land for utility purposes lying in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, To\'mship 4S South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; said parcel being specifically described as follows: From the Northwest corner of said Section 16, bear South 87040'45" East, along the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 902.17 feet; thence South 00000'07" Nest, along a line parallel with. the West line of said Section 16, a distance of 54.04 feet to a point on a line 54 feet south of, as measured at right angles to and parallel with the North line of said Section 16; said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 00000'07" West, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence ~orth 87040'45" West, a. distanc3 of 30.00 feet; thence North 00000'07" East, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on a line 54 feet south of, as measured at right angles to and par- allel with the North line of said Section 16; thence South 87040'45" East, along said -parallel line, a distance of 30.00 feet.to the POINT OF BEGINNING. t. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, October 11, 1983, at the City Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider the application with respect to the following described property located within the limits of said City, Palm Beach County, pursuant to the request of the parties in interest: ABANDONMENT of street described as the 15 ft. right-of-way immediately north of and adjacent to the parcel described as the North 2/3 of the Southwest 1/4, of the Northwest 1/4, of the Southwest 1/4, less the North 159.82 feet of the East 110 feet of the West 135 feet of the North 2/3 of the Southwest 1/4, of the Northwest 1/4, of the Southwest ,1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, less 15 ft." road right-of-way on the North side of the property. Location: East of High Ridge Road and North of Miner Road Applicant: David B. Mankuta, Agent for Boynton Development Corp. ALSO A public hearing is scheduled before the City Council on Tuesday, October 18, 1983, at 8:00 P. M. on the above request. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in per- son or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or the City Council with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: THE POST EXTRA September 25 & October 2, 1983 -., ......... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The enclosed legal ad is furnished you in accordance with Section 9C3 of Appendix A - Zoning Regulations of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. You may attend the meetings personally, by attorney or agent, or you may file a written statement prior to subject hearings. If further information is desired, please call 734-8111, Extension 255, City. Planner's Office. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA September 23, 1983