REVIEW COMMENTS S ,AI$ ~ -( c---. ~ ~~/f~ MEMORANDUM 16 December 1983 TO: Perry Cessna Director of Utilities FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Director of Planning RE : Warranty Deed and Legal Description South Palm Beach Commerce Park Consistent with our telephone conversation of December 15th you will find accompanying this memo the original warranty deed and legal description which dedicates land for a lift station at South Palm Beach Commerce Park. ~ ~~ -J Carmen ;. An~ /bks Attachments MEMO Rece;,,"'! Qp ~ Date Jt::.~-f(3- ILme~__ = . ;""" ~'. '"'' . TO: Peter Cheney, City Manager, Boynton Beach -. ~ .' FROM: William P. Doney, Esquire DATE: October 24, 1983 RE: Abandonment of right-of-way/Cedar Ridge Estates Planned Unit Development At the October 18, 1983, meeting of the City Council, the Council authorized the abandonment of the above referenced right-of-way. It is now necessary for a resolution to be adopted to accomplish the same, as well as a Disclaimer executed by the Mayor and City Clerk to file of record. I have enclosed herewith a proposed Resolution and Disclaimer which should accomplish these matters. 1JJL WPD/sjw enc. . cc: Carmen Annunziato~ City Planner ~ ~ ~ <J~~ ~. JAMES W. VANCE, P.A. Received~ ~ pat,='~ ~ I!!!'e MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE: October 4, 1983 FROM: Mrs. Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Boynton Development Corp. Abandonment Application for P & Z Meeting of 10/11/83 In reference to subject application and supplementing our memo of September 23, 1983, attached please find responses from the following utility companies which were forwarded to this office by Tom Clark: Florida Power & Light Co. dated 9/28/83 Florida Public Utilities Co. dated 9/6/83 Group W Cable dated 9/9/83 Southern Bell dated 9/15/83 B~!~- BSB/smk Attachments cc : Ci ty Ivlanager ',- \ l GRAVARC T~ POBOX 2944 HAR T FORD C1 06104 CAll 1-800. ~43.525Q IN CONN 1-800-822-5260 0--< REORDER ITEM' 269 I TO I FROM Mrs. Betty Baroni, City Clerk Tom Clark, City Engineer Abandonment request for right-of-way by SUBJEcr:.--l1Qy..nt9rLD~v .-.-C..Qr~-Laigh Ridge__~o~d r. u ..0. ) ~OLD . DA TE:~~pt 9__~__!.9 8 3 Attached are responses from utility companies regarding the subject abandonment request. The north 10 feet of the lS-ft. right of way, predicated on a request from F.P.& L. should be retained as a utility easement. TAC:mb Attach. cc: City Attorney Carmen Annunziato \., F,-r~.~-: I.Li.Y '::.' .c.__. SIGNED ~ i REPLY Recei\feo !&- f: Date-~ . ~/?1 Time ---;-:--- -- DATE: SIGNED ITEM' F269. WHEELER GROUP INC t.1Er.10RANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE: September 23, 1983 FROM: ~trs. Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Boynton Development Corp. Abandonment Application for P & Z Meeting of 10/11/83 In reference to subject application, attached please find a copy of the notice of hearing as advertised with the cover letter sent to bounding and abutting property owners. Also attached are the responses from the City Departments notified in reference to this request. This information supplements the forms forwarded by your office per your memo dated 8-18-83. B~!~ BSB/smk Attachments cc: City Manager Receivedq:/~~7 Date __fd Time ;P 7Y? - .. ... I - -~-- -- ~-- -- - I" I FROM TO Betty Baroni, City Cle_ . Carmen s. .\I111l.J.nziato City Planner SUBJEcr:_~~j1_~!:.:-o_~:~~y"_.~~C!Q!lllle~~L~y'~~Q!!__J,?!!..Y~!9.P!1l~nt..__C9..n> DATE: _~:}_~_:~_;!_______.______ FOLD . As previously discussed, you will find accompanying this memo, a corrected legal description and request for waiver for the above- metnioned requested abandonment. \, r'LEt\SE >""'0,,,, / ( REPLY 'I I' , 4 ii I ~ I I /bks Attachment cc: Tom Clark City Engineer r~ EPL .~.."-~,~~,:,,,,,,,,,::,,~.-,~~~~~~.~C~~~c.L__~__~~~,_.~M~__'~"_,~""'~'~',", ITEM # F269 co WHEELER GROUP INC DET/\CH THIS COpy. RETAIN FOR ANS'"VER SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH C;.\RBONS INT,Acr r I rKVM TO "Betty Boroni, City Cl h Carmen 4ulnunziato City Planner SUBJECT:. FOLD . I j R()V~TO~ nF.VB1,opMF.~rr (,()RPOF~rrTON DATE: 8-24-83 The Planning. Department has no objection to the .abandonment of this right-of-way. Abandonment is consistent 'with the approved master plan. /bks PLEASE REPl Y TO .. SIGNED /J REPLY DATE: SIGNED ITEM It F2Il8 . WHEELER GROUP INC. I SUBJECT:Ahandonment I FOLD · . ~ I I TO THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED FROM I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. Box 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner Application for P&Z Meeting 10/11/83 DATE: 9/1/83 Attached please find a corrected legal description for the street abandonment application submitted by Boynton Development Corp. Please review and advise if this changes your previous recommendation. Thank you, . Sue Kruse PLEASE REPl Y TO SIGNED / ~ /)~~ /J?() -~~. \ ... "~ ~ "t~~j',j ITEM' F2f\11> .. WHEElER 13ROUP INC. TUI~ rr-Clv ""0 i:Jr::C1<::n~' ^nnC1r::c~t:n ."'.'.',""",....." _. ~it'", FROM ( f SUBJECT: FOLD .. RETURN TO REPLY ".' DATE: Mr. ~ C1ark City Engineer ( ~. .,,, . 0," ...,., ".,;OJ; " ~~ OFClTY CLERK'~f <<.,..,' ...1 OF BOYNTON BEACH p.o- Box 310 BOYNTON BeACH., FlORIDA ~ /lh;:frY'<~~lt At!'l ~("at:icn ~ p & z .M!et:i.ng of 10/11/83,__ DATE: 8/23/8& Attached please find a copy of a street abandonment application submitted by Boynton Development Corp. - Please advise whether you approve or disapprove. . SIGNED \ / t SUe Xrus8" '. , ..". :c,'~~ . , ?'~~.~-&~~~~1' ~a/~e:.(~ ~~ .e#t~..3) '. .'. t. cI- ~ ~..... . ;~ . '."""t-.:, '; ",,- - . .~ f(/z " ~~. cf~/l. _. SIGNED ~ 0':. .-".-, ,....... ITEM' F2e8 . WHEELER GROUP INC' r- FROM PERSON ADDRESSED~~."!:~~!'J. 'THIS COpy T~ SENDER '"" TO I ~'''''',-.~. . Mr. Tea" C1ark City Enc}iDeer OFFICE OF CITY ClERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O- Sol 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FlORIDA 33425-0310 . . SUBJEcr:~do~ . ~~_i<<;ati.O!1....!~~__~&Z__ ~tinq_~~!11(8~ DATE:._. 9/1183 /. Atl:ac~ please find a corrected leqal description for ~ a~-~.abandonment app1icati.oD submitted by Boynton J.A::Tlo~t Corp. . . Please review and advise if this changes your previous rec~Ddation. RETURN TO FO~~ .. ',~:' .~, ..~ I 'Ii l. "", ' i\TE: ~ .'Thank'-yoU, . ......... SIGNED GLb 'i SUe Kruse ~ :- l1et:e;t/e4- 411/::;.-7 v.:// ul-,'/:f/e$ ~1 $'"<::.t.?J7 q$ PC5S.,'b/-e." , t:1t:/IJ/:5e 'e:once,YJ)/J 11/ dl ~'" SIGNED . (~ ITEM It F269 0 WHEELER OROUft INC. PERSON ADDRESSED RETLJR,NJHIS COPYTO SENDER r-~ "u .~. '.....,. ';;:...;,,',.- ..~, ,..:.tiJIjl .. "';' I" .,~ ~. . IV '" ~ 'L. "~,,,..,"";'. ., r.,.:........./w , .r~ .( ~ OF CfTY CLERK~ OF BOYNTON BEACH P.o. Box 310 BOYNTON BEACH, R.ORtOA 33425-0310 . FROM. Mr. Perry Cessna Utili. ties DJ.rector SUBJECT~.!'~i~__~~t~~~_~_& ~~~!~ O!~j~j~____ DATE:_lJ.1~3/83 FOLD .. Attached please find a copy of a street abandonment application submitted by Boynton Development Corp. " . Pl.ease review and advisedof your recommendation for approval or disapproval.. . '.~ .....: '. ,; c -~.....~ .: ;. /~. ~ ~ Sue Kruse . RETURN TO . SIGNED ~..; , REPLY a tJ~' , ..' . .. .. ".f:~.", ~.~ .....It';;.~~': ~ .,;... .~-,. . .,' ......t,-. ~-~:.. .,J'" .r 'IJ' . , .G'.'" ,.........,. . -... .... ,. f1~,- t.~ 0 , ":., ~ .' .,.".. _. .., ;; DATE: ?-? Ovu- ';'. SIGNED 't' ....."" - -- ITEM. F2elI . WHEELER GROUP U\lC. ). .Mr. ~:f Cessna '<.' utilities Director PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER . .. ._. _._........._ h_". ... .......... .......... ? ~. S~r Iril~.rE. , A 0FF1CE OF CITY CLERK v~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . P.o.. Sex 310 BOYNTON BeAai, FLORIDA 33425-0310 I FROM .. ',,',-. SUBJECT: FOLD .. Abando~t,.Appl.icationfor P&Z Meeting lO/11/8,:bATE: ... I 9/1/83 ~", . to :.... ~,... Attac~ p1ease find a correct;ed leqal description for t:he stree1: abandonment: application submitted by Boynton Develq-ent COrp. _ lO"\ Please..review and adVise if/,this changes your previous ~1:ion..::,~l!,'.::':"; " , ,..:,;..;,.~, . . . '- RETURN TO ort" " ~'" Sue' Kruse . ',. .' ,.. I .,~, . -.J.... f~,- . j f . i c... .-It .' _ . --'1 1111 ' It. J~tn;. bl 7 [):..e. N Q-r'~: ~, . . .(,~ VI 0 ih-tr~, c.r:'; I ,. V _ 17_ _ ~ ..J--. L. l~, -L. ~ f!~ .:f~-J tlri-t(~ ~ -4- ~ r' v v"'f.. (/. .' Ii --.... ' {>~ M.l 01J:o. d ~ f ~ you, . SIGNED \..'~~.L" .7. j,. J'~;' . <' . REPLY .:: :~~ DATE: r~ 'f. _J,- ,. " .',;l' t(j >:~~:'''\::'''~. -- ;.W, _..~..,-. '. ITEM' F2e9 0 WHEELER GROUP INC ,..,'( pl=R,c:nN AnnRI=C:C:l=n RI=TIIRI\I TW.C' f"r'\DV Tr'\ CCO-lr"::D . . .P'TtCE OF CITY Ct..EftK'M~ "'_ '.OF BOYNTON.BEACH p.o. ec. 310 BOYh.ON BEAQ\ RD'UDA 33425-0310 !,;;;r.f ';''"" FROM~' ..' .__ . ...,4-;:.,;" ",.' , .:""~~....i\"'''_"~'-'''' Mr~"~B1ck 'Nsl1:8:",~~~,"f;':' ( . .,' . niDeCbx' of ~lic ~ . 1" -..., - ~~'- ,.t. SUBJEcr:__.~t.~~~_~~~t J~H!~!_~~_~~_~..~~..t:j~.-!9mI8_~ DATE,;._~Llli~J. FOLD .. Attached please find a copy of a street abandonment appli.cation subm.i:tt.ed by Boynton Deve10pment 'COrp. . ~ease adVise whether yo~ approve or disapprove. ~ ..;. ~' ;.. ;. ~j SUe Kruse ..;., - ~. '. RETURN TO . . . ~~." SIGNED .;::..... .. REPLY '.!~, DIL . :"...,.,. ~. :~tith: . ~~. ;, ,:.~. )'~~'J:' .,,;e;'l;2S-:: t:'~.. ..:'-..~ .... . "" ....' .::--'" SIGNED .',. "f, ", /.. ITEM. F288 . WHEELER 5ROUP INC:. "'-~--_::<'C;"-" ..J,.. . , PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER ...:.,....-I!.".... . .-., '--'.-""'- ---..-. . '~ I). TO: -' *. .'-~' -r:;,-.- '.~; ",,- ~ ,. FROM .~ r/' ,.'t" Hr.R.ick Walke Di.rec1:or o~ Publec Works . OFFiCE OF CITY CLERK. ' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.o. 8CJx 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FlOFUDA 33425-0310 SUBJEcr~do.nmen~~t1_QJL~Q.~1~Z~~tin9 10/11/~ DATE:, 9/1/83 FOLD .. ,/ At.1:ached please find a corrected legal. description for the atn--t-abandot'mAnt application submitted by Boynton Dev81~t; Corp. ,~ - . P1eaae review and advise if this changes your previous rec<m\,'_'"Atia1:!on . .", . ~i!... . "_+-1. "; . ~ you, ,'. RETURN TO . . SIGNED ~./~ :7::/;; > .., Sue Kruse -:: " REPLY i l I 1 ''i ! 'i ~ , . iJ~1J . DATE: _.1--r-; SIGNED ,; " ; . ,.b.~~.~.,~~ ITEM. nOlI . WHEELER CSROUP INC. .,;,., ..~ . :PERSON ADDRJ~~?ED RETURNTHI~ C~P,!"TO SENDER.