LEGAL APPROVAL 00 ~ @ :, DEe, 8 "ill ,~ ~ b;;)l PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT The following proposed ordinances which are published by caption only were ea a the City Commission meeting of the City Commission of the City of Boynton each, Florida, on the 16th day of December, 1997. These ordinances shall be present for proposed enactment by the City Commission, at the Regular City Commission mee 'ng at City Hall, in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynt n Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, January 6th, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 097-54 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (CEDAR RIDGE PUD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GOVERNMENT AUINSTITUTIONAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \~ ORDINANCE NO. 097-55 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (A 6.37 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD, APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF MILE SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD); AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM P.U.D. (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) TO R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ON THE NORTHEAST PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 097-56 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 24, liT AXICABS", BY DELETING SECTIONS 24- 12, 24-14, AND 24-15 IN THEIR ENTIRETY, RESERVING SAID SECTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 24-13, REQUIRING THE SUBMITTAL OF DRIVING AND CRIMINAL RECORDS OF TAXICAB DRIVERS AND REQUIRING VEHLCLE INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Interested parties may appear at said meeting and be heard with respect to these proposed ordinances. Subject ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk at said City Hall. Pursuant to F.S. 286.0105, please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he will need a record of this proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CMC/AAE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST DECEMBER 20, 1997 S\CC\WORD~eneral\ORD AD 1 ORDINANCE NO. 097-0~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (CEDAR RIDGE PUD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI~ED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. TH .0~. ~ v, . f1 ~y2ftj-- L \.-;{"L.~ rvt 0 q1/ _ jku , C ~~ V?[ L ~ ",Alr-t/ tW~ ( L -M-I-- /)J C/ JC /-U " WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of BOYnton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use EI ement by Ordinance No. 89 - 3 8 in accordance wi th the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has requested the above mentioned Land Use Element amendment; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and . -~ -. - - .- . - . WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabi tants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Future Land Use of the following described land designated as Public shall be and Private Governmental/Institutional. is Said land more particularly described as follows: Parcel "B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. Containing 6.376 acres more or less, and subject to easements, reservations or R/W of record. I I, II Section 2: Tha t any maps adopted in accordance wi th the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. Section 3:' All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding this amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F. S. ,; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S. FIRST READING this /6 day of --z1::t:!E/II.eG"1f , 1997. 1\ 1\ II i i SECOND, ':NAL READING and PASSAGE -his ..- J~N"a,I9;tPV , /99'~ ATTEST: ~~~<J~ Ci Y Clerk (Corporate Seal) \\\\\\11 111/1/1/11. ~~\\ 0'( N r 0 IIII~ ~ ~. ~ .......... I1f i\. ~ ;:: ~ .W'O~. .., ~ s: c~oQ~ - Ce ..~~ POD i~~/~ J\~~ =() - \ 1920 j ~ ~ ~/" ,c:-LOR\~~\\#' ~11111"1II"\\\\\~ ~ day of CITY OF A Mayor ..... mmc;::n: A Commissioner ~ ~ , , , ORDINANCE NO. 097-$5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (A 6.37 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD, APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF MILE SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD); AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM P.U.D. (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) TO R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ON THE NORTHEAST PORTION OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted Ordinance No. 91-70, in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, Joe Basil and Cedar Ridge Development Inc., as agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, pursuant to Section 9 of Appendix A-Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a certain tract of land consisting of 6.37 acres, said land being more particularly described hereinafter, from P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA (Single Family Resioential), which requests that the 6.37 acre tract be removed from the boundaries of I " . . ,'" . --- the P.U.D. zone to allow for the processing of the rezoning application; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida as set forth as follows: Parcel "B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Page 58. Containing 6.37 acres, more or less be and the same is hereby rezoned from P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA (Single Family Residential). A location map is attached hereto as Exhibit "An and made a part of this Ordinance by reference. .. r i i Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this /~ day of <l.JEC!E/H/2€"1'? , ~997. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this 6 ..::;1;iNa.,4I't~ ,/1"9<8. ATTEST: ~~<J.L/ Ci 1111111. ~~ rc YN.,.o '/~ ~~~~ ~ '" e ~'% _ _ . tt\~... =:...): l:J ~= :: ~ 0= :: :... "''''0 . ~ S :..~ .~ ;::: . ...... ~ ~ A ~" day of CITY OF BOYNTON BE A~ Mayor ommissioner ~~- _B Commissioner ~ d- ~ /I A f\ t?9? -5...:!' 'FOREs-"~aURT A~~L>O~M~.Nr. IL~ l,riI: JL ~-tlJ=-...~~-: r r'uo:"-OJ1=l L;~:.It':r)?',-;~ i, II n=. -.- 0 I-i ;:= r f [ '-=. J I -., ~. _ ._~ I /. . I , ' ' Fe . ..:. If' T11 II - I ,0' -~.~. 'f'AI~ cU- =l . ..J=-LA i." ,.. r... .\ I -'- ~ IT" ,>- I 11 1'1 t " .-...J h J' ~II (:'1- . ~f j jj I r-.I /iF:. '- ~1~ I f!l~E! ~ j . W I --......./ ~: .~,;: 'I i . ~)J? ',' I' _-:- _' II.... Ul. T'I T T /()ji= , \ _".. ___._ .__0__' .."" I ~.~- ; \ \ - _0 - ---- ,~'.'" - :' \. <--_- .; \ ! II-:/.: ,':: : . ~-- 1 \..\( l\",tt\-\l.J~ E C . .\. ') .:...: .-0' -~..: 1\ 1 --)1 1-T:l1 ~.U l'0ir-. r-- =--=1 . W J ( .fr1"Jill'1' ~~ !*;~: \:l! . .~ ,- :J<.... . 'I..L.' \. : R1AA R :3 i; .~ ~r ';: t~J../ 1"1 ./1""\ -m ~. ..).,.'.J, u. If ~ . ~ . . . __ _ t-t- j-"'-. ~ t- I n,J..J-- t ~. ~2 ~ ...... ~ ',~ = r o'~ - l' . h'.... w':'... 1M I I F;' . ) _I x.-..::. .) -. l.af c:J J: "', ~~A~:~ 1~II,~;;r~1 \!,:;-~ - ~n: ..' / I ill! : I II h J .~ . I. , 1 .~ ~ ~-. 1 i!~: rl.lI~ H,...,.. i E I ! ! ~I . i I I:'. III rr , 'y \ . ~ ;i-~" 1 AA . I .""". _E' , II~,} .'. ~! )- \ \ rE' 1,.trt'I:I'I~ ;1~ tfrt' 12 , L 11 ~ r'~ OJ ~ 11 .. L' -.J ftiillllrnnrrrlTI!T'\ \1 . -', . .. I L\J0AIIUN MAt flI\ I N f,to _ .~~ol, IP , ~ t~lM to) +- --_.~.----"-_._-------..........- RESOLUTION NO. R97 - B ~ rr---rn-@ 'l~'"( -0..' II ill r:~- 2 9 L~..o- '\ I 1_;-:. ~ L ~,: '\ : .",-~~.<-';.,.,......" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING ACCE~~~~_S:_~_~ TIi~/ FINAL -p~~ AND SURETY . FOR~9E~TATE~!:1LQ, SUBJECT TO ----mE CONDITIONS SET OUT IN THE ATTACHED ~ ________ DEVELOPMENT ORDER; AND PROVIDING AN ~~---- EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, does hereby accept the Final Plat and surety for Cedar Ridge Estates PUD, subject to the conditions set out in the attached Development Order. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon the recommendation of staff, hereby approves acceptance of the Final Plat and Surety for Cedar Ridge Es ta tes PUD, subj ect to the conditions set out in the attached Development Order. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. I ! " ! PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~o II II I day of May, 1997. ~ov~ , ,Vice _ Mayo/- / _ -~~~7~) / . 1t . Commis' er ,. , /fo \ ~ p!;,u/ ~ o 9937 Pg 1925/' __ . ' f1A-W~j7) RESOLUTION NO. R97-/"/ 'J.,0~f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF~ ~~ THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~!? ABANDONING A TWENTY-FIVE FOOT WIDE 4? LANDSCAPE BUFFER EASEMENT, (CEDAR RIDGE, PUD & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, PID); SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the applicant, J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQ., agent for CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., has requested abandonment of a twenty (25') foot wide landscape buffer easement, from the western property line of Lot 20 to the eastern property line of Lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park, PID; and WHEREAS., comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments; and WHEREAS. public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS. based on the foregoing information, the said easement no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a twenty-five (25') foot ORB 9937 Pg 1926 landscape buffer easement, from the western property line of lot 20 to the eastern property line of lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _~ day of August, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACtLELORIDA t .' / -.;::-- , ... '~__~ i G r _ -J /' J ---.- .. I _... ",.... ... l,.. ., ~ay6r ~' t 7,1 ..... .: , , J.L L _-_L0_1 Commissioner / . , 1.._ ~ '- ~--"--~-~ -..,- - - . -- , ) ~;;; ~sioner ;7~ R b- Attest: \\\\\\11111/ 11//11 ~\ II/, ~' ~o" N'TOA. % ~ ~ .........."" ~ ~ 0 /--o~o1tf..~ ~~ ~ ~ .).. l----CJ ~~. '7 ~ ::: J- : ~ --0\ (') ::: =-: J::J:= =0\ : ~ ~ \. 1920 / $ ~ ... ... ~ ~ ........... ~ ~II ,4:'LOR\O~ "~~ 1/1111/" 111\\\\\\\\ ~.~~~I- City Clerk --ORB ~~3 J' J' 7 Pg 1927 EXHIBIT "A" Buffer easement twenty-five feet (25') in width located on the southerly twenty-five feet (25') of Lots 11 through 19, inclusive, and on the southerly twenty-five feet (25') of the East 161.30 feet of Lot 20, and on that portion of Lot 20 south of a line which is the westerly extension of a line parallel to and twenty-five feet (25') north of the south line of Lot 20, extended to the west line of said Lot 20, all in Block 2, of Cedar Ridge, a PUD & High Ridge Commerce Park, a PID, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Pages 58 through 61, inclusive. . .... ... ~. t I " ''''''rl . 'f' ," ..... .~, J :,.,,( '.I'I_J('n".':' ",'1'1,""'''''' ','I' I I '\' 0' . o . - 0.: fit) ~CD 00' - . a::ai ~ 0 1&.1 0 1&1 en 2 c" ..J &a.. . c(c(c( lL 1&.1. a.. . . fit) 1&.1 fit) >- ...N ... ~Q~ z Z. 0 :J etengo CI:~ (.) .. u.... :r: Zetet to- a:: -' 0 :J to- a.. c( o .. 1.1 U) &a.. (I) ... .,,02 m . l&I~ Go .... 0 4II1II: _eta: -l :I: -' ct c:t U) Go 0 Q.. Z 1&.1 . ~a:cl X eeti ~ .. (I) 0 l&J eJ'-:e ZxlAl CD 2~2 Z ....xz 0 :rl ~..J I- U) 0 Z Z~U >- _ z o. (!) z::; CD Zo &a.. - - I&. t&.. 0 IAI~O 0 . mo.... . a. c( >- ... c(..J I- 1&.1 a.-w "x en ~ .0' ia..... . - ~ Q: <[ Q. LIJ U D: '.&.I :E E :> ~ LI !) ) - , - . ) . . . z ~ 1 , ~~ I · ORB 9937 I='g 1. 928 ~, ON (~"1 (' }',l 31\1.1.<1 / ( <;'I.~. f ) I ,'1(' 'J I. " t. .: J:: I 1 II '1) . aVO~'IVY iNI1 H'V OYV08V3S ; I I I , II I ,Qt. ,,~u; s I a.II .el ,'D ~ .. , U I .. I " g . . eft .. ! ~ ., , , I ' .('1 '.pl I -, ,:Il. ,~:,. .. "~-I I.. ,-- I:;). ':t: I" 14..1) l()' .... ....I- I I IJ, I , - - -.J .. _ ..., r' ..:~ I, , " I !:~ ; I ..J It I u.a .1 I." .. 1 .... 5: ::c ;:I~-;' It" ~. t I"" I: " I~ ~_ . :: 1(' I ~ . O. I. . I t-:. - ~ J I I · ~; I~ ~ '1- '. I~. ,(.) :H I~I ~~ I I ______.J I ---3 ~-. -. .~ I I" 1,0& .I! -::_-: _ _ _ _ _ J 1 · - ~~.~ -"~"- '~',.Jl - ~~L._ N ,'it" ..... ..11 ..1 .'DEI t ,. I __ __ _ ___...~._."_ ___ _ _ _ ___J r - T - - - - - - a ';It--;er- -;'0 ..,- - - - - --, I I 11".. ,UI,,~n ," . ' I I I ~ I { i :,... i ~ I . T ~ ~ ',~" I I: I r- L__~________I~";~"________-...J -\1\ :: r-- ------~:II--;.I-i'O"!r---- --1 · I I N L".. ...~I"~n ." " : I I I ~ t . ~ tat l ~ , .. ....... r If) . Q ell 0: Q: : ,llr~ ..~. .. .11 .., .'0 ~ I I t I 1,1 ,. ,- 1oE' r! ~ I . : ftl ~ , I 1 ,.." 2 I : '-__________ .~-,,~---------_... 1.... J ---\.::.:--~..II-.9'-..,O<iJ------~ -.-r~ 1."....... J..L,'la" ,fir" 'I t '* ~ :~ · I of' '" 1 C\ . I j" i L:: \ I , <t ~ l.'I .. ..,. .... u .. . .. If) ,.~ .(oA ~ 11 ." .., ,Il,. <.J . 0 ,<;,~ .,WI .J a.1I ,.' .'<1 fo m ,... ,0;,.& ... . .11 ,.' .10 " . ,r",r, .tQ. J .11 ..' .'D" eft ,r"a ,.... ~.II ,., .104io <.J iI.1I ,., ."'. 0 1ft ..J ,.. .... 11./1 ... .1<1. CD . I J (ot 0.. \ ..I ~ 14 " WI .. " ~i i ~ . .. I I :21- .1 \l .. . i ~ ~ {i - . oj ~ . .. " 'T I I . I . I . . \11 ~ t , t~ ;-- -u I I , .1 ! III U I G: o. I .1 III .. . r a . .. S a 0 I ......- U 1 . . II ,., .ID. .1 .I . N 1 1 .. T 1 I ."'. ... I ~ lI.11 .., .,,,. { I ~ I I I it I . .. ~ \'t~ eO. .." .~ o ,1.1. ~z. ~ __OVO~ - 380lY "'~.. -,.. -. 1"" """ I..", RECORDER'S MEMO: Legibility of document un:.atislacicry y.,hen receivca. I I I , I \1 1 ..' ~ 11 I) C) -1\,\:01 'I ' : .1 lto ,r- leD ," I I r' : I ' , II: I , I I.: . , . r ,- r 'oSI' " 1C\ I -; , , I , 1 I t- o; .... u .. It t- Ie _ CII -0 ~a: Q ! ~ 1 . .1 , J I .' ;'1 .. ., - .. c. I! , I , , t I 0:0 . ~a .. LI ~ .. I , ,.. 1.1 GI ,<t ,- <) 1 ~ po. I" ,- I I t : I I" ,~ 1* '" I- I i I I I , I , :l .0.. , I 1 . ,.1 .. 1 · . : i ,,' Ii' I :: I I $ :( . I :I I ~ .. ! f{y,/-I..:).! .... ORB 9937 j:'g 1929 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a certain landscape buffer easement, from the westerly property line of Lot 20 to the eastern property line of Lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of ..... the City this '7 day of August, 1997. .,..". f,~f' . ~ ATTEST: .. ...t~~~k ,i STATE-OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOY~N BEACH, FLORIDA I ~,' .~.~~~ ,Jerry Ta, or, yor , / { BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared JERRY TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. o~ 9937 PC} 1. 930 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this ~ day of August, 1997. My Commission Expires: ;!Jl-/ /!d,-^-/~- NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida t....~::~....~~.............\....<.,'{,...........w,\\\\W".',<,....\""-'.\\.......w..,~\ '~/.~..~.... Eve Eubanks < /.". ::. i Notal)' ~blic, St.-.te of Florida : :i, .,~!~.. CommIssion No. CC 627446 l ~ ....... My Commission Exp. 04/0S/2001 ~~ "11(. I <,' . ,/, Nt/((/tllIlItIN/tltltltllltlllll/lIIM't'?.t _._~-_.._-_.._,--~--~'-------.._--- ORB 9937 Pg 1931 Dor 'Y H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL EXHIBIT "A" Buffer easement twenty-five feet (25') in width located on the southerly twenty-five feet (25') of Lots 11 through 19, inclusive, and on the southerly twenty-five feet (25') of the East 161.30 feet of Lot 20, and on that portion of Lot 20 south of a line which is the westerly extension of a line parallel to and twenty-five feet (25') north of the south line of Lot 20, extended to the west line of said Lot 20, all in Block 2, of Cedar Ridge, a PUD & High Ridge Commerce Park, a PID, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Offi~e of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Pages 58 through 61, inclusive. ,. '.1JU City of $oynton $eacn 100 rr.. ~ton iJJeadi iJJoufevari v' ~O. iJJ~310 iJJoynton iJJeadi, !fforilfa33425-0310 City 9Iaff: (561) 375-6000 !fJtX: (561) 375-6090 Aug-.L'I-1997 12:84p. 97-289422 ORB 9937 Pg 1932 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.' CERTIFICA TION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the following mentioned and attached items are true and correct originals and copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Copy of Resolution #R97-132 Copy of legal description and map 2 pages 1 page 2 pages 1 page Original Disclaimer Original legal description WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 8th day of August, 1997. \\ \\\\ III" Ii 111/ \\\ /11 ~' ~~ON 8S' I~ ~ 04.. ............. ""f 0 ~ g ~ ..."9.oAATt:c.... ~ ~ _'J'>.l \_ :: LL. :' 0- - ::: - 'U - = 0 :Z (). = :::- : = ~ "r ~. n,1);::: ~ ~ -.. ^\"J .... ~ ~ ~ v "~~I.i..~ ~ ~ \ -cr :$' ~//1. F \.. \"" '/1/11/111111\\\\\\\ ~~~~U3" Suza ne M. Kruse, CMC/ AAE City Clerk August 8, 1997 I i :-4 \ -- \\ch\main\shrdata\cc\wp\general info\c e r t i fie at i 0 n.doc \~/\ \.", ~., ""- . .;;~~~/ ~ / f,tnuw:s qateway to tlie qulfstream. (1J:&.T( 9937 Pg 1. 933 RESOLUTION NO. R97 -/~ ? -1D : \ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF ) THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, / . I ABANDONING A TEN-{1[t~Q9T WIOE-UI~ ~ K~'^ _ _EASEMENT, (CEDAR RIDGE,_':~D & HIQt:L.RIDGE=~~l ~ fl~ ~~ --CO-MMER.Q~fARK, PID);;SAID PROPEFfTY BEING f\W' MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the applicant, J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQ., agent for CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., has requested abandonment of a Ten (10') foot wide utility easement, from the western property line of Lot 20 to the eastern property line of Lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park, PID; and WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said easement no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a ten (10') foot ORB 9937 Pg 19'34 easement, from the western property line of lot 20 to the eastern property line of lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this J day of August, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA -'-<. . Mayor j Attest: :\\\\\\\ \1111111//11. lh ~~-~~~ #"~o:.~?..\1 :/~ i City Cler~ o~ ..O~OR.4~~~ ~ - 10 ""0 """:: ::::C! '-' :: :: >- :- f X = :t-: = ~ 0 \. "\920i j ~ ..... ..... ~ ~ ...... ..- to *" ~/I. ~LO~\Q ~,~ '1111111/1' I \I \\ ,\\\\"\ fl':B '9'937 Pg 1 '935 EXHIBIT "A" Utility Easement ten feet (10') in width located on the southerly ten feet (10') of Lots 11 through 19, inclusive, and on the southerly ten feet (10') of the East 161.30 feet of Lot 20, and on the southwesterly 10 feet (10') of that portion of Lot 20 adjacent to and northeast of the southwesterly corner line of Lot 20, which is 34.95 feet in length, all in Block 2 of Cedar Ridge, a PUD, & High Ridge Commerce Park, a PID, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Pages 58 through 61, inclusive. ":. . & , 4.. 0' J: 1 I , , I .' ... '" () - I - .. I " ,- I .. , , ~z~ : III : ; :II ~ > t . 0) . . . . 0 ~~ o~ . - 0/ ~ II . 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Q. 11 I I ,: r:' " -j A 'L ")'<:',1 ( J' ~'I'::' .I / .;:,rAT E t'.l. ,.J A r) Nl> f.) . . . c - - - U) Xn ~ =t -U~ -f-<~~ .. -f CD , 0 O~"" ~ ,.. ""02 m ,... Z G) .at. 0 Z - -< n~Z ZO (I) -f ,... ~ "" o zxn _-f Zl:no mrY\XZ 111 I: - CD 0(1). J>2J....-f 0--0 ::z: ~::o ~ · ,... "" Z ""'D G) "0 (I) ~ ~r-:a: r- ::0 J> - ::p 0 -t "0 ...", ,. ZOUl ~~"'cn J> "0 -f g or-::O-i % ~ ~.:a: OrD~:U o 0 J> c: 0 .z Z ~oG) .111 -f N ... -< c"I", (,I . . . ." "0 J> '" ""r-~zJ> '" 0 ~o~ CD:u_. - ""II"" CDCCD.- CDJ> (III . . - -- - C G " - -- r: c i i IT, :I] n fTI -a )> :u ~ . ~ :u - . o . I' a:~o '9E"G T fid LEGG I I I -~ , T ~ z ... f(y'l-t..1.:2- D.QB 9937 Pg ~ 937 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a certain utility easement, from the westerly property line of Lot 20 to the eastern property line of Lot 11, of Block 2, of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of ,..,Jhe, City this 1.- day of August, 1997. ~"'f:." I (1 , '? '. ...' . : ',l ~ , AtTEST: .C~, ' : I ~~ ! . . Su anne Kruse, City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ . / ...,...,~- ' -" - f -~ STATE OF FLORIDA (; COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) )ss: ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared JERRY TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. '3 9937 Pg 1938 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this 7 ~ay of August, 1997. LL~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida My Commission Expires: . . '\"'\~\""""\\\\'''''''\\'''''''\'''''''''''''''''''''''W'\\'\'''\'''\'\'''''\\\'\\i' "'-;~!.*" Eve Eubanks ~ (, tot/;.> ,) Notary Public. State of Florida : ; \,6~.: Commission No. CC 627446 ,~ .~ '..'?!.~.o My Commission Exp. 04/05/2001 5' o " "(/(I(II/(lI((I(((IINII(llt.'-((/,''''''''''',',I'II/lN/ { . JRB 9937 Pg 1. 939 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL EXHIBIT "A" Utility Easement ten feet (10') in width located on the southerly ten feet (10') of Lots 11 through 19, inclusive, and on the southerly ten feet (10') of the East 161.30 feet of Lot 20, and on the southwesterly 1 0 feet (10') of that portion of Lot 20 adjacent to and northeast of the southwesterly corner line of Lot 20, which is 34.95 feet in length, all in Block 2 of Cedar Ridge, a PUD, & High Ridge Commerce Park, a PID, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, Pages 58 through 61, inclusive. RESOLUTION NO. R97-~t'.B I : I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A SIXTY (60) FOOT WIDE RIGHT- OF-WAY, (LOCATED WITHIN THE HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID AND CEDAR RIDGE PUD SUBDIVISION); SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , , ! , , {' 0~ 1~:lJ oP:~1f ,.,t'J~ ~~ 11/ik WHEREAS, the applicant, J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQ., agent for CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., has requested abandonment of a Sixty (60') foot wide right-of-way, located within the High Ridge Commerce Park PID and Cedar Ridge PUD subdivision; WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a sixty (60') foot wide right-ot-way, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and 1 , directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to ! be filed in the Public Records ot Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of December, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA '<:;:/ /~ _c~ Mayor v#....., ~ Commissioner Commissioner Il -;;;2C '- s:ca\wp\Reso\Forest Court Aband. ATTEST: ~ rb7'-~ "'1/ ~Y1C ~e<2.~~...' 'Oo,{Nrollll~ Ci ty Qituk ....-... 1f ~ S o-/;p~o~~ ~((\ ~ 52 .\.. ...~ ~... ~ ~ :::-J-.- C"_'~ ,. ~\\,....' '!liI/IIIII\\\'" "7/~ EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Forest Court established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the East 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA I~~ I~ 5-J~ ~q1/g;r ~(~ ~'~6/ APPLICANT: Cedar Ridae Development Corporation APPLICANT'S AGENT: Paramount Enaineerina Group, Inc., HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: Mav 20, 1997 '\) \ Ox-+ - eel - CCJI TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Final Plat Approval. Acceptance of Surety LOCATION OF PROPERTY: North of Minor Road, East of Hioh Ridae Road DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant ../ HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3 The Appl!9ant's application for relief is hereby JL GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in Exhibit ItC" hereto. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. . ~--~_.--.._- '00 rlhli ! 10\' f;l r' :- -, - I~' : I D r!Trt::.. '-I; .,c' ;:'..'L. ~ ~. '~ . \ Dui i--'-~--~ ". ,.., -! , ~,l ~ .' ~-:-: :,.' f~7~}:~7.:,~ ~: 6. Other: )(1 ( ("++(1 (/i ,1,.-/ (In'\(Vd~ JA,--( L'y\ c~n/V\",/hu:,;lty = DATED: Mav 20. 1997 ~ 1/f'- C' y Attorney \ =~~~~J~r -' \\\\\\\1 1I 111/1111. ~,'\'\ ~ ~ TO A, 1111.1. ~ 0"' 'Y b. ~ ~ ~ .......... q~ ~ ~ t( ...~ORA,.~~.., ~ ~ 0 p:~ "0"'). ~ % ::: > :2 = ~.,.. \- :: ." ,.". . ... 9- u ...... "\91..0.,.. j 'l .. .. s ~ ........... Q't- -$ 'l/Ii// F L 0 ~ \ ~.# 1111/ 11/1\1 \\\\\\\\: s Wl>IOel)tslo....ell)pm.ntlCed.r Ridg.Car. 0.... Ord 5/9197 --,._~_._---~----------~~ --_.,_.--"--- ,.,,;;; -- - ri'rPQ.UXO ROAD laJ ~ :3 Z 0 ~ ex -< It) .... laJ 0) tJ') .<.-' I (f) tJ') 0 - :;) LW ~ a: " J: Z " 0 ~ u MINER RD. N GATEWAY 8L~ , .-./ LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE N SHEET 5 OF 5 SHEET 2 OF' 5 II I I! II ! II ' ' I' l I I~ -;- 1 \ I I I I \ i I INDUS :RIAL WA '( t \ -_._._--_._..._--_..._.._..".__._-_."--_._~--- \ ! r \ ~ \~ ~____ l_ EXHIBIT "C .. Conditions of Aoproval Project name: Cedar Ridge Estates. a P.U.D. Type of Development Order (Master Plan. Site Plan or Plat): FINAL PLAT DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGlNEERlNG DIVISION Comments: I. Subject to receipt of the mylar plat with satisfactory signatures and seals (signed and sealed copies will replace attached copies prior to Commission Meeting. "') The signatures of the City Engineer (and his seal) and the Mayor. .' .... ./ 3. A Letter of Credit for 110% of those improvements dedicated to the City (sewer/water) acceptable to the City Attorney and Finance Director (may be / // " here prior to Commission Meeting. 4. Receipt of a "Clean" recordable copy of the documents for the two H.O.A.'s known as Cedar Ridge Townhomes and Cedar Ridge Community / ...-- Association. Both sets of documents to have fmal approval by the City I Attorney. the City Forester and the Planning Department. 5. Receipt of required Lake Worth Christian recorded covenams as stipulated in - "Agreement for Drainage" prior to first building C.O. 'vI 6. The final lift of road asphalt to be installed after completion of all building /" consttUction. . / 7. Satisfactory response to Assistant City Attorney Pawelczyk' s 5/1/97 memo Su (\:> ",\ . ~;l(. " (attached) regarding the drainage agreement and receipt of recorded C ..:,,',(,- -~ \ ~I document prior to issuance of Development Permit. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: I. In accordance with Article V. Section 3.(6) (g), the City Commission shall specify the development time for the park and recreational facilities approved , for half credit towards the recreation dedication fees. Existing approvals v specify that the developer must complete at least the meeting hall and swimming pool by the flfSt certificate of occupancy for the Townhouse section. FORESTERiENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLAt'JNING AND ZONlNG Comments: I. Reinitiate rezoning process that served to extract from the PUD the platted , '" lots within the Pt.JD that are no longer intended to be developed but are to \/ become a future exoansion of the adjacent Lake Wonh Christian School. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS ,bme s:' orOjec:s\cond of appr\ ~ ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MEETING 1. The City Manager shall have the authority. as delega~ed from the City Commission, to resolve any issues arisin~ with respect to Comment 7 of this Development Order. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 0~108/1991 08:35 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 01 TO: FROM: RE: DA Tit: PAGES: COMMENTS: (!(!~~~ Cedar Ridge Development Corp 0 m 0 WI m rn1 Fax Cover Sheet 116 2 9 1991 IE) Name: ~A~I V~"'M/J a-/- '7S~J /,'r;..J ~~I / PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. /(~j . Company elf.., ? J;> r- t ciJ-_s - ":J :/ J -~ t J r 7 ,.....-- : , f 1 ,:: : ,_ =~-~ - -.~--.----=" Phone #: Fax II: - '.....c.... " Name' .-=L~ 7~s;';{ . _ .. _... _., __a..... ... ; , \ AUr"' 2 8; 7 : k-~ .0 j.~: ~.~ \- ..~ '--,.'-- 'G t.. \ .,' ' ~ ;." Phone II. 561-533.5199 I:.i\ if S()I-;3.'l.6l->OI . CCM-"1 ~.,..c...c. Rtt1 a/dlff/97 S- /J~ ~ jJ U.J:JC fr: 0 ..... J (; Q J J~t.r /JS jJ k ~'-- (5 I.r<. ~ JOO^' AS 7~~_ C.4r-f q::1hA 7~- . ~~-- -j Cf4I) /4 = (0 {: \ - {~'-- -\\ UL- ~ J-!j--' ('. ~~ 1ft f\\fl ~ 01J08/1991 08:35 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 02 Cedar Ridge Develo P!!!-G~P!VE~2rP. ~ August 28, 1997 7000 HIGH RIDGE ROAD UHT ANA, FL 3J462.5006 VOICE ~07-S33-5199 FAX ~07-J33-6801 Mr. John Yeend City of Boynton Beach Engineering Dept. Re: Punch-out list for Commerce Road it High Ridge Road Dear John. As per our telephone conversation on Wednesday, August 27, 1997, we will stan to resolve items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, & 12 on your punch-out list (attached) immediately We should be able to complete these items within the next two weeks, With regard to: Item #S - I believe we both agree that Item #S will not and really cannot be addressed until a later date. Back when the Kilpatric Building was being inspected, Jim Duval from the City Engineering Dept., inspe=:-ed the >(c..r ? drainage system on Commerce Road thoroughly. The system h een cleaned and vacuumed prior to his inspection. At that time k loth was installed to prevent sand from washing back into the system. Until more buildings arc constructed the cloth should remain. Item #8 p It was my understanding that the fence Kilpatric installed across the RIW was approved by the city for security reasons. lohn. maybe somebody should determine ownership of Commerce Road before addressing this ~ issue. Because, if the road is private this item does not apply. Item #9 & 10 - As discussed) both items 9 & 10 need to be addressed as each building is built. These items should be a contingency for C/O and the responsibility of the individual lot owners. Item # 11 - The Conunerce R.oad site utilities were repaired, inspected and approved by the city utility dept. when Cedar Ridge Estates single family section was approved. This also included clearance from the Health Dept.. Page 1 of2 0~/08/1991 08:35 4075336801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 03 Cedar Ridge Development Corp. to Mr. John Yeend, City of Boynton Beach Engineering Dept. Page 2 of2 Item # 13 - Please note the attached letter from FP&L. FP&L will install the street lights for Commerce road when they supply power to said road. FP&L does not charge for this service. In conclusion, we win endeavor to complete items 1,2.3,4,6, 7, & 12 as soon as possible. Once complete we win call for inspection. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, Respectfully. Joi!t.::rsA President 0~/08/1991 08:35 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 04 BOYNTON BEACH DEV SLOG W 5613756357 JOt: 9 Me.t. 08/27/97 14: 46 B : 01/01 NO: 410 S33~-6g01 t . No stop sign at eod of Commerce Road. 2. No stop bar at end of Commerce Road. 3. HoJc. need to be fixed in asphalt and pipes which were fence posts at one time need to be cut out and patc:hed. 4. No High Ridle Road sian at intersection. S. Catch basins on Commerce Road need to have filter fabric and plywood removed and basins (; loaned out if aec:oNII)'. 6. Htah Ridae Road tum llUJC (left) to Commerce Road should bave turn arrows installed 00 pavement. 7. 'Nhite solid Hnc on High Ridge Road should be removed wh(:re it goes across Commerce Road. 8. Fence to. RJW ueeds to be removed, adjacent to Kjlpatricks, 9. Sidewalk on both sides of road needs to be icstalted. 10. Swales need to be inllta1ted. inCluding sodding. 1 t. Approval from Utilities on sewer. wllter. flre hydrants, etc. is needed. t 2. Minor nphtllc repnirs are nccess~ry on Commerce Road. 13. Street lighting has not been installed. 0!/08/1991 08:35 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL F'AGE 05 - t=P>>L Florid. Pow.., '" ligM C~I.."'. t12g s. Mllituy Trill. aoynton 1I.,eh. fto :J:J"~ Mr. Joe Basil Cedar Ridge Development Corporation 7000 High Ridge Rd Lantana, FI )3462.5006 August 27, 1997 Dear Mr. Basil: I have reviewed the Site lighting plan for High Ridge Commerce Park, Boynton 8eachJ Florida. It features 14.. 250 W High Pressure Sodium Vapor "lhts mountEX:f on 20 foot poles with '00 (oot spacing. ^s we discussed, ~lorida Power & light Compal'\Y will be providing electric service to High Ridge Commerce Park. The preliminary design features a three-phase overhead pole line on the south sidt! of Commerce Drive. It is common that FPl streetlights are 6nstaJled on FPL poles to avoid clearance problems and FPL will install poles of sufficient height to accommodate the lights. AlthovSh Wll do not have 250 W lights, a .200 W light can be installed at A greater height and with greater spacing. A concern about ;,l final desisn of both the three phase overhead power and a ,treet light c.ircuit is the spacing to achieve uniformity. It appears tnat the lots are approximately 140 feet frontage on Commerce Drive. However, one customer may opt for 2 or 3 lots and the property line may not be the best lite for a light. l would recommend FPL install 200 W High Pressure Sodium Vapor Street Lights with an initial spacing of 140 feet between each light. The job to install these facilities would be scheduled according to the power requirements of the first tenants building in the park. The height that I would recommend is 35 feet to the IlIminaire. There are othel' considerations should this be the manner in which you wish to proceed. Please call me at 369-2223 or Wes Morris at 369-2231 If there is any other inforMation that you need. As you know, he will be handling this area effective September 2, '997. Sincerely _ ., ~ ,r' ,.."...~.. ~- .A'~ ...,.. ." ',"" -. &'~ ~M Mark'caras Project Engineer Iltl fPL Gn.lllfl company OCT 29 '97 12:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.l LAW OFFICES .., '\ [~!@ i'-;: ""'" i~~ .. --1:\-1 , ,. d ~-><~"- ,- .. ., .- .. ;'._,; ~ II 1JUl~Z91l191 . "I PI A""I"d' N'D ..J - '''-Ii'-! !~ t'i ,..._-----lOPW"G DEPT. ~._~-- "" ......~.-,.; DENNIS P. KOEHLER, P.A. Conqress Business center 1280 North Congress Avenue, suite 104 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Telephone: (561) 684-2844 Facsimile: (561) 684-9370 -f Jt JOIj lhhlG ~ !l141J5ildo, &,. -Rk- JiG ~ ~~ ~ ~Y2- FAX COVER SHEET . AX N $3~-6801 65S:- 6~z,2. FROM: DENH:tS P. K01P.RT.Il!R r ESQUIRE ~ ~ COMMENTS: J( J r LOCAL: CHARGE TO: NO. OF PAGES: PLUS COVER SHEET DATE , TIME OF TRANSMISSION: OCT 29 '97 12:24 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.2 LAW OFFices Vennls 1'. I\t)ehler. It4. Cong,... BUlin... Oenter 1280 North Con;r... A",ny., Suite 1 04 Wtft ~.Im Beach, Florld8 3340e Telephon.: <"11 584-2844 " iW._"-'-~~-~--'rf~r7-\1 '..: ) JU LIEf 2 9.1IIlIl PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI J ""ot""'lIIl1 ey PAX F8Cllmlle: (681) 684-9370 October 29, 1997 Ma. Tambr i J. Heyden planning , Zonin9 Director Boynton Beach ci~y Hall 100 Eaa~ Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33433 REI Cec!ar Ridge POD (LUU 97-001) - aequest tor two week Ro.tDDnamen~ ot City Com.iaalon consideration an4 aotion Oear Tambr1: My client, Mr. Joaeph r. Basile, Jr., adviaed.e this aorning that the City'. Planninq and Dev.lopmen~ Board voted la.t nlght (Ootober a8) ~o reoommend approval of the referenced request for land u.e amendment and rezonin9 for the LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SeHooL (LWCS) propertie., subject to one contested oondition that was reque.ted by your Oepartmentl "Applicant ahall file and receive an approval of an ab.ndonmen~ applioation or alternat.ive resolution ot the road ownerShip disput.e prior t.o adoption of rezoning and land UBe amendment ordinances." As you well know, my client strongly oppo.e. the imposition of this condition on the LWCS'. plan amendment anet rezoninq petition. ~he LWCS'. reque.t to develop certain lots t.hat were 4eleted from the Cedar Ridge POD'. plat a. a school reoreation facility i. compl.~ely .eparate from and unrelated to the on.qo1ng development of t.he residential portions of the Cedar Ridge POD by Mr. Ba.ll. and the CEDAR RIDG! OEVELOPMENT CORP. It i. absolutely ....ntial that my clien~ have an opportunity to make its ca.e before the Boynton Beach City Commission on this key point. unfortunat.ely , neither Mr. B.aile nor I wlll be available to appear before the City Commissien next Tuesday evenln9, ~ov"hAr 4, when the referenc.d r.quest 18 scheduled for publio hearlnq con.i4eration by the City Commi.slon. Mr. Basile will be in Philadelphia with his ailing father, and I will be returninq that eVtllning from a bu.ine.. trip to 1:'allabassee. It i. impos.ible for either of us to change these travel plana in order to appear before the City commission on Novemb.r 4. w. therefore re.peC1:fully a.k you and/or the Cl~y Coaai.8ion 'to DOs'tlJOne final conaideration of the reference4 r8q\l..'t. for two week., i.e. unt1l the city COIIIId.m.on'. nart regularly schedule4 -t:iDCJ on Tu..4ay, If()v~;- 11, 1997.. OCT 29 '97 12:25 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P.3 w. thank you in advanoe tor your consideration ot thi. reque.t. By copy of this letter, I'm advising the LAKE WORTH eKRIS~IAN SCHOOL'. attorney, Rick Harri., E.q., of our request for a two week postponement in thi. matter. Z.quire DPl(/n. po: Jam.. A. Cherot, Esq., City Attorney Rick Harri., lequire Mr. Jo.eph P. Baaile, Jr. Herbert L. Gildan, S.q. vennls (). I I\()ehle.... J>.A. , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HL .~IN( NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, on Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. to consider the request described herein and submitted by Joe Basil of Cedar Ridge Development, Inc., agent on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, property owner, regarding a total of 6.37 acres located at the eastern terminus of Forest Road (Forest Road is located within the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD which is on the east side of High Ridge Road and 1100 feet north of Miner Road). This request will also be considered by the City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS. NATURE OF REQUEST: To amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential (LOR) to Public and Private Governmentalllnstitutional and to rezone the property from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA, Single Family Residential, on the northeast portion of the original plat of Cedar Ridge for the future transfer to and use by the Lake Worth Christian School for recreational purposes. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel "B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and/or City Commission with respect to the matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 375-6260 PUBLISH: The Palm Beach Post October 17, 1997 October 24, 1997 J:\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\LUAR\legalnot.doc c: City Manager, City Commission, City Attorney, Planning, Files DEVElO. .~ENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM #97-478 TO: FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk Tambri J. Heyden, AICP .-r ~ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: September 22, 1997 RE: Cedar Ridge PUD/lake Worth Christian School Amendment and Rezoning (lUAR 97-001) Joe Basil, agent for the lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. is requesting that 6.4 acres of vacant property located adjacent to the south and east of the lake Worth Christian School on High Ridge Road be rezoned and that the Future land Use Plan designation be amended. The current land use and zoning on this property is low Density Residential and PUD (Planned Unit Development), respectively. To prepare this property for use by the school, the applicant is requesting that the property be rezoned to R-1AA, Single Family Residential, and the Future land Use Map designation be changed to Public and Private Governmental/Institutional. See attached copy of submittal documents. A new application fee has already been transmitted to Finance. A legal advertisement for same has been prepared for the October 28, 1997 Planning and Development Board Public Hearing and the November 4, 1997 City Commission Public Hearing, and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney. Also, property owners notices must be mailed out no later than September 26, 1997. T JH:dim xc: Central File Attachments J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\LUAR\legalnot.doc RL.ulUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney two working days prior to the newspaper's ad submittal deadline. ORIGINATOR: Planning and Zonina PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: September 22.1997 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Cedar Ridae PUD/Lake Worth Christian School Land Use Plans Amendment and Rezonina SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Legal Ad for Plannina and Development Board meeting on October 28. 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and City Commission meeting of November 4. 1997 at 7:00 p.m. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper. adioining property owners (bv September 26. 1997). applicant and Planning and Zonina Director. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The Post DA TE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: October 17. 1997 and October 24. 1997 LAST DATE TO FAX TO NEWSPAPER: October 15.1997 APPROVED BY: ~ (1) , (Originator) (2) (City Attorney) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\LUAR\legalnot.doc ~ _ riCE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, on Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. to consider the request described herein and submitted by Joe Basil of Cedar Ridge Development, Inc., agent on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, property owner, regarding a total of 6.37 acres located at the eastern terminus of Forest Road (Forest Road is located within the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD which is on the east side of High Ridge Road and 1100 feet north of Miner Road). This request will also be considered by the City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS. NATURE OF REQUEST: To amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Public and Private Governmentalllnstitutional and to rezone the property from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA, Single Family Residential, on the northeast portion of the original plat of Cedar Ridge for the future transfer to and use by the Lake Worth Christian School for recreational purposes. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel liB" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and/or City Commission with respect to the matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 375-6260 PUBLISH: The Palm Beach Post October 17, 1997 October 24, 1997 J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\LUAR\legalnot.doc HUC~ 14 . ':17 15: 28 DEt'l~l I S P I<OEHLEr:, F' . I=l. ) P . 2 LAW OFFices ()ennls 1>. l\()ehleJ: 1>"4. Oon8"" 8u,'''''' O.rU.r 1210 North Cofto..... Av.nue. Suit. 1 C14 WU' P.'m haoh, Florida 31400 Tel.phon.: ("1) .'4.2144 '41"'mll.: (Ge1) .'+N70 BY .,~ MEMORANDUM AU9ust 14, 1997 TO: Hon. Jerry Taylor, Mayor. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Xs. ~.rry willi8, city Manager Jam.. Ch.~of, asquire, City At~orn.y H8. Tambri Heyden, Plannin~ , Zoning Director F~OK: D6nni. P. RCebler. lequir~ SUBJECT: TQwnhom.. a t Ce~al" Ridge - R.EQ1JKST FOR DODmIATB KKBT%NC to r..olv. d.v.l~pment Qrd.r problema I'm writing th1_ m.mo~andum at the .p.oitic reque.t of my client in this matter, Mr. Jo..ph Y. B..11., Jr., Pre.ident ot CEDAR RIOGJIl DINELOPMEN'I' CORP. ot Boyntor~ Beach (tleBD~ RIDGE"). Mr. a..118' a company i. the developer (If the Ce4ar Rid;e PUD, loc.t.~ on the e..t .ide of Hi~h R14q. RQSd, one-half mile .o~th ot HypoluXQ roa~ in the eity. On May 20, 1~g7, CIDAR RIDGE r.celved final plat approval frol'l1 tn_ city Comm1..ion fClr the 110-un,Lt portion of th. Cedar Ri4ge Pt1D known a. the 'I'OWNHOMIS AT CEt'AR RIDGE. Thill multi- fam1ly project 1. logateeS within tlle Ced.ilr Ridqe PUO, juet 80uth at th. Lake Worth Chr1.t:!an School'. campus. l'here ar. ~wo (2) l'1:'..lIing rea.Ol\8 for r.qu..~inq thi. ~di.t. ...~in9: (1) City .tatf h.. not yet ill.~e~ a Dev.lop..nt Orde~ t.hat. aoc::u.u...t.ly reflect. t:he ~.v.1a.d condition. of tinal plat approval that: were approved. by i:he city commission on Mar 20, ~~~?; and (2) city .taft' i. (app.rently) ...ltinc; to i",poso AIUiC qQJ)cU.tiona that were nev.r part ot t.ht. City Coui..ion's ~1nal plat approval. My Client 18 l1terally in 4ire .trelt.: Th. projeo~'. 1.ndin9 instit.Ution cannot. 010.. on it. lIlulti-mil:.1on dollar conetruction loan to CEDAR RIDGE, con.t.ruct1on cannot. begin and hund.rede of pro8peetive townhoma buyer. c.nno~ pureh.~e unit. in the project, unl... t.h... development order problema are re.olvec1 lMMltDZATl:LYl My olient. has oomp11.<1 with every ren80nable requ..t m.a. by eh. citYI and i. ...kin4 to comply with arl unr.a.onable condi~ion ot plat approval that Plannin9 , zoning Oir.Q~o~ Heyden in.i.tea Z:0 39\;7d l3A3a 39aI~ ~\;7a38 1:08'3EESL0t> '3E:'31O 1:66t/88/1:1O ;~'",~ ".~~'.';; RlJ(j. 1 <1 '97 1:;: 29 DE.Nr F' I -fl..ER, F'. A. I F' . .;1 ,- on May 20: That the Lake Worth Chr1.tian Sohool reinitiate 111 requ..t(l] tor ralonihq approv~l tor ~hos. loe. that wera d.l.~.d tro~ ~h. ravi..4 ~la~ tor the ee4ar Rid9. POOI* Planninq , zoninq Con4ition No. 1 at the townt\oJl\. plat approva1 w.. rlxia.a on MAY 20 and approved by the Ci~y co~i.sion, eo ~.ad .. fOllOW.' "Prior to i..uance of the tiuLruic!ent.ia.]. buildin; Dtn:,.it., r.lniti.~. rezoning proce... that ..rved to .x~rac~ trom the pun the platted lot. wit.hin the Pun ~hat .~8 no long.r intended to ~e develop.4 but are to beoom. a future expan.1on of ~h. ~djao.n~ Lake WQrth Chr i.i:ian School. 1he ordirUlnc. ~9vincr t:hi.~.~6l'\ina .us):.- be r inally ac!OI?t.~ Drior 1<<0 ..1:he ~gc;. ot the first r..!c!el'\t:ia.l c.rtl(i~t. of -.O~cup"n.c~." (revi..4 new language ia Yndarl~Or~) Mr. 8a.118 advi..4 m. thi, .orninq that certain member. ot the ci.ty'. .i:att - spae1t1ca,11y, Mr. Miku Haaq and Mr. Al Newbold - are now retU1ini to allow ccn.truotion to beqin on th. Townhome& at Cedar R1dq. pt'ojeot l.lnl... oertain adcUt.i2na1 prQbl_:rft8 are f1rat ~ddrea.ed. The.. "plat54" pro:~lem. 1nvolve linc;erinq qUGstions over owner.hip ot the PUD' 15 intr..tructur. which, ~lthough Du11t aDd dedicated to the cit~, over 10 year. ago (and since UBed and tr.ated a. City property), w.r. never officially accepted by the City C01'lU'l\i..ion. Resolution of th... uJ:)lat 4 II prOblems wlI neXl~m4d. 4 condition ot tbe ci~y Commi..1on'~ plat ~~2V&~ On May 2Q, .. M.. Heyden will aUT.ly oonfirm. w. ~h.r.tor. r..pectt'l,llly in.tet that the City 1J1Ull.<!i..~.ly convene a ~..tin9 to reaolv. thi. unaooeptable hCatch 22" situation ~hat threaten. to d..troy 1che .n~ir. C.~ar Ridq. projeot. We 8Uqq..t that City M.naqe~~ Willi. moderate thi. ~.etinq, <<nd that -he be jo1n.~ by Ms. Heyden, city Attorney Chercf (or hi. r.pr...not_t.iv.), Mr. Hauc; and. Mr. Newbold. Mr. Basile and I are 11~.r&11y available at ~ time, day or night, to partiQ1pate in .uch a m..~ift9. iL~SE ~.~t DPK/ns pc: Mr. Jo.eph F. B.ail., Jr. .On th1. 4ate, Attorney RiCK Harrl., who represented ~n. LWCS in it. ...rlie:r rezoning .ttort, pledged tC) Mr. Basile that he will i~.41.t.ly determ!n. with ~h. city's Mr. Mike Ruapf how bast to quickly reinit1.te the LWCS r-ezoning p.t..L~1on. E0 39'V'd lJ~nnl~ 1'.. I\~phlpr J;> A _ l3A3a 39aI~ ~'V'a38 1089EE9L0p 9E:90 1661/8103/1103 KU(~ 1 ~ . '~7 1 ':;: ,:7' [1Er'U'l rs ~ ,< 'JEHLE:~'. F'. H. I F'. 1 CongrAss 8usin.A~~~ C(~:l'::(I.r 1280 North Congress Avt!tHl!,), S~.l1te 104 West P~lm Beach, Flurid~ 33409 'l'elephon",; (561) 684-.~8'i4. Fa c s i mil e: (~j 6 j ~ E e 4. ~l;'; 0 FAX COVER SHEET J ~.&, Ttvnb~~ ~A~~r~~ :..~~~-- ~. ..C.~1'~A~f'Pl t... 6_Y1(';{::. tf~>, &<<t..~. :.~_ NG~a~E~fo)~~~~IL~(~J1~~'3 .... FROM::DEN~9~~~:~~~!R~~'~'~--- . .- -~.____ LOCAL: ~O~G :)!STANCE: -.- ~ CHARGE '!'~): ~~_.. __ ....._-- NO. 0, ?:-'CES: .;l.(~\~~r: 'f ~S __......_~... -~~US COVER SHEET ClATE &. Tn~E OF TRANSMISSION: :i!J,,/'17 - ~ :~~?~.~ INITIALS 0:" PERSON SENDING FAX: l:::JS, ..._.'.___ I ...... '). \g I -1'1 ~ 1:0 38'i1d l3A3a 38aI~ ~'i1a30 1:089€€9L0~ 9€:90 / l' t e MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 20,1997 C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R97 -84 Re: Approve final plat for Cedar Ridge Estates Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R97-84 by title only. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R97 -84. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Dennis Koehler, Attorney for Cedar Ridge, referred to comment 7 on .Exhibit C and hoped the Engineering Division was referring to development permit for the single- family town homes. He stated that one of the requirements that was accepted several years ago was that the community facilities were going to be constructed first. He had no objections to all the other conditions. . Ms. Heyden could not address comment 7 because it was generated by the Engineering Division. With regard to the Planning and Zoning comment on Exhibit C, Ms. Heyden stated that if this comment is not amended as discussed, the application would have to be turned in prior to the plat being recorded. Mr. Koehler said he advised Ms. Heyden that he has no control over this requirement. Th~Lake Worth Christian School owns the property and has received City Commission approval of a rezoning. However, they were held up because' of a problem involving drainage. That problem has been resolved over a year ago. However, the Lake Worth Christian School has not reinitiated the rezoning effort. He ag(eed to accept a condition that requires the Lake Worth Christian School to reinitiate the rezoning process prior to the issuance of the first residential building permit, which is expected to be in about 30 ~~ys. He said Ms. Heyden advised 'him that the ordinance would have to be adopted prior to the issuance of the first residential CO. That would be in about 60 to 90 days after the building permit is issued. Ms. Heyden and Mr. Koehler agreed to this. With regard to comment 7, Mr. Koehler said he is concerned that the permitting and initiation of construction of the community facilities might be delayed unless this comment is modified to read "issuance of first residential development permit". This would eliminate any problems and the community facilities would be able to be 38 -- ~e- r . l,~ MINUTes REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ MAY 20,1997 ~.. permitted and constructed even if there is a delay in recording the drainage agreement referred to in this comment. . M~y~.)[ ;<:{ ayl~sugge!!ed A:that ltfii!lm~~olutioFl~'i~fFcappr:~Y~~!.~~d~O~ed.. . '..~n a is1ltiSfaCfof1lgteemeht 'beiiig:-reacneo~1tWregarcnctaemme~~~~'~"~' . - . ~'~'.. ':'~~ ~""-..-:-..," , -.:'1 !2~,{ I"\.!"t~-L::.:.;:.~:"l.~-t.r_ t_~ t, ^'~ i~"""~t 3:11..1"' City Attorney Goren said if the Commission would delegate the decision to the City Manager that the staff is otherwise satisfied, the Manager can sign off on that basis. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved approval of the final plat for Cedar Ridge Estates subject to the conditions of approval in Exhibit C, with 7 as clarified by the City Attorney. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Resolution No. R97 -85 Re: Abandonment of 15 foot wide unimproved alley in Bowers Park subdivision, Blocks 10, 11 and 12 Attorney GOr~OSed Resolution No. R97 -85 by title only. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R97 -85. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. D. Other 1. Approve payment of Court Judgment against the City in the amount of $75,386.81 to Plaintiff Allen C. Willis Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the City Manager, advised that Leslie Roberts was the counsel assigned to this case. He explained that Mr. Willis is an independent contractor. He was in a trench when part of the trench wall caved in on him and he was injured. This case was tried by a jury and the plaintiff was found 54 percent responsible and the City 46 percent responsible. The City is being asked to pay their percentage share, which amounts to $75,386.81 and includes interest. 39 - ---------~ - ~-~ -' ec::. . ~G; 7" /(.'"-~L~. .;O~ .. .. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES PUD APPLICANT'S AGENT: Paramount Enaineerina Group. Inc.. aaent for Condor Investment the property owner DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: June 18. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Reouestina site plan approval to construct 110 sinale-familv townhouses and a private recreation facility on 18.88 acres within the Cedar Ridae Estates PUD. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southeast comer of Hiah Ridoe Road and Cedar Ridae Road (Parcel C and Parcel 0 of the Cedar Ridae Estates PUD) DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT ''8-.'' ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant. administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "-'-" with the notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby . X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. . DENIED ( ,\~ fY ~.~ A1)~ Irrfl ST iA ({Av'"6 . V ...\~< ,{1}~(. \"" I ('i ().r Cf~ EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD File number: NWSP 96-002 Reference:The plans consist of 34 sheets identified as 2nd Review. ~w Site Plan. File * NWSP 96-002 with a May 10. 1996 Planning and Zoning De~artment date stamg marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES: Comments: 1. City water will not be supplied for x irrigation. Please clearly show water source for irrigation, (City Compo Plan, Policy 3C.3.4). 2. Only Palm trees will be permitted x within utility easements, (Sec.26. 33(a)). 3. Sanitary sewer, as shown, does not x connect to the existing sewer system. 4. Show existing and proposed utility x easements (Sec.26.33(a)). 5. Palm Beach Health Department permits x will be required for water and sanitary sewer (Sec.26.12). 6. A Capacity Reservation Fee of x $15.246.00 is due within thirty (30) days of Commission approval or upon request for Director of Utilities signature on HRS/DEP forms (Sec.20-34 (E)). FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING Comments: ()) All plans submitted for specific x permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not ~ f limited to the following; ..site-,,:"":-2''',q;:,<,,:, }ightinq, paving, drainage,~ r',f ~i:tc ~ landscaping, irrigation and a ic 'e d~.,..J '7 < control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, ~~. ~WMD~and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. , Revise documents to reflect all x comments. ~ Project shall have underground x facilities to residential units. c. Chap.2.5,Sec.9E,pg.2.5-7 " ~ Provide relationship of development to x proposed LUI rating. Chap.2.5.Sec.10A3,pq.2.5-8 . Page 2 New Site Plan Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD NWSP 96-002 DEPARTMENTS Parking lot section must conform to City code including, but not limited to, parking spaces for each townhome. Chap.6,Art.IV,Sec.lOF,p .6-12 Minimum street right-of-way width for a local street with 2 mountable curbs is 50 feet; with swales minimum right- of-way width is 60'.'Chap.6,Art.IV, Sec.lOC, .6-11 , O~~~ ~ Need SFWMD &~~c'cePtance prior t9 (~ Engineering on approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B,p .6-24 _ 20.) Photometries must be approved for both f-0.L. ../ pedestrian and parking lot lighting ";?\\ '~~ \J,' before building permit can be issued. 1>~ -. Chap.23,Art.II,Ala,p .23-6 ~~ ,21. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan. L~ \l.'\lo Chap.23,Art.IIA,p .23-6 22. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23,Art. II,p .23-6 23. Landscaped areas in parking lots must be protected by wheel stops or curbs. Chap.23,Art.IIE,p .23-7 . It is recommended to locate the meeting hall as close as possible to related parking facility and east of proposed pool. It is recommended to extend pedestrian walkways for lefthand entrances out to oint accessible to driver. y. ~2. vi3. ,'" \ <9~ ~ ~ Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by appropriate agencies. Chap.3,Art.IV, Sec.3R, p .3-5 Provide a master stormwater management plan. Chap.3,Art.IV,Sec.3T,p .3-6 Plat review and approval required. Chap.S,Art.II,Sec.1,p .5-1 Establish deed restrictions providing for a property owners' association to pay for the operation of a street light system within the development. Chap.6,Art.III,Sec.14,pg.6-4 and Chap.5,Art.V,Sec.2A4,p .5-9 Sidewalks are required on both sides of all local and collector street. Chap.6,Art.III,Sec.llA,p .6-3 Provide certification by developer's x engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6,Art.IV,Sec.SA,pg.6-7 and Chap.23,Art.IIF, p .23-8 INCLUDE x x x x x x x x '1c-a~+' f; X'T~tL x~~f ~B x'T~cf 16 x REJECT X '-.. .~~ Page 3 New Site Plan . Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD NWSP 96-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ~ It is recommended that if Forest Road x ~ (now a public road) becomes a private road, a consent from Cedar Ridge PUD , to the north, including maintenance _responsibilities, shall be granted. X ( ) . It is recommended that for a safe x - pedestrian circulation and access to " . recreation area, consider a sidewalk or jogging path at the following locations: a) . Behind building's 3 & 4 b) . North-south path between building 9,10,11 & 12,13,14 c) . East-west paths between buildings 9 & 10 & 10 &11 --.:.:., ~/It is recommended that the two car .( ~) garage parking spaces should be 20' wide. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 29. All signs and entry walls or fences x must be shown on the site plan in compliance with the code. 30. Parking at the clubhouse or recreation x building shall comply with Chapter 2, Section 22, E (12) of the Land Development Regulations. 31- The Building Division reviewed the x plans for site review issues only. Building review and comments will be handled at the time of permit application submittal. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 32. It is recommended that the x preservation area site be moved from south of the entrance road (Cedar Ridge Road) to the southwest corner of the property. This should be indicated on the engineering and landscape drawings submitted. 33. If the preservation area site is x moved, then remove all improvements and utility easements from the newly located preservation area. The preserve area shall also have a management plan for before, during and after construction. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: . . Page 4 New Site Plan . Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD NWSP 96-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 34. Submission of a rectified master plan x showing compliance with the conditions of approval for the project will be required prior to applying for a permit or replatting; whichever comes first. The rectified master plan shall be submitted in triplicate to the Planninq and Zoninq Department. 35. One of the conditions of the master x plan approval is to submit a plat to the Development Department of the area to be developed. This plat shall vacate any existing streets within the PUD that are desired for private ownership. 36. The submitted boundary survey does not x meet the requirements of Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan, Section 7.A. The survey shall include, but not be limited to, all easements that exist on the site. The submitted survey contains a surveyor note that the property was not researched for the easements and other restrictions. Provide a current survey (within 6 months) showing all easements and other restrictions. The survey that includes locations of existing trees on the site, Sheet 25 of 34, is dated January 19, 1995, which does not meet city requirements. 37. To comply with the Land Development x Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan, Section 7.E, provide percentage distributions for the site data. Also break up the category, "paved areas", into vehicular use area (parking and driveways) and other paved areas (sidewalks, etc). 38. On the site plan, sheet 2 of 34, draw x in all setbacks as shown on the approved master plan. 39. Indicate on the site plan the method x of trash pick-up. 40. If colored elevations of the proposed x structures as required by Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 - Site Plan, Section D, are not submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department prior to the Planning and Development Board meeting, it is recommended that the elevations go back before the Commission, at a future site plan approval. 41. On the site plan, Sheet 2 of 34, x include the 27 foot dimension required for the back-up space of the parking SDaces servina the recreational area. . . . Page 5 New Site Plan Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD NWSP 96-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE 42. Amend the homeowners' association x document to include a provision regarding unobstructed access to the "T" turn-around at the western portion of the development. Indicate a method to ensure enforcement of constant access to the "T" turn-around. Provide amended homeowners' association document for staff review. 43. Provide parking calculations for the x recreational facilities and include information regarding: a) square footage of the water area of the swimming pool and b) number of dwelling units located within a five hundred to eight hundred foot radius. Include the calculation on the site plan. 44. A drainage permit issued by South x Florida Drainage Management District designates Veronica Lake as a dry- retention area. Amend drawings to comply with the district requirements. If the retention is to be entirely wet, provide an alternate location for the required dry retention, and verify approval from the South Florida Water Management District. 45. Provide for review an agreement x between the developer and the Lake Worth Christian School regarding the use by the school of the retention area located within the PUD. Provide a statement by the registered engineer that the drainage capacity is sufficient to include the school area, the PUD and the PID areas. 46. Provide for review an agreement x between the developer and the Lake Worth Christian School regarding access by the schnn' f-,,---- - 11 .- Ridge Estates de 47. Eliminate discre Landscape Plan, the site plan, s differences appe specifically in areas. ~ '-\~ G,,,",~\ ~ ~ C;:> .J ( COC'() ~~ 48. On the landscape draw in all util. all trees from tl provide an authol owner of the eaSE Dlantina in thesE ;-J CJ') (' '9-b. 00 "'L REJECT _, Page 6 New Site Plan '._ . Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD NWSP 96-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 49. City's Land Development Regulations, x Chapter 7.5 - Landscape Code, Article II, Section 5.C sets forth minimum standards for planting materials, such as physical characteristics of the trees and shrubs, height, spread, and spacing. Amend the landscape tabulations and include these characteristics in the planting " material specification for every item that is proposed. 50. For all sub-area drawings provide a x key map to allow identification of these sub-areas in relation to the entire site. Include same on the landscape plan, Sheet 26 of 34. 51- On the landscape plan, Sheet 26 of 34, x amend the planting material tabular summary to include a "landscape material required by the code" category. Also, provide relevant calculations for this category. Indicate with an identifiable symbol all native species. 52. It is recommended that there be x different color schemes for the unit clusters. On the site plan, Sheet 2 of 34, delineate housing clusters that would have the same color designation, and incorporated this into the working drawings required for permits for the project. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 1- Delete Comment 24. x 2. Delete Comment 27. x 3. Reword Comment 28 to require 20 foot x wide driveways and 18' wide interior garage dimensions for parking located inside the qaraqe. OTHER COMMENTS: NONE TJH/dim a:ComDept.CED f \ .,-, - - - ............-- t.... ",'" .-. .",.-. - \ ...-- \ q. J.';. \l' --- .~\, \lit \ ~ ~\,. ., L-;~ .'\.. -- ~ t.. "l \ \ 1\ ~....' .-' _0' --- --- .- --..:.:-- -' --:-~ . , , -- '. ~ 'I q. l~ \~\ "'\111 \~\l\ "~1 ' ~\I\ ~ ~,. . . ..1- . . .....:, '\0 . . ~t.. .... ~~: ; .! .~ ~ \ . ~ . -- \ ------ .mt III .. tatn ~ \\.\nC~il\ ! . ."" \ \\W.\\ \ 1\'\1' '," "':l..~t\~\ ,\\~\ \i ,., \\ .:t'~I\t\\I,W\\,\;,\\t, \ii, i t t\ -,\ I,' \'"'" ""l'a " ~ \ h'J~~\. ~\\I.I \ I: 1\ \\ !. .., ',I'l '\\!.\.. \ II.\-. .. \. . .. ',1 "l . \\. \\\' i \ir~; ~\ \ 'iW~\~ ~~~'.~ ;~l' ; \ l..~, \" '$ ~".\. l~~' .~ IL:. '.Iii' \ 'It.. ,~.:: h~ \ ' . h, . 1\' \ . . . ___ . t ".\ ~.A, I \ \ I~'l.~ '1 ~_____ c..... ~ . .!~.. t ~ ;.~ .__. - \\~\~ \\ \t ~\\: . \\\ .~ W ,1__, ...--- --_.--~-' ,.- t' _ .. II . '~ ' . ___ . I I ~ "'. ' . . \ " : . -- . --- - . - . '--"-- . ',: ~-~~= :..-_: ,-n:' -" - ;j - , I ' [[lJ-~- J.',: ._-~~:j'[[[LT J'~ .\ ---- ','-. . 1\ . : ....:1 ~-A-A-- ',. '\ "\~ '. .. ..~, I .,; - ~IIJ tr - ~~M '11(&1 JC;S f'-/L ,< - ~ rJ .. - (/)1~ TCRPC With r pect comment regarding creating a new L.U. classification, the city does not sense the need to create a new classification just for this proposal. With respect to magnitude of supply of land for retail uses, any 9J1ange in the uses to uses typical within the LRC classification, a review 9Y the~y would be required, which would ensure continued compliance with the~prehensivepan and that facilities are available to support said change. Division of Wit!1 respect to the lack of investigation into archeological or historic resources, Historical thew has prepared an inventory of historic sites and buildings; no historic Resources _.L~~.. resources ~re identified ~thin the areas subject to the proposed amendments. res~. Also, the romprehensiveJ51an, in order to ensure prope ction to be taken when arch~sources are identified clearing the deve opment pr . -- .-/J-- 61fcy???) 111"/0 I" - (t. ~ Dot . ;; to.)'ODversioD of th~,;Z;fficl2in:ulatiofiile~ a . · ransportation(d'ement, as required as part of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) process, this conversion wil\lccur as planned by the October 1, 1998 ~ a-~ J J.- deadline (as generated by the DCA 'PLough a six-month extension). ('-' 1r~-vr.. With respect to submittal of an amended Future Land Use Map, the~ does not amend the original mylar map until after adoption of the proposed amendment. J:\SHRDATA\PL~i5iwpiS;~CPROJ\MR TCRPCDOC ---~----~,.-- )~C/ (\..J'..,C-- 6 (L' ;?PC_ - 6J; -t1, ve5f'''''~ Cc.-yr, """c::_~.-f- rJa.rS,.2~7 L, . d2 C {<=-:....:-ft-,,)f <..'- nc:....~ Cb-.5.s....ft~:...r---n9l--., -rG- <.~..~7 - "''''OS )1.1'- I. ~"'5C -1<, Yl<!::~..o ~ C'~~-f=- ~-L )1<I,J c/'.:~ss< Ac---c--TFv--. Ju~f;:,. d;s ;c>rrSdc-r. ~/-fI Sv17'ty of /;:(~ (,1 ;;; r.:---fe.-; ( uS<i::~-, it- <--s.e.s ~ '-';:~ ~ 'r--~ t? r or:. ~ ~ .. /! f' , <~ f'~.Vt:. }n ~ " r -f-'!../T" c: Q.n r cf.<c n.r- ('", --,,' . / J .. -" --rt:, 0'/'''' ca$.. (\ "'7 c;...,/ ~ /"'" ~ - [2c. -F ' ,C.. (' L" (/ c../.....s oS '; Ac:::.......n c",-- .7 0- f ~ .J (<~ ~ ~ r -r--(.... G ~f;r (00 ,j~ b"'- '<} C-I t' ~-...J.~./ <i- c.. ,-==.'- ~<o,-,(.(,i E"....,..s- ""'''=-. '--eM-.. T( ~ ,"""cD G:>>~\ (' f. """"'- <. .. <;...1 c'-f-( --rL:.. c, r-- k "'-S', "e. \P r.- '-.--, "<><.........c: {4. +<-:f; -f- -;c.s ci-. r"",,- <A..v'~~' (13- (,fc.. i. 5<- fY=' ~'f- S'c- ;~LJ cLr~ '"I>lvfsr<lY\ o-f 1{(~f<<',c~(W(Ai.. ~--"'f'":'--~" ~ -tk 1cx...e.K. <:if ~ tI L ~ ~~.~ 1(~'yy.x,.-c..e- 5 i n u~S -!;.jcr--1tCoV\ (k f-.. L, ~~ <::;~""'"'- ,,~.... (~ft ._y 0("" l~-~ -k'\., A.. J.. r-f --r..,-Q .. 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Q- f "~:'i ....,-.; ,- -k 'V- C"'O..!<:l"o-~':'-"''-':''', \""-1':d-~.s fir ",-,,--Mev.... ~ tf:...._ -fc.--K<-""'r~ /.~_f<il ~.. ~k"^ (].. <c;...l""''''CJ";:-- -f r~J~v..s':".e: ~ ~,~ -,d2~.-- +.f:..,:-/J Ci.CL.0Y --tt.....<- c{="",," C,-J \f~''-~~'' (8..l~<c.y "7:> ?) , E/~ ,-,..,~~--f Ctr~ if=-o.S;C1;, f J r-' .(""@"j \ I; '-" ~ ; ',... - c.. . ~ If>- C//ys / r.~-,",- C, rc......L-A~ Dot ~ JvtSj><=>-i'-- ~--h-;'t..... ;;;: k ~",,-+--:-f- ~ <J..-.s y- L '-, 'r--J) f' ,-.--t- c f . /' z...-1' c:.~" 'J,-~/J 5 'E' ,~ "I!--,<=- ~VO;;; (~... -K~ o--\~ . lrr r:et~.5'-/ Re F'"'<+ (611-RJ r-r:;UC'S,; rii.:> ~ , ::. ~ veu~~ {y/ ~(I 6Cc.vr "--u-...~;o.'d Go.. -S ~ (~_.... '" --~ ~r .-;-I ~ C c-_ -( c-~_~- J 1<::( t t r I $;-J' fl-={,,- (;- n tt. (4) ~ .7 I V-oD- -f~..D '=>7 -rL- 'u c:.4 -(-( r ~ ~ ~.- 1"1~ . <2).'_ -(c ~'1.S ;:q)_ tVJlK '~Sf'~~-t ~ ~t~,~l9~t ~J~ Df o--.Y\ d--~C~ f +~ ,-,,,- Ll'-- ~ ~S~'- iY\~ J ~ ,,: +-'f' c&...-~ I\~T ; ~ , 6- "'- e....- (; ... O-{" ~:r"\ ,~( (V'- y t. 'r Il"'-<>-f Vv-... -f'\. <-- "- -\;' f~ c>--- d "t ~~ ,,-. (' f{<L If r r G S <..c a.... -^"<- ~"-'-. \J"'----.J'~ , s(.J:> ~;;[" fJ1ie City of t:8oynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'lJoyntcm 'lJeadi 'lJoufevan{ P.O. 'lJo:{310 'lJoyntcm'lJeacfz., :J"forUfa 33425-0310 City :J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :J".9lX: (561) 375-6090 September 22,1997 The IP ARC Clearinghouse c/o Town Of Lantana 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Cedar Ridge PUD/LWCS Amendment and Rezoning (LUAR 97-001) Attention: IP ARC Clearinghouse: The City of Boynton Beach is processing an amendment to its Future Land Use Map. Please find enclosed an executive summary and location map. The applicant is Condor Investments Of Palm Beach County. They are rezoning the northeast portion of the original plat of Cedar Ridge for future use of the property by the adjacent Lake Worth Christian School. The project site is only 6.37 acres, and the land use to be changed from Low Density Residential (LDR) to the Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI). Public hearings on this proposed amendment will be held before the Planning and Development Board on October 28, 1997 and before the City Commission on November 4, 1997; both at 7:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Dan DeCarlo, Planner at 375-6260. Sincerely, ~.h.;)i/,/cLv Tambri Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director 51muua's (jateway to tlie (julfstream Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: September 22, 1997 Reference #: Gity reference It LUAR 97-001 General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL W. RUMPF, SENIOR PLANNER Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD. , BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 T elephone/F ax: /375-6260 / /375-6090 Applicant! Agent: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County / Joe Bas i1 Telephone/Fax: 561-533-5199 561-533-6801 "- Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: X land use - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing - infrastructure sub-elements - coastal management - conservation - recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: NOT APPLICABLE Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (5) to adopted comprehensive plan: NOT APPLICABLE Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOLt EAST OF HIGH RIDGE RD., APPX. 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD. Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres)6. 37 ACRES Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOW DENSITY RES. 4.84 DU/ACRE Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) PUBLIC & PRIVATE, GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R-lAA, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 5.40 DU/ACRE Present Development of Site UNDEVELOPED Proposed Development of the Sitet ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): ATHLETIC/RECREATION FOR LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing Dateffime/Location Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing . October 28,lQ97/7:00 PM/CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. DateffimeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing NOVtm~~~ ~,1997/fIME AND LOCATION AS ABOVE Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA CEDAR RIDGE PUD/LWCS AMENDMENT & REZONING (LAUR 97-001) . . LOCATION MAP . ..'4.,.,......... .. ..~,.........~_., _~"~_,-,,,,,. ,0- ... ~~. ~__eatIDIlL It" '" II '. :.: .:. ~~: ~~~. Is 0-. ~ ~j ~ ~ ',' ',' ~~~ '.' .:.: ::=: .:. '.' .:.: =::: .... ::=: .~:: lii~ LJLJ... ( l~ II( u ~ II) S I I I arv...~.. --;? ~ t II /~/ v_ I----.j 'I : ::::::::1_ ~ \;- - i i ~i~~~~~~~~: .-J ~ ~!I.'1" '.. ;.:.:;:.:.:;:::;t:;.:.:.:::.:.:: ~Vt7 SITE" ... ...."\. LJ " '''.-u d ,. 'I J II ~ " \I~~ ~~ I IIIII - ~ ~ '-- I I _ I .":.' ._~_h "" .\ MEMORANDUM -- 'W ~ -'- 12 ~ ~ \.'I.:j ;J I ,. \.V ~ J C='lli ! Ii ~ ! q , ., -98 ::. i U 1 AFR · l) j' w April 15, 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT, TO: FROM: Bulant Kastarlak, Director of Development Tambri Heyden, Planning Director Michael J. Pawelczyk, Assistant City Altornel) 11}P Compromise and Settlement Agreement Cedar Ridge Community Association, Inc., Cedar Ridge Development Corp., Inc., and City of Boynton Beach RE: Attached for your review is a revised draft of the Compromise and Settlement Agreement as prepared by Dennis P. Koehler, Esq. on behalf of his client, Cedar Ridge Development Corporation. After you have had an opportunity to review this document, please provide me with your comments. Encl. cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager James A. Cherof, City Attorney s:ca\development\cedar ridge\Settlmt memo This Instrument Prepared By: DENNIS P. KOEHLER, ESQ. DENNIS P. KOEHLER, P.A. 1280 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 104 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (561) 684-2844 Facsimile (561) 684-9370 DRAFT i1;~~h /c-~~.f77r 18 COMPROMISE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this _ day of , 1998, by and between CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. whose address is 430 N. "G" Street, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 ("CONDOR"); CEDAR RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC., 7000 High Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33462-5006 ("ASSOCIATION"); CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP. INC., whose address is 7000 High Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33462-5006 ("CEDAR RIDGE"); and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ("CITY"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, CONDOR is the record owner of the Cedar Ridge Planned Unit Development ("PROJECT"), located at 7000 High Ridge Road in the CITY, more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the ASSOCIATION has been designated on the replat for the PROJECT as owner of those road rights-of-way and drainage and utility systems shown as common areas (Tract "A"), said replat having been approved by the CITY on May 20, 1997 and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida in Plat Book 80, at Pages 28-32 on July 17, 1997 (the "1997 Replat"); and WHEREAS, CEDAR RIDGE is the developer of the two (2) residential pods or portions of the PROJECT, having entered into an agreement to purchase them from CONDOR on September 29, 1994, and also served as the Agent for CONDOR on behalf of the Lake Worth Christian School ("SCHOOL") in Petition No. LUAR 97-001, which petition for land use 1 amendment and rezoning on properties no longer a part of the PROJECT was approved by the CITY on December 16, 1997; and WHEREAS, the original owner-developer of the Cedar Ridge PUD, t~e Boynton Development Corporation ("BOYNTON DEVELOPMENT"), obtained CITY approval for the original plat for the PROJECT on August 16, 1983, said plat having been recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida at Plat Book 46, Pages 58-61, on August 18, 1983 ("Original Plat"); and WHEREAS, the Original Plat for the PROJECT contained provisions that expressly dedicated the road and drainage facilities located within Tracts 5-1 S-2, 5-3 and 5-4 to the CITY and also dedicated certain drainage and utilities easements shown on this plat to the CITY, the latter easements "dedicated in perpetuity for the construction, operation and maintenance of utilities;" and WHEREAS, the CITY never adopted a resolution formally accepting ownership of the PROJECT's road and drainage facilities and easements for drainage and utilities after they were dedicated to the CITY by the Original Plat for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, after obtaining all required approvals and permits from the CITY, BOYNTON DEVELOPMENT constructed a complete infrastructure system to service the platted PROJECT, including road and drainage facilities and "dry" water and sewer lines, the latter extending from the CITY's utili ties connections located immediately south of the PROJECT to its northern limi ts immediately south of the SCHOOL properties; and WHEREAS, shortly after completing construction of the PROJECT's infrastructure system, BOYNTON DEVELOPMENT ceased all further activity on the PROJECT and went into foreclosure; and WHEREAS, sometime in 1984, as a condition of approval for annexing the SCHOOL properties into the CITY, the CITY required the 2 SCHOOL to obtain public water and sewer services by connecting to the CITY's utility system through the then-defunct PROJECT's existing "dry" water and sewer lines; and WHEREAS, despite its long and continuous control and use of the PROJECT's infrastructure systems to service the SCHOOl ever since 1984, the CITY has never acknowledged that such active control and use of the PROJECT's plat-dedicated improvements, even in the absence of a City commission resolution formally accepting them, constitutes legal acceptance "by user" of ownership of and maintenance responsibilities for such infrastructure systems. Huahes v. Town of Mexico Beach, 455 So.2d 566 (Fla. 1st DCA, 1984); and WHEREAS, all development orders that have been approved by the CITY since CEDAR RIDGE assumed development responsibilities for the PROJECT have contemplated private rather than public ownership of the PROJECT's internal roadway system, and further, that the 1997 Replat for the PROJECT in fact specifically dedicated such roadway system (aka the "S-4 Plat") to the ASSOCIATION, for its perpetual private ownership and maintenance as a common area of the ASSOCIATION; and WHEREAS, CEDAR RIDGE experienced delays in obtaining CITY permits to develop certain improvements shown on the CITY-approved master development plan, site plan and 1997 Replat for the PROJECT because of the controversy over whether the CITY's continuous control and use since 1984 of those roadways and infrastructure systems that were dedicated to it on the Original Plat for the PROJECT in fact constitutes legal acceptance "by user" of such public dedications; and WHEREAS, CEDAR RIDGE was forced by the CITY, as a direct result of CITY's failure to acknowledge its.legal acceptance "by user" of ownership of and maintenance responsibilities for the PROJECT's infrastructure systems, to pay the sum of approximately ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($170,000.00) to design, permit and construct certain improvements to the aforesaid infrastructure systems necessary to bring them up to city Code; and 3 WHEREAS, all parties to this Agreement now desire to reach a full and final compromise and settlement of the aforesaid controversy, one that (a) abandons all CITY claims to ownership of and maintenance responsibilities for the PROJECT's dedicated internal roadways, whi~h abandonment is necessary to foster timely development, sale and occupancy of the PROJECT's residential units, and (b) abandons all present and future claims by the ASSOCIATION, CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGE to money damages from the CITY to reimburse them for the costs of designing, obtaining permits to construct and installing improvements to the PROJECT's drainage and utility systems necessary to bring such infrastructure systems up to City Code, such costs having been estimated at ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($170,000.00). NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, CONDOR, the ASSOCIATION, CEDAR RIDGE and the CITY hereby agree as follows: 1. The recitations set forth above are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. 2. CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGE agree to Jo~n in preparing and presenting to the CITY a petition seeking abandonment of all CITY interests in the PROJECT's platted roadways, said abandonment petition to be initiated by CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGE on the ASSOCIATION's behalf on CITY forms provided for that purpose, with the understanding that the CITY will waive all required filing fees and charges for processing the aforesaid abandonment application. 3. The CITY acknowledges and agrees: a. That it accepted "by user". those infrastructure systems (roadways, drainage and utilities systems) that were dedicated by the Original Plat for the PROJECT to the CITY but never formally accepted by CITY resolution; 4 b. to entertain a petition to abandon to the ASSOCIATION any and all rights or claims to CITY ownership of those roadways that were dedicated by the original Plat to the CITY; and c. to award a credit of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($170,000.00) to CEDAR RIDGE against the PROJECT's water and sewer utility reservation fees and connection charges, as full compensation for the costs to CEDAR RIDGE for bringing the PROJECT's infrastructure system up to City Code. 4. The ASSOCIATION, by and through CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGE, agrees upon CITY approval of the abandonment petition referred to hereinabove, to accept full ownership of those roadways that were dedicated to the ASSOCIATION by CONDOR on the 1997 Replat for the PROJECT, and further agrees to provide back to the CITY those certain easements necessary to ensure that the PROJECT's dedicated drainage and utility systems are properly operated and maintained. 5. The parties mutually acknowledge and accept that this Agreement fully addresses and completely resolves any and all outstanding claims or disputes that any party to this Agreement may have with the CITY over the costs of bringing the PROJECT's original infrastructure system up to current City code. 6. This Agreement shall not be terminated, altered, limited, changed or modified unless in writing and signed by all of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and run to the benefit of, each party, its successors, assigns, or heirs, as the case may be. This Agreement may be enforced by any of the parties thereto, including but not limited to the CITY. 7. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, the expense of such recording to be borne by the ASSOCIATION. In the event this Agreement is ever revised, the ASSOCIATION shall bear the expense of recording said revision(s). 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, presents and affixed their above written. the parties hereto have executed these seals hereto as of the day and year first CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: James VanderWoude Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of , 1998 by James VanderWoude, and that he/she is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. NOTARY SEAL Notary Public, State of Florida Commission No. My commission expires: CEDAR RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: Joseph F. Basile, Jr. President STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) of is as The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , 1998 by Joseph F. Basile, Jr., and that personally known to me or who has produced identification and who did (did not) take an oath. day he/she NOTARY SEAL Notary Public, state of Florida Commission No. My commission expires: 6 CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP. IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: Joseph F. Basile, Jr. President STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of , 1998 by Joseph F. Basile, Jr., and that he/she is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. NOTARY SEAL Notary Public, State of Florida Commission No. My commission expires: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: By: Jerry Taylor, Mayor City Clerk Approved as to Form: City Attorney 7 Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION - The Project 8