APPLICATION OCT-22-1997 11:37 Department of Engineering and Public Woru Po. Bnx 2122Q West him Beach, Fl 33416-122q (561) 684-4000 Imp:llwww.co.palm-beachfl.us . Palm Beal:h COlfnty &clard of County Co","",.loners Flurt Aaron,on, Chairman Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair Karen T, Marcus Carol A, fl-ot>erts Warren H. NCl'well Mury McCilrly (~lln L. ["osrer County Adminilitl'lltol' Robert weisman, P~. "ArT ~fJ/Ju' Oppl,lTrunily Af/iym.TMvr. Ar.I'lnt1 ~:""l'loyr.r. e print'" I)n ~cyc/<<l "."., PPi= TRAFFIC ENG 551 478 5770 P.02/02 October 22, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: CEDAR RIDGE PUD REZONING Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Cedar Ridge Developmen~ Rezoning, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. It is located on the east side of High Ridge Road, north of Miner Road. The proposal is to rezone 10 single-family lots (6.4 acres) in the Cedar Ridge PUD to a recreational land use. The intent of the rezoning is to relocate recreational facilities for the Lake Worth Christian School. The traffic study shows a reduction in trips. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the requirements ofttle Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. If the relocation of the recreational facilities is intended to'accommodate additional student in the future, the traffic generated by the additional students will need to be addressed. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc. Alan Newbold, Boynton Beach Development-Department File: Mun . TPS - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn80. TAZ 418 TOTAL P.02 11:37 D~pllrtl".ftt of Engineering and ~ubli(l Worlui PO. Rex :~:~,o \V~st PJlm 8c~ch. FL 33416-1 nCi <,;;;1) 084-4000 11npI1wwwcopalm.beacl1.flu, . Palm BCiu:h Co~nty Soard of CO\ln.ty Commlsslo"eri Burt Aaronson Ch.1irm~n Maude Ford Ue. Vice Chair tI<H~n T J\.1~rcu~ CMol A Roberts W~I(I!I' H :>;ewclJ M ~ry I\\cC:uty ~n l. Foster County Administrator Rooe~l Wp.i,man, PE. "A" eql~<<' O,)/lf.ltnJIIlCY AfJirrllocive Acrion empray~" @ prinr"d on rco;yo;/Cti p:tper PBC TRAFFIC ENG 551 478 5770 P.01/02 TRI.F.cOPIER TRANSMlTT AL CpVER SHEET FAX NUMBER: (561) 478.5770 ................***.**..****.......***.*****.................... TRANSMITTAL DATE: 10 i?.';)...l'1' PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING TELECOPIED MA TERlAL TO: .*..****.*******.**........................*.***.**......***.... RECEIVER'S NAME:---DA ~ D~ (/iA<...o fb 0'1' /- T J,.,- ~4c:.. t"1 "'Z..)# L#&- OFFICE NAME: OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( OFFICE FAX NUMBER: ( ) ) 1> 75" - <; ~S--l RlDGe- SUBJECT: Q ~ [J/i' f( .*.*..*...******..****..*.*.***...*.***..*....*****.............. SENDER'S NAME: ~~ LutE f0~t:(.t.~ ) bQl.( (((jJ,u OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( .***...*...**........**...*******..*.........***.****.*.....*.**** TOT AL NUMBER OF PAGES (including this transmittal cover sheet): ":L. Nod PLEASE CALL TO VERIFY RECEIPT?) MATERIAL: YES U NAME OF FAX OPERATOR: W~ '1-- "-~._~~----~,--"-------_.~--~-~~--~-_._-~---~--_.--_.- ~~It .. MTP Group, Inc. 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33414-4704 Phone: (561) 795-0678 Telefax: (561) 795-0230 September 3, 1997 Mr. Joseph F. Basile Cedar Ridge Development Corporation 7000 High Ridge Road Lantana. Florida 33462-5006 Re: Cedar Ridge Development - Rezoning Dear Mr. Basile: We have analyzed the potential traffic impact due to the rezoning of approximately 6.4 acres from residential to recreational. This site is currently approved for 10 single-family dwelling units. We have used the trip generation rate contained in the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code Anicle 10: Impact Fees to estimate the potential trip generation of the approved land use. Based on the trip generation of 10 daily trips per dwelling unit, the site is currently approved to generate 100 daily trips. The site is proposed to be used for relocation of the recreational facilities for the existing Lake Worth Christian School. A preliminary site plan shows no parking within the site. Since the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code Anicle 10: Impact Fees includes a trip generation rate for recreational uses based on the number of parking spaces, the 1nstitute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Repon, fll Edition was used to estimate the potential trip generation of the proposed land lIse. Both land uses 411 (City Park) and 412 (County Park) have been used to estimate traftic for the recreational use. The trip generation potential of the proposed development was estimated as follows: Land Use 411: City Park Land Use 412: County Park 2.23 daily trips per acre 2.99 daily trips per acre 6.4 acres 6.4 acres 14 daily trips 19 daily trips The worst case scenario shows a 6.4-acre recreational use has the potential to generate t 9 daily trips. The potential traffic generation for the recreational use is much lower than that of the approved residential lIse. Therefore, there is no additional traffic impact due to the rezoning of the site. Do not hesitate to give us a call should you have any questions about the contents of this letter. CCt/CA/G'1 J ~ V \ ~ I Maria .If. Palombo, P.E. President Florida Registration Number 44095 C:\MTI'\Cedllfl Cllder IIVISbIIIIIS II Pal. 81ach CI.IIC. rr 430 North G Street . La~ ~~rth. Florida 33460. USA.' ! fiil. D....rIL. . & m U WI m ~"-- Phone 561-588-6500 + Fax 561-585-5574 I! ii }f f.' ,-r 7 i "l.JI ,'CP 9 /997 l L_~_ J PLANNING AND .. --- lONmG DEPT. 9- a>-97 City ofBoyton Beach To Whom it may concern: Please be advised that Joe Basil and Cedar Ridge Development Inc. are authorized to act as agents on the behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach Co. for the purpose of rezoning the North East portion of the original plat ofCeader Ridge for the future use of Lake Worth Christian School. Vice Pres. r~ ~ 1'f17 ~a~ ....~v PI, O"r v~ OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL ~ ~ '0 NANCY A HAKALOW ~ I.. COMMISSION NUMBER ~ ~ CC3986t5 ~o o~ MY COMMISSION EXP F F\. neT . ..._~~.'.' . 25 1998 SEP, -02' 9i(TUE) 14:33 FLAGLER. ITLE CO 01 ,. P3 I , ; , 7 "'.0';" 2ft:: <<11 \It I JlCI'UU '1'0. via ,.J :J. . UCUItD QD:l8. Blq. 4400 I'G& 81...... Ihd.e. _D Pala ..... 0.111__. I'L 3MI0 '11118 1..TRDII&I1'I' pa..u.ICD 8V. Daniel P. Han..n~ Esquire r.~.~ol Cepe.lt xn.urance Corp. '.0. ec~ 125003 Orl.ndO, FL 32872-$OOJ 40'-aee.3:JOO OREz Righric5ge eOJ:3ll:8~ce TEL: S.. 686 8355 p, 002 "P I c: U~r.~I. 1Il00J I 1 I , I . . I t I ; I JAtl-l2-t99I 12:,{6r1ll 93-at 96S"l OAB 7!56' P, i. 388 r .... "If n..."1 If.... Can 2.01!.OllO,OO Doc t4.m~ ovU' ~L~%K D_CP 'tKts xmOBII'tURC =ed. th~s "L4~ day or ~u.-!:S. , 1993, by ~h. FEDt'RAL DEPOS'tT tNSUAAHCE C:ORPOR.A~IO~'rtiiir or FSLXC JU:SOt,U'1'fON FUND, ... R.e.iv.~ tor 5r.tnrts. Sav1nt]~ and Loan A..oc1ation ~ .1'ld smr-op, INc., a P'lQrltta c:o~pCl~at.iolr1, who.. .ddr... 1. P.o. Box 72!5003, O~lando, FL 328'72..5003, h~.inntter called thca Gr'4n~or, to CONDOR t~'V8STNE~TS OF PI.l..Y. BEACH CO'L'NTY, INC., II Florida corpoTtst:1onl who.. t.x 14.n~j.t1e.tion nun:.b.:r- 1. 159-0387208, ancS who.. .deb.... ~. Scott, Rovee, Jtarr18. Bryan 5 Hyl.nd, 4400 P.C.A. Boulevard, Suite 900, P.~ Beach a.r~8n.. rlc~lda 33410, hermlnafter o.ll~ ~h. arant... unen u..cS h.~e1.n, tn. t...:ns tlc;ran'l:or" and "c;t<ante&", lnc: 1 ur1. all partl.. to ~hi. i~at~ument, th.~ h.1~., 1e9_1 repr..entativ.. aneS --1gns. at individuals, 8neS the 5UCCCl8S0~1fI and a..lepus oC c:arpo~'t1on... WlTN28.CTB: Tha:. the Gr.anco..., tor and in con6ilClor.aelon ot the .urn ot TaN' AND OO/l<iOTHS tJOLL).RS (SlO.OO) and o~her (lood and va1uable ccnaidllret:ion, pa1ct by the Grantee" receipt anCII lSu~~1c1.nc)" her.or i>> h."~Y .ckno"'1~9a4, dee. hereby rem!.., r81.~.. and =Qr.v.r quit cla1", unto ~h. Gt"c.nt..., t.h.i-:-Ihi./h.r heir. and ...iqn., 811 O~ Crantor'. rlqht~ titl., and intere.t ~n .nc1 to t.he t01.10",1"q .:l..er1be(!l J,"8e1. property .itua~lld 1" palm Beech County, St~ta of Florida, to-w1~: SEE lo!:CJAL OES<:RXP'rJ:Ol'l AT'1'ACK1!:O Ht.aE"J'O AS EX1Ua'I':' l'AI' 'I'aK E'At"oe1. NOIii.: 8BB A1'UCUED LIS!' '1"lU'a D"D sa vs'tJlOur .urv WAUUl<rV (va.'l'II1Ql .'RA~~:lRY, exn.s. OIl J:IIPL%.D) r ~ GIlJUJ'J'Cla DOl:8 MG% Ii'AIlR.Nl'1' ~!rrLII TO T". aleAL l'a.ol'Jm~Y UERZaV OONV.~.D. SEP,-02'97(TUE) 14:34 FLAGLER llTLE CO TEL: 5tll 686 8355 p, 003 ol.'U:1I3 u:~T a4DT alU .Jl~', FglC U;laL r4l oo~ QH8 ~r6 S fIc3 1 389 .,o..~ w1tb' aU the ur:uMl18nu~ n~I~1eua.ntlll an4 ~~ano.. tb._i:O 12.1onljjJifttJ or in anyw.1.. aPP4~.t.dnq. ~ ..i-1ft.' tfKIIII.SOp. tll- Gr.neQr Mil <;.a\l~d tt~". p~."nt. to b. .1~.d by it. Atton.~-~n-J'act ~111S ~.Y oj! ~l n..\I1 t-' 1993. . ~.P~ DI~O.%~ rH8~ CDJI.RIJIA~%C;IJI'. .Iit lQUl~ \q'QfESSJtS: o~ .aL%C Ji:ESOt.tJ'I'~o.r ~ aa aac.iv~~ ~o~ sunrta. aavinGG &1'\4 wan ~aOCl.t.1C:~D ~~& .~', .~~ ~~ ~~ y-zn-t~ P.o. Box 735003 o::-J..an1O. f't. ~217~-~003 .4_<-- ~i~(CEi ~....r~ ..-;~ ~tni: ~.: ..~=~H Ub'/Ph.A .U>>-~, Z.~.r ~ Flo~l~ :~.t~ ~=~ := B'I!I.'r$ OJ- ",O~II$ C~ 01" 01lUll1l z: BUDIY OUlfUl'r that on t:hi- ~da.Y at' ~~~, 1.9'3, bet:oJ'_ -m. partlOl1al1y .aFr-a..d __~"'.~ --,---- r .. A~torDGy-J:n-'.et: 1'01' P2n'DAL D~~~b'rIOiI. h N.na9.~ o~ PetI'tC USOt."OTZOW WJlfD, .. a.o.1.Yor ~Ot Swn~'!.II. .av1nq. "and LollJ'l ,...~O 1.~lon, ~o me lU'l0'Wn plN:'aarusJ.J.v or "Q(.l\o hAs pro4uaec1 _~___ .. i4e':\U'f'lQa~1on anci who .1~e4 ~. toii"go1i\9 ~'UI nt-ana ~1.d~.d t:!ua execution th.reot ~ be h1../~ ~r.. aot and 4.84 for tho u.... and purpo... ~el:1lli:4 lIUiIntlon.d.. tU.~1f1II.. my .ivna:t:~. and ~f'1!iciIlL lllial at orUllndo. t'].OI:'i.da in the eounty at Oi':~.. U, _. _/J 11 ~ '.""" , .;,<,":1: -~ ......"~~..- . '0;' ....:...;I.,'~<..,":..JoI oNOTAltY' POD L . .. '. . .. .: ~ .,.,... ,- ,~..~./ '4:'.~ ,'....w.'I~......... lory ComtliUDion Exp.1.r.. z (NO'rARIAL 52~t.) SEP, -02' 97(TUE) 14:34 FLAGLER TITLE CO TEL: Sb I 686 8355 p, 004 O!.'U..U U:56 ""01 211: 01'0 ftllC LEc:..~ iii 003 ORB 7!S61'1I t 390 , llwa. 07 ~ calRlf"r'f or .Mar % _Y C_DV, ~bAt on ")1. ~daY Q~ ~'I.t~, 109', betj!_ JI~# p~ona11y ap~IIt7:.4 :.~ ~ %cn: ~~: aa F1.or~ oo~~.'E{o:n-; --t:a-me-"'iiiiiWii p.~5c:m41J.y g~ WllO ". >>~ClClU~ .. i4ent:.J.flcaUcm and who .~ ~ ro~oua9 1.n.U'WIlent ai'l"a aCJa1ov3.edQed th4 .Bout1at\ t:her~~ to be td../MI:' ere. .crt: and c:la8d f~ 'the u... and purpo__ ~~.!.~ mentioned. . WJ:'ftIII.. ~ .Lgn.tu~e ancS o~tlci.l ...1 .t ~-, elw eaunty of OrlUlll.. ,4~.y.fj ~~1iF My Commt...1on 3 SEP,-02'97(TUE) 14:35 FLAGLER TITLE CO TEL:Sb, 6868355 I / 01 I., fU 11:111 ".u':' 3..2 OIl'" ,..0 I C "':(0\1. ,OAS 7~561 Pi; '1391 aDl.l' -A," ALL OJ' .,. ~T or (.'.0.. .~OW ..g.D . ilia amfD COJftd.~ I'AU, A .. x .1)." ~fIDlJIQ m ,.. I'DUOP .. rna 1M UWJ Oft"1C* or WI cr... trI -am C%acul" CGUa' 111 UD roa 'MLK ItaAaI ~ r RORZ'M" IUICOJU*p %JI .~ ~aK ." _ .... 5. ~G. 11, MID ~ ~ 0. .....~ ~II:D SN JaLM ...c- CGUIIt'I'" n,.oaxo.. MOlD .U'1'ZC~'f DaCAl...D AS I'OLt.n88 , . ..Mal .,.. ""'17 c::oNJ1I& ~ I.Ol' If &r.OCK If. or 011 lPW:r ot' CI1IlM RIDGe, ... ..v.p. 5 aR aiD" CM'"",~ ....." A >>.I.D..!. .accoaDIIIIICO ~ >>... ,....... _ .ILW U ~a.IIC:. or alii ~ vI'" .. Q~ c:CUltJ' d AMD ~ ,.11M .R~ :n', n.aatQa, aeGJIDIOl D .... 110O'& .., A'I ..... I. 2DDaa '1, ... .. toUI' .. IIGJ:IIMIIa · 'alii ..~ "nelltaD .AJlCllr.. rlllll'iiaD ..,. II ..au.. 45 1II.W6_ " .'C:OIIPIt ...~ A PJ:'~ca or 1:;41." ....., ~1g.c. MOa. 00 ...... 01 ~ .. .~ecwl us., A ,DIICI CD 15 na~, 'BIllie. IOu. .. 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PAGE 1:12 APP~tCATION A~C~TABLE D~TE: RI~eIV&D BY STAfF MIMjE~: PIIt PA If) I RBCEIPT NUMBER: C:TV OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLUDnRCJ 1& ZONING BOARD LANe USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION Tbl. .pp11cet1on m~.t be f111ed out completely and aee~r.t.ly ana .ubmitted, together with the materi.l. listed in Section II b.low~ in two (~) cop1.. to the PlaDn1ng neF'arbnent" Inc:omplet:e app11catlon_ will not b. proc....d. PLEASE PRINT LSOIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION. G~ru!:!~AI. INFORMA,"t!ON Cedar Ridge PUD/LWCS Amendment & Rezoning Project Name: _.lAKE WORTH CllRUTlA)l S~_...____ , . , 2. Type of Application (cheCK one} --4-- x a. Rezoning only b. L.nd Use Amendment Only c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Applicant's approval of correctioIl3 ',.. ) . nate this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Dapartmentl ; 4. Applicant's Name (person or 8usiness entity in whose name thll applioation is madel : LAKE WORTH CBRISTIAli SCHOOL SOCIETY, IDe. AddrelJ&: 7592 HIGH :RIDGE ROAD LAN'l'ARA.. FLOIlIDA 33462 Phone: (561) 5~6-8216 (Zip Coae) ....fALL (561) 586-4382 s. Agent's Name (person, if any/ representing applicant): Page 1 08/25/97 ~OK 17:02 FAX 407 624 3533 01/01/1931 08:48 407533h801 SCOTT ,ROYCE CEDAR ~IDGE DEVE' ~003 PAGE El3 0B/21!19g7 11:~b 5b137'5025~ BOVHTO'I BEAr::H F' ',. :2 FAGE 63 J. RICHARD BABRIS. ESQUIRE I:'hQn~; SCOTT. ROYCE. BARRIS] ~!l!!h BARRA & JOR.GBNSEN. P.A. 4400 PGA BOULEVARD. SDITE 800 PALM BEACH GAHDENS. FLQ.BJ..DA_.ll4lO (Zip ced.e ~ ~561) 624-3900 _F~' (561) 624-3533 . Ad4r....: 6. Property Owner'. (or TL~$t~~'$) N.m~, COlIDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALK BEACH COmrrY. INC. Accire..: cl 0 4~O NORm "G" s~~. Phone; LAKE wotmJ. FLQRIDA 334~O_. (561) 588-3854 ._,._..,._,.___FA.X : ~.- (Up Code) (561) 585-5574 7, Correspondenc<e Addr-eee /:.E d:fferent than applicant or -sent) : ... ~,_.,.._._- ...-.. ~,~ *This is the address to which all agendas. letters. and other mate~ia18 will be mailed. a. Wh~t is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: {Owner, Buyer, Lessee. Builder. Developer, Contract Pl,I.rota.,..r, etc. l LESSEE 9_ Street Address Qr Location of SucJ~ct Parcel: EAST OF HIGH IlIDGE ROAD. WEST OF INTERSTATE 95, SOUTH OF ADD ADJACD'I' TO PROPERTY r\Vlll7T'l "AT A "Pl'T T ~ A"N"I' 10. Legal De~c:ription of Subj ect' Parcel: OB ATTAC~ SHEET -"'''~ J........,. Pase :2 U8.'25/97 MON 17: 04 FAX 407 624 3533 El1I131/1991 eB: 48 4B753':l-'7;SEH SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEV!""c- 141004 PAGE 04 ~8/21/1g97 11:4~ 561375525'3 E;O'iNTiJII BEACH F' & Z PAGE ~4 11. Area of Subje~t Pa~cel (to th~ ne&res~ hundredth (l/lOO) of ~n ..ere I FIVE (5) ACRES l2. Curr:'ent Zoning District :~_ (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEBTl 13. Propoltltd Zc:ming District :,JUAA. 14. Current Land Use Category: ",n Low Dens_ity Residential Applicant's approval 15. of corrections(the completion of items ~6, 1114 and fIl5). Proposed Lend Use Catego%'y: Public _.~_,_~rivate Govt. ~tit!:Ltional !l"ltenc:S.d Use of Subj oct Par~~ 1 : ..!'!!ILETIC FIELDS. POSSIBLE SWDOlING POOL. AND FIELD HOUSE 17. Developer or Sui lder; _.~ WORTH CHIql?TIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY. _!.NC. l8, Arc:hit.ect :~~~~ ARD ASSOCIA~__~TECTS/PLAlfNERS. IN~___,_. 19. l.andecape Archi tec:::t : _.~RYAN AND ~~~~~~ ARCBTECTS/PLANNERS. IHC. 20. Si t.e Planner: _BIl~~.~..~~CIATES ~C~TECTS/pIANBERS, INC. 21. Civil Engineer: MICHAEL B. SCI!~~ AND ASSOCIATES. INC~....____. :2 2. 'tratfic Engineer: DAVID PL~!...!!SOCIATES. INC. 23. Surveyor; I..ANDHAllK_~Q!!~,l.lBG AND MAPPINGJ INC. II. MAIERTZl.L.t:: '1'0 AR ~mBMITIm...tiI.'IH .AP~LIC~TION The follo"'ing materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwia. indicated: (pl.... GA.ak) x a. This applic~tion form. A copy of the last r@cord~d warranty deed, x b. c. The following documents and lett..ra of consent: (1) If ~he propet'ty is undt,r joint or sevBra.l Page 3 08/25/97 MON 17:07 FAX 407 624 3533 Ul/ 81 /l '331 El8: 46 ,~a7S3:,G':..!~01 SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DE\JP-- 14J005 PAGE 05 as/21!19g7 11:~6 '5&1::C7'56:159 BI)\(NTCill EEAI'...H F' 8 Z PAGE 0S . . ownership: a written consent to the application by a~l e~n8r, et re~ord, (2) If the applicant ilil a contract purchaser: a. copy of t.he pUt"chase cent raet and written consent of the owner and seller. .nd x ()) If the applica.nt is l'"~pr~8ented by an aut:horized agent: a copy of the a9~ney agreement. or wri~ten consent of the applloant! and x , (4) If the applicant i9 a l.eSllel!: a copy of the lease agreement, and ~he written consent. of the owner. a.nd x (5) If the applic~nt i~ ~ corp~rAtion or other busine.s entity: the name of the officar or pergon reeponsible for the applica~ion. and written ~roof that sa.id pereon has the delegated &\~thority to r.pr~g~nt the corporation or other business ~ntity. or in lieu thereof. wl-itten proof that he i.s in fact. an of t ieer of the corpcl.at.ion. .-X.-d. A aaalQd houndary survey ()f. thfl subject parcel by ~ surveyor re3ililt.l~ed in the State of Floriaa, dated not mora than g~~ (6) montha prior to the dat& of submiGGion of th. .pp~ic.atlon, at a Rcale ~re8cribed by the Planning Department, and ~on~ainin9 the following inform~tion: (1) An accurate legi'tl deseriFtion of the subject parcel. (2) A computation of the total acraage of the subject pa~eel tQ t.he n.arest huneredt~ (1/100) of an acre, x e. (3) A tree 8urvey, ,-,hJ.oh oonforms to the requirements of the City of Boy'nton a.ach T:ree 5'r..ervat ion OrdinanC'e. (Alao refor to Page " Sec. II h. (12) of this applioation if propet'ty is Qccupi.d by n.~iv. vegetation;) This requ~remen~ ~ay be WAlved by the Planhing Director whe:e found to be unrelated to ~he land use or zoning issues involved with the application. ~ complete certlfied list ot all property owners, mailing addre...., and legal des\:riptione for all p%operties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the su~ject parcel as recorded in the late.t official tax rolls in the county courthouse ehall be furni&hed by the applicant. Poat.age, and mai ling labelg or ac::ld.r..8ed envelopes muet aho be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of Page -4 08/25/97 MON 17:09 FAX 407 624 3533 ~l/~~/l~~l ~~:48 40753~01 08!2Ifl~97 11;46 x x 9. x SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVr;:-'-- 141006 PAGE 136 5bl.::75E,2'59 BClVtlTCIH 8E.c.C~ ~ 8. 2 PAGE: O~ the applieanc'!1 knowledge said list is complete and .ecut:ate. Notification of surrounding property owners ~ill be done by the City of Boynt~n Beach. t. A copy of the p,. 1.m Beach COUI'\{Y Prl:)per~y Appraiser's maps sho~in9 all of the properties ref.~red to in paragraph e. above. and their relation te the subject parcel. A sta~ement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested. including reasons \olhy the property is unsuitable for development under t,he exist.ing Eoning and more suitabl... for development l.md4!lr the propolled zoning. h. A compari.on ~f the i~p.ctl that would be created by development under the proposed zoning. with the impacts th~~ would be created by development under the propo8ed zoning. with the impae~8 enat would be created by development under the existing 2oning, which will inclu.de: x (1) A compax-ison of the potent tal square footage of number and type of dwellin9 units under the existi.ng 7.onin9 with that which would be allowed und.r the propo.ed ~oning or development, x (2) A statement of the ueeli that would be allowed in th~ proposed zoning o~ development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. x (J) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (/I) For propo..ci zoning of pro;..rty to commerc ia1 or industrial di8trictSl. where the area of the subject parcel exceed. one (1) acre. projections for the number of employe... (S) A c::ompariaon of t'ntfi~ which would be genera~ed under the proposed zoning or development, with the ~rattic that would be generated under the current zoning! also. an analy.i. of traffic movements at the intersections of driveway. that would serve tne property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movement... For projeots tha.t genel;Jate move than five hund%ed (SOO) net tril~. per day. a traffic impact analysi. muet be .ubmitt.d ",hich complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinanee of the PalM Beach County Traffic Performanoe Standards Ordinanoe. (~) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day. the traffic Page 5 08/25/97 MO\ 17: 11 FAX 407 624 3533 el/eU1391 88:48 4075336801 SCOTT.ROYCE CEDAR ~IDGE DEV~, ~007 PAGE 137 ~8!21/1~'7 11;~~ !>~1 37!oti:. 25';1 F,CWIHOI'I BEACH F' & : PAGE ~7 impact analY8is muat b. submic~ed t9 the 'City lit 10..1;. )0 days p%'io,~ 1:.0 the cie.d.line for land u.e amendment ana/o~ rezoning. in oroln" to allow for t imel y processing of the application and revi19w by the City's tr.ff:..c consultant and Palm Beac::h County. The AFPlieoant sha 11 be bi tled for che cost. of rev~e~ by the City'~ ~raff1c consultan~. (bl for' projects t:hat gtmet"ate between five hundred (500 I and ~wo thousand (2,000) net trips p.r d.ay, ':he traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment lII.ndjor rezoning; in order to allow for ti~ely proceBsing of the applieation and review by Palm Beach County. However, if it is the desice of che .pplican~ to utilize tn. City's :raffic consultant for r~Vi8w of the craffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach CO\,lnty 1 then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" n!,OV'i! .h.ll be followed. N01"E : Failure to .~mit traffic 1mpact analyai. in the .anner pr..cribad above may delay approval of the application. __(en Fot" pa.r<:<e:1s larger than on'!! (J,' acra, a c:omparison or !~. water a.mana for o!evelopment under the p1.'~po.ed zoni.ng or development with water demand und.% the existing zoning, Water demand shall be ..t ifllated using the stand~rds adopted by the Plilm Beach County Health Oepartment for estimating such demand. unless different standards are jU8tified by a ~egistered engineeX'. ComMitment ='0 the provision of ~~provemenc. to the water sy.tem shall also be ~n~l~d..~, where .xi.t~n~ faoilit1.. would be in&deqv~t~ to serve dcveloprren~ under the propoeea zoninq. ~(7) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would ~e generated under the proposed zoning or d.v.lo~,ment with that which would b. generated under the existing zoning. Se\loge !.lows shall be estimated using thlil standards adopted by ~he Palm aeach CC'l..lnty Health Department for e.t1mlltin~ .uch flows. unless different stanQord$ are )u.tified by & re9istered engineer. commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection systel'l1 ..1':1&11 also be ineluded.. where the existing fac.i.li ci.. would be inadequate to serve development unogr the proposed z01'\ir\~. Page 6 08/25/97 MO~ 17:14 FAX 407 624 3533 01/131/1991 08:48 4B7533.f.8e1 1'\8/21/ 1 '?'37 J 1:..Ie. '56~ ,;e.:Z!3~ SCOTI.ROYCE CEDAR qIDGE DEVEl-- BO'tNTON BEA!), ,~Z ~008 PAGE B8 PAGE oe ($) Fer proposed residentlal developments larger 'than one (1) acre, a c~mpari.or. of the projected p~pul$tion unoar ~he propos.~ zon~ng or development 'ftHh t;.he prcj~c;;.ed popul..t.~Qn under the existing zoning. Populat ion project; ions according co age groups for the proposed development ahall be required IoIhere more than fifty (SOl dwellings. or !SO Ii leeping rooms in ~he case of group hous in9. would be allow~d under the proposed ~onin9. (g) 1\t the :requf!9t of ~he Plannirl9 Department. Planning and Development. Board, or City Commission. ~he applicant "hell alao s\lbmit proposals fot.- minimiting land use conflicts with surrou~din9 propertie~. The applicant shall proviae a summ.~y 0: the nu1saneee and hazard. associated with development under the propelled zoning. AS well a~ p~oposale fot mitigation of. such nuisances and hazards. such summary shall also include, wher.e applicable. exclusion oj~ particular USS$. lirnitat ion9 on hours ()f operation, propoeed loc.e.ion of loading an~as, dumpsters, and mechanical eq\Jipment. locllt1on of driveways and service entrance. ~nd specifications for site Jighting. N~isances and hazards shall be aba~ed ~r mj ~ j gated so as to conform to t11e performanc~ standards contained in t.he City'lS z':Ining regulationa and the stoandillcds contained in the City'S noise control ordinance. Also, Btat~ments c=cmcerninCj the hei9ht, orientation, and bulk of .~ructur... setback. frQm property lines. and ~...~~o. for ecr.en~n9 and buffering the propoaed develo~m.nt shall be provided. At the request of I: he Planning and Development Board or City Commission, tn~ applicant shall also state the type of eonstr~ction and architectural styles that will be employed ln the propo.ed development, (10) "'t t;hs J;'.quel!lt of the Planning D.p_rtment, Planning .~d Development Board. or City Commission. the epplicant .hall alao submit the following infor'mation: (a) Official soil conaer~ation service clas.ification by soil asaoci.ti.ons and all areas 8ubject to inundation and high ground water levels. _____(b) Existing and prcpo..d 9rade elevations. (c::) E~111t.in9 or proposed wa.~eJ:' bOdhur. Pag@ -, 08/25/97 ~OK 17:16 FAX 407 624 3533 01/01/1991 88:48 4a753?-~~1 SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVE' ~009 PAGE 09 08/:1!1~'7 11;46 5El:;, , .If:, ~~5~ fil)V!'ITI:~. BEACH F .~ Z PA'iE 0'3 ~(d) Fo~m of ownership an~ form of oTg.nizati~n to maintain common spaces and recreation fac:!ilit1es. ~e) A wri tt~n commitment tel the provision of all necessary faci 1 ities fc]~ storm drainage, water supply I liewa3e collect 1c)n and creatment I lIolie:! waSHoe disposiiiJ.l. hazardous waste disposal. fire protection. ea.emen~8 or rights-oE-way. roadwa}'g, recrea! ion and park areas, Iilc=hool _1tee. =and other public improvements or dedications as may be required, (11) For l-ezr.mings to planned :loning districts, the specific requirement. for 8ubml.sion of applicAt ions for rezoning tC) such districts shall also be satisfied. furthermore, all materials required f.or' ii subcH\1is1on Inaster plan shall al&o be aubmi:ted. (12) WhQre conformanee ~i~h the county's Environmentally Sensitive Land. Ordinance 18 requir~d, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Bensit i ve Lands a:nvlror.menta 1. Impa~t St udy) mlH~t be submitted to the P41~ Beat:h county Department of ~nvironmental Resources Management lcopy to City' prior to or concurrent wi~h the submitcal of the L~~d Use Amendment and/or R~zonin9 Application to the Ci ty . Page 8 08/25/97 ION 16:58 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT, ROYCE ~001 ~ SCOTT ROYCE A T t 0 ~. N Ii V SAT LAW SCOTT, ROYCE,HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, .P.A. August 25,1997 Via Fax: (561) 375-6259 Mike Rumpf City of BpYJ'l~on ~aoh Planning and Zoning DepartDlent 100 East Soynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 REa' Lake Worth Christian School Society, .Inc. Dear Mike a Enclosed, please find the ,updated Land Use Aalendmentand/or Rezoning Application. I am in ,the processing' of ga.~heringar~ updated survey as well as an updated traffic study. I willprovidEI them to you aSSOODa.S they are received. . Please let me know if you~need anything fu~ther. Very truly yours, J.Ricnard Harris JRH/kmb Enclosure RJCHARD'K. EARIIA . ]CHilL BRYAN, JR. . J. KlCHAR;) HA~RIS JOHN ],1. JOP.GENSEN- DONNAA. NADHAV . R.\YMON~ W: ROYCE ROBERT C. SC01Ti1925-1962) - KININ M. W.....c-IiER 'BRJAtoI K .WAXMAN 4400 PGA B()ULEV~DSurTE 800' .PU!oI BIJACHGARDENS" PI.OIUDe\. 33410 (561) 624-39.00 . . FAX (561J62'-~533' SMAIL: ocottroyc~@ibm,n~t 08/25/97 MO~ 17:00 FAX 407 624 3533 01/01/1991 BS: 48 4l37533G8eJ.- SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL 141 002 PAGE E12 e8i21/1~~7 11;46 'ie.137'5~...:$':4 p.o','] nOI'1 f.EA(:H P .S< _ PAGE ~:;! APPtJtCATIO)~ AC;:C~TABLE D~TE: RE~eIvIO BY ST~fF MBMSER: PI~ PAIDl RECEIPT NUMBER; CITY or BOYNTON lEACH, FLORIDA PL~IRa ~ ZONING BOARC LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR _JZONING APPLICATION Thi. application my.t b. filled ou~ completely and .ee~r.e.ly and .ubmitted, together with the 1DIl~ed...l. liee.elc:! in Section II belo'II_ in two (:~) cop1.. to t1\. Plann1ng D.F'art.znent - InC:Qal.ple~e app11c::.tlonJII "",ill not be pzoc....d. PLEASZ PRINT LJGIBLY OR TYPE A~L INFORMATION. G~NF.~Ar. INFO&MA.TlQr::l Cedar Ridge PUD/LWCS Amendment & Rezoning I?l"ojec:t Nt!tme: _.l..AKE .WQ&-.1Jl GJlRI51TIAM SCRQQ.L_..._.__._. 2. Type of Application (check one} --4-- Applicant's approval of correction:; '1S ). x a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amen~ment Only c. Land Use Amen4ment and Rezoning n.te this application is accepted. (to be filled out by Planning D~partment} : 4. Applicantls Name (person or Business entity in whose name thi. application is madel : LAKE WORTH CHB.ISTIAB SCHOOL SOCIETY. INC. Addreln; ; 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD Phone: LANTAR!_. FLOIl~DA 33462 (561] ,..?!S~-8216 (Zip Code) ,,.,fML (561) 586-4382 -..---.....-- S. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant); pase 1 08/25/97 MON 17:02 FAX 407 624 3533 01/Bl/1991 B8:48 4B753368B.1- SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL ~003 PAGE 03 BB/Z1/lgg7 11:4b 5E.1375525':1 E<OY/,ITl:tl EEAr::H ~' 'i, Z F'Af;iE: 03 J. RICHARD BABRIS. ESQUIRE , il'lhQn(:; SCOTT. ROYCE. BARRIS." ~. BARRA. & JORGENSEN. P.A. 4400 PGA BOULEVARD. SUITE 800 PALM BEACH ~ENS. FLQ!!.DA_..ll.4.l!l___ . (Zip Code) _FAX' (561)_ 624-3533 ~4r...l (561) 624-3900 ....... -~........ 6. PrQperty Owner'. (or TLustt~'s) Nam~; CORDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALK BEACH COUNTY. INC. Adcire..: c/o 'lO BORTH "G" S~__, Phon.: LAD WOm. ~D4 33460 , (561) 588-38~.._,.___,._,_._FAX: (Zip Cc::td.J . ,(5~1) 585-5574 7. Con-eepondence Address (,:. f d=.. fferent than appl icant or _gent) ; "'l_~.'-' ......w.. ........ __"8'1"____."..'_"___' ,~'....- *This is the address to which a:l agendas. letters. and other m&te~ia18 will be mailed. 8. 1~h~~ is the app11cant's inter.est in the subject parcel: (Own.~r, Buyer. Lessee, Builder, Oev~loper, Contract Pv..reh......r, etc.) LESSEE 9. :st reet Address or !..ioc:at ion of Subject Parcel: EAST OF El[!GH RIDGE ROAD, WEST OF INTERSTATE 95, SOUTH OF AlID ADJACENT TO PlWPERTY (\IoJlll/'Tl RT 6.'Pl'T.Tr.Alrrr 10. J:"eg'al Del;Jcription of Subject Parcel: 011 ATTACHED SHEET -.-".0\, '..4a4. . Page :2 08/25/97 MON 17:04 FAX 407 624 3533 01/01/1991 e8:48 4B753368i;U SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL ~004 PAGE El4 88/21/1997 11:4& 561':175525'3 !?;O'iNTiJI~ BEACH F' 8. Z PAGE ~4 11, Area of Subject Pa~~.l (to th~ ne~rest hundredth (l!lOOl of ~n ..ere I .F1VE (5) ACRES 12, CUrrent Zoning District :__KY!L{PLANNIID OBIT Dl$VELOPMERTl :\.3 . Propol!lltd Zoning District : JllAA 14 . Current Land Use Cat:.egory l "" Low DensJty Residential Applicant's approval 15, of corrections(the completion of items ~6. 1t14 and 1t15). Propos~d Land Use CategoJ'Y: Public ..~...~_rivate Govt. !.!:l.!'_U1lLtional tnten<llitd Use of Subject Parc:C!!!l :..!!!IL~IC FIELDS, POSSIBLE SWDUIING POOL, AND FIELD HOUSE I) 17 ,DeveloFer or. Sui Ider: _.~ WORTH CHRJ;~1IAN SCHOOL SOCIETL__!.NC. lS. .~rc:hit.ect: _~:~__ARD ASSOCIA:~~.~~~TECTS/PLAlfNERS, ~C:_____.._. 19. ~~ndscape AI'chi teet: : __..!lRYAH AND ~~~~!E..!.. ARCllTECTS/PLANWE~~~_. INC. 20. Si te Planner: _8!.!~_~_~S~CIATES ~~~!TECTSJPLANNERS. INC. 21, I~i vil Engineer, __. MICHAEL B. SC~Q~ AND ASSOCIATES. I~f_~,....'.__.m. :2 2. 'T'ra!fic Engineer: DAVID ~~-!..~~SOCIATES. INC. 23. Surveyor: ~ ~!J.!!~!INC AND KAPPING.lI INC. II . ~'n;8IAl,~ '1'0 :BE SUBMr~t.EJ:LkiUij. APPLr~ The follo'llling materials shall be submitted in two (2) copie.e, unless otherwise indicated: (pl.... ClA.c:k) x a. This applic~tion form. ;~ copy of the last l^@cordt!c warrilnty deed.. .!-J. c. The following document.s and letters of consent: (1) If ~he prope.l"ty is undElr joint or sevBra.l Page 3 08/25/97 MON 17:07 FAX 407 624 3533 01/Ell/19'31 BS: 48 ,~B7S3S68~ SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL ~005 PAGE E.'lS e8!21!1~97 11:~6 15&137'56259 ElO\(~lfCill BEACH P g Z PAGE 0S . . Qwnership: a written consent to the application by all o~n.r, ot record, .(2) If the applicant ilil a contract purchaser: a copy of t.he pu:r:chasl! contract and written consent of the owner and seller. .nd x .()) If t.he applicant i9 r;.~pr~sented by an aur.horized agent: a copy of the ag~n~y agreement. or w~i~ten consent of the appllcant, and x (4) If the appliea.nt i $I a leSIU!I~: a copy of t.he lea,se agreement, and t.he written conSai'lt. of tne ownl2r. and. ~..!--,(S) If the applic;;&nt ilil ~ .~orpor4~ti.on or other bUF.iline..s .nti~y: the n.m. of t!1E' officer or person reeponsible for the applicaeion, and writt~n proof that said. pel~8on hae the delegated a.\.lthority to r~pr~~p.nt the corporation or other businass enciry. or in 1 ieu thereof. wl"itten proof that he is in fact. an Qffieer of the C'orpc'rflcicn. ...A._ d . A aaalQd boundal~Y su.rvey ~f thEI subject pal"ee] by .a. surveyor registared in the St~te of Florida, dated not more than si~ (6) months prior to the datQ of subrni$sion of th. appl.ic.atlon, at a scale ~re.cribed by the Planning Department, and coneaining the following inform~tion: __(l) 'An accurate legal descl."is;tiort of the subject parcel. (2) A computation of the total acr.age of the subject parcel CQ the n..rest h~ndredt~ (1/100) of an aere, x e. (3) ~ tree .urvey. \oIhi.ch conforms to the requi remente of the City of Boy'ntcn aeach Tree 5';-...rvat ion OrdinanC'e, (Alae refar to Page ~, Sec. II h.{12l of thi. appl icat ion if property is occupied by nat.iv. \regetatiof'l.) This rl!!Hruirernent: l1\ay tU! waived by th. Plan~in9 Direc~or where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues in'VCllved with the appllcation. ,.. eotl\~lete cert:i..fied Hst of all property owners, maili.ng addr....., and legal de.c:ri~tionB for all propert ies within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as r~cord.d in the lateat official tax rolls in the county courthouse shall be furnighed by the appJ.a.cant. PC:>8t.age, and mai lit'lg' labels or Adcre.lIed envelopes must alao be provided. Said list shall be aceompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of Page " 08/25/97 MON 17:09 FAX 407 624 3533 . ~l/l:'l.!.l J. ';j':H ~I:l: 48 4El753358EP- SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL ~006 PAGE 136 08f21fl~97 11;46 x x x 5E.137!5F.,2'5'3 BClVNTOH 8E.r..(:Io1 j::! 3, 2 PAGE O~ t. the applican'C I S knowledqe said list is compl.o=t@ imd .c:cutate. Notification of surrounding property owners ~ill be done by th~ ~ity of Boynt~n Beach, A. copy of the P.im geacn county Prc'per~y Appx'aieer's maps sho\IJing all of t h~ propert ies ref.;~'red. to in paragraph e, above. and their relation to the subject parcel. A stacament by the applic~nt justifying the zoning requested I includinltt reasons ~lhy the property is un8uitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitabl~ for development Ynd~r the propoBad %oning, g. h. .\ comparison of the irnp.c:tSl tnat. would be created by development unQer the proposed zoning. with the i~pacts th~t; would be er..l::ed by development unde:r the propo8ed zoning. with the impacts ~hat would be ereated by development und~~ the existin; zoning. wnieh will incl~c1e: x (1) A comparison of the potenta..al square footage of number and type of dwellinq ~nits under the existing zon.ing with that which would be allowed und.r ~he proposed ~oning or development, x (~) A liltatement of the uees; that wou.ld be all.C:'loIed in th~ proposed ~onin9 or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. x (31 Proposed timing and phasing of the development, (4) For propos.a i!:c:min9 of f'ro):..rty to commercia-lor induscrial di3tricta. ~her. t:he area of the subject parcel exceed. one (1) acre. projections for the nu~er of employe.s. __(5) A c:ompariaon of traffi<;: which would be generaeed under the proposed zoning or development, with the tora! tic that would be generllted under the current zoningl also, an analysis of tr.ffic movements at the intersections of drivew.Y8 that wculd 8erve the property and surrounding' roadways, and improvements thAt would be necessary to at:commodate such traffic movement.A. For projects t~\a.t 9li1ner;ate move thlin five hund.-r.d (Seo) net. tril;)liI per day. a trafhc impact. analysis must be .uhmitted ~hich ~ompliee with the Municipal Impl.mentation ordinanee of the PalM Beacn county Traftie Performance Standards Ordinance, (~) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffi~ Page 5 08/25/97 MON 17:11 FAX 407 624 3533 ellen/1991 138: 48 4B7533G8la.l SCOTT,ROYCE CEDAR ~IDGE DEva ~007 PAGE 07 B8/21/1~17 11;~6 ~e.137~~, 25'; E:o'rNTfJN CiEACH 17' $. Z PAGE e7 imp.ct an.ly~is m~a~ be submitted tQ the'City lit la_It )0 days pz: .io,~ to the deadl ine for land u.e amendment:. anc;l/o:r- rezoning, in ordllr to ..llow for t irnel y processing of the application and revi~w by the City'S traffic consultant and Pa 1m Beac::h County. The appli~ant sha.ll bre bi lled for the cost ()f ~eview by the CitY'$ ~raffic consultan~. tel f01' projects that glmeI.-ate between five hlJndred (500 I and t:wo thousand (2,000) !'If!!: trips par dolY, ~he traffic impact analye:LB must be l!ubfllitted at the applic&t~on deadtil'1. for land use acn.ndment and/or rezoning I :Ln order to allow for ti~ely proceBsing of the applie'"t:ion ~nd review by Palm Beach Count~r, However, if ic is the desire of che app11can~ to utilize eh. Cityls :raffic consultant for r~ViBw of tho eratfic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the p~ocedure and ~equirements outlined under item "~~ ~bov~ .hall be followed. N01'E: "a11u~e to eu.bad.t trarfic: impact analya1111 in the DtanlH!r lpr..~~ib.d above may delay approval of the app11oatlon. ____(6'~ For pareflJ.s larger than one 0.' acre, a eoomparis(m ot !.t'le .,.,ater demand for" d@velopmen~ under t:he pl..~po.ed zoni.ng or d.evelopment with water demand under the existing zoning, Water demand ~hall be ..timated using the standa~d~ ~dopted by the ~Qlm a.soh County H..lth Department for estimating su<=h demand, unless different stand.ards a.re jUltified by " :t'E!gistered erlgineer. Commitment ~o the provisic:m of ~!1'provel1\~nt.8 to the .....ate:C' sy.tern ",hall alao be ~nclud..d, where .xi.tin~ faoilit1e8 would be in.~eqv~~~ to &.rv. developrrQn~ under the ~ropo&.d zoning', _____(7) ror parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that. ....ould :oe generated under the proposed zoning or develo:F,ment with that which. would b. generated under the existing zoning. Se""8ge OOWB 81':1.11 be estiT1\ated u~ing thlil 8tandarQIiil adopted by ~he Palm 8eacn Cc,unty Hea.lth Oep.r:tment. for e.t1rn.tin~ such flows, unless different .t.nr:h~,t'~$ an: )uatified by il registered enginee:!:', Cornmi.t.m~nt t.o the provision of improvements to the sewage collection !lystel'l1 1lI1':1&11 also be includ.ec;" ~here the existing faciliti.s would be inadequate to /JSTve development und9X" the proposed zOr\in~. Page 6 08/25/97 MON 17:14 FAX 407 624 3533 01/01/1'391 08:48 4B753358e1- 1~8/2Ul','3! 11:.:1& '5&137'. .IS! SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL aCltNWN BE/.:iI)1 F' :" ~008 PAGE B8 PAGE ~e ($) Fer proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre. a c~mpari.on of ~he projected PQPul~tion under the proposed zoning or development '4iHh ~he pro;e~t.ed pop~l~tb;m under the existing zoning. Populat ion p:l:'oject;: ions acoording co age groups for the proposed development shall be required ~here more than fifty (SOl dwellings. or 50 & leepin; roomll!l in ~he case of qroup heue in~J. would be allow~d under the ~roposed 20nin9. [9) "t the ;requfl!9t of ~he Planning Department. Planning and Development Board} or City Commission. che applicant ~hall alao submit proposals for miniMiting land use conflicts with 9urrounding properc ie~. Th. applicant shall provide a SUmml!Il~Y 0: the nuLsaneee and ha~ard$ associated with development under the propoHed zoning, AS well as proposals tot mitigation of such nuisances and ha2srds. Such SUrnmRry shall all!!lo include, when!' .pplicable. exclu.ion of particular U$es, 1 imitations on hours of operation, propo~~!d location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical eq\ltpment, locllt10n of driveways and service entrance. and speci~icationB for site )ighting, Nuisances a1nd hazards sh"ll be abar.ed <",r mj t:igatl:ild so as to conform to the performanc:tl .t~ndardB contained in the City's z~nin9 reg'ulat ions and t he standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, 8tat~ments C'oncernin9 the hei9ht, orientation, and bulk of lI~ructUt-... setback. trc;ll1'l property lines, arid ~e..~~~. for ecr..nin9 and buffering the proposed ~evelopment shall be provided. At the request of I: he 5Jll.mning and Development Boara or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the typ. of constr~~tion and .~ehitectursl styles that will be employed in the propo.ed development, (10) A.t the ~.que8t of the Planning Oepartment, Planning _f1d Developrllent Boaro. or City Commission. thfit IPplic::ant .hall aleo submit the following information: __(a} OfEil;ial Boil ccmaer"ation service classification by Boil 8sEloci.tions and all areas subject to inundation ~nd high ground water levels. ____ (b) Existing and propo.ec:! grad.e elevation$_ ..-__(~) Exist.ing or propoliled wa,rer boc:H~u,. Page -/ 08'21/1~'7 Il;~6 5E,1 3 75-. ~ .'':1 SCOTT. ROYCE CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL r:CtVH"C~': BEACH P! _ ~009 PAGE 09 08/25/97 MON 17:16 FAX 407 624 3533 01/13111991 B8: 48 40753358?" PA'3E 0'9 Form of own~r8hip anQ form of organizati~n to maint:aln common spaces and recreation faC!ilit.i.es. A wr.i tt~n commitmer.t tC:l the provi.sion of aU necessary fa~ilities for 5torm drainage, water supply, sewage collect 1(m and t.reatment I solid ltIaSl:e disposiill. hazardous waste disposal. fire protec~ion. ea.Emen~8 or rights-of-way. t'oadl;J.~'g. rt!lcre.~ i.on and p&rk areas, ;(:hool .1tef;'l, Olnd other public improvements 01: dedications as may be required. _~ (111 lior rezenings to p:'anned zoning districts, t.he specific requirements for 8ubmi8sion of applicat ions for rezoninq t" such districte shall aho be satisfied. furthermore, all materials required (01' ;; subdivision rnast.r plan shall .11;0 bll .lJbmi~ted. ___ldl (e) (12) Where conformance ~ith the countyfs Environmentally Sensitive La-neb Ordinance is required, .ll"l ApplicGltion for Altez'ation of Environmentally Sensitiv~ L..nds iEnVlrOrJl1ent:al Impa~t Study) mUf5t be sub~itted to the Pal~ Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Manngement (copy to Citj/l prior co or concurrent wi~h the submit~al of the L~rH' tJee Amendment and/or Rezoning Applicat ion to the City, Page 8 III. APPLICATION FEES FeB.iI shall be paid at the time that the iiPplication is ~~bmitted, aocording to th~ fee~ which have been ~dopted by o.~inanc~ Qr resolution. The Flann~ng Department will inform ehe applicant as to the f.es which are required. All fees shall be p~id by check, p.yable to the City of ~oynton Beaoh. IV. CERT1FT~T10N (I) (Ha) \.l..P.d..rlitand th.t this applic::ation and all plans and paper. l!Iubmitted h.rewith bljlcoml!lla pa.rt of the pcumanent. reoordEl ot the 1?1ann:i.ng And Zoning Bca:rd. (I) (We) hereby ce;-tify that the abo"e stjl,te\J\8nts and .ny .,t:atements or showing. in .ny pape~. or plans submitted herewith .re t:rue to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Thi~ application will not be accepted unless signed accordin~ to the instructions below. C 0Pv/)e1C J,vv.:: ~'11V1 e:;......,.s // /~- .7:L I./~ '-{ 'd!L . (/ fJ. "- ~Si~nature ot owner(s) or T~stee, Qr Authorized Frincipal it property is owned by a corporation or other hueineas entity. of fJ. IS (u. .J~c.. J> ,.).. / - 9"7 Date V. AOTHORI!l.A'T'TQN 0' .AQp:~ ? hi 4 ? Agent Date (;J;) (We) hereby desiSJnate the above signed person a. (my) (our) authoriz=d aient with reg.~d to this ~pplicct1on. gignat~re Qt Owner(a) or Trust.., or Au~horiz~d principal it p~oparty ia own~~ by a eo~oration or ot~r business eneiey. Date Pa.ge S AGREEMENT CONCERNING DRAINAGB THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), is made this ~,~~ day of )11~ 1 19~, by and between CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO PORATION, with an address of ~222 Sandpiper Lane, Lantana, Florida 33462, a Florida corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Cedar Ridge"), its successors and assigns, and CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., a Florida corporation, with an address of 430 North "G" Street, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 (hereinafter referred to as "Condor"), and LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SOCIETY, INC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, with an address of 7592 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (hereinafter referred to as "LWC"), its successors and assigns. RBCITALS A. Condor owns certain properties (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"), more particularly described as: All Parcels and Lots established by the Plat of CEDAR RIDGE, a P . U . D. , and HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, a P.I.D., recorded in Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. B. Cedar Ridge has contracted to purchase certain of the properties within the Project. C. LWC is the owner and operator of the Lake Worth Christian School and is the lessee of that certain property (herein called the "School Property") more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereto. In addition to its rights as a lessee of the School Property, LWC has an option to purchase the School Property. D. The School ~roperty is located adjacent to additional property owned by LWC and adjacent to the Project. LWC intends to develop the School Property as a part of the school operated by LWC and, more particularly, LWC intends to develop the School Property as its athletic fields and such other amenities as are customary and usual to athletic fields. E. LWC, Cedar Ridge, and Condor have reached certain agreements whereby the School Property will be included in the drainage plans and drainage system for the Project so that drainage of water runoff from the School Property will be collected and transmitted through the drainage system for the Project and such water runoff and drainage from the School Property will be transported to such retention areas and other drainage structures as are approved by the South Florida Water Management District and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the Project and as are constructed by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor within the Project and by LWC within the School Property. F. The drainage structures and facilities constructed by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor within the project and by LWC on the School Property will be maintained by a separate property owners association established by Cedar Ridge and/or Condor and such separate property owners association will establish a budget which includes the cost and expense of maintaining such drainage structures, and such property owners association will assess its members for their established prorata share of its annual budget. G. Cedar Ridge, Condor and LWC have reached agreement concerning the matters set forth in these Recitals and intend, by this instrument, to set forth such agreements in writing. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by both parties, Cedar Ridge, Condor and LWC hereby agree and declare that they will abide by the terms of this Agreement as set forth hereafter. 1. In designing the drainage plan and drainage system for the Project, and in seeking necessary approvals of the Project from the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and in seeking its surface water management permit from the South Florida Water Management District, Cedar Ridge and Condor will cooperate with LWC and its consultants and include within its drainage plan the drainage structures and facilities necessary to accommodate all drainage of the School Property.. 2. Cedar Ridge and Condor will be solely and completely responsible for the construction and installation of the necessary drainage facilities and structures within the Project; and, LWC will be solely and completely responsible for the construction and installation of the necessary drainage facilities and structures within the School Property. 3. Cedar Ridge.and Condor will be responsible for creating and establishing a property owners association whose members will be owners of lots, parcels, and residences within the Project. Cedar Ridge and .Condor will also be responsible for establishing covenants and restrictions encumbering the project that require owners of lots, parcels, and residences to be members of the property owners association; gives the property owners association authority and responsibility to maintain the drainage facilities and structures within the proj ect; and requires each of such members of the property owners association to pay an established share of the expenses of the property owners association, including the cost of maintaining the drainage structures and facilities within the Project. 4. LWC agrees that when the property owners association is established, and when the covenants and restrictions referred to in paragraph 3 hereof are recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LWC will prepare and record a covenant encumbering the School Property that provides that so long as the drainage of the School Property is in accordance with the drainage plans for the Project and so long as drainage and runoff for the School Property is transported through and into the drainage structures and facilities within the Project, LWC, its successors and assigns owning the School Property, will be a member of the property owners association, with the following limited rights and limited obligations: (i) LWC will have the right to vote only as to any matter concerning the drainage facilities and structures within the Project; and (ii) LWC will be assessed by the property owners association a percentage of the costs and expenses budgeted by the property owners association for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the drainage structures and facilities within the Project, which percentage will be mutually established and agreed to by LWC, Cedar Ridge, and Condor. 5. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 6. All notices, both oral and written, that are required under this Agreement shall be timely supplied to: As to Cedar Ridge: Joseph F. Basile, Jr., Director Cedar Ridge Development Corp., Inc. 1222 Sandpiper Lane Lantana, FL 33462 Telephone: (407) 582-6929 Facsimile: (407) 582-2315 With Copies to: Dennis P. Koehler, Esquire Dennis P. Koehler, P.A. Congress Business Center 1280 North Congress Ave., St. 213 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone: (407) 684-2844 Facsimile: (407) 684-9370 As to Condor: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. c/o James Vanderwoude 430 North "G" Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 Telephone: (407) 588-3854 Facsimile: (407) 585-5574 With Copies to: J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. 4400 PGA Boulevard, Suite 800 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Telephone: (407) 624-3900 Facsimile: (407) 624-3533 As to LWC: Lake Worth Christian School Society, Inc. 7592 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Telephone: (407) 586-8216 Facsimile: (407) 586-4382 With Copies to: J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott, Royce, Harris, et al. 4400 PGA Boulevard, St. 800 Palm Beach Gdns., FL 33410 Telephone: (407) 624-3900 Facsimile: (407) 624-3533 7. This Agreement shall not be extinguished, enlarged, modified, or replaced except by written consent of both parties, and shall be binding upon any successors and assigns until so extinguished, enlarged, modified or replaced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cedar Ridge, Condor and LWC have executed or caused this Agreement to be duly executed this 31 ,.,.. day of mo.j , 1995. CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. BY: ~. (CORPORATE SEAL) CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY" INC. L" ~ /,7 - -- . / ~~ -' /' / ' I. ~, ft,' A. . A..v 0 EIC....... ,,"'..A d" PRf2S,O*,A- r- (CORPORATE SEAL) LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN.. SCHOOL SOCIETY, INC. BY: 89c:?a4? ~cvvuA Its: ~"'\e~d€vj' (CORPORATE SEAL) . . . . t:.. ~ b \-;- I \ " , LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PARCEL 2) A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ALL OF LOTS 35 THRU 45. PARCEL -B-, FOREST COURT AND A PORTION OF FOREST ROAD LYING IN THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D, & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK. A P.I.D. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46. PAGES 58 THRU 61. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY 0ESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL "B-. SAID PQtNT BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D,; THENCE NORTH 88045'58- EAST AlONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID PLAT. A DISTANCE OF 39.82 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID PlAT AND THE WEST UNE OF THE SEABOARO AlA LINE RAILROAD: THENCE SOUTH 01012'26" EAST AlONG SAlD EAST BOUNDARY UNE AND WEST RIGHT-oF-WAY UNt, A DfSTANCE OF 1;36.26 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 46: THENCE NORTH 5r'43'1Er".wEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 45, A Of STANCE OF 261.30 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF FOREST ROAD AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE P'ARK. A P.I.D. SAID POINT BEiNG A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, HAV1NG A RADIUS Of 85.00 FEET, A CENTRAl ANGlE OF 57<'43'1 a- AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 61008'22- WEST: THENCE WESTERlY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID' CURVE, A OtSTANCE OF 85.63 FEET TO A POINT Of TANGENCY: nENCE SOUTH 90000'00- WEST ALONG SAlD SQUTHERl Y RIGHT-oF-WAY UNE. A DISTANCE OF 91.70 FEET: THENCE NORTH 00000'00- EAST. ADtSTANCE Of 80.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 90"00'00 WEST. A DISTANCE Of 13.27 FEET TO ntE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 35: THENCE NORTH 00000'00 EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOTS 35 THRU 38, A OtSTANCE OF 450.12 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAlD L~TS 38 AND 39; THENCE NORTH ssn<l5"14- EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAlD LOTS 39 AND 40. A QtSTANCE OF 315.13 FEETRTO THE SOUTHWEST CQRNEfl OF SAID PARCEL -8-; THENCe NORTH ~. EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY UNE OF SAlD PARCEL -e-, A OtSTANCE OF 131a05 FEET TO THE AFOREDESCRtBED POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 6.376 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS WAS MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 02/23/1991 21: 16 CEDAR RIDGE DF' '~L PAGE 03 4075336801 'r:~.. .5h I i,811 t:355 f' Il r; : ~rci, -l2''l-ITLEI 13'-15 F'L.~(;LER TITLE (:(1 NrT1~F""'AI N.,.~ea4). Rc.L....2...~.' .7~1Y~.~ ~~ p~ ..~ ..4 ~.1~ . . acaTT ,"Pye-oII laI"c.. - '\ ...,..a.tUID ... ...., ~ 'lII'O. ~~ _..-.- z..9s.a... ..~ ~"-1. ~~. ....... ~ .... -....::1 .. ..... ~. 3300 ~ ....~. ...,I.~ .00 ~.~ _.. 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