CORRESPONDENCE "l.\- ,/ I t^- e... -rDJ t.m 1alJ28 Q '"' '..J 00 m@mnwrn STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities" LAWTON CHILES Governor January 23, 1998 JAMES F. MURLEY Secretary Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you for submitting copies of the City's Small Scale Development Plan Amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 097-54 on January 6, 1998, for our records. The reference number for the amendment is 98S 1. The Department will not conduct a compliance review or issue a Notice of Intent regarding the adopted small scale development plan amendment in accordance with procedures contained in Section 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes. If you have any questions, please contact me, Planning Manager, for the DRI and Plan Processing Section at (850)488-4925. Sincerely, ;il h ft--' D. Ray Eubanks Planning Manager DRE\lw cc: Michael Busha, Acting Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council FLORIDA KEYS Area of Critical State Concern Field Office 279& Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 I nternet add ress: http://www.state.fl.us/comaff/dca.htm I GREEN SWAMP Area of Critical State Concern Field Office 155 East Summerlin Bartow, Florida 33830-4641 SOUTH FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE P.O, Box 4022 8600 N.W. 36th Street Miami, Florida 33159-4022 ~ J DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent I. Kastarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment January 15. 1998 Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning Plan Processing Section 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Transmittal of Small Scale Amendment - Cedar Ridge PUD (LUAR 97-001) Dear Mr. Wilburn: The City of Boynton Beach hereby transmits the above-referenced small-scale amendment to its comprehensive plan, which was adopted in accordance with the procedural requirements of Subsection 163.3187(1)c2" Florida Statutes, This amendment to the Future Land Use Map was adopted by Ordinance No, 097-54 on January 6, 1998. As this action represents the first small-scale amendment adopted in 1998, the total acreage of this amendment, 6.376 acres, also represents the cumulative total acreage of all small-scale amendments processed this calendar year. As required, please find accompanying this letter copies of Ordinance No. 097-54 and the public notice, a revised Future Land Use Map, and the completed form RPM-BSP-Small Scale-I, If you have any questions about this amendment, please contact Michael Rumpf at (561) 375-6260. Thank you. Sincerely, (l '?/ -*1 / J.l., .... _~[.?':d_l::'/J..t.);.t. \6-..Je.'j C~'t~/ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP , Planning & Zoning Director CC: Central file TJH:mr J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREDlWPlSPECPROJ\EAR\Cedar Ridge Luar 97-1 DCA letter. doc America's Gateway to tire Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ORDINAlICE NO. o97-~1I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (CEDAR RIDGE PUD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRII;3ED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owners of the property more particularly described hereinafter, has requested the above mentioned Land Use Element amendment; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after pl1bl ic hearing and study, the City ! I! i Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabi tants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. : ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Sect ion 1 : Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Future Land Use of the following described land shall be designated as Public and Private Governmental/Institutional. Said land is more particularly described as follows: Parcel "B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D" and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. Containing 6.376 acres more or less I and subject to easements, reservations or R/W of record. Sect ion 2: That any maps adopted In accordance with : the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. ~tion 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding this amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F. S. , i or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S. FIRST READING this /.6 day of ~d€/J1.eE~ , 1997. ~ day of SECOND, FINA. READING and PASSAGE thh. -- J,4Na/i/?V , /998. ; i : i, I ATTEST: I~~~~ i Ci Y Clerk (Corporate Seal) \\\\\\\111" 1/1111 ~'\' 0'( N r 0 IIII",,/, ~ <.c ~ ..............'" <9 ~ s: c~oQ\&~~~~~9i: PUD ..... ~~ ..... ::: ,).. :;: \ ..... ~ - I- ..... \ ,",' ::: So~: JX: ~ 1920/ i ~ .. s ~ .......... ~ ~ J:'t0 R\O'" ...$' 'III/, ~\" ~/1I/lJ1l"\\\\" -_._-_.._~--~---~~--_._-'_._--- ....._- . - --~_._~-~- ,- --- _.~ - -----.---.-----.------..-.---------.- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~~ Mayor ..... onuno;:n: p, Commissioner ~ "ICJ: OF PUBLIC HEARING e -- NOTlt OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, on Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. to consiner the request described herein and submitted by JOl3 Basil of Cedar Ridge Development, Inc., agent on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, property owner, regarding a total of 6.37 acres located at the eastern terminus of Forest Road (Forest Road is located within the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD which is on the east side of High Ridge Road and 1100 feet north of Miner Road). This request will also be considered by the City Commission of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS. NATURE OF REQUEST: To amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential (LOR) to Public and Private Governmentalllnstitutional and to rezone the property from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to R-1AA, Single Family Residential, on the northeast portion of the original plat of Cedar Ridge for the future transfer to and use by the Lake Worth Christian School for recreational purposes. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel"B" and lots 35 through 45, inclusive, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, at Plat Book 46, page 58. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board and/or City Commission with respect to the matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 375-6260 PUBLISH: The Palm Beach Post October 17, 1997 October 24, 1997 J:\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHAREo\WP\PROJECTS\CED-RIDG\lUAR\legalnot.doc SMALL SCALE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL FORM 1. Name of Local Government CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Person c.ompleting this form MICHAEL W. RUMPF h b 561-375-6260 Pone Num er Name of Newspaper that notice of small scale development amendment was publishedPALM BEACH POST Date Publication Noticed OCTOBER 17, 1997 and OCTOBER 24, 1997 (Please attach copy of notice) 2. Number of acres of small scale development amendments contained in package: a. Within Urban InfiU, Urban Redevelopment or Downtown Revitalization as defined by Section 163.3164, FS 0 b. Within Transportation Concurrency Exception Area pursuant to Section 163.3180(5), FS 0 c. Within Regional Activity Centers or Urban Central Business Districts pursuant to Section 380.06(2)(e), FS 0 d. Outside categories a., b. and c. 6.376 3. Cumulative total number of acres of small scale development amendments for the calendar year: a. Categories listed in Item 2 a, b, and c. above o b. Categories listed in Item 2 d above 6.376 4. Total number of acres of small scale development amendments in this package that are located within a coastal high hazard area as ideotified in the comprehensive plan o Pursuant to Rule 91-11.015(2), Florida Administrative code, this form must be mailed with all small scale development amendments as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statues to: DEPARThfENTOF CO:M:MUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING PLAN PROCESSING SECTION 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (904) 488-4925 , %e City of '.Boynton r.Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'BeadiJ !fforUfa 33425-0310 City 9iaff: (561) 375-6000 !f.9lX: (561) 375-6090 December 26, 1997 Mr. Joe Basile Cedar Ridge Development Corporation 7000 High Ridge Road Lantana, FL 33462-5006 Re: File No: Location: Cedar Ridge PUD LUAR 97-001 6.4 acres of vacant property located adjacent to the south and east of the Lake Worth Christian School on High Ridge Road Dear Mr. Basile: Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding Commission approval of your request for a land use amendment and rezoning for the above property. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Sincerely, h,j~4riv jL Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:arw Attachment xc: Central File D:\SHARE\ WP\PROJECTS\CARMAX\NWSP\DEVELORD.WPD J<tmeru:.a '5 (jattway to tIU. (julfstrtam EXl-llBIT "B" Conditions of Approval Project name: Cedar Ridge PUDIL WCS File number: LUAR 97-001 Reference: Letter ofreauest dated September 3. 1997. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: None X BUILDING OMSION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. Applicant shall file and receive approval of an abandonment application X or alternative resolution of the road ownership dispute prior to adoption ~ A "~&'Z) of rezoning and land use amendment ordinances. ADOmONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. None. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. Ie Be d""~llllil1cd. ~ ;l7rr/l(!N'6Z) ~ Ibme s:\profedS\cond of appr\ CEDAR RIDGE PUD/LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Revised Planning and Zoning comments to delete comment No. 1 Add additional City Commission condition as follows: Application for abandonment of Forest Court, approved by the City Commission 9/19/95, shall be finalized by adoption of a Resolution and Disclaimer by the City Commission prior to or contemporaneously with final reading of the rezoning and land use amendment ordinances. LAW OFFICES Uennis (). I\()ehle.-~ Congress Business Center 1280 North Congress Avenue, Suite 104 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Telephone: (561) 684-2844 w ~ ill OCT 1 0 1991 PlANNING AND ZONING OEPT BY FAX Facsimile: (561) 684-9370 October 29, 1997 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director Boynton Beach City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Cedar Ridge PUD (LUAR 97-001) - Request for two week postponement of City commission consideration and action fiLrE tv Qc;ortn f2-!tz;h L-u t1JL Dear Tambri: My client, Mr. Joseph F. Basile, Jr., advised me this morning that the City's Planning and Development Board voted last night (October 28) to recommend approval of the referenced request for land use amendment and rezoning for the LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (LWCS) properties, subject to one contested condition that was requested by your Department: "Applicant shall file and receive an approval of an abandonment application or al ternati ve resolution of the road ownership dispute prior to adoption of rezoning and land use amendment ordinances." As you well know, my client strongly opposes the imposition of this condition on the LWCS' s plan amendment and rezoning petition. The LWCS's request to develop certain lots that were deleted from the Cedar Ridge PUD's plat as a school recreation facility is completely separate from and unrelated to the on-going development of the residential portions of the Cedar Ridge PUD by Mr. Basile and the CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP. It is absolutely essential that my client have an opportunity to make its case before the Boynton Beach City Commission on this key point. Unfortunately, neither Mr. Basile nor I will be available to appear before the City Commission next Tuesday evening, November 4, when the referenced request is scheduled for public hearing consideration by the city commission. Mr. Basile will be in Philadelphia with his ailing father, and I will be returning that evening from a business trip to Tallahassee. It is impossible for either of us to change these travel plans in order to appear before the city commission on November 4. We therefore respectfully ask you and/or the city Commission to postpone final consideration of the referenced requests for t.wo weeks, i.e. until the City commission's next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 1997. We thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. By copy of this letter, I'm advising the LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL's attorney, Rick Harris, Esq., of our request for a two week postponement in this matter. Esquire DPK/ns pc: James A. Cherof, Esq., City Attorney Rick Harris, Esquire Mr. Joseph F. Basile, Jr. Herbert L. Gildan, Esq. I)ennis IJ. I\()ehle.-~ IJ.A. fJ1U City of t:Boynton t:Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boulevard P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beadi., :FforUfa 33425-0310 City :J{a{f (561) 375-6000 :F>1X: (561) 375-6090 ''''''-=--~ October 1, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Cedar Ridge PUD Rezoning Located within the Cedar Ridge PUD (East side of High Ridge Road, north of Miner Road, immediately south of the Lake Worth Christian School) File # REZN 97-001 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study on the above-referenced application, prepared by the MTP Group, Inc. and dated September 3, 1997 is being forwarded to you for review for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to AI Newbold, Acting Development Services Director, also at the same address. Sincerely, k1J,,~J lJ(rLv/A~~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme cc: AI Newbold w/ attachment Central File S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Cedar Ridge-LWCS Rezoning.doc\ Traffic. doc ~merU;a's (jateway to tIU (jutfstream - --It .. MTP Group, Inc. 12798 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 303 West Palm Baach, FL 33414-4704 Phone: (561) 795-0678 Te/efax: (561) 795-0230 September 3, 1997 Mr. Joseph F. Basile Cedar Ridge Development Corporation 7000 High Ridge Road Lantana. Florida 33462-5006 Re: Cedar Ridge Development - Rezoning Dear Mr. Basile: We have analyzed the potential traffic impact due to the rezoning of approximately 6.4 acres from residential to recreational. This site is currently approved for 10 single-family dwelling units. We have used the trip generation rate contained in the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code Anicle 10: Impact Fees to estimate the putential trip generation of the approved land use. Based on the trip generation of 10 daily trips per dwelling unit, the site is currently approved to generate 100 daily trips. The site is proposed to be used for relocation of the recreational facilities for the existing Lake Worth Christian School. A preliminary site plan shows no parking within the site. Since the Palm Beach COUllty Unified Land Development Code Ankle 10: Impact Fees includes a trip generation rate for recreational uses based on the number of parking spaces, the Institute of Transponation Engineers, Trip Generation Repon, ~' Edition was lISed to estimate the potential trip generation of the proposed land use. Both land uses 411 (City Park) and 412 (County Park) have been used to estimate traffic for the recreational use. The trip generation potential of the proposed development was estimated as follows: Land Use 411: City Park Land Use 412: County Park 2.23 daily trips per acre 2.99 daily trips per acre 6.4 acres 6.4 acres 14 daily trips 19 daily trips The worst case scenario shows a 6.4-acre recreational use has the potential to generate 19 daily trips. The potential traffic generation for the recreational use is much lower than that of the approved resilltmtiaJ use. Therefore. there is no additional traftic impact due to the rezoning of the site. Do not hesitate to give us a call should you have any questions about the contents of this letter. Sincerely, ~JI / MTP Grou , Le. .--, Ii II -- - CGICAIG'J (~ .~,' Ilj;':' 1) "klJ.r ~ ,,) J,l(1 ' , ' Milria 1. Palombo, r.E. Pr~sident Florida Registration Number 44095 C:\MTI'\Coonrl TO: Palm Beach County, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Village of G SFWMD, Palm Beach County School Board, Lake Worth Drainage District TCRPC m CLEARINGHOUSE NOTICE OF PROPOSED AME FROM: Anna Y eskey, Clearinghouse DATE: September 30, 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a participant local government, this memorandwn serves as notice of the following comprehensive plan amendment(s): Initiating Local Government:Boynton Beach Reference #: BOY-12 Date of local planning agency hearing for the proposed amendment:October 28, 1997 Date of public hearing at which the proposed amendment will be transmitted:November 4,1997 Nature of plan amendments as you have indicated is desired for review: adjacent cities Palm Beach County amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: X land use traffic circulation mass transit ports and aviation housing infrastructure sub-elements coastal management conservation recreation and open space intergovernmental coordination capital improvements other Instructions: Should you have any objections to these proposed amendments, please respond at least 15 days prior to the transmittal hearing as scheduled. Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: NOT APPLICABLE Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. EAST OF HIGH RIDGE RD.. APPX. 1/2 MILE SOUTH.OF HYPOLUXO ROAD. Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres)6. 37 ACRES Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOW DENSITY RES. 4.84 DU/ACRE Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) PUBLIC & PRIVATE. GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R-1AA. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 5.40 DU/ACRE Present Development of Site UNDEVELO~Ep . - J. Proposed Development of the Site. ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): ATHLETIC/RECREATION FOR LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DatetrimeILocation Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing October 28,lQ97/7:00 PM/CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS. 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. DatemmeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing Nbve~~L:~,1997trIME AND LOCATION AS ABOVE Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA CEDAR RIDG~ PUO/LWCS AMENDMENT & REZONING (LAUR 97-001) LOCATION MAP . . . . '. . .'.'h' .'. '.'~...:~..~~..,~_... .~:._lc..~h"'~"'.""II.~"~I"";""'''''':'''''~~'-''.''''''~~'':'''''''''.~-_''~_'~'--_' .. . I I I LJ L-J... ( l~ II( u ~ I/) ~ CITY WAITS 1 - --. -- -- - -- -. - -.'- . - -~-----_. . ~ Cedar Ridge Development Corp. RISING mGH ABOVE THE REST September 5, 1997 7000 HIGH RIDGE ROAD LANTANA, FL 33462-5006 VOICE 407-533-5199 FAX 407-533-6801 Mr. Mike Rumph City of Boynton Beach Department of Planning & Zoning RE: Lake Worth Christian School Rezoning of Lots 35-45 of Cedar Ridge a PUD, Plat Book 46, Page 58 Documentation Checklist Dear Mike, Enclosed you will find the following requested items~ 1. Traffic Report 2. Zoning request & utilities opinion letter. 3. Tax Map 4. List of property owners within 400' of subject property. 5. Deed from FDIC to Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. 6. Copy of subject property & uses. 7. Updated survey. Please review the enclosed at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your. assistance! R2ctfullY, ;0 J( JO~Jr. President Cedar Ridge Deve) 0 p !llG~!lAB~VE~2rp. 7000 HIGH RIDGE ROAD LANTANA, FL 33462-5006 VOICE 407-533-5199 FAX 407-533-6801 September 3, 1997 City of Boynton Beach Department of Planning and Zoning RE: Rezoning of Lots 35-45 of Cedar Ridge a PUD, Plat Book 46, Page 58. Dear Mike, As you know the lots referenced above are being donated to Lake Worth Christian School by Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc.. We are requesting a down zoning of these lots in order to provide Lake Worth Christian School the room for future expansion of their recreation facitities. It is important to note, that the proposed use of the- subject lands will greatly reduce the demand and impact on public utilities. Thank you for your assistance. ReSP;:llYty /~;Z' JOS~le, Jr. Agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. %e City of 'Boynton 'BelU!i ))~l 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Bou!.evart{ P.O. '13~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :lforitfa 33425-0310 City :J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :1M: (561) 375-6090 September 22,1997 The IP ARC Clearinghouse c/o Town Of Lantana 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Cedar Ridge PUDIL WCS Amendment and Rezoning (LUAR 97-001) Attention: IP ARC Clearinghouse: The City of Boynton Beach is processing an amendment to its Future Land Use Map. Please find enclosed an executive summary and location map. The applicant is Condor Investments Of Palm Beach County. They are rezoning the northeast portion of the original plat of Cedar Ridge for future use of the property by the adjacent Lake Worth Christian Schoo1. The project site is only 6.37 acres, and the land use to be changed from Low Density Residential (LDR) to the Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI). Public hearings on this proposed amendment will be held before the Planning and Development Board on October 28, 1997 and before the City Commission on November 4, 1997; both at 7:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Dan DeCarlo, Planner at 375-6260. Sincerely, ;;;'k;)l1r#~ Tambri Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director 51 me rica 's (jateway to tlU qui/stream Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: September 22, 1997 Reference #: CZity reference II LUAR 97-001 General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL W. RUMPF. SENIOR PLANNER Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD. , BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 TelephonelFax: /375-6260 / /375-6090 Applicant! Agent: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County / Joe Basil - T elephonelF ax: 561-533-5199 561-533-6801 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: x land use - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing - infrastructure sub-elements - coastal management - conservation - recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements - other Summary of addition (5) to adopted comprehensive plan: NOT APPLICABLE Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: NOT APPLICABLE Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) ADJACENT SOUTH AND EAST OF LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. EAST OF HIGH RIDGE RD.. APPX. 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF HYPOLUXO ROAD. Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres)6. 37 ACRES Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOW DENSITY RES. 4.84 DU/ACRE Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) PUBLIC fa PRIVATE. GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R-1AA. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 5.40 DU/ACRE Present Development of Site UNDEVELOPED . Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): ATHLETIC/RECREATION FOR LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DatetrimeILocation Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing . October 28,lQ97/7:00 PM/CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS. 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. DatemmeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing Novt:tlL.......,L' "f>, 1997/fIME AND LOCATION AS ABOVE Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA --. ,,-_.. _.~_._- -------------" CEDAR RIDGE PUD/LWCS AMENDMENT & REZONING (LAUR 97-001) LOCATION MAP . . ..~ ......."'"p .. .'.......... ..~_., __I ...,-...-.- .... .. -.....- ". ." LJ L..J... ( l:a IlC \) II I/) ! I i ~ CITY UMrTS UIla__lICIIOQL ~":- ...--".. "'. .... .., -1[0) m @ m ~ w m mJi l~ ,,'\h 1 ! ~ MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. January 13, 1998 FROM: Bulant Kastarlak, Director of Development v'rambri Heyden, Planning Oirector James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ 1,N-t Compromise and Settlement Agreement Cedar "Ridge Community Association, Inc., Cedar Ridge Development Corp., Inc., and City of Boynton Beach TO: RE: Attached for your review is a draft Compromise and Settlement Agreement which has been prepared by Dennis P. Koehler, Esq. After you have had an opportunity to review this document would you please get back to me with your comments. JAC/ral Enc. cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager s:ca\depts\dev\Cedar Ridge Memo D~L ~1 ~(lC._~ u~~'l~ P ~0EHLER, ~.~.) r.c: Thi. In.uWlLem: Prepared By: DENNIS P. KOIHLBR, 180. DINNIS P. ltODLD, P.A. 1280 N. COngre.. Avenue, suite 104 W.at Palm Be.ch, PXi 33401 Telephon. (561) 684-2844 Fac.imil. (561) 614-9370 DRAFT ~/f!f II:aO(//,M. COMPROMISE AND SETTT.1l!MZN'l' At'UU!.!RMmIT 'l'HIS AGRBBIIBNT made 'this _ clay of , 1997, by and betwe.n CONDOR INVESTMENTS OP PALM BBACH COUNTY I IRC. who.e addre.. 1. 430 N. "Q" S~ree~, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 ("CONDOR-); CEDAR RIDGI COMMUNITY A8soeIA~IOR, INC., 1000 H1gh Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33463-5006 ("ASSOCIATION"); CEDAR RIDGE DZVlLOPMEK'l' CORP. INC., wbo.. addre.. 1. 1000 H1gh Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33462-5006 ("CEDAR RIDGE"), and ~e CI'l'Y or BOYNTOH BBACH ("CITY"). WIT If E S 8 B '1' HI WHIlUlAS, CONDOR i. the owner of the Cedar R1dge Planned Unit. Development ("PROJECT-), looated at 7000 Siqh Ridge Road 1n the CITY, aore particularly de.cribed in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and inoorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the ASSOCIATION h.. been d..lqnate4 on the replat for the PROJECT aa owner of tho.e road right.-of-way and dralnaqe and utility .y.te. .hown a. co_on area. (Tract "A"), aaid replat havinq b.en approved by the CITY on Hay 20, 1997 and recorded in the Public Record. of Palm Beach county, Florida 1n Plat Book 80, at Pave. 28-32 on July 17, 1997 (the -a.plat"); and WHBRlAS, CEDAR RIOGB i. the developer of ~. t.wo (2) re.idential pode or portlonll of ~. 1>aOJICT, having entered into an aqreement 'to purcha.. them from CONDOR 1.. A.",._ on S.ct..lIIn..r 29. 1994; and ie aleo the Agent for CONDOR in Petition No. LOAIl 97-001, wbich petition for lane! u.. amendment and rezoning on properties no longer a part of the PROJECT i. currently pendinCJ before the CITY; and DEe 01 '37 12:20 DEN~IS p KuEHLER, P.~.) F..:l WHDBAS, the original owner-developer ot the ee4ar Ridqa POD, the Boyn"on DeYelopmen~ Corporation ("BOYHTON DIVELOJKENT"), obtained CITY approval tor the original plat for th. PROJECT on Auqu8t 16, 1983, said plat having been recorded in the Publio aecord. of pa1m Beach coun"y, Florid. .t Plat Beok 46, Page. 58-11, on August 18, 1983 ("original plat") I and WHBRBAS, the original plat for the PROJI:CT contained provi.ion. that expre..1y cte4icated the roact and drainage facilities located within Tract. B-1 S-2, 8-3 and S-4 to the CITY and alao dedicated certain drainage and utili tie. ea...ent. .hown on the plat to the CITY, the 1.tt.1: _.ements "dedicated in perpetuity tor the conatruotion, operation anel maint.nance of uti11tie.;" and WHIRIAS, Th. CITY n.ver adopted a resolution tormally acceptinq owner.hip of the PROJECT'. road anel drainage facilities and ....m.nt. tor drainave and utiliti.s atter they were dedicated to the CITY by the original plat tor the PROJECT1 anel WHEREAS, atter obta1n1n9 all required approvals and per1lit. trOll the C1'1'Y, BOYBTON DBVBLOPMINT conatructed. a oo.pl.te intra structure .y.tem to .ervic. the platted PROJIC'r, inclucling road and drainage faci1iti.. ancS "clry" w.ter .nd .awer line., the latter extendin; trom the CITY utillt.1e. aonnec~ion. locat.ed immed.iately aou1:h ot ~e PROJECT ~o it. northern limit.. 1101414i.tely .outh ot 1:he Lake Wort:h Chri.tian School properties I and WHBRIAS, shortly att.r completing oon.truction ot the PROJECT'. infrastructure .y.t.., BOYNTON DJ:VBLOPMBNT c....d. all furth.r activity on the PROJBC'l' anel .ent into toreclo.UZ'a, and WRBRBAS, iloaetime in 1984, a. a co~1t1on ot approval tor annex1ng t.be Lake Worth Christian School C "SCHOOL") properti.. 1n~o ~be CI~Y, t.he CITY required. the SCHOOL to obtainp~bl1c watar anel ..wer .ervic.. by connecting to the CITY'. utility .y.t.. through the now-detunct Plt03BC'1". axi.ting "dry" watar aneS .aver'line., and 2 Dt-\.- ~1 .. -:J( 1.::.;.::.. l.!t.111'1~ r- ,,'Jt.HLt..K, r- .t-'.) r-..... WBDZAS, de.pi~e it. lo~ and cont:inuou. control and uae of the PROJEC'l". infra.tructure eyete.e to service the SCHOOl ever since 1984, 1:11e CITY has never acknowledged tha~ such active control and us. ot the PROJECT'. plat-dedicat.d improvements, even in the abaenoe ot a City C01IIIlission resolution tormally accepting tha, oonstitutes legal acceptance ot ownerllhip ot and maintenance re.ponai))ilities tor such inrra.1:ruO'ture ayat_; and WHEREAS, all 4evelopaant orders that have been approved by the CITY aince CIDAR RIDGE aaau.ed development re.ponsibilitie. tor the PROJECT have oont_pla~ed private owner.hip of ~e PROJBCT's int.ernal roadway .y.t.., and turther, that the 1997 replat tor the PROJECT in fact .pecitically dedicated .uch roadway .y.to (aka the "9-4 Plat-) to the AlIOCIA'rIOIf, for ita p~tual pri va~e ownership ancl maintenanoe .. a common ar.a of the ASSOCIATION; and WHEREAS, CEDAR RIDGB hae been d.nied CI'1'Y permit. to develop certain improvement. ahown on the CI'1'Y-approv.c.t ma.tar development plan, site plan anet replat, tor t:h. PROJBCT beoau.e of the controv.r.y over whether the CITY'. continuous control and u.e .ince 1'84 or those roadway. and infraatructur. sy.t... that w.re dedicated to i~ on the original Plat tor 'the PROJECT corwtitute l.,al acceptanoe ot such d.~ication., and WDBAS, all partie. to thi. Aq'r....nt now de.ire to reach II ~ a... .1..81 oompromi.e an4 aettl..ent ot the afor...id.controv.r.y, one. that abanclon. all CITY clai.8 to ownerlhip otancl maintenance re.pon.ibilitie. tor. the PaOJICT'1 dedicateeS internal ~.all _i,IM. .f vay, ...,..,. aRt ~.lli.y .,..... roadwaYs, and wb1cn abandonment 1s clearly nece.sary to fo.ter timely CSevelopment, I.le an4 occupancy of the PROJIC1". re.1dential unit.. NOW'l'HDlPOQ, in COMicSeration ot Ten Dollar. ($10.00) and other good and valuable con.id.ration, CONDOR, the ASSOCIATION, CEDAR RIDQE and the CITY hereby agr.. a. tollovs: 3 DEC 01 '97 12:22 DEN~15 p ~OEHLER, P.~.) f-.:5 1. Th. ~ac1t.tion. .at forth above are incorporated .. if fully ..t forth herain. :2. CONDOR and CEDA:R RIDGI a9!=.. to join in pr.paring and pr..entinc; to the CITY a petition ..e]dnq abandonaent of all CITY intere.te in the PROJECT'. platted roadway., ~aifta,e ...i11'1.. ... ~'11i~ ~.'..a, .aid abandonment petition to be initiated by CONDOR and CEDAR RIDGZ on the ASSOCIATION'. behalf on CITY tOrJUI provided for that purpo.., with the und.r.tancUnq that the CITY will waive all reqUir.d filing f... and oharge. for proc...in; the afore.aid a~an4onaent application. 8. B. 81ft at~.a. .. ....._a1" a ...1'i8" .. a~a...." ,. a. AISQOJAWIOR ~ aft_ all E'1,~,. IE' alai.. ~. GIWY 8Wft.rahi. ef Whe.. 1"fl!'a.~~'1a._1 .Y.'.. (Jr.a.ay., ...i"a,. .y..... .,,- v4aill,l.. ...vi.. li... aft. all a"ww..R8Ile.. \h.....) 'ha' w.~. ~"i..".' ~y ",. .!ritual 1882 .......... ,1." f.1r ~. PMJIR ,. .... GIR ~'ft M"...r ....ally ....,... .y 81" ...el~.i.ft. Ike QIWV al.. a~... ,. ..1... fr.. _. a"._'Mi.".. PHi.i." Ita. l.VAIl 97 Sel Itfty ....~."e. .E' ..~i....... ..1a,lft' .. ~. Fns7BGf.. H.... .VR.~hl' .i..~... tk.. ~. a~.Ri....R' ,."".R .....i~. ke~eiR i. ..,..... ,. ~...l~.. 3. The CITY acknowled9.. and aor...1 a. That i t:. acc~d "by u.er" tho.. infraatruc1:ure avat:.am. (roadwaya. drainaae and utili~i.. .y.tam.\ that w.r. d.edicated. by 'the oriainal 1983 aporded plat for tohe PROJECT to the CITY but never formally acca;ted. ~ CITY raaolution, b. to ~nt:.rl.in a petition too ab.ndon to the ASSOCIATION a~ and all riaht. ar alaims to cITY own.rahi~ ot 'tho.. road.w.vs ~at were dedieat.ed bv the arialrual alat:. to ~. CITY r and. c. t.o delat.e trOll! the atore.ent.ioned Petition No. LUU ~7-001 any ret.r.n~ or raaui~am.nt:. ralatoln9 t.o the PROJEC'l"a, '.road ownerahiD 4 lJt.<-. 1::I.l .;;,. .l.::. ..::.:. ut.fif'1 J.::> r-' r',I..Jt.HLt.I'<, r-'. i-<. ) ~.O c:l1.pu~." 1:hai: 'th. abandonment petit.ion 4..criblld her.in 1. eXlMlcbd ~o , r..ol v.. 4. Th. ASSOCIATION I by and throu9h CONDOR and CEDAR. RIDGB I agr... to accept, upon CITY approval of the amandomaent. petit.1on reterred 't:o, full owner.hip ot 'tho.e roadway., HaiM,. ay..... aM we... all. 'MI.~ 1i'kl1i..,.. .Y.__. that w.re dedicat.d to the A8SOCIA'l'ION by CONDOR on the replat tor the PROJBCT approv.d by the CITY on Kay 30, 1997, and furth.r agr... t.o provide back to the CITY tho.. certain ....mant. n.c....ry t.o enaure that t.he PROJBC'l". ,1a_..' deiaate4 draina9- .nd utility .y.t... are properly op.rated and maintained. !5. The CITY acknowl.dqe. and aqr... that ~i. Agreement i. limited to the .attU'. a44re..ed herein, and tur1:her, 1:hat this Aqr...ent. neither a4dr..... nor r..olve. any oth.r clai.. or di.put.. that. any party to thl. Avre.ent may have with the CITY over the coat. of brin91ng the PROJECT'. original intra.'truotur. .y.t_ up to current. oode. 5. Thi. ACJre..ent .hall not be t.U'Ilinat.d, .altered, limited, chanqed or modi tied u1'1l... in writinv and .i9nad by allot the parti.. : her.to. Thi. Ap'....nt ahall be bin4in, upon, and run to the ben.fit of, eaCh par1:y, it. .UClO...or., a..ign., or heir., .. the ca.. Ilay be. Thi. Avr....nt may ))e entorced by any of 1:he parti_ 1:hereto, includin; bu1: not liait.s to the CITY. 7. 'l'bi. Ape.ellent .ball be recorde4 in the Public Record. of Pal. Beach County, the exp.n.. ot .uch reoordin, to be borne by the ASSOCIA'1'IOlf. in the .vent this Avr...nt i. ever revi..cJ, the : ASSOC:IATIClf .hall ~ear the eXPen.. ot r.corcliri9 .aid revl.1on{.). IN WITHESS WHJ:RBOF, tbe partie. her~to have ex.cut.4 th..e pr..ent. and attixed their ...1. hereto .. of the day and y.ar tir.t above wri tt.n. !5 DEe el '37 12:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.H.) F.7 CONDOR INVIS'rMBN'rS OF PAUt BEACH COUNTY, INC. IN 'l'BB PUSDCE OJ'; By: Jalle. Vanclu1foude vic. P1"..i4en~ S'I'ATB or FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PALM BEACH ) Th. fOl"ecJ01n9 In.~rwMn~ va. acknowleclged before .. 'thi_ _ d.ay of , 1997 by Ju.. VanderWoude, and tba't he/_h. 1. per.onally known 'Co _ or who ha. produC8d .. ident1f1oa~10n and. who did (d1d not) take an oa'Ch. Notary Publio, State of Plorida co_i..10n No. Hy commi..ion expir..: NOTARY aD!. CEDAR RIDGB COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. IN THE PUSDa 01" I By: Jo..ph r. Ba.11., Jr. Pr..1cJeJlt: STAn or n.oUDA ) COUNTY OJ' PAUl 8DCB ) The forevoinv inat:rwaen'C va. aoJcnowlqed before me this _c1ay of , 19'7 by Jo.eph r. .a.il., Jr., and that he/ahe i. per.onally mown 'Co .. . or who has procluo.CS .. 1d.ntlflca~ion and who did (d1d not) tat. an oath. NO'Cary Publ1o, st.toe of Florida Co_i..ion Ho. Xy co..i..lon expir..: NOTARY SEAL 6 DEe 01 '97 12:23 DENNIS P ~OEHLER, P.~.) F.8 CEDAR Jt10GB DEVBLOPM1DfT CORP. J:N THI PRBSBNCI 01' I By: Jo.eph r. Ba.i1e, Jr. pre.ident S'1'ATI OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PAlM BBACH ) The foregoing inat%'\lllent va. acknovleclge4 before .e th1. _ 4ay of , 1997 by Jo.eph r. Ba.ile, Jr., ane! ~at. he/.he i. pereonally known to me or who ha. produced .. identificat.ion ane! who did (did not) t.alc. an oath. Not.ary Publio, state of Florida commie.lon 1'0. Xy co..i..ion expire.: NOTABY SEAL CI'!'Y or BOYRTOH BEACH, PLORIDA ATTES'1': BYI Jerry Taylor, Mayor City Clerk Approv.s .. t.o 1'or1I: city Attorney 1 DEl. ~l '~1 l~;24 DENI'11:::. P ,(,'Jt...HLt...r.:, P.",.) r-.:l Ixh!l:>>! t. ,. A" LICAL DESCRIPTION - The project 8 r "" J V N.T.S. ~ !L h9 (29) [58] 16 (15) [31] ~ SITE ~I n 0 a::: w <..:> 0 a::: I S2 I LEGEND 30 - EXISTING PROJECT TRAFFIC (1) f23j - PROPOSED PROJECT TRAFFIC 53 - TOTAL PROJECT TRAFFIC (1) ESTIMATED BASED ON ITE TRIP GENERATION RATES. ~ '-= LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL EXHIBIT 7 AM PEAK HOUR PROJECT DRIVEWAY VOLUME~