APPLICATION ... - BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge Estates (residential)' High Ringp C.QillIJprr.p Park-!inr1llc;t.rial) AGENT I S NAME: Kenneth L. Groves ADDRESS: P. O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florid~____)346~ PHONE: 305/585-2515 OhTNE-R I S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: William E. Ben-jamin, II and Point Manalapan Devel~rp-:- P.O. Box 319..8._ ___' Lantana, Florida 33462 PHONE 305/585- 2515 PRO~CT LOCATION: Hiqh Ridqe Road, approxiTIBtely 1 IT,He south .oL (not legal description) HypJluxo Road CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS;* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other m~terials will be fo~-arded. -.--"'-.- --~------- ~! -'. --- .......; A-5 APPLICANT'S CERT1FICATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (1) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (1) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge end belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application. attac~oents, and fees becoi'i'le part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. ~ APPLICANT IS: ,.; ,'{.r Cc~(J I. ' L ~ -' S i 9 n a t u re , . ~ CMner- '-' ~ ______ Opt; onee Kenneth L. Groves Type Name of Appl i cant Lessee 1300 Lands End Road Street Address - x f Manalapan, Florida 33462 Ci.ty and State "Sent Contract Purchaser (305) 585-2515- .Telephone Numb~r ----- A-5 l' '* ,a -' , A':'S OWN?- RS AUTHORIZATION Under the provlslons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. (/l /1-6.~"-(~r~' ;)LV (;~'/7 2;; (C~(/ If ---- . ..) , /' ~) l. _' '/'f-/7j?' ,'- ,L0<- ( :J--<-- / lL.. _., A ( '(0' II ..-----... Signature of (O\mer(s) of Record' I(~ cfJ L, ..---- Signature of Applic William E. Benjamin, II and Point Manalapan Developrrent Corp. Type Name of Owner(s) Kenneth L. Groves --~- Type Name of Applicant 1300 Lands End Road ------. ~ Street Address 1300 Lands End Road --- Str:eet Mdress Manalapan, Florida 33462 Manalapan, Florida 33462 ~~ -- --- Ci ty and State (1 ty and State (305) 585-2515 ---- Telephone Number ____l3051-..5B.5::2515 Telephone Number ,I 1: !: ,i !; I I' I, I, I .. I .. A- 6 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND AUTHORIZATION STATE OF FLORIDA :ss COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Comes now your Affiant, WILLIAM E. BENJAMIN, II, Individually and as President of POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPBENT CORPORATION, depOSE and says: 1. That your Affiant, In his capacity as President and princi stockholder of the aforesaid corporation and individually, owns thE property more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A" ir. fee simple. 2. That the Warranty Deeds attached hereto collectively as Exhibi t "13" are true and correct copies of the instruments by which ti tIe was taken to the properties descr ibed in the said Exhibi t "A" 3. That, your Affiant, in his capacity as President and prine , \ stockholder of the aforesaid corporation and individually, has authorized and does hereby reaffirm and ratify his grant of authori to KENNETH L. GROVES, individually and as Vice Pres. of the aforesai corporation to act as his agent and the agent of the said corDorati in all matters relating to the Affiant's Application and Voluntary Peti tion for Annexation by the Ci ty of Boynton Beach of the propert described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. \ -; C_", I (\\ '\, . ," ,~/I~\u",)l"v,;" \( ,\ '---'--_-' , Wi11ia~. Benjam\n, II On thi s 11t:L day of /)LJ--<-r , 1982, personally appecired before we, WILLIAM E. BENJAllIN, I I, and he qcknowledged tha t he executed the foregoing Affidavit for the purposes therein expre~ WITNESS my hand and seal on the day and year last above writtE ~~ )x;...c 7~evl.- Notary Public My commission expires: NOT ;\RY PLJ~L!e ST' TE 0' FL . . I." \..' , , r... r ORJDA AT LARGE b " --..1. "-...,--J,~ ::,\Pl.-,,::.:' ~.jcr 5 lY85 l.,.'j 'v_..... I, "~ __ -....J_. ......,. ,~ ;J '; . ~"~ t.:/(/<i irkS DEVELOPMENT ~ Ben~;:;;,--i-I : (corporate seDl) On this ;C;t;( day of );L;-e;-- , 1982, personally appeared WILLIAM E. BENJAMIN, 11/, President of POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, and he acknowledged that he executed the foregoing Affidavit for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and seal the day and year last above written. 0.{L~ A~-G )-;~ Nd't:ary Public My commission expires: NOTARY PUBliC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGf; III'! Lu,i.:,,;,j!u:J tn,';""t) uU :, I'/,:i ~Gl ,UclJ 111(.0 U_"'-hr,l I, 'l~ , LJh';;::K,.,.<.1 i tRS '. ... &......""'.~ .,..... ~ -~~.. -~ .'......- DEEDS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT B . ~ 5173 ...-.. exeeu tive Ime i '':'::'t~ "1.",-; instrument prepared by FOR~I 104 WAR,UANTY LH.rD-(Slalllltq~ Form) (Th. '."RU "ar.nto," :and. "Kr~nl.." her_i.n _hall b. l:onllrl,l.d Co in<hadc ;all Wll'nders ;rod .u...wu\.u ur plur~1 .1.1 the ,:onl""( In.Ji,~I(,LI nil~ I S II~UMENT PREPARED BY: I-HOIVlAS J. BECKER i' u"NUEn, deCLAIRE, BECKER :'{ V;:,f,; I~LFECK, CHARTEHED ,". 0, lJox 340 Gnl.Jl Raton, Florida, 33432 0hi51Tnbl'ntur~, ~ Made this ?..~-tL day of December 19 70, IIrtUJrrn RALPH C. HARRIS and LORETTA M. HARRIS, his wife of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantor, and '-1' POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation whose post-office address is of the County of ,State of , grantee, ::...:c .ttnrssrt~: That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) and NO/OODollars, and other good and valuahle considerations to said grantor in hand paid hy said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, thefollowirlg-tlescribed larl(l, situate, lyirW, and heing in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: c-> (D , "'.1 , ' -':'; South one-third (S1/3) of South Half (S1 /2) of Northwest quarter (NW1/4) of Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), and North half (N1/2) of Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Nine (9), Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. r- .. SUBJECT to restrictions, reservations, easements and rights 1 of way of record, all applicable zoning laws and taxes for the year 1971 and all subsequent years. '" FLORIO,6.. I = ~~l DOCUMENTARY - ST A-rE OF - ~ - u = I u C"') - ..-~ .. DOC U I\A.JJ'-J TAR Y ,0;~~~ TAM P lAX . r >- f\~~:tn;1 F LOR I A SUR TAX - hjt. l..l'- "'"" - a,7 OEPT, OF REVENUE 0r;~:"A\~~1 I H:= , ~:.,:. ,,::,,~4.,. I:: 8 9. I 0 I - -, ~ .~;; EJ - ;io = - ,2 'cl~'~',',; :';0 "'-l - 0 0 I :::u - ~'-) ~ po. == JAN26'71 \:~3~&:~'O 2 4 3. -- ll. Ln -- u. OF FB. - = IC52~' .'.,@.- I - = = RfVE~UE 10824 -- - and said grantor d(.es hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ReconJed In 0 R Book. Record verified Palm lIeach County, Fla.. STATE OF FLORIDA John B. Dunkle COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Clerk Circuit Court , I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qual~fied to take acknowledgments,persQnally appeared (Seal) ~. - -., < '.. < r ),. ).'> zz o u X~ni Wm::O .;.0. rn . ,ooD. ?" ~ n~ I -::0 :v :;:I..m ~OJ :;:J ~ m;;" On', ::r. RALPH C. HARRIS and LORETTA M. HARRIS, his wife tv me knuwn to be the person( s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me the executivn of same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 2'ls'~" day of. ,December 1 970. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF cLORIDA AT LARGE MY COMMI;.SiQN EX'li(..S JU;'ll 19, 1971 BONDED TIIROUGH I-R.i.D W. Dlli.STELHORSl ,\ ~Q.. 't Notary pJblic Mil commission exvires: L. e(.~U^A ._) arr'Cl18)69 RECORD 'PAGE 626 MIDSTATE LEGAL SUPPLY COMPANY . ---~ (IWlarrant~ ~~en 1\J\10U' -----.--.'-------.~---- 450 Royal Palm way Palm Beach, Florida Wlyis ~nb.entur.e, Made this /3:!2 day ot March , 19 69, between EDWARD J. SKLENICKA and BOZENA H. SKLENICKA, his wife part ies of the first part, and POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, whose address is: f.O,{O"'h-' .::.I\,q L0/1"f...r1!1t:; :::t-ft-'. - part y of the second part, ~ihtt9Utly, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, to them in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold t~ the said part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following dd?iJbed land, situate in the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida, to-wit: ~ 7) The South One-Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest One Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest One Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. :t' .1 ...-r-) a:=:: :~ Subject to easement to Florida Power & Light Company as recorded in Official Record Book 687 at page 351, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and to taxes subsequent to the year 1968. DQ19t9ti9' -'" " ~lTE OF FLORIDA"TE OF m~J,~j_ DOCUMENTARY DOCU~Y SUR TAX SUR TAX SUR TAX $11. 00 :r L) >- ~f- ,1.:0 Z =:J 50 ~ u c... STATE OF ~::-'_ORIDA DOCUt-.'jENTA~ 3~-t..MP T:"~ ~~. . -~,~;,*.!!.I"c..-- :::: ::;: t,Ar,19 69 ~~;J~'\"\2.-~ =- - , I';'~ A,l, ,^ 0 G 0- =: \' \; '". ,;---",,1, .'\ " ,:::: .\ ~ v - w 'I' " V - COMPT"OLLE:::\'j;~l ~ PB 19fJ]"',5 -"'~~":~-).:-~ - $11.00 I' I $11.00 !\n.b the said parties of the first part hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ~n ~ifne55 ~~erwf,. the said part ies of the first part have hand s and seal s the day and year above written. hereunto set their Signed, sealed and delivered in oU~'presence: -V if ~' " ~,,-,,- ....9.....:~~~~d"'/.;...>:J...I:.:::::.:/...................,.... a~- ......... .............. .-........ .....~.................... ..... ----- , .---..- J\ --.-.~/ . ..~(.=:~:.:_.A:.: ~..-.':.: ~.7.:.~..._.:..u._. ~~.-.~~-.:..~.:. ~..~:.o .J......~:. :-:.-. L. S. ~dwar. d J. S~l~~icJa '. / ~, . 111/, .I . ,--Ii -{!.~_Y' '-l~Jf;;:;~:''''~~r~~r;;0f1.:~..~.::.",-~ L. S. -~:. ; " ..:. .- \ -::. !,!) I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the County and State aforesaid " r) t' 1 to take acknowledgments, personally appeared '1 i" ~ (('. Edward J. Sklenicka and Bozena H. Sklenicka, his wife, 35/ to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing in&trument and they acknowl..dged , before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid thi. Marcn ,'-::'.i:. ,19 69. . ; \:'.:<~~~:.;?<);~,,;, " \.. > ~~ ~ -'J') ~.~\. :'. _: ~ ? diJ ." '.. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH / -:;; r/) '-" - day of ~~-:.. ~ .....~~ t'- , , r:, f'l-'l") ?,cJ~ I l f~C[ ------- .-- , - / / / (~"",l,:~< ,.:""./~~:,~,:".:::",:....~:~._..,..,.,.."..................',..,.' '--VN~tary Public, in and for the County and State aforuaid. My commiuion expires: ~f- /5- ? /-; Racorded In Official Record Boo~ Of Palm Beach CGunty, Florida hhil B. UUi,;J; Clerf; of Circuit CClJrt 185 '. 'it,: . ~~ ...~ 63C34 Printed for Lawyers' Title Guaranty Fund, Orlando, Florida This instrument was prepared by; lilfarranly Bttd (STATUTORY fORM-SECTION 689.02 F.S.) GENE MOORE 0/ aU r.- 0/11- 0/ GRD1"lTH & MOORE P. o. Box 760 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 mbi5 lhtbrttturr. Made this ,/ ? ) day of August 19 71 , fBrtwrru <..0 ::r .. of the County of THOMAS E. DYER and SHEILA B. DYER, his wife, Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantorO, and :E: 0- WILLIAM E. BENJAMIN II whose post office address is P. O. Box 3198, Lantana (Y') of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantee 0 , Co.':) :::> < DiI itttlSsrtl1. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of T en and no 11 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,..... ... Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the fol- lowing described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit; Tracts D, E. and F, LINCOLN MEMORIAL GARDENS, a Subdivision of Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 179, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record and to taxes for the year 1971 and thereafter. ~ .:,:-. --;-- '7::~i~'~1~1~i~\~1>:-=:;~18~~~~-,-'7"'_"':-'~'~ :;r~..5~~2.~':':c..'--'~:"" _.~"::}i_: ~ _:~.::-_~_~~~ -- ,,:.... ~ ....:..~,~'....=-.!~I>--'-<I....::...T~T>--.,,-=-. ~i~ -:-"''''':;-;--=:--<I~ >- '~''''--l'I'~'J::n' "f' -. ' ,.~n~'UMf''''ITI\D:i1...--....:::... - _-__ -o--~.-- .... ," ~..- I'" T '"'..- . ..tI.=_"':"~~<71~~1~7.i~.-~~ ,'....-~ i~.~'._..'~j}tJ llltit\'rz~-;' .:,- ~:I: - . ~...:,7~-'OE.:,~R!D~~,,:,,::,:,T.:=.:,T,~ ':T:tl~"":;:<1":":" it ""~....-~ --=:'1.; -',~'1::)1fl\Y-;;:-..:.. ~ -- '~;:-.?t~ OCUMl:NifA'R-Y:' ~';2.S:tAM'fl,~:A.~#:'.l*I+: '2:L~~~ ' , ,- :;TlLPQRt .,J=;~;~I+t~,~~~:: -: -- -'"""fD.... ~-, "\ -t ~- .......-,., ,tc-{J~~~_.T.r'T ~5f.r:";;-- _ ...... "_'" . .,- l.TLL''''~.l (-'- ...:: ...::-.__ . , -=- -- 'Q..E1:!T70~\fV1UE 1,"[..1' 2.....".:l.:;T;lr;-;-....'1.1' -;l1~1~'~ --;--1.. ~,~;~" .J~~~..,.I '!l':f',~T'j ,"1\, _ ' :!o -=:t' ~:::~...~.!.':'"=r71~r -:-1, -- ., . .L 1"'..l~_~.. 8:~1'- --:;-t~...t _ LJ6.3l.;. ~I _. ~ ~-:y:-t":L.I~-~U;-;::::r -.Ju -~.....j -. \- -' I----iir-----il- -.I'~'I(lp.'I'x..::J t _' .......,........ .~ _ -S.. _ ....:.L. __ <; ..., -...,,, .;::::::r).Uli!I~\ ' ,;, ~.l"-:O:$:L'T'.,,~,. . -O'''='''.=;-;l---=:- .. -I~~ .:.,. ~ ,:, t ~B; - r'-:-=-' -:;:- '--:;-'1;'- .~ ,- -, ..r....,~,>--,_" ---;I....--.I~ ...--;1~1f-'-<:~, .... I -_'I _ ...."'.1,'.. .: '_' ',' .le01J1- _ _ ~ - -~D52~~-_'T.1. "t-c'" -'T'':''''''-'''''-'-'J~'-'T'-'-'T.:.: ~:~ ~le- -.,...,.~- , , ,'7"~-., 1"' " ~ ,__'. ~? Co:~t-:;;.i~M"';;~l~l~J:;'-T~~~T~l~~+ 0"~7:'-;"-:~ - .r}~~_~-~~':7.::c"~,~~~':t~.T~ ~.1.,~~ ." -, ,-;;:-:' '~;~I':T:'l~!~I'c=""It-::"l '-:-<i'-:-<I>-;;:-!:~I<-:::-:'I'-::-.' ,';- and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and wiP defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. o "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires, 1Jtt IlIUttPS5 1lI4rrrnf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand anB. seal the day and xear first above written. Signed, seale4..and delivered in our presence: ./ If _ j .1! /~ w ./ /"""' l . 1. ,,~~~j:~, -- "--'- , ./tL/f"-< ~~~~~-.J I / < ( Seal) ( Seal) r-:~/.~ G 1J -u. . 1 <n< ~2<-- Sheila B. Dyer ( Seal) ( Seal) STATE OF ,'FLORIDA .,COUNTY OF' PALM BEACH ",I HEREBY ,CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared. . , Tf~bMAS E. DYER and SHEILA B. DYER, his wife, - '.'- to me' kno~~'.t~'be;-the person s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument ;1nd acknowledged before " me that th\y,\~ecuted the same. WITNESS my_,hand and nffic;al >caJ ;n the County and State l.,t afme,.;~ th;, . _ - day <>1 August ~ 19 11;. """, f:t~,,,- (:',,:"!,:, r":]L'r'- /'-;'~!';1_' 1~,/~':n'1'-/,-- ~~~.' A I P blie'., ~ ~ 'c;., .. My commission expires: i, '~', p~, :-- !>"otary u ~ ~ ".~ ~~ 1# ~- -tf ~ ~ ~ ,A . ~ c:! <., .;<: .0;..4 ~,r- t"~ ;,:;, '?~ "', ' -~ :;::. -.,;>. ;# ; Ii.:. ~.. ,,;,~) -..J _, .."" ,.., ,,_ \~. ~ t::: ;1..,; . I! V,:/\'.i r'n:::........Rr r ~,. f'"... ._d..J;'"t~). . i..l 1 r~' r~i_-- !',,'-,' " ',~r~.,'"~,, r'" ~ lotan;;:, - - ,',,'~, ", , -. L !. , l---;r~~'--- '~ -'+ 'I I~) lJI.,'r.J.l(j2'" 11( lIEC:iL . b P.\GE .JG 11 ~28708 Return: Robert F. Gri' Jr. P. O. Drawer ' Printed for Lawyers' Title Guaranty Fu~d, Orlando, Florida Boynton Beach: fla.This instrument "';~'s prepared by: n'ec, t/, /;, 0 SFla. S1. - ..,2fO.Ol) ROBERT F. GRIFFITH, JR urtax - '77 t:> Intang. - ~O --;;rr J . {, V ROBERT F. GRll']<'lTH, JB. - P. O. Drawer 10 (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689.02 F.S,) BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA S343S tilarranty Bttd m4ill JUlItuturt. Mode this / 9 --ctt day of August 19 77 , ilrtwrrn DOROTHY ALEXANDER, unremarried widow of ELLISON CARROL ALEXANDER, a/k/a E. C. ALEXANDER, deceased, of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantor-l<, and ~ WILLIAM E. BENJAMIN, II, en whose post office address is P. O. Box 3198, Lantana, ~ of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida 33462 , grantee-\<, In llIitnrBsrt4. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ----------------- TEN and NO/100 ($10.00) ---------------------------- 1-, Dollars, ~) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: The North two-thirds (N. 2/3) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), Section Nine (9), Township Forty-five (45) South, Range Forty-three (43) East, Palm Beach County, Florida. r-- r- SUBJECT TO easements, reservations and restrictions of record and to taxes subsequent to the year 1976. "'-J /::0 4:,\OGUMENTAH\' = (~~;~,F FLORI A SUR Tf\~ (m.s.n] -~ l~ 7 7. 00 i == fl.", , __ .__"...'_ 1I!06 _! = <'0 ~;T,ATE DF FLORiOp.1 I.D ()OCUI'-.~iENTARj.~0~~~:..o;;."STAMP 1 'J,~ I c:.EP1'oF f'r,-;'7'UjuEt:[T'2"_~~t 1 =- ~ CC'j -: I, \~;f~;~,\r 2 I O. G 3 C'..J :-:: r.\".: '. .,/'., /. \<~~ ~,~~~.., ~;~. c:,.. -- I 1 , '.'- L-:> ._ L.f"') = .0 q0~ \D. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all 2 fP persons whomsoever. , "11. ir "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. 1JU,mttrtrBB 1lI1fbrrrnf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand (md seal the day and year first above written. ,S~gned,._?~le_~an,d/de1iv~red in ol,Jr presence: _ .' ..-;; / /-,1 ~ J/ ...._____-t- 'i (; ) -7Z' / / / _ / I:' .",./ " / /7 ~ -:,- /1", \ :C . r9 /L~~--t. ' /,- v . (l.-C... r----;::v -r-l'~__ "'" // ',- DOROTHY iYLEXAN0ER (Seal) ~dk (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREB'r CERTIFY that on this day before me, on officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared DOROTHY ALEXANDER, unremarried widow of ELLISON CARROL ALEXANDER, a/k/ a E. C. ALEXANDER, deceased, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregOing instrument and acknowledged before me that She executed the some. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last 19 77. Notory P"clic, Slolp of FJ",ic!o at lcrQa r,~y Commis~;on Expires. Moy 2(" 1978 Bonded by Am~lican Fire <\ CQ,uo:ti' Co. PALM OH "7 B~ACI1 REC L, 46 PAGE ~~r. ..~~ My commission expires: 370 ReCf)rdu"rif'c" -:. ""l':"'\,~ ".- ; v . I Ii ..". , .' __ ' .. . p~ Beach Counly, Fl., '~:~':;-,::'" - - ,:' ...,.. . .. . . . . . .. .. ~ , \:, ~ . John B. Dunkle I:"~r"~~': 1 . -. 1":. ~Jerk eN-emt Cau:t ' :!, ; "., ,', ---- C"r') LJ") C'\") o c:o , M. l ..::T t' -:- .. Q:~: C) . -( ..:z . ;~: '-' . ~..:.') f S! : li1()l)J.uJ J I 0 ,~O 4~?(J\) lJ'") co en 0- co C\? U") (T) en CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES DEED THIS INDENTURE, executed this :::;:~ S-th-..._ day of Htil~, 1981, between ALICE E. MAROE and RENE TRENT, as Co-Personal Represen- tatives of the Estate of PERSHING, W. MAROE, Deceased, Party of the First Part and POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, Party of the Second Part, whose address is P. O. Box 3198, Lantana, Florida 33462, WIT N E SSE T H: The Party of the First Part, pursuant to power of sale contained in the Will of the above-named decedent, and in con- sideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, grants, bargains, seals, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms to the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns forever, the real property in Palm Beach County, Florida, described as: The North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4, less the road right-of-way for High Ridge Road, and less the North 159.82 feet of the East 110 feet of the West 135 feet of the North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. SUBJECT, however, to any and all easements, restrictions and covenants of record, and any additional taxes not yet due and payable for the year 1981. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances belonging or in anywise appertaining to that real property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple forever. THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND TO BE RETURNED TO: William J. Hyland, Jr., Esq. Scott, Burk, Royce & Harris 450 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, FL 33480 Lr> STATE OF FLORIDAlf Q_Q:~UMENTARY00~, STAM'P TAX.! ~EP L OF REVENUE(:f~r$ ';;'~\, ,; ~ ~ ,~,;,~ ,"HID'" ~J)46 8. 00 i "lJ n";:. en g5: '-0 :zoo ~~ ~ C'l ~ = (.0 a;} Q) 0- ex;) M Lf') (T") co AND the Party of the First Part does covenant to and with the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, that in all things preliminary to and in and about the sale and this con- veyance the power of sale contained in the Will and the laws of Florida have been followed and complied with in all respects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part, as Co- Personal Representatives of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, deceased, have set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in t~ presence of: j'~ 1!:- / I / '~I ,./7( , ,I, , ./ / 1 J /'1 /1'.1 d i 1 A /i ( ,-,~_'/' I ' I ,,I ~ / ~ f }7l~ ALICE E. MAROE, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased (SEAL) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ,~. r/J ~~~ ' t~~ (SEAL) RENE TRENT, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF SARASOTA l j I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the ;./ day of /' " 1981 before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknow~edgments, personally appeared ALICE E. MAROE, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that she executed the same. ~ITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this__/ju,- day of J/~("'7,/ , 1981. ,:.7..... ''''--- .. " ;' I /'_ , ! ~-- , /--i _. ' '-- ("( r'(~/(./:..- '- "--._ Public, State of Florida ....',' , ' .~~';-~. ;'/"'.(, .~- \)..-' '- t?-'I ".. :" :{N~..P'~' ':SE~;"'r :' Z: :'~\ () of t P. y "0 -.-:- ':, -; ::;:' ' ~',:c :. : ~'C -, \ '1 A " ~: ' : - C: ;'.~..l~ ~:.~..~.~"'-~2i '.', 'F' "_" \... \~", I, I, -- j..\, ~ \ \' "." I!: II ! It" \ \ ' ~y: ,../ /1 . Notary My Commission expires: rL'-tf",' ~"'l:lr (.~~~~ (\~ Fis:idc. at tRlvl~ ":;:. ,t ;:-~ v: ;~';':~'~;l~ L.::-;I::':; ;~~J t. ~"):~.1 . i. f '" ~" - 2 - STATE OF FLORIDA ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the .{"~, day of "...NU,..--e., , 1981 before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RENE TRENT, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased, to be known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this S f-1.- day of ..:J;r--t'--, 1981. Notar;~~ s~l Florida (N . P . SEAL) My Commission expires: Notary Public, State of Rorida at large My Commission Expires July 16, 1982 IloDded By AmoriCAn Fi19 &. CasuellY. ~IIIPDU . ' \ \ '. ~ at! : I , . o"" \;J\ J""'''' ".' " t"-" ~ \..J. f7')" -~ / / -\"..... \~- ........... ~ /",.. $~v.....~... -..> -~ ......J'" :::"'::........ "-'0-- ..#'i-~ _':: ~: , \" ,J ~ -'? ~ ..:' '? ~ ::. --: : - . / ,.: :: :::<o~: :0..:: ::: --' : ;0 , ' ,; ~ : ';", r<'.. L' r:, , .' h""V f:' , e,.. U L I G '~ ~ ~~<,:~:~,: '~,:.: .;:~.~\~t,~f. J.,..:.;" . , ' r- eo en 0- co ro U") ('t") CO RECORD VERIF1ED PALM BEACH COUf...rT. FU. JOHN B. DUNKLE ClERK CIRCUIT COURT c::) CC) C'o.! r0- c........ <=> C"'-I co ~~ , Lf) .6 :;:: c:;: N oN : CC : t.a.: : I.J- ,~ , co ' E2 30\ ODD, (X) ~arrant\1 ~tt~ . /repared By & Return to: j j William J. HylandL-..Jr. Scott, Burk, Royce & Harris, P.A. 450 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, Florida 33480 February , 19 82 , m~i5 (~lhw~ntur~, Made this 16th day of between RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, party of the first part, ~d POINT MANALAPAN Whose mailing address lS: DEVELOPMENT CORPOr~TION, a Florida corporation P.O. Box 3198, Lantana, Florida 33462 party of the second part, ;BJiintIlUtlt, That the said party of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, to them in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the second part, their heirs, successorsmd assigns forever, the following described land, situate in the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida, to.wit: The South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the right-of-way of S.A.L.R.R. SUBJECT TO restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, if any; to easement from N. R. Field and Janet Knox Field, his wife, to Florida Power and Light Company, dated August 29, 1961 and recorded August 30, 1961, ln Offici~l Records Book 672 at Page 40 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flo~ida; to that map of the portions of Townships 45 and 46, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 4 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; to an existing road right-of- way claimed by Palm Beach County under Commissioner's Minute Book, dated June 24, 1946, covering the South 25 feet of the above described parcel; to applicable zoning ordinances and to real estate taxes for 1982 and subsequent years. idX:' 0 : ,<: 10r-i 0 I-~' u-;j 'r",,:;;1 lU-oCj' M iq~ ,__-: I I ;,,?;"~;:;'" III <:.'(T;;';.~ tU..', '......, J I I , !'iT--=>, lis 2:~ f, .<i2 ~ ~W~]~ ~ ~~ ~7"i:~ ~ I~...tt~!~ !Ill i "'"*4_JlO il-ui...: c [~t'()!~ 0 1~;jC':: l/II!! L I 9 9 ~ ~,&u I 35, GO ~n{) en ..::1- co C) a... ....... r-- c.o ("t') CO :, 2 ~~ r 0:-1 H:'~.:.:.~ I~-:~<;; the said partY of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ~n ~itmli5lli ~~2rrDf" the said part y of the first part hand and seal the day and year above written. ~'lt' S has hereunto set , ...... .'- 1..--':" ~ ,> :c~:' ::., '~;"'!" ~, Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: ( :C0R,P0RATE " l"iEALr.~) ..... .' . "', ' r_ . '"- , " . ~ I'~., .' - RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORJ.>'0-RAl:I:ON . ..............................................................................:......,l:(.~~ ~ . ~ s. .,. aF~rid~ co..rpo:r:-at,..ion, ,:,,::,::::,., B 4, I ;;- .,--r-;> /, . / 'I.. ..r/ ' L--' : ~-t...-CI L . ~."" . '.: '" .. ....................)/~.::.....;;;;;;~..,...................... . s. '-' / r / ( II' L. , / ' ' / By: .fl /l t.i t'..L.' ,l L\ /---<--1..- '- ';2.: .,"~ . S . C RICE. W. NE~.JSUH, Secretary STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF IJADB I HEREBY CERTIFY, Th"'t on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the County Rnd State aforesaid to take acknowledgmentS, person.ally appe-ared CLARICE W. NEWSUM, Secretary and R. E. FIELD, Vice President of RITECO DEVELOPMI CORPORATION, a Flo.rida corporatinn. to me lenown to be the person described in ana -Who e%ecutea the foregoing tnltrument and t ney acknowledged before me that they necuted the lame. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last afor"said thi. February . 19 82. ,16.t:h day of - . .' , RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY. FL..' JOHN B. OUNKLE ,... r-m~. CIP.CUJT COURT /"1 f .f'; ~ ,," " .....N;;;;;..j~.{~lf;;~'jhL;;..;i;;;;;;id My commiaaion e%pCre.: ODl~/~t~ '