REVIEW COMMENTS jJ~ /l1~ r' 0_ _ .; c /J. 4.. """- LJ: ./l ~, ,-=<T~'" ~ ~ rt)v /I~ ~ ~ ~,C) / ~ ~"'" ~ 2. ~~~ A"')~~ 2).~ J) ~ ~Q-~ 4 .J ~ 65'. ~ A"-- 2}~~ G ;) ~ <-J/ L./' ~ ~. c-~ ~. ~ c.-J/~~ <-.~~ ..3. :r- ~ L-.o ~ ,A. ~/3c- ~ r) ;CJJ:- /,--0 - ~ ~c7 ~/~ ~/~ 2) ~~ /3. .13 A ~~ J.~ . ~) ~~~ L/ J7,__~ /,v<J..-' t vfOS' . ,10=<:1 '~~. nd.- /' A. /,':1=/J' ~ ~ /_ 2. tJ ~ - 2 :) ,N;- 2.~~ .3 _ ~ .~ ..v /....J' - ~ --.--<- 0/. ~'</-~ ~ $-'1 ' /Sr , 15. . jJUIJ I.~ / 5- '2- ,I-1r ..jr ? yo. 8 .A <c- ~s- 2. ~~ ~J. '1 7..- '71) . Z- VJ" /2 . '1 t/}{) ~- / t) c) ~I> s~ jt1r ~-.,J /9,'1 /6''1 ~~ /.j e> _/ (.1. (.) 3" ~ /J AI ~r a.' /300 <IF ~~ b.~~~ ~."~.~ J"~~ <<", ~:.z-~ ~ -(1. ~ J ~~~ . - ' fl. ,~~p -( /d ~ <~ r-'" $' ~ ~ j, Sb ~ -.5- -"9. ;17 ~ .I!-~ "-.~ -W /,";.0 ~~ ~~:L;~~~ %~p P-~~ fr., 1'-1,c ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . ,...,;J ~ /,"::;::- ,.cJ -'-'- ~~4~' . n ~~ ~ ;,l J;. ~~ '7' .~~ 6. /J?~ 1"9 ~-~2~, IP~~ ..<-.I (:,,4 ~ ~ ~~ 6 ^ <. <....- A ~1f- -- ~~ 2.. A 0-.--- ~ '~. .~~~~+.~~ ~.- ~~~-:C 7~ MEMORANDUM TO City Manager & All Departments DATE July 7, 1982 FILf Departmental Review Form Annexation FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner 5UBJrCT Accompanying this memo, you will find Departmental Review Forms for two proposed projects to be annexed to the City of Boynton Beach. Please take the time to review the impact of these proposed developments on your department, as they are significant in both number of units proposed and location. Owing to the time constraints placed upon the staff by the annexation statutes, I would appreciate it if your analysis of the attached information could be returned by July 23, 1982. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. CSA:mpc Attach. c a..-,~.~ ,5' a - ~.< Q~ Carmen S. Annunzi 0 City Planner CC: City Clerk ~ MEMORANDUM TO: City Engineer FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner RE: July 12, 1983 RECREATION AND PARKS DEDICATION FEE/CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES DATE: Accompanying this memo you will find documents as follows: 1. A letter of transmittal from David Mankutai 2. An appraisal prepared by Robert E. Transue, SRPAi 3. A li~t of qualification~ for Mr. Transuei and, 4. A Contract for Sale and Purchase. These documents were submitted to me for the purpose of establishing the fee to.be paid at the time of final plat for recreation and parks dedication purposes. To that end, please be advised that the fee to be paid is $39,452.75 computed as follows: A:: --7.""'''. value of land zoned PUD acres of land zoned PUD 989,000 = 38.73 $25,535.76/ acre .015 acres/unit x 152 M.F. Units 2.28 AC - ~.:2.-~ = - .018 acres/unit x 47 S.F. Units = .81 AC - .YLJ. ... Acres To Be Dedicated 3.09 :::' .a. ( :;L. 1/2 Credit for private recreation 3.09 = 1.545 AC .!J./ ;z. _ /,S" -y- - - ,p. III. IV. Fee to be paid $25,535.76 x 1.54 $39,452.75 $/Acre Land Value Acres 'f. t. S ~ Fee to Be Paid -::- 3'11 V 3S". 1 f (/J(I'(~U 'ZI ..t 31'3,0..,3 am requesting comment from the and notifying Mr. Mankuta. By copy of this memo, I Director of Recreation and Parks c? 04.- ------.... cr L ~ CARMEN S. ANN~ZIATO /bks cc: / Charles Frederick \/ David Mankuta Central File -~AEMORAN DUM- "TO Peter Cheney City Manager DAT[ February 2, 1983 FILl: FIlIOM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner 5UIlHCT Letter from Stan RedickjAnnexat Policies I previously forwarded to you some cursory statements concerning Mr. Redick's letter and the adopted Plan policies. The fact that the County now has basis for review of municipal annexations can only help systematize the procedure. Concern- ing the policies, it appears that there is some flexibility provided i~ the way the County Commission can now address municipal annexations. As applied to Boynton Beach, I would guess that the only real change procedurally will be that we will annex first and then request acknowledgement. /- L~ S L-~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc CC: Central File MEMORANDUM February 1, 1983 To: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Re: 1/26/83 Letter from Stan Redick Please review the attached letter and material from Stan Redick and provide me with your recommendations concerning the County proposals. Do you agree that the proposed policy changes systematize the annexation process and provides a flexible means of determining compatibility between municipal and County Comprehensive Plans? Maybe for improved coordination, we should suggest that the City have some type of super majority review and approval procedure for County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning actions that take place within a quarter of a mile of an existing City boundary. (/:;1 J 04- Peter L. Cheney City Manager PLC:mh cc: Central Files ~-- Att. -. ~~~::.._----~~-----_....,-'---.,;.- . i. \-\EMORANDUM- Carmen Annunziato City Planner O"T-Ir July "26, 1982 :~OM Tereesa Padgett Ci ty Clerk F'ILI' William E. Benjamin, II & Point Manalapan Development Corp. owner~ Kenneth L. Groves, Agent Application for P & Z B020d Meetir of August 10, 1982 SU8JI!CT In reference to subject Annexation, Rezoning and LUA application, attached please find copy of the Notice of Public Hearing as advertised and was also sent to property owners within 400' of subject property. J_~ Tereesa Pad tt bb cc: City Manager . ~(IA.cJ c__ ... 7/ 2:~~ TL-~:;____.__- --..-1 ,..J MEMORANDUM Carmen Annunziato City PTanner- \ , DAT~ July 21 J 1982 ,..---- ... Virginia K. Farace L i br.ftry Oi rector fKF~ impact on Library Although neither of these annexations by itself would have a great impact on the Library and its services, taken together and in combination with the current status of the book collection and the size of the Library, the following information should be noted: Total units of the Cedar Ridge Estates and Congress Lakes will be 1,397. An index of 2.31 persons per unit projects an estimated population of 3,227. Using the Minimum Guidelines of the Florida Standards for Public Library Service, 1974 edition, communities of 25,000 to 50,000 population should have 3.5 books per capita. A 3,227 estimated additional population x 3.5 books would require a recommended increase of 11,294i books. Based on our FY 1980-81 average cost of $8.52 per book, this would approximate $96,229.14 for books. Using the same guidelines, Boynton's 35,624 population x 3.5 books = 124,684 books needed. Presently, the library's holdings are closer to 2 books per capita, or 74,000 books, leaving the library approximately 50,000 books short of minimum already. Also, to keep the collection current, annual additions and replacements should be not less than 1/6 volume per capita. Space required, based on population, is .6 sq. ft. per capita. The library at present is about half the size needed. 35,624 x .6 sq. ft. = 21,374 sq. ft. Additional annexed population of 3,227 x .6 sq. ft. means another 1,936 sq. ft. needed. The guidelines further indicate one full-time employee for each 2,000 population, 35% of which should be professionals. The additional 3,227 population would call for one and I more employees. Although population increases, whether by annexation or otherwise, do have an impact on library service, the larger collection necessitated is really an advantage to the entire population. An expanded collection offers better selection to everyone. It should also be noted that because of our membership in the County Co-operative Library System, the Boynton Beach library will be servicing these people whether ~or not they are on the city's tax rolls. From our point of view, for consistent - planning and programming, it would seem an advantage to have them as city residents. . .(j}; flecelved _~/ <t:'O c ~ . //.1 < / Dab ~--- ~7/ z;J/; ~~ c / ~ Y-~ -- /- ---- VKF:gs TIme M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE: July 16, 1982 RE: Residential Annexation Effects Cedar Ridge Estates PUD High Ridge Commerce Park PID 197 Units 25 Acres William E. Benjamin II and Point Manalapan Development Corp. Congess Lakes PUD 1,200 Units Riteco & Janet Knox Fields, Jr. As this department is already taxed, and in several instances unable to meet existing service demands, any annexation such as this will add to and compound the problems of adequately providing the quantity and quality of leisure services needed. While such new areas do include some private recreation facilities, they do not include facilities such as lighted ballfields, auditoriums, public beaches, picnic facilities, boat ramps, etc.; or programs such as youth athletic leagues, day camps, and the multitude of other instructional and social programs offered by this department. In summary, if the leisure service demands of our existing and anticipated population are to be met, a continued expansion of recreation and park facilities will be necessary. Such an expansion will obviously require the continued provision of capital outlay funds, along with operational funds to provide for personnel, materials, and maintenance. It should be noted that a great deal of the growth and annexation is occurring in the N.W. section of this city and these residential areas will be supplying housing for employees of Motorola. It can be assumed that a substantial percentage of the pupulation increase will be family-oriented, meaning a definite impact on public recreation facilities and programs will take place. ~/Jc: Charles C. Frederick Recreation & Park Director CCF:as D~:~.:~(:' -- - : .,-,-... ;\" County Administrator John C. S1nsbury ~ -~r: ~.; County Commissioners NormJ.,1 G~c~,;ory, Chairman Peggy B. Ev::ttt, Vice. Chairman Frank Fo,>te~ Denni, Koehler Bill Bail.'v (]?, " I'.: .' ~. (Ih~.~___~ DEl L0 ----f/~~----- -.--- Time -.-~---t:-, ---::::=-- September 21, 1982 Very truly yours, ~ J t Ii ~ ; . h. . ,;/ /{ l' ,.0 Cur\A- .rlllA? '/ . I , John C. Sansbury 'j County Administrator :. b3 ~ i \ I l I , I I ~ I J i I i j l Ms. Tereesa Padgett Ci ty of Boynton Beach 120 N. E. 2nd Svenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Ms. Padgett: This letter acknowledges receipt of your resolution No. 82-HHH requesting permission to rezone a certain portion of a parcel of land being annexed to the City of Boynton Beach from R.S. to P.U.D. Please be advised the Board of County Commissioners officially reCei\Bd and filed your resolution in their meeting of September 21, 1982. A copy of your resolution has been fo:rwarded to Planning, Building and Zoning; further action is pending subject review of said docwnents. Ja3/dat cc: Bob Basehart, Planning, Building and Zoning /~: ,/,,'\.,./' :- ,~;. /~../ I~ ,.' l---l \g:~\ \ ......... \ -"\ '<:~" >'" ':. / , . . .1', I _"J') '9 ..\J..... \::.., \-. " f\ I, ,L 1 .~-.... 1".~:' ~~'~. ,:~~,~:;' :.-.. .-- .-" t . ,\ :f:-"~ ,,' /~' :)/ '\ /,/' B 0 Xl 9 8 a . WEST PALM dE:/>. C H, F L 0 Fll D A 33, ~ D 1 TO I -, FROM Tereesa Padgett City Clerk CarmE!n ti. Annunziato City .Planner SUBJECT: Point Manalapan Annexation DATE: June 23,1982 FOLD. Accompanying this memo, you will find a copy of a legal description which was prepared by the City staff Gn connection with the abovementioned pro~)sed annexation. If the City Council decides to pursue this annexation, please add this to the overall description. CSA:mpc Attach. RETURN TO . / l SIGNEDC~17\Ji-'1 ~l ~./- ~ /~ / REPLY ;J..' / DATE: , , . ./ ,-')/ SIGNED c";I"'_ './ FORM F26'3 Availabie from GR,W ARC CO, INC,. New Hartford, Conn 06057 PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER u ( ".. (' ] r City Clerk , j -TO City Attorney o t- . I () J '1 REPLY MESSAGE FROM -, Carmen S. Annunziato Ci ty PI'anner . ---- .~ ~ Annexation Timetable/Congress Lakes, Point SUBJECT:~Manal~pan ';OLI? . DATE: June 23, 1982 Accompanying this memo, you will find a copy of a timetable for annexation for the proposed Congress Lakes development. This timetable will also be applicable to the Point Mana1apan annexation. Please review this proposal tor consistency with municipal ordinances and resolutions and with state statutes and advise the Planning Department of any suggested changes. If changes are forth- coming, they will be incorporated prior to transmission of these documents. . CSA:mpc CC: City Manager w/attach. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNEJ;> REPLY DATE: SIGNED FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC., New Hartford. Conn. 06057 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED r FROM SUBJECT: "OLD. Tereesa Padgett City Clerk --, Point ManalapanAnnexation TO Carro'e.. S. Annunziato City Planner DATE: Juee 2~, 19a~ Accompanying this memo, you will :Eind a substitute Exhibit C conceraing the above mentioned application. This material is forwarded for Central File purposes. CSA:mpe Attach. RETURN TO REPLY DATE: . 1/. . :,"/ ,,> v I &' ;/ SIGNED \- I . C-<--------"'-'~ /' ; '1'.;',z..- /' SIGNED / ,: ~-:1~ ~- . ~ /7 .'ERSOI" ~.,_ '::- -! i f-ll ...t'" S()c;;'.? f"().;";'F.r.~L/(::;'~ FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC., New Hartford, Conn. 06057 MEMORANDU TO Peter Cheney City Manager DATE ,June 22, 1982 FIl.~ FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner "UBJECT Point Manalapan Annexation Petition Accompanying this memo, you will find documents as follows: 1. an application for Annexation; and 2. an application 'for Land Use Amendment and Rezoning. These applications were submitted by Ken Groves for the Point Manalapan Corporation, and taken together, provide for the annexation of 65.8 acres of land of which 25 are proposed to be developed as a Planned Industrial Development, and the re- mainder proposed to be developed as a 197 unit, Planned Unit Development. The land in question is located in the northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road extended. Also, you will find accompanying this memo, a legal description prepared by the City staff which provides for the annexation of intervening rights-of-way. If the Council decides that it is in the interest of the City to go forward with the processing of these applications, I recommend that these items be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for public hearings. CSA:mpc Attachs. c("-<--.~ ,} r:-- >~--~-z;, Carmen S. Annunz~ato City Planner TO r --, FROM Tereesa Padgett City Clerk CarInE. S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT: Point Manalapan Annexation DATE: June. 17,198.2 FOLD. Accompanying this memo, you will find an original of the abovementioned request for annexation. Substitute and/or additional material will follow as I receive it. This material is fon~arded for Central File purposes. Also enclosed is receipt t 65373. CSA:mpc Attachs. RETURN TO It -,,' SIGNED C (._.-,~_-,,_____,--_ c-- REPLY Received. DATE: 6/17/82 . SIGNED B. Boroni FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC., New Hartford, Conn. 06057 PERSOI~ ,".::n".<~'.1 . i') 'HIS Gne~' TO SENDE::; I TO SUBJECT: FOLD. "\ FROM Grady Swann Finance Dept. C. S. .nunziato City Planner Annexation (Filing Fees) May 27,1982 DATE: Please deposit the attached check ------- for Annexation ------- for Pt. Mana1apan Development Corp.---------- in the amount of $ 300.00. Acct. 001-000-341-33-00 CSA:mpc Attach. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED ~d ~ ~ REPLY DATE: SIGNED FORM F269 Available from GRAY ARC CO., INC., New Hartford, Conn. 06057 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ( ( . February 2, 1982 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: South Palm Beach Commerce Park Master Plan Comments: - 1. Approval should be subject to the traffic statement by K. S. Rogers dated January 19, 1982. 2. The pro-rata share for a traffic signal should be a commitment by the developer. 3. A signed and sealed boundary survey is required. 4. Where easements are shown that encumber property the book and page number, as recorded, should be shown. -~~ =-cPJ- Tom Clark TAC:mb DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or fiS R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) ..................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purch~sing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map TO r FROM city Clerk --, CarTl''''u S. Annunziato Cit:. 'lanner Modified Plans-Cedar Ridge Estates/High nidge SUBJECT: commerce Park "OLD. DATE: 8-16-82 Accmmpanying this memo you will find mofieid utility plans for the above mentioned developments. These items are forwarded for Central File purposes. RETURN TO . SIGNED -:=~l Carmen S.Annunziato REPLY /) / --j;/ >( ------ "---- ,DATE: I /,/' . ! /) y I . SIGNED ..:J // FORM F2Ei9 Available from GRAYARC CO.. INC.. New Har '):HSOI',.J n -:=S3f- i t:'),:;~! 1 !;IS C(;~' Ii) SEND d DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner and Area of Subject Property William E. Benjamin, II POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Sq.Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) ..... ... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Conunents: SEE ATTACHMENT (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Utilities Fire ~ Building Official -Aersonnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Planning Police Library Public Works Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map ~. ... ..- - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner and Area of Subject Property William E. Benjamin, II P01nt Manalapan Development Corp. Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID ( 25 acres) Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: see attached memo (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer ~-: Utilities Building Official Planning Police " Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible Attachment: Location Map i DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner and Area of Subject Property William E. Benjamin, II POlnt Manalapan Development corp. Sq. Ft. or hS R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No V/ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Corrunents: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public workS~ Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner and Area of Subject Property William E. Benjamin, II POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ~a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resul~f this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: aa~ ~~.~ "-l ~ D~L- Co:mments: ~^"~, (Attach lf City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Utilities Fire # Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Library Public Works Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or hS R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of "Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID ( 25 acres) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: ~:e~:~1;~;f:;:;2?;;k~~:~~~:v .,1(7 _/1~U-<..JA"'/l -<"4-rf1~.2!~/ 0" ,.~ e-0"''''-'I--Z (Attach if insufficient space.) ~ity Engineer ~ Building Official City Clerk Finance Planning Police Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXP.TION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel .::.;va result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures ~ a result of this annexation? Yes ~ No Estimated annual increase in salaried: /t I ([(/ operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: y.t1~ . . ttJ;4~r/ jd4 kV ~ l f.,A.., k..-- (1.'l...v{ f^ (Attach if insufficient space.) Utilities Fire # City Engineer ~Building Official -LPersonnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation City Clerk Finance Planning Police Library Public Works Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property _Sq.Ft. or n~_~__acres Estimated Present Population O' Estimated Number of 'Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID ( 25 acres) ..............0... Hould your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes X No Estimated number of additional personnel required: one (1) vlould your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes X No EstImated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comoents: With rnp increase in population,an additional person would_be__~d to help with the various facilities our department handles. We have put through this request in the 1982-83 Budget. ___L (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Utilities Fire " Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Library publ ic \"lorks Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Cormnents: (Attach if insufficient space.) -z City Engineer City Clerk Finance Planning Police Building Official utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and P01nt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) .................. Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes X No Estimated annual increase in salaried: oper a Hng & ma in tenance : (lod:- rf eie-ct:H i 1;- P"'"ff gl,j;;, capi tal outlay: 71(L-U::~ (tIAJ;;,CGi! ~ ~~1l- t- Conrrnents: ~. c,~t, ~ Uuvt JL ~~F,J;- rV+UJ u ~.. ~ c~U;-- J~ ~ <Ut tf.p~ .Lt~ 1fp- ~~~~rku~rhLU, eJ.-vt 'Jdfr- (V-L ~,~~lu~ ,jJ l.L V>jH;,p ~~L~~-P . \Tr _ -} (At~~ if insufficient spa~r--'- City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official =L Planning Police Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of "Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) ................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a resul t of this annexation? Yes No V-- Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes ~ No Estimated annual increase in salaried: 4' ~,,~ operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: ~ -4 ~,tM1 ~ ~ &.- ~..d-r- ~ ~l a.f -d, f-.J M ~. t2. /97 ~ ~"- ~~ (;-d~J ~'<-4.~ 4-<- _~.,~. (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police ---T Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Library Public Works Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or hS R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) ..................... Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ~a result of this annexation? Yes No V' Estimated number of additional personnel required: qA Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resultjDf this annexation? Yes No v' Estimated annual increase in salaried: -#/A operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: ~ ;?Uf) tlJl./CiflIr H' ClC(!~ tOVITS I *t)N~ tJ,m ~ t?1'ZIi1'6Se> BI~"~ ,f1ee' ~{"IV/ 2t"l> ~ / ~('y- e7"PtCl~ Pev~~ ~/P~~.. ~,., (Attach lf insu flclent space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Utilities ~PUbliC Works --L Energy Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Library Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner and Area of Subject Property William E. Benjamin, II POlnt Manalapan Development Corp. Sq. Ft. or hS R acres Estimated Present Population o Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ay a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as aNoresulyof this annexation? Yes ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: City Clerk / I Finance (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXP.TION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner William E. Benjamin, II and POlnt Manalapan Development corp. Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or h~ R acres Estimated Present population o Estimated Number of .Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Vacant/Undeveloped Proposed Use Cedar Ridge Estates PUD ( 197 Units) High Ridge Commerce Park PID 25 acres) .................... . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: COImnents: \"",5:. ~~~@~I:\-ncN ,~ \T $.1-1= Luu..\.. ~o-r eAvse. f>d.J l~C.I2EAtI;;:' .~ ~~A:l€.L. oe €.~N01~. \-be~~) I*a Pt>te..-~~ ~ ~ NO/lfr14. lOf-at- \)eu,.WPM~T""" H- ~ C-lJ, .+ knu... _~ II\. P4Q, c{ ~ JJES-4b ~ 14:f>.D\ 4, W\-~ M~"- fr5. ~~TJ..() )t..) ~ .Bv~~...f- r( z -\(.3 . (Attach if insu'ffIc;ient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Building Official Planning Police Utilities Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Library Public Works Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or acres Estimated Present Population Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use Proposed Use Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning ~lice V Fire Building Official Utilities " Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public Works Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map , ' f'T1 CD c::: ::3 0 ::l N f'T1 -< .....~Z l'" p.(1) ::::0 ~ w-<o ::l OW G"\ -i ......-o-i 0 ......(1) f'T1 0 01"'1 ~ Z Z \I-iV1 ::l ::0 I">j ("'\ ~.. 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H ::::0 f'T1 ~ 1"'1 -0 > AI ~ ::3 f'T1 Z ~ ... ) "", DRAINAGE REPORT CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES and HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK for POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to establish a practical and economical system to drain and control the stormwater in Cedar Ridge Estates and High Ridge Commerce Park, so as to prepare the subject property for development as a planned unit development (PUD), and planned industrial development (PID). SCOPE The scope of this study is to provide a drainage system in order to preclude the danger of flooding in the area. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site of the proposed Subdivision contains approximately sixty-five (65) acres. It is located in an unincorporated area North of Boynton Beach, Florida, in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach Co~nty, Florida. The site is adjacent and immediately West of the Seaboard Airline Railroad, and approx- imately one (1) mile South of Hypoluxo Road. EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE CONDITIONS The present condition of the sixty-five (65) acre develop- ment site is open space. The North fifteen (15) acres is a high ridge, heavily wooded, with avacado and mango trees, and reaches an elevation of approximately Elevation 45. The South forty-five (45) acres is undeveloped and has sparce vegetation. It's average elevation is about Elevation 22. There are no existing storm drainage facilities on this property. PROPOSAL The drainage system is to be designed in order to take advan- tage of the high percolation rate in this area. We propose grass swales and a storm drainage system which will discharge to a nor- mally dry lake of approximately three and a half (3-1/2) acres. The existing groundwater elevation is approximately Elevation 9.0 and we anticipate no stormwater discharge from this project. The minimum road grade will be approximtely Elevation 18, and the fin- ish floor elevation will be set at 21.0 for flood protection. -ROBERT f OWEN & ASSOCI^Tt :NC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 689-6900 SUBJECT~ ".. FDa P'O'~T f..AAUALAPAU ~V. I coap BY rzOGG.OE- e" e.V DATE 11Z-A'Z. Sheet No. I of 8 CHKD_ BY DATE Job No.~ -/:,UIZFAC.E '-WAT.E-tz -JAAUACEUE!Jr---- n_ - .. -. CALCUL~TJO~_?~:_~_~_-:___~----~j-+-__~ _ ..___1="G1Z ~OlJ11.l F-1-0210A. \\A1l:JZ-MAu~~~fa2.lAjr . -- HYPOLUXO ~ I I I / I 1 ' ~__._-1._ .. -Ji <::/ Z' <::i u! ! I +----t----.-- i ' I ! +------- i ! I ! , -r---+--,--- i . ~~- ! r-~-- i MINER <::/ 9f , t--~--- l.U .r <::, -.li f~-' -!o--.- , , .l--- -. -. . - -- -~ Form /22 (3-77) .17 ~I U t' 0::; : ROAD _T::f _ "__l_.__~~_____ .' cr !; ,i il II il --~-'----:-------i it ii ROAD /,1 " }, if 'f f I --...,._--~~. , i; , , ..----,.------- i , 0:::: - 8 I ri ~ r -.J. U, (f)-,i .'1 $ ,/1 hi .;f .',1 I :i !I . if " . , . --"""""'T--......------...j [0 , , ---+...-------.---,-----t : ! ! ~ _,_._--100 LOCATION MAP N.TS. WEST PALM BEACH ROI< I DA SUBJECT ~ It?- 1-\ rZIr;>~ _tzO{. T? P. U' D. J=.o12 ?o j uT' ~-lA.l ')A..r .t..r;::>t.. ~ ~(). C"CP. BY cQO~c..c;.E ~"":"'i ~\ DATE I fl.. ~ t Sheet No. 'V of A ~ROHffiT f OWEN & ASSOCIAI. INL ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS 689-6900 CHKD. BY DATE Job No. VrzoPO'S SO LAUO LI ~~ ~ &'0 Ac.fl.E.? '? S. A.c. e t:;. ~ "'Z? ACrzE? To'-~ Ii.rzE~ t2 'E.? \ Ot::. UT t AL.- it.J 1) U?" rz l AL.. ~MUI;O.T(O,->~ : ::r:, h.A?E"IZVIOUS I 'PEI2.VtCL,.l~ A.~'-' l. LAKE? <#' \00 '/0 1M PE.tZ.VIOLJ? ~ ~.~ A.cn..E~ / t". \UQl,).....m2A~~ (j' 800/0 IMPELV(OL..l~r ~o AceE~. v "5 fZE.~.:-ID'E.I-'iI~~(f 4-2> ~ /I.APf.rzVfOI 's~ 4.4 ActzE..c; I 4-; f2.e:. .t....1 0 E..UT" A\... 1ZO A. Q? ~ ~. 0 Ac..r,-E..~;.;; I Q. \U~u~..;rrz lAc.... ,rzQAn~ c. I J t> ~cl2.e t..... / TOTAL. llAPEaVIGL-l1;;> Aee~ =?'Z.O AU2.E,,,? .; o / a 1M perz.Vl OU ~.... = ~.Ac...r2U:;. ~ I t::>0 '--= ? 3 >) Ii) j C;; 0. ;6-.c- fZ...E../:;1 ZE> x/DO .... 41 % / CDO 4-. t=1::I2..VI 0 \..\c..- :. o D -~-z. -= "Z6 Ac.. ot'Z :!L ?CI \ L- ?~~ ","A," L "r-;/ "".- ...... "'-"1- t:.J....:1 r"" Sc.J-,.; w rz\/ e.. \. ..6.vErzAC'rE WA.TE.rZ TAF:.U:: ,... S'-;C M~L. '1.. A'v"U2.M'e r=:-IU!~~i--i ~lZK)E ~ '1..1.0 M/..7L.. '-; , ,. w t!Z E. ~C" G.~ C. it...F.:. -L..E. v"":: ....l,... A t......I-JE.. ~.?J1p! 10 WCT ~..:..:e:;:..c"t;-{TJ e:' E. v; I ~, I ~t:.. T2.--1 . 'f...' : ' n:.c.. .; * * 4-. 6-rl-c,i (...1/,) 1) 0rbrtf-..JtS U-iJ Dsr.:.. ~EL VI ow? A.C2.EL..?::: 14-.4 f''i2f 't:'t;_I?"~1Ar: / U OI'"E : "2 B Ac.. PEa V I O~ + ~ ~ p.a.' PA \I eo A,U;A ~ 41.. ~ <' k. 1 'i - If ~.1ft !l-J Cr2E.A6E. AV-OWAel.,E Gr/2.0UfJD ?\O rz~(bE. . ~rzOM 01 \~ TO \..1.4 II A'~ PEa. ~IE/.....D lfJV-e;hTIGA.,..'OU WII~1 T~e. ~Ou...DV./I~..lC;' pe~7E-U"'" ~ Form In (3-77) ROHfRT f. OWEN ~ ASSOCIATES, ,_~. SUBJECT-Hlt;.... 2'0t#E f2t :LP.U.D. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS wesT PALM BEACH FLORIDA 689-6900 BY t2". 8. a"" DA TE~- "Z.-A-z.heet No. =3 of 8 CHKD. BY DATE Job No.8\-I' A'Z ALAJ..J LEVIIJ? - "5oUTI-t Jf"t..L)12/0.6.WATE.fZ. .UA0AG-E.UEUT ~'ALP\4 FAt-J?ON - ~u,..~ t=='Lo!Z.f OJ>. W~TE12 lAA~E.JJ r E A eLE,ME,. GAT l-( LI U -JZoB ElZ1E .1>NaJ '. ~.AY=:.Qt...1A1E$ KEwG IZNE~,. - 'POIU1MAIJAL.APAlJ OE.V...WI2'P. (~~E c.+rzAPH ~TTACI-lE.O '). EVA f'Olr-zA~0'tAOQA-n oU O. ,?'/ ET IDt:..y 'l..3?-A x ~ ..:-O,MAf= t/ 11-" Cv~ leT Ai- ~;;Tot2Au:>E. -== v ....-.-...... -- --_...._- -...... .6f)."70~.F +. o.f!;J A.~-:::?k~O AF o:z.... ,_~__..J._--,-----.._,_ .-."'.-. . "/7' . - ----'-----..-.-. ? \~? 0 Ar= 1- 1 '7..... J17J ~9--HJ:'-Gk.),""~-rE- .. ___Lee' Ae, "_'_'__'__'__' ,''-----: -T----., .;- -;-T---;---' I. ~ G/,;...::: \ 000 "'20. ~o -~ ~9..'/ :III ~?r A c, Eo. .e:'~"\.?i2ACp E;" I. 0,,-.1 ?,;/1TE CnJ.J-rrzol- LEvE-'- -- b'l Mh>~ -Z. LA \L€.. ?,1fC2Er.:... VE.i.:..T. F1?...c't~ .el"1M to...,," !:.. ~i! l.Jt,;; 1}...) v .c..cvE3.'Z.ALt'E.,-: A. rz~':.dOW-rjAl- .... ./ . "y"_'._'__ 4s5F~'xZ6cDO~'M~I(oOu,)<. 475D Pr'Z'/D,U..",. l~~!?PC;> fr~:.4-.!kAIf:. .... e, IU(7U~Tr.~/ ~t", . A?sUME '?t:>~/o _P->l-L1L..Oti.J v -LoV-ea.Au€.-- ZS,.D x ~,~O;:::" 7,e;. A'-J ~_ c. TO'-AL.,.. ~.UIf..,DH_JG c.ol,/E..f2A,.u~ 4-.3_ + lIS 1-" IS lQ(t:.) =- 1'2. . ~ AL-. A. OpeD AruA-:= 4.1:3 Ac-. t:7 r "'PE UELOPW Q..et.. 0 f I..J co -:::: & 0 1'0 - I 'l,.~ -"3. S; - 4. I = k. / 0 AG. 122 (3.77) RO~Hn f OWEN & ASSOCIATES, II",. SUBJECT-H't..... (l.tXlEJ ~ :Y.U.D. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS /(\I~ \t) X -v 11- :2 '\J . j \ . .W ~ i ~ JO_ e -~ q . ~ f, ~ , > 1 ~(P \-: ~0 5- ~~ 4 122 (3.77) WEST P^LM BEACH FLORID^ 689.6900 liP ,5 14 BY fZ.Atlk4 DATE "!..-z.-&'2. Sheet No. _Lof & CHKD. BY DATE Job No. e.-f 141- C'ouf"'b.c.-r EO WATJ3;.fZ ST-orZACPE. VL";;.. 'DE: P H 1'0 WbTE,.rz. A~L...E= --.--- J----- -II t4.4 COM p WATerL -?"\OlZ.AC&>e. . . -----:.-"-----.~. -------.-~t----;- --r----t---~-__t--~--L---+--+---:- ? ~ t o o _._~~.~.- _.__....._..~-----~~ --->-------- -~.,~~._,~--. .~...__.._..-.-~--. --~.,...,~.__....-,..--~~.... --.......~.. .....-..- ,_. -,~ ..-----.----, ----,,-------" ~ 3 4 S oe;p"fU \" 0 W~ i~~ -rA~J..e. ('fe~1) c;, -~~.._----~-_._----_. RITHffiT f. OWEN t ASSOCIATfS, 1,..1. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS WEST PALM BEACH FlORIDA 689-6900 SUBJECT -.Jd,~ u 1'Z,onEE J 16.0 r;:? u. D. BY 12. Br te>~ D^TE .-"Z-J!.'ZSheet No_ 5 of 8 CHKD. BY DATE Job No. ~l-l!A:1. - --,,->~--~. .-.,......---_..._---~-~---_._..- --'--'-'--'.'-' ......----.......--.-.-. -~---~- ~~-_. ____ n___ _ _ _ __ - "" .' -.. - ----------- --.-----. -. -- .--.--------- \J\ \1"\ "" ~...,.." \ ~---()~ ~ -e -m-lj) t) ---~~ ~ --\~ ~- ~ ~~---"'-+-l i! i , . l-,; _,. _______- __ _.,.;...if\ .2 ..,.(:\ _ ':. _ - _ _ -C[_s- r- _ _U\ _,' , ! I. :. ! '..' ; ! 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I "-i- ...Up - -.w w ;~ IS. \ V 't /4.00 '-1 -4 _ ~ (~.oo f1.(X) {(,OO Jo,oo ..-E:> . 122 (J-77) , BY~'"4 CHKD_ BY DATE "5""Z~'Z..Sheet No.~ of 8 DATE Job No.81"U4<,. -. , -- ---------~J~E.__Y~~Tog.~E.---~ _ i 1!! :. . i -'-- I -_.- '---'-'~",,"'"--'~ ---- ... w 40 100 Irzo 80 (PC ?T01Z'ACPE( ~ -~eET) . ROBffU f OWEN ~ ASSOCI^1. I INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS SUBJECT_~h&j.I 1l11i\1.~~ j"'-D ~. ~.A A l)l.... .;....Ap;.. I,.,) "P r:- \ i . 17. U I D , 1:==oa '~l i nop, - WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA 689.6900 BY (2. P->I~ CHKD_ BY DATE l~-~, Sheet NO._L-of A DATE Job No_8'-l''''' :r:s:z: CH E:G \( M I J-.J 1M U M W I L..T::::I ~CP FL-.cc>fZ. a.e:v. rzLJ.00F~ - \ 00 \.(E;Af2. - ?'D,o..~ ~lZ.M 14,0" X 1,'3S9 .... J CJ. D3i1 Or TZA r ~ 'FA.u..... Q= I?- o.~~r.) .". Gr:;,CY'3- C'?~4))~ = ta.621 17WJOFF- \..: p 1 O.bS (I C;. 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BY DATE Job No. BI~' 14lP +---_.. ~~ -,~ - "--~...- .._-_..~--- - , . ~ _ ~ _6 l.J LA l.rU. r2. Y :. .---i--,--~ - - --L.. . ~ .hio -4 '.J--j--~ ..J.-+----~~..J I' i .2tc. .c.o..uMtWPj~'T10U.2..__. i , I -;------< ----- _.__.._-~..-- -- - "._~ -'- -- -----._-- -.--_._-_.~-_..._--~"--------- ___.r..6Ui.AMAR~( n. .......__... __._...,.____.~__+--1-..---~--~--...-."...- J ----..-i i : '. ;, ~_~ A,: . ,Q,l,.l r:2LU Gt .t...~ VE,t..Q -'LAJd.6Urz.- bT012M...EV":E.L.iT: ~d'_'_"':"'__'--: ! ' , ..ll.i.E '-'.C ?'T.Q1ZAa:rE.. ...J...E;.VE.~-1ZJ~~-"'--r.o---EL"E;.V A.t1Q.bL , ..... ... .f 0, 30 M~L'1 THEr2EFolZE:. . A J...AJLJ.LLd Ut-l> .JZ.ot0..r2...AC2.t:.J7€. _____ L-.- n' .__._.j::L...E.V A.."1'tDi-I.. -" F. rr. 0 M ~1..._1~__..A..DE.~.uAm. ....-~----:_--r-- ~ , . r--.-....--~.... -'.-...----.,. -.-.....__.. - .~. _........__..,---~-_. .---.- .~. 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AU ~M ~IZCt EWe "{.--.o v Et2.. ~o \IV 'D rrcJ4 ....A ':-~ .-~..._--- I . .___... ?I4DW U to PJ2~ {"'IM u..JACZ, \( o.t..VlI-..Jc.. ~ .tif2A.lU,6.6E...J?'l-A'-..>.-.--- ----...lo. .'3~11 wr.OO~ ') .,."_,,,,_'m.. ~'_. u_..___ .--....- ....----.... .-.-..--.--.--. i ; ~-_._..,..-... ._.--- i -~----_.~_.. --..-.. , _~_~ _._. _".__._~__.. .". .__.. _u _ __.____ ..._".__.___ ____.___.__...__>>_________.___.____ .--" ---.- Form 122 (3.771 TRAFFIC STATEMENT FOR SOUTH PALM BEACH INDUSTRIAL PARK JANUARY 1982 Prepared by: /{54~ K.S. ROGERS, P.E. 6104 Waterview Circle Palm Sprirl.gs, Florida 33461 /7" V44J ~~ ~-------_.,.._--"------~----- ,-- This office was retained to perform a traffic statement for a proposed industrial subdivision to be in conformance with the Master Plan submittal requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Subdivision Ordinance. The purpose of this statement is to analyse the effect that traffic generated by this proposed project is expected to have on adjacent interseotions. For the purposes of this statement, the intersections analysed are: High Ridge Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue, High Ridge Road and development's entrance road and High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road. Using information obtained from "Trip Generation, 2nd Edition", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1969, a generation rate of 60 trips per day per acre was used for this project. Thus, a total of 1428 trips per day can be expected to be generated by this project. Both the A.M. and P.M. peak hours were analysed. Using directional splits of 36% North, 20% East, 33% South and 11% West and peak hour factors of 18 percent for A.M. Peak Hour and 16 percent for the P.M. peak hour, the peak hour volumes were calculated.. These volumes are represented in Figures A & B. Based upon traffic volumes shown in Figures A & B, these intersections were analysed using procedures outlined in "Transporta- tion Research Circular No. 212", Interim Materi-als ~ H:i:gh\.tay~Capac-ity. From this analysis, the following roadway improvements are suggested for this proposed development: 1. High Ridge Road should be constructed as a two-lane roadway from its present terminus Southerly to NW 22nd Avenue. 2. A left turn lane on N.W. 22nd Avenue West approach at the intersection of High Ridge Road should be constructed. 3. A left turn lane on High Ridge Road North approach to the intersection with the development's entrance ro.ad should be constructed. 4. At the intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Raod, construct a left turn lane on Hypoluxo Road East approach and a left turn lane on High' Ridge Road South approach. 5. The intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road should be signalized when warranted. It should be noted that excessive delays are presently being experienced at the intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road and that the recommended improvements to that intersection are needed for the existing traffic. -2- _._~ HYPOLUXO ,-..-. .... N ro- <0 C') . ,.. '-' '-' ..... ONO ..... ) II -0(42) " - 0(551) ~ 3(100) O( 18)---..J '11 0(309)--- iiI B (25)--., 1ft ~ N .....'-C CD 1ft ... ,.. II) f:j ROAD c -< o ex: C') w C') C) ~---77 c - ~36 ex: f' C') CD LEGEND 5 PROJ ECT TRAFFIC (61) PROJECT+EXISTING TRAFFIC SITE :t: C) :t: C')C') N'" ) ~ ___30 '" ~7 AVENUE '1 nd 53.-A tl"" '1 (170)~ ~ PEAK HOUR VOLUME E~TIMATED TO BE 10 % ADT; SO/50 SPLIT EAST - WEST DATE K 5 ROGERS, PE PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC JAN 82 FIGURE B 11700 164 11864 HYPOLUXO 3406 J.U 3874 K S ROGERS, PE ROAD Q oC o II: 2900 ....AJl.5.. 3585 w ~ Q II: 12859 480 13339 MINER ROAD SITE :z: ~ :z: o 743 743 AVENUE 3406 709 4T'1'5 3406 .J.Q.j. 4115 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC hj LEGEND EXISTING TRAFFIC PROJECT TRAFFIC EXIST. + PROJ. TRAFFIC DATE JAN 82 FIGURE C TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS HIGH RIDGE ROAD PUD OCTOBER 1981 -- K.S. ROGERS, P.E. 6104 WATERVIEW CIRCLE PALM SPRINGS, FL 33461 '" !~~ . I:- A~ jJ! ;-......J2-/"JA-. <5 4~--=::. ~o ocT 81 .. SITE .. The subject site is a 60.0 acre parcel of land located in Section 9, Township 45 S, Range 43 E, in Palm Beach County, Florida. The property abuts High Ridge Road on the west, proposed Miner Road on the south and the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Right of Way on the east. The site plan as prepared by Urban Design Studio indicates the parcel will be divided into two separate land uses; residential and industrial. The northern 35 acres is planned for 45 single family homes and 128 multifamily units for a total of 173 dwelling units. This residential area is to have a single access to High Ridge Road. The southern 25 acres has been shown as being divided into 20 minimum one acre industrial lots. The industrial area will have access to Miner Road. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS - The present access to this site is via High Ridge Road from Hypoluxo Road. Both High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road are two lane roadways. The intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road is presently controlled by stop signs at both approaches on High Ridge Road. There are no turn lanes at this intersection. Presently there is no physical connection of High Ridge Road to NW 22nd Avenue. Also this section of Miner Road west of 1-95 has not been constructed. -- PAGE 1 . GENERATION Using information available from "Trip Generation, Second Edition" Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1979, and "1981 Update Study of Vehicular Traffic Generation Characteristics Within Palm Beach County" Kimly-Horn and Associates, the expected traffic generation rate for each of the land uses was developed and a total generation for the project based upon 100% buildout and occupancy was calculated as shown in the following table: GENERATION LAND USE single family multi family industrial # UNITS 45 128 25 acres GENERATION RATE 13 tpd/unit 7 tpd/unit 60 tpd/Ac TOTAL 585 896 1500 2981 tpd For the purposes of this report five percent of the industrial trips were assumed to originate or end within the residential section of this development. Thus the total external generation for this project is 1831 trips per day. DISTRIBUTION Based upon observed travel characteristics, existing and -- .. proposed patterns of development in the subject area, the traffic distribution was calculated and is shown in the following table: RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 23% 20% 28% 29% 36% 20% 33% 11% PAGE 2 Figure A shows the configuration of the maJor thoroughfares in the project's impact area and what traffic volumes will be generated on these thoroughfares as a result of this development. PEAK HOUR Both A.M. and P.M. peak hour movements for this project were analyzed. The percent of the average daily traffic generated in the A.M. and P.M. differs by each designated land use. The peak hour percentages are as follows: A.M. P.M. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL 8% 18% 10% 16% In addition the direction splits for each land use for the A.M. and P.M. peak hours are: A.M. P.M. - RESIDENTIAL 40% In, 60% Out 60% In, 40% Out INDUSTRIAL 55% In, 45% Out 30% In, 70% Out The peak hour directional counts were obtained from field counts and were added to the project volumes to obtain projected peak hour volumes. These volumes are shown in Figure B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- . The roadway requirements for the thoroughfares in the project .. impact area were determined based upon the traffic volumes as shown in Figure A. The intersection configurations were deter- mined using the peak hour volumes shown in Figures B & C. PAGE 3 11700 ---3.n 12096 HYPOLUXO 2900. 1416 4316. NA 1547 --;:fA MINER o 1404 ~ 3406 706 4112 K S ROGERS, PE 12859 ~ 13865 o c( o a: SITE ROAD w\ Cl 0 e 1500 a: 1500 :I: Cl :I: 3406 709 4115 AVE ROAD l/'l Cl . 3406 706 4iT2 NA '" hj LEGEND EXISTING TRAFFIC PROJECT TRAFFIC EXIST. + PROJ. TRAFFIC COUNT NOT AVAILABLE DATE OCT 81 EXISTING & PROJECT TRAFFIC FIGURE A --.....- (11.11) M- ............ "- o II) 0 ~ 0 ( 1 5) ) I l- 0 (183) t ,- 73 (164J HYPOLUXO 0 ( 24) ... 1 ( 0(619)-- I 28 (97), GO';: .-(11 .... "-oC (1111)'" (II II) '-', I I site NlO .. L 52 __170 * ~~ K S ROGERS, PE AVENUE N ROAD LEGEND 23 (86) PROJECT TRAFFIC PROJECT + EXISTING TRAFFIC ~ PEAK HOUR VOLUME ESTIMATED TO BE 10% ADT; SO/50 SPLIT EAST - WEST A M PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC DATE OCT 81 FIGURE B --..... O~CO M__ ~~O ~ O( 42) 'l- 0(551) ) t ,- 50(127) HYPOLUXO O( 18l ... 1 ( 0(309) __ I 22 ( 39) --.. C;-C;; Ci "f lO _. -----.:. ClIIlOCO N ~ '-', I I site CO_ lO · L 29 __ 170 * _ - AVENUE .. ~~ N ROAD LEGEND 23 (86) PROJECT TRAFFIC PROJECT + EXISTING TRAFFIC ~ PEAK HOUR VOLUME ESTIMATED TO BE 10% ADT; SO/50 SPLIT EAST-WEST K S ROGERS, PE P M PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC DATE OCT 81 FIGUR.E C . The improvements to the roadway network required by the development of this project are shown in Figure D and are as listed below: .. 1. High Ridge Road should be constructed as a two-lane roadway from it's present terminus southerly to NW 22nd Avenue. 2. At the intersection of NW 22nd Avenue and High Ridge Road a left turn lane on NW 22nd Avenue west approach and a left turn lane on High Ridge Road should be constructed. 3. At the intersection of High Ridge Road and Miner Road a left turn lane on High Ridge Road north approach and a left turn lane on Miner Road should be constructed. 4. At the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road a left turn lane on Hypoluxo Road east approach and a left turn lane on High Ridge Road south approach should be constructed. 5. The intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road should be signalized when warranted. It should be noted that there are existing excessive delays presently being experienced at the intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road and that the recommended improvements to that intersection are needed for the existing traffic in addition to the project's traffic. -- .. PAGE 4 HYPOLUXO -- K S ROGERS, Pi: -----~ MINER ,- i o c( o a: . -. -"1 I ~ I I site ROAD ROAD AVENUE ,.- . 2L REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS tj LEGEND LEFT TURN LANE TRAFFIC SIGNAL 2 LANE ROADWAY DATE OCT 81 FIGURE D HYPOLUXO c:. N"'" M _ co '- ......'- OMO )l~ or 24)~ 0(619)~ 1 e ( 85)---'" "--0 (15 ) - 0 (183) ~46(137} , t1 --.....ClII :~O "'-'-C- ., NN - .., c c( o a: II) co w ~ '-58 " ~e3 c I' iC .. ~ MINER ROAD OM "N ) ~ SITE :r: ~ :I: K S ROGERS, PE AVENUE AM f:j ROAD LEGEND 14 PROJECT TRAFFIC 38 PROJECT +EXISTING TRAFFIC PEAK HOUR VOLUME ESTIMATED TO BE 10% ADT; 50/50 SPLIT EAST -WEST PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC DATE JAN 82 FIGURE A