REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING MEMO #97-131 ~ m :L~;':91m rn PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: July 25, 1997 TO: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK PETER MAZZELLA, ASST. TO DIR. T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN. DIR. MIKE HAAG, PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR THRU: AL NEWBOLD, ACT. DEV. DIR. ~ FROM: KEN HALL, PLAN CHKllNSPITECH~ . SEBASTIAN PUDA, ENG. INSP. ~ SUBJECT: RECORDED PLA TS- BOYNTON COMMONS, P.C.D., CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES, P.U.D., AND WOOLBRIGHT 100. J HERE ARE COPIES OF THE SUBJECT PLATS FOR YOUR RECORDS. KRH plat~.lWO PLANN: -G AND ZONING DEPJ...- ~TMENT ~ MEMORANDUM NO. 97-010 TO: FROM: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dale Sugerman, City Manager Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director A' Newbo'd, Building Division Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist C'yde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department Jerzy Lewicki, Planning & Zoning Department William Hukill, Development Department Tambri J. Heyden, AlcrlC_~f>R.. P'anning & Zoning Directot:) DATE: January 13, 1997 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting - Tuesday, January 14, 1997. On January 14, 1997, a staff-only meeting will be he'd to discuss the project below in the 2nd F'oor Conference Room, Room 201, Mangrove Park School. 1. Old Business None 2. New Business None 4. Other Business Cedar Ridge Estate Plat - see attached 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment D:\SHARE\WP\AGENDAS\TRC\ADM\ATRC0114.WPD .~r~ ENGINEERING MEMO #96-353 DATE: December 27,1996 TO: BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREVo OFF. 735-0272 TONY OCCHIUZZO, BULID. PERMIT ADMIN. 6352 J. WILDNER, PKS SUPT. 6226 & K. HALLIHAN, FORESTER. 6227 SGT. MARLON HARRIS, P.D. 6163 MIKE HAAG, PLAN. COORD. 6260..;.;.;.:;;:;::=" SKIP MIL OR, UTIL. CHIEF .FJEfiliiNiM~... 375-6407 LARRY QUINN, SANITATI~ FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. PLANSiilmECKllNSPESrOR 6283 \fJif: ;:;:....:::::::=j::;.;;;/is..;.. ....;:i;~ES .~;:;';;:::::::::r :.:.... "'. ~~~;!t SUBJECT: T.R.e. REVIEW - CED~;:RIpGE..TQ~JfOMES - FINAL PLAT SUB. :: ./ / .." :d':" : .:.....;....::.. ':::~.:: DUE TO THE HOLIDAY SCHEDUL~I~~'~i~J~L VACATION LEAVE, THE SUBJECT PLAT AND PLANS WILL a;p DISCUSSEI?;;;JT::l;mp::::~/l4/97 TRC ADMIN. MEETING, NOT THE 1I719j:::I~T~:~~..;:~I::te~~ii~it-~.:~UNCED. Thai1k You s~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-480 TO: Bill Hukill Director of Development THROUGH: Tambri Heyden --r9-~J Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki P'anning and Zoning :1\,,-- DATE: September 17, 1996 SUBJECT: Plat and Development Plans - 1 st Review Project: Cedar Ridge Estates Location: Cedar Ridge PUD Agent: Paramount Engineering. File No.: PLAT 96-003 The following is a list of 1 st review comments regarding the subdivision plat for Cedar Ridge. COMMENTS 1. Submission of a rectified master plan showing compliance with the conditions of approval for the project is required immediately. The department will not sign off on the subject submittal until the rectified master plan has been submitted in compliance with the conditions of approval. The rectified master plan should be submitted in triplicate to the Planning and Zoning Department. 2. Provide restrictive covenants for the subdivision to clarify: a) construction limitations regarding size of proposed housing units and buildability of the common areas, b) architectural controls, if applicable, c) use and construction limitations of the drainage area and the preserve area Also, reference these covenants on sheet 1 of 1. 3. Provide required Homeowner's Association documents, 4. A comprehensive plat review cannot be conducted since drawings regarding required improvements (drainage, paving, utilities, etc) have not been submitted. JL:dim xc: Central File a:ced-rid.1st ENGINEERING MEMO #96-282 00 mO\VIrnr' SEP 5 1996 PlANNING AND ONING DEPT. DATE: September 5, 1996 TO: BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREVo OFF. ROBERT EICHORST, P. W. DIR. SGT. MARLON HARRIS, P.D. T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN. & ZONING DIR. SKIP MILOR, UTIL. CHIEF FIELD INSP. AL NEWBOLD, DEPUTY BLDG. OFF. JOHN WILDNER, PARKS SUPER. & KEVIN HALLmAN, FORESTER FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. PLANS CHECKlINSPECTOR 37S-6283@ SUBJECT: T.R.C. FIRST PLAT REVIEW- CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES, A P.U.D. PLEASE REVIEW THE SUBJECT PLAT AND RETURN YOUR WRITTEN COMMENTS TO THE ENGINEERlNG DIVISION BY SEPTEMBER 17,1996. BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS YOUR COMMENTS AT THE SEPTEMBER 24 T.R.e. MEETING. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE PLANS WITH YOUR COMMENT(S). YOU MAY WISH TO RETAIN THEM FOR THE FINAL REVIEW. KRHlkrh C: William Hukill, Dev. Dir. and to file cedardg. pit 01/16/19~1 22:55 4075335601 ...........ruL lj";' '?~ J~': !1:1 .....;qt,l[,~. p ~.vLHLEf;. ~".~. ' CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 03 ...,~. '-';:',: ~'~.4' .,/,J"Y'.(;.' , '. '-' ..../ l'L.l\NNINO mo ZONING nPARTM!N'I' MEI>fQRl;NOUM NO, 9;-026 A;lnaa Memorandum tor r.b~uary '. 19~5 City CcmmlS810n HeltinQ FROM: carra ParKu Ci~ W_neqer ,1L ~1i'1(.'-iyfflr.j(~' Pl&nnLn9 Ina Zon1n9 Director OAT~: r'br~'rY ~, tii~ ~ TO: SUBJECT: CIlhr JUdGll Itetat.. P1JO - File l'l,I. HPMO 94.009 Il'Villddlne1ty, Icr.aq., 11IHt type. layout, IlItbfl.cl<.. ..r.o. road.. N~'fURK or R!:Qllll1' O.nn11 P. \l:oehler, agan t for Cond<.'l~' !nVu tmen t8 c f Pill ill BUel, County, Inc. I owner of cedar Rid9' Estates five has L-eqUQitect rno~1!1o.t1onll to thl Pl'iV1ou.ly approvecl m,uter ph!'! Eol:' the cedar Rid;. Elt.tea PUg. The ~C,8 .cre re,~d.ntial:y- loned property. IP):lroved for 19' dWIUlnq lit'll!:' (4S sin'ile- f~m111' I deu~hed units en4 U2 1Il\,\~t1-f"l1\ilY unit') 11 leCcHed on the .aet .ncle of H1gll !Helve AOld, IPproK1mltlly 800 fut I\ol'th of Minal" Rea-d. The t~llCl\ll1nr: chan;.. 11'1 p.OpOlld. (.u ExliibH A . propoud muter planl; 1. Pllete from the 'VD. the acreage encompa$s1n~ lot' 3S - 45 (e' deeuase of 11 Sill\lh:-fam:i.ly \.ln1'a), auociated .treet8 and .. jo;qlnq tail locat'cI in the llN'thuI't corner of thQ pun. ~. !li~ih.tt. ~ toot hlQh wall alonQ th. maJority of th~ lo~th property line ot the land pn~p(lud fOl' multi-family dav.l~J)IIl.nt; the prop&rty li~1 bij~wE!en the rUD end th~ H1gb *1dge :o~mtrc. ~.rk pro tD the 50uth (platted, but ul'Idlvtloped i . 3. Ch.nQI the l~t.~nll road system from p~bllC to p~lvat8. 4. tnonilt the overall height of the unlt~ propo~l!d tor tn.. 34 .1nole-farnily lot. from 2~ !eet to 35 f..t. ~. &.tl~Z1.h, 10 foot corner side b~11dlnQ setback for the 81Ml..hll\lly lot. loc8t~d alcr.'i' north ~itii of Forelilt Ro.~ 1rt.U.~ of the previously appr.evlId 12,5 fut. (Note: for tht .1ngl..ta~11Y lots th. pl:'ivioully approvfd 7.5 lntar~or .1~1 .ttb.c~ &~d 25 foot !rent and rear .etblcks will r.~.1n un~han9.a.) 6. Chanq. the mult1.f'~11Y unit portion of the project !~Offi 15i ~Int.l IPartment. to 110. fee simple, townho\,\l, lot.. The m1n~mum lot .1te proposQ~ is ,~ f.et wide by 95 fait lon;. I.ch unit will have a mtnimum foot~rlnt of 1,200 .quar. faet and an overall hei9ht ol 35 fQQt ,. r.tablhh. 20 :oot perimeter bt.::!.l6ing utl:~cj( Ilonq th. north .id. of the multi-family projlct 1nstQad ~t the pt'lv1o\l.ly It:lproved 40 feet. (Notll: The prev1ol.<sly ap51I"evwd 20 toot lut, and H foot ilO\Lth and wut per111.:ttr IItbeck. will rQ;~CIln ~1\G1HIrt9id _ ) ~!l, htllbl1ah the followlnQ Tn: r,imtlll' e:et~l\t;:ks fot' be townh~.. lot., I H~n1mum buil~1nq 8etb~cki' r!l'ont Rirar 8ili, 1ntit'1or U!de end unt t - 25 feet . 20 f8lit Q fee~ - 10 fut. ;-... ~1/18!19~1 22:5~ 4Et75335881 CEiJPFi Rl!JGE DEVEL 02:-0~'~~~~: ~:"';~I~) t'~:~J,l,';'." 11.It,HLU-'. f',H rei PAGE 04 .-l.~,'4~~r-.;: ~P. ;~': v J hlle 2 Memorandum No, ~~-026 cldar Rld9i IltltlS PUD rUe NO. lotFM'O 94.009 ~lnlmum pool ~n~ scr~~n ~nclosure s4tbacks. .. r:ont ~ur sl1de lntnlor 8108 e:ld un1.t ~ 25 feet 5 f~et o het w 10 feet 9. E.taoli1h tll. tollowlncr five reliuired loecrutiofl &m.ni~i" for the 'VD: a) meet1n9 hall b) iwim=1nq pool c) Joqq1ng trail d) chtldren.' play are~ QI turf pl~y fielQ The to~lowinq supplemental rec::ut1on amenltle~f which do not qualify toward. private recrea~ian c~edlt, are to bt provIded: family pi~nlc area a~d two hor.e shoe pit.. 10. Provide required buff.r area landi~lping a10n9 the io~th property line of the PUO end a llYlted le;t~s eaS.N8ut alono the eut property llne. !nstall la1l.e pl.ntir.gs around the w~tft manao&ment trdct. :nstall entran;iway hl,l1ldtpinq, (Noh: Thl requil'Qd impl':>v..'unts auoc1ated \lr1th the townhouu pro,lct s\\ch ,,3 an internal street SYltlll\, parkinq 'pllCts for :.lle .,aeh unit, l.',cl'liItiol1 faeil1t1u, .nl! I1te lIndloap.l.o9 w1l1 be shown on the lit. plln rlv1ew submittal .er.uir~d fa. the develcp~.nt of the townhouse project.) BACKGROUND The C.du R1~9' Sltatrul tun 11 propel.t~' thac WiS i;lnntl\ed. into the City end zoned 'UP in October 1982. The master plan apPtov~d with the annuat10n In4 Jcninq of the PUrl, depiC!ted l B7 ,mit, (0.8 aer. prejlot. T~. projeet 1nel~d.d 45 81~~le-fam1ly let. that were to b, developed 1n eompl1ance ~lth the R1A zoning district build1nQ and tStl rlqul't1cn.. I jO;;lnq trail (north ot the lots bloD; th! t'llltOld ~-O~Wll a 4.~1 len wats\: m&nil'illln1l1nt a::u, a single inqZ'lllI/IVr... off o! High R1dgll road, a yubl1.c:. intarnal strut .~.t.m and 13.4) 'e~" for development of lS2 multi-flmjly units. The multi.faml1y unit. were to be built ih ~ompliance with the R-3 lonillq a1stlo1ct bUlldlng and s1ta n;ulaUons. the multi~hl1\Uy devdcp1l11nt wu to 1nclude ncruticn amen~t\u in al3d1tlon to thi; jovqinq trail located alQt'L'J the l'allrcad ri9tlt-oE-wIY not'th of the Ilngle-family loti (sse Exhibit -sn - approved master planl, Th. 'UD projlct 18 bordertd by the follow1nQ ~on1nq diitr1c~1 and ~.t'lc1 u...: North . ~lAA, 'In;le-flm1~Y r.'identi.l, aeveloped fot' priv.t. scbool ua~ ILa~i Worth christian schooll !llt · aeaboard Airline RaLlroad an~ tar:hlr eA.t, r-~s South. High Rldqe Park PIO, undevelopld industr1al lots W.,t - H1gh R1aqe ~old and f3rth~~ west, a~nQl.wflmily hOIll.. a.nd Vl.cl.nt land il: tmineot'pcratld Pallll auoh county !n "1Jq\l,t Qt 1983 I the plat fo r CIH.1U R ~":(lll ,'UD was 4f!proved. The pht lncluc2ecl, p1U;ll1e Jtrutli, H 5il\;la.fall\i~Y leU, Parclll IIA' w .1] aere ot lIne! loanld at the nQrth iicle ot' th. PUP lllltranc. ott (:;\ ~ f I"f ~,..).. 0.. A....... "_ *..lI ... . ... . _' .. r. " -~------ --~-----~-_._----'-'~ 46753356\ll CEJAR RIJGE jE'~l P..GE ~5 Ol/I6/199l 22:55 ~ ...,' hQ' 4 ~.morandwm No, ~~.026 ceOlr Rl~qe !It~tii PUP rile No. KfMD 94-009 development, redev.lopment, and coniervitlon of land. wat.r Ind oth.r r"Ourc.. of t~~ city. ~''ilul.t1()nI for $lhnnlc1 unlt~evl;Jlc'pmant~ are 1ntended. t.o accom;11,h the p~.peses of zonlnq, ~ubdi~iI1on nq\l1f,Uonl, and otner appL1Cabh city l'rtQulations to n'll ilM, degree that they intindQ~ to control davel~pmQnt en eo lo~..bY.lct baa18. In vhw of t.he substalltUl ptlbhc IOv.n~."i of pllnned unit d~"~lcpm.nt. it is the intent of puO requlatlon. to prcmotQ ~nd encouraqi development 1n thi' form whlre trlct. iulta~l. in Sl~l. location, and char6~t.r for the 1.1... and &tru~turls proposed are to be O1:'&nnI4 end aevelcllld All \1111 tied 111d coot'~inited units " S'etlen i.A. AcCeSS, "Every c1welllM un1t, or other un pnmltted 1'" the PUD, anall nave ICCIsa to I publiC strtet .ither directly or vU an approva4 privati roac! I PiQutt"ian way I court, or other .r'l dedicated to public or privata ~.e, or common alelftlnt Q\lulntn1n; accus. I'trlTl1.ttc/o WliI snall b~ requirtd. to fL'ont on a dl<llCe. ud ~ub1 i<: rOloj," Slction Sl. .'. Intlt"nal 1.01;8 IlId frolltaq.. "1t'1th1n the boun4a1"1.. of thl l'UO, no ITI1n1mum lot size Ot' minimum yarda Ihall be r&!qu 1red, p!'o'Jlded, hOWtvu. cr.at PUP fJ:enCIQI em d.dicatld pu!Jl;.c :,'0 ids shall obut.". front yard rlqu1ri~ent. 1n accordance witt tha zoninq ci1at~ict the i'UO un mOlt c10uly renlnlHe&: ar.d that pU'1pb.n~ yard. ab'Jtt1nq other l:ornng dl&tnct, lihlll b. the '6~' ., rllqu1cld in tbe ebuttln~ lone." R.~ardiM the propo..~ chlln~n I the t'educt ion of the total numbel' of unit. fro~ 19? to 144 fl del.elan ot 53 units) will deer.... th~ impact on t:uffJ.~, watar .n~ Ufr/$t lllH'vices 911nlrated from the p1'ojIQt, 'rhl ruult1no d.nl1ty is hu toan tllli maximum den.H; P~l'll\i.tt.U by tn. l.ow Dtl'llity Ruldlntial lInd un desl.qnHlon 01\ the property, allow1nQ up to t,u dwelling unitlil Pit acre, T~Ht PLIO ma.ter plan/r.Eon1nq WI! app:ov.d at 4,9! unltl pet acre. t The propoill to eh.ni' the internal etreet 'Yltem trom publ1Q to privati own.nhLp anI'! mUntlnanet h acc.pta1':le to staff, ollnd on the future ~tllr. to privati:, tne entrance to the PUD. However, .' security q.tt/;,tthouu hu not b\!en fct11lai.:',y 1nduded wHll th~e ~ la\lbmHtaJ.. RapUt. t1n; or al:le.nl!Qnmlll1t wU:;" b@ n'~Q6IiU'~' to v"oat. t.. the 1ut.~n.l .e~t.tl. ' I Althou.qh thl bufhr wall alon; thtl IIQutt.. fUO Hcpu'ty Unt 1s p~'opol.a ~o pe deleted, the coda reQuH'ea . .ix foot hiOll ",.11 wl1ne an ind\letrtd 01~tr1ct. ,",uch O~ tlliJ und.ViloPid, PID to th~ SOtlth, .CLltB I rUlllant1al dist~'~ct. It h I'rcfen'ed to h!'iveo the .fit @ ~~ - --~---~-~~--'-~~ 01/13/19~1 22:50 4~75335801 CEDAR RIDGE ~VEL PAGE 05 ~:t..l t, i ~ .' t ',_ ' ',.. '..1' ' 1,'" v 'J pa'Jll 3 HemOranQum No. i5.026 Ceoar Rloge titate. pun Fill No. HPMO 94-009 acn water maugtmtnt tract; ana Parcel "J" - ~J. 43 acne to/' devllopment of 152 Multi.family units 'Ti\i! 1nfrutl"tlctUl'. a;'l~roved with the plat (ie: reodl, drainage. wat~t and sewer satvlcel have not t.en fully com1llettd. Or accepted by thl City. Cons tl'uct ion c'15ed 1n .ppro~1.ately l~a'. The property was taxtn OVir by the rtderll Depolittnlurance corporation (FDIC) I as nlanac;)ir of the rSLIC RtlOlution runa, &1 rlceiver for the Sunris. Savinql and Loan Auoc1aUon and Sun-OPt Inc, sunrise saving. and Loan wu thi lendin; 1nltitut1on for the original dlvelop.t. No aet1v1ty hi' o~~ur~.d on the property ainc. 19i6, In January lU3, the current ownn. Oond-or %n\lutmlnti, pun;hauc the pl'Ol'nty frOM the IDtC, Cedar lUd;- O.velopme~~t con-oration ~H.\. a contra:t with c:oniSc)l' Invutmllltl t.o atvelop the P1.'Oil~l"t.y, Jlrlor to conltructiOr. ea.,1nq, I mast.er plan modiflcaUon was approved In F.~ruary liS., to Oh6n~. the water ma~&;tment trlct. Plreal <<C", from I dry r.t.ntion area to a l~~e, In r,bruary 19a5, , 11t. plan for . l~Z unit apartment ~roj.et was app1.oved. Th~ .it. ~lan for the apartmtnt. depict.d two scory buildi~~s, parkin; .pac.. and usoc1at:.~ 1I1lr.1lioap~n\1. The plan 11180 1I1C1\1090 the ~Qllowin9 recreation !atl11tl..: picnic aria, playground, m..tln~ hall, .wimming pool and jOljJq1n; trul. The jQOQJ.nc;; ':rall wu not located on tha apa;tm,nt prO'lct, Dut rather off'llte on Parcel "a", COl\ltru(:t1on of the &i'utDllnt ~t'oject fl8ver commenc.id and the lite plar. approval expired, WL'1Ili Thl procedure ter prQce.s1n9 malter plan ~odiflc.tlons is I.t fo~th 1n Sletton 12 of APpendtK B, Planned Unit D@velopmtnta, of the code of ordinances an6 stetes: Seetlon 12. Chanqas in plano, 'ql.t\~ ~~~ctirtv\~ \ 6t:~ lUff nil reviwld this r.qullt for conllilUncy wah the PVIi development .t'n~.rd., and the intent and purpos8 of planne~ unit davIlopmlnta, .. It.ted in the follOWing sections of Appendix e, Planned Ul1it l:llllalopment. of the code of ~re\1n&n.;;ee; Slction 1, Intent 6nd pUrpOi&. "J\ Plann,O Un1t Development C1Stl'1ct (PUO) 1:; lltablUh.d, . It i. inhndlld that tll1s ~\.str~l;t be uUl1:Ud to promote 'U1c181lC line:! .conom1cal hlld uu lmpt"Ov.c:l am'l'l:l.ti.., .Pl't'o~r1..teo Dnc. hill'molllou, v.nll~Y 1;1 lo'llYUc:U development. Ot'lil&e1v. ~u1.n, ~IlIP..Ov,cl 11v1nQ env1ro~~.nt, orderly and econo~ic8l develo~M.nt in the ~ city. Ina thp. 'Pl'otect1oI1 (,f Rrt~~~e"t .l11r\ ~)(Hti,,'" ~,,,., (.3)