CORRESPONDENCE UC\1Nf,D fill4 p\.ANN\~G CEo?1. ~----- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ . './.~ u ~~. - .#=-' Utilities Department 124 S.E. 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (407) 738-7460 OFFICE OF '!HE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES February 24, 1992 Mr. David Mackey Mackey Construction 1499 S.W. 30th Ave., # 16 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE: High Ridge Ccmnerce Park - Cedar Ridge Dear Mr. Mackey: In response to your recent inquiry on the referenced project, this utility has not reserved any capacity for the project. We have also not accepted the water and sewer mains on-site, although much of the on-site system has been installed. Reserve water and sewer capacity is currently available, however, in sufficient amounts to serve this project if the necessary development approvals are obtained fram the City, and the in-place systems are brought up to acceptable conditions. We trust this letter addresses your questions on this matter. If not, you may refer any specific questions to Peter Mazzella of this office. Sincerely yours, BEACH JAG/PVM be: Peter Mazzella xc: Tambri Heyden ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH .1...- t~, ......... f-j I" ..f, ~ ~ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON 6EACH, flORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 - OFFICE 'OF THE PLANNING ,DIRECTOR -- October 7, 1985 Mr. Donald E. Hahamovitch Attorney at Law Landmark Bank Building of Sunrise Suite 470 7770 W. Oakland Park Boulevard Ft. L~uderda1e, FL 33321 Dear Mr. Hahamovitch: . In response to your letter concerning High Ridge Commerce Park (see attached), please be advised that High Ridge Commerce Park is a platted industrial subdivision. Accompanying this letter you will also find a copy of a memorandum from the Building De- partment which pertains to payment of impact fees. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH j--f-Jd.l.. James J. Golden A~sistant City Planner flat DONALD E. HAHAMOVITCH ATTORNEY AT LAW MEMBER FLORIDA BAR OUEBEC BAR 17 r_rrlr' TED LANDMARK BANK BUILDING OF SUNRISE .1. ...,,' su ITE 470 7770 WEST OAKLAND PARK BOULEVARD SEf FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33321 (305) 748- S600 September 23, 1985 rL/\r'~~',.:t""G L-o"'-' .------- Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: HHH Construction Corp. and High Ridge Commerce Park Dear Mr. Annunziato: My client, HHH Construction Corp., is negotiating for the purchase of a parcel of vacant land in High Ridge Commerce Park, and they have asked me to verify whether the property is platted an} whether there are any impact fees and/or use fees which have not been paid. I believe that the correct legal of the property, which my client is looking at, is Lots 1 through 20 of Block 2 of CEUAR RIDGE PUD and HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PID, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. I presume that since I have quoted a Plat, that means it is platted. Furthermore, your Mr. Grady Swan has said that a developer cannot file a Plat without paying all the impact fees. Please confirm and also indicate what connection fees would be payable. I would also like to know if there are any assessments outstanding. If that is for another department to reply, I would appreciate if you would give them a copy of this letter and ask them to reply. Yours sinCerely" d/ ~" J1flhll / / // (x....vu:.(--ft/:71" I~~(,{.~'I--, F . ~ Donald E. Hahamovitch cc: Mark Lotterman DEH/ssl @ Office 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~10 l305) 734-8111 0-.~ ~ ~ /l~ _._-~ ~ - ~)UJI"".J . <...... ~ '. ,r:~~--~Cr:~Hrl~~~~ ~~. ' . ~ ; ~~~,:~~~~~!! ,I r - r --::;...--- - f !!' -~ . J P -- ' ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH of the City Engineer January 17, 1984 Mr. William Knowles, Jr., P.E. Ralph D. Denuzzio & Associates, Inc. 9525 West Oakland Park Blvd. Sunrise, Fl. 33321 Re: Cedar Ridge and High Ridge Commerce Park Changes in Road Grade Dear Mr. Knowles: Reference is made to your letter of January 16, 1984 request- ~ ing changes in the roadway profile for the subject project. Since there will be no changes in the invert grades for the .sanitary sewers this change in road grades is acceptable. Please be advised that all parties interested in this con- struction should be provided with the revised plans to prevent any confusion at the work site. Very truly yours, ,~~BEA~ Thomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer TAC:mb cc; Edgar E. Howell, Building Official Carmen S. Annunziato, Director of Planning pe~rY--A. Cessna, Director of Utilities . f).' "{" "1.!tnlpl1 ift. iruunht & i\.!1!1nriu~!1. ~ur. '><':>.'.'w' /i (!onllLltina Cnainu.'a, qJ!.a.nne.u, au'WE.Uo'a / . / ~ r ~ j" , J J J ri',.,' , )-, - - /' / -, i /) ~~'_.:../'~'~ V f /\/ V',_ r.}..' - ,\~". ,.- './t'-' .lP"', - t ",'v' e-r ~ ti(- /' " V. /' ", \ V,V. , ~ .r~ V '\ .. v <{~ 9525 WEST OAKLAND PARK BOULEVARD SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33321 305-748.3885 January 16, 1984 Mr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: CEDAR RIDGE & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK JOB NO. 0455 Dear f."J. Clark: With regards to our recent conversations I am submitting the Following: .. 1. Letter from property owner designating this firm as the new Engineers of Record. . 2. Four (4) signed and sealed prints of proposed profile arade change. 3. Four (4) prints of proposed lake section. The profile qrade change has been make to provide a smoother connec- tion between roadways and adjacent properties. The dry retention area previously approved has incurred ground water at elevation 13'+. To correct for this potential health and aesthetic situation, we are now proposing a wet retention area that will have a typical section as attached. To expedite these requests please address the ?rofile change as being our first priority. Expeditious approval of the profile arade chanae is reauested at this time. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, flL~O~V- William Knowles, Jr., P.E. bsd ~ '"1i' 'i'~J)~_/ ~i~J ,\ \. U ~ "- '" '"", '-....., ROBERT E. OWEN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC, pw/~~ ROBERT E. OWEN. ~,I:, DONALD M, SHEPHERD. ~.r.. ERNEST L.GREENE. ....,LA, RONNIE M, DIXON. ~.r., ARTHUR F. MEEKS. ~.I: LAWRENCE A, MATTHES. ~,..... EARLE MEGATHALIN. JR.. ~L WARD L MITZELFELD. ~.u;, PETER T. KRICK. ~,L.S. ENG I N EERS-PLANN ERS-SU RVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 333.....~ - 2300 FLA-MANGO ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 334oy) ECEIVED" TELEPHONE (305) 689-61;100 .n. ' J ", ---........", .....- DEe ! ,r; 1983 PLANNL,.G DEPT. '" -, Decepber 13, 1Yt3 '- ", ''-, "- '- '- Palr.1 neClcLJ l.0ur.ty health 901 ~vcrnia Str~ec . west: PaIn; beHcb, FlorioE L'E: pz rtr.: en t 33401 , ~ \ \ f U 1. I P ll: .t'>oynLoll At t(;nt 15'.!!L-i1r ~_Ll."~nk ~Brf~iulo ../' by t\t~ :" C e d 8 r t,1 d ~ e / Hi g h K 1 C !;, {;: ~\ 0 a d CorpC'ration ',-----. .........-.---- -,---------~- '."- -------_.../" Cep.tle::len: CIVIL STRUCTURAL SANITARY ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLANNING MUNICIPAL SURVEYING SOIL MECHANICS [p\-€.lopmcn t Tbi~: is to advi5c LhClt liiecr.ivE .'ov('U:er 2Y, l~hj, t.~jifj fin: I.~jr.- cW~'(;;,f-illted \-/it.h thf> ar.ovc- 0cvf:'lc-pI;.er:t anI; .ill T'IC>t l..t. eni:3.,.'e'- in the inFip0cl:;ion or cO;0~lctioll cErtification prOceBG for the n:'Gt:ir- (:d irlprover.;ents tnerefore - eith€,r on cr off site. \.'t:; ry tru 1y Y0\:r S , r.; . SneptH I'd . , . , . ll;,.~/;1C cc: Ci t 'I uI: Loynton l\C c ct, ./- . r. '1', H' L 1.::: r!', .~ it. y 1.;:~: i fl L e r .;r. .i.'erry Li::'~'S!!c:, ,.::..r2ctcc Of Li:..ilicieL F"d:;; fC<.Icll Luunry, Lane LfCvt.:lo~'r-,o;t :~r. /\.1161-1 l'~ljrtib Inspect:ioTl CITY of Time BOYNTON BEACH -- ~eceived Date r..t:.....~ .~~'~ ~ ~.~)-::"~.JI~ .. I . ,,;u:tC) ~ J ".;'i~~~. .;. .f! -....- ~ I ~~j, h '~ .. -- .- .-- -' ~'. f -" -- ~ ! ,; ~=:'- ' ~~-- Q). 120N.E.2ndAVENUE -', P.O. BOX 310 . "r.' ~ ',~ - .. BOYNTor. BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 .~. (305)734-8111 - Office of the City Engineer August 9, 1983 Earl Megath1in, P.E. Robt. E. Owen and Associates P.O. Box 3331 2300 Florida Mango Road West Palm Beach, Fl. 33409 Re: Improvements to Hypo1uxo Road at High Ridge Road and at entrance to Stanford Park Dear Earl: Please be advised that in accordance with the attached . copy of a letter from Alan Kurtis, P.E., Director of Land Development division for Palm Beach County, the work within the right of way for Hypo1uxo Road should be co- ordinated so that the required improvements will be done at the same time. Please advise if you have any questions concerning the above request. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH --y~a Thomas A. Clark, P.E., City Engineer TAC ;mb Attach. cc; Alan A. Kurtis, P.E. Tom Twomey, P.E. Carmen Annunziato ~~.J'-!e~~~~$-4:.- i {0~ { (j; ,- ' Bovuton Deve ment Co ration 46.:;1 SIIERIT>.\.'\ STHEET, SI'ITE 46,:;. II )LLY\ July 29, 1983 ~rf ~ Ga _-4.... _ ,(J.y , ~ :3021 Date Time - - William Doney Assistant City Attorney 1615 Forum Place, Suite 200 Barristers Building West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re:~id;;;:;;-;;;;-"""" I'd/<- r pf P.r..Q ----- Dear Mr. Dolan: -- .. This will serve to confirm our agreement concerning Recrea- tional Impact Fees being assessed against Boynton Develop- ment Corporation in connection with the platting of our property along High Ridge Road. . The agreed upon fee is $39,835.78. This will be secured by a surety bond in the amount of 110% of said amount. The fee of $39,835.78 shall be due and payable, in full, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy on any residen- tial unit within our development. Obviously, if the fee is not paid the certificate of occupancy will not be issued. Further, should the fee not be paid prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, you may void the plat. (? ~~ DAVID B. MANKUTA, Agent ------- -I- DBM/ht cc: Cu1nen & Hamilton Att: Pamela Hayes 295 Montgomery Street Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 (via Federal Express) cc: Mr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer City oi Boynton Beach 120 N. E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 ~ ~ . L/ I l:.rvJ 0,(.-'.' ~/~~, " ~ (/~ ~-\j1iOBf:RT E. OWEN ~ ASSOCIATES. INC. if-{'P ;-4~)rEERS- PLAN NERS-SURVEYORS ( . ./t--' i POST OFFICE BOX 3331 (.; ~ 2300 FLA-MANGO ROAD I'~ WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 ~ TELEPHONE (305) 689-6900 \}Yfl )';;'.~~\..I!.1 ;i,.V;'8. 1983 i\~~OI . ~ \t ,\t~ --V l(\ , ~ I'~,...LJ- ROBERT E,OWEN.p, E, DONALD 104, SHEPHERD, p, E. ERNEST L.GREENE,A.S, l,A. RONNIE M. DIXON.p, E, ARTHUR f. MEEKS,p, E, LAWRENCE A,MATTHES,p, l,S, EARLE MEGATHLlN.JR.,p. E. WARD L.MITZELfELD,p, LS. PETER T, KRICK,p' LS. Receive Date CIVIL STRUCTURAL SAN ITARY ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLANNING MUNICIPAL SURVEYING IL MECHANICS Time City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attn: Mr. Torn Clark Re: Cedar Ridge and High Ridge Commerce Park for Boynton Develo ment Corpora 10n Gentlemen: Enclpsed please find a copy of the cost estimate for Cedar Ridge and High Ridge Commerce Park with a revision date of 5/18/83. please review this cost estimate for approval and should you have any questions or need any further information, please advise. Very truly yours, 6ulr /, Earle Mega Jr. EMJr/1b enclosure cc: David B. Mankuta, Esq. w/enclosures ! I I \ / / Sales Office in The Manalapan Club Hypoluxo Island Manalapan, Fla. April 19, 1983 Thomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynto~ Beach, FL 33435 .ved Date Time P. o. Box 3198 Lantana, Fla. 33462 Telephone 585-2515 585-2516 ~ - Preliminary Plat High Ridge Commerce Park - Cedar Ridge Estates Dear l-1r. Clark: This letter will serve to acknowledged your letter of April II, 1983 and mention that the engineers are proceeding with 1econciliation of the nine points listed in your letter. Presumably those items will be reconciled in the very near future and we will forward you revised copies as appropriate. ., with best regards, Ken~h~~[e:- KLG:grb cc: Earle Megathlin, Jr. Point Manalapan Development Corporation Reg istered Real E state Broker ROBERT E. OWEN ~ ASSOCIATES. INC. /l~~";;:::;;/ ~tlCle? ..~~. ROB ERT E, OWEN. p, E, DONALD 104, SHEPHERD.P, E, ERNEST L.GREENE...,S,L.... RONNIE 104, DIXON.p E, "RTHUR r. Io4EEKS. p, E, L"WRENCE A,Io4ATTHES,P, L,S, E..RLE Io4EGATHLlN. JR..p, E. w..RD L. ""TZELrELD.p, L.S. PETER T. KRICK,p L.S. E NG I N EERS- PLAN N E RS-SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 3331 2300 FLA -MANGO ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 TELEPHONE (30~J 689-6900 Ma?;;J8' 1983 . Received ~- Date A ~ l~~ . CIVIL STRUCTURAL SAN ITARY ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLANNING MUNICIPAL SURVEYING SOIL MECHANICS Time Mr. Torn Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach City Hall Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Cedar Ridge an9 High Ridge Commerce Park for Boynton Develop- ment Corporation Dear Mr. Clark: The" purpose of this letter is to request an excavation and fill permit for Cedar Ridge and High Ridge Commerce Park. The ~xcavation is in coordination wi th the required improvements for Cedar Ridge and High Ridge Commerce Park Development and con- sists of the excavation of the normally dry retention area and the filling of several lots on the East side of the project together with some excavation for new road construction. We have estimated this total earthwork at approximately 45,000 cubic yards and this quantity is included in the subdivision cost estimate for surety. The construction plans, Drawing File No. D-3971-010 which were previously submitted to your office show the pertinent details of the excavation and fill proposed. Should you have any question or need any further information for this permit please advise. V"lli?r Earle Megathlin, Jr. EMJr/t11 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Date Time Q) 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305)734~111 __'!!!l Office of the City Engineer ; July 12, 1982 David B. Mankuta, Esq. Suite 465 4651 Seridan Street Hollywood, Fl. 33021 Re: Final plat for Cedar Ridge Estates and High Ridge Commerce Park for Boynton Development Corporation Dear Mr. Mankuta: Reference is made to your letter dated June 22, 1983. Ln connection with the requirements for getting the subject plat approved and recorded please be advised as follows: D~uments and fees to be submitted: I. Filing fee of $150 2. Performance bonds (received) ~ total amount $909,000 3. Administration fee (l% of $909,000) 4. Recreation fee in the amount of $39,452.75 5. Final plat document with signatures, two prints of plat, and two prints of development plans When all of the above listed items are received a Technical Review Board will be convened. When the final plat is approved by the Technical Review Board the writer will recommend approval to the City Manager by Council action. Please be advised if additional information is desired. Very truly. yours, TAC:mb P.E. City cc: Earle Megathlin, Jr. Carmen Annunziato Perry Cessna