REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK 1. City Engineer: 2. Forester/Horticulturist: See attached memorandum. See attached memorandum. . .. Received Date Time ~~ Q' ?~ /l?2J--,.. MEMORANDUM August 2, 1983 TO: Mr. Grady Swann, Finance Director FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Recreation Fee, Cedar Ridge a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D. Forwarded herewith is a surety bond in the amount of 110% of the recreation impact fee for the subject project. Said surety bond was posted in lieu of cash as provided for in the subdivision ordinance. ~A copy of the surety bond is forwarded with this memo to the City Attorney for his approval. ., ~v~~ Tom Clark TAC:mb Attach. cc: City Attorney w/copy of bond C.;htJ'_..f.lanner - City Clerk w/copy of bond ~~~d__>2D ~ Date _4 __-- ~ Tim.. -- ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM July 22, 1983 TO: Carmen Annunziato Charles Frederick FROM: Tom Clark Re: Cedar Ridge Estates Recreation & Park Dedication Fee Mr. Mankuta was advised this date that the recreation fee was revised to $39,835.78. ~"V.~ · C!?L - Tom Clark TAC :mb cc: David Mankuta .. ------ I I FROM ... TO Betty Boroni, City Cl~Lk Carmen S. fiununziato, City Planner ~OLD . SUBJEcr:_o~~<=!~E__~~(j.~~. P~J:)(II~~_~,,~~_~~~_Sg~:r:_C.':,_J?~E_~___, Documents DATE: _~=~9_=~.~L_ . Accompanying this memo you will find documents submitted in connection with the above-mentioned PUD and PIO. These documents are submitted for central file purposes. CSA:bks cc: City Attorney/w Index ... PLEASe REPl Y TO . SIGNED ~ 5~ REPLY DATE: SIGNED ITEM # F269 .. WHEELER GROUP INC DfTACH THIS COpy - RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT . M E M 0 RAN DUM March 29, 1983 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Receive Date Time FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Plat for Cedar Ridge P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, P.I.D. Comments: 1. street lighting to be done by F.P.& L. but estimates of cost is required for bond. 2. All off-site roadway construction is to be included in the plans and included in the cost estimate. This would include the work agreed to in Hypoluxo Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue when zoning was approved. 3~ The cost for recreational improvements are to be included in the construction costs. 4: The request for a dredging and fill permit will be included with final plat approval. 5. If the master lift station to serve the area is not bonded by the development to the south it must be included in the costs to be bonded when the final plat is approved. Forwarded herewith are the following: . Introduction and index of proposed agreements for the residential area (45 lots) i the condominium area (152 units) i and the industrial development. . Copy of the March 28, 1983 letter from Earle Megathlin concerning excavation and fill permit. . Five sets of prints for preliminary plat. . One set of development plans. ~Vt? .-c& Tom Clark TAc:mb Attach. TO . Q:EMORANDUM CaJune.n AnnunUa-to ReceIved ;::z; om MaJtch 2 5eth, C.{;ty PlavmeA Date .3- Sf s: -I ~ 1983 FILI~ FROM Time /Ya/??/ { SUBJECT CEVAR RIVGE ESTATES P.U.V. (Tne.e. Swc.ve.y Land6c.ape. Plan) Ke.v--Ln HaLe.ahan F 0 neo :te.n/ H 0 w.c.u1.:t.u.JzM:t The. :tf1.e.e. -6Wtve.y non :the. above. pnopeAty ,[J.:, ac.c.wz.aX.e. and c.omplue.. The. appUc.aM ha6 -6hown wlUc.h :tf1.e.eo will be. pneoeAve.d (n.umbeAe.d) on :the land6c.ape plan, hav--Lng had --LMe.gf1.a.:te.d :the. U6 e. 06 :them will nwly plaMe.d :tf1.e.eo. The. numb eAe.d :tf1.e.eo wlUch do no:t appe.aJz. on :the. land6 c.ape. plan (6nom :the. :tf1.e.e. -6 Wtve.y) will be. nemove.d. Be. adv,[J.:,e.d :that I have. no:ted :the f1.emoval. 06 one :tf1.ee (#613) wlUc.h -6hould be pneoenved --L6 p0-6-6--Lble by mov--Lng :the loc.a.;(;,ton 06 :the. buJ.l.cUng adjac.eM :to.{;t. The pa.Jdic.ulaJz. :tf1.e.e. ,[J.:, an ugh:tee.n --Lnc.h (18") PO--Lnuana :tf1.ee wlUc.h would be an adcU.tion :to :the. .. aeo:thwc.-6 06 :the aJz.ea. AU :tf1.eeo wlUch Me no:ted on :the plan. :to be pf1.eovwe.d, --Ln ac.c.on- danc.e. wkth c.ode, mU6:t be pf1.o:tec.:ted onom deo:tf1.uc;t,Wn by a v,[J.:,able wood bcvvUeA. S--Lnc.eAe.ty, K~ f/~ 0-6 xc.: C en.:tJta1. F il eo Kev--Ln Ha11.ahan How.c.u1.:t.u.JzM:t/Fof1.eo:te.n