CORRESPONDENCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 98-180 TO: Don Johnson Deputy Building Official ,Pl~l2- FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Director DATE: June 10, 1998 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge PUD It is acceptable to grant a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Building B/Lots 1 through 5 prior to completion of the swimming pool, at the Cedar Ridge PUD, contingent upon the pool being completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any future residential unit within the project. I understand that this is contrary to the requirement with the Development Order; however, this will allow them to complete a minimal portion of construction while awaiting the delivery of equipment necessary to construct the swimming pool. MWR:mae S:\Shrdata\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Ced-ridg\TEMP. OCCUPANCY CERTI FICA TE.doc 01/01/1991 07:09 4075336801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL , PAGE 01 -,h'-'/VL ~~~ , / tF7JfYLj:_rn~ The Townhon1es at Ceda.r Ridge, Inc. ,. Nil" Rill.. RotuI LMItuItI, FIorItM JJ4~ Vole.: $6Z..sJJ41H Fa: 561-$33-6801 Apri19,1998 Bulent I. Kastariak, NeARS Director of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310' RE: Cedar Ridae Estates W( ~~ 08~ 7~ PLANNING AND J .,--~ lONING DfPT. J Dear Mr. Kastarlak In reference to our meeting on 4-7.98, I would like to say how refreshing it was to hear that someone with the City of Boynton Beach is actually trying to make its infamous bureaucracy more <<User tHendly". I wish you luck and great success with this unenviable endeavor. As we discussed, Cedar Ridge Development Corp. agrees to complete all required improvements to the north, south and cast perimeters of Veronica Lake, including littoral plantings, and shoreline landscaping, prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy (C.O.) for buildings 9,10, &, 11 of Phase III. Cedar Ridge Development Corp. will complete the balance of the required improvements to Veronica Lake's western shoreline prior to issuance of the first certificate ofoeeul'aMy (e.O.) for the last three buildings, numbers 6, 7, & 8 of Phase III. This letter shall act as a binding agreement between The City of Boynton Beach and Cedar Ridge Development Corp., This agre~mcnt supersedes any and all other agreements either written or verbal and may be amended only by written agreement of both parties hereto. I hope that this agreement provides both you and the City of Boynton Beach with the "evel of comfort" necessary. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this or any other issue please feel free to contact me at 561-533-5199 during business hours or at 561-582-6929 during evening hours. Thank you for your time and assistance. Good Luck. President cc: Dennis P. Koehler, Esq. 02/20/1991 05:04 407833&Sel ee:CAA RIDGE OEVEt. PAGE ell (!(!: ~ ~ Cedar Ridge Development. Corp. Fax Cover Sheet , - J ... .. TO: Namo: ~I y.. -,,1 ( Company~ Phone II: :J'~- (~f' :J 7 J -. ,:J ~.. -, w._~ I: l)t iI~ FI~OM: Ni'lfllC :z -; ~,~._..._.. JlhOIl<!II, 561-S33~SI99 l:j1;,;; ,;(,I.$3.,.OMO I nl-;; ~p'MM"";~'" )JAr/< 10 ..,,!!)~ ...,? DATE: r A o~s: ~ COMM€NTS: :tl, I &~ 'f' v" ~....... J.t. rz.- /?~ 1I......;f JI.. ~,A t. .. r; k~ !:alj S;;~-r t ~I t!:J;"I ~ ~A1.~ tI.".t!:'~ (l A_.. ~~?tr~/l !it 737~ _7Z~., ~ / - . ~$J jr -rL~\ t9 ( $# ((.A v~'.. - -;; ~ ;~-< ~ Yw ,. { .. J7...,. J- ' I ~ .. .. t 1_ L /,! . -r,.(J J;~. f...... l' ,,(1--- '1 ~ J' ~~ __lQ~~__lQO . 0 N S 17: ,~,_ _ __ L q~~_l J 0 ___ 91717L-989-L017:Gr NOSN3C'3339 02/2e/1991 05:04 407SaJ6eal CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE ' 02 Cedar Ridge Developm.!!lAII~YE~2rP. Octobtt 23~ 1997 ,. HIGH Rinas ROA L4N7'ANA,/I'L ~U6J-SD4 VOICIl4(J7.S'3.~1 j ,A1t ~07-S3U'~ West F)ori~ Powor and Lisht 21400 PowerUne Road Boca Raton, f'L 33433 Re~ Hish Ridge Commerce Parle. CQmmeroe Iload . Stt..t Liahta Dear Wos, Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. ~s herein requesting that FPelL install street lights on Commerce Road in High Ridie Commerce Park. We are rtquestins that the power source be underground and that the Usbt fixtures be th~ Colonial Flxtur.. O~ 20. alack Fibersl", Pole. (See Attached). We are 4150 requestina that the l1shts be in.taIled In the tollowinslocation.; a, One on the North We. Comer of Lot 20. b, One on each of the North Property Ijnet between~ Lots 13 & 14. Lots 14A 15,LctI15& 16, lots 16& 1', Lots 1'" 18, Lota 18 &. 19, A Lot. 19 & 20, c. One on the East aide of the culdiu<: between Lots 10 & 11. Wo understand that it wilt be 4 t9 6 W"~J bcfbro you AfO roady 10 scaJ1 jnstallation. Please contact me when you at. ready for the "semont. to b. Itaktd. Should you have any Questions or oommentl plealle do not hesitate to call. R'7;/~75J? JOMph F. DuU., Jr. As Asent for - Condor Investments of Palm Be&(:h CQunry. Inc. cc: James Vandcrwoud~ ~O'd tOO'O~j Sl7:L L6.8c 1JO, 91717 L - 9 8 9 - L 0 l7.: a I NOSN3C''3339 qfie City of !Boynton qJeach 100 ~ ~ 'Bet1e4 '.BauUwrr{ P.O. ~310 '1Joynttm '&ad&, 11cri44 33425-0310 PHONE: (561) 375-6280 FAX:, (561) 375-6357 .-..--.....-' G~."'7~~\JI '~I -~'" '.\'<~I "),>-"l,",.cL~,,'J....~,.,.J, i , ~ ' : DR 2 5 <:':11 I ~ \ L~m L_ ZONING DEPT. ENGINEERING DIVISION Apri123,1997 Palm Beach County Dept. of Engineering & Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 Attention: Dan Weisberg, P.E, Re: Updated Traffic Impact Analysis for Cedar Ridge P.U.D. Dear Mr. Weisberg: Enclosed for your records is a current analysis of the subject parcel by Maria T. Palombo, P.E, Since the new trips generated are less than what were originally vested, the City considers the development to be in conformance with the County's Thoroughfare Plan unless otherwise advised by your office. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 21, ',/ ;r/.::J ~/' . G4~~{ ~ ' enneth Hall Engineering Plan Check Inspector KRH/ck attachment xc: Mike Haag, Planning Coordinator C:\Nly Documents\Cedar Ridge TIA.doc Jif.mu'.a:$ (jatt.-wa.y to t& (julfstream LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT <::'" ", '~ @ R n \\7 [[ i-. _:h.", j I U; LI \~ ^~~ ~f S~pervisors c. ']1& Weaver rmit Dell :.~S ? 4 _,j T Jo I Hi: lworth III - 1;Z, IManager W iam c:: Winters ssisla Manager Ronald . Crone Attorney Perry & Schone, P,A, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. i~ ~'88 iW February 19, 1997 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Director Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms, Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comments regarding the items on the February 18 meeting agenda. 1. Hampton Inn at Quantum Park - No objection, However, a drainage review will be required prior to commencement of construction. 2. Crystal Key at Woolbright Place, PUD - No objection, However, a drainage review will be required prior to commencement of construction. 3. Cedar Ridge Tract S - No objection. As always, we thank you for being given the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~~ Chief Inspector SJW /mtb c: Patrick A. Martin, P.E" District Engineer, L WDD Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498-5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737-3835 . Fax (561) 495-9694 FEB 10 '97 16:50 DENNIS p_KOEHLERl P,A.) P.2 LAW OFFICES Vennls (). I\()ehler. Conor... ""In... C.n.... 1110 North Congr... Avenue, Suitt 104 W..t Palm S,.ch, Florida 3340t Tel,phone: (581) "4-2844 1'. A. 1P-- () Cfb-OOV ~uJ.~l, ~.bruary 1~997 M FAX HB. Tameri Heyden, DiIA!!'8I!: (581) 884.1310 Planning 81 Zoning Department CITY OP BOYIn'ON BBACH 100 Ba.t Bcyn~on Beach Blvd. Boynton B.ech, plorida RS: OBDAR RIDGB SSTATBS - Request for waiver of replatt1ng fee Dear Tambri: on behalf of Mr. Jo.eph P. Basile, Jr., President of CEDAR RIDGE DBVBLOPMENT CORP., INC., I want to thank you again for your er..~lve response to my recent request for a waiver of the required f.. for ~.platting the single family estates portion of the ClOAR RIDGE PUD. In a'followup conversation on February 5 w1th Mr. Ken Hall of the City'. bg1n..r1ng Department, I confirmed that in lieu of the flat $3,000 plat review fee, the City will allow CEDAR RIDGE to pay only tor the actual t~e spent by City staff 1n reviewing this application, which 18 not expected to exc..d a total of tan (10) hours. I furtber understand that City staff will document the time that it .pen~. 1n reviewing the CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES replat, and that an ltemis.a bill w1l1 be p~e8.nt.d to CEDAR RIDGE prior to the public h.arings during which the replat will be presented to the City Commission. Mr. Hall asked me to provide him with copies of any materials from my fil.. confirming thet City staff (includ1ng the City Attorney) has previously reviewed and approved the homeowners' as.ociation document. that ..tab11shmaintenance responsibilities ~or what will now become private streets. (The original documents .ere .0 .pp~oved and ~.co~~.a by ~h1. office in October 1995.] I w111 also ..k my client to provide any additional documentot1on that Mr. Hell require.. Many thanks again tor your usual great cooperation and responsivene.. to my client's rea able needs. Esquire DPK/n. pc: Mr. ~.n Hall, Engineering Technician, City Engineering Department Mr. Jos.ph P. s..11e, Jr., President, CEDAR RIDGE DEVEt.OPMENT CORP. JAN 20 '97 17:22 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) '-" m ""211997 00 LAW OFFICES fl. DENNIS P. KOEHLER, P.A. Congress Bus1ness Cente~ 1280 North Congress Avonue, Suite 104 West Palm Beech, Florida 33409 Telephone: (407) 684-2944 Facsimile: (407) 684~9370 FAX COVER SHEET TO, 0M~~~/(;~r- -~ Ar. ~t.-gaJ?"~. f:!JioffH[ C~~ ~r~ ~AX NUMBER: ..~~~~....~. _ r FElOM: DENNIS P,,- KOiHLEP.; ESQUIRE LOCAL: )( LONG DISTANCiJ: C@AI2. ~D~ 11/'1 ~ CHARGE TO; NO., OF ~AOES: DA~E & TIME OF TRANSMISSION. 1-- ~ :/op-III. CO~ME~TS; Ik.~ ~~~ ~~~ / {JU. ' "'UD - . l"{ t ' () IJtJS P r r oJJe- /Jw fL {Ll)./-;t J....../ . /..-,^-p / U 7- Ii~y JAt4 20 "37 17: 22 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P. A. ) P '::> ,.... LAW OFFICES ()ennls J>. I\vehler. Congr... luatntH Oenter '210 North ConS"'" Av,"u,. Suitt 104 W"I Palm a.ach, Florida 33408 Telephone: (561) 884-2844 F.A. Facaimila: (561) 88408370 January 20, 1997 Ms. Tsmb~i Heyden, D1rector Planning . ZQning Department CITY OP BOYRTON ~EACH 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton leach, Floriaa BY FAX RE= CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES - Request for waiver of replatting fee Dear Tambri: I'm wr1 ting thiS letter in followup to the hand-wri ttcan memo~.ndum that x FAXed to you on January 3. 1997. in which I reque.ted on behalf ot Ceaar Ridge a8veloper Mr. Joseph Begile that the city waive its $3,000.00 plat review fee for the ainqlQ family eutates portion of the CEDAR RIDGE PUD. on this date (Januaxy 20), Mr. Basile advised me thAt he had in fo~t t1led a complete raplatting application for the townhome port1gn ot the PUD late last year, paying the $3.000.00 reviaw fea at th8~ time. Th1s request ?or a waiver is therefor. limited to the estates portion of the Cedar Ri~ge POD. I'n case my PAX with enclosure to you of January 3 neva~ made it into your hand.s, I attach a copy for your information and :rtilview. please call me to discuss this at your 88rly conveniance. Mr. Basile would like both replatting requests to he prasenta4 to the Boynton Beach City Council at the same publiC maeting, if a~ Gll POSSible. Please advise. Esquire. DPK/ns enels. pc w/o enels: Mr. Joseph F. Basile, Jr. JAN 20 '97 17:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) P,3 LAW OFFICES Dennis IJ. I\vehler. JJ.4.. Congre&8 Suain... Canter 1280 North Congr... Avenue, Suite 104 W..t Palm Bllon, Florid. 33409 Telephone: (561) 684.2844 ~@[F'V 8YfAK ~ chit t<."" 3, 1'197 10: AIs. Ta_/n( 1f~J{dPA, r/iI1I1I11.IffIfJiHf~ U,)it{e,L- CI ry oF BOVN~I !JI;,A,CN I ~: C~ J!./D5E PUb..- R8fHEsr~ ~'u=" ~ ~~11'~ 1fc. .II ~ 6f~ e:tIW/Osf tnJ~G !LSAA.- StlkCtf- ~ J21P'iF :::r~~~~~ I~Z~~~~ 1b tteI~CMd hdkrPSI'" ~. '...e, 'IA.~~~~\ "t~. t:I% iA/i, t:411e'~ (6"'''' ~ ~Pf I. ""Gt:di(ht{d il\ ~ ~~ -p .ji'#f\ CltlJlla t ~411~ I~ Iffb, ,,",~l, tt.~ 'dif//&J ~ s#t4t."~ '*'Mil d414t$ Jd,f/Mtclt/tJ ~tltJ(.. 4/1HP1" · 76. PHD~ ~WlIrt tRS ~nt 4AEtls I/A ~ ~ ~~t3!I1rt~~Zl:~~M. ~~t;;; &H,~~~IUtd'tl:~~"L C( '2~~$ ~ ()1'al:U- lAc- -ttiU. -/lJ.-1'TiI:S: :!.l9!aA 8iItbr. au;.. /JlcaNlL ~ ~YM. ~ill etillHRdiL 1 ~!fkf"~~ -"4/Ji(h_CE- :AN~Ib'//64S 7hI,j--M;f. 4 ~11I4611J Sh'/lltAs H:S"Ij-H~ ~~, l?tts.fJifg .G!1;t1'JJI 1A "~C06~4f'llHMfiI.~ ~ mu~I.(. ~s- 7M. I~L ,:S % ~+d./lS7'Q~& ~ C9~ ~1.D6e P~7~ ~~....~ atlMiu~6vL d(.ruU;1IA ~,- ~g ~ ""'FJ;iew- ~ I~ rut sfifll.. · wi/I4MfiM--r -"8f1'l. 114d. 7JiAM ("e it/t!IId: Afr: Jdf Bos,1. Facllmll.: (661) 684.9370 - JAN 20 ''37 :7:23 DENNIS P KOEHLER, P.A.) p)f'" .'. _ 'I~ 'Ii' "'["~,f/"'" . ,.... 1".1t LAW OFflOES Dennis 1'. I'\()ehler, ~.A. Congrees BUSInG" center 1280 North 00n9rn5 Av,nue, Suite 213 WeetPe.lm BOlICh, Florlda 03409 Telephon.: (407) 88-4-2844 t(Q)[PV Faosimlle: (407) eS4.9370 ~y FAX March 15, 1996 MEMORANDUM ~ TO: Jam' rot, Esq., City Attorney CIT OF ~OYNTON BEACH "",.. FROM; Dennis P. Koehler I 'f!.St:foJ1re~ SUBJBCT: CE:O~ ltIDGl!: put) - "P1'1vati21ation" of internal roadways prev1o~sly dedicated by plat to the "general pub11c" Hoping that you reoal1 our meeting in lJ:'ambri Heyden I S tempora~ conferencB room en th1s matter back on January 25, I wanted to refresh your memory about and request confirmation of the solution thot MS. aaytten offereCl towarci the end of that meeting to my cl;tent's "replat p~oblem." The problem 1s: (1) The 1983 plat tor the CEDAR RIDGE PUD deaicatea the ,punts internal roadways to thB public. (:2 ) Al though constructec!, these roadways were never offic1ally accepte~ by the City for public ownership and mtl1ntenaDce. (3) The current develeper, CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., and the City both new desire to "p~1vat1zelt these roadways in the most expeditious~ co~t~8!tect1ve manner~ As you will recall, we were joined in that January 25 meeting by CEDAR RIDGE'S manAging partner, Mr. Joe Baslle and his eQnsulting engineer, Mr. Peter M. Karekos, p.m. We began our disc~~s1en by revlew1ng the two (2) known methods of abenaoning or p~ivat1z1ng pub11C roaeways: (l)!Y recorded plat (or replat), or (2) by a pet1tion for abando~~6nt. Bother these approaches present substantial problems to my c11ent. The end tasul t of a successful pet! tion to ab8ndon a publiC roadway is the expansion of the abutting lot to. the abandoned roadway's centerline. Approval is typically requir.d from 100% of the abutting lot owners. ultimat.1I1y t each lot owner's legal ~escription and survey must be changsd to reflect the enl~rged parcel. Similar problems are presented if the replat l:'edesignat... these roadways as private streets. All affected lot. owners (which , ~ ~I , " ~ " . , ft JAN 20 '97 17:24 DENtHS P KOEHLER, P,A.) P,S OJ; " '4" \ now include more than 20 new home purcnase:r:1 1n the CeCSar Riel;e m8i:.t.. pot'tion of the POD) must 1nd1cate their approvisl. by placing their .ignot~re5 on the replat ~ocuments. Ultimately, each inClividual lot';:, le9111 c1escr1pt1on must also be amended, assuming of eou~se that 100% lot owner approvals are obtained. With all of this as background, I hope that you'll recall Tambri Heyd.nls most w~lccma suggesteo solution: D&$1gnete the roadways wlthLn the PUD in the replat as oommon areas, i. e. tracts set as1de for ingress and egress and public utility purposes, The proplilrty owner associat1on aocuments that I aeveloped with the CitY'5 input an~ reeorCled for Cedar Ridge Bstates on October l~, 19ge already ensure perpetual aecess over the PUD's ~oadwQY. fo~ all Association marn~ers, their guests and invitees. And maint.nan~. of allot the PUD'S common areas are clearly the obligation of the Assoc1ation. put another way, the lot owners' Ilb\,mdle of rights" to uti11ze the PUD's roadways that were astabli~hed unde~ the ori91n~1, 1983 plat would not be 1imitec by the IIHeyc1en solution II 1n any way. Only the general public' $ right: to use these roa~ways would be impacted, i.e. eliminated. Since th1s ttprlvat1:z~tion" concept has already been approved by the City end 1ncorporated into the cedar Riege Estates Homeowners' Association documents, replatting the Cedar Ridge PUD to redesignate these roadways as common areas would merely 1mplemtitnt is plan of cevalopmant already approved by the City Com.rn15sfon an~ will have no impact whatsoever on.thosa who have. purchase~ lots w1thin the PUC. I am br111ging all of this to your attention at. thi. timo because one of Mr. Karekos' associates. a former mernbar of the , C1 ty or west Palm neach' s engineering staff, has questioned whether the approach so' laboriou:;sly sketched. out above ~ill present title problems in the future. This sama individual also o5keO it the City of Boynton Seach might accomplish t.hllS8mG roadwey pr1vat1zatlon purpose by.aopting an ordinance similar to thlil one attached: Ordinance No. 2210-88. adopted by the west Palm Beach C1ty comm1ss1on on September 6, 1988. I.t adopt1ng a sim11"r orcUnance could either repl.ece. Or strengthen the "Heyden Solution" described above, we mav wish to consider that approach as well. please advise. DP~/nz encl. p~ w/encl: Mr. William v. Hukill, AIA, P.E., City Eng1neer Mr. Joseph F. Basile, Jr.~ Managing O!~.ctor CEDAR ~!DGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION~ INC. Peter M. Kerekos. P.E... Principal PARAMOUNT ENGINE2RING ,GROUP. INC. Dennis J>. I\()elller. 1'..4. /- LAN D . Land Planning DESIGN Landscape Architecture Environmental Consultation SO UTH 561-478-8501' FAX 561-478-5012' Congress Business Center' 1280 N, Congress Avenue' Suite 215. West Palm Beach. Florida:334()t November 21, 1996 Mr, Michael Haag Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Cedar Ridge Dear Mike, Please find enclosed the revised site plan for Cedar Ridge, Please note that Buildings 1,2,3, and 4 have been moved to the north to relocate the preserve area. We would like to administratively amend the approved site plan to show this layout. If you have any questions, please do:not hesit~te to contact our office. . , Sincerely, NSOUTH Scott Mosolf Project Manager SM/lb Enclosure cc: Joe Basile letters\haagl121.ltr File #432.1 LAND Ii Congress Business Cl;".I::. DESIGN 1280 No, Congress Ave" Ste, 215 SOUTH WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33409 I [1@uu@[ )[2 uW&~~GWDuu&[1 TO (561) 478.8501 FAX (561) 478-5012 City of Boynton Beach DATE 11 21 96 ATTENTION Mike Haag RE, Cedar Ridg JOB NO, 432.1 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard n n.n [;:', l/ \1 [f Boynton Beach, FL 33425 ZONING DEPT. WE ARE SENDING YOU ex Attached o Under separate cover via Mail o Shop drawings o Copy of letter D Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples the following items: o Specifications > o COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 1 Cedar Ridge site plan f t6d'0~ j?1::6~RI)I~ ~ ~ .slrL" ~.sf6!JD -ro C..u ~ IZ.!E.".J r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval D Approved as submitted D Resubmit .D. tJN :Zt~ cop;e'~ovk copies for dltri~on · corrected prints o For your use o Approved as noted o Submit o As requested C Returned for corrections o Return > o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Released by: Dated: COPY TO SIGNED: Scott Mosolf If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. MEMORANDUM !~ ~ @ ~ n w m fij) dU SFP 6 _ ~, September 6, 1996 TO: Ken Hall, Engineering Mike Haag, Senior Planner v-- Michael J. Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney (f't!/NJ1 I PLANNING AND - ZONING DEPT. FROM: RE: Cedar Ridge Townhomes/Condominiums On or about September 3, 1996, I received from Jay Steven Levine, Esq., final versions of the Declarations of Covenants for Cedar Ridge T ownhomes and Cedar Ridge Condominium Association. They are approved as to legal sufficiency. The bylaws and articles for each project were previously approved as to legal sufficiency, Based on the information available to me, the City previously req!J9sted of Cedar Ridge a certificate of ownership for each project. No such document has passed through this office. Please advise as to whether this is required of the developer, and whether or not such a document has been provided to your respective departments. I appreciate your assistance. MJP/ral fJJie City of 13oynton'13earJi \. ',-, ~---..::=:: -- 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Buuli 'Boule.vara P.o. 'Bo:t310 'Boynton 'Buuli, :rforitfa 33425-0310 City~: (407) 375--6000 :r!U: (407) 375-6090 July 3, 1996 Peter M. Karekos Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. 141 N.W. 20th St., #F-7 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Re: Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD File No: NWSP 96-002 Location: Southeast corner of High Ridge Road and Cedar Ridge Road (Parcel C and Parcel D of the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD Dear Mr. Karekos, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding the above captioned site plan approval. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Sincerely, --Lt~:3' ~ ~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar Enclosures xc: Central File a;develord,ced Ylnuma's (jateway to tlie (julfstream - -- - ------- -----_._-~ -h1L ~"- ~ ~F:5~~ 1J(;.J~~P ~ Engineers · Architects · Planners · Surveyors PAA4MOU~ ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 141 NW 20th Street. Suite F-7 . Boca Raton, Florida 33431 . (407) 395-7805. Fax: (407) 394-0354 July 2, 1996 This letter shall serve as notice that the Engineer of Record for "Cedar Ridge", a P.u.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., more specifically Parcels C & D, ofP.B. 23, Page 173 located within Section 9 Township 45 S, Range 43 E, within the City of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, has been changed from Robert E. Owen & Associates, Inc. (a defunct entity) to Paramount Engineering Group, Inc.. cc: City of Boynton Beach: Carrie Parker,City Manager; Tambri Heyden, City Planner; Bill Hukill, Dept. of Development Official; John Guidry,UtiIities Director 100 E. Boynton Bch. Blvd., Boynton Bch., FL 33435 Phone # (561) 375-6060 Fax # (561) 375-6090 South Florida Water Management District: Deputy Exec. Director, Michael c. Slayton 330lGun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Phone # (561) 686-8800 Fax # (561) 687-6200 Palm Beach County Public Health UnitJPermit Division Frank Gargiulo, P .E., Director of Environmental Engineering 901 Evernia Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone # (561) 840-4500 Fax # (561) 355-2442 Cedar Ridge Developlllent Corp. RISING mGH ABOVE TIlE REST 7000 HIGH RIDGE ROAD LANTANA, FL 33462-5006 VOICE 407-533-5199 FAX 407-533-6801 June 5. 1996 Mr. Peter M. Karekos Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. 141 N.W. 20th Street, Suite #F-7 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: RET AINING ENGINEER OF RECORD Dear Peter; We would like to hereby retain you as Engineer of Record for the Multi-Family and the Industrial portion of the site (as depicted on Sheet 2 & 3 of 12, Robert E. Owen & Associates, Inc., dated Feb. 1983). Please prepare the necessary paperwork to become the Engineer of Record. Should there be any question, do not hesitate to call, Yours Truly, CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ cc: file A PARAMOI' ENGINEERING uhOUP 141 NW 20th Street Suite F7 BOCA RATON, flORIDA 33431 !181JlJ8L ~ -.JCS lfW&~@~Dlflf&!1 TO City of Boynton Beach, Planninq & Zoninq DATE I JOB NO, May 10, 1996 1921 ATTENTION Jersey RE: Cedar Ridqe Project (407) 395-7805 / Fax (407) 394-0354 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 WE ARE SENDING YOU xx Attached o Under separate cover via o Shop drawings ~ Copy of letter xx Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples the following items: u Specifications > o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 12 Sets of Revised Site Plan 12 Sets of Boundary Survey 12 Sets of Water & Sewer Plans 12 Sets of Paving & Drainage Plans 12 Sets of Architectural Plans 12 Copies of Letter to Tambr; Heyden dated 5/10/96 12 II II to Denn;s Koehler,P.A. from MTP Group dated 12/261 12 II from C & N Env;romental Consultants to Mr, Tom Stice 94. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: dated 5/1/96 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted X Resubmit ,1....- copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as noted o Submit copies for distribution 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints > 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Xf/d;frrrn..iLz .1;7';, "I / {1JC.J!~()(i! d/Q/ cf"7'- ~r.J. ~ y ./ COPY TO . 0D. '6& Contents: 'I1ie City of 1Joynton 1Jeach '-. '/'~ '~' 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boufevartl P,O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Buun, %JTitfa 33425-0310 City:Jfafl: (407) 375-6000 ~YIX: (407) 375-6090 April 23, 1996 Peter M. Karekos Paramount Engineering Group, Inc, 141 N.W, 20th Street, #F-7 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: Initial Review Comments - Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Parcel D File No. NWSP 96-002 Dear Mr. Karekos: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In 'order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submi t ted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial (see attached meeting schedule). A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. ~merU;a 's (jateway to the (juffstream Page 2 of 2 Initial Review Comments Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Parcel D File No. NWSP 96-002 Dates pertaining to the remainder of the review process including submittal of amended plans and board and commission meetings, are identified on the attached Review Schedule. The amended plans will be due by 5: 00 P. M. on the amended submittal deadline date identified on the Review Schedule. A checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review is attached. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Mike Haag, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very truly yours, J;~~'9 y}~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Atts. A: lstComLtr.CED CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and tne appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Parcel D (File No. NWSP 96-002) 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. If the abutting property is vacant photographs are not required. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colors shown and described on the colored elevation views shall match the colors identified on the elevation drawings submitted for site plan review. All exterior surfaces of the structure (s) shall be colored and the color name, associated color code and manufacturer identified. The type of exterior surface material shall also be identified on the drawing. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name, color code and manufacturer. The colors should be referenced from an established color chart. 6. Submi t a 8 1/2 II x 1111 transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. "'~( :", i' ; " %e City of $oynton $eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beacli 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beacli, '.Fforitia 33425-0310 City:Jfaii: (407) 375-6()()() '.F;;tX: (407) 375-6090 March 15, 1996 Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. 141 N.W. 20th Street, #F-7 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Attn: Peter M, Karekos RE: Cedar Ridge Townhomes; Parcel D - File No. NWSP 96-002 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Peter Karekos: On March 11, 1996, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. However, in order to ensure a timely review process of this project, a landscape plan for the entire area has to be submitted as soon as possible. Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on March 26, 1996 to discuss the first review comments. The results of the review will be available to you on April 1, 1996. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260. Very truly yours, r- J4JutL -ni.!zj';~ Tambri J. HeyJ:"n Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar a:lstAcptLtr.ced ~merUa 's (jateway to tlie (julfstream A TO PARAMOUNl ENGINEERING GFfuUP 141 NW 20th Street Suite F7 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 [1~uu~w J[}? uwm[m@[iVA]OUU&[1 (407) 395-7805 / Fax (407) 394-0354 o Samples th~ following i~~~~~I~____ o Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ~Attached 0 Under separate cover via > 0 Shop drawings ,Xv Prints 0 Plans o Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 .1- COPIES THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > o For approval ~ For your use ps requested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit copies for approval o Submit copies for distribution corrected prints o Returned for corrections o Return o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED ~/. ~ / If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. DY:, RECYCLED PAPER: \60' Conlents: 40% Pre.Consumer . 10% Post-Consumer A PARAMOUN' ENGINEERING GROUP 141 NW 20th Street Suite F7 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 (407) 395.7805 / Fax (407) 394.0354 TO ~.~&~L .~ ~?f?-~~- WE ARE SENDING YOU ~Attached, D Under separate cover via > D Shop drawings '~prints D Plans D Copy of letter D Change order D D Samples the following items: D Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Returned for corrections D Resubmit copies for approval copies for distribution > D For your use ).QJ As requested D Submit D Return corrected prints D For review and comment D D FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNm~ j; ~ cy, RECYCLED PAPER: ~'<;Y Contents: 40% Pre-Consumer' 10% Post-Consumer If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. A PARAMOUN" ENGINEERING GROUP 141 NW 20th Street Suite F7 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 [1[];uu[];W J[? lJfp-A~~~mjiTIJ~t1':<,'~ LJ ~""-"''''''''''''-''',: ~ I : DATE 3-4-96 . I TO (407) 395-7805 / Fax (407) 394-0354 Ms. Tambri Heyden ATTENTION RE: Planning & Zoning City of Boynton ~each, Florida WE ARE SENDING YOU lb Attached o Under separate cover via Couri er o Shop drawings o Copy of letter tl Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples the following items: o Specifications > o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Completed Application 12 , Cover sheets 12 I Site pl ans 12 I Boundary THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted ex For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections > 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS o Resubmit copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints o Submit o Return o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notl File COPY TO ~ RECYCLED PAPER: ~cY Contents: 40% Pre-Consumer. 10% Post-Consumer SIGNED: __"""",__,.-;,.,..",,,,,~"4.~ yO" ,. ., '.; Cedar Ridge Development Corp. RISING lUGH ABOVE THE REST r. @ !"O\ n '" 1 !I ? Ii Vi ," lli l~ MAR l~ ~~~j ! PlANNli~G N~ll , . ZONIN" Q.E~.,~~,,".- - 7000 HIGH RIDGE ROAD LANTANA, FL 33462-5006 VOICE 407-533-5199 FAX 407-533-6801 March 8, 1996 Tambrie Haden Planing/Zoning City of Boynton Beach Gentlemen: Attached, please find 12 sets of Architectural and Landscape plans for Cedar Ridge O~y~lopment 2 (Townhomes). MEMORANDUM f . - '!l' ~ - - liW, -! j Mo. -1 I 0, ~ [, rr;, n 1\<7 *' '.. II DIr-~j 11 '. ' , I L~ ' JUN 2 (1 , """".'\Y ptr ~i"~! t.{{ ,~'\: D ZOd~r~G Df?T. .... Illl....'~,................"~.,, , , A 'j TO: '- MJKE HAAG PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: JUNE 18, 1997 RE: RESOLUTION #R97-96 Attached please find a copy of the above mentioned resolution which was approved at the City Commission meeting held on June 17, 1997. J~~ j :Ishrdatalccl wplmemoslhaag, doc 11 II i I I i I :1 I I I ,I I II il II I ,i II I. il 'm ~ @-~} ,_~r f2 ,: Ii r RESOLUTION NO. R9( -?~ . UU I JUN 2 [I r~ -- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSIOJ 1 --- OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC IJAN;,~.ltjG ~~D'--r:; , LONI \,J,j DtPT (j) FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF ~-" "- THE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 97-089, IN THE AMOUNT OF $97,723.00, ISSUED BY GREAT SOUTHERN BANK, FOR CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. (CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Letter of Credit, No. 97-089 in the amount of $97,723.00 ' has been issued by Great Southern Bank as surety for the installation/completion of public improvements at Cedar Ridge Estates, a P.U.D., which Letter of Credit is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to accept said Letter of Credit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby authorizes acceptance of the Letter of Credit No. 97-089 in the amount ' of $97,723.00 has been issued by Great Southern Bank as surety for the installation/completion of the required public improvements for Cedar Ridge i Estates, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon f passage. II ASSED AND ADOPTED this / I Jay of June, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /1- // - ,--/7 . ' , / ;/ w~-.~,.{' / ',f :,,, " '\._/~ '- :1 I, " ,f ATTEST: ~;-L.Ck~~L ,c.\r..~\.gr\C edaJR"lllePUD ~\\,\"llI"'"llll .#~~~oYNro';/~ $ O~/?O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:l)t; ~ =.... ~ ~ 0= =(31 :: % \. 1920./ J ~ ..... ... .;:: ~ ......... ~ ~II~~LOR'~... ~\# 1111/ 11111\\\\\\\'\ " !: ----~-~----- Mayor l ./ Vice Mayor Jt~t:;:t:;z - /'~/~ Commissioner ')\. \ '6~~~i~l~er .,J ,......;,-- .;;- )