LEGAL APPROVAL ~ " ctrv of BOVNTON BEACH ~ DIRECTOR November 1, 1988 Glen Harris, Vice President Peacock & Lewis Architects & Planners, Inc. 501 So. Flagler Drive-Suite 500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401-5985 Re: St. Joseph's Episcopal Church Site Plan (Fellowship Hall) Our file #: 137 Dear Mr. Harris: Please be advised that on Tuesday, October 18, 1988, the City Commission approved the referenced request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you improvements shown on the site plan. viewed procedurally as an as-built or to construct only the The site plan will be record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s . - CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File J STAFF COMMENTS ST. JOSEPH'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH SITE PLAN Building Department Fire Department Engineering Department Utilities Department police Department Public Works Department Planning Department Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo Dumpster to be placed on minimum 10' by 10' concrete slab with a minimum inside dimension of 10' 1) Show width of all access aisles .and driveways' 2) See attached memo concerning shared parking See attached memo MEMORANDUM ~ '0 CaTmen Annunziato Planning Director DATI October 5, 1988 "ILl ""OW Don Jaeger Site Development Building Department SU.JICT SITE PLAN: ST. JOSEPH'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be addressed in the related documents by the applicant: 1. The Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance allows only one sign to be permitted on this site. 2. Details of handicapped accessibility must be provided. 3. The maximum height of a structure in an R-lAAB zoning district is 25 feet. 4. The proposed building must be accurately dimensioned from the property line. 5. Sheet A-l of the site plan shows three handicapped parking stalls adjacent to the proposed building. Sheet A-2 shows two parking stalls at the same location. Please reconcile these two sheets. 6. Light poles must be designed in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Standard Building Code to withstand 120 m.p.h. windload. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell y - ,...... ,~--'-.. ',~~ ...u lGif:.!. ',a I'LA;'(~':Ii : '(1 ~ r r~ '.....---..r._ ~~., *. , ;1, ','it.: , .' " ~....:" . Jr;;.~ '\- i~ ,,~,~ ~. I .:9;< o w 0: ~::. ,y(. ~., i~ .'r~. '. ...'~ '. /,;'TO . CITY PLANNER . . --, FROM W, D, CAVANAUGH FIRE DEPT TRB REP, SUBJECT:....s:r~..JOSEPH'S-.EI11SCORAL.CHURCH"FELLOWSH I~..HALL..-...._.-._..___..J)A TE:lo-...6=88.---.:.....,--- '0 LD + THIS SITE SHALL CONFORM TO CITY SUB DIVISION REQUIREMENTS REF, FIRE HYDRANTS. PLEASE REPLY TO REPLY .db'~~" - ,":;:> DATE:/O- /0 ,/9 SIGNE l1em /I F269 Grayarc, P.O. BOlt 29404, Hanford. CT 061C4.294.4 lD Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COpy FOR .'!\',. M ,0, / ",'((,i:' ,; .( .' ::.:'r :::~.;~. :~ * ,~~f N~ '''1 ~ ::^~' ~J .,$1. ...:~::l.' :~. : .o: . ,,; '8 :<) '~~'" . ",,:.;" :~ ;~~ 8 f" . ", ON ADDRESSED \ .. , , " M E M 0 RAN DUM October 6, 1988 TO: Mr, Jim Golden Senior City planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Site Plan for St. Joseph's Church COMMENTS: I. Site lighting plans are required showing all construction details, luminaires, intensity of lighting (1 ft. candle minimum), all in accordance with current Parking Lot Ordinance and City standards (new and existing). ~...., -T' .--....--- \>.<"- ~ Tom ef~.. Clark TAC/ck @ 1, % w. .~; T ;.;. "if. ':y \~:- :ff;- !>:~, -~:y :>>: J: ;'(., .$;" 'I,' ',\ >;<'-' MEMORANDUM Date: Carmen Annunziato. Planning Director \\ ~\\/ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities~ October 5, 1988 To: From: Subject: TRB Review - St, Joseph's Episcopal Church' Site Plan We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1, Fire hydrant(s) must be provided to within 200' of all points on the proposed building, 2. Submit calculations indicating the adequacy of fire flow at the required hydrant(s). dmt bc: Peter Mazzella *' 'I'. .~ ;~ :~ fu I '*-. .. ~:ff .~ , '..'~.;~.~".' .~. ^ ..v.,ru - MEMORANDUM '0 Mr. J. Golden DATil 10/05/88 ..ILII ""OM Lt. D. Hamnack SUaJIICT ST. JOSEPH I 5 EPISCOPAL CHURCH As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board rreeting of October 4, 1988, I am requesting the following: 1. Exterior lighting details. Photocell activated lighting illuminating building to be perimeter pole rrounted. Respectfully, cJiD~ Lt, Dale S. Hamnack DSH/lav ,\'.. ;? t ,~ l' ,', ..~.'... fi- r.: ~ .~. e S ~ '" MEMORANDUM 29 September 1988 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: St. Joseph's Episcopal Church Shared Parking Allocation section 11-H(13) of Appendix A, Zoning, contains the following provision for shared parking: Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours, Quantitative evidence shall include estimates for peak hour/peak season parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or an equivalent traffic engineering or land planning and design organization. Quantitative evidence may also include, where appropriate, field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in the preparation of parking studies. In addition, a minimum buffer of ten (10) percent shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Calculation of said buffer shall be based on the total number of parking spaces determined to be required at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand, Evidence for joint allocation of required parking space shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the City Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board. With respect to the above, Glen Harris of Peacock and Lewis Architects and Planners, Inc" agent for St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection with a request for site plan approval to allow for the addition of a 4,350 square foot fellowship hall, St, Joseph's Episcopal Church is located south of Mission Hill Road, between South Seacrest Boulevard and Swinton Avenue, The City's Parking Lot Regulations require that "in the instance of a parking lot serving an existing building or group of :.~. .-?i' ~, .~. "<;" "~ ",. t $:', t ]' .y,": .;t- ~\, d: <<" " v, % )X: ";." buildings where said building or group of buildings is/are to be enlarged, the entire parking lot shall be modified to meet the requirements of this article," In connection with the request for approval of the fellowship hall, the applicant is also requesting approval of a revised parking lot plan in order to meet the design and landscape requirements specified in the parking Lot Regulations, The existing parking lot is non-conforming with respect to the current Parking Lot Regulations, The revised parking lot plan provides for 133 parking spaces, which is the same number that currently exists on site. with regard to the number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Regulations for the church site, the requirement is listed in section II-H(16)(b)(I) of Appendix A, Zoning, which reads as follows: Churches, temples, and other places of worship: One (1) parking space per four (4) seats in the auditorium, but not less than one (1) parking space per one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area for the auditorium, plus required parking spaces for any other principal uses, including offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, recreation facilities and dwellings. The church sanctuary contains 300 seats (not 150 as noted on the site plan application) requiring the provision of 75 parking spaces (1 parking space for every 4 seats). Based on information submitted by Glen Harris, including but not limited to the attached correspondence, the planning Department has determined that in addition to the church, the school facilities, the parish hall and the proposed fellowship hall function as principal uses and would require the provision of additional parking spaces. All other uses listed in the attached correspondence were deemed to be accessory uses to the church and/or school functions. In accordance with Section 11-H(16)(c)(5) of Appendix A, Zoning, the parking requirement for the school (pre-kindergarten through grade 8) is one parking space per 500 square feet of gross floor area, The school classroom and administration facilities occupy approximately 11,648 square feet of gross floor area, The parking requirement for the school is 11,648 divided by 500 equals 24 parking spaces. In accordance with Section 11-H(16)(b)(2) of Appendix A, Zoning, the parking requirement for the parish hall and fellowship hall is one parking space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, The parish hall occupies approximately 4,311 square feet, The parking requirement for the parish hall is 4,311 divided by 100 equals 44 parking spaces. The proposed fellowship hall occupies approximately 4,350 square feet. The parking requirement for the fellowship hall is 4,350 divided by 100 equals 44 parking spaces. The total combined parking requirement for all principal uses (excluding the residence which has separate parking spaces) is as follows: ~ ~'h W ",.( ~.~.. ~: ~~ ~. .~ . ~ <~ :}.. ~ ~ .4 .~! Principal Use Parking Spaces Required Church School Parish Hall Fellowship Hall 75 24 44 44 Total Required Parking 187 The documentation submitted by Glen Harris, including the schedule of activities, indicates that the church sanctuary is primarily used for services on Sundays and that the school operates on weekdays, Certain other ancillary uses occur on Saturdays and weekdays, during the daytime and evening hours. With respect to Section Il-H(13) of Appendix A, Zoning, provision for shared parking, the applicant is seeking to quantify in this particular instance that the "parking demand for different uses (principal uses) occurs on different days of the week." There is no buffer calculation required in this instance because there is no overlap of the sunday mass with the weekday school functions. On Tuesday, October 4, 1988, the Technical Review Board met and recommended aproval of the shared parking allocation based on the documentation submitted. It was the consensus of the Technical Review Board that there is sufficient on-site parking to accomodate the Sunday church masses and the weekday school function, as well as the related weekly, ancillary uses. " C.~~EN' -s', ~~C; _-;C /bks ',.' ;>.~. ,ft' '.2;.:" ;~. 'K #. . !it. '~" ' I .;;" it ~. :~,' N':t ~. :-.x: \\r ,I. " ~ - M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist RE: October 5, 1988 St. Joseph's Episcopal Church - site Plan DATE: The following comments pertain to the landscape plan for the above project. I. A detail of the landscape plan showing the size, height and caliper of newly planted materials should be shown on a plant list, 2. Accent shrubs planted every 2' should be installed around the dumpster location. 3, The plans should state that all landscape areas will receive 100% coverage with an automatic irrigation system, ~~;~""l..lN~-J Kevin J. llahan. Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:STJO ,-'.;k'''.., 4~:;;::' -' ,..- --,. _.~. ... ....'.- ...;:;:~ --~-,-_._.,_.- --::; ~7'.,....u,:..:::.;..:':".~.~.--.~ /1<' ..,~. '\ .~...... ;f;~" ' -%. " ..I...J.',.... ' , : ;. . '~ ,~t. 1"t;:: ,1i';<J. ;'~r;l '. '.\ .\~~ .' ":...