LANDSCAPING OCT 01 '91 11:13 COMMEPC J AL MOkl J NG, 426 P02 , I '(2B Ganz International, Inc. MIKe Haag . Site Development Administrator ! City 01 BOynton Beach 100 East BOynton Beach Blvd . PO Box 310 Boyrlton Beach, Flork:la, 33435 Dear Mike, This is In response to the discrepancies in the plant material at the Salety Kleen property in Boynton AS yOU know. there were many setbacks and delay" t~lat went along with the planting iI' the "bu'ler zone' we started planting trees, then WQIQ asked to hold up on any other plantings. Then we had to move tM trees that were planted Wilen we commenced planting of the Wax Myrtles and other shrub material, Wti were asked to ,halt egg!n which IQd to anothQr relocetion of the Myrtles, In these slages 0' planting, we starred to planl50 Of the I rQquired Scavoiia before wa were asked tv stop planting. At that time, we noticed tnatthe sca\IDlIa at 36' were loot adapting tv tllQ Qxtrarnely dry site conditions. At that time we contacled the iandSCape arctlltect and isuggasted using an alternate pla~t instead of using another = SCavolla tnat we knew wouid not survive We :agrood on Selbums. My pertner and I personally went oerole A.I!an Campillo and were granted an approval to !substitute Selloums for Scavolia, At that time we filled out a single page form that tn my recollection was titled, :Substitution Request Form. I never received a copy or thiS farm for my records I wou'd like to at this time assure you mat If ScaVOlia were planted, none would have survived The fact that the Belloums are still around under all the aaverse canditions which inC'cde na irrigation tor Six months as reported to me, stands as teStimony mat planting Selloums was a wise chOice. I hOpe It IS evident mat there is m tinancial gain in substiMing SellCUIl1S for Scavolia Raepnack Corp, will tesnty that we are not a company to due u~-authorized changes. We a are a quality oriented krn that puts !tarth every effol1 to make each JOb our oes', TO address another matter that was jU$t brought to my attention Apparently there are to two Phoenix iRoebelit~ii palms that are missing oy the frant entrance. These tWi) paims were planted on the site by my :partner and i personally. Upon completion of ltlis jet, Jim Whellan, Alan Campino and myself walked the entire :Site. All the material including the Selioms and the roebeieniis were approved, t truly beHeve that we were instrumental in helping thiS iob 'Mth all of it's pro:)lems run as smoothly as possible, at least in the area of landscapino \,J' ,t;ri ~l<~ {~v a:'f::; W" 11 (,3 0...., r~) \LJ J 1" .\ . \ \I" ,-0 '1 J>'\ ~ F126-A Hollywood Blvd HOI~wood Rorida 33020 ( 305 I 925-7995 OCT 01 '91 11:14 COMMERC1AL MOW1NG, 426 P03 : It is unfortunate that Mr, Campino ;s no longer with the dty. If he were present. I'm sure thiS matler would not , have gone thi~ far. I do however understand your procedures and I hope I have answered all Of yOur concerns If I can be of any further Bssistance, pleese do net hesitate to c8,1 on me I wouid De glad tel diSCuS, theSE: . issUQ8 with roepnBck Corp, or the Safety Kleen administration as weill! necessary. " Thomas J, Ganz, President cc: Jim \\Jhellan , I ' To: J. Scott Miller Results of C.A.B. Meeting - March 14, 1991 Page Three of Three c. Safety-Kleen Service Center - This request is not a City Commission agenda item. DESCRIPTION: Delfin Menendez, agent for Safety-Kleen Corporation, Elgin, Illinois (OWner), is requesting approval to revise the landscape planting of the buffer strip to comply with Florida Power and Light requirements. RECOMMENDATION: The Board unanimously approved the request (7-0). Motion was made by Pearl Wische and seconded by Arthur Berman. OTHER BUSINESS 1. An update on the Casa Blanca project's north property line buffer planting was presented to the Board by Kevin Hallahan. The Board is of the general consensus that the staff is appropriately handling the issue and further recommends that the staff ensure that the concerns regarding erosion of the bank along the north property line are adequately addressed. The Board granted the sta~f the option of exchanging the proposed existing landscape material along the north property line with different material to resolve the buffer issue. 2. A Community Appearance Board workshop regarding revising the Landscape Code will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 1991, 7:00 p.m. in the City commission Chambers. ANNOUNCEMENT The Board accepted the resignation of Board member Lynne Matson, effective upon her installation as City Commissioner. d attachment cc: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director Johnnetta Broomfield, Community Improvement Director Don Jaeger, Building and Zoning Director File ~j,; A:REPM14.SDD , GOMt".JIUNll,{ f\PPEAf-1/\...I',JCE OOAI{O REVIEW APPLICATION PLEP.SE PR INT OR TYPE hPPLICATIOU TYPE: ( ) PLAT DOCmlEtlTS (X) SITE MODI~ICATION ( ) CuHDITIOHAf. USE ( ) SITE PLAN SIGH_ CED OTHER CAB MEETING DATE; FEE PAID; ";'~'. PEr.EIPT NO.: ,!'.2?u'l RECEIVED BY; <(,17< PROJECT HAI'IE; SAFETY-KLEEN SERVICE CENTER (REVISED BUFFER STRIP LANDSCAPE) PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT 46- BAT ALPHA DRI VE, QUANTUM CORPORATE PARK LEGAL liESCRYI'TIOll Of' PROPERT'l (If ttlQ lengthy to fit on application, legal de~~ription UUST b~ on a SOp5rate eheet of paper - Not a p~rt of the plans) . (ATTACHED) BRIEF DESCRIP'rION OF WORK; REVISIONS TO LANDSCAPE PLANTING OF BUFFER STRIP FOR COMPLIANCE WITH FPL REQUIREMENTS. OWNER: SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION, ELGIN, ILLINOIS Phone Number: (312) 697-8460 ARCHITEC'r: DELFIN F. MENENDEZ _Phone Number: (407) 659-5701 (SITE & LANDSCAPE PLANS ONLY) II llliPRESIDJTAT!VE 01' TilE l>HD.ll'!:CT lolllST PRESUlT TIIE PROJECT TO TIm B01<RO. RliPRESElITATIVE: DELFIN F. MENENDEZ Phone Number: (~) 659-5701 ~,DDRESS: 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Street City State Zip Code - = ~ - = = ~ = = = ~ = = = ; = ~ = = ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ = = = :; = = = = Identify the type of architectuul t.heme that ls specified on the Cow~unity Design Dis~rict Boundary M~p for your project location. The architectural themes are identified in Chapter 7.5 Article V Boynton BeAch ConUllunl~y Design Plan. AllCHITk~ruR~L THEME CHECK ONE: (] CC.~STAL VILLAGE (] M~.nITERR!\NEAl-!/SPANISH (] l10DERN (X] NOT APPLICA.BLE = =: .::: .: .:;; - .... - - - - - - ~.- - ... ,- "- -. ------ ::: = = = = - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CCUl?LB1'E THE li'OLLO\lnlG IiJFuRH1,'l'ION FOrt Tim PR01'ClSRD PRO.TECT (NOT APPLICABLE) ~ERIOR s~~~hfg t1.\'l'~pIAL f210R.: NAMJl, NilllBEB ....ND M;:~:JE'ACTURER ROOFIIlG eAllOP1/' FASCIA SOFFIT Bl!:t,NS Jl.ND/OR COr.t1NNS WALLS VENEER DOOR/WIHDOH FRAMES SCRE~ll EHCLOSURli: FRlIMES GLASS --..-----....- Sec other stde - , RAILINGS RAISED AUD/Or< RECi!:SSED BANDS DECORATIVE 'l'RIt1 AWNINGS SITE WAI.r,/F'i::NCE DECORA'rIVI:: HALKIllG SllRl:ACb: DECOR~TIVE DRIVING SURFACE SIGN STRUCTURE SIGN FRANE: SIGN FACE SrGN COPY C,THER . SlmlIn"I'lL R.e:QUIRI.lliSll':l~S: 1. Appl1c!ltion fprm filled out completely and legibly. 2. Application f~e of $50.00 (paYibla to City of Boynton Beach) 3. Locator Map daslgnating site (Must b~ en separ&tQ Ghaet of paper _ Not Ii part of'the plAns) 4. Three (3) S>!lts of pl..ns to include ONI.Y those ! terns pertinent for Communil:y AppeAranoe tlcard re"i'!M. This inc.ludfls but not limited to: a ol.te plan, a lEtndtl'~!lpl!l plan, f.rO!~t and side building elevation dr~wings, site sigDaoe, and an aKis~ing tree survey, if applicable. ALL nPJIS, tlRAHlI 1\'1 A PROFESSIONAl" REGISTERED IN TilE STATE OF I!'LORIDl\, HUST BE ElE !;IGllED hND SI!:J>.U:D. UuTE: Hhen the project re<;l111res t'eviEM hy the Technical Review Board (TRB), their approval 1s roquired prior to SUbmitting for Community Appellrance Board (CAB) re"i~w. comJUtU'1:Y J.!>l'Kl\f<Jl.HCR nOAlm !;Jl!B'l'Imm hit!!: Ol'EU '110 Tlffi PUBLIC MSM DESIGN GROUP DELFIN F. MENENDEZ Hilm.. of Applicant 3- 5- 91 Date' ald 11: CiUlAPP. SDD 10/90 . , \ . --- LEGAL DESCRIPTION .-:::. LOTS 46-B. 46-C. 47-D. 47-C AND SOUTII 71.53 FEET OF LOT 47-B. ACCORDING TO THAT CERTAIN QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH. P .l.D.. PLAT NO. 10 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60. PAGES 34. 35 AND 36. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. I I :3 /' l'" t q I CAQ3 .1'" .: A ~~.~<i . . i ~ . 7 - 0 H ~"Ot /1'1) - - .. " lIt) " . ."....,_..._~-..-=:.::.- ,0' j . .0 f' "OAO ~ - J " , ~. I t!ICot! 01 ,,0 " " Iv ,0.1 " . C, (I" . , . q , , . I, ., , ~ " L " . ,..0 ."- ,.....-..--. .....-- Iv ~--.....~ ...... -__T.~_ ~'__"""-__J , ." . . ." ( . " . .' .' - ~." =~ .-":.-.- ..:.,-.;: BOY1{rON NOnTH ~r.;~",,- =.~- - -- - -- - , -- -- ---- -- -- -- ~. ...-..--......: , ." ~ " > , , "I I -:.....,--- .....~~"'~!_~ I .;..t:,,:-..,a:~" . L . -, . .' . Iv .- ~ ) 81. "0 /;) .._r .\ , h_' "EACH t, LOCATION MAP . -. - ______ PROJECT ., ., . '. ., " ~ .. ~~ ~ FPL. 9329 S, Military Trail Boynton, Fl 33436 February 28, 1991 Mr. Alan P. Capino Landscape/Environmental Inspector City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Alan: I have been in discussion with Mr. Cliff Leisinger, Land- scape Architect for Safety Kleen in Quantum Park. As you may recall from my letter of February 14, 1991, I made several recommendations regarding proposed landscaping. I have since reviewed a proposal dated February 19, 1991. Although Florida Power & Light Company will neither approve or reject this design, it is suggested that weeping bottle- brush be used and, more importantly, it be understood that it is the responsibility of the owners of the property to keep the trees maintained. Sincerely, Service Engineer MEC:ga ,'3' .::-- \ \ \ ..--,-,~----- 6' 'y>;.---- - '" ,y '" "'I.~"r "-,., 'JotA <. ()' r :; _~__ 't,.;> , r - , ! --j ':' c." <'( -1 ,y v .\ -:.;. v1,,>.lc.9. C?- {y (.,,;g :t::._,/ 'y ,(j... 7 ~, .-......../ ~C'i ~ I - ~ ' f, OR!O~ I';' / " -:l' r" \ /' ; ,-~---=----.;' " , . 3:1 FPI. Gro:J[i compnny fj FPL 9329 S, Military Trail Boynton, Fl 33436 February 14, 1991 Mr. Alan P. capino Landscape/Environmental Inspector city of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Alan: This letter is intended to clarify the landscaping concerns in the easements at Quantum Park. It is not advisable for any landscaping to exist in the easement. This is simply to keep the path clear for trucks to access facilities - day and night. Although care is taken by Florida Power & Light employees in accessing our facilities, any damage in the easement is not FPL's responsibility. In the case of Safety Kleen, there is a wall north of the easement and there is a span of 2-3 feet between the wall and the pole. This space cannot be used by a vehicle. Safety Kleen representatives have requested my advice on planting close to the wall. I sent them a product of the FPL Vegetation Management Program which details tree growth rates and some trees to avoid planting (see Page 9). If the city of Boynton Beach still requires the wall to be buffered by landscaping, please use this guide and, in the future, advise other parties building in the city of FPL's concern in this regard. You might also contact other utilities for their input. sincerely, /<~!' . ~ ':'.._' / .V", .. I I ,<,\..: '-' , ,p-,>' Service Engineer MEC:ga Enclosure cc: J. Wieland an (Pi.. Group company . :.,-..,-~': It: roepnack corporation GENERAL CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPERS TRADITIONAL QUALITY THROUGH TI<-'AMWORK January 31, 1991 City of Boynton Beach Buil~ing Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attn: Mr. Alan P. Capino Landscape/Envircnmental Inspector RE: Safety-Kleen Corporation 5610 Alpha Drive Quantum Park Permit # 8900004673 Dear 'Alan: Confirming our telephone conversation of January 30, 1991, I would like to relate the sequence of events which prompted my call. The approved landscape plan for the project indicates trees and shrubs to be planted in the 15' utility easement, which lies South of the 6' masonry wall. Planting the trees began on January 24, 1991. Florida Power & Light representative, Mark Caras, cbserved the trees and informed Roepnack that trees and shrubs are not permitted within the 15' R/W. Roepnack, then, relocated the trees South out of the utility easement. The trees were then in the South Florida Water Management's easement. Roepnack was informed by S F W M's, Joe Walsh, that we could not plant trees or shrubs in their easement. At that point, I contacted you for direction. Since we are prohibited from planting anything in either easement, we are asking for relief from the City's requirement for landscaping of this greenbelt area. 400 EAST ATLANTIC BOULEVARD . POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 33060 FAX (305) 7819938 ~ ~ilfR# f~%. ~~ ~&>jAII[II\~ '.'L,~4INlI".'" ~~.ON" \" PALM BEACH (407) 737-5450 BRQWARD (305) 781-2120 DADE (305) 940-0667 .. Page Two City of Boynton Beach Building Dept. - Alan Capino January 31, 1991 The twelve (12) Live Oaks, shown on the North side of the masonry wall, are not in the utility easement. However, these trees at maturity would unquestionably interfere with the overhead utility lines. I suggest that these trees should also be part of the City's decision. Very truly yours, " ~jf:" <<h _7(~U'?11 (' ~es N. Wieland \, resident JNW/bd cc: Safety Kleen Corp. - Dan Dowling Florida Power & Light - Mark Caras South Florida Water Management - June Stubbs Ganz International - Tom Ganz iL', .' )I'VG M E M 0 RAN D ~~M #91-008 TO: City Attorney DATE: January 16, 1991 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Utility Easement Safety-Kleen Corp. Attached please find a copy of the above mentioned easement which was recorded in Palm Beach County. ~h ~"'~ J Sue Kruse City Clerk mas Attachment cc: Building Official Utilities Director Planning Director Engineering Admin. B. E. Eiusin, V.P. Safety-Kleen Corp. 777 Big Timber Road Elgin, IL 60123 -- \~ -(j:-- 6.)<:-:: LL-Lj;~ o.Y. ~T""I.;; ~ ".....~ ~"':1rJ( -,~ <} n~;,'!~."':' \\l~ rtLl,!/~" " JAM -, 0' ;..,.; '-" ~ ,- ~\~. f:'~! ,~,.:.237 ~ :' /'\ ". .1.\:, ..' ~ /"" 'cP""" ~ /";; - ~"'?:~~7 ."/~~ 'I rc roepnack corporation GENERAL CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPERS TRADITIONAL QUALITY THROUGH TEAMWORK AFFIDAVIT JAN-03-1991 10:35am 91-001665 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. ) ORB 6689 P9 6..." ..:..0 COUNTY OF BROWARD PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, James N. Wieland, who, being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That Affiant is the President of Roepnack Corporaticn, which was the General Contractor concerning the Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Facilities constructed by Safety-Kleen Corp., within the Utility Easement. 2. That to the best of the Affiant's 'knowledge and belief all labor and materials furnished and used in connection with the construction of the Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Facilities which were installed within the "dedicated roadways" and "utility easements" depicted cn said recorded plats have been paid for in full and that there are no unpaid bills for labor performed or materials furnished as to said construction. 3. The Affi~nt, to the best of his knowledge and belief, does not kncw of any persons, firm or corporation who has or claims to have any lien for said labor performed or materials furnished. 4. Affiant makes this Affidavit to induce Boynton Beach Utilities Department to accept a Bill of Sale for said Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Facilities. ," .",.' ...<4' AFFIANT FURTHER SAITH NAUGHT. . ..,'.,') I,. , . ',:' -. Signed an Sealed in the Presence of @L. ~i~ ,',-:: / " :, " , ~ ..~...~'~~.~~"~:;; I': '; of ,,' r. .. .<'.:j~:~;::;"'~"<i\ ~/2L'- 71 WJJ~ 0 i:: 'NOTARY PUBLIC ~ml,RYMtlt.s7Arr li'Ft.miO)" lW C~;~I',~fL-b~~>lli93 ' ~~,i:'~~D 'l1irtu'6~:-:ERA1. 1~:3~(Zi). POMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA 33060 .. ' 7-M U. Q f! SWORN TO and subcribed before me Ie '7'~t~, 19ft). ~ S- ..\u\ C\. i~~"1\"\.'\(.)\\ VFe";.,\"\. ~ ,() . V,l..\'f" -::,\b . \ '\ --""5 l::{>.\\\.,\O\\ \~.c.cc'~\'\ ~ :"A\::' ',""". \ 400 EAST ATLANTIC BOULEVARD . FAX (305) 781.9938 \;.1-114;< f(;Jft-. RECORD VERIFIED ;~~ PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLA '..... ~,....."..( JOHN 8. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COUAT PALM BEACH (4071 737.5450 BROWARO (3051 781.2120 DADE (3051 940.0667 ~:J '.'."Cil'~e self-addressed stamped envelope) o ~ ; 1111,' :'~c!'t'SS: ,I jp,N-03-1991 lO:35am 91-001 t:6t., ORB 6659 pg 6'-:0- ...__ I rloper1y Appraise.. Parcelldentificatioo (Folio) Numbe~s): BILL OF SALE-CORPORATION NO. III APRIL. 19BO GEORGE E. COLE'" LEGAL FORMS 111I1flOl:O) CAUTION: Consull a lawyer before uSing or acting under lhlS torm All warranties. mcludmg merchantability and Iltness, are 9ICcludcd Seller, SAFETY-KLEEN CORP, . a curporation of Wic;r.:onc;in having its principal place ofhusiness at 777 Big Timber Road , in consideration of ONE and NOnOO OOLLARS ($I.OOlnnnn_nn_n_c__~=~=_ Elgin. IL 60123 ----n-n------nnn-------.1ollars, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does herehy sell, assign, transfer and set over to Buyer, BOYNTON BFACH IITILITTFS ,of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FIORTOA . the following descrihed personal property. to-wit: The water Distribution System consisting of those components-oescribed herein located on Lots 46-B and 47-C in Quantum Park: I. 6" D.I,P. Water Main - 975 L,F, .2. 6" Gate Valves - 3 ea. 3. Fire Hydrarits - 1 ca. fatal vdlue of components dnd lflstJI ldtlUI\ - ~19.~uU.u\J Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property, that ,aid property is free and clear of all liens, charges and encumhrances, and that Seller has full right. power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this hill of'sale. AI/It'WTWltics "('/I/{r1itY,.fitIlC.IS ami merchantability are hereby excluded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Seller has caused this bill of sale to be signed and sealed in its name hy ils omcers thereunto duly authorized this~t~_day of December 19 90 Secretary --~ -e-(! , n______ Hy___ .__~~_____ Vice President. General Counsel ATTEST: 92:9 G) r-1'I1 1'110 G)~ loG) r-1'I1 "1'11 O. ~(') :=0 1Ilr- I'll " ,UlnO:llln:l!:fIO >41:1310 31>fNnO '8 NHOr 't1~ 'AlNOOO HOI/:lS 1i'11\Id 031~1!:f3^ G!:f0031:1 ;:; c.. to ..... r (j r 0 ., 0 "0 ..., 0 0 ., ." ~ 0' en ::l >- r tTl I~ ..................... ... ...............""........ A .. .. 166 t '0 r 'pr!" t:dll~Ill'3 t/(lt<;S'LUUIOJ IW> ~ SIONI1l1 ,0 31VJS:mOd IljVlON, ~ llVH'S S\i8(fOa . ~ 1\135 l'V1:)U.:lO . ................................... s~l!dx;} UO!SS!WWOJ -61' Jllqnd A1E10N ~f ~Y1J(jY '----0661' JaqwaJao JO ARP 4ll> S1ql IR's IR!J1110 pUR pURq AW l'pun N3AI a 'qllOJ I'S uplaql sasodmd PUE sasn 'ql JOJ 'U0I1RJOdJOJ P!RS JO paap pUR lJR hlRlunlOA pUR aalJ aql SR PUE PR A1EIunlOA PUE aalplaql SR UOIIRJOdJOJ plRS JO SJopaJ !O JO plEOfIJql Aq uaA!ll Al!loqlnR OllURnsmd 'olalaql paX!HE aq 01 UOIIR10dJOJ P!RS JO IRas 'IR10dJOJ 'ql paSnEJ pUR IUaWlUlSUl pms aql palaAllap PUE paull!s Aaql '.{lRlalJ'S PUR/IU'Plsald aJL^ qJns SR IRql p,llpaIMOU:PR lasunoJ l"Jauas . AIIRlaAas pUR uoslad U! ARP Slql aw alopq palEaddR 'luaWnllSU! llUlollalOJ aql 01 paq!JJsqns alE satmlu asoqM suoslad aWES aql aq 01 '01 01 UMOU'! AIIRUOS1,d PUE 'UO!IR10dJOJ P!ES JO hlElalJas aq 01 aw 01 UMOU'! AIIEUOSlad lUO!11UOWO:) e aql PUE J\lluap!Sald [a5uMJ I"HuaS UOSJ~J3 '3 UOlJnO lRql A.:II.HI3:) A83~3H 00 'P!RsaJOJR 'IRIS aql U! 'AIuno:) P!ES 10J pUR U! J!lqnd hlRIOU R 'dJoJ UaaL~-^laJ"S aql aq 01 aw 01 UMOU'! AIIEuOSlad iJJ~^ SS J . I Ll"H 'S S"JJOO " 3NVlI JO Aluno:) SJaNIllI JO alnlS lid 6999 ffilO SENT BY: :12-17-90 1i:02 Boynton'Bch fax-312 694 2723 ,~ '" ; -. , . . EASEMENT JAN-03-1991 1O:35am 91-001667 ORB 6689 Ps 629 Con 10.00 Doc .55 JOHN B DUNKLE, CLERK - PH COUNTY, FL - , , , . ~ THIS INDENTURE made this b'I () tit day of December ,A.D., 1990, by Safety-Kleen Corp, a corporation existing under the laws of '~isconsin and having its principal place oi"business at P. O. Box 92050~ Elk Grove Village, IL 60009 first party, to the city of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, second party; (Wherever used herein, the terms, "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives an~ assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the first party is the owner of property situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, and described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. and, WHEREAS, the second party desires an easement for water and sewer utilities and/o~ other appropriate purposes incidental thereto, on, over and across said property, and, WHEREAS, the first party is willing to grant such an easement, !Q' .... "" ..., NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations, the first party does hCol.6J:,y g!l!o.nt untn t'hf'\ -gartv of the second part, its successors and assigns, full and free rlgm:. i:l.11<1 ..\lLhe!l!l..~.. to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement on, over and across the above described property for 'said purposes. ,\ -'C -.c '" ~o ::= (.)~ 0 .z:.lD r:;:: i;:ic:: a CL.-So"5 ..c ~M r'O - 0 " _ccxcc o 0 _lDC Cl> 0 0 ..., .- !E bO ~ OC::3~& 50'\ . ~ ORB 6689 P9 6:!O IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in i~s name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~14rj' (J J<17.l1/d€ BY ;tCt, !l--J \ 1 . '-~-"--~- I PRESIDENT ,_/ I:! ~. 1) I ,((v(V iv' t~q',-,,~{v..... , SECRETARY ATTEST: (CORPORATE SEAL) " - , S'rATE OF J/JUU:,? COUNTY OF k11ALC~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and Cou~ty afofesaid to take ack~oWledgew~.nts, personally appeared (M.utk Lk'X-If-CC tU<..d "7.!-d--kl/l;C:-W~bnta-(!.lUA..., ' , well known to me to be the President and ., ~< -e1L1t' , respectively, of the corporation named as first party ~ the foregoing Easement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily, under authority duly vested in them by said Corporation, and that the seal affixed thereto is the true Corporate seal of said Corporation. -- . WITNESS my }...",.1 &.I\d offlelal seal in tho County and State last aforesaid this JiJ!!:....day of fiJ.u..uu.p.A/v , A.D., 1990. Cz2tUl~~{ 't-N-a.~~ Nntilry Public in iln<1 1= the State and County aforesaid. My commission expires; 3/<1/1'>-- .................... .................... .. OFFICIAL sEAt.............~ ; !~v~~RIA F. HARRINGTON ~ ,',IARY PUBLIC. STATE OF ILLINOIS ~ · My Comm:sslOn EXPire; 3 J 41 Q2 ... .......... v..... ...........v............,. -{ /~;,; N 01'1l8'05' E ... I 21,00' 81 .. - 2.:2110'j' Is O1'1l8'06' W llG N 01"08'05- [ . ~ L-- ~~::.. = ... ; 01'08'05' W/7 ~ (Is 01'08'05' W 11 11;'; 18,30' i~ \ ~ =:j~ / >- 2. " ~ 10,00'" / ~ " S 01'08'05" W Ii! '-.z /'" ;:; --- -- "t:_ :J " ::l 400 N.E. 1r;lk~' A VENUE r SCALL: ," - 100' N ALPHA DRIVE r:'4 I ' ; I j. ~ ~-l II II I ~ ~ I ~j BETA DRIVE LOCA 11 ON MAP (No~ ....- OETAII. SCAlE: 3X MCLAUGHLIN ENGIf\ ...r:.RING COMPANY ENGrnEERS - SURVEYORS SINCE 1938 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIl SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS WATER LINE EASEMENT ORB 66e..9 Ps 6,,:> -~ ~ -s:- a::.. 0" I wl!! ",! 9iS a::ii! :Ire!! 0::<:- <( a.. ~ N .Ie) ALPHA DRIVE 350,00' ~- POINT OF CO\lMEHCEIlEHT :::---..... N,W, CORNEll, IRACT "41 r "-............... (PB 10, PO 34, PBCR) S 1II'SO'54' E, '8,00 POINT OF BEGlNNINO \ c.... ______ affi \, g~ '- ~I: .-- - N 01'01'91' E ::l :J ( 13,30 10" _::l 58,30' rmVS 01'1l8'05' W DETAIL BELOW CURVE DATA 0-, R - 75,00' A . 02"'24"55. A - 3.11' ca- N 51 '31'22" W C-2 R - 10,00' A . 53"88'05. A - 1.42' ca- N 25'50'00' W / -../ "- \, \ i .. a ~ j .. :, i II ~ 1J~ ~~ I N 01 '08'01" E\ 13,30' II ... .. >- o .. I!' 3 '0.00' :J: ~ . 10 ;,; ~ ... ! z ., NOTES: " THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 2. NOT VALID WITHOUT EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL 3. THIS PROPERTY WAS NOT ABSlRACrrD - FOR EASEMENTS, RESERVA110NS, OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD BY McLAUGHUN ENGINEERING CO:';PANY 5. BOUNDARY INFORMAllON IS NOT A DEPICllON OF 11M OR OWNERSHIP 6, BEARINGS ARE BASED ON RECORD PLAT (PB 60, PG 34, PBCR) 11' UNDElIGROUND '"\ UTlUTY EASEMENT \. --.---'>. E UNE, IRACT 47 B S 01'1l8'08" W '0.00' A PORllON OF lRACTS 46 BAND 47 B, "QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH, P,I,D. PLAT No. 10", ACCORDING TO ThE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60, PAGES 34 THROUGH 36, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE FULLY OESCRIBED ON SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS. LEGEND R = RADIUS = CENlRAL ANGLE A = ARC DISTANCE CB= CHORD BEARING In~ '''In n "7RQ.., McLAUGHLIN ENGINEERING COMPANY R[, ' ~::1 PALM Bl:ACH CGJ,'iry, FLA. JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ~ Y/7/( /~ R BERT C, McLAUGHLIN C REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 3356 STATE OF FLORIDA" r;'vh {I. ~.. , 400 NortT..!r..st ThU'd A venue Fort LavderdaJe. Flortda McLAUGHLIN ENGINEERING CO. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS ~heet 1 at 2 Sheets ! I LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORB 6.689 P9 631 Water Line Easement An easement being under, across and through a portion of Tracts 46 B,and 47 B, "QUANTUt1 PARI< AT BOytHON BEACH,P.I.D. PLAT No.IU", according to the plat thereof as recorded in PI at Book 60, pages 34 through 36 of the pub) I c ,'"cords cf Palm 8each County, Flor'ida, more full)' described .s follo'"s: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Tract 46 B: thence South 88"50"54"East ,on the North 1 ine of said Tract 46 8 a distance of 15.00 feet,to the Point of Beginning; thence' continuing South 88"50"54"East,on said '."rth 1 ine and the Easterly extension thereof,a distance 0 ~38.57 feet to a point on the West I ine of an existing 15.00 foot underground uti lit;l e a seme nt, be i n gap 0 i n t on a I i n e 15.00 fee t We s t of (as measured at right angles) and parallel with the East 1 ine of said Tract 47 8, thence South 010 09'05" l~est cn said parallel 1 ine,a distance of 10.00 feetj thence North 88" 50"54" l~est, on a line 10.00 feet South of (as measured at right angles) the Easterly extension of the t~orth 1 ine of said Tract 46 B and the North I ine of said Tract 46 B, a distance of 564.57 feet; thence South 01009'05" West,a distance of B9.30 feetj thence South B8'50'54"East,a distance of 22.00 feet; thence South 01"09"05" West, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 88'30'54" West, a distance of 16.00 feet; thence South 01"09'05" West, a distance of 15,00 feet; thence North 88'50' 54" West, a distance of 10.00 feet; tMence North 01000'05" E&st, ~ ~istanc~ ut l~.OU feet; thence North 88"50'54" West, a distance of 9.00 feetjthence South 01" 09"05" l..Jest, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence tlorth 88'50'54" West, a di stance cf 10.00 feet; thence North 01' 09'05" East, a distance of 26.00 feet; thence South 88"50'54" East, a distance of 13.00 feet; thence North 01" 09'05" East, a distance of 83.30 feet to a point on a line 10.00 feet South of (as measured at right angles) and parallel with the North I ine of said Tract 46 Bj thence North 88"50'54" West on said parallel 1 ine, a distance of 57.37 feet to a point on a clJrve,said point being on the East 1 ine of an existing 15.00 foot underground ut i Ii ty easement j thence Northwesterl y on sa i d curve to the I eft and on sa i d East line, ",hose chord bears North 51"36' 32" West,~ith a radius 75.00 feet, a central angle of 02"24' 55", an arc distance of 3,16 feet to a point of revers_ curve; thence Northerly on said curve to the right and on said East 1 ine, whose chord bears North 25" 50'00" West,with a radius of 10.00 feet, a central angle of 53"58'05", an arc distance of 9.42 feet to the Point of 8eginning. I Said lands,situate lYing and being In the City of Boynton Beach, Palm 8each County Florida. Certified correct, dated at Fort Lauderdale Florida this 21st day of November, 1990 Notes: 1) This property was not abstracted for easements,road reservations or rightS-Of-way of record by McLaughlin Engineering Company. 2) THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. 3) Bearings shown hereon refer to record plat. 4) Legal description prepared by McLaughlin Engineering Company this 21st day of November, 1990. .... ~i... McLauc;lolin' Engineering ComplUlY '" /, ~~:~~Z/V;? Robert C. McLaughlin Registered Land Surveyor No.3356 State of Florida NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL FIELD BOOK No, JOB ORDER No. Q-7892 DaAWN BY .m CHECJtED BY CA", Exhibit A Ganz International incorpora ted .\ 0" ,;" w \~ -')' ,,,~:,C.J (. \~'.J. " _',' \.~ ~ ' ". , ~ - \'.~... . ~). . ,'J' />-~' , ., < / ~ /J--r-i \~ \ 1(;" \ . October 29, 1990 Roepnack Construction Co. 400 E. Atlantic Blvd. Pompano Bch., FL 33060 Attn: Jim Wheelan Re: Safety Kleen, Boynton Bch. Dear Jim: Pursuant to our conversation this date, please be advised that all Washingtonian Palms on this job have been changed to 18' to 20' overall height Queen Palms. This change has been approved by Allen Camping, Boynton Bch. Building Department and Delphine Manendez of MSM (Landscape Architect). Please prepare a work change order for this as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact my office. CC: Allen Campino, Boynton Be~c~ Building Department Delphine Manendez, MSM, Landscape Architect . 1 II S~ncere ~y y~.o~rs, I ~ . I \h ' oihas J. anz esident ! 1.....-/ (J~ 2126-A Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood. Florida 33020 ( 305 ) 925-7995 r t" _~, ' . \ , ( \\\b~TY " OF BOYNTON BEACH REVISION APPLICATION APPROVED PLANS UNDER $100,000) SUBMITTAL DATE I '-- f I' I' , . , . NAME "~' 1// ",' ", /l "' ,,' II t1. . ',fIll (\ )(' fl (J( OWNER/APPLICANT'S ' , I( f' j ,) f) , (, i 1-- ADDRESS Il , '((: ( ( OWNER/APPLICANT'S PHONE NO. ,'S j< ( \ PROPERTY ADDRESS '1_//' (. ~' 'f ~ 1_ t-.'( 1\ / l , " ti ~\... ( \, ~ i'\ 1/-- , , PERMIT NO. TRB NO. Describe the specific changes to the plan you propose: -, ""'I I., f/ . /.'/':L ( Ii, ~ - . I.,' / , .' r 1. Reason(s) for change: , // III f- 1/' /1/ ( .. It t I " . /1/'", A. 2. Identify section(s) of landscape code affected by revision: 3. Specific plants specie(s) and number changes: PLANT , ,. ,i( I ( 1. II - i,'(' , 'c ),,( ( 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. NUMBER J'-- " / ,\ REPLACEMENT FOR L.l /I~,/_,"/I (:! "J/lft!)t _\ ,) l 4. What is the dollar value cost of the proposed revision as compared to the original cost? original Cost $ , - . ~ ) ( ( ( Revised Cost $'" ( ( , *IHPORTANT: Provide approved TRB drawings so that proposed revisions may be compared to original approved plans. ~ ~ roepnack corporation GENERAL CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPERS TRADITIIJNAL I.j[TALlTY THIIUUGH TEAMWORK October 25, 1990 ~~\ ("" . ".., /.. " .' J /'.:" --~-.~, ';'1'- ,J. (,.:."~; ';..1 ~ :<-~ Lv", (. ';j liJ:;O City of Boynton Beach Building Department 100 E. Bcynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 .' lk'L '1~:fJ ~,ri::.>.' ~ , ;;. ,', ,''''. Attn: Mr. Alan P. Capino Landscape/Environmental Inspector RE: Safety-Kleen Corporation 5610 Alpha Drive Quantum Park ~~~ ~ ~ #r'~I{G?] Dear Alan: Upon reviewing the TRB plans in your office, I have noted several discrepancies between the approved plans and the working drawings developed by the Architect of Record, Mr. Paul Linney. ~. The following differences are notable: The rainwater leaders on the Service Building are now coming down on the interior of the building rather than exposed on the exterior; / / The crown molding on the parapet and the blue ceramic near the top of the wall have been changed to a dark block band; tile band split-faced The elevations of the Tank Farm Building on the TRB plans show exposed reinforced concrete and masonry walls; whereas, Architect Paul Linney's plans called for all walls to be reinforced split- faced concrete block masonry. Please review these differences, and let me know if there A:s. ,.. , . a problem. /. '..'...J , "" , ," Very truly yours, . (. /-'. f / )(.'Z<..'-~ /' ( \,/[. "<..L.{ll~'-t /' ,james N. Wieland .../ President f I I. i I ( 0\ """', --- I ~ v E> "j,! :,:/ JNW/bd , \ '.' 400 EAST ATLANTIC BOULEVARD . POMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA 33060 FAX (305) 781-9938 "'m."""'% " '.' E ~ . ;:; . ~ " "I ~Mn\~" /: ".t";'~'NTlGlln{ ->0""." PALM BEACH (407) 737 5450 BROWARD {305l 781-2120 DADE (305) 940.0667 (PHONE CAI_I_) ~--_.,,,.-'----_._'_.--,.~..,-.,-~~- .........=.".. MiD-. ~.. .. ~ . I ~/',:z j) ~~5C~ -r:;{ IiIbr i I c~ ~ --. -- ~-- . ~---- _.- ___'___ ._~_' _" __ n_ _ --- -- Il .Sl1Jf--l.~_~~{ffl- - c- , I_.sbe.- ~tD.K.f?..d In.__l)f~(IC>f ~ or..ckr.+_~\)n-l- ~_1:>K \, CQjl.kbt't~ ~_ll (!D~HJ\Jl9 . \ men! " 1'3vt-- - - - -- -- ---- --_.-- >.._....,',.-,----""---..,._.--..--..._-_........,--~.""_:""~ .-'~ .~ " 11 i, \ v required by Section 7(H)(13), Planned Industrial Development regulations, Appendix A, Zoning Code of Boynton Beach, less r waterways, as a part- of specific site development shall be preserved or replanted 'in a manner to enhance or recreate native t vegetation. In addition, the following shall apply: (a) the location of the areas of native vegetation shall /~". I' ,'/ , i ,~ r,till &~l :ion,'i ;'{ ion f( , r nal II lEAS, ,1 off hhty' ( ~ach , \venu€ 'AS, t g jur ns Eo :;uant ( IS, u 'ing Plan, ( unci. l, Sl oth. :i tee nnin 19 a ( .~ ~-'" Council. The plan shall identify appropriate measures for contamination response, including, but not limited to: (a) provision of equipment and trained personnel on-site or a contract with a contamination response firm meeting Florida Department of Environmental Regulation requirements, if found necessary by the above referenced agencies to protect the ground- water from possible contamination; (b) specification of follow-up water quality monitoring programs to be implemented in the event of contamination; (c) specification of design and operational measures to contain and direct contaminated surface runoff away from ponds, canals, drainage structures and other connections to the surficial aquifer; (d) specifications for the development and implementa- tion of a coordinated monitoring program which incorporates the individual site monitoring programs required under Condition 16 above in such a manner as to achieve an efficient and effective overall project early warning monitoring program; and (e) requirements for financial responsibility which will assure cleanup costs will be provided. (18) All requirements for nonpotable water shall be met only by withdrawls from the surface water management system and adjacent canals. (19) A minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the landscaped areas be such that the watering and fertilization of non-native areas not -~ ~ . 'I ~~~U4;1 ~ ~ ~D~ " ~ c:Ut~~;;t,p~ ~,' '. I .' - ?--~,. {Ii ,:-~~t~~n~~~ ~., I ~A~~/,~M-~,~ .~42--{dOf/o).u~ "~~ ~ ~ b.o, (h~.,f'4-~-/~.P-~~~ ~-1f~h-",' -9- 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-8111 7) >(7l ~ , j CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ., OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 9 May 1989 Mr. Delfin Menendez, President MSM Design Group 630 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Mr. Enrico Rossi Rossi & Malavasi 1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Quantum Park of Commerce - Safety Kleen Site Plan Our file no. 196 Gentlemen: Please be advised that on Tuesday, May 2, 1989 the City Commission reconsidered your request for site plan approval and and approved the referenced request, subject to ~taff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies to the Building Department for further processing in connection with our pre-permitting process. The approval of the City entitles you improvements shown on the site plan. viewed procedura ~an as-built or any questions ~ng this matter, c> . , contact me. ;\~, !):. ~\) .' s... "-' ~~ ,,~\:. .:~~~ 9 :-'_ o \\\~. W-l-'< ~\\.~\,,'U j 'iJ~ '" ~Or~ITON 1I\.t.~~ to construct only the The site plan will be record drawing. If you have please do not hesitate to /bks cc: Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~.~~1 Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP Planning Director City Manager Technical Review Board Central File .".'., ,( , .:~': " ,;" 1.} MEMORANDUM September 20, 1989 TO: Michael Haag Acting Development Compliance Administrator FROM: Tambri .J. Heyden Assistant City Planner Transmittal of Renderings RE: Accompanying this memorandum you will find colored elevations, and/or color chips for the following projects which were approved by the City Commission at the September 5, 1989 and September 19, 1989 meeting. SITE PLAN MODIFICATION citrus Glen: (Guardhouse and security gates) One (1) colored elevation. City Commission approved September 19, 1989 subject to staff comments. 2. Hominq Inn: (Final phase of renovation - building E) One (1) colored elevation. City Commission approved September 5, 1989 subject to staff comments'. 1. 3. Safety-Kleen at Quantum Park: (Office and lot expansion) Two (2) colored elevations. City Commission approved subject to staff comments. The name of the project and date of City commission approval have been placed on the elevations. ~ ~~ ~~~. ~ TAMBRI J. EYDEN TJH:cp Attachments xc: Central File ~. ~ -- ,...._~~._"_.._._------_.~_."-~-----_..-.- - , TO: THRU: MEMORANDUM George Hunt, Interim City Manager September 19, 1989 '" Don Jaeger, Building ,(,// oh i(l.al FROM: Michael Haag, Acting Development Compliance Administrator RE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 MEETING The Community Appearance Board met on Monday September 18, 1989 and took the following actions: NEW BUSINESS 1. SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS 2. a. The Board unanimously recommended approv -0 (sub'ect to staff co ow for a guard house an sec a e tructed at Citrus Glen (pred'cated on the abandonment 0 foot wide local street, citrus Avenue) and an 80-foot wide co lector road (Citrus Glen Drive). b. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, (subject to staff comments) to allow for the expansion of the building and site for Safety Kleen. There were additional stipulations- 1. that ground cover be installed around the base of the free-standing sign and 2. that the landscaping for the future expansion area and the South Florida Water Management District C-16 Canal easement be changed from sod and irrigation to seed and irrigation. SI,GN..J>ROGRAlo1 --------------- The Board unam4JQQusly approved Sunshine from the existing c white wit borders. approved, 7-0, to modify the e sign ow a change ters on the canopy sign to _' ~ V:N ---).-? /,tf-" /./l'liChael ,Haag' . (. MH:ld attachments xc: Carmen Annunziato <'.",."..'.......g7' CITY of \ BOYNTON BEACH 1'.-/ ~~ .~ . ~ ._ _. __. - I, __, :~-:----- t"..... ,.- '.'1,''''''':' ~1......c;;."'IOl______-=_:;'_~ I "J..:.Jlll: ~_ t, -,r; :1, , ....--. ,.'..-'. .. ...''''.~'~. ,-~ ;.:"'if~).r~~~:;:~;;r::;;~ -r}~, ,>:i ....~.... ._,..,,~. ~..:.-~: ".. -;;=-- ", .,tiij ~~~-JiP " ..."" ..~..-~.....~4, ",' I...... .,' ,.' '. =,., ..~ ~ ;.' '--:::',. ..,: ~"':'~- - .;........",..-..-.- 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 (305) 738-7490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 23, 1988 Daniel D. Dowling, Project Safety-Kleen 777 Big Timber Road : Elgin, Illinois 60123 Engineer Re: Quantum Park of Commerce Use Approval Our file 1I: 106 Dear Mr. Dowling: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 9, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board unanimously included the operation of Safety Kleen in the capacity of a supplier/distributor as a permitted use at the Quantum Park of Commerce, subject to review by the Environmental Committee. t If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. " Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s.. CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR -- CSA:ro cc City Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File