APPLICATION c' ~ lti. l~' 1~1 L\ V: i,i', c D LS~b --' '-~'~:. . i \:' . -1\',1 PLANNING ANO ZONING DEPT. CI'l'Y OF BOYN'l'ON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONIN~ OEPARTHENT SITE PLAN RBVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR HQDIFI~ATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: J r.: ('Y') tlQ Fe. Paid: --1J )~. This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will Hot be processed. Receipt Number: ~ , Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Cedar Ridge Town Homes Parcel D 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): ~edar Ridqe Develooment Corporation Address: 2UOO Hiqh Ridqe Road Lantana . Florida J34b2 (407) 533-5199 (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: SAME 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) : Address: Dennis Koehler. P.A. 1280 N. Congress Ave. *Peter M. Karekos ~aramount EnQineerinQ Group. Inc. Phone: Suite#(13. W.P.B.. FL 33409 iLlQ71 6H4-2844 <C:'t401 3Y5~~V 141 N.W. 20 St..#F-7. Boca Raton. FL (Zip Code) Fax: 4U7-684-9376 *407-394-0354 4. Property owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Condor Investment Address: 430 North "G" Street Lake Worth. Florida 33460 (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 5 . Correspondence to be mailed to:* Please see Item #3 (.L{ ~ Oy- n1,~ ~UL:A>r1 0/'-1. * 'l'his is the ad9~ess to which all agendas, letters and other materialsl will be mailed. : PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A: SI'l'EPLAN " ~ l \l~\n~l~ Ie . 'I I ur,n. t1 '1..:J::JO \.'~ '; ,-ji 'i , ~ SI'l'E PI.AN FOR Plt-.NHING ~~l) ZONING UEPl SITE I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOa PLANNING << ZONING DEPAR'l'HE NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO Application Acceptanoe Date: 3/4/96 Fee Paid: S750.00 Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will hot be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. , I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. proj ect Name: Knuth Rd. PCD Service Station 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Andrews & CQpans Gas & Oil Co. ,Inc. Address: 1231 W. Copans Rd. Pompano Beach F1 Phone: 305-977-4523 (Zip Code) Fax: 3. Agent1s Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kilday, /Kilday & Associates, Inc. Address: 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach Fl 33401 Phone: 407-689-5522 Fax: (Zip Code) 407-689-2~92 4. Property Owner IS (or Trustee.' s) Name:. .. Bill R. Winchester,Els1e A. Wlnchester, 1nd1v1dua11y, Elsie A. Winchester as trustee, Ruby A. Winshester, THE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP,LTD, Address: Bill R. Winchester General Partner PO Box 1240 Boynton Beach F1 33425 Phone: 407-732-3961 (Zip Code) Fax: 5. Correspondence to be mai18d to:* Kilday & Associates Inc. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A:SITEPLAN ,.,. 00 rn@rnn~J~rr II I : i l MAR-A~ 11_ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONIN~ OEPARTHENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MQDIFI~ATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: IJ 5m~O Receipt Number: ~ This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans inclUding a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will Hot be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Cedar Ridge Town Home5 Parcel D 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): ~edar Ridge Develooment Corooration Address: 2UOO Hiqh RidQe Road Lantana. Florida J34b2 Phone: (407) 533-5199 Fax: SAME (Zip Code) 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Address: Dennis Koehler. P.A. 1280 N. Congress Ave. *Peter M. Karekos ~aramount EnQineerinQ Group. Inc. Phone: Suite#213. W.P.B.. FL 33409 l407~ 6H4-2844 *{401 395-7805 141 N.W. 20 St..#F-7. Boca Raton. FL (Zip Code) Fax: 4U7-684-9376 *407-394-0354 4. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Condor Investment Address: 430 North "G" Street Lake Worth. Florida 33460 Phone: Fax: (Zip Code) 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Please see Item #3 * 'l'his is the ad9~ess to which all, agendas, letters and other materialsl will be mailed. . PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A: SI'l'EPLAN II. SITE DATA ( 3 ). The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. ~!nd U~e CategQr~hown in the ComQrehensive Plan Multi - Famil y Zoning District Area of Site 2. 3. PUD 18.88 822.207 sq . ft. acres .A. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Residential, including 9.45 surrounding lot area of grounds Recreation Areas * 1.78 (excluding water area) acres 50.1 % .. of s1 9.4% \ of si acres Water Area 4.72 25..9.;% \ of sj acres Conunercial N/A N/A N/A acres , of s: Industrial acres \ of s. Public/Institutional acres % of s PUblic, private and canal rights-af-way 2.93% acres 15.5% \ of s Other (specify) acres \ of s Other (specify) acres \ of E j . acres IOU \ of t: Total area of site 18.8tl * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. , ! 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 3.15 area ("building footprint") acres 27 . 7 , of I b. Water area 4.72 acreI' 41.5 .. of l c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public , private streets, paved area of parking lots' driveways (ex- cluding. landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 3.51 acres 30.8 .. of d. Total impervious area 11.3H 10U.0 , of acres e. Landscaped area N/A inside of parking lots f20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). N/A acres % of PL1\lUHUG & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 ( 4) . f. Other landscaped areas, NjA acres NjA \ of sib g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 7.5U acres IOU \ of sit, h. Total pervious areas 7.5 acres IOu , of sit .' 18.88 100 1. Total area of site acres , of sit 6. Floor Area a. Residential 132.594 sg. ft. b. Commercial/Office sg. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational 4.470 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 137.064 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq . ft. dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units 110 8. Gross Deqsity 5.82 dwelling~units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 35 feet N/ A stO] 10. Reguired off-street parking a. Calculation of ~.qul~.d number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-.t~..t parking spaal provided on site plan NtA NtA pT.lllmTlH~ (. 7.()lnl-H~ flPPlIO'l'Mf.'tT'1' - HnH",mh,..,- lQQ1 ( 5 ) III. CERTIFICATIOH (I) (We) understand that this applioation and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Boar.d. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true tc the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This applicatlol will not be eepted unless signed according to the instructic . c~ ~ ~ 'l( -;s-y-9C Date IV. AUTPORIZATION OF AG~ W~A'~ Tlf;''\~~' ~.:WL tI J"-'; 7 V'U ~. gnatu 0 A orized Agent 3- +- <1(0 Date (1) (We) her designate the above signed person as (my) (curl auth .~n~n regard to this application. YC !J roeS ) .J ... & - ~ t nat of OWner s) or Trustee, Date Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~ ~ Review Schedule, Date Received Technical Review Board Planning , Zoning Board Community Appearanoe Board City Commission Stipulations of FInal Approvalc Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted, Additional Remarksl PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:S1.tePlan EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, . drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. ~dl( of / ( Ir~ READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND A~REED TO '\\~ , 19 b . ~~' General Painting Guidelines For Homes Built By Cedar Ridge Development Corp. 3200 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, Florida Prepared For Mr. David Faris, Director of Marketing/Finance (407) 533-5199 April 19, 1996 Presented By Mr. George J. Buranosky Regional Sales Director COLOR WHEEL PAINTS & COATINGS 7170 Devons Road · Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 Phone: (407) 844-1232 · Fax: (407) 844-4601 .... ~ Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 2 Specification Table of Contents 1 .0 Manufacturer's Statement 2.0 General Conditions 3.0 Inspections 4.0 Colors 5.0 Accessibility and Maintenance of Work Area 6.0 Materials 7.0 Workmanship and Application Conditions Exterior Paint Schedule 8.0 General Surface Preparation 9.0 Caulking - General 10.0 Stucco Walls / Painting 11.0 Wood Soffit / Priming 12.0 Wood Soffit / Painting 13.0 Metal Entrance & Overhead Doors / Painting Interior Paint Schedule 14.0 Gypsum Wallboard Texture / Addition of Texture Hardener (Recommended) 15.0 Caulking - General 16.0 Walls - General/Painting 17.0 Wood Doors & Trim / Priming 18.0 Wood Doors & Trim / Painting @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 3 1.0 Manufacturer's Statement .1 The following information contained herein (to be known as "Guidelines") is offered free of charge by Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. (the "Manufacturer"), and is designed specifically for the use of Lennar Homes (the "Builder"), the person or persons designated by the Builder to oversee the project (the "Project Coordinator"), and the Paint Contractor (the "Contractor") retained by the Builder to complete all projects in the Space Coast Division. .2 The purpose of these Guidelines are to assist the Project Coordinator and Builder in achieving a successful, professional, and cost efficient painting project, and to provide the Project Coordinator with a set of specifications reflecting standard industry practices of workmanship, surface preparation, and paint application procedures and material hand I ing. These Guidelines are not intended to be construed as a contractual agreement between the Manufacturer and all parties concerned, however they are offered in good wi II to all parties, and should be attached to the contractual agreement between the Builder and Contractor to clearly state the position and recommendations of the Manufacturer. .3 With advancements in technology Color Wheel is constantly updating our product line and recommended systems. Therefore, this specification and its attachments shall become invalid 120 days after its original date of issuance. Contact your Color Wheel Sales Representative to determine whether or not the specified systems and its attachments contained herein require modifications. 2.0 General Conditions .1 Work includes surface preparation and application of caulking, sealants, paints and coatings necessary to paint and/or waterproof all surfaces determined by the Builder, and reflected in the following specifications. .2 The Contractor will provide all labor, materials, services, tools and equipment necessary to complete the scope of work. The Contractor will assign only skilled and experienced craftsmen to perform the work. .3 The Contractor will review all work to be accomplished with the Project Coordinator prior to beginning the job. Commencement of work represents the Contractor's acknowledgment that all surfaces are in a sound, paintable condition. .4 Upon request, the Contractor will produce on demand any valid license necessary to operate, necessary permits to perform work, and Manufacturer's specification data and material safety data to the Builder, Project Coordinator, or municipal or governmental agents. .5 The Contractor will provide, on demand, proof of insurance covering liability, property damage, workers compensation, and auto insurance to the Builder, Project Coordinator, or municipal or governmental agents. .6 The Contractor will submit a Full Waiver of Lien from the paint supplier prior to final draw to render the project free of any liens or claims. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp, · Page 4 .7 The Contractor is responsible to see that all material, debris and waste is disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, county, and municipal environmental regulations. .8 The Contractor agrees not to assign or sub-contract any portion of the job without the Builder's written approval. 3.0 Inspections .1 The Manufacturer reserves the right to have an agent of choice inspect, perform tests, take samples or photographs, and/or review any surface preparation, application technique, or material handling during any stage of the job, and submit verbally and/or in writing his or her observations to the Builder and/or Project Coordinator. Should these observations determine that improper surface preparation, application, or material handling is taking place, the Manufacturer reserves the right to terminate any verbal or written warranties or claims concerning product performance. 4.0 Colors .1 The Builder and Project Coordinator should be aware that certain colors, especially those of a pink or blue tone, have a propensity to fade more rapidly than other colors, regardless of the product manufacturer, product type, or substrate to which the product is applied. It is therefore advisable for the Builder, Project Coordinator, and/or person responsible for color selection to consult with the Manufacturer early in the planning stage to see that the most durable combination of tinting colorants is used to achieve the desired color. .2 Upon request, the Contractor will make available to the Project Coordinator and/or Builder any color selections offered by the Manufacturer. The Builder and/or Project Coordinator will provide chosen color selections to the Contractor and Manufacturer for bidding purposes. 5.0 Accessibility and Maintenance of Work Area .1 The Builder will provide water and electricity necessary to perform the job. Use of sanitary facilities and telephone will be by mutual agreement. .2 The Contractor will see that grounds are kept clean at all times. Drop cloths is used where necessary to protect shrubs, trees, cabinets, appliances, flooring, etc. from drips and spatters. Masking is done where necessary. .3 Protection and security of storage areas are the responsibility of the Contractor. .4 Oily rags and trash must be removed from the storage area each work day. All necessary precautions must be taken by the Contractor to prevent fire in the storage area. .5 Upon final certification of the job by the Project Coordinator, the Contractor is responsible to see that all material, equipment. and debris is removed from the site in a timely manner. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 1 9, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 5 6.0 Materials .1 All materials used is manufactured by, distributed by, or approved by the Manufacturer. The material specified herein is known to be suitable and will be enforced as the required standards to achieve a quality job. .2 The Contractor will deliver, or have delivered, all material to the site in unopened containers as supplied and labeled by the Manufacturer. The Contractor is financially responsible for the theft of any material, supplies, or equipment. .3 All materials is stored in a cool, shaded area and will not be exposed to direct sunlight or intense heat for extended periods. .4 Deviation from the label directions or specifications contained herein must be approved in writing in advance by the Manufacturer. 7.0 Workmanship and Application Conditions .1 All work is performed by accomplished and skilled craftsmen familiar with and trained to perform the scope of work specified. They is further qualified to operate or use all equipment. .2 All surface preparation and material application is performed in accordance with label directions, product technical data sheets, the specification contained herein, and standard industry practices. Failure of the paint and/or coating system due to improper surface preparation, application, or material usage or handling is solely the responsibility of the Contractor. .3 All substrates must be completely dry and moisture free prior to the application of any and all material. .4 Material application will take place only in dry or unthreatening weather when air and substrate surface temperature is not below 50. F. Because of possible condensation build-up due to temperature drops during evening hours, exterior application will cease a minimum of two hours before sunset to allow proper curing. .5 The Contractor will apply material in accordance with the Manufacturer's approved product data to achieve specified dry film thickness (OFT). The Contractor will apply material at a rate not exceeding that recommended by the Manufacturer for the surface being coated. .6 The Contractor will apply finish coats in a manner that yields a smooth finish, free of brush marks, streaks, laps or pile-ups of material, skips or holidays. .7 Abutment of edges of different material or color is sharp, clean, and will not overlap. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 6 Exterior Paint Schedule 8.0 General Surface Preparation .1 The overall performance of a paint job is determined by proper product selection, application and surface preparation. Most importantly, paint and coating film integrity will be reduced because of improperly prepared surfaces. It has been determined that as high as 80% of all paint and coating failures can be directly attributed to inadequate surface preparation. Therefore it is imperative to see that selection and implementation of proper surface preparation methods and techniques are performed to each and every substrate. .2 The Contractor is responsible to see that all surfaces and substrates to be primed, sealed, painted, stained, or waterproofed shall be clean and free of foreign material, dust, dirt, grease, oil, or any substance which may adversely affect the performance of the coating before the application process begins. .3 The Florida Concrete & Products Association recommends that a curing time of no less than 30 days should be observed before painting new concrete and masonry surfaces. Painting too soon will increase the chances of efflorescence occurring. Although this may prove to be impractical, proper curing time must be allowed for the coating film to perform to its capacity. 9.0 Caulking - General .1 Solvent wipe all surfaces to be caulked to remove any substance which may adversely affect the performance of the caulking before the application process begins. Thoroughly caulk all joints, seams, miters, voids, top and bottom of bands, corners and junctures where any masonry and non-masonry surfaces meet. .2 Apply a continuous bead of Color Wheel 5000 Acrylic Latex Caulk to all areas described above or anywhere that requires a water tight seal. Tool or stipple to match surrounding substrate texture. For best results, cured beads should be between 1/8"-1/2" wide and 1 /8" -1/4" deep. .3 Allow a minimum of four to six hours (depending on climatic conditions) drying time before painting. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 7 10.0 Stucco Surfaces / Painting Stucco Walls: .1 Apply two coats of Color Wheel 200 line High-Hide Interior/Exterior Wall Paint, unthinned. .2 Apply each coat at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a minimum dry film of no less than 1.6 mils per coat or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .3 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .4 If airless spray is used, back roll all surfaces with a wet roller. Work material into pores until a solid (pinhole free) finish is achieved. .5 Allow a minimum of 4 hours drying time before recoating. Stucco Trim/Bands - Prime Coat: .6 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 200 line High-Hide Interior/Exterior Wall Paint, unthinned. .7 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a minimum dry film of no less than 1.6 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .8 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .9 If airless spray is used, back roll all surfaces with a wet roller. Work material into pores until a solid (pinhole free) finish is achieved. .10 Allow a minimum of 4 hours curing time if recoating is to be performed. Stucco Trim/Bands - Finish Coat: .11 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 300 line Tropicoat House Paint, unthinned. .12 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a minimum dry film of no less than 1.6 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .13 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .14 If airless spray is used, back roll all surfaces with a wet roller. Work material into pores until a solid (pinhole free) finish is achieved. .15 Allow a minimum of 4 hours curing time if recoating is to be performed. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 8 11.0 Wood Soffit / Priming .1 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 530 Tropicoat Alkyd Wood Prime, unthinned. .2 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 300 square feet per gallon to achieve a dry film build of no less than 2.3 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. Do not allow this or any alkyd based product to come in contact with galvanized metal surfaces. .3 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Work material into pores. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. Maintain a wet edge. .4 Allow a minimum of 24 hours drying time then lightly sand before recoating. *Due to the unknown amount of tannin acid found in cedar and redwood, the application of a second coat of Color Wheel 530 Tropicoat Alkyd Wood Prime may be necessary to "hold back" the tannic acid before applying the finish coat. 12.0 Wood Soffit / Painting .1 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 300 Line Tropicoat House Paint, unthinned. .2 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a minimum dry film of no less than 1.6 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .3 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .4 If airless spray is used, back roll all surfaces with a wet roller. Work material into pores until a solid (pinhole free) finish is achieved. .5 Allow a minimum of 4 hours curing time if recoating is to be performed. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp, · Page 9 13.0 Metal Entrance & Overhead Doors / Painting Factory Primed Metal Doors; .1 The Contractor has the responsibility to check door manufacturers label requirements prior to painting. .2 Before painting, be sure all doors to be primed and painted is clean and free of foreign material, dust, dirt, grease, oil, or any substance which may adversely affect the performance of the coating before the application process begins. .3 If the door manufacturer recommends an alkyd primer, spot prime any rust, bare areas or imperfections with one coat of Color Wheel 635/640 Ironize Rust Inhibitive Primer (red/white), Unthinned. If the door manufacturer recommends an acrylic primer, spot prime any bare areas or imperfections with one coat of Color Wheel Optima 330 All Prime 100% Acrylic Primer, unthinned. .4 Apply both products by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. Lightly sand prior to applying finish materials. Allow adequate drying time before recoating. .5 If the door manufacturer recommends an alkyd enamel, apply one coat of Color Wheel 600 Line Ironize High Gloss Alkyd Enamel, unthinned. If the door manufacturer recommends an acrylic enamel, apply one coat of Color Wheel Optima 350 Line Super Acrylic Semi-Gloss Enamel, unthinned. .6 Apply both products by brush, roller or spray application. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. Allow adequate drying time before recoating or returning doors to service. Interior Paint Schedule 14.0 Wallboard Texture / Addition of Texture Hardener (Recommended) .1 Determine whether or not Color Wheel 460 Ti-Gard Texture Hardener or a similar product has been added to the dry wall texture. The inclusion of this product in a dry wall texture will result in a vastly improved washability of the paint finish, as it forms a substrate for which the paint will not readily loosen from the texture by scrubbing or other abrasion. Applying a latex paint over texture without a hardener (or binder) added to it will result in an effect similar to attempting to stick a piece of vinyl electrical tape to a dusty chalk board. .2 If no texture hardener has been added, add one gallon of Color Wheel 460 Ti-Gard Texture Hardener, unthinned, to five gallons of drywall texture mixture. .3 If the texture has already been applied and it is determined that no texture hardener has been added, then it is recommended that an alkyd based primer/sealer be applied before painting, as specified by most dry wall texture manufacturers. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 10 15.0 Caulking - General .1 The contractor is responsible to see that all surfaces are free of dust, dirt, ceiling texture or any substance which may adversely affect the performance of the caulking before the application process begins. .2 Apply a continuous bead of Color Wheel 5000 Acrylic Latex Caulk where all walls meet wood trim, casings, window frames, cabinets, etc. Tool to match surrounding substrate texture. For best results, cured beads should be between 1/8"-1/2" wide and 1 /8" -1/4" deep. .3 Allow a minimum of four to six hours (depending on climatic conditions) drying time before painting. 16.0 Walls - General/Painting .1 The contractor is responsible to see that all walls are free of dust, dirt, ceiling texture or any substance which may adversely affect the performance of the coating before the application process begins. .2 Apply two coats of Color Wheel 400 Line Vina-Flat Interior Latex Wall Paint, unthinned. .3 Apply each coat at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a dry film build of no less than 1.4 mils per coat or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .4 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Work material into pores. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .5 Allow a minimum of 4 hours drying time before recoating. 17.0 Wood Doors & Trim / Priming .1 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 400 Line Vina-Flat Interior Latex Wall Paint, unthinned. .2 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 350 square feet per gallon to achieve a dry film build of no less than 1.4 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .3 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Work material into pores. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .4 Allow a minimum of 4 hours drying time, then lightly sand before recoating. @1996 Color Wheel Paint Manufac:turing Company, Inc:. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996 Guidelines for Cedar Ridge Development Corp. · Page 11 18.0 Wood Doors & Trim / Painting .1 Apply one coat of Color Wheel 220 Line High-Hide Interior Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel, unthinned. .2 Apply at a spread rate of no greater than 400 square feet per gallon to achieve a dry film build of no less than 1.3 mils or until a solid and uniform finish is achieved. .3 Apply by brush, roller or spray application. Work material into pores. Maintain a wet edge. Apply at such a rate as to avoid runs and sags. .4 Allow a minimum of eight hours drying time if recoating is to be performed. 3P Painted Perfect Partnership @1996 Color Wheel Point Manufacturing Company, Inc. Supersedes any before April 19, 1996