LEGAL APPROVAL Brighton Homes STRONG - SOLID - SECURE May 25,2001 Mr. Quintas Green Director of Development City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Cedar Ridge Estates Dear Mr. Green, In reference to our meeting on May 17, 2001 with the Development and Planning Staff from the City of Boynton Beach, Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge is modifying the letter dated April 5, 1998 presented by Cedar Ridge Development Corp. that phased the buffer areas of the community. Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge agrees to complete all required improvements to the north, south, and east buffer areas around Veronica Lake, including littoral and upland plantings. The first area will be the eastern berm located along 1-95 that will have landscape, irrigation, the jogging path that goes behind Buildings 6-8 and the passive recreation area completed prior to the issuance of Building #6 (i.e. "R") or #7 (i.e. "Q") C.O.. The second area will be the northern berm of landscaping and irrigation that will be completed before the issuance of Building #14 (i.e., "J") e.O.. The third area will be the southern berm that will be completed with landscaping, irrigation, the rest of the jogging path and the recreational area (Tot Lot), prior to the issuance of Building #5 (i.e. #E) e.O.. The last and final area to be completed will be the littoral/upland plantings around Veronica Lake, which will be completed prior to the issuance of Building #17 (i.e. "G") e.O., which will be the last building constructed. Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge has eleven buildings to construct, they are building numbers 5-14 and 17, three of these buildings are currently under construction and the other eight buildings will be constructed based upon sales. This letter shall act as a binding agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge. This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements either written or verbal and may be amended only by written agreement of both parties hereto. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this or any other issues, please feel free to contact me at (305) 262-6100 during business hours. Thank you for your time and assistance. Sincerely, Mr. Quintas Green Director of Development City of Boynton Beach Cc: Don Johnson, Building Official Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Kevin Hallahan, Forester Environmentalist 7200 Northwest 7th Street, Suite 300, Miami, Florida 33126 . Telephone (305) 262-6100 · Fax: (305) 262-5350 Website: http://www.brightoncompanies.com 05'2112001 23: 56 FAX IaJOl 3175 S. COOQI1IU Ave. . SUItIl 310 P.rn $pnl'g$, FL $30&81 Tel: (561) 649-4320 fax: (561) 649-43i4 BRIGHTON HOMES Fax To: Kevin Hallahan From: Barry Borden fax: 742~2!59 Pages: 2 Phone: 742~267 OIl..: May 21, 2001 Re: Cedar Ridge Estates ec: Utpnl for Review "Ie.. Comm.nt "..... Reply ....... 1Iee,cle Kevin, here is the updated letter per your request. Please review and let US knOW if there are any other changes needed. /t1/KE - ~ JJ~ w ~~ JJ4 {( ~ tT'l tJ"U-1 ~ ~~ ~ ;Jvf~ /UJ ~ ~ 15~ 0Wec!rverd7 U ~ y~ X ~cJ-t 7 ~ !fa /~ ~~- ~~7 ~(TkG (~ (1tKe ,/' ~ 14 ff\0 . c4-f ~4 C~;Z~) ~: ~ l~- ~ ~i Iv:.> ~ r;:: ~~~~. C u.r- ~'1 ~ ~) ~~~~ J;ffi1 4- ~ ~ ~~~~ .~~ Jtfo2l97 _.__._~---- - - ---- OS/21/2001 23:5~ FAX ~02 Brighton Homes STRONG - SOLID - SECURE May 21, 2001 Mr. Quinta.s Green Director of Development City of Bo)nton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re; Cedar Ridge Estates Dear Mr. Green, In reference to our meeting on May 17, 2001 with the Development and Planning Staff from the City of Boynton Beach, Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge is modifying the letter dated April S, 1998 presented by Cedar Ridge Developm~nt Corp. that phased the buffer area~ of the community. Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge agrees to complete 0111 required improvements to the north, south, and east buffer areas aroWld Veronica Lake, including littoral and upland plantings. The first area will be the eastern benn located along 1-95 that will ha....e landscape, irrigation, the jogging path that goes behind Buildings 6-8 and the passive recreation area completed prior to the issuance of Building #6 (i.e_ lOR") C.O.. The second area will be the northern berm of landscaping and inigation that will be completed before the issuance of Building #14 (i.e., "Y') C.O-. The third area will be the southern benn that wil1 be completed with landscaping, irrigation, (Me rest of the jogging path and the recreational area (Tot Lol), prior to tile issuance of Building 115 (i.e_ #E) CO.. The last and final area to be completed will be the littoraVupland plantings arowld Veronica Lake, which wi! I be completed prior to the issuance ofBuildin~ #17 (i.e. "0'') C.O.. Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge has eleven buildiDg5 to conso-uct, they are buildulg numbers 5.14 and 17, three of these buildings are currently under construction and the other eight buildings will be constructed based upon sales. This letter shall act as a binding agreemeJit between the City of Boynton Beach and Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridgt:. This agreement supersedes all)' and a\l other agreements either "o'VTiacn or verbal and may be an1CT1dcd only by written agreement of both parties nereto. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this or lIIlY other- issues, please feel free to (,ontact me at (305)262-6100 during business hours. Thank you for your titne and assistance. Sin<;erely. Cc; ._~ noD No11hwesl r Street, Suite 300, Miami. FlcriUIl3312t). Telepl10nc (305) 262.6100. Fax: (305) 262.5350 Wcbsit~; h~(pJ/www.brigh[oncompanics.com 05,'18/2001 03: 31 FAX ~Ol 317: S, Cotl9re.ss Ave., Suite 310 Palm Springs, Fl 33461 Tel; {5G1)64\H34iO Fall~ (~1) MSI.4324 BRIGHTON HOMES Fax To: Kevin Hallehan From: Barry Borden 'aJr. 742-6259 Page.: 2 Phonec 742-6267 u.te: May 17,2001 Re: Cedar Ridge Estates cc: Ul'fI8"t for Revi.w ,...... Comment Please Repl}# PIe... RKyc:l. Kevin, Attached is the letter to Mr. Green for your review. Please let me know if any changes need to be made to it. lJ!),18/2IJOl 03: 31 FAX ~02 Brighton Homes STRONG - SOLID - SECURE May 17, 2001 G cJ., ~r-4~ :::d:::,g'E.t.t~ L~:fi( In reference to our meeting on May 17, 2001. Bl;ghton Homes Inc. @ Cedar Ridge is modifying the origina11etter that phased"rhe buffer areas of the cOJrununity. -" " ...... . ( . ,C ", f' 1--,1;. f. (." )...-{'.$' '" k'",. 1-..1......... " ~ ,- -~.f" Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge agrees to complete all required improvements to the north, south, and east buffer areas, including littoral and upland plantings. The first area to be completed win be the eastern most buffer (along 1-95) This will be completed prior to the issuance of Building 6 (Le. "Rn) C.O. The SeCond area to be completed will D (";.,-:!be the southern buffer pri~to th jf8~ance of Bui!Pj!1& 5 (i.e. "E") C.O. The third and ~ dd 0final area to be compl~te~ ill b~ . e n'6M~ bu1ia~IittoraL'upland pJantings prior to f"\ ~ the issuance of Buildmg 1 i.e.' ") C.O. ~~ This letter shall act as a binding agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and ~ Brighton Homes @ Cedar Ridge. This agreement supersedes any and all other I A 0 t.::;, n .~~ a~'Teements either written or verbal and may be amended only by written agreement of --:----.-.....- --:; both patties hereto. ~ o...2Y- Should you have any questions or comments regarding thls or any other issues, please ~ feel free to contact me at (305) 262-6100 during business hours. ~ Thank you for your time and as,i.1l!nce C ~ Sincerely. e.':). 0 ,\ ) P~t ~ ~ ~ ~ Barry Borden ~ ~ Director of Construction ~ b.L ~lN{ ~ ~ 4t, J i* 5 d\ ~ I~ ') Mr, Quintas Green D1 reeter of Development City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O- Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425.0310 7200 North",'C5t 7Ll StrCI;I, SllJlt: 300, MiamI. Florida 33126. Telephone (31)5) 262.-6100. FIlll' (30.5) 262-5350 Website: http:iN.ww,brightoncompanics.com CEDAR RIDGE LAKE AREA PLANTING/MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION A +/- 33.0 acre parcel located in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida has been approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. A lake area planting and management plan is required per the City of Boynton's Vegetation Ordinance (Chapter 7.5, Article IV). The following plan has been designed to comply with the definitions and provisions set forth in the ordinance. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development site is located east of High Ridge Road and west of Florida's Seacoast Railroad right-of-way near the northern boundary ofthe City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The site is bordered to the north by Lake Worth Christian High School and on the south by the Kilpatrick Company parcel. Most of the site has been previously cleared and developed. A +/- 3.0 acre excavated lake occurs in the eastern half of the site. The lake and perimeter embankments have been recently graded and are devoid of vegetation. The lake planting area will consist of a mesic and xeric communities. Because of significant water table elevation fluctuations, a littoral shelf is not being planted. 3. PLANTING PLAN The planting plan was specifically designed to address the existing lake conditions in an effort to ensure 100 percent success and to prevent future maintenance problems and expense. Completion of the lake planting effort is required by the City of Boynton Beach prior to the release of the last certificate of occupancy for townhomes on the east side of Spruce Street. The following scope of work will be required. · Planting area spatial conditions · Planting area preparation · Plant list · Maintenance A. Planting Area Specifications The City of Boynton Beach requires that 50 percent of the lake bank be planted with a 20' corridor comprised of a 10' littoral shelf and 10' upland buffer. However, because of the extreme water table fluctuations in the lake, the City has agreed to accept a completely upland lake littoral planting. Approximately 886 linear feet of lake shore will require planting within a 20' corridor. The planting area will comprise approximately 17,720 square feet. B. Planting Area Preparation The lake will require excavation ofthe shoreline to create the 6: 1 littoral shelf. The upland buffer along should be no less than 4:1. Care should be taken to ensure that all torpedo grass and their rhizomes are removed to prevent future problems. c. Plant List The City of Boynton Beach requires an upland buffer be planted with canopy, shrub, and groundcover plant species. The planting plan for the 20' corridor is attached. All plantings are subject to substitution due to availability and suitability to physical site conditions. D. Maintenance Following plant installation, the plantings will require maintenance on a monthly basis for the first 90 days followed by quarterly treatments for the next two years. CEDAR RIDGE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION A +/- 33.0 acre parcel located in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida has been approved for residential development and designated as Cedar Ridge Development. A preservation area management plan was submitted to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and approved by the City Council. To facilitate past removal of native trees and set forth acceptable mitigation requirements per Chapter 7.5 Article 1, Ordinance 095- 02, the following tree management plan has been prepared as an addendum to the Cedar Ridge Preservation Area Management Plan. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development site is located east of High Ridge Road and west of Florida's Seacoast Railroad right-of-way near the northern boundary of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The site is bordered to the north by Lake Worth Christian High School and on the south by the Kilpatrick Company parcel. The preservation area is located in the southwest portion of the site and is comprised of good quality sand pine scrub. The tree management area is located within a 700' long by +/- 10' wide corridor extending along the southern boundary of the parcel. The soil underlying the tree preservation area is St. Lucie (ScB) fine sand. The Palm Beach County Soil Survey describes this soil as nearly level to sloping, excessively drained, deep and sandy. The soil is located on long narrow, dune-like coastal ridges. The water table is below a depth of 6 feet. The eastern portion exists as an open area devoid of canopy and is vegetated in herbaceous, weedy species including natal grass (Rhynchelytrum repens). This area, which approximates 1,600 sq. ft., will be planted with native scrub species indicative of this habitat. 3. MANAGEMENT PRESCRIPTION The following management shall be used to provide a natural buffer area comprising approximately 7,000 square feet (+/- 700' x 10') located east of the preservation along the entire remaining extent ofthe southern property boundary. The objective of the tree management area is to mitigate for unpreventable loss of native upland vegetation protected by the City of Boynton Beach per the Tree Preservation Section of Ordinance 095-02 and to create a buffer from the adjacent property. The buffer will be restored including canopy, shrub, and groundcover in approximate historic native vegetative conditions existing prior to clearing and revegetation in exotic vegetation. The buffer will be maintained in perpetuity per management procedures set forth in the Cedar Ridge Preservation Area Management Plan. The buffer will provide additional habitat for wildlife species known to utilize scrub habitat throughout the vicinity of the project site. Completion of restoration work within the Preserve is required by the City of Boynton Beach prior to the release of the last certificate of occupancy for townhomes on the west side Spruce Street. The scope of work is as follows. · Designation of buffer area · Clearing and debris removal · Installation of temporary irrigation · Planting and mulching · Fertilization and pesticide application · 90-Day maintenance · Long term maintenance · Monitoring A. The preserve will be 700' long and vary in width (average 10') to create an undulating effect, thus simulating more natural conditions. The total area will comprise approximately 7,000 square feet. Orange barrier fencing will be installed along the north limit of the buffer to prohibit construction equipment from accidentally encroaching with the planted corridor. Prior to planting the buffer area will require inspection and approval by the City of Boynton Beach Forester. B. Clearing will be conducted to remove all exotic vegetation and debris. Soil disturbance should be limited to the top 6" of the ground surface. Trees, shrubs, stumps, etc. shall be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Other domestic debris and household trash shall be removed from the site and disposed of in an approved landfill site. Based on Consul-Tech's March 28,2001 site inspection, we recommend that woody exotics such as Brazilian pepper and earleaf acacia be cut and removed and stumps chemically treated. Nuisance vines and grasses will be treated and left in place. C. A temporary irrigation system will be installed to provide water for the planted material for up to 90 days following plant installation. Following the 90 day period, the plantings should be watered bi-weekly, thereafter, for a period of 60 days, depending on weather conditions. Subsequent to plant establishment, temporary irrigation measures should be terminated immediately. D. Plant installation will be per the Cedar Ridge Preserve Planting Plan designed to create a viable scrub habitat system. See attached planting plan. Each plant should be thoroughly watered in to prevent air pockets. Do Not apply mulch to scrub plantings. E. During plant installation, fish meal should be applied to the soils to enhance growth and benefit the re-establishment period. Lindane should be applied to all planted pines to discourage infestation by pine borers and other pests. F. Following plant installation, the plantings should receive 90 days of maintenance to ensure survival. The irrigation system should be operated daily for at least one hour. The irrigation system will be monitored weekly for three months to ensure proper operation. G. Long term maintenance should be conducted quarterly for the first two years and semi-annually thereafter to prevent the invasion of exotic species and weedy nuisance species. Every effort should be made to prevent soil disturbance. At no time should mulch be applied to the area. H. Monitoring will be conducted annually for the first two years to ensure 100 percent survival of the planted material. All dead plant material will be replaced on a one to one basis per the planting plan. The report will include a panoramic photograph ofthe buffer plantings taken from a permanent station. All plants will be counted to quantify success. The degree of exotic infestation will be noted and wildlife utilization will also be noted. Exotic infestation will be maintained at less than 5 percent. 4. ENTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN The owner of record will be responsible for implementation of the Cedar Ridge Tree Preservation Plan including planting, maintenance, monitoring, and long-term management. 5. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The owner of record will be financially responsible for the costs of implementing the Cedar Ridge Tree Preservation Plan and the replacement of planted material should the plantings be deemed unsuccessful to ensure 100 percent success. Consulting Engineers Land Planners Surveyors & Mappers Transportation Engineers Environmental Engineers Construction Managers Forensic Engineers GPS & GIS Consultants Please Respond To: Bonita Sprine:s Office 24831 Old 41 Road Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (941) 947-0266 FAX (941) 947-1323 Other Offices CORPORATE OFFICE Miramar Park of Commerce 3141 Commerce Parkway Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 438-4300 Fax (954) 438-1433 FT. PIERCE 5207 Okeechobee Road Ft. Pierce, FI. 34947 (561) 467-9085 Fax (561) 467-9350 JACKSONVILLE 555 S. Blanding Blvd., Ste. E Orange Park, FI. 32073 (904) 276-3100 Fax (904) 276-3102 MIAMI 10570 NW. 27th Street, # 101 Miami, FI. 33172 (305) 599-3141 Fax (305) 599-3143 ORLANDO 728 W. Smith Street Orlando, FI. 32804 (407) 843-0094 Fax (407) 423-0085 PALM BEACH 2531 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth, FI. 33460 (561) 540-5092 Fax (561) 540-5095 SOUTH DADE 14102 SW. 288th Street Miami, FI. 33033 (305) 248-9444 Fax (305) 248-3644 CONSUL-TECH ENGINEERING, INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 15,2001 VIA: City of Boynton Beach HAND DELIVER Planning and Zoning Division PICK UP 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. x REGULAR MAIL Boynton Beach, FL 33425 FEDERAL EXPRESS A TIENTION: Kevin Hallahan COURIER SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge; Permit No. 011609 OTHER PROJECT No.: 010307 r;,~ r,' (;,' -, ~ "',. C;O ! I \\ 'L, i' I r. i '\' ~. \ , r I r ,.:,., I! : \ ,'. ; ".< r--~-'-----_.'--- l nl~AY I 8 alll J WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: NO. UNIT L[.~r!'ARTMrNT OF DEVElOP"'! DESCRIPTION Lake Area PlantinglManagement Plan (final doc. - approved) Tree Preservation Plan (final doc. - approved) TRANSMITTED FOR THE REASON(S) CHECKED BELOW: FOR YOUR USE FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT - - As REQUESTED X SIGN AND RETURN - - FOR APPROVAL X ApPROVED AS SUBMITTED - - APPROVED AS NOTED REVISED SUBMmAL - - FOR CORRECTION RESUBMIT - - Remarks As we discussed on April 23, 2001, you have approved the plans and documents submitted on March 30. As such, enclosed are the actual/final documents you requested. Thanks. COPIES TO: RECEIVED BY: SIGNED: 9I/tlk-:- DATE: IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE. 03/30/2001 15:43 941'3471323 eTE BONITA PAGE 01 CEDAR RIDGE LAKE AREA PLA...~TING/MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION A +/- 33.0 acre parcel located in Section 9, TO'i\-llship 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida has been approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. A ~ake area planting and management pla11 is required per the City of Boynton's Vegetation Ordirlance (Chapter 7.5, Article IV). The following plan has been designed to comply with the definitions and provisions set forth in the ordinance. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development site is located east of High Ridge Road and W~$t of Florida's Seacoast Railroad right.of-way near the northern boundary of the City of Bqynton Beach, Florida (Fi&W'e 1). The site is bordered to the north by Lake Worth Cluistian High School and on the south by the Kilpatrick Company parcel. Most of the site has beenlpreviously cleared aDd developed. Of.'Adt~ ve ~v~t4l~1,)1l alld is cttneldl} w ogGtided hi ^l1~itdL~u ~lxk.. (Ca$tUl/ itla ~q"j3ttifoHa), Dr~ilian. peypel (ScM/~u~ tf>r~b;"tll(vh...J) and invasive, w~edy herbaceous species. The ~lrthYV..M j)o.itiooufthe site; i! ~c;&etctted ill nMhe 4'lud pill... $'Hlb typkal to xaic coutal rid&~;). T w~uty-fne-petGtul of 6,,- lId-ii v(. n,t"vto'tlivu 1.~5 heal ~lt.~ntcd in rompHane<; ~ith tht Clt)l'5 V.,getatiol.l OldihM1C~. A +/- 3.0 e:zs acre excavated lake occurs in the eastern half of the site. Tbe lJ.ke and perimeter embankments have been recently graded Ind are devoid of vegctation~ The lake pbmtiDI; area win tonsist of a mesic and xeric communities. B~ause of significant water table elevation fluctuations, a littoral sbelf is not being planted. (Fjgtt[(, 2) TlAlJ 14i;> i~ G\2:J.lcntl, H,gctated in t()r'p~O&laSS (:\.,.itiiwtl , I:'petl..), ct.:. "~vl;(,) ;m ashe grass whiGl~ sitn;fieautly lo~reu YO &tel '{daHl, and t'<.l.aib cdhOhocdtttro. T-m-pedoQ165" ~apiJIJ ().di~CV.llll,1\:lte5 Jlati"t n'$dAt~vH. Mo.~'1tCft!1!ee to 'vullOI tOJped"~.us is c.ostiy &ld..i.c!L&cly 100 Pi;>lC;etlrt sn""G.&sful. PrioI t() pl~ut~J1~, all tu1f>.,J"t;Ao.~~ alid ~t., loot s,stems shol1ld be pb'y"iGall~ r~luo"..d, ifpo5sible by 'x('M.1.t~uJl' 3. PLANTING PLAN The planting plan was specifically designed to address the existing lake conditlon5 in an effort to ensure 100 percent success and to prevent future maintenance problems and expense. Completion of the lake planting effort is required by the Cit,.. of Boynton Beach prior to the release of the last certificate of occupancy for towohomes on the east side of Sprute Street. TIle following scope of work will be required. · Planting a:rea spatial conditions · Planting area preparation · Plant list · Maintenance 63/30/2001 15:43 9419471323 eTE BmllT A PAGE 02 A. Plaating Area Specifications I The City of Boynton Beach requires that 50 percent of the lake bank b~ planted with a 20' corridor comprised of a 10' littoral shelf and 10' uplatld buffer. However, because of the extreme water table nDctuations in the lake, the City has aereed to accept 8 ~bmpletely upland lake littoral planting. Tll<-littou;} shelf ",.tit COMlst of3' ofplmltillgs below ~G l11Gan "'ate1Eue And 7' vf I-'t~ub.u5S abo~e th" mean \'\.'at~ line on a. sholf !;.lAded to 4 6.1 slop~. A 10' \.lpl~l1J ~,~ffYl ""ill be i116ta.11ed land~atd oCtile planted 10' littOHll shelf. Approximately 886 6t51inear feet oflake shore will require planting ~thin a 20' corridor. The planting area will comprise approximately 12,JOO 17.7Z0 square feet. I B. Planting Area Preparation I The lake will require excavation of the shoreline to create the 6~llittoral shelf The upland buffer along should be no less than 4: 1. Care should be taken to ensure ~t all torpedo grass and their rhizomes are removed to prevent future problems. C. Plant List The City of Boynton Beach requires an upland buffer be planted with c:lanopy. shrub, and groWldcover plant species. The planting plan for the 20' corridor is at!4ched. The littOlal shelf~ifl ~~'J.ui.~ ouiy flIIJIOt1a",~vn5 otatwu ""itl.110 canopy-ol grottndcovCT. ~t of plwlh ~wta.'vle to be plalltc:d ""ithiu tl.e buoo, the 7' couid.:.r-abo,\r, ,utt...!, aud the. J' d,:,ttidol bc.low 1.atcr. has boon. cOfj,):pilcd. .All plantings. are subject to substitution due to avail~ility and suita.bildy to physical site conditions. D. Maintenance I Following plant installation, the 1ake plantings will require maintenan~ on a monthly basis for the fint 90 days followed by quarterly treatments for the nel:t two years. a weekly baai& for !he nut 96 days:, follo'v ed by Il1omhl)' t1ea1mmt~ ful the !enl~udell of the fust }leal, cl1Kt-thell (}.t14J.t.eJ..I, tlletei!d.teI [,:)1 tIlt- HMt o[Lwv ,.1'''<1,1.;:'. Ifn~., tV~1-K>JvOJ-"''';:' i" }.IW~ I'mv\'c::d Plio. t,-, pl&ltinS. monthly bClbiddc; t1~tmcnts ~ith R()deo ~i1hi1.1 wet .ueM ~lld.! mixl....H~ ofRvdoo.uld M~H~ \I\'~t:l~u dr, mollS s:loold diydi"ely e!adkate Ib,~ tVljJlO-dog,f'MS. Monthly tlcat1Jle1rts fOI the temalndcl' of tlK )'.&1 .shou:ld .....~"......fulll \Jvltt..ol.l"-Q.'-vv> th or cololu.r.ation. ~3/3~!2001 15:43 9419471323 eTE BON IT A PAGE 03 CEDAR RIDGE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION A +/- 33.0 acre parcel located in Section 9~ Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach COWlty, Florida has been approved ploposcd for residential development and ~esignat~ as Cedar Ridge Development. A preservation area management plan was submitted tp the City of BO)11ton Beach, Florida and approved by the City Council. To facilitate past remo~al of native trees and set forth acceptable mitigation requirements per Chapter 7.5 Article I; Ordinance 095M02, the following tree management plcm ha~ been prepared as an addendum to the: Cedar Ridge Preservation Area Management Plan. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development site is located east of High Ridge Road and w~st of Florida's Seacoast Railroad right-of-way near the northern boundary ofthe City ofB9ynton Beach, Florida (Pigl1).~ 1). The site is bordered to the north by Lake Worth Christian High School and on the south by the Kilpatrick Comp~IDY parcel. The preservation area is located in the southwest portion of the site and is comprised of good quality sand pine scrub. TIte tree man.agement area is located within a 700' long by +/- 10' wide corridor extending a1o~g the southern bOtu1dary of the parceL ThIs '"~~ h~ }Jlcvivllsly b...eil dl;'~<<l vf u~tive "e8~ati()u. The soil underlying the tree preservation area is St. Lucie (SeB) fine sand. Thp Palm Beach COWIty Soil SUTVOY descnbes this soil as nearly level to sloping, excessively dJrained, deep and sandy. The soil is located on long nalTOW, dl.U1e.like coastal ridges. The water ta'ble is below a depth of 6 feet. The ~ ,!~tati<>.(l ~ itlJin the tree })teStl" Ation ~! ~om.plisc:d Plimaril, of Atlstrah4r. pine (~.<<;)...YI ;"u .:'liu;"t!,Itfvliw), 411 ".hoot;", jJln~ive tlce: The eastern portion exists a.~ an op~ area devoid of canopy and is vegetated in herbaceous, weedy species including natal grass: (Rhynchelytrum repens). This area, which approximates 1,600 sq. tl.~ will be planted with native scrub species indicative of this habitat. 3. MAJ.~AGEMENT PRESCRIPTION The following management shall be used to provide a natural buffer area com~rising approximately 7,000 square feet (+/ ~ 700' x 10') located east of the preservatioo aloog Jthe entire remaining extent of the southern property bOund:lry. The objective of the tree m.anagement area is to mitigate for unpreventable loss of native upland vegetation protected by the CitY1ofBoynton Beach per the: Tree Preselvation Section of Ordina."lce 095.02 and to create a buffer from the adjacent property. . 03/30/2001 15:43 '3419471323 GTE Bm,j IT A PAGE 84 The buffer will be restored including canopy, shrub, and groundcover in apprdKimate historic native vegetative conditions existing prior to clearing and revegetation in exotic vegetation. The buffer will be maintained in pelpet'..lity per management procedures sbt forth in the Cedar Ridge PreseIVation Area Management Plan. The buffer will provide additiQnal habitat for wildlife species known to utilize scrub habitat throughout the vicinity of the projeclt site. Completion of restoration ,,'ork within the Preserve is required by the City of Boynton Beach prio:r to the l"eleue of the last certificate of occupancy for townh~mes on the west side Spruce Street. The scope of work is as follows. · Desgination of buffer area b, ..t.rlt;ng · Clearing and debris removal . Installation of temporary inigation · GIOttlld prepMation · Planting and mulching . Fertilization and pesticide application · 90~Day maintenance · Long tenn maintenance · Monitoring A. The bl1ffer will be 6u1 "eyed ~IJ .,taked to ;:;ho~ th(.1hni~-cl'the area. the preserve 'will be 7001 long and vary in width (average 10') to create an 1,Uldulating effect, thus simulating more natural conditions, The total area will comprise approximately 7,000 square feet. Orange barrier fencing will be instalred along the north limit of the buffer to prohibit construction equipment from acpidentaUy encroaching with the planted corridor. Prior to planting the buffer area will require in~'Pection and approval by the City of Boynton Beach Forester~ B. Clearing will be conducted to remove all exotic vegetation and debris. . Soil disturbance should be limited to the top 6" of the groWld surface. Trees, shrubs~ stumps, etc. shall be disposed of in accordance with local, sta,te, and fellieral regulations. Other domestic debris and household trash shall be remo~d from the site and disposed of in an approved landfill site. Based on Consul-Tech's Mal"th 28, ZOOt site inspection, we recommend that woody exotics sucb as BrllzJl1aD pepper and earleaf acacia be cut and removed aDd stumps chemicaUy treated. Nubance vines and grassel'i will be treated and left in place. C. A temporary inigation system will be installed to provide water for the! pla."lted material for up to 90 days following plant installation. Following the 90 day period, the plautings should be watered bi-weekly, thereafter, for a period of 60 days, d~nding on weather conditions. Subsequent to plaut establishn1ent, temporary irrigation measures should be tenninated immediately. 03/38/2001 15:43 9419471323 eTE BONITA PAGE 135 D. T~ glom1d win be pl~pa:red ptioJ to pl1Jtlt iu"tdlld.hOn by raking oat I~S and 1 "'IUV Y al of . ,!,a.rll U~ d~Jjs. The planting Aleas win be d':'sl81!.ded '" :tv JJlad !pec;i~Q Gild size. D. Plant installation will be per the Cedar Ridge Preserve Planting Plan designed to create a viable scrub habitat system. See attached planting plan. Each1plant should be thoroughly watered in to prevent air pockets. Do Not apply mulch to scrub plantings. E. During plant iustallation, fish meal should be applied to the soils to enhance growth and benefit the re-establishment period. Lindane should be applied to all planted pines to discourage infestation by pine borers and other pests. F. Following plant installation, the planti.ng~ should receive 90 days ofmallltellance to ensure survival. The irrigation system sho\.ud be operated daily for 4t least one hour. Tbe irrleatioD s)'stem will be monitored weekly for three mo~ths to ensure proper operatioo. '.\\:x.lJ~ l.u4.~'1t.vH41lce Sl;;DSiofiS cue!; l~q...~Jc;d fndttdillg weeding and re-!Jftt..1J:i<-<lt~0lJ. of plauted material M.d ()th~ ....ti vitks I'le($ded to prelcllt 11." Iv'XI of the planted material. G. Long tenn maintenance should be conducted quarterly for the first t\vo years and semi-annually thereafter to prevent the invasion of exotIc species and weedy nuisance species. Every effort should be made to prevent soil disturbance. At no time should mulch be applied to the area. M.M1A~elUell1 w ill be COJ1duc.(cd p.... spec.ifiGatioui:I .,,,l fv, th in the Cedar RiagG I'le~ v.d;Ol1 AtG8 Man'\geu!~ilt Plan. H. Monitoring will be conducted annually for the first two years to ensure :100 percent survival of the planted material. All dead plant material will bel replaced on a one to one basis per the planting plan. The report will include a p~oramic photograph of the buffer plantings taken from a pennanent station. All :]Jlants will be counted to quantify success. The degree of exotic infestation will bll noted and wildlife utilization will also be noted, Exotic infestation will be maintained at less than 5 percent. 4. ENTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN The owner of record will be responsible for implementation ofllie Cedar Ridge Tree Preservation Plan including planting, maintenance, monitoring, and long-tenn managetnent. 5. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The o",ner of record will be fmanciaJ1y responsible for the costs ofimplem.en~g the Cedar Ridge Tree Prest:rvation Plan and the replacement of planted material sl10uld thEl plantings be deemed unsuccessful to ensure 100 percent success. 6.8 REFERENCES 31 07:09 4075336801 C~DA~ ~lU~~ U~V~L ,H\;:U:. ~.. b.e Town..hornes a.t Cedar Ridge, be. 1060 S,." RId.- RH4 LMIIuItI, FltHIM jJ462 VOW: U1-$3341H FlU: 561-$33-6101 Apri19.1998 /11 / K"e - ~ 4IJ ~~ b; Df7l:J/;!.-.. ~ ke,I/."" J (pz,~) Bulent 1. Kastariak, NCARB Director ofDevetopment City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310' RE: Cedar Ridge Estates Dear Mr, Kastarlak In reference to our meeting on 4-7-98, I would like to say how refreshing it was to hear that someone with the City of Boynton Beach is actually trying to make its infamous bureaucracy more Huser friendly". I wish you luck and great success with this unenviable endeavor. As we discussed, Cedar Ridge Development Corp. agrees to complete all required improvements to the north, south and east perimeters of Veronica Lake, including littoral plantings. and shoreline landscaping, prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy (C.O.) for buildings 9,10, & t 1 of Phase HI. Cedar Ridge Development Corp. will complete the balance of the required improvements to Veronica Lake's western shoreline prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy (c. 0) for the last three buildings, numbers 6, 7, & 8 of Phase III. This letter shall act as a binding agreement between The City of Boynton Beach and Cedar Ridge Development Corp.. This agreement supersedes any and all other agreements either written or verbal and may be amended only by written agreement of both parties hereto. I hope that this agreement provides both you and the City of Boynton Beach with the '1evel of comfort" necessary. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this or any other issue please feel free to contact me at 561-533-5199 during business hours or at 561-582-6929 during evening hours. Thank you for your time and assistance. Good Luck. fBf:?JJ( cc: Dennis p, Koehler, Esq. Facsimile TRANSMllTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION To: Fax #: Date: From: Re: Pages: -=re F fAd C\ ~f? I Co n s L - Te c ~ t ~ S. T", to '141 q~r-z l3z3 .3' 19. DI K e \J \.1\. r \j ~ l \ ~ ~ Ct. ~ FR ~ r (15. IUvT . CedO\.R. K\.J,\e.. I~ ,/i:ee -6 LAI<,E ?R e-s,t>R.\J6L T (D {\ ( r p. I - L.f ). -p J.. tit .v A Q e tiL ?t.. A- IV T I f\) & / 1M.. 0~ r pLAN (ppJ-3 V Dee Ie, Q ~"." · t;;- C 0'-' "'" "'- ....T,. .. 'iCp 'm~ T...) C rr./ _ ~ Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 02/01/1gg1 02:08 4075336801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 05 CEDAR RIDGE TREE P~ESI!RV A TION PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION A :t33.0 aere parcel located in Section 9, To\vnship 45 S(luth, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, has be~n proposed for residential devc::lop1l1ent and designated as Cedar Ridge Development. A preservation area managemc.nt plan was submitted to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and approved by the City Council. To facilitate removal of native trees and set forth flcceptahle mitigation requircmenl'i p~r Chapter 7.5 Article ]/ Ordinance 095.02, the tbllc)wlll8 trE'e n1al\age"m~nt plan has been ?rep;lJCld as an addendum t(l the Cedar Ridge Preservation Area Mauageme.nt Plan. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Cedar Ridge Development ~ite is located east of High RJdgl!! Road and west of Florid,,-':! SeaC(.lut Railroad right-of-way near the o011hem bf)undary of the City ()f Boynton Be<t(',h. Florida (Figure 1). The ~ite is bordered to the nor1h by Lake Wonh Christian Hjgh School and on thE', south by the Kilpatrick Compan.y pAJ(.fl The preselvation art~a IS located in the ~l)uthwest portt.(ln of ,he l~ite and is cot'rlprised of good quality sal'\d pine sCl'\lb. The tree mana.gement l'lrea i~ located within a 7001 long by ilO' wide corridQr extel1ding atong the southern b1.1Undary llf the parcel. This area has previously been cleared of native vegetation. The soil m~derlyin8 the tree preservation arc:a i, St. Lucie (SeB) [me s~nd The Palm Beach County SQil Survey describes this soil as nearl)i level to sloping, exce~stvely drained, deep and sanely. The soU is located on long nam)w, dune-like coastal ridges The wat.e.r table is below B depth of6 feet. The vegetation within the tree pre~etvati(ln area is compri3~d primarily of Australian pine (Casvarina eqUisettjofla), a.n exotic, invasiyc tree. The eastern portion exists as an open area devoid of c&nopy and is vegelettd in herbaceolls. weedy spe.cies including natal ,grass (Rhy"cl1e/)'trum repetls). 3.0 MANAGEMENT PRESCRIPTION The following management &hal1 be used to provide a natmal butle.r area comprising approx.im.ate1y 7000 square feet (:t700'xlO') IOC'.lued east of the prue.rvalton along the entire remaining extent oftne ,outhern prfJp~rty bOl.mdary. The objective of tht trC'.c; mnnagemem area is to mitigate for unprevcntable loss of native up!and vcget.a1ion prote.cted by the City of Boynton Beach per the Tree Preselvation Seclion of Ordinance 095-02 and to cr~.ate a buffer from the adjacc.nl property C & N EnvirnIH""4l!1 ~~? ....., \', ..\ \~t \) (~\ \\~') \) o \,,, \J '0 '~'., p. \ . 02/01/1991 02:08 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 05 r . ~.. I The bllffer will be restored incJudjl\g (:anopy, shrub, ftnd groundcover tt) a~'prOldmate historic I'1ative vegelative tOlldilions extHing prk)f ro clearing I\nd revegeratklll in ex-otto v<::aetation 'fhe buffer \l\-ill be restQled with native pJants end~mic to south Florida coastal scrub The buffer wiU be maintained in perpotuity per management procedures set tbrth in the Ceclu Jlidse Preservation Area Management Plan The buffer will provide additional habitat for' wildlife :lptl;it:~ known to utilize sc.rub habitat throughout the vicinity of the projeot sit~. The scope of work i! as follows. · Designation of butter a.rea by staking · Clc;aring and debris removal . Installation ofternporary irrigafion · Ground preparation . Planting and mulching · Fertilization and ptstidde applicatkJl1 · 90.Day mainteuance . Lal1tl tenn maitHe'1tUlCe · Monitoring "c' \." ," .."'\ , \ ,,) . .. ".f \..,' \ ..~... . A. The buffer will be surveyed and Itaked to show t'" limits of tht: area The plt!serve will be 700' lOllS and vary in width (averA8( 10') t,.J cr", .e an undulating effecl, thus simulating more natural conditions. The total area will comprise approximately 7000 square feet. Onmge barrier fenc.ing will be installed along the north limit of the buffer to prQhlbil. coostructiort eq\,lipment from acddentaUy encroaching tNith the planted corridor. .Prior to planting the buffer area will require inspeotlon and approval by the City of Boynton Beach Forester. B. Clearing will be conducted to temove all e.x:otic ve~etation and d(lbJill Sod disturbance should be limIted to the top 6" of the gr<mnd surface. Trees, ahnlb" stumps, eK shall be disposed of in Ac.cOtdance with looQ,J, state, Md federal regulations. Other domestic debris and hc)\Isehold ttnsh ""hall be removed from the s.ite and di$posed of i.o an approved lftndfilJ site:. C. A tempora.ry irrigation system will he installed to provide water for the planted material fOl up h,l 90 days following plant installation following the 90 day perilld. the plantlllgs should be watered bi-weekly, thereafter, for a period of 60 days, depending on weather conditions, Subsequent.o plant establishment, temporary irrigation me.aSures should be terminated immediately. D The ground will be Im~pared prior to plant installation by rakmg Ollt rots and ~c.moval Qf ve.getfttive debris. The planting areas will be designated as to plant spec.ies and si~e r) ,r':' ?~. -- ~--------- --- 02/01/1991 02:08 4075336801 M /'\ 'I" - ID I - '9 7 ,. l-l U e"; 1... F. 1'1 l.._'" r'o r.:. " '.- ~.. CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 07 E Plant Installation will be per the Cedar RIdge Planting l'lan designed to create a viable scrub habitat 8y~tem see lmach(.d planhl\g plan. Each plant should be thoroughly watered in to prevent air pockets. Do Not apply mukh to scnlb pllllHings, F. During pllU\\ ll\stallatiotl, fish o)eal should be applied to the soils to enhan,ce growth and benefit the re-eStablish.ment period, Lindal1e! $hould be applied to aU planted PlM$. to discourage infestation by pine borer!lllnd other pest~. G. Following plant installation, the plantlngs should receive 90 days of mainte11a.nce to ensure survival. The irrigation syMtm ,lIould be operated daily for a.t lease Olle hour Weekly maintenance ses!.ions ar~ required il\clLldil'lg weeding and (c- stabilization of plantt.d material and other activities needed to l)[~vent the I051~ of the planted material H. Long term rnalnlena.nce should b~ conducted quarterly for the first two yealS and semi-a.nnually thereafter to prevent the invasion of e;1\otic specieg :tr\d weedy nmsanCe g.p~cle$, EVi.ry effort should be made 10 prevent .soil disturbance At no time should l11ul~h be: applied to the area, Managemcnl will be t"ofldueted per !:pecitkations set forth in the Cedar Ridge PrC5ervatton A.rea Mana8~ment Pla.~.. 1. Monitoring will be <;ollducted annuaUy for the first two years to elll'lUte 100 percent surviv.l of the planted ma.terial All dead plant material wi.!J be replaced (In a Qne to one basis pe-t the pl8nting plan, The report ,-vitllnclude a panoramic photograph of the buffer planting' taken .from a p\:rmanenr st~tkm AJI plants will be counted to quanti~ success. The degree of exotic infestAtion wlll be noted l\nd ",ildlife utilitation will also be noted, Exotic infestation will be, maintained 8t le.s! than 5 percent. 4.0 eNTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN The owner of record will be responsible for implementation of the Cedar Ridge Tree Preservation Plan including planting, maintenance, monitoring, and tong-tenn 111{111agemCt1t. 5,0 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY I The owner of r~ord will be financially responsi,ble (or the COit:s of implementing lle Ccd~r RIdge Tree Preservati(,ln Plan i\tld tl1e rvpla~-ement of pla.nted Jn6t~rilll should the ptantlngs be deemed unsuccessful to ~nsure 100 percent stlCCess. ) I', ....) ---' /1 i / y.3, 02/01/1991 02:08 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL 6.0 REFERENCES Austin, D" 1003. ~~ The G\Jmb(l Limbo Nature Center ofSPBC, Inc, Carpenter, Cheryl M, 1990. "Sugar Sand Park Management Plan". Unpublished. Carpenter, Cheryl M,. 1993. lithe Sanc.tuary Upland Pre~er:vc and Gopher Tortoise Management Plan,H Unpublillhed, Pernald, kT, 1989. C9dtal xeric Jereb comrn\lnities M..tM TreaSure Coast Resi9.D. &rida: A summary of t~ir dist~butiQJlJlld WIOjl}l, with widelines (or th~h' ptewmion and manaqement Jilorida Game and Fresh Water Fish Conun Nongame Wildlife Pam. TechnicAl a.port No. 6. rallahu~ee, FL. 113pp. Soil Corlservation Service Soils Atlas for Palm Beach County, 1978. Workman, R.w. 1980. NMive Pla.n~s for LlUldsc6.p~-.lli~io Coastal $,outh Florida Sanibd~C8ptiva Conservation Fllundation. Inc '-> '. .,> . ',\1 , \ \ \ ~'.\ \ ,'" ,\ J \;J.... . . " " I ".) 'v' f,Y. PAGE 08 " ~. 02/01/1991 02:08 4075336801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 02 CEDAR RIDGE [UOdDl~V LAKE AREA PLANTING/MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION A !:33.0..al;re pm-cd located in Section 9, TOwn5NP 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County. Florida, designated as the Cedar Ridge Development project, has been approved by the CitY of Boynton Beach, Florida A lake area planting and ma1\a.gl'll\1ent pl~n is req\.lired p(.r tbe City (If Boynton'!l Vegetation Ordinance (Chapter 7 5, Article lV). The following pltll1 htl.~ be!;,' desiSI,ed to Mmply uAth the definition! and provisions set forth.ln the otdinance. 2_0 SITE DESCRIPTION Tht' Cedar Ridge d~vdopment 3ite is located east of High Ridge Road and west of Florida's SeaCN\Sl Railroad right-or. way near the northern boundary of the City ot Boynton Beach, Florida (Figure 1) The site. is bordered to (he not1h by Lake Worth Clu-i~ti~1\ High ScI\lJoJ and on the SOllth by Th~ Kilpatrick Company parcel Mos.t of the :lile has been previously cleared of native vegetation :snd is currently vegetated in AUSlIalian pine (Coj'1,lw'ina equ;setifoJta), 'Br!l.zilian pepper (Sch;nus trN'ehmthifolius), and invasive, weedy h~rbace.()us species. The southwest portierl of the site is vegetated in native sand pille scrub typical to uric coastal ridges Twenty-five percent of the native vegetation has been preserved In cOl'nplianee 'With the City's Vegetation Ordinance A 0.28 l'lcre excavated lake oc'.urs in the eaSlfrn half of the site (Figure 2) Tht lake is ClIrT~ntly vegetated in torpedograss (pantcum n:.pens), an exotic1 invasive grass which significantly lowers water quality and forms a rnOnOCl.llture, Torpedograss rapidly out,cl..)mpetes native vegetation. Maintenance to contr6l torped()grass is costly and rarely 100 percent successful Prior to plantingl alt torpedograss arid its root sy~tc:m3 should be physic.ally removed, if possible by exc,avatton 3.0 PLANTING PLAN . :rhe planting plan \Vas specifically designed to address the existing Jake conditions m an effort to el'i.Sure.IOO percent SU{icess and to ~lrevent n.ltLlre mainten.\nc.c: ~)roblems and e"pEmSt. The followlllg scope of work wi11 be required, · Plllntins area spatial c.onditions · .Planting area preparation · Plant list . Mainrer\anc.e ~_.._-" -- ............-.-.-- v \ ~ .. , II -- p, I 02/01/1991 02:08 4075336801 A. PI.ntlng Area Speciflc.tlons. CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 03 r,'J \' ~D rn L\\ l;J j The City of Boynton Beach requires thllt 51) p~rcent of the lake bank. be planted with a 20' corridor c.Qmprised of R 10' littoral shelf and 10' upland buffer. The llth,lfld shdf will con$i~t of 3' of plantings below the meall waterlifle and 7' of planting:!! above the mean w~u~r lint on 0. shelf graded to a 6 i slope, A 10' upland bufler WI.lI be installed landward of the plalltcd 10' littoral 5helf, Approx,mately 615 linear feet of lake shore win require plali\i"8 withll1 a 20' corridQr. The: planting area wiU comprise approximatelY 12,300 square feet 8. Planting Are. Preparation The lake will require excavation of the shorl!\line to create the 6 1 iittorat shelf. The uplantj butter ,lope should be no less than 4.1 Care should be takr;n to ensure thAt all torpedograss and their rhizome:~ art1 removed to preY(lnt future problems c. Plant LIst The City of Boynton Beach re.quir(s all upland buffer be planted with c.allopy, slu\lb, and groundcDve,r plant species. The litt-oral shelf ....-ill re-quire OIlJ~ a herbae:eous stratum with no c,anopy or ~roundc.over A list of plal1t~ suitable to be planted within tbe buffer, \h~ 7' con'idor above water, and the 3' cCttridor below wate,r has bet'1'l compiled All planting3 Arc subject to substituti"n due t~ availabiliw and !\uitability to physical site conditions, .' $uggest&d Suffer Plants: Ihtub: Saw palmetto (Sereno,., rept"'J) Seagrap( (Coccoloba uvifera) Florida privet (Fores/ie,a segregattl) Wax Mynle (Myrica cerljera) Toughbumelia (Bumelia tel1L'lX) Rusty lyoniil (Lyoniafi~rl'ugmea) CoC{)plurn (Chrysobahmus iMeo "h(u'itOI\II\I") Scrub pal.metto (Sabal etrmia) ~awpaw (As,mma spp) Tarflower (Btifaritl raCt'rJ10sd) D ~un~o~~ u,ne sunflower (Hdmnfhu$ debl!ls) . . RaIlroad vine (fpomoea pE':r-mprm:) ~7Ck[y p~ar (OpUl1flCS,humi(usa) Blanker flO\.,'er (Gtl1llardia "'4kheJ!u'\ R; v~r.lea ,r~d a~tet ,CP1{yopsh gramimJolil1) tieM grass (Yucfo filammlo<;(i(.)' ~7.lJ18 star (LJt:'fn~ dUlpmr.mh). , . . EllIOtt t ~ o\legr:lS$ (F.r,wro1is ~Ilioltti) Qtnopv; Scrub oak (Querru$ gt~millata) Sabal palm (Sabal palnuNto) Slash pine (Pinus (JlliottU) Sllnd pine (Pitlus d(Jum) C-bapman oak (Quercus cl1apmcmii) l\.~yrtle oak (Quercus r1~)'rltfolia) Sllkbav lPel'SM hllmifis) p.~. ( ;._. 02/01!1391 02:08 4075335801 CEDAR RIDGE DEVEL PAGE 04 I, .. ~.. I I I Sugge.ted Shore Planl$: .Btu~ fl"8 iri,. (Iris ~ji"gmjc(l) Swamp fern (1/'ltrcl1,."m, se,.",klfum) Blanketflower (GaJllardia plllchelJa) Slnd Cordgtass (Sparttna hakcrm Dwarf Fakahatc:hee grass (r,'ipsQC'ttm florid(tnlllt') Dlue porterweed (Star.hytrtrpheta sp, ) Broomsedge (Andropc>gon spp,) Mai<Senc:.ane (Panicum hemitmnoll) Muhly afaS!l (A.-1tlhlenbugia cQPl/larir) SU9geet4td Aquatic Plant&: Spike!\lSh (Eleoch<'lti$ inlet'Sr'do) Bulrush (Sdrpf4$ spp. ) Alligator flt\S (ThaJlia gt'11if...ula((l) Pickerelweed (Pontedtria ('orddta) Duck potato (Sagittaria !.pp. ) Fragrant water lily (N,vmplmea odoMla) Spatterdock (Nupha,./f/t~um) String lily (Crlmlfn amencanum) Water Hyssop (fJacopa caroliniana) <0- \~.~ ~ ~, ,. \).......... v (0.. v.... ....-:' \t"\\ \.<,:,\ \,Y \;) ....." D. Malntonance Following plant installation. the lake plant-jngs. will require m~intenal1ce on a weekly basb for the fir!:t 90 day" followed by monthly treatm.ents for the re.m=.inder of the first year, and then quarterly therut\er for the nC'~t or two years. If the torpedogl'3ss i,~ properly removed poor to planting, monthly herbicide treatments with RodeQ within wet areas and a mixture of Rodeo and arsenal within dry areas should effectively eradic8re the torpedograss. Monthly treatments for the remainder of 1he yur should IUCMS$.fully control re-growt.h or coloni:ution <1. ;. \\ ",') \) , .) .rJ-, ) p.3, . ~~~ LEVINE, FRANK, EDGAR & ThLEPMAN PA A Profe5sional Association o( Attorneys hy Str.YCll Lcv,nc . iJ." ~tt<<l.. p"'-- io l,1,I"l.io~ o.c Jclfl~ 1-/ r ru k Om1cs W. Edr' ~ 1I1 JJm~ S. TclCJ'fTll-JI Rr.bc:n h. Schleif cr 7 i.. ;{ April 3, 1997 VIA FACSIMILE ONLY (561) 533-6801 Mr. David Faris Cedar Ridge Development Corporation 7000 High Ridge Road Lantana, FI 33462-5006 RE: Cedar Ridge Dear David: Enclosed please find revised pages 32 and 33 to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Cedar Ridge P. U.O. adding a new Section 16.10 relative to the Preservation Area Manaqement Plan, and the last index page adding Seciton 16.10. Please at1ach the Plan as Exhibit D to the Declaration. Meanwhile, should you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, ~o*./ U (I /'-/ -'-. f...~....r--- Jay Steven Levine JSUbds Enclosure - As Stated c:\wpdocs\cede.ridg\la 067.111 (D. - -....Jo I~ tnA5r~,~~1L' ~-EVl ,,~\) l/&-;:pA-_ _ _\ _=-~_ _____________...-..-..--..-..--.--.--G-E....fY1?7?o.. t 1lcft ZCl ~ "'"Tt='VlC( ,( p ~~~-....... ...-- pRes ee UA 'Ii () f'\ t'~lJLa.. /)V)LL.~~vJ CT/l.a..c/t c.., \ .-J v -rrce~ ?fC.e~e fl vc._ r-u"'\ A'LL 4.. ( T{c(."{[ I HE") I) C (0:4\ (r:')~~(? '(. 'J L L it I<e 1~1.L4 1'-\ (1 Ii\. l' kQ. vv~ "-_ t ? \ . ItmRNff: http://www.jcaneCt.nct/-jhf4938 PALM BEACH GARDENS: 3300 PGA Boulevard. Suite 500 Palm Ekach wdens. Florida 33410-2884 (561) 626-4700 Fax: (561) 627.9479 VE RO BEACH: 1901 25th Scrw Vera Beach, Florida JZ96ll (561) 626--4700 Fax; (561) 627-94 79 16.4 Invalidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 16.5 Captions . . . . . . . . .. .......... 31 16.6 Gender; Plurality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 16.7 Owners' Affirmative Duty . . . .. ...... . . . . . .31 16.8 Covenant Running with the Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 16.9 Duration . . . . . . . . . . . , 32 16.10 Prescrvation Arca Managelllellt Pldl' ............,......... 32 ''"(;e l'\ e R.&\.. \. l'\.t\.. ",""G."'A "'-( EO. G ... . c:\ c: \. >'\(0 ",," t-&'\ '. (d O<.t. _l?~" T) PRe.s.<.:i~\f~ A-Rht. Jlv) CL"'~j~""e",-T PiaV) c...7"/~a.cTC " ) Ree PRt:'5l:::'~iJa..rICJf) ,L}Reet.. CT~C.T "E") i..AI<€. Ate-eCL M- A,') C(.j e "'le ~\. T PLA'1 <- ~ tLC. j" ....G ,,) ?2... of any mortgagee holding a mortgage on hislher lot. The Association shall be permitted to rely on information supplied by Owners in writing. 16.8 Covenant Running with the Land. All provisions of the Governing Documents shall be perpetual and be construed to be covenants running with the real property in the Community, the Properties included, and all of the provisions of the Governing Documents shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the Developer and subsequent owner(s) of Properties as well as all real property in the Community, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, SLJccessors and assigns. r'4one ot the provisions contained in the Governing Documents are intended to create, nor shall be construed as creating, any rights in and for the benefit 01 the general public. 16.9 Duration. This Declaration, as amended from time to time, shall run and bind the Properties for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of this Declaration, at which time the Declaration, as amended, shall automatically be renewed for successive periods of ten (10) years, unless and until terminated as provided in Section 14 above. "GEi")H"(t.'t.1 Ma;,,'~r'aOl\cE- Gv.de1i'1"'.1 ~ k'1 16.10 Procorvation {,ron M~nJ.gomfmt PlaR. The A. ssociation is_Dblioated Ltrl (<~ .. TRee. Pf;?Fs/"f2i.-<lT;U"'r\ "4- l"le~ to follow all requrrements With respect to the preserve area constitutIng a portion OT the ' C.lt"?€ cl. common area, pursuant to that Pro(;orvatioFl AroJ. ~.:tnJ.go~r)t Plan approved by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a c&pY'~~w~icl/ls'" attached t3~a~'ttma(je a part of this Declaration as Exhibit "0". IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and seal this _ day of 1997. CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP. a Florida corporation, By: Witness SEAL Witness STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the day of I 1997, before me 32 7'S. personally appeared , as_ ___~___ of CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP., who is personally known to me or who has produced (if left blank. personal knowledge existed) as identification and who did (did not) take an oath and who executed the aforesaid Certification at his fme act and deed as such duly authorized officer; and that the official seal of the Company is duly affixed and the instrument is the act and deed at the Company. WITNESS my signature Glnd official seal at _____ Beach, State of FlondJ, the day and year last aforesaid in the COUllty of Palm NOTARY PUBLIC Sign Print State of FlOrida at Larg8 My commissiorl expires. c:\wr;dc..:.s\CUCB f'O':i.di::::';;;: rtl f",,lj S ~ r.'-i