LEGAL APPROVAL I } POBOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 13051 734-8111 ~ C-,.. ~~"-~.. - -.L-- r:}Jlff((~;;~ r-----., ~.f;..t.E:~F\~i:.~t;I~E'f:e . I ~o{;J ! c--- . ~-';~~}J,i'~ -'~i1II -<- -. - ;::---:-'-: -- ....,.- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH October 7, 1982 Mr. Kenneth L. Groves P.O.Box 3198 Lantana, Fl. 33462 Dear Mr. Groves: Please be advised that on Wednesday, October 6, 1982, the City Council approved on second reading,Ordinances # 82-26, 82-32, and 82-34,which annex and zone the so-called Point Manalapan properties. Also, as a part of the approval of these Ordinances, the Master Plans for the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD, and the High Ridge Commerce Park PID are approved subject to agreements and stipulations listed in the Petition for Voluntary Annexation and staff comments, (see attached). .. If, after you have had an opportunity to review this information, you have any questions concerning these ~matters, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours very truly, CSA:mpc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ C.~8~t' Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CC: City Manager Bldg. Dept. w/plans & attmts. Eng. Dept. w/plans & attmts. Utility Dept.w/plans & attmts. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Parks & Rec. Dept. Public Works Dept. Central File w/plans & attmts. Energy Coordinator // EXHIBIT "1" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying in ~ction 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. \ -' the North 2/3 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of aid Section 9. the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 less ;the 25.00 feet right-of-way of Highi..Ridge Road. TOGETHER WITH the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, less the 25.00 feet righ~t-Of-wa:.. ocT""! High Ridge Road. TOGETHER WITH Tracts D, E, and F, as s own ~~at 0 Lincoln Memorial Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 23, age ~~~pal Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH all that land, bounded on the u by the South line of said Section 9; bounded on the East by the West right-of-way of the " Seaboard Air Line Railroad (as laid out and now i '.-;--.'.-- -~ on the North by the South line of Tract "D", as same s shown 0 t of Lincoln Memorial Gardens, recorded in Plat o~o... page ub ic.Records of Palm Beach County, Flo~idal bounded on the' by the Ii e of the South Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest Quart r ( '.) of t test Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 9~ EAST 5' (;..J(- 5 7 t1'7t~- t.i ~- U (- K !, G ,..) .. . , , . i ., I i. .0 . : '.j':.~.-~...~';..;<. "(J) PROCEDURES FOR ZONING-OF LAND TG -PUD. -'. . .~~:~~:.. :.....~~.: ~...Th~ ;;~~'~d~'r~s'~~~"io~ing of land to- PUD Lassifj~tion '';ith . I : :..:'~":;; ':.: ~~ :speci.fi~'; LUI' rati.ng shan. be the same ar for .wning ]and' ': -_ _ ,. f ~-:o~.': ..- .' genera1ly~ Because of t~e d~f! erences be.tween. PUD develop-.' ..... :. !.:': _:' ~ .~: '.ments and the concept of unifJed controlm development, bow- ., : .', ~ ~:~, .~:- ~.>_;:~~:::e~f!,.t~e. ~ollowing .pr~edu~es and requ~.e~~nts. ~half a?~ly.' _'~ . :' .... ~ -! to applIcabons for zonIng to PUD. classIflcabon, m addition r-':\ .j :,. X):~~ '.~~ ~.~~ t?e gen~ral requirements:. '. . '. !. .;'. :.: ;' < ....: .~. .~. .: ~". o'~ I'~;~-"~~; ~- . ~ .:.:: '(at ~ppliCati.ons ~ ma~ria1s to be .s.ub~~d. I~-ad~itio~ to _.: ---. . >~ ;:- .' ~ .: infonnabon reqUlred for applIcabon~ for zonlIlg gen- ': ~...:.~..:.- ; :-.\~;.~' ..e:allY; the applicant shall" submit th~ fcrJlowing mate- ~ ._ , :.: ,_: .~ ._", . .'~. '-nals or pata:' .:-: r!.'. ., _ 1:':. _ "0 r' . ". '. . . '.. :~. '. , .'. . ..' I. :. j. . . -.'. '..: ~:_ ):. - '. -.." (l.f Legal d~cum'ents assuring unifi~d' control of the ;" - ~ :' ..: ":;,,:;'~..-<~ '-: proposed PUD and the agreements required under :. .~'. J ..-.;::_ :J:' subsection (F). .' . t '. '.' :.., '.~ ~ . -.....-..-. ....: '(2) A statement:as ~ the LID ~ating. s~uiht for th~'_ . ;". ..--,.-.--..... PUp an~ ~uch' supporting evidence or'documenta-. --: ~~ .- .tion as the applicant...may feelis~.-pertinent to"en.,.-:- able the planning and wrung board and the'govern"- . ... ... .ing body 10 detennine-=whether..,;or -not the LUI..:.-:; - ..:. :. . :' '.: . ~ .;ati~ requested is reaSonable and pr~per.. .' .. !.-- . '-<:' (~j' A.site dey~l~;mentplan containini: .!.... .:..' >. :.~ "-:.;'. a.-:. The ;title. of the project and the names of the .:- '-.," i.'.. , :. . :. . professional project planner and the devel- -. "... ." . :;".~.:. .-:.: "0 - .. .~..- oper ;". ~ ~- -. ~ .. .: I '. I .::. ":' I - I J._ _ I -I I. ,. -/) I -- -; . b. Scale, date, north arrow, and .generallocation , map; c. Boundaries of the 1;>roperty involved,~a1J exist- ing streets, buildings, water courses, ease- ments, section lines,' and other existing im- '. porlant"physical features in and. arljoining the . t · proJec ; - . I . d. Master plan lo~tions of the diffetent uses ::-.~.: ;'~:.:-.'~~_.~ .' .... proposed by dweJling types, open spaCes desig- . nations, recreational facilities, co'mmercial :. .' . _-'0 . . : "; uses, other' pennitted uses, and ~ff-street - parldng and off-;treet loading locations;. . . . . . .::. - -.' e. . Master plan sbowing access. and tra;ffic. flow :. .'" :.. . and how vehicular traffic will.be separated . ....... from pedestrian and other types of traffic; ~ .':..7. _..:-..". ~.J.' Tabulation~ ~f total ~ross acreage i~ the de- - :.:' :';":'-'.'. -' 'velopment'and the percentages thereof pro- o . . . I . ~ . .: '. ;' ., . posea to be devoted to the several dwelling - .. . _ : '. types, other pennitted uses, recreatidnal facH- . _ it;.ies, streets, parks, scbools, and other reser- __ '.. vations; . . g. . Tabulations demonstrating the relationship of the development to proposed LID rating. as - '. shown in Table I, subsection (D). 'and pro- ......> . . ..... posed numbers and types of dwelling units; ",: .. and ~. ! .. .. -'. ~ ..... ... . .' h:.. Wh~re 'required by the area planning' board .' :.' '.' .:. - . . an environmental impact study -shall be sup- plied. .. . -(4) 'A statement showing modifications of wning or other ...applicable ..city- regulations where it-is in- tended by the applicant that ~uch modification serves the public interest to an equivalen~ degree. : . t I -. "'.- ..' . ...... ..: -. .' .J ~\ . I' . \ . . J. t . . . I : .1.. .1 ! . I ., i -. .;. .- I I .~ i . I .- . "' I ~. Ll I I 1 I . J i I I , I I J - SAMPLE ONLY ---a Final document5 to be prepared by Attorney. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTICr~s FOR CEDAR, : R!I DGE THIS DECLARATION, made , a Florida corporation, "Declar;:.nt"; by GIBRALTAR SERVICE CORPORATION hereinafter referred to as WIT N E SSE T H: ~, HER E AS, 0 e cIa ran tis the 0\'" n e r 0 f c e r t a i n pro per t y i n Pal m Be a c h Co u n t y , F 1 or i d a , m 0 r e par tic u 1 a r 1 y des c rib e din EXHIBIT A affixed hereto and made a part hereof, and is desirous of subjecting ~uch real property to the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth, each and all of which are for the benefit of such property and each present and future owner and shall apply to and bind every present and future owner of said property and their heirs, successors and assigns; and, N ml , T H [ REF 0 R E ,De c I a ran the r e by de c 1 are s t hat the rea 1 property described in EXHIBIT A is and. shall be held, tranferred, sold, conveyed, used and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to CEDAR RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., its successors and assigns. Section 2. to the Articles of with the Florida Association. "Articles and By-Laws" shall mean and refer Incorporation for the Association to be filed Secretary of State and the By-Laws of the Section 4. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Unit including contract sellers, but excluding those . having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 5. .I/Properties" shall .mean and refer to that certain real property described in EXHIBIT A affixed hereto and made a part hereof, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the operation of this document. Section 6. "Common Area" shall mean all real property (and interests therein and improvements thereon) and personal property owned or leased by or dedicated to the ^ssociation for the COlilfilon use and enjoYiilent of the Ol'.ners. Illitirdly, t.he Co~mon Area shall consist of all portions of the r~~pc~t!es "hich are not dedicated to the Cannongate Association, a governfolf:ntal entity or the public, including the open spaces of the Properties which are not a part of the Units. Section certain drainage, dedicated to the Properties. 7. "P.U.D. Common Areas" water management and P.U.D. Connongate Association on shall mean those open space areas the plat of the Section 8. "P.U.D." shall mean and refer to the Cannongate P.U.D. as a whole. Section 9. "Unit" shall mean each residential dwelling constructed by Declarant, its successors and assigns, and conveyed by recorded deed to a purchaser thereof. The legal description for each Unit shall reference the plat, recorded in the Public Records, for the Properties. Section 10. "Public Records" shall mean the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, as recorded in the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office thereof. ARTICLE II ANNEXATION AND WITHDRAWAL Section 1. Annexation by Declarant. Until such time as all Units in the Properties have been conveyed to individual purchasers, additional residential property and/or Common Area may be annexed to the Properties by the Declarant. No consent from any other party, including Class A members, or any mortgagees of any Uni ts shall be required. Such annexed lands shall be brought within the scheme of this Declaration by the recording of a short form Notice of Declaration that shall be executed by Declarant and recorded in the Public Records. The short form of Declaration shall refer to this Declaration and shall, unless specifically otherwise provided, incorporate by reference all the terms, covenants and conditions and restrictions of this Declaration, thereby subjecting said annexed lands to such terms, covenants, conditions and restrictions as fully as though said annexed lands were described herein as a portion of the Properties. Such Notice of Declaration may contain such additions or modifications of the covenants and restrictions contained in this Declaration as may be necessary to reflect the different character, if any, of the added land and/or units and as are not materially inconsistent with the scheme of this Declaration. Any annexation shall require the prior written approval of Palm Beach County, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 2. Annexation by t.lembers. At such time as all Units in the Properties have been conveyed to individual purchasers, additional lands may be annexed only with the consent of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the vote .of the membership in the Association. Section 3. \Hthdrawal. For a period of eight years from the date of recordation of this Declaration, the Declarant shall be entitled to withdraw any portion of the Properties which are described in Exhibit A affixed hereto (or any additions thereto which may have been annexed in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of this Article II) from the provisions and applicability of this Declaration and the Articles and By-.Laws attached hereto, by recording a notice to that effect in the Public Records. The right of Declarant to withdraw shall not apply to any portions of the Properties or Units which have been - 2 - 0292z/02llD ca~v~yed to a Purch?ser thereof 1Jr'l1'?ss s::Jid right is 5pc-cif,(.=.ily reserved in such conveyance or approved by such Purchaser. T:,e wittldrawal of any portion of the Properties shall not, excr;pt as set forth above, require the consent or joinder of any other party, including any Owner, the Association, or any Hortgagee of the Properties and/or Units. Any withdra\'.'al shall require the prior written approval of Palm Beach County, which shall not be unreasonably w~~hheld: Section 4. Vacating Recorded Plat. Declarant hereby covenants that it will not vacate any portion of the recorded plat for the Properties, as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, which provides for open space, unless it vacates the entire plat of record. ARTICLE III UNIT BOUNDARIES Section 1. Boundaries. A Unit consists ind~vidual Unit lying within the following boundaries: (a) Horizontal Boundary: of an Upper and Lower Boundaries. The upper and lower boundaries of a Unit shall be the following boundaries extended to an intersection with the perimetrical boundaries: 1. Upper Boundary--The upper plane of the outside surface of the roof. 2. Lower Boundary--The real property within the perimetrical boundaries. (b) Perimetrical Boundaries: The perimetrical boundaries of the Unit shall be the vertical planes bounding the Unit as shown on the Plat of the Properties extended to intersections with each other and with the Upper and Lower Boundaries. (c) Maintenance Easement. There shall exist an easement through each Unit for the ducts, pipes, conduits, plumbing, wiring or other facilities which serve more than one Unit for the furnishing of utility services to the Units and for maintaining, repairing and servicing sa~e. provisions compressors refrigerant to, and the such Unit. (d) Pipes. Any pipes, ducts, wires, conduits, electrical panels,. plumbing, drains, or any utility services, from the customer's side of the meter (if appropriate) serving only one Unit are part of such Unit. (e) Air Conditioning. Nothwithstanding any of the of this Article to the contrary, the air conditioning and blowers located on or near any building and the and electrical lines running from such compressors air handler within, the individual units are part of (f) Parking. Each Unit is entitled to the exclusive use of two (2) parking spaces. Such parking spaces shall be assigned by the Declarant at the closing of each Uni t. Such assignment may be changed from time to time with the consent of the Association and Unit Owners involved. Such parking spaces shall be used only by the occupants of such Unit and their guests and invitees. All parking spaces are subject to rules and regulations determined by the Association from time to time. - :3 - 0292z/0211D . . the :--~s~t to interiur long as ( 9 ) Res e r vat ion. 0 e c l.:ir ;J n t res :2 :' 'o' (" S alter, without the approval of any other party, design, boundaries and arrangements of all Units Declarant owns the Units 50 altered. ..... l. r"J \,.. "... as ARTICLE IV PARTY WALLS - ROOFS Section 1. General Rules of Law to Apply. Each wall which is built as a part of the original construction of the Unit (including fences, if any) upon the Properties and placed between the Units shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, the general rules of 1~l\'1 regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shall apply thereto. Section 2. Sharing of Repair and Maintenance. of reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wall shared equally by the Owners of the Units abutting same otherwise provided herein~ The cost shall be except as Section 3. Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty. If a party wall is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, the Owners of the adjoining Unit must immediately restore it. In the event the cost thereof is in excess of the insurance proceeds, the Owners of the adjoining Units shall contribute equally to pay such excess without prejudice, however, to the right of any such Owner to call for a larger contribution from the others under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions. Section 4. Roofs. The roof of each building constructed, although part of the respective Units, will extend over all of the Units in each building. In the event that a portion of a roof over more than one (1) Unit requires repair, maintenance, or replacement, then the cost thereof, in excess of insurance proceeds, if any, shall be shared prorata by the Owners of the Units over which that portion of the roof to be repaired, maintained or replaced is situated. In the event that damage or destruction is confined to the roof area wholly within the dimensions of a single Unit, cost of repair and replacement thereof which is in excess of insurance proceeds, if any, shall be paid by the Owner of said Unit. If the damage or destruction of adjacent roof areas is caused by the negligence or willful mi sc onduc t of anyone Owne r, such neg Ii gent Owne r shall bea r the entire cost of repair or replacement, in excess of insurance proceeds, if any. If any Owner shall neglect or refuse to perform the maintenance as required in this Article or pay his share, or all of such cost, as the case may be, any other affected Owner may have such roof repaired or replaced and shall be entitled to file in the Public Records a lien on the Unit of the other Owner failing to pay for the amount of such defaulting Owner's share of the repair or replacement cost plus attorneys' fees and costs, which may be foreclosed in the same manner as a lien of a mortgage. If an Owner shall give, or shall have given a mortgage or mortgages upon his Unit, then the mortgagee shall have the full right at its option to exercise the rights of his mortgagor as an Owner hereunder and, in addition, the right to add to the outstanding balance of such mortgage any 2~ounts paid by the mortgagee for repairs hereunder and not reimbursed to said mortgagee by the Owners. Section 5. provision of this willful act causes Heatherproofing. Not\'dthst.:irllJing any other Article, an Owner who by his negligent or the party wallar roof to be damaged or - 4 - 0292z/021lD expcsed to the elements shall bear the whole cC5t of f"::-!1;~:!~r!g the necessary protection against such elements. Section 6. Rights to Contribution Runs \'Jith Land. The right of any Owner tQ contribution from any other Owner under this Article shall be appurtenant to the land and shall p8SS to such Owner's successors in title. If any Owner shall neglr:ct or refuse to pay his share under the provisions of this Article, any ,other affected"Owner. which has advanced more than his pro-rata portion, is entitled to file a lien in the Public Records on the Unit of the defaulting Owner in the amount of such share plus.. attorneys' fees and costs, which may be foreclosed in the same manner as a lien of a mortgage. Section 7. Arbitration. In the event of any di spute a r {sing concerning a party wallar roof (including, but not limited to, a determination as to whether said party wall or roof needs repair. maintenance or replacement), or under the provisions of this Article, any party may request the Soard of Directors to settle the dispute, and the Board's decision shall be binding. The Board may elect not to act in this capacity. If the Board chooses not to act, each party shall select an arbitrator and such arbitrators shall select one additional -arbitrator. The decision of a majority of the arbitrators shall be binding (provided, that, such decision does not defeat the prerogatives of the Associations). Section 8. Alterations. The Owner of any Unit sharing a party wallar roof shall not cut windows or other openings in the party wallar roof, nor make any alterations, additions or structural changes in the party wallar roofs. Section 9. Perpetual Use. Each party wall and roof constructed between the Units is to be and remain for the perpetual use and benefit of the respective owners thereof, their heirs, assigns, successors and grantees, said Units being conveyed subj ect to t hi s condi t ion and thi s condi t ion s ha 11 be construed to bea covenant running with the land in perpetuity. Section 10. Mortgagees Protections. So long as there shall be a mortgage or mortgages upon any Units, the provisions of this Article shall not be modified, abandoned, or extinguished as to that Unit without the consent of such mortgagee. If a Unit Owner shall give or shall have given, a mortgage or mortgages upon his Unit, then the Mortgagee shall have the full right at his option to exercise the rights of his murtgagor as an O\mer hereunder and in addition, the right to add to the outstanding balance of such mortgage any amounts paid by the mortgagee for repair hereunder and not reimbursed to said mortgagee by the Unit Owner. Section 11. Right of Access. In the event repairs or reconstruction shall be necessary, all necessary entries on the adj acent Uni t s shall not be deemed a t re spa s s so long as the repairs and reconstruction shall be done in a workmanlike manner. Consent is hereby given to enter any Unit to effect necessary repairs and reconstruction. Section 12. Location of Reconstruction. Whenever a party wall, roof, or any part thereof shall be rebuilt, it shall be erected in the same manner and at the same location where it was initially constructed and shall be the same size and of the same or similar materials and of like quality (pursuant to the requirements of applicable building codes). - 5 - 0292z/0211D ARTICLE V PROPERTY RIGHTS Section 1. Owners' Easements of Enjoyment. Every O\mer shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the COI;;mon Area and P.U.O. Common Areas for their intended purposes. This right shall be, appurtenant to and sh~ll pass with the title to ,every Unit, subject to the following provisions: (a) The right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and right to use all or a portion of the COr.1iTIon Area and P.U.O. Common Areas by an Owner for any period during which any assessment against his Unit remains unpaid and for a period not. to exceed sixty (60) days per occurrence for any infraction of the Association's published rules and regulations, as they may exist from time to time. (b) The right of the Declarant and/or Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, public or private entity or utility for reasonable purposes. Until such time as all Units in the Properties have been conveyed to individual purchasers, such dedication or transfer may be effective without the consent of any party other than Declarant. After the conveyance of all such Units, no such dedication or transfer shall be effective without consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of the Association, and (for a period of eight years from the date hereof) the prior written consent of Declarant. (c) Rules As sac i a t i on gove rning use P.U.D. Common Area. and and regulations enjoyment of adopted the Common by Area the and (d) The right of the Declarant and/or Association to grant permits, licenses, and easements over the Common Area for utili ties, roads and other purposes reasonably necessary or useful for the proper maintenance or operation of the Properties. Section 2. exclusion of himself) right of enjoyment to specified occupants of Delegation of Use. Any may delegate by written the Common Area and P.U.D. his uni t. Owner (to the instrument, his Common Area to ARTICLE VI MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. 1.1embership. Every Owner of a Unit shall be a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Unit. Section 2. Membership Class. have two classes of membership: The Association shall Class A. Class A members shall be all Owners, wi th the exception of the Declarant while Class B memberships exist. Each member shall be entitled to one vote for each Unit owned. After the expiration of Class B memberships the Declarant shall be a Class A member and entitled to one (1) vote for each Unit owned by Declarant. Hhen more than one person holds an interest in any Unit, all such persons shall be members. The vote for such Unit shall be exercised as they determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Uni t. - 6 - 0292z/0211D .' claSS Dec1arant. Dec1?T~nt, as one hundred ninety (190) cease on the happening of events: G . 7l',..: ~ : aSS tJ i..J ..: . - :J - . , - a C J a ~ s 8 n I? rn t. e r , ~ h ~ J 1 to p '- n t ; t:l ['0 rj t 0 votes. The Class 8 r:,;...;,-,b.:::.ship ~.hall the earlier of one of the following (a) Four (4) months after 75% of the Units in the project have been conveyed to Unit purchasers; or, (b) Three years following conveyance of the first .Unit in the Properties to a Unit purchaser; or, (c) Such earlier date as Declarant rnay determine. ARTICLE VII COVENANT FOR ASSESSMENTS Sect i on 1. Payment of As sessment s. E ac h Owner of a Unit, after the initial conveyance by Declarant, by acceptance of a deed or instruffi2nt of conveyance for the acquisition of title in any manner, shall hereafter be deemed to have covenanted and agreed to pay to the Association the following dues, fees, ,'charges and assessments: (a) Annual assessments or charges for the purpose of operating the Association and accomplishing any and all of its purposes. The Association shall, in its discretion, include a "Reserve for Replacement" in the annual budget in order to establish and maintain an adequate reserve fund for the periodic maintenance, repair and replacement of improvements. (b) Special or reserve assessments for capital improvements, emergencies, or non-recurring expenses. (c)Assessments for the operation, maintenance and repair of the P.U.D. Common Areas. (d) Assessments or charges authorized assessed against all Unit Owners in this Declaration. to be The assessments set forth in (a), (b), (c) and (d) above shall be in equal amounts against the Owners of each Unit, except as provided herein to the contrary. ee) Charges incurred in connection enforcement of any of the terms and conditions hereof, reasonable attorney fees and costs. (f) Fees or charges that may be established for the use of facilities or for any other purpose deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Association. with the including (g) Assessments or charges authorized herein to be made against less than all Unit Owners. Section 2. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of' Assessments. F:ach Owner of any Unit by acceptance of a deed or instrument of conveyance for the acquisition of title in any manner, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed or instrument, is decQed to have covenanted nnd agreed that the assessments, and/or other charges and fees set forth in this Declaration, together with interest, late f<;es, costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a charge on the Unit and shall be a continuing lien upon the Unit against which each such assessment is made. The lien is effective froQ and after recording a Claim of Lien in the Public Records, stating the de sc r ipt i on of the Unit, name of the Owne r, a mount due and the - 7 - 029?z/02llD .. due dates. Each such aS5e5sr~.l;nt, tO~Jl~tt.er with ir.t.'::r:~5t, fees, costs, and 4'cusoilable attorneys' ftCS, shall o2.so be personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of property at the time when the assessment fell due, as well as heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors assigns. _ Section 3. Subordination of the Lien to Mortgages. The lien of the Association shall be subordinate to bona fide first mortgages on any Unit, which mortgage is recorded in the Public Records prior to any Claim of Lien against the same Unit being recorded in the Public Records. A lien for assessm~nts shall not be affected by any sale or transfer of a Unit; provided, however, that in the event of a sale or transfer pursuant to a foreclosure of a bona. fide first mortgage, the acquirer of title, his successors and assigns, shall not be liable for assessments pertaining to the Unit or chargeable to the former owner of the Unit which became due prior to such sale or transfer. However, any such unpaid assessments for which such acquirer of title is not liable, shall be reallocated and assessed to all Units (including such acquirer of title) as a general expense payable by all Units. Any such sale or transfer pursuant to a foreclosure shall not relieve the Purchaser or Transferee ofa -Unit from liability for, nor the Unit from the lien of, any assessments made thereafter. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing the party liable for any delinquent assessments from the payment thereof, or the enforcement of collection by means other than foreclosure. Ii-. t e t :-.e SlJch his and Section 4. Commencement of First Assessment. General assessments (excluding assessments to less than all Unit Owners) provided herein shall first commence as of January 1, 1985 and thereafter to each Unit on the day of the conveyance of title of each Unit by Declarant (unless otherwise specifically set forth by Declarant in such conveyance to the contrary). The annual assessments in effect at that time shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year after such date. The Declarant shall pay the associations operating expenses until Janaury I, 1985. Section 5. Establishment of Assessments. Directors of the Association shall establish all accordance with the following procedures: The Soard of a sse s sment s in (a) Annual assessments against the O...mers of all of the Units shall be established after the adoption of an operating budget. The estimated first year operating budget shall be effective as the associations budget for the period indicated thereon. Except as to the first budget, written notice of the amount and date of commencement thereof shall be given to each Owner not less than twenty (20) days in advance of the due date. Assessments shall be payable at such time or times as the Board of Directors shall direct. Assessments shall include an amount for reserves so as to enable the Association to establish and maintain an adequate reserve fund for periodic maintenance, repair and replacement of improvements to the Common Areas. (b) other fees, dues Directors at any payable at such direct. Special Assessments against the Owners and all and charges, may be established by the 8o~rd of regular or special meeting thereof, and shall be time or times as the Board of Directors shall . (c) The Board of Directors may, from time to time, establish by a resolution, rule or regulation, or may delegate to an officer or agent of the Association, the power and authority to establish specific fees, dues or charges to be paid by Owners for any special or personal use of facilities, or to reimburse the Association for the expenses incurred in connection with the ..' - 8 - O:L92zi0211D enforcement of' any of the terms or pro\'i5~':Jns of this Declaration. Such sums shall be paY2ble by the cpf.ropr ii:t~ Ou;c~r at sue h t i m e 0 r t i Iii e s ass haIl bee s tab 1 ish cd t: Y Ui e .i:' ::: .s 0 1 uti 0 n , rule or regulation or the officer or agent. (d) Subject to the provisions of Article IX hereof, the _ Association shall establish and collect the assessment s for the repa i r, ma intenance and op e ra t i on 0 f the water management tracts, drainage areas, and certain P.U.D. "open .spaces". Each O.....ner shall pay such assessments concerning such items as they are assessed from time to time. (e) The Association shall prepare a roster of the Units and its assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any Owner at reasonable times, upon request. The Association shall, upon demand, furnish an Owner liable for its assessment, a certificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association, setting forth whether such assessment has been paid and/or the amount which is due as of any date. As to parties without knowledge of error, who rely thereon, such certificates shall be conclusive evidence of payment or partial payment of any assessment therein stated having been paid or partially paid. Information re!ative to assessments by the Association 'should be obtained from the Association. Section 6. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments; Remedies of the Association. If any Associat,ion assessment is not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date, a late fee of $25.00, may be levied by the Board of Directors for each month the assessment is unpaid. The Association may at any time thereafter bring an action at law against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same, and/or foreclose the lien against the property. The Association shall not be required to bring such an action if it believes that the best interests of the Association would not be served by doing so. There shall be added to the assessment interest at the highest rate allowed by law, all costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, required to collect same, whether suit be instituted or otherwise. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Area or abandonment of his Unit. Assessments by the ,,_ Association shall be enforced as set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. ARTICLE VIII MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION OF ASSOCIATION Section 1. Common Area. The addition to its other obligations herein, repair and replace all Common Areas Association shall, in at all times m;dnt;dn. as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County , including all improvements placed thereon, in good condition and repair. Section 2. Right to Repair. The Association, to the exclusion of all others, shall have the right to cause the roofs and party walls to be repaired at the expense of the affected Units. See t ion 3 . Rig h t 0 fEn try by Ass 0 cia t ion. i'; hen eve r i t is necessary to enter a Unit, for the purpose of inspection, including inspection to ascertain an Owner's compliance with the provisions of this Declaration, or for performance of any maintenance, alteration or repair to any portion of the Unit or such portions thereof as required to be maintained by the Association, the Owner thereof shall permit an authorized agent - 9 - 0292.:/0211D - -------- - of the Association to enter such dwellings, or go I..!pon U.e ~0i(, provided that such entry shall be r.;ade at re2scnable tir;;!:,s. In the case of emergency such as, but not limited to, fire or hurricane, entry may be made at any time. Each Owner does hereby appoint the Association as its agent for the purposes herein provided and agrees that the Association shall not be liable for any alleged property damage or theft caused or occurring on account of any.entry. Section 4. Others. Upon request of Declarant, the Association shall also, at its expense, maintain the vegetation, landscaping and sprinkler system upon areas which are not within the Properties but abut same and are owned by, or dedicated to another entity, a utility or governmental authority, so as to enhance the, appearance of the Properties (Le. for example, swale areas or median areas within the right of way of abutting public streets, roads or areas within drainage canal rights of ways or other abutting waterways). Section 5. First Class. The Association sh~ll maintain this project as a first-class quality residential project. In accompli shing t he same, it is acknowledged t ha t such ma int ena nc e .shall be performed to the standards established while the 'Association was operated by the representatives appointed by the Declarant. It is agreed that the Association shall make no material changes (or permit others, including Unit Owners, to do so) in the visual appearance of the Units and/or Properties without the express prior written consent of Declarant. Declarant's right to approve shall terminate December 31, 1991. Section 6. Repainting. The Association shall, to the exclusion of all others, paint the exterior of the Units at least every five (5) years at the cost of the Unit Owners in such building. Section 7. Professional Management. After January 1, 1985, the Association shall have a contract for the professional management of the Association continuously in full force and effect. Section 8. Failure to Maintain Standards. Should the Association fail to meet the maintenance standards or should the Association make an unauthorized change in appearance, the Declarant shall give thirty (30) days notice to the Association to cure the problem. If not cured within the time allowed, then Declarant may: (i) as agent for the Association cause the problem to be remedied at the Association's sole cost and expense; or (ii) enforce the obligations through legal action in which event the Association shall pay the Declarant I s costs and attorneys' fees. It is agreed that this agency is coupled with an interest and that Declarant's interests are irreparably affected if the standards of the project are allowed to deteriorate. ARTICLE IX MAINTENANCE OF P.U.D. COMMON AREAS Section 1. Submission. In order to comply with the condi t ions of the P. U. D. approva 1 and ce rtain Pa 1m G eac h Count y ordinances and regulations, it is necessary th~t the P.U.D. Co~mon Areas be under unified control. Accordingly, the limited basis, to be subject Properties are declared, on a to the covenants, conditions and - 10 - OL92z/02l1D res t lie tic n sse t for t h i n t :-: c tee r ~ a :. n D (; c 1 a r ~ t i ;:; i1 ::; 7" -: : ... c- :-- ::. n t s , Conditions and Restrictions recorded in Official Records dook 2777, page 424, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, as amended in Official Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The submission of the Properties to said Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions is solely for the limited purpose of granting the obligation of repair, maintenance arid opeiation of the P.U.D. Common Areas to the Association and granting the Association the right to assess the Units in the Properties, for the repair, maintenance and operation of the P.U.D. improvements within the Properties. However, until notice to such effect is given from Properties, Inc. to Society Hill Homeowners, Inc., this maintenance obligation, and the right to assess therefore, shall be delegated to the Society Hill Homeowners Associat.1on, Inc. Section 2. Plat. The P.U.D. Common Areas to which this Article refers are only those dedicated .to the Cannongate Association on the Plat of the Properties. Section 3. Assessments. The provisions of ARTICLE IV of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions providing for assessments by the Association are, only for the maintenance, repair, and operation of the P.U.D. COl7lffiOn Areas, created and established hereby' and each Owner of a Unit, by acceptance of a deed or instrument of conveyance for the acqui si t i on of tit Ie in any manner, shall he rea f t e r be del;:oiled to have covenanted and agreed to pay to the Connongate Association such assessments. Section 4. Separate Assessments. The Association agrees, by the execution of this Declaration: (a) To maintain such P.U.D. Common Areas in a first class manner and to continuously provide drainage to the Properties through the drainage system in the Cannongate P.U.D. (b) To keep records and assess separately for the Common Areas. Such assessments shall not include any for maintenance of any other common areas and/or units in P.U.D. P.U.D. charges the (c) Such assessments for P.U.D. Common Areas shall be made on a non-discriminatory, pro-rata per unit basis. (d) The cost of maintaining such P.U.D. Common Areas shall be determined separately from all other maintenance expenses and obligations of the Association and shall be billed, on a semi-annual b2sis. For the period of time that the Society Hill Homeowners Association is actually performing such maintenance function then the right to determine charges and correct asseSSli.ents is hereby de] egated to the Society Hill Homeowners Association. (e) If the Association defaults in its obli9ation to maintain the w~ter retention areas within the P.U.D. then Homeowners Association may, but is not obligated to perform such functions and collect such assessments as if they were collected by the Property Owners Association. .# - 11 - 02~2z/021l0 ;'n,ICLE x I~AINTENANCE OBLIGATION OF UNIT C\d:ERS Section 1. Owner's Responsibility. Each Unit O.....ner is responsible for the repair, maintenance and/or replacement at his expense for all portions of his Unit and for such party wAlls and roofs as herein set forth. Owner is strictly prohibited from improving, modifying or maintaining any Common Area or from performing an~- maintenance duties of the Association without prior written consent from the Board of Directors. Section 2. subdivide or partially portion of his Unit. Section 3. Owner Liability. Should any Owner do any of the following: Modifications. No alienate, transfer, Unit sell Owner shall or lease a (a) Fail to perform his responsibilities C'lS set forth in this Declaration; or, (b) Cause any damage to any irnprover.iI:=nt which the Association or other owner has the responsibility to maintain, repair and/or replace; or, (c) Undertake unauthorized modifications to his Unit or to the 'Common herein. imprcve~ents or Area, a s set forth The Association, after approval of the Goard of Directors and ten days prior written notice, may, in addition to all other rights and remedies available at law and/or equity, have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon said Unit and cause the required repairs or maintenance to be performed, or as the case may be, remove unauthorized improvements or modifications. The cost thereof, plus reasonable overhead costs to the Association, shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which the Unit is subject. ARTICLE XI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Section 1. Approval Necessary. Except as initially constructed by Declarant or its successor Declarant, if any, no building, outbuilding, garage, fence, wall, retaining wall, or other structure of any kind or nature shall be erected, constructed, placed or maintained on the Properties, nor shall any Unit, be altered, changed, repaired or modified unless prior to the commencement of any work thereof, two complete plans and specifications therefor, including, as applicable, front, side and rear elevations, and floor plans, and two plot plans indicating and fixing the exact location of such improvements, structures or such altered structure on the Unit \'.'ith reference to the street and side lines thereof, shall have been first submitted, with a receipt obtained, in writing for approval and approved in writing by an A~chitectural Committee. The foregoing prior approval is intended to specifically (without limiting its general application) apply to any maintenance, repair and alternation which changes the exterior appearance or structural integrity of a Unit or of the project as a whole. it is understood that the approval of the Architectural Committee is a condition precedent to undertaking such alterations, etc. The ability to do such alterations, etc. is a priVilege and not a right. The Architectural Control - 12 - 0292z/0211D - - - C IJ r.1 ~ i t t c; ~ 's a :1 ;:. r 0 \ d i s c r L. t .:. C I' ." r~~y be" grant~d or ...i'-I'.~eJd in its sale S e c t ion 2 . '.1 e iii b e r s hip toe 0 m m i t tee. The Arc r: i t '= c t u r ? 1 Committee shall, until their successors are appointed, con5ist of the following: Until such time as Declarant has conveyed all Units in the Properties to individual purchasers the Declarant shall appoint the members. In the event of the resignation, failure, refusal or inability of any member to act, Declarant shall have the right, until such time, to appoint a person to fill such vacancy. In the event Declarant fails to fill such vacancy within thirty (30) days of such occurrence, the Board of Directors shall select, and/or fill any such vacancy, by appointment for a term as determined by the Board. After all units are conveyed, the Board of Directors shall select and/or fill any vacancy by appointment for a term determined by the Board. Section 3. Endorsement of Plans. Approval of plans, .specifications and locatio~ of improvements, etc. by the Archi tec tural Commi t tee shall be endorsed on both sets of plans and specifications, and one set shall forthwith be returned by the Architectural Committee to the person submitting the same. Such approval may be subject to certain conditions as the Committee may impose including, but not limited to, working schedule s, modi fica t ions of plans, bonding and t he like. The approval of the Architectural Committee of plans or specifications submitted for approval, as herein 5pecified, shall not be deemed to be a waiver by the Architectural Cor.lmittee of the right to object to any of the features or elements embodied in such plans or specifications if and when the same features and elements are embodied in any subsequent plans and specifications submitted for approval for use on other Units. Section 4. Construction to be in Conformance with Plans. After such plans and specifications and other data submi t t ed ha ve been app roved by the Arc hi t ec t u ra 1 Commi t t ee, no building, outbuilding, garage, fence, wall, retaining wall, or other improvements or structures of any kind shall be erected, constructed, placed, altered or maintained upon the Properties unless the same shall be erected, constructed or altered except in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and plot plans theretofore approved by the Architectural Co~mittee. Section 5. Time. The request for approval shall state the time which the construction, if approved, is to start and finish. Failure to start in accordance with the schedule shall be a voluntary forfeiture of the approval. Once comr.lenced, construction shall proceed diligently to completion. Time is of the essence. Section 6. Deemed Approval. ... (a) After the expiration of one year from the date of completion of any known structure or alteration, such structure or alteration shall be deemed to comply with all of the provisions of this Article unless notice to the contrary shall have been recorded in the Public Records, or legal proceedings shall have been instituted to enforce cOMpliance. If unkno"wn, such time period commences when the condition becomes known. shall fail, (b) for In the event a period of t hat the Arc hit e c t u r ale 0 "I m i t tee sixty (60) days to approve or - 13 - 0292z/0211D . ..... ~" ..".. -.' .. ..... ......-.. .,"... .., .. ..:......., I..... ..... ................ .....,:-. ....MI(.." "'.:. ......:..., r-"- ... ...:. .........~ _.............._..~.~.:............ .......: disapprove any' plans, specifications, or plot plans, suti.litted to it for approval, the same shall be deemed to have ~cen approv2d. Section 7. Right of Entry. Any agent or r,:ember of the Architectural Committee may at any reasonable time enter and inspect any building or property under construction or on or in which the agent or member may believe that a violation of the covenants, restrictions, reservations, servitudes or easements is occurring or has occurred. Section 8. Declarant Exempt. The Declrtrant and Units olmed by Declarant shall be exempt from the application of this Article and Declarant is not obligated to comply with the provisions hereof. ARTICLE XII EASEMENT FOR ENCROACHMENT UPON THE UNITS Easement for Encroachment. In the event that a Unit, as originally constructed, shall encroach upon any other Unit or improvement thereon, then an easement appurtenant to such shall exist for so long as such encroachment shall naturally exist. ARTICLE XIII, RIGHTS OF DECLARANT Section 1. Sales Office. For so long as the Declarant owns any property affected by this Declaration, or Ivhich it plcns to include in the Properties, the Declarant shall have the right to transact any business necessary to consummate sales of any said Units, Properties, or other properties owned by Declarant or others, including but not limited to, the right to maintain model dwellings, have signs on any portion of the Properties, employees in the offices, use the Common Area and to show dwellings. Sales Office signs and all items pertaining to sales shall remain the property of the Declarant. Section 2. Easements. For a period of fifteen (15) years, commencing upon the, recordation of this Declaration, Declarant reserves the right to grant, in its sole discretion, easefilents for ingress and egress, for drainage, utilities service, cable TV and/or CATV service and other similar purposes over, upon and across the Properties so long as any said easements do not interfere with any dwellings on the Units nor materially interfere with the intended uses of any portion of the Properties. Section 3. Reserved Rights. entitled to exercise all rights granted Declaration. The Declarant shall be to it else\'lhere in this ... Section 4. Assignment. Allor any part of the rights and powers and reservations of the Declarant cont.:iined in this Declaration may be deeded, conveyed, or assigned to other persons or entities by an instrument in writing duly executed, acknowledged and recorded in the Public Records. ARTICLE XIV USE Section 1. Application. matters pertaining to the use of P.U.D. Common Areas. The following shall apply to the Uni ts, Comr.lon Areas and - 14 - 0292z/0211D Section 2 . Scope; R r..: !II e d y for \' ,i 0 .l a t ion.i:... ,: :. ::; provisions are r e.a son a b 1 Y calculated to pro iii 0 t e the.. elf are of the Unit Owners and value of the Properties in gene:-al. The violation of these provisions may cause any Owner or his family and i n v i tee s t 0 be bar red fro m the use 0 f the C c I~I ITI 0 n Are as, a 5 the Board of Directors may deem appropriate, and shall subject any person violating the same to any liability imposed by this Declaration and/or Association By-Laws, Rules and Regulations. Section 3. Provisions. These provISIons shall be in effect until amended and shall apply to, and be binding upon, all Owners. The Owners, lessees, invitees and guests shall, at all times obey the same and use their best efforts to see that they are faithfully observed by their families, guests, invitces, servants, lessees, and other persons over whom they exercise control and supervision. The initial provisions are as follows: (a) The sidcwalk, entrances, passages, stairways and all other Common Areas must not be obstructed, encL!fi,hered or used for any purpose other than ingress and (;gr~ss to and from tt~e Uni t s . (b) The personal property of all O'fners shall be s tor e d wit hi nth e i rUn its, pro vi d cd, ,h 0 W eve r , t hat no 0 1m ern a y store any personal property on, or make any use of the Unit, the courtyard of his Unit or the Common Areas which is unsightly nor shall he make any use of the same which interferes .....ith the comfort and convenience of other Owners. (c) No garbage cans, supplies or other articles, including but not limited to flags and banners, shall be placed on the Common Areas, and, subject to the provisions of F.S. 163.04, to the extent applicable, nor shall any linens, cloths, clothing, curtains, rugs, mops or laundry of any kind, or any other article, be shaken or hung from any of the windows, doors, stairways, or courtyard, nor hung outside the Unit, nor exposed to or on any part of t he Common Area s. The Uni t s and Common Areas shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris and other unsightly material. (d) No Owner shall allow anything whatsoever to fall from the window or doors of the Unit. (e) All garbage and trash shall be properly disposed of in trash receptacles, if any, provided for that purpose. For sanitary reasons, all trash, except new5p2pers, shall be placed in plastic bags and tied securely before being placed in trash receptacles. All garbage cans and trash receptacles placed on the Common Areas for collection shall be taken from the street or removed from the Common Areas wi thin twelve (12) hours after it is collected. (f) No Owner or resident shall direct, supervise or in any manner attempt to assert any control over the employees of the Association. (g) Servants and domestic help of the O.r'iners may not gather or lounge in the Common Areas or grounds. (h) The parking facilities shall be used in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Association. The initial. assignment of parking shall be final, except as herein provided. No vehicle which cannot operate on its own power shall remain on the Common Areas or within the Units for more than twelve hours, and no repair, except emergency repaii, of vehicles shall be made on the Common Areas. No commercial vehicle (this shall not be deemed to include clean "non-working" cor.1i;Jercial - 15 - 0292z/02110 vehicles such' as pick-up trucks, vans or c:,;rs c;:,rr\!~ng advertising signs), truck, or recreati.onal vch.ic.:e (e;((";:_'pt drivable recreational vehicles up to 21' 5" rr.ay be :;c!)t Qn t:IC Common Areas if they are used by the Owner on a daily bcsis for nor mal t ran 5 par tat ion) s h a 11 be par ked in the pro per tic s . r.~ 0 boat, boat trailer, camper or like vehicle shall be left or stored on the Common Areas or courtyards. Bicycles shall !)e parked in the areas, if any, provided for that purpose. Absent such parking areas, bicycles shall be kept in. the Unit. h't:lshing of vehicles shall only be done in the vicinity of the exterior hose bib provided within each parking cluster (if any). (i) No noises by any person, will interfere with others. Owner shall make or permit any disturbing nor do or permit anything to be done that the rights, comforts or convGnience of (j) No sign (except a for sale sign displayed in a window in the Unit), advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be exhibited, displayed, inscribed, painted or affixed in, on or upon any part of the Unit or Common Areas that is visible from outside, nor shall tinfoil or other similar mateLial be used to cover any windows or doors so as to be visible from outside ttfe Unit. (k) The Association may retain a p2SS key to all Units. No Owner or occupant shall alter any lock or install a new lock without the written consent of the Board. \','here such consent is given, the Owner shall provide the Association with an additional key for use of Association pursuant to its right of access to the Unit. (1) No cooking shall be permitted outside the courtyard areas or Units nor shall any goods or beverages be consumed outside of a Unit excepting in areas designated for those purposes by the Association. em) No inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical, or substance shall be kept in any Unit, except those required for normal household use. (n) Each Owner who plans to be absent from his Unit during the hurricane season must prepCire his Unit prior to his departure by (1) removing all furniture, plants and other objects from his courtyard prior to his departure; and (2) designating a responsible firm or individual to care for his Unit, should the Unit suffer hurricane damage, and fu:rnishing the Association with the name of said firm or individual. Such firm or individual shall contact the Association for c~earance to install or remove hurricane shutters. (0) No commercial or business activity shall be conduc t ed in any Uni t or on t he Common A rea 5 . ~~o Cwne r may actively engage in any solicitations for commercial purposes on the Properties nor shall any solicitor of a cO/fimerciCll nature be allowed on the Properties without the prior written consent of the Board. (p) Each Owner shall park his automobile in his assigned space. All parking spaces not assigned shall be used by guests of the Unit Owners only, except such spaces as may be designated for the temporary parking of delivery vehicles, or vehicles operated by handicapped persons. (q) No Unit Owner shall, in any .....ay, interfere with the construction, sale or rental of any Unit by Declarant. a single (r) family Each Unit is restricted to residential" use as residence by the Owner thereof, his irr,mediate - 16 - 0292z/021lD family, guests, tenants and invitees. All COi".ii,on {..r2cs :1nd Properties are similarly restricted to use by those S:wC persons. At no time may the Unit be used by ITlore pf::rsons trian for which it wa s de signed (5 persons in 3-bedroom uni t s; or 4 persons in 2-bedroom Units). (s) In the event that other than a natural person is. a Unit Owner or the Unit is leased, the Owner sh311, prior to the purchase of such Unit or lease thereof, designate the person who is to be the Occupant of such Uni t. Such cnti ty shall not thereafter have the right to designate other persons as the. Occupants of such Unit, whether in substitution of or in addition to the persons initially designated, except with notice being given to the Association. All provisions of the Declaration of Restrictive,. Covenants shall apply to such designated Occupants, and others occupying the Unit, as though they had title to such Unit and the Owner of such Unit shall be bound thereby. (t) No person shall use the Uni t or Properties or any part thereof, in any manner contrary to this Document. (u) No immoral, improper, offensive or unlawful u~e shall be made of any or all the Unit or Properties, and all -laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction thereof shall be observed. The responsibility of meeting the requirements of governmental bodies for maintenance, modification or repair of the Units shall be the same as the responsibility for maintenance and repair of the property concerned. (v) No Owner shall make or permit to be made any alteration, addition or modification to his Unit without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. No Owner shall cause any improvements or changes to be made to the exterior of the Unit, building, or courtyard, including painting or other decoration. No Owner shall cause to be made any modification or installation of electrical wiring, television antenna systems or connections, whether inside or outside the Unit, or in any manner change the appearance of any portion of the Properties. No Owner may cause any material puncture or break in the boundaries of his Unit. (w) Floor prior to occupancy, to flooring material with required, installed upon area and courtyard. Coverings. All Units are required, have wall-to-wall carpeting or other provisions for sound-proofing, if all floor areas, except the entrance (x) One domestic pet or animal may be kept or harbored in the Uni t so long as such pet or animal does not exceed twenty-five (25) pounds in weight and docs not constitute a nuisance. A determination by the Board of the Association that an animal or pet kept or harbored in a Unit is a nuisance shall be conclusive and binding on all parties. No pet shall be "tied out" on the exterior of the Unit, or left unattended on the couryard. All pets shall be walked on a leash not to exceed six feet (61) in length. No pet shall be permitted outside a Unit except on a leash. When notice of removal of any pet is given, said pet shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of the giving of the notice. The Owner shall clean up all waste matter created by his pet and shall be responsible for the actions of his pet. (y) No nuisance or any use or practice that is the source of unreasonable annoyance to other Owners or which interferes wi th the peaceful possession and proper use of the Units or Properties by the Owners is permitted. fJo O\o.ner shall permit or suffer anything to be done or kept upon the Properties - 17 - 0292z/0211D or his Unit which will increase the Units or Properties. rute of l fl ~. I.... ~. :; j : t; (, .. .. I C) .... lit.,; Section 5. Further Rules and Regulations. The Association, through its Board of Directors, may promulgate reasonable Rules and Regulations concerning the use of the Units and/or Properties. Said additional Rules and Regulations shall have effect upon posting in a conspicuous place on the Properties, and shall have the dignity of this restriction. PROVIDED that no such Rule, etc. shall affect Declarant, any Unit owned by Declarant, or the right to sell or rent Units, without Declarant's prior written consent and the same being voted upon and approved by one hundred percent of the unit owners. ARTICLE XV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Enforcement. The Association, or any Owner, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provIsIons of this Declaration. Failure by the Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. In any such suit the prevailing party shall also be entitled to recovery of all costs and expenses including court costs and attorneys' fees. Section 2. Severability. Invalidation of anyone of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions hereof which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Amendment. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land, for a term of twenty (20) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time they shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years. Prior to the expiration of such Class B memberships, a majority of the votes of the Association is sufficient to amend this Declaration. After the expiration of the Class B mEmberships, this Declaration may be amended, except as provided herein to the contrary, at any time and from time to time upon the execution and recordation of an instrument executed by Owners who are entitled to vote of two-thirds of all votes of the Association PROVIDED that for so the period of time that Declarant owns one (1) or more Units, the Declarant's written consent must first be obtained. The Declarant shall have the right at any time within ten (10) years from the date hereof to amend this Declaration to correct scrivener's errors or to clarify any amhiguities determined to exist herein. No amendment shall alter the subordination provisions of this Declaration without the prior written approval of any mortgagee enjoying such protection. Section 4. Notices. Any notice required to be sent to any Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly sent when rnailedJ postpaid, to the - 18 - 0297.z/02llD last kno\l,'n address of the person '..ho apj:Jca:-s as C..r,c:, G'I ~_~Ie records of the Association at the time of such ~~iling. Section 5. Permits, Licenses and Easements. The Association shall have the right to grant permits, licenses and easements aver, upon, across, under and through the Ccr:lmon '~i'c:as for utilities, roads and other purposes re3sonably necessary or useful for ttle proper maintenance and operat ion of the .Prbperties, as determined by the Board of' Directors of the Association. Section 6. Authority of Association. In all instances herei n, except when a vote of t he membership of t he A s sac i a t ion is speci f ically requi red, all dec is ions, dut i es and obliga t ions of the Association hereunder may be made by the Board. The Association and its members shall jointly and severally be bound thereby. Section 7. Dissolution of Association. In the event of dissolution of the Association, for whatever reason, any Owner may petition the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida for the appointment of a receiver to manage the affairs of the dissolved Association and the Properties in place and instead of the Association, and to make such provisions as may be necessary for the continued management of the affairs of the dissolved Association and the Properties. ARTICLE XVI INFORMATION TO LENDERS AND UNIT OWNERS Section 1. Access. The Association shall make available, upon request, to Unit Owners and to holders, insurers, or guarantors of any first mortgage on any Unit, current copies of this Declaration of Restrictions, the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Association, other rules concerning these Properties and the books, records and financial statements of the Association. "Available" means available for inspection, upon request, during normal business hours or under other reasonable circumstances. Any copies shall be paid for by the party making the request. Section 2. Financial Statements. Any Unit Owner or holder of a first mortgage upon a Unit shall be entitled, at its expense and upon written request, to the financial statement of the Association for the immediately preceding fiscal year. Section 3. Lender Notice. Upon written request to the Association by a holder, insurer, or guarantor of any first mortgage of a Unit (hereinafter referred to as "Lender"), which written request shall identify the name and address of the lender and the Unit number and address thereof, the Lender will be entitled to timely written notice of: (a) Any condemnation loss or casualty loss .....hich affects a material portion of the Properties, or t;.ny Unit on which there is a first mortgage held by the Lender; (b) Any delinquency in the payr.;ent of assessrilents or charges owed by an Owner of a Unit subject to a first mortgage held by the Lender, which remains unclJred for a period of sixty (60) days; (c) Any lapse, cancellation or material modification of any insurance policy or fidelity bond ~aintainpd by the Association; - 19 - 0292z/021lD (d) .y prC';--c!:~d action \':h~cl \._~..~~ :-~'::I.'::-e +-~.., consent of a specified percentage of mortgage holG~~s. ARTICLE XVII INSURANCE Section 1. . Unit Owners. Every O.....ner shall purchase and ma~ntain and keep in. full force and effect their own policy of ,fire, standard extended coverage, personal' and bodily injury liability insurance on the Unit, party wall and roof and appurtenances thereto as set forth herein and all other insurable improvements situated upon Owner's Unit in an ~mount not less than the maximum insurable replacement value thereof, excluding land, foundation, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage. A certificate issued by the insurance company shall at all times be kept on file with the Association by each Owner. Failure of any Owner to so provide the Association with such certificate verifying the insurance is in full force and effect, after ten (10) days' prior written notice, shall authorize, but not obligate, the Association to procure such insurance at the cost and expense of said Ol-mer who shall be obligated to pay the Association immediately upon presentation of the bill. Such cost and expense shall be a charge on the Unit . arid shall be a continuing lien thereon until paid. If not paid within ten (10) days following presentation by the Association, the Association may enforce paymen~ in the same manner as enforcement of an assessment. Section 2. Association. (a) The Association shall purchQse and maintain a policy of property insurance covering all the Common Areas (except land, foundation, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage) and any common personal p~operty and supplies. This insurance policy shall afford, as a minimum, protection against loss or damage by fire and other perils normally covered by a standard extended coverage endorsement, as well as all other perils which are customarily covered with respect to projects similar in construction, location and use, including all perils normally covered by the standard "all risk" endorsement, where such is available. This policy shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of current replacement cost of the Common Areas, exclusive of land, foundation, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage. The policies may not be cancelled or substantially modified without at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the Association. The Association shall also obtain, if available, the following special endorsements: "Agreed Amount" and "Inflation Guard Endorsement". (b) Flood Insurance. If the Properties a~e located within an area which has special flood hazards and for which flood insurance has been made available under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFlP), the Association shall obtain and pay the premiums upon a policy of flood insurance on Common Areas or other common property covered by the required form of policy (herein "Insurable Property"), in an amount deemed appropriate, but not less than the following: The lesser of (i) the maximum coverage available under NFlP for all buildings and other Insurable Property within any portion of the Common Area located within a designated flood hazard area; or (ii) one hundred percent ( 1 00% ) of cur rent n r e pIa cern e n t co s t " 0 f a 11 such buildings and other Insurable Property. - 20 - 0292z/0211D (e) liability Insurance. The A5~0ciation 5h~11 m a i n t a i n c em pre hen s i ve 9 [; n era IIi a b i 1 i t Y i r: s u :::. ,H' c e C 0 v c. ~'r ~: [; covering all the Common Area. The coverage shall be ~t 12a~t fGr One t-1illion Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily injury, includiflg deaths of persons and property damage arising out of a single occurrence. Coverage shall include, without lii:1itation, le!;;al liability of the insured for property damage, bodily injuries and deaths of persons in connection with the operation, maintenance or. use of the'.Common Area, and legal liability arising out of lawsuits related to employment contracts of the Association. Such policies must provide that they may not be cancelled or substantially modified by any party, without at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the Association. (d) Fidelity Gonds. The Association shall maintain, or cause others to maintain, a blanket fidelity bond for all officers, directors, trustees and employees of the Association, and all other persons handling or responsible for funds of or administered by the Association. In the event the Association delegates some or all of the responsibility for the handling of the funds to a management agent, such bonds are required for its officers, employees and agents, handling or responsible for funds of, or administered on behalf of the Association. The amount of the fidelity bond shall be based upon best business judgment and shall not be less than the estimated maximum of funds, including reserve funds, in custody of the Association or the management agent, as the case may be, at any given t ime during the te rm of eac h bond. Howe ver, in no event may the aggregate amount of such bonds be less than an amount equal to three months aggregate assessments on all Units, plus reserve funds. The fidelity. bonds required herein nust meet the following requirements: (i) Fidelity bonds Association as an obligee. (ii) The bonds shall contain waivers by. the insurers of the bonds of all defenses based upon the exclusion of persons serving without compensation from the definition of "employee", or similar terms or expressions; shall name the (iii) The premi ums on a 11 bonds requi red herein for the Association (except for premiums on fidelity bonds maintained by a management agent, or its officers, employees and agents), shall be paid by the Owner's Association as a common expense; (iv) The bond shall provide that they may not be cancelled or substantially modified (including cancellation for non-pcyment of premium) without at least ten (10) days' prior written notice to the Association. Section 3. Purchase of Insurance. All insuT3nce purchased by the Association pursuant to this Article shall be purchased by the Association for the benefit of the Associatian, the Owners and their respective mortgagees, as their interest may appear, and shall provide for the issuance of certificates of insurance and mortgagee endorsements to Owners and any or all of the holders of institutional first mortgages. The policies shall provide that the insurer waives its rights of subro!]ct!.on as to any claims against Owners and the Association, their respective servants, agents and guests. Each Owner and the Association hereby agree to waive any claim against each other and against other Owners for any loss or damage for which ad~quate insurance - 21 - 0292z/0211D her.::urloer is carried where the insurer r.as subrogation as aforesaid. Section 4. Cost and Payment of Premiums. The Association shall pay the cost of obtaining all in~ljr<lnce hereunder, excluding the insurance to be purchased by individu21 Owners and any other. fees or expenses incurred which may be ne~essary or in~idental to carry out the provi~ions hereof. . d ~.' (j 1 .~. C: i~s .i'~:J:j~S of Section 5. the dwellings and damaged dwelling. Proceeds. Proceeds on account of damages to Units shall be utilized for restoring the Proceeds on account of dal:Jage to Common Area shall be held for the Association. Section 6. Responsibility. If the damage is to those parts of a dwelling for which the responsibility of maintenance . and repair is that of the Owner(s) then said Owner(s) shall be responsible for, and shall immediately commence and complete reconstruction after casualty. Section 7. Nature of Reconstruction. Any reconstruction included hereunder shall be substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications of the original building, or as the building was last constructed, subject to modification to conform with the then current governmental restrictions and codes. Unless appropriate gove~nmental approval is received, the dimensions of the replacement dwelling shall not exceed the dimensions of the previous dwelling. Section 8. Estimates. In all instances hereunder, immediately after a casualty causing damage to the property for which the Association has the responsibility of maintenance and repair, the Association shall obtain a reliable, detailed estimate of the cost to place the damaged property in a condition as good as that before the casualty. Such cost may include professional fees and premiums for such bonds as the Soard may desire, of those required by any lnsti tutional ~.1ortgagee involved. Section 9. Assessments. If the proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to defray the estimated costs of reconstruction, or if, at any time during reconstruction or upon completion of reconstruction, the funds for the paYr:1ent of the costs of reconstruction are insufficient, assessments shall be made against the appropriate Owners in sufficient amounts to provide funds for the payment of such costs. Such assessments against Owners for damage to dwellings shall be in proportion to the cost of reconstruction of their respective dwellings, SUbject to the provisions in the Declaration regarding roofs and party walls. Such assessments on account of damage to Cor.:mon Areas shall be uniform against all Owners, except as provided herein to the contrary. Section 10. Disposition of Proceeds. (a) The proceeds of insurance and any special assessments, if any, collected by the Association on account of a casualty shall constitute a construction fund which shall be disbursed from time to time, as the work progresses. The holder of the constrllction fund shall make payments upon the written request for a disbursement accompanied by an appropriate certificate signed by the party responsible for the repair and by the architect, engineer or contractor in charge of the work, setting forth: (1) That the sum then requested either has been paid or is justly due and certifying that the sum requested - 22 - 0292z/0211D ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE DATED BETWEEN POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AS "SELLER" AND DAVID B. MANKUTA, his nominees or assignees, AS "BUYER" OR "PURCHASER" PERTAINING TO LANDS LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Addendum and the provisions of the Contract for Sale and Purchase to which this Addendum is attached (hereinafter referred to as "Contract" or "Agreement") the provisions of this Addendum shall prevail. 2. PURCHASE MONEY PROMISSORY NOTE. The Purchase Money Promissory Note referred to in paragraph ll(c) of the Contract (the "Note") shall be in the form annexed hereto as EXHIBIT "2." 3. PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE. The Note referred to in Paragraph 2 above shall be secured by a Purchase Money Mortgage on the LANDS (the "Mort- gage") in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT "3" and shall, in addition, contain the following clauses: A. Mortgagee shall, without payment of any additional consideration to the Mortgagee, within five (5) working days of the reque~t of the Mortgagor: i. Join in the dedication, execution, or delivery of necessary releases of Mortgag~# as requested by Mortgagor, in connection with the creation or dedication of any roads, streets, canals, utility easements, pumping stations, lift stations, or such other matters reasonably necessar}' to effectuate the reasonable development of the LANDS or as may be required incident thereto or to any application for zoning, rezoning, variances, platting, approval of development plans, dredging, filling and/or complianc with the requirements of any governmental authority, provided that nothing contained in the foregoing will directly or indirectly substantially reduce the value of the mortgaged property, and further that any such zoning, rezoning, variance, platting, development plans, dredging, filling, or such other activity not in conformance with the site plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT "4" and made a part hereof by reference shall require the prior written consent of the Mortgagee, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. ii. Execute and deliver such instruments as are required by Mortgagor and/or governmental authorities in order to effect any consent or the like concerning the development of the LANDS and to the like of easements for drainage, roads, streets, canals, the installation and maintenance of public or private utilities, including but not limited to, gas, water, electric, cable television, and telephone lines, provided that nothing contained in the foregoing will directly or indirectly substantially reduce the value of the mortgaged property and further that any of the foregoing which are not in conformance with the site plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT "4" and made a part hereof by reference shall require the prior written consent of the Mortgagee which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. iii. Execute and deliver such instruments as may be requested by Mortgagor to fully release the LANDS from the lien and charge of this Mortgage upon delivery by Mortgagor to Mortgagee of substitute collateral in the form of a clean irrevocable standby Letter of Credit issued to Mortgagee by a substantial financial institution. Such Letter of Credit shall be in substantially the form annexed hereto as EXHIBIT "7." All costs incurred in obtaining such Letter of Credit shall be borne by Mortgagor. Such Letter of Credit and the financial institution issuing same must be satisfactory in all respects to the SELLER. In the event that lands encumbered by the Mortgage are released and the SELLER's recourse shall shift to the Letter of Credit, SELLER shall be entitled to a reasonable attorney's. fee including court costs on the lower court ~ (/~ - does not exceed the value of the services and rn~t~riJls ~cscrited in the certificate. (2) That except for said certificate to be due as aforesaid, indebtedness known which may become mechanics' or materialmen's liens. the amounts stated in there is no outstanding the basis of vendor's, (3) That the cost, as estimated, or work rema~nlng to be done subsequent to the date of said certificate, does not exceed the amount of funds remaining in the construction funds after the payment of the sum so requested. Section 11. Effect of Mortgagee Endorsements Concerning Insurance Proceeds. In the event a mortgagee endorsement has been issued on any Unit, the share of the Owner shall be held in trust for the mortgagee as its interest may appear. All mortgagees agree to waive the rights to said proceeds so that the same are used pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration to pay for the restoration of such damage. All covenants contained herein for the benefit of any mortgagee may be enforced by such mortgagee. Nothing contained herein, however, shall be construed as relieving the Owner from his duty to reconstruct d2mage to his 'dwelling as heretofore provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the De cIa ran the r e u n d e r , has her e u n fo set its h and and sea 1 t his (,- .,.. day 0 f , 19 DECLARANT: GIBRALTAR SERVICE CORFORATION By ITs Pres rd-erit Attest: Its-- Secretary (SEAL) ,:.'" (SEAL) .'lil. - 23 - 0292z/0211D ~ STATE Or FLOnIDA ) ) S5. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me personally appeared __,__.___ ________, __ _ _ _ ____ , as President of HO\'!'d.dHJd~ OF PAU...' BEACH XI, INC.., a Florida corpo.ration, to me well known and known to. me to be the individual described in and who . executed the foregoing instrument as President of said corporation, and he acknowledged to and before me that he executed such instrument as such President of said corporation and that the seal affixed~o--the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said. instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. of WITNESS my hand and official seal, 19 this day }JO-TARY'pT.fSL":rt ___'_h_ (NOTARIAL IMPRESSION SEAL) My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me personally appeared , as President .of CANNONGATE PROPERTY O\'INERS ASSOCIATION, INC., to me well known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as President of said corporation, and he acknowledged to and before me that he executed such instrument as such President of said corporation and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal, , 19 this day of NOTARY PUBLIC (NOTARIAL IMPRESSION SEAL) My Commission Expires: - 24 - 0292z/02l10 level as well as the appellate level if it is necessary to employ an attorney to enforce their rights. At the time the Letter of Credit is delivered, Mortgagor shall also deliver an agreement executed by the Mortgagor, as owner of fee simple title of the LANDS, agreeing that if SELLER acts according to the terms set forth in the Letter of Credit and the financial institution shall fail to pay the Note in full for any reason, the Mortgagor or his assigns shall incur personal liability to the SELLER for all sums due including interest, court costs, and attorney's fees. The Letter of Credit shall be in an amount sufficient to assure to SELLER the payment of all sums due SELLER under the note including interest at the prime rate at Chemical Bank, New York on the date of substitution. As interest is paid to SELLER, the amount of the Letter of Credit may be reduced accordingly. It is further understood and agreed that pursuant to a collateral substitution as contemplated in the foregoing, the interest rate as defined in Paragraph 3, section J of this Agreement shall immediately be changed to equal the prime rate of interest charged at the Chemical Bank, New York, New York, with the said interest rate remaining at the prime rate of interest charged at the Chemical Bank, New York, New York, and adjusted as of the close of business at six (6) month intervals from the anniversary of the collateral substitution or as near to as is practical throughout the life of the Mortgage and the Note. B. Mortgagee shall, upon request, furnish a written statement to Mortgagor setting forth the amount due on this Mortgage and whether or not the loan is current. C. This Mortgage is and shall be subject and subordinate to any and all public and private utility easements and consents, including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, electric, sewer, water and drainage which may hereinafter be granted by any owner on the mortgaged premises or any part thereof. Without limiting this self-operating subordination, the holder of the Mortgage and the Mortgagor each agree, without cost, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any additional instruments which may be required in order to effect such subordination. D. In the event that any payment due under the promissory note shall not be paid within 15 days of its due date, a late charge of 5% of the amount of said payment shall be due and payable and if such pay- ment remains unpaid for a period of 30 days from its due date, then the entire unpaid balance unpaid thereon, shall forthwith or thereafter, at the option of the Mortgagee, become due and payable, anything in said note or mortgage or in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. In the event of the continuation of any default in any term of the Mortgage and/or Note other than the payment of money, for a period of thirty (30) days, after written notice sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to Mortgagor, the holder of the Note and Mortgage may elect to declare the entire unpaid amount thereof, and the interest then accrued, immediatel due and payable. Failure by the Mortgagee to exercise any of the rights or options set forth in this paragraph shall not constitute curing a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or the Mortgage securing same accrued or thereafter accruing. The makers and endorsers of the Note further agree to waive demand, notice of non-payment and protest, and in case suit shall be brought for the collection thereof, or it is necessary to place the same in the hands of an attorney for collection, pay reasonable attorney's fees for making such collection. Deferred payment shall bear interest from maturity at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum. E. In any action or proceeding brought on this Mortgage or the Note secured hereby, no deficiency or other money judgment shall be sought, obtained or entered against the maker of said Note or the Mortgagor under this Purchase Money Mortgage. Any covenants or agreements contained in the said Note or in this Mortgage to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event of any default in the payment of the principal or interest due under the Note or any default in the covenants and agreements contained in this Mortgage, the holders or assigns of said Note and this Mortgage or the party secured hereby shall look solely to the mortgage property or to the proceeds of its sale for payment of the Note and the full satisfaction -2- VZO- Ie!--- of any liabilities or obligations otherwise arising under the Note and this Mortgage, and if the net proceeds arising therefrom or from the sale shall be insufficient to pay in full, the debt evidenced by the Note and secured by this Mortgage, and satisfy any such liabilities or obligations otherwise arising under them, the maker of the Note and its successors and assigns, shall not be held personally liable or responsible for the payment of any such deficiency. In the event the financial institution fails for any reason to comply with the terms of paragraph Number 3 A iii of the Addendum, the personal liability set forth in that paragraph shall attach notwithstanding the language contained in this paragraph. The provisions of the foregoing shall only be operative if the Mortgagor shall not have performed any act or been any part of any activity directly or indirectly which substantially reduces the value of the property. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall relieve the Mortgagor of the personal liability as described and set forth in paragraph 3 A iii of this Agreement F. This is a Purchase Money Mortgage made, executed and delivered by Mortgagor to Mortgagee to secure the payment of a portion of the purchase price of the real property subject to the lien and charge hereof, which said real property was conveyed to the Mortgagor by the Mortgagee by deed bearing even date herewith. G. Mortgagor shall have the unequivocal right, in Mortgagor's sole discretion, to add, improve, change, alter or demolish all or part of any improvements now or in the future located upon the property encumbered hereby, and to accomplish all earth and land development work deemed necessary by Mortgagor, and that the accomplishment of the same shall not be deemed to constitute waste or be a default under this Mortgage. Said work to be performed shall be pursuant to the site plan described in this Agreement as EXHIBIT "4" and present zoning requirements. No work shall be performed'other than the foregoing without the prior written consent of the Mortgagee, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. H. Said Mortgage shall also provide that if the default occurs prior to the release of the Mortgage that a receiver be appointed pending the foreclosure proceedings, such receivership clause to be in the standard form ordinarily employed in mortgages in Palm Beach County. I. The property encumbered by this Mortgage shall not include the parcel within the red borders of the site plan attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as EXHIBIT "5" (i.e. single family lots 1 - 14, commercial lots 1, 10, 11, 19, 20, multi-family buildings designated 1 - 8 with all contiguous common ground). The balance of the property shall be encumbered by the Mortgage as follows: i. It shall be a FIRST MORTGAGE on the parcels delineated on the site plan as PID, lots 2 through 9, and 12 through 18. SELLER shall not be required to subordinate its Mortgage on these parcels. SELLER shall release these lots from the Mortgage upon payment to SELLER the amount of $46,500.00 per lot. Upon payment of the release price, SELLER shall deliver a partial release or satisfaction of mortgage for each lot released. ii. As to single family lots 15 through 45, SELLER shall re- lease these lots from the Mortgage upon payment to SELLER the amount of $10,000.00 per lot. Upon payment of the release price, SELLER shall deliver a partial release or satisfaction of mortgage for each lot released. 111. As to the land designated multi-family, SELLER's Mortgage shall not be subordinated to the Mortgage of PURCHASER's construction lender. SELLER shall release this land at $5,500.00 per unit, as desig- nated by PURCHASER, upon payment to SELLER of $5,500.00 per unit. Upon payment of the release price SELLER shall deliver a partial release or satisfaction of mortgage for each building released. For every eight (8) unit building released, SELLER shall also release one acre of common ground as designated by PURCHASER within the multi-family area. -3- ,~ \.. iv. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing the Mortgagee shall not be required to release the last lot in the PID, the last single family lot or the last eight unit apartment building unless and until the Note shall be then fully paid including all principal and interest charges. J. The Mortgage shall be in the principal amount of $1,300,000.00, shall be for a term of five (5) years and, shall provide for semi-annual payments of interest only. The interest rate shall be two (2%) percent over the 6 month Treasury Bill rate in Washington, D.C. Interest shall be adjusted every six months, at the due date of the semi-annual interest payment. The initial interest rate shall be two (2%) percent over the six month Treasury Bill rate in Washington, D.C. the week prior to closing. 4. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS. SELLER represents and warrants the follow- ing, which representations and warranties are now, and at closing, shall be true and correct in all respects and shall survive the closing: A. SELLER has good and marketable title to said LANDS and that SELLER has no knowledge of any other liens or claims on or affecting the LANDS, except for current ad valorem taxes. The general configuration of the LANDS is all more particularly shown on the sketch attached hereto as EXHIBIT "4." The attached EXHIBIT "4" with the site data reflected therein is a true and correct representation of the acreage, zoning and number and types of units that have been approved for construction by appropriate governmental agencies. Except as noted in the preceding sentence, there are no (i) proposed or pending zoning or future land use plan changes, amendments or modifications; or (ii) proposed or pending water, sewer, utility construction, building permit, zoning, or future land use plan moratoria. B. No parties shall, at closing, be in or have any right to possessior to any of such LANDS. c. Such LANDS are not, or by the application of the cash due at closing shall not, be subject to any liens, claims, or encumbrances, except then current ad valorem taxes and such liens, claims or encumbrancef that are specifically permitted by the terms of this Agreement. D. There are no encroachments upon the LANDS. E. There are no restrictions of any nature other than current zoning restrictions and deed restrictions reflected in the associations that have been approved the appropriate government authorities which would prohibit the property from being fully used and developed by PURCHASER as reflected in EXHIBIT "5." F. There are no reservations, long term leases or options to any rights, title or interest in the land, including, but not limited to, oil, gas, minerals, mineral rights, phosphate rights, canals, water, timber, dirt, gravel, fill, air space, entry or access or the like affecting any of the LANDS. G. There are no reverters, reverter clauses, reversionary interest, executory or future interest affecting any of the LANDS. H. The LANDS consist of approximately 65.8 acres, and if substantiall: (i.e. more than 5 acres) less, PURCHASER shall have the option either to cancel this Agreement in which event PURCHASER shall be entitled to an immediate refund of all sums paid by PURCHASER hereunder or to proceed with the transaction. I. There is perpetual ingress and egress, both in law and in fact, to the LANDS from High Ridge Road and all necessary curb cuts are or will at closing be readily available. -4- d- ~ J. SELLER has received no notice and has no knowledge of any moratorium, zoning change or other fact that would adversely affect or prohibit the LANDS from being used and developed by PURCHASER as reflected in EXHIBIT "4." K. There is no pending or threatened actions or causes of actions by any governmental agency on account of eminent domain or any violation in law in respect to the operation of the LANDS or any improvements thereon, or with respect to the violation of any applicable building code, zoning regulation, deed restriction or any other rule or regulation of any governmental agency. L. That there are no outstanding contracts, commitments or obligationf of SELLER to which PURCHASER may be bound or which affect or encumber the LANDS or the development thereof. M. That there is no pending or threatened litigation affecting the LANDS or the development thereof. N. That there are existing agreements with adjoining property owners for off-site improvements (i.e. traffic light at Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road and turning lane). SELLER has obligated itself to pay seventy (70%) percent of those off-site improvements with the adjoiping property owner paying thirty (30%) percent. That with respect to the construction of a lift station, the cost of same shall be shared with the adjoining landowner in proportion to estimated use. SELLER shall deliver, no later than closing, copies of the fully executed agreements referred to herein. O. That the site-plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as EXHIBIT "4" has been fully approved by all city and county agencies, boards and commissions. 5. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: EXAMINATION OF TITLE, ETC. SELLER shall obtain at SELLER's expense, and deliver to PURCHASER, within sixty (60) days from the date hereof, a title insurance commitment in accordance with Standard A of the Standards for Real Estate Transactions appearing on the reverse side of the contract, committing to insure title for the property in the amount equal to the purchase price as set forth in this contract. The title insurance commitment shall show that title to the LANDS are good and marketable, subject only to the encumbrances set forth herein and those which shall be discharged by the SELLER at or prior to closing. The PURCHASER or PURCHASER's attorney shall have a period of time not to exceed fifteen (15) days after the delivery of the said title insurance commitment in which to examine the same, and to notify SELLER of any defect in the said title. In the event that the said title insurance commitment evidences good and marketable title to be vested in the SELLER as afore- said, this transaction shall be closed and the PURCHASER given possession of the property on the date hereinafter specified for closing. In the event the title insurance commitment shall not show title to be good and marketable as aforesaid, then and in that event SELLER shall have ninety (90) days in which to cure objection to the title. SELLER shall exercise due diligence to cure all objections to the title. If within the time for SELLER to cure objections to the title SELLER does cure such objection to title, then and in that event SELLER shall notify PURCHASER and PURCHASER'f attorney thereof and this transaction shall close within fifteen (15) days after such notification, unless such date would be prior to the time otherwise specified herein for the closing of this transaction. If within the time for SELLER to cure objections to title SELLER is unable to perfect title, SELLER shall give PURCHASER notice thereof. The PURCHASER shall then have fifteen (15) days after receipt of said notice within which to elect to take title in its then existing condition, or elect not to take such title. In the event the PURCHASER elects not to take such title, the PURCHASER shall give notice thereof to SELLER within the said fifteen (15) day period of time, and in that event this transaction shall thereupon become null and void and have no further force or effect and all monies deposited by PURCHASER hereunder plus interest thereon, shall be forthwith returned to the PURCHASER, and each party shall be relieved of all obligations on account of this agreement. -5- ;, 6. CLOSING DATE AND PLACE. This transaction shall be closed and the deed shall be delivered within ten (10) days of SELLER advising PURCHASER by written notice that the plat or plats contemplated in this paragraph are properly executed by all required parties and in a form satisfactory for proper recording, or ninety (90) days from the date of this Agreement, whichever is later. The closing shall take place in the office of SELLER's attorney. At PURCHASER's request, SELLER shall proceed with the platting of the said property in such plat or plats as PURCHASER deems appropriate comensurate with the multiple use of the property. SEE P~~E 6A FOR THE BALANCE OF PARAGRAPH 6. 7. COOPERATION OF SELLER. The SELLER, or his agents, shall, during the period of time prior to closing of this transaction shall make every rea- sonable effort to aid and assist the PURCHASER in accomplishing engineer- ing work and discussions with appropriate governmental authorities in securing approval of the plat and other requisite approvals as relates to the attached site plan. 8. CONVEYANCE. SELLER shall co~vey title by either statutory warranty deed or a trustee's deed conveying the property free and clear of all liens or encl.1rnberances except for .those set forth in EXHIBIT "6" as atta.::ted hereto and made a part hereof by reference, those specifically permitted by this Agreement, and taxes for the current year and subsequent years. The conveyance of the property shall include all rights, titles, and interest in any and all easements, rights of way, gores of land, land lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue, streets, ways, power, and all estates, right title, interest, privileges, tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances whatsoever, in any way belonging, relating or appertaining to the LANDS. 9. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. Each and all of the obligations of the PURCHASER hereunder are subject to and hereby expressly made conditional upon the following: A. That the representations, warranties and agreements of SELLER set forth herein shall be true and correct on and as of the date of closing; B. That SELLER shall have duly performed all of the obligations on its part to be performed hereunder. If the foregoing conditions are not satisfied at closing, then PURCHASER may, at PURCHASER's option, (a) cancel this transaction and receive a return of his deposit monies plus interest, or (b) waive the requirement of satisfaction of said conditions and proceed with this transaction in accordance with the other terms of this Agreement. 10. CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT. In the event that the PURCHASER is en- titled to cancel this Agreement pursuant to any of the terms and con- ditions hereof and should the PURCHASER elect to so cancel this Agreement, the PURCHASER shall give written notice thereof to SELLER and ESCROW AGENT, whereupon this Agreement shall become null and void and of no force and effect, and the PURCHASER shall be entitled to a return of all monies deposited on account of this Agreement together with (ex- cept as specifically otherwise set forth herein) one-half (1/2) of the accrued interest thereon, with the other one-half (1/2) of such accrued interest to be paid over to SELLER, unless PURCHASER elected to cancel. by reason of a default by SELLER, in which event all accrued interest shall be paid over to PURCHASER. 11. NOTICE. All notices necessary or proper herein shall be made by delivery or by posting the same in the United States mails, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed to the parties as follows: -6- (j ~. 6. A. It is understood and agreed that SELLER shall proceed with the final platting of the subject property pursuant to the site-plan as attached hereto and described as EXHIBIT "4", or as near thereto as is mutually agreeable by the parties. PURCHASER shall be responsible for and pay on a timely basis, all costs associated with the platting including, but not limited to costs of engineering, legal, administrative, application fees, pursuant to the requirements of the sub-division ordinances ~f the City of Boynton Beach. PURCHASER shall be specifically responsible for d~livery of a performance bond satisfactory to the City (16 of Boynton Beach pursuant to the improvements contemplated and associated with the platter plats. PURCHASER shall further deliver to SELLER within thirty (30) days of the date of this Agreement such deed restric- tions, protective covenants and property owner agreements as may be required to comply with the sub-division ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. PURCHASER shall be ready and available to execute such documents and/or applications as are required to complete the platting process. It is specifically understood and agreed that SELLER is pro- ceeding with the sub-division, construction planning, platting and .. development activity at the insistence of the PURCHASER as an inducement \1' to and a contingency of execution of and performance of this contract l for PURCHASER and SELLER. That in the event the SELLER is unable to .. ob.~n the appropriate approvals required for platting the subject pro- I perty within eight (8) months of the date of this Agreement, PURCHASER '. or SELLER may, at their option, terminate this Agreement, and this Agree- shall be of no force and effect and PURCHASER shall be entitled to a return of his deposit. -:':t ~ ~ -6A- .,. AS TO SELLER: POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Attn: Kenneth L. Groves, Vice-President P.O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florida 33465-3198 '"' c/o David B. Mankuta, Esquire 4651 Sheridan Street, Suite 465 Hollywood, Florida 33021 AS TO PURCHASER: AS TO ESCROW AGENT: Howard S. Miller, P.A. 4651 Sheridan Street, Suite 465 Hollywood, Florida 33021 The addresses of the parties may be changed by giving notice thereof in writing in the manner set forth in this paragraph for the giving of notice. 11. The deposits made herein by PURCHASER shall be held in escrow by Howard S. Miller, P.A. (Escrow Agent) in an interest bearing money market fund at a Florida Chartered commercial bank and shall be disbursed as follows (except as reflected elsewhere in this contract): (a) Should the transaction close as contemplated, then SELLER shall receive all accrued interest. (b) Should the transaction not close as per Paragraph 9 (A & B), then, in that event, PURCHASER shall receive back its deposit with all accrued interest. ';,' , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year stated herein. Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of: (/',-.2" \;' ,.. . . . . ;/. .. I SELLER \..,,0."'-.-._.-___ >yt~. fji4"~(fli'A". -~ ~ I; (/ ;' f { Da te : i /:; i /./. "5 J i ~ . ~( ~';*, , c. ,l."t'. ,) f.L~,t" .-.---- ) ( /. ~ / " ~' V{)' ./ /, i !/ // \ /$'.//'J L.'CA.;l--L,,\-^----, I 1./ / I I (,/'7 ,j( i ,I (' (f \. ){ t ( { {'It ,1 tJ ~~~~~ Da te : \ ! ' ; .f /ltA~ 11' "I; i / ! Date: . / / 1//1 ''ll .:' ;// r/,'? -7- ... ~ """ .,j .."!,.; "'rV" ''6..~ ..,J ,# ,,) J Gl1 CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE PARTIES: POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY of C/O Kenneth Groves, P.O. Box 3198, Lantana, Florida end DAVID B. MANKUTA, his nominees or assignees of 4651 Sheridan St., Suite 465, HollyWood, Florida (Phone hereby agree,thet the Seller "'all .ell end Buy., shell buy the following property upon the following terms ,-rld condition. WHICH Rea' Estate Transaction. on the reversa hereof oratteched hereto, hereindter referred to as "Stenderd(s)", I. 'DeSCRIPTION:.. Palm Beach (e) Legal description of real estate ("Property") located In Boynton Beach, / County, Florida: , as "Seller", (Phone 585-2515 ) ) INCLUDE theStendards FOl Legal description is set forth on Exhibit 1 attached hereto, made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference. (b) (c) Street address, If any, of the Property being conveyed is Personal property included: none II. PURCHASE PRICE:., , . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . PAYMENT: (e) Oaposit(s) to baheld In escrow by Howard S _ M:i, 11 er, , . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2,300,000.00 P.lL in the amount of. . . . .$ 125,000.00 (b) Subject to AND e..umptlon of Mortgage In fevor of bearing Interest at % per ennum and payable as to principal and interest $ per month, hevlng an approximate present principal balance of. , .. $ (c) Purchase money mortgage and note bearing intereSt at * * * * % on terms sat forth herein below. in the prlncipel emount of . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .$ (d) Other $ (e) Balence to close, (U.S. cesh, certified or cashier's check) subject to adjustments end prorations, .$ TOTAL .$ 1,300,000.00 jl 875,000.00 2,300,000.00 III. FINANCING: If tha purchase price or any part thereof Is to be financed by a third party loan, this Contract for Sale and Purchase. ("Contract"). is co, ditioned upon the Buyer obtaining a firm commitment for said loan within days from date hereof. at an interest rate not to exe.. %; term of _ years; and in thll prlnclpel amount of $ . Buyer agre.s to make applicetion for, and to usa ra8Sonable dil gence to obtain said loan. Should Buyer fell to obtain same or to waive Buyer's rights hereunder within said time, either party mey cancel Contract. IV. TITLE EVI DENCE: Within '30 days from date of Contract, Seller shall, at his expense, deliver to Buyer or his attorney, in accordance wi' Standard A., either (CH EC K) ,. (1) or DC! (2) : (1) abstract, or (2) title insurance commitment with fee owner's title policy premium to be paid by Seller at closing. V. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE AND EFFECTIVE DATE: If this offer is not executed by both of the parties hereto on or beforeJanuary 28, 19] the aforesaid deposids) shall be, at the option of Buyer, returned to him and this offer shall thereafter be nulJ'il."rLv<il.d. The date of Contract ("Effective Datf, shall be the date when the last one of the Seller and Buyer has signed this offer. aDOUl:: - VI. CLOSING DATE: This transection shell be closed and the deed and other closing papers delivered g.'he 2 8thday of April 19 83 . unless axtended by other provisions of Contract. VII. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, LIMITATIONS: The Buyer shall take title subjact to: Zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed t: governmental authority; Restrictions and metters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; Public utility easements of record, (provided S2i easements are located contiguous th roughout the property lines and are not more than 10 feet in width as to the reer or front lines and 7Y. feet in width as to t~ side lines, unle.. otherwise specified herein); Taxes for veer of closing and subsequent years, essumed mortgages and purchase money mortgages. if ani other' none . :1.. f . .1. :1.. '1 . . s1lLg.l..e anl1.l..Y, rllu.l..l.l..j.).l..~Ull.l..t. & provided, however, that none of the foregoing shall prevent use of the Property for the purpose of 1 - Wd.L~lVUl::)~ VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller represents that there are no parties in occupancy other than Seller. but if Property is Intended to be rented or occupied beyond closir the fact and term. thereof shall be stated herein, and the tenant(s) shall be disclosed pursuant to Standard G. Seller agree. to deliver occupancy of Property time of closing Unless otherwisa specified below. If occupancy is to be delivered prior to closing, Buyer assumes all risk of loss to Property from date of occ pancy, shall be responsible and liable for maintenance thereof from said date, and shall be deemed to have accepted the Property, real and personal, In its exist;, condition as of time of taking occupancy unless otherwise noted in writing. IX. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONE) Buyer tXJmey e..ign 0 may not assign, Contract. X. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions inserted herein or attached hereto as Addende shall contr. all printed provisions in conflict therewith, Xl. INSULATION RIDER: If Contract Is u..d for the sale of a new residence, the Insulation Rider Shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof. XII. SPECIAL CLAUSES: ****See ParagraQh 3 J of Addendum SEE ADDENDUM ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FUllY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE flORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR Copyright 1981 by The Florida Bar and the Florida Association of REAL ORS (SEA (SEA Executed by Seller on. / I'Z (t'7? -5 I . P (SEA ~ (SEA By; /~ (Escrow Age BllOKERAGE FEE; Seller agrees to pay tha regiatered real eUate Broker named below, at time of closing, from the disbursements of the proceeds of sale, C( pensation In the amount of % of gross purchase price or $ , for his services in effecting the sale by finding a Buyer, rell. willing and able to purchase pursuant to the foregoing Contract. In the event Buyer falls to perform and deposlt(s) is retained, 50% thereof, but not exceeding Broker's fee above computed, shall be paid to the Broker, as full consideration for Broker's services including costs expended by Broker, and the balance shall paid to Seller. If the transaction shall not be closed because of refusal or failure of Seller to perform, the Seller shall pay said fee In full to Broker on demand. (SEAL) (SEA ____.__._________~__._____Lr1.1...~ o.:Lr?_II!..~G,l. (Sallar. 'A. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: (]] An abstra~ of titla prepared or brought current by a reputable and existing abstract firm (if not existing then certified as correct an existing firm) purporting to be an accurate synopsis of the instrum..nts affecting the title to subject Property recorded in the pUblic records of the county whe In the Property is situated, through Effective Date. An abstrect shall commence with the earliest public records, or such later date as may be customary in 1 county wherein the Property Is situated. Seller shall convey a marketable title subject only to liens, encumbrances, exceptions or qualifications set forth In this C, tract and those which shall be discharged by Seller at or before closing. Marketable title shall be determined in accordance with applicable Title Standards adopt by authority of Tha Florida Bar and in accordance with law. upon closing of this transaction such ebstract shall become the property of Buyer, subject to the ri~ of retention thereof by first mortgagee until fully paid; or [;l.J a title Insurance commitment issued by a qualified title insuror agreeing to issue to Buyer, up recording of the deed to Buyer, an Owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the purchase price, tnauring title of the Buyer to the Property, sUbj' only to liens, encumbrances, exceptions or quallflcatlona set forth in this C!)ntra~t anti those which shall be dlllCharged by Seller at or before closing. Buyer sh have 30 days, if abstract, or 5 days, if title commitment, from date of receiving evidence of title to examine same. If title is found de~ective, Buyer shall, withil days thereafter, notify Seller in writing specifying defect(s). If said defect(~l render title unmarketable, Seller shall have 120 days from receipt of .notice witl which to remove said defect(sl, and if Seller is unsuccessful In removing them within said time, Buyer shall halle the option of either (1) accepting the title a. then is, or (21 demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to Buyer and thereupon Buyer and Seller shall be released, a'. one another, of all further obligations under the Contract; however, Seller agrees that he will, if title is found to be unmarketable, use diligent effort to correct i defect(s) in title within the time provided therefor, including the bringing of necessary suits. B, EXISTING MORTGAGES: Seller shall furnish a statement from the mortgagee(s) setting forth principal balance, method of payment, interest rate and wheH. the mortgage(st.i.s in .good standing. If a mortgage requires approval of the Buyer by the mortgagee in or<iRr to avoid default, or for assumption by the Buyer of Si mortgage, and W the mortgagee does not approve the Buyer, the Buyer may rescind the Contract, or 141 requires an increaSe In the interest rate or charges a -! for any reason in excess of $100,00, the Buyer may rescind the Contract unless Seller elects to pay such Increase or excess. Seller and Buyer shall each pay 50% such fee. Buyer shall use reasonable diligence to obtain approval. The amount of any escrow depOSits held by mortgagee shall be credited to Seller, C. PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGES: The purchase money note and mortgage, if any, shall provide for a 30 day grace period in the event of default if it , first mortgage and a 15' day grace period if a second mortgage; shall provide for right of prepayment in whole or in part without penalty; shall not provide' acceleration or interest adjustment in event of resale of the Property; and shall be otherwise in form and content requ ired by Seller's attorney; provided, howev Seller may only require clauses customarily found in mortgages and mortgage notes generally utilized by savings and loan institutions in the county wherein t Property is located. Said mortgege shall require the owner of the encumbered Property to keep all prior liens and encumbrances in good standing and forbid t owner of the Property from accepting modifications of or future advances under prior mortgage(s). All personal property being conveyed will, at o"ption of Sell. be subject to the I ian of the mortgage and evidenced by recorded Financing Stetements. D. SURVEY: The Buyer, within time allowed for delivery of evidence of title and examination thereof, may have the Property surveyed at his expense. If 1 survey, certified by a registered Florida surveyor, shows any encroachment of said Property or that improvements intended to be located on the Property in f, encroach on lands of others, or violate any of the Contract covenants, the same shall be treated as a title defect. E. TERMITES: The Buyer, within time allowed for delivery of evidence of title and examination thereof, or no later than 10 days prior to closing, whichever do occurs last, may have the improvements inspected at Buyer's expense by a Certified Pest Control Operator to determine whether there is any visible active term, infestation or visible existing demage from termite infestation in the improvements. If Buyer Is informed of either or both of the foregoing, Buyer will have 4 d. from date of written notke thereof or 2 days after selection of a contractor, whichever occurs first, within which to have all damages, whether visible or not, spected and estimated by a licensed building or general contractor. Seller shail pay valid costs of treatment and repair of all damage up to 1)1,% of Purchase Pri, Should such costs exceed that amount, Buyer shall have the option of cancelling Contract within 5 days after receipt of contractor's repair estImate by-gr;il written notice to Seller, or Buyer may elect to proceed with the transaction, in which event Buyer shall receive a credit at closing of an amount equal to 1)',% said Purchase Price. "Termitas" shall be deemed to Include all wood destroying organ isms required to be reported under the Florida Pest Control Act. F. INGRESS AND EGRESS: Seller warrants that there is ingress and egress to the Property sufficient for the intended use as described in Paragraph VII here, the title to which is in accordance with Standard A.. ,: G. LEASES: Seller shall, not less than 15 days prior to closing, furnish to Buyer copies of all written leases and estoppel letters from each tenant specifying t. nature and duration of said tenant's occupancy, rental rates and advanced rent and security deposits paid by tenant. In the event Seller is unable to obtain Sl.i letter from Aach tenant, the same Information shall be furnished by Seller to Buyer within said time 'periOd In the form of a Seller's affidavit, and Buyer rT\. thereafter contact tenants to confirm such information. Seller sheil deliver and assign all original leates to Buyer at closing. H. LIENS: Seller shall, both as to the Property and personalty being sold hereunder, furnish to Bu'yer a.t time of closing an affidavit attesting to the absence. unl,. otherwise provided for herein, of any financing statements, claims of lien or potential Iienorsl<nown to Seller and further attesting that there have been no impro, ments to the Property for 90 days immediately preceding date of closing. If the Property has been improved within said time, Seller shall deliver releases or waiv, of all mechanic's liens, executed by general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen, in addition to Seller's lien affidavit setting forth the names all such general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and materialmen and further raciting that in fact all bills for work to the Property which could serve as a ba for a mechanic's lien heve been paid or will be paid at closing. I. PLACE OF CLOSING. Closing shall be held in county wherein Property is located, at the office of attorney or other closing agent designated by Seller. J. TIME: Time is of the essence of this Contract. Any reference herein to tirne periods ot less than 6 days shall In the cornputatlon ttlereof exclude Sahtrdays, Su days and legal holidays, and any time period provided for herein which shall end on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday shall extend to 5:00 p.m. of the next Ie business day. K. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller shall furnish deed, mechanic's lien affidavit, assignments of leases, and any correctIve instruments that may be required connection with perfecting the title. Buyer shall furnish closing staternent. mortgage, rnortgage note; security agreement, and financing statements. L. EXPENSES: State documentary stamps which are required to be affixed to the instrument of conveyance, intangible tax on and recording of purchase man, rnortgage to Seller, and cost of recording any corrective instruments shall be paid by Seiler. Documentary stamps to be affixed to the note or notes secured by " purchase money mortgage, cost of recording the deed and financing statentents shall be paid by Buyer. M. PRO RA T ION OF TAX ES (REAL AN D PE RSONAL): Taxes shall be prorated based on the current year's tax with due allowance trIadll for ,naximum allowal, discount and homestead or other exemptions if allowed for said year. If c10sing occurs at a date when the current year's rnillage is not fixed, and current yea. assessment is available, taxes will be prorated based upon such assessment, and the prior year's millage. If current year's assessment is not available, then taxes \f\.' be prorated on the prior year's tax; provided, however, if there are completed improvements on the Property by January 1st of year of closing, which improvemen were not in existenca on January 1st of the prior year, then taxes shall be prorated based upon the prtor year's millage and at an equitable ass"ssment to be agre,. upon between the parties, failing which, request will be made to the County Property Appraiser for an informal assessment taking into consideration home'te< exemption, if any. However. any tax proration based on an estimate may at request of either party to the transaction be subsequently readj'lJsted upon receipt \ tax bill on condition that a statement to that effect is set forth in the closing statement. N, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens as of date of closing (and not as of Effective Date) are to be po by Seller. Pending liens as of date of closing shall be assumed by Buyer, provided, however. that where the improvement has been substantially completed as of ti Effective Date, such pending lien shall be considered as certified, confirmed or ratified and Seller shall, at closing, be charged an amount eq"al to the last esti",,, by the publ ic body, of the assessment for the improvement. O. PERSONAL PROPERTY INSPECTION, REPAIR: Seller warrants that all major appliances, heating, cooling, electrical, plumbing systems, and machinery are working condition as of 6 days prior to closing. Buyer may, at his expense, have inspections made of said i'tems by licenscej persons dealing In the repair and nlQii tenance thereof, and shall report in writing to Seller such itarns as found not in working condition prior to taking of possession thereof, or 6 davs prior to closin whichever is first. Unless Buyer reports failures within said period, he shall be deerned to have waived Seller's warranty as to failures not reported. Valid reporte failures shall be corrected at Seller's cost with funds therefor escrowed at closing. Seller agrees to provide access for inspection upon reasonable notice. P. RISK OF LOSS: If the improvements are damaged by fire or other casualty prior to closing, and costs of restoring same does not exceed 3% of the Ass..ss,' Valuatio~ of the Improvements so damaged, cost of restoration shall be an obligation of the Seller and closing shall proceed pursuant to the termS of Contra., With cost therefor escrowed at closing. In the event the cost of repair or restoration exceeds 3% of the assessed valuation of the inlprovements so darnaged, [-3 lJ 'y'1 shall have the option of either taking the Property as is, together with either the said 3% or any insurance proceeds payable by virtue of such loss or damage, or I cancelling Contract and receiving return of deposit!s) made hereunder. Q. MAINTENANCE: Notwithstanding the proviSions of Standard 0., between Effective Date and closing date, personal property referred to in Standard l. and real property, including lawn, shrubbery and pool, if any. shall be maintained by Seller in the condition they existed as of Effective Date, ordinary wear an. tear excepted, and Buyer or Buyer's designee will be pennitted access for inspection prior to closing in order to confirrrl compliance with this Standard R. PROCEEDS OF SALE AND CLOSING PROCEDURE: The deed shall be recorded upon clearance of funds and evidence of title continued at Buyer's expens' to show title in Buyer, without any encumbrances or change which would render Seller's title unmarketable fron... the date af the last evidence, and the cash pre ceeds of sale shall be held in escrow by Seller's attorney or by such other escrow agent as rnay be mutually agreed upon for a periOd of not longer than 5 doy from and after closing date. If Seller', title is rendered unmarketable, Buyer shall within said 5 day period, notify Seller in writing of the defect antJ Seller ,ha have 30 days frorn date of receipt of such notification to cure said defect. In the event Seller fails to tin,ely cure said defect, all rl)onies paid hereunder shall. lJl10 written denl.:Jl1d therefor and within 5 days thereafter. be returned to Buyer ~nd, Simultaneously with such repaYlTlent, Buyer shall Vdcate the PrOPl~rty and It'Cll; vey S(JIlW to the Seller by special warranty deed In the event Buyer fails to rnake timely demand for I efund. he shall tiike title as i~., wdivlny~!! ritjhts against ~:-,\~i as to such Ullt:f\lening defect except as IndY be availdt,le to Buyer tl't \!iriUt~ of warranties, jf any, contained in (1tH~d. In the [:Vi..:nt a portlun Id the tJ11r prit.e is to be Uerivecl frc..H11 institutional financing or fefmanctn~L the (cquirf::rllents of the lending lnsfitution .:A$ to place, time u1' dilV i'.lnrl plo\.~~dure':i for in\), dnu fur disbursH!nent of rnortgage proceeds, shall Lontrol, ar;ything in tt1is Contrilct to the contrafY ilutlNjthstandin~). Provide:,J. I1lj\"~.jI~vcr, It"1tJ! ihl~ ::;i-d!i~l '.ji.; hi'.lve the right to require frolll such lending lI1stitution at t...luSl!lg i.i COflHllitrnent that it wili not withhuld <lisbursurllfHlt of fn(Jrtgdgl:~ ~!foCee,js d', d ft:'5Ult 01 c;riy tl~ de1ei t attrihuTable to Stlyer-mortgagor. The escrow i.Jnd closing prou->dure required by this Standard rnay tH~ 'Nuived in nH;' l.~\tellt nle ~;tlUiH(;,.', tlth: .Jgent elr 'IOS!f agent in::tur(l$ d~Jainst adverse rnatters pursuant to SeL.tion 627.7841, t- .S. as dlT1t.!nued. S [~;Cr~O\I'J l\ny escrow auent rec{~jving funds is authorized an{~ aurel1s by "n:ceptilllce thtdreof to prOltl~jtiy dlJposit und to Hold '~:j.Jl~~ III t:'>, fU',".. ,ilhJ 1u di;;L'll SHlrle sllbject to Llearance thereof in accordilnce with terms and con,Jltions (Jf Contr,.lC1 Failure of 1..Iearal1ce of fundS .ihail no! l ,(I tJr~~~. Ih-;rfor'll...lrl....e [IV thl: [3 lil the f~vcnr of dl)ubt as to his duties or liabilities under the provisions of this, Contract, the ~scrow aUfJl...t In.....v in Ili'.i ~,t)le .lISt-fUII;'l. cuntlll',W ~u I:u!d th<J l1i;)I, Hhkh ,H(; 1t~" s'ioject of this escrow until the parties rnutlj.':jtly dgree to the dl:;bLHse"lent thereot, or urild ij j!jd\JI;.t:~nt Il! .! ,.(o',.JI: ,;1 Lu,;,p'"'l\'lit Jll' :~di( tjor~ detlJrll1int~ tnv !'19ht$ ct It:e iJiHties theret'), or he rna~1 depr.:iit dll the 11~Ur:j,::; tl12n held pursuant tL} tllis Cu!,traL1 '..vllb fh,~ C,t~li( '.J' t:1" l,:irc,ilt '{j'.lr~ :_,; thl": C t1a'Jin~1 JUfi5dk_tiiJfi ot lhe dispute. und UpCfl Jlotltving ~111 t;,JrtH:~ UJil<J:rll(!<i uf sl1l...h acriun. dl! liabillt',' on the par1 uf tl,l.' '~:;.'";OI.".I ('H'.'l"il shall luii\, it'rliiH)ate, 10 thl:-; t~'" t'~11 t ,)f aCC()lt 111 II \u fu r llny 1110n ies 111 cretofo rc ,.leI ivert.:d (it. t u I L;S.~ ro',,,. 1 f oj I t.:erl:'i.!cl r e,.ll est (jt~ III u k t~f, the e~,: I (J'. .'f!.,: v.~ Ii I C.{)~ll!'~ y \.'Vi II i ~.r~hfisidn~ 0 f ~)\ I 47S 2~.! (I) i : f-.~.J as <1ul(;lldud. I" the event of (..IlIY suit \Jetl/.ceJ1 (~'~\-(~I .1, J ;";eiier \"/nEI€in the !.':;',r<)\,v ~l\~U!lt 1$ !!ladl" tJ fidl[", 1.\ "lrlllL" <JI,j, I'lJg ;j'; such d'JI~nt hert~:,;ll'!I.~r, UI in lhe t~V0llt of any SUit 'Nl1erein ~~CfG'.J'J ;.l~jCJlt il ti;TIJit.-'c'llS t 1--\ " 'iu{)Ject Ifliitflll of 1f!i~, .;;.>( rOHi, lh~~ ;'S. IU ';',;" i ~;hd:l irc '-,lItl(:d to It~, ;.'. ,cCl;jOflabi,' ,-.(lurney's 1~e ;ifld co~ts Incurred, s.Jld f€~es dfHJ co:;;t~~ to be ChuI!jlJd dflfJ JS':ie:"sl!d <is l~OlJrt. U~,i'; j,) fi.l"/Ot' U1 till.' i)lt:''-'dil~r;~llfdft'v :\!! 1,.,r\>I,~>~ d9rc12 til.'Jt :: e:;;.cre,,'o/: d\'-lcnr Sfi:.dl not tJC lial>le to dny party or person \."'Jhurn::'utlvtJr tur llli!;dutiverv to l~uver or Sr:!I!~.'i U! IfIUllli.;S sdnJI~,_t to tfl:", t!S, !'.J' 'Jl,less ~i;J,.}" Ilisdell\iBr'I ~,;1, lH:~ uut;:; 10 \i,illlf~1 bH~(ldl at thIS Contract or Llross negligence on the iJ,Hl of lht~ t-.:scrovv d~enL r AfTOf"ir.JE.y. FEES AND COSTS. In cOflnectioh W:tt1 any lilluation 1l1ctljdin~J appellate proceedinos ufi;iHlq ()dt of lhl.j CCli!r;.k1: the l)ri":dilii'9 fJ3rty ~t,djl l:ntitl8d to rel'l)Ver reasorwble attorney's fees and costs. U DEFAULT' It Guyer tails to perform this Contra"t \.vithln the tune :o.fJPClflt::d the d~p(Jsit(s) paid by U.\(; RI(y(~r at(Hthi.Jld Iflay lH:! rf~taineLl h,! t', ,:r the <li il.;; of Seller as liLjui,Jdted (.LJIT'I<:lges, consideration for the e....ecurlOl, of thi'ii Contract and ill full settlernenl of any clalrns: ,.\di~~reupDrl ali p':Hties st!,ill LH~ r8jit"..'~fi <..III obl!gations under tht:~ Contract; or Seller, at his option, rT'ldV proceed at law or in equity to erHoree his legal rights urldc~r this Conrract. if, f')l ,:,/11\. fi~dSGn ori. than failure uf ScHer to rendaI' hi, title mar,keta?le after ditligent otfort, Seller fails, neglects.or refust:s to perforrn this Contr.ac1. the 8uver Ilid'y' 5l:!ek s~le....~fi" tornlance ur t~h.\("t to receive the return of his dep()sit(~) v\I'ithout therel)y v..,';jiving ,lny action for ddtTIayes resuitinry horn Sutle('s hr.~<J(;h \; CONTH;H~r hJUT Ht:COf-iDABLE, PERSONS BOUI'JlJ ;\NU ['JOTIC[ :\JdIH,er (['Ii';) Contract nUl ~HI', IlIHIL(j theHJul sh.lli i,., ft! :",!,h:d if. fhi5 Cont1ci'_t :;h"Jil billd dill! in\Jre to th'e benefit of thl: ;JJrtll;:!.> here.to ;IIlU lilei: SUt,.l';i.SUI~ In intcraf:i.l. V'/l\l:rle';,~r tIlt.! ':;U!'ilt:",1 lH.,'fl\,il'> '.iI(I~I(,ldf 5!:,1,: (:'11() lju'-ldeJ ~f'dlj iIH~!llde ,]11 Notice ~)iven by Or' tu the i..dUJlnuy to/' t.:ltllt:r p..HtV ;-.r\.jl! De C1$ effective dS if WI/l:1l t)y dr to !HJld PJ: t)' 'N PHUit,.:-\TI(J"J::-~ ....NO INSUHANCE: Toxes, .jSSessfn....:nt~, I"l.:l\t. interi:st. in....Ul'dnCt~ .:Jnd other eKp!.~ns.t.:!'" .,ri'! t~~\Jt.:n~HJ Gi Uh~ f"ft'i (, st';;lii! 'JljTr"! dS r! of dd':..ljlil !;(i'/L.r 'ill,lll Ild\.f~~ 'tht::' option of takin!J over un', t..::-<istlfh.l polit,it.:s uf inSUr<..inLe un tile PrOpt-:lt..... if :i:.:J.Ullldblu. 11) ,..'ll~ch (_',it'llt flrenil,j '1::' :,;, dl \',fr,.,1 rhe cas!'1 d~ . ,usin~l shall he inueCJst.~<..J or de~rt.:Jseu a~ Inay n(~ required hV sdid ~}rt)r;IlIOPS, /\11 (efer>Jnc(_';;. ii' Contracttt"l rJrurations- as oi dc.ll.. u/ ,:I.)~~i q ,.'1i) (ieelnt2d ddte uf o...:....urJdl1cY" it occupancy oc~urs prior to l",.,k);;in\:L unlt3:.s. othc,\vl:;e pruvided for hC:!relrl )<. CONVi Y i\I\ICE Sdler shall t..onvey title to the Pruperty bV :.;tdtutory WHnallty deeu SUbjH:t only tlJ 1I1dtters c.ontdine~j ii. P;Haq!.qlt) VII heruof "nil thO~L 'J' ~~~is~ (Jccf.;pred IlY Buvt!r. Personal property s!lali, cH the rf~qu8st of Buyer. be convdyeti by an alJsolute bilt of '~djd ,-,vitl'1 '~\lJrriil1tV ut tifl\;, Sllhjf.:I't t~) '-,1,' tl lp,ns is I: Le otherwist: providl;:L1 for herein. Y OTHEH A(;nEEf\.,1ENTS. NO prior or present agref:fnents or representations shall be binding upon any or ttH~ piJrtle:> hl1u~to unless lncorpOrtHCCl i:', 1.1lis CU!l~r{l f\Jo rnoddrccltilJIl or change in this Contract shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless in writing, t:xecuted by ttlf~ p~rtles tu lp2 tiu"lnd ttH~r~IJ~'. l:dANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ;: ,~1) I (I: i' ill t. ~ l; I