CORRESPONDENCE DAVID B. MANKUTA Received ATIORNEY AT LAW Date 4651 SHERIDAN STREET ;' SUITE 465 I me . HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 (305) 989-8500 .~~ July 11, 1983 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 120 N. E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: HIGH RIDGE ROAD PLAT Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this morning, enclosed you will find the following relative to the City assessing recreation fees: . I. Letter from our Appraiser allocating purchase price. 2. Appraiser qualifications. 3. Copy of Contract wherein we purchased the land. 4. Copy of Deed reflecting documentary stamps paid on Deed. As we discussed, you will get this matter on the Council Agenda for the evening of July 19, 1983. Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me. DBM/hsg Enclosures r;;;:. .,l') u. :/- ~;//c. ~r DAVIDB.MANKUTA . Or~. , ATIORNEY AT LAW 4651 S~:~STREET Received ___ )<;{-t : HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 Date - -If} A'V1 (305) 989-a500 Ti me /L-~ - July 19, 1983 Mr. Thomas Clark , E \ C1. ty ng1.neer City of Bbynton Beach P. O. Box 310 \ 120 N. E. Se~ond Avenue Boynton ac~ Florida 33435 ~ ,/ i ~ ) J ~ ' I'. r,l. ~, .' ~ Re: (I \ f f 4' ,// " , , .. i / -) Ridge Road Plat Dear Mr. Clark: This will confirm our several conversations concerning the platting process of the High Ridge Road property. You have already received our Development Bonds, our checks for plat filing and administrative fees, two copies of the plat and two copies of the engineering plans. I shall be furnishing you, within the next several days, the fully executed mylar plat as well as our recreation impact fee. We wish this matter to be placed on the August 2, 1983 Agenda of the City Council for final approval. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this regard. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. DBM/hdg I., ~ g~ g~ ~ ~ ~~1dC{/o-. !/jteaD.hj~' .k- ..?&a'@~ ..~~ P. O. BOX 4579 MARGATE. FLORIDA 33063 PHONE: (305) 973-3010 July 5, 1983 Jerome Nagelbush Boynton Development Corporation 4651 Sheridan Street, Suite 465 Hollywood, Florida 33021 Dear Mr. Nagelbush: At your request, I have analyzed the purchase price for the tract of land legally described as, all of "Cedar Ridge Estates" and all of "High Ridge Commerce Park", Palm Beach County Records, for the purpose of allocating the purchase price between the single family, condominium and industrial sites. The subject is a vacant 65.8 acre site that was purchased for $2,300,000. Since I have recently completed a narrative appraisal for this property that includes the value of the undeveloped, platted land, the sales price will be allocated based on the percentage each parcel contributes to the overall value. The purchase 'price is allocated as follows: Use Purchase Price % Single Family Condominium Industrial TOTAL $2,300,000 2,300,000 2,300,000 17 26 57 100% Allocation $ 391,000 598,000 1,311,000 $2,300,000 Respectfully submitted, /~ ROBERT E. TRANSUE, SRPA RET/dt j ,; -<(/ '( ~/~ ft "Go; --- \'r<,~\ . \ \ ~~;4.Rvt-L\:_ DAVID B. MANKuTA fJj L- AlTORNEY AT LAW ~ - ~Z:(J. - ~;)/ -! L 4651 SHERIDAN STREET ~~. / SUITE 465 /7 /)9 f /I t HOLLYW:~=DA =1 ~~J.r June 22, 1983 W(I ~".~ - / j: \ v ~--- Mr. Thomas Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 120 N. E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Clark: Re: High Ridge Road Plat I am the attorney for Boynton Development Corporation, the owner of the sixty-five (65) acre tract south of Hypoluxo Road on High Ridge Road in Boynton Beach, Florida. As you are aware, we have preliminary approval of our plat. I am enclosing herein the originals of the Corporation's Development Bonds in favor of the City to secure our obligations for the development work for the plat. I am also enclosing, for your information, a copy of the South Florida Water Management District Approval. We are desirous of recording this plat as soon as possible and, accordingly, would appreciate your earliest advice as to the acceptability of these bonds and our ability to proceed with recording. I have had conversation with your City Attorney and by copy of this letter am furnishing copies of the Bonds to him for his review. Should you have any questions, please feel free to con- tact me at any time. Very truly yours, <-=- - --. DBM/hdg cc: Mr. James Vance City Attorney (with enclosures to Mr. Clark & Mr. Vance) i~ V' ~;A ~v(~ -_ , _I . ~ ROBERT E. OWEN ~ ASSOCIATES. INC. ROBERT LOWEN... E, DONALD M, SHEPHERD.P, <- ERNEST L.GREENE.A.S,L.A, RONNIE M, DIXON.p E. ARTHUR F, MEEKS. p, E. L"'WRENCE A,MATTHES.p, L.S. E...RLE MEG"'THLlN.JR.... E. .W"'RD L....ITZELFELO,p, loS. PETER T. KRICK. p, L.S. EN GIN EERS- PLAN N ERS-SU RVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 3331 2300 FLA-MANGO ROAD Apri~e28ive Date _ CIVIL STRUCTURAL SAN ITARY ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLANNING MUNICIPAL SURVEYING SOIL MECHANICS TELEPHONE (30") 689-6 City of Boynton Beach City Engineer 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 -------- Re: ~edar Ridge Estates and High Ridge Commerce Development Corporation Time __~ \ tI for Boynton Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a cost estimate and two (2) copies of the proposed p1a~, Drawing File No. BF-2350, which have been revised in accordance with your letter of April II, 1983. The c6st estimate, revised on April IS', 1983, includes street 1 ighting, off-s i te roadway cons tructiori, recrea t ion improvements and the master lift station which serve~ this area. The plat has been revised; however, we still do not feel that the drainage easements should be dedica ted to an enti ty but should simply allow the different Home Owner Associations and the City of Boynton Beach access for maintenance purposes should there be a problem. Please review this cost estimate and plat for final approval and should you have any questions or further comment~, please advise. Very truly your~, ~?!ft~~! EMJr/lb enclosure :'1...\i . ~\ , It, . -l~__ Sales Office in The Manalapan Club Hypoluxo Island Manalapan, Fla. P. 0, Box 3198 Lantana, Fla. 33462 Telephone 585-2515 585-2516 February 15, 1983 Donald M. Shepherd Robert E. Owen & Associates P.O. Box 3331 ~1est Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: High Ridge Road Annexation and Rezoning Dear Mr. Shepherq: I haven't as of this date heard anything regarding correction of the additional errors in the legal descriptions relative to our annexation and rezoning of the High Ridge Road parcels into the City of Boynton Beach. At your convenience, I would appreoiate your forwarding me copies of the appropriate scrivners affidavits as well as forwarding the same to Teresa Padgett, the City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. . Looking forward to your prompt reply. With best regards, L17r~ Kenneth L. Groves .-- KLG:grb cc: Teresa Padgett . Carmen Annunziato /' Point Manalapan Development Corporation Registered Real Estate Broker ;(..~, )" j-l/.. 1~4-._ ( Sales Office in The Manalapan Club Hypoluxo Island Manalapan, Fla. ,-VA/<, < P. O. Box 3198 Lantana, Fla. 33462 Telephone 585-2515 585-2516 r' '"~]a~?p"-<L) 111'/K~ /1; 3a December 14, 1982 i , Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Carmen: Pursuant to our telephone coversation this morning, enclosed please find a copy of the August 17, 1982 letter of credit and also a copy of the legal description I was discussing with you which have the errors I have noted circled in red for your convenience. Pursuant to the legal description you will also note enclosed is my letter to Don Shepherd, Robert E. Owen & Associates requesting he file an appropriate Scriveners Affidavit with the City at the earliest practical date. I trust you will find this satisfactory but should you have any questions, please ,give me a call. With best regards, Y~0- C ~('" ') Kenneth L. Groves KLG:grb Encl. Point Manalapan Development Corporation Reg istered Real Estate Broker ~ ROBERT E, OWEN. P,E, DONALD M, SHEPHERD. P.E, ERNEST L GREENE. ...s,L.,A, RONNIE M DIXON, P,E, ARTHUR F MEEKS, P,E LAWRENCE A, MATTHES. P,LS, EARLE MEGATHALIN. JR.. P,E, WARD L. MITZELFELD, P,L,S, PETER T KRICK, P,L,S, ROBERT E. OWEN 8 ASSOCIATES, JNC. ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 3331 2300 FLA-MANGO ROAO WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409 TELEPHONE (305) 689-6900 ~ ~~..~~ /,.,,417 Nove~ber 18, 19U2 CIVIL STRUCTURAL SAN ITARY ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLAIIINING MUNICIPAL SURVEYING SOil MECHANICS City of Boynton fic&ch Po~t Office Box 310 2oynton Beach, Florida I j,.~.~l1J!;:L. , ,-/1/ ~_3!~~c_--~ L.'~'"'-'- I ~~51f./J7 '- l'\rne - 33435 j~t tn I 'l'heresa Padgett He, ~':urvcy in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East for Hilliaul Benjamin GentleI1enl Enclosed are two (2) copies of the referenced survey in which the following revisions have been :nade in the wordint] of the section hroakdown descriptions 1. Last l;llragraph, fourth line from tile botton, the words .PnJe 176. were changed to read MFage 179". 2. Last paragraph, end of tnird line from bottom and begin- ning of second line from the bottom previously read abounded on the East by the West line" and was ch8ngcd to read "bounded on the Heat by the East line". These changes were necessitated by a scrivener error on the ori- gintll document. Very truly yours, ,,'ar:1 L. f1itzelfeld ~,;Lrt/l::: cc: Carmen Annunziato - I am sending you~copy of this memo to expedite matters in case you do not receive a copy direct from the City Clerk. Ken Groves Point Manal~pan Development Corp. 02/, ; r.e,-(CJ2L'!:~~ 1l11~ Date_-~2Ji:v ' Time. ,9.--- / -tf' ~ . C(. ..~........... ,l'-Z:< coun'ty ~istrator John C. Sansbury ~ -..l&ard of County Commissioners Norman GrL:~ory, Chairman Peggy B. E'Idtt. Vice. Chairman Frank Foster Denni; Koehl~r Bill Bailey .' ' Septerrber 21, 1982 Ms. Tereesa Padgett City of Boynton Beach 120 N. E. 2nd Svenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Ms. Padgett: This letter acknowledges receipt of your resolution No. 82-HHH requesting perrrdssion to rezone a certain portion of a parcel of land being annexed to the City of Boynton Beach fram R.S. to P.U.D. Please be advised the Board of County Commissioners officially received and filed your resolution in their Ireeting of September 21, 1982. A copy of your resolution has been forwarded to Planning, Building and Zoning; further action is pending subject review of said documents. ~ve~J trulCY YOl;, I! _ . . .f/' /I~' , / .0 M'\A-,{flU~i /, b -5 f / John C. Sansbury' V County Administrator JCS/dat cc: Bob Basehart, Planning, Building and Zoning /.--. :' t I \..~ /',; \ :.' .----- -'-:.{ / '-/ ' .... _/ I "." .- , . ~ ~ \ ";, " .. (:/S':1/" ..:::',:.....'-: ~;~.:\ \~ " -I ."....,.,.'.\'- 99 \, :j ,'" ~~. .-- . '.:~~.... ~\: \~-l vI,..'.' l-. ! ---\.: '''\'~ L~.' ...... \ ~..-L C,v ,r-I?! .~ ~,' /.,,:""./ .//'. ~ <'\/ / '- ~". I IT-;., \ \ /'/ --- -'..:.---- BOX 1980 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33iWl \ \ Of P^lM BEACH COJNTY \. JAMES J. McGARRY Senior Vice Praldent Loan Administration August 17, 1982 City of Boyntcn Beach 120 N.E. 2nd AVerRJe Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit 1fl363 Gent1anen : By order of Industrial Associates, Inc., 3194 Congress Avenue, L:Ike Vbrth, Florida, 33461, ~ hereby open our Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit 111363 in ycur favor for the aroount $120,000.00 effective as of August 17, 1982 and expiring at our office at the close of business on August 17, 1983. We are informed that this Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit is to be opened in your favor in order to insure the construction of High Ridge Road Exten- sion, 80' Right of Way, fran the Miner Road Southward approximately ~ mile to Northwest 200 Avenue including but not limited to the clearing, grubbing, hauling and preparing the 80' Right of Way for construction, all in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. We hereby agree that funds under this credit are available to you upon presen- tation of this Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit, not to exceed the aggregate aIOOLmt of $120,000.00, when accanpaniErl by docun:entation satisfactory to the bank that Industrial Associates, Inc., has not perf~d obligations as stated in paragraph above. Please address all correspondence regarding this Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit to the attention of the Letter of Credit Department, specifically IIal- tiorring our Letter of Credit 111363. s~el~7 f} If u ~o JJ 'tJ;,~> Jcnres e McGarry \ . Senior Vice President ~G/mk IDIE:. Attached to this Letter of Credit is a typical cross-section of an 80' road right-of-way. 401 NORTH LAKE BOULEVARD, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 / (305) 848-0611 Sales Office in The Manalapan Club Hypoluxo Island Manalapan, Fla. P. O. Box 3198 Lantana, Fla. 33462 Telephone 585-2515 585-2516 August 3, 1982 Receive~~ rh; .C/ Date ~ '2..- ~ Time / / :- ___ , .'" M~ Mr. Timothy P. Cannon Assistant City P~anner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Cedar Ridge Estates P.U.D. - High Ridge Cornraerce Park P.I.D. Dear Tim: In pursuance of your letter of July 29, 1982, my letter ~o you of the same date, and the discussions which took place at a meeting of the Boynton Beach Technical Review Board this morning please consider the following items: I. In regards to the remarks from the Fire Inspector and the Director of Utilities, I believe each of their concerns was fully addressed and resolved at the meeting this morning by the modification of the water and sewer plans to reflect the following chc~nges: a. A six inch water main will be installed to connect the south leg of the multi-family water main to the eight inch water main presently shown as running through the center of the P.I.D. b. The north leg of the multi-family and single family water main shall be increased from six inches to eight inches. c. At the eastern ~ost or second from the eastern most cul-de-sac an easement shall be provided to permit the extension of the water main from the six inch leg to the fire hydrant in the cul-de-sac north to connect with a future water main to be constructed by the Lake Worth Christian gigh School. d. The gravity sewage collection system which is presently shown running th~ough the eastern portion of the multi- family area shall be modified such that man-holes shall be accessible from the north and south parking areas, linking a run not to exceed 400' with suitably lined ductile iron pipe together with a provision that we shall agree to hold the City of Boynton Beach harmless /2 Point Manalapan Development Corporation Reg istered Real E state Broker -2- Mr. Timothy P. Cannon City of Boynton Beach August 3, 1982 in regard to damage that may occur during routine maintenance of the facilities. 2. With regards to the comments by Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester, it appears to me that all his comments relate to those provisions which are specifically included in your ordinance 81-21, which I am sure you are aware is your Tree Preservation Ordinance. As I am aware of the existence of the ordinance and its appropriate regulations it is certainly our intent to comply with the ordinance at the appropriate time. 3. In regards to the discussion concerning the marking of existing easements on the survey, as I indicated at the meeting this morning our principal problem stems from the fact that the existence of a Florida Power and Light Easement through the eastern lOa or so feet of the P.I.D. is not specifically designated in terms of its exact location in the easement document. Pursuant to the discussion this morning we agreed to locate the structures and facilities as laid out and in place on the survey to facilitate identification as well as pursue our original course of action which was and still is attempting to have Florida Power and Light appropriately identify the easement. I would hope to have this addition to the survey made at the earliest practical date. 4. In regards to your request concerning agreements with the City for completion of the development according to the plan, restrictive covenants, and a Declaration of Condominium, please be advised that we are presently drawing up the necessary documents including Deed Restrictions for the single family residential area and the planned industrial development, together with a Declaration of Condominium for the multi-family area all be tied together by a Property Owners Agreement amongst the several parties. In drafting these documents we shall take cognizance of your request that all development to take place within the bounds of the P.U.D. and the P.I.D. shall be in conformance to and compliance with all appropriate codes of the City of Boynton Beach, together with the terms and conditions as agreed to between us and the City of Boynton Beach limiting the uses in both the P.U.D. and the P.I.D. As I indicated we are hopeful of having these documents completed within the next several days and will certainly fonlard them onto you as soon as they become available. /3 -3- Mr. Timothy P. Cannon City of Boynton Beach August 3, 1982 5. In regards to the parking garages, it is our feeling that due to the requirement in the zoning code for a separation wall between an industrial and residential area, it seemed appropriate to get the greatest use out of this particular structure which we possibly could. As it is my understanding that parking would be permitted within the 30' set-back area it seemed appropriate to simptly improve the parking area from uncovered parking to covered parking by simply constructing a covered facility utilizing the 6' buffering wall as a partial foundational structure. We recognize that this is not in conformance with the existing City codes concerning this item, but certainly solicit your favorable consideration of our request. 6. In regards to statements of coordination with utilities, please be advised that we have forwarded our site plan to Florida Power and Light, Southern Bell Telephone, and Group W Cable TV. Todate we have not received any word from those companies concerning their requirements for easements but certainly intend to fully cooperate as is appropriate in this matter. I trust this adequately responds to those items covered in your letter of July 29, 1982 with its enclosures, my response letter to you, and the items discussed by the Technical Review Board at this mornings meeting, but should you envision any additional problems I would appreciate your contacting me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, ([~~~-1, r ~ Kenneth L. ~oves cc: Donald M. Sh~pherd Earle Megathlin William J. Hyland Winston Lee KLG:grb .7;"" South Florida 'Water Management District Post Office Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Telephone (305) 686-8800 Florida W A TS Line 1-800-432-2045 John R, Maloy, Executive Director IN REPLY REFER TO: 6A-6-PB J u I Y 30, I 982 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: POINT MANALAPAN: Dear Mr. Annunziato: The District has reviewed the above-referenced rezoning and forwards no adverse comments at this pre! iminary stage of the planning process. If you have any questionsl please contact this office. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to participate. Sincerely, ~/~.1WJ Y STEVE REEL Director. Special Projects Executive Office JSR/slm l _. ( nv (!.,. t"'t"Cr:~,\I.. --"'--ff" I- r V r\\......;l't\~ ~ -,~ ---- O",,~'P ----- "I-- iT. 336" ___ }v\.....,;-- ~ "rime ---- Robert L. Clark, Jr, Robert W, Padrick Chairman - Fort Lauderdale Vice Chairman - Fort Pierce Stanley W, Hole Naples J, Neil Gallagher St, Cloud Nathaniel p, Reed Hobe Sound John L. Hundley Pahokee Aubrey L, Burnham Okeechobee Charles L. Crumpton Miami Shores Jeanne Bellamy Coral Gables ", ~ - '.'l " .\, - CITY of ;\ \ '" BOYNTON BEACH ~ f ~- ~__ --:---- ~--_.. ,.....1.:.~ >.>.d"'4:;J r-- 'r..ll.l:~t:~ - ';;;:RE~ ~:.=e . · ~~l , c-------- ~~E~~~-~tjrr~, - f --.:;0 -... -~ - .:--,~-,~~ -- POBOX 310 120 N E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051 734.Bll1 July 29, 1982 Mr. Kenneth L. Groves P.D.Box 3198 Lantana, Fl. 33462 Dear Mr. Groves: There will be a Pre-Hearing Conference for the Cedar Ridge Estates P.U.D./High Ridge Commerce Park, P.I.D. at 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday, August 3, 1982. This conference includes those of the City staff who have reviewed the development proposal. Please attend this meeting or send a designated representative. At the Pre-Hearing Conference, you should be prepared to state in writing your agreement to the comments, which are enclosed, or state in writing your reasons for disagreeing with any of these comments. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ Timothy P. Cannon Asst. City Planner TPC:mpc CC: City Manager City Clerk . - ?- { - Sales Office in The Manalapan Club Hypoluxo Island Manalapan, Fla. P. O. Box 3198 Lantana, Fla. 33462 Telephone 585-2515 585-2516 July 29, 1982 Mr. Timothy P. Cannon Asst. City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Cedar Ridge Estates PUD - High Ridge Commerce Park, PID Dear Tim: Pursuant to your letter of July 29, 1982 with enclosures in regards to the above described development, please consider the following information as appropriate, and where necessary I would appreciate your prompt response. I. In regards to the remarks from the Fire Inspector, I will make every effor~ to meet with both Mr. Cavanaugh and Mr. Cessna concerning alleviation of the deadend problem as noted in his memorandum. I shall of course be happy to comply with the requirement that fire-hydrant location conform to your city sub-division ordinance requirements. 2. As regards to utilities as discussed in Mr. Cessna's memorandum, please consider the following: a. As noted in the foregoing paragraph we will attempt to work out a layout which alleviates the problem of deadend lines as expeditiously as possible. b. I shall attempt to meet with Mr. Cessna to reconcile the 800' sewage gravity collection system which he indicates will present a serious maintenance problem for the city. 3. With regards to the comments by Kevin Hallanhan, Urban Forester, it appears to me that all of his comments relate to those provisions which are specifically included in your ordinance 81-21, which as I'm sure you are aware /2 Point Manalapan Development Corporation Registered Real Estate Broker Mr. Timothy P. Cannon City of Boynton Beach -2- July 29, 1982 is your tree preservation ordinance. As I am aware ~f the existence of the ordinance and its appropriate regulations it is certainly our intent to comply with the ordinance at the appropriate time. 4. with regard to your comments concerning the above described development please consider the following: a. All existing easements are appropriately marked on the plan as they exist on the property. I am unclear as to your remark that I need to show all existing easements adjacent to the track as this could be an extremely comprehensive title search which I don't believe is appropriate to our submission nor do I believe that it is your intent that I be so encumbered. All utilities to the site and those on the site I believe are indicated on the drawings that you are in possession of. Due to the complexity and the number of those items it maybe that the various requirements appear on different sheets rather than a single sheet for clarity. b. In our submission I included appropriate deeds and affidavits which reflect that the ownership of the property is held entirely by two parties, both of whom have executed appropriate documents of intent. Should this not be sufficient I would appreciate your advising me of what specific documentation you further require. I am also unclear as to your request for agreements with the city for completion of development according to bur submission and would appreciate a more specific request. Lastly, we are in the process of drafting appropriate deed restrictions and condominium documents and as is consistant with my discussions with Carmen Annunziato, those items will be submitted as soon as they are completed, and prior to the scheduled meeting before the Planning and Zoning Board on August 10, 1982. c. With regard to the parking garages, in our original submission there was a specific item detailing the particular reason for placing the parking garages within the 30' setback which dealt principally with the maximum utilization of the required 6' buffering wall to be placed between the P.I.D. and the P.U.D. I would appreciate your checking to see i&~that information is n~t in fact in your possession already. /3 ~1r. Timothy P. Cannon City of Boynton Beach -3- July 29, 1982 d. I presume that your item 4 relates to our requesting cooperation from Florida Power and Light, Southern Bell Telephone, and Group W Cable TV. Todate we have forwarded our site plan data to those companies and we are awaiting their response which I am sure you are aware is often very slow in coming. Unfortunately due to the time constraints you've placed on me I doubt very seriously it will be possible to sufficiently rectify the particular problems voiced by the Fire Department and the Utility Department prior to our meeting on August 3, 1982. However, please be advised, that it is our intent to meet with the appropriate personnel at the earliest practical date to expeditiously resolve those problems discussed in their memorandums. I trust this adequately responds to your letter of July 29, 1982 with its enclosures, but should you envision any additional problems I would appreciate your contacting me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, { cC Cf fi ~ Kenneth L. Groves KLG:grb 10- ~ CITY of BOYNTcSN BEACH POBOX 310 120 N,E 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 13051 734-Bll1 L_~-:=: -:::=i~~::: ~ ";'_'-";~ i- 1t.J..W;.E;;t:~.t:;r:...:--,..=~ ,~..;,. --- j ___ ' :r~!j~-iiiF;2'E-~tEf~~ ~e'~i . ~~~~JIIO J~~I~ r --=- '>~ --~. ':7 : June 22, 1982 Mr. Stan Reddick Planning Director Palm Beach County 810 Datura St., West Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Reddick: Accompanying this letter, you will find documents concerned with the proposed Point Manalapan property annexation into the City of Boynton Beach. Please review the attached materials (now in final form) and indicate the extent to which this project is consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. Thank you in advance for your time and con- sideration in this matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Co~~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attachments: Master Plan Exhibit"C" of Annexation Petition CC: Central File ~_.- -_._~.._---_.._.~_..,.._._------_... -".-----.. - CITY of BOYNTON BEACH -#- -f P,O BOX 310 120 N E 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA 33435 (3051734-8111 . _ __ __...._~_.__ .-.::.:..=- o. "1' _.~ r--. -- -'--'-"""'''!f--~-~ j' 1','- :r..t..f;.r..~t:E:';..-_E -::.t: I ;):'..;}I,." ' r-- ..._-~~~~~g.~~. - ~._~~ - .t ., June 22, 1982 Mr. J. steve Reel Assistant to the Director So. Florida Water Management District P.O.Box V 3301 Gun Club Rd. W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Mr. Reel: Accompanying this letter, you will find documents which concern the proposed Point Manalapan rezoning and annexation into the City of BQynton Beach. The proposal provides for a Planned Unit Development and a Planned Industrial Development located in the northeast corner of Miner Road and High Ridge Road. Please provide the City with an evaluation of the project and indicate the extent to which it complies with the District's standards. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments, so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that the District extends to the City in matters such as these. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~' S -- c..:....-- c--~,~,~_..... C'-------'--;:::;~.-A--.. Carmen S. Annunziat~ City Planner CSA:mpc Attachments: Master Plan Drainage Calculations CC: Central File CITY of BOYNTON ~BEACH ~ f P,O, BOX 310 120 N,E 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA 33435 13051734-8111 ~--- _..r._- ,'_t' fl,t; , '1~~t:~.i~~L;~,: . ~rri~~:!1;'2EEEtm -1!~~ :,~. .~.,.., ='~~,.~,.. -,~~ ,.iIb~ J/iI J~,lb;- , .~--~~~.= ~ --. ~ t -- -,;. ,-~ ,. ~-,-,' - -- "_..:" ~~ ,.A ,> June 22, 1982 Mr. Charles Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Div. Palm Beach County Box 2429 t W. Palm Beach, Fl. 33402 Dear Charlie, Accompanying this letter, you will find documents concerned with the proposed Point Manalapan annexation to the City of Boynton Beach. Please review the attached materials and provide us with your analysis of this project's impact on the County highway system. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments, so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that your office extends to the City in matters such as these. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c c~~--.., Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc Attachments: Master Plan Exhibit "C" of Annexation Petition Traffic Impact Statement CC: Central File LAW OFFICES {? I v-0 V'1. /~7 ReCeiVe~nn:'n:J (ll;.,t:/ Dat~ y}./~./f{i- BRYA"'! ~ J: ~~, p. /1) Time ; J V' /f, /. SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS & ROBERT CLAUDE SCOTT RAYMOND W, ROYCE ,J, RICHARD HARRIS ,JOHN L, BRYAN, ,JR, WILLIAM ,J, HYLAND, ,JR, THOMAS ,JAMES ROSS II ,JOSEPH ,J, KULUNA5 STEVEN T, UTRECHT PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 4S0 ROYAL PALM WAY POST OFFICE SOX 2664 TELEX NO. PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33480 5109527730 TELEPHONE 655-8433 AREA CODE 305 June 21, IY82 Carmen S. Annunziato city Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: High Ridge Road Annexation and Rezoning Our Fi1e* 16ull Dear Carmen: Please find attached the revised applications in connection with the above captioned. You will note that 21 files are being delivered for your examination and disbursement to the appropriate parties. The files are arranged so as to provide you with 7 copies of the Application for Annexation and 7 copies of the Application for Land Use Amendment. Seven (7) copies o~ a Map, Plan & Survey File can be used in conjunction with eith~r application file as the exhibits to each are substantially the!same. In the future, if any portion of either of the applications or any of the exhibits in the Map, Plan & Survey file need to be changed, I will simply deliver the appropriate document or exhibit for substitution in connection with the files you now have. Finally, as you are aware, I confirmed with Jim Vance, Esquire, that the Homeowners documents must now be completed and submitted for his review. Please be advised that I am working on these documents currently. As always, thank you for your capable assistance in this matter. Sincerely, , /J:fIt' Wi~ J. Hyland, Jr. WJH/yo Enc10sures;cc:: Ken Groves L.AW OFFICES SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS & BRYAN ROBERT CLAUDE SCOTT RAYMOND W. ROYCE J, RICHARD HARRIS JOH N L. BRYAN, JR, GARY J. NAGLE WILLIAM J. HYLAND, JR. THOMAS JAMES ROSS n JOSEPH .), KULUNAS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 450 ROYAL PAL.M WAY P05T OFFICE BOX 2664 CABLE ADDRESS "SCOBUR" TELEPHONE 655-8433 AR EA CODE 305 ~ALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 May 24, 1982 Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: My File Number 16011 Application for Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Dear Carmen: Please find enclosed in booklet form the above referenced appli- cation and all appertenant exhibits, maps, surveys and plans thereto. Additonally, please find enclosed my clients check no.# 4724 in the amount of $30U.00, representing his application fee. You will note the enclosed booklet contains an index outlining the various exhibits, maps, etc.. in connection with the application. If, after reviewing same, I might provide you with any additonal information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~ Wi1~m J. Hyland, Jr. WJH/ss enclosures QUALIFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER ROBERT E.(TED) TRANSUE SRPA Senior Real Property Appraiser designation, Society of Real Estate Appraisers Past President of The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter No. 204, Society of Real Estate Appraisers Formerl,y'Vice President and Chief Appraiser in charge of the Appraisal Department of Hollywood Federal Savings & Loan Association STATE CREDENTIALS Florida Real Estate Salesman EXPERIENCE Real Estate Appraiser 1969 - date SPECIALIZED TRAINING SREA Course 101 - Principles and Techniques Course 201 - Income Properties Course 301 - Special Applications of Appraisal Analysis A. I. R. E. A. Course VI AUTHORIZED TEACHER American Savings and Loan Institute Nova College Society of Real Estate Appraisers (Course 101 & 201) SEMINARS Narrative Report Seminar (2) Society of Real Estate Appraisers Instant Mortgage Techniques Seminar - S.R.E.A. & A.I.R.E.A. (Johnson) Math-Stat-Finance - S.R.E.A. (Dan Swango) Capitalization Theory & Technique (Charles Akerson) Feasibility Analysis (James Graaskamp) Introduction to Investment - Feasibility Analysis (Bill Kinnard) The Valuation of Leases and Leaseholds Interests (James Gibbons) Marketability & Market Analysis (Oakleigh Thorne) How to Use Statistics in Everyday Appraisal Practice (H. Robert Knitter) Cash Equivalency (Richard Hewitt)