APPLICATION '" ", , " ,.. ''\ BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge Estates (residential): High Ridge Carmerce Park (irrlustrial) AGENT1S NAME: Kermeth L. Groves ADDRESS: P.O. Box:: 3198 lantana, Florida 33462 PHONE: 305/585-2515 OWNER I S NAME: William E. BehJ'cmrin, II arrl Point Manalapan (or trustee I s) Developnent Corp. ADDRESS: P.O. Box:: 3198 PHONE lantana; Florida 33462 305/585-2515 PROJECT LOCATION: Hiqh Ridqe lbad, approximately 1 mile South of (not legal description) HYPJluxo Ibad CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge Estates (residential): High Ridge Coomerce Park (irrlustrial) AGENT1S NAME: Kermeth L. Groves ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florida 33462 PHONE: 305/585-2515 OWNER I S NAME: (or trustee I s) ADDRESS: William E. Benjamin, II and Point Manalapan Developnent Corp. P.O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florida 33462 PHONE 305/585-2515 PROJECT LOCATION: Hiqh Ridqe Road, approximately 1 mile South of (not legal description) Hypoluxo Road CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) '" * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. AFFIDAVIT State of Florida ) ) ss County of Palm Beach ) Before me this day personally appeared Kenneth L. Groves, personally and as vice-president of Point Manalapan Development Corporation, who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That the property owners map and address list is a true and correct representation of the current owners of the effected real estate with regard to the submission by William E. Benjamin II and Point Manalapan Development Corporation for annexation and rezoning of their respective propert~es. - ({; ~1. .~. -- Sworn to and subscribed before me this :::'2 d day of JUne A.D. 1982. ~~ State of Florida My Commission expires: ~61/7'<f'J Receive Date Time ') C P} - ',J ..... ' ... ,. \ \ \ APPLICATION TO THE CITY OF BOYN1'ON BEACH ." FOR LAND USE AMENDt~NT AND REZONING Date May 10, 198~ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 1. Name of Applicant Kenneth L. Groves 2. Name of Owner of Property William E. Benjamin, II and Point Manalapan Devel. C (please indicate name or names as it appears on the Deed) 3. Address of Property High Ridge Road, approximately 1 mile South of Hypoluxo R:l. 4. Legal Description of Property see attached. Exhibit "A". ,;. ,J" .:; .-~ ~ .....:#.. ~,. ,". 5. How 1S the property presently zoned? R.S. 6. What is the land use shown on the future land use plan for the City of Boynton Beach? lDw Density Residential as p:rr Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. 7. How do you want the property to be rezoned? PID mrl ~ 8 . What do you want the future land use plan for the City of Boynton Beach to show? Imustrial for PID and lDw Density residenr;;:l1 (noT TO pxr.PPr1 4 R4 dwelling units per acre) for PUD. How will the property be used after this land use amendment and zoning change? Please see site plan subnitted. with application for annexation. 9 . IMP 0 R TAN T Before any application for Land Use Amendment, zoning or re-zoning will be considered by the Planning & Zoning Board and the City Council, a scale sketch or tracing clearly indicating the property to be re-zoned must be attached to this application. This sketch must show surrounding streets and property within a distance of 400 feet of the property to be changed. If the sketch is not attached your application cannot be considered. See attached. location map by Robert E. Owen and Associates, Inc. A $300.00 fee must accompany each application. Any reason you may have for requesting this land use amendment and zoning change may be indicated in an attachment to this application. I hereby grant permission to the Planning & Zoning Board to post a sign on the above described premises stating that a change 1n zon1ng has been requested. /(cfI./ Signature vi p n BOX 3I98 Address ~ Lantana, Florida 33462 305/585-2515 Telephone Number ~ --:- ._~ P.UD. DESCRI PTION 4> ~ ":.:.....:;. COMMENCIUG at t-~e :-~outh""e!;t con1"r of "Sl?ction 9,L Towns',hip 45 ;~'~uth, k3n'.J~': ~43. E;t:;t; .thence run r~orth88n4lt~l'" 'E::!st 310ng the South lin~ of said S~ction '.9, ;.J distancl"! of 25.01 feet' to 'a point on the e9s- t0r-:y .r iyht-o(:":";ay'or ,Hl~h ,Hi(1gc 'Hoad; tJi~nce run IJorth along said eas- J'~rl:i' ri1Jht-o(-W::Ji',3 dlstanc'? of SJ22.7"1 feet to thl? PO"rN'f OF-OCGIN;- !;l:~(~; thencr continue i.J:,)["th "dong said~CJste.rly "riIJh't-of-way,a dis- l):~cl' or 9Y6.93 (f~('t; t!wncr.! run iJorth 88"45tl4"'.E::!'st,"a disti3ncc'.of 'l(ltl.YO ~'..!f~t; thenc~ run tJorth 15q.B2; thence run north 8B045'14" East, -~j '1istilnCI! of 1220.87 1':I~t; thence run North OooO~'28" East, a distance of- 1318.05 f(~ct; thl~nc(: t'IJn iJorth SH)045'5R" East, .:II distance of 39.82 t("~ti thence run ;:)outh 01"12'2()" East,' r.l rhstance o{ 2481.01 fe(~t; l!v.!nce 'rur. ,Sc>uth r.~"41'51" \';est, ~ di!;itancc of. 1424.83 feet t.o th~ I'UlIJT 1)1-' 13EGIIHJI!JG. .":ONTAHJltJG 38.73 l\cn~s, more or less, includin';) 0.34 Acres for the ad rl , t i () n aIr 1:; h t - 0 f - .....:> :i 0 f II i (J h Rid 9 e Ro ad. 1: . PID. DESCHIPTION CO:'11'-1 EI~C I NG at the' Southwes t corner of Sect ion - 9" 'fownsh ip 45 So'uth, H:3nge 43 East"; thence run North 88041'51" East, a distance of ~5.0~ feet to a point on the e.:lsterly right-af-way of ~igh Ridge Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING; the~ce run North along said E.:Ist right-of- Wi3Y of High Ridg<:? Road, a dJst.::lllce of 822.71 fcet; thence run" North HHo41'Sl" ~::!st. a distance of 1424.83 feet; thence run South Oio12'26~ East, a dIstance of 822.50 feet to a point on the South line of th.~ ;)forc>;ni~ntioneo Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thenct"? rlH~ South 88"41151" \vest a1"ong said South line of Section 9, a distanc<:? of J442.16 f~0t to the POINT OF BeGINNING. CONTt\ltHIJG 27. 07 ^cn~s, 'mon-. pr'JJlr):;'~] riIJht-of-:-.....<3J' tJf ~,ti l:.'r- ::-i'Jht-o[-'..;':l:J of Hiqh RidrJ(' HI)dd. l)r less, Road ,.3no includingl.79 Acres [or th. o . 2 8 Ac res" [ 0 r :] 0 d 1 t 1 0 n ~ 1 Exhibit "A" A parcel of land lying in Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. The North 2/3 of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less the North 159.82 feet of the West 135.00 feet thereof, and less the right-of-way of High Ridge Road (50.00 feet right-of-way). TOGETHER WITH the North 2/3 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the South 1/4 of said Section 9. TOGETHER WITH the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and the South 1/3 of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, less the 25.00 feet right-of-way of High Ridge Road. TOGETHER WITH the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, less the 25.00 feet right-of-way of High Ridge Road. TOGETHER WITH Tracts, D, E, and F, as shown in Plat of Lincoln Memorial Gardens, as recorded in Plat Book 23, page 176, Palm Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH all that land, bounded on the South by the South line of said Section 9; bounded on the East by the West right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad (as laid out and now in use); bounded on the North by the South line of Tract liD ", as same as shown on the Plat of Lincoln Memorial Gardens, recorded in Plat Book 23, page 176, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; bounded on the East by the West line of the South Half (8 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 9. - EXHIBIT 13 I. Information requested by form appllcation to the City of Boynton Beach for Land Use and Rezoning 1. Items 1-4 and item 6 addressed by enclosed map/survey packets and site plan. 2. Item 5: a. Developement: Placing urban developement within the jurisdiction of an urban govering authority with capabilities to provide the ongoing necessity and attendent municiple services and with the additional addition of the ~mprovements con- templated by the applicant's petition for annexation, we would contact areas within the exist1ng city limits to the necessary pol1ce, fire, public utility access presently do not benefit form said basic services and their attendant benefits. b. Projected Population: (1) 45 single afmily lots (2) 152 multiple family units (3) 4.5 x 2.5 = 113 (4) 152 x 2.5 = 380 (5) Total Population= 493 c. Proposed Timing and Stages of Developement: (1) PID: Proposed single plat; cpmpletion within 18 months of final approval. (2) PUD: Single Family: Proposed 4 plats; completion of one plat per year, beginning from the date 0& final appr0val. (3) PUD: Multiple Family: Proposed 3 phases; completion of one phase per year, beginning from the date of final approval. d. Proposed ownership and form of organization to maint~in common and open space facilities: All mulitiple family/single family PUD and PID to be fee simple ownership with separate home owner type associations for PID and PUD containing appropriate dual provisions for maintenance of both separate and shared common and open space facilities. Said documentation to be submitted to the City for review and final approval of same. e. See enclosed site plan f. See survey packet c::> co C'-! ~ ('-J c:=> ('.,J C.:1 0: LD <.:::) ("J ("-J L_ 0~,~)\ CD j I,..' . "' " ,~, ~~ v OJ -::r G:) {~ c..- r-- r-- (0 C0 CO ~ r , ~..J yreparecl By ~~ J1..clurn to: 3 ~ __~L~J~.<:1 J!l..<!.:._J!.Yla nc!L_ J . Scott, Burk, Huyce & llarris, P,A. 450 Hoyal Palm Way Palm Beach, Florida 33480 ~urranfll ~rrD Wl1is ~llfH.mtur.c, M:!de thu lGth day of FelJruary , 1982 , between RITECO DEVELOP1VlENT COHP01U\'l'J ON, a Florida corporation, p:trty of the fIrst part, .:md POINT t-lANALAPAN DEVELOPIvlEI'J'l' COEPO](A'l'IOl~, a FloridCl Whose mailing address is: P.O, Box 3198, Lantana, Florida partY of the second part, corpora 33462 ~il11t'n1\.dIj, That the said partY of the fast part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other valuable consideratioIU, to them in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, h a v e granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the second part, their heirs, successorsmd assigns forev.cr, the following described land, situate in the County of Palm Beach State: of Florida, to.wit: The South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the right-of-way of S.A.L.R.R. SUBJECT TO restrictions, conditions and limitations of record, if ,In,/; to Ci"l~;(~![\('l\t fror)T1\ N. R. Field ;IIHJ ,Jallc~t lZnox Fie-lcJ, lli:: \.J [I c, Lu l"lorida Power and Liqht Company, c],ltC<l ^U(I\I~~l :)(), '19Gl and recunlcc\ August 30, l~ll>.L, .111 ut lcj,ll Eecords Book 67'2 Llt Pd(JC 40 of thL' Puldic Hl'conl.',; of PLllll1 IJcLlch County, Florida; to that Jl\dp of the portions of TO\-Inshipe:; 45 Llnc1 46, l;;(Hll)C .13 East, as r(~corded ),n Plat Book 1 at Page 4 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; to an existing road right-of- \-Iay claimed by Palm Beach County under Commissioner I s I'linute Book, dated June 24, 19tJG, covering the South 25 feet of the above described parcel; to applicable zon1ng ordinances and to real estate taxes for 1982 and subsequent years. 1<1:- . ........;:: 0" cr :~ IO~ I--!'" III (, ,L,_ ! ;.'- \. I ..~ > IUc.\ ~, 1<' IUJ:: I, ,~ I r- ,- , ::( ;-~ , "- IJ-L I, (, ~.~ ,~,: j C "~ I: rl..., . c\\n?\ the s:lid parey of the first part do es hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same ag:linsc the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. c3Jn ;mitmll13 ;m~Hl'of, . ',', "j t}t'_s> the said part y of the first part the day and year nbove wntten. has hereunto set hand and seal /;- '(";:~!':,.';~.~ (: : COf{,1:"0PJ J.".~El>;L: .~) ,. . ... " ., .'-;,...--..... .. ( HI TEC 0 DEVELOPt1ENT COI;;PORA1>IQl'\ ........................................................................:."..a~.-:.-;.~ .~'... S. aF.l-9rid~ co.:tpoJ::"ation, ':":': ~I ;;;r (/, L ~. r: ,/ J.... . P:,Y...:"..~-!...:.:.:..Ji:~;..!.>j{~~~.......,............'''.. L. S. :./ Signed, sc:;dC'd and dcliv~rc:d in our presc:nce: .(,~%~/J;~~w.P" ......./!!..k4,t.1.~/({d~-,.. . ..~....,...., , - / / / ~ I I J By: ~{~2 k-C: 12..0 j 0 ~),--<!,-t../~'-2-<.'-"----.L. S . CLARICE. W. NEVlSUH, Secretary STATE OF Flor ida COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY, Th"l on Ihi, day, b.(ore me, All officer duly authorized in Ihe County "nd 5"'1< a(orewid CLARICE W. NLWSUM, Secretary and R. E. FIELD, Vice President of RITECO DEVEI CORPORATION, a Flo.rida corporatinn. described in and ...110 execul~,r the foregoing tnotrumenl and. they, ...ckno.....l..dged to wk. ack.nowl.dgm~ntl, p~flon....lly appC<lrcd 10 m~ known to be II.... proon h.for~ me thaI they WITNESS my hand February executed the aame. a.nd official .ea.l in the CounlY an d S,o<< Jut ,,( oru.o.id ,hi. , )6..th day 82. of . 19 , ' -, :. ., .....N;;;;,.pfJ.~;[iY~~!iin~;;;;O;;~id. 1.1y commiwon c;J;p<rco: otx4!..?f'F RECORD VERIFIt:D PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLJ. _._ '_ _____ ,.LL:>..U.ALD... n11l1.1KlE J~ 3173 It- e:\ l' C 1I ( I\' L' II Ill' It I~ L'J ,;~., -~2 i-J'~ ,- ,--1 J> 'e :~ '-1) (') 2: rn' '.1.' ,--1 : 'p C::.. ~ C) , r- , )- ' .U I rn l::J I n'11 "n I 7, n ,liS illSI rllllH'lll prepared IlY IU;\\1 Ill.) , l.il,.'I.'\ \ I',,, i:\ \\,\!'.I:..\.'.'lY IJ: \:' @'hi, l1n{tl'ltturR~~ : 111:j I :::; 11'~UMEf'n pnEF'AfU:[) f:JY: , HUI\'1A:; J, BECKEn : ,</,1\1 ,'I:H, dl:CL/\I;~[, [;cCl<Er~ , 'J i ',[" 1-. L.l I: U<, C1l/\ [HI: H C D .... l J ::()x j,~(; 'ir'L'\ l(;llOt), Florida, 33-132 (The I...... ..11.....1"'.. ."J ".,.""." h.r.... .I.dl \.0. ,.".",~.J t" ....1.....1. ..II ..."J.,. ."J ...,,,,,,1., .,( 1-1,...1 .. d.. ",,,,.., ""I.. ,,~. J ,\( udl' II, i.1 'J (.\:l '. .., 1.0 70, lirtm 11111/ I! t December r=-:/\r~~PH c. 1~I^r?r.:;,[ '; L't II e! L_OI<ll T/\ Iv\. HAF-<.r~IS, his wife I :1 of Ill(' Coullty of Florida , S tal (I 01 Palrn 13cdch , granlor, POINT fv\ANALJ\PAI'\.j D[=::V[-:LOF~Ml~,['\.jT COI~PORATION, a Florida corporCltion Il:!wse JlOst~(I.fli("e Ulldr".n' is uf Ih,' COl1l1l'I of ,S/(/I,' ()I . gr(j lUi!nrllllr!ll: TllUt Sui(l f~rlllll"r,/(Jr (/1Ie! in ("ons"lern/iulI ()I 111l' SllJlI u/-ren ($10.00) and NO/OOf)fjllilr\ olher J.:ood i1nd t'i1llwlll., ,',,"sir/ere/tiu"s Iu snid !:r(/lIl"l ill IlU1Id p(/id IlY said grl1nli:e, the receipt where(Jf is h, lIi'k'I/'u'lcdg,',I, lUll grlllllcd, 1)lIr!~lIi,"'d 111111 solrllo Ifll' suid':/lIl1te/', UlIr! 1~((I1l/ee's heirs, successor.\" ulle!llssigll.\ fOJ rlll'j(,lIull:ill,l-_Lill'I'('ri/".r/lu"cl, sllllc(((',llfillg u,,,IIJeillg in F\t 1 n. Beach (;(Jltlltlf, FluridU./I ,:, South one-third (SI /:'3) of ~=-;()ulh Hidf (S1 /2) of Norlhwc~,t qu~\t'l,'r' (NWI /11-) of' ~)oulhwc';l OUdr'lc.T (SWI /4), and NcwLh h,ll! C~Jl/2) 0(= Southwccc~t (:),udr'lcr (:::;W1/4) of Southw8st QlI~\t'L(T' (~;\t\ll/4) of ~)ccLi()I\ f"-ltllt: CJ), Township 11-S SOULllJ Rcmgc 43 Eas t, Palm Bc().ch County, F=-lo rida. '.oi( SU[:U E::CT to restri.ctions J rc~;c rVCltions) easements and righ ts of W::1.y of record , all app licab Ie zoning lClws and taxes for the year 1 D71 and all subsequent years. c--.J c';T)~\'r-r=:-CJF;-~ FLCTRI 0 )~'\ I rJ 0 C U;"~ ["TfA R y,~:;., .':;,\ ~) l\, ~~ P . T.!?:.~!!-. I n_:-,_:";._..,,___'_ __:_.,_.-..___---:-,:<... ,.......\,(__.:(~'\\ _ r'[ri.Uf Ht,\U/uE!,"'i;':-' r,_\, I _::: l.",i",~<'~}:~:i 2 4 3 0 0 ,_ I'r; = JMl26'71 \,\S;:-:,>i.y , I .::~.1.:~~~i~~__~_~_'~':;::...,~.':::':~:_ _ I DOCUMENTARY - SUR TAX -- I ~ 8 9. I 0 I ; ...---") l , <:0, t:: ~ . ~ :..J" U !.:'~ ..' l) u.. Ls) c:-.> ~;."-;::;:.-. ~~,., c;:}-';:~, ;"f;:~ ::1v;H ,.!t::,~~:t} F L 0 I~ I A ....-.-l::] ~ri'1. JIIN2G'71 Uf f~ O. ~lVllIV( 10024 ...-'~ I: .- ~ I l.J (:-> Ulld .\(Jill grewtor dl'es h<'fe!J1j fl/Illj WiJr1'llllt Ole litle to soid land, and will defend the same against the lowful cloil ellll','TS()IIS \('!.O'IlSoL't",'r. ]l11 lIItlnrull m1lrn'llf. (;riJntor has hcr('unto sd gran/or's halld and SClJI the day and lJear first above wr .1 Sii:IlI'd, ,\"'I//t'llolld cI('lil"'1"e.! ill ,'tiT presence: / . / " 1 ~ ~-,'t ~c.. C I' , -"(T~"'Li...L 'f~"J /\-..---:-1...,--1 ~-RR'IS0.. t.. " , of, -~. /)-~ \~~~ ~ -, '> _j '-~\...'-'-~--~~ -, ~ I~"~ k P -~/G ,- -;... ----~ ~, - ~)~'_LC C'- '- ,~~]- {(;FCtJ--- (:(c:'~~f'+1~"~AF<'~;<~S!;;'ife Recanted In 0 R Doole a --nlcortl"v.rlfiod PlIlm IlclIch County, Fla., STATE OF FLORIDA John D. Dunkla COUNTY OF Pi\LM E3l.::::ACH Clark ClrclIit Court 1 llEHE13), Cl~HTIF), Owl Oil Ihis dlll} hefore /lIe, (Ill oJJicerclldy /lllIIli/ied to loke lIckllowledJ!.,llcnts,'personull!l appt RALPH C. HARRIS and LOF<.E:-::TTA M. HARRIS, his wife 10 /lie kllllwn to I)e Ihl' IJt'r.wll(s) described ill ond who execlded the JiJregoillg iflstrll1'lIcnt ulld /lcklloll:.ledged befor (/j(' L'.tl'(:rJt;{)'l IJ,{SII111C. Wrl'.\'ESS IIlIj halld IIlld oj/idal se(lt ill the COIJFltlj /If/d Stille lu.\'tajiJre.witltl:is 2'C,--t<!.,.. day of. [)ecember 1 D70. NOTARY PURlIC, STATE UF cLORIOA AT LARCE MY COM,Yd..SION l.\. li,l..S j~:'Ir:: 19, 1971 UONOE..D T.,IlUI..JGt-j J'H_.D w. DIli:.aTE.LHun~1 ~__~i_~ ~ Cc L ~.~_LL:.J...r...J... ) l1..u._______.. ~ t~X^-'\ ~_) orr'(I.,fI\r,,... --_._-----~-----~.-....----...............~~_. ;aHnrrnnt12 ~rru J.0U~U-- 450 Roy..1P~..Y p..lm Bc;!.ch, Florid;!. 'ill11tS ~JnD.cl1tltr.c, Made this /.,30 day of Mclrch , 19 69, between EDWAI1D J. SKLENICKA and BOZENA II. S1\LENIClZA, his wife part J.cs of the first part, and POIN'l' MANALAPAN DEVELOPMEN'.l' CORPORA'rION, a Florida corporation, address is: f,c) (".-/.'''' ~((~q /,','1("(>-1:, r. ~}I:' part y of the second part, whose ~nitltrnt\rtl" That the s:iid part ies of the first part, for and ill consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other valuJ.ble consiclex:ations, to them in hJ.lld paid by the said pJ.rt y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby J.cknowlcdgl'd, }1Q ve granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the second part, its successors deisgbed land, situate in the County of Palm Beach and assigns forever, toe following , State of Florida, to.wit: "T ..7 The South One-Half Quarter (SW 1/4) of (SW 1/4) of Section Range 43 East, Palm (S 1/2) of the Southwest One the Southwest One Quarter 9, Township 45 South, Beach County, Florida. n .~r} u-: ~ Subject to easement to Florida Power & Light Company as recorded in Official Record Book 687 at page 351, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and to taxes subsequent to the year 1960. ~ 19 tY69 .". ~. JN~"'" ~lH Of flORIDA \TE Of I:ftltfl11 tlJJ~~ ,.... \.'~; DOCUMWl ARY DocuM8i.l;\fh ) ~, ;~ :1 SUR TAX SUR TAX SUR T~..:.. . ~; ,I l $~~~OO -l [ $l1.iOJ .._$-;~-~~O_ ... :-r <. - .,...r ,- <u 1.::J ...." .. .., J . .. . 0 -.. L) L~ C" -rAT E ~ .., (""' n I r-\ f\ ,.:) CJF r' __ \..) r~ Ui-\ \}OCU1Y1EhIT.sS~\'~;T;"t,1P L\~ =:. , , r' =-~=--.;:t'.:J:~"'/=:::"_=:::~=-==" ~~ _t,nL1~69I'li~~\'.'.;?~;;'~I' n 0 G o~ ::: '\!,'''''iJ...J'-- COMPT;WLL[:l\5<....-=;;.lJ == p L~ 19 U I ~ 5 ---'J '~'r;';;);:-.! _== , , . ; . . -_. ........;".. ~-----------,--.- l'nb the said panies of the first part hereby [ully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the s:lInc :lgaillsr the lawful cbirns of all persons whomsoever. ~ln ~tl itm-S5 ;rrlll1~n-of, hand S :-lIld seal S the sJ.id part ies of the first part bave nereu:uo set their the day and year above wntten. SIgned, ~("alcd and dc!iv;:,rt'd in ou/rescnce: ...- ,1 -7 /./ // / /A ,)//'":7>-_' - . >;.::) <7.',;!/~ '( ....~,j .,t..,~,.-<, ,. /-...... ........,..,.' .,.. (----,./-' (t.. /~<../)<..J/'L) ,...'..~;;1."..."'..,.".,....,.,................,..."..,.,......,....,..,.......... C"~~ ..;' / \ i. . . .~ ....(:....0'.::....:.: .-:.../.'..: .7.1: ..~.....:';.......~.-:.~-.:..~...... ."':..-.:.~.~... ......~. L. S. Edward J. ,S~le~~c~a . "\ l~j) Idjf ~ /j ,- ::::7:;r..1.<....,<.':!.....;r..~:'::-:!/~L.:i::!..1,-;i-:.1L.:-:.-:f~ L. S. ~ozena H. ~klenicka ~) ~.,. ." " STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF AALM BEACH '. ') I HEREOY CERTIFY, That on [his day, before me, an olIicer duly authorized in the County and State aforesaid l to wk. Rckllowledgmellt$, person.ally appe'Hed , Edward J. Sklenicka and Bozena H. Sklenicka, his wife, they acknowl<>deed // (0 me known to be the pe150n of before me [hat they \VITNESS my hand and official seal in ,he County and State la" "fores...,id ,hi. March, '<:,:1/.. , ~'~ ":~::/'~<':~>" \,...... ~ ~, ......... \ \. ,- ~~ . <0:; ..~:~ )~:~ .~ ':~: !;jr: described in and who executed (he forey.oing instrument and executed the same, /. -:; //..J '--' " day , 19 69, "" ,I: ":~;';~.i~ f '":"< > . -...,. rli C"l'7J ') ,c' ;,:,C.:,:i .l I!.LL , ~ ;,((,,;:., :;~j;:;. ;~; i:;,;,;;;; .;;;'5;.;;..~;; ;;;;;id My commi.,ion expire&[ ...~-?- /5- /;7--; Rocorded In Official Record Of Palm eCJch Cc~mty, fl0 J::;~,l 8. Uili ,;,1;; CJeff. of CirCUlI CO'Jrt lb5 " , (- r. r-...... ,..... .- ;. ,_-,. ',-, 0 i.{ 1''';IlI..d Cor La...""...' Till.. Guarant,. Fund, Orlan,lo, Floridn This instrument was prepared by GENJ~ MOORE 'M1at't'anty :IDeed (STATUTORY FOR~l-- SECTIOH 689.01 f.S,) ,,/ Ih. L.u Olfl".. "/ GRIFFITH & MOORE P. o. Dox 760 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOIUDA 33-1':: ffihin 3Ittllrn!ur'r. Maul' this -) ( day of August 19 71 , mrtlllrJ '1'110lVl/\S E. DYEH ;lnd SHEILi\ B. DY En, hi:c~ wife, ( "J of tIll' C()Ullt\ of PalIn !)c;lch , St;\tl' of Florid a , grantor., a \VILLIAM E. BENJ AlVIIN II whose post office address is P. O. Box 3198, L:inL.lt1J .-'J of the County of Palm Beach , Slate of Florida , granlu r- ~ <..:) =2! llfIitnrllHrtll. That said gralltur, for and ill consideration of t]lt' sum of Ten and no/100---------- Dolla and otller good and valuable cOllSiderations to said gr,ll1tor in lWllcl paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is here dcknowledged, has grallkd, bargained and sold to the said grantee, anll grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the f lowing elt'scribed land, sihlate, lyillg and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: Tracts q, E. and F, LINCOLN MEMOHLAL GAHDENS, a Subdivision of Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 179, ]JtI blic records of Pahn Beach COUll ty, Flol'lcb. Subject to easen1ents, reservations and restrictions of record and to taxes for the year 1971 and thereafter. -'. ,-' ': < ~::-, ...:;.2;l'~l~l~I':~:l' ~-+-';-<l':"'~l--=--I~-;Ii"::-''''-:-I .-:-~ l~:',~~_}.::t~.':~~-,}~ ~~. -'~' ~~. ;~~'-::;j~~=<~~.-~~--<~~~ . -,,'., ':-II,~~-.T,7-':--'?-< .-:--',-::-" >-;--lIr-::-'I"":--<J>-7-'I~l':"=-.</:- ,:,'Ll LT.,i!,,' ','1 ........: " ,:.. T>-iUOtUMENTJ\RY-: " =-:<S-~TA',-:rE' '.bE'lc:-i'/Or1ro'^'c1tl':':r~':l-~ -J~ll~~...:!:-<':.:..: :, :'~"'~'~)'~ -':~\~-'J '':::~l'-':':.:-=S l""RTrJ(,'1': i-; ..,~- .l-=- '--I r-- .- ;-' c-,~_ rx 1..L ~-"L~:'~.-:;:-.~l'.-' *.:J" 'I~~>-~~~ ~ ".=, ....,..l. I' ~. '.,l~; \..:"J :\1 r/\'::' :~,' -- ,- QOS::~L~l:NTA...B_Y~":~':,~'~..!.AMB::-T AX'IFl:=-.'l~ ',:.:J:::r-~~,;::,~"? '~'-". -,t vPOFlo -~L ~'i~I>7'llr~ I':~ : ,,-' '-"...' D, r T -:- Of -;,!' v ['':!Ul~1:/'_A;\~' ':./0-.. 'l':l~'l':"F l'~','l':-l'l }:-'I' }:---'1' r' '.:.1.:.,.-,; .:.t~: ,..:;;; -:'lr ...'<. ~ i +< i~ --:< i~;-:' TR]~ I ~ T:~l~' -T~<' ':0 I : . - -I r --, >-- ~ r-~ , ~" ,....'><' -"'\\\--1' ~I '--I ~--l ,l..... 1--1 >---j . 'I' J'~' \ ' , '1 ' . AUG - . ""- , _'" ~J- :.-: ":::;:,'-', - ~ :'~'~:'-""~'.J-J3-") '4..:n~-;", ""-'T', .--=-,,>-:O:.:;","':~ ,- >-=-,I)\p'~1 - 31'7J '---'J--<" --:-,- -,I, - .. ~'....) ~ :-= . -~~rAUG31~7l \j~-l[~:;-..::lJe :;, _'L~l' -:1JTt1.~'-:-(J~--i...t- _~:;~:~.-iL~'J -,,;;-=-"'$;:1' I "'_',L_:.L_.:.' .PH. _1:' ~--,~-,~- 'r7~! ~ " - f'..B,~ ,--- -,-, ,_\',<'~;:..'-"-P' . -'I'-~I'---l'~l'--(lf--<I~-" "-I"J'-I ..:. ' -nr~[.\.i[ T.J.."T'" I~01il- '- -" - - - - - - " 'I' ',">.. .."", 'T'J -I' 'T'~'T' j" '1' 'T' ~~ 0---< >---lIe> .-'9'L '"' . '"-~ T T . r =lQ5...G,......:__~l-~_'-_-'.~""".;.._."'..~"'_--I..._-il--::_~,~4_....__ r-----ll---'=-~- ..I. '1": 1-' - -'l'-'II'~ 1'-"'1~1~1 .- ::..:> ~-------:------::---_----.- _.... I J -l'l'T'l' -1..--=---f:.....::~~i\.---, ,11-~I:---i~I,....---iI~Joo-:-~1t-'.. _,j _ .~tt--::: . -, ,.--~I----IIr---'.---...-....,lr--' -----...jP---=-...lt--:--\l~---"\~ ~---i 1-.;--.-1,..--4 ..1 ,,,., - ~ I.' -',1:'" '.' ,...!.' I '_'_"",J' ,.... ',I'J. J - ~I .=..~!~,~.....::......,' r ~ .~~~~:~:~:~~T+~--=---(~~~~,~~~~T01018T~I~:~1~, -:-,l~_-<I'_ __1,__ ._=-~ ~"~I~.l---, r-\ r--, ~ -:- r' ~ .:.'. :111\1 said grantor docs herehy fully warrant the title to said hlld, alld \\'ili defend the same: against the lawful clail o! all pl'rSOIlS whoI!1soever. o "CLl11tor" alld "grantee" are llsed fOI si'lgular OJ plural, as context requires, JJlt 3Ilitnr13!l IHlirrpl1f, Cr:l!ltor has hereunto set Siglled, sl'a1cj.l allt! delivered ill ollr presence: / .~ J- //~ ) , --, .------7 /) ~~~'c77-</-=~_ --- . /<.~" '-- /' ,/ [' ______u_ .-----:,/-V;------u------- . I. L _ -:j^{~L"'~'L/~'~....J.. ~ /", I~/ 't - - ,,) I // g""'o" h"':'~J~ ""J 'JCi1'~~Year fllst above writt< _ f J1J-dll'i ~,_, ~~ __(Se. ""I hornas E. Dyer _-=.~ , ____,____'__ ________( St': .-' (i , n _~'S.Ju~!Lc- Sheila B. ( Sc: ( Se: STATE OF '. ~LORIDA ,,(;(lUt\TY O,}.,', EALM BEACH I HEHEBY .CEl{TII<-:)' that on this day before me, an ofllccr duly qualified to take acknowledgments, persona aPP<'ared,. ' . T.}~9MAS E. DYER and SHEILA B. DYER, his wife, It> IlH: l'''I'O\~,';'.t?'ij'~';\hc persoll S described in and who execlIted the foregoing instrument and acknowledged bcf< Jne that t )10", 't;',xecutcd the same, . '\\'lTNESS 'JI1y".h~llld a Ill! official sl'al in the County and State 19 71,,,. ..,'. ......c.. /A - ~I .5..... 'i ..l to (' ...f-' last aforesaid this :; ~- (~a /~f August ~/. A/ -: L:/~'lJ ,~~~~/-_-::2~I/~'--2':-I-;-~blr:>' v~ ~ /;'1 ;/' 0 lcll-Y u J ~ ~ v, ~ ~ ? . ~~ c. . ?.;::. ~ 1 t: t-:tl.~r.: F~n0 h~:~)L'rC 1'. D. F:::: 7::1 ["~. .., \1\' l'1I11J111i~sioll expires: f Ii.:, ~.. J i ~ i ': ;:::: T : : :. J ~. : . ;-i v;t.,:) ;',,?:' f-:" S:'!j~~X 1<"' (;[r:= i,:G:::.~ f. ~ ' :~: ,'- , lrltang. \.' .~.:. r-t.~,T ~';r , ..' _ J.) ~ I (-,-_'__'H_"_ /; ;'f i"j ) C) fJI."Cll( f) ,. 1 i - , k[C~~_ .-Jt:.. b f'}'('( , U(; 11 128708 Return: RnLJr>r! r, r .h, Jr. I U. Dr,,'/(L.. 10 .- L;('Y:J!OIl Beach, FJa.This instrument I t'(.. II / . -r,bO II;) Sl. ""- ,:110 (" ,00 "UI liJX ,- '77, D Jilt<lrlg._ ~ -::;59 I ,bU p'repored by: Printed for Lowyer~' Tille Guaranty Fund, Orlondo, Florida Y/O) HOBERT F. GHIFFITH, lrtlJalTanty Jj)eed (SlATUIORY FORM--SEClION 68907 F.S.) HOBERT F. GRIF1'1TII, lIt. P. o. Drnw",r ] 0 nOYNTON DEACH, FLOlUDA 334lS , ~ Wqtft 3Jnl'Jrntnrr. Made this I 9 - duy uf A llg'ust 19 77 , iBrtmrr DOROTHY ALEXANDER, unremarried widow of ELLISON CARROL ALEXANDEJ a/k/a E. C. ALEXANDEH, deccCtsed, 01 the County of Palm Beach , gronlor", 0 'Florida , State of WILLLAM E. BENJAMIN, II, CD whose post office address is P. O. Box 3198, Lantana, ::: of lhe County of Paln"l Beach Florida 33462 , gronte , Stote 01 1.'-) IDilnrflftftll. That said grantor, for and In consideration of the sum of TEN NO/100 ($10.00) and , . Dolle and alher good and valuable considerations 10 said grantor in hond paid by said grantee, lhe receipt whereof is here (J(knowledgl-'d, has gronled, bargoil\ed ond sold to the said gruntee. Cllld grantee's heirs and assigns forever, lhe followi ck,uibed lend, ,iluole, lying and bl-'ing in PalIn Beach County, Florida, lo-wi1: The' North two -thirds (N. 2/3) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/.1) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), Section Nine (~1), Towns1-, ip Party -fi vc (tJ 5) South, H <.1Ilge Forty-three (,13) East, Palm Beach County, I,'lorid;l. I-- i- SUBJECT TO c<.lsements, reEJcrvation~~ and restrictions of record and to ta..xes subsequent to the year 1 U7G. ,-, --'- .... S'~TA i=-E OF 'FL-O RIOf.:., I [) C C Ut/, E NT A R 1'4;"',: ~;..~JE,M~I\~ I lj~f'l -u;"' i iv{iIU((';"l~"':~: . 1 _-: __..-,:f,~ '.~'L,--:"'-\~";.\,' ....) :,- I': ~~ (:1-; :<>:.-~:'-: Z In. u 0: " ".:: ~ \ '" ,I Ill. I .~ ~~)OCUMENI'/\i(\' -- . FLO~A SUF~ TAX .-- '--j l, I I '.- '\ '- eel ' ~'77 P l "'\ :: 7 7. 0 0 i ~.~ , _ _ .h _ 11 \ 'J S V l ,J :.:: t.-~" I " , LX) cP U' and said grantor does ", CD persons whomsoever, I. hereby fully worrant lhc title to said land, and will defend the same agoinst the lawful claims of c .. "Grontorll (Jnd "grantee" are used lor singular or plural, as context requires. 3Jn.rnitltrnB lTllirrrnf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hond and seal the day and year lirst above writte Signed, >Ialed and'de'livcred in our presence: / --;-) L' / / , >:' /; -i. ,!/// \. r _ ._.:_._~~~__.,I .-;/ .,"J_)L-_.~__~___ // '..._-, - (I . '/ '/ ~l' '! __{"_~~'],:;:.0v,-_Ll~<-' ~ ~ ,;v-c(;____ DOnOTH y 41=EXANl ER (See -'X~-'------'" ;;---79- -' _YR~~L~_ (See (Se( (5(:( SlATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Pftl:..M BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on Ihis day before me, on officer duly qualified 10 toke acknowledgmenls, personally appeared DOROTHY ALEXANDER, unrernarried widow of ELLISON CARROL ALEXAND} a/k/a E. C. ALEXANDER, deceased, 10 rlIl' known 10 be the person described in and who executed the foregOing instrument and acknowledged bcforc me the She executed the some, 'd... ~'~[SS my hood ood 011"'01 '001 ,0 .he Coo",y ood Slote '~qs;;;l:-.:0'l2 ~i::~;!'{i; My (ornrllis~ion expires: /<.. ,t:0,tg~j ~li[l f! v' ", : :..;): -,' ". . :: (I): - ~ c .~_... " :-AU,1 OFF ~ 7 4 G 370 Record vprl'fl'c" -:":..... .,r ,'/' }., 0"'-' , n EAt H R EeL , P AGE . - l< ~,. ,".' . PUn Beach County' FI ' '\'.>.:,'.,.".' . ", f .z, ~ ". . . . . .' ...." JoLn B D kl ',,t.. ',J'.~ ,,'. .'. Ii . un e . ".' '. ' ~lcrk CirCuit Court':' I!:::: ".' 0 Notary r~.~_~:;c~ StaIr. of F1o,.i~~ a! l:-HDd '.'.y Commin;on [).:f1;rC's (.toy 2~" 197tl rcndt-~ by AnH,;jjeofl fire & CCJ:'l..,a:ri (0. . , -- 1" -' '~ .'") :::> CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES DEED (j:-~ THIS INDENTUrm, executed this _..::.[~ day of Ha.y, 1981, bl::tween ALICE E. Ml\ROE il.nd RENE 'l'l\ENT, as Co-Personal Hepresen- tutivcs oft h e l~ s t C\ t, e 0 f P E 1<' S H I N C \'1. !v17\ HOE IDe c e a sed, Par t y 0 f the First Part and POINT MANALAPl~N DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I a Florida corporation, Party of the Second Part, whose address is P. O. Box 3198, Lantana, Florida 33462, WIT N E SSE T H: The Party of the First Part, pursuant to power of sale contairied in the will of the above-named decedent, and in con- ,; i der d tion 0 fthe ~Jllm of 'fEN DOJ...LAR5 (~~ 10 . 00) and other qood l:\..}.:.JJ and valuable consideration in hand paid, grants, bargains, seals, II (, ') : V. l, ~il'il6,C"0 _J :T; -, :,~::J Cy) lJ; \ ""j c:) nlicns; remises, releases, conveys and confirms to the Party of : 4.. the Second Partr its successors and assigns forever, the real property in Palm Beach CountYr Florida, described as: The North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4, less the road right-of-way for High Ridge Road, and less the North 159~82 feet of the East 110 feet of the West 135 feet of the North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. SUBJECT, ho\.;ever, to any and Clll easements, restrictions and covenants of record, and any additional taxes not yet due and payable for the year 1981. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances belonging or in anywise ap~ertaining to tha t ~..eal property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple forever. TIns INSTRUHENT PREPARED BY AND TO BE RETURNED TO: William J. Hyland, Jr., Esq. Scott, Burk, Royce & Harris 450 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, FL 33480 Lr') -0 n;: IT) C) _ c~ <.0 :.r:w -in-\ -0,. ("> :l: "--:> <'-' STATE OF FLORIDA!: 9_Q_C u M_~N T A fLY~0';"""";,,;, ~ TAM'P T 1\ X I DEPT. or F<EVUIUE~.';:'-...... .r.....,.......... ----'----, = .:/I/'T.' ..,.\ " ~ PO ~ JUNIO"BI '\~~t?~:~y~ 4 6 8 0 0 ./1 ~.: .. ~ .".;;...f.j , - III u <1 . '.~ ....- ,.,./ .. "'~.- '-,-- ( .~---_._-- ,:1 V : J ~ () ') n T~ D AND the Party of the First Part docs covenant to and with tIle Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, that in all things preliminary to and in and about the sale and this con- vcyance the power of sale contained in the Will and the laws of Florida have been followed and complied with in all respects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part, as Co- Personal Representatives of ,the Esta te of PERSHING W. MAROE, deceased, have set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written. Signed~ sealed and delivered in t~e presence of: ,?l ;.: , /(.r'--~ /:~~~, ,_L_______, -r-~ (,/1, fY / ~.-:'.:.l':':"""_ .'" ..!..-_ /( (1 if (' (rJ (, I ~ t })/~ ALICE E. MAROE, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased ( SE I / I. / Signed, 'sealed and delivered in the!~resence of: '\ -- L\)' ~ () "L /, L' '/ / -L..(-('--' --- ~ y --/ \1 f /] t' I \v/U.~ RENE TRENT, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased (SE; of STATE OF FLORIDA ss. COUNTY OF SARASOTA i HEREBY CERTIFY that on the : > l ( day of -/// (', 19B1 before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknow'l-edgments, personally appeared ALICE E. M1\ROE, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PERSHING W. MAROE, Deceased, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that she executed the same. :~ITNESS my hand and official seal In the County and State last aforesaid t his,,>' i I'- /,- day of ) / (I ; / 1 9 8 1 . -.: J '-__/ /) ~_'J /_____. /. .') \ L. . {' . / ,/ / /~':' /: ,...-~I .r1. . ~-._~.. L,~c.1.//(_/..._-t'i (_ "- Notary Pub~ic, State of Florida '\ ..... :.- , .-.'" . \);. . ;- //: '-"', .' _:O~." P' ~~ ..,S'~~Jc>." : ....... : _ \ n i 1-. f, }, '. ',., _ -: " -= { ",., _, I f, .:',;\ 'c \ . I L C , , , .~ 1\ .,,: . . ", _ My Commission expires: t'., 'I" ;-"":1" S\,je ,,! no:ida ~l l~lv: . ',' i.. f ....: ~'. .~. . (l~11 ",'.. r,'" ,~"",";l L(";I:~~ rE:~. It, L J 1:, ,,__ .... J_ "' , ,;.~. i: .\.~.~ .\~i/ "'1 r~ '\ -r \.. ,,' . I J,.' ~ , I~ I , I , \ \ \ \,. ,..;. ~,'';: :.'........"i ..:.~ ----: j - 2 - r- 0.. 0J CL " STA'l'E OF FLORIDA ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH r .,1-1 I HEREBY CERTIFY tha t on the _2___,_~ day of '.J v~ 1981 before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RENE TRENT, as Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of PEl\SBING W. Hl\EOE, Deceased, to be known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that she executed the same, WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this s:h- day of 0,//,--,C"-- 1981. -- lJJft;. /if-;}l Notary Publi , St te 0 Flor1da (N.P. SEAL) My Commission expires: lJotary Public, Stale of Flor:da a1 lar9~ My CorllflliBion Expires July 16, 1982 ,bundeJ 1Jy AfflOfl(,.OP fll' &. C.J,ually. ~ymv-n:t . ' \; ',I I" 1 I , ," -I,. '\. '. \ . ~ J\ 1 . . , \' \, ~" ,.) " \~, . ... ... ... . ... ~ / I . .....'. -.. ....... -.... '-:':. _~ '. r~_-:;" : ::-: ,,~ G J ~ J::> . 'c ::. _": . 1)- ":_':: - --'.. - .- : C~_ ~ '::.~~~ ~ i C .':<.:' ~. -. r.V .... .. <' '.J '. -. .-; \~., .': ":.' t. \ .i'" :~ -,-(~ ..../) I~" r. , ~ '. (.J L ..,.... .... RECORD VERIFIED CO PALM BEACH COUNTy", F (Y) JOHN B. DUNKLE LiJ Ct.ERK CIRCUIT COUR' m CO I ) " 1 :> -I n o ,.... 4! .. - ~ M I 2: ~ ~ e:! ~ ,~ ..... .eo .. '..... .c ~ 9) .,., CD I en m . WARRANTY DEED c TO CORPORATION ~ DIXIE P'OItM 34 BUffUlttt! ml't~ IDf11n lJubruturr, Made, this ;; Y"" day of II If{ BETWEEN WILLIAM E. BENJAMIN, II ,1I.D.1983. of th(' County 0/ Pa 1 m Bea c h and State 0/ F lor i d a part y of thf! first part, andBOYNTON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION , a corporation f'xisting under the laws 0/ the State of F lor i d a , having its principal plal'f' of business in the County of B row a r d and StQte of. F lor i d a ~ L.l..b'S\ ~~,~~~ ~~. L.,~ ~~S- \~\\...., WcQ~ ~A ~"'~L\ and lau,/uUv authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the ~econd part. WITNESSETH: That the said party of thf' first part, for and in r.onsideration of the sum of ----------TEN ($10.00) 00/100---------------------------------DoU4n, to me in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- [edged, I f{ranted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, iu successors and as,.i~ns, forever, thp following described laud situate, lying and being in the County of Pal m Be a c h and Stafe of Florida, to-wit: PARCEL 2: The North two-thirds (N 2/3) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Nine (9), Township Forty-Five (45) South, Range Forty-Three (43) East, Palm Beach County, Florida. PARCEL 5: Tracts D, E and F, LINCOLN MEMORIAL GARDENS, a subdivisio~ of the County of Palm Beach, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 179, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1.) Taxes for the year 1983 and all subsequent years. 2.) Covenants, Restrictions and Easements of record. THIS PROPERTY IS VACANT LAND AND IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY. "'it ~ J ;: : ' ~; And 111f' said part y of the firSI part do e S hereby fully warrant the tillf' to said land, and u~iU df'fend th" Samf! against thf' lau:ful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, thf' said part y has hereunto .et his of the finl part hand and sf'al the day and year abnvp written. ,./""' Sign"?;'"~~ d,?~:-:""'n'" "I u, /;(;',. cQ / } ,"\. t ~u.. "'-.~ _ ~~ '"" . -/ (-- :\-Sea] I (Sf'aJ I ~ ~,(u..f"-~ ~"'\ .. fu~Q.~ ~ ( C/ \)~,~ <h t-^.~N~'->~ '-' ~ \ I::l ""c.-\l- \ 't> Pt t- .... ~ . b..,.", ~ ~ ~ "f" ,~ \ '", v.J()~ ~ . c:- \ ~ . ~ ~(,) L ~ - --"-~ ..........~- ---- - -~ - - - - - -~ -~--~ ~-~,'W' .~ " ATTACHMENT TO WARRANTY DEED EXECUTED BY POINT MANALPAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO BOYNTON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LAND SITUATE IN - PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, VIZ: The North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4, less the North 159.82 feet of the East 110 feet of the West 135 feet of the North Two-thirds (N 2/3) of the SW 1/4, of the NW 1/4, of the SW 1/4 of Section 9 Township 45 South, Range 43 East, less 15 ft. road right-of-way on the North side of the property. South one-third (S 1/3) of South half (S 1/2) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) and North half (N 1/2) of Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. The South One-Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. The South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, as the same is laid out and now in use. "' , CO .- .- 4;:: en "'" CD , en G:l RECORD VERIFiED PALM r3EMJi UHiNTY. FLA JOHN B OUNKH CU:BK CIHCUIT COURT . A'I( ::t- o -: U1 I::) .-1 rn 00 to- ..::r ~ Q... M . :z: => -, ("I") c::o 21 ) ''\ .~ I~ :~~ .CD Ol':) .- ,e::;) ~ en LI") en I (T) lD "", -,;..t>,-~ . ....,',-.,,,./, ,. ",....?./;'",>,. "'AIlIAH1'Y De. PIOM COIPOlATION TO COIPOlAYlON ftAMCO "0.... 3'''' J~rr4nty J,a( Mad. and executed the POINT MANALAPAN DEVELOPMENT e; y-M. day 0/ N~ CORPORATION A. D. J9 8 3 b~ a corporation existing under the law. oJ THE S TAT E 0 F F LOR I 0 Rand havtng u. principal place of busineSl at P.O. BOX 31 98, LAN TAN A, F LOR I D A, hereinafter called the grantor, to BOYNTON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION a corporation existing under the laws oJ the State of F LOR I D A , with address at 4 6 5 1 She rid a n S t r e e t, Sui t e 4 6 5, H 0 1 1 y woo d , hereinafter called the grantee: its permanent postoffice Florida (Wherever used herein the terms flgrantor" and uf{rantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the hein, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the succeuon and auigWl of corporations) Uitnesstth: That the grantor, for and in consideration 0/ the sum 0/ $ 1 0 . 00 and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain. sell. alien, remise. release, convey and confirm unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in PAL M B E A C H County. Florida. viz: SEE ATTACHED FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1.) Taxes for the year 1983 and all subsequent years. 2.) Covenants, Restrictions and Easements of record. I J ogtlher wise appertaining. 10 )taue and to ., with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or tn any- )told, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in lee ~imple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully war- rants the title to said land and will defend th.e same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances I 1: '.' (~oRi~~~i~~i~~v... In 'bfitness 1ftfhereof the grantor has caused these presents to , . be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its ~, ::'~ proper officers thereunto duly authorized. the day and year first above written. /.. llEST, ,.'a,t1.t..==;:~;;;; ~OrN~m~.~~,~L~P~~...~~V~L~~/l[NT...COR P . ~~,,:;;:i;:!:,lh~.~'~"~'~..OI... ..u,.jJ~...~..,~.",.""..,u'n"u""n...."'" ~''''I /,>.' " i! I! \. l \ (B\.,~,~/,..,....!........:..\,:.:..,...... .'. \.. ' , P....ident STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA PALM BEACH } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me. an olficer duly authorized in the Slate and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared vvilliam E. Benjamin II and Kenneth L. Groves w.JI known to me to be the Secretary respectively of the corporation named u grantor President and- in the foregoing deed, and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witneues freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said c.orporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State I..t aloresaid this j(l' at. day 01 ~ ' A. D. 19 8 3 "', '/ ~/Slrt"/Jnll pnpflml hy: DAVID B. MANKUTA, iLldn'sJ 4651 She rid an St. Hollywood, Florida (305) 989-8500 n,~nU~hh.~,...m'mw'n.......,..'..,.._ Not a r y Pub 1 ie, ~t ate 0 f F lor i d a ESQ. Suite 33021 465 NOT!\~Y PUBliC S [ '..1' u. .' i ,','\ !\ T li\RG~ MY CONJi\ISSIU,; l,.,.I..~u~ ,U :" itb5 8Cr,ULU IIlKu Gc,...,..',l \, ,) . ,~:..JL..,.Ii.IIU) I .1[1 "'! "'1 si . 11 o ,I ... ., " o " 0' :ri ci lEi ,,', ,. < .1; . .~ . CD !II- · C,) A.; en "" CD en CD ~ .~ ~ ~I ~I ... .. e == <'d ::... ::... ~ ~ Ii Ii 11 I I I , ! ~ ~ .. 8 ~ i 'Ll ~ I f"rI \ l !.; . {;- 'r r: ; I .._:'......0.-.4.........:.. p, f':', ,. III!"" , " " l\ ~i\ ~' <j OU U J l~ .~I>,. i-' 9 fJ {^.: 13 ~. . c ~ ;-, j\r; ~,~ U ~ ". 1 '.,' 4t JlI i, ~ 1"J , " I " ' ';: \ i Iv', ". l\ P ~ u .J B u :1 i.. '"itl . .~. , C) I, I, .~.; \ u u 'j .,' I ,'. ~. <'f,) .~;, .~ .D :.> ......'.! I i l