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Annunziato City Planner !lUIIJ~CT Proposed Homeowners documents Accompanying this memo, you will find a copy of the proposed Homeowners Association and Property Owners Association documents for the proposed Cedar Ridge Estates PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park PID. These documents are forwarded to you for your review and comment consistent with Section 6C of Appendix B of the Code of Ordinances. Please provide your comments prior to these items being heard by the City Council for zoning purposes. c ~S C- ..-<..0 -i:: Carmen S. Annunzia~ City Planner CSA:mpc Attachs. CC: City Clerk w/encl. ... J , "", , -.V\EJ~.ORAND~N- V' TO Carmen Annunziato City planner DATE July 29th, 1982. FILl! FROM Wm. D~ Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector gUBJ I!:CT High Ridge Commerce Park Cedar Ridge Estates Reference: High Ridge Commerce Park Water supply approved as shown. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance section XVI Reference: Cedar Ridge Estates As shown Fire Lines have too many Dead Ends. Consultation with Perry Cessna, Utilities Director and this office should alleviate this problem. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance section XVI. ~~ CC: Chief James Rhoden Fire Dept. Perry Cessna Director of utilities MEJ~,ORANDvM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE July 29th, 1982. FILE: FROM Wm. D. Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector SUBJECT High Ridge Commerce Park Cedar Ridge Estates Reference: High Ridge Commerce Park Water supply approved as shown. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance Section XVI Reference: Cedar Ridge Estates As shown Fire Lines have too many Dead Ends. Consultation with Perry Cessna, Utilities Director and this office should alleviate this problem. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance section XVI. {)~/ CC: Chief James Rhoden Fire Dept. Perry Cessna Director of utilities Date. Time ~.~ "MEJ~.ORAND~M --. '" TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE' July 29th, 1982. FIL!: FROM Wm. D. Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector SUBJ I!CT High Ridge Commerce Park Cedar Ridge Estates Reference: High Ridge Commerce Park Water supply approved as shown. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance section XVI Reference: Cedar Ridge Estates " As shown Fire Lines have too many Dead Ends. Consultation with Perry Cessna, utilities Director and this office should alleviate this problem. Fire Hydrant location shall conform to City Sub Division Ordinance section XVI. .. f~ CC: Chief James Rhoden Fire Dept. Perry Cessna Director of utilities Comments: TPC:mpc July 2'-, 1982 MEMORANDUM Master Plan, Cedar Ridge Estates P.U.D. High Ridge Commerce Park - P.I.D. 1. Need to show all existing utilities and easements on and adjacent to tract. 2. Need documents showing unified control; agreements with city for completion of development according to plan and restrictive covenants with regard to same. 3. Need statement as to desirability of placing parking garages with setback (30 ') along south boundary of P.U.D. 4. Need statements of coordination with utilities. MEMORANDUM July 26, 1982 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner RE: Cedar Ridge Estates, P.U.D. and High Ridge Congress Pk.P.I.D. Following are my comments: 1. The water layout in the PUD is such that you have numerous dead end lines which by consultation at this office, with the engineer, could resolve these problems. 2. The sewerage collection system with a gravity line running approximately 800' in-between buildings and in grassed and landscaped recreation areas will present a very serious maintenance problem for the City. The reason being that to get sewer cleaning equipment into this area, would be almost impossible unless there was an actual road built through this area and I do not believe the planners would consider such an intrusion on the open area. Again, this requires some discussion with the engineers to re- solve the problems inherent in their design. We are returning the set of plans with this memo. ~?~s~ b~ Director of Utilities apt Attachments: "set of plans" .. ~ ..<~OJ;.c:.) ~~--_._"-- ____ . -:J-. 6; z--" /lh ~.. ~< ..~ .~ Time ~ ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM June 23, 1983 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council" Re: Atrium Place Attached, for your information, is a copy of the Traffic Impact Review provided on Tuesday, June 21, 1983 and to which Carmen Annunziato made reference in his presentation on the Atrium Place Site Plan. This report should be added to the material that you have already received relative to Atrium Place, which will be discussed again at the July 5, 1983 City Council meeting. {/!~ ? C/ Peter f?: Ch~ey City Manager PLC:mh cc: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner I I Received Date_ Time 11f/f1 '7-d ;;;3 .. - : MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE: July 22, 1983 RE: Cedar Ridge Estates Recreation & Park Dedication Fee Relative to the memorandum of July 12, 1983 on the Cedar Ridge Estates Recreation and Park Dedication Fee, I am in agreement and recommend a fee in lieu of land, however calculations are incorrect. Fee due should be $ 39,835.78 as reflected in the attachment. ~;,./ v&' /" /L/" "'j /~ <-t:-vG-,::t:.-;- , ~--- Charles C. Frederick Recreation & Park Director CCF:as Attachment CC: John Wildner, Park Supt. Tom A. Clark, City Engineer .." MEMORANDUM TO: City Engineer FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner RE: July 12, 1983 RECREATION AND PARKS DEDICATION FEE/CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES DATE: Accompanying this memo you will find documents as follows: 1. A letter of transmittal from David Mankutaj 2. An appraisal prepared by Robert E. Transue, SRPA; 3 . . A list of qualifications for Mr. Transue; and, 4 . A Contract for Sale and Purchase. These documents were submitted to me for the purpose of establishing the fee to be paid at the time of final plat for recreation and parks dedication purposes. To that end, please be advised that the fee to be paid is $39,452.75 computed as follows: I. value of land zoned PUD acres of land zoned PUD 989,000 = 38.73 $25,535.76/ acre II. .015 acres/unit x 152 M.F. Units = 2.28 AC .018 acres/unit x 47 S.F. Units = .81 AC Acres To Be Dedicated 3.09 1/2 Credit for private recreation 3.09 = 1.545 AC -y- III. IV. Fee to be paid $25,535.76 x 1.54 $39,452.75 $/Acre Land Value Acres Fee to Be Paid By copy of this memo, I am requesting comment from the Director of Recreation and Parks and notifying Mr. Mankuta. C Ol- _...... J L ~ CARMEN S. ANNr4MZIATO /bks cc: Charles Frederick David Mankuta Central File Chairman Planning MEMORANDUM TO " andke . ers , . and,Zon ng Board DATE July 16,1982 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner gUElJECT Application for Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezoning/ Point Manalapan Corporation and william E. Benjamin, II Exhibit 'c' Cost/Benefit Analysis based on 81 valuations and comparable types of uses, taxes could be expected as follows: High Ridge Commerce Park total valuation $ 9,927,733.00 total tax 66,118.07 Cedar Ridge Estates * Single Family total valuation $ 1,950,165.00 total tax 12,988.10 Multi Family total valuation $ 3,496,000.00 total tax 23,283.36 * does not include Homestead Exemptions CSA:mpc ~ EXHIBIT "D" STAFF COMMENTS MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board DATE July 16, 1982 FILl: FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner 5UBJIf'CT Application for Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezon- ing/Point Manalapan Corporati and William E. Benjamin,II Introduction The Point Manalapan Corporation and William E. Benjamin,II (Point Manalapan) are proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 65.8 acre tract of land located in the northeast corner of Miner Road extended and High Ridge Road (See Exhibit 'A'). The property is currently undeveloped and zoned RS (Single Family Residential) in Palm Beach County. Also, accompanying this request are legal des- criptions prepared by the City Staff which provide for the annex- ation of intervening rights-of-way. In connection with this request for annexation, the owners are proposing that the land be zoned both Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Planned Industrial Development (PID). The PUD proposed provides for the construction of 197 units (45 single- family detached and 152 multi-family) on 40.8 acres. This develop- ment equates with a Land Use Intensity (LUI) of 5 and a gross density of 4.83 units per acre. The PID consists of 20 industrial lots plus required buffers on 25 acres of land. Both developments are to be served with public utilities and streets. Procedure These applications for annexation, amendment to the future land use element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with state statutes, and Boynton Beach codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; 2. F.S. 166.041: Ordinances and 3. F.S. 171.011: traction Act; 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5{e): Boundary and Zoning; 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24: Adopting the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; and, 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. Procedures for Adoption of ResolutionS"; Municipal Annexation or Con- - 1 - MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board DATE July 16, 1982 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner g'U BJ ECT Application for Annexation Land Use Amendment and Rezon- ing/Point Manalapan Corporatior and William E. Benjamin,II - 2 - These procedures have been tabulated for informational purposes and for ease of processing as noted in the attached annexation timetable {See Exhibit 'B'}. Paraphrasing the timetable, these requests require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council and Council adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element and rezone. Also included is a consistency review by the Board of County Commissioners. These procedures take approximately three months to complete. Current Land Use and Zoning The property which is the subject of this annexation request is currently undeveloped and it is zoned RS {Single Family Residential} in Palm Beach County. The land use and zoning of the surrounding land varies and is presented for your information in the following table: Direction Jurisdiction Zoning Land Use north Palm Beach County RS Lake Worth Christian School east Palm Beach County NA Seaboard Airline Railroad south Boynton Beach M-l 1 Rollyson Warehouse 2 Florida Pneumatic 3 vacant/undeveloped southwest Palm Beach County RS vacant/undeveloped west Palm Beach County RS estate single-fami: northwest Palm Beach County RS single-family de- tached. MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board DATE July 16, 1982 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner gUElJECT Application for Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezon- ing/Point Manalapan Corporation and William E. Benjamin,II - 3 - Future Land Use and Zoning High Ridge Road is an area in transition so far as development is concerned. There are many items which cause an area to change, but the primary causes of change in the High Ridge Road corridor are availability of sewer and water facilities, loca- tion with respect to 1-95, the proposed extension of High Ridge Road southward to N.W. 22nd Avenue and the industrialization of the surround- ing area. The Point Manalapan tract lies approximately equidistant between N.W. 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road on the east side of High Ridge, and as proposed will form the land use break point wherein industrialization will be limited from expanding northward. In fact, the purpose of the requested zoning catagories {PUD and PID} is to provide on-site, sufficient land use controls via the planned dis- tricts to insure that the residential property to the north is care- fully and adequately buffered from the straight industrial zoned lands to the south. This combination of planned zoning districts is con- sistent in concept with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan policies and thus is consistent with the policies of Boynton Beach. With respect to all of the remaining land in the area, the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Classifcation is Low to Medium Residential which permits a density range of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre based on availability of infrastructure capacity. There is no doubt that now that sewer and water facilities are available and with the proposed extension of High Ridge Road south- ward to N.W. 22nd Avenue, the lands in the High Ridge Road corridor will redevelop at a higher density. Based on the information provided above, land use classifi- cations of Industrial and Low Density residential are appropriate and zoning classifications of Planned Industrial Development and Planned Unit Development with Land Use Intensity = 5 are recommended. Comprehensive Plan policies There are three policies in the Comprehensive Plan which address annexations as follows: MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board DATE July 16, 1982 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT Application for Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezon- ing/Point Manalapan Corporation and William E. Benjamin, II - 5 - Recommendation The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by William Benjamin and the Point Manalapan Corporation for annexation and future land use amendment be approved as re- quested and that the rezonings requested be approved subject to the staff comments which accompany this memorandum as Exhibit 'D'. These recommendations are based on the following: 1. the parcel is contiguous to the corporate limitsj 2. the parcel is in the path of urban development; 3. the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies for annexationj 4. the land use and zoning catagories requested are consistent with the land use plans and policies of both Palm Beach County and Boynton Beach; 5. the requested annexation and zoning will not impare the surrounding properties in a manner that will in- hibit future development; and, 6. the cost/benefit analysis of this request indicates that the impact of this proposal on municipal staff and programs will be substantial but that the taxes realized will off-set the projected municipal expenses. <4 " ~~~ s:'''~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner CSA:mpc I I I j M E M 0 RAN DUM July 15, 1982 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Master Plan Material, Cedar Ridge Estates P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park P.I.D. I do not have any negative comments concerning the subject master plan. The commitment for off~site road and traffic improvements appears to be appropriate based on the traffic survey. The drainage plans and calculations are comprehensive and show that flooding situations have been adequately addressed. -y~d~ Tom Clark TAC:mb . - ----~"_.-~. -\ \ \\\\:; -- MEMORANDU TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE June 24, 1982 FILlE FROM Kevin Hallahan Urban Forester 9UBJECT Point Manalapan property I have inspected the tract of land designated above, making note of the area which was once a Mango orchard. The rTrees, planted at a fourteen foot (14') by fourteen foot (14') spacing, are in healthy condition, but not producing any fruit at this time. It appears that this orchard has not been managed for quite a few years. In accordance with the Tree Preservation ordinance (#8l-2l) the developer should be aware of_ his responsibilities in the following: .. . section 7-A-5: obtain a tree permit from the building department, section 7-A-7d: provide a tree survey of the Mango area, section 7-A-12,13: work to remove as few trees as possbible and replace all trees which have to be removed as part of the con- struction of roads and structures. If you have any additional questions or need more information, let me know. I will also work with the developer in preserving the trees where possible. KHimpC MEMORANDU/v, TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner DATE June 24, 1982 FILE FROM Kevin Hallahan Urban Forester 5U BJ ECT Point Manalapan property I have inspected the tract of land designated above, making note of the area which was once a Mango orchard. The Trees, planted at a fourteen foot (14') by fourteen foot (14') spacing, are in healthy condition, but not producing any fruit at this time. It appears that this orchard has not been managed for quite a few years. In accordance with the Tree Preservation ordinance (#8l-2l) the developer should be aware of his responsibilities in the following: section 7-A-5: obtain a tree permit from the building department, section 7-A-7d: provide a tree survey of the Mango area, section 7-A-12,13: work to remove as few trees as possbible and replace all trees which have to be removed as part of the con- struction of roads and structures. If you have any additional questions or need more information, let me know. I will also work with the developer in preserving the trees where possible. KHjmpc . r3 "r TO ~_. r ._.. o ) () o o o REPLY MESSAGE FROM- ,,--' - -- - ~ --_. -, .Ter~esa Padgett City Clerk Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner "OLD. - SUBJECT: Point Mana1apan Annexation & Land Use Amendment DATE: and Rezoning June 24,198 Accompanying this memo, you will find the original of an affidavit concerning the surrounding property owner's 1istf~r the abovementioned development. This document is forwarded for Central File purposes. CSA:mpc Attach. PLEASE REPLY TO a SIGNE REPLY DATE; SIGNED FOAM F269 Available from GAAYAAC CO., INC., New Hartford. Conn. 06057 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED . ---....~.._.....;,....--.-........,_....-~.:,........ :;"'-"'~-'~~-"-'- ---_._-~ -'-. .._,-~--_._---"---"'--"'- -_.. . MEMORANDUM. TO Tereesa Padgett City Clerk DA.TE June 22,1982 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner !SUBJECT Point Manalapan Rezoning Accompanying this memo, you will find an original of a rezoning request submitted by Ken Groves for the Point Manalapan Corporation in connection with their proposed annexation. The affadvait attesting to the property owner's list will follow shortly. If the City Council determines that this request is in the public interest and forwards these materials to the P&Z Board for public hearings, I would like to have the hearing advertised for August 10th, 1982 at 7:30 P.M., at which time the Board would also conduct a hearing on the annexation (doc- uments previously transmitted) . The technical plans and documents are retained in my office for review by the staff and Board. CSA:mpc Attach. ~~----. ,rr .. -* Carmen ~. Annunz~o City Planner BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge Estates (residential): High Ridge Ccmnerce Park (industrial) AGENT'S NAME: Kenneth L. Groves ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florida 33462 PHONE: 305/585-2515 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: William E. Benjamin, II and Point Manalapan Developnent Corp. p.O. Box 3198 Lantana, Florida 33462 305/585-2515 PHONE PROJECT LOCATION: Hiqh Ridqe Road, approximately 1 mile South of (not legal description) Hypoluxo Rxrl CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) ::' * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded.