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CORRESPONDENCE 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Be.adi 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Bo;1(310 'Boynton 'Be.adi, %nUfa 33425-0310 City 9laU: (407) 375-6000 :Ff4X: (407) 375-6090 June 9, 1995 Louis R. Campanile, Jr. CCL Consultants 2200 Park Central Blvd., N. ste 100 Pompano Beach, Florida 33064 Re: Citrus Park (Citrus Glen II PUD) Property Location: East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard File No. MPMD # 95-002 Dear Mr. Campanile: The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on June 13, 1995 (see attached agenda) and was reviewed at the City Commission June 6, 1995. The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the final determination of the request and that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit submittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void. ~~?Z' ~hael E. Haag planning and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim attachments xc: Central File .,P'llpkllltr,Cit 5lmemas (jateway to the (julfstream BUI LDINO DEPAATMEN T SUBHIITAL DOCUHENTS Consratulatlons on receivins Site Approval for your proposed construction within the City of Boynton Beach. We appreciate your choosina to build within our City. · In order to ensure a tt.ely pe~ittins proce.., the followin8 documents are required to be subaitted in two (2) sets. Each set /llUst be stapled toa_ther to forti. sln81_ paeb8e. Jneotllpl_te sets can not be accepted. I. "silned and sealed survey (not over six (6) IIOnths old) by a rellstered surveyor in the State of 'loriela Indieatinll A. All property lines B. North arrow C. ExtaUnS stcucturea and pavilll D. Ixiltina elevation. I. Rt8ht,-of-way, with elevations r. lase..nts on or adjacent to the site G. Utilitie. on or adjacent to the site H. Leaal description t. NUllber of acre. to the nearelt one-hundredth (11100) of an acre J. Locatton sketch of property I. Surveyor's Certificate 11. A lite plan properly d~nsion.d and to lcale showlnl: A. B. C. D. E. All proposed stcuctures All existing structures that are to reBain on site ~ Setback lines for all stcuetures drawn perpendicular from the property lines ~o the closest vertical wall of the structures Use Qf each structure (or uses within .ultiple occupancies) Use of adjacent properties includina riaht-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all stcuctures on the site Location of axis tins utility lines on or adjacent to the site Location of fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site Location of dumpster enclosure and details of construction r. G. II. I. Ill. A pavins plan in conformance with the Partina Lot Code (Olapter 5, Article X of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) indicatinB: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. II. Calculations for the number of required parkina atalls (see Appendix A-Zonina, Section l1H) Cross sections indicating parkina lot construction Raised curbins .eetina City Standards Double striping .eetlng City Standards Conformance with the Sidewalk Ordinance (Chapter 22, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) Ilandicapped parkins .taUs in conformance with the State lIandicapped Code Dimensions for all parking stalls, back-up areas, driveways and traffic lanes Traffic control devices and aigns IV. A drainage plan for the entire site includina: A. Finish srade and paveMnt elevations B. Draina,e calculations C. DetaU. of the draina,e syst.... If total site area exceeds '15,000 square feet. plans llIUSt be prepared by a Florida realstered engineer and must be sealed D. Inleta _at be placed in srassy swale areas V. A landscape plan showing conforlllUlce with the Landscape Code (Chapter 1.5, Article 11, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances) showingl A. Complete final landscape construction drawings B. Automatic irriaatlon system plans with 100% coverage (no City water to be used) C. Plant material !lUst be keyed according to species, size and quantity D. Site valls and fences !lUst be indicated on the plans E. Location and contours of proposed berms VI. "Ughtilll plan for the building exterior and site liahting including: A. Exterior security liBhtinl and pedestrian lighting 8. Liahtinl for drivewaJs and parkinl lots 1. Location of Ulbtlna 2. Fixture typel 3. Lamp typ.s and .iz.1 . ~. PhotOletric plan lhowin. illu.inatlon levels in footcandle. 5. Liahtlna pole. desipecJ for wincl lods in accordance with Chapter 12, Standen Buildi.. Code vn. CoMtrucUon doc...nb (aU doc__ta _t, be lisned, sealed and elated) A. rloor plan. for each proposed .tructure (indicate ule of space) 8. Ilevations for each propose" structure (indicate exterior _tedal. and colon) C. SoU test. D. lnerlY calculaUolUI plus one (1) cover sheet I. Foundation plan F. typical wall sections G. Electrical plan view drawinSs and riser diagram with calculations H. Plumbin. riser dlaaram and plan view dravlnss I. Air conditionins plan J. Truss layout K. Proposed finish floor elevation identified on the plan L. Board of Health Department stamp (where applicable) H. Copy of D.E.R. and/or D.E.R.H. permit and plans (where applicable) N. Copy of Army Corps of Engineers permit (where applicable) o. ~opy of Lake Worth Drainage District permit (where applicable) - P. opy of South Florida Water Hanagement Di tit i f (where appUcabJf!l s r c pem t or surface water IIlaNlgement or wal< .,u... CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners 2200 PARK CENTRAL BLVD., N, SUITE 100, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064, (305) 974-2200 · FAX (305) 973-2686 May 9, 1995 Hand Delivery Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: CITRUS PARK PUD Boynton Beach, Florida CCL Project No. 3454 Dear Ms. Heyden: As agent for the owner, Next Boynton Homes, Ltd., we are herein submitting for a modification to the existing approved Master Plan on the referenced project and are enclosing the following: 1. Twelve (12) prints of Master Plan Modification drawing; 2. Check in the amount of $500.00 for the City'S review fee. This modification will serve two purposes: (I) to slightly modify the existing approved screen enclosure setbacks and (2) to establish swimming pool setbacks. We would greatly appreciate it if you could process this modification through all applicable City review processes. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. LRC/kag Enclosures cc: Ramiro Rencurrell, Next Boynton Homes, Ltd. .~. ~- CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners 2200 PARK CENTRAL BLVD., N, SUITE 100, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064, (305) 974-2200 · FAX (305) 973-2686 January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester Recreation and Parks Department CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Citrus Park P.D.D. (Next Development) Tree Management Plan CCL Project No. 3454 Dear Kevin: This report and the aerial photograph we are submitting with it are sent to your attention, for review, as required to secure a clearing permit for the subject prcperty. As you are aware, the site is located on the east side of Lawrence Road in West Boynton Beach, between Citrus Cove Elementary (south side) and the Citrus Glen Subdivision (north side), backing up to Sunny South Estates, a Mobile Home Community accessed from Gateway Blvd. We completed an on-site inventory of the trees subject to the City's preservation requirements on January 4, 1995. They are identified and located on the mylar overlay attached to the submitted 50' scale aerial of the site. The majority of the site as you have seen is overgrown with invasive exotic species; Melaluca, Brazilian Pepper, Australian Pine, and Earleaf Acacia trees, along with a heavy weed species as understory (or scrub cover where no trees exist). A summary of the trees identified for "Preservation" on the aerial are as follows: A) 2 Clusea rosea (Signature leaf) Trees ~ 12'-14' overall with equal spread, 4"-6"cal. B) 19 Bucida buceras (Black Olive) Trees ~ 12' -24' overall with equal spread, 4"-10" cal. C) 7 Phoenix reclinata (Senagal Date Palm) Trees ~ Multitrunk, 4 are small 6'-8' OAH, and 3 are Large 20' OAH with a least of 5 trunks each. D) 11 Ficus elastica (Rubber) Trees ~ Very Large, 20' + overall with equal or greater spread, some with multi-trunk base. January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan Page two (con't) . E) F) 3 Sabal palmetto (Sabal Palm) Trees 30-35 Small Oak (Quercus spp.) Trees G) 15 Medium Oak (Quercus spp.) Trees H) 1 Large Oak (Quercus spp.) Tree I) 142 (est.) Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Trees . 8' to 20' clear trunk. . 6' to 12' overall with 4' to 6' spread, + 3" caliper. . 12'-18' overall with 6' to 12' spread, + 4" caliper located along the south property line, east half, back of trailer park lots. Some may actually be outside of the subject site. . 24' overall with equal spread, + 6" caliper located along south property line just east of ditch leaving site onto school property. . 10' -60' overall, with caliper ranging from 3" to 18", spread typical for clustered pines. These are located primarily along the south and east sides of the site, at the southeast corner. A number of these my be outside the property boundary but all were counted to accurately estimate the quantity remaining after development is complete. Next Development plans to manage these trees in the following manor during site clearing, and subsequent development of the parcel. On the first day of clearing or before, the Landscape Architect of Record will meet on-site with the Land Development Contractor, his equipment operating personnel, and the OwnerlDeveloper's representative to tag and identify trees as follows: 1. Select which trees can be preserved in place; this includes those that fall on lots outside the building envelope, at the back of the lot for example, or in common areas where no construction interference is anticipated. Trees or areas that fall into this category are shaded ~reen on the overlay. No grade modifications inside the crown/canopy limits of these trees will be permitted. CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan Page three (con't) 2. Identify which trees cannot be preserved at their present location, but due to their size and high probable success ratio will be relocated to common areas of the site during development, i.e. project entrance, recreation tract, or roadway corridors. These trees or areas are shaded blue on the overlay. These trees will remain in place during clearing, but relocated later when on-site water is available and site development does not interfere with the proposed locations. Please note that the Developer will follow tree protection standards established by the Florida Division of Forestry, by erecting barricades around all the preserved trees and those to be relocated, before clearing begins. Developer will follow Industry Standards for Root Pruning and Trimming before relocations are completed. 3. Clear all trees, during the regular site clearing operation, that cannot be preserved in place, or due to their size are not candidates for relocation. These are shaded red on the overlay. They will be replaced 1 for 1 of a similar species type, in the common areas of the site. After clearing is complete, and a re-inventory of the site's trees has been completed, a landscape plan for the common areas of the site will be prepared that shows the locations of the relocated trees and the replacement for all trees that were removed during clearing. Being in these common areas, the trees will be under the control of the Community's Homeowners Association. Trees that will be preserved in place on the individual lots, will be protected by restrictive covenants placed on the lot owner in favor of the HOA We trust this tree Management scenario meets your satisfaction and you will be able to approve the project for site clearing at this time. Feel free to call me at our office should you have any questions on this report or wish to review our findings in the field. Very truly yours, CCL Consultants, Inc. ~~dtt ~J~ Brett A Nein, AS.L.A Landscape Archi tect BAN:tmc Enclosures cc: Louis R. Campanile, Jr., P.E., CCL Consultants, Inc. Ramiro Rencurrcll, Next Boynton Homes CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners 2200 PARK CENTRAL BLVD., N, SUITE 100, POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064, (305) 97~2200 · FAX (305) 973-2686 January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester Recreation and Parks Department CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Citrus Park P.U.D. (Next Development) Tree Management Plan CCL Project No. 3454 Dear Kevin: This report and the aerial photograph we are submitting with it are sent to your attention, for review, as required to secure a clearing permit for the subject prcperty. As you are aware, the site is located on the east side of Lawrence Road in West Boynton Beach, between Citrus Cove Elementary (south side) and the Citrus Glen Subdivision (north side), backing up to Sunny South Estates, a Mobile Home Community accessed from Gateway Blvd. We completed an on-site inventory of the trees subject to the City's preservation requirements on January 4, 1995. They are identified and located on the mylar overlay attached to the submitted 50' scale aerial of the site. The majority of the site as you have seen is overgrown with invasive exotic species; Melaluca, Brazilian Pepper, Australian Pine, and Earleaf Acacia trees, along with a heavy weed species as understory (or scrub cover where no trees exist). A summary of the trees identified for "Preservation" on the aerial are as follows: A) 2 Clusea rosea (Signature leaf) Trees . 12'-14' overall with equal spread, 4" -6"cal. B) 19 Bucida buceras (Black Olive) Trees . 12' -24' overall with equal spread, 4"-10" cal. C) 7 Phoenix reclinata (Senagal Date Palm) Trees . Multitrunk, 4 are small 6'-8' OAR, and 3 are Large 20' OAR with a least of 5 trunks each. D) 11 Ficus elastica (Rubber) Trees . Very Large, 20' + overall with equal or greater spread, some with multi-trunk base. January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan Page two (con't) E) F) 3 Sabal palmetto (Sabal Palm) Trees 30-35 Small Oak (Quercus spp.) Trees G) 15 Medium Oak (Quercus spp.) Trees H) 1 Large Oak (Quercus spp.) Tree I) 142 (est.) Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Trees ~ 8" to 20' clear trunk. ~ , 6' to'12' overall with 4' to 6' spread, + 3" caliper. ~ 12'-18' overall with 6' to 12' spread, + 4" caliper located along the south property line, east half, back of trailer park lots. Some may actually be outside of the subject site. ~ 24' overall with equal spread, + 6" caliper located along south property line just east of ditch leaving site onto school property. ~ 10' -60' overall, with caliper ranging from 3" to 18", spread typical for clustered pines. These are located primarily along the south and east sides of the site, at the southeast corner. A number of these my be outside the property boundary but all were counted to accurately estimate the quantity remaining after development is complete. Next Development plans to manage these trees in the following manor during site clearing, and subsequent development of the parcel. On the first day of clearing or before, the Landscape Architect of Record will meet on-site with the Land Development Contractor, his equipment operating personnel, and the OwnerlDeveloper's representative to tag and identify trees as follows: 1. Select which trees can be preserved in place; this includes those that fall on lots outside the building envelope, at the back of the lot for example, or in common areas where no construction interference is anticipated. Trees or areas that fall into this category are shaded green on the overlay. No grade modifications inside the crown/canopy limits of these trees will be permitted. CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. January 10, 1995 Mr. Kevin Hallahan Page three (con't) 2. Identify which trees cannot be preserved at their present location; but due to their size and high probable success ratio will be relocated t6 common areas:,of the site during development, i.e. project entrance, recreation tract, or roadway corridors. These trees or areas are shaded blue on the overlay. These trees will remain in place during clearing, but relocated later when on-site water is available and site development does not interfere with the proposed locations. Please note that the Developer will follow tree protection standards established by the Florida Division of Forestry, by erecting barricades around all the preserved trees and those to be relocated, before clearing begins. Developer will follow Industry Standards for Root Pruning and Trimming before relocations are completed. 3. Clear all trees, during the regular site clearing operation, that cannot be preserved in place, or due to their size are not candidates for relocation. These are shaded red on the overlay. They will be replaced 1 for 1 of a similar species type, in the common areas of the site. After clearing is complete, and a re-inventory of the site's trees has been completed, a landscape plan for the common areas of the site will be prepared that shows the locations of the relocated trees and the replacement for all trees that were removed during clearing. Being in these common areas, the trees will be under the control of the Community's Homeowners Association. Trees that will be preserved in place on the individual lots, will be protected by restrictive covenants placed on the lot owner in favor of the HOA. We trust this tree Management scenario meets your satisfaction and you will be able to approve the project for site clearing at this time. Feel free to call me at our office should you have any questions on this report or wish to review our findings in the field. Very truly yours, eCL Consultant.., Inc. f3ttct\ ~~ Brett A Nein, AS.L.A Landscape Architect BAN :tmc Enclosures cc: Louis R. Campanile, Jr., P.E., CCL Consultants, Inc. Ramiro Rencurrell, Next Boynton Homes CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. I I TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN for CITRUS GLEN within the City of Boynton Beach, Fl. Prepared for Intracoastal Development, Inc. By The Land Stewardship Co. June 23, 1987 LAND STEWARDSHXP COMPANY 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 . (305) 433-4000 TREE PRESERVATION FORMAT WITH METHODOLOGY Tree Management Plan for Citrus Glen Lawrence Road, Boynton Beach, Fl. page 1 This proposed development site is overgrown with plant material considered exotic with little or no value. According to current development requirements of the City, such material must be removed and destroyed. I. On-Site Trees to be Preserved in Place A. Any tree discovered on-site not of exotic character and deemed with some intrinsic value, including trees within residential lot boundaries, will, if not affected by construction activities, be preserved in place and will be cleared of dead branches and wood. B. Fertilizer in the amount of two ounces per inch of diameter of tree, measured at four feet above grade will be drilled into the soil at a point of circumference equal to the dripline of the tree. The fertilizer will be a slow release or sulphur coated substance with a guaranteed analysis of 6-6-6. C. A barricade, four feet in height, will be constructed at the drip line of the tree. This barricade will con- sist of wood and/or wire fabric and will be constructed to repel the pressures of construction stress to trunk and roots. D. Trees are to be supplemented with additional water in event of drought during construction. Supplemental watering should amount to eighty gallons of potable water per week and be placed by hand inside the drip line. II. Trees Designated to be Transplanted On-Site A. Any tree determined to be transplanted within the site must first be limbed up to six feet (6') of clear trunk. Dead wood and limbs must be pruned from the crown. The crown of the tree must then be reduced by one-third in a manner of uniformity and to represent a crown form indicative of the species. All trimmings are to be removed from the vicinity. LAND STEWARDSHIP COMPANY 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 . (305) 433-4000 Tree Management Plan Citrus Glen page 2 B. Root pruning of 240 degrees of the circumference of roots measured a minimum of forty-eight inches (48") from the base of the tree trunk. The root prune ditch will measure at least twelve inches (l2") wide and twenty-four inches (24") deep. The ditch will be made with a sharp spade or saw and any root encountered will be cleanly and evenly cut. The pruning ditch will then be backfilled with one-half soil and one-half woodchips. The ditch will then be tamped and thoroughly watered. The balance of the soil will then be dammed around the tree to form a basin for retaining water within the root pruned area. C. Maintenance watering of fifty gallons of clean water, applied by hand two times per week, will be applied to the basin. The time of on-going maintenance will be for six (6) consecutive weeks. At six weeks, the root edge will be checked to measure the evidence of newly formed root growth. If an inadequate amount of root growth (to be determined by the City Forester) is found, the maintenance program will continue for another two weeks. D. Transplanting activities with a "Tree Spade" or tree crane will then commence. All transplanting and bracing will be done in accordance with details and diagrams shown on Landscape Plans. Upon transplant, a maintenance period, as described in the General Notes, will be conducted for sixty (60) days. III. On-Site Trees to be Adopted or Removed A. The City Forester will be contacted to determine if public or private entities are interested in surplus trees from this site. A limitation of time, commen- surate with on-site transplants, will be enforced in order to avoid construction delays. B. Trees that are not claimed and/or removed by interested entities prior to construction within that respective vicinity will be removed by the Developer and destroyed. LAND STEWARDSHIP COMPANY 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 . (305) 433-4000 Tree Management Plan Citrus Glen page 3 IV. Tree Maintenance Program A. During the development process the Developer will main- tain trees according to the guidelines established above. Upon completion of any phase of the development, the Developer may, at his discretion, assign responsibi- lity of maintaining the trees to an association of home- owners if and when such an association exists. When a homeowners association is given responsibility to main- tain all trees then that same association shall maintain the trees in accordance with the maintenance plan out- lined below. B. The following maintenance plan is minimal in scope, application, and execution. l. Irrigation; 2. Fertilization; 3. Pruning. C. Irrigation: All trees shall be irrigated as needed in an appropriate manner. (See I. D. above.) D. Fertilization: The trees shall be fertilized two times per year using a prepared fertilizer with a guaranteed analysis of 16-10-l2. (See I. B. above.) E. Pruning: Selective pruning shall be the rule. END LAND STEWARDSHIP COMPANY 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 . (305) 433-4000