AGENDA DOCUMENTS ) . .' 7Al CLARE ALLEY ABANDONMENT r "I FROM TO Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Sue Kruse City Clerk SUBJECT: P la!lIling&R~y.~:LQ1>IIl.~I1_tJ3Q<;!~Jt_!Iltg.__-:.=-:NQ.Yemb,er_1D, 1992 __DATE:___lOl22l92. FOLD . Attached is a copy of an alley abandonment application submitted by Michael Stuart Clare. Please review and advise of your recommendation for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. Thank you. ~- --::;'.""-:-~-'~._"""'~ .'" ..;... .:""'.........:. -,..(.1~. ._ _ i .) -~_./ JeT ~l :' ..... " -' . \' _' J PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED ---...-.. "'-", ""','" - ~ -_.-..-._~--_.~ REPLY ~~ DATE: 1 0 J....- SIGNED Item # F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED 1'; Wheeler Group, Inc, 1982 - ~ "":,:, ~:";"" --... -~- ..19'''.............. '-~.---"-'- -r -, FROM John GUidry Utiliti.. Director Sue ~e City Clerk SUBJECT: ~_anning & Development Board meeting -- November 11), 1992 DATE: 10/22/92 FOLD. Attached is a copy of an alley abandonment application submitted by Michael Stuart Clare. Please review and advise of your recommendation for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. Thank you. IIJr-~ J C<,,,<-,, "...', b f._ C/',. k tJ 1" . Ill) vi "1 V 10 t." / v ~ } I ... ~ R, RCTI1r-,;IT7Di. J -,L~'1l.. :\'" ~": c.,-- OCI 2'1 RETURN TO . SIGNED ~.-:'c (...-'- ..../:.("_. \ '--~ REPLY _ . We have no obJection to the abandonment of the referenced alley with the following conditions: 1. A 20' utility easement be dedicated in place of the current alley so that we may maintain access to our sanitary sewer lines. 2. Fences or trees shall not be placed within the easement so that we can access the sewer with our heavy equipment. The easement dedication alley abandonment. r concurrently with, t~e DATE: SIGNED ~em " F269 Grayarc, P,O, Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 &1 Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER c.e; ~ /0-1...7- 92. a.. . F=PL Bo. .09, Delray Beach, FL 33447-2409 November 2, 1992 Mr. Vince Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-9319 Re: Easement Abandonment for Alley 611 NE 7th Ave. Dear Vince: FPL has no objection to the abandonment of the alley next to the above property address. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 265-3187, Sincerely, (~c-~ Don Urgo Account Manager DAU :sp an FPl Grouo company Comcast Cablevislon of West Palm Beach, Inc. 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 ~ COIVICAST@ November 2, 1992 vincent A. Finizio The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: Alley Abandonment Request Submitted by Michael Stuart Clare Dear Mr. Finizio; Comcast Cablevision has no objection 1n the alley way abandonment. Please call me if there are any questions concern1ng this. SincerelYC Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/ef PUBLIC DA COMPANY ADDRESS ~EPLY TO COMPANY ..-r P. O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3395 October 27, 1992 Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator Of Engineering City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE: Alley Abandonment Request Submitted by Michael Stuart Clare Dear Mr. Finizio: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing 20' easement described in your letter, At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. cc: tv!r. M. L. Schneidermann " '~% ~- '--- ~ , ')] ~"(J Li "" ~:"" ~~:g1 ':~-,.~..~~:.. ........ ~~....~"'.....J'. ,.... ~-::',-~:)' .~.'r.~. '7,' : . ;:f . '. J' q .iij '. :E.' . ':.t:. s.. .., ._ CU I'll .c Cl.;>"1'll cu.c N ,., '-. .... '- "0. W o CU . . "'1:"0 ::J ~ I: <(0 I'll .., ;>.. 0 .c..,"O tn l..-- .- CU I'll a::: Cl.- o GI =l..~ <( Cl. <( ........ ~. ~. k~ . ~,. ,101. -.;.._~.... ... .~~~...' .. .' , .....~..4~. --.' "'7\"~::f."~,:f.~~_". ~""~J".-"'_l':'''''''''l' .~':' './: '~':<: '~,/ ;:/:1Ji/':'''''~.>;:,:, > .' ',.. ...;;}~..r~~:,~'<?/"~/I. -'.. ", vvs~idf""; ....' . '. ,'. . , "(l;J:.-", t1~ ~ r.J'-euev I "- r/~JJ4I 04~~ (Jf~) ~;tJ(j $6J €ft.,. JLv I ~ I -< \- I I Kj llJ J .J <i "0 CU'" 50 -g \".1 C'll .c I'll fo. fo. I'll. ~ .., ;>.. en I:.c C'll CU _. EtJ- I:GI~ tn I: .- 'iij ~ Cj 1:0"0 0;>..1: U..,1'll _fo.;>.. - 8. fo. "'01: U fo. CU , <( Cl. CUe .c' 0- ;~~ ;~ g.~ l....J c-D., . property ed by Michael S. ,: lare , .. . t. . I ., o. ' . "'. . .. . "". . '. . . , " , , 't, , , . ,'. ., --. ...~..-.. ........-.. '. .'. . """ .'''41/'.' '..' '.' t. .. ." .. .. .' c.::>> ,. ...'.. \. \ ,'1 ~ 'I (LA(I .~~~itI LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20' platted alley lying west of and adjacent to lot 22 block 1 of Boynton Place. /'f'.~ V<.JPt~ ~SevJt:::12- Plat Book 11 Page 40 ~ AS -10,-,,-[ H- Ef +(610' ~R_J:../ /0 -2~-'7~ "Ar \' './J_ A ~ t2&L- E xh" hl'1- ~ r-- GJc/)t/ 31 / I/tp ~ ~ ~~lI 'l11.j. . /.- -~--~--- .J ~ -M-- . --:0:::; ;;t,{e1;! ~ oiA-a-.J1 -. p/\..:dL 40ft ~)11ft~JN;;1:i:t1f&/ dUM %lv. .~~?rfGa/v1;~ ~:;{h, 7--ofT ~ 7{/-01 1 ;~oll rOP-i ~ ~e, C ~ i (-k-<-~ JS I .,.. [J;'~,;;{S 't;:-. -' I ARR. ~~Z- --/ -t';{u/\~/ \.A/ ,. ./ , ---- -----