APPLICATION ,I APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICAT!ON INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (Three (3) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: .,' AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: .. (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: 61' NF 7th Ave. Boynton Beach Fl. 33435 Mir:h;:!p.1 Stuat-t Clat-e OWNER'S PHONE: 407 738-1754 PROJECT LOCATION: northside of NE 7th Ave immediately west of 611 NE 7th Ave (~ legal description) - "P.P. ;:!tt;:!r:hp.d drawin9 Bovnton Bch CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * (if different than agent Cl: owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. '...~~___...._~__.~ .~~_~_~__~.____.__.,....~~~__~._ ..~_,_._.~._w__ APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the c~:~ of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commiss:;~ ~o vacate! abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): xx ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY .. . as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. ~hat a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit !lA" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ) ( )( x ) ( ) DEED, DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in Plat Book 11 Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. , Page' 4q and 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boy~on Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes.' 5. Th~t the following constitutes a complete and accurate 'schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. NAME ADDRESS Michael S. Clare Act II Henry and Gisella Starr Consiqnment " 720 NE 8th Ave Boynton Bch FI 33435 611 NE 7th Ave Boynton Bch FI. 33435 Alvelardo and Elizabeth Maldonado 3024 E. Palm DI~. Boynton Bch Fl 33435 Allright Auto Repait~ , ~ 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: The prbperty ha~ nF'vpr hppn used by the city and will not be used in the future. It is overgrown and unsiqhtly with litter and debris spread around the area. I would like to incorporate the property into my yard and improve its appearance. My neighbor to the south has akeady aquired the portion of the alley adjacent to his lot and I would like to continue the beautification of my n-eighborhood. DATED: 9-15-92 ADDRESS 611 NE 7th Ave Boynton Bch. FI 334~ Michael S. CI::Irp STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by m~e day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to andonl Vacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. ~ ji(p( f!2. Florida My Commi~sion Expires: Notarv Pub!!:, Stat. of Florida ,.1y Commi.zi!lR r:xpires Sept. 21, 1992 Oendec.:l Thru Tr"y Fein. Imuronc:e 'nc. 6-19-87 '~ ~l' ~-- '" ~ , \\J ~G Li r~ ') j , ':J: ~ 1V ro ..0 a.>-ro cv..o N e:::: .= -0, LLJ' o lV' ~C-o ::J > C <t: ;; 11' ..... >- 0 .J:.....-o C'l!--- ,- CV ro e:::: a.- o CV =!-> <t: a. <t: !- !- roo ..... ..... >- (/) C .0 ro CV _ E'o- ClV.:}: C'l C .- '00 ~ LJ CO-o O>-C U.....ro =iv>- a.!- ..... 0 C U !- CV <t: a. :I: , ;( \- I I K:J LlJ -J <i. - cJ ~ . 'J t{\ -0 CV" g() -g \,j co ..0 ro " ~ CVe ..0' 0- ..... ~,u >- :...- ~... iv~ g.~ !- -.J Cl..(1. I' .. . I. I , . . I .. I .. '". ". I , I. . . . Lot 22 ", Block 1 ton Place Michael ~ , I e" ,', .. ..... . . . . I .. '. , . \ " ._~ ;--;... t--.. ~ .-:....-:. '-. . . . G4,.11 ' . · . \.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 20. platted alley lying west of and adjacent to lot 22 block of Boynton Place. Plat Book 11 Page 40 If fl \' Ex h ,. b /1- /1