REVIEW COMMENTS r:,~'J 7C3 HUNTER'S RUN CLUBHOUSE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION ,~. .. Jeff Thompson, agent for Hunter's Run Golf and Racquet Club, Inc., is requesting approval of an amended site plan to allow for a 4,956 square foot 2-story expansion onto "the..~front,.Jlorthe'ast corner of the clubhouse. The ground level floor will house a new golf cart storage area and golf shop stock room. The entry level floor will house a new ladies' card room and a multi-purpose room. Minor improvements are proposed to the parking lot including additional landscaping and handicap parking. The Technical Review Board unanimously recommends approval of this request subject ~o the attached staff comments. .:~ l3. STAFF COMMENTS HUNTER'S RUN CLUBHOUSE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION (card and meeting room addition) . ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum h l~ TO: THRU: FROM: RE: BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-49B November 5, 1990 Christopher cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & zoning Director~ Michael E. Haag, zoning & site Development Administrator TRB Comments - November 5, 1990 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTERS RUN CLUBHOUSE ADDITION/CARD ROOM AND MEETING ROOM upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. . .. The outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the project drawing(s) submitted with the plan(s) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the City Commission during the approval process of the project. The color of each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall be identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the City commission. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all approved color(s) shall be submitted with the plans for final sign-off. 2. Show on the site plan the location and species of the existing landscape material that is presently located where the proposed expansion will be constructed. Specify on the site plan where the existing landscaping will be relocated on the site. 3. Remove the incorrect note located at the bottom right corner of page 1 of 4. 4. ... ~ Show on the plans the location of the continuous landscape visual barrier required along the north edge of the main vehicle use area. The continuous visual barrier is required to screen the vehicle use area from view by adjacent property owners. Specify the size, spacing and type of species proposed for the landscape barrier. Include a note on the plan specifying that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water system. . iCha~l ~ ~~ RECEIVED NOV 7 1900 PLANNING DEPT. . /) PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-322 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and zoning Board THRU: Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. ~~ Planning Director ----- FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: November 6, 1990 SUBJECT: Hunters Run Clubhouse - File No. 546 Site Plan Modification (card and meeting room addition) Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for a site plan modification: 1. Site plan rider application was not completed and submitted with site plan application. A blank site plan rider is attached to be completed and filed with the Planning Department prior to final sign-off. ~ ~ J~'~. Tarnbri J. Hyden tjh Encs A:HRunSPM .... )~ ~.... t I I BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-451 October 4, 1990 TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant city Planner THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - October 1, 1990 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTERS RUN CLUBHOUSE (CARD AND MEETING ROOM ADDITION) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project is placed on a future Technical Review Board agenda. 1. show the type and location of the existing landscape material that presently occupies the location of the proposed addition. Identify where the existing landscaping will be relocated. Provide specifications for the installation of the relocated landscaping. .' 2. For the new landscaping submit plans showing compliance with the applicable section of the Landscape Code. 3. Show on the plans the appropriate number, location, specifications and landscaping for the new parking spaces required as a result of enlarging the building. The number of parking spaces required shall comply with Appendix A Zoning Section 11 H. The specifications for layout and construction shall comply with Article X Parking Lots. The required landscaping shall comply with the Landscape Code. 4. Specify the color of all exterior finish material (the outline, configuration and material shown and identified on the drawings submitted with the planes) for final sign-off shall match in every respect the colored drawing(s) approved by the City Commission during the approval process of the project. Each exterior finish material shown on the final sign-off plans shall have it's color identified by name, color number and manufacturers name which shall match in every respect with the color(s) shown on the drawing(s) approved by the City Commission. A manufacturer's color chart showing and identifying all approved color(s) shall be submitted with the plans for final sign-off). 5. show on plans compliance with the applicable section of the Accessibility Requirements Manual, January 1990, first edition, first,printing. '" . JieC1?% . n~... 1) ~:!~t ..; ,.., . f.., J;~,:;......, r&.^,NING D~~1J'~i EPr.. . /7 EOOINEERIN3 DEPM'IMENI'MEMJR1\NOOM NO. 90-252 To: Jarres Cherof City Attorney October 1, 1990 " , Fran: Vincent A. Finizio Adrndnistrative COordinator of Engineering '. , He: Hunter's Run Clubhouse Expansion Project Application of Arrended Parking Lot Ordinance Exenption Attached for your review and recCI1'lrendation, is Planning Departrrent Merro No. 90-254 along with an attached tmrrorandum written by Trnnbri Heyden rela- tive to Clubhouse Expansiot1 Projects situated within residential areas. During todays T.R.B. rrceting, the entire T.R.B. detennined that as the City Attorney who was instrumental in the adoption of said ordinance, it would re more appropriate to receive fran your office, verification of the exenption to Article X, as previously afforded the Sales office expansion project with- in the same residential cammunity,(see attached exeption verification). I have included the applicant's submission information and would like a response by Octorer 3, 1990 in order to aid the developer in moving this project forward in accordance with our Code of Ordinances. The applicant feels that Hunter's Run Clubhouse is exempt and that the approxi.nate 150 additional required parking spaces should be part of the exerrption as the population of this PUD is static based upon the Architect ':S presentation to the T.R.B. Please advise ne of your legal detennination that was also " requested in the attached Plarming Depart:rrent' s aforerrentioned narorandum. ~J'~~- Vincent A. Finizio . a '.. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~ambri ...Heyden"..InterimoDirector"'ofo'Planning, ~ ",,-"'" "'- IF ,; CITY MANAGER' S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO;'7'i'amb-r'1';Heyden/Vince Finizio 10/5/90 DATE DEPARTMENT Planning/Engineering ~ APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Ordinance 90-19 (Parking Lot) At the last City Commission meeting I brought forth Ordinance No. 90-19 for review and clarification of intent, especially as it relates to the two applications pending reference Hunters Run and Leisureville. It was the concensus of the City Commission that the definition as stated in the Ordinance be interpreted in the broad sense of the meaning, thus indicating that any modification or renovation to a facility jn a residential district or designation that does not increase dwelling units may be accommodated without increasing the respective parking facilities. Therefore, the application for Hunters Run and Leisureville should be processed without requiring additional parking facilities and spaces. ~hould you have any questions relative to this interpretation of the Commission, please feel free to contact me. FOR YOUR INFORMATION OTHER [] [] [] NOTE AND RETURN On the same note, you may wish to bring this subject matter before the TRB for re-review and suggestions for modifications to the current language providing for limitations and/or special conditions. Any and all recommen- dations generated from the TRB would then proceed before the Planning & zoning Board for review and ultimately the City Commission. Please keep me informed of any progress or action on this subject matter. Thank you. ~~. J. Scott Mi er, City Manager JSM:cd ....~ ~, " 1G 7~rl t.lf1.TEO J.V.J ....l!.4._ V \:' rJ G nf.:N , . pu\NWNG DEPT. .:.'~, .~ )1 -, .. ~ RES'~~E : ~. I placed this ordinance 90-19 on ,the October 25, 1990 TRB meeting agenda for discussion. Chris, who was in attendance at the meeting, is drafting language for a new ordinance that covers the TRB's ideas and concerns. He will be meeting with the City Attorney and Don Jaeger on the draft in the near future, after which a final draft will go back to TRB prior to forwarding to P&Z for consistency review and City Commission for ordinance readings. Date (Action Completed) Nm1 t; { , qqn Signature J~ 9.~/ . . . . ... ::.~' ....... :. " .( " .\ .. .,., " :~ '.; . .~.. ". " ..~. .... . . ': ", ~~~.~. , ., ..: !~. bib '.. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-352 September 19, 1991 TO: Technical Review Board Members ~'" 'Christopher cutro Vincent Finizio Ed Allen Ed Hillery John Guidry Bob Eichorst Charlie Frederick Planning Director Admin. Coord. of Engineering Fire Chief Police Chief utilities Director Public Works Director Parks & Recreation Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Director of Building and Zoning RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Hunter's Run Golf & Racquet Club { Recreation Area - Commercial Addition ,C1o..I'J... Ire/h] 3500 Clubhouse Lane stinson-Head, Inc. The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Building Department issuing the certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending issues concerning this site that must be rectified (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a city approved surety). If the issues are related to permits issued by the Building a Department, please provide this department with the permit number and nature of unresolved issues. If the unresolved issues are not permi t related, notify the owner or the owners agent to ensure that the issues are rectified. Please respond to Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator, within ten (10) days so that we may proceed to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. Thank you for your cooperation and timely response. J#:::er DJ:pm xc:_ J. Scott Miller J. Broomfield, (CRA Projects) Kevin Hallahan, Forester Don Johnson File --" RECEIVED ':cp 20 PLANNING DEPT. A:FINLCOHR.SDD c:!3