APPLICATION RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION .,- The undersigned .as applica~t for Final Site Plan pproval does her,by acknowledge, r~pra~ent and ag~~e that 11 plans, specif~cations, prawings, eng~~e~ring,~nd ~ther ata submitted with this application forr~view by ~he City f Boynton Beach ~llall be reviewed by 'the 'v~rious ' boards, ommissions, staff personnel and other part"'e~' designated, ppointed or employed by the City~of Boyntoo'a.~~gh, "and any uch party reviewing the sarna ~hall rely upon the ~ccur~cy hereof, and any, change in any item submitted shall be eemed material and substantial: , ' , :.., . The undersig~ed hereby agrees that all aspects of the roposed project shall be constructed in strict ~ompliance ith the form in which they are approved, an~ any change, to he same shall be deemed material and~hall place the pplicant in violation of this application ~nd all approvals nd permits Which may.be granted. . ' The app~ic~nt acknowledges that the city of Boynton has 11 right~ and remedies as provided for by the-applicable odes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to ~ring ny violation ~nto compliance, and that in the event of nforcment action by the City, the applicant shall ndemnify" reimburse and . save the City of' Boynton Beacll armless from any costs, expense, claj.m, liability or any . ction which may arise due to their enforcement of the same.' .; READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS 6?J.. " ~,' 19~.' . DAY OF :.. ;~ :;:......' ~ ~...: . Nolary Public"Slale of Rorida My. Coinmjisio~ E~pfies' April 26, 1993 . .' .. p""", ,..~I.,anrft in~ '.. . ,,1 to & .,- -.. - ------.--.. '.~'-'--' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING '& ZONING BOARD SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in o~~_(l) copy to the planning Department. Incomplete a~plications wi~l not be processed. Please print legibly or type all. information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Hunter"s Run Golf and Raquet Club Storage Room Additions . 4 Date this application. is. acc'epted: (to be fille~ out by Planning Department) 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): 2. :Hunter's Run 'Golf and 'Raquet Club Address: 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Phone: 407 737.2582 (Zip Code) FAX: 407 369.3990 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Thompson.Watkins.Architect?~lnc. Address: 8895 N Military Trail, 'Suite 205E Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Phone: ' 407 626.5101 FAX: 407 62J~ff6.rode) '! 5. Property owner's (or Trustee's) Name: David Sternbaum (General Manager) Address: 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 407 73,7.2582 407 36J~ff9lfode) FAX: 6. correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING DEPARTMENT January 1991 11 : si tePlan 1 \ 'c../'" (2 ) 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? , (OWner, buyer, lessee, builder, "developer, contract . purchaser; etc.) Owner 8. street address or location of site: 3500 Clubhouse Lane, 9. Legal description of site and property control fi: See Site Plan 10. Intended use(s) of site: Two-storystorag~'Addition to Clubhouse Facility . 11. Developer or builder: N/A 12. Architect: Thompson.Watkins.Architects.lnc. 13. Landscape Architect: Florida Landscape Design (Buzz Jaskela) 14. site Planner: N/A 15. Engineer: Thompson and Associates 16. Surveyor: Benchmark Land Surveyors 17. Traffic Engineer: N/A lB. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City commission for this property? Yes 19. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $40,000.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - January 1991 C:sitePlan \ I, , \ ? \/ ( 3 ) II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan., 1. Land Use category shown in the Comprehensive Plan Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) Planned Unit Development ,(P.U.D.) 2. 3. Zoning District Area of Site sq. ft. 21.44 933,926 acres 4. - Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. b. c. d. e. . f. g. . h. i. Residential, including. 21.44 surrounding lot area of grounds % of site 100.0 acres Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) % of site acres Water Area % of site,' acres Commercial % of site acres Industrial % of site acres Public/Institutional Public, private and Canal rights-of-way other (specify) % of site acres acres % of site acres % of site other (specify) acres '% of site j. acres 100.0 Total area of site % of site 21 .44 * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimensiotl of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. . b. c. d. e. Ground floor building :0.76 area ("building footprint") i '3.5 % of site acres Water area N/A N/A %of site acres other impervious areas, including paved area of pUblic & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, .patios, decks, and athletic courts. 10.2 47.7 % of site acres Total impervious area 10.96 51 .1 % of site acres Landscaped area N/A inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec.~ 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). N/A % of site acres C:sitePlan PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 .r , (4) f. other landscaped areas~ N/A ~~ N/A % of site g. otherpervlous areas, including golf courses, 'natural areas, yards, and ,swales, but excluding water areas 10.48 acres 48.9 % of site h. Total pervious areas 10.48 acres 48.9 ,% of site i. Total area ot site 21.44 acres 100.0 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commerc~al/office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq. ft. " d. Recreational 85,116 sq. ft. 26.943 SF 'of 4, Hr.. wall . e. Public/Institutional sq. ft. 58,173 SF of 4 Hr. wall f. other (specify) sq. ft. . " g. other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 85,116 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached N/A sq. ft. b. Duplex N/A sq. ft. c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) N/A (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom N/A dwelling units d. Total mUlti-family N/A dwelling units e. Tota"t number' of dwe11~ng units N/A Gross Density N/A dwelling units per acre B. 9. io. Maximum height of s~ructures on site Required off-street parking-- a. calcU1a~lon of reqUired number 'of off-street pa~~ih9,' space~ 48.5 feet 4 stories (Existing) b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan RefereQc~ Chapter 5, Arti6leiXi Ordinance 90-19. PLANNiNGDEPARTNENT - JANUARY i991 C:SitePlan .fD A_sealed survei:, by a surveyor registered in the state of Florida; and not older than six (6) months, showing property lines including bearings and dimensfons; north arrow, date, scale; existing structures and paving, existing elevations on site, rights-of-way and easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification. Also, sizes and locations of existing trees and shrubs, including common and botanical names, and indication as to which, are to be retained, ~emoved, relocated, or replaced. 20. Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent,to the property to be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. ~ . : 21. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standards set' forth in Article X, section 16 of the Subdivision and Plattinq Regulations~ ' 22. Fire flow caiculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. 23. Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilities, as per City specifications. ON FILE wI 24.: Information regarding form of ownership (condominium, fee CITY simple, lease, etc.)~ 25. Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities: All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the city 'front-end loaders, and the dumpster' area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. The site must be so designed to ,. eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab -,shall be provided. All dumpste1;s must ,be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City 'Landscape Code. (See Sec. 7.5-35 (i)).' A mihimum 10 foot wide opening is required for dumpster enclosures. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the city Parking ,Lot Regulations, and including the following information. Any exceptions to the Parking Lot regulations that are proposed or that are to continue will require an application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. = ON FTLF. w/19. . CITY = x x N/A . 'N/A . x Reference Chapter . . 5, Article X. 26. Ordinance 90-10 . ". ( 6 ) a. Location of all parking and loading facilities. b. A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, car stops, and double striping. 'c. A cross~section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking iot. . '-a~ A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting; fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumination level(s) in footcandles. e. Information showing conformance with the City Street and,Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of ~~ sidewalks along adjacent public streets. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 C:SitePlan -:L , JI ,. . . ' (9 ) iv~ , M!SCEttANEOUS The following ma~erials mus~ be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) x A check. payable to ~he city of Boynton Beach, as per the a~tached fee schedule. Any o~her engineering and/or technical data, as may be reqUired by the Technical Review Board to determine compli~tlce with ~he provisions of the city's Code. of otdihances ~, , CERTIFICATION 21 1~ N7A , v. .. (I) (We), Undets~and tha~ this application and all papers and plans submitted hetewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board: (I) (We) hereby cer~i~y tha~ ~he ~bove statements ahd any statemen~s or sho~ihgs ih ahy papers o~ plans SUbmitted herewith are ~rue to the best o~ (my) toUr). knowledge and belief. This application wili not be accepted unless signed ttccording to the insttuctibn~ below. See Owner's Notarized Letter on File signature of OWner(s) or Trustee, o~ AUthorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business ehEi~y. VI. AUTHoRIZATioN OF AGEltT 21 September11990 Date ed Agent:: 19 April 1991 Date S ( (We hereby designate the 'above signed person as (my) (our)-aUthorized agent in regard to this application. . See Owner~s Notarized Lette~ on File 'Signature of owner(s) or Trustee; or AUthorized Principal if proper~y is owrt~d by ~ corporation or other busine~s eh~ity, SPACE BELOW ~HIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 21 September 1990 Date RevieW Schedule! T~chnical Review Board Planhihg..& zonihg, Board . COfflmUhity Appearance Board ci~r Comtrtission ~tipUla~ions of Fihal Approval! Date Received Date Da~e Date Date o~her Government Agehcies/Persons to be con~acted: Addit:ibhai"Rematks! PLANMINd b~PARTMEWT - JANUARY 1991 c:siH~Plan .;r