REVIEW COMMENTS t.,. A! J , t /-( PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-124 FROM: Bill Hukill Director of Development ---;(J J I Tambri J. Heyden i~rr Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: March 29, 1995 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Approved Minor Site Plan Modification MMSP 95-012 (Control Set) Accompanying this memorandum you will find the approved Minor site Plan Modification for the following project: Eastgate I at Hunters Run. To permit owners of Type I, II, III, IV and IV-A units to enclose their rear roofed porches using sliders or sliding doors I windows and walls. All materials must conform to the existing exterior finish of these buildings. Type I, III and IV units may enclose the side patios with the same conditions mentioned above. The Minor Site Plan Modification was approved by the appropriate Technical Review Committee members on March 23, 1995. TJH:arw Attachments xc: Central File c:trlln6mt.l.m&pm ~~---~_._-----_._~--------- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-124 TO: Bill Hukill Director of Development FROM: Tambri J. Heyden IJ3-j Plan4lng and Zoning Director DATE: Narch 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Transmittal of approved minor site plan modification (Control Set) Accompanying this memora4du~ you will find the approved Mino~ Si~e Plan Mojification for the fcllowing project: Estates I at Hunters Run. To permit owners of Type I, II, III, IV and IV.A units to enclose their rear roofed porches ~sing sliders or sli1ing door~, windows and walls. All materials must conform to the existing exterior finish of these buildings. Type:, III and IV units may enclose the side patios with the same conditions mentioned a~ove. The Minor Site Plan Modification was approved by the appropriate Technical Review Committee members cn March 23, 1995. TJH:dirn Attachr.1ents xc: Central File c; 7it~N'S~.f7:'. / SF !~ (' BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-057 March 13, 1995 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: Hunters Run, Eastgate I Minor Site Plan Modification The Building Division offers the following comments on the above project: 1. When roofed porches are enclosed, they become habitable rooms and are required to comply with the electrical code. 2. The enclosed wall must comply with the fire rating and percent of opening of Table 600 of the Standard Building Code. 3. If the site plan is approved for this request to be granted and the plans comply with our codes, we could not withhold the permit if the association does not approve because we cannot enforce association rules or covenants. ~ AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P. E., Building Official Dorothy Moore, Plan Reviewer A:HUNTBR.TRC IfDJ IE @ ~ U Wi ~ fii) IJl] 'WtR I "1.995 @/ ~ PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-086 TO: Bill Hukill, Development Department Director Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official FROM: Dorothy Moore, Plan Reviewer ~ DATE: March 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Hunters Run, Eastgate I Minor Site Plan Modification File No. MMSP 95-012 Murray Howard, President of the Eastgate I Board of Directors is requesting approval of a minor site plan modification for the above-referenced project. Please see the attached letter that specifies the types of units involved and the modifications requested. Two (2) sets of plans are available for your review in the Planning and Zoning Department. Your review of the plans for the project is requested by Wednesday, March 15, 1995. If the plans are consistent with the code and are acceptable, please fill- in the sign-off block on both sets of plans. If there are deficiencies, please sign-off with comments and forward written comments no later than Thursday, March 16, 1995. If there are questions regarding the request, please contact Dorothy Moore at 375-6260. Thank you for your prompt response. DM:pb cc: Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director a:HntrEstG.rev/TRC G;t~r~-re;. :r- -ry1'€1-1f1-A. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET A 1)1.. PROJECT NAME :~ EA~"" C.ATE. @. J./'R.':31fP.S TRACT/SUBDIVISION: PROJECT ADDRESS: ~S T ~. PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: REVIEWER'S NAME: DATE RECEIVED: 2-Zi"'9~ STARTED REVIEW: ... ~ - t:t5" RETURNED: APPROVED: signature I Print Name DATE PICKED UP: Plans - Comments 00 DE SCRI PTION : 1; U ~ 10<;' € eX!.s T /I..:. C:I. f7:J 7i 0 w / S.h D oJ G CJq s:" ]),,,1: '-1,/ piE Il' '_ The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with city's staff. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. iBm~~_mm~~ml.~~MI~mm~l \. ' LG ~ If;l1 fYtJ S~ t!ff~f)~ -rype LI/J lT~ ~ 1+0 u I D 13.P: tjto~~v~~u. ~5{tr~4=fJ ~~ D;;J. ~:: * Departments required to review the project: ~ OIJ€ 1}-7 jlftS 7IME', REV: Z-II-" Page I of I a:P'ZCOMMT.PRH PLANNING & ZONING J:> '. \ Name of Reviewer DEPAR'fMEN'f CUMM~NT ~11.c,.t.l - F',1r:.S -r 1:..E. V I e:: -fA ermit Application No. :..9!i- 0 1rl6' J. &.A ~ - 0 2-) project Title Type of Review The :application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the cQmments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407)37S:~Obetween a A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru .~riday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the BUilding Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plan(s) and/or documents. ***.*.**.*......*.*...***.**..****..************..**~*******************.*** Applicant I s Name and Phone No. : Date Called: Comments Received By (print Name): Signature: Date: Comments only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: '"Z.. - 7 - 15~ ~~*******.* ***tj*.*****~~**~**~.*i.**~~~~~*.~*~******************~*** D~A.J~ ,-f} J-S ,-"rHLItt FJ-./",vt;; CA/I / H 7,ff~" /y/O(""l..1. SS""r.5 0 ~ pl;9--IV.J- ~ /.tu:;" b ~ 7? 7h16"' iP/lhvIUJ^-lC - ~t--J I,.:.J~ "l:>ephlLT />>6/LJ"-: the documents submitted with your permit aPQlicatton is a minor site plan modification. The fee aBsociat~d with the minor site ~lan modification is $100.00 {Resolution "92-211'. The fee is payable to the City of Bovnton Beach and is due in the Plannina and ~onlnq Department prior to the Plannina and zonina Department reviewer sianina-off the permi t documents for the prpposed work. In Qrder to faGilitate the approval of vour request. present this comment sheet Qr a COpy of ~ame to the Plannina and Zonina Department staff when Davina for the review fee. 2,.) ,pLE-F=JS.e .s,...;ilAA. T -rwo ('2.) Ser~ (J F S,Te ~/~tJ~~cX;,.~~ ~~t;:;t'y ~e~~~!l:- f}fA-1(jlYJay-rX. 01= lE.rJ-s-r(2,..4re @ l/.uJ..rre~ R v~ ,q.~ Ben.oJ ~ 1J.iO;O~ vel;) B~ ~ H-oM€~c,Dt-J~ ftS00C-IAJ/tJ "-.l Fo ~ ~ a\.J c) '() So J kJ G 0 F "'71frt;; E2X/.'-. -r I t--..J G PA,l b 5 tv t-pH '--~ / I~C, GIi+SS ~,eS,l '3.) cfi:;~f5 s~~:rc, ~ ~<F;;;/:!je;;;. ~~~)~7JO 't;Z}j.C!.J.() <;J.u~ES.. jJfG, )...EITel?: ~// C/Ern.e-~ . ~~~~;~ ~ ~V~!;':7 ~~ ~I~l> UJ~lIi>:~ ....~....***..**.*********..*.......**.**..*~L:i1~..:I~*........~~..~~~.. . lJJ\P~rtlJlentB required to revie~ /~e project .4'T 7M , * l-rrPI/c/hVf /J11+'l CA-- ' "-.JH::("e (!()pt#J6){.J/I -D~T ~~_i ~ 75""- G, 2...~~ -r-6 l)ISGvS! I/7CV' ~ ***~******.***.******~**.**.********.**.*********.*****.*****.**.*.********, Paqe / of I