REVIEW COMMENTS / ~ - ~ ~ ~ STAFF COMMENTS HUNTER'S RUN SALES OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION (Addition #2) BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum 3 .~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-328 JULY 30, 1990 THRU: Jim Golden, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building Official ~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator TO: FROM: RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTER'S RUN "BRISTOL" ADDITION TO SALES OFFICE BUILDING Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach city Codes: 1. Specify on the plans that shrubs shall be planted two feet (2') on center minimum. 2. Show on the plan where the existing plants that are in the path of the proposed construction will be relocated. ~ mea hurusaof.sdd 1 EN3INEERING DEPAR'IMENT MEM:>RANDUM NO. '90-164 To: J. Scott Miller . City Manager June 2, 1990 (REVISED FOR 'IHIRD REVIEW) July 24, 1990 Fran: Vincent A. Finizio Acting.Assistant to the City Engineer Re: 'l'echnical Review Board CatTl'ents (SECOND REVIEW) Hunters Run Sales Office Expansi<;>n Project Charles N. Gilbert Architects In accordiIDce with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Cede of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17 II Site Plan Review" and Chapter 5, Article X, Section 5-138 (a), (d), "applicability of this code" and Section 5-142, IIRequired Irrprov- rrents", the applicant shall be required to rrodify the existing parking facility to meet.the current requirements of the afoD6nentioned codes. The following information, technical data and plan revisions shall be submitted to this office for the purpose of review during the site plan review process,. Subnit a lighting plan that is consistent with the requirements of sections 5-142 (a), '~Required Lightingll and 5-142 (g), IILighting Standards II inclusive. Submit a drainage plan and associated calculations for the rrodification of the existing parking facility drainage system, in accordance with the requirements of Section 5-142 (f), "Drainage II and Section 5-142 (g), "Drainage Standards II and Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article X, Section 5A & 58, IIStonnwater Treatrrent and Drainagell Subnit a landscaping plan consistent with the requirements of Section 5-142 (d) IIRequired Landscapingll. Submit a traffic control plan indicating directional arrows and stop signs etc. :cMPLIED.. Section 5-142 (c), II Required Traffic Control ". )ARTIALI.,Y Provide car stops and curbing in accorance with the design requirements of Section :cMPLIED.. 5-142 (e), IlCUrbs and Car Stops". Provide construction details for all parking facility components including materials specifications. Section 5-142 (g), "Construction Standards" Crosshatching of parking stall for the purpose of access to the pedestrian pathway was not a City catTl'ent fran the Engineering Depart:nent as noted upon resubni tted plan. Access to a pedestrian pathway fran a parking stall is prohibited as it constitutes a potential hazard to pedestrians and motorists. Revise the access in accordance with the oriqinal TR8 comment previously provided the applicant. Parking Facility shall be restriped in accordance with Section 5-138 (a) "Scope" CMPLIED.. and 5-142 (1), IIparking Lot Striping II and Section 5-142 (g), "Parking Lot Striping Standards" . Provide adequate handicap parking facilities. The general public visiting this "Sales Officell may be handicapped and therefore this parking facility in accordance with Section 5-142 (k), IIHandicap Requirements" and the Deparbnent 'of Ccmmmity Affairs, "Accessibility. Requirements", shall provide adeqUate handicap facilities. Provide a current survey which is a submittal requirement of the Site Plan Review CMPLIED.. Process including Section 5-144 (b), IIRequired Survey" Respectfully submitted, U;~ Vincent Anthony Fini . 0 cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Provide raised continuous concrete curbing where parking stalls abut landscaped areas. Section 5-142, IIRequired Improvements - CUrbing". CUrbing shall CCl1'lply with the design requiranents of Section 5-142 (g), "CUrbing Standards II . ~ " MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-089 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Hunter's Run Sales Office . DATE: July 26, 1990 As per the discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 26 July 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Stop bar in addition to the stop sign at exit. ti?fJailL- t. Dale Hammack DH/cm ~ & ~,. ~ '!' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @...':. .a 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 .July 30, 1990 Mr. Charles Gilbert 1 Southport Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 RE: Hunters Run Sales Office File No. 504 Administrative Site Plan Modification (Addition #2) . Dear Mr. Gilbert: Please be advised of the following Planning Department'comments with respect to the above-referenced request for an administra- tive site plan modification. These comments, as well as the attached comments from other departments, will need to be addressed on revised copies of.the drawings submitted for review, prior to applying for a permit. This procedure is detailed on the attached letter of approval from the planning Department: 1. Include the elevation sheet of the existing sales office and addition within the set of plans distributed for final, sign-off. site pla~ application, page 5, item #4. 2. Indicate the colors and materials.of the addition on the elevation sheet. site plan application, page 5, item #4. ~;Q.~Au Tambri J. Heyd n ~." tjh Attachments A:HRSaleM2 xc: Chronological File 1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-258 June 8, 1990 TO: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & zoning Director~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: COURTESY COMMENTS - SITE MODIFICATION HUNTERS RUN SALES OFFICE ADDITION (EAST SIDE) Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicants full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project is placed on a future Technical Review Board agenda: 1. Provide a complete landscape plan meeting the requirements of the landscape code. 2. Show on the plan where the existing plants that are in the path of the proposed construction will be relocated. e meh:eaf HTRRUNSO.SDD 8 ~' ENGINEERING DEPAR'IMENT MEMJRANDUM NO. 90-164 To: J. Scott Miller City Manager June 2, 1990 Fran: Vincent A. Finizio Acting .Assistant to too City Engineer Re: Technical Review Board Caments (SECOND REVIEW) Hunters Run Sales Office Expansion Project Charles N. Gilbert Architects In accordance with too City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17 " Site Plan Review" and Chapter 5, Article x, Section 5-138 ,(a) , (d), "applicability of this code" and Section 5-142, "Required Irrprov- rrents" , the applicant shall be required to rrodify the existing parking facility to rreet. the current requirerrents of too aforerrentioned codes. The following . infonnation, technical data and plan revisions shall be subnitted to this office for too purpose of review during too site plan review process. Sul:mit a lighting plan that is consistent with the requirements of sections 5-142 (a), "Required Lighting" and 5-142 (g), "Lighting Standards" inclusive. Sutmit a drainage plan and associated calculations for tre rrodification of the existing parking facility drainage system, in accordance with the requirerrents of Section 5-142 (f), "Drainage" and Section 5-142 (g), "Drainage Standards" and Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article X, Section 5A & 5B, "Stonnwater Treatrrent and Drainage" Sul:mit a landscaping plan consistent with the requirarents of Section 5-142 (d) "Required Landscaping". Sul:mit a traffic control plan indicating directional arrows and stop signs etc. Section 5-142 (c), " Required Traffic Control ". ~ Provide car stops and curbing in accorance with the design requirerents of Section 5-142 (e), "CUrbs and Car Stops". Provide construction details for all parking facility canponents including materials specifications. Section 5-142 (g), "Construction Standards" Crosshatching of parking stall for too purpose of access to too pedestrian pathway was not a City canrent fran the Engineering Departrrent as noted upon resul:mitted plan. Access to a pedestrian pathway fran a parking stall is prohibited as it constitutes a potential hazard to pedestrians and motorists. Revise the access in accordance with the briqinal 'IRBcartrent previously provided the applicant. Parking Facility shall be restriped in accordance with Section 5-138 (a) "Scope" and 5-142 (1), "Parking lot Striping" and Section 5-142 (g), "Parking lot Striping Standards" . Provide adequate handicap parking facilities. The general public visiting this "Sales Office" may be handicapped and therefore this parking facility in accordance with Section' 5-142 (k), "Handicap Requirerents" and too Department 'of Carmunity Affairs, "Accessibility"R.equirenents", shall provide adeqUate handicap facilities. Provide a current survey which is a sutmittal requirement of the Site Plan Review Process including Section 5-:-144 (b), "Required SUrvey" Respectfully sutmitted, u. ~ . . . 1 ..tIif C-G: ~.......... Vincent Anthony Fini . 0 0 cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner t/ 'tRl ~~~ 7i"lC'D i.~~.r::a.'\I .E, ..~1U 4 JB9!) PLANNING DEPT. A 1