LEGAL APPROVAL MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 4, 1996 Commission only wanted it on the city facilities and school districts, and that is what this ordinance does. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz pointed out that this is the only way we would get remuneration. and this is one of the objectives. City Attorney Cherof said another objective is that by having them limited to those two districts, you have the greatest control, since they are conditional uses, over the type of structure, the height of the structure, the location. and any other conditions that you want to impose during the approval process so that it has the maximum benefit for the telecommunications industry balanced by the needs of the adjacent communities. Commissioner Bradley asked if the comment about the M-1 zone relates to the point that was previously brought up that eventually businesses, such as Motorola, are going to be putting these up on their own properties. He asked if this ordinance would eliminate businesses' abilities to do that. City Attorney Cherof answered affirmatively. He said their towers would have to be located on nearby Rec or PU district properties. City Manager Parker pointed out that Motorola will have a school site immediately adjacent to it. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 3-0. C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R96-n Re: Authorizing Acceptance of a Surety Bond from the Developer of the Isles of Hunters Run in lieu of a Letter of Credit City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R96-77 by title only. He reminded the Commission that the city entered into a settlement agreement with Summit Properties that would facilitate the construction of the single-family high end residence at the border at the front Congress Avenue entrance to the Hunters Run development. He advised that because of the type of financing that the developer is doing to close this transaction tomorrow, is unable to post a Letter of Credit, but has the ability to post a surety bond to secure and guaranty the improvements that are supposed to be made under the subdivision regulation. We aJways used to accept surety bonds, but under a recent addition, we accept Letters of Credit or cash. This resolution would authorize the acceptance of the bond which would give us sufficient security to permit that transaction to go forward and that development to be built. 21 .j' ~. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. CIVIL DIVISION. CASE NO. CL-91-7257-AN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT/COUNTERPLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF AND ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF This action came before the Court upon the motions of the Plaintiff, City of Boynton Beach, for summary judgment for declaratory relief, and the Defendant, Summit Associates, for summary judgment for declaratory relief. Among the undisputed facts are: The City is the governing body defined in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act controlling the property in question. The property is a commercial tract, a part of Hunters Run which was acquired by Summit in 1978. There was an earlier zoning dispute over this property between the City and the owners that was resolved by a settlement agreement and an agreed final judgment in 1973. The City and the owner agreed in writing that the land in question could be zoned and developed according to criteria that are known today as C-3 zoning. In spite of the City's promise, in 1985 the ,. City in its then new Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act down-zoned this land. Florida law did not mandate the down-zoning of the property in question. Said down-zoning was done without the consent of the land owner. The land owner had the right to rely on the written contract between its predecessor in interest and the City and had a right to rely upon the terms of the Final Judgment entered into pursuant to that settlement agreement. The Intervenor pleads a change in circumstances in that the land has not previously been developed, however all of Hunters Run was undeveloped in 1973 and since then Hunters Run has been considerably developed. There is no version of the evidence that indicates that there was no reliance by the Defendant or their predecessors in interest on this 1973 agreement when they developed Hunters Run. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary. There is no law that effectively supports the City's position. The officials of the City presumably in 1973 and in 1985, acted in what they believed to be the best interests of their constituents, however the Court has determined that the city's 1985 actions violated a binding agreement and a binding final judgment. Therefore, the Court declares that the comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to the Local Government comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act as it pertains to the Hunters Run commercial tract, is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with the City's Stipulated Settlement and Final Judgment in Case Number 73-579 CA(L)Ol-Smith, attached to the City's complaint as Exhibit D. Summit and its predecessors in interest relied upon the pledge of the City and upon the Final Judgment in the development 2 .. / / ~ of the adjacent Hunters Run property and that there have been no circumstances that would justify relieving the City of the effects of its pledge or the Final Judgment. Therefore Summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to summary judgment in its favor. The Court finds and declares that the City is bound by its 1973 judgment and agreement, that Summit Associates, Ltd. is the owner of the Hunters Run commercial tract and the successor in interest in said agreement and final judgment. Summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to have the subject property classified as local retail commercial, and as C-3 zoned. The City is required to take all steps necessary to be in continuing and future compliance with its Settlement Agreement and 1973 Final Judgment. The City's motion for summary judgment in its favor on the same issues is hereby denied. ORDERED at West Palm Beach, Florida, this ~ day of June, 1994. EDWARD FINE Circuit Judge Copies furnished: James A. Cherof, Esq. 3099 E. Commercial Blvd. suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 J. Michael Burman, Esq. 712 U.S. Highway One, suite 300 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Lawrence J. Markell, Esq. 7280 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Suite 202-N Boca Raton, FL 33433 Michael T. Burke, Esq. Post Office Box 030220 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33303-0220 3 f I I . / f . .... ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE SUPPORT DOCUMENTS OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN CONNECTION WITH THE LAND USE AMENDMENT TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR; SAID TEXT AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERROR BY PERMITTING LAND TO BE REVERTED TO LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Plan and as part of said plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive planning Act; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan incorporated by reference a portion of the Future Land Use Element support Documents entitled Land Use Problems and Opportunities; and WHEREAS, said portion of the Future Land Use support Documents recommends the a certain parcel of land be placed in the Office Commercial land use category; and WHEREAS, it appears that a scrivener's error was made in this ordinance in that it was determined that Office Commercial land use is contrary to a Stipulation and Agreement from a previous court decision which, in part, determined the zoning classifications of said parcel be those that existed when the property was duly annexed into said City in November, 1972; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 91-?? amends the Future Land Use plan of said Comprehensive Plan to comply with said Stipulation and Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Commission now desires to correct said scrivener's error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: section 1: The portion of the Support Documents of the Future Land Use Element entitled Land Use Problems and Opportuni ties, Planning Area 8, 8. h. is hereby amended by inserting the underlined text, and deleting the text in the strike--through type as follows: The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the city indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~~~~$~/~t/~~~~~ ~~~/t~~~~t~ff~~~/X~~gft~~/~~~~~~/t~t/~~~ ~~~~~t~t~X/~~t~~g~/~~~/~~~/~t$~~~~~/tt~~ ~~t$~t~g /~~~ /t~~~t~ /t~$t~~~~~$1 /t~ /t$ t~~~~~~~~~~/~~~~/~~~~~t~t~XIX~~~/~~~/~~~ 7~~t~g/t~~~t~I//~~~~y~tl/~~~/~~/~~~/X~~ ~1~t~g~ / / 11~~~ftt~t 1/ / /~t / / / Iftlj.tt~lj.~~t~g t~ftt~~~~t~~ Ipt~1~~~~1 /~~~ /pt~ft~~~~ /~t ~~ppt~g /~~~~~tft /~ /t/~ /~tX~~ I~~ /~~~ ~~t~~/~~~/tlt/~/~tX~ft/~~/~~~/~~~~~I/~~~ ~~~ /X~~l( /cjt /~~ /~~~~i~~~~ /~~~t~~g~t~t~1 ~~t~ /~t~~ 1~~lj.X~ M~ /~~t~ /~~t~~X~ /t~t ~ttt~~ I~~~ /~~ /~pp~~~~ I~~ /t~~~tx I~~~I ~ttt~~II~~~I/~~~X~I/~X~~//~t~~~~//t~~~t t~p~~~~ /~~ I~~~ /~~1~~~~~ IV IV If) I /~~~ I~~~ ~t~t/lp~tl(II~~t~~/IXt~~I/~~//~~~//~~t~~f ~~~t~f~t~lltr It~ It~~cj~~~~~~~ /~~~~ /~J,it~ p~t~~X/II~~///pX~~~~/I/t~///rJ.i~II/~ttt~~ ~~~~~t~t~X /X~~~ /~~~ I~~~~g~ttl It is ~Xft~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zonina of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aareement that resulted from a previous court decision. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not be affect the remainder of this ordinance. section 4. Authority is hereby granted to codify said ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this day of 1991. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this , 1991. day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: city Clerk (Corporate Seal) '* I I I: T!' TIlE CLT":C1J; Ii' r;r 11)].:'1' OF TIm FIFTEENTH JliJr,~~'ij\L (":IF'.'.:i1':' (,I, l"l/JP. mIl, IN M~"D F(:!~, Pt,l).: BE!<~E CC,1fi:T'!'. Cl~!TL flCTlON /' 'I y.!.;.. ,;:,., r;t:'E nil.: 72 C 6(,2!i (:_~mith ) .2-3/- '7? ~ cc.' ~ (fr~ :'. M. ROBERT JOHNSTON, CLP,RE)'T'--:~ ) \I '-.'. .JmmS, DOROThy j\. RODERT;S, : D^V1D ROBERTS, EMILY M. ) i~r^C1\:~ON and vT:i:LLIAl>I C. SEXTON, \' ) ; ) Ii CITY OF BOYNTON' BEACH, a Florida I(municipal corporation, and ) \,'FI"U,1Lf\ND DEVELOPMENT CORP., a I Florida c~rporation, ) T'l',i ~-t ; f'f':- ," ~rC! v ~ . STIPULflTION l)cfcnd[~nt~ . This is a Sti nula ti on by and between the CITY 01" BOyrTTON BEACH, Florida, and PALMLAND ~y!ELOrMENT CORP., a Florida c~rpora- tion, to amend the Final Judgment entered herein as it relates to 'P[.....f.e'~~L 2?, Q.~ des::LrTls.tec1 in su~h Final Judgment. The Final ,'"j"'lr:I'n!. J,'J'l;;n ;'~lne:l ,':,"I'ce:'1 :/, [l:-' :-1 ..:J ar;r;or(lance v:'th tOle zon.ing code of the CITY ,)7 BO-:tTTTON BE!\CH~ Florida. In addition, such Final Judgment further requ::.red that PP,LJiTU\FD DE'.~:ELOFI-1EJ'1T CORP. file certain C~vpnnntc and Restrictions relatin~ to '. Parcel 22," VJh:Lch res tr:i.c tcd t}w u;, e of Parce 1 ~? :l'or a motel 8i te . Releases Nere r,iver, by t>o Plo.intiffs herein, ther8~)Y leaving the CITY (10' BGYITI'01"T ~:Ef\ en anrJ ~'!> LT.'J.Jr:u :)T:'.rJ.:U~'j{F:'TT CORP. as the only parties in this o.cti on. Such '" j.n.::l.l .Judc::ment further gave the . SITY OJ" BDYTTT(~)N nEACH the ~,2,le onti on of enforcing the Covenants and Restri cti OilS 2Ct forth in the T~linal .JIl.dgment. Such Covenants land Restrictions were recorded in Official Records Book 2210, I . Page 573 , Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flor:Lda. .. On June , 1?75, the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. ~lorida, rezoned Parcel 22 to a C-3 category in acco~danc2 w~th the z~ning code of the CITY OF BCY\TNTJl! BE.ACF, Florida. The CITY OF BO'::1'-TI'ON BE.ACP, Florida, is no longer desirous of enforcing the Covenants 'I . :and Restrictions mentioned above as they relate to Parcel 22 and r. ,-I- tIt..,,- -t.. . is a[!,recab1e t:) f'fli,!.;Li\TJ:') :jr;'..::L'j":.::,;::'i' ';r}!-: _ runr~n(l:Lnr~ such Covenants and Restrictions to exclude uC'"cs c.1cs: c:nQ~~cd unrlr"T t(l(~ rt -.....) , -' co.tc(3ory !! as defined by the zoning ordinance of the CITY OF BOY11TOn BEl\8H, II ii Florida. I; ;i " ii .: I; :i herein as well as the Stipulation for Settlement giving rise to \\, .\ I' THEREFORE, it is agreed that the Final Judgment entered the Finn.J.. Judgment shnll be n.mcndc<1 .:u:: i'olJ.oVlr:: 1\. Parcel Lcrl.~1):; rCL:oned to (";-3 a:::. rlcfitlf)rl by t"he ,){) . (" LL- _:....J II zoning code of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida" dated \i 1\ June , 1975" and such rezoning to C-3 on June , 1975, \1 a valid exercise of the pm-ler of the CITY OF BOYNTON BE1\CH, d :\ '1 and such rc:-'.oninr; Vlas proper 'n [.1: :rc:-;pr_~ct,;. 'I f' was Florida,_ B. I'J~U;L!\im D!'~'.;;';:LU]:.:::i:T (;'Jj.~j., (Jr J)(~rr:;on,; cla:i:riinr: throur;h it and its s ucce~~ (~or:' (U1 i (l(~ ~.1 13n:~, l;llall hO.ve the ril.ht to use "Parcel 22 in any mo.nner c~nsictent with the zoning c~de of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida. C. Tllat Pi\LMLAND DEVELOPllliNT CORPo .shall have the right I I ! \\ ,I i\ to amcnC1. tl"l(; C:>vr~n;-ln1;;' ;-)n'-1 p{.:;i'r:i~t:' (If!;, ;,rd; f'nri;1j i n t 1, ~ ;, n.:i rl Fino.l JUdGment and 2lettlemcnt stipulation,v-rhich Covenants and Restricti~ns were rec~rdec1 in Official Records BooY- 22l0~ i; Page 573, Public Rec~rds of Palm Beach Count.y, Florida, to !i :; reflect uses consistent with C-3 zoning. .. THIS STIPULATIOn dated thi::, day of 'i !! 'I , " 1977. PALMLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP." a Florida corporation I CITY OF BO\TI'JTON BEACH, FLOHIDA, ii a municipal coy);.-orati:::m Ii \1 BY: BY: President :!\ 1...1 a YOI' G EEE WJOmi;, l>~::>-)UIE]'; Attorney for CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Post Office Box llO B~ynton Beach, Florida" 33435 DAN LEL 1I. ,IO]\Ili:;~;, ].;SG!UIRE Attorney for FALMLAND DE'!ELOPlvlENT C (:HP . I1CYLE, GENTRY" ,JU;m.::', FLANIGM': &: GRC)I~ER, F' .#~ . Post Office B~x 3888 West Falm Beach, Fl~rida, 3340; ! IN TILE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDfCL\L C [RCVIr, IN A~D FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. '''', , :-;;u IT;; CIVIL ACTION NO.' -~O' ... .73 ~ C A (L) - 01 Pi\L0iLAND DEVELOP~>IENT CORPORATION,. ~ corporation, 10-- , "'~."J-"_" ~ ~~}11.. Dl.V .:..0,-u~i Plaintiff, Defendants. ~ --.:: ~~" c..-.J ~ "-- 'y -':" ~, .~ ::~, r- .. .. ..-r-.: ..., r- :=>- :r0 ~ ~ .- ,.. ", :3: s; c:.: '"'" ,..., ,- :> :..-..; , -r. <""") ~-;~! = <""") (. ' --". ~ - ~ "\...:.-..:- .;;..- .,.., = " .- = """" ,- _J. ~ = r)' - "" -' ...... / - t ,:\, ~ ~~ <J :c -vs- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD of the CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH, FLORIDA, et al., COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF . COMES NOW the Plaintiff, PALMLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation, by its unders~gned attorneys and sues the defendants. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, EMILY M. JACKSON, JOE DeLONG, FORREST L. WALLACE, DAVID ROBERTS, EDWARD F. HAlli~ENING, ROBERT OLDS, RICHARD VASTINE, ~~ILYN HUCKLE, LOREN BLACKETER, ALBERT WEHRELL, FRED KOSTNER, ORRIS WALKER and liould respectfully show this Honorable Court as follows: 1. This is an action for declaratory judgment and for injunctive relief. 2. EMILY M. JACKSON 1S the Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and JOE DeLONG, FORREST L. lqALLACE, DAVID ROBERTS and EDWARD F. HAlli~ENING are councilmen in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Plaintiff bri~gs this action against them individually and in their capacity as public officials aforesaid in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. ROBE~T OLDS, RICHARD VASTINE, ~~RILYN rlliCKLE, LOREN BLACKETER, ALBERT WEHRELL, FRED KOSTNER and ORRIS WALKER are duly appointed members of the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Plaintiff brings this action against them individually and in their official capacity as public officers of the City of Boynton Beach. t ;'- ~ /- { 4. During the calendar year 1972 and prIor to November 7, 1972, your Plaintiff and other persons made application to the City of Boynton Beac]l, Florida, for annexation of certain lands to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. A more particular description of the lands is attached herto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof. In the course of preparing the said application for annexation and for the zoning of the said property when annexed, your Plaintiff . " expended great sums of money for the engineering and other data needed in order to present the said petition for annexation and for zoning of the said property to the proper municipal authorities of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Plaintiff expended large sums of money for attorneys' fees, zoning studies, en<Ti- .0 neering studies and many other costs and expenses in theprep'aration and presentation of the application for annexation and zoning to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. s. On November 7, 1972, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, passed on second and final readi~g Ordinance No. 72-27, a copy of l'lhich is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhib it "B". The said ordinance is nOli 'a valid, existing ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a muni- cipal corporation. At all times material hereto and'prior to. November 28, 1972, Plaintiff corporation held an option to purchase the above described lands and did join in the petition for annexation with the record title owner. On or about November 28, 1972, and in reliance upon the action of the City of Boynton Beach, the Plaintiff exercised its option to purchase the said lands and paid for the said lands the sum of SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000.00). The Plaintiff has incurred an obligation to pay interest on the said purchase price or a portion thereof by reason of a mor~gage which was given by your Plaintiff in connection with the said purchase. In addition to the above expenditure and the obligation thereby incurred, your Plaintiff has expended large -2- SUIns of money in connection with its plans for the development of the subject lands as had been previously explained and presented to the Defendant city a~d its various boards and bodies. Very large sums of money have been expended in connection with the said plans for development and for the implementation of the said plans for development. 6. The City of Boynto? Beach, Florida, knew or should have'~pown Plaintiff had expended an.d would continue to expend large sums of money pursuant to the plan for the development of the subject lands which had been made known to the said City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The individual Defendants, and each of them, knows or should know the above facts and Clrcum- stances as alleged herein and more particularly know or should know that_the Plaintiff has expended large sums of money in reliance upon the passing of the ordinance aforesaid on November 7, 1972. 7. Thereafter and prior to March 15, '1973, the Defendant and each of them caused to be published in the Boynton Beach News Journal on March IS and March 22, 1973, a notice, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 8. Your Plaintiff has made application to the proper persons in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the issuance of building permits for buildings on the subject property which conformed to the zoni~g as specified in the above ~escribed ordinance. The Defendant city and its various officials, including individual party defendants hereto, have failed and refused to issue the said building permits to your Plaintiff. Your Plaintiff has been informed by various city officials that no bui1di~g permit ,.,rou1d be issued to your Plaintiff because the "zoning \vas not proper." -,- ( - 9. On or about March 6, 1973, the city of Boynton Beach passed an ordinance designated by it as Ordinance No. 73-7, which ordinance, and amendments tllereto, substantially changes the uses to which land may he put under the various zoning classifications of the City of Boynton Beach. The uses permitted under the said classification are materially different than those uses permitted in the zoning classification as they existed at the time of the ~, passing of Ordin~nce No. 72-27 of the City of Boynton Beach. 10. It is obvious from the course of conduct on the part of the Defendants herein that the Defendants have attempted to cha~ge the uses of your Plaintifffs property as permitted by law. It is further obvious from the said course of conduct that the said Defendants and each of them intended to proceed to enact a zoning ordinan~e which reclassifies and changes the uses permitted of your Plaintifffs property. 11. Your Plaintiff would respectfully.show this Honorable Court that the Defendants and each of them are estopped by the law of the State of Florida and by their own conduct from changing the uses permitted of your Plaintifffs property from those uses as they existed under the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, on November 7 or December 7, 1972. 12. The Plaintiff has been and will be. greatly and irreparably damaged if this Court does not issue its in- junction both temporarily and permanently requiring that the Defendants herein cease and desists their attempts to block the Plaintiff in its efforts to develop the lands aforesaid. The irreparable injury which the Plaintiff is now suffering and will in the future suffer is as follows: -4- (- - (a) Plaintiff is obligated upon a purchase money mortgage the interest on which is approximately FIFTEEN HU.t\DREDDOLLARS ($1,500.00) per day. The Plaintiff has a commitment for a construction money mortgage from a lender in a very large sum of money. Should this Court not enjoin the above conduct, Plaintiff will lose the said commitment and will lose its ability to improve the subject property as aforesaid. "" (b) It i~ well known that the costs of construction are greatly increasing each day. The delays being cause by the Defendants are. greatly increasing the cost of the im- provements and decreasing Plaintiff's opportunity to profit- ably develop this land. Cc) Plaintiff has a cons~derable staff which has been assembled by Plaintiff preparatory to the development of the said land. The said overhead caused thereby is continuing on a daily basis without any opportunity, because of the acts of the Defendant, to receive income to cover the said overhead. Cd) The acts and conduct of the Defendants herein 1S causing a controversy in the community which is damaging to YOUT Plaintiff's reputation and is dam~gi~g to its ability to market the improvements to be built upon the subject lands and it is further damaging the Plaintiff's ability to procure and retain the commitments necessary for construction money mortgage . WHEREFORE, your Plaintiff respectfully prays that this Honorable Court will grant YOUT Plaintiff the relief prayed for in Complaint for Declarat6ry Judgment and Injunctive Relief herein and will declare the rights, duties and obligations of the Plaintiff and of the various Defendants herein about which your Plaintiff is in doubt as aforesaid and Plaintiff further prays that this Honorable Court will enjoin the Defendants and each ,.. -::> - ( ( of thet'll both temporarily and permanently from changing or J."'C~':.;:::.?'::i.E6 to change the uses of Plaintiff's property as permitted u~dcr .....~~ L.l,,;...... Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as they 2xisteJ on November 7, or in the 'alternative, December 7, 1972, and your Plaintiff further vravs ~ J that this Honorable Court will determine that the ordinance designated by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as Ordinance No. 73-7 is wholly void and unenforceable as it applies to your Plaintiff's property herein above described. -., " PALNLAt~D DEVELOPj\IENT CORPORATION, INC. by: :5L -, ~~~ IRVING T. RUBI~President Palmland Devel~ ment Corporation~ Inc. 640 E. Ocean Avenue~ Suites 18 & 19 Boynton Beach~ Florida 33435 State of Florida Coun ty of P {~I {'(~ ~F f~ c..!-/ SWO~~ TO AND SUBSCRIBE before me this <') s: ~, r7""'- ,} \ ~(:""'\ day of Jy1 t, ,l:-C \J" A.D., 1973. ."'; ~ \ I :. i . I i I i I . ; '.' t I ., . .." \, I \ I '/ "'. - .;) ..,. ...."."'....,> '''''' . '. j J, ~. .. - '. \ '1 ' H' '. .:. . , ': I..) ",' . " , r. " I 0 ',,' .,' " iJ i :.4 I (AI I,,), f?) ('(::u:u. I.,. '.,', -I) : N~JARY PUBLIC, STATE OF r'.f,~ORIDA / u.. . "11);'\" . I .: , , . , . . .:; ';'; :..,',..~:-',.,_/ 1\;1y Commission expires: Jobllfry }'"Ioj;., St:at.. "f ;:!",;;;o at L''''Jo M7 c,,,,,,,isii..,, E,,;>;(~, SOpl. 14, I <;7S. ~~ hi' Am$ricQn fit.. 8. CQSYo!ry CQ. ~~ ~E'O' " .~. DAMS of Adams, Gilman and Cooper 720 Hartford Building Orlando~ Florida 32801 Attorneys for Plaintiff /" - 'J- ...~'_. C'.2 f.r", .. - ~.t,l ; -. - ,;...- . :.:-r . "'l~ , f.."':) b,-- . ~, ,. ,'" /\, J ./ , I ; ...... . I' '"I. ....i'. ,.. ~ 'i \ 1 .0' 1 \ I " ~ , " v \J ~ r- r'l e ~"Y-i "'; t . '.; I ;. ., 1;1: I' 1 1: ( : : JI '[" ('I \: i J! 'I' J: L 1 , !;: :;< I I; ,J il ill ( : ! j\ f, (; l , . .. .- I, ;;: )\:<11 FC)r~ p/\L:r l>rJ\(~l: (;..';~:.1'/ F('()!~ r ] 1/\ . .."U\ ,;1'.,\\;:1 1;0111;\'( - ~;T^TE c;: rLr.;ilj,~ ! h,.rrl"i c("rl1f.,. ;h:),~ tll"" ::. ROHEln' ,JOW~ST()N, C:LAP.;~I':C]~ Q. Jo>ms, llOROTflY A. lZ01\)~I(~'S, D/\VID lWBERTS, U\lTLY i,i. J}\Cj\So?~ and WiLLIAM C. SEXTO?'J, ;('rl~~..)lrlr.: i., ... ~ru.,:" ("P~'f ~_lf t:l~ rt"CClrd l.n r\-~"I fli;k~ Thh.......f1"y ()L.___._...___....._~ ,')...._ ~Q:._;~~ L;. r;\.~~'l:\:_~.: Licr~ C'.::.;'-":\ltt C<.)t~~{ Plaintiffs, L.'. C. VI \) l ...V:Jy-n ll./I....- -vs- CIVIL ACTION NO. 77-C-GG~~ CITY Or: BOYNTON BEACH, 8. Florid.:l municipal corporation and PAUILAND DEVELOPJ\lENT COj:.1)., a corporation, fJ _, ~-,./ t.v " \\ ',,',.~.'"'-.. /.... \ ,~- .~ -.,;.=.: ....~ -- ::- -.. ;~ ~, I>'.'... r . _4_~. --," .......- ..- .-, . - , Defendants. r :, r~., -.r i ; ....\ 'I '~..i -} . -- CJ ~. ... ;.. ..... ~, . . ~ J .; '_i' ". " " r ....) ~_:~ '-;"i , _.L. '. :, ! .-"--., '...~ . , "--. '. . c-:. . ,--.'} :~_' ~::' ..~:..... " ~ ~.., , - ! \. c>.) => FINAL JIJ])C;~\;L;;,\T THIS CAUSE is before the Court upon the CompL1.int herein anc1upon the Stipul~t:i.on and A2rccment. ~s c):eCl,ted by the parties, through their re~)pect:ive ;tttorncy. ]:.he s8ic: Stipulation and Agreement is ~ttachcd hereto ~s 1:xhjhi -:.: ), and is incorporated into nnd Til8de ~1 p,'Ht of this Fin;1J Jtldg;;~cnt. The Court finds from the said Stipulntion and Agreement nnJ represen- tations made to the CGlut by. counsel that the CO}ltrO\'CTsy ill this action and in Action No. 73-579 CAeL) 01 arises out of the ori0innl . D Ordinancc No. 7'2-27, copy of which is .:ltt.:lched to the Stipu18tion and Ag-reement herein and out of the subsequent conduct of the City of Boynton Beach in passing Ordinances if 73-7 ,mcl fl73-11 wherein and whcreby the gener8.1 uses permitted under zOll:in~ ordin- ances in existence at the time of the passage of Ordinance # 72-27 were changed and further arising out of the exp1'essecl intent of various officials of the City of Boynton Heach to change the zoning classifications on the: property owned hy Palmlanc1 ])(~velop- mcnt Corporation from classifications as they existed in Ordinance 7 7.. - 2 'I toR - 1 - A 0 r R - 1 - Iv\. . Con t r 0 v C l' S Y f II r the l' a r i s c s bet \.; l~ C J1 t h C' p n r tic sin the s c s u :i. t s as tot 11 e val i d i t Y 0 f 0 nl i n an c c 7 2 - 2., 110 t h as to it I S annexation ana zoning })l'ovisions. It f1.1Tthcy appc;ns to the Court that the p;ntics }1;\\'i..~ no\': a~~,.ccc1 that Ul():.(~ cCl'lZlin ___._ _____~__.."'.___...._~"~-........... ..........._"....._...--_...... ,.......__ . v'~' ,. lanc1s ueir.lg prarticularly ,}(:<;cr:ibcd in ~;(li(l Stipulation anc.l/\grcc:- ".___.____.._..........M......... ~ ..... -....-.--- v ,',:- ,.. ' \ (.T..... \ - 'l"-~ -To, ,....-., , .J 1,,. of ,-, i I)..". +'~-...I&'" J' J...." '\) ..:..... ;'<~~"'_j r'r:c:l'}-') ~ ~ 'I~' ~ (\.-;...... ~ l . _'_ l . J', r" ~, .1 .) J I C-i\ , '"'----' \l j 'ii/' . ::.:~) mcnt as follu',';:;: ..", - , _. ___ -..0 f--"'-~-" ...... -., . ,-.. ...... !';cct.iOJ} 6, Townshin ,1CI South, H;!llf:C .13 J::1:)(:, :lllC( tLc: L:1S I~ });l! r of: ; c c t: ion 1, T ()1,'i J1 S h ! p If () ;; ()l1 L 11 , f\ '] n (I (' " I f: '[ c' t. 1 ('" c i' I, ., " ~ 1"~' C C' 1 ~ (11 ~.! ' ~\.I. (.'_ t....... ., {. ...' ., ....).....'l . J.l J. C \_; j J {, J. ~ I. ,t -' l~ 1 (; pcr.iphcry of thc ;;;1:;[: ll:tlf (){ ;;cction 1, total in~; apprOXi)~latc::Ly :: 0 ~lCYC:;. r:."",,,:t Hcre L:-j.~ are validly rlnnexec1 into the City of I~o)'nton }',C:lCl1 ...._...........__.__......__.~_....._.__._~_~._'_4. _.__._......~.. _..._ __._.__ _" _....~.._. ~ ...____ ._ ,"_ ._... -- .. __ ..--. - - ...-. -.-. _..,__ - __ by the said OycEnance 72-2/ ~ul(1 [inc:.s t:l.:1t t~e s.:licl J:-:~1(1:: ~':'~'}.'c ~_......._._.._..._...... __... _ ....~._. "'_' .4.._.-._~._._,.__.- "__~_._.........._._.__~___-.H_. ----~. -.-.--..-~..' ~. ----.-. -._- -~. - ---..- .......~. -. -.. -- .-~....... --- _..~_..----.. val i dl Y z o2:<.?.J..~_\)L. ..UL~,__,S. 0--:~~.LQE~lhLn~lJ-', c.c_, '1'11 c z on i n~; :-::~ t.;:-' ~"~:1 ~. j ,; 1: c c~ -- ..... --.......-..-.-.......--........ in tl1e sajd O)"c:inrlnc'-' is "'j'O"'(' '.,'~',-i'~(-111".t'lv "cr (.')'cl." ~..,";-',....:!;, ~.'.,'.. _ _ . _... .J. ( \..... ~, ..l..' .: ) ~L j .... I _, ~......l . .'. / . . ..... . _ .. ~ . ~ . _ . refcrence to th~t cl;TtaiJl. 11.0:1(1 })L,;l >;0. 7:.~;:;Ol, copy 0 ,- ',:;;:C~l is attached ho,cto as f:xltih::,t ]', ~llH.l i,l:l,Je 0 p(l}.t 1\Cl-('O~, , -, ':'.1.-. par c e 1 s a s i 11 cl i cat e don the s;[ j d ;;1 ~l P thy , , D1Jh:nCJ', 11,.rCl~~ :',01~'~'1(~ ~1 \<r t :lC said Ordinance 72- 27 and :11'e nOl'l vaLi.dly zonec1 as [oJ.lo'.;:~: P 0T C e 1 ~;: 1, 2 , 3 , If , S , G , 7, (I 8 aTe Z 0 n c c1 IZ 2 -.'" Parcels: 9,10,11,J.2,13,1~,lS,lG and 23 arc zoned R::;J\. Parcels: l7,18,18^,22,2~ are zoned C-1 Parcels: 19 and 20 arc zoned C-2 Thc Court further finds that [ifter the enactment of Ordl:;laJ1CC' 72-27, Palrnland Development Corpor~tjol1, in reliance upon sajJ Ordinance, did substantially change :i tis po.si tion by the expencli- f'~ tUTc of sums of money. The Court further f:i nc1s tlw t r~dmlaJlcl .-_._...~_......-_.~.._-_.. ... ~---.'-""_. ...--.~ ... ~~-~_..-...._..._- -----... ....--...--- Development Corporation, in acconlo.nce wi th the said.~_~_!)1~~,~.~~.Q..n. ,......-....., ,.. . ,..'-.' ~ ... ,.....' ~....... ...................-............ -' .~.... - -. -.' --....--........-.-. - and ^Ereemcnt, is entitled to JevclDp t11e said lands in accord- ,._...._-___.. ~ ...~..... . ... _ _ ...."......__...~__ _. .......... '...... .........,..._ ........__...._._....__H..- ...._..... .____.,..... --" .--.. . ._-- .~.- -~.._-----,.....-,-,--..--_..-- . --------... ancc, ''lith the above zoning classifications as they existecl in ___........___._.. .~_. __.........,..._ _.,_... ........... ........_.. .. ....H.. h.........._ '_.""""- -.. ___'.~'''.'''''___ Novcmb e 1', 1972, ex copt as hero inZ;itc y--i":i:r.d.t eel. -.--- ---. ........... .'-. --.... -... ....... _.- The s.:lid limita- ....-..'" ...~..._._,.,.~..~....., ... . . .,,-~.... ......".- ., ' . tions shall be effectuated by Pnlmland placing of rccord restrictive covenants to run with the land rest:::-icting the 3bovo uses as fo1.1o\'J~~: (8.) Palliil<:md H:il1 not construct more than G, 700 Te5ic1ential (11vCJJ :i1lf' units on the Llncls JJcycin:tbovc c1cscri:lcd - .. ........, -. . .Ltnd on the ten (Ie) [teres of "COUIl"i.:y Janel", shown on Exhibi t "B" as P0ycel 25. v \7 v '.r.r,....~ r~() '1 r 'i o'7e, ~ l.';j":'l.. ..)0 I..C.. .Ld () ..'" -2- .. :) .... (b) 1> 1 m 1 and \611 eo II s t l' U e t 0]1 1 Y 0 Jl C - s tor y s t r u c t II res 0 n Par c e J. s 1, 7. , 3 L _a ncL 4.- H___ ~ ---- (c) In addition to the (>, 700 rc~~idcn[:5;1l <.:',;cJJ~}l,~; .----/ /' I units f~. referred to in Faragl'aph :"llb"(;o) ahove, Pal;,;Tallrl ',;i.JJ COJ..struct a r;w.x.Lmull1 of two hundred (200) mote] 01' ;,oL(<L ~'(';:t:i1 rooms on Parcel 22, tOEethcl' 1.::ith aLL accessory uses .:nc:;dc31~~aL/ t h 8 rot OJ_------------ (d) Palmlancl will rcsty;et the U:;cs O~ :';\;'(:('1 'Ii and 20 by eliminating the f 0 110 ,,; j n g p c r~;L ~: t (; cl , . , llSC:; 1.1~;.(~'~~~" .:"J.(~ above described zoning classifications: C-2 ^. 1] . 4- 1,' .1 , ,., 1'1 ", ,. i ,.: '- ; "C' lllma 1051'J. La.... ,',nCd Co.L.'. ole, .. : L.. '.:" are c on elu c t e c1 .: i t 11 i 11 t L c b uLJ ,l ! 11'; Shops for p;lintr~}.s, plllii])crs, i):IJh'r h:lj~~~cr:;, e 1 c e t r i c 'l a n s , 11 P 11 (:. ], :; t c r l' J':~ :lll d () L : J '.' J' of a s:j]njlar Il:1Ll1TC. C)utcloOT ~'-~-L.'_"'.r{lr~e yards .:lre pcrmi. ~tccl .,:hell acccs:;ory to the ah0VC 11:;(:S, prov:iJcCl :111- cquip-- mcnt and ]71crCh~1.,ldise arc cncJo:;cc1 bchi;:c1 a scree]] consi:;t:ing of plantiJ1~'.s or a c 1 0 :; c cl 0 l S c ni i - c 1 0 S e c1 t ~T pc fen c c not less than five leet in height. Mobile home salcs. Used eal' lots. l'larchouses, wholesale commercial est:lb- lishments. Rosidential uses. C-l Boarding and roomi'!1l; houses. Mortuary. Residential uses. (e) PalmI and will enter into an option to con- voy sixty (60) acre s more or lCJ5 to ])ELl~^ Y DUi\'ES for us c only as a golf course. Should DELRAY D~JNES exerci s c it's opt ion, there ''iill be no morc tiwn 6SS0 resil1cnt:i.al (h;cllin~ 'Lmi l:s on the lands shown on Exhibit "W'. - 3-. '. . ~. . v V r'C'r',).Il r::"" j 07(' ~T.~._l')l) r,l,c: ..J J f' " .... i:, e"', L ~~~ The C(Jurt further find:; that ~-;aid ~;tij'l1Jatj()ll ?j1cl Agrccment cont:1 ins further ;ql.T(~cmcnts ])ctwccll tJlf' =):Il'~! l'~; and spccificaJly bct\-;con the City oC Boynton Ef~~lch :,1,(1 l':':]:l:ll~'.l Development Co rpora t i. on with ro f el'l'nccto the c:cvc 1 CJpJ.:('1i~ 'J: the said lands, \'ihich ::lBrccmcnts the COln't fiIlC:S to :)c ~'~,'l.sC'Il;,,":JJ.e and proper. It ]s, thcl'cforc, ORDEI<.ED AI\D ADJUDGED a~; ::ollows; 1 . That certain Orc1in:,nce cn~lcted , ;) \r '~;1 e , ~ .L.. r \.} , :",', (""I: Boynton Beach on November 7, 1972, bcin,'; O~rclinancc ~:o. 7~-=~ is a va 1 i c1 ex is tin g 0 r din;1 n ceo f t h ~~ C1. t Y 0 [ ;', () y n t 0!1 :' c: :, c 1: . 2 111".... "']le 1"'J1 '1<' '101'0 ,....,.,...~- ~ C,,1 :11".-1".. 1 -.e ,....;1,..,1 . ' (.L L. ,-,' <.L C. ,.J.lI 1. J cl 1 L.J. U .1. (_ ~ ..J..} L l_ , ) C .;. _L I) 1..._ (. hereinabove l'lore and aTe validly ~illncxcc1 'in".:o the C.Lty o~ ;),OYn~On Beach and aro a part of the ll1unicipa1 i ty of the Ci ty of r,OYil to;l Beach. 3. That the zornng classifications oL the said lands is now and has been since :t\ovemher 7, 1972 as f01101'ls: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,~ S arc Zonec1 R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,l4,15,16 anc1 23 aye zonccl ]Z:iA Parcels: 17, 18, 181\, ;) ~~ .j , 24 aye zoncd C-J. Payeels: 19 (1 20 arc zoncd C-2 The parcel numbers hereina110vc -l'c[cl'rec1 to and thc lands hereinabove referred to are as inJicated on Road Plan 73501, attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a par".: hereof. 4. The uses pe1'lnitteQ \.;ithin the' zoning classifications hereinabove J:'cferred to shall be (1:-; they were in 1\'ovembey, 1972 under the applicable zoning ol'dinances of the City of Boynton Heach, except as follows: (a) Palmland will not construct more than 6,700 residential ch:elling tl11:L.ts on the l~Jnc1s hCTcin~:hovc c1escl'i.bcJ - It - <...... . . \? I;) m'(I{')lr:)~ f.r- 'I O(~() hll:~..~v \.. U ,;,\): _".,j()\ .... {-. ..) .:1nc1 on the ten (10) acres of "county J.and", :.;ho'..;n on Lxh i bit ~ , :) " j. ClS Parcel 7.S. (b) P()lml<l}~c1 will con~l:ruct only OllC- story structures on P.:1ycels 1,~,:;, :tncl If. (c) In audition to t]H; G, 700 j'csjc:cn'l-i:ll (~'.\(~JJif1,: units rofcrred to in paragraph sub- (a) above, [,;dmlan(~ \',':.IJ. COll- struct a max.lmum of two hunc1rcd (200) JIlotel 01' hotel ~'<-;71~~~L r00T:1S on Parcel 22, together \,;j th all ~CCC.sS01')' usesinc.i.c1cnt:'.J ~.hC'~'cto. ( d ) P a 1 m 1 and IV i 1 J. r c :; t r i c t the use :~ 0;:: l):,~: ~::..:.: J -L ~I and 20 by eliminating the follO\':.ln~J. permittcd uses uncl-:,;r ~:hc: above described zoning classi[ic~tions: C-2 1m i m a 1 h 0 S pi 1: :11 ~: I; h (: n all :l e t j vi tL e s arc conc1ucted ",'ithill the budd:iW:. Shops for p:lintcrs, plumbcr~\, r)~l])('r h:lTlgcrs, clcctric:i.:1n~;, upholsterers .:1Jhl other of a similar Jl.:1LUTC. Outdoor S;~OJ'71)';C yaTus ~l1'e pcr;i1ittcd \rhe1: ;lccC:\~;Ol'Y to the above llses, provided :111 cqu:ipT:\ent and me 1'ell ~ind i s e ;]. rc cnc 1 os eel ])chi nd a screen cOJ1.sistins: oJ plLlntings or ;I 'closed or semi-closeel type fence not loss than fivefec'!: in ]lCight. Mobile home sales. I.... UscG. car lot:;. Warehouses, wholesale commcrcial estab- lishments. Residential uses. C-l Boarding and rooming houses. Mortuary. . . Residential uses. (e) PalmI and will enter into an option to con- vcy sixty (60) acrcs mal'O or less to DELPJ\Y DUNES for usc only as a. golf coursc. Shoul<.l DELHAY DUNES exerciso it's option, -- there l:i 11 be no more than 6550 res iden t ial c1\'lc 11 ing uni ts on the lands shown on Dxh:i.b it "W'. -5- '\l v ....... ,-_ . ,....." _ __ A r'\ 0A v . { -, p (L 1li11 a Jl c1 D c v c 1 011 JIl en t C () r p 0 -1' a ~:i (J J1 i ,; I' C <1 tl j r c d 1 0 (' .\(.; ell : ,~. ;! j III c au s c to be p 1. ace c1 of r c c 0 J'd, co v en rlll L S 1"U n n i n I; Hit h 1 L c[ :t n c1 aecorn.plishinf, the restrictions :~.s rel~"rredLo :1si):tr;(~J;'))~l I~ herein. 5. That the parLic:; hc;u,to :1YC l'C(lll in~(i to C(lj/i:' 1\- loTi th each and evcry provision oC t } 1 cSt .i 11 l11 :1 t i 0 :-l :-111 c-~ o ' j\:r,rCC1:1C:l :. attllchod herc,to and ni.:ldc a part. hcn..:ur. The omis:-;i on. L)Y ,1:e Court, of any provision of thc sa:ct :~tLpulatioTi :mcl l'V;T;~.:'::;c;:~: shall not opcro.tc to lessen the cffe',:t of thi.:; ()::'l_~l;r .;;C':"l'"C,",:'- ating thc said Stipulation and Agrcc;,lcnt, nOT ~c:;:;cn ::~lc; ci:!'c,:t of this Court I s Order rcquirins; th~ ;':'.1'tic:-: 1:0 :)cJ'~-OT~~ L:1 accordancc \"l i th thc s ai d S t ipul rl. t i 01; ;md Aijrc cmC31 t . 6. The Court shan. reLlin jurisdiction or t;lis cause for the purposcs stated in Pccr:li',Taph ~':o. S in t}lC 1 as t complete paragraph on P a~c 8 of thc s o.i(l St ip"cllJ t ion and Agr88ffi8nt. fl ~~~ DONE A?\D ORDERED J.11 Cha;:11)ors, this /1'.:1 (by of 1-.- II ('-, ;' ~' n I,......~~" -(,-'","",'.;-1 '~_-.... .~, (,,1 \...;J 1973. f'" " ,.,.;. .,,~ t/ .. -......... ..., // ~'. ') ,1"'" (I I,,", r -1 ~ .-....-- ..... ~ ri r-'.:3 I. !. ;'/c......_-. '/'~ . I \ ,.,:-, I..., " ~ .-.,-..,...... ; j ",,; \. :' // Ji /1" .-r;./.'......;I I'"l .) ""'" r--,/ " ...~./ "'-.___--::.-::. '._ _ ,<.,' ."~" t",,"'" ~/ .... . ;::...."', \ .........1.";".. .r..J..;...;.o -- /~.- 'ctlzcLTC'I'-jDDCC - . Copies furnished to: Georgc E. Adam~, Esq. ^D^~lS, G IU,lAN fi COOPER Suite 720-Il:utford Building Orlando, Florida 32801 . :' ,.' G S-' r: - <;s:,.S hrne~,t .' nl1on,.sq. - ') 78 Northeast Fifth Avenue' Delray Beach, Florida ~.3444 I Prcdcrick E. Ilollings\'iorth, Esq. U} ,/.1 L tfOl Pan American BuilcLLng 1 &\0 \"Tcst Palm Beach, Florida 3340J. ' Willj;UIl R. !'lcrl:1c, rsq. I1M.lILTON, JAi'-1ES, jljERKLE Suite 2, Ocean Plaza Boynton Bcach, Florida 331~3S f, Your~G >--!cR ~:/ -G- v t:) 1"F'f.l r-: . .- .... ',I r) "2' ..;~ ~ ; ""~.. I) ~ ", '.... m~~~~_L,)o f .,C~ .L)'.J - 'i) :- ..... .::?'';";". jt ,.,.. -":--" . \ -,u ~ .. ..",. . ~: - -- .=::: .:;E: ~. - ... ~ ". . ~- " ,,- ." ~ q '50938 - - - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIlE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. PALMLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation, Plaintiff, -vs- CIVIL ACTION NO. 73-579 CA(L)-Ol ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, et al., , .. ....., c.,.,) ~ n ~ ~~ ..~ :> ::-J ~ ,::., r-- ;::.. 1 ::i: r::., I, g;; ..., C~ ~~~ ' ~=o ;'.1) :..c. C":J ~ ;.r C'"':>S <:;:)- !:E~ ....._~ -e: ..... ;:;0 .... " ~ ~: ~. . ~. . 11 ~~, ~ .. Defendants. . c::> . ~-- / .~ . --- 1'1 o FINAL JUDGMENT ~ ~ I t' .::.. .. c...,) C;) THIS CAUSE is before the Court upon the Complaint ;/~ . " J herein and upon the Stipulation and Agreement as executed by the parties, thro~gh their respective attorney. The said Stipulation and ~greement is attached hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated into and made a part of this Final Ju~gment. The Court finds from the said Stipulation and ~greement and represen- tations made to the Court by counsel that the controversy in this action and in Action No. 72-C-6624 arises out of the or~ginal Ordinance No. 72-27, copy of which is attached to the Stipulation and Agreement herein and out of the subsequent conduct of the City of Boynton Beach in passi~g Ordinances # 73-7 and #73-11 wherein and whereby the general uses permitted under zoning ordin- ances in existence at the time of the pass~ge_of Ordinance # 72-27 were cha~ged and further arisi~g out of the expressed intent of various officials of the City of Boynton Beach to change the zoni~g classifications on the property owned by Palmland Develop- ment Corporation from classifications as they existed in Ordinance 72-27 to R-l-A or R-l-AA. Controversy further arises between the parties in these suits as to the validity of Ordinance 72-27 both as to it's annexation and zoning provisions. It further appears to the Court that the parties have now agreed that those certain . lands bei~g particularly described in said Stipulation and Agrce- " . ..-.... v ~ . cY - ~ - 1 - ~~:e~()1. r;q f" r" _d. I - -" ... . ~ . " ment as follows: ~ were ~ are validly annexed into the City of Boynton Beach Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, and the East half of Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East, less three parcels on the periphery of the East half of Section 1, totaling approximately 20 acres. by the said Ordinance 72-27 and finds that the said lands were validly zoned by the said Ordinance. The zoni~g as established in the said Ordinance is more particularly set out herein by reference to that certain Road Plan No. 73501, copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. The parcels as indicated on the said map, by number, were zoned by the said Ordinance 72-27 and are now validly zoned as follows: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, & 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 23 are zoned R3A Parcels: 17,18,18A,22,24 are zoned C-1 Parcels: 19 and 20 are zoned C-2 The Court further finds that after the enactment of Ordinance 72-27, Pa1mland Development Corporation, in reliance upon said Ordinance, did substantially cha~ge it's position by the expendi- ture of sums of money. The Court further finds that Palm1and DevelopJnent Corporation, in accordance with the said Stipulation and ~greement, is entitled to develop the said lands in accord- ance with the above zoni~g classifications as they existed in November, 1972, except as hereinafter limited. The said limita- tions shall be effectuated by PalmI and p1aci~g of record restrictive covenants to run with the land restricti~g the above uses as follows: .~ t . i (a) Pa1m1and will not construct more than 6a700 residential dwe11i~g units on the lands hereinabove described and on the t,en (10) acres of lfcounty land", shown on E~hibi t "B" .,' f . ( I.. i ,~: " ". \ : :" f .- , . .' { ~ " . .' ; as Parcel 25. .. v frH12159 rt.CE .V - 2 - -2- - --... . , f (b) Palmland will construct only one- story structures on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700 residential dwelli~g units referred to in par~graph sub-(a) above, Palmland will construct a maximum of two hundred (200) motel or hotel rental rooms on Parcel 22, t~gether with all accessory uses incidental thereto. (d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminati~g the followi~g permitted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 Animal hospitals when all activities are conducted within the building Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians,upholsterers and other of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are permitted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equip- ment and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in he~ght. Mobile home sales. Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale conmercial estab- lishments. Residential uses. C-l Boardi~g and roomi~g houses. Mortuary. Residential uses~ (e) Palmland will enter into an option to con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DELRAY DUNES for use only as a. golf course. Should DELRAY DUNES exercise it's option, there will be no more than 6550 residential dwelli~g units on the lands shown on Exhibit "B". -3- .-.. .. .. ... - "..- ~ . ., v . f!r'Cl21r;n rllGE m:~:, OJ;'; I.. v - . " - 3 - .. - ... :._~. ':-""..~,,,#':'" - -....- .,. ~ -~._- The Court further finds that said Stipulation and ~greemerlt contains further agreements between the parties and specifically between the City of Boynton Beach and Palmland Development Corporation with reference to the development of the said lands, which ~greements the Court finds to be reasonable and proper. It is, therefore, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows; 1. That certain Ordinance enacted by the City of Boynton Beach on November 7, 1972, bei~g Ordinance No. 72-27 is a valid existi~g ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach. 2., That the lands more particularly described hereinabove were and are validly annexed into the City of Boynton Beach and are a part of the municipality of the City of Boynton Beach. 3. That the zoni~g classifications of the said lands is now and has been since November 7, 1972 as follows: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,& 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 23 ,are zoned R3A Parcels: 17, 18, l8A, 22, 24 are zoned C-l Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 The parcel numbers hereinabove referred to and the lands hereinabove referred to are as indicated on Road Plan 73501, attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. 4. The uses permitted within the zoni~g classifications . hereinabove referred to shall be as they were in November, 1972 under the applicable zoni~g ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, except as follows: (a) Palmland will not construct more than 6,700 residential dwelling units on the lands hereinabove described ..' 1 . . I - ' ., , ! .4 ... . ,., ." . ~. "-4- .;', .' --.... -~--....- - (1 "f .; - v - - aE~t2159 r:'CE 4 - - , - .;.0;-:..... - , , and on the ten (10) acres of "county land", shown on Exhibit "B" as Parcel 25. (b) Palmland will construct only one- story structures on Parcels 1,2,~, and 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700 residential dwelli~g units referred to in par~graph sub-(a) above, Palmland will con- struct a maximum of two hundred (200) motel or hotel rental rooms on Parcel 22, t~gether with all accessory uses incidental thereto. , (d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminati~g the followi~g permitted uses under the above described zoni~g classifications: C-2 Animal hospitals when all activities are conducted within the buildi~g. Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers and other . of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are permitted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equipment and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in he~ght. Mobile home sales. . Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale commercial estab~ lishments. Residential uses. C-l Boardi~g-and Toomi~g houses. Mortuary.' Residential uses. (e) Palmland will enter into an option to con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DELRAY DUNES for use only as a golf course. Should DELRAY DUNES exercise it's option, there will be no more-than'6550 residential dwelli~g units on the .. '., , '.':"; ., .. .'. lands shown on Exhibit "B". , '1 . - 5- . , ., '\- . ----...-=..-". V .- ... .. .----- .-.... , , ......- - V :'i~.tl215n :llr.~ ~im:~ J 1..11. 5 v - - ....:i,~...":'_.~- " Palmland Development Corporation is required to execute and cause to be placed of record, covenants runni~g with the land accomp1ishi~g the restrictions as referred to as Par~graph 4 herein. 5. That the parties hereto are required to comply with each and every provision of the Stipulation and Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. The omission, by the Court, 'of any provision of the said Stipulat.ion and -Agreement shall not operate to lessen the effect of this Order incorpor- ati~g the said St~pulation and ~greement, nor lessen the effect of this Court's Order requiri~g the parties to perform in accordance with the said Stipulation and ~greement. 6. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this cause for the purposes stated in Par~graph No. 5 in the last complete par~graph on P~ge 8 of the said Stipulation and ~greement. .1973. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers, this ~day of ~~~. ~ . /lli _~fPJ r~tp" C RCUIT JUDGE Copies furnished to: George E. Adams,Esq. ADAMS, GILMAN & COOPER Suite 720-Hartford Building Orlando, Florida 32801 . Ernest G. Simon, Esq. ~~ 78 Northeast Fifth Avenue ~ De1ray Beac~, Florida 33444 Frederick E. Hollingsworth, ESq.@~{1 401 Pan American Building 7.~~- West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 -< ,- I' v . - ~ . . . . . . . . . . .-- - -.q c:r.tt2j.r;n P.CE m:..~ .~J .. ,--: -' .'~...~... v - . -. -.. .......- - 6 - - .- - '- " STIPULATIO~ AND ACREEMENT ~. e. WHEREAS, a certain suit is now pendi~g in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County,' Florida, wherein M. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts, David Roberts, Emily M. Jackson, and William C. Sexton are Plaintiffs and the City of Boynton Beach, a Florida Municipal Corpor- ation and Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, are Def~ndants, being case No. 72-C-6624 and .' WHEREAS, a certain civil action has been . filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Palm'Be~ch County, Florida, w?erein Palmland Development Corporation is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, .' a municipal corporation and J.W. Barrett are Defendants, ,'., bei~g Civil Action No. 73-581 CAeL) 01 and WHEREAS, a'certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit ,Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit '.Palm Beach Co~nty, Florida, wherein Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and the City of 'Boynton Beach, Florida, 'a Florida municipal corporation, ,.' The Planni~g and Zoni~g ,Board of the City of Boynton .Beach, . Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLo~lg, Forrest 'L. Wallac.e, David . ' Roberts, Edward F.' Harmeni~g, Robert Olds, Richard. Vas tine, . . Marilyn Huckle., Loren.Blacketer, Albert Wehrell, Fred Kostner '. and Orris \'talker are De;endants, bei~g Civil 'Action. ',' ., . . ~ ,': . '. ...." ~. . .~. .." No. 73-579 CAeL) 01, and , .- . .' ",I .' ".r . .~ . . " , :.,....; WJ:1~REAS, a ce:r'tain civil action has been . filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit . . '. '. . -:'0":' . ' . , " . . . '. , ,. . ..: '" ,:' , " . . .. ',' . ~., rl,1 . '0 t,' ,l '. . ., . O. ~ .~ ',': " .... , . -1- , ..;, ; . ,. . .' t' .-T . iO,:'. ./ t tiT'Ct2{:;0 DIN" . f.lt:~i; ~v\.) 1..101.. 7 . ' '. . ..! Palm Beach County, Florida, l~herein Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and Robert Olds, Richard Vastine, Marilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, C0l. Albert Wehrell, Fred Kostner, Orris Walker, Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLong, Fvrrest L. Wallace, David Roberts, Edliard F. Harmening, M. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts and William C. Se~ton are Defendants, bei~g Civil Action No. 73-580-CA(L) 01 and WHEREAS~ each of the parties to the above described civil actions now pendi~g in the Circuit Court of t]le Fifteenth Judicial' Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida, desire to amicably sett~e each of the said actions and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed and understood that the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach passed an Ordinance on the second and final readi~g on November 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72-27, a copy of the said Ordinance is attached hereto and made a part hereof,' and' WHEREAS, the validity of th~ said Ordinance . is in issue in at least one of the above styled civil actions and WHEREAS~ divers dispute and differences have arisen between the parties hereto r~gardi~g the validity of and the propriety of the zoning upon those certain lands' included in the said Ordinance, a more particular description of which is as follows: ". .\ .' Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, and the East half of'Section 1, Township 46 South, , . Range 42 East, less three parcels on the periphery of the East half of Section 1, " totali~g approximately 20 acres. . :... and, .' :l~IEREAS, certain Ordinances were passed by the City of Boynton Beach, being Ordinance ~o. 73-7 and 73-11 , , . " .~ .' -2- ~E~~2159 n.tE R r~"'" -...-.,~. purported to cha~ge the uses permitted in various zoning classifications under the Zoning Codn of the City of Boynton Beach and a dispute has arisen and is included in the above styled civil actions r~gardi~g the validity of said cha~ges as they apply to the lands hereinabove described, and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has refused to issue a buildi~g permit for models previously requested by ,Falmland, and W~lliP~AS, the parties hereto, as a part of the settlement of the various civil actions now pendi~g, desire to make certain ~greements r~gardi~g streets to be con- structed on the said land, waste water distribution systems, and, water distribution systems to be constructed on said land, water treatment plants and waste water treatment plants to be constructed on said lands and the uses and zoni~g of the said lands. 'It .is, therefore, Stipulated and ~greed as follows: 1. ,. It is stipulated and ~greed by and be- tween the parties hereto that that certain Ordinance, bei~g Ordinance No. 72-27, passed on second and final readi~g by the City Council of Boynton Beach on November 7, 1972, is a valid Ordinance. That the Notice and the proposed Ordin~nce, 'attached hereto a.nd made a part hereof as ~xhibit "A", was published in the Boynton Beach News Journal on September 14, 21, 28 and October 5, 1972. That there was, .as stated in said Notice, a Master Development Map and Site Plan ShOld~g the , zoni~g or proposed zoni~g of the property to be annexed and zoned in the said Ordinance on file in the office of the City. o .. '"0. , ' Man~ger , . in t.he City Hall,of Boynton Beach~ Florida., , ' 2. 'It ,is Stipulated and Agreed that Palmland Develop- ment Corporation did, after the enactment of Ordinance No' 72-27 and in reliance thereon, expe.nded large sums .of money ,. i1~iL2159 fAtE 9 .- -3- ,., ...,:~,~ -"" in the purchase of, aI.d the development of, those lands hereinabove described. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a plat or map inscribed in the margin, Road Plan No. ,73501, marked Exhibit "B" and incorporated in and made a part hereof~ The said Plat des~gnates the various pa~cels of land by number. It is specifically agreed that the parcels' of land az:e now', and were in November of 1972, . , zoned as follows: ' , " " Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, & 8 are Zoned R2-A . . , " . . . Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and " ... .. 23 zoned R3A are ,Parcels: 17, 18, 18A, 22, 24 are zoned C-l '., Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 ..... . It is further ~greed that the said Parcels may be , . . , , developed in accordance with the said zoni~g classifications . ,':", as they exist~d on ~he effective date of Ordinance No. 72-27 . '- except as' hereinafter lind ted: , . , (a) 'Palmland will not construct more than '. 6,700 'residential dwelli~g units on the lands hereinabove described and on the ten ~10) .acres of "county land", shown on Exhibit "B" as Parcel 25. . .." . , '. . " (b) Palmland will construct only one~ stDry.structures on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In' addition to the 6,700 residential dwelli~g .. I. units referred to in par~graph sub-(a) above,.Palmland will construct . a maximum of t\iO hundred (200) motel or hotel rental rooms on Parcel 22, t~gether with all accessory uses incidental thereto. (~) Palmland will restrict the uses ~f Parcel .19 " , - . , and 20 by'eliminati~g the fol1owi~g permitted uses under the . . .~.:,,":;.. . ..".. . .' ~" .. '. ..- , , : -:.... . . . . .. . , , '. , . . . , ." '.' .. . " . .':".". .:- 4- . ,.. .. . . , " .' .: . . .' . ~. . '. . .., Of'tt2150 ~. '''.r "10 Ut:i~ v t~ -- . . .' above described zoni~g classifications: C-2 Animal hospitals whei all activities are conducted within the building. Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers and other . of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are permitted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equip- ment and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in height. Mobile home sales. Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale commercial estab- lishments. Residential uses. C-l Boarding and roomi~g houses. Mortuary. Residential uses. . ~(e) Palmland will enter into' an option to con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DELRAY. DUNES for use only as a. golf course. Should DELRAY DUNES exercise it's option, . . there will be no more than 6550 residential dwelli~g units on the lands shown on Exhibit "Bit. (f) To accomplish the above items as set forth in ~ub-par~grap~s (a) thro~gh (e), Palmland will cause r~strictive covenants to be recorded, which covenants shall run with the land to protect the citizens of Boynton Beach and they do hereby agree that the said covenants ~ be enforced by the City of Boynton Beach as provided by law. ..' 3. Palmland will dedicate, and the City will ,accept, '. - 5- ~ ' flE~t2159 r-..tt 11 -....,4~ . ~ . . the r~ght-of-'V'ay for public streets as shown on Road Pla.n 73501, attached hereto as Exhibit "13" and made a part hereof. Palmland will design and construct, at it's expense, public streets on the above r~ght-of-way in accordance with Chapter 25' of the Code of Boynton Beach. The minimum width of the said dedicated public streets, shall be 24 feet. The said public streets shall be cpnstructed by Palmland in phases as the subject lands are developed. Positive storm drain~ge utilizi~g pipes, culverts or ditches for the' said streets will be provided in accordance with accepted,e~gineeri~& practices., The City agrees . to accept the said public streets and that portion of the drain~ge improvements related thereto 'for ~aintenance and operation upon the completion and approval of same. 4. In addition to the above described dedica~ed public streets, Palmland wil~ des~gn and construct a system of private roads, which shall be built to the minimum specifi- , . cations as set forth in Chapter 25, Code of Boynton Beach. : Positive storm drain~ge utilizi~g pipes, culverts or ditches will be provided in accordance with accepted e~gineering practices for said private roads. Palm1and will maintain said private Toads and drain~ge improvements related thereto. , . . .',' " The' main entrances shall be constructed so as to accommodate heavy traffic. In addition, haul'roads will 'be used " to diver~ construction eo.uipment from the public streets in the " proje~t~ 5. The City of Boynton Beach and PalmI and have dil~gently ,attempted to 'arrive at a s~lution to ~he problem of " ' furnishi!1& potable '~ater for the Charter World proj ect. The City is desirous of expanding it's water treatment facilities to serve, ~ot only ~harter l'lorld but~, additional City areas. PalmI and is ready and able to immed,iately commence construction of permanent water treatment facilities, in stages, to coincide with it's development rate, theTeby insuTing the availaoility of potable water,~ . . , . ilE~~2159 r!.CE \ 12 - 6- , ~....... , ,-"".~' ..~ ' - - ,. , . '. in sufficient quantities for it's needs) without excessive initial expenditures for excess treatment facility capacity. Palmland is prevented from providing, other than in stages coincidi~g with it's development, the entire cost of the ultimate water treatment facility for the entire project. The City does not have available, on hand, funds with which to provide expanded water treatment facilities nor has it definitively d~termined the des~gn, fundi~g sources and methods and completion dates of said facilities. Palmland must be assured that sufficient quantities of quality water are available to allow the immediate start of development of Charter World and to allow it to continue development that is orderly and sound economically. The above problems of the City and of Palmland are of an ,e~gineeri~g and fiscal nature and require in-depth technical a~alysis'for ultimate solution. In order to resolve this aspect of the dispute between the City and Palmland, the parties hereto ~gree that the e?gineeri~g representatives of the City and of Palmland will immediately confer ,and make all reasonable' efforts to arrive ata fair and equitable .' , , ,solution to provide potable water to Charter World. " There is also a dispute as to whether connection cha!ges should be paid ~or connection as to interim treatment facilities. ',It is the specific intent of the City and Palmland that the technical representatives will arrive at. a solution'pro- viding the necessary potable water to Charter World in the same quantities, at or about the same times, and at or about the same rate of expenditure as Palmland would have experienced had it designed and constructed a facility in st~ges to service Charter World. It is further the specific intent that the technical repre- ,sentatives will arrive at a solution regardi~g disposition as to connection fees; that is, the full payment, partial payment, or waiving thereof as to interim treatment facilities. .. ' . -: 7- '~1.2159 ~ 13 ::~~:-':- '"; ~.~ ~ ....1'.-,:-"..,.... Such solution must provide adequate assurances to the City that Palrr.land will ultimately pay it's pro-rata share of the cost of such facilities. Such solution must provide adequate assurances to Palmland regarding the availability of potable water, beth as to quality a~d quantity at times certain, with pay- ment by PalmI and to be \'1i thin it t S economic parameters as above des- cribed. Further, the solution shall give the City an option whereby it could elect to have Palmland des~gn and construct a permanent facility which would become the property of the City. The solution :5ha1l, give Palmland the option to design and construct accordi~g to the standards of all applicable governmental ~gencies or bodies and includi~g the requirements of the City Code of Boynton Beach, .an interim water treatment facility at it's cost, ,if Palmland and the . ' ,.City agree that the City cannot adequately meet it's projected develop- ment requirements for potable water. Palmland will remove, at it's. sole 'cost and expense, any such interim facility at the time the same is, phased out. The City will accept responsibility for ~peration and,maintenance of the interim water treatment facility after con- struction is completed at the date of start up. ~osts for operations and maintenance of said interim water treatment facility in excess .: of revenue, as determined by acceptable cost accounti~g procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue. equals o~ exceeds cost. The solution shall set forth the amounts, manner and time of payment of connection cha!ges, if any, as to'interim treatment facilities. The technical representatives shall present their sol~ ution to the City and to Palmland and each shall have the right to approve or reject the same. Said solution, if acceptable to the City and Palmland, shall be agreed to in writi~gand each of the parties shall do all things necessary to effect the same. The technical representatives shall present their solutiori, in writi~g, t6, the parties on or about July 15, 1973. In the event no solution is agreed upon, the Circuit Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine whether the City is able to timely furnish the necessary municipal service to Palmland. flEi~2159 PttE 14 -8- .." ,...-~ ~ ..-.,.,.:""'-"';.......~- 6. As to the said potable water, it is also agreed that Palmland will design and construct, at it's expense, a \~~ter distribution system in accordance with, accepted engineer- ,ing practices in use in the City of hoyntc~ Beach. Said water distribution system shall be constructed in phases as the sub j ect lands are developed and ''lill be dedicated to, and accepted by, the City of Boynton Beach as it is completed and approved. The City of Boynton Beach shall accept the' said water distribution system for maintenance and operation in phases as . . it is completed. 7. Palmland will des~gri and construct, at it's expense; an interim or permanent waste water treatment facility andl . 'or disposal ~acility as is, or may be required by the applicable ,governmental ~gencies or bodies, includi~g the requirements of the City 'Code, and (a) Will des~gn and construct, at it's expense, a gravity sewer collection system accordi~g to "the standards of all applicable. governmental ~gencies or bodies, includi~g the , .; requirements of the City Code. (b) Will des~gn and construct, at it's expense, force mains and pumpi~g stations according to the standards of all app~icable. governmental ~gencies or bodies, ~ncludi~g the require- , - ments of the City Code. (c) Shall, if a permanent facility, convey the said waste water treatment facility andlor disposal f~c.ility and sewer collection system in phases to the City of Boynton Beach. The sewer collection facili~y shall be constructed in phases as the land is developed and shall be conveyed to and operated and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach as it is completed. The waste water "treatment facility and/or disposal facility shall be conveyed to the City of Boynton Beach in phases as completed and approved. The City -9- ~E~159 fitr 15 -. .0, , " i , , \ -... ~.~ Eo: ~; ..- ~~... ... :. ;.... - .'.., :: ;.... .., ~.. ... ~~ -. .. -. ...- -, .... ." #0. .._ :,..,_ :.1 :... .., ..._ ... ~~~; , - - .. :: i:;. ... . ..... -. ~~ ~. :. ~~. ,... ~--: - -: ;;- ;~ ~. - ~ .., ~ '~ ~ " ".. -; Co .~! C';.~ ~~ f.;.n;..i~: 2-:l :.: ~..; C, n:J '. "''''..,s:.~~:., ...... u~~n': ~ m~ ~~~ ..... ~ g. ~: :s ~ t:. ~ : \~: 1.'_2 - .. ::i, _:"...= -": .?!!. ~_~!::.:~;: :....s; ~ _~ n ~..... .J: =:. : ~~. ~i a..:....... _ e.:'-I: =...-.... L;" ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~. ~ ~~ tj ]; E. n .~ :.I ~ g.. ~ E.: ~ '; -.;-'.;'- ~ ri, : g - - :. 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Costs for operations and maintcnance of said waste water treatment facility in excess of revenue, as determined by acceptable cost accounting procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue equals or exceeds cost. In the event, due to requirements of regulatory agencies, the waste water treatment facilities are to.be considered only an interim facility. The City will accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of the interim waste water treatment facility after construction is completed at the date o~ start up. Costs for operations and maintenance of said interim waste water treatment facility in excess of revenue, as determined by acceptable 'cost accounti~g procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue equals or exceeds cost. Palmland will remov~, at it's sole cost and expense, any such interim facility on the same being phased out and pay it's pro-rata share of cost to hook up , to regional treatment facilities \'lhen available. 'Cd) Upon completion of any required permanent waste water treatment facility and/or disposal facility and water treat- . ' , ment facility, Palmland will deed to the City those certain lands sho'~n in Exhibit liB", attached - hereto, as Parcel 13 ,containi~g , , 12.9 acres for waste water treatment facilities and, if applicable, Parcel 18 A, containi~g 4 ~cres more or less for permanent water 'treatment facilities. The said conveyance shall.bemade under the terms and conditions as are set forth in Exhibit "C" as attached hereto and made a part hereof. (e) The interior lines, lift stations and appurtenances thereto, shall be installed and paid for by Palmland and conveyed . at no cost to the City of Boynton Beach. Easempnts for the improve- ments referred to herein shall also be provided by Falmland and dedicated for perpetual utility uses.. , ,-C " ' r!J'Ct21 lim-1I 59 f1.CE 16 -10- --.' ~;,.~,-:.' *..,...~. ..--..' , . .... ,. ef) Palmland will convey all of the above water, if applicable, and waste water distribution improvements to the City, in phases as completed. 8. In the event Palmland constructs, at it's expense, and turns over to the City, permanent sewer~ge or permanent water treatment facilities, or Palmland pays to the City as a part of'a sewer~ge or water system extension project, it's pro-rata share or funds sufficient to construct sel1er or 11ater treatment facilities 'adequate to ~erv~ the Charter World project, no connection or capital improvement fees shall.be charged by the City of Boynton Beach , . , for connection to said facilities. Tap-in fees to any water system will be paid to the City. 9. "'Palmland will not be required to post security ,bqnd for the performance, payment and completion of streets , :and positive storm drain~ge improvements hereinabove described. Palmland ~grees, however, that no Certificate of Occupancy shall be : -. " issued as to a particular d\'lelli~g or buildi~g until such time ..-. as' the water, waste w'ater, 'street and drain~ge improvements' serv- . "i'ng that structure are completed. With reference to bonds for such of the waste water treatment 'facilities, water treatment facilities, '". . water distribution system, sanitary sewer collection and distribution . ~ .systems, as shall be constructed by Palmland as hereinbefore pro- . '. ; vided, bonds required of Palmland under the City Code shall 'be I" ',,'only for the phase being constructed at a particular time and PalmI and will'not be required to post a bond for the entire system uniess the .. " 'same be under ,construction at one time. 10. Upon approval of this ~greement by the parties , , hereto, the City of Boynton Beach will ,cause the buil~~ng per~it '. , . : ',for "models", heretofore requested by Palmland, to. 'be ,issued 'wi th due dispatch. ; '! 11. ' The par~ies heret? agree that this Stipulation 'will be offered to the Court and incorporated in the ~inal " ~ , , judgment iri Suits No.'~2~~-6624, No. 73-581 CA (L) Oland No. 73- , , " ~ . ,.... 579 CA CL) '01. ' - ~ ;1 . . . ., 0,-' ., . , m;~121.59 r:.ct: 17 ' , , . < , 12. The parties hereto Stipulate and Agree that Suit No. 73-580 CA (L) 01 will be dismissed with prejudice by Pa1nl1and and the parties thereto \o/i11 excha!lge mutual releases. 13. The City of Boynton Beach ~grees to take such action as may be necessary to authorize it's City Attorney to enter into Stipulations in the ,aboye captioned 'actions at 1a\y so as to effect, the ~greement5 herein'. contained. , . Dated: . , . .. .. . " . , 1973 ' .' .. " Is/,'George E~ Adams George E. Adams 0 f , ADM,1S, GI L}'!A1~ & COO PER Suite 720-Hartford Building Orlando, Florida 32801 Attorney for Pa1m1and D3ve10pment 'Corporation . '. . ..... .. ',' Isl Ernest G. Simon Ernest G. Simon '78 Northeast Fifth Avenue , Delray Beach, Florida 33444 , 'Attorney for Robert Olds, Richard Vastine, Marilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, Col. Albert 1~ehre1l, Fred Kostner, Orris Walker, Emily N. Jackson, Joe DeLong, Forest L. W~llace, David Roberts ,Ed\iard F~ Harmening and the City of Boynton Beach. . . " '.. '. . ' ." '. . . . '. . -. ' : ," I, " ..', ,/51 Frederick E. Hol1i~gsworth Frederick E. Hollingsworth '.' 401 Pan American Building , ' Wcs t Palm Beach, Florida 33401 :, At to mey ifo r -Emi ly :H. Jacks on , . David Roberts, ~l. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q.Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts and Willi~m C. Sexton . . . . .' .: : . , , . ~. -;. . Isl William R. Merkle William R. Merkle - HJlNIL TON, Jlu\lES, ~IE R.KLE. AND YOUNG Suite 2, Ocean Plaza 640 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 AttOl11ey for Forrest'L. Wallace ,...- ," :, , ' . ".l". .0 .' '.' .'" " ~1.2159 f'..tE 18 . . ~ ' -/2 - ~""".""-':!II- ,r .. ?'- -, . }j O' ~J> } tJ " r a ,-rf 1. V r- :# J> 'z. n .::s- ~ 4' _1- ('0' "\ '~. ~ o - , - r, ......--'- .'~~""""-' "','.~".- . ' " . . ~ : r ':, : i': I:' :. 'I~ :.., 'I : ". ..' . ;'-' ~ h .1..'. ,'. · ',' '..e'";... "J' ..1:,.,. .1' '-"'; (.-.".J r~~-~' '''ry.,. .n,,~.,a,- :"".: i-::,;..~:_:..:.=.:::.:.:.~t...-~ - . -"'-. ..... , f'~' f '-' -.. . '-'-"'."'I~ ~ ':;"'r ; .... ...:.: - --,.:::: ;."~ ~/"",~ .." :,:., ......-:' .'... . :.:~-',:_:'._..:_._. : ,...:;.:.;.~:, :-::.:..: ~<' ''';'~:,:; : ".. ; ... ...:...... J.. _ I, ,j 1.; ... .. ..:.. ..' ..... ~ ,:"'t J ' ._ ~.. ., .. ,. ..' u ... '.. .,.'" ..... . 1" ..~.:....:.-:-~..:..--.~ 'J ..)":.."~.~.I.;~"'..:~:.' ., ""= "...-.;r ..:.-......l..-...: :~~ ." :-. 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If) .t 'I ~ 1. :v " fj ~~ I' ~.~ I: ..- II Il .. jl . .. , ~ '. ~- .\ ,. :,;.; , " , I ~ UX':i-U111u """ ~J-1 J) V :\ z;,J .., ..... ..tJ Irl]tn lJn13rntur2, Mede,lhil 24th doro! BETf:'EEN PALNLA..ND DEVELO.?}iENT CORP. , October .A.D.J?72. .0 corpor::tion *!'cistir.S under the laws oj the StGle oj Dusinr.u in the County oj Florida Dade . MuinS its principal plot'#! 01 F10ri.da and Slale oj . end lau.'fully Duthori:ed to trar13Gct bU-JUless in the State 0/ Florida, party 0/ ,he liNt pa.rl, aM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal x corppralioll existing ur..der the laws o/the Slale oj F lor ida . having it. principal place oj bwineJ.J in th.e County oJ Palm Beach and Slale oj Florida ~20 N. E. 2nd Avenue (P.O.Box 310) Boynton Beach 'Florida 33435 · end lawfully Guth.orued to transect OWi,'PSoI in the Stale oj Florida, party oj t~e accond pari, WITNESSETH: Thet the uid parlY oJ the firsl part, for G/Jd i~ cOlUid,cral;on, 0/ the .um of , , . TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable co~sideratiO~~$ , J' . . ~o it ill hand paid by the .a.iel porty oj ,he .econd parl, lhe receipt whereof u hereby cu:kn.owledsed, . hru granted, hargained lUtd lo!d '0 tbe ,aiel party oflhe .econ.cl part, ;t~ ~ucca,or.s o.ru:l G:UiSIU lor".,e~,' , ~h# JoUou.'ina d,..lr:ribed land .situote, lying and being in the County 0/ . Pal1n :Beach ond State of Florida. lo-wi,: ,. BEGI~'NING for the same at a point distant (1) South 00.33'16" West 785.37 ft. and (2) South 88.46'47" ~'lest 53.03 ft. from the north- ,east corner of Section 6, To,.,nship 46 South, Range 43 East, said point also lying in the southerly right-of-way line of West Chapel 'Hill Road and the ,.,esterly right-of-way line of Congress Avenue and being the northeast corner of the parcel hereinafter described, and running thence with part of said Congress Avenue (1) South 00.331~6' West 996.81 ft. to a point; thence leaving said right-of-way line . (2) North 84.'57 '14ff \-vest 528.39 ft. to a point; thence (3) South 79.46'47ff \vest 401.87 ft. to a point; thence (4) North 00.33'16" ,East 1002.00 ft. to a point in the southerly right-of-way line of \'lest Chapel Hill Road; thence with part of said right-of~way line" (5) North 88'46'47" East 922.00 ft. to the place of beginning con- taining 20.5017 acres of land. so long as said land is used for municipal purposes, which shall include at least one of the following, a police station, a fire station, a library or municipal building, and if the land is not so · ~sed, it shall immediately revert to the grantor and its successors and assigns. This possibility of reverter shal~ expire ten years , xrom date hereof. If at the end of ten years xrom date bereof the grantee bas not placed the said facilities thereon or if a~ ~n~. time during a ten year period from date hereof the grantee ,.~as I,,::,. abandoned the said publ~c uses 'of said land, then the said land ' snall revert to the grantor~ This conveyance is further subject to conditions, restricti.ons ~nd~ limitations of record and to public utility easements necessary to serve grantor's adjacent lands, ~micb easements shall be recoroed on or before January 1, 1973. oAr.a !hf' so,id party oj thl! finl parI JlJf'3 hrrdrf fully worrant thr.ti.ilt! lu ~jd l,wul. GIIdu:~l/ J,'f..nd Ih~ . . .. . I<Ir1(: a;:ttin:4t Ihf' law/,,' clnim.. nf all pCfJ(lrU '\(,/'l'tm311f'.'CI', ,- ,r"s In:;'";,''''''' \'i.J,. ,"':;'MC;J \3y: 17:iJ ]n;/r.JI1tc:/ "raered' hy: L\:HO~; t1. ,-O'.'~Ti . . r .A ~ At:.,r~~" i:l~ La'.v .. f _,_ N'CriOL.SO~I. .~a\'IAn.). r,il'\\"r-:..i:R & lOVETl' ... -. . .' -..... ..;".1 "1 rl'" t . tlt'1 .... ~ EXHH3JT "c[' ~';:-;~~' ~' ~ll' i' ," , #, I I I I I 1 I . ]H IDi1u\'.!Jl-4 lDl]?r?ll.t, the $aid party a/the firJl /Xlrt 11l~.J cc.weu these prc'lmu 10 be Jisned in ;,s n.ame b1 itJ propel' oDk!:l'~ gn.J it, corporg:e leGllo be oUi:ccc1, ollCJfctl by its Serrelorr. Ihl! doy and YC'J,- o.bove u~rilfen... I DEVELOP..'1ENT CORP. By . - . ". ,; ; -.: 'e .' ., ,...... . . . . . . . . , . . . '.' ., 1.:.., '. ..: ~. .? . .. t ~ ! ". ~'. ~ .. .: . ". . -.' r '.: ;.- . . .~.. ..... ~.. ~ '. . ...... '0 ..,.. .. 'r' .~, '\ ~:' " .. . I." " .. I- t .~.'.jl~1 I..,' .} : ~ If f4 doyol. October . ': ;trving I. Rubin ,President GRJ-Saczal~'..rNp<~..r.Y. uJ . '. . PALHLAND DEVELOPl<lE~"T CORP. . II corporation uncI,.,. "J(~ laws of ,Icp. StalP oJ Florida .10 me? knawn to be/the pcrson:xwho .ignrd iFu? 10m- . Boirtg imtrumf'nt ru such ofjicp.rs orad aeuerlJlly acknowledged l,he p.:cecufum thereof.to be thei" free ael and dl!C'd a.s aueh oUic<>rs for the use.J, and purpOJes therein mentioned ond tho: they affixed thereto'llar oDi. " ("iol acal oJ said cofporotion, and that the ~id iru,rumt'nl i~ I.h,. oC'1 and drecl of6aid corporaJiun.', ., . , fI (/?Jf e S'f~arJ .,' , . ~ and StGle 01 F 1- 0 .,. I J E1 {1/ r/ 0 ~"., \/(Yru . ' v" '/(..e. (Seal) No~ar.y Public, State Florida ~'at LaFge ,~ as 0 n a_ole & ' ,........ llDcont V~/f{1<f . ~ lea'~ r... . JG -"ty. fla 68 B, DlUlla " , ~lt CIrCUit ';':t 1 w: , . ,. ~lutr Df 1JTlDri!1.u. Q!out:111l Df .3J lltrl'by C1!l'dify. ,h.at or. thu . A. V. 1972 . bfl!fore ~e peraonaUy oppetJ,.ed 1:ml , mitnl'liS my !.and and oJj~iGl.eol41 in,Il&eCOUn110f D 'f/ de: ,I . ,Ia~ day and year IG3; ojot'fftl4icl. .' ." ,My commiss'ion eXpires:', '. May .2~;. ;1976.~, . . , Bonded D:l' American Fire "'& .Casual ty ,Co. ! ~..'" s ~ .-to ~ t:! ) -.... , I -0' . ,. . -. : . :.........-;... -", '. ,. " " . ~ b3 (I) ,.., ::::J ~ C") "'i o ~ b ~ ,(I) g - "tl '"'i ... o ~, .. '.. 0- I. ... . . ... . .... .. i", : .~. , . . . . . '. . ".. .: .. .' "".0 '! ..:' "'~" . ., . , .; . ' '.' . ...... .. ,t , . .:. , .' ~ "0 '0 :". <' ~'~1 : "0 ~.', ... . :. -.', . , . . .' "'I] .~ . ~ ~, "0 0, ~ , . , . I. .~.;. : :.!.- ~.: ". , " " ..' "0' . .,'~ . . . .. ". '. ': . - . .' .... . ..~... . ; '. . . ..' . ..' ... .. .' ~ ... ~ ~ ' . ". . ~.- '. . " ' :,. - . ... :. :':.' . .~ ,. ... . .. ",...... "." " , .. " .. 0 i . . t... ..'. .: -. " i'. ", ,ie, . ..:; . , . ' .. ..: ':~' . . " -.' - : ..' -. ,. . .. . . .... ...,. .. . I 0 .' . .. . .- . '\ .. ... . .. I '.. .. .0 ., , .. ..0 . 0 ~ \" . .~. . l'~flJ S~tm cceim .. STATE OF FUJAIIlA . i-' , ' " ,'~ ::... ." , I h~feby certify ~r the ,,' . : ". . . . .... . ,'~f~ng Is . ...- ~ ',:. , ' ''Of t"~ ~d in my .ff," ' '. . 'fib~e<l>lr,- o~' , '~'~Z2" "..,' - . : , . . ' ,.ia'i)~ a o~il'l&-' . : ~ ,-' . .: ~~~~~u~"'~, ;- , ~.C:- .. ~. ......,. . , 1 ." ~S'f.\215() rA~t '22 ,''It:~~ . . . -. . ." . . ' . '0 . , . ~ ,. ; ;. . '.. .. .. '. ~ :oJ > s: o o "" o :0 s: t.J u ~ . '7""XU I B 3 - .\\ ~,.y. 1 J ' j a 1\ -!' - ..., ~ tf1 i::' , C')~ ~~ "'tI o~ ~~ :j+-+ .0 .....+ .<:,~ ti(.t:; o o ~ \~~1 ~~ ...~ ~t=I ~ '. ,; . .. :, ,I- / ; ,t The city of Boynton Beach proposes to change the use of land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on this proposal will be held before the Planning & Zoning Board on March 12, 1991, at 7:30 P,M, at city Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, A public hearing on this proposal will also be held on March 19, 1991, at 6:00 P.M, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach,~Florida, APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: City of Boynton Beach Christopher Cutro, AICP Summit Associates Ltd. Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run No use is currently proposed Congress Avenue east of Hunter's Run REQUEST: AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Official Commercial To - Local Retail Commercial A copy of the proposed land use plan amendment is available for review by the public in the City's planning Department, All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard, Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, SUZANNE M, KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: March 4, 13, 1991 ~ .. -'. . '/ f ~s Revisdd May 3, 1973 I i ,; " ,;I' STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT WHEREAS, a certain suit is now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein M. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts, David Roberts, Emily M. Jackson, and William C. Sexton are Plaintiffs and the City of Boynton Beach, a Florida Municipal Corpor- ation and Pa1m1and Development Corporation, a corporation, are Defendants, being case No, 72-C-6624 and WHEREAS, a certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein Pa1mland Development Corporation is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation and J.W. Barrett are Defendants, being Civil Action No. 73-581 CA(L) 01 and WHEREAS, a certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein Palm1and Development Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation, The Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach, Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLong, Forrest L. Wallace, David Roberts, Edward F. Harmening, Robert aIds, Richard Vastine, Marilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, Albert Wehrell, Fred Kostner and Orris Walker are Defendants, being Civil Action No, 73-579 CA(L) 01, and WHEREAS, a certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit -1- Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and Robert Olds, Richard Vastine, ~Iarilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, Col, Albert Wehrell, Fred Kostner, Orris Walker, Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLong, Forrest L. Wallace, David Roberts, Edward F. Harmening, M. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts and William C. Sexton are Defendants, being Civil Action No. 73-580-CA(L) 01 and WHEREAS, each of the parties to the above described civil actions now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida, desire to amicably settle each of the said actions and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed and understood that the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach passed an Ordinance on the second and final reading on November 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72-27, a copy of the said Ordinance is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the validity of the said Ordinance is in issue in at least one of the above styled civil actions and WHEREAS, divers dispute and differences have arisen between the parties hereto regarding the validity of and the propriety of the zoning upon those certain lands included in the said Ordinance, a more particular description of which 1S as follows: Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, and the East half of Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East, less three parcels on the periphery of the East half of Section 1, totaling approximately 20 acres. and, WHEREAS, certain Ordinances were passed by the City of Boynton Beach, being Ordinance No. 73-7 and 73-11 - 2 - purported to change the uses permitted in various zoning classifications under the Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach and a dispute has arisen and is included in the above styled civil actions regarding the validity of said changes as they apply to the lands hereinabove described, and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has refused to issue a building permit for models previously requested by Palmland, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, as a part of the settlement of the various civil actions now pending, desire to make certain agreements regarding streets to be con- structed on the said land, waste water distribution systems, and water distribution systems to be constructed on said land, water treatment plants and waste water treatment plants to be constructed on said lands and the uses and zoning of the said lands. It is, therefore, Stipulated and Agreed as follows: 1. It is stipulated and agreed by and be- tween the parties hereto that that certain Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 72-27, passed on second and final reading by the City Council of Boynton Beach on November 7, 1972, is a valid Ordinance. That the Notice and the proposed Ordinance, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", was published in the Boynton Beach News Journal on September 14, 21, 28 and October 5, 1972. That there was, as stated in said Notice, a Master Development Map and Site Plan showing the zoning or proposed zoning of the property to be annexed and zoned in the said Ordinance on file in the office of the City Manager, in the City Hall of Boynton Beach, Florida. 2. It is Stipulated and Agreed that Palmland Develop- ment Corporation did, after the enactment of Ordinance No 72-27 and in reliance thereon, expended large sums of money -.)- ln the purchase of, and the development of, those lands hereinabove described. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a plat or map inscribed in the margin, Road Plan No. 73501, marked Exhibit "B" and incorporated in and made a part hereof. The said Plat designates the various parcels of land by number. It is specifically agreed that the parcels of land are now, and were in November of 1972, zoned as follows: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, & 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 23 are zoned R3A Parcels: 17, 18, l8A, 22, 24 are zoned C-l Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 It is further agreed that the said Parcels may be developed in accordance with the said zoning classifications as they existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 72-27 except as hereinafter limited: (a) PalmI and will not construct more than 6,700 residential dwelling units on the lands hereinabove described and on the ten (10) acres of "county land", shown on Exhibit "B" as Parcel 25. (b) Palmland will construct only one- story structures on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700 residential dwelling units referred to in paragraph sub-(a) above, Palmland will construct a maximum of two hundred (200) motel or hotel rental rooms on Parcel 22, together with all accessory uses incidental thereto. (d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminating the following permitted uses under the -4- above described zoning classifications: C-2 Animal hospitals when all activities are conducted within the building. Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers and other ' of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are permitted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equip- ment, and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in height. Mobile home sales. Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale commercial estab- lishments. Residential uses. C-I Boarding and rooming houses. Mortuary. Residential uses. (e) Palmland will enter into an option to con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DELRAY DUNES for use only as a golf course. Should DELRAY DUNES exercise it's option, there will be no more than 6550 residential dwelling units on the lands shmoffi on Exhibit "B". (f) To accomplish the above items as set forth in sub-paragraphs (a) thro~gh (e), Palmland will cause restrictive covenants to be recorded, which covenants shall run with the land to protect the citizens of Boynton Beach and they do hereby agree that the said covenants will be enforced by the City of Boynton Beach as provided by law. 3. Palmland will dedicate, and the City will accept, - 5- the right-of-way for public streets as shown on Road Plan 73501, attached hereto as _Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. Palrnland will design and construct, at it's expense, public streets on the above right-of-way' in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Code of Boynton Beach, The minimum'width of the said dedicated public streets shall be 24 feet. The said public streets shall be constructed by Palmland in phases as the subject lands are developed. Positive storm drainage utilizi~g pipes, culverts or ditches for the said streets will be provided in accordance with accepted engineering practices. The City agrees to accept the said public streets and that portion of the drainage improvements related thereto for maintenance and operation upon the completion and approval of same. 4. In addition to the above described dedicated public streets, Palmland will design and construct a system of private roads, which shall be built to the minimum specifi- cations as set forth in Chapter 25, Code of Boynton Beach. Positive storm drainage utilizing pipes, culverts or ditches will be provided in accordance with accepted engineering practices for said private roads. Palmland will maintain said private roads and drainage improvements related thereto. The main entrances shall be constructed so as to accommodate heavy traffic. In addition, haul roads will be used to divert construction equipment from the public streets in the project. // 5. The City of Boynton Beach and Palmland have diligently attempted to arrive at a solution to the problem of furnishing potable water for the Charter World project. The City is desirous of expanding it's water treatment facilities to serve, not only Charter World but, additional City areas. Palmland is ready and able to immediately commence construction of permanent water treatment facilities, in stages, to coincide with it's development rate, thereby insuring the availability of potable water -6- ln sufficient quantities for it's needs, without excessive initial expenditures for excess treatment facility capacity, Palmland lS prevented from providing, other than in stages coinciding with it's development, the entire cost of the ultimate water treatment facility for the entire project. The City does not have available, on hand, funds with which to provide expanded water treatment facilities nor has it definitively determined the design, funding sources and methods and completion dates of said facilities. Palmland must be assured that sufficient quantities of quality water are available to allow the immediate start of development of Charter World and to allow it to continue development that is orderly and sound economically. The above problems of the City and of Palmland are of an engineering and fiscal nature and require in-depth technical analysis for ultimate solution. In order to resolve this aspect of the dispute between the City and Palmland, the parties hereto agree that the engineering representatives of the City and of Palmland will immediately confer and make all reasonable efforts to arrive at a fair and equitable solution to provide potable water to Charter World. /I It is the specific intent of the City and Palmland that the technical representatives will arrive at a solution pro- viding the necessary potable water to Charter World in the same quantities, at or about the same times, and at or about the same rate of expenditure as Palmland would have experienced had it designed and constructed a facility in stages to service Charter World. ~ Such solution must provide adequate assurances to the City that Palmland will ultimately pay it's pro-rata share of the cost of such facilities, Such solution must provide adequate assurances to Palmland regarding the availability of potable water, both as to quality and quantity at times certain, with pay- ment by Palmland to be within it's economic parameters as above des- cribed, Further, the solution shall give the City an option whereby -7- it could elect to have Palmland design and construct a permanent facility which would become the property of the City, The solution shall give Palmland the option to design and construct according to the standards of all applicable governmental agencies or bodies and including the requirements of the City Code of Boynton Beach, an interim water treatment facility at it's cost, if Palmland deter- mines that the City cannot adequately meet it's projected develop- ment requirements for potable water. Palmland will remove, at it's sole cost and expense, any such interim facility at the time the same is phased out. The City will accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of the interim water treatment facility after con- struction is completed at the date of start up. Costs for operations and maintenance of said interim water treatment facility in excess of revenue, as determined by acceptable cost accounting procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue equals or exceeds cost. The technical representatives shall present their solution to the City and to Palmland and each shall have the right to approve or reject the same. Said solution, if accpetable to the City annd Palmland, shall be agreed to in writing and each of the parties shall do all things necessary to effect the same. The technical representatives shall present their solution, in writing to the parties on or before July 15, 1973. In the event no solution is agreed upon, the Circuit Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine whether the City is fi able to timely furnish this necessary municipal service to Palmland. 6. As to the said potable water, it,is also agreed that Palmland will design and construct, at it's expense, a water distribution system in accordance with accepted engineer- ing practices in use in the City of Boynton Beach, Said water distribution system shall be constructed in phases as the -8- subject lands are developed and will be dedicated to, and accepted by, the City of Boynton Beach as it is completed and approved. The City of Boynton Beach shall accept the said water distribution system for maintenance and operation in phases as it is completed. 7. PalmI and will design and construct, at it's expense, an interim or permanent waste water treatment facility and/ or disposal facility as is, or may be required by the applicable . governmental agencies or bodies, including the requirements of the City Code, and (a) Will design and construct, at it's expense, a gravity sewer collection system according to the standards of all applicable governmental agencies or bodies, includi~g the requirements of the City Code. (b) Will design and construct, at it's expense, force mains and pumping stations according to the standards of all applicable governmental agencies or bodies, including the require- ments of the City Code. (c) Shall, ~f a permanent facility, convey the said waste water treatment facility and/or disposal facility and sewer collection system in phases to the City of Boynton Beach. The sewer collection facility shall be constructed in phases as the land is developed and shall be conveyed to and operated and maintained by the City of Boynton Beach as it is completed. The waste water treatment facility and/or disposal facility shall be conveyed to the City of Boynton Beach in phases as completed and approved. The City will accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of the waste water treatment facility after construction is completed at , the date of start up. Costs for operations and maintenance of said waste water treatment facility in excess of revenue, as determined by acceptable cost accounting procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue equals or exceeds cost, -9- In the event, due to requirements of regulatory agencies, the waste water treatment facilities are to be considered only an interim facility, the City will accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of the interim waste water treatment facility after construction is completed,at the date of start up. Costs for operations and maintenance of said interim waste water treatment facility in excess of revenue, as determined by acceptable cost accounting procedures, will be borne by Palmland until such time as revenue equals or exceeds cost. Pa1m1and will remove, at it's sole cost and expense, any such interim facility on the same being phased out and pay it's pro-rata share of cost to hook up to regional treatment facilities when available. (d) Upon completion of any required permanent waste water treatment facility and/or disposal facility and water treat- ment facility, Pa1mland will deed to the City those certain lands shown in Exhibit "B", attached hereto, as Parcel 13, containing 12.9 acres for waste water treatment facilities and if applicable Parcel 18 A, containing 4 acres more or less for permanent water treatment facilities. The said conveyance shall be made under the terms and conditions as are set forth in Exhibit "C" as attached hereto and made a part hereof. (e) The interior lines, lift stations and appurtenances thereto, shall be installed and paid for by Palmland and conveyed at no cost to the City of Boynton Beach. Easements for the improve- ments referred to herein shall also be provided by Palmland and dedicated for perpetual utility uses. (f) Palmland will convey all of the above water, if applicable, and waste water distribution improvements to the City, in phases as completed. 8. In the event Palmland constructs, at it's expense, and turns over to the City, permanent sewerage or permanent water treatment facilities, or Palmland pays to the City as a part of a sewerage or water system extension project, it's pro-rata share or funds sufficient to construct sewer or water treatment facilities -10- adequate to serve the Charter World project, no connection or capital improvement fees shall be charged by the City of Boynton Beach for connection to said facilities. Tap-in fees to any water system will be paid to the City. Connect1on charges in accordance with the Boynton Beach Code shall be paid except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 9. Palmland will not be required to post security ~ bond for the performance, payment and completion of streets and positive storm drainage improvements hereinabove described. Palmland agrees, however, that no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued as to a particular dwelling or building until such time as the water, waste water, street and drainage improvements serv- ing that structure are completed. With reference to bonds for such of the waste water 'treatment facilities, water treatment facilities, water distribution system, sanitary sewer collection and distribution systems, as shall be constructed by Palmland as hereinbefore pro- vided, bonds required of Palmlandunder the City Code shall be only for the phase being constructed at a particular time and Pa1mland will not be required to post a bond for the entire system unless the same be under construction at one time. v 10. Upon approval of this Agreement by the parties hereto, the City of Boynton Beach will cause the building permit for "models", heretofore requested by Palmland, to be issued with due dispatch. 11. The parties hereto agree that this Stipulation will be offered to the Court and incorporated in the Final Judgment in Suits No. 72-C-6624, No. 73-581 CA (L) ,01 and No, 73-579 CA (L) 01. 12. The parties hereto Stipulate and Agree that Suit No. 73-580 CA (L) 01 will be dismissed with prejudice by Palmland and the partie~ thereto will exchange mutual releases. -11- 13. The City of Boynton Beach agrees to take such action as may be necessary to authorize it's City Attorney to enter into Stipulations in the above captioned actions at law so as to effect the agreements herein contained. DATED: , 1973 (APPROVED EMILYM. JACKSON, Mayor (DISAPPROVED JOE DeLONG, Vice Mayor FORREST L. WALLACE Councilman DAVID ROBERTS Councilman EDWARD F. HARMENING Councilman -12- (APPROVED (DISAPPROVED (APPROVED (DISAPPROVED (APPROVED (DISAPPROVED (APPROVED (DISAPPROVED . ~ ! j I i -~ o ~ :i .' j ..-, ;::; r:: ~1 -- ~ ;:; ... 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' A public hearing em theSe proposals will also be held on June 18, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, l!,-/~W APPLICANT: City of Boynton Beach AGENT: ChristOpher Cutro, AICP OWNER: Summit Associates Ltd. PROJECT NAME: Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run PROPOSED USE: 'No use is currently proposed LOCATION: Congress Avenue east of Hunter's Run REQUEST: AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From- Office Commercial To- Local Retail Commercial , R.GUEST: AM.ND TEXT OF COMPREHENSIvE PLAN IEXISTING TEXT: Area 8,h, Commercial Parcel Fronting on Congress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this eommercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commer- cial Zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closeSt of which wiD lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two factors-the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from existing and future residences, it Is recommeneded that commercial land use and zoning remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of shop- ping centers 21/2 miles to the north and 11/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use, Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P,U,O, and the City park, which lies to the north; therefore, it is recommended, that this parce, I~, ,PlaCed,' in the Office, Commercial land use category, It is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. " PROPQSED TEXT. Area 8,h. Commercial Pa(cel Fronting on Congress AVenue East of Hunter's Run ihe analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates thatth8l'8.will be demand in the long-run for thiS commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commer- cial zoning district, The sile is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences! the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. It is recommended that buffering measures be em. ployee! in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore, the land use and zOnin of this arcel shall remain consistent with a sf lation and a reement resulti from a revlOus court CleCISlon. copy 0 e pro ,a use an amen men an e amen men IS aval a e or review y pu c In e I s an- ning Department. . All interested parties are nQtlfilJd to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such pUrposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M, KRUSE. CITY CLERK PUBLISH: June 3,12,1991 CfTY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA The News Boynton BeachlOelray Beach/Boca Raton .6od#319494. ' For home delivery, call 368-9400. - ---_..-.~ ---~,'-,,"-. -_..-.. --." _.- ~--- - . .,'" . e e REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING PREPARED BY: MICHAEL W. RUMPF DATE PREPARED: 02/20/91 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: LAND USE AMENDMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT (COMMERCIAL PARCEL FRONTING ON CONGRESS AVENUE EAST OF HUNTER'S RUN) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) AD MUST OCCUpy NOT LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER OF A STANDARD NEWS- \ PAPER PAGE. THE HEADLINES MUST BE NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN POINT LETTER SIZE. PLACE AD IN "LOCAL NEWS" SECTION AND NOT IN CLASSIFIED MAP . SECTION OR LEGAL SECTION. IF A IS REDUCED STREET NAMES ON MAP MUST BE LEGIBLE. 1tU EX'1'R..1\. COPY-OP THE MAP I3 ATTACHED FOR THE NEWSPAPER. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: NEWSPAPER, PLANNING DEPT., CITY ATTORNEY NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: THE NEWS June 3. 12r 1991 APPROVED BY: ( 1 ) ..1/.,) ~ I ~) #41/ (Date) W:!er ( 2 ) ( J i (City Atto y) ~\ c.:-- (: f~_-'/) i tjt M~nager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: ##b/9/ COMPLETED: , NOTICE Cf\F LAND US~ CHAN~J: -AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The city of Boynton Beach proposes to change the use of land and amend the text of comprehensive Plan within the area shown in the map in this advertisement, A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning & Zoning Board on June 11, 1991, at 7:30 P,M, at city Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, A public hearing on these proposals will also be held on June 18, 1991, at 7:00 P.M, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits~ at city Hall in the commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, 7 t--..-./\j! I ; ':, ~l ~'T':'r I i'ii"T"t'IIII,-,-,-, ~ 0 118 114 MILES : ~:!o I :~~EET " APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: City of Boynton Beach Christopher cutro, AICP summit Associates Ltd, Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run No use is currently proposed Congress Avenue east of Hunter's Run REQUEST: AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - office Commercial To - Local Retail Commercial REQUEST: AMEND TEXT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: EXISTING TEXT: Area 8,h, commercial Parcel Frontinq on Conqress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community commercial zoning district, The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the ~ , ) J I west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course, Because of these two factors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from existing and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and zoning remain, However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of shopping centers 2 1/2 - miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P,U,D, and the city park which lies to the north; therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the office Commercial land use category, It is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting, PROPOSED TEXT: Area 8,h, Commercial Parcel Frontinq on Conqress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district, The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course, ~~~~~$~/~f/~~~$~/~~~/f~~t~t$TT~~~/~~~qTt~~/~~~~~~/i~t/t~~ ~~~~~t~t~X/~~t~~q~/~~~/t~~/~t$t~~~~/ft~~/~tt$~t~q/~~~/i~t~t~ t~$t~~~~~$//tt/t$/t~~~~~~~~~~/~~~/~~~~~t~t~~/~~~~/~$~/~~~/t~~t~g t~~~t~///~~~~y~t//~~~/t~/t~~/X~~/~y~t~q~/~~~$t~Y/~i/$~tt~~~~t~q t~$t~~~~t~X/pt~i~~t$//t~~/Pt~$~~~~/~f/$~~~~t~q/~~~~~t$/~/~/t/T ~tX~$/t~/~~~/~~tt~/~~~/X/X/~/~tX~$/~~/t~~/$~~~~//~~~/t~~/~~~~/~i ~~/~~$tTW~$~/~~~t~~q~'~t~//~~t$/$tt~/~~~~~/~~/~~t~/$~tt~~X~/i~t ~f't~~/~$~/~$/~p~~$~~/t~/t~~~tX/~$~I//~ttt~~/~$~/~~~X~/~X$~ ~t~~~~/f~~~t/t~~~~~$/~~/~~/~~i~~~~~/V/V/~I/~~~/~~~/~t~Y/~~t~ ~~t~~/Xt~$/~~/~~~/~~t~t/t~~t~i~t~//t~/t$/t~~~~~~~~~~/t~~~/~~t$ p~t~~X~~/PX~~~~/t~/~~~/~fft~~/~~~~~t~t~X/~~~~/~$~/~~~~q~tYI It is ~X$~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zoninq of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aqreement resultinG from a previous court decision. \ A copy of the proposed land use plan amendment and text amendment is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard, Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, SUZANNE M, KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: June 3, 12, 1991 cc: City Manager City Attorney City Commission Planning Dept. Newspaper file Bill File Customer file