CORRESPONDENCE . FPL Florida Power & Light Company, P.l ilX 6367, Ft. Lauderdale. FL 33340-6367 North qERrdtU1:eS~OftiC"0Pf ~ l~ I ~ \, \'. LJ n \ II l . ,,~i " '! ,,' . . : I U ! ...,.....1. . ,U PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. June 21, 1996 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: COMMUNICATION TOWERS IN REC/PU CORY 96-005 AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE. Dear Ms. Heyden: On June 13th, 1996, I wrote a letter to Bill Hukill regarding our conversation on the above subject matter. I expressed to Bill at the time that the wording in the definition of telecommunications towers, could impact the existing use of telecommunications technologies of FPL. The term similar forms is so broad that I am concerned that once passed, this ordinance could unintentionally affect FPL's core business needs. I have attached a copy of my letter to Bill for your review, and simply ask that you consider the request, to exempt FPL's use of its telecommunications signals from the term"similar forms of electronic communications." Hopefully, since the ordinance will not be up for second reading until July 16th, clarity could be written into the document. Should you have any questions regarding this request for clarification, please refer them to me at 407-265-3103. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. Sincerely, cc:City Manager attachment an FPl Group company . F=PL Florida Power & light Company. P.... Box 6367. Ft. Lauderdale. FL 33340-6367 North Broward Business Office June 13, 1996 Mr. William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE: COMMUNICATION TOWERS IN REC/PU CORY 96-005 AMENDMENT TO ZONING CODE Dear Mr. Hukill.: Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to talk with me regarding the proposed' communications tow.~r ordinance. As mentioned during our discussion, Section 1, paragraph F contains a defmition of telecommunications towers which, when viewed from FPL's perspective, is so broad that it will impact FPL's ability to continue to utilize existing telecommunications technologies associated with its daily operations. Currently, FPL uses telecommunications signals to remotely control automated devices which monitor and manage the operation of switches, capacitor banks, and automated meter reading. All of these applications are an integral part of our electric system that could fall under the term "similar forms of electronic communications." Adoption of the ordinance with the current definition could significantly impede our ability to implement electronic technologies in the operation and maintenance of our electric system. I would appreciated as we had discussed, your taking this concern to the City's attorney and the planning director. If language exempting the electric utility's ancillary use of its associated telecommunications from the ordinance is included, FPL's needs would be met. If I can be of assistance prior to the second reading of the ordinance, I can be reached at 265-3103. I will be in attendance for the commission hearing on Tuesday and will be available to answer any concern from the commission. Sincerely, aL~~ A.L. Newbold External Affairs Manager an FPL Group company / ~ City of tJ3oynton 'Beacli Pfanning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beac.n 'Boulevard P.o. 'Bo'(310 'Boynton 'Beadt., :Fforitfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :FJJlX: (407) 738-7459 January 13, 1992 Ms. Tina Golden, Specialist Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office 301 N. Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: ZONING ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTY'AT HUNTER'S RUN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AS OF JANUARY 1, 1991. Dear Ms. Golden: In response to your request for information regarding the current zoning on the above referenced property, I am providing you with an indication of the current zoning, including an explanation of several issues/events which have had, and continue to have, an impact on the land use and zoning on this property. Those issues/events are summarized below: 1) The City'S Comprehensive Plan was adopted on November 7, 1989. The new Future Land Use Map, which was adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan, changed the land use classification of this property from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commercial. The current zoning on this property, C-3 Community Commercial, will remain until the Zoning Map is officially changed as part of the subsequent procedures to implement the Comprehensive Plan. 2) This property was the subject of a 1973 Final Judgement, and for several years had been interpreted to restrict this property's zoning to that which was in effect in November of 1972. Subsequent to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, yet prior to the rezoning of this property, the owners of the subject property requested that the land use be reverted back to Local Retail Commercial, as Office Commercial land use is inconsistent with the Final Judgement that they believe still governs this property. 3) On June 18, 1991 the City Commission was presented with this request for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map. Cognizant of the contradicting opinions regarding the current validity of the 1973 Final Judgement, the City Commission directed the City Attorney to seek a Declaratory Judgement. This action was filed in Circuit Court of Palm Beach County on June 19, 1991. ;jf,mencas gateway to the (julfstream /,1 ./' /' To: Ms Tina Golden -2- December 23, 1991 Since the Declaratory Judgement was filed, no action has occurred that would change either the future land use or the zoning on this property. Therefore I conclude by indicating that the future land use classification remains, as effectuated by the Comprehensive Plan, Office commercial, and since the zoning has not been changed to conform to the Future Land Use Map, the zoning remains C-3 Community Commercial (as indicated by the current Official Zoning Map). I hope I have sufficiently responded to your request. However, if you are in need of additional clarification or information, please contact Senior Planner Michael Rumpf at 738-7490. Very Truly Yours, ~~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director CC:mwr A: ZONHUNT 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bou1evanf P.O. 'Bo:(310 'Boynton 'BetUn, '}'forida 33425-0310 City :Haff: (407) 734-8111 '}'ftX: (407) 738-7459 ~ ,~~ 'Ww',. 4 t~t~ crFte City of '13oyn ton '13eacfi March 21, 1991 Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Legal Counsel for Summit Associates Hunters Run 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Re: Hunters Run Commercial Parcel Dear Ms. Hyman: As a recap of our phone conversation on Wednesday, March 20, 1991, please be advised that Planning Department has provided an annotation to the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Plan reference this development. Attached hereto please find a copy of the area and the referenced annota- tion (sorry about the copy quality). . In my subsequent discussions with Chris Cutro, City Planner, reference the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Cutro has infonmed me that the City is in the midst of completing the appropriate paperwork to file its application by April 1st (the deadline established for Comprehensive Plan amendments). A tentative schedule would see this proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan being heard by the Planning and Zoning Board on May 14, 1991, and thereafter in a fonm of a transmittal hearing before the City Commission on May 21, 1991. At that time the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is forwarded to the State for their review and comment, which usually takes between 60-90 days. Upon receipt of comments from the Department of Community Affairs the City will then schedule first and second reading of an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan. Please take note that this is only a preliminary schedule and could be subject to change. RECEIVED MAR 21 PLANNiNG DEPT. .. ~merica's gateway to the (julfstream '~~..~.";ii . ~ ~ ~l~~~ .if; " , ,..:;OO:it",;, ~~~.: . ~ .,'w. ' -y. f::I*-,~'.?JV--'1 · ~ ~ i ",' ...... -;...;// .4, ,,~ . ... -L .~. .' . . . hI _ . I--"~' "... ;:;; t' . .' ~f' 0:: .-:-r',' ! ~,.:: ',:.J!:L ~lirl:' ~~~1' ~ .r"'.'If.." .' " . , '~u-~~.~z). . 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THIS PROPER"" IS THE SUBJECT OF, A COURT ORDER ENTERED MAV 10 ..... . -. : - . - . .-' .. -- . . .. .... REi1ERENCE SHOULD BE't.lJ(PE rO THAT COURT ORD~.R. . A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVl; PLAN IS CONTEMPL _~~. .'i - -~~~~ ~,.,/-\ \ ~. ';t~'\.' <Z8 ~~'H-I ; ~-.~:!:~ "v, ;:: ~ ' ~~ ./"1-7-...1 '1~;: r;; :.. ~/\J.L; \1~\~~ ~ ~.. ' _ ff - ~.-'L__~ l~j ~ ~:." .. I :..f.J ..~ :~...;> ~~... ,---" ~ . ~1~..t1 ~1 ',' - "cc.-Jj . . i-J, . t;:?i ~i' "~"". ~ 1;'" '."' '\ . of .,' ... '\ . . f'M' "2,~'.>i ~ .' . , J . . ' ~ti.fYoo"J .' ;t' ~ .. ~ ~;".' :,~~~ 'ea'~.~-. .~.. ~'i ,. ~.,~ . ." .~.~... ~.;..~ ~"J,~ i,;~: ~'~' . .~e\J,''' ~,." '~"'.i:~"f'.;.l.k ' .. ,'~' #.. .)"'J:->\.....~~1 1)r~..."i.~ w"" ,If;. ~~.~7 . ,,- .11-:-;t;.. [; jfi/t,,! - .11 Ii J-':':'/1.".\ 't . ,,,.' 't ..~~.~ ',~ ., .. .~ ~ . ,~.;.::,.:'\~ "f'."?~" ~~,~., .- ' ...", -~:.t.~~.' - ~; .' p' '.'t -,. f', >. . . ~. J).' '~7'~;~' "1 '>'~' ~~~:, , ~ .....' Cl ~... "> -; :-,f':'::' '. ",'~,', . . .. 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'Bo;r..310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :f{orida 33435-0310 City J{a[f: (407) 734-8111 :FJtX: (407) 738-7459 December 18, 1990 Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Counsel for Summit Associates, Ltd. 200 Admirals Cove Blvd Jupiter, FL 33477 RE: Hunters Run Commerical Tract Dear Ms. Hyman: In response to your letter dated December 5, 1990, inquiring as to the sta- tus of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and annotating the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map reference the above noted devel- opment, I have been reminded that the City is awaiting an Attorney General's opinion, as directed to the City Attorney's office by the City Commission at the October 16, 1990, City Commission meeting. Pending the outcome of said opinion, the City will then take appropriate action accord- ingly. As soon as this office receives word, we in turn will infonm you. In the interim should you have any questions or concerns relative to this matter, please feel free to contact either Jim Cherof, City Attorney, or myself. Si ncerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '---;7 - "~~mo. ,~jl -- ,--./ ....:w.v:z{[/r~-- ,1"--.- RECEIVED J. Scott Mi 11 er City Manager DEe 18 1990 PLANNING DEPT. JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Chris Cutro, Director of Planning Central File - 51merica's gateway to tne ylllfstream ? .it ~' CITY MANAGER' S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Chris Cutro DATE December 11, 1990 DEPARTMENT Planning APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ 'EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO [] D D FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER SUBJECT: Hunters Run Commercial Tract Attached hereto please find a copy of a letter dated December 5, 1990, from Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman, Counsel for Summit Associates, Ltd. reference the Hunters Run Commercial Tract. At the October 16, 1990 City Commision meeting the City Commission agreed to a program involving 5 conditions with regards to the commercial parcel on Congress Avenue. Specifically, the City was to sponsor an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan on Condition #3. Also, the City was to provide an annotation to the Comprehensive plan and Future Land Use Map reference Condition #4. I would ask that you please review the subject matter and provide to this office an update as to where you are in accomplishing these 2 noted conditions. Your prompt response to this offfice would be greatly appre- ciated so that I in return can inform Ms. Hyman of the sta~~ Thank you. ~CEIVED " ui:C 1 1 1990 PLANNING DEPT. JSM : j b Attachment - - cc: Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Counsel for Summit Assoc. Ltd. 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 RESPONSE: tlUJ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ 1'(1' ~ U~~t ~ --L.. ~ ~ 1vrv.fL ~O- ~ (J'~. 4 -~ ~~ ~ 0..., ~ cr~ Hi. ~~~.. ~ ~ JJ- ~ ~ ~ (V W- ~~v..... ~~4, ~L _ "tL"""if k \'L~~ P- ~~ Uw ~<>JW. l.AMfu ~ ~ c~ ~~ ~~ ~~. , REC-;jIVED Date (Action Completed) I~ ~o DEe 17 1990 Signature \::t~~~~FFICE SfTA,RY: '" 1,,"",1 .,), j . 12-13-91 ; 4:03PM; PRe PROPERTY APrR.~ REBECCA (. WALKf:A, (fA.. ASA PALM lEACH COUNTY PRO'IRTY APPRAISER CUtI,... U,Ili&....." ,"" ~ aMJNG'11t. CIJQI 301 ... aM A\'DI.I ~ Hut IUOf, fUMlIIl ))401 .. DAft. I'J../ I'll ~ I , 'AX HUM811 SENDl.G tel -738' -}q~? J'aoec. ~NJ9- C-,~~J PLEASE DELIVER TO. t11Kt ~1Jhr'T 10TAL MUftlU or PAGES llfCLUDIMG coval' '3&.'.,_ 1/ Boynton Bth fax:# 1/11 ...., ~... ....,t~ 'ttr \ ,.,.s.. , "'J~.~ , ':.i~~ tIOII. (II'; Ill-I... ,.. (t') ) .>>U ~ lIJlp""" ........ lr YOU DO NOT RlellYI THE I.TlkI TELICOPY MESSACE, PLIAS! ~ALL (401) 355-2"0. Itt!SACla .. ... JT .- " O'ZMfOU IWII, pur , SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:03PM POC PROPERTY APfR,... Boynton Bch fax;# 2/11 III 'l'HE CIRCUIT OOlJRT OF THE h ~ 3 X 15TH JUDICIAL CIItCUIT IN AN~j .. CASE NO. C t (7/ ---' j;);) ~ FLA. BAR NO. 291946 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintift, VS. SUMMONS SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD.. a Flori~a limited partnership, Defendant. / THE STATE OF FLORIDA: To All and Sinqular the Sheriffs of said state: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve this Summons and a copy of the Complaint in this action on Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., by serving its Registered Agent - BReN, Ino. ~401 Forum Way Wast Palm B~ach, FL 33401 Each Defendant is required to serve writt:en defenses to 1:he Co~plaint on JAMES A. CHEROF, ESQUIRE, Wh058 addres5 is 3099 B. Commercial Boulevard, suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, Florida JJJ08 within twenty (20) dl:lY5 afte:t' 5eI"Vice of thi5 Summon5 on that, Defendant, exclusive or the day or service, and to' rile the oriqinal ot' the defenses with the Clerk ot this court either before service on Plalntlrt's attorney or immediately thereafter. Ir a De!en~ant tails to ~o so, a default will be entered against the Derenda~t tor the relief demanded in the complaint. 'JUN 1 9 1901' WITNESS my hand and seal ot said court JOHN B. DUNKLE As Clerk of said Court ~ ":"l MARLA J. HOVAN Deputy Clerk By: SE,I\JT BY: 12-13-91 4:03PM PBC PROPERTY APPR.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 3/11 , , IN 'l'HB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL craCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. O^- 01 ," 7~;).5 7 A-~ FLA. eAR NO. 291846 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corpora~1on, Plaintiff, V&. COMPLAINT SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. .' ~ ~'. )fIt~.' oni'~:,;~-::,!. ;:" .-'!' !'....., ;t!:~ ;io-iU~.. JI ill , .... ~C{'1 VI~ I.;i 1))1 j .i.. "";'" '....d '!:. <i4~ .~:~> I"'~ ,':~r. !.~."i1l'!':0!~ Plaintiff, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (hereinafter referred to a. the "CITY"), sues Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD. (hQroinafter referred to as "DEFENDANT"), and alleges: PRELIMINARY ALLEGATIONS 1. The CITY is a municipal corporation looat.ed in Palm Beach Coun~y, Florida, and is the governing body and looal government as those terms are defined in the Loc;:al Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. DEFENDANT 1s a Florida 11m1~ed partnership with offices located in Palm Beach County, FlQrida. 3. DEFENDANT is the owner of real property located in Palm Beach County within the jurisdictional limits of the CITY and more particularly described on Exhibit "AU attached hereto. The property is cOlUlonly referred to as the "HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT-, and that desiqnation will be used herein. The HUNTER'S Piige 1 of 9 SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:04PM PBC PROPERTY APPR.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 4/11 " ' RUN COMMEKCIAL TRACT 10 depicted on ~he map attaohed as Bxhibit "B" and is highlighted in yellow. 4. This action is an action tor declcu;at.oq judgment. brought pursuant to cnapter 86, Florida statutes and jurisdiction is vested in the Circuit Court. S. All conditions precedent to the institution of this action have occurred. ~OUNT I DECLARATORY JUDGMENT 6. The CITY, realleges and reavers paragraphs 1 through 5 of the preliminary alleqations. ,. This coun~ is an action for declaratory jUdgment pursuant to Chaptor 96, Florida Statute~. 8. DEFENDANT acquired the HUNTER'S RUN COKMRRCIAL TRA~ on January 31r 1978. A true a.nd correoi: oopY of the Special Warran~y Deed conveying the property to DEFENDANT is attaohed as Exl1.ibi t IleM. 9. on May 10, 1973, a Final Judgment was entered in Palm Beach County Circuit court case No. 73-579 CA(L:)-Ol-smith (hereinafter referred to as the "1973 Final Judgment") ~ A copy of the 1973 Final Judgment is attached hereto as Exhibit "D'I. 10. The 1973 Final Judgment was based upon a Stipulation and Agreement between The CITY and PALMLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION arising from a dispute over zoning and pennitted uses. The stipulation and Aqreement is attached as Exhibit HE." page 2 at 9 SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:04PM PBC PROPERTY APPR,~ Boyn:on Bch fax;# 5/11 11. The HtJlf'l'ElR' S ItUN COMMERCIAL 'l'RACT ba8 1:"ellQ inec1 undeveloped and unimproved. since the entry of the 1973 Fimll Judgment. 12. The HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT is unplatted. NO app11cation for development ot the tract has :been sU:bmitted to the CITY or to Palm Beach County, and there has been no request for the issuance of buildinq permits. 13. In 1985 the State adopted the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Florida statute 163.3161-163.3215) I hereinafter referred to as the "ACT". The A~ provides that it is the intent of the ACT, inter alia t : That adopted ComprQhon~ivo Plan~ ~hal1 have the 1&9a1 status "cat out. in this Aot. and t.hat. no pUblio or private development shall be permitt.ed exoept. in conformity with oomprehensive plans or elements or portions thereof, prepared and adopted in confomi ty with this ACT. (F.S. 163.3161(5)) 14, The ACT required The CITY to prepare a Comprehensive plan in a manner consistent with the ACT and with Chapter 9J-5 F.A.C., the Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance of the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "RULES"). 15. The CITY, acting pursuant to the ACT and in accordance with the RULES, conducted public hearinqs and adopted its 1989 Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. 89-38. The Ordinance was adopted on the November 7, 1989. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan is page J Of 9 SENT BY, 12-13-91 4:05PM PBC PROPERTY APPR.~ BoyntD~ Bch fax;# 6/11 too vOlum1nous to a~~acn as an ~xh1bit hereto but ia AvailAble to DEFENDANT up,on request. ordinance NO. 89-J8 is a.ttached ~s Exh1bit "F." ~ The m~ER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT was lden~1fled in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan as Planninq Area S.h. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the CITY provided for a land use classification des1qnation change for the HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT from .Local Retail CQmnercial to Office Commercial with a corrAspondinq zoninq chanqe from C-3 to C-l. The 1989 Co.preh~nsive Plan made no reference to the 1973 Final Judqment in it~ trGatmont of Planning Araa a.h. 17. The CITY administration was apparently awarQ of the existence of 'the 1973 Final ~udqment durin9 thQ 1989 Comprehenmive Plan adoption prooess. The CIT~' s then Planning Direotor, Cermen s. Annun~iAto, requeated G legal opinicn regarding the restrictionli imposed by the 1973 Final J'udqrnent by memorandum aated March 16, 1988, a copy or which is attached as Exhibit "G". The then City Attorney, Raymond Rea, responded by memorand~, dated April 1, 1988, holding in essence that the 1973 Final JUdgment did not restrict the CITY's ability to ~ezone the property. The city Attorney's memorandum is attached as Exhibit WH". 18. DEFENDANT did not appear at the pUblic hearings which were held in conjunction with the adoption of the 1989 ComprahansivQ Plan nor did they chal1enqe the plan as. an Waffected partyM in a manner pr&5cribed by the ACT. Page 4 of 9 SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:05P~ POC PROPERTY APPR." Boynton Bth fax:# 7il1 19. In July of 1990 repreee.ntatdvct.S of DBF'ENDAHT Clont.acl't:e,d members of the CITY Administration to protest the -creatment of t.he IfUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT in the CIT~is 1989 Comprehensive Plan and to insist ~hat the zoning and development ot the lane be governec1 by the 1973 Final Judgment. The DEFENDANT'S position is more specifically set forth in a letter dated JUly 6, 1990, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "In. 20. DEFENDANT'S protest reached the City Commission on October 16, 1990 at which time ,the City commission acknowledged the existence of the 1913 Final Judgment. and directed the City Administration to initiate a comprehensive plan amendment. 2 L The City Planner, pursuant to the Commiss ion dil:'ec:t.iv~ of Oct.ohar 16, 1990, initiated an amQndmgnt to thQ 10ao Comp~ehQnsivQ Plan. 22. On June 11, 1991, the City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning' Soard C!IIi~t.inq as the Local Planning Agency, held a public hearinCJ on ehe propo::ied change to the 1.989 Comprehensive Plan. 'ths Planninq &I zoninq Board vot:ed 7 -0 to recommend to the c1 ty Commission that the 1989 comprehensive Plan not be amended. The Minu~es of the Planning and Zoninq Board meeting are attached as Exhibit "J.B 23. O~ June 18, 1991, the city Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed 1989 Comprehensive Plan change. Two diametrically opposed positions were asserted at the public hearing. Page 5 of 9 SENT BY' 12-13-91 4:06PM PBC PROPERTY APPR.~ Boynton Bch fax;# 8/11 A. DEl'!NDAJJT asserts thAt the 197J Jl'inlll JuClqmen-c is binding on the CITY and that any treatment ot the HUNTER'S RUN COHMIRCIAL TRACT 1nconsistent with the 1973 Final Judqment 1s imprQper and unlawful. DEFENDANT further asserts that the Commission action of October 16, 1990, mandates an amendment to the 1989 Comprehensive Plan to allow the uses set forth in the 1913 Final Judgment and to support a C-3 zoninq classification. the CITY takes an adverse view with respect to both positions asserted by DEFENDANT. B. The re5idant~ of the Hunter's Run community (a planned un! t. devca1op1DQnt locatod WOSo\t of the HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT) assortc that there has been substantial development in the community. surrounding the COMMERClAL TRACT ,..inca t;.hQ log'3 and. that. 'those changes should override the 1973 Final Judgment. These re6idents assert thae the 1989 Comprehen~ive F1an and the ACT, it followed, mandate a C-l lionin9 cl~uisification. Additionally, this group asserts that the DEFENDANT derives no vested rights from the 1973 Pinal Judgment. 24. The city Planner has determined that the uses proposed by the 1973 Final Judgment are inconsistent with the 1989 Comprehensive Plan and that an amendment of the plan to conform to the 1973, Final Judqment would be improper from a planning perspective 6 The City Planner's analysi~ is more specifically set forth in the city of Boynton Beach Planninq Department Memorandum No. 91-131, l!l copy of which is attached as Exhibit Page Ei of 9 SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:06PM PBC PROPERTY APPR.~ Boyn:on Bch fax;# 9/11 "KM. Thi5 position 1. adverse to the position ~~Berted by the DEFENDANT. Z:). The CITY'S r1gl1ts, powers, and l:Suties to adept and amend a comprehensive plan and to zone and rezone property consistent therewith are controlled by the ACT tne 1989 Comprehensive Plan adopted thereto. The mandates of the 1973 Final Judgment as asserted by DEFENDANT are irreconcilable with the proper exercise of the CITY's rights, powers, and duties. 26. The CITY cannot follow the mandate of the 1973 Final Judgment and ignore its own Comprehensive Plan or its duty to amend its Comprehensive Plan in a manner consistent with the ACT. Nor. does the CITY desire to follow the mandates of the ComprQhonsivQ Plan and tho ACT and abrogate ths 1973 Final Judgment. Tho rightG of DEFENDANT and of tho CITY aro dQPondant upon a determination of priori~y between these conflictinq airec:tives. 27. There is a present ana actual controversy between the CITY and the DEFENDANT as exemplified bY the pUblic hearings and the recommendation of the City Planner and the CITY is in doubt as to its rights and duties and as to the rights of DEFENDANT as controlled by the 1973 Final Judgment. 28. The CITY desires to act in a manner whioh does not place it in violation of either the 1973 Final Judqment, the ACT, or the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. The CITY cannot do so without a declaration of their rights being first determined by the Court. paqe 7 of 9 SENT BY: 12-13-91 4:07PM PBe PROPERTY APPlt ~ Boynton Bch fax:#10/11 29. There i. no other legal proceeding now pending or available to resolve the issues presented by this Complaint. A decla~atory judgment i5 the only remedy available to resolve the doubts enumerated by the CITY with respect to the powers ot the CITY and the rights of the parties. WHEREFORE, The CITY prays that this Court takes jurisdiction pursuant to Chapter 86, Florida statutes, and that this Court render a declaratory decree which: A. Determines the enforceability and binding effect of the 1973 Final Judqment. B. Determines the enforceability and bindinq effect of the Local GOVQrn:ment Comprehensive. Planning and Land Development Rogulation Act. C. Detarmin8G tho enforoeability and binding effect of the 1989 CQnp~ehensive Plan. D. Determines the legal requirements of the 1973 Final Jud9lDent, the Local Government Comprehensi Vii! Planning and Land Development Act, and the 1989 comprehensive Plan as they affect the HUNTER'5 RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT. D. Determine whether DEFENDANT, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES I LTD., has succeeded to the interests of the oriqinal parties to the 1973 Final Judgment. E. Detemine whether DEFENDANT, SUMMIT .ASSOCIATES.. LTD. I is estopped from challenging, and is therefore bound by, the \1.~j\,.~\f."'"!I\1i1T~1"1~,'i~Vf .~l"n.lJn}J.. .1 It,&" .tlj~u~c.."'+.'la...attnJJo;) .r.Ll"1 ..mli',l~ n hearings or to perfect a challQngs ~o ~hQ plan as p~e~cribed by Page 8 of 9 SENT BY: , I t~-13-91 4: 07PM PBe PROPERTY APPR--. Boynton Beh fax,#ll/ll ~e LOcal Government co~prehensive Pl~nnin9 end LAnd Development Regulation Act. F. Establishes an appropriate procedure wnich w1ll permit all interested or affected parties to intervene in this proceedinq. Petitioner anticipates that the Department of community Affairs and the Florida League of cities may have a sufficient interest to warrant intervention and requests leave to place such parties on notice of this proceeding. G. Grant such other relief as is proper and consistent with th& all~gations of this Complaint. JOSIAS & GOREN. P.A. AttornGYs for CITY 3099 East Commercial Blvd. suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 (305) 771-4$00 8y~ JAMES A. CHEROF J'AC/lms P/B HUNTRCMP Page 9 of 9 ~ LAW OFFICES MOYLE, FLANIGAN, KATz, FITZGERALD & SHEEHAN, P.A. TALL.AHASSEE OFFICE SUITE 100. THE PERKINS HOUSE 118 NORTH GADSDEN STREET TAL.LAHASSEE, f'L.ORID'" 32301 TELEPHONE (904) 1581.3828 ......CSI....ILE (904) 1581' 8788 ANOR€:W ..I. MCMAHON LISA ..... MILLER .JON C. MOYLE .JOOY H OLIVER O"'VIO S. PRESSLY NANCY "ORPE QUINLAN PA.TRICK E. OUINLAN M...RK E. R..........OND THOM"'S .... SHEEH...N, m OONN'" H. STINSON .......RT... ..... SU...REZ' MURI",S S"'MUEL .... THOM"'S WILTON L. WHITE THOM"'S L. YOSET .JOEL H. YUOENf'REUNO THOM"'S" BE"'SON PETER L. BRETON ROBERT BROOY GREGORY O. COO'" ECOLE ""TZGER"'L.O. m .JOHN ~. FLANIGAN ROv W F'OXALL "'NOREW f'ULTON, m ..yR... GENOEL NANCY MALLEy GR....HAM WINSLOW O. HAWKES, m LYNN G. HAWKINS MART'N V. KATZ WILt-lAM B. ~ING -= RON"'L.O .... KOL.INS STEVEN .... ...........NS 9- FL.ooR, 8ARNETT CENTRE 52S NORTH FLAGL.ER CRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 3888 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. 33402 TEL.EPHONE (407) 659.7500 f''''CSI'''LE (407) 659 . I 789 July 6, 1990 "-""" "'-. If"-. . . .-"'---. .0( ~ _ , ." :_ ':- .'.:..~ i --<iJ James A. Cherof, Esq. City Attorney City of Boynton Beach P .0. Bo x 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 JUt 9 1990 CrT',' ,. . /'-.! .. " ',':( -------- Re: Hunter's Run Commercial Parcel Dear Mr. Cheroff: We appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and Mr. Cannon last week to discuss the land use and zoning status of the commercial parcel fronting on Congress Avenue east of Hunter's Run. This parcel is identified as Parcel 8h in the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this letter is' to explain, in greater detail, why my client has vested rights against the apparent reduction of permi tted uses on this parcel. Parcel 8h is the subject of a Stipulation and Agreement, entered into between, as here relevant, the City and Palmland Development Corporation (my client's predecessor) . The St ipulat ion and Agreement was approved by the Circuit Court and incorporated by reference into a Final Judgment and Order dated May 10, 1973. Copies of both documents are attached. Both the St ipulat ion and Agreement and the Fi nal Judgment and Order remain valid and binding upon the parties. The Stipulation and Agreement states that: -WHEREAS, the parties hereto, of the various civil actions as a part of the settlement now pending, desire to make 3015B ~ James A. Cherof, Esq. July 6, 1990 Page 2 certain agreements regarding said lands." the use sand zoni ng of It goes on to state that: "It now, is specifically agreed that the parcels of land and were in November of 1972, zoned as follows: are * * * Parcels: 19 and 20 are zoned C-2 It is further agreed that the said Parcels developed in accordance wi th the said classifications as they existed on the effective Ordinance No. 72-27 except as hereinafter limited: may be zoning date of * * * (d) palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminating the following permitted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 Animal hospitals when all conducted within the building activities are Shops for painters, plumbers, paperhangers, electricians, upholsterers and other of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are permitted when accessory to the above uses; provided all equipment and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in height Mobile home sales Used car lots Warehouses, wholesale commercial establishments Residential uses. 3015 B James A. Cherof, Esq. July 6, 1990 Page 3 C-l Boarding and rooming houses Mortuary Residential uses.w Therefore, it is clear that the parties settled the cases by agreeing, among other things, that the two commercial parcels could be developed for all the uses permitted by the C-2 zoning district regulations (circa 1972'), with the exception of certain specified uses.l This is confirmed by the states: Final Judgment and Order which -The Court further finds that Palmland Development Corporation, in accordance with the said Stipulation and Agreement, is entitled to develop the said lands in acco rdance ,wi th the above zoni ng class i fica t ions as they existed in November, 1972, except as hereinafter limited.- It appears that the Court also found the elements of equitable estoppel against the City. The Court recites that the original controversy arose out of the original Ordinance No. 72-27 (the annexation and rezoning ordinance) and the subsequent conduct of the City in passing Ordinances No. 73-7 and 73-11 wherein and whereby the general uses permitted under zoning ordinances in existence at the time of passage of Ordinance No. 72-27 were changed with the expressed intent of City Officials to down-zone the Pa1mland Development Corporation property. After finding that the annexation was valid and Ordinance No. 72-27 validly rezoned the land, the Court found: - that after the enactment of Ordinance 72-27, Pa1m1and Development Corporation, in reliance upon said Ord inance, did subst ant i ally cha nge its posi t ion by the expenditure of sums of money.- 1 C-2 zoning was the most intensive commercial district at that time. Subsequently, the zoning code was rewritten and the present C-3 district became the functional equivalent of the prior C-2 district. 3015B ~ James A. Cherof, Esq. July 6, 1990 Page 4 It is clear, therefore, that the use and Palmland property (now known as Hunter's Run) terms of the attached Final Judgment and Order and Agreement. Changes can only be effected, through the mutual agreement of the parties or assigns. development of the is governed by the and the Stipulation at the very least, their successors or The validity and binding effect Order has been acknowledged by the First, the City Zoning Map, until Palmland property with a note stating: of the Final Judgment and City on several occasions. recently, - designated the -All zoning, Charter World, per final judgment Case No. 72-6624, dated May 10, 1973.- Also, in the prior Comprehensive Plan, the following reference to the Final Judgment and Order is made: -Area 17 Ten Acre Tract at Entrance to Hunter's Run This Parcel is currently zoned for commercial use. However, a court ordered land use designation remains in effect, specifying the development of a 200 room hotel. Based upon requests by representatives of the property owner and a policy decision by the Local Planning Agency, this parcel shou Id remai n in its cu r rent land use des igna t ion with the court-ordered restriction removed.- (emphasis mine) Although the parcel referred to above is Parcel 22 and not the parcel which is the subject of this letter, it too was covered by the same Final Judgment and Order, and thus the quoted passage clearly shows that the City acknowledges the validity and vitality of that Final Judgment and Order. The new Comprehensive Plan recognizes that there are several parcels in the City where court-ordered settlements govern land use. Several such settlements are included in Appendix D of the Future Land Use' Element. A note also appears on the Future Land Use Map indicating several parcels covered by the following legend: -Note: Comprehensive Plan concerning these two native objectives and policies habitat sites do not apply, 3015B ....-: James A. Cherof, Esq. July 6, 1990 Page 5 as long as the court ordered stipulation regarding the zoning and development of this property remain in effect.- It is my cl ien t 's posi t ion that the zoni ng and deve Ibpment of the Hunter's Run commercial parcel is also governed by the at tached court ordered st ipulat ion and shou Id be simi lar ly des ig na~ed in the Fut u re Land Use Element and on the Map. It is our belief that the failure to have done so previously is simply due to inadvertence and, now that the City staff is aware of the omi ssi on, the appropr i ate cor rect i on wi 11 be made as qu ickly as possible. In that this action is merely the correction of an administrative oversight which affirms the existing status of the property, it should not be characterized as an -amendment- to the plan. Therefore, we do not feel the cor rection should go through the amendment process or be bound by the twice-year-ly limi tat ion on amendments. It must also be stated that there are additional, independent arguments why the redesignation of the parcel to c-o is not effective to limit the uses of the parcel, and we are not waiving these. However, the existence of the Final Judgment and Order and the Stipulation and Agreement should be dispositive of the matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, / -+- ~ ~" ? p' 7'./ ~' 7/ / /' h, \ ~----- ---S-//_-/Lf7~/.-/~ /7~ ( Peter L. Braon PLB/dl Enclosure cc: Sherry L. Hyman, Esq. Ronald K. Kolins, Esq. 3015B :-4 '..'":>> .. . -. . :" : :- ,,~ - .. .. :.. I') - , " ... '. I" ,. .. ,. ,., " oJ . . . . -..- . . ... - -/ ='''':::'~~ . ...; 'J - '. e... -:-1.1 :.... .... .... r.. ell" ~T :'\... ..... .... .., ,'n, '.:' ,.:c. i:lFli..u;;.iti JUi.HCIAL l:IR'';urr, l:~ AXD FOP. I'At:,l BI!ACH COU~:T'.", FLORTU~. ' ;Iu.t liU~3 CQu:tit. :j~rt '1 'l.G::U t hcr~" cercif, ~u tit. fC'lt.:;foJlrt;: I, a u". ~o"7 of c:,. r~ot~ :..-. t~., oHt<.t 1'1\b._0"'I:l __1'_ '!;~:~:j c. t :';:I:(~E c..~:c C:.:\ILI ~ .. - - .. , ,. :)O~'~R'l' TC.t~'S-O'\~ CT ~n""c", Q ,.,. .:.. !:It;. .. I;' 1 .'1, ...1\1'.=" &; .' ........1. '. "~nO-flv ~ nO""EU-- ..;'J:.";~, u.,n... 1 . I.. .. 1) ,:,,,..~, ;),:,\"lD RO;qlRTS, E:.;IJ.Y :.i. JACKSOX d "'ILL - .', C SC"-O" :lr, Ii .:..:....1. '-'4\1.., - ':$- \ o Plaintiffs, \ \ ! CIVIL ACTION }:O. \: 72 -C. (j6Z,~ - JOY/"' fJ .. --J Co.,) - .,- . o;c.. CITY OF BOYNTC~ BEACH, a Florida municipal cor,orati~n a~d P;\L~i!..A.:'!D DEVELOP~:EN1t CO~.? I a .' ' corpora'-1on, , . ..~ I"\~ ., r- '~ ,..., ""'- .. :r.. \,":' ~ :---, I -. ;; r:, ,..' ,..,'" 'o.J~ ~ !:! J. ~ i:.: ,"~' <-t!:: .;".. ~:.. -.... .... ~;f c-:t ? - m ..-:-... - =: . (~ :t:~ --- . ""'"": , '- -,... . ~ ..- ;- ~ f'1 0' \ n,fendants. c::::a before the / ~ -. ...:., ~ .. . FINAL ~~ <::) upor. the Complaint herein -and upon the Sti ulation a~ ~greement as executed by . / the parti~s, thro~gh the r resp,ftive attorney. The said Stipulation and Agreement\isi'ttached hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated into and cade Court finds from the sail / / tations made to the Co~rt I / / part of this Finc:.l J\l~gwent. The action and in Agreement and represe~- counsel that tho controversy in this Ordinance No. 79 CAeL) 01 arises out of the or~gin. attached to the Stipulation and out f the subsequent conduct of the Cit and J\g-re er:\en t of Eoynton Beac in passing Or inances ~ 73-7 and ~i3-l1 wherein and wh reby uses permitted und~r zoni~~ ordin ances in existence at the time f tho pass~ge of Ordinanca i 72-~ were ch~nged and further ~risi~g out of the expressed ir.tent of various officials of-the City or ol'nton Beach to cha~ge the zonin~ classifications on the pro?~rty o~ned by ralml~~d DcY~lop =cnt Corporation from ~lassific~tions as t~ey existed in Ordin~n ;i.-27 to R-l.A or R-l-AA. COI",tro\'ersy furthc:' arises bct-;;cen tr. p~rties in th~sc suits as to tho validity of Ordin~nce 72-2i bo: as to it's annc',a..iOi) und zoni~~ &1J'o....is ions. It furth~r appear: t~ th~ Court. t~~t tl~~ p~rt lC.i h;.\\'~ :1::\: .~i.l'ccd th~t thnsc ccrt&1i' ~ l~nds being p;:tic~13rlr described in said Stipul~tion i\~c!. . I\~re /'-" '. ~ 2:)( M ( ::;:, \ -~. U'::-2,.-'-:" ~, v .~~::~? ~ ~ '" .,.... 4 n....,- ;::",," J..J/ -fll r f, A 1/ .(, ,_ 1..'_ r... L) I -'! n.J /_' 0- .. .