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'BLIC HEARING A cc: Bldg, Plan, Eng, Util PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-147 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) FROM: J. scottMi~ city Manager ~~ christdpher cutro, Planning Director TO: DATE: June 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Planning Area 8.h (Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run)- Land Use Element Amendment/comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission Agenda for Tuesday, June 18, 1991, under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request to cpange the land use of Planning Area 8.h from "Office Commercial" to "Local Retail Commercia111 on the Future Land Use Map and to amend the corresponding language within the Comprehensive plan, support Documents, to delete the "Office Commercial" land use recommendation and refer to a stipulation and settlement agreement resulting from a previous court decision. RECOMMENDATION: The planning and zoning Board unanimously recommended denial of the above referenced application. CC:cp A: Landuse 'A~ ~"" ""'"~tl {~~ ""~iL tt "" ~1~1D~ ",",~ ~ W ~ "'-~W ~ -xLv ~ IJ.o>... ~ ~(}~.~t>-~~~~ ~.~~~~~I~~~~~ ~ R"~~~~ .' ~,~"""~~~~~~' 4~ AL~ ~ 7Al Planning Area 8.h - Office Commercial Parcel at Hunters Run LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT t' Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 91-131 To: Chairman & Members planning & Zoning Board ek:..1~ ~ From: Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director Date: February 19, 1991 Subject: Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Requested by City Commission to Correct a Scrivener's Error in Connection with Future Land Use Support Document, Planning Area a.h. Commercial Parcel Fronting on Congress Avenue East of Hunter's Run INTRODUCTION/HISTORY In adopting the 1989 Future Land Use Plan, the land use classification for the above referenced property was changed from "Local Retail Commerciall1 to "Office Commercial". However, it is felt that the final judgement made in 1973, involving palmland Development Corporation and the City's Planning and Zoning Board (see Exhibit A), was either overlooked or not taken into full consideration. Consequently, the owners of the above referenced 30-acre parcel, Summit Associates Ltd., have requested the City Commission to amend the Future Land Use Plan by reverting the land use designation to "Local Retail Commercial", and to maintain the current C-3 (Office/Professional) zoning designation. Approximately four month's after the City annexed the area then referred to as Charter World, which contained the above referenced property, the City, by adopting Ordinance No. 73-7 and 73-11, purported to change the uses permitted in the C-2 zoning district which consequently effected the newly annexed area (the subject parcel was originally zoned C-2, the most intensive commercial district at that time, and hence later changed following the revision of the Zoning Code which resulted in the creation of the functionally equivalent, C-3 zoning category). palmland Development Corporation, owners of Charter World, subsequently filed suit against the City. On May 10, 1973, the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County ordered a Final Judgement that incorporated by reference a Stipulation and Agreement. The Stipulation and Agreement was executed by both parties involved and in part stated that Charter World may be developed according to zoning classifications as they existed at the time that Charter World was annexed. As indicated above, the City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan changed the land use designation for this parcel from "Local, Retail Commerc ial" to "Office Commercial", and now requires that it be rezoned from C-3 (Community Commercial) to C-l (Office commercial). The City Commission acknowledged that a court order and stipulation and agreement exist on this property (the city's official Zoning Map contains a reference to the final judgement). Since the circumstances existing at the time that this zoning was originallY approved, as well as the land use regulations, have significantly changed, this evaluation should include a formal analysis of the subject property and land use amendment request pursuant to pertinent criteria listed wi thin Section 9. c. 7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City's 1989 Comprehensive plan includes three policies that address the issue of commercial land use and are listed as follows: 1 r ~ .." Policy 1.4.13 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to provide that the city shall oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the city of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.17.1 - Discourage additional commercial and industrial uses beyond those which are currently shown on the Future Land Use Map, except where access is greatest and impact on residential land uses are least. Policy 1.19.6 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, unless it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses, or a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by eXisting commercially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which a need can be demonstrated, and the commercial use would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policies. The future land use classification for this site is "Office Commercial" . This request would therefore be inconsistent with Policy 1.4.13 since it would conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located greater than one mile from the nearest major intersection, and in close proximity to residential uses with a low average density, therefore, this request is also inconsistent with Policy 1.17.1 since access would not be considered "greatest", nor would impact upon residential uses be "least". Furthermore, the proposed amendment is inconsistent with Policy 1.19.6. As indicated in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document, Appendix B, Supply and Demand for Commercial Land, a surplus of over 140 acres of commercial land for retail and other commercial uses is projected at build-out (see Exhibi t "B"). Al though the Future Land Use Support Document, section VIII, Problems and Opportunities, Planning Area 8.h (see Text Amendment below), indicates that there will be a demand in the long-run for this commercial property, it is also recommended that office uses would be more appropriate, based in part on the reasons stated above. The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land supports this recommendation through the projected surplus of commercial land for office use which is 85 acres less than the surplus projected for commercial land for retail and other commercial uses. Planning Area 8.h also acknowledges the existence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south of the site. CONSISTENCY WITH THE ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN AND COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING AND FUTURE USES OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES The predominant land use in this area is residential, and ccnsists of the Hunter I s Run PUD which abuts the site to the west, and Chanteclair Villas. The Hunter I s Run PUD has a land use designation of "Low Density Residential", and Chanteclair Villas is des ignated as "High Density Residentialll. Remaining uses within this area include Manor Care ACLF and Nursing Center, Congress Avenue Community Park, and the WXEL Broadcasting Facility. Cognizant of the characteristics and impacts of these existing uses, compared to the potential impacts generated by those uses li}:ely to be developed within the current and proposed land use categories, the "Office commercial" land use category would be the more suitable land use category. THE EFFECT OF CHANGING CONDITIONS At the time when the property was originally annexed and zoned, minimal commercial development had taken place within this area of the City, or along Congress Avenue. Since that time, however, numerous "strip" commercial shopping centers have been completed or approved, and additional parcels of property have been 2 " reclassified to allow development of similar commercial uses. As stated above, the analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projected a surplus which exceeds 140 acres. Furthermore, since there currently exists shopping centers located within 2 1/2 miles to the north, and 1 1/2 miles to the south, it is unlikely that an immediate geographic need exists for such uses. REASONABLENESS OF THE SCALE OF THE PROPOSED LAND USE RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE See "Consistency With The Established Land Use Pattern. .." AVAILABILITY OF SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE There currently exists available sites within the City that would permit the development of uses allowed under the requested land use category and existing C-3 zoning district. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From a planning perspective, it is recommended that "Office Commercial" is now a more appropriate land use category than "Local Retail Commercial." The basis for this recommendation is summarized as follows: a) The site is located in close proximity to residential areas wi th a low average density . The impacts of a land use '~'';c,;,:~::~,~Y;'pgrmitted wi thin the "Office Commercial II category would ".B!t~!;~~~~."lY!,,:;;impact~UPQn. the <residential, areas, the leas t and ~~~~~%"~%TIt?,'+'~ld1je:;'ino're~6ris ist'ent 'with; th e" cfdj ac'erit""use s -:.."~...-...;..._.,,. b) The analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projects a surplus of over 140 acres at build-out, compared with a surplus of 56 acres projected for land for office use. In addition, the presence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles and 1 1/2 miles to the north and south, respectively, should provide for any specific geographic need; c) proper access, namely an east-west thoroughfare, to serve the most intense d~velopment allowed under the IILocal Retail Commercial" land use category does not exist at this site; d) The Comprehensive Plan recommends this site to be reclassified to "Office Commercial" and rezoned to C-1 (Office/Professional) . Furthermore, Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.4.13 states that the City will oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and e) The conditions existing at the time when the property was annexed and zoned have changed. Since 1972, numerous commercial developments have been completed within the area, and additional parcels of property have been reclassified and/or rezoned to allow for retail commercial development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT There is an obvious conflict between the result achieved by a planning re~iew and the result achieved when the Final Judgement is applied. That conflict should be addressed by the city Attorney. If "Local Retail Commercial" is determined to be the legally correct land use category for this site, based on the underlying Final Judgement and stipulation and Agreement, a comprehensive Plan text amendment will be required in addition to the Land Use Amendment. The comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document, Area a.h., which is on page 94 of the support Document, currently reads as follows: Area a.h. Commercial Parcel Frontinq on Conqress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial 3 '-' ..."., land in the city indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two factors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from existing and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and zoning remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of shopping centers 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P.U.D. and the City park which lies to the north; therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the office Commercial land use category. It is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. The amendment to the Support Document should include the removal of text that recommends this area to be classified as Office Commercial, and the addition of text that provides notice of the underlying Court Order, and Stipulation and Agreement, which governs the zoning of this parcel. The amended text should read as follows: Area a.h. Commercial Parcel FrontinG on ConGress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~~~~$~/~t/t~~$~/t~~ t~tt~t$fft~~/X~~~ft~~/~~~~~~/t~t/t~~/~~~~~t~t~X/~~t~~~~ ~~~/t~~/~t~t~~~~/tt~~/~tt$tt~~/~~~/t~t~t~/t~$t~~~~~~1 tt/t$/t~~~~~~~~~~/t~~t/~~mm~t~t~X/X~~~/~~~/~~~/t~~t~~ t~m~t~J//~~W~y~tl/~~~/t~/t~~/X~~//~y~t~~~/~~~$tt1/~t t~tt~~~~t~~/t~$t~~~tt~X/pt~i~~t$l/t~~/pt~$~~~~/~t $~~ppt~~/~~~t~t$/Z/t/Z/mtX~$/t~/t~~/~~tt~/~~~/l/l/Z ~tx~$/t~/t~~/$~~t~I/~~~/t~~/XatX/~t/~~/~~$tfw~tt t~~t~~~~t~t~,/t~t$/$tt~/W~~X~/~~/~~t~/$~tt~~X~/t~t ~tttt~/~$~/~t/~~P~$~~/t~/t~t~tX/~t~J//~ttt~~/~$~/W~~X~ ~X$~/tt~~t~/t~w~t/tm~~~t$/~~/t~~/~~i~~~~t/PJ~J~J/~~~ t~~/~tt1/p~tY./W~t~~/xt~$/t~/t~~/~~tt~l/t~~t~t~t~l/tt/tt t~t~m~~~~~~/t~at/t~t$/~~t~~X/~~/pX~~~~/t~/t~~/~ttt~~ ~~mm~tit~X/Xa~~/~$~/~~t~~~t1J It is ~Xt~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zoninG of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aGreement that resulted from a previous court decision. Included within Exhibit "A" are the Final Judgement for Action No. 73-579, ordinances No. 73-7 and 73-11, and other legal documents referenced above and in the Final Judgement. It should be noted that the Final Judgement for Action No. 72-C-6624, which is referenced in the attached Final Judgement, was not included due to its similarity to the attached Final Judgement. 4 'PARCEL uA T.'HUNTE.4S -~UN r--""- '~ .~~ ~---l "1 ~~ ~ --:L :0~.,R:9~/ \ :J-, " ~ ;~~71l--Y,k · .~I ,..--.J --. cr ~ 11 . .'. '7 ~ I~'N ~,\\ ~:.... ~~ '~~ "'- f" . '<:::>. <s """'I~"'K" r '\. : ~ . " . ~o/ ,c.,8 b0;, 6, ~rT'MI!;"I "-i :"'~: c-.:: I":~ ~~.' -w;: ..,: : ) ~ f.:::><::) '<~ ~~ 'J!!.. '.--' ~ ~ --..J f / R E C () \) ~ ($1 ~ ~ !!J'!1 nHIJ l!l1ll "LD-J '\:~ . , ~ ~&f?r ~:'... "~ . ~ ~.& ~ Qj ~,..... ,.~ :J $' ~v ' ~ ~ - ~ '. TRACT "Q" \' U ~ ~ ~ :\ f1 ~ A ,~I II~" ~,...... ~;"~ "-- -l N......- 1)\1 ~ ' " :: ';:..' ~ mro:Dm CDIlJIL~ '.... B ' , . /- B /?" ~i1I:nr........ <b' '<.'" ~" . :: .i}aJt;1)~'e b 0~~ \.~ ,'~ : ',(e~tJ, .. <J~_ . ~ ~. T'o" a B' 1."'3: : E3 ~,"" e J \3 \ 8 : : : , ',B _""1 ee' a I: \, : :~ · : 0 : ~~aa\\€\ u~,~..:- ' 0 ~~ "-~~./': . t~riFim;~D"'i- ('--.~.~~.."......., ~ J nm mn amam am{jj' "IJ---: [;?,-.. ,", ' l. . ~ ~ 0" ,'.' " ~ .:~ '... \, . ~.' . ., . .., ...' m ,,- ':.. ...'" . -:...a..a..a.... .. -" ..... - - - - - .. - ~.. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... - .. - .. ... - - ... .. .. ... .. ... ... ... ~ . c..........i- .J1 _, ,--, _ n::-= - ~" t,.. i~ I ~~' k-- ~[Pu[ f-- - ----l }- . ~ ~ vi I l- i.- / .( c....oJ.. M'I l.2..C1 I , ' 11 II i I ! ! ~ I- i f-- ---=:J If -.... I .CAN"'.... ,-.~o r C ~ i I I ! -- I,L~ \ ~ fj ~ 1/ I 'A 'A I ,~- 1/////1' '/t/ I//j. '% 7/11/ ~ '-' .... EXHIBIT "A" -Final Judgement (Action No. 73-579) -Stipulation and Agreement -Ordinance No. 72-27 -Ordinance No. 73-7 -Ordinance No. 73-11 C- I ./, ~. ~-'-."l . .:/ .. '. 1... . '.:.1. .. . ".' ~.. ' , . '~1 i :fi t ~ll .E .... ~ -. - - 'o' -. ~: - - .~ .:::; '- . ,~ ~:;. t:" i~: :,i- ~ ~:.. . .... ~e - -- 0.' . 4' I ' ~if'..~ , ~':f . t~~ ~. '- :p ".'. t ,.,.i .'.. . } .~. . I;(J~;. Cill' .. '~~~':: : . . . r: .... . ..rr-' . ,ti. '. ..-f I . :". J ~ :.~ 1 ". . ~~. J ~ I.'" _ I".'. t ':,' . I;: . Jf. '10':'1' t. ,# ~!-; I ".;. " 'I , 1, .. ., ...: .(7'), .:../ __... .'w. .- - .., -. ',I. ,. ~.}-:r"=-::~ . ... . .' - ( -. --Y-"~ ~ " \ .....~,-.... . --.r................... .. ..~ ... -- .. ' ,- -vs- --:---=- . .. . '........ ......"'-"'... \&;~..... ",... ., . . . .~..... '"..........: ;.. .; ~ ",. i~'~.~: ,1.. "(:r;..il-:;.." : .... .!\.. ,......._ ,,\~....r. , ,;",t\,'I~Il~:' \.~"':.' ",' '\.I,.,.r 1 .:...... ~ . .,: J!' 1\' . ..t,";l~. ,"r-.:..' . It . \~~. , .)'i~:',^~ ~~.~\:: ,; \'."~~ ,:tr.~...,,"" - )' IN illn crp-curT cou:rr OI":':'I~ PIFTEcrrrn JUDICII,L CIRCUIT, HI ~:o FOr. ~~tf~~1A...~~~Jr, FLO~lDA. ....(- ;~~~~... "". . ! ~~: Q~'i i~tY}!;;;:~~ ~ ~ .' .....,.-t~. ~~'-r-:,""'" · .' ... ., r i ' '" '''4. ,~. 'lor",.. of I" .,~, l t'::' !i~.S ~~'n ' .... .~~ ..\-\oIf'.~~~.:I" . I, J~ ,..." ..;~:~.~ ,t.;. . . ,.~ ~ ,ti'; 1;.""~I~ ;:'nll', , .' . . ! I'! \a-,.l';' f. I .... ~...;.t ~. > "~" :. CIVIL ACTION ,liO.::~~{~~~(L)-Ol_SpflrJl . " L' 9~' ... ' ~ ''''':"'w ..~ 'Ir~,l , . ,.\.......'\\...~~f.... Ct.")t.t~(l~r:;:'," ..' j;;:1;tt~,c'.;;,,~l!~.'k~' -rt _....-.'\~ ~".~.,(.r..~~A: _ . _ ij::; r"';:.:i~l::.,~(~ ,1 g '., "'",..~:'), u~.; .:. ....,~.::>~\:. D;l.: . r n $i 'i ::,.:$1.;~.~,:", Q ( . ~~""'l"i'-:-"':'~':~'~'t'A ==~ ''.~~~~~~::;'t; \. ,'"' '.ICI. THIS CAUSE is before ~he Court Upon the"CoDpiaJ.D1: ~. . .. . . ! ~ :~. - - - . 5~S~ PALMLA.'-:D DEVELOPMENT COr.POMTION. . a .corporation, Plaintiff, CITY OP BOYNTON BEACn. FLORIDA, a Flcrida ~unicipQ1 corporation, THS PLA.\1n~G AI:D ZONH:G tOARD of the CITY Or BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, et a1., Defendants. I. !- . 1TI o FINAL JUDGl.::iNT . , herein and upon the Stipulation and . - I ; , . . Agreei:lellt as exe.:utec! by . ' -..".. , H the rarties, through their respective attorney.. :~~!:sa~ StipulatioQ and Agreeaent ~s attached hereto a. Exh1bl~ A and -incorporated into and J:lade a part of'"'this Final .1u.c:r;=ant ~ . The Is ., , . Court finds froQ the said Stipulntion end AC~c&Ccu~ end ro~rc=c~- . .... . ", tntions made to the Court by counsel that' tho" con~:-oW'Z'1IY_~n ~!:is · . ~...".,,, ~ "t.-'" I - action and in Action llo. 72-C-6624 arhCDOut a! 't.t~s ~orl~!::::l . .' . . Orc!in2..!H:e No. 72-27'. copy of "'hie!! 1s r.~tt.c!lcc1 ~O';1:il0"St!~:J1:::!=:: and Agr~er:1ent horein ..nei out of the ,ubsequ~r.t C~:1~~c:t~, o~.. ~~. C1::- ~- ....~. J.~".'" :~ of Boy~ton Benc~ in p~ssinc Ordinan=~s t'I~-7 ~=c ('~~41. . whorei:! a.nd "'hCreD). th'c! 6fmercl ,uson pOt:! t:cc!. ~!=~t~~~~~~ ~~~-:._ , ~'" \ '. ~ . . cnces in existence ct tho t1c~ of tho i':':U:3~O 'e~'c=4:i~c~_'(iZ-Z7 .... '~~ i. ;.-, ~~ :.1 _~.~:;<!' ." .~:' ~ .:ere chanC:!d &:..~~ ~u=ther r.=is!nt;o:Jt 0: :t:~~. c:::;:':icziG4':i:.~=~ of I . _ ,j. ''-.:~ '-:'.~;r~, ;,.;,::-; '.: various officials of the City oE'ooyn:e~ 't~:~i~~'~~'~~~J:~~: . lit . f.. ~ " _ " ,'" ., %o:ling cl&ssiflcations on the propoT:Y 0':nCd.1:1'r':'!~1~C::)~:D\"tI1C~_' -. . -'';- ,.~:. .t't~.!~.e l;".\~ ,.~ - [lent Corpor-~tlon fro:' cl~ssific=tio~:J POS thoy c::lQ:~~ 1;10..:!1:.:.r.c:t . . '. . ~ ""'. t.: &at 4... ~,. ~ . . . 72-27 .to r.-l-A or R-l-AA. Co~trovor::y !u=:::::- e:-l::es:bctt:cC:1 t::::t' pc.rties i:1 these :luits ;!; to the \"r.~lC:i:;. cf o=,,~:'.~~t;"~z-!:.i b:t~~, '. . .. , .. ll:; t i'. ......,...;. t.-. " to i:' s c.:\~~::::~ion 'and ::cniilC p=o\.i:ic~:o.' ! I~ !'.:ithor.~c.::~:;):=:J ., , '. .. "{ .' '1 . tt C ....I... tl r"le" h"'"o r,...: ...--C.....t ..t.......' ""0. "0 'c' ...._....:_ le c~:-~ ~IiC.. ~o p~. ~ :6.. .... ........ .._ ~""''''~:''":':.<' ..".: :-_ ......:, to lends D~in:. pcr:iculc.r1r described 1~ p...C.r :;""-"~""ic~ t.,.-d /..-c-::- ......-.: ~-," "',--J,':~:"~,;~'.,..~2,~,/~ '~., '... " -.; ) ,'H''!-~':1:'''' .. .. .' ..., '''"~''''''''''''''"" :'~ ~ ..(~:~~~);B". . ',' ...,'..,'.,~ (,t:';~~;,4"",; ~ :,'. <,.:;;"~": ' ':I'~ '. - _. _. . . ,,,~, (~.-6 ',:".;' ~";ro ;-. . ': 'I" .. :('..:t ....",3. " ....;1 ....'. '.~.tl':U{'" , .'~"."'l ' " "'-1: :<, S'l':" ok- , . " . ~ \-...~~, -Jt.,.i '..~. ". ".').' .' .. 'Il'''' ~tI'" ~ ~.J"" .... ' .l, ," ~"llio~" '" '/t..;tr!.... ,. ':_...:. j., ..., r . ..' .... '.. ...._.~, : ,.. {, ~ ..,....~.......4l~ t..~..~ . .. . '{.'I~:''r\:.. .... :'! ". .... _ '. ..; I : ", ;",'/ ;\~: >: ~~'r?'h' , ~L..> " "':'-I.:;Y'j... .. ~.. ,:',~, V;f' ",fl... '. y ........, i',....... ~ . ..:..:f:!........:. ~ .' '......'CJ r#. r >.-_ , . .~i:\''Ii ...' ~~. "'o, ..~<. . ~..:,~ 1(. ...."... t- O - .. ...... ,." t:n f..: ,. .A- .. I :::L... .....'--. .... :---- , ' .Exhibi t "e" :'j " . '----.,. - . .. -- . " . '. 7 ," ~ ."1 :\. .' .. ..,..' t " . f . :- . ~ .. tl '0.... , I . ..~....:. .'. ... -. ... . .O'. " . . ~.z~ . '~:'!~:::;'-"':"_'_. ... ... , . J ~---:--.....-~ .: . . t ~; ~ " . ; i ; I :.. ! ',.. I ~...t 'f '.' I ~ I I" !., . . r ..... -- . ~. -:. '- ' - - ... --.... ............ ~ ... . .:,.... , l~ 'l.~ , . ~ .r :'i. . " : t ., .. . ~~ I :' , t' . '. . .~ I , 'I "\j Dent as folloWSI I I Section 6, Town,hip 46 South, R~n~e 43 East, and ths Ea,t halE of Section I, Township 46 South. , R:1nr,e 42 East, 1e'5 threo pcrc:ols on the . .,:., periphery of the Eost h:1lf of Section 1,..,! '., ';: totaling opproxirultoly 20 ocros. ""~" ....i!~... r--/ " \',:";). ~ If .. , were ~ are validly annexed, into the City,ot.BGyntoft~B..ehj':~ ....... --.. .. - I ~ " 'r" '....,txj r' by the sald Ordln.nca 72-27 and finds th.~tht~~~.~~l~4e~~~r. validly toned by th,e said OrdinBn~e. The :ton.f.~& '.~',,~~!~b,\!~~,.cl - .in the said grdinance is I:lore particularly set' ou:'here1n:by,> . ';,.':",. .. '~' . reference to that certdn Road Plan No.' 73~~~. .'eoPt'!~~~"~l~ I .. . '..r'- . '", ',' . " ~. is attached hereto as Exhibit Band cade a pArcTh.r.of~~Th.' , .' ~ -l<tiy~'>"'"' · parc!!1s &5 indicated on the said nap, by nua~~Jr., ~~~~':fJ.~~-!~,~y the- said Ordinance 72-27 nnd are now V.lldlyzonocl;....t~l'low~.,.~:.,. & '. '; l' ~"f;;j'f'.;,~' Pnrcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 4 8 .re Zonecl JtZ.A,~,'" '; , ". ;'?) h-t'l. n.1~~ Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 .nd ',; ,. '.., . ".;, (, r{', ;"H~~;tLl~};';' . .". '. . c ": I;' "1 .' ~ ~; . ""~'r.; ~; . ~.1 ,f., ft....l~,. ~ J" Parcels: 17,18,l'8A,22,24 are .zoned e-l ,,;~'....~'~..~'::,:, . . "'~ 1 t Il~'Al:," $.Uo-:'> Parcels: 19 and 20 are zoned t42 I.,. , :.-:.,:,::' .,.','<': , .: \i. ;'-::;':~}}'f\";' '. The Court fur:her finds that after'the enmC~ent ot.O~d1n.Qc. . .., r!'~" ..:.(..... 72-27, Palnlnnd Deyelop~ont Corporation, In'rel1anco;u~oD'(.c1~ . ~ ....li.: ':,~'n:"!'h-rf -- Ordinance, did substa:ttially c:ha.nco it I S ponit!,~~,~t~~~ ..~:P'::~i- . , .', "~., ""'t"'> '\ ~,,, -0:,,,,",,,, ture of su6s 0: coney. The Court f'ur::~or - ~!.r.lsthe~ :'c:.li:l::.:1' ~, ~ Dev~lop=ent Corpo=~ticn, 'in cccordanco Wlth~thO~ji!~~ili~:i~;!=~ and A r:!~ent, is c~tit!ed to dov~lco tho ~~i~~l~iii~~'~~~r'_ .. "r fi;'''~l'''':'4''~r'' . cnce \;i ~~ tho ,bcvc zc::i:lG cl2.ssi!lcct!.c:1!S U" th=t o::12tacii:.:1,~;~ :Iove"o.~. 1972, o::co;>t U ho~.;in.!to~ H"!.~.d;':(~a;~~ilii~~~ .: tioos '~211 ba ef!ectc.tod by PC~~lC~d.. Pl';C~i~iJ::O~y/i:t~:~~ '!j~i~,::.. re~t:ri=:i'Ve coven.2nts to r~n \:i~ the lend: :"Olt::lcfi~~/\ 0 0"0 t, . ,.... .t-.... .,~' ;..i:,.....!.~*. c.~.~."~: ,~uses 25 folloi:~: . i,"" .'.. ';', r.r..'}:~;r~!~,~,"i~r", .{'~~?~,' 'I (:1) Pcl:Jlr.nd will not' con~truc~' r:~~~~:i~~i4'. ;6J}:E(;'. rosiden:icl cl~:ollinc cnits on tho lc.'ld:. hcr'~i:1c.b~'~~~~d~~~ll~:i:}~.~', - D:tc! C:1 the ten (10) acres of "county It.nd'' / !:hO'-'J\~o:~,~j;1(~~,~".; ~ /~ .:',~. .;,~;;~:: . :~'. '~'l.~~...~." . ''''. ".~H~',~,,,,~y!-t..;. ~.',' . _ -:' '..:\,-...~~.:...~'J'. ,,~". ~ , ~~..' ...~.:.:'. '. , " i~~'\;...J;":~~,' ~/ > '::~ <')?;(~:. .*~ . ., :# ..." ~. . i "'1 ~ , ".,~ '.' - , .' "'lJ>",i .' , . .~...),,;~<{., , .. ." 1 ~,}J ~ "(~~"'. }>;'I~~ ,~~ '~ .. 'f' ~f,~<'.ytJ ~ ,~:>: )~l[~ ' - .. . u~ ~I.~~~J" ,I ~ I" . ,c,,,o;; ~',.d:'11\." '. .' ""':'5>.'I::"f'>" . ": ,:\..j.,.~ "r'~;.,?i~J~ ."- .........:..:....'" , - _ t llr' ':. ..."', '...;,...n...t! ~-,4 ~ ,'.l ,... -..---- -...,--- ,'_,1;.;:S-." :rrc,. ~. #"'t-.J,.'..I-t....,...... .~ ~ , . L ~ n I!! I~: '0 .... - .. t~ u ~ 'f~ - ,). "t h !t1 '. .1', ;' r '. ~ 23 are zoned R3A .. .:...: .' . . " i:.'" :J ' ~'~' ,. . ' 'r: ' ~". . 'I '.. ,. \ as P~rcel 25. - . I :.. .. 0 . . . . ., - o ~~,.t;?.- r.;O fo.\' k~t:..__..:..vv ..... -2- ~ '2 - Exhibit "'. .,' "C" .~.. ....--.&..~.~,~ '~,;. · '.:'t',[Y, :~.~:. .,~..~~ h:. ~'~!,o ..,' '. J./l# . 1..~:tl............ ." .../t..., ~':::~,~'.' ,':":',':~~ .~ . ~ ~~~~"a,::' - . . .. ~... ~ , . . . ... '1" . , l:bo~ '. (b)' rr.l~lnnd will con,truct only ono- ~ , ~ . t 'tory ~tructuTo' on Porcel, 1,2,3, ftnd 4. . ~ : (e) In ad11tlon to the 6,700 re,idontial cwelllng unit' referred to in p~rob~aph sub-ee) Bbo~e, P~lclcnd will . construct a ~axinu~ of two hund~cd (200) cote! or hotel rcnt~l " roo~s on Perccl 22, together with all accessory uses inci~~~tal I 0, ,~ ,) .... .. t .., ,,.. ..:- i' ~ ~ thercto. Cd) Palrnl~nd will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eli~inating the following per~itted uses under the above cescribed :oning classific~tions: t! C-2 .', .'; ':"" 'I ~~: !f01. ~~ ;!;: !a~ ..... j~~: i~;t tr~ .r: l'i-: .;.-: ~, ,~ -, ~.-, ... "-, '.~'. t. ~~ -~: ,'T, Anical hospitals when ~ll activities are co~cucted within the buil~g Shops for F3inte~s, plu=bers, pape~ hangers. ~ electrici~ns,u?~olsterers ~nd o:her of a si~il~r nature. Cutcoor ~:orage yares ~re peroitted when ~cccssory to the above uses, provicc~ ~11 eq~~?- cent and p~rch~~dise are c~closed o~~ind a screen cO:lsisti~z o!: pl:::~ti:~:3 er 0 closed or se~i-clos~c ty?e fe~c~ not less then five fee: in hciG~t. Mobile h=~~ sales. Usee c::.r lots. ~r~ l:arc~o:;:;cs. ,,"'h~lcs&:.la co::=e:-ci.:..!. c:;:::.b- li:;n::l~nts. Resice~ti~l uses. C-l BCGr~i~~ ~~d rcc=~~~ ~~u~cs. r~O:":t:;::-;. . r.csicc~:ic! ~~cs. (e) ?al=l~~i ~ill C~:~~ i~tQ C~ c?:ic~ to cc~- Ve}' si~:y (60) acr~s r.~~e or le~s :0 u3L~\Y ~~:~S !or csc c~ly . I 25 a golf cc~:-se. Should D=Li'.AY D~::i;S ~;:~.cise ii's c?:ie~. . - tJ;,ere -,.,ill be no core th:!.1l 6550 .c~icci1:i~l c;!:clli::: t.:~i::; C:! "', .... .. -.... . \ lends ~h09~--:1 on E:--:hibi t tin". - 3- Q u ~ , I. ~'I'r'''''''' -('\ ::~:L;t'.._0J 1)'-: I.... n ~ , ~' i '. .' ...,. '. :::- ~. . \ ':i:,';.:" .. ..~---, .,;. ~'~./. .1 . ., i. . ..... . ~ ';j,.. i . (':'~:X~' , t....' _.,.1 ".. ~:,,::,~.;'::'.I Exhibi t "e" ,.,... ........ . . .,.---c-~.......- .. - ~.". ':.\-.;.,,; ;:. ' .. '~'.. . - ,;.. ...:.... . ..... .~. ... : \,.."J! I' I: ::.;'-~~": ...:.... . . ~ ~.;;~.. . -...: t .:..7.....,-;..~...._.-:.:.:_ J......: .': ._ ..'".i.;~:~ _ .....!......"..-"7 it!...,.,..-- .~.,..J".,J :-.:. ":. -."r ~.. ~':,~ ~'l .... ..''; . . '-I I . .- 1--- -, ~l .. 23.are toned R3A , Pare'e1s: 17, 1S. 1SA. 22, 24 are zoned ~ Parcels: 19 & 20 are toned C-2 parcel nu:b~rs herei~~~ove rcfe~red t~ end the :J" lc=~s h~rei=:=o~c ~~\~~ . , ~ :~...~. ... , . . 'J .. :'i " . . , ';~ '1tt :<111':; ~ .: ~. {I ;.1; . . j . .,.~ : ,~. .. -.' -~. ':.~.~ "~~}~ .-.,.c =~;: ''\..;, ~,.-4:: . ::~:. .,-:'e. ....::.' ~.~~ .;~~; ~1 J:: ~.. ... "t'. ;.J t ,~, ,,),r. 'J',~ f' ..1 ;.~t ,"llY .~. .,: t.~!':', ..Jl' J. :j~ ~~" ~,~,~. .!t7 ......" :>. .tl 1--' ..... ~~ ,:: 10;'1 . .1 -~.t~ t !, .. .~~ ~ .N,S.. f ht' . . '-. ~ I ~ . ' ..., - -- 1he Court !urthor find: thGt :cid StipulAt10n and ^crccnent contGins !u~:hcr Gr.~ccDent: botween tho pArties and :pecificol1y between thc City of Boynton Bench and PDlclDncl Dcvclo?nent Corporation wl:h reference to the deve1op~ent of the said lands, which e&~eeaents the Court finds to be re3~on3~lc and proper. It is, there!ore. '. ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as fol1o~'; 1. That certain Ordinance enacted by the eity of Boynton Beach on Nove!:lber 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72.2.7 is a valid existing ordinance of the City of Boynton Be~ch. 2. That 'the lands ~ore, particularly described herein~=ove were and are validly ~nnexed into the City of Bo~to~ Beach a~d are a part of the ~unicipality of the City of Boynton Beach. 3. That the :oning classifications of the said 1~~ds is now and has been since r;ove!:lber 7, 1972 as follows: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,& 8 are Zoned R2-A P~rcels: 9,10,11,'12,13,14,15.16 2.nd. The refer~ed t~are 2S' indicated en Ro~d P1&n 73~Ol. et~~:~ed h~rc~' as E~hi~i: 8 ~nd c~ce a P&~t he~co~. 4. The uses per=it:ed Hithin t~e :c~in~ cl~ssific~:ic~j herein::.b::....e referred to si1~11 be as they "!cre in !::)\.e=~er. ISiZ uncer t~! ap?licable zonin~ ordin:nces of the City o! ~oynton I t · . Beach, e~=~~t as follows: (a) Pal~l&~~ ~ill not construct r.ore th~i 6.;00 r~sidcn:i~l d~clling units on th( lends hereinabove uo!ocribed -4- ~ ~ ~:r 'f' ':''' ~ 9 P!.":( .1_ t:t:i ~_..:..u -- v - ! , . ....-- ~. . . - .;...:..~:::~ .:"-.~~. . .0"'. ': ,'; ..... ...~ .~.. ~ .,...!'..... .. . ..... .~..I ~.:~ I :(.~::..: : ~{:" ", ;.i.'.. '! .....~..,~ ,~ .~ 1:1. ....-~. ~ -..: -,;::.., ~#',.,..-" .~~.~~~. ........ '. ..... ....1:.1.:l ~t.. :~;"~'. '\0.. ~:.: ~._~.~..: :'.0 .a--.......,~'o,."':"'1) .o~ .,"".... o ~~n..~_~~4~.~ '';-.. ~:.~'': :~._ . . Exhibi t tIc"~ [~~::-.._- - ---- ... . .' . . . . 0 .1 ~ -. :f: ';' 0.. .. _ ~. ;"4 '.:- -.. :'1 - ...........!........,- <-'-:.....,...&.. -'...........t~~ . . -;' 0 .. l~' ~~ 0- ... .: ~.;~ ...... ...,... .'., .,..~ . .0 t. ..:- ;.'. I ;f J. . .-.."..... .'._~- I~ , ., '.. ., . -': I y . . , I \, ( and on tho ton (10) Gcres of "county land", ~hOYn on 1!xh1bi.: ..~.. as Parcel 25. (b) Palmland will construct cnly ono- f 1 , 1 I I I 1 . I story structures on Porcols 1,2,3, end 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700.rcsidential dwellin~ eni ts referred to in paratraph sub- (3), ebovC!t, Palc13nd...wll1 c:on- struct 8 J:'I3xiClUr.t of tuo hundred (200) cotel or hotel rental roo~s on Parcel 22, together with 811 accessory uses inc:iler-tal the~ero. Cd) PalmI and will restrict the uses of Pa~c:el 19 and 20 by eliminating the following percitted Uses u~der th~ above described zoning classifications: C- 2' Ani~al hosoitals when all activit~es are conduc:ed within the buildin~. '. Shops for painters, plu~bers, paper bangers. electricians, uphOlsterers and other of a sinilar nature. Outcoor storage yards are peroitted ~hen accessory to the above uses, provided all equip=ene and cerch~ndise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of pl~ntings or a closed or seci-closed type fence not less than five feet in heicht~ Mobile ho~e sales. Used car lots. t Warenouses, wholesale co~~ercial estab- 1 ishr.ten ts. . Residential Uses. C-I Coarding end roo~ing houses. 1':0 rtu<lry. Rosidcnti~l uses. (e) P~1~12nd~ill enter into ~n o?ticn to ccn- . vey si~:y (60) acres !:lore or less to DEL~\Y D~~S for use o~ly as a ~~l: course. Should DELr~y D~~=S c~c~cise i~ts op~i~n. the~~ ~ill be no r.o~e than 6550 resiocnticl c~elli~~ u~its on th~ l:l:l::s ~ho\o'n,on E;.:hibit "n". -5- - o o ~...~~n~ 59 p,o:r .~c:,~t:.,..L. ..... 5 ~ - - i - ~ r. I t t .. .f l. - f ~ .t f f: t ~. i" : i;.: l:.. 6:: ~ f.,' :i: 1', ~~; '. t"l: i:. .- f'; .. ',' 't", .' r~ f t:~_, ~~;,' (~' ~i: ...... ,( ; . too: I.. . I'!'. f f', . ..: " l~ ....:. t~' .~~ :..,: .... , , f:. '".' . .', .,:, ~'r. . ,. ~i~::--/.? ~.h~:.t I .. "'~:.' . I ;>... .~=""'~......~:1.';,j. ~.; : :-:.. :".: ~'~':::~'.; ... .--.....~~.":.. ~ ~."~"L~":..~__ t ... .. ; .. '1:..,. .--:.\".-;:. Exhibi t "C" .....; .. t r . . ..... .:;';. ..,...~i: ". ~ 7 . .. ....t., . oo: . ~.~ ~~:,. , - .. .-, .. ... ...'- ., ... "' ..J>...... ..-~ ..-....... A .:r-,." .. .. .... .. i ..~..~:.;~... .:.,.~....:..:.-:..~,~ ':';,,7 , . ' ." . .~......?,.. '":.. ...., I,!)' .., . , "'\.... :.~ .~ : - " . . . ~ . - .-- j I ,', ." .... ... ..." .' I , ,l i1 ~ I ~.:: Palaland Dovolop~cnt Corporation 1s required to cxoc~:o ~~d cou,e to bo p14ced of r~cord, covcn~nt~ ru~ninc with the lQr~ accoapll,h1ng tho r~'trlction' a, roforrc~ to c, rcrCerQP~ 4 herein. ,. , i :...z ~ 1 ~ ,1 ~ , ,', =t j '~ 1 1 .. " ~ j l , 1 1 ) . ,J s. That the parties hereto aro required to co~?ly with each and every provi~ion of the Stipulctiun ~d Acrce=ene attached hereto end ~Lde a part hereof. The o~ls~ion. by t~o .. ' Court, of any p~ovision of the 5~id Stipulation end Asree=cnt shall not operate to lessen the effect of this Order incorpor- ating the said Stipulation and Agreecent, nor lesseD the cf!ect of this Court's Order requiring the parties to perfo~ in accor~ance with the said Stipulation and Agree:ent. 6. The Court shall retain juriscic~i~ of this cause for the purposes stated in Paragraph No. S iD the last conplete paragraph on Page 8 of,the said Stipulatio~ ~ld Agre~~ent. , i'i" .; - " !: (j ;:. ..~-- , . .- '. 1973. - DONE AlID ORDERED in Chacbers, this' If) ay ~f J~,?~~ e '. . . ~:;. " !.~ .... .. . :!-.. :.. .. ,~ ........... W I.: t:.... t' f:: :'. r:.= ~ ": J L .r .r- r I : F' l";'; .:. '",{=- ;lJ G~. Il , -:I~,c,.~ "JltJ.'~ ~. .I't>..-~ =-> ~~.j~:::*:4AZ~v ~. .. C 11~G~ 11 U&;b.c Copies :urnished to: George :. Adacs,Es~. AD)J':S. ~I!.:~l ti CC~?cR Suite i~O-n~r:fo4~ Euilcing Orlcn~~. Florida 32~Ol e . G S-.' E ~ Q _rr.es.. . leon, sq. '-1) 78 ~o~t~eas~ Fif:h Avenue ~ Delra, 5each. Florida 33444' p' Frcc.~:"icl: E. r:~!::.~rs':e=-:~. E.~q,.f }:'J-:!~ /"1 il-" ,-,.-~,.-- ~....-c::-... . ~ -.: Iv..... 1"___ ---_ _~_.L -....", /_ ,I l;~st F~l~ :~~c...~. r~c':":'c:.:. 3~t;Cl . 1-:i lliL.:l r:. :.:er::lc ~ Es~. p..;.:n LTC:'~ ,.Jl.!,~S. ;:::r~:!.a Suita 2, Ocean Ple=~, Boyn:od Beech, Florid~ & YCi.P.~G ",:.....~ ",;.~....~,. S3~3S ". o ~ t:"C'J"'A r:;n r l:C:V:::~v'-1 r:.c. v r:~ .. r,~ t~. , . f ' ~ f - 6 ro- o. . . .~.... '. . .. ... ~ c. .~~. :~.... ~.. . ": ' ~ :.. ." ~~.: ~, "-'~:~': '. '. ,.:::~~;:;.~~, .. ..; -~.}! ~ , .....I.;.-...J :."..,. , . . -, '.. ... . ;. .. · ~~1.: '-.:.. ~~?~ '.. .. .:.. ", .-...'1 ,J. r' "'''''~~~J''.''' Exhibit "c" [...... . .... '. .~'..: . t. .... ..~. '0 .:!.;.....~ .. . . . . . .0 . .~ ...., .-......t:".. :," I.... .....::. . : .;...~.:H~ ~ i.l~'~ . -', ........' '. .. -.. !/.,! . .'-" ~.I,:......,.....~..........,&i.......~ . . " .... " ", .~ ....:t , ," .it,; i . '4"."~ . 1.:~~''''- . !t ':'" '': .,>t-. , ..,\.'~~ ":::~~ . ....... . " ~ ~;:.~~.o I~ r- f '\ . .' . 1 I .~. ... -=---,-::--..,-- . - -- - - -::-."--~. .1 P' ) . ~- --j- ,,~- . ,.. STIPULATION AND AGREE....E!iT ~.; ~_.-... I ~;..:'.i. f'"";: t ~.':-' : 7.}......... . '.r t;l,.~' -"':;. i. . . ;" ....< ...!rX~f,~~'~ :)-:11: ; [~~.:i:1: f~t~ 'J~"", \, ..~'i. ~ll~:.~ ;~~ t:~~ ..- -........ ... ..~~\.._. [~~][: ~f~~:~:.~ U~~'~ fJ ~.,~", f t:.1Il.i;.," t~<<;: ~>i.;,.,; ~".' :'.\ ;~, r:?~:' ti' r.-.> _ '" tl-~::;;~<." .....;00.:... ::r...-... /~2:~' E-$;~:. ~." .. ..". I~';:;t:. - 2:J.:.;f ..., ~"'-:-;~ ~... ":7..-..'). .". ~ft> -~'l-':' r.::~ ::,~,., :""-:..:-t~." '~~t"t:: ~'~ t ,,' . f!,~r:.; '. r ;;;.: :.. i .-.':H..f 1 " '. 'f ,. '":' ~ . " .. . .1~-;:.-. .' .. .,- , L~" '1 t.:.~-~: t":.. J, ~Jf{: f...-: ," J" .. '. :--:'.f~.-~' ,'~~}t::~ to.,; ';.' , t " " . ~: ',<,.:. t' t - ' . i , . ~ ..--............ " WHEREAS, a certain suit is now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth JudicIal Circuit of , .. Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein 14. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones,' Dorothy A. Roberts, David r.oberts, Emily M. Jackson, and WilliaQ C. Sexton are Plaintiffs and the City of Boynton Beach, a Florida ~unicipal Corpor- ation ~nd Palmland Develop2ent Corporation, a corpor~tion, ~re Defendants, being case No. 72-C-66Z4 and t1HER~~S, a certain civil action has been .~ . filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit ~ PaID Beach County, Florida. 'wherein Paloland Develop~ent . Corporation is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach. a cunicipal corporati~ and J.W. Barrct~ are Defend~ts,- ., '- > .".:;.. <f- ..~.. ~~ being Civil Action No. 73-581 CA(L) 01 and WHEP~\S, a certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Palo Beach County, Florida, wherein Paloland Developoe~t Corporation, a co~poration, is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a Florida ~unicipal corporation, , tl J'~ . i J, : ... :.f .0: i ?'! ; . :;.J ~..; U::: :1 ' }:> ::. ~ The Planning and Zoning Board of the City cf Boynton Beach. - E~ily 1,1. Jac1~son~- Joe DeLong, Forrest L. llallc:ce, David Roberts, Edliard F. Han:!eninz, Robert Olds, Richard Vastine, _Marilyn Huckle, Loren Bl~cketer, Albert ~chrc!l, Fred ~ostner and O~~is Walker are Defendants. being Ci~il,hction No. 73-579 CA(L) 01. and ~HEr~AS, a ce~tain civil action has been - filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth J~dici~l CirCuit, 1- t; -1- -. ! (',- . ': ,~; t i t , J ~J'C" '"'!4 c:n Do":- r.:c:,,;..::::......v'-J ,...... 7 I . ... . "'l ~.". ~ :.~.... . .... , ... ,:..,iiC:;:', ".<.>'~$!;'i ". ,..... '" - J ... . . .. " ~. . ~ 4 -;.. "., J ~" ;t~lfg:i~i~::'~:~~ ~jrU - Exhibit"C" ..- -- r. '., -, , .., ~ '. -. _ .~...~. -. . 1 r::iit.,,:(1 ..;.. ./ i ~. " "-.:---,'..," ",ol:.'::.___',..l...- I.J. ~ ~ F'"'. /, , ,/ - -~- ~__4 __ . .... . , . . . ,;~t2,t~::~:}~~tJ:( ~'.:",~~:~~~ , - -. .~;..- . r-- -- . , , ,t I ..' . ~;.J '" .: ":1 .)~: .J' ~. . .r:. ,,:r. ..... ;~..'a '.'1 .' ':H' I' ..:J .:.r.=; t"rA . ~~.I ;-:~~I ~~~- ~ '~ . tr.... : \ ~'. '1.:;..- :.r .~ ,: ~.1 ...; (~ 4~ .- ~i f., ,,{ r.~, :'=,~ -( .... \. Pnl~ Beach County. Florida. wherein Palmlnnd Dcvelop~en~ Corporation. a corporation. is Plaintiff and Robert OIds, Richard Vastine, t,larilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, Col. Albert Wehrell, Fred Kostner, Orris Walker, Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLong, Furrest L. WallKce. David Roberts, Edward F. Har~cning, M. Robert Johnston, Clarence Q. Jones. Dorothy A. Roberts and William C. Sexton are Defendants, being Civil Action No. 73-S80-CA(L) 01 and \'l'HEREAS, each of the parties to the above described civil actions now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida, i1 .. 7'~ .~." _~:V' .. ....,. .,:. ..- ......... . ~~..~.i. ';~..~ ~:.,~ :.~.~.cl ::,:!S=' : " ..~~ ~:-.:~~.- ..,:;..r..1 ..~: ''''1 ....,;:::fj .~.:..~'I ...'..'.,.'4 ~(-~'. ';;,~'j :\, ~;"f::'~~J .... . '.. ....'t.. - ':1>':-;;1 .~ " .~ I: ~:I ',,"~~1 ~ ,~t., :-" , . ..~. , . :. ~:;:~ . ..;:, ~ !....... ,. .., :~ ,~;~ - ~-1 :; ~~ '~' .. Section 6, To,m!Ohip 46 Soct:h, Ranr;e 43 EOlst, ~nd the c~st h:llf of Section 1. Township 46 So~th, R~nee 42 East, less three pa~ccls on the periphery of the East h~lf of Section I. to~~ling approxi~ately 20 ~crcs. desire to amicably settle each of the s~id actions and WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed an~ understood that the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach passed an Ordinance on the second and final reading on November 7. 1972. being Ordinance No. 72-27, a copy of the said Ordin~nce is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the validity of the said 'Ordinance is in issue in at least one of the above styled civil actions and h~EREAS, divers dispute and differences have arisen beb/een the parties hereto regardin.g the valicity of and the propriety of the zoni~g upon those certain lands' included in the said Ordinance, a nore particular descri?~ion of which is cs follows: .. -;. " I .' ',., ! I,:.. '~ l:.,:, I . . -. ~ ! I...: ~ ~t-~' . _: ( ~t . ,. '; ~ and, WHEREAS, cert~in Ordinances were pa~scd by the City of Boynton Beach, bcine Ordinance ~o. 73-7 end 73-11 , .. -2- ~1'Ct.""-4 r::n L:~.~~...:..;)o:J PU; B :~...! . ';::,:, I :~.~. ! " -,' ;.~;. . . . '..... ..... . . .' . ; ~ .~.' .. ". ;.. -. . .. , ,o. ,~;~,':;.~\/-:'_.:' .:'" ._~:i..."': ::~ .l....~:..,,:..; "~'~",~......-...., ,J , ",_. '" "'J ""!~'.... '~.,.. '.' .t.......... . .... I . ~~.u.-.-.~l.\,~~:ritJ.':LA:!..,;~~ Exhibit "e" . I I , ; -1 1: .~ i , ., :. '~ ,I ,~ .; ;~ ~. ..!. ;< ;~ ~ ". Ii .', f ~ " r ~' .;. t. ~ ~ -::. ...i' i , t 'T :,. rT j" , L r /-. l . .. 1., . .:.~...r-"':-----'>" .. ..... ~ :. . ~ .' .... . . f~~\~1ji~~:-' ---= -::-..--.....:..- ,....-..'\~_ _==.1 ====--:=::=-_~ .-- .... ~-~... ~ - ~..""-' [-}. t.). i !l , . I: I . I ~ J ';, ~ . '" purported to chan~e the uses pernitted in v~rious zonin! classifications under the Zoning Code of the City of Boyn~on Beach and a dispute has arisen and is included in the above styled civil actions regarding the validity of said changes as they appl>. to the lands hereinabove describetf. and WHEREAS. the City of Boynton Beach has refused tc issue a,buildi~g peroit for models previously requested by Palcland. and ~~~\S. the parties hereto. as a part of the settlement of the various civil actions now pending. desire to make certain agreements regarding streets to be con- structed on the said land. waste water distribution syste~. and 'Water distribution system'; to be 'constructed on said land. I , l~ '"', , r ~: r ~ k n [ f- r~ · t'. I, r ~ r: 'Water treatment plants and waste water treatment plants to be cons~ructed on said lands and the uses and zoning of the said lands. It is. therefore. Stipulated and Agreed as follows: 1. It is stipulated and agreed by and be- tween the parties hereto tha,t that.. c:.e.r'taiu. Cl4d.inanc&. 1>e-i~g Ontirr.mce 1'1"0. rr-rr. passecf on second :m.d final reading by the CitY_Co?nsil of Boynto~ Beach on November 7. 1972. is a ..,:"~ valid Oi'~-uan~€-=- That the Notice and the proposed Ordin:mce. i: ~, 'J ". fJ '4 q : I J :,' i J ,{ attached hereto a~d made a part hereof as E:hibit orA". was published in the Boynton Beach News Journal on Septecher 14. 2~. 28 and October S. 1972. Th~t there was. as stated in said' Notice. a ,Haster Develop>::ent l>lap and Site Plan sho~lin~ t~e zoning or proposed zoning of the property to be annexed and zoned in the said Ordinance on file in the office of the Ci~y. Manager. in the City Hall of Boyn~on Beach. Florida. 2. It is Stipulated and Agreed that Palmland Dcvelop- Dent Corpor~tion did. ~ftcr the enactnent of Ordinance ~o 7Z-27 and in reliance thereon. expended lar~c sums of ~oney ',' .j Rb"'2159 r~~ 9 0- 3- :';.', ':;f o~1 -:.A,:;,-""'_::.Yli., "~ "; "":. '..; o",o~'o ~ ~@L~:~SF>;;!;fC:~~1::: ~~~."i.1:;c' ;,~' )~~-:~~-~q;' Exhibi t I' e" ... -:<, -- .~;:~.... .} . ~ ~~51 oJ. ':~o I : 4-~ .~. :~~I' .. ~ ::---~..;- .:,':"~': ...: .~..r. :~ :::~~.;~ ''''':,i ..of:. ;-<~, ~ . [~.' E .' r~ : '..~ , . -;..' . ~-::. .'~ -. ... \ ( ~ ~. . -. . ~ "... '- . ., .! .. W1I . .' in the purchase of. ~nd the developnent of, those l~nds herein~bove described. Attached hereto and cade 3 part hereof is a plat or map inscribed in the ~argin. Ro~d Plan No. 73501. marked Exhibit "B'" and incorporated in and made a part hereof. The said Plat designates the various parcels of land by number. It is specifically agreed that the parcels of land are now, and were in November of 1972. zoned as follows: Parcels: 1,2.3.4,5.6,7, & 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9.10.11,12,13,14,15,16 and ." -... . ,,-., ". ~ " ... -.. . tt:~~ J ;,....;- .. !t-.;:; ~_.,,,, tr~ .. ,,; i~ :: ~ ~:-~."F,,~ :".~ ;~ :. -:~ .~~ I J.::"---;"'. ":.:.;..~ i;~ii Ii'. f"~ r .:;~-; F ::,1 -;,,, t.l ~ ~~ !; rl; I~ [i~t-1 1<,,'" . ". f;E,' :~f'" ~. ,~ ;:'~ --~ ~.(~ :_~ .~~ ~ :..~ :':~ - , ~"'; ; ~~ :.i ~'1it:,~ ,,' ,. ". ~i' .(. , '~:I -,J; -;f ~. J:- ~f~ .......1. ~~~ _ ~r 23 are zoned R3A Parcels: 17~ 18. l8A. 22. 24 are zoned C-l Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 It is furt~er agreed that the said Parcels :ay be developed in accordan~3 with the saie zoning classifications as they exi5t~d on the effective date of Ordinance No. 72-27 except. as hereinafter limited: (a) Pa1mland will not construct more than 6,700 residential dwelling units on tne lands herei~~~cve de5cribed and on the t~n (10) acres of "county I~nd". shown on z~hibi t ..nlt as Parcel 2S. (b) PalmI and will ccnst~uct c~ly O~....- h_ story strtict~res on Parcels 1,2,3, an~ ~. . , ~ (c) In addition to the 6.70J ~~sic~nti~l ~~1e1li~~ units referred to in par~3r~pn su~.(~) ~~ovo. P~l~~~d will ccnst~uc~ a maxicu~ of two hundred. (200) motel or ~otal rental =~c~~ ca ,Parcel 22, to~ether witn all accessory U;C5 inc~dont~l thor~~~. Cd) Pal::tland ltill restrict the uses ofP~rcel 19 and 20 by elininating the followin~ pernitted uses unc~r the . , ~ 'i',: : , . ,~ ~ ! - '..~ ; ... .."; ; .~.! ~~ -4- : .~. ~ 1 -" . ' - . . -...'!" l ~ '. ....~. ~59 i'"...:f ! ,~:"i ~ U.< . ' -.., 10 f :-., ~ .:. =:: .~~ I '", ,:~, , ,'-,,"~" .: :, ': '1 l-. !;"... ,....~-~ ;'.~.:7 - ~ .:.:.;_.-:" .: "-:' - :;-: l " , . ~- ~ t'\ . ' " J..: · : ,.... .~ .J .......'.. -'~".I..~~.,.~~ ...:........;:.._.. __......~ -. , , ~.,,-:..~_...... ~'. ~..-..._.__ ,_...:....."'l l'.~'~f.~~t:~ig~1:'~~j "- .~_.;~ .~-:.:..~ .:Jq__.A~~~~.--tnr. -e-~ Exhibit lie" . ~~~i.!;~EJI~tW~~~ t...7, . 4Jo,.. "'~ . -, . ," ,~. ,f~ ~ ~.,,~~ ,....',.' r .. ~~. .!i ~ " ..: ~~.. 'ii 1- J. ,t,~ ~~ ' 1 ~:: .:. ... '.-' ,r ~ .- (.~. :". t :. ..-; ,", ;" r . ':a. ---::.;..;;---, _, -- ~ - o ~-~-'Io.: ._-~....... ~ ..~- , .' ( I . . . " -. ~ ~. :.. above described ~oning cl~ssifications: "'. ... . "-!.j4 :-!- !"..: , :' ~:~t~ .. .;j . . ". .:i .., t. . ,~. '.';~: :-;..1:' .. ! '-.~~1! ~:~J~: ~....I!....t ~..., ~J.. ;J~~ ~:i;if. -t~ ~'t ~~ ;~J-~ !.~ -:: ~ rj t.~...J i;$: ~. L~ ... ..~]' -'~ ~ ~lli . .:~:i~ ,~ .,"--... :~~ 'i 0, --i ' - ~~i~{ ..;''--:1':; """l~-" ;.~ ~- y~-S r~ :i :-.~~~ )' C-2 Anical hosui tals ~~hen all acti vi ti.~s are conducted within the buildi~g. Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers. electricians, upholsterers and other of a sinilar nature. Outdoor storage yards arepe~itted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equi?- cent and nerc~andise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or seni-closed type fence not less than five feet in height. Mobile ho~e sales. -. Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale cor~ercial estab- lishments. Residential Uses. C-l Boarding and roor.li~g houses. Mortuary. Residential uses. (e) PalmI and will enter into an option ~o con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DELrlAY DUNES for use only as a golf course. Should DELRAY DUNES e^ercise it's op~ion. there will be no more than 6550 residential d~.,ellin3 :,:ni~s on ~"'A -.1..- _ lands shown on Exhibit ":Sit. . (f) To accc~~li~b the abo~~ ite~ os set fo=~ in su~-para3rap~s (a) t~=~~3h (e), ?al~i~;d !lill c~~se =os~=ic~i7~ coven:mts to be recorded, which coycna..ts sn:J.ll ::1::1. :;itb. ~~~ land to protect tne citi:cns of 20ynton 3~~ch ~nd th~7 co ~~r~oy --~ agree that the said co.c~~~ts ~'~~1 be enfo~c~d ~y t~e City of Boynton Beach as provided by law. ~. Palwland will dedic~te. and the City uill ~ccc~t" - 5- !:ir'!\"1'1 e::n US::i._~ ~ 11 f.::.~.:::.:-~~:~': . .- : .. ... . ' " .' Exhibit "e" L~~1~;:.~:_ ~::'-:"'~';~',.' .. . t~1'. tl....:... ...1"_ , '-. ... .j' ':- - ,~~:~,:,~:"-"~~:''':_;'o:"::,'~~::" ::'; _ .~ ~~-"'.t.'~""'F'''''''''''' . -t : --.. -- .: the right-oi-way for public streets as shown on Ro~d ?lan 73501, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a par': hereof. Palmland will design and construct. at i~'s expense. public streets on the above right-of-way in accord~nce with Ch~pter 25 of the Code of Boynton 3cach. The rnini~um width of the said dedicated public streets shall be 24 feet. The said public streets shall be constructed by Palmland in phases as ~he subject lands are developed. Positive storm drainage utilizin3 pipes. culverts or ditches for the said streets will be proviced in accordance ~dth accopted engineering practices. The City agrees '. :. ,~ . ,. to accept the said public streets and that portion of the drainage .' improvements related thereto for oainten~.ce and operation upon the coopletion and app=oval of s~e. 4. In addi'ti~n to the above cescri~ed ccdicated public S1:re3t3. Palrnl~~d will desizn and construct a systea of private roads. whic~ s~all be built to the ~ini=~~ specifi- cations as ~et forth in C~apter 25, Cods of noynton Seach. Positi~c storm drainage utili=in~,~ipcs, culve~~ or ditches ,lIi11 be pro-ridad in accord~nce ",li t11. =.~c?'tcd ensi~~~:,ing- practices for said pri ~~te roads. Pal:11and ~';il! =:l:':l~:lin sai d... private road~ ~~d drai~age i=-?rovenen~~ =cl~~~d ~~~~~~o. The,cai~ ~ntTa~ccs sh~!! ~~ CC~5~=uctcd so as ~o acco;::oodate neavy ~Ta~=ic. In ~c1di ~i:::n, !1:lul ;:-::;ads .li:l 'be t:~~.:l to civert constTuctic~ cqui~~~nt frc~ ~~~ ~~~l:c ~t=~c~s in ... ~~ ... ""'..- project. '. ~~ 5. Ta~ Citj 0: 3oyn:on .... . ~ .:"1 .... .... .\ -""'-_... ~....1 ".......- ? .:.1::11 =.::::: :lave ~' w { '~ r. diligently ~t:c~?tcd ~o arriv~ at a =~:~;~~= -::0 .~:l~ ::=c~le=r cZ fl- . ' ! . ~ t,';,; h t" ~' . " ),' L4, furnishi~~ pot=.~le ~.;atcr Zor the C~a:'::~:: ::,):-:..': :-:'cjec-::. Th~ C:. ty is desirous 0= exp~n~i~3 it's wa~cr ~~~1~=~n~ r~cili~ics L~ ~~r~~. not only Charter World but, addition=.l :!~j ~r~~s. Pal~l~nd is ready and able to i~~cd~atcly co~~~ncc c~~~tr~c~~on of pe~~~c~t water treat~cnt facilities. in 5t~zc5, =0 coi~c:.ee with it's " . '~: .: '. ":', ',211L ~<.' dcvclo?~ent rats, thcrc~y insuri~3 ..' :..~~o :....::l1:::iility of pot~blc ~-Iatcr r,.'....,....1...0 2=.:~....;; v f~~ "0 ~ -.; - I': .' - -~--- ---l f!. , . ,:,J,..",~ l .....; ..)io ;'". . ,~ ,:..' ....,.,.........._....;.l~ - ..-~~" -f~~:.~,,;,,=Ji..2.:::-t~' ) ..;.:.-rt' ... -~.. , L', . ;.. ~.. . ~/-~ _....-. . - .... ~ OJ :.:~"'=',4~ ~~~~E; -,"'--.. .: ~....... :- ~,;.; :. ;...- - .-"'.-- :- =..:.-- ~~ . :.~.' :';t~ ..-.;~~... i~?i . ".:,r ~-~ -;. ::.~ .....~. .... ~: - ~:t~ ~ ~ ::.=: ~ _" ~! ~.. r~l -':1-'" ...... .-i~~ - ~.;-! - ~_.", ...~-. .-..... ;~ -;..:i.: :. ~~~ ~-~~ ci~ ...~.. !:"::3., . :~~ --i Exhibit "e" .. .. . '._~'. .' :~~~.- ._-.......~~- ~ ...--- , "'~~,d:~2~,~:.,._ . - ';:~, )~ : ._. . [-;..;.'u,_...."-~ ..;"'--, ~--.1l' :.:..'~ -... ~..o.&.....-.c:K;...-........ .,._~ ~ ~ ~ .' ~( I . ~ ' ..~ !" :~:j I ':;,... ;[:, '. j '." . " . .',. . I . -:;',: ~< r .: .~.... ..~:2- ,_ ..;..i'~:::~.:...;, i ,'.. 'f{~ . ,: . ~. : " / ( in sufficient quantities for it's need~, without exce5sive ini:131 to; .- expenditures for excess trcatnent f?cillty capacity. Paloland is ~ prevented from providing. other than in stages coinciding with it's development. the entire cost of the ultimate water treat~ent facility for the entire project. The City does not have avail~ble. on hand. funds with which to provide expanded water treatnent f~cilities nor has it definitively deterQined the design. funding sources and oethods . "'. ... .- -7_ " ~...; " '~.~ ~ :~ and completion dates of said facilities. that sufficient qU;lntities of quality Hater are available to allew '" r':-;~ Pal~land ~ust be assure~ the i~~edi~te start ~f development of Charter ~orld a~d to allow it . -. ~ .~ . Si ~:J ;.... t~ : ".'!.":,, . ~~ .1_~ ~ .~; ..j; :. a;! ..~ .~. : .~: r~ ~ ~f to continue develo~oen~ t~~t is orderly and so~~d ecc~o~ically. The above proble~s of t~e City ~,d of ?al~l~nd are of an engineering and fisc~l nature ~nd r~quire in-cepth ~ec~~~cal analysis for ulti~ate sol~~ion. In order to r~solve this of asp~ct -.^ .......- dis::::.:~~ be~~:cc:l the City and ?olnland, ~~] par~i~s h~roto ~~=~~ ~~at :~~ en~i~e~=i~Z re~n.esentatives of the Ci....., C!:11 0:2 ?a2::tl=-~d ~:::.:: .::-.;:;::::.:::oly c:):::Z~:" and ::!~~~e all =~~sonabl~ ~=io~~~ ~ CJ . t~ ~~!":.~....~ ~~ ~ ~~ -. --.. - ~qui -:':'::':'~3 ..., ..... .........- - -"---- solution to ~~~vidg ~o~~)l~ ::~:e= ~~ C~=~to= ::~~!~. Th~re is al~o ~ cli~J~te 3S to W:10~::~? c==n~c~i~n " c........---....- ..-';'"' ....--1> should be pnid ~or CC~4J~~~C~ ::3 to i~t~=iw ~=~::~~~nt .~:::iliti~~_ lot is ::1.:! ~?ocii:.: ':':1~~:lt o~ -:':lC C.:.~;~ ;::::1 ?:::=l::nd th:lt the tcc~:1ic::11 rO?::'~3~:il~~::'''''~3 ~Ti::' ='::::':''';~ ~t ~ 's:>!.~';ion: ~::o- vici:1:: th~ n~c"s~::1r::r =,o';::::'2~ ::~::o= to C:~;:.::'tc:" :;~=:!.1 i:l -::::1e s.:-.::::: qU:::'ltitiC!i. :l': c.bc1.-:t. ~::~~ ~:::::~ or ~i~e5, ~~d ~~ ~~ -~_._... ...."'" ~-~~ "--t ..~..' -..._ ___ _....4~ - .......- of ~~~?ondi tU:",:3 Pal:::2::::ld :lS ..~..., 4 ...._~_..... :1::l~.'-c c;.:~~::i=:1~~=.. :l~C it desi~~d. ar.d cons~ruc~~c ~ fac~~i~y i~ ~~:::os :0 ~~r7':C~ C~~::':~::' tlorlu. It i~ furt::~-.. :::l,~ ::;~;::C~=lC i~-:=:}t ;;~'l:l~ ::'0 :~c:hnic::.l ::"o'!)::'~- sent~tives i~il1 arriv~ ~: ~ solu~:Q~ =~~=~cl~~3 cii5po~i:icn ~~ ~o connection feos; that is, the full pa/~~nt, p~=ti~l p:l,~ent~ or waiving th~rcof as to intcri~ trc~t~en: facilities. -7- C~~'''''1 0;:::'-0 W:.t.<:~ r::tr ..,.~ .l.V '.. :~2~j~;i.:, ;.: ;~.~o~~ ."i;:~.=;;'... ':.o\!~"':""~~' ~ : :~~t~~:~t ~ J t.~(C~~\~r.:- L .})~ - t ..~::::t'~:'H'~~-; .~:~ L:'~~2\'?:i~J: ~~:~~L.:_ 1"-", ""'''-'..- ,:fc.~~, "__ 1~~J"~a~".: .~ 1&'~':tI~_';' "c" Exhibit .f: '\ ':.~ .."-.,; . ,'" ::'~ . .':. I (!II..... : :.::. ;~'121 .......~ ~.~~ ....1 /~; ,., :~~ "', .... r... : ::! '.~ ,. ',,'s :-.:t... '1',. .:... .~}~ ."., :." "1'1.... ........" . '; , .' .."" ~ ;~. :~. 1", ." - ,. . I ~::{{ , t" ", ~I . .'.~ , "~ ~,J # -.l .'T'-- ;, . - '::',,;, 'l"~l ....... '.' ..- ;.~l I":' ':j l' .' ~j ..:.......- . "'-' ~ . .... . t:' (~ ( - '. .: . t.. :.. .~.-!-:. '1' - Jf" Such solution must provi~c'adcqu~to assur3nce~ to th~ City that Palmland will ultimately pay it's pro-rata sh~ro of thr. cost of such facilities. Such solution nust provide a~equatc assurances to Palmlarid rc~arding tho availability of potable water, both as to qualit}r and quantity at times certain, with pay- ment by Palmland to be within it's economic parameters as above des- cribed. Further, the solution shall give th~ City an option whereby it'could elect to have Palmland design and construct a per~3nent facility which would beco~e the property of the City. The sol~tion shall give Pal=.land the optio~ to desi~n and const=uc~ accordin~ to the standards of all a?plic~ble governmental agencies or bodies and including the requirements of the City Code of Boynton Beach, -: ;:'..~' ,,~-. .' ... ~~t: . ,: . 'f? .,.:" . ,:F; t~.. l io.r -:. ~,' 1,':1 ~l-s ~ .~ . p.r ',;'; ioJ-l .'! :;~ s.~~~,.. ...... ," ._~~~~ ~j~.~~: ; .4 '_::' fE~ t~~~ ~,~ ::;r:i'~ . -"'0"'" - -1.<9"t"" ~'~.r."!.....': : .f~~~ ~..~:-: ('~., ~ ~J.; ..:-c..... ~~ .i~~~ .'~~;:;. .~~~~ -#'~.:, :,~ '~~ -;;ii ::1 an interiQ w3ter treatnen~ f~cility at it's cost~ if Pal~land and the Ci t)" agree that the Cit:r c:mnot adequatel;' ::l~e't it' 5 :>TOj ected develop- -ment require~~nts for potable wat~r. Pal::l13nd will rE~cve, at it's. sole co~t and oxpense, :.ny .:iuch b..~~riJJ facili~;y at' th ~ tir:te the same is ?~ased out. The City will acc~,t responsibili~y fc= Dperat~cn and L3intenan=~ of the interic wa~~r treatr.ent facility after ccn- str'.lction is c:::::lpleted ::t the dat;~ 0:: start up. Cost:> for operat:ions . ' and :::aintenan=~ of said i;}tcrin W<:";:::::- treat:::cnt facili-::'7 in exc'3SS of revenue, a~ dcter~in~~ by accept~~le co~t accoun~i~~ proceduras, . - will be borne ~y Palmland until such tine as revenue cq~als cr e~ceeds cos t . The solution ~hall set =orth the a~ounts, ~~.~er and ~i~~ of pay~ent of co~~ection cb~r~~s, if ~ny, as to in~eri~-t~n.atnen~ ~acilltics. The ~echnical rc?re~cn~atiYes shall prcs~n~ :heir ~~l- u1:ion to ~he Ci ~y,_and to ?olnlond end eac:1 shall :'l:l'.r~ -::10 rl:;:1.t to approve or reject the s~nc. Said solution) if OCcc7:~le to t~~ Ci~7 and. Palnland, sn:lll be o3rced to in \1ri ti:13 end C:lc:t o~ t::." ::?=rt:.:::s shall do all things ncccsso7Y effect t~1C sa~e. -;l:.~ tccl1nical to reprcscntativ~s shall present their solution, in writing. to the p3rties on or about .... . ~1 ...... "~~ July IS) 1973. ,-, .,' In the event no solution is agreed upon, the Circuit Court ; . 'h .......;.;, shall retain jurisdiction to dctcr::tine ,...hether the Ci~y is able tin~ly furnish the necess~ry nunicipal service to P:ll~lar.d. to -..;,.., , ."-. , I, ': ; .... . . -1- ", :.~ . " ".... ""l-u ~::t .... .. . _.. 1 \l;:-;'::e.. ~ I 14 -8- . . ." .. :. '. -. _.- .. -: '.-.:::--~' .... ..' .-:.~ Exhibit "C" .. . ...... . : ",'.:-_:.,~,:,~:~.'..',','" ..,., ;.","::.:,:,:_;',.~.~,-' , . ... - ". ~ .~:...;\: '".::'~ .. .-- l,iZ'::~~;~:r1tg~;~~i -";r ,. .;. , I ~ '. .... - ~.. '.....''" ' , .'.., .,.. ' ~.' ..,:':J;~~ "';'J. :.":.-.:... .~:.~1;~':-' . ..,~..;.i,;.,..~"... .. ..".. ','" .fj : ..l ~,\i ::-" ~~ ~ ....-=- -' ..' ..~a. ',:;! . ~\~ :", :.;~ " ~' ;.:: ~!: . '.- . ;:~ . 'J~ -.~j ........ ~~t ~:! -~..;- .. ". " " '..... =- ~1. .~- . ~ ." #t~ .: ".. .. );~ .. ~tt r~Y... J'.'. ' fl. (:;1 F~i ~>!~~ .- E;~', l~.. ' ... ..... :.,~ ... :,:'\:1, ' I ~.~i. '~:?l ~.:..l ~/:l ' . .' :-'t' . , . ' . ! ,:: ,} i ' I.. ,,'L:- 'l' '.'; !:~: . .:~. .' .. . . . \ c;) J 6. A3 to tho said potablo water, it 1~ al~o ~p,roed that P31~1~nd will design nnd con3truct, at it's ex~:n~o, a water distribution system in accordanco with ~cccptcd engineor- ing practicos in use in the City of Boynton 3each. Said water distribution system ~hall be constructed in phases as the subject lands are developed and will be dedicated to. and accepted by, ~he City of Boynton Beach as it i~ co~pletcd and approved. The City of ~oynton Beach shall ac~_pt the said ~3t:r distributicn systCQ for maintenance and operation in pnases as it is conpleted. 7. Palmland will design and construct. at it's expense, an interim or pernanent waste water treat=.~nt facility a~dl or disposal facility 3S is, or ~ay be required JY tbe ~P?licable ~ove~~~ntal agencies or bOdies. includinJ the requi~~~er.~s of tae Ci ty -Code, and (a) Will d~sign and construct, at it's e~?~~~~. " a gr~vity.sewer colle~tion system accordi~Z to the s~~~~~~ds of all applicz~le govern~~ntal agencies or bodies. i~cl~~in~ t~~ require~~nts 0= the City Code. (b) ~ill design and construct, at i't':; ,l3~....__~ ---_..-..J.... ., force nains ~:11 pU::lpinJ 'st3tio:1s ~c=ol'di;:.'J to ~:~O !:O-:=...-:.:::.::::r::s o::f all ~??lic~bl~ 1over~4ent~1 . ... .. a~~nc~~s O~ uo~~cs, i~cl~~~~~ ~hc =o=~~=~- me:1ts. of the City Code. (c) Sh~llJ i= a .p3~~ncn~ f~cili:7, c:~vcy ~~3 s~~d waste -:.:ater tr~~toent facility 2nd/a": c1i:;~cs::.l :::=c.i!it.y ;l::d_ :;.:::;er collection syst~~ in phases to the City of Eo~~~c~ ":"a.- -..... .;.J__'_... . 'T1: ~ s ~:.:~= collection facility shall be constructed in p~~s~s :!..c:. -"~~ - ---- !=.tid is developed and s~all be co~veyed to and oper~~~d ~~d =~i~tai~cd ~y the Ci ~y of Bo)'nt~~ Beach .:.s it i::; co::pletec. 7:~~ -:las~~ uater treatcent facility and/or disposal f~cili~7 shall ~~ c:~~~y~~ to ~...... &._..- .;;0 City of Boynton Deach 1:n phases as cO::1,l,:)t'~d ~71d n.p?ro-.p~d. T'~:" Ci'::.:-p -9- ~::".~1 ~n ,..,": ~.....;....J,..vi.J _.',-, -, ... .:1.~ ':'.' "..:.. ". ::." .~.--: :. :":'. I.: . " ..: Exhibit ;.:. . IICII f' :' '~' . . - ; " ,;: -;" .:... " -. ;, ", ,", . . ~~:~.:. .:..,,...... ..". ..~':::.::. .,J.t..-~ .~~ ~-_....~i:,.... -.- . .. ... . ::~~."!. . ': ~, -',:~~.~;~ ~: .~::. :~. '~, '_.' .~.~._';'9 , , ..-...;...;. - ;.... , i . ~ ..~:.......:.: ,'..~ ;-.1 i " =1 ;-',1 .." - ~. ... .'~'.' F c. ' ":;.',';' ',... ," ,. {i';'f; t ...._.' :': ~;,...; ....~.!.\~" !,. . _r . _ ~ . ... """,-1. ,:"..'\'to- I ,,:' . '.. : .........,..'... r ".~ ~::f1r-;J; ~,ii:1i~ f '~. '. . .~ . I .~. ~.~. .~ ., '- ! I "1' ~,' r" ... f ~. p' s' :: , or' !t : , ~~ ,- ~w ( .. .',~ ..:~ ~~.~ .1 . ~:1-;r;. .;~~1. ;:: ~ . . - .. ",,-- ..:. . ~'1. ,~ill ~ccapt ro,pon31bil1ty Eor opor~tlon und c~lntcn~nca of tho wo~rc linter trc~tnont facll\ty aftar con~tructlon 1~ cooploted at the dato of start up. Co~t) for oporatlon~ und ~~i~:cnanco of ~~id WQste wator trcatnent facility in exec" of rcvcnu~, as ~ctcrninod by acceptable cost accounti~3 procodure" ~ill he home b7 Pal~land until such time as revenue equal: or oxcccd5 c05t. In tho event, du~ to requiroments of rc:ulatory agencies, the waste water tre3t~cnt facilirios arc to,be considered only an interim facility. The City will accept rcspGn~ibili:y for operation and maintenance of the interin waste water treatcent facility after construction is co~pleted at the clate of start ~. ..: -:. .~. .':..- -'.., . . ..~?-;~.t '- ..... . :~~f'.. - .. .::. - 7-- ~~~... :~"~!: ~ ........ ~::tt:~ ~~::':~~ ~ ~:~:~;;~ '. ~.;..~".. . -: '. J',; .; ~.,..~ .....:~..:. . .--t.:, Costs for operations and ~aintenance of said interio ~aste vater treatr-~nt facility in excess of r3venue, as dcte~ined by accc~ta~le cost accounting procedures, will be borne by Palol~nd un~il such title as revenue equals or exceeds cost. Palnland uill r~ove~ at: ~.~.':':'"; . ~ ... ;.1'-: it's sole cost and expense. any such interi::t facility on the sa::::e being phased out and pay it's pro-rata share of cost. to hook up ;!l~, i'~:~:: ~.. i~ r- . _ t.;.-~(: - . ;" I' ~ ... .". ~:-:~~:~'. . ~~,~~ ::~~~: . to regional treatnent facilities when available. Cd) Upon completion of any requi.red pernar.cnt ":Iaste water treatnent facility and/or disposal facility and water ~reat:- cent facility, .Palo:1land liill deed to the City t.~ose certain laLlCs sho~.tn in Exhibit "3", 'attached hereto, as Parcel 13, con~aining 12.9 acres for wast,e water treatment fac,ilities and~ if applic:1ble~ . ~:"~,""~'.: ;- .... Parcel IS A, containing 4 acres more or less for pe~~e~t: water ..- . .=-. -,1- ~ . - ..-..j. tr~n~~e~t facilities. The said conveyance shall he n~da ~.der ~he terns and conditions as are set forth in E:~hibi t "C" ns at~:tched . ~. ~ ~ . :~:. hereto and made a part hereof. (e) The interior lines, lift statio~s ~nd ~,~artc~~~c~s the~Q~o. shall be installed and paid for by Pal~l~nd ~nd conveyed at no cost to the City of Boynton Beach. E3se~~nts for the i~prove- ments referred to herein shall also be provided by P31~l~nd an~ dedicated for perpetual utility uses. "f'''' 'Y1 e:: U:~..L....~ f.:.:{ 16 -10- Exhibit "e" .;- +:, ~:.."..~.: ..:..~ .. ~... i ~~.~t:.:.:. .., . . [~;~~:;- ..:.;:;~~~J:i~: ;i~ I I t J ~~22159 f:.:."t f :1 I . I_ i .: . :.... ~:-: ~.4~-:':., ,..~ . . ~,~.-""'_.':..', I"'. ", . ..,. - ,'! \ .........-:...... .. _:-: ,'~': ;~t~~~~~&~l~: ~..' ...~~ . ..,.0\ ',.. '..\. . h ,'. ~ ''', .," '.iJ..:~. ~'i...~ ',J ~r ,I 'j 1 ,i ,\ '1 1; ~! = :i1 ~- Ii . . , ~\ .. ,40 t"j -~ ~-- ~.- ~~'i . I . {,;;."., .... ;:.: ',;" ';~:." .:~... -.,.- ;;.~... ':;i~.~ [ ," ":,: - -, - I ~.:... ~~ J' ':, ~\:' t:.~: /{ ..~. . .' ,. .: . . . . . ir', . 1 ." .. _~.. I .. .1 ~ ~..:-~ "!~ . " ~ . :-:, I.:~: ;--:- :.~~ (E) Pnl~l~nd will convoy ~11 of tho abovo u~tor. It appl1c~blo, ~nd wasto w3tor d13trlbutlon Improvc~~nt' to :h. City, in ph~ses as co~plotod. 8. In tho event Palrnland con~truct3. at !t'~ eXpon~~. -' . - .~ . ~ ~f P, .. .,". :....~ :; ft~ f"!.7 and turns ovor to tho City. permanent sewor~3~ or per~3n~n~ wator troatmont facilities, or P3l~l3nd pay' to the City 3~ 3 ?art of 3 sewerage or water system extension project, it'~ pro-~~:3 ~harG or funds sufficient to construct ~cwer or water treat=ent i~cili~ie~ ~ If.: ; rJ: ,!". -1,~ ;'":.' !r~ ;~, -" ~1~1~ =:~ f'"!~ ~-' ~~ 'k' b.~l r:::3 l1i ~ ,,-::q "'~ , ' . ~ ~:i~; ':.i ;;.0; : ~ . z.~; ._~ fj:1 ,." ;; , r~ ~ ,... , ~Ji -!f .:.tt ;J~ ;;1 -'oJ ::'; adequ~t~ to serve the Chlrte~ World project, no con~~ction or capi ~&ll ir.1provc~ont fees shall be charged by the City of 30yn:cn ';C:i,C~ for co~nection to said f&lcilities. Tap-in f~es to any ~ater systc~ will be paid to the City. 9. Palmland will not be r~quired to post sec~~i:y bond =or the perfor~ance,'payment a~d conpl~tion of st~e~ts and ~ositive sto~m draina3c iDprove~~nts herei~above c~~cribed_ Palo:and ~grees, however, that no C~rtif'ic::tc of Occ:.;p;:::cy shall j~ issued as te a particular d~Jelling ,')r buildi~; until Sl:C:-t ~ji:le as the water, waste.water. street &l~dcrai~a~~ ioprc~~~~~t~ sez-~- ing '::na't structure are co::rpleted. 1-:1 th refe:r:mce to bo~ds for :;~:::: of t~c waste wnter treatr-ent facilities, water treat~e~t facilitic:;. water distribution system, sanitary sewer col:ection end dis't~i~~:~~n syste~s, as sh~ll be-constructed by Palnland as herc~~b~iore p~o- vided, bonds required of ~;:l~land ~ncer th~ C~ty Coca ~::~11 be " .J l ,only for the ph&lse being cO;l:;tructcd at <l ?:l:'ticular t:.:-:~ ~d ?.::l:!.!::...d. will not be required to ?OS~ a bond for t~e ~~~ire ~~st~~ un:~ss ~:~ same be under, construction at one ti~e. 10. Upon approval of this AGre~~ent by ~~~ ?~rties ": hereto, the City of Boynton Beach will cause t~~ ~~ildin~ pe~i~ for "wodels", heretofore requested by Palmlanu, to be issued wi~h due dispatch. 11. The par'ties hereto-agree that this Stipulatio~ will be offered to the Court and incorporated in the Fi~3l ~ ~ Judg~cnt in Suits No. 72-C-6624. No. ;3-581 C~ (L) 01 ~~d ~10_ 73- 5i9 CA.CL) 01. r:; 17 . . .. i. ., -11- '"..j ,\.": -'.:0. ~-. ........ "P"_ ... Exhibit "e" ~.~;:. - "- - ..... -.. -" -~.:,.~-'.. "',..' -' ~..'- . ~ ... . ~ . . a.~: l.~;:1Mt~~j:~~,.'.~ :.;2,.".. ,:~:-': ~ ..,.. 'IIi-I- ..:...poI7..:....~~......~a...--....:-' , i " ~ ~ "'~l ' . . I, _ , j..~:'. ..' ....- . -.,- . i'f~: 1,,'1;, t. .7;,-:" -;..;.... b'.'~:,' , . r,,;j) I"',r, ..... . .-, ~:' c:':) , :'~ , ;~ ",'~ I ...- ~ -- ,. " .~' ,. .' . . ' '.~: 12. ~ "oj ", .. -'; ~' . f: ... .j : <: The p~rti~s hereto Stipul~t~ and ~~rce that Suit :'0. ..- . 'SSO c:\ (L) 01 ~ill be disnissed with prejudice by raltll~;!<l ;:md the parties t~H:rcto Hill exc1wnge :i1utual releases. 13. The City of Boynton Be~ch agrees to take such action as may be necessary to authorize itls City Attorney to ent~r into Stipulations in the above c~ptioned ~ctions a~ law so as to effect ,'.J i..i.:";: . ."'. . *' . .: .:. : ~~ , . ,;~ th~agreements herein contained. ,.. .. ~~:i: Dated: ~ :,"r,;.- ~:~ rl ..;..."";'t'- ...~ , ~ ..~ ",~,' :~--:~~ ~;.t~ .:J~ ;.1'7 . ..J,. '.~~ ~-~~~ , 1973 /5/ Geor~e E. Ad~ns George ~. .';'d~:;".s 01: AD~\1S, GI LNAN & CCOP3R Sui te nO-Hart: ford Sui Iding Orlando, Florida 32 s:n Attorney for Pal~land Dcvelop~ent Corporat.ion /5/ Er~est G. Sinon }: rnes t. G. ;:) ~ r.:on 78 Northeast Fif:h Avenue ,Del ray Beach, Florida 33444 Attorney for Robert. aIds, Ric.'1ard Vastine, Narilyn Hud:le, Loren Blacketer. Col. Albert aehrell, Fred Kos~ner Or~is \'1 l' 'C' 1 "r . , , .a .,21", ...:ill Y ".. .)ac~son, .Joe .I;3Lona Forest L.. i'iallac~>> Da~'i.d RooeTts ,Ed,'; ~rd, F. Harncnlilg and the City 0 i Born ton Beach. ~ ~~~~ ~,t .._....1' : _~.'l.-. ;.t~ t-~_~ ~ ~: ~.:, ~~~. , -" ,'-. ;, .1" : 1:-;' ~~1. : 'lr" ~'}>< '" '.... ""':. ~ :"" t-.-:' 'I': .~.- ~ ~.:: Is/ Frcdcric~ E. Hol!ingswcrth Frcaon.c~.. i. HO.Llln-3!':O-:~il. 401 Pa.. A':1eric:m Bui:!.Cinl'l' .,. \1cs t Pa 1 r:\ Beach, F1 0 i'i~:1. 33~!}! AttoTIley .::or '2oily H. J'::.c!:.s c:\, n"vl'd ';:'..~..-..- '[ ::,,,,,-...- Jo' ...-... ..... _.tJ..,,,,,..,,,,~~ i... ..._.J___. .1.....3c..!:i1, Cla=cnc~ (::!. "O:l~S" l:-:)=;:)~~ty ;,.. ::.=~c:-~s and Vill1~~ C. Se~~c:t. . -" . .:. ~.i. J /5/ ~'1i12i:;':J ~. ?!~_~.-r .... ....... ..-"'-- '!...... Ii 11! 1 ='::1 .~_ .'.~ r:.:i~ HA\'IILTlJ~I, J~'-=,:ES ~ :~~:--=.::::.. !~':D '!C~::G Suite Z, oc::~ Pl..=a 640 E~5t Occ~n Avcnu~ Boynton ~c~c~, r-lori~~ 33~35 Attornc)' for Forrest L. t'ial1ace .' , . i.....1 +, . (~ , ., " , , - ::-,:!=2j ~ ~ . r-: li"-'" is .'.::~ , ...: ~ -'2 - ..;.. \..;; -j,:J .. 11.. ..t'.....:._~-.. ..r : ;:.-:.....~-:-;Jo~.{ ."- .:'f'l?",i,,~,~' :i,;i~tZ~.;.-:.. ...:hit ~~;;'::'i""".P,'" '~.M-\' - '. ......,.;.. ...~.:4......:..:.::.i~~ ;.--"0""1. .... - ..-;, ..- .... - ... L ~ (:~~:i~Y~ :,~~)'}{i:f. ,::~~ " .... -...- .......... ~. . .''''. ;~;- .. ; ';;~'1':: ,,:::::~, X:~:L~-::, ,'~~ ~ ~ :~~.~~~~~.~~...~ Exhibit nen ;~:~ . ~:frf" ." ~-. ,.' ,r ~~:.: r ,. .,.." t;:, i~r~ . . ''It '" , '';':~..,~ ;' . .~;;~:~: ~~ .~ . ~ .' .~;-:: of .. ~... " , ::' ~ -:.:',. I' I~ I i r~1 w. :~ "; " ., d -:" . i I ; . . , I I I , I , ., ! " . , ..::J;{:"~ -.;~~~ - :..;: :!.. .. ... :. . ~: : '. :: ~ .. ;.; ,..; r. "" ... .~ :,'! " -' ~~ r:.. - ~ t: ~ =-. ;.: ~__ '..; ~;!. ~ :..e ~ - '-: ::. :: ::.? ~.~ ~ ;~.~ .:-:- ~~ .;,,_:.: t:I :=1 ~ ~.::~ i ~. ~ -:. ~ - ~-'. ~ ~ ;.:. "..: ~:/ ,. " ':-~:.'..':' =- ..... _ ~ ~ .:~ :....~;:~ n "! _. ~ ~ ::. ~ ~-: - :-,.:: ~;: ~:1 C: :: ~ ~ : : ~: i"\~'l \g ~ :. ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ;:! i~! ~.7 =.. ~ :: "'= 2: ] :: ::: ;: g..~ : ~ : ;.::: ~ - g: ~ .. ~ c 'E [~ 0_0;'_'" ,1::= ~ .0 r" ::.- g" ~'2., ~ ~.. - - : ~: ._::] n :,., " n ~ ;;.. c. _ t:! !~:. ~:j ~ g ~ ;::. :J \'.~::-- - r.:._, _ ~ ...,. : Q- :Q~. .~, - ;- ..... 04 ~ 5 :0 j - . :i cd}, . .. ~ ~,r.".. ~ ~ :::;; ... ~ ~ ~ K' :.> . , j ~ ~;, 2_ S. -r: ,. '< ..~:"I n ~ ~_ ;, c.. ~,o:1_ '. n'~ ,. : ~ .... ~ .- --.... :....... .. . .. ."., a :~ _. _. n ~ .on - :~.~==: O..J :-on :-. ~~~=~- :.~~~~!:--ag; ;ri-[:~;~a.~ - ~:i~~~:l~~~H; }, i-; ~ ~ \~~ \~ ~ ~ " 1.......r _.... ~~ :\"J a-.... 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":::: -'': ...:.oo..... _.~:.. ......:..... : ~ ~ :; " ~- n -. ft. o :-i ~ o :t o ~ a. i I . i 1 ! i i , t . i i 1 i '. .' . i i . i I . , . 1 ~ r-s-""1 ::;n e;;;:.;:,...:.....~ ~ .. . '.:~~,.'.:;.., ',J!;:>:' , ."$, ' ..:.... .::_~:;..-:.~> .. .:;.-.;: .. .)~:*,c--::..~ ~ ~.;.~.~ .:.:.'~ .: '.(-;~..~ :~: ..: ( , :. -, :.. .' '.' -, n ,. Yo :.;. :. t: ,. '. " :: ...: :: '.~ :.- ~ ~, -! ..' o. ,- " :to c. ~ .".. I"~' ., o :.- to: - , , :0- n c::;"....-.,.;: ~9 .., ~ ~ :.- -~ . . n - . " ..: (-, :-J c; :.- c o c l~ "7 c: = ;- Q :> ~ o :;::. -' '. ~. f'...:...:.. ~::.. .:;... ~.:: :.1.. c.; .:~~. ';',:;.~~..:'" r. ,....- 'G~;";:~~,~~~;-~~'~: EX~-ll BIT 'JAIl Exhibit "e" 7 -- L.d ,~ ,~ Cn '1 . l:-....-.( . ,~ O ' '..,... ..-, .. .. ,--i ==-,,- ~~ ~. , . . - --..... t--::' :: Li >- ~ - :t ~ g '--.. \.',.; o r-< z --4 :-l . .& o Z - I~ . f' . ' \ t .' ~ ; ~ ~ ~ j: " . . \ . I I l- ~. - .~. :.; =- s..--.I L,:.j tI1 ~> C) ,~ l---i . ~ r .- ; " ... f -, r p - !. i. ,: 'I'~ '. (~ ~ i:~ ~ =- ~ n '.' -.:'i t .... .... ~ ~ !i ,....:... ,~- '< '- ~ '" :: :;-, . ... '- :. . .~~ ~- ,~.."'" i~' I- I:: .-.:-. '" r,'.' r:.' i~ ;:~ ,'. '-':' .'" .",. h? ~ f~ .'" - tJ~ ~1 f.. "~ i' t~ r :~ ~ ~ .: m &'~ . c.:~ ! i' t-" j?T: t:,J, 1-:" , 0' ~~~' ..... ~ t~. : ...... ~~...~ . !t :... .to ... ~.. '" ~:.~ t:: I...... , '. . l..:- " .... !-:~ ~ I . ~ 0"":' ,...;, ':~:::.a~..-..~ . ";,-'~';"..:t '1 , :::.~.~~~ i . j " .... r" ),). ( , =-- '--.!: r~. . I. '~,',: ,.,', :,' ':"'.:..;.... ". [...:~',.::' " i ~ ....... .. ..~\.~ .:~~.-:: . H~~~~~~~~ .... '. ..-:-.. ..... : ,.:t,.r .. ~ ~ ...~~ _..~ . .-:.~ '- :z;.~ . :.:-~~~. .....~...--...:...::-~ J -- .. r \ ORDINANCE NO. 72 - 27 ( AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN. UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING LESS THAN TEN REGISTERED VOTERS, LYING CONTIGUOUS THERETO AND WITIDN THE SAME COUNTY, TO-WIT: PARCELS LOCA TED IN SECTION 1 AND SECTION 6, TOWNSffiP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 E~ST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; REDE- FINING THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ZONING CLASSIFICA TrONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. r \. PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the owner of the property more particularly described hereinafter has heretofore petitioned the City Council of the City of Boynton ( Beach, Florida, requesting the annexation of certain property lying adjacent and contiguous to the territorial limits of said Municipality and within the same County, to the Municipal territorial limits of sai d City; and ( WHEREAS, all requirements of the Laws of the State of Florida, relative annexation of contiguous territory have been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, deems the annexation of subject tract to be beneficial to the Municipality and to the owner of said tract, ( NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby annexes to the territorial limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, the following described parcel: All of Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East and the Eastern half of Section 1, Township 46 South, Range 42 East, excluding three small parcels totaling approximately 20 acres, described below as follows: ) ( ,-.,.. >:\ West half ( W 1/2) of the, Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. West half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. ( The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 1. Section 2: That subject property shall be zoned in accordance ( with Master Development Map and Site Plan now on file in the office of the City Manager. City Hall. Boynton Beach. Florida. all pursuant to the Master Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. Section 3: The territorial boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. , Florida. are hereby redefined so as to include the above-described property. r '-. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable and if any section. subsection. clause. phrase or portion of ".. this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid by any Court of competent ..... jurisdiction. the remaining portions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance to the City's existing Code. Section 6: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. First reading this 24th day of October. AD.. 1972. - 2- )/ .... 'W 1,/0 Second. final reading and passage this - day of //.:.,,~ },~l ( ,'-/ A. D.. 1972. ( [ ATTEST: ( /' ~ / -U- ,-2~~ JLU~{xCf City Clerk :/ ( (CORP. SEAL) c ( l CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA - \ l'-t!i- :( ~() By: , '(/(-II~~{'.t "[L1:~',,, Mayor , r~" , g -" 7 ' _ I.' ~ '~ \.... _'7 .~ h () (:...-,/ L ,'h.,,--t-4-- r, ( . " /r-c, 1;,' ,{. Vice t../ ,,/ / ,/ " /' / "L" . /- / /', ',.<J , I {, ,-{,(,,(. , j'( - Couflcilman /; ,( "';>// ,~."-;;- ,~ ( . ,v. ~' ,_, :.~, 2: ,t.~. " -.. Yr-' l~"tl</(~, -' ;(- , 'Councllman ? /--.... ) _/ -- .~-d~jL,L,~ l .-+.:--.-1.. ~ - / (,';1-,'("/' /;;.."----1~~f'" i Cou~cilman -3- l '( pU ...-- 3 ---n A :::s- :> f::::J ~ ~ ' }!~ ~ ~. fO ~ 00 ~ ". ::J -J ftl ~ ~ ,~ .., .. , ~ .... ,J ..I jtj 01 t;J~ U1 o - -0 r J;> Z- - ~ r' \ . .'; \ U~ ,~. ".l..L~'.~,,,:'{~ ,r,,;:~ ',: Pe!rtty, ,~'. ".??~~~~ .I,~::.'.', ;O',:.t~~" -, 'I ,.... ...~-'.-.."-;1.7'{-;--:",..,,',.,; '.~. . . .~ll;~G'9.i:_..l'" '1 "I~'j:,~...;,'~\l~:)i,~,;,;;.J.1 , <.:1'" .,"r..'~':,r"..tlf"" :.~t. ,',.,;/...,~. , ' :'1:-1 :::...~' ,~" ..lV"",. 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ORDINANCE NO. 73- 7 ./ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTIONS 31-6 AND 31-6.1 AND 31-7 AND 31.8 AND 31.9 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, PERTAINING TO FAMILIES PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND SQUARE FOOTAGE PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. I .-J J BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: Chapter 31 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as ) follows: I /I Section 31-6. R2 Multiple Familv and Institutional Buildinq District: (A) USES PERMITTED (2) Two-family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, - garage apartments as an accessory use located on the rear of a lot having a principal structure locateq, on the front half. Two-family and multiple family dwellings in R-2 Zone shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height (2~ stories) with a - maximum of three families per principal unit and,there shall be a minimum of twelve feet between principal units. I (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (2) For two family dwellings, nine thousand (9,000) square feet and said lots shall have minimum widths of seventy- e five (75) feet. (3) For multiple family dwelling for each dwelling . unit there shall be a minimum of four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of lot area. I (F) LOT COVERAGE (1) Forty (40) per cent of the lot area is the maximum that may be covered by the principal and accessory . buildings or structures located thereon, swimming pools excepted from this provision. Page 1 of 4 ">0 .---'" Section 31-6.1. R-2A Multiple Family Dwellinq District. (A) USES PERMITTED. (2) Two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings, garage apartments as an accessory use located on the rear of a lot having a principal structure located on the front half. Two- ..J family and multiple family dwellings in R-2A shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25') in height (2~ stories) with a maximum ./ of three families per principal unit and there shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') between principal units. / Section 31-7. R-3 Multiple Family, Office and Motel District. J (c) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. ) (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS (2) For multiple family dwellings there shall be a minimum lot area of four thousand (4,000) square feet for each dwelling unit'. ) Section 31-8.C-l Limited Commercial District. 3"".. .] (B) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building or structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. ) (C) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (1) For residential, the regulations shall be,' ,} identical to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. (2) Otherwise, none. ] (D) YARD REGULATIONS. (1) For residential, the regulations shall be identi- cal to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code ) pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. (2) Other. (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. -:;, J Prl(l~ ., ,....f= .., '. ~ ... (b) Side Yards: None are required except where rear access is not available from a public street or alley, a side yard of not less than ten(lO) feet shall be provided on one side. (c) Rear Yards: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet, except where the rear of the property is bounded by a public alley or street the rear yard may be decreased by one-half the width of such " alley or street up to ten (10) feet, but in such event there shall be provided a rear yard of not less than ten (10) feet ./ exclusive of the alley. Section 31~9. General Commercial District. J (B) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Same as C-l. (C) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. ) Same as C-I. (D) YARD REGULATIONS. Residential provisions, identical to C-l" ) Section 2. Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in ] the City's existing code. Section 3: Repealing provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ) Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable, including word, clause, phrase or sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared invalid, ) the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. ] Section 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. . Page 3 of 4 } ,,;-- , ,. , I I 1 ...J J ') I e e I e . I . First Reading this ..... './ day of .' ...- ,,I A.D., 1973 .' ./ Second, final reading and passage this day of "",l. ," ~J V;~.fLt , 1973. Attest: ,J /, .,/ / (!.:.... ,,~," I' , : ') ,,:,L://;;/ City Clerk ,I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~' ' L.' -'] BY- i"'>'lL :)} . - L-. ( Mayor \f " \ - ~'. ) , ,- ~( - <L. / ,-' . /.' - . ,t.. r;:,. L " '1- Vi:ci ~yor , , ~ ~~-) / /1 . ~---i( '--'-- L '\ ,4._ i" r;-~.....~c; Councilman ~" t- ,I.. 7 ~aJ2l2~ Councilman ~ /~' , ;~1'I:~ ctt;.~//::.-faUt'-~<-T ,.Jtounci lman Page 4 of 4 0/- J"./ .... ... ... ORDINANCE NO. 73-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FWRIDA, AMENDING SECTION 31-8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 73-7, BY ADDING EXCLUSIONARY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FWRIDA: Section 1: Section 31-8 (c)(l) of Ordinance No. 73-7 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as follows: TTSection 31-8 C-l Limited Commercial District: (1) For residential, the regulations shall be identical to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units, excluding motels and hotels. Section 2: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the City's existing code. Section 3: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of r ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Or- .... dinance are separable, including word, clause, phrase or sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effec- tive in the manner and at the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. -., First reading this~1~ day of /f' / ~,-,.{L.7'~' ;Z/rtf- , A. D., 1973. ;/ , , Second, final reading and passage this .:!{: day of 7?.I?"~A./ , 1973. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (SEAL) , .: ~ / ,:_r<' \. ,/'---;.-: ATTEST: It K(.U) ,%~t. Ci~1 C er " ./ (! EXHIBIT liB" -Future Land Use support Document, Appendix B: Supply and Demand For Commercial Land (revised) ,-- :< ("-, --- .... - " APPENDIX B; SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND (revised) .. , pemand for commercial Land The demand for commercial land has been analyzed for the Boynton Beach Market Area, which is defined as the area bounded by Hypoluxo Road, the Atlantic Ocean, Gulfstream Blvd.-Lake Ida-L-30 canal, and Barwick Road-Lawrence Road (see attached map). This constitutes a more reasonable market area, for the purpose of analyzing the need for commercial land, than the existing boundary of Boynton Beach. Existing and planned commercial development which is under the jurisdiction of other local governments in this market area has been included in the analysis of the supplY of commercial land. oemand for commercial land is found by calculating the demand for different types of commercial land uses, and then adding the resulting figures. For most types of commercial land uses, the demand for land was calculated by multiplying the existing floor area by the inverse of the average floor/area ratio for the use, then multiplying by the . ' inverse of a min~mum occupancy rate for the use, and then multiplying by the ratio (1.75) of the build-out population (90,190) for the Boynton Beach Market Area to the 1987 (51[S73) population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. For retail uses, an additional multiplier was used to account for the fact that retail sales have increased faster than population growth in palm Beach county. According to a study done by the palm Beach Post, total retail sales in the county increased by 94.2% from 1980 to 1986, and are projected to increase by 56.2% from 1986 to 1990. During these same periods, the population of the county will have grown by 29% and 13.7%, respectivelY. When the increase in retail sales is discounted for population growth and for inflation (inflation was 33% between 1980 and 1986, and is projected to be 19% between 1986 and 1990), an 18\ increase in retail sales is found in each period which is not accounted for by population growth or inflation. This increase is probably due, for the most part, to a real increase in per capita income. In order to accomodate this increase, the projections for retail floor space and acreage where multiplied by a factor of 1.18, since 1986 is close to the base year of 1987 which was use for estimating occupied retail floor space. Further increases in real income are likely past 1990, however, and these increases are addressed in the discussion at the end of this analysis. sources: city of Boynton Beach planning Dept., 1989. (population figures) palm Beach Post, "Growing with Palm Beach, and Martin Counties", 1987. (retail sales estimates and projections) u. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor statistics, 198~': (inflation figures) RECEIVED 1 JUN b I 9 ( PLANNING DEPT. - /'- FIQUAE 3 BOYNTON f \CH RETAil AND OFFICE MAR)f-"'" AREA ... ....---L .. ,I, .. .. . .. ... .. .. I -~ - I , A - - - - .-," City of B;~nlon Beach ~~a?."In9 Department 4/87 page lA ;:- --"'] ... ... Land requirements for hotels, motels, nursing homes, and adult congregate living facilties were found by multiplying the projected number of rooms or beds by the average number of square feet per room or bed for recentlY appoved projects. Land requirements for marine commercial uses and miscellaneous uses were found by multiplying the current acreage by the ratio of the build-out population for the Boynton Beach Market Area to the current population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. -- p~mand for Land for office Use~ Sinale-Tenant Office and Financial Services. under 20.000 square feet This category consists of banks, savings and loan associations, and small offices buildings by a single tenant. Occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: . , . 256,215 square feet projected demand for land at build-out: 256,215 x (1/.28) x (1/.95) x 1.75 = 1,685,900 square feet 0.28 = Average floor/area ratio for office and financial projects under 20,000 square feet built between 1980 and 1987 0.95 = Minimum occupany rate 1,685,900/43,560 = 38.7 acres ~lnqle-Tenant Office Buildinas, Over 20.000 Square Feet This category consists primarily of regional or national headquarters for corporations. currently there are no such offices in the city, anc there is no known methodology for estimating the demand for land for these offices. Quantum corporate park is the only location in the Citi where offices of this type are expected to be located. In order to estimate the probable acreage in Quantum corporate park that will be devoted to corporate headquarters, the existing and future land use in the Arvida park of Commerce in Boca Raton, 10 miles to the south of Boynton Beach, was examined. In 1988, 57.5% of the the office floor space in the Arvida park of Commerce was occupied by corporate headquarters. Adding planned office projects in theArvida park of commerce to the 1988 figures would reduce the percentage of office occupied by corporate headquarters to 39.7%. Since the average of these two numbers is about 50%, it is assumed that approximatelY 50\ of the land designated for office use (145.6 acres, total) in Quantum corporate 2 ::-c .-, park will be used for corporate headquarters. projecte~ demand for land at build-out: . 145.6 acres x 0.50 = 72.8 acres ~ulti-Tenant Office BuildinQs Under 20.000 Square Feet This category consists of small office buildings with more than one tenant. occupied Floor Area as of 4/1/87: 86,564 square feet projected demand for land at build-out: 86,564 x (1/.28) x (1/.95) x 1.75 = 569,403 square feet 0.28 = Average floor/area ratio for office ~nd financial projects under . 20,000 square feet built between 1980 and 1987 0.95 = Minimum occupany rate 569,403/43,560 = 13.07 acres Multi-Tenant Office BuildinQs. Over 20.000 Square Feet. Excludina Medical and Condominium Office BuildinQs This category consists of larger multi-tenant office buildings. There were 7,878,000 sq. ft. of leased or preleased space in Palm Beach county, according to summary, Office Market Survey, Palm Beach County, Florida, October 31, 1986, by Robert Wilmoth Associates and Laventhol and Horwath. population of Palm Beach County on Oct. 31, 1986 was approximately 770,894 (interpolation of 4/1/86 and 4/1/87 population estimates by University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research) 7,878,000 sq. ft./770,824 = @ 10.22 sq. ft. of leased office floor area per capita in Palm Beach county, as of 10/31/86, based upon office space included in the Office Market survey. 10.22 x (1/.95) = 10.76 of sq. ft. leased office space per capita in Palm Beach County. 0.95 represents the proportion of office floor space in this category that was surveyed by the Office Market Survey. 3 ~ J 'tilt 10.16 X (1/.90) = 11.96 sq. ft. leasable office space per capita According to Robert Wilmoth Associates, 85\ occupancy is generally the highest equilibrium occupancy rate for the office market in palm Beach county. A slightly higher occupancy rate of 90\ was used to calculate leasable office space per capita. .. 11.96 x (1/.82) = 14.58 total floor area per capita 0.82 is the average ratio of groSS floor area to groSS leasable floor area for offices in this category built in Boynton Beach between 1980 and 1988. 14.58 x (1/0.44) = 33.14 square feet per capita of land for offices 0.44 is the average floor/area ratio for office buildings built in Boynton Beach between 1980 and 1986. projected demand for land at build-out: 33.14 x 90,190 = 2,988,897 square feet 90,190 is the projected build-out population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. . , . 2,988,891/43,560 = 68.62 acres projected demand for land for offices in this category at build-out in City of Boynton Beach, based on 1988 per capita office space in palm Beach county. It is assumed that there will be a significant locational bias in the Greater Boynton Beach Area for larger office buildings to be located in the city, rather than being distributed evenly throughout the Greater Boynton Beach Area (defined as the area bounded by HypoluxO Road, the Atlantic ocean, Gulfstream Blvd.-Lake Ida-L-30 canal, and the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge). The city is a more visible location, is better served by transportation facilities, includes greater residential densities, and contains a higher concentration of retail facilities, hotels, and industrial land than the area west of Lawrence Road. These factors would tend to make the City a more attractive location for office buildings; therefore, it can be expected that a significant proportion of the office space in this category would be allotted on a per capita basis to the areas west of Lawrence Road. This assumption can be justified by examining the distribution of office floorspace in Boca Raton, which lies 10 miles to the south of Boynton Beach, and is considerablY more built-uP than Boynton Beach. In 1988, 89% of built office space and 86% of the leased office in Boca Raton office market, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to eastern edge of the Everglades, waS located within 3 1/2 miles of the coast. This line would be comparable to Lawrence Road in Boynton Beach. It is reasonable to assume that no more than 25\ of the office space in this category in either Boynton Beach or Boca Raton will be located beyond 3 1/2 miles from the coast. Therefore, it is assu~ed that 75% of the per capita 4 .demand for office space for the population west of Lawrence Road will, in fact, be located in the City. 33.14 sq. ft. of land per capita x 101,741 = 3,371,697 square feet of land for office sp6ce, which would be allocated to the portion of the Greater Boynton Beach Area lying west of Lawrence Road 3,371,697/43,560 = 77.40 acres 101,741 is the projected build-out population for the portion of the Greater Boynton Beach Area lying west of Lawrence Road (Metropolitan planning organization Traffic Analysis Zone Data, 8/19/85). 77.40 x 0.75 = 58.05 acres of land allocated, on a per capita basis, to the portion of the Greater Boynton Beach Area lying west of Lawrence Road, but which will, in.fact, be located" in the City of Boynton Beach Total demand for land for multi-tenant, lea$ed office buildings in city of Boynton Beach: ~ 68.62 + 58.05 = 126.67 acres SUB-TOTAL, DEMAND FOR LAND FOR OFFICE USES, AT BUILD-OUT 251.11 acres Demand for Land for Retail Uses Sinale-Tenant Retail Buildlnas occupied floor area as of 8/1/87: 521,647 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.95 = Minimum occupancy rate projected demand for land at build-out: 521,647 x (1/0.22) x (1/.95) x 1.75 = 5,154,007 square feet 5,154,007/43,560 = 118.32 acres small Multi-Tenant Retail Build1nas These are multi-tenant retail or mixed retail/office use in Boynton Beach Market Area, in buildings with less than 10,000 square feet. 5 0-/ .... .., " Occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: 96 512 Square feet projected demand for land at bu1ld~out: 96,512 x (lio.22) x (1/.95) x 1.75 x 1.18 = 953,564 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail pro)ects built between 1980 and 1986 0.95 = Minimum occupancy rate 953,564/43,560 = 21.89 acres ~trip Shoppina Center~ These are multi-tenant retail or mixed retail/office use in Boynton Beach Market Area, in buildings with 10,000 to 40,000 square feet. Occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: , . 306,644 square feet projected demand for land at build-out: 306,644 x (1/0.22) x (1/.95) x 1.75 x 1.18 = 3,029,722 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.95 = Minimum occupancy rate 3,029,722/43,560 = 69.55 acres ~ommunitv shoppina center~ These are multi-tenant or mixed retail/office use shopping centers, with 40,000 square feet or more, and centers that are immediately adjacent to shopping centers of 40,000 square feet or more. occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: 665,440 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.90 = Minimum occupancy rate projected demand for land at build-out: 6 I I -- -- '665,440 x (1/0.22) X (1/.90) x 1.75 X 1.18 6,939,982/43,560 = 159.32 acres , = 6,939,982 square feet ~eaional Mall There is one regional mall in the city of Boynton Beach, with a gross leasable floor area as of 4/1/87 of 878,670 square feet. proportion of regional mall acreage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that the build-out population of Boynton Beach Market area (90,120) comprises of the build-out population of Boynton Beach Mall market area (275,680): 113.05 acres x 0.327 = 36.97 acres Source: population of Boynton Beach Market.Area, and unincorporated area in Boynton Beach utility service area-~Boynton Beach Planning Dept. Source: population of Boynton Beach Mall Market Area outside of Boynton Beach Market Area and Boynton Beach utility service area--Traffic Analysis Zone data by Palm Beach county planning Dept. The Boynton Beach Mall Market Area is defined as being bordered on the north by Lake Worth Road, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge, and on the south by the L.W.D.D. L-30 Canal west of Jog Road, the L.W.D.D. L-32 Canal between Jog Road and 1-95, and Atlantic Avenue east of 1-95. proportion of regional mall square footage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that the population of Boynton Beach Market Area comprises of population of the Boynton Beach Mall market area: 878,670 x 0.425 = 373,435 square feet Oem and for regional mall square footage for Boynton Beach Market Area, based on ratio of build-out population of Boynton Beach Market Area to 1987 population: 373,435 x 1.75 x 1.18 = 539,114 square feet proportion of regional mall square footage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that build-out population of Boynton B~ach Market area comprises of build-out population of Boynton Beach Mall market area: 1,244,449 x 0.327 = 406,935 square feet 7 -- - 'current + planned commercial acreage occupied nursingnomes and ACLFs: 12.74 acres ~ Future demand for commercial land for nursing homes and ACLFs at build-out: 316 x 0.40 x 1,428.7 = 4.15 acres projec~ j demand for commercial land for nursing homes and ACLFs, at buil~ ~ut: 4.15 + 15.09 = 19.24 acres otels and Motels projected number of hotel and motel rooms at build-out in city (from Housing Element): 1,517 rooms . Average site area per room, for hotels and ~otels approved between 1/1/80 and S/1/88: 1,576.2 square feet per room projected demand for land for hotels and motels, at build-out: 1,517 x 1,576.2 square feet = 2,391,095 square feet 2,391,095/43,560 = 54.89 acres ~ar1ne commercial This category includes marinas, dry storage buildings for boats, and ground level storage of boats. current acreage for marine commercial in Greater Boynton Beach Area: 14.65 acres current acreage per 1,000 population for marine commercial in Greater Boynton Beach Area: 14.65/85,415 = 0.1715 acres per 1,000 population. The 85,415 population figure is the sum of the population estimates, by the Boynton Beach planning Dept. for all areas east of Lawrence Road, plUS the 8/19/85 population estimates made by the Metropolitan planning organization by Traffic Analysis Zone, for areas west of Lawrence Road. projected population of Greater Boynton Beach Area, at build-out: 191,931 The 85,415 population figure is the sum of the population projections, by the Boynton Beach planning Dept., for all areas east of Lawrence Road, plus the 8/19/85 population projections made by the Metropolitan 9 /~ ~.~. ,., ... Planning organization by Traffic Analysis Zone, for areas west of Lawrence Road. ~ .... projected demand for land for marine commerclal uses in Greater Boynton Beach Area, at build-out (all acreage is assumed to be located in city and Town of Hypoluxo): 191.931 x 0.1715 = 32.92 acres New Automobile Sales This use is proposed to be allowed as a conditional use in the C-3 zoning district. currently, there are no new car dealerships in the City. Therefore, the future demand for this type of use would not be accounted for by making projections based upon existing acreage. New automobile dealerships in the City of pelray Beach, which lies to the south of Boynton Beach, typically occupy from 2 to 6 acres. Assuming that one average-sized dealership will be located in Boynton Beach, the projected demand for land for this use, at build-out, is 4.0 acres. ~iscellaneous Uses in commercial Zonina Districts Land occupied by miscellaneous uses in commercial zoning districts (churches, schools, clubs, governmental uses), as of 4/1/87: 12.47 acres projected demand for land, at build-out: 12.47 x 1.75 = 21.82 acres SUBTOTAL, DEMAND FOR LAND FOR OTHER COMMERCIAL USES, AT BUILD-OUT: 132.87 acres TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND AT BUILD-OUT 831.25 acres SupplY of commercial Land All figures for the supply of commercial land are for net acres. The base figure for estimating the build-out supplY of commercial land in the Greater Boynton Beach Area consists of the following: all C-1 (Office and professional commercial) C-2 (Neighborhood commercial), C-3 (community Commercial), and cBD (Central Business District) zoned property; all PCD (Planned commercial Development) zoned property; those portions of Quantum corporate park which are shown on the master plan for "Office" and "commercial" land use. 1,0 LLf. , .- " SupplY of Land for office Use C-l zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 capitol professional Center PCD ~ 51.87 acres 3.50 acres Quantum corporate park--area shown on master plan for "Office" use 145.6 acres BASE FIGURE, SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 200.97 acres The following areas were added, based upon planned or likely use for office use: property in unincorporated area east of Lawrence Road shown as "office commercial" on Boynton ~~ach Future Land Use Plan: 37.40 acres Incorporated parcel, to southwest of High ~idge Center, shown as "Industrial" on Future Land Use plan (assujne 1/2 acreage will be used for office, 1/2 acreage for industrial): 12.22 acres stanford park Medical Center (in stanford Park Planned Unit Development): 1.20 acres Woolbright Professional center parcel zoned C-l: Northwest corner s. Seacrest Blvd. and Golf Road: 2.70 acres 0.88 acres proposed C-1 Office and professional Commercial zoning, on parcel on south side of N.E. 8th Ave., east of U.S. Highway 1: 0.68 acres proposed c-1 Office and professional commercial zoning, on parcels currently zoned C-2, fronting on Boynton Beach Blvd. between Interstate 95 and seacrest Boulevard 11.25 acres proposed additional C-1 Office and Professional Commercial zoning, on parcels currently zoned R-1A, to north and south of parcels fronting on Boynton Beach Blvd. between Interstate 95 and Seacrest Boulevard 13.74 acres proposed C-1 Office and Professional Commercial zoning along north side of woolbright Road, between Interstate 95 and Seacrest Boulevard 3.75 acres proposed c-1 Office and professional Commercial zoning along congress Avenue adjacent to Hunters' Run PUD, currently zoned C-3 30.00 acres Woolbright place PCD--Office Commercial portion 7.00 acres proposed c-l Office and Professional Commercial zoning at northeast corner of congress Avenue 4.00 acres 11 / --- 7 .., .., " 51nd Golf Road AREA OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE, TO BE ADDED TO BASE FIGURE: 124.82 acres The following areas were subtracted, based upon planned or likely use for other than office use: proposed additional Local Retail Commercial west of Winchester Park ~oulevard 17.98 acres AREA OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE, TO BE SUBTRACTED TO BASE FIGURE: 17.98 acres SUBTOTAL, ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 307.81 acres .. . 1 i , , , ~ . .' J ' t ~~~~;Va~~ ~a~d ~or Reta~l~ re[~ODal Serv~ces. Hot:l~ agd ~Q~~lS~ NUrs1nQ _ ___ _ _C_FS_ Marine c_mmercial. and Miscellaneous Vses in Commercial pistricts C-2 zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 65.33 acres c-3 zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 499.79 acres CBD zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 77.59 acres Cross creek Center planned commercial Development: 3.97 acres Quantum corporate park--area shown on master plan for "commercial" use. 29.70 acres BASE FIGURE, SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL, ETC.: 676.38 acres The following areas are added to the base figure, based upon planned or likely use for retail or other commercial uses: potential Local Retail Commercial land use, at southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard an~seacrest Boulevard 1.21 acres proposed C-2 Neighborhood commercial, on property & Light Co., at northeast corner of Boynton Beach Road (include right-of-way for old Boynton Road to be abandoned): First Baptist Church parking lot, zoned c-2: owned by Florida Power Blvd. and old Boynton 1.34 acres 0.30 acres proposed Local Retail commercial along E. Ocean Ave., between S.E. 1st street and Florida East coast Railway Tracks, excluding residential condominiums: 1.14 acres proposed c-3 Community commercial zoning on east 1/2 of sun-Wah restaurant parking lot: 0.55 acres 12 "; v "----- r " proposed C-2 Neighborhood commercial, on parcel along west side of Florida East coast Railway tracks, south of N.E. 22nd Ave.: .. 0 . 50 acres proposed c-4 General Commercial on parcels, adjacent to parcels fronting on east side of U.S. Highway 1 between cBO zoning district and Boynton canal: 1.76 acres Boynton Beach Mall--proposed additional parking area: 5.30 acres C-4 zoned property fronting on North Federal Highway (U.S. 1): 10.99 acres C-4 zoned property lying along N.E. 4th street, adjacent to caD District: 1.61 acres one-half of the area of M-1 zoned parcels fronting on South congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 Canal and the southern city limit: . 17.84 acres , 0:.. propoced boat storage area on east side of N.E. 4th street, south of N.E. 2nd Avenue: 3.93 acres . ~rti n of proposed boat storage building site, currently zoned R-3, at ~t~ end of city, east side of u.s. Highway 1: 4.96 acres Tr( ~s Restaurant site--portion of site formerly zoned c-4 General Com. :cial: 2.09 acres Pro} rty in unincorporated area, east of Lawrence Road, shown as "Local Ret.: 1 Commercial" on 1987 Boynton Beach Future Land Use plan: 96.74 acres Pro' sed additional Local Retail Commercial west of Winchester park Bou yard 17.98 acres Par >ls in Town of Hypoluxo, shown as "General commercial" on Town of Hyp, !XO Future Land Use, that front on thoroughfares: 13.40 acres Exi _ng and planned marina sites in Town of Hypoluxo: 12.34 acres Pro ~ty with commercial land uses in Town of Briney Breezes: 1.34 acres CG .d CN zoned property, in unincorporated area, lying along south side of IPoluxo Road, between Seacrest Blvd. and Overlook Road: 13.22 acres Pr; ?osed Local Retail commercial land use on church site on south side of ~ypoluxo Road, between High Ridge Road and 1-95: 3.68 acres pr~posed Local Retail Commercial land use at south;~st corner of co'gress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue: 12.99 acres 13 L!-y 'W " Additional Local Retail Commercial land use for Woolbright Place PCD: 17.65 acres ., ~ CN zoned property, in unincorporated area, lying along north side of ~iner Road. between Grove Road and U.s. Hiqhway 1: 6.93 acres TOTAL ACREAGE ADDED TO BASE FIGURE, FOR SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: 241.10 acres, The following areas were subtracted from the base figure, based upon current, planned, or likely future development for non-commercial land uses: C-3 zoned portion of parcels south of Shooter's Restaurant, acquired by city for park use: 5.23 acres . , parcels zoned C-3, lying on east side of Inlet Plaza, proposed to be rezoned to R-3: 1.48 acres parcels zoned c-3, lying on east side of Bernard's Restaurant, proposed to be rezoned to R-3: 1.26 acres parcel zoned C-2, formerly occupied by day care center, located on N.E. 19th Ave., proposed to be acquired for addition to park: 0.51 acres Former C-2 zoned frontage, on west side of N. seacrest Blvd., rezoned to REC for North District park: 2.61 acres parcel, zoned CBD, occupied by Sea Terrace condominium, at S.E. 2nd Ave. and S.E. 6th street: 0.40 acres Parcels zoned C-3 that are occupied or owned by Gulfstream Lumber, at northeast corner of U.S. 1 and Woolbright Road, and parcels zoned C-3 that abut FEC Railroad between S.E. 8th Ave. and Gulfstream Lumber: 14.84 acres Mangrove hammock in CBD zoning district: 22.00 acres C-3 zoned Florida Inland Navigation spoil site, south of Causeway Square Shopping center, proposed to be rezoned to R-3: 3.13 acres eN zoned parcels, in unincorporated area, lying west of N.E. 4th street, along north side of Miner Road, to be rezoned to residential, if annexed: 6.43 acres Right-of-way for re-aligned portion of old Boynton Road, at Boynton Beach Boulevard: 0.14 acres portion of C-2 zoned parcel at northwest corner of N. Seacrest Blvd. and Miner Road, proposed to be rezoned to R-1 Single Family Residential: 4.16 acres 14 c-[) parcel zoned C-3, adjacent to Boat Ramp Park, to be acquired by city for park addition: 0.32 acres Former c-3 zoned portion of Waters edge development, on North Federal Highway, Rezoned to R-3: 1.52 acres C-3 zoned parcels fronting on U.s. 1, lying south of Bernard's Restaurant: 3.08 acres C-3 zoned parcels fronting on Old Dixie Highway, proposed to be rezoned to C-4 General commercial: 4.93 acres portion of Boat Ramp park, rezoned from C-3 to REC: 2.06 acres C-2 zoned parcels on north and south sides of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., proposed to be used for residential and for governmental land uses 0.95 acres . Jl." C-2 zoned parcels fronting on W. Boynton Beach Boulevard, between 1-95 and Seacrest Blvd., proposed to be changed. to C-1 Office and professional commercial: ' . 11.25 acres CN zoned property at Thompson Road and Hypoluxo Road (unincorporated), proposed to be pla~ed Low Density Residential: 2.08 acres C-3 zoned property fronting on S. congress Ave., adjacent to Hunters' Run PUD: 30.00 acres C-2 zoned property in woolbright place PCD to be ~ changed to Office and professional commercial land use: 2.06 acres Adjustment to acreage to be occupied by Boynton Beach Mall, based upon proportion of build-out population of Boynton Beach Mall market area lying outside Boynton Beach Market Area: 0.673 x 113.05 acres = 76.08 acres TOTAL ACREAGE SUBTRACTED FROM BASE FIGURE, FOR SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: 195.57 acres SUBTOTAL, ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: 721.91 acres ~_._........,..,. ---.. .. ~'o, .' II \' \ ' SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (CURRENT CITY LIMITS) : 853.18 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN AREAS TO BE ANNEXED BY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: 149.46 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN TOWN OF HYPOLUXO: 25.74 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN TOWN OF BRINEY BREEZES: 1.34 acres 15 !:I . " ~ " TOTAL ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND, IN BOYNTON BEACH MARKET AREA: 1,029.72 acres -- ~ TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND, AT BUILD-OUT, IN BOYNTON BEACH MARKET AREA: 831.25 acres EXCESS SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND, OVER PROJECTED DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND: 198.47 acres EXCESS SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND AS PERCENTAGE OVER TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND: 23.9\ . , . 16 ~ -- ~~ ,. ' " Discussion of SupplY and Demand for commercial Land (Revised) A comparison of the supply versus demand of commercial land shows that there may be up to 198 acres of excess commercial land at build-out. There are three additional adjustments to this acreage, however, which may reduce this excess acreage: Quantum corporate park Commercial Acreage Quantum corporate park will contain about 30 acres of property at the center of the park which will be devoted to retail stores, and business services, and personal services. According to the Application for Development Approval which was submitted for Quantum Park, these uses will mostly serve the t~nants of the business park, with only limited use by persons outside of the park. This demand would not be accounted for by applying multipliers to the current population. since this commercial acreage would be located'on a 4-lane coll~ctor road which is less than a mile from an interchange, it is very posstble, however, that up to 50% of the customers for these commercial uses would be persons from outside of the park. If it assumed that 50% of the retail commercial acreage in Quantum corporate park would be generated within the park, then 15 acres, could be subtracted from the supply of commercial land. commercial property surrounding Boynton Beach Mall It is estimated that, at build-out, that 74% of the population of the Boynton Beach Mall market area will lie outside of the Boynton Beach Retail Market Area. It is reasonable to assume that a smaller but significant percentage of the demand for retail floor space will be generated outside of the Boynton Beach Market Area. There are about 85 acres of existing and potential acres of retail commercial lying adjacent to the regional mall, and to the immediate north and south. AsSuming that approximately 25% of the customers for the stores would come fr)m outslde the local market area, then 21 acres could be subtracted fro." the supply of commercial acreage. Future Increase in Real Household Income The demand for land for retail uses is approximately proportionate tt the amount of disposable income in the market area. Real per capita disposable income in palm Beach county will have risen almost 60% in :he 1980s, while per capita retail sales will have risen almost 40% (adj' ;ted for inflation). The increases in per capita retail sales have been' lken into account in making the projections for retail commercial acreage ' The university of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research h' 5 made the following estimates and projections for populations growth ~d changes in real personal income for Palm Beach County: POPULATION AN: INCOME PROJECTIONS FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY 17 ~ ~ -' ---- - .. " ... ... " 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 " population 760,900 799,700 840,300 873,800 903,200 932,400 Real personal 13,209.3 14,025.2 14,912.6 15,912.8 16,603.3 17,651.1 Income (millions, in 1982 dollars) Real Per 17,360 17,538 17,747 18,211 18,383 l8,93l capita Income (dollars) change in :_r 1.03% 1.19% 2.61% 0.94\ 2.98% per capita Income over previous Year . , . source: The Florida outlook: Fourth Quarter, 1988 (BEBR) . The total change in real per capita income over this five-year period is $1,571 or 9.05%. It is assumed that, since the annual rate of growth is neither increasing or decreasing, that the overall growth of real per capita income will remain the same from 1990 through the Year 2000 as it was in the 1986-1991 period. Therefore, overall real per capita income is projected to increase by approximately 18.1\ in the 1990s. since projecting income past the Year 2000 is less certain, an increase of 9% is assumed for Year 2000-2010 period. Thus the overall increase in real per capita income from 1990 through 2010 would be 1.181 x 1.09, or 1.296 (a 29.6% increase). since retail sales are approximately proportionate to income, it can be anticipated that, if retail sales per square foot are held constant, the amount of acreage needed for retail uses would also increase by approximately 30%. Therefore, the amount of land for retail uses we ld increase by 132 acres by the Year 2010, due to increases in real per capita income. When added together, the three adjustments which are discussed above would have the effect of reducing the supply of commercial land by 3; acres and increasing the demand by 132 acres. As a result, the 198 ' res of surplus commercial land which has been projected~ould be reduced 0 a surplus of only 30 acre by the Year 2010. This surplus amounts to or Y 3.6% of the total demand for commercial acreage (831.25 acres), whict is not considered to be excessive. From the analysis above, it appears that the supply of commercial lar. in the Boynton Beach Market Area will match the demand for this type of ind use. The supplY for commercial land compared to the demand ranges fr ~ a surplus ranging from 1 acre to 167 acres. In terms of percentage of ~e total demand for commercial land, at build-out, these acreages repres ~t 18 ...-- PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-072 TO: Jim Cherof, City Attorney FROM: c~e~ro, Planning Director DA:~: / April 9, 1991 SU~ Legal Notice Advertising Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run Attached please find the public notice and legal advertisement request form for your review. As the advertisement indicates, the public hearings for the land use amendment and Comprehensive Plan text amendment for the above referenced application will be held on June 3, and June 12, 1991. The aforementioned application is required to correct a scrivener's error made in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Encs. MWR:cp REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A co~pleted copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING PREPARED BY: MICHAEL W. RUMPF DATE PREPARED: 02/20/91 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: LAND USE AMENDMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT (COMMERCIAL PARCEL FRONTING ON CONGRESS AVENUE EAST OF HUNTER'S RUN) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, section Placement, Black Border, etc.) AD MUST OCCUPY NOT LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER OF A STANDARD NEWS- PAPER PAGE. THE HEADLINES MUST BE NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN POINT LETTER SIZE. PLACE AD IN "LOCAL NEWS" SECTION AND NOT IN CLASSIFIED MAP SECTION OR LEGAL SECTION. IF ^ IS REDUCED STREET NAMES ON MAP MUST BE LEGIBLE. AN EXTRA COPY OF THE MAP IS ATTACHED FOR THE NEWSPAPER. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: NEWSPAPER, PLANNING DEPT., CITY ATTORNEY MAR-24-'93 11:21 ID:JOSIAS AND GOREN TEL NO:7714923 **580 P03 PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-312 TOz Jim Cherof, City Attorney . ~. ......... . . R~t7ftVE~ .... PROM: · DATE: SUBJECT: Tambri J. Heyaen, Interim Planninq Director OOt,ll~~ 'VoJV CIty, ~'7fRJlf~ C~3 Zoned Parcel Adjacent to Hunter's Rtu~ -..:; OCtober 15, 1990 Por informational purposes, acoompanying this memorandum, you will find copies of ordinances 72-27, 73.7 and 73-11, referenced in the Final JudQement for Case No. 73-579, pertaining to above-refereneed paroel. The Final Judgement aoourately references eaoh of these ordinano.. as the ordinanoe. whioh annexed and zoned the subjeot paroel, amended the oode pertaining to families and square footage per multiple unit Ana repealed Ordinanoe No. 73-11, respectively. Provided below i. a table outlining the uses permitted under today'a C-3 aonin9 oategory (the current ~oning of the subject paroel) versus the 0-2 Boning category effective in 1~73 (the aon1ng of the 8~jeot parcel in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement). The purpose of this table is to ascertain whether there are any differences in permitteQ uses between the two zoning categories since at the time of the Fin4l Judgement, a C-3 Boning category did not e~i.t in the City. * Conditional Uses .. 1973 C-2 Permitted Uses · churches · bank., finanoe, investment and 1nsurance off1ces . mortuary · hospital · medical & dental clinics . nursing & convalescent homes · apothecary shops · profQccional offioocl phyaioian, 8urg&On, dentiQt, ohi~opraotor, naturopath, lawyer, engineer, arohiteot , general business offioes · animal hospitals . echools for primary , secondary education , nursery schools · music and dancin9 school · vocational , pr1vate schools Today'. C-3 perm1tted Uses . 'churches, pla.ces of worship . financial institutions · funeral homes · -funeral home with crema- torium · 90vernment facilities · hospitals · medical and dental offices & clinics · nursing , oonvalescent hom&s · pharmaciea, medical , 1"9l....._. __, _..___,,,__ ~~.~.~-~ .~rr-~gg · p~ofessieftal aftd ~u.!~ea. offices · veterinary offices & clinics . ~nursery schools, day care centers . 1nstruct1on and tutorinq . academic schools . copying service REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A co~pleted copy of this routing slip must accompany any request ~o have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 work~ng days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING PREPARED BY: MICHAEL W. RUMPF 02/20/91 DATE PREPARED: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: LAND USE AMENDMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT (COMMERCIAL PARCEL FRONTING ON CONGRESS AVENUE EAST OF HUNTER'S RUN) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, section Placement, Black Border, etc.) AD MUST OCCUpy NOT LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER OF A STANDARD NEWS- PAPER PAGE. THE HEADLINES MUST BE NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN POINT LETTER SIZE. PLACE AD IN "LOCAL NEWS" SECTION AND NOT IN CLASSIFIED MAP SECTION OR LEGAL SECTION. IF ^ IS REDUCED STREET NAMES ON MAP MUST BE LEGIBLE. AN EXTRA COpy OF THE MAP IS ATTACHED FOR THE NEWSPAPER. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: NEWSPAPER, PLANNING DEPT., CITY ATTORNEY NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: THE NEWS DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: June 3. 12 r 1991 APPROVED BY: (1) ~ t:"tLr (Department Head) ~Ii I ~I atJe) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( J j (City Manager) (Date} RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: CCMPLET::D: PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-072 TO: Jim Cherof, City Attorney FROM: c~e~ro, Planning Director DA:~: / April 9, 1991 su~ Legal Notice Advertising Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run Attached please find the public notice and legal advertisement request form for your review. As the advertisement indicates, the public hearings for the land use amendment and Comprehensive Plan text amendment for the above referenced application will be held on June 3, and June 12, 1991. The aforementioned application is required to correct a scrivener's error made in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Encs. MWR:cp NOTICE C~ LAND USE CHANGE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The City of Boynton Beach proposes to change che use of land and amend the text of Comprehenslve plan within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning & Zoning Board on June 11, 1991, at 7:30 P.M. at city Hall in the Commlssion Chambers, :00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florlda. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held on June 18, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. Florida. r ..----/\)1', CITY \UMITS ~' .2;;:..... "---'--~ - ;, --~~-.:~-.:-:-~- ' i :...:._--.-:_~ I .ij// 1 ~ .' ~~ -==---n'~~m~LW~ ,,~:/I~:/ 1\ -;; ~ 'r----4 U: ,: /ijl. :'.~ill d1l :,../1'. ,I '-- ~L". ': 0' \ , ~.===.J ~ , j , / \ -n~ ,". 'i I '-~ L.. 0 1/8 '1\1111 I, ~c:~oo f1'TrTI i"riY-ill:~(I"1 I ~ 1/4 I I 1600 FEET , t:::::... "'=' M VI APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: City of Boynton Beach Christopher cutro, AICP Summit Associates Ltd. Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run No use is currently proposed Congress Avenue east of Hunter's Run REQUEST: AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - office Commercial To - Local Retail Commercial REQUEST: AMEND TEXT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: EXISTING TEXT: Area S.h. Commercial Parcel Frontinq on Conqress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the ..... ~ f a " to a surplus of 0\ to 20\. Although the 20% figure would be considered excessive, it is likely that future increases in real per capita income will eliminate virtually all of this surplus. The Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the city and areas to be annexed by the city will accomodate all of anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out. Therefore, the City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a hiqhly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accomodated on already designated commercial areas. Conversely, the city should refrain from changing substantial areas of property from commercial to non-commercial land use categories, beyond those changes which are recommended elsewhere in the proposed comprehensive Plan, unless there are significant problems with land use compatibility or if roads cannot be built to accommodate the commercial development. . , . 19 ~-- To: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board ~~ or ~ OrA ~ ":A~ '1r:r cuj{) RECEIVED JUN 4 1991 C1TY ATTORNEY Planing Dept. Memorandum #? From: Christopher cutro, AICP Planning Director Date: February 19, 1991 - Subject: Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Requested by city commission to Correct a Scrivener's Error in Connection with Future Land Use Support Document, Planning Area 8.h. Commercial Parcel Fronting on Congress Avenue East of Hunter's Run INTRODUCTION/HISTORY In adopting the 1989 Future Land Use Plan, the land use classification for the above referenced property was changed from "Local Retail Commercial" to "Office Commercial". However, it is felt that 9~ g~iRg this the final judgement fram a eeHrt order made in 1973, involving palmland Development Corporation and the , City's Planning and Zoning Board (see Exhibit A), was el~Y' inaavertcRtly overlook consequently, the owners of the above referenced 30-ac rcel, Summit Associates Ltd., have requested the City ~ssion to amend the Future Land Use Plan by reve . g the land use designation to "Local Retail Commercial", to maintain the current C-3 (Office/Professional) zoning designation. Ja ~'l)'T"~.p...,) ~~ ~~ Approximately four month's after the City annexed the area then J>~s.,~o\)referred to as charter World, which contained the above referenced property, the City, by adopting Ordinance No. 73-7 and 73-11, purported to change the uses permitted in the C-2 zoning district which consequently effected the newly annexed area (the subject parcel was originally zoned C-2, the most intensive commercial district at that time, and hence later changed following the revision of the Zoning Code which resulted in the creation of the functionally equivalent, C-3 zoning category). Palmland Development corporation, owners of Charter world, subsequently filed suit against the City. On May 10, 1973, the Circuit Court of Palm Beach county ordered a Final Judgement that incorporated by reference a Stipulation and Agreement. The Stipulation and Agreement was executed by both parties involved and in part stated that Charter World may be developed according to zoning classifications as they existed at the time that Charter World was annexed. ~fte city ftaa ~Ye~ie~6Iy ae]tREl1',:leEi,ea tftis Fillal J'\letljj0meat aad gniBr };y iRliiig4tia~ taB tL~ !!afl~ RllMBey aBet date 8a 'lilus ~ity' & il9RiR9' m.p As indicated above, the City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan changed the land use designation for this parcel from "Local Retail Commercial" to "office Commercial", and now requires that it be rezoned from C-3 (Community Commercial) to C-1 (Office commercial).. ' (-H-e c.~s ~ l-On;^9 ~. " ~- weJ C~I>~.n ) / Co\~~I\> ~ ~l"O ~ f'itd 1~ The City I acknowledge; that a court/order and stipulation and +-. . re.s0~Hi2\oo tk9 tim:<l U~igR In!> g14Fl>Q&i, .R9. tRlOl :'Utl9'lRt of aele.lepmeRt. that ,u.s 't4]:811 ~1."8 i>iJUilil Ul8 ~l'i'jiAwl :i~i..~ WiWE a~~lov~d. Since the circumstances existing at the time that this zoning was originally approved have significantly changed, this evaluation should include a formal analysis of the subject property and land use amendm t request pursuant to pertinent criteria listed within Sectio 9.c.7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the code of Ordinances. The City's 1989 comprehensiv Plan includes three policies that CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREEEN /- . ( \ . \YC '..7 .Jr;, ~,,,..., ~ '15 "Jfl i \ ~ .\-\) t;U i G 1 \Cl' ,.5... address the issue of commercial land use and are listed as follows: policv 1.4.13 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to provide that the city shall oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the city of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. policv 1.17.1 - Discourage additional commercial and industrial uses beyond those which are currently shown on the Future Land Use Map, except where access is greatest and impact on residential land uses are least. Policy 1.19.6 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, unless it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses, or a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commercially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which a need can be demonstrated, and the commercial use would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policies. The future land use classification for this site is "office I Commercial". This request would therefore be inconsistent with CPOliCYh 1. ~. 13 I since hit. WtOUl,d ty~tit15dIY cotnflitcht wi th ~hle . ' ompre enS1ve P an. T e S1 e 1S oca e grea er an one m1 e from the nearest major intersection, and in close proximity to residential uses with a low average density, therefore, this request is also inconsistent with Policy 1.17.1 since access would not be considered "greatest", nor would impact upon residential uses be "least". Furthermore, the proposed amendment is inconsistent with Policy 1.19.6. As indicated in the comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document, Appendix B, Supply and Demand for Commercial Land, a surplus of over 140 acres of commercial land for retail and other commercial uses is projected at build-out (see Exhibit "B"). Although the Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII, Problems and opportunities, Planning Area S.h (see Text Amendment below), indicates that there will be a demand in the long-run for this commercial property, it is also recommended that office uses would be more appropriate, based in part on the reasons stated above. The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land supports this recommendation through the projected surplus of commercial land for office use which is 85 acres less than the surplus projected for commercial land for retail and other commercial uses. Planning Area S.h also acknowledges the existence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south of the site. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPATIBILITY WITH PROPERTIES THE ESTABLISHED EXISTING AND LAND FUTURE USE USES PATTERN AND OF ADJACENT The predominant land use in consists of the Hunter I s Run this area is residential, and PUD which abuts the site to the -.' _+. .. 1"""l~ __,'.:.'\.~ ~ ~ i. ,;.... ~ : ~'r ,- -:. J. -i::~-- 't,... " use designation of "Low Density Residential", and Chanteclair Villas is designated as "High Density Residential". Remaining uses within this area include Manor Care ACLF and Nursing Center, Congress Avenue Community Park, and the WXEL Broadcasting Facility. Cognizant of the characteristics and impacts of these existing uses, compared to the potential impacts generated by those uses likely to be developed within the current and proposed land us:: categories, the "office Commercial" land use category would be the more suitable land use category. THE EFFECT OF CHANGING CONDITIONS At the time when the property was originally annexed and zoned, 2 west. The intervening property ~s occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two ~actors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage dnd the distance from existing and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and ZOllE.g remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding reslden~ial projects, the presence of shopping centers 2 1/2 - miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to t:he 3outh, and the lack or an east-west thoroughfare. ~hls site would be more suitable fOl~ office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would a130 create fewer impacts on tile adj aC'~i:1t P. U. D. and the Ci 'cy par}: which lies to the noith; therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the office Commercial land use category. ~t is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in chs development of this property, lncluding vegetative screening a~d directed lighting. PROPOSED TEXT: Area 8.h. Commercial Parcel Frontinq on Concrres3 Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commer~lal land ~n the City indicates that there will be demand in the long- :."U11 ,~')r tIlis commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retall Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surroun~iug residences, the closest of WhlCh ~lill lie over 500 feet to ~he west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~~~~~~/~i/~~~~~/~w~/f~~~~t$ii~~~/~~~gft~~/~~ma~~/f~t!t~~ ~~~~~t~t~X/~~t~~q~/~~~/~~~/~t~~a~~~/ir0~/~tt~~t~g/a~~/f~~~i~ t~$t~~~~~$//t~/t~/t~~~~~~~~~~/~~a~/~~~~~r~t~X/Xa~~/~$~/a~~/z~ninq t~~~t~///~~~~y~t//~~~/~~/~~~/r~~/~y~t~g~/~~~~t~Y/~f/$~ttQU~~~t~g t__t~~~~t_X/_r~1_~~~I/~U~/~r__~~~~/~f/_~~__t~q/~~~~~r$IZ/X/llt ~tX~~ /14 /~~~ /~~t~/~~~/l' /X/l /rfitX~$ /~~ /~fi~/;t~~~~1 /9\~~/~11~ /~~d.Y./(;H' ~~/_~$~fW_$~/~~~t~~qUi~r~I/~~t$/$t~~/~~~l'~/~~/~~r~/~~t~a~~g/f~t 1fit~~/~$~/~~/~_p~~_~/~~/t_t9\il'/~~~///~ttt~~/~~~/~~~X~/~~;t~ ~t~~~~/i_w_t/t~p~~~~/~~/~~~/a~j~~~~~/V/V/~I/~~~/~~~/~t~y/wat~ w~t~~/l't__/~~/~fi_/~(jt~:tiI/~J..l_t~f~t~l/t't/t$/t_~~J1{~~~~_~1~~a~/~~t;i p~t~~l'~~/py~~~~/t~/~:ti~/~fft~~/~~~J1{_t~t~l'/l'~~~/~~~/~~~~g~ty/ It is ~l'~~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screenlng and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zoninq or this 'parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aqreement resultinq from a previous court decision. A copy of the proposed land use plan amendment and text amendment is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said ~earings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: June 3, 12, 1991 -1I..~2~-'93 11:22 ID:JOSIAS AND GOREN . :# " j ":: .'. ,-,' . PH90-312 · automotive agencies with repel. 9a.&g.. as acce.sory u.. . furniture, inter10r 4ecorating , home turn1shlnq stores . flor1st "- . art ,hoPI · interior decoratinq Gtoras · art. ahop &, studios · book, atationery stores " news.tands · g1rt shops . beer, w1ne, liquor sales . beauty salons & barber shops, shoe repair hat cleaning, dressmakIng & tailor shops · laundromats & laundry service & dry cleaninq pick-uP stations · photoqraphic supplies & studios · taxicab stations TEL NO:7714923 t;.580 P04 -2- Oct. 1~, 19'0 . automob1le parts & mar1ne hardware stores . camera & au~1o visual equip- ment and supply stores . furn1ture stores & home furnishings, antique stores . flower shops · bi"y\=l06 61~vb';:I · luggage stores . music store. · art & ceramic stores · jewelry ~ cosmetic stores · locksmith shops · sporting gOOds, toy ~torp.A, bait & tackle shops . paint, wallpaper, tile, carpet, blinds , interior deQorator shops · art, craft, hobby, oostume shops & sewing supplies & art galleries & atudios · bookstores, reli910us goods, card shopa, tobacco .hops, news store. · pet shops · repa1~ Qr service shops · TV, radio, v1~eo sUpplies & equ1pment . household app11ances & parts . 91ft shops . beer & wine sales · barber shops, beauty salons, manicurists, tanning salons, pet qroominq, Off-premise carpet & upholstery cleaning, maid service, tailors & dressmakers · laundromats & retail laundering · retail photographic studios & photofinishing · fabrication' installation of furniture slipcovers · taxicab officec ( '. ,. MAR-24-'93 11:22 ID:JOSIAS AND GOREN PM90-312 · qaloline lervice stations , automobile repair qarages · qasoline fillin; .tation without major repairs · business services - mailing, addresslnq, advertislnq, blueprintin;, printing · bakery, deli, qroeery _tore · ha.rdwa.re store · restaurants (drivo-in restaurants not subjeQt to <Jonditional u8e) . <1rug Itores . apparel & shoe stores . qarden supply . ant1que shop · beer, wine, liquor stores · qreenhouses, nurseries · hotel, motel, apartment hotel . multi-family r~sid~ntial units only . rooming , boarding hOU~QS · priva~o clubs & lodgos · rooreational facilities (with ~ame exceptions ~e C-3) TEL NO:7714923 :;580 Pel5 -3- Oct. 15, 1990 · ~automotlve service stations without major repair, inclu~in9 ear washes as an accessory use . print shops . drycleaninq service · *drlve-up, drive-through or drive-in services for any of the retail or personal services listed · art or rAoraAtlon instruotion · 9roeery, food, ice cream, health food, 4e1is, butcher shops, frui~ , vG90table stores, convenience stor.., ~akery , oa~.rin; . general hardware stores · restaurants · sundries, notions, variety stores . <1rug stores . cloth1ng , shoe stores . lawn & garden supply . antique stores & auction houses · bars, lounqes (*, if within 600 feet of a residential district) · liquor store · greenhouses, nurseries · department store · hotel, motel, apartment hotel/motel · -lumber yards , building materials stores · multif~ily & duplex residential units · *rooming t boarding houses · private olubs, lodgQ8 . reoreational faoilitios, except racetraoxs. go-cart tracks & w~ter slides ri , l MHR-24-'93 11:23 lD:JOSlAS AND GeREN TEL NO:7714S23 l:f55l3 P06 PM90-312 -4- Oct. 15, 1990 · parkl & playgrounds (City, County or State) . bus terminals · sale of ammunition , firearms · theaters and auditoriums, excludinq drive-in theaters · bus terminals · ambulance service .' · theaters · ueility struoture. , cub- stations, radio' TV stationE with towers and studio. . *new boat sales . *marinas and yacht clubs . *4ry boat Qtorage at marinas . yaehtela , beatels · small equ1pment , tool rental '.vIQbtol. , m.~in&1 · governmental, utilities & communioatione faoilities · trade end business labor poOls (*, if walk-in) · 4utQmob11e wash establishment. · wholesale commercial establishments · oar rental · shops for painters, plumbers, paper hanqers, electricians, upholsterers · adult entertainment (subject to 1,000 foot limitation) . m1nor repair of motor vehicles or t1re sales & serv1ce (Subject to loca~1on llm1tat1ons) · wholesale of certain goods . trail~r sales , rentals . used. oar lota · warehouses . all ether trade servio8 , retail e~le8 establishments net lieced above One other point I'd like to bring to your attention is that based on the copy of Roaa Plan No. 73501, attached as Exhibit liB" to ~he Final vudgement, indicatin~ the parcels by number and their ger.eral location, it appears that the subject parcel is comprised of a portion of parcel 20 (~oned C-2 in 1973 pureuant to the Final Juogement) and a po~tion of parcel 24 (zoned C-1 1n 1973 pursua~t to the ~in~l Judgement). My analysis of the p~tential d1!ferenCes in to~ay's C-3 permitted use5 verzus C-2 permitted uses in 1973 ~oes not take into consider~tion the potential f\ .,~R-24-'93 11:24 jD:JOS1AS AND GOREN . " TEL NO:7714923 1:1580 P07 ---, PM90-312 -5- Oct. 1!5, 19~O d1tferences between today'. C-3 perm1tteO USGS versus C-l permltted uses in 1973, due to the poor Quality ot my copy of Road ~lan No. 73501 and the lack ot 1eqa1 aescr1pt1ons for the parcels referenced in the Final JUdqement. ~ '~ ~~ TJH:frb Ene cc: City Manaqer .. C:PM90-J12 minimal commercial development had taken place within this area of the city, or along Congress Avenue. Since that time, however, numerous "strip" commercial shopping centers have been completed or approved, and additional parcels of property have been reclassified to allow development of similar commercial uses. As stated above, the analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projected a surplus which exceeds 140 acres. Furthermore, since there currently exists shopping centers located within 2 1/2 miles to the north, and 1 1/2 miles to the south, it is unlikely that an immediate geographic need exists for such uses. REASONABLENESS OF THE SCALE OF THE PROPOSED LAND USE RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE See "Consistency With The Established Land Use Pattern. .." AVAILABILITY OF SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE There currently exists available sites within the City that would permit the development of uses allowed under the requested land use category and existing C-3 zoning district. ~ 0. ~~N'\i"i ~'N!.. ::::USIO~S :: RE:O::ND~I;S , ~ ' tRst Fit! tk .1 14 QHlQR r Q QQ R ,'1:1 RIa;." RQ le!\~eY laV8YB '&ke HaBiB, aBt! l;B: ~8~ 8~ ;:I: ~~e~.:\ it is recommended that "Office Commercial" is now a mor~opriate land use category than. ~Local Retail commercial". e basis on which this recommendation is made is summarized as lows: I a) The site is located in close proximity to residential areas wi th a low average density. The impacts of a land use permitted within the "Office Commercial" category would likely impact upon the residential areas the least, and would be more consistent with the adjacent uses; b) The analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projects a surplus of over 140 acres at build-out, compared with a surplus of 56 acres projected for land for office use. In addition, the presence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles and 1 1/2 miles to the north and south, respectively, should provide for any specific geographic need; c) Proper access, namely an east-west thoroughfare, to serve the most intense development allowed under the "Local Retail Commercial" land use category does not exist at this site; d) The Comprehensive Plan recommends this site to be reclassified to "Office Commercial" and rezoned to C-1 (Office/Professional). Furthermore, Comprehensive Plan policy 1.4.13 states that the city will oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and e) The conditions existing at the time when the property was annexed and zoned have changed. Since 1972, numerous commercial developments have been completed within the area, '~...;.r":' .,~ ld"'~ .:...,: (~Cl:i [,..'(Ii./ I:",'~,.) !~' ". ',t:-; L..... ,.. - 'I j' ~": .." . f ,': ~ and/or rezoned to allow for retail commercial development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AME DMENT 116H~ fO:~ L!f IlLocal Retail Commercial" is determined to be the legally correct land use category for this site, based on the underlying Final Judgement and Stipulation and Agreement, a Comprehensive Plan text amendment will be required in addition to the Land Use Amendment. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use s~pport Document, Area B,h., which is on page 94 of the Support Document, currently reads as follows: nf''rC ,_J,'- O~'./l';::= ':'0:'\'(': 6.1.~.,'(V\ i';,~_ y(-.,~i+- QC~'JC'"IC..:J ~1-t a.... ~ f~" ,',",. '~''::1 'r;:\JfE.kJ 3-~1 \--: <!:' ,;" ..:."q,.. c;,; c ",j'vrJ vr~(.\ ~ (<- f:.~~,..J 1'\.l,(,!.'=!"",.....j- ,c;. arr.\.c:l, .., ~"-\- (fc,,~\., d sl-u.'l\,-l lc It,t ,(".('~:~ i b ( f~ c.t~ ,Af1t(1\c(. Area 8.h. Commercial Parcel Frontina on Conaress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the city indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two factors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from existing and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and zoning remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of shopping centers 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P.U.D. and the City park which lies to the northj therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the Office Commercial land use category. It is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. The amendment to the Support Document should include the removal of text that recommends this area to be classified as office commercial, and the addition of text that provides notice of the underlying Court Order, and Stipulation and Agreement, which governs the zoning of this parcel. The amended text should read as follows: Area 8.h. commercial Parcel Frontina on Conaress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~t~~~~/~t/t~~~~/t~~ t~tt~t~fft~~/~~~~ft~~/~~_~~~/t~t/t~~/t~_~~ttt~~/~tt~~~~ ~~~/t~~/~t~t~~t~/tt~~/~tt~tt~~/~~~/t~t~t~/t~~t~~~t~~1 tt/t~/t~t~~_~~~~~/t~~t/t~~~~ttt~~/~~~~/~~~/~~~/t~~t~~ t~~~t~I//~~~~y~tl/~~~/t~/t~~/~~~//~y~t~~~/~~~~tt1/~t ~~tt~~~~t~~/t~~t~~~tt~~/~t~l~tt~l/t~~/~t~~~~t~/~t ~~~~~t~~/t~~t~t~/~/t/~/~tl~~/t~/t~~/~~tt~/~~~/t/t/l _tl~~/t~/t~~/~~~t~I/_~~/t~~/l_t~/~t/~~/~~~tf~~~t t~~t~~~~t~t~l/t~t~/~tt~/~~~l~/~~/~~t~/~~tt~~l~/t~t ~tttt~/~~~/~~/~~~~~~~/t~/t~t~t~/~~~I//~tttt~/~~~/~~~l~ ~l~~/tt~~t~/t~~~t/t~~~tt~/~~/t~~/~~I~t~~t/'/~/~I/~~~ """:' ,..I !:- .::~ I. .' I "":: /~~: ~ <:.:.p " ! . ....~.'.f ,,:...:' ;. . ., "'. . ' . ";') t'- .,.'" ~ .~ .,-:, . . -/: ;- " . . ." . ,- t~t~~~~~~~~/t~~t/t~t~/~~tt~1/~~/~1~t~~/t~/t~~/~tttt~ ~~~~~ttt~1/l~~~/~~~/t~t~~~t1j It is ~J~~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zonina of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aareement that resulted from a previous court decision. IncLlded within Exhibit "A" are the Final Judgement for Action No. 73-579, Ordinances No. 73-7 and 73-11, and other legal documents referenced above and in the Final Judgement. It should 4 be noted that the Final Judgement for Action No. 72-C-6624, which is referenced in the attached Final JUdgement, was not included due to its similarity to the attached Final Judgement. 5 " 'NJF ~"ij rJ/;~' _~~:~~~GQQ~ ~ ~~~(.:..~g} \pu- . \: --J 'f~f!]~MM!""'J""""'\. !"'~\ ~'J~ I '/ '-'U~ _ R :', ,J..-.1- .r(~. : ~"n r '.. ~ .." T"f\ ~.,F-.) 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L- A 'tI,\1 ,"j - t r _ J - :.'?G~" : >..::--0:'1. .J. :';eyden, :nterim planning Director ~/Ih(~) >- SUBJECT' C-3 zoned Parcel Adjacent to Hunter's Run ~~ For informational purposes, accompanying this memorandum, you will find copies of ordinances 72-27, 73-7 and 73-11, referenced in the Final Judgement for Case No. 73-579, pertaining to above-referenced parcel. The Final Judgement accurately references each of these ordinances as the ordinances which annexed and zoned the subject parcel, amended the code pertaining to families and square footage per multiple unit and repealed Ordinance No. 73-11, respectivelY. ........,;.....~t:' _/"'\1.....: ~ctober 15, 1990 Provided below is a table outlining the uses permitted under today's C-3 zoning category (the current zoning of the subject parcel) versus the C-2 zoning category effective in 1973 ,(the zoning of the subject parcel in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement). The purpose of this table is to ascertain whether there are any differences in permitted uses between the two zoning categories since at the time of the Final Judgement, a C-3 zoning category did not exist in the City. -* Conditional Uses 1973 C-2Permitted Uses . churches . banks, finance, investment and insurance offices . mortuary . hospital . medical & dental clinics nursing & convalescent homes . apothecary shops . professional offices: physician, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor, naturopath, lawyer, engineer, architect & general business offices . animal hospitals . schools for primary & secondary education & nursery schools . music and dancing school . vocational & private schools Today's C-3 Permltted Uses . churches, places of worship . financial institutions . funeral homes . *funeral home with crema- torium government facilities . hospitals . medical and dental offices & clinics . nursing & convalescent homes . pharmacies, medical & surgical supplies . professional and business offices . veterinary office~ & clinics . *nursery schools, day care centers . instruction and tutoring . academic schools RE r r' T "yo Y'"''''' 1--,. .. Cl...;'" ......~.i.. . copying service OCT 1 6 1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFF -..-- .---- ~ / ! -3- PM90-312 . gasoline service stations & automobile repair garages . gasoline filling station without major repairs . business services - mailing, addressing, advertising, blueprinting, printing . bakery, deli, grocery store . hardware store . restaurants (drive-in restaurants not subject to conditional use) . drug stores . apparel & shoe stores . garden supply . antique shop . peer, wine, liquor stores . greenhouses, nurseries . hotel, motel, apartment hotel . multi-family residential units only rooming & boarding houses . private clubs & lodges . recreational facilities (with same exceptions as C-3) oct. 15, 1990 . *automotive service stations without major repair, including car washes as an accessory use . print shops . drycleaning service . *drive-up, drive-through or drive-in services for any of the retail or personal services listed . art or recreation instruction . grocery, food, ice cream, health food, delis, butcher shops, fruit & vegetable stores, convenience-stores, bakery & catering . general hardware stores . restaurants . sundries, notions, variety stores . drug stores . clothing & shoe stores . lawn & garden supply . antique stores & auction houses . bars, lounges (*, if within 600 feet of a residential district) . liquor store . greenhouses, nurseries . department store . hotel, motel, apartment hotel/motel . *lumber yards & building materials stores . multifamily & duplex residential units . *rooming & boarding houses . private clubs, lodges . recreational facilities, except racetracks. go-cart tracks & water slides -4- ,Oct. 15, 1990 PM90-312 . parks & playgrounds (City, County or state) . sale of ammunition & firearms . theaters . theaters and auditoriums, excluding drive-in theaters . bus terminals . bus terminals . ambulance service . *new boat sales . *marinas and yacht clubs .*yachtels & marinas . *dry boat storage at marinas . yachtels & boatels . utility structures & sub- stations, radio & TV stations with towers and studios . small equipment & tool rental . governmental, utilities & communications facilities . trade and business labor pools (*, if walk-in) . automobile wash establishments . adult entertainment (subject to 1,000 foot limitati~n) . minor repair of motor vehicles or tire sales & service (subject to location limitations) . wholesale commercial establishments . wholesale of certain goods . car rental . shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers . trailer sales & rentals . used car lots . warehouses . all other trade service & retail sales establishments not listed above One other point I'd like to bring to your attention is that based on the copy of Road plan No. 73501, attached as Exhibit "B" to the Final Judgement, indicating the parcels by number and their general location, it appears that the subject parcel is comprised of a portion of parcel 20 (zoned C-2 in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement) and a portion of parcel 24 (zoned C-l in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement). MY analysis of the potential differences in today's c-3 permitted uses versus C-2 permitted uses in 1973 does not take into consideration the potential PM90-312 -5- Oct. 15, 1990 differences between today's C-3 permitted uses versus C-l permitted uses in 1973, due to the poor quality of my copy of Road plan No. 73501 and the lack of legal descriptions for the parcels referenced in the Final Judgement. ~ ~ "~ ~/~a TAMBRI J. ~YD TJH:frb Enc cc: city Manager C:PM90-312 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Date October 9, 1990 Gene Moore, Mayor Bob Olenik, Commissioner Arline Weiner, Commissioner Lee Wische, Vice-Mayor Lillian Artis, Commissioner AS REQUESTED FOR YOUR INFORMATION SUBJECT: Hunters Run Commercial Tract Attached hereto please find copies of information, including memorandums, letters, and final judgement, reference the above noted subject matter. This material was made available to this office through Maurice Rosenstock. I am passing copies onto you for your reading and review. ~~ J Scott Miller Ity Manager JSM : j b Attachment cc: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Tambri Heyden, Interim City Planner ~ -- RECEIVED OCT 10 1990 PLANNING DEPT.. M E M 0 RAN 0 U M March 30, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Raymond Rea, City Attorney Peter L. Cheney, City Manager RECEI~r~"!") , --.... ......"t. MAR 31 1988 CITY ATTORNEY Commercial Land - Hunter's Run Tract - ~ Since the issue concerning the use of the existing commercial zoning on the Hunters Run Tract adjacent to Congress Avenue has been brought to the Commission, and since this matter will be reviewed by the Planning Department, the Planning and Zoning Board, and the City Commission, in connection with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan, it would be helpful if you would review past court decisions that have been rendered concerning uses and restric- tions on this land. A report of your analysis concerning this matter will be helpful to the Planning Department as they proceed with their analysis. f-: j J d"V Peter L. Cheney City Manager PLC: lat cc: Mayor and City Commission Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director S otr ~ Sl t L Ii !, T fJrtl of 7 h f.!, f.. 9 J.) oJ" ~!f J! tT..s. , ." w MEMORANDUM 16 March 1988 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM :i Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Request for Legal Opinion - Hunters Run Tract At the City Commission meeting of March 15, 1988 an agent for the Hunters Run Presidents Council appeared before the Commission requesting that the City take action to change the land use and zoning on the tract of land east of the Hunters Run project. As a result of their presentation and request, the City Commission directed the Planning Staff to evaluate changing the status of the property as a part of the current comprehensive planning effort. As you know, this tract of land was the subject of ~r~ ord~ which addressed how the land could be used when developed. Because of this Court Order, the Planning Staff is uncertain as to what restrictions are currently applicable which may limit the City's ability to act. Given'this problem, it would be helpful for the Planning Staff to have a legal opinion from the City Attorney which spells out any restrictions which currently apply. Therefore, if you agree, please forward this request to the City Attorney for a legal opinion on these matters. . --- ~ C ~_ , (l =;;:;.. ~ Z- CARMEN S. ANNUN~ATO /bks cc: Tim Cannon CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ Florida 33425-0310 (305) 738-7405 March 8, 1988 Henry B. Handler, Esquire Weiss & Handler 1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd. #320 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Re: Hunter.' s Run Parcel Dear Henry: Enclosed for your information is a copy of a Final Judgment in Case No. 73-579 and Case No. 80-3379. The latter case is provided simply for your informational purposes in that it deals with removal of restrictions from a parcel which is now Manicare Nursing Home. The 1973 case is somewhat more interesting as far as your perspective is concerned. It is my understanding that the C-3 zone in question which may be sometime in the future a matter of site plan approval, deals with part of parcel 24 and all of parcel 20 which, were, in part, subject to this litigation. During the time of this litigation Boynton Beach only provided for a C-1 and C-2 commercial use. We now allow C-3 zones which include the parcel in question. It appears from my evaluation of the case that the primary issue revolves on the use on parcel 19 and 20. These are reflected in the ipulati as far as the restrictions that would apply to the ~c areas. Thus, certain C-1 and C-2 uses were eliminated by this Stipulation as they relate to parcel 20. It appears that....under this Court case all C-3 uses are permissible Wit.~~ ~.,'on of those delineated in paragraph D of thC~~~~ ~~~ I hope this has somewhat cleared up the issue for you. If I can provide any other information please do not hesitate to call me a t an~" time. RAR/r Encs. as stated <;? ~U1Y' Raymond A. Rea . , . "":1 - H :1 w . __w.. :11 :Jl ,i 0 .11 JO -01 : III :0 :11 . )0 ;:D ,i": :0 ,,. :n ~O u ;~ "Ill h ~n 1 III -'II ig lx c Z -l III Jl iii Jl C Z ! j M~!'1QE~~D!!M April 1, 1988 TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner THRU: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Raymond A. Rea, City Attorney RE: Commercial Land - Hunter's Run Tract I am in receipt of Carmen Annunziato's Memo dated March 16, 1988, which was directed to you and your Memo directed to me dated March 30, 1988, regarding the above topic. I have reviewed the case files related to Case No. 73-579 and Case No. 80-3379. From the information provided to me by the Planning Director, it is my understanding that the C-3 zone in question, which may be some time in the future a matter of site plan approval, deals with part of parcel 24 and all of parcel 20 which were, in part, subject of this litigation. My understanding is that Parcel 20 is the specific parcel which is now subject for review by the Planning Department and the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission in connection with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. From a historical perspective during the time of this litigation Boynton Beach only provided for a C-1 and C-2 commercial use. We now allow C-3 zones which include the parcel in question. It appears from my evaluation of the case that the primary issue in the litigation dealt with the allowable uses on parcel 20 as a result of the annexation and zonings of the project formerly known as Charter World. As a result of the stipulated settlement in this litigation, it appears that certain uses were restricted on these specific parcels. Thus, certain C-1 and C-2 uses were eliminated as they relate to parcel 20. It appears that under this court case, all C-3 uses are permissible with the exception of those delineated in paragraph 4(d) of the Final Judgment which is included. Thus, it appears that the only prohibition upon the City would be that related to allowing those specific uses rather than modifying the zoning in any fashion this City desires. Upon evaluation of paragraph 4(d) of the stipulated settlement, this City would not be able to rezone parcel 20 (presently under a C-3 category) to allow uses such as animal hospitals, shops for painters, plumbers and paper hangers, etc., .. IiIlW -' Memorandum - Carmen Annunziato April 1, 1988 Page 2 mobile home sales, used car lots, warehouses, wholesale commercial establishments, residential uses, boarding or rooming houses, mortuaries, and other residential uses. In summary, it is my opinion that the Court did not tie the hands of this City with regard to zoning, except as it relates to these specific uses which shall' not be allowable wi thin this particular parcel. I am sure that the attorneys for the lan owner would not agree with this evaluation but that is certainly their prerogative. Again, I would like to premise all these comments on the statement that it is my understanding that this specific parcel in question presently under a C-3 zoning category is, in fact, parcel 20. I hope this has clarified the status of the litigation and the rights ,and obligations of the City as well. ~~Q Raymond A~ Rea, City Attorney RAR/ r cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners . ---- ,J " -:---:1" .. ':' '" ... ... .. :.~:-:. ~ .t\. . .. , i: . ~ . ~'" f ,~} .. -~~a " .: ( '.' -:.,.. ~ .~ .s .- . f'-'!I t- .' ., ~..' C-\ " I ' ':../ ". ----......-.. ..... -. -rt:" -- _....:.:~. ~-~ . .:~ ' ~~"D'~"~"~t' ,- --:: _6 --=-- >>' ~ ~. . .. . . ~ ~ ;....--' " - - - , ; ! t ~. t: ,. I, t: t; .~ r.. [:; E ij 'J ~ " ~ . 5'JS~ IN iHE CIRCUIT COU;:-r orr -:l~ PIFTEE~:rH JUDICI/\L CIttCU!7". IN M:rJ FOr.. PI\Ul t~CH CV.JSn'. PLO~IDA. '- PALMLk~D DEVELOPMENT CO~PORATION, ' a .corporation, Plaintiff, -v:s- CIVIL ACTION KO. 13-579 CA(L)-Ol-5pt;rH ~ ~ ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOaIDA, a Flcrida cunicipal corporation, T~ PLk"HI~G AI:D ZONING EOARD of the CITY Or BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, et al., ~'.. . x:....... ~ --; - ~...... -.., ~~... \.- _-. I ;;~ l:. ~~ . fl f~ '. ..~.r ~~ ..,- ~~.,.., ~:=; -::u - -' ..... ~ - ~ -< "'Tl - c;:) ~-- . ~ r:1 ...-- 0 ~ .- -- - - ~: ; '1 :7 }; t, .." ';:'J. F..."'" .r;i N"-,.1,, ~~ to....... . .;.... ~-.:-' '~ ...... ._, ,. ~ffi~,' :,; ,~ .-; . ,~. -! to,: - ~.... 4R; f,'~J: r~-;;r :Tr~ ....J. ~r~ ;. -il Defendants. - - /, FINAL JUDG1,~~'T ;: e~ .. , herein and upon the Stipulation and Agree~ent as e~ecuted by the parties, through their respective attorney. The said Stipulation and Agreeaent is attached hereto as E:hibit A and is -incorporated into and z::ade a part of'~~is Final Ju'::::;:cnt ~ 'T?1e Court finds frow the said Stipul~tion ~~d AGrc~~~~ ~:d rcp~czc~- .. .- tations made to the Court by counsel that ~hc'co~:=ovcrsY_~n ~~is action a~d in Actio~ No. 72-C-6624 a~is~~ cu~ c~ ~~~ ori:!==l . , . . Ordina.'"lce No. 72-27', CO?>, 0: whic~ is c:.~:'~.c::cd 'to -.:~:c St~::::;:.:i=:: and Agr~e~ent herein Cl~d out of the subsc~~~~t C~~~~ct o~ *".'0- ~-- C;-~ of Boy~to~ Beac~ in p~ssin~ O~di~~n=es t is-j ~=~ [73-~~ wherei~ And whc~cby the zenerel .uses p~~=it:c~ ~~~== :c~~~ c=~~- ~~ces in existc~cc ~~ the tice of t~c ~~~s~;c c= C=~i~~~=c ~ iZ-Zi l:ere ch~~ccd ~nc =~=~~er ~~isin: o~t c: ~~~ c~==cscd i~~~=: of vario~s officials of the City of'Boy~~c~ t~~c~, to c::~~:~ ...~~ .......- zoni~g cl~ssifications on the propar:y Cl~Cd. C7 :~I::i~::C: D :;:\--;;,lc?-' ~r.ent Corpo~~tion fro~ clc~sificetic~s cs t~c7 c=i~:=~ i~ Or~i~~~c~ 72-27 to R-I-A or R-l-k~. Controvc=~y fu~t~=r c~i==s bct~:c~~ t~~ <; pcrties i~ these ~uits ~~ to the ~~~i~it~ of C=C~=~=cc ;~-:7 b~:~ ~:; t"o i -: r S ;. c.:1;'l~~::::iO:l '~nd :cnl~~ P~C~1~4C~~. r~ ::-::-:.ncr -~.....-"--,... .....~-:---.... to the Cc:.:r~ t1:=.: tl~c pc.rtics he'le roc.; .:;::-c=:::. :;.:-.t :h.o~e cc=:~:.~ lends be in=: pc~:iculc~l)" described i~ :;.:i~ ~::.~~~;~:: ic::. ;:.~::! :'~rco- ~ o t" - '. :-;J \ ' -' .... ". ~ .......,,'" t::'Q I:::~#.':'......;';' fa_,: ...... .;----- '\ ----- . -- .Exhibi t "e" ':. . ""- ,..'-'., . ,.J. .~".- ~ .~.____. ... _4 r . .' ( ..,.:.,~.:.. -":...- ...........A Poi .- ., ._ .. .4 ;._'":;. ::.~ &'6" 1_ ~. -I', .:J~~ ..4 . ~'.4: :,.;iI' .. ... .........-- :- -........- ~,....-~. '.., :.i .~~.." ,. -.....-. . ....-....-- ... ~~_..:. - _ __.&.0. ~....._ ~:=-.:. ,~ - ......~- , . :~':~.. , :. '... ~- '.... : L~ i;.]~ ,[ :~1 , :'1 " ';j ~, ,'~ _;J ::~~~~ '~ i ..:. .M'4 ." - .. ." -;1 ...~ :.:, .;:~ ..... ;~:"1 ..u :,) ..~] ':,~, ' i ~, .~) :f;rt l! ' ,; j I.":. ,~,.,& ;A :1~ 'a ;~.~ ~J.J {mi,;. . -:I ., . ' ~:~ .-", i~l l;t 1 .~ . . : ~ , :\ 1:1 , -! .: t: : I:~~ ~ j , , ~... . . , .. ' , ".i f:~ l" ' J~ : ,.; !.. . L.: .. ,.- . ~ F, i., ..' t l f' t ! f . tu~e of su6s ci ~o~ey. The Court fu=::~o~ =.:.~::s thc:-: - - - - .~- ,-..--- .. ~-""'--'----- i- t" lit ~ . .. .~~ ".: f: .,~:.. -:-!~ tl~~H: :J.... ~ti. :l;. _,I": ..;4~, ~~~ I:: "'-', !t:.I.,' ~., ~.:;'; 'f~. ~~~;~ .....:.....'- -...:; '*.... . ........ .~ ~;i~ ,.~ $: ~; J~j p~i ro,': ... . f;~.; is ..at ~~~: " -, r.~"" r~ . .'" l:~i fz....- i:f1 Ii b"t" ..,~., ;.:C ".. "~~ ......: ,...y - ~~~ r~, h~!.: f;~'3. 1,;.1:' v.r.'; "."V" -r!i-!:\ -":;:r? t-:~~; ~,i~:--~ f !;t =.1 : ~J~oJ r" "d , ;1:~.;\ t i :J.:~ .~~.t i J:1ent as follows: Section 6,.Township 46 South, Rcn~e 43 East, end tho Ea,t half of Section 1, Township 46 South. Ranr.e 42 East, less threo p:rccls on the periphery of the East half of Section 1. totaling approxi~ately 20 &crcs. ~ . d" h" ~ h ~ are va1~dly annexe ,1nto t e C~ty o. Boynton Bcac were by the said Ordin3nce 72-.27 and finds th~t the said lands were validly zoned by the said Ordinan~e. The zoning as es~ab1ished ~.in the said 9rdinance is more particularly set out herein by reference to that certain Road Plan No."73501. copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit Band cade a part hereof. The pa~c~ls as indicated on the said oap, by nu~ber, were :oned by the said Ordinance 72-27 and are now validly zoned as follows: Co Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, & 8 are Zoned RZ-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 23 are zoned R3A P<!'!'ce1s: 17,l8,l'8A,Z2,24 are .zoned C-l Parcels: 19 and 20 are zoned C-Z The Court fur:her finds that after the en~c~e~t of O=dinan~e 72-27, Pa10land Developncnt Corporation, in !"eli~cc c";Jon s:::i~ . - -'-- Ordinance, did substan:ia11y ch~,cc it's pc~i::o~ by ~e-e=~~~~i- Develop=ent Co~po=~ticn, in ~cco:"da.:"1ce 1.ti th tnc S.-=... e....:._..'_,.:....~ \...._-- .....:-:-------- a~A A~-~o~~~. ;s e~.;~'cd I....... ,0':' - _.;..._.. '-, ~ .. '-A '-_ . ~o dovclcp :hc ~~i~ !~~~ ~ ~==~~~_ ~nce wi:h ~he abcve zc~i~~ clas$ificEt~c~s cs ~h~y e::is~ed ~~ Nove~;,e:", 1972, c:-:CC?t es hc=-ein...~tc:- li:::.~ec1. "i'il~ z~:'c. li::.i~~- tions s~all be effect~atcd by P~l~l~~~ plc-c}n~ of ~ccc:-c. re$t-;i::~ive coven.::.nts to rcn \:in the Ie-he rest=icti~~ th~ o:';)o'...c .' -uses as follo~:s: (~) P~l~l~nd will not ccnst~~::t Co:-e th.::.n 6,iCa residentic.l ~~:clling ~nits on the lena=> hc~ci~c.bo~e c::scri~~c - <!:lC en the ten (10) ceres of "county lend", snolo."n C:l E:-...i.i~it .,:;n :l.S Pc.rcel 25. .. ~ ~ ~~f'C~?AI ~o f""~ i.~(,:t. ....._v'-J -.- ~ - '2 -2- 1- l r~ . .. -. . ~. ~ ....~.... .". ~l ':=:, . .. ~, ~~";":";~~'''''_:' -, .; 1 :'" I ."::":" ~ ~ Exhibit r t ~ :: t . " _ , k-:..-~ ~ 'J' .:- liCit '':~ij . l7"..dt fJ El~ '...,1 ~~j , ~~J :,tsEJ df ~~ '~ . ~i - t,l- -' .'~ . .&'~ I~:f ~'~~~ ~'!i; -.'}; . :~ .:~~' , ,~ ..: :':~I' ." t1: ... .':to' ..Iaf' . ....i~ or.. Jfd.' ' ..~ tl~- ,"'>>- '. , ;~ .\1 ~i.il::. -,'. ~~~- ~ ~~~.~ . t~. ....!or ,'~-!i, ': .~~~ . J.:n :~~'1; ,,..J!.: / ... t...:" . .:. . . f::1 ' ~-::-:.~ . :,~~,~ . ~ , . t~~ . \~':. ~;.! -'::I ::. .., :7' ,. ,j , ..;,._;t -I. :-:'.t: . ..... :~->: . :~~..{ .~J Fi f;~':l;' t~~~ , f:.:,.J ........ . :-!1. ~ . ...- ~ '. . .. ... '''; --- ~-- ..,'-'~, ---.:;::-~~~ - --'-_ ~-:-:-.-__ .0_'_ _.. - ~ ..__-::~~~-_.-.. .- - -..---..- (b)' Pa~land will construct only ono- .. ~ l i a- t )' story structures on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In addition to tho 6,700 residontinl cwclling 'units referred to in parosraph sub-eel abo~e. Palclcnd will . construct a maximum of two hund~od '(200) ~otel or hotel rcnt~l o rooms on Parcel 22, togethe~ with all accessory uses inci~ental thereto. ~d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by elicinating the following permitted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 i~ ~~ ri~ t~ i!~ 1:, l~~ r, ~~ ~ ;. - :,:" , _"4 t~ , , , Anir.al hospitals when ~ll activities are concucted within the bUil4ing Shops for painters, plucbers, pape~ hangers. ~ electricianstup~olsterers ~nd other of a siDil~r nature. Outdoor s:orage yards ~re percitted when &ccessory to the above uses, provide~ nll eq~~p- ment and nerch~naise are e~closed o~nind a screen co~sis:i~g of pl~~ti~:3 or a closed or se~i-closed type fe~c~ not less then five feet in heiGht. Mo~ile hc~e s~les. Usee ccr lots. -. i ~.j - , l':arehouses t v.holesc:le co:::::.e=cicl. c3-::::.b- 1 ishr:tents. ' . '. Residentiel uses. C-l Boarci~Z ~nd roc=i~~ ~oU~cs. f.=o=tuc:-y. Residc~ticl uses. (e) Pal=lend will en~cr ihto e~ c?tic~ to cc~- vey si~ty (60) acres nore or less ~o u=LRAY D~:~S for use c~ly . , as a-golf course. Should D=L~Y D~:~ES e;:crcisc ii' s c?:ic~. '. . i '.. I ~there will be no nore th~ 6550 rc~icic;'l'ti~l C:!.:c!! i~: l:~i:~ c:!. "', '" ~--- lends sho~":l on Exhib it "n". -3- t7 ; I. u ~ ~tJ'r~~'" -0 P'_:- .!t:L;t:....-:..O;,.; ...... n U ..... I I, :,~,;- .: \ . ,... !\ . . .'.. ..... ~..;. ...,.... ~.~~ .. .... . ..-.~---. . - . r .,;: ~,:;;;~ .; . . ...... . , :~.;{8X) . > "_:, :.':~,~~. J '... ~:.r.'- i ..j " '. -. ..'~ .. 00 Exhibit "c" F~~r;' "'.-::~~:~ - - t:~i-(~('.,~-;.-::~~\ ~_ :;~;:i , :--." -r~~~~~..:;:.;.e~ if ~:.~: ;.~..~:_ ., .. : i~~ , .'~:f1~ ';";~..:+1_ . . . ,~--- - ....... -- .<.--:::---:- -.~...-, -:;: .-::.__. , 'W ,,-, _ ...... " ._# M -'.." .. -... ---- . ......... ..-......... 'WI' l .' '" .. i ". & I .. L.. .' l'--. t,:,o,=:.:: "'-'. '" - ,- : ~ .;. .~-J. L ~ ~.;; .; :t I.., . r lt~~tt :..I'~ ....;. ....' .';.~ 1.' ". f. : . f 1~ .:~~ . ~ .....-: ',::,!~ .~:'~ :::=~~~ .-foP!:' .~,.:.-;~ f'i~ ......... ~t~;i .~;;i (:f~ i-...... ,.-tf.,l If -~~~7 .;).,~ . ,.':l_ oJ ,::. f(:':.r ,).__l'~ ~l~jr i~~f:l ll..~~~ .' ',.1. - ;JI ~""?':H '.J.~J~.' "'.;.. :~~ .J":,1o r.t? ~\t"i ~.:,~"l. ~hj\t Lt-i"'. "oo .~1' J -.-".,;-. ,~~1.:~ J.,,' .--:" .'-':' ... \> ~ho Cour~ furthor find: that ~~id Stlpu14tlon and A&rce~ont contains further nc~eecent~ between tha parties and ~pecificnlly between the City of Boynton Bench end Pnlcland Dcvc1o?~ent Corporation 'fi:h reference to the deve1op~cnt of the said lands, which e&~ee~ents the Court finds to be rea~onable and proper. It is, therefore, ORDERED AND ^DJUDGED as fo11o~s; 1. That certain Ordinance en~cted by the City of Boynton Beach on Nove~ber 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72-27 is a valid existing ordinance o~ the City of Boynton Be~ch. 2. That 'the lands ~ore. particularly described '.. hereinabove were and are validly ~nnexed into the City of Bo~ton Beach and are a part of the r.unicipality of the City of Boynton Beach. 3. That the zoning classifications of the said l~lds ,is now and has been since ~;ovetlber 7, 1972 as follows: Parcels: 1.2,3,4,5,6.7,& 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11;12,13,14,15.16 and. 23.are zoned R3A :J [par~e1S: 17, 1S, lSA, 22. 24 are zor..ed C-l... " Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 parcel nu=bers herei~a~ove refc~red to ~nd tne lc~~s h~re1===o~e The \:. referred t~are as' indica~ed en Ro~d Pl~~ 73501, et~=~~ed hereto as E=hibi: B. &nd c:de a p&rt he=ccf. " J J ~. I' ,1 -I 1 f . t ~ f .. ! 4. Tho uses percitted within t~c =c~1n; cl~sslfic~tic~s hereina~cve' ~efer~ed to snell be as they were in ~o~e=~eT, ISiZ uncer ~~~ applic~ble zoninz ordin~nces of the City o~ Eoyn~oa Beach, e~~ept ~s follows: (a) Pa!~l~~~ will not construct nore th~i G~iOO ~side~tia1 dwelling units on the l~nds hereinabove aC$cribed -4- " " ~:f'C~""" &::;0 P!.f.E t:C:;.~~':"u,", -... v 4 . ! ~ - ;~J~~~~~~~::::~;:~.:i~~ 1 . ...~. ,'. ~',"I :-0. ,.,.., . r'.' ., ~ -';-;;:'~:.b~::~:;c/ii~j , Exhibi t "C" r .~~'~-- -. ---- .. L " '. , , . -.::\-, .... :;;; -.. .. .~.-...'.: -.. :....... - ';':~"~"~ -' '~:....'.....-,............~.. . . . . r .-" ~=:7':;:"~........-:--=-_. ~-~~-__...... - l t .,. .. .. .. . . f ' . . . ;1'1. :... , =~ . ,~ . ,;i:' ;'( ~~ , g;:, . ., . -]). '~., ..... . ",: .,~' .- . .JJ.i: , ','1 .~ )' ~4" " r! . .1.:,- .. p," .~~fr . ~J~'. S:~.. il.~ , ~~'i - --~" r.:; , rb.~'~" "l(~~ ::~~~:f . .... ._, :.~. ';;'..~ '~~,]~ :-::.~::-;:a ~,"~ ,. .....1 .. -". ~f *~'~ t .'>"'~ --......'. ::};~ r1.;'"'~-' ~:.~~~ -:}.:,-;.. .. ". ",. -,..... .. ..:~~. "'~ :;'. y..::J '-'...'t . ,~i-; ~ . :.'.:,~] "!~ ,..~~~ .. _. .~.~ '.', 'i.;J ~:.j' -J~: ':t1 ;.~ '. .-t .~":~ .. -,. "'I .j ~~.... , ~. I . . .. . 1 , '-4 ;,. .. I :t . ~~~ j :... , :!. ' I :.:..... ,I . ~., ... ; f:. · I",.' I .. . !~.~ . i f" , (. " I \" ( and on tho ton (10) acrcu of "county lend", ~hovn on I!xhlbi: "B.'. as Pnrcel 25. (b) Palmland will construct only ono- story structures on Pnrcols 1,2,3. ~nd 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700.rcsidential d~ellin~ units referred to in para&raph sub-ea) above, Palcland will con- struct a r.taxit:lulil of tuo hundred (200) cotel or hotel rental roo!:s- on Parcel 22, together with all accessory uses inciccntal the~eto. (d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Pa~ccl 19 the:-e nill be no ~ore than 6550 resiQcnti~l c~ellin~ uni~s on th.~ I .1 . l - I .: "j ~ ... s: j i: j ~ t ~ t t; [.0. R~ f t.J .' ~, f ~ f.,;; i~: f~ ( '?; ,. ,f ", l ' . t- r' , . J " If,: , ,< and 20 by eliminating the following perci~ted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 Ani~al hosnitals when all activities are conduc~ed within the buildin~. Shops for painters. plu~bers, paper hangers. electricians, upholsterers and other of a sinilar nature. Outcoor storace yards are percitted when accessory 0 to the above uses, provided all eqllip~ene and cerchandise are enclesed behind a screen consisting of pl~ntings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in hei~ht~ Mobile hooe sales. Used car lots. Warehouses, wholesale co~~ercial es~ab- lishments. . Residential uses. C-l Boarding and roo~ing houses. r.~ortuilry . Residential uses. (e) Paloland~ill enter into an o?tic~ to con- vey ,si::ty (60) acres more or less to DEL~\Y D~,~S for,use o~ly ..-- as a 601= course. Should DELr~y DU~ES e~crcise it's opti~n, I . i '". - J , l~:1CS shol..m.on Exhibit "B". ,.... - u .., ~'I'~~n,! 59 p'r.:' ~,c:.:(.;...;.. ~.- 5 v ..... t;' {~ J~.' .... , , ~:. -5- I I '--, - . . . . . .0. l,: .I-;:< _ ",;~:~J~ ~:;i~tf. : .., ~ ..... ~~.~,;"..., t. __... ..... # -~~";~..:."":""';',,:,_.........:. t - -:-. .... . " ~~.1" Exhibit "C" . -.--... be . :. '1:'; ....'"::~,~~ '. ~ .. .... .. ,-:~::. .'.;, ,.:'~i{:. ~'I~fi ..-.:....- '''''.. .. ..~.~..... ....-. .. ....-.-:.~...;;;.. :.;:;-.. . ~.o.:- .~.~..~ -: .:-~. 3t: .. , ..,;~~ :;;~;t; ',,*.,~ ..~,.,~~ .i>~';"~zt ' f;t:::";~i . . ..... - . - -~. . ~ . -:-:::.- -_-::- -:-::: ~ - ----- - - .. . _.-:. ~...- -.... -. ""':"""qI'. - -..1__', . . ;\ " _I' " ''Wi t, . t. t r ~ [ , ~ Pal~land Dovelopr.cnt Corporation 1~ required to C%CC~:c ~~d causo to bo placed of record, coven~nt~ ru~nin~ with the lar~ acco~plishing the restrictions as roforrc~ to as P~rCera?~ 4 herein. , ;....;~~ ..;\l; '.~. -~fc:1 ;Z~3 ,...';,r. ............. . .,. !.~ .~w.~ '~ -:'~~ .. :.iJ':I ~:,;~:. ~~1 .~;~ t-if:i ~~!:'.t :.~ 4j W~. ,,:,., .,.., . ~;~1 ~~~_.-"...., ~;:~- .~ ...."" ,z". ,~ ,-;Ei.1 ';;:~ "~;~<=l ~F~ ~.~ ~'-~ ~~ ~~..:J ~11 ......-':-p ~.,." . ....,. ,. :~~ r~-:U .-...,,$,,;,., -ffi~~'~ ~".t '-::j ~~.. -.- '" -:~'i, '-.;;. ,~., ....;::, I ~.~l ~~: ;:;2=.; t ~;,~i 'i:.;:~~ r:~4! e.,...., . J.......- I~~.: ..~..-.:..:::- i F-;~~ . ~1~....~ ?~~;t 1"'?~.,. ..~,. . -;... '-. . . ::! . s. That the parties hereto aro required to coc?ly with each and ever}' provision of the Stipul~tiun ~d Acreeo~~ attached hereto &nd m~de a part hereof. The o~issionp by tha Court~ of any provision of the said S:ipul~t.ion &nd Agre~cnt shall not operate to lessen the effect of this Order incorpor- ating the said Stipulation and Agree~ent, nor lessen the cf=ect of this Court's Order requiring the par~ies to perfo~ i~ accorcance with the said Stipulation and Agree:en~. 6. The Court shall retain juriscic;~ia:J of this cause for the purposes stated in Paragraph No. S in ~he last complete paragraph on Page 8 of,the said Sti~ulation ~,d ., .;. , -, r I,: ~ .., ;. Agrep.!:'tent. , ~ f;,~ DONE AND ORDERED in Chacbers p this' ~ay of ~." l~l~ ~ . '~6~ r - if~ ;,; ;! ;.j,. , . E;~ I~~ ~:: , . t: /!' [: - ~ ;/.'-,'& . ;;.~ 0.';' >- i-:. }t;,.~::,~ , . v .,; /. ,1. fi":".: ..- r~; ~ . 1973. (3. - ~-::) rlJ . f _;. # :~j:,~ ~ -' ~-. ~~ f!.:___~ : __'(;''''-~''''''''''::S "~'.''''J~'-.r..--...' :..:::""-""..-,...~.,.. ""... "'--CyCtJi J. iJ>>.b.c Copies furnished to: George E. Adans.Esq. AD:j,;S. GIL~'X{ & CC~?L:R Suite iZO-nQr~forc Eui1~ing Orlcn~o, Florida 32COl J: . G -5' E ./ Q _rnes.. . 2.I:on, sq. c...-J) 78 No~~~east Fifth Avenue ~ Delray 5each, Florida 33444' Fr::c::-icI: E.. E-:;!.=-~r:~~,;~::-':::_ I "..l. ...J - "\ f -.,.. -, ,. - - .., ... Co... _ If"': 'v Ii~#... 1''''''''"'-______ =:-..:...-:.....>__ l';~s t F~ln ~e~c..~Jf ~ .:.c=:.c:..::. ..;)jt;Cl t;!illic:.::t R. I.:er::!c:, Esq. H'..'T--........ J/tJ.~S ...--,.......- M~.::.J.Li.v~._. I'......=. '. :',:,-'::'~"':~~w. SUlte2, Ocean P~a=a, Boynton Ee~ch_ F!orid~ & YCU?;C; ..-'-'~ ';.~..v J- S3~3S, J ! 1 r I .. r t"-:.. ....... -', ~ ~:.~';.'. .' !.::... . Q ~ !:J'c'.""" c:;n porr 6 L:C:k:r.:........'" .... v L r.:. l.. f. ' .' . f, r . , - - . ~- . 'I': :~i ": ~~: ~' '" ~.:~,.~.,;L j -. ' ... '. '. . . '. .~? . r~'~:.' . ...~~;,:..i..:.~ ' . ,.,;:.: ~:',:;.~:,j -,1 :... .. --~...~ . .. ..l.i.:_;... - . f.:......~ .:>.- I. . . ...... ...., .. # . .._ ... _'f.; .....~..~ . .-.~. ~"~"..a. :~.,.......-'".'r. .........~ ~~~ir-.:u... ~ 111 . . Exhibit "C" ['--' .~ ;."..; - .[.:~:,~::': ~, .' .... - ~..... . . . .. .~ . .~ :..~~i';: .~~~~ .. -. . .........,..... ~.:. !j'" .. ..;...... 1 ......,.J..~-...._......~ . I . . " . \' 1. LEl;,\L D ,) cc: Planning MEMORANDUM NO. 085 August 6, 1990 6/~~ t~~~ -I{~,!j'r TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Jim Cherof, City Attorney RE: Hunter's Run Commercial Parcel As you may recall before Tim Cannon's departure, he conducted a conference with representatives of the Hunter's Run commercial parcel regarding alleged vested rights that they had in new restrictions on development resulting from the City's Comprehensive Plan. I attended that meeting and asked the attorney's who were there on behalf Summit Associates, Ltd. to provide me with back-up information regarding the basis for their claim. Attached is a copy of a letter received from Peter L. Breton and additional supporting documentation which he provided me. r think there is substance to the issues raised by Mr. Breton and specifically the impact of the Final Judgment and Stipulation and Settlement Agreement which was the basis o thereof. I have been unable to determine whether Palm Land Development Corporation (the successor to the current property owner) complied with their requirements under the Final Judgment and Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. . Additionally, it is unclear how Summit Associates, Ltd. acquired their interest from Palm Land Development Corp., and the effect of the Final Judgment and Stipulation and Settlement on their acquisition of the proper~y. In any event, r believe this matter warrants addi onal discussion and investigation. Further, I believe th position asserted by the property owners should be bro ht 0 the attention of the Commission for discussion and d r ct on. ~' JAC/ras Enc. - /I ~/f(;90 .~