REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS HUNTERS RUN, TRACT A, SOUTHPORT ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION (side room, side roofed screen enclosure and rear rooms) BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-288 July 30, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator THRU: RE: TRB Comments - July 30, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - HUNTER'S RUN, TRACT A, "SOUTHPORT" TYPE VIII UNITS (HARD ROOF SCREEN ENCLOSURE AND ROOM ADDITION TO THE SIDE OF THE UNIT AND THE ENCLOSURE OF REAR HARD ROOF SCREEN ENCLOSURE Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. 2. Show on the site plan the limits of proposed construction on all buildings that have type VIII two (2) bedroom villa units. 3. Specify on the site plan the distance from the outside wall of the proposed new construction at each type VIII unit and the adjacent neighboring structure. 4. Incorporate into the drawings the exterior elevation view drawings of both rear enclosures. 5. Identify on the elevation view drawings the proposed color of each type of exterior finish material for the new construction. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. The location and construction of the addition(s) are subject to the constraints of all easements. 2. All work must comply with the Standard Building Code, 1988 Edition and all subsequent adopted codes. ~~. 7 7~ Michael E. Haag MEH:pam SOUTHPRT.SDD Ct.1l ot eO'iNI01~ BRACH PLJ~NNING & ZONINQ DRPAR'l'MEN'f COMMEN'l' SHEE'f 'UOJEC'I' NJ\Ml~: dtV-Ixps.' f{t-v 'nJ\C'1'/9UllOI V HiI ON I S,,'\urV fv~.r- anOJI!C'1' AOOIU~B9 I "56 (. ~("hJn.) PNU iAAI.t.. PvLc/ 1~~\% \t(l'JJ ':"....--------...-. .':';-. ImVIEWER t S ~J\ME: 41.,t~ IJA,I" PBRMIT NO.1 96- S;}y6 = i1guitur:e COMMENTS AN%n L Print Nlimu PLANS, DATI RBCBIVBD 1 II I~,t B'fARTBD RBV~W 1 II/;Jt!r;t.. R.TURNaO 1_ /I iJ./lft. RRVIBM (CIRCLR) I CJ[) 2 3 . RBVISION APPROVBD 1 I/ID aBUSON nE'l'JUEVINO 11\1'I!I PICKED UPI I Plftna - <;:onllnentll PBBI H=:scn I P'1'ION: ,4IJD SLI()INtr;. t4ss jJ~.v}S 10 (J/Vl<r 5G.C ~ :'lae permit: J\\lIl1b~r identified above is the referenced number for your propoBe4 I\IJI(OV~llIenl: (u). Prior to fUl"thtu- processing on your request. the documents thai '1.111 tHlblllittt::d illustrating the illlprovementta) ahall be a",ended to show cOlnplianc, 11th t:h~ below lluted conllllent(u). '1'0 diBcuB8 the cOllunent(s) it: is recommendel hat: an appolnLlIlellt be Bet-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right han '1lruer, (40'1) ')./5-6260 between U A.M. and 5 P.M.. Monday thru Friday. . Pleas ~ f e n~nee the {H'oJect name and permit number when corresponding with City's Staf f \ft.l~l' illlu:!ndlnlJ t.he plan(B) to ahow compliance with the cOINnent(s~, return bot t(!UJ ot pta'HH for re-revtew to the Bllildll\~J nepartment. Please note llm 1I1diLlnlla\ eOlllllll~l\tB may be (J~l\el~ated au a retJult 0': l'evlewing the amended plana 'd I t:Ollullt!IlLu :Jhid.l Ut! rectlfl~d 1H.'lor to ataff l'eview a roving the dOCUluenta. 1IIIIIIIIllllllll111l111lll1111111111l111~lIIIIlIllll~1IIIIIIIII1 (Tit: SU8mlT /J.Qll ~uRR~ ollJlR~clt>lL{ /!r'fJvtJl/!)! Ie::~.. .-- . ..~~~~ L;~~~~~// 4~=r~ '/;)>11< 7f~ " . J . I · OepartmenttJ required. to review the project: BuY- 111:\/ , . . ) . n ," U U:UU1r , t'llH . Page I of / I. .- ___~ _._'~h. ... __._ _ - - --:---- C t -rr ot eO'iNI 01~ BRACH PLJ~NNING & ZONINO DgPAR'l'MEN'f COMMEN'l' SHEE'f 'UOJEC'I' NJ\Ml~: dtV~s.' U-v 'IU\C'I'/9UllOIVHiION I S,.\UrV fv~.r- 'IlOJI!C'l' AODIU~B9. "56 '- ~("tvnJ PPfu iAAI.t.. :-....------.---...... .~-.:....... BfJI \f!" ImVIEWBR t S ~AME: 41.,t~ IJA"" PBRMIT NO., 96 - S;}y6 OATS RICHIVHD, II ItfJ fl S'l'ARTID REVI):W, II/tlt/t;t. aITURHIO. , I'attfl. RBVISH (CIRCLB), ~ 2 3 . RBVISION APPROVBD, ND aEU90N IU~'l'IUEVINO COMMENTS AND/on PLANS. i1 9 nit";: ts l Print Namu )1\'1'8 PICKED UP. I P1tan8 - G9m\l\fmtU. FILS NO. a FBBI )I::SCllI P'l'ION: ADD SLtt)lNtS., C4s.J jJ~s 7D ()/Vl'r 5G.C :'lIe permit IHllllber identified above is the referenced number for your propose( I\ll'r(W~lIIent (tJ). Prior to fUl"thtH" processing on your request, the documents thai '1.111 tHllmllttt:d 1.11uatrating the improvement(a) ahall be amended to show compliancl tlth th~ below IltJted comment(u). '1'0 discuss the comment(s) it is recollllllendel ",,\: an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right han. 'IHn~ 1.-. (40'n ) ./5 - 6260 between U A. M. and 5 P. M., Monday thru l;>riday. . PleatJl CftH'~nee ttlt~ pl'oject name and penult number when corresponding with City'S Staff ,fl.tH' iunelldln(J the plants) to ahow compliance with the cOllullent{al, return bot it~l:!J of plClllH for re-review to the Bllildlll~J Department. Please note th" IIld i I. I Olll-\ 1 eOlllllll~lIt a may be Cjelle )~ated au a l"eU\l L l: ot: l"evlewing the amended plana '\I I CUII\lI\~llU.J :J1"dl ue rectifl~d pl'lor to ataft 1"t:!vlew a roving the docu,,,ents. 11111111111111111111111111l111111111111f1~1I11111111111~lIIIIIIIIIl /. S UBn1fr /J.Q# $~/2t) rJl 1)1 R~c/t.1L:( A~j2J-fJ{/~1 Ie: mER .. . ..-- , .' . . I . < · OepartmenttJ required.. to review the project: 8'JJL 111:\/ It. ). Ii ,III'," Z(~U"1f . t.tIH Page 7 of / ,. - - ~