LEGAL APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Rede'l-'elopment November 21,2000 Mr. Jonel Stanciu Property Manager Hatteras A~artments 503 SE 20 Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Hatteras Apartments - Security Gate and Wall MMSP 00-011 Dear Mr. Stanciu: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the above- referenced, existing development, please be informed that the proposed changes regarding the addition of a six-foot high masonary wall with a gate as shown on the set of plans date stamped 1/28/00, 10/23/00 and 11/16/00 are "minor" as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4-Site Plan Review. This approval is contingent upon the construction of the southern portion of the masonary wall and gate by Hatteras Apartments. The construction of the northern portion of the wall will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, B.A.P,S, Development Inc. This arrangement is based on an agreement between Hatteras Apartments and B,A,P.S. Development regarding an exchange for a portion of the abandoned road rights-of-way along West Lane and South Street. The rights-of-way were abandoned pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Ordinance No. 00-007. Both portions of the wall are to be built using identical design, materials and colors. The gate will be locked and will provide emergency access only. Please coordinate with the City of Boynton Beach Police and Fire Departments prior to issuance of a building permit for the gate, This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have any additional questions, Sincerely, ~~ )jat--,/ Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner LG/nl CC: Jose Alfaro, Planner JlSHRDA T A\Planning\SHAREDI WPIPROJECTS\HA TTERAS APTS\Minor Lettcr,doc America's Gateway to tlte Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259