CORRESPONDENCE Galav Lusia Subject: Location: Pre-application with Jonel (Hataras Apts.) with Lusia/Jose Conference Room "C" Start: End: Mon 10/23/20003:30 PM Man 10/23/2000 4:30 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: P&Z Mailbox; Galav Lusia; Alfaro, Jose Janel met with Lusia previously to discuss putting up a wall his property located at SE 20th Avenue. He can be reached at 954-298-8848. 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building - Planning & Zoning - Neighborhood Services - Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment March 8, 2000 Janel Stanciu Hatteras Apartments 503 S.E. 20th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Hatteras Apartments - Concrete Wall MMSP- OQ"O 11 Dear Mr. Stanciu: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the above-reference, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposal to add a wall along the west property line may require City Commission approval. Staff has researched this request and found that although S.E. 20th Avenue is a private road, it is encumbered with an 18 foot ingress, egress utility easement recorded as a.R.B. 2274, Page 807. This roadway currently provides access to two (2) public roads, Federal Highway/US! to the east and S.E. 3rd Street to the west. The proposed wall would effectively eliminate all access to S.E. 3rd Street. In addition, the property owner to the west is processing roadway abandonments through the City for portions of S.E. 3rd Street that may affect your property. I recommend that you call me at (561) 742-6262 to schedule a meeting to discuss the ramifications of your request. At that time, please provide a copy of the recorded easement for S.E. 20th Avenue as ( Sincerely, ~~J~v' Lusia Galav, AICP Senior Planner S: \Planning\SHARED\ WP\ PROJECTS\HATTERAS APTS\Halleras.doc City of Boynton Beach - 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. B Phone: (561) 742-6350 - www.cLbc 311L-! /0 (;) 1-1oL. D - uUT7L ~~ ~;2lrr-. ,M'i~{l1N~'t1\) t ~$ ~ ~~~ JkJJ. CJ{) Ot-fl 0 to 10 0 ~e1l ~ :r.-tV- roiU · 1.... 6~ ::Jr>>rd. 510naLV