REVIEW COMMENTS , ,'I " . o s/ Dra /00 - ~ ff2-ivzi:L ~ - /<1/~~~ - /h h~ I:za ~ ~ ~ ~~ - /2tJ~ ~~ ~ tI ~i4:..t~ /~ I ~ ~ //J (2/- 3:;) : r~ /' !:7-~~ ~~~~i i ~JS\~ ~U;y JO~ '" ..' ..... ..... .. ........... _. '~'."."". ...~_....,.R. ..~.;:T.....e7'"......t..."'.~....... kag T-57499 01 rn@ rn u w .. rn , ~ir::r u " n '." 11III.. '.. IYWV\ '. , :.J LJ ~ "",. .. llRJH ,; --.. 1.9658 EASEMENT AGREEMENT ,C; AND d. ,[)FiL THIS AGREF.MENT made ~nd entered into this ~day of February, N C\'> 1974, by and between EMIL C. FREUND and HELENA N. FREUND, his s wife, and WILLIAM WAGNER and MARION L. WAGNER, his wife, ~ WHEREAS, the parties hereto each are the owners of a portion "- c-..J of.and collectively own all of th~t certain subdivision known as co .... L.I... HAPPY LANES, a su?diviaion in Boynton Beach, Florida, recorded in i:'! Plat Book 21, page 33, Palm Beach County Records, excepting there~rom Lot 1, LESS the West 31 feet thereof. A portion of said HAPPY LANE? is known as follows: That certain 18 foot strip marked Private Road as shown upon the plat of HAPPY LANES, recorded in Plat Book 21, page 33, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties hereto to establish an easement over the above described property for ingress and egress and utility purposes for the mutual use and benefit of each other and their land~ adjacent thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Doliars on hand paid by each of the parties hereto to the others, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, each of the parties hereto hereby remises, releases and quit claims unto each of the other parties an eas~ment for ingress, egress and utility ease- 'ment . ~palm :> purposes in and to their inte~est in that certain property in Beach County, Florida, described as follows: fp/~~o '>5 That certain 18 foot strip marked private road as shown upon the plat of HAPPY LANES, recorded in Plat Book. 21, page 33, Public Records of Palm Beach, County, Florida. It is the desire of the parties hereto and the purpose of this' instrument to create a 18 foot easement for road and utility purposes over the above described property for t~e benefit of all of the abov~ parties, their heirs, executors, administrators and 'assigns, and for the benefit of the lands adjacent and adjoin~ng the above described This rmtrument wet prepared l>y Chels.. TltI. 1Injl, Guaran" ~ 50 N. E. Firth Ave., O':"Y Belch, flortda, by ~ ,..1. ... H 1'1-..... .. a ntc:nwry Indd.nl 10 th. fullUlment of conditions . . conlalnld In . 111M Insurance 'omrnltmtnl Issued blllL ~6~2274 P1CE 807 ~ '(3 - 4f1?~ RETURN TO: CHEL.'IEA 1'lT1..E & GUAAArIr.G ci P.o. !lox - d DELRAY S~CHj f1:A. SuU ... .... , ~'. ~ ;. ". <.' ,.'. '.{. r.' .' ~ .,;...-:,.'.~ . ........ '. . property which is owned by the parties to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their~ hands and seales the date first above mentioned. Signed, sealed and delivered by each of the parties hereto ~4--;;P~ /:. "J -... /71/ - . /14',,- //LVl~u~~,,:~.d- ~(.~~ EMIL C. FREUND (SEAL) 1~ J1. ~ HELENA N. FREUND (- ..AL) - .. , . tvva 4.,...,. ~ ~/" WILLIAM WAGNER (SEAL) '" U N ..... ~; ... ,..~ .. ..:u ... .... ~~/~ MARION L. WAG (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the Sta~e aforesaid and in the County afor~said, to take acknowledgments, personally appeared EMIL C. FREUND and j .. HELENA N, FREUND, his wife, and WILLIAM WAGNER and MARION L. WAGNER, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument_and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same. fast aforesaid this WITNESS my mnd and official seal in the County and State ,. 1\,~IU'; ~I~IJ"".. ~ .,'~~\~~'~~~3.r;-~,~:!!,~, S-' day of February, A.D. 1974. ......~~..,~'~......:::--~;.;;-.. ~. i~~::.:t;.'~~.~t~ l A/,t..iri: .~ ,'.:-l...:ilP: ~,.. \ ,':J~ .:.0;, a, ;,:ir:g~i ARY P BLIC ;, to'o, -e...'.Q.""/ "'-Jj ~ 4!.~ 1...;.,1.,(r~." "<.,.~ ,::- . :;..t~.:~~....t.t...~.~ .... . ',..,/ ~~"~~. S:tt\\ ....' My Commiss ion exp1.res: ,.,,,,..,,........ DOCUMENT^RY == SUR TAX ~ I~n n r:: c;l= ~.~. . . ..), .. .. . .. ...., ~F . .. ell FLOt .. ...: '/n.. fun'74 ~,. c= 'ci~tt '-., Im~ NOlAR'( r.~llC. STAll ,.. nORIDA II lARCE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR. 18. 19715 BONDE!) rHRU GENERAl. lHSUllA/lCE IIHDERWRITENS (" '''''' III . . ... . ....., nrftW ,.,. 8.... Conry, .... JI" I. 1..tIe IItrt en." .... l~~74 fACE 808 ,. ..-.. ----.- ."~.........,, CD :r a en :z: ;:) -:>> co !;:- ~o A. 3(\ . ?? , / 60874 This ltfarrMty l1erd Made II", ID\RJID L. I<APLAN an:i ARlENE KAPlAN, WA""AHTY DICO INOI"'IO. TO 'HOlljlIO IIt&MCO P'O"'" 01 --- :.J C/ /! e ? day of his wife A. D. 11/76 "y I,erpinaf'er call.J lI.e granlor. 10 Gn..BERT Z1\IDIVAR an:i M1\Ri Z1\IDIVAR, his wife, an un- divided one-half (1/2) interest an:i PAUL H. ros:m an:i PHYLLIS PCSEN, his wife, an undivided. one-half (1/2) interest; wllo.e po,'offlce addrp.. i. 760 Lake ibad, Miami, Florida I.ereinof'er called lI.e grantep: tWh......wr ""I'd h.reift lh.. 1..lIu.. "~f."I"'" .nd "'In"I_" tM'I.eIt all Ih.. p.,tif'1 10 Ihill Inur,u,wnl and I~ hf'in. 1...,,1 rf'prf'~"I.,iul "nd ......... nl indilt'idual., ..4 Ih4i '\N'ct.ton a.d aui'll'll 01 ~Drpoufj"n.l lfIHnessdh: TI.af II,p granlor. for anel In con.ide,allon of ,I.e .um of slO. 00 and oll.er ..aluo"le con.ideraUon.. r.."pipl wl.ereof Is I...reby acknowl..dgpd. 1,....,,'1 gran I.. "nrgaln.. .el/.. alien.. re. m;,e.. releo.e.. convey. and confirm. unlo II.. gran'ee. all 11.01 cerla;n land .iluale In pa1zll Beach Counly. Florida. viz: An undivided one-haH (1/2) interest in an:i to the follow:i.ng des=ibed property: 'Ille 18' private road sha.m on the Plat of HAPPY LANE, a subdivision to the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach O::n.m.ty, Florida, as re<X)rded in Plat Ebok 21, Page 33, public records of Palm Beach O::n.m.ty, Florida. SUbject to all Ilatters of record. .,., (12 FL.ORI A DOCUMENTARY == ~~: ..". SUR TAX ~ n." ~ I~ 0 O. 5 ~ ~ :::0 r- :tv e:> ~:IT'I JUH' 9'711 ... G1 P.I. Irn~r[ 11106 Together W;SfI apperraining. To J{aue and to Ilold, will. all II.. I.n.m.nl.. h.reelilamen" anel appurtenance. Iherelo "elonging or In any- Ihe .am. In fee .Imp!e forever. Rod II.. grantor I..re"y covenants will. .ald gran lee 11.01 II.. grantor. f. lawfully .elzed of .ald lanel in fee .imple: 11.01 II.. gran'or 1.01 good rlgh, and lawful aulhor/ly '0 .ell and con.'.y .aid land; ,1.01 II.. granlor here"y fully warrants Ihe lille 10 .alel land and wIll defend II.. .am. agaln.l II.. lawful claim. of all perso", whom.oev.-; and '''01 .alel lanel Is fr.. of 011 encum"ranc... excepl laxe. accruIng .ub..qu.nt 10 Decem"er 11. 1975 arxi Ilatters of record. In 1tfitness lMhereof, Ihe .old gran lor 1.0. (irsl o"ove wrlll.n. Signed~a";d and delivered in our pre.enc.: ,. ./) mm~4~~.....__...m ....&::1..~~~ STATE OF FIDRIDA I COUNTY OF PAIM BEACH f STATE O~ FLORIDA:'! DOCUMENTARY .~ STAMP TAX I DEPT. OF REYENUE :' I I g P.B ~ JU.'9'~ '. · :: 0 O. 3 0 I .... ~~~24 ... '. I 'x U N ..~ .~:; ob , :=.5 ~ . .~u CG "gned and ..aled ,I.... pre..nl. II.. day and y.ar ~. mm...............m.CD ...,. ....... .~..JD srACE .UOW '01 neolons USE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, ~/ore me, an officer duly , authorized in rhe State .rore-said and in the County alo~sajd to take .d:"owtedrm~ntl. pcnonaUy apprarrd \\t.' '4t~ ~~ H1lJaD L. KAPIJ\N and ARLENE I<APLAN, his wife \\tt~ C~\)t.\1. \t"t'l\ \\\\"",\, to me know~.:t~~.~~~~rs9.rS described in and who executed .the V,\l\\ ~~'I\t. \. . C\\~. lore!;oins ini~fri~.~r\f ~ acknowledeed be/ore me that they ~Cl:.\)\\ c'ecuted:IJ>a~~~." "~" "";'~i:' C\t~'" ,.:.;'::i.Wri~s.>m~.~~~ and offic;i.al ..al in the County and ;:;..::,;,~;ale :!hi'."irIlr:<'1atl! ~i. if' day of h. .pl! r_ ..,--........J '; ";.11'-' - D 1976 'i:.':.(:o.b;""iJ.:~": ''::''-.,''.' .A.. . \ ",,,,.~._.':~.~ '-:,'. ," ~J '~....;.t~.:.;.;:..~.~:..;~,) .' , 9'" ~~ ."(:.<?~. ~ '.';.~~': . c,~~ l}oij~jf::"fMge This InJlrul1~~n .'J'"p.:(l ~: /7. Addrrss Dean Vegosen, Esq. rJ~ik2548 PAGE 493 Lewis, Vegosen & ll:oeppel P. O. Bo~ :'.167 Palm Deacn, huddi\ 33480 r' ~"'\ Is t, ""1. n,' ,.11 , O :! l ~,..~" "~.IIJ!I~...'-,----_. C\J o -4 0- r -4 :t- _ co Lf) i'4 !: o 5.2 = -< m c.:: o ~- ;;:' ~: z ::'l rj:~ ~.. ~ ~~ ~ J I:.: ~i :\:~~-l ~l i~ :1" c:' .> u Ii { f:j~ ~.: ?;~, ~: i ~ i i il II I c-..I ('o.l C"') , e, c- o ('o.l CO') .... IX) \ ,I ault.cu", D.ID RAMeo FOP.M 8 This Ouit-Claim p, ~d, Emuled ,I.,. !:!If. day o( Keith A. Dennis and Mavis Dennis, his wife, (irol 1'0'1,. 10 Paul H. RosE'n and Phyllis RosE'l'l, his wife, arrl Gilbert Zilldiv~ and Mary zaldiv ~o.n~no"lce addrm I. 777 Curtiss Parkway, Miami Springs, Florida ."cond parly: (W...."wor ....4 ....rt'i" ,t... If'''''' "fint par,"" Ind "tf.c."nd p.ft," .h.1t include .inc..lar and plural, hri". 1....1 ....,,"'""uti"'". and. ...ilfnl n( itttJn'id".I., .nd the 'UCCf'Mnn and .niteR' .f cllr."pCKalietn., whe'e~If' 1M con'clIl .. admi.. Of' "qui,".) ltJitnessdh, T/ml ./." .aid 'ir~1 porly. (0' and in co'uld"ralion of ,I." ,urn of S 10. 00 . In Ioand paid '" 'he .01.1 ."cond parly, .1." ,ec"ip' u'h"reof Is h.ir"by adnowl"dged. doe. '.e,eby remi.e. re. le<ue and qull.clalm un'o ,10.. .01.1 .econd parly foreller. 01/ Ihe "01.,. III/e. In/er..... claim and demand which ,I... .ald Iln' parly 1.0. In and '0 ,he lol!owing de,cr/bed 101. piece or parcel o( land. ./lua/e. lying und being in .1... Counly of Palm Beach S'a/e 0/ Florida , /o.wi/: An undivided 1/2 interest in and to the 18 foot wide private road known as Southeast 20th Avenue, which runs East and West as shown on the Plat of HAPPY LANE SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 33, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, . ,-tA ("w r; (.)#D .1 () 10./ 0 L')'-~J0 . 'IS Documentary TRX Pd $ $ Int:lnslb1e Tax Pd. .C1C~~~~Florida J(I llautand to llold II... .ame 'ogo'h"r wi'h all and .Ingu/ar Ihe appur'enance. .her..un'o "elonglng or i.. anywise apper/ainlng. and all ,I... e.fal~. righ'.lII/e. In'e'~". lien. equily and cloim whal. .oe.'..' o( Ihe .aid /lrJl par'y. ..i/her In law or er;uily. 10 .hp only proper u.e. "..ne/iI and 1,..1000/ of ,he .t1id spcond porty forf'l1~r. In ltfitness 'Whereof, Th~ said firs I porly has .igMJ and ."afed Ihese prosenf. 'he day and year firs/ abolle wrillen. ./ /jl ?i~:;;E'0i.I:~d ~nnT~;;"O fB ~.~.~ ..!li~."....~~..:.~......" } Mavis Dennis STATE OF FLORIDA. ~ COUNTY OF S e... .....0 I HEREBY CERTIFY thai on ,his day, 1><:0.. me, an oiriet'r duly luthoriz~d in thl'" Sut~ aroresaid and in the County .corelaid to take Ic1r.nC'wlcdgmcnu. personally appeared Keith A. Dennis and Mavis Dennis ......;0;'."" to me known to be the penon SdcKriMd in and who cncutcd the rore-goinl inscrument Jn~'~,'~.~1~~ ....;~~i:-1r.nowJcdIfCd I><fore me that they executed ,he lime. . }<~:,:""~'''~~::''.\::'' WITNESS my hand .ad official ",al in the County and State Ja.. aforotala..:,!t -..:' ," ~ T ?c;'. . 3lay of A"'-t~ A. D. 19 84 at..JI~...CJi&..~rl:iL......... u 'Nftary Public.......... ". 1.:,:\ .....',.., ' THIS II'ISiT<U1I.CNT WAS PREPARED OY My Commission. .Ei.p~::Ts;:;,'i'-i.;;.t8f1. _~ulian .2::_.!hitehurst;. ":"."""",;:.... L'. '\/l,::,r:;:. L':~(;S':" ~I': i;I)~;TtR So I<NHUR RECORD VERIFIED 215 North Eola !jr'vc . P/\lM StACH COtiNl Y FLA Pest Ofriee 80x 2809 JOHN 8. DUNKLE Orl~nrJo. ~iorida 32802 CLERK CIRCUlT COURT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Lusia Galav Senior Planner FROM: Scott Barber Acting Senior Planner (Gee & Jenson) DATE: February 10,2000 SUBJECT: Hatteras Apartments Site Plan Amendment - MMSP 00-011 After preliminary review of the submitted documentation for the above mentioned project, Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) determined that a 6' concrete buffer wall adjacent to the west property line is possible. L.D.R. Chapter 2, Section 4, Paragraphs J.l & L., survey information and the recent abandonment oflands west of the site (ABAN 99-008), all place limitations on the proposed buffer wall. Chapter 2 has two paragraphs pertaining to the application of buffer wall type structures. Paragraph J.1., is strictly used for properties adjacent to Rights-of-Way, and paragraph L., applies to two adjacent properties supporting non-compatible uses. After the abandonment stated above, the resultant was the removal of the right-of-way extension of S.E. 3rd Street north of S.E. 20th Ave. This leaves adjacent non-compatible uses on the north side of the S.E. 20th Avenues 18' wide Access Easement, and Right-of-Way frontage to the south. This request for a wall would then be governed by the regulations of Section 4, Paragraph J.l & L. The limitations are as follows: 1. Maximum 6 foot height 2. Solid stucco masonry wall painted on both sides 3. Minimum setback 2 feet (north wall), 18" (south wall) 4. Sod shall be installed on the exterior landscape strips (shrubs recommended but not required) 5. The wall shall not abridge any easement rights The purpose of preserving the westerly access is so that emergency vehicles as well as tenants have an emergency access point in case of roadway blockage. It is possible that after review of the prescribed need for a security barrier across the west end of the property, as well as, access easement, the fire and police departments would accept a gated entry with code/key card entry access as if it was a standard gated community. It could not be a permanently locked gate, due to the lack of a vehicle turn around situation at the terminus of the drive. Building, Fire, Police and Public Works Departments should probably be involved in reviewing this also. --.-., may not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, and no freestanding antenna may be constructed within the building setback lines. Roof-mounted or wall- supported antennae may exceed the maximum district height regulation by ten (10) feet; but in no instance, may an antennae exceed the roof line height by more than fifteen (15) feet. a. With respect to private community antenna systems as defined in this code, the aforesaid twenty-five (25) feet height regulation shall not apply. In the instance of private community antenna systems, a receiving antenna may not exceed forty-five (45) feet in height unless an exception is granted by the City Commission, and no part of any receiving antenna may encroach in any setback. 5. In residential zones, freestanding transmitting antennae are subject to the following limitations: a. No freestanding base tower and antenna shall exceed fony-five (45) feet in height. b. No freestanding base tower with or without an antenna shall be constructed within the building setback lines. c. No freestanding base tower shall be constructed without having first secured a permit from the city development director. Roof-mounted transmitting antennae shall not exceed the roof line height by more than twenty (20) feet. 6. An application fee shall be payable to the city as adopted by resolution of the City Commission. 7. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Land Development Regulations, including the provisions of this section, telecommunication towers shall only be permitted as a conditional use in the PU Public Usage District and REC Recreation District. G. CUL-DE-SAC. The allowed frontage of a lot when shaped by a cul-de-sac or the frontage of any other irregular shaped lot, shall be measured at the setback or building line, and shall be not less than 1997 S-5 Zoning 5 seventy-five percent (75 %) of the required lot frontage in the applicable zoning district. H. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. Temporary buildings such as models, offices and tool sheds used in conjunction with construction work only, may be permitted in any district after approval of the buildin~nspection department and the removal of which is accomplished within thirty (30) days after construction ceases or is completed. I. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. All buildings and propenies city owned and operated and engaged in the performance of a public function may be permitted in any district as defined herein. J. OTHER STRUCTURES. To further clarify the definition of structure as applied to all districts and boundaries, the following shall apply except that corner lots shall be regulated by other parts of this ordinance. The following structures shall be permitted in front, rear or side setbacks as provi1d.d.C,'.. in this ordinance, in any zone, except where so not ,; taking into consideration existing easements: . .. 1. Fences, hedges and walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, above finished grade, in residential zones, except that from the building line to the front line the maximum height shall be four (4) feet. Hedges situated adjacent to golf courses, golf driving ranges, interstate highways or parcels supporting railroad tracks shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height, above finished grade. When walls or fences are constructed as a part of a subdivision or site plan approval ~diacent to a public right-of-way,)f- consistent with this section, a setback of a minimum of eighteen (18) inches must be maintained for landscaping purposes. 2. Fences, hedges and walls in other zones . shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, above finished grade except in PID and M-l zones, chain link fences shall be allowed to eight feet height and may be top- ped by not more than three strands of barbed wire. Hedges situated adjacent to golf courses, golf driving ranges, interstate highways or parcels supporting railroad tracks shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height, above finished grade. !. 23. Basketball goals, provided there is a minimum three (3) foot setback from the rear and side interior property lines and a minimum fifteen (15) foot setback from front and side street property lines. 24. Light poles having only one (1) structural ground member and portable landscape lighting. 25. Barbecue pits not to exceed six (6) feet by six (6) feet and provided they are set back three (3) feet from side and rear property lines. 26. Raised planters, provided they are set back three (3) feet from side and rear property lines and shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet. ) All other structures similar to the above shall require applications to the development director. (Ord. No. 96-01, ~ 1, 1-16-96; Ord. No. 96-29, ~ 1, 5-7-96; Ord. No. 96-32, ~ 1, 8-8-96) K. REQUIRED SQUARE FOOTAGE. Residential square footage shall be computed as follows: Screen rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Attached carports, roofed over open porches ..................... 25 % Attached garages, roofed over screened porches and utility rooms . . . . . . . . . . 50 % All other area under roof , . . . . . . . . . . . 100% Accessory building shall not be counted as required living area. L. BUFFER WALLS. For new construction or major modification to existing developments, where a commercial and/or industrial district abuts a residential district, a solid, stucco masonry wall painted on both sides at least six (6) feet in height shall be located within the required side and/or rear yards except with respect to comer lots, said buffer walls shall be required only on interior lot lines. 1997 S-5 Zoning 6A Said buffer walls shall not abridge any easement rights or be constructed over any existing utilities in any easement area and shall be setback two (2) f~t '* from adjoining propcrtx lines, With respect to the C-1 (Office and Commercial Professional District), the solid masonry wall may be replaced with a dense vegetative buffer of at least two (2) feet in height at the time of planting. Said vegetative buffer to be maintained by the project developer. Construction of said decorative masonry wall or planting of said vegetative buffer shall be completed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the building or buildings sought to be built in connection therewith, M. SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAE. For the purpose of clarifying regulations, satellite dish antennae are hereby classified into two groups. Group A antennae are those that will fit within a one meter cube. Group B antennae are those that will not fit within a one meter cube. All antennae in both groups are allowed in all zoning districts, subject to the following criteria: a. General provisions: (1) No satellite dish antenna shall be installed or modified without first obtaining a pennit from the development department. (2) All applications for the installation of Group B satellite dish antennae shall be accompanied by proper certification that the installation will withstand a Category 2 hurricane and is adequately grounded for protection from a direct lightning strike. (3) Satellite dish antennae shall . not be located forward of the front of any building, in any required side yard, or within eight (8) feet of the rear property line. (4) All Group B satellite dish antennae shall be screened on three (3) sides with landscape materials or walls with landscaping which are of a height equivalent to the total height of ( mounted satellite dish. I (5) For all Group B antennas i.". size must comply with zoning regulations. ~ltenara ,...atel, "",1::.. Senior Project Manager DIAMOND "'- OOLD COAST ~ ~ ('OIl"OR,..:t~'O,-9j Department of Design & Construction Management Office: Mailing Address: 2717 Van Buren Street P. O. Box 229045 Hollywood, FL 33020-4819 Hollywood, FL 33022-9045 Phone: (954) 921-3900 . Fax: (954) 921-3461 E-mail: jpatel@hollywoodfl.org WAMINARAYAN MANDIR ~19, CORAL SPR'NGS, FL., 33067--t626 INSPIRER: H.S.D.H PRAMUKH SWAMI MAHARAJ /Jrr' :::56FFeE-tj ~tE('Dl.J t;1 ~ H~ 7lf/$ &teufi-Srl Ry 8~A-fP. ~tP etNi~ MD c;ttL ~2- 16N(~ ANy ~ , January 29,2000 (Y/{Ar/Pr/ .:Tr/L . The Hatteras Apartments, l TO. 3400 r 8ir16, Ie:: Farms Koao # I ~ W~lIjAgtQn, FI ':l~ Re: B.A.P.S. Development Inc.'s Application for Abandonment of a ' Parcel of Land Located Near Hatteras Apartments, L TO's Property ,I To Whom It May Concern: B.AP.S. Development Inc. is a non-profit socia-religious charitable organization dedicated to preserving Hindu culture and values for the Southern Florida area and community. As B.AP.S. Development Inc. plans to build a beautiful traditional Hindu temple in Boy ton Beach near your property, it has applied for an abandonment of a parcel of land owned in its entirety by the City of Boyton Beach. Obtaining this parcel of land would be necessary for the completion of the temple. This parcel of land owned by the City of Boy ton Beach is located adjacent to the western edge of Hatteras Apartments, LTD's property line, and at the present time is not owned by The Hatteras Apartments, LTD. It js rectangular in shape, and extends thirty (30) feet west of the western boundary of a plot of land owned by Hatteras Apartments, L TO at 515 S.E 20th Ave., Boyton Beach, Florida ,33435. According to City of Boy ton Beach guidelines, any parcel of land owned by the city that is subsequently obtained by an application of abandonment must be divided in half to neighboring landowners. However, each neighboring landowner that obtains half of the property by abandonment must maintain it according to strict local zoning ordinances at that landowners expense and burden. B,AP.S. Development Inc. already owns land located west of the parcel of land that is the subject of the application for abandonment. The eastern edge of this parcel of land that is the subject of the application for abandonment is bordered by the western edge of Hatteras Apartments, l TO's property. Therefore, if the fD) m@rnnwmfij1 ,lnJr.lI2OOl rl~. '.-i;-~ND..~-~J I , alA-'Bur r""""""",^: ...... - application for abandonment of this parcel of land owned by the city is approved, Hatteras Apartments, L TO will obtain one-half of this land (amounting to an area of land with a width of fifteen (15) feet and a length measured by the distance of the western edge of your property line 179.64' * 15' = 2694,60 sq.ft.) The other half of this parcel of land would go to B.AP.S. Development, Inc. B.AP.S. Development Inc. is kindly asking Hatteras Apartments, L TO to donate to it the newly acquired half of the parcel of land that it would receive from the City of Boyton Beach if the application of abandonment were approved by the city, In return, please be assured that Hatteras Apartments, L TD would receive a complete charitable tax deduction for its donation based upon its appraisal value of $1.52 per square foot. In addition, B.AP.S. Development Inc. would pay in its entirety the legal costs and processing fees associated with recording the transaction, as well as the costs of maintaining the property according to the strict local zoning ordinances. This would relieve Hatteras Apartments, l TO of any financial burden in maintaining the parcel of land that it may receive jf the application of abandonment is successful. B.AP.S. Development Inc. would also completely pay for the costs of constructing and maintaining a six-foot high concrete decorative wall dividing Hatteras Apartments, l TO's donated property from the western edge of its current property line to maintain privacy. (It is important to note that Hatteras Apartments, l TO would not in any shape or form lose any part of the land it currently owns.) Please consider our humble request for this noble and honorable cause that will assuredly benefit all children and adults in the neighboring area and community. Please feel free to call me at (954) 587-8716 if you need any additional information or have any further questions or concerns regarding this charitable endeavor. We thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ~~uk~ Jitendra A Patel, P.E. Project Manager CC. World Savings and Loan Association. Enclosure (1) I STA11l OF fLOiUDA. :...- I I I , I I ". 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