CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent I. Kastarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment January 13, 1998 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Trip Generation Analysis: Grand Park at Boynton Beach Golf Road at S.W. 13th Street File No. NWSP 97-022 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed trip generation analysis for the proposed Grand Park at Boynton Beach site dated January 6, 1998, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc., was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Michael E. Haag, Permit Administrator also at the same address. Sincerely, /7 , lJ:,~ ~Jr0]/'}1.d/lA ~r :;~J.p-rv Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme cc: Michael E. Haag, Permit Administrator w/attachment Central File s:\projeclSIGrand Parkltratlic America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 fJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beac1i 'Boufevara P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :rforUfa. 33425-0310 City !J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :r.9lX: (561) 375-6090 December 11, 1997 Gregory Miklos Miklos and Associates, Inc. 2263 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: Initial Review Comments - Grand Park at Boynton Beach Southwest corner of S.W. 13th Street and Golf Road File No. NWSP 97-022 Dear Gregory Miklos: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to Planning and Zoning. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to Planning and Zoning, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. Jl.memQ's (jateway to tlit (julfstream Page 2 of 2 Initial Review Comments Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 Dates pertaining to the remainder of the review process are as follows: . The amended plans will be due by 5:00 P.M. on January 12,1998. . The request will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on February 10, 1998. . The request will be forwarded to the City Commission as a development plan on March 3, 1998. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for Planning and Zoning. Very truly yours, ~ _G, 7C-r? Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme Atts. S:\project\Grand Park\1st rev. comment tJJU City of ~oynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bou!evari P.O. 'B0l(310 'Bognton 'Beacfi., j"foritfa 33425-0310 City 9lalf: (561) 375-6000 j".9lX: (561) 375-6090 --"-::~,::---. November 18, 1997 Gregory Miklos Miklos and Associates 2263 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE: Grand Park at Boynton Beach - NWSP 97-022 Dear Mr. Miklos: Your November 14, 1997 submittal for New Site Plan approval for the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Jerzy Lewicki, within the department, will be reviewing and coordinating your applications through the remainder of the New Site Plan approval process and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on December 9, 1997 to discuss the first review comments. The review schedule will be further determined after this meeting. If! can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 375-6260. Very truly yours, 7J'v J~- 7'7/- ~~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme sl PROJECTSIBcommctrlOperations Cente", A - BII ST ACL TRWPD Jlmuica's (jateway to tlU (julfttream January 12,1998 Phone (737-5405) Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beavh Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: Grand Park at Boynton Beach (East portion of Alhambra South) Dear Ms Heyden: On January 5, 1998 a meeting was held at the residence of Harry & Helen Brandt 2344 S.W. 13th Street, Boynton Beach with the principals of the above mentioned project and the residents of S.W. 13 Street. The concerns of these citizens were as follows: (1) They would prefer to have the percolation ponds on the east end of the project, which would entail flipping the site plan to accommodate. (2) The black chain link fence to be concealed by a 4 ft high hedge on the Golfview Harbour side of the fence for concealment. (3) The responsibility of the relief of the storm water trapped in the cui de sac on the end of 13 St. to be determined and acted on before constuction of site work. The general plan amd these concerns were brought before the regular meeting Jan. 7,1998 of the Golview Harbour Estates Homerownwer's Association Inc. (Single Family Homes). and approved by the body. Sincerely, Robert J Borovy President 2521 S.W 11th St. Boynton Beach Fl. 33426 W';,E~X- \da~ Il~ ~ .:,1 ~ " u ~ WI PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. PETITION AND DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF BOYNTON BE GRANT PARK, SE PORTION, ALHAMBRA SQUARE IV: SUBJECT: We, the undersigned are property owners on Southwest 25th Avenue, contiguous or a to the proposed GRANT PARK development on the Southeast portion oflana described as Alhambra Square South. We have been informed the proposed development of this property and have the following objections: 1. Care 2. INCOMPATIBLE STRUCI'URE: The proposed design encompasses a central, two- story tower approximately 34' high and 100' wide with five radial single story wings approximately 100' wide and 23" high. From ground view, this complex would represent a large, single building approximately 300 feet long with a roofline increasing from 23 to 34 feet and back again. This vi . s dramaticall din he single- story, cam us-' e atmosphere ori in ose ~or t at portion of the property and IS not in concert with the single story, single family housing surrounding it in Golfview Harbour. ILis u~termined whether the 4/~ch limitation of the AGREEMENT is met. -- -~'- 3. INCOMPATIBLE USAGE: The development incorporates the foUowing in the Southeast comer of the property, directly adjacent to single family homes in Golfview , t (;\1\ Harbour: 'J(\~ "\. \t to Delivery and receiving dock open to the South. ~., ~ Staff parking for 21 cars open to the South. ()v 'J [ , Two large dumpsters for the entire complex open to the South. , ~ Eating facility for 105 people plus 21 staff. \0 ~ \) Due to the intended usage, adjacent homes in Golfview Harbour can expect to be \ subjected to: . . . . · Undue traffi~ lights, and noise from 24-hour staff changes, hearses, ambulances, delivery trucks, hazardous and regular waste pickups, et~h a hospital facility. · Excessive light from outside lighting plus the headlights of -vehicles (staff and visitors) entering and leaving the area over 24 hours. This is restricted in the AGREEMENT. ~ · Undesirable smells from both the dumpsters and the eating facility. The placement of ~mpsters is _~jd:ed in the AGREEMENT. ~- 4. UNACCEPTABLE FENCING: The plan calls for a partial chain link fence 4' high along the South boundary of the property. This fence, which is transparent, is discontinued well before the Southeast comer, where minimal plantings and a partial berm are situated. The fencing, as proposed, subjects those homes which are south of the proposed development to a direct view of the "business end" of the complex.. The AGREEMENT calls for a six-foot wall with suitable plantings outside it to screen the ACLF from the adjacent houses. --- - ------ ._-~ 5. LACK OF LIGHTING PLAN: There is no lighting plan for the proposed development and no statement as to the intention of the developer to meet the terms of the AGREEME~ this regard. An impressive Performance Bond to assure compliance to the AGRE NT is highly recommended. 6. LACK OF NOTICE: Due to the existence of the AGREEMENT, we have not been formally notified of the proposed development even though it directly affects the value and enjoyment of our property. We have learned of prior meetings of the developer and/or his representatives held with both homeowners on 13tb Street and the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association without our notification. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, THEREFORE PETITION THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH THAT: . THEY DENY THE GRANT PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AS CURRENTLY PRESENTED. . THEY REQUIRE lHATWE, OR ANY ~ OF OUR PROPERTY, BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING, AT LE~NE ~RIOR TO THE EVENT, BY THE CURRENT OR ANY OTHER 0 PROPERTY PRESENTLY KNOWN AS THE EAST PORTION OF ALHAMBRAH SOUTH, OF ANY AND ALL FUTURE PROPOSALS, REVISIONS, MEETINGS, HEARINGS, ETC. WHICH PERTAIN TO THAT PROPERTY. ~q~ \~ Address Signature (~v p1r t~s0oQCL) Responses to Petition from Homeowners Against Grand Park Planning and Zoning Division-Micheal Rumpf, Senior Planner / P{;/;?S Paragraph #1-Grand Park is not an AcLF but a Hospice, and would generate more traffic, noise smells and light. Repsponse- The Stipulation and Settlement Agreement with the City does indicate that the use is limited to an "AcLF". The State defines an assisted living facility, in part, as a place providing for a period exceeding 24 hours, housing, food service, and one or more personal services for four or more adults, not related to the owner, who require such services or to provide extended congregate care, limited nursing services, or limited mental health services, ..... The plans indicate that it is an "Adult Congregate Living Facility". From the layout of the building it appears to be providing services similar to the ACLF definition. The City does not define an AcLF, nor a Hospice. If the statement is true that this is to be a Hospice, and assuming that such a use is not construed as an AcLF, I cannot confirm that a Hospice will generate more traffic, noise, smell and light. Paragraph #2-Grand Park will appear as a large, single building approximately 300 feet long....which is in great contrast to the single-story, campus like project originally proposed. The planned roof pitch is undertermined. Response-The proposed project does differ slightly from the original conceptual plan; however, I would argue that the difference is a positive one. The original plan was a sprawling two story builiding, whereas Grand Park is only two story in the center and the rotary-like wings around the central core are single story. I too am not certain what the roof pitch is, but it is true that the Settlement Agreement does limit it to a 4/12 roof pitch. Paragraph #3- Site design is undesirable at it incorporates activities in the south area of the site. Response-The original plan also placed the service entrance oriented south, just approximately 200 feet west of the location of same in Grand Park; near the southern side of the project there is a cluster of approximately 17 spaces, unlike the original larger parking areas were located on the north side of the project (the cluster of spaces on the Grand Park plan are located opposite residential areas, across the drainage canal); the two large dumpsters are located further to the center of the project than originally proposed and 20 feet farther than required to be from the southern property line (per the agreement), which is an improvement, as the original ones were located at the projects periphery nearest to residential areas (it should be noted that the original plan was not an approved plan and would not likely have been built with them located at such distances from the source of waste); the eating facility for 105 people and 21 staff is likely smaller than that to have been in the original facility which was planned for 248 beds. I would not assume that traffic, noise, lights or other performances would be greater from the Grand Park project than the original conceptual project. Paragraph #4-Unacceptable fencing Response-The Agreement does indicate that the wall and landscaping design are to be approved by the adjacent HaA, but the agreement does not define the height or design of the buffer elements. Paragraph #5-Lack of lighting plan. Response-Lighting, per the agreement, is to be turned off after 11 :00 pm, is not to shine directly into the adjacent residential areas, and the poles are to be the minimum height per code. A lighting plan is not required, other than the logical details or notes to show location, etc. More details should be placed on the plan to show compliance with the Agreement. Paragraph #6-Lack of notice Response-As this is a site plan request, public notices are not required, nor required by the Agreement. Lastly, this project is scheduled for Planning and Development Board review on February 10th, and City Commission review on March 3. .?e t/ / "-"~ C fA, ~ li--/-: r--;:~ ~fo.-"<' h 5 T 6~ ~-,'l J;Z ?c.. r K: ~ ~;tIc r '" Y) 4C(F - f>7C"C/v\'5(5~..-~f G/ S r//:' f>?~>yr ,fJr<os:rY1Q.")...T - ~'C,T'--S-"-/ FtA'j4<'.:"f f-. ~. s: :, ",~rd~'S ,-,-/J(~ 'Ii]~' Y\""' ( ,$ co- +-I-/~ t'1-"\~ ""of- ~ ,-e--=- 1"1.<" '^- + t",: -f-c;;...e'v( r'C/;;CY C~~r~r4t<.'- cC-11~ d<?- c.";-/)/ of' (50 i''' /e..- lS""-,,,~Lj' ; rld.2; Ci.- -:k.S" ii- I ~; fc-I;-C1?- ~ &- ~ AC L F .. 7f,tC-T~v?- ,y\Q.,- + C(~~'Y /10-f cfeP/I ~ A ct. F ~ ID -- --rl,e.. I-L5.r~c ~- C0; (( J~'~( 'L~<:::' ""S 'J n, fl""C:>--r\+1i< u-Iz~ (,"-\ ~'::J(~~ GF +{~-ftic: / nOj":"e.., SM=-((S "'-"'~ tjC+ ". (2:), ". C'- r p~\ , . ;l.)/hll- G; F: f rj <::.,-/ I de- s j-~ ~ uJ -; tl krl.. '<: ~ - 1:- 0:-5~, ( <J-;] <:- / S ~ :')~ b<.-"kY.'(j' If!'- )<(Y'L",~I--C( ,~F; r' I~,(,-,I 0- 6-c",."fC~c {y\,-(~,-..;sl~ r '1 ~ L -, - - /' / j ,C~-;-1 .' , +- 'rrc~ l~~ -r='.J <'( <I- bcc-C' {<... "? (,"" .. I n, S VI "":><:t..:r {s c cJ\ ,] G-~ \ C~ ~<.,.. /0 -ti~ "s :.'l Sf~r> G_~'I"" - (, ~ d"l7I""fho'",- C),('4.:JIi 'f'-C'1 0 F'~c'.<;'; / Gd'\U C-"J}"..1rd;~fs k.i( <<-.ij ~"s:-__f 5" 2r~ L" '. ,J @J ,) r . , . r) ~ \ I . I 'J . "PL"",-rl..f \(\,,~C"s. 0...dc-(l:::I.M.,V\.~" _ (...Jh.<'"t-~ 'f/I;"" f,'F-'- l ;,.,.;.1.+ I J f'I\<r:.. + ". :3)S;fc. jO-Y~vt- f(<.:J-~C-),^~~ff- "f: &::(;'v.,--rr ~-\~sl" 5~l'r rvlcy ?{(~-,,""!/ 5-~<:'""rs co<:J>-1I--- fr-. S--,--(--~ c'~ -t/~.,( ~c'0"t; ~~c 10'5- f'e~~~ (C7 1~<(9'" ~~lt""~/ ;1z-~. ~. -~rrcV~ &'~V6/l t, u f (~( ho-rnb;-c- ~t'-'<--<~ SF;--rL C u ~. / .;L/,?K' 5~,-c>(C-S 1;2l( b:--b.)s. / /}CJ/ oCC'-, r S fzoc s? '.~? ,:the- .( l L/ I ~h Y d-- c-<?~- eltf,' ; r-p >' 6-C G .., -ru<(J, :) _~ ~ fr-">{ '1 =r-- ~ e,~ c,,- vJ; .!l s &r I;' d_ ~~ "- 1c.I. (C~ "" Q r!.""v' c:s/ .::~ i....;1' zr _<; /,.ov..; s ~- {/- .:2 -s, fre1Y - DEPARTMENT DEV Bulent I. Kastarlak, NeARB Director ~ V~. <_M~fY ~. . -c<"{ rYdt.. ~cW ~{tX' ~h V >t?/(e _ 74:~tv --------~, / j){ , \ / I/~. {/I j, ", (1/ t ~, (''71 f ,,!';U I " ~/ ;ilK ~ ~. 11--Ii' -n 1 I BUILDIN IVISION. ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, OTY OF BOYNTON BE , SUBJECT: GRANT PARK, SE PORTION, ALHAMBRA SQUARE ,-,0 <<~ (...::';'/~r~-1'~t!.-<'~ ~-~ h~u~ ~~~ We, the undersigned are property owners on South~est 25th Avenue, contiguous or a to the proposed GRANT PARK development on the Southeast portion of land described as Alhambra Square South. We have been informed the proposed development of this property and have the following objections: c).... , 1. NOT AN ACLF: The proposed development is a Hospice and not an Assisted Care Living Facility (ACLF) as defined by the State Licensing Board. The prior legal agreement with the Boynton City Commission (hereinafter referred to as b AGREEMENT) states that land usage is restricted to ACLF (now ALF). The proposed usage is expected to engender a significantly higher degree of traffic, noise, smells, and light. 2. INCOMPATIBLE STRUCTURE: The proposed design encompasses a central, two- story tower approximately 34' high and 100' wide with five radial single story wings approximately 100' wide and 23" high. From ground view, this complex would represent a large, single building approximately 300 feet long with a roofline increasing from 23 to 34 feet and back again. This visage is dramatically different from the single- story, cJLQ!P]!s-like atmosphere o~~proposed in Alhambr~a.r:.~~ut~ for that portion ofthe property and is not in concert with the single story, single family housing surrounding it in Golfview Harbour. It is undetermined whether the 4/12 roof pitch limitation of the AGREEMENT is met. 3. INCOMPATIBLE USAGE: The development incorporates the following in the Southeast corner of the property, directly adjacent to single family homes in Golfview Harbour: . Delivery and receiving dock open to the South. . Staff parking for 21 cars open to the South. . Two large dumpsters for the entire complex open to the South. . Eating facility for 105 people plus 21 staff. Due to the intended usage, adjacent homes in Golfview Harbour can expect to be subjected to: . Undue traffic, lights, and noise from 24-hour staff changes, hearses, ambulances, delivery trucks, hazardous and regular waste pickups, ete, as with a hospital facility. . Excessive light from outside lighting plus the headlights of-vehicles (staff and visitors) entering and leaving the area over 24 hours. This is restricted in the AGREEMENT. . Undesirable smells from both the dumpsters and the eating facility. The placement of the dumpsters is restricted in the AGREEMENT. 4. UNACCEPTABLE FENCING: The plan calls for a partial chain link fence 4' high along the South boundary ofthe property. This fence, which is transparent, is discontinued well before the Southeast corner, where minimal plantings and a partial berm are situated. The fencing, as proposed, subjects those homes which are south of the proposed development to a direct view of the "business end" of the complex. The AGREEMENT calls for a six-foot wall with suitable plantings outside it to screen the ACLF from the adjacent houses. 5. LACK OF LIGHTING PLAN: There is no lighting plan for the proposed development and no statement as to the intention of the developer to meet the terms of the AGREEMENT in this regard. An impressive Perfonnance Bond to assure compliance to the AGREEMENT is highly recommended. 6. LACK OF NOTICE: Due to the existence ofthe AGREEMENT, we have not been formally notified of the proposed development even though it directly affects the value and enjoyment of our property. We have learned of prior meetings of the developer and/or his representatives held with both homeowners on 13th Street and the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association without our notification. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, THEREFORE PETITION THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH THA T: . THEY DENY THE GRANT PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AS CURRENTLY PRESENTED. . THEY REQUIRE THAT WE, OR ANY OTHER OWNERS OF OUR PROPERTY, BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING, AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT, BY THE CURRENT OR ANY OTHER OWNER OF THE PROPERTY PRESENTLY KNOWN AS THE EAST PORTION OF ALHAMBRAH SOUTH, OF ANY AND ALL FUTURE PROPOSALS, REVlSION~ MEETINGS, HEARINGS, ETC. WHICH PERTAIN TO THAT PROPERTY. Address Signature ft:- If ;: C .~ -f {;(d-y>J2 p~y-K. 730(/1 f.- y....,-'--- it: t,;2 G ~'- {~ .-- L( C'11 do ~ c"'-! 'f1~."'(, p,d25 15 j 5 r''tJ~ (~I>=- - ~ 93 ,;l tit rON-< f::> -;/ :l ,., '" '{ rn rnrnrnllW~ ~l ~o. ~ur~X/ a~.,,~ h~~ ~~ PETITION AND DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF BOYNTON BE GRANT PARK, SE PORTION, ALHAMBRA SQUARE JAM14: ," <,..,- PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. SUBJECT: We, the undersigned are property owners on Southwest 25th Avenu~ contiguous or a to the proposed GRANT PARK development on the Southeast portion ofland described as Alhambra Square South. We have been informed the proposed development of this property and have the following objections: 1. NOT AN ACLF: The proposed development is a Hospice and not an Assisted Care Living Facility (ACLF) as defined by the State Licensing Board. The prior legal agreement with the Boynton City Commission (hereinafter referred to as AGREEMENT) states that land usage is restricted to ACLF (now ALF). The proposed usage is expected to engender a significantly higher degree of traffic, noise, smells, and light. 2. INCOMPATIBLE STRUCTURE: The proposed design encompasses a central, two- story tower approximately 34' high and 100' wide with five radial single story wings approximately 100' wide and 23" high. From ground view, this complex would represent a large, single building approximately 300 feet long with a roofline increasing from 23 to 34 feet and back again. This visage is dramatically different from the single- story, campus-like atmosphere originally proposed in Alhambra Square South for that portion of the property and is not in concert with the single story, single family housing surrounding it in Golfview Harbour. It is undetermined whether the 4/12 roof pitch limitation of the AGREEMENT is met. 3. INCOMPATIBLE USAGE: The development incorporates the foUowing in the Southeast comer of the property, directly adjacent to single family homes in Golfview Harbour: . Delivery and receiving dock open to the South. . Staff parking for 21 cars open to the South. . Two large dumpsters for the entire complex open to the South. . Eating facility for 105 people plus 21 staff. / . Due to the intended usage, adjacent homes in Golfview Harbour can expect to be subjected to: . Undue traffic, lights, and noise from 24-hour staff changes, hearses, ambulances, delivery trucks, hazardous and regular waste pickups, ete, as with a hospital facility. . Excessive light from outside lighting plus the headlights of "vehicles (staff and visitors) entering and leaving the area over 24 hours. This is restricted in the AGREEMENT. . Undesirable smells from both the dumpsters and the eating facility. The placement of the dumpsters is restricted in the AGREEMENT. 4. UNACCEPTABLE FENCING: The plan calls for a partial chain link fence 4' high along the South boundary ofthe property. This fence, which is transparent, is discontinued well before the Southeast comer, where minimal plantings and a partial berm are situated. The fencing, as proposed, subjects those homes which are south of the proposed development to a direct view of the "business end" of the complex. The AGREEMENT calls for a six-foot waU with suitable plantings outside it to screen the ACLF from the adjacent houses. 5. LACK OF LIGHTING PLAN: There is no lighting plan for the proposed development and no statement as to the intention of the developer to meet the terms of the AGREEMENT in this regard. An impressive Performance Bond to assure compliance to the AGREEMENT is highly recommended. 6. LACK OF NOTICE: Due to the existence of the AGREEMENT, we have not been formally notified of the proposed development even though it directly affects the value and enjoyment of our property. We have learned of prior meetings of the developer and/or his representatives held with both homeowners on 13th Street and the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association without our notification. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, THEREFORE PETITION THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH THAT: . THEY DENY THE GRANT PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AS CURRENTLY PRESENTED. . mEY REQUIRE THAT WE, OR ANY OTHER OWNERS OF OUR PROPERTY, BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING, AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT, BY mE CURRENT OR ANY OTHER OWNER OF THE PROPERTY PRESENTLY KNOWN AS THE EAST PORTION OF ALHAMBRAH SOUTH, OF ANY AND ALL FUTURE PROPOSAL~ REVISION~ MEETINGS, HEARINGS, ETC. WHICH PERTAIN TO THAT PROPERTY. Address Signature