REVIEW COMMENTS 7.B.1 GRAND PARK ALF OF BOYNTON BEACH NEW SITE PLAN DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMEN'I MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-040 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION February 10, 1998 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name: Grand Park at Boynton Beach - fka Alhambra Square South Applicant: Lexington Health Care Inc. Agent: Gregory Miklos of Miklos & Associates Location: Southwest corner of S. W. 13th Street and Golf Road. File No.: NWSP 97-022 Land Use Plan Designation: High Density Residential (HDR) Zoning Designation: R-3 (Multifamily Residential) Type of Use: Assisted Living Facility (ALF) Number of Units: 105 beds Square Footage: Site Area: Building Area: 4.69 acres 51,481.5 sq. ft. Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - location map) North - S.W. 23th Ave (Golf Road) right-of-way and farther north is Leisureville 10th Section, zoned R1AA. South - Golfview Harbour Estates, 2nd Section, zoned R1AA. East - S.W. 13th Street and farther east is Golfview Harbour Estates, 2nd Section, zoned R1AA. / Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #98-040 Grand Park Existing Site Characteristics: Proposed Development: Concurrency: a. Traffic- b. Drainage- West - ARC at Boynton Beach (proposed AClF approved in August 1997) and farther west is Congress Avenue right-of-way. (see Exhibit "B" - survey) The site is currently undeveloped and contains clusters of Acacia and Cocoplum primarily concentrated in the easterly/central portion of the site. A 20 foot wide paved driveway traverses the site from the east to the west, and is intersected by an "l" shaped 10 foot wide utility easement, recently submitted for abandonment. The developer is proposing construction of five, one story residential wings, containing 105 beds and a parking facility for 59 spaces connected to a two story central service area (see Exhibit "C" - proposed site plan). The subject site is vested for traffic concurrency, as it is the subject of a settlement agreement dated prior to the city's and Palm Beach County's concurrency ordinances. The traffic statement regarding the number of trips generated by the use was forwarded to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for evaluation to determine whether the proposed facility generates traffic above what was vested. Drainage certification is required at time of site plan review. A compliance letter from the project engineer was not submitted therefore the Engineering Division is recommending that certification be postponed to time of permit review. Driveways: On-site traffic circulation consists of two driveways off of Golf Road: a 43 foot wide, two-way egress/ingress, and a 16 foot wide ingress only. Both driveways form a loop-shaped internal vehicular system connecting circulation with Golf Road. Parking Facility: There are 59 on-site parking spaces to be provided, including two (2) handicap accessible spaces, which does not meet the requirement of three spaces as required by ADA. The total number of parking spaces exceeds the minimum standard of 56 parking spaces, as required by the land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning for this use. A ~ Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #98-040 Grand Park Landscaping: The landscaping of the site will fully meet the code requirements when staff comments are incorporated. Building and Site Regulations: Building and site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. Community Design Plan: The proposed building consists of five, one-story residential wings radiating form a central2-story central service building. This creates a "wheel" shaped footprint with kitchen and other service areas occupying the western part of the site, away from surrounding residential neighborhoods (see Exhibit "C" - proposed site plan). Exterior building materials and finishes consist of sand colored stucco and terracotta shingles, which are compatible with the proposed ACLF to the east (ARC Assisted Living Facilities @ Boynton Beach) and the surrounding residential development (see Exhibit "0" - elevations). Signage: Signage for the site consists of a 79 (approximately) square foot monument sign included in Exhibit "E" - Proposed Signage. Signage will fully meet the code requirements when staff comments are addressed during the permit review process. Compliance with Stipulated Agreement: In October of 1989, the City Commission entered into a court-ordered stipulated settlement agreement with the Milnor Corporation governing the rules for development of the subject Alhambra Square South ACLF property. The conditions set out by this agreement are as follows: . Proposed building height shall not exceed 2 stories . Roof pitch shall not exceed 4/12 . Dumpster shall be located away from adjacent residential properties and at least 100 feet away from the southern property line . Parking lot lighting shall be shaded and shielded so as not to shine directly into adjacent residential areas; parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after 11 :00 P.M., parking lighting shall be at the minimum height permitted by the City. . Use of the property shall be limited to an adult congregate living 3 Page 4 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #98-040 Grand Park facility. . A combination of landscaping and wall (the "Wall") shall be constructed on the south property of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF parcels. The plan and design of the wall shall be coordinated with, and approved by, the governing associations of the adjacent residential property. The governing associations shall not unreasonably withhold approval of the wall. The wall shall be constructed at no cost or expense to the governing associations; . At such time as building plans are presented to Boynton Beach for permit, copies of the wall plan and site plan shall be submitted to the governing associations; . No parking spaces or improvements, except landscaping, shall be constructed or installed in the Lake Worth Drainage District right- of-way located south of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF parcels; and . Deceleration entry lanes shall be provided at each entrance, if deemed necessary by Boynton Beach. The proposal, as submitted, incorporates all conditions of the stipulated agreement, with the exception of the buffer wall. A fence with a four foot high hedge is proposed, in lieu of the required 6-foot high masonry wall. The Golfview Harbour Estates Homeowners Association, representing the property owners located south of the subject site, have approved this buffer scheme (see Exhibit "F" - fence details), however this is in conflict with the 1989 agreement. RECOMMENDATION: A petition from the property owners on Southwest 25th Ave, south of Grand Park, was submitted questioning the proposed usage. The property owners contend that due to the building configuration that the use is really a hospice and not an ACLF which is typically laid out like a residential campus. The response prepared by staff indicated that the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations do not define an ACLF or hospice. The State of Florida defines an ACLF as providing for a period exceeding 24 hours, housing, food and personal services including limited nursing and or mental health services. Although the building resembles a nursing home (which is not allowed in the city's residential zoning districts) more so than a community residential facility (i.e. - group home or assisted living facility) which under current regulations is allowed in this zoning district if no larger than 14 beds, the Grand Park plans appear to provide services similar to the state's ACLF description. Furthermore, the settlement agreement placed no limitations on the building design, other than number of stories. 1 Page 5 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #98-040 Grand Park Based on the above, Planning and Zoning recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "G" - Conditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\GRANDPAR\NWSP\STAFFRPR.DOC 5 EXHIBIT "A" 6, ._---,~ ..~-~- -----------..----.,. - . - ._,._---~'--_..~...~----_._,.__._...'"~_.. -tt-::l' I ~~N'~~'~~ 1~"GC #i- :"'1'~1/~cH~~:~~rJtJ~~~'\J~^~~i~~2 ~.Lj~ .1. -'r--f - i,. \ '/ ,g~., .1 , '-Ll....; i :'-'.'-:: .' .,.... '.' '. '. '-;::j \ J;, I I~. ~! ...' -, ,~jit J .~ '.:~ _.~, ,'/' . . ,_~ '-C. C,.:. [i f.c .' "'. - ~ .....~ " A:=l -,: -.. r'~. \ " .: '~-~'1:~' .' ~ o. t') ~.JI ~V< ~ , ) ,'~' - ~~;~~~.~..~, :"U_~- ~,.l "-ni I '~l."'--L~~~.~~.. ',,," .~~ (, " .L :.i "--If':-:; I : "'tJ.:!]\! . ~l':~~;- <~\ i:'~'~')~ ":, "'~.,: ,"'. ""\~. ~~i. ',. .' \.-, '..!Zo.' '." ....::L..t>---- .... .~.. . .'.' '. :,-~,' /v;"-. " ". ". I. . ' '~" '-". 11 ", _' '. '~ . 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I " Je>' lETTE-:: uRAND PARK ""LETTER& G.'\ ~ -- -.of BOYNTON BEACH ~ . ~. LETTI!A&- ~O GOLF ROAD , Ifl 1-.- --- - ib IN 12' GRID - - .. ..... - " " SIGN ELEVATION ~~ ecAL.E: ""', . ".e' .,': I~ ----.'"--------.- EXHIBIT "F" /6 ,~-'". . '. /~~ /~~'../ . " ./ '/ .'/~..{" . '. . .><j~~"', . .....)." ".. . ,1'.,- .. ,,"::(".:~~/ " . ~ ,.:-..' ,,"'. '.' ~ .,>.... :''''.<~,~''/'~.l. / ' r . , ,~'" ' ::'J' " :~~>:~~'<'~" ,S,"',: "- '. ..... . v ^ . ,> -- -- ,,' ", -", .':<';:'8~~t~':~j:~~ }(~!;r;;X i <<:'~:.. ,'.. ".'., /./ " "'-,'..:....... ...., ' , \ t \ \ , \ .. / _ 4'-0' ~DGE 4'-1)' \oI16H 04AIN \,.\NK fENCE .aE~ . ~ ~ )> ...... ''; .~~:..:"It/ ~ . . SECTION AT eE~ ::::::::::::- NOT TO ~ !ICAl-E: - - /1 .,--------.------------.'- EXHIBIT "G" /8 EXHIBIT "G" Conditions of Aooroval Project name: Grand Park of Boynton Beach File number: NWSP 97-022 Reference: The olans consist of 16 sheets identified as 2nd Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 97-022 with a Januarv 12 1998 Planning and Zonim!: Deoartment date stamo marking . I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments: 1. The recommended inside dimension for any dumpster enclosure is a 10 feet wide opening for a sanitation truck to enter the enclosure. The enclosure for this site is for two dumpsters and would require a 21 feet wide opening; 10 feet on each side. UTILITIES Comments: 2. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that the Utilities Department may determine which trees interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees shall be the only tree species allowed within utilities easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR, Sec. 7.5- 18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 3. Department of HRS permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12). 4. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the city code requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Submit these calculations with the HRS permit submittal for the project. 5. Sec. 26-34(E) of the city code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon Utility Department request for signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be $2,106.72, based upon one, 2 inch meter. 6. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 7. The Utilities Department will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the city before the permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the /9 Page 2 Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I certificate of occupancy 8. Water meter sizes are smaller than normally installed for a building of this size and type. Provide engineering calculations justifying the size of the meter specified. FIRE Comments: 9. The Fire and Life Safety Division requested that a hydrant on the west side be moved to the ease side of the service road. This correction needs to be shown on the plans (hydrant marked #2 on the plans). 10. The access road around the perimeter must be signed and labeled as a fire lane. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2 and Chapter 23, Article n.M.] POLICE Comments: 11. Handicap spaces shall be designated to meet code. 12. Install "DO NOT ENTER" signs where one-way fire entrance and parking area meet. 13. Provide a stop sign and stop bar for northbound travel at the north end of the landscaped island where crossover (left turn) to access covered entry occurs. 14. Provide a "DO NOT ENTER" sign for eastbound travel from stop sign to prevent wrong way entry to covered entryway. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 15. Tract 4 of Golfview Harbor (3rd Section) has been divided. Need to plat the site or apply for a waiver of platting to the Director of Development as outlined in LDR Chapter 5, Article II. 16. Show stop sign and stop bar at northwest parking lot. Stop bar is in wrong lane at egress. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 17. Add "One Way" signs and "Do Not Enter" signs at circular drive and 14'-0" driving lane to the west of the circular drive. Also, add a "Do Not Enter" sign at the southwest end of service road. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] ~o Page 3 Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 18. Extend the sidewalk along the east property line to the southern boundary around the cul-de-sac. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section II.] 19. Provide county permit for construction on Golf Road. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.H.6.] 20. Show on plans striping necessary for passenger loading zone. [Florida Accessibility Code 6.2 and 4.6.6.] 21. Swale needs to be installed and sodded on the west side of S.W. 13th Street and cul-de-sac needs to be completed. Provide a detail. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 12.] 22. Sidewalk adjacent to handicap stall is in conflict with adjacent stall. Provide accessible route from access aisle to crosswalk. [Florida Accessibility Code] 23. Install yellow diagonal striping with the words "Emergency Vehicles Only" in the loading zone area. 24. In the southwest parking lot, at the southeast corner, remove stalls 54 and 55 to avoid backing out into a drive lane. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.I.2.] 25. Reduce the width of the landscape area to the west of the ingress lane to eliminate offset to the left, which will now align with island to the south. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.B.l] 26. On the "Typical Parking Stalls" detail, show double stripes for both standard stalls and mark "Typical". [LDR Chapter 23, Article ILL.] 27. Based on 57 parking spaces, provide 3 handicap stalls [page 16 of Accessibility Code]. Consider 4 handicap stalls due to the nature of the development (see i. on page 17 of the code]. 28. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any other permitting agency should be included with your permit request. 29. Provide an engineer's certification letter stating that drainage complies with City of Boynton Beach codes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] dl Page 4 Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 30. To determine whether the size of the proposed monument sign is in compliance with the code regulations, add to the sign elevation drawing found on SP-l dimensions and total area computations for the granite finish surface area and the length of the second line of copy shown on the sign. The maximum total sign area allowed by the sign code is 32 square feet. Also specify, with notes, on the sheet whether the proposed sign is illuminated. If it is, specify the location and type. Amend the plans accordingly. [Chapter 21 - Sign Code3, Article IV, Section 1.] 31. Correct the inconsistency regarding the gross floor area. Sheets SP-l, A- I, A-5, PID-l and sheet W/S-l have conflicting area data. 32. Add to the site plan and paving and drainage plan notes and symbols that will identify and represent the location of the accessible route that is referenced on sheet SP-1. Delineate the location of the curb ramps identified on sheet PID-l. [Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.3, Accessible Route] 33. To clarify the location of the hedge with respect to the fence add the property line to the "Section at "Berm" detail drawing found on sheet SP-1. PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None FORESTERJENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 34. The applicant has not shown the replacement trees on the landscape plan for the existing trees that will be removed for the project. These trees should be placed along the south property line in the landscape buffer between the project and the adjoining residential properties. The landscaping in this buffer should be maintained in an informal manner to provide maXImum visual screemng for the adjoining residential properties. Code of Ordinances, Environmental, Chapter 7.5, Tree Protection. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 35. Lighting shall be shown as required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2, on both the site plan and landscape plan to eliminate potential conflicts with landscape material and existing or proposed on site easements. ;U Page 5 Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 36. Provide a clause on the survey stating that the property was abstracted for rights-of-way and easements as required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A. 37. On the landscape plan, provide a tabular summary of the planting material to include a "landscape material required by the code" category. Also, provide relevant calculations for this category. For the landscape buffer adjacent to the right-of way and along abutting properties, provide perimeter distances of the parcel for which the landscape buffer material is being calculated (Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code). 38. Incorporate the above calculation into the tabulation of the landscape material provided for the site. All native species shall be distinguished from non-native species with a recognizable symbol. Note that the native requirement is fifty percent of the required landscape planting (Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.6). 39. In order to achieve a continuity between this development and the recently approved ACLF to the east, install wax myrtle and live oaks or white cedars along Golf Road (Chapter 9, Community Design Plan, Section II.A, B and C). 40. Add note to plans indicating that if any roof equipment is visible from 600 feet, screenings will be provided as required by Chapter 9, Community Design Plan, Section II.E. 41. The proposed cypress mulch shall be replaced with another kind of mulch, such as Melaleuca or Eucalyptus, etc. 42. Specify dimensions, building material and color code and manufacturer for the fence proposed to be located along the north property line as required by Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.I. 43. Provide details of the lighting shields to verify that the on-site lighting will meet the conditions of the stipulation and settlement agreement. 44. No building permits will be issued until the design of the required buffer wall along the south property line, is approved by the Golfview Harbour Estates Home Owners Association, as warranted in the stipulation and settlement agreement. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 45. To be determined. d3 Page 6 Grand Park at Boynton Beach File No. NWSP 97-022 ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS \46. To be determined. Ibme s:\projects\cond of apprl c:2f I I I I DEVELOPME~ U ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISS'~ OF THE CITy OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Grand Park at Boynton Beach APPLICANT'S AGENT: Gregory Miklos of Miklos and Associates, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 2263 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard, Boca Raton, Fl 33431 DATE OF RATIFICATION BY CITY COMMISSION: February 10,1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New Site Plan lOCATION OF PROPERTY: S.W. Corner of S.W. 13th Street and Golf Road DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\Projects\Grand Park\NWSP\DEVELOPMENT ORDER REV. doc .cJ~ C I T Y ( F BOY N TON B --~ A C H PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, February 10, 1998 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Planning and Zoning Report 1) Final disposition of two of the five January 27, 1998 Planning and Development Board meeting agenda items. B. Meeting date for March 10, 1998 is changed to March 11, 1998 in West Wing, Conference Room C. 6. Old Business None 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING Zonina Code Variance 1. PROJECT: Boynton Beach Mall AGENT: Thomas E. Sliney I Esquire OWNER: Boynton JCP Associates, Ltd. LOCATION: 301 N. Congress Avenue Page 2 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, February 10, 1998 DESCRIPTION: Request for a zoning code variance to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 6,195 to 5,553 (a ratio of one (1) space per 200 square feet of gross leasable floor space to one (1) space per 222.225 square feet of gross leasable floor space in connection with construction of department store "F" (proposed Dillard's)). B. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: Grand Park ALF of Boynton Beach AGENT: Gregory Miklos of Miklos and Associates OWNER: Norman J. Michael, Milor Corporation LOCATION: Southwest comer of S.W. 13th Street and Golf Road DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 105 bed assisted living facility on 4.69 acre parcel of land. 8. Other None 9. Comments by members 10. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MAlTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE. WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S.286.0105) ALL ITEMS WHICH ARE NOT PUBUC HEARING. WILL GO FORTH TO THE CITY COMMISSION AS CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (561) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. xc: Central File J:\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\AGENDAS\P&D\1-27 -98. DOC Ibme TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday I December 9, 1997 TIME: 9:00 A.M. PLACE: Conference Room C, 2nd Floor, West Wing, City Hall 1. Old Business None 2. New Business A. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (OTHER THAN SITE PLANS) None B. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: Grand Park at Boynton Beach AGENT: Gregory Miklos LOCATION: South side of Golf Road approximately 530 feet east of Congress Avenue. DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 105 bed assisted living facility on 4.69 acre parcel of land. NOTE: The meeting will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive on time. 3. Other Business Discussion: FPL easements - code amendment 4. Comments by members 5. Adjournment S:\agenda\adm\A TRC 120997.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO, DD 98-019 00 ~ W ~ ..26. ill ,A4"iOh: TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator Don Johnson, Deputy Building Official ,h-9 John Ycend, P.E., City Engineer ~ '\-z.-~\l\e January 23, 199R FROM: DATE: RE: GRAND PARK @ BOYNTON BEACH - (NWSP 97-022) NEW SITE PLAN 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS We recommend approval ofthe request subject to the fol1owing comments: Buildin!! Division (Site Specific Comments) I. To determine whether the size ofthe proposed monument sign is in compliance with the code regulations add to the sign elevation drawing found on SP-I dimensions and total area computations for the granite finish surface area and the length of the second line of copy shown on the sign. The maximum total sign area al10wed by the sign code is 32 square feet. Also specify, with notes, on the sheet whether the proposed sign is il1uminated. Ifit is, specify the location and type. Amend the plans accordingly. [Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section I.] 2. Correct the inconsistency regarding the gross floor area. Sheets SP-I, A-I, A-5, P/D-I and sheet W/S-I have conflicting area data. 3. Add to the site plan and paving & drainage plan notes and symbols that wil1 identify and represent the location of the accessible route that is referenced on sheet SP-I. Delineate the location of the curb ramps identified on sheet P/D-I. [Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.3, Accessible Route] 4. To clarify the location of the hedge with respect to the fence add the property line to the "Section at Berm" detail drawing found on sheet SP-l. En!!ineerin!! Division (Site Specific Comments) I. Tract 4 of Golfview Harbor (3rd Section) has been divided. Need to plat the site or apply for a waiver of platting to the Director of Development as outlined in LDR Chapter 5, Article II. 2. Sign and mark a fire lane al1 around the circular drive entrance. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2. & Chapter 23, Article II.M.] 3. Show stop sign and stop bar at NW parking lot. Stop bar is in wrong lane at egress. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 4. Add "One-Way" signs and "Do Not Enter" signs at circular drive and 14'-0" driving lane to the west of circular drive. Also "Do Not Enter" sign at southwest end of service road. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 5. Extend the sidewalk along the east property line to the southern boundary around cul-de- sac. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section n.] Department of Development Memorandum No. DD 98-019 Re: Grand Park at Boynton Beach - New Site Plan 2nd Review January 23, 1998 Page #2 6. Provide County permit for construction on Golf Road. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.H.6.] 7. Show on plans striping necessary for passenger loading zone. [Florida Accessibility Code 6.2. & 4.6.6.] 8. Swale needs to be installed and sodded on west side ofSW 13th Street and cuI-de-sac needs to be completed. Provide a detail. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section 12.] 9. Sidewalk adjacent to handicap stall is in conflict with adjacent stall. Provide accessible route from access aisle to crosswalk. [Florida Accessibility Code] 10. Install yellow diagonal striping with the word's "Emergency Vehicles Only" in the loading zone area. 11. In southwest parking lot, at the southeast comer, remove stalls 54 & 55 to avoid backing out into a drive lane. [LOR Chapter 23, Article 11.1.2.] 12. Reduce the width of the landscape area to the west ofthe ingress lane to eliminate off.'iet to the left, which will now align with island to the south. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.B.l] 13. On the "Typical Parking Stalls" detail, show double stripes for both standard stalls and mark "Typical". [LOR Chapter 23, Article ILL.] 14. Based on 57 parking spaces, provide 3 handicap stalls. [Page 16 of Accessibility Code] Recommend consider 4 handicap stalls due to the nature of the development (see i. on page 17 of code]. General Comments I. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, OEP and any other permitting agency should be included with your permit request. 2. Provide an Engineer's certification letter stating that drainage complies with City of Boynton Beach codes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] MH/SP/KH:ck Xc: Bulent Kastarlak Michael Haag Sebastian Puda Ken Hall C:IMy DocumentslGrand Park (al BB New Site Plan 2nd.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #98-030 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Direct~1 ~ C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director ~ THRU: FROM: Mark Lips, Sanitation Foreman SUBJ: New Site Plan - 2nd Review - Grand Park at Boynton Beach DATE: January 23, 1998 ill rn@rnO\Vlrn _26. ill The recommended size for any dumpster enclosure is a 10' wide opening for out truck to enter the enclosure. This measurement is inside dimensions, The enclosure for the above site is for two dumpsters d would need a 21' opening, 10' on each side. ~4, \ Mark Lips Sanitation Foreman ML/cr ", -- ,\...-r .- . ",'j '.,.;;,/ MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 98 - 031 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director ~,~ FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: January 22, 1998 SUBJECT: Grand Park at Boynton Beach - Site Plan - 2nd Review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utilities easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2) Dept. of HRS permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your HRS permit submittal. 4) Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be $2106.72, based upon one 2-inch meter. 5) Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 2) Water meter sizes are smaller than normally installed for a building of this size and type. Please provide engineering calculations justifying the size meter specified. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (375-6404) of this office. JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File ).-. .1...... 1,.."" "~ , 00 rn @ ~ 0 Wi rn mil till JAN23 l~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director ~~ FROM: Kevin John Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Re: Grand Park at Boynton Beach New Site Plan - 2nd Review DATE: January 22, 1998 Site Specific Reauirements The applicant has not shown the replacement trees on the landscape plan for the existing trees that will be removed for the project. These trees should be placed along the South property line in the landscape buffer between the project and the adjoining residential properties. The landscaping in this buffer should be maintained in an informal manner to provide maximum visual screening for the adjoining residential properties. Code References Code of Ordinances Environmental, Chapter 7.5 Tree Protection. The project should continue in the normal review process. Kjh file FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 98-206 , ~ .. , sea ill ~ V TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal :::?'. Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue De DATE: January 20, 1998 SUBJECT: Grand Park - 2nd Review SW 13 Street and Golf Road NWSP 97-022 The Fire & Life Safety Division requested in Memorandum No. 97-323, dated 12/12/97, that a hydrant on the west side be moved to the east side of the service road. This correction still needs to be shown on the plans (hydrant marked #2 on the plans). The access road around the perimeter must be labeled as a fire lane. I recommend this project be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board with the above issues corrected. CC: File CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Tambri Heyden DATE: 01/16/98 FILE: NWSP 97-022 . Planning and Zoning Grand Park at Boynton Beac lli ~ @ ~ n w m ill Director SUBJECT: FROM: Officer R~~ REFERENCES: Memo PZ 98-013 JAM , 6118 Departmen ( ENCLOSURES: PLANNING AtiD I have the following comments reference this site plan: 1. Handicap spaces brought up to code. 2. DO NOT ENTER signs where one-way Fire entrance and parking area meet. 3. STOP SIGN and STOP BAR for northbound travel at the north end of landscaped island where cross over (left turn) to access covered entry occurs. 4. DO NOT ENTER sign for eastbound travel from STOP SIGN to prevent wrong way entry to covered entryway. J'.'.,' . ',' .'.<;, . "'.' .~<:f~"(l;-ilf!~~f.'-. ":~'. Recreation & Park Department Memorandum To: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning DC; John Wildner, Parks superintendent?'" ~ C~ANh PA,-r f< A r 80'j,c./1~.-/ &-4c tf /-t5'-ft From: Re: Date: The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the above listed plans. Thcrc are currently no outstanding recreation-related issues. The plans may continue through the normal review process. JW ~ ..5. FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-323 r- -.."", ill ~@~DW~ IS I .. 00 FROM: T ambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division William D. Cavanaugh, Asst. Fire Mar~~ah1/Y / Fire - Rescue Department ~ L~~ December 12, 1997 TO: DATE: SUBJ: Grand Park ACLF 1400 SW 23 Avenue All turning radii shall be fifty feet (50') and all lane widths should be fourteen feet (14'). Turning radii and lane widths to enter the porticochier shall accommodate lar~e vehicles (Le. five ton Navistar Ambulance). A turn around shall be provided on SW 13 h Street that is adequate for large vehicles as well. Residents of SW 13th Street will not allow a service entrance therefore, the west emergency entrance will have to be modified and the fire lane paved. A new turn around arrangement and/or a wider connecting driveway shall be provided. Access for Rescu~ shall be provided at the following locations: 1. The west end (Wing C) 2. The main entrance 3. The service entrance on the Southeast corner All wing exits shall have a hard surface connection to a road or driveway. Keypads shall be provided as according to the attached gate letter. The hydrant located on the west side must be moved to the east side of the service road and should be within fifty feet (50') of the Fire Department connection to the fire sprinkler system. The southern most hydrant should be moved to the north side of the service road and located on the street side of the fence. Attachments CC: Fire Marshal Gale File ill ~EC: .~I ~ rn 00, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-308 - 1fD) R (r'. ~[~;L f. ] THRU: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Direct~r ll{) C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director [Jf /,/ Mark Lips, Sanitation Foreman mlf<v TO: FROM: SUBJ: New Site Plan - 1 st Review - Grand Park at Boynton Beach DATE: December 5, 1997 Public Works is agreeable to the dumpster location but the dimensions for a two- container enclosure are not large enough, The inside dimensions have to be 20 feet across and 10 feet deep. If you have any question please contact me at 375-6206. MLlcr MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 97 - 409 ill rn; rn 40; m@ PLANNING AND . ON N DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director John A. Guidry, Utilities Direct~ December 3, 1997 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Grand Park at Boynton Beach, New Site Plan, First Review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utilities easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2) Dept. of HRS permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your HRS permit submittal. 4) Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 5) Camp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 6) Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform with all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, sec. 7F) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utilities easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 26-33(a) of the Code. Please refer any questions on this matter to Skip Milar (375-6407) of this office. Cwm/grand1 xc: Skip Milar Peter Mazzella File DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. DD 97-324 ill rn@rnilW~ 00 DEe 5_ -- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development ~~' December 3, 1997 TO: DATE: RE: GRAND PARK @ BOYNTON BEACH - (NWSP 97-022) NEW SITE PLAN 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS We have reviewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that should be addressed prior to the project being forwarded for Board review. Buildin~ Division Michael E. Haag 561-375-6350 Site Specific Comments . 1. Add to the site plan and paving & drainage plan a note and symbol that represents the location and identifies the slope of the accessible route that is required between the abutting right-of-way, accessible parking spaces and the accessible building entrance. [Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.3, Accessible Route and Section 4.6, Parking and Passenger Loading Zones] 2. Place a note on the paving & drainage plan indicating that the site is designed in compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 3. Amend the site plan to show no less than a 10- foot setback for the proposed site sign. Also add to the plans a detailed and dimensioned elevation view drawing of the proposed sign. The height and area of the sign shall comply with Article IV, Section 1 of Chapter 21, Sign Code. 4. Either show on the site plan drawing the location, size and height of proposed directional signs or place a note on the plan indicating no directional signs will be provided. [Chapter 9, Community Design Plan, Section 10, I, 1.] 5. Identify the colors proposed for all signs, including the sign structure, by specifying the color name, color code and manufacturer. Also indicate on the plan whether the signs will be illuminated. All signs shall comply with the sign regulations specified in Section 10 of Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan. General Comments 1. Please note that comments generated at site plan review do not include technical review comments based on compliance with the applicable building codes. Department of Development Memorandum No. DD 97-324 Re: Grand Park @ Boynton Beach, 1 st Review December 3, 1997 Page #2 En~ineerin!! Division Sebastian Puda & Ken Hall 561-375-6280 Site Specific Comments 1. Tract 4 of Golfview Harbor (3rd Section) has been divided. Need to plat the site or apply for a waiver of platting to the Director of Development as outlined in LDR Chapter 5, Article II. 2. Sign and mark a fire lane all around the circular drive entrance. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2. & Chapter 23, Article II.M.] 3. Show stop signs and stop bars at the following locations - at the end of the circular entranceway and in the entrance island for westbound traffic. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 4. Continue the concrete sidewalk thru the entrance driveway. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.P.] 5. Extend the sidewalk along the east property line to the southern boundary. [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section II.] 6. Obtain an abandonment of the north/south ten foot utility easement. 7. Construct two foot wide concrete curbs in lieu of painted areas on either side of the five stall parking area. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] 8. Provide passenger loading zone details underneath the covered entry. [Florida Accessibility Code 6.2. & 4.6.6.] General Comments 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any other permitting agency should be included with your permit request. 2. Provide an Engineer's certification letter stating that drainage complies with City of Boynton Beach codes. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.] Recommendation Due to the small amount of storage space available from the ultimate Golf Road right-of-way, it is recommended that this community not be gated. MH/SP/KH:ck Xc: Michael Haag Sebastian Puda Ken Hall C:\My Documents\Grand Park @ BB Ist.doc RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM ill ffi @ ffi 0 \VI ffi 00 NOV2S91 '":.1' . PftANNING AND ONING DEPT, TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: 1/\ lL Kevin John Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist "0 V\ Re: Grand Park at Boynton Beach New Site Plan_1st Review DATE: November 25, 1997 Site Specific Reauirements Boundary Survey Sheet: 1. The native tree survey should be placed in a table form to quantify the total number of native trees on the site. There should be a statement for each tree on the table indicating which trees will be preserved, relocated or removed / replaced on the ~ite. Any replacement trees would be above and beyond the site required landscape trees. Code Reference The above requirements are in accordance with Chapter 7.5 Environmental, Tree protection; Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.5; & Policy 4.4.4; Chapter 7.5 section 6; Chapter 7.5 Landscape. The project should continue in the normal review process. Kjh File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ffi @ ~ U__W ffi Recreation & Park Department Memorandum ill NOV 2. 4 1991 Date: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent r G...\'ANb f'Mk /IT f3oy"vTc.J ,861'1.;-(1 -/fIIc'-"-" S("11~ /,t.-;-qw /r :l 'f-Cf} To: From: Re: The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the above listed plans. There are currently no outstanding recreation-related issues. The plans may continue through the normal review process. JW m IIW 1 9 ~"7 TO: POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 97-0070 T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS /1?1f GRAND PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH- NEW SITE PLAN-1sT RE. FROM: RE: DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 1997 I have reviewed the above plans and have the following concerns/comments: 1. Will S.W. 13 Street be a completed (paved) cul-de-sac? 2. The entrance is gated with a keypad entrance. Will this be activated 24 hours a day? Will there be hours it will be open for visitor hours? There is a potential for stacking traffic if each vehicle entering has to communicate with someone and then the gates raised or their access denied. In this case, the vehicle must back up to leave the property. Further explanation is required. 3. I recommend a deceleration lane prior to the ingress/egress. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTME~ f PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-553 FROM: Kerry Willis, City Manager Bulent Kastarlak, Director of Development Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer John Wildner, Parks Superintendent John Yeend, Engineering Division 7't- -~ 7L-- ~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: November 19, 1997 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project - Grand Park at Boynton Beach Location - Southwest corner of S.W. 13th Street and Golf Road Agent - Gregory Miklos File No. - NWSP 97-022 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to the Director of Planning and Zoning no later than 5:00 P .M, on December 5. 1997. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project, Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be Page 2 Grand Park at Boynton Beach TO: TRC Members RE: Planning and Zoning Memo 97-553 requested by the reviewer by contacting Jerzy Lewicki. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum. Jerzy Lewicki will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. Planning and Zoning staff will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When Planning and Zoning staff receives the amended plans, we will distribute the plans with a cover memorandum to all TRC Members for review and approval. T JH:bme Attachment XC: (Memo Only) William Bingham, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File s:lformslNWSP 1 streview-plans