REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT TITLE: FOSTER PROPERTY APPLICATION TRACKING LOG FILE #: LUAR 97-003 PROJECT LOCATION: NORTH OF MINER ROAD BETWEEN LAWRENCE AND CONGRESS TYPE OF APPLICATION: LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (Y IN) 0 AGENT: JULIAN BRYAN AGENT PHONE: REVIEWER'S NAME: AMOUNT: DATE REC'D: 11/3/97 ADDRESS: FAX: RECEIPT NO.: 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: INITIAL 1 ST REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: 11/4/97 , .. UTIL. .. P.W. ,.. PARKS .. FIRE - POLICE MEMO NO. 97-533 RETURN DATE: 11.14/97 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANNING BUILDING ENGINEER FORESTER PLANS o o o o DATE OF LETTER SENT TO SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90 DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW: 'iJ PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: AMENDED APPLICATION 0 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: UTIL. P.W. PARKS FIRE POLICE MEMO NO. o o o o o o RETURN DATE~ DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANNING BUILDING ENGINEER FORESTER MEMO# DATE BOARD MEETING DATE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY. DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: BOARD: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT: 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM revised 4/25/97 f1~-7 ~r-1" / j':( ;:;;SPA '?T~~ ~(.)~~hCN-.~ t0~C<:::,s.s"'7 rf o-~ (J./tfW C:~.T~5 6 k..-l. /;'1 CL.C-Cf':j~'r__ v1:.r1 ,~~V',.,~ YC~,~~~_.....-rI el ,Co<:-v~~ ~~r' od~.r: ~ " J J /y ~"'., r' ( Z2j #~ .J. . . . -' (,Jc.:.-U r--l.e.- ~ og,S""'" ~ ~. r /-(~~ 6-/~;.." 7~ c,f 0--'c.> '-I- r rp/p/, ~ c?' .- ? f/0ccs-.s ,6> 0rr?C,~ n ?~~ ~ /?~ -5~--.; c?2 s-;d1(.vt~ ~- ~_ fO "'.sc--c-h~- //~~ ~ .<L r'(:" ~<s_ #./7;~"':JA~~r c? (1b~r puD J6~1 V'Vt.' n 30 Y <,/VlE{ ~ ._-88 ,/. /' 1(' ~ ~'1<.V<kJ pI-V <--, I I /.- / V ~c.- L:::.fG-h 0 ':::::> . OY\.. C>d:: ~~-...$- ~ ~l'<=-5 ? s';'rr Ie ~;!'y 4.-r :5; 2c yn;,,; --.... ~~<>)~ 'fYl.:.." Mf-<y ? 'P (-4.."'--- J <:or.:: J o l-~ r(cQQ ~ ~ fYI{ L/Yl-;--& (';G,,,,,,- nc~c-s) ~ 0~~i~-,.. p~ t/;"" ~'G.~c c:) p. J- ~ 1fV\~ c.... '-' - -r - W.2 u;..- L<-JO-v-v. 36'7' vZ) () M;f C~~..~r~r /n.c:r :V .5r''1 f ~/1a; & ~ re~~ ~+ s~~~ &.-~.;'- ,.sea::: , ZJfC. / tt ((; c'cC ~ ('....:5 ~ t 1", I , . --., .-, i'j -f ~' -~t,' ( \ "'}t .~~ , .'\'\; . l...'~ .. v.~ '~',.."l. f.i., ,~" .~.,,~.:\~.~ ~.,...~ ~. r~i'l1 ':' '{". ~~ f .;. ;~ '~ "..: ~-,~'~~,.. , ~, . ",:~i. '.'~y .. '" - , , 'J ~, , 09/15/98 TUE 17: 47 FAX 1 561 .241 5182 SCHNARS ENGINEERING CORP t:iOYN I ON ~t:Al,.H LJt: V tH..I)l;J ... ~o I" ( ,;)0.:1;;1 ( V',.::.--70 .Z~Z"..I~. "'Ur '.- J ~ 141 003 I '"t...,1' Lr . \.Ill II ""'" 4 .....,. JW..... i:n .-.... 0 ~ z ~[ V) ~ 0 I- :5 - ~ ~ l.U, t- ~ ~~ u ~~ w ~ ~ a ~I ' (/) ~~3 ~ ..(. 0 ~l.. ~ ~ ,- L- .,-~ 0 ~ ''''-,- :t: '1 a:: I ;:J. '- U lit - ~ ~~ - .1 ~~ ~I ~ a.. 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Vl<:.r- /hc(~~ C:S-/")-'YJ m'?. n -r...:::.- .. m P C' /7c:-f~ /lcJ ds -' Cv1 (r r ( /..-/ fp,-,. S /" ; ( (C'-"; <- r'-' '-- . J' (. 1"2. V l.5~-""'; I t,-"'" J r, C'c/)"n .~Y1 -f) , r1~Q:." ? '-" C> ~-(,.J--y-{:'.L -..;...... f- L' h~ {yJ(" fliP IL U>-"Vn tY\=v--fs ~. f'" ~. s:f f 15~v<:z~ r GN"- -r--hc :5<::::- v~.r::.or-:( ,-l-Q .. Jk. ;;:'c~~/frr ~>k-\ )rJ?~Pt:-p ,4---=- -err;:;;' +: Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, October 01, 1998 12:47 PM Rumpf, Michael RE: Summers Mill/Foster Property I have an approval from Jim, with a one word change. In item NO.4. It should read: this instrument shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. ,:::::9riginal Messa e----- 1:11i..~::illlu..'.... Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 1998 12:41 PM To: Lamanna, Rosemarie Subject: Summers Mill/Foster Property Just a reminder that I am still awaiting Jim's ok to the documents submitted by Marty Perry as fulfilling requirements of Unified Control. Thanks. MR. MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO, 98 - 269 TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning fir'5 ri' P r [1 \\17 R 1:' I OJ. ~~_JUL1L_.~, ~ l' I ~ I SEP 2 2 1998 . ~ ! L~__m J PLr\;~i,;:';G AND ZONiNG DEPT. FROM: John A, Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: September 21, 1998 SUBJECT: Summers Mills - Final Plat Review and Construction Drawings We offer the following comments at this time: 1. The utilities easement between lots 83 and 84 has been increased to 15-feet wide. 2. The water and sewer engineering plans do not incorporate the latest revisions, Please note that the Health Department has already issued permits for those revised plans. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office, JAG/PVM Xc: Ken Hall File MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 98 - 258 DATE: September 16, 1998 ..'.---- FROM: ~yPf, Acting Planning Director .{2/ohn A. Guidry, Utilities Director TO: SUBJECT: Foster Property - Master Plan - Final Submittal We offer the following comment on this project: The building envelope for lot 84 must be revised to accommodate the expanded utilities easement, as shown on the water distribution system plans already permitted by the Health Department. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-273 TO: TRC MEMBERS: Larry Quinn, Public Works Michael Haag, Building Division Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Gfc. Robert Riggle, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Ken Hall, Engineering Division .(1') v tc::- Michael W. Rumpf, Chairman Acting Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: DA TE: September 11, 1998 SUBJECT: MODIFIED Foster Property Plan Modification - (sign-off) File #LUAR 97-003 (resubmittal) The amended rezoning/master plan for the Foster Property has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee. Five (5) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in Planning and Zoning. A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Rezoning/Master and Site Plan Modification will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the five (5) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M" SEPTEMBER 18, 1998, If the plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subject to memo". To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M" SEPTEMBER 18, 1998. Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MWR:bme ---~--------_._-'-_._._--~----_.._..._-----~-- cc: Bulent Kastarlak, Director of Development William Bingham, Fire Chief Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Larry Roberts, Public Works Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director SI(ip Milor, Ytilities-Bepartlllerlt Don Johnson, Building Department Sebastian Puda, Engineering Department Central File J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIFOSTER PROPERTY\LUARIRECTIFIED PLAN-2,DOC DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. DD 98-283 m m 0 \VI m ill I w'" fLANNING AND lONING DEPT. TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrat~d.& September 2, 1998 FROM: DATE: RE: FOSTER PROPERTY - LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING (LUAR 97-003)-3rd SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS The below listed comments are generated following a review of the August 12, ]998 rectified master plan found in your office. The plans shall be amended to show compliance with the comments prior to the Building Division signing off on the plan. Buildin2: Division (Site Specific Comments) Michael E. Haag 561-375-6350 J, Remove the word "Gazebo" from general note number 6 found on the master plan or provide a perimeter setback for the passive park, water management tracts and butfers. It is recommended that the perimeter setback for the areas where a gazebo would be constructed be established at J 0 feet. Add to the master plan the setback and reference it within note number 6. 2. Considering that the general notes identifies other structures and the landscape plan shows other structures (such as site walls and trellises to be located within the common area) remove the words, "trellis, playground equipment and irrigation pump houses", from general note number 6 and add a new note stating, "other structures shall comply with the regulations specified in Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.1 of the City's Land Development Regulations", 3. Add a general note to the master plan indicating that there shall be no building or any kind of construction placed within an easement without prior and proper written consent of all easement beneficiaries including all applicable City approvals as required for such encroachment. 4. To clarify the minimum lot frontage dimension, reword the minimum lot size data as follows: "5000 square feet (50' X 100', typical). Fifty foot minimum lot frontage measured at the 20 foot building setback line", S. To ensure compliance with the maximum floor area ratio for the proposed 4.0 Land Use Intensity (L. Ul.), add a category to the site area breakdown data that indicates the maximum floor area shall not exceed 2,08] square feet. 6, To clarify the building setbacks add the words, "all types of hard roof structures" after the word "setbacks" found in the tirst setback data chart on the master plan, Also, add a note following the side interior setback specification indicting that a rated wall complying with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code is required where there is a hard roof adjacent to a property line. Page 2 Foster Property File No.: MPMD 97-003 <fA 10. DEPARTMENTS 7, Either remove the word "Gazebo" from general note number 6 found on the master plan or provide a perimeter setback for the passive Park. water management tracts and buffers, It is recommended that the perimeter setback for the areas where a gazebo would be constructed be established at 10 feet, Reference same within note number 6, 8. Considering that the general notes identify, and the landscape plan shows other structures (such as site walls and trellises to be located within the common area), remove the words, "trellis, playground equipment and irrigation pump houses" from general note number 6 and add a new note stating, "other structures shall comply with the regulations specified in Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.1 of the city's Land Development Regulations" . 9. Add a general note to the master plan indicating that there shall be no building or any kind of construction placed within an easement without prior and proper written consent of all easement beneficiaries including all applicable city approvals as required for such encroachment. To clarify the minimum lot frontage dimensio~ reword the minimum lot size data as follows: ''.SQOO square feet (SO' X 100" typical). Fifty foot minimum lot frontage-measured at the 20 foot building setback line" ~ 11. To ensure compliance with the maximum floor area ratio for the proposed 4.0 Land Use Intensity (L.U.I.), add a category to the site area breakdown data that indicates the maximum floor area shall not exceed 2,081 square feet. If the Commission rejects this comment, the applicant shall provide with each building permit appltcation. a floor area breakdown that provides computations indicating maximum floor area allowed, maximum floor area existing prior to the subject pennit request, maximum floor area proposed with the subject pennit including identifying pennit number and maximum floor area remainin;; following permit approval. This alternative method is very cumbersome and becomes extremely bard to monitor when additions are added after the houses are built. It is strongly recommended that the master plan specify the maximum floor area allowed to ensure land use intensity is maintained. Note the maximum building envelope shoWD and identified on the plans exceeds this maximum floor area ratio for the proposed 4.0 land use intensity. 12, To clarify the building setbacks add the wo~ "all types of bard roof structures" after the word "setbacks" found in the first setback data chart on the master plan. Also, add a note following the side interior setback specification indicting that a rated wall complying with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code is required where there is a hard roof adjacent to a property line, --~,_.._-~.._---~-,--------~-"----- INCLUDE REJECT X ll~f _ _f(lI~ JJD"'~..fI'>( $'f,LL ~II \afl X ~ Me l' ",.:1>'" ./' I" 0 ~!Il- t{'~II~1 )) "'~ x ,/Iv . \ j)r' J~) avO ~;-t' ~{\~l\\4 . N()'(.Qmll'l ~ { X~,~v S{.J..-' '\,\1 \~ ~ X NrJ ". ~< CP ('1\ tII S. {~Jv ~ ~ Jl\'t~ X " .- ~f> t,J" /! #,i t-+I~'- OJ (; v ",~ ql,~il DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-236 FROM: Larry Roberts, Public Works Director Michael Haag, Building Division Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Ofc. Robert Riggle, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Ken Hall, Engineering Division fTl(y~ Michael W. Rumpf Acting Director of Planning and Zoning TO: DATE: August 12, 1998 SUBJECT: MODIFIED Foster Property Plan Modification File #LUAR 97-003 (sign-off) The amended rezoning/master and site plan for the Foster Property has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee. Five (5) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in Planning and Zoning. A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Rezoning/Master and Site Plan Modification will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the five (5) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M" AUGUST 21, 1998, If the plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subject to memo". To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M" AUGUST 21,1998, Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MWRMJM cc: Bulent Kastarlak, Director of Development William Bingham, Fire Chief Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Skip Milor, Utilities Department Don Johnson, Building Department Bob Donovan, Building Department Sebastian Puda, Engineering Department Central File J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIFOSTER PROPERTYlLUARIRECTIFIED PLAN,DOC iOO~~- ~ @ ~ 0 Wi ~ -.... ~'.~ 1 '11111 JUN I 9 1998 ; L::) June 18, 1998 rn PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. MEMORANDUM RE: Mike Rumpf, Acting Planning Director James Cherof, City Attorney 0f' \ NA Foster Property PUD TO: FROM: Attached is a copy of a letter I received from F, Martin Perry, dated June 9th, in regard to the above matter, After your review, please call Rose Marie and have her arrange either an appointment or a telephone conference so that we can discuss this. JAC/ral Enc, s:ca\depts\Plannlng\Foster PUD 86/18/1998 -~;0B 5613756054 CITY ATTORNEY ....,n.."C1. ,,;,I::ICl ,,,,. /QJ.H'I_~ ~ I;. T FL PAGE 81 NO.S41 P.l r.1IAInIR __ a""'I"~_.- u." OJ'./kl$ P. MIII'tIII P'rry . A..DCiIJIf., P.A. lUI J'lIh ...lAkn". ........-4WJ.-I ...1_ 'd <111)...... "..,,.,.... Fl.'*'- JJfft _.4>;Af~_..__.... VIA. Jl'Al"-U\P'1! (561) JTc.QlU Juao,. 1998 Poat-Ir' Fax Note ,. 7871 1II1I8I CMrof, C11y AUDmey City of BoyntOn Bc8c:h. 100 But BoynCoIl Belch Blvd. Boya.tGa B.rh. PI. 33425 Fa . PhonlI . Fall . 11&: Paeter Pro~l,. POD Dear Mr. Chetof: 'I1IiI wUl c:aDfiml our IeIepIUme COIlYCftl1iou dPldJnl tb. issue of whetha' UI IdIIIinisbadve ~..daldon ClIft be IMde to ndw. UIo pl__1 of two 4 foot IIdewIIb witin . 40 foat riIbI of way in 1fds POD u oppoled ~ the apoval wJdch VIe haw ~ whm permib 0QCl , ibot ~ wirbin a ~ tooe ftalit of way witllone 4 foot IIidewaIt in an ea.mem ~t to tho right of 9I&Y. J beHBve that 1be two __mAl wftbin die Dtbc of way c:Jarly mcca the Udr.at of die appzoval1!lat wu paIII8d by * Qty . Obviously, ID adrnirliJtrativ detezmiDa1ioJ1 dull tJUs aap CII1 be I1IIde witbout tile DeoNPty of a. variance or Ioin& bact to coadl a ,m'tDb1e for everyane iadudiDllho City. You have iIIdicared tIal you woa1d cIbcuss tbf. wilb Mib JIUmpf. I loot (VAW...nI b>> hcarizJI from lither you OJ' Mike in tbb repro. Belt vriabel. V., truly yuun. .J.~~ MJJ- P. Mania Petry cc: PIt UamDey JaJIIn .,. ~MIIlI'I.a 111.J"'~ (~ , , MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO, 97 - 432 l...rn--r~- ~-\!--TI-~r~ illt I D 15 lJ9 ---1 n ! ill IlEC I ., 1991 ! ~ PLANNING ANO ZONING DEPT. TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning Department IY' FROM: j;y John A, Guidry, Utilities Director /... DATE: December 16, 1997 SUBJECT: Foster Property - LUAR/Rezoning 97-003 (2nd response) [", Assuming an overall density of 4,19 units per acre, for a total of 98 dwelling units, our prescribed single family residential levels of service (200 gpcd water, 90 gpcd sewer), and 2,15 persons per dwelling unit, the anticipated demand from this project would be: Potable Water demand Sanitary Sewer demand 42,140 gallons per day 18,963 gallons per day Our system currently has sufficient reserve capacity to meet this demand. JAG/PVM xc: Peter Mazzella File TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No, 97-320 Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division William D. Cavanaugh, Asst. Fire Marshalg'1 rn Fire Rescue Department /vv r December 10, 1997 ill ~:c ~ oU ~;i~m PLANNING AND ZONING DEPt Foster Property (Farm) North of Miner Rd. between Lawrence Rd, & Congress Ave. LUAR 97-003 We have no objections at this time. CC: Fire Marshal Gale File ._-~_..------- -------_._-~,-,_._------"------_.- Recreation & Park Department Memorandum I~ ~ @ ~ U 'IiI ~ '~ GEe 8 em I PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. Re: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director Jo:n Wildncr, Parks Superintendent ~ rOS1Cft. f,yof'M fy r1 Jl/f/&J7 To: From: Date: The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the above listed plans. There are currently no outstanding recreation-related issues. The plans may continue through the normal review process. JW MEMORANDUM Utilities # 97- 420 ffi 0 W ffi 00 1E-9. ~(~~ Date: Tambri Heyden. Planning & Zoning Director John A. Guidry, ~ / Director of Utilities \)X' December 8, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Foster Property, Land Use Amendment/Rezoning, Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: Utilities has no comment. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm! foster2 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella File TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-307 m m _ m : ~;~ rn f ~a:..:." PlANNING AND ~~r, NING DEPT. Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director I vJ C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director CUu Mark Lips, Sanitation Foreman fY' Pl- Land Use Amendment/Rezoning - 2nd Submittal- Foster Property December 5, 1997 Public Works has no comments, we recommend these plans go forward. ML/cr DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. DD 97-322 ill ~@~~W~ ill DEe 5_ - PlANNING AND 'ZONING DEn TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator FROM: Al Newbold, Deputy Director of Development DATE: December 3, 1997 RE: FOSTER PROPERTY - LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING (LUAR 97-003) - 2ND SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS We recommend approval of the above referenced project subject to the following comments. Building Division (Site Soecific Comments) Site Specific Comments 1. Either remove the word "Gazebo" from General Note Number 6 found on the master plan or provide a perimeter setback for the passive park, water management tracts and buffers. It is recommended that the perimeter setback for the areas where a gazebo would be constructed be established at 10 feet. Reference same within Note Number 6. 2. Considering the general notes identify and the landscape plan shows other structures (such as site walls and trellises to be located within the common area), remove the words, "trellis, playground equipment and irrigation pump houses" from General Note Number 6 and add a new note stating, "other structures shall comply with the regulations specified in Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4. J. of the City's Land Development Regulations." 3. Add a general note to the master plan indicating that there shall be no building or any kind of construction placed within an easement without prior and proper written consent of all easement beneficiaries including all applicable City approval~ as required for such encroachment. 4. To clarify the minimum lot frontage dimension, re-word the minimum lot size data as follows: "5000 Square Feet (50' X 100', typical). 50' minimum lot frontage measured at the 20-foot building setback line." 5. To ensure compliance with the maximum floor area ratio for the proposed 4.0 Land Use Intensity (L.U.I.), add a category to the site area breakdown data that indicates the maximum floor area shall not exceed 2,081 square feet. If the Commission rejects this comment, the applicant shall provide with each building permit application, a floor area breakdown that provides computations indicating maximum floor area allowed, maximum floor area existing prior to the subject permit request, maximum floor area proposed with the subject permit including identifying permit number and maximum floor area remaining following permit approval. This alternative method is very cumbersome and becomes extremely hard to monitor when additions are added after the houses are built. It is strongly recommended that the master plan specify the maximum floor area allowed to ensure Land Use Intensity is maintained. Note the maximum building envelope shown and identified on the plans exceeds this maximum floor area ratio for the proposed 4.0 Land Use Intensity. Department of Development Memorandum No. DD 97-322 Re: Foster Property - Land Use Amendment/Rezoning, 2nd Submittal December 3, 1997 Page #2 6. To clarify the building setbacks add the words, "All types of hard roof structures" after the word "Setbacks" found in the first setback data chart on the master plan. Also add a note following the side interior setback specification indicating that a rated wall complying with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code is required where there is a hard roof adjacent to a property line. 7. To clarify the setbacks for auxiliary structures, add the word, "Roof' between the words, "Screened enclosure" in all instances where the words "Screen enclosure" is identified in the site area breakdown section of the master plan. 8 . To maintain a 10- foot separation between auxiliary structures and the exterior walls of a home, it is recommended that the rear setback for auxiliary structures for Lots 91 and 92 be increased to 10 feet rather than the proposed 5' for pool/spa and 8' for screened roof enclosures. 9. To clarify the side interior setback for auxiliary structures, re-word the side interior setback data as follows: "Zero lot line side - 3' (Pool/spa with privacy wall), 5' (pool/spa - no privacy wall), 0' (screened roof enclosures). Side opposite zero lot line - 10' (pool/spa and screened roof enclosures). 10. Note the proposed 8' screened roof enclosure setback would prohibit a pool, that was installed at the allowed 5' setback, to be enclosed with a screen-roofed structure. En!!ineering Division (Site Svecific Comments) 1. Show a roadway section consistent with LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.B. & T. 2. The cul-de-sac diameter shall be a minimum of90 feet to the edge of the pavement or curb line. [LDR Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.D.] 3. Provide a recent (6 months) fair market appraisal ofthe subject parcel to determine the required fee in lieu ofland dedication for parks or recreational facilities. [LDR Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3.A.2.e.(4)] The appraisal should be submitted as part of your final plat submission. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 1.] 4. Provide a traffic impact analysis or a statement from a professional engineer competent in traffic engineering that the subdivision will not generate 3,000 vehicle single-directional trips per day or 250 similar trips in anyone hour. [LDR Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.S.] 5. Required improvements (paving, drainage, water, sewer, etc.) to be reviewed at time of submittal for plat. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 2.A.I.] MH/SP/KH:ck Xc: Michael Haag Se bastian Puda Ken Hall C:\My Documents\Foster Property Land Use 2nd. doc MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO. 97 - 410 ij-~"rrm r,r'''\l' l~r DEe u; ~ -IW I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Direct FROM: John A, Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 2, 1997 SUBJECT: Foster Property - LUARJRezoning 97-003 Based upon the information provided with your memo no, 97-580, we can ascertain that the rezoning of the subject property will not have a negative impact on our level of service for both water and wastewater, I trust this memo meets your needs. If not, please contact either myself or Peter Mazzella at 375-6452, JAGJPVM xc: Peter Mazzella File - ~----~~,----~. ~-----~----^..- ----_.~.---~----~-_.._.__._- ,... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-580 FROM: Pete Mazzella, Assistant to the Director of Utilities A-_~ -u:J- r- Tambri H~yck~ r ,- , .1 . ., ......'..1 I .,1 TO: DATE: November 26, 1997 RE: Foster Property- LUAR/Rezoning 97-003 This office is processing the above application for a land use amendment and rezoning. Pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of Community Affairs for compliance review, I am requesting that you provide me with specific information on the current availability of facilities that would serve the subject property and a statement indicating that there are adequate urban services available to serve the maximum demand as would be allowed by the proposed land use classification. To assist you with your review, I have enclosed a location map and application which includes data on changes in potable water and sanitary sewer demands. I hope that given the size of the subject property, you are able to provide a specific statement which indicates that this application would have no negative impact on service availability. The state has a specific time frame within which this information must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at (407) 375-6260. Thank you. Attachments S:\projectsIFirst Baptist Church of BB\utilityc FOSTER PROPERTY LAND USE AND REZONING COMPARISON OF IMPACTS Comparison of Impacts between existing and proposed land use and zoning The property is currently within unincorporated Palm Beach County where it has a future land use designation of 5 dwelling units per acre which would allow a maximum of 117 dwelling units, This proposed plan requests a maximum density of 4,19 units per acre or a maximum of 98 dwelling units, The 98 dwelling units are zero lot line homes which will be on lots of 5,000 square feet or greater, The City of Boynton Beach Land Use Plan identifies surrounding properties as residential at a maximum density of 4,84 units per acre which would allow a maximum of 113 dwelling units, Therefore, the proposed plan requests 15 units less than the recommended Boynton Beach surrounded land use and 19 units less than Palm Beach County's present land use designation. The property is currently within unincorporated Palm Beach County where is has a zoning designation of (AR) agricultural residential district, The present zoning category, in addition to agricultural uses, allows one (1) home per ten (10) acres, This subject zoning is a "holding" category which is typically designated for properties in the eastern part of the County that are awaiting development, The property is surrounded on the northwest, north, east and southwest sides by previously approved and developed Planned Unit Developments (P.U,D.), Consequently, the most appropriate zoning category for the subject property is P.U.D, The density and land use intensity rating (where applicable) are as reflected below: Area Development Land Use Intensity Density Northwest Lawrence Grove P.U.D. LUI 4.0 4.39 units per acre North The Meadows 300 P.U.D. LUI 4.0 3.76 units per acre East Meadows P.U.D. LUI4.0 3.60 units per acre Southeast The Chalet LUI NI A 7,60 units per acre Southwest Citrus Glen P.U.D. LUI 4.0 3.95 units per acre West Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park LUI NI A 6.60 units per acre It is clear from the above that the proposed development at a density of 4.19 units per acre and with a LUI of 4,0 is compatible with the surrounding land uses and provides an appropriate transition to the higher density reflected in the adjacent mobile home park, Vehicular access will be limited to Minor Road and will not attempt to re-open the sensitive issue of the extension of Bedford Blvd within Lawrence Grove P.U,D, to the east and connecting with Meadows Blvd, h. (1) Existing zoning of AR would allow a maximum of 2 single family homes, However, it would also allow a variety of agricultural uses and other uses such as packing plant, equestrian arena, airplane landing strip, recycling drop off bin, incinerator, stable, kennel, gun range, electrical power facility, solid waste transfer station, water or wastewater treatment plant, helicopter pad, congregate living facility, cemetery, zoo and vehicle repair and related services, The proposed zoning of P,U.D, will allow the construction of 98 detached, fee simple zero lot line dwelling units. The Palm Beach County land use designation of MR-5 would allow up to 5 dwelling units per acre or a total of 117 units. The City of Boynton Beach Future Land Use Designation allows a maximum of 4.84 dwelling units per acre or a maximum of 113 units. h. (2) The proposed zoning allows the development of single family homes on lots of a minimum of 5,000 square feet. Additional common area facilities could include homeowner association owned recreation facilities. h, (3) The proposed construction of 98 zero lot line homes will occur in one Phase of development. Construction will commence as soon as the appropriate approvals are obtained from the City of Boynton Beach and other applicable governmental regulatory agencies, h. (4) NjA h. (5) See attached separate Traffic Analysis. h. (6) Based upon conversations with officials of the Boynton Beach utility department, the average daily demand for residential water consumption is approximately 200 gallons per person per day. With an average estimated household size of 3.0 persons an average of 600 gallons per day per dwelling unit is estimated. Total project water consumption would be (600 gallons per day x 98 units) 58,800 gallons per day. Potable water demand based upon the present agricultural use is presumed to be zero. It is assumed that the present use obtained non-potable water for crop irrigation from either the adjacent canal or shallow wells. However, the present zoning allows a variety of uses as shown above and water demand may be significant based upon the use. ( - h, (7) Based upon conversation with officials of the Boynton Beach utility department, the average daily demand for wastewater is approximately 90 gallons per person per day. With an average estimated household size of 3.0 persons an average of 270 gallons per day per dwelling unit is estimated, Total project wastewater demand would be (270 gallons per day x 98 units) 26,460 gallons per day. The present agricultural use does not require the treatment of wastewater, However, the present zoning allows a variety of uses as shown above and wastewater demand may be significant based upon the use. h. (8) Based upon conversation with officials of the City of Boynton Beach, an average of 3.0 persons per household may be utilized for population projections, With 98 dwelling units it is estimated that 294 residents will reside in the proposed community, Age groups of the residents will vary, It is anticipated that families, empty nesters and others will purchase homes in this community, The present use does not have any permanent residents on the site, However, the farming operation requires a number of employees, This number of employees varies during the year. Possible uses under the present zoning could have significant numbers of either employees or residents depending on the use. h. (9) The proposed residential use with 98 single family zero lot line homes will be compatible with surrounding existing residences and will not create nuisances or hazards of any kind, Building setbacks, heights, site coverage, and landscaping are similar to those surrounding P,U.D,'s previously approved and developed. Attention has been given to perimeter landscape buffers and site layout to ensure compatibility with existing neighborhoods. h. (10) Information not required by staff at this time. h. (11) (See enclosed Master Plan package) h. (12) NjA ~c;;f .~U , . ;,. ;. 'T! ".,. f ~=,.~ io, '~~ .....'!~...... !w:.. Lucation Map ----.------ ctTY - - ~~ FOSTER PROPERTY LUAR ;~.- . -----~ ~.I_.~. ._" . ___ ..l 7'"'-~~~e~~~~~<L..~ ~~~~S6~ -1--.-: ..'- . .. i-- - ----...- ,. '--,,-'-;T--. ~ ~r' c.:3....----r . . .-,-"T -'-:~l " \-<, I ---rl \ \ I \ i if; 1 .. ~. ~ I -,----- ------ '-'~~11 ;---,"- ,,:'~.~ ~ . :---- 'NIC : PUCt ~NIC ~;.. I " '1 ~ \' j LU t ~ ~ il .;J\ I 0: ~" ;:.") 5.0 j;Z 1 I I (',', ":, - , ' "" or:. ~nnll[)PUC: ~'\r ~;f:~-~~-" L~{I ~ ;~~I ~l.lfli'111 i1 'H ~'1a. . .4 \ll~: I/~~;:~':;"Y ,:; g; , ~. _. l::: ~ f:: ~~ ~ ' (f /Iw/ '>-. 'v' ", . . l "'.,..... f: I ..' Vj ~O ",/ ,":.'-~yt:;:::~ ~ .... "'- \J f- _ -,:: '( -^ y . ~ c::;::. ,'--..d f-- f---., . /- - - l'}'t~ t';J) E'f1-S(;,W<\7;'Y i--' j''::~' ~~ .<(;(.~ I ~ nr r o::j ~ ,,' :JF::1.~~ LiL i I II!III IJ:( ,\7 , _ " J ,,,,,:"")~~ .' _.." ....' "'" ...., i I ITI I I' . \ I ' ~,~ .---- l~i~: .~~ 'l~I~I~~ 1~t!!I-T'I"~~p:. :.',#.-~,ju"" 'I.:;~:?r;~ ~,.r. . I~ tJj,i~:' ~.~.~- iT _ ~ · ~ ~1@3' 'ct:::!: ' H'" I 'T ~ -^ ~. ~,''';, , ,~,,),;.u I/TT T ,\ \ II 11 .-t ./ ~ .'::-:~' - .. - . . . " .. ,. 'I \11 ~{,~..,:.:<2:j,: ../,;.,.-- ..::-". ~ ,I '.1. fTTTTll}J- I '( ,. t:;"'~: ,:; - &il ~ CT '" llT''-. [1 q J c~. AOCll\f\!f 3:.?,~ I II I h i----'\ \.....--- \ ~ \ I_k"\'. :/ /.~ .--' . ~ ~ ~ ,\) c' \..-~:Y ,/ ---- / 1 l~'~ ~if.; c -:<;/ , (i~"-f-!:;'~/]' k~;M$0f" 1 ~ ~ ;:':"'(.\'-"',', . ;, w _ '\ , r-~ ....-.Y. ."--'\ ... ~'\ r: ' . . \ '. r----' .-J l' . ',T.' ',""'\ ~ If'>-''.' ~"L~.,,:,,,, ~= P'( '-'~E',~~ ':'"). ~/~! t1\.~ == ..1---'-" '. . I \ I I: \ -~ ,-L ,,; - - c'- ~I.''/ ~~_:....- I "TTTn~;-\ ',' . . -------------------- - j-=--- ~ r---- .---.-- \' ...-1 : r ~ '<-.,::; '. . \ I \ \;:.~ 1 11'1" J , i I- I ! - .-.. , ~--- >.. - I '-' .. 01---, ,>-- .. _____. ...__--- --""T"- ..--'-- " .:-:- ~.:.:...= t~" '. ~ \J-- .... ::::L:: :~. :,:~~ :~: ._ . :---i~_ ,,'- . ~. ' . ,:.::~r-1F A . "';< ;\\L}~~F G , _/ '->>} l'J..p= -,:::1 . -----r ,-.-r' ~ ~ _ ....rill '. "../'-... - .-: ::::..:= ::J:t""'L.2V1.c '~~~ '-.l i rr.J:ITllI\~ ~. -~'!' /:f' IT-~- ....- , .^. ' '-1 ----'-' f' vll . l-~~!J'= ~~ I ~).c:r'~,;J~\.: \' \"/ r ~ I ',' < ,~. ',' II" ' ~.--:~-;=::I>"~\ i-\" : i/ ___. .\ \j ! . I '/ ' \;"~ :~_ l rTl 'b .\= i I ~': ::H.irl'I;.ci;~ ;:::it{.,J;j . ~, I, I \ - ::~,u~\T I L~, ,~I"III" . '", ~ ~ I.; <"" " :::::. ' j i 1 ~..;;..~. ~~ ~:===- \1 rr ~i l\==--,-d,l ' e-. -- " . -" R\ 11-1 F, I -, "'. ,.' -- TJf I ;:1 in n'II'; ~<~~1..::; >. ' . ~~~__~j_E~ !:4~,~ -=-1)J 11 \ ' I ,,;( ..J~ '"" -{ .......\< I ".-J<...'.f/' (\. , ,'. _;:::::~.. .......'1 c, ',' ". ';::'" ~-~,~. ' ------- '<~~4~~/~' '":~:..~..,~--''-- ..' \, . r '- . ".' - .. ~' ,/, ,r ...... J~-'=-. :-;-..: '~ ,,' ~ ..-: ~:.- . ~ '.- - ~..' . ' . ilr....,.........-~~~..--...... , ,'./f<~N--- .:. .----~.; . ::= ::::. Bf@if~ '---1:-:-.,.- ~~) _~ - I ....-... t :\1 . ',~ ~.:.;-~: ~.~.~~=~ ~= _-:: "--::: :-. ~-4-~_;L, r-H ~bir" - .. ........ ~ ... t, - .\-' J t ~ t ~~:---... ... ,-,' r ~.~~ '-' _ ,)c AG - -" -..----------- '(DJ rn @ u w ~rnJ lJJ) lEe 3 1997 ! ~ TO: POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 97-0073 T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS FOSTER PROPERTY-LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING-2ND SUB. ;,''t'" . ".~.-.-.,:, "'>,;';,... .." PZLANNING AND ONING DEPT. FROM: RE: DATE: DECEMBER 2, 1997 I have reviewed the above plans and have the following comments/recommendations: 1. The entry gate needs a turn around area for vehicles that are denied entrance or turned into the area by mistake. This area needs to be prior to the entry gate. 2. The landscape plans show landscaping in the cul-de-sacs. The Master Plan does not show anything in the cul-de-sacs. I recommend there be no landscaping in the cul-de-sacs to allow for fire/emergency vehicles to make adequate turning and also prevent any visual hindrance of vehicles backing from driveways. /1/f 1<.._ ..... -~ .-._"..~.-..._...-_._,~.- -, ~ - - . MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO. 97 - 410 : ."'; ._:.1 ,_!i I ~ i \ ,,_~! . -- ....;.;......----~- . fi<r- ! n j i ! ii ,'. ~~... ~ ~ f--._.M----.d- PUN~!ING ,t.,ND ZOqi\'.;G f:E?T. :'..-... TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Direct FROM: John A, Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 2, 1997 SUBJECT: Foster Property - LUAR/Rezoning 97-003 Based upon the information provided with your memo no. 97-580, we can ascertain that the rezoning of the subject property will not have a negative impact on our level of service for both water and wastewater. I trust this memo meets your needs, If not, please contact either myself or Peter Mazzella at 375-6452. JAG/PVM xc: Peter Mazzella File ;..\;~,._, ,..,... .' r7M' '..IW!i:~~ll'i."~I!illlll.~.w .1~1!~ ~~"'" $. ~:;...I:~I~ ~ ':' i;M;<<""B':<" " 0:0"-}' ,AJt~if;;"~;'$;,;,n_ ,~o,,:;,. From: Mazzella, Pete Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 19973:33 PM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: Guidry, John Subject: Foster Property-Rezoning Mike: After reviewing Tambri's memo of 11/26/97, I believe we can state that this rezoning will not reduce service availability. Please accept this e-mail as advance notice so you can continue your review. Memo from director will follow in a couple of days. Pete DEVELuPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMEN I PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 578 FROM: Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer Mike Haag, Building Division Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept. Chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Park Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division "1'L _0_ 7L_L- A Tambri J. HeydE;~, AICP Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: November 26, 1997 SUBJECT: Land Use Amendment/Rezoning - 2nd Submittal Project: Foster Property Location: North of Miner Road Between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue. Julian Bryan LUAR 97-003 Agent: File No.: Attached is the amended master plan modification submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. Please review the amended plans and exhibits submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy the comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise this office in writing. If your comments have not been met, please indicate this in writing to my office. Finally, include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans (Building Division shall keep their plans) to Planning and Zoning by 5:00 P.M. on Friday December 5, 1997. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki at Exter.sion 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. T JH:bme Attachment Page 2 Foster Property File No. LUAR 97-003 cc: (Memo only) Kerry Willis Bulent Kastarlak Charlie Frederick Marshall Gage John Guidry William Bingham AI Newbold John Yeend Central File J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Foster Property\lUAR\2NDREVIEW-PLANS.doc \)~V'\ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-580 FROM: Pete Mazzella, Assistant to the Director of Utilities It.- _c-: 7LJ- ~ Tambri Heycre;~ TO: DATE: November 26, 1997 RE: Foster Property- LUARlRezoning 97-003 This office is processing the above application for a land use amendment and rezoning. Pursuant to the requirements of the Florida Department of Community Affairs for compliance review, I am requesting that you provide me with specific information on the current availability of facilities that would serve the subject property and a statement indicating that there are adequate urban services available to serve the maximum demand as would be allowed by the proposed land use classification. To assist you with your review, I have enclosed a location map and application which includes data on changes in potable water and sanitary sewer demands. I hope that given the size of the subject property, you are able to provide a specific statement which indicates that this application would have no negative impact on service availability. The state has a specific time frame within which this information must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at (407) 375-6260. Thank you. Attachments S:\projects\Fi,;>1 B..,,~, ",,,u..,;l'ref ilil'lIlilityc FOSTER PROPERTY LAND USE AND REZONING COMPARISON OF IMPACTS Comparison of Impacts between existing and proposed land use and zoning The property is currently within unincorporated Palm Beach County where it has a future land use designation of 5 dwelling units per acre which would allow a maximum of 117 dwelling units. This proposed plan requests a maximum density of 4.19 units per acre or a maximum of 98 dwelling units, The 98 dwelling units are zero lot line homes which will be on lots of 5,000 square feet or greater, The City of Boynton Beach Land Use Plan identifies surrounding properties as residential at a maximum density of 4,84 units per acre which would allow a maximum of 113 dwelling units, Therefore, the proposed plan requests 15 units less than the recommended Boynton Beach surrounded land use and 19 units Jess than Palm Beach County's present land use designation, The property is currently within unincorporated Palm Beach County where is has a zoning designation of (AR) agricultural residential district. The present zoning category, in addition to agricultural uses, allows one (1) home per ten (10) acres. This subject zoning is a "holding" category which is typically designated for properties in the eastern part of the County that are awaiting development. The property is surrounded on the northwest, north, east and southwest sides by previously approved and developed Planned Unit Developments (P.U.D.). Consequently, the most appropriate zoning category for the subject property is P.U.D. The density and land use intensity rating (where applicable) are as reflected below: Area Development Land Use Intensity Density Northwest Lawrence Grove P.U.D. LUI4.0 4.39 units per acre North The Meadows 300 P.U.D. LUI4.0 3.76 units per acre East Meadows P.U.D. LUI4.0 3.60 units per acre Southeast The Chalet LUI N/ A 7,60 units per acre Southwest Citrus Glen P.U.D, LUI4.0 3.95 units per acre West Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park LUI N/A 6.60 units per acre It is clear from the above that the proposed development at a density of 4,19 units per acre and with a LUI of 4,0 is compatible with the surrounding land uses and provides an appropriate transition to the higher density reflected in the adjacent mobile home park. Vehicular access will be limited to Minor Road and will not attempt to re-open the sensitive issue of the extension of Bedford Blvd within Lawrence Grove P,U,D. to the east and connecting with Meadows Blvd, h, (1) Existing zoning of AR would allow a maximum of 2 single family homes, However, it would also allow a variety of agricultural uses and other uses such as packing plant, equestrian arena, airplane landing strip, recycling drop off bin, incinerator, stable, kennel, gun range, electrical power facility, solid waste transfer station, water or wastewater treatment plant, helicopter pad, congregate living facility, cemetery, zoo and vehicle repair and related services, The proposed zoning of P,U.D. will allow the construction of 98 detached, fee simple zero lot line dwelling units, The Palm Beach County land use designation of MR-5 would allow up to 5 dwelling units per acre or a total of 117 units, The City of Boynton Beach Future Land Use Designation allows a maximum of 4,84 dwelling units per acre or a maximum of 113 units, h. (2) The proposed zoning allows the development of single family homes on lots of a minimum of 5,000 square feet. Additional common area facilities could include homeowner association owned recreation facilities. h, (3) The proposed construction of 98 zero lot line homes will occur in one Phase of development. Construction will commence as soon as the appropriate approvals are obtained from the City of Boynton Beach and other applicable governmental regulatory agencies, h. (4) NjA h. (5) See attached separate Traffic Analysis, h. (6) Based upon conversations with officials of the Boynton Beach utility department, the average daily demand for residential water consumption is approximately 200 gallons per person per day. With an average estimated household size of 3,0 persons an average of 600 gallons per day per dwelling unit is estimated, Total project water consumption would be (600 gallons per day x 98 units) 58,800 gallons per day. Potable water demand based upon the present agricultural use is presumed to be zero. It is assumed that the present use obtained non-potable water for crop irrigation from either the adjacent canal or shallow wells. However, the present zoning allows a variety of uses as shown above and water demand may be significant based upon the use. h. (7) Based upon conversation with officials of the Boynton Beach utility department, the average daily demand for wastewater is approximately 90 gallons per person per day, With an average estimated household size of 3,0 persons an average of 270 gallons per day per dwelling unit is estimated. Total project wastewater demand would be (270 gallons per day x 98 units) 26,460 gallons per day. The present agricultural use does not require the treatment of wastewater. However, the present zoning allows a variety of uses as shown above and wastewater demand may be significant based upon the use. h. (8) Based upon conversation with officials of the City of Boynton Beach, an average of 3.0 persons per household may be utilized for population projections, With 98 dwelling units it is estimated that 294 residents will reside in the proposed community. Age groups of the residents will vary, It is anticipated that families, empty nesters and others will purchase homes in this community. The present use does not have any permanent residents on the site. However, the farming operation requires a number of employees, This number of employees varies during the year, Possible uses under the present zoning could have significant numbers of either employees or residents depending on the use. h. (9) The proposed residential use with 98 single family zero lot line homes will be compatible with surrounding existing residences and will not create nuisances or hazards of any kind. Building setbacks, heights, site coverage, and landscaping are similar to those surrounding P,U.D.'s previously approved and developed. Attention has been given to perimeter landscape buffers and site layout to ensure compatibility with existing neighborhoods. h, (10) Information not required by staff at this time. h, (11) (See enclosed Master Plan package) h. (12) NjA h~ ~U . . . . _~- i x;,;~.....jl." r...;. '\.;;~:< Location Map -----~ ctTY - - - ~ FOSTER PROPERTY LUAR - 17 .,. J .v-.~"""~=~~... .,,;;:::~::.;:.c ~ l. ~ . -- ..-- I iNIt: " ,.... . '-r--r ~UYO-. n_ ; . I 1 ~ ....,; ~NIC \ \ \ .~ L..Ul~ J I I k9' ~ II T Ir i n 5. 0 ~ I ~\ ~ fr I ... \'0 : '<. r", ::.;: ~~-= -. ..,_. ......... 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Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Initial Review Comments - Foster Property File No. MPMD 97-003 Dear Ms. Heyden: This letter is to address your letter of November 19, 1997 and to address comments made by the reviewing departments during the initial review of the project. As confirmed in your letter, the request will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on December 22, 1997. The request will be forwarded to the City Commission as a development plan on January 6, 1998. Enclosed, is Foster Farm PUD Response To Staff Comments Exhibit 1. In addition, enclosed are 12 revised complete sets (including surveys) of the plans. The revised submittal will be in by 5:00 p,m. on November 25,1997. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. We look forward to working with you and your staff Sincerely, ~~ presidenran III . cc: Greg Jordan, Continental Homes land Development Consultants. 756 St. Albans Drive · Boca Aaton. Florida 33486 · (407) 338-0395 Foster Farms PUD Response To Staff Comments Exhibit 1 The following comments from departments are addressed: I. Police Department No comments were made by the department. No response required. II. Recreation & Park (November 7,1997) No comments were made by the department. No response required. III, Department of Development A, Building Division J. Change the title of the sheet identified as Site Plan to Master Plan. Also. transfer all i1!formation, data and notes found on the sheet titled Master Plan to the newly titled Master Plan and then omit the drawing. The title of the sheet identified as Site Plan has been changed to Master Plan. All information, data and notes found on the sheet titled Master Plan has been transferred to the newly titled Master Plan and the drawing has been omitted, 2. Add to the site area breakdown chartfound on the Master Plan the minimum dimension proposed for the lot frontage of all lots. Note this dimension shall be applicable for all lots. The minimum dimension proposed for all lot widths has been added to the site area breakdown chart found on the Master Plan. The lot width is a minimum of 50 feet for all rectangular lots and therefore is the minimum frontage for that lot. For pie shape lots the minimum lot width of 50 feet is measured at the front building set back line (20 feet) rather than along the roadway tract or road frontage, This is consistent with previously approved projects in the City of Boynton Beach. 3. Add a general note to the Master Plan that indicates that there is a roof overhang. maintenance and drainage easement located along the zero setback side of all lots. Also, specify the width of the easement. A general note has been added to the Master Plan that indicates that there is a roof, maintenance and drainage easement located along the zero setback side of all lots. The width of the easement is 3,0 feet and it is specified in the general notes and on the typical lot details, 4. Use symbols and notes to identify the front of all corner lots. The front of all comer lots are identified by the word "front" on applicable comer lots, 5. Identify what the dashed line represents that is shown along the back andfront C?! each lot. The dashed line along the front of each lot represents anticipated utility easements. Specific easements will be identified on the final plat to be submitted and approved at a later date, The dashed line along the rear of lots has been deleted, 6. The buildingfloor area allowed within the maximum building envelope exceeds the maximum area allowed by the proposed floor area ratio (LUI 4.0). Therefore, place a note on the Master Plan indicating the maximum floor area allowedfor each lot shall not exceed 2,081 sq. ft. The floor area ratio is based on the average floor area of homes within the community. It is possible that some units may exceed 2,081 sq. ft., however, the average is expected not to exceed 1,600 sq, ft. as as shown in the Tabular Data. In other PUD's approved in the City of Boynton Beach average square footage of homes has been used to establish Floor Area Ratio. 7. At all corner lots add notes and dimensions to the Master Plan that would prohibit a house driveway from being installed within 30 feet of the intersecting point along both rights-of-way. Notes and dimensions have been added to the Master Plan for all comer lots that would prohibit a house driveway from being installed within 30 feet of the intersecting point along both right-of- ways. This is shown on the comer lots as well as in the general notes. 8. It is recommended that building and site regulations be establishedfor fences, accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools. It is recommended that the side setback for accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools match the proposed interior and corner side setback. It is further recommended that the front setback for the accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools match the proposed garage front setback and the rear setback be set at 5 feet. The five foot rear setback is acceptable for aI/lots subject to the zero lot line of lots 93 through 98 being switched to the opposite side. Regulations for fences and other structures should match the current Zoning Code requiremellf. Setbacks for screen enclosures and pools have been added to typical setback dimensions on the Master Plan. The zero side of Lots 93 though 98 have not been flipped at this time. However, the applicant has made lots 91 and 92 five (5) feet deeper in order to provide additional rear yard area for these lots. 9. Place a note on the Master Plan indicating that no structures shall be placed within open spaces, water management tracts or within the passive park 'tot lot with the exception of playground equipment and irrigation pump houses. A note has been placed on the Master Plan indicating that no structures shall be placed within open spaces, water management tracts or within the passive park/tot lot with the exception of playground equipment, gazebo/trellis and irrigation pump houses, 10. Identify the location and size of all utility easemellfs on the Master Plan and Land'icape Plan. To avoid future problems, coordinate the location of the easements with the City Utilities Department and Florida Power & Light Co. All easements known at this time have been shown on the Master Plan and Landscape Plan, Any additional easements required during engineering review and final plat review will be added to the plat as it is necessary. 11. To provide the minimum three parking spaces per unit identified in General Notes = 1, make the following changes to the plan and Note #. 1: a, Show 21 feet as the width of the driveway on all lots shown with the typical detail drawing, The typical detail drawing identifies driveway widths at 21 feet, This information has been added to the General Notes # 1. b. Amend General Note #1 to read as follows: 1, All driveways shall be 21 feet wide to provide three parking spaces per home (two spaces in driveway and a minimum of one space provided in garage), General Notes #1 has been amended to reflect that all driveways shall be 21 feet wide to provide three parking spaces per home (two spaces in driveway and a minimum of one space provided in 1 car garage), B. Engineering Division 1. Provide a name for the proposed subdivision that does not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in incorporated or unincorporated acres of Palm Beach County. The proposed subdivision is named the Foster Farm PUD, 2. Show a roadway section consistent with LDR. Chapter 6, Art. n: Sec. 10, B & T. The roadway section proposed is located within a 40 foot private access tract. Adjacent PUD's approved in the City of Boynton Beach utilize private access tracts of less width than does proposed. Should it be necessary to receive approval of typical roadways different from public streets within the City of Boynton Beach, necessary applications will be made while this package is in review by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 3, The cul-de-sac diameter shall be a minimum of 90 feet to the edge of the pavement or curb line. Final engineering plans will show 90 feet of roadway, valley curb and sidewalk necessary to meet this requirements. -I. Provide a recent (6 months) fair market appraisal of the subject parcel to determine the required fee in lieu of land dedication for parks or recreational facilities. The appraisal should be submitted as part of your final plat submission. A recent (6 months) ) fair market appraisal of the subject parcel to determine the required fee in lieu ofland dedication for parks or recreational facilities shall be provided as part of the final plat submission. 5. Provide a traffic impact analysis or a statement from a professional engineer competent in traffic engineering that the subdivision will not generate 3,000 vehicle single-directional trips per day or 250 similar trips in any one hour. A traffic statement is being prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. and indicates fewer than 3,000 vehicle single-directional trips per day will be generated by the proposed development. This information is being reviewed by Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering who will provide a letter to the City of Boynton Beach acknowledging that the traffic generated by the project is within an acceptable level. 6. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. A note has been added to the Master Plan and engineering plans indicating that water and sewer service will be provided to the subject property from the City of Boynton Beach. 7. Required improvements (paving, drainage, water, sewer, etc.) to be reviewed at time of submittal for plat. Engineering plans for required improvements (paving, drainage. water. sewer, etc,) will be provided with final plat submittal. Other CommentslRecommendations Show a "tum around" area in front of the proposed gates for vehicles unable to access the development. Adequate roadway width in front of the median and access control gate has been provided. IV, Fire & Life Safety Division I. Please submit the project name, street names and the number of sequences, The project name is Foster Farms PUD. The street names and the number sequence will be provided with final engineering plans for required improvements at final plat submittal. v. Development Services Department Planning & Zoning Department 1. The submitted traffic study has to be evaluated by the Palm Beach County Traffic Divisionfor compliance with the adopted traffic performance standards. A traffic statement is being prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. and indicates fewer than 3,000 vehicle single-directional trips per day will be generated by the proposed development. This information is being reviewed by Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering who will provide a letter to the City of Boynton Beach acknowledging that the traffic generated by the project is within an acceptable level of service standards. 2. On the Master Plan provide information regarding the availability of utilities for the proposed complex. A note has been added stating that the City of Boynton Beach Utilities will provide water and sewer service to the site. 3. Provide a proposed name for the subdivision. The proposed name for the subdivision is Foster Farm PUD, .t. On the Master Plan provide graphic scale complex. A graphic scale has been added to the Master Plan. 5. On the Master Plan provide and label all existing streets abutting the subject site. All adjacent streets abutting the subject site are shown on the Master Plan, 6. Increase the width of the proposed street right-of-way to the minimum of 50 feet as required by LDR The roadway section proposed is located within a 40 foot private access tract. Adjacent PUD's approved in the City of Boynton Beach utilize private access tracts of less width than does the proposed. Should it be necessary to receive approval of typical roadways different from public streets within the City of Boynton Beach, necessary applications will be made while this package is in review by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for Comprehensive Plan Amendment. This private access tract width is as shown on preliminary site studies provided to the planning and zoning director at meetings regarding this property. It has always been understood that this property would be developed as a PUD thereby allowing private streets with standards for right-of-way widths different from public streets, 7. It is recommended that in order to ensure safety of the proposed subdivision, an additional access point be provided As agreed, an emergency access easement has been added to the Master Plan in the northwest corner of the property. This easement is 24 feet in width and will accommodate a 15 foot wide stabilized sodded area clear of all landscaping. 8. With the second submittal provide a tree survey as required by WR As reflected in the attached aerial photographs of the subject site, it is presently being used as an active farm with row crops. Consequently, no trees exist on the property and no tree survey should be required. 9. With the second submittal provide for review a copy of BOA documents. A draft copy of the HOA documents will be provided with final engineering plans and plat submission, 10. If applicable, provide a separate chart showing proposed setbacks for pools, jacuzzies, and screen enclosures. Additional information has been added to the chart in the Master Plan regarding setbacks for pools and screen enclosures, 11. Provide a unified control document. No unified control document is necessary since the seller is an individual and the purchaser is a corporation, A master HOA will be established to maintain and control the common areas within the community. 12. Provide sidewalks on both sides of the proposed streets. Sidewalks are proposed on one side of interior streets, as is consistent with adjacent approved PUD's within the City of Boynton Beach. J 3. On the sample lots delineate and dimension parking space in accordance with the dimensional standards of the LDR The typical lot detail as well as the General Notes indicate that all driveways shall be a minimum of21 feet in width. 14. With the second submittal provide dimensions between the proposed access driveway and the closest to the north and to the south access driveways of the adjacent properties. There are no access driveways to the north and south of the subject property. To the east and west of the subject property, however, dimensions have been added to the Master Plan stating the distance to Lawrence Road to the west and Sandalwood Drive to the east. VI. Recreation & Park (November 19,1997) J. According to Chapter J, Article V, Section 3, of Land Development Regulations, the Recreation Dedication Requirement for this property is determined as follows: 98 single family homes x .0180 acres per D.U. = 1.764 acres No response required. 2. The Recreation and Park Department recommends that a fee in lieu of land be paid due to the small size of this developme11l. The applicant has agreed that a fee in lieu ofland dedication will be paid for recreation land. 3. The developer has indicated that he does not i11lend to apply for half credit towards the Recreation Dedication Requirement. The applicant agrees with this statement. VII. Utilities J. Utilities has no comments. No response required. RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #97-514 FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planing and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent r Foster Property - Masterplan ~ill TO: oo~ NOV I 9 111 RE: PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT Date: November 19, 1997 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the plans for the Foster Property Masterplan. The following comments are submitted: 1. According to Chapter 1, Article V, Section 3, of the Land Development Regulations, the Recreation Dedication Requirement for this property is determined as follows: 98 single-family homes x .0180 acres per D. U. = 1.764 acres. 2. The Recreation and Park Department recommends that a fee in lieu of land be paid due to the small size of this development. 3. The developer has indicated that he does not intend to apply for half credit towards the Recreation Dedication Requirement. JW MEMORANDl1M Utilities # 97- 390 TO: Tambri Heyden. Planning & Zonini Director ~--lJ\/ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities November 18. 1997 SUBJECT: Foster Property, Zoning and Master Plan, Fint Review m ~ @ ~ n 'If! ~ @l NfN,S. ~ j I PLANNING AND - ZONING DfPT I FROM: Date: Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following conunents; Utili ties has no comment. It is our recommendation that the pian proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regardin& this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm/ foster 1 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Petel'Mazzella File [OJ rn @ u \VI ~~ lJl1 tI)V I 7 1991 ~ FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-311 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM: William Cavanaugh, Asst. Fire Marshal ~ I if) Fire-Rescue Department /~ ~ DATE: November 17, 1997 SUBJ: Foster Property N of Miner Rd. between Lawrence Rd. and Congress Ave, LUAR 97-003 Please submit the project name, street names and the number of sequences. CC: Deputy Chief Gale File DATE: November 14, 1997 ~~ ~ o .\: ~t~" ~ '"7.J1 ~ ~ " ~?,~ ~~~y~ v- ~i':ovY'~ ~' Rezoning Master Plan - 1 st Review ~ ~ V Project: Foster Property <.fY _ \ Location: Southeast of the eastern terminus of Bedford Boulevard .JJ'V File No.: MPMD 97-003 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 555 FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Jerzy Lewicki ~ U Senior Planner~ TO: SUBJECT: The following is a list of 1 st review comments regarding the modification of the master plan review of the plans for the above-referenced project. MASTER PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. On the master plan, provide information regarding the availability of utilities for the proposed complex (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.P) 2. Provide a proposed name for the subdivision (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.A) 3. On the master plan, provide graphic scale (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.C) 4. On the master plan, provide and label all existing streets abutting the subject site (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.H) 5. Increase the width of the proposed street rights-of-way to the minimum of 50 feet as required by LOR. 6. Ouring a discussion with the Engineering Division, it was concluded that the new LORs require a minimum 50 feet street width. Lack of compliance requires processing of a concurrent variance/appeal to the required improvements section of the LORs. No variance/appeal can be granted if the street design does not accomplish the intent (sidewalks, travel lanes and drainage) of the standard 50 foot wide desig n. 7. With the second submittal, provide a tree survey as required by LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3'v. 8. With the second submittal, provide for review a copy of HOA documents. Page 2 Rezoning Master Plan - Foster Property File No. MPMD 97-003 9. Provide a separate chart showing proposed setbacks for pools, jacuzzies, and screen enclosures if they are to be allowed. 10. Provide a unified control document. 11. Provide sidewalks on both sides of the proposed streets. 12. On the sample lots, delineate and dimension parking spaces in accordance with the dimensional standards of the LOR. 13. With the second submittal, provide dimensions between the proposed access driveway and the closest access driveways of the adjacent properties to the north and to the south. 14. Future platting is necessary. A future (can be concurrent) site plan submittal is necessary for any project signage, common area landscaping and screening/ buffering details. 15.lt is recommended that in order to ensure safety of the proposed subdivision, an additional access point is provided. xc: Central File \\CH\MAI N\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJ ECTS\F oster Property\LUAR\mod-master -plan-1 st-rev-comments-foster.doc DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 555 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki Senior Planner -:Ji// DATE: November 14, 1997 SUBJECT: Rezoning Master Plan - 1st Review Project: Foster Property Location: Southeast of the eastern terminus of Bedford Boulevard File No.: MPMD 97-003 The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the modification of the master plan review of the plans for the above-referenced project. MASTER PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. The submitted traffic study has to be evaluated by the Palm Beach County Traffic ~ivision for compliance with the adopted traffic performance standards. (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.S) 2. On the master plan provide information regarding the availability of utilities for the proposed complex (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.P) 3. Provide a proposed name for the subdivision (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.A) 4. On the master plan provide graphic scale complex (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.C) 5. On the master plan provide and label all existing streets abutting the subject site (LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.H) 6. Increase the width of the proposed street rights-of-way to the minimum of 50 feet as required by LOR. 7. It is recommended that in order to ensure safety of the proposed subdivision, an additional access point be provided. 8. With the second submittal provide a tree survey as required by LOR, Chapter 3, Art. IV. Sec. 3.V 9. With the second submittal provide for review a copy of HOA documents. 10. If applicable, provide a separate chart showing proposed setbacks for pools, jacuzzies, and screen enclosures. 11. Provide a unified control document. 12. Provide sidewalks on both side of the proposed streets. 13. On the sample lots delineate and dimension parking space in accordance with the dimensional standards of the LDR 14. With the second submittal provide dimensions between the proposed access driveway and the closest to the north and to the south access driveways of the adjacent properties. xc: Central File \\CH\MAI N\S HRDA T A \Plan n ing\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Foster Property\LUAR\mod-master-plan-1 st-rev-comments-foster.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-301 oo~ o w ~ ill t<<N , .. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator FROM: Al Newbold, Deputy Director of Development DATE: November 13, 1997 SUBJECT: FOSTER PROPERTY - LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING (LUAR 97-003) - 1st SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Buildin!! Division (Site SDecific Comments) Michael E. Haag (561) 375-6350 I. Change the title of the sheet identified as Site Plan to Master Plan. Also transfer all information, data and notes found on the sheet titled Master Plan to the newly titled Master Plan and then omit the drawing. 2. Add to the site area breakdown chart found on the Master Plan the minimum dimension proposed for the lot frontage of all lots. Note this dimension shall be applicable for all lots. 3 . Add a general note to the Master Plan that indicates that there is a roof overhang, maintenance and drainage easement located along the zero setback side of all lots. Also specify the width of the easement. 4. Use symbols and notes to identify the front of all comer lots. 5. Identify what the dashed line represents that is shown along the back and front of each lot. 6, The building floor area allowed within the maximum building envelope exceeds the maximum area allowed by the proposed floor area ratio (LUI4.0). Therefore, place a note on the Master Plan indicating the maximum floor area allowed for each lot shall not exceed 2,081 sq. ft. 7. At all corner lots add notes and dimensions to the Master Plan that would prohibit a house driveway from being installed within 30 feet of the intersecting point along both rights-of- way. 8. It is recommended that building and site regulations be established for fences, accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools. It is also recommended that the side setback for accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools match the proposed interior and comer side setback. It is further recommended that the front setback for the accessory structures, screen roof enclosures and pools match the proposed garage front setback and the rear setback be set at five feet. The five-foot rear setback is acceptable for all lots subject to the zero lot line side of lots 93 through 98 being switched to the opposite side. Regulations for fences and other structures should match the current Zone Code requirements. 9. Place a note on the Master Plan indicating that no structures shall be placed within open spaces, water management tracts or within the passive park/tot lot with the exception of playground equipment and irrigation pump houses. Department of Development Memo 97-301 to Tambri Heyden RE: Foster Property - Land Use AmendmentlRezoning (LUAR 97-003) 1 st Submittal Comments November 13, 1997 Page Two 10. Identify the location and size of all utility easements on the Master Plan and Landscape Plan. To avoid future problems, coordinate the location of the easements with the City Utilities Department and Florida Power & Light Co. 11. To provide the minimum three parking spaces per unit identified in General Notes # I, make the following changes to the plan and Note # 1 : a) Show 21 feet as the width of the driveway on all lots shown with the typical detail drawing. b) Amend General Note #1 to read as follows: 1) All driveways shall be 21 feet wide to provide three parking spaces per home (two spaces in driveway and a minimum of one space provided in a garage). En2'ineerin2' Division (Site Soecific Comments) Sebastian Puda & Ken Hall (561) 375-6280 1. Provide a name for the proposed subdivision that does not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in incorporated or unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County. [LDR, Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec. 3, A] 2. Show a roadway section consistent with LDR, Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 10, B & T. 3. The cul-de-sac diameter shall be a minimum of90 feet to the edge of the pavement or curb line. [LDR, Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 10, D] 4. Provide a recent (6 months) fair market appraisal of the subje~t parcel to determine the required fee in lieu of land dedication for parks or recreational facilities. [LDR, Chap. 1, Art. V, Sec. 3, A, 2, e (4)] The appraisal should be submitted as part of your final plat submission. [LDR, Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. 1] 5. Provide a traffic impact analysis or a statement from a professional engineer competent in traffic engineering that the subdivision will not generate 3,000 vehicle single-directional trips per day or 250 similar trips in anyone hour. [LDR, Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec. 3, S] 6. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. [LDR, Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec. 3, P] 7. Required improvements (paving, drainage, water, sewer, etc.) to be reviewed at time of submittal for plat. [LDR, Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. 2, A, 1] Other Comments/Recommendations Show a "turn around" area in front of the proposed gates for vehicles unable to access the development. MEH/SP/KH:bg XC: Michael E. Haag, Sebastian Puda, Ken Hall \\CH\MAIN\SHRDAT A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\Foster Property Land Use Amendment-Rezoning,doc RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM rn u W ~ ill 1 991 " PlANNING "'NO IONING Df-PT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Kevin John Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist Re: Foster Property Land Use Amendment I Rezoning DATE: November 7, 1997 Site SDecific Requirements There are no comments on the above land use amendment / rezoning plans. The project should continue in the normal review process. Kjh File ~ \~1 .1181 '~ POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 97-0063 G,r.], .' , \ i l , \ , TO: T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS ~ FOSTER PROPERTY - LAND USE AMENDENTJREZONING FROM: RE: DATE: NOVEMBER 6,1997 I have reviewed the above plans and have no comments/recommendations. -________..__.>0__.._._________ __ _____.~__...__.___._____ ___" _ ~_ .___.,.____.,______.____.._._~_______.___. DE\, ..:LOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-533 TO: FROM: Kerry Willis, City Manager Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. AI Newbold, Acting Director of Development Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer John Wildner, Parks Superintendent John Yeend, Engineering Division Tambri J. Heyden, AICP 1f Planning & Zoning Director DATE: November 4, 1997 RE: LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING Project - Foster Property Location - North of Miner Road between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue Agent - Julian Bryan File No. - LUAR 97-003 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to the Director of Planning and Zoning no later than 5:00 P.M. on November 14. 1997, When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 3, Master Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Jerzy Lewicki. Page 2 Project name TO: TRC Members RE: Planning and Zoning Memo 97-533 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Division for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum. Jerzy Lewicki will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. Planning and Zoning staff will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When Planning and Zoning staff receives the amended plans, we will distribute the plans with a cover memorandum to all TRC Members for review and approval. T JH:bme Attachment XC: (Memo Only) William Bingham, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File s:\forms\LUAR 1 streview-plans TRAFFIC IMP ACT ANALYSIS FOSTER PROPERTY Prepared for Continental Homes Prepared by YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INe. 1144086 STREET NORTH WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33412 (561) 624-7262 January 6, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.................................... .-........................1 EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................... 1 ASSURED CONSTRUCTION ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC ..................................................... 4 MAJOR PROJECTS ........................................................... 4 TRIP GENERATION ...................................,...................... 4 TRIP DISTRIBUTION ......................................................... 6 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ANALYSIS ...................................... 6 Test One. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Phasing Analysis ........................................................ 6 Test Two .......................................................,..... 10 Driveway Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CONCLUSION.. . ........................................................... 10 APPENDIX A - GROWTH RATE WORKSHEET APPENDIX B - PHASING WORKSHEET FIGURES 1 2 3 4 LIST OF FIGURES TITLE PAGE Site Location ..................................................... 2 Trip Distribution .................................................. 7 Future (2000) Daily Traffic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Driveway Volumes ............................................... 11 iii INTRODUCTION Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. was retained to perform a Traffic ~mpact Analysis to assess the traffic impact of a proposed 98 unit single family project to be lo;:ated along Miner Road between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue in Palm Beach County, as shown in Figure 1. Build-out is anticipated in 2000. EXISTING CONDITIONS The major roadway adjacent to the project is Miner Road, which is a two lane road. Table 1 shows the existing (1996-1997) average daily traffic (ADT) conditions on the impact area roadways, Table 2 provides the peak hour traffic conditions at the same locations. The ADT volumes were obtained from the Palm Beach County 1996-1997 Traffic Volumes Map, the peak hour volumes were determined by factoring the ADT volumes by 0.093. ASSURED CONSTRUCTION The Palm Beach County and Florida Department of Transportation Five-Year Road Program includes the widening of Lawrence Road from Gateway Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road both in 1998. o ____ l- i. ~ o )( 3 o a.. ~ ~ ~ z ~ "3{\ 'V SS3C\8NO~ -- ~ "0C\ 3~N3C\MVl o fu ~ ~ ~ (.!) r ~ w\ o..z 9 Q ~ u- ~ ~ 0.. <.) ~ tt 0 u. w~ \-'c (J)(f) o u- <.) ~ .. ...,J. ~ ~ ~ U1 .'i- N~~lT( <(.6~' uJ':i~:&~ z.i1,i~: -zz.u '" ' O~ ~f. .... ~.. Oo~ ~~ ?-o it" _9 ;; t u-~~\. ~~ ~! ~-l ~ ~ .~ , ~------------------------'--- LOCJ) c")c")QQ<{<{<{ <ri0 ZZZ O)....J 0) U) ..- 0 <{<{<{ ....J c")c")QOZZZ C,,)O LOLOMMOOO UO It)LOMMOOO >i= I'-l'-mmOOo >i= I'-I'-mmooo <{ oc:ioddoo <{ ddddddc:i cr: a::: LOI-C,,) MMMM<{<{<{ U) LO~cr: mmoo<{<{<{ crio- cri<{:J U) m<{LL ~~..-....ZZZ Z mwO mmcocoZZZ Z m LL I'-I'-COCO 0 mmcoCD 0 ..- <{ ci ci a::i co- t: ~o..:c NN a::: ......-NN i= I- 0 Q = a.. Z ~ U) = Z p<{ 0000000 0 <{O9 0000000 0 0000000 U MMmmMMM U MM..-....MMM W....J - M.M.CO.CO.M.M M C,,) ."f ."f ~ ~ ~. ."f 'V. C,,) a.. T-or-NN~~-"(-- C,,) ~ 'or- ('t) ('l").,..- or-.,..- u.. ~u: u.. cr:u.. LLU) NN'V'VNNN ~~ CJ) NN'V'VNNN W~ OW a::: I- u..W ..-0..1- ~Z Wa::: OZ WO:>- <{ No..:::> ~:5 ....Ja::....J ....J WOO CO 0..- ....Ja:::c "0"0-0"0-00)0) <{a:::<{ I-WQ "0"0"0"0"00)0) lDo..~ a::.?:a::a:::cr:~> a:::.?:a:::a::a::~~ ~cr:<{ ...COO"'O) <{ I-r:::- ...lDO"'O) Ww ~>.X~Ullllll Cl)m ~>.XQ)UlIllll 1-0.. "_ CO :J ._ c: III III Om ._ CO :J.S c: III III U) :2:;:o~~~~ u..'7 :iE:;:o:2~~~ Or:::- __ Q) 0._ :;: Ol Ol CD LLm o-ro~ocoC:C: m ..... 0) a...... 3: Ol Ol m "<9 "....J 0 0 m o-ro>'OcoC:C: "<.?J: ....JOO ..- Z 'OCJ)_UC,,) .... I Z ~ o~""'" - Z_'OCI).....UU CD OCJ) ,00 <.? Z m 0 o 0.....- m ~o W:;:LLi Z 0 U) . 0 0 i= ~o W:;:u..i ..- i= I- - <{ 00 <9 C,,) LOO CI) <{ 00 ..- ..- X U LOO Z 0 0 ..... ..... i= ....J W ...J CJ) -- >< -- lDlD W COCO COCO COCO -- -- WW QO~W 00>> a::: a::: <{<{ a:::a:::<(~ :2 >- WWU)U) >- WWCJ)CI) CO a.. UC,,)U)U)OOO OUCJ)CJ)OOO mo ~ ZZWWa::cr:a::: ~ ZZWW a:: a::: a::: 'N WW a::: a:: Wwcr:cr: c: .. 0 a::: a:::<.?<.?C:::cr:cr: Q a::: a::: <.?<9 a::: a::: a::: co..- ""'"JM <{ 31:31:ZZWWW <{ 31:31:ZZWWW I .. 0 CD I'- :5:500~~~ 0 :5:500~~~ 00 cr: c")O~:iE~ a::: OU:2~~ .i3.~'lL.--......,_".......'Itt;lo'_" ."___~' ..__.",J _~ BACKGROUND TRAFFIC The Palm Beach County Urban Study Area Traffic Volume Growth Tables provided by the Palm Beach County Engineering Department, includes historical traffic count data for the roadways within the impact area of the project. Link growth rates were determined from the Palm Beach County Urban Study Area Traffic Volume Growth Tables, and then applied to the roadway links to determine background traffic growth to 2000. Appendix A contains a table with the growth rate calculations. MAJOR PROJECTS The Palm Beach County (PBC) Engineering Departments major project map and list were consulted to locate those projects needed to be reviewed for consideration in projecting background traffic. There were no major projects within the study which meet the 10% LOS 'D' rule by the buildout of the proposed project. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation was performed using the rates found in the Palm Beach County Impact Fee Ordinance, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers', Trip Generation, 5th Edition. Table 3 shows the trip generation rates used, Table 5 shows the trips generated. Trip generation resulted in 980 daily trips, 73 AM peak trips and 99 PM peak trips. Based on the daily trips generated by the project, the radius of development influence is one mile. 4 \0 \0 ~ (") t:. (") (/)~ l-uJ 0... Z ct.a:. uJa:. \0 -:t ~uJ (!) l-uJ (!) ~I- uJ~ uJZ o...uJ o...uJ ~ ~t Ol o. 0...1- Ol 0... ~ 0 ct. l- I- t ~(/) b UluJ o...~ I- ~a:. 0... -:t t:. -:t l- I- \0 )( Z ~ \-uJ Z 0 uJa:. ~ E tJ)a:. Ol ~uJ e o...uJ ~ ct.~ Ul~ :c l-uJ o...uJ ';n ~ (/) -:t Ult (") Ul I- Z ~5 I- f:~ 0 0...1- 0 ~~ a:. a:. ~ uJ- uJZ 0... -:to...~ (")0...0 ct. t a:. UlOo:. uJO- I- uJ ...Ja:.uJ ...Jo:.~ ~(/) b Z O)o...z 0)0...0:. Ul <e.a:.uJ <e.o:.uJ uJuJ I- <9 l-uJ<9 l-uJZ o...~ 0... t;9:: t;Ul ~a:. ct. 00:. 0<9 I- u..1- u..o... u) ct. 0 ffi 0 I- ~ (:f:) Ul Ol (/) Z I-~ uJ (5 I-~ m ~ct. ~o:. I- Z 0... 0 ct. I- ~ ~ 0 0 (:f:) ~ 0... Ol N (/) ~ Ul ~ (i) 0 UlO I- 1;:0 \.L- 0 Ul '3 u.. u.. I;: (/) Cf) t; . ~ t ~ <e. Z uJ ~ Ul ii - (:f:)o... u.i tJ) Cf) :::> u.l q~ :::> uJ 0 0 c:. .' 0 0 0:. 0 (i) (\)~ (i) :::> 3 ....,(") 3 u.l . .' uJ 0 a:. (Ol- a:. Cf) 00 .--------- TRIP DISTRIBUTION Trip Distribution was based on current travel patterns and the FSUTMS model. Figure 2 shows the projects trips as percent of project trips and the project volumes on the impact area roadways. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ANALYSIS Test One Table 5 shows the ADT capacity analysis with the project trips and background growth with the performance standards analysis on those links with project impact greater than one percent ofthe LOS D capacity, Table 6 shows the same information for the peak hour. Figure 3 shows the above information on a map. Congress A venue and Lawrence Road fail the daily level of service standards. The project will require phasing to the programmed widening of these two roads. Phasing Analvsis Based on the phasing analysis, the following resulted: · No more than 653 daily project trips (65 single family units) may be permitted until the contract has been let for widening Lawrence Road from Gateway Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road. · No more than 476 daily project trips (47 single family units) may be permitted until the beginning of construction for the widening Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road. 6 - <i>, --- >-, ~ ~ o ')( 3 o 0- ~ o et:. ~ ~ ~ Ct'l ~ t;;r o. ~ ~ ~ '3{\";/ SS3'd8NO'J 9~ro vLZ %9Z Z9'O 99 %6 co ~ .q- .q-. o ~ \0 co o fu ~ ~ ~ <.9 ~ Ul 2- z <.9 (j) )-<Q. ~O U-~ Ulz 0-0 o ~ ~ #it; ? W u- en a: 1'\ -:;) ~ et:. ~ (tv, UlO ~~ O~ u-c(. \- '0 Ul ~ o et:. 0- t.\.'\. t.9t. %9t. ~ <D ~. o (1) ~...-"'- ~\ \ \ \ \ \ . O"d 3'JN3"dM";/\ 9L'0 90\. %\.\. ~ ~ '5 ';:i ?: c: 5 .~ o oJ) ~ '&. ,9- U .~ ~ b ~ () ~ ~ .9t. If) "5 e. 0 0:. a.. ....1 (5"00 ~ '- "C ~ j? 8 o ~ - _ ;:l III ~ Z a.. o ,Th <.9 u.\ ., -l II \I \I ..,e. <.0 c( ~~z ~----_.-~ ~ - --- -.--- .- 0(J)';! ~~'i~ ~~~\~ i-l~~1\ u.l~(J)"'$ -z.? z ; ~ tne.~ Z. w ,>.. -z.O~\~ 00 z €! w i $ ~O\,l";\ ~~~ <(~ 5~ ~\-"'i ~ l ~( 3i\ 9'J U) Z o i= is Z o U U ~E ffi~ LOo..l- WO>- ....J0::....J O)o..<t ~o::o WW I-(!) ~~ u.w ~ o W I- U W ..., o 0:: a. - I-I-u.>- ZUOl- WW - U"" U 0::0 < wO:: a.. 0..0.. < U U) o ....J O....JU 0<- Ol-u. NOU. I-~ I- I-U) Uo.. W- ...,0:: 01- 0:: a.. OO::::I: O(!)I::: ~~:S ~O 0)0:: (!) ~I-U <00- ~<tt ~ I- U)= a.. 091...... ....J- ....... U u.U) OW =l:l:Z ::s ~ coo.. mco '~ ~N 7C") (o~ 00 NLOCO ~t-co~t-COC") 000' .~"':O ~~1.O~ WWWW ~g~CO~<< O_O_~ ~ Z Z (o(oM - T""T""C")~ COCO~ COOt-~(O~t- "--NC")mco~ ..--I'-T"" mmN NNLO~OOO N.,N_C") C") LO LO -.i' ~- U) Z o E o Z o U ~~ o::u. (O~g wOo:: ....JO:::::> 0)0..0 ~O::::I: w~ t3< OW u.o.. 0- o o ~ W 0:: :::> I- :::> u. ~~C")C")<<< t-_t-_rorozzz 0005 - T""T""N~ 000 ooogooo C")C")T"" 000 -.i'-.i'....:T"".C")_C").C") T"""--C")M~~-.i' ..-- T"" T"" NN~- ....NNN Z o ~ U o ....J "0 "0 "0 0:: ~ 0:: ~"O 0:: (I) (I) ....0) >> ~>-~Q;(I)<< ._ ro ~ c 0 ~ ~ ~3:""6;;;:~~~ _ (I) a..o::; .... .... ~ 0_>--3:0)0) . r~::I: 0 ro C C z,-,_uj....JR,O -0 _,-,U o 0-- zU) .00 b8 ws:LLi LOO T"" T"" >- ~ o < o 0:: coco 0)0) -- ~ 0::0 ~ ~ << WWU)U) UUU)U) ZZWwo::ooo WWO::O:: 0::0:: g;g;(!)(!)0::0::0:: >>ZZWWW ::S::500~ZZ UU~~~ U) o ....J g....JO::U o~::cu:: NO~U. I-Lti~ 0..1- I- U O::WU) ::COo.. ~o::- o..o..g: go::o::::c o::C(!)1::: N~~:S o..UO <0:: O)(!) ~~O:: ~Lti:::> mo..O T"" ::c ~ <U) W 0 = o......JP U) u.W OZ =1:1:::5 wwww ;j!;~NO<<< ~_~;::~ZZZ T"" ....: C")- M mT""co(O T""NC")oNmLO r-.. T"" (o(oLO cocoo~ooo ~~'<;t~ ~~~g~~~ ......(0 NN 000 C")C")mgooo c")_~coco~c")c") T"" T"" NN _C")_C"). T"" ..-- ..-- NN~~ NNN Z o ~ U o ....J "0-0:: 0::0) "0"0(1)(1) ....>-00::0::>> (l)ro~Q;(I)<< .5 3: ""6 C 0 ~ ~ ~2 a.~ ~ ~ ~ _ro>- ........~ O(!)::C'O 3: 0)0) .__ rocc zoouj....JR,O zU) _,-,U 0-- b b .00 LOO w::>' T""o >W T"" coco 0)0) -- >- ~ o < o 0:: OOWW O::O::~~ WWU)U) UUU)U) ZZWWO::ooo WWO::O:: 0::0:: g;g; (!)(!) 0::0::0:: >>ZZWWW ::5::500~~Z UU~~~ I ~~- en >-' -~ :i (j) Z 0 I- >- 0 I- z 0 0:: 0 0 w 0 0:: 0 a.. u.. 0 0 > 0 u.. >< co <{ 0:: 0:: 0:: '" ::::) >- w 0:: l- e::: .....I ~ a.. ::J 0 UJ -(!J a - a... z UJ 0:: aLL. >- ~ I- a I W N <.( -- <.9 I- >- CJ) -l <{ 0 0 u. W 0:: '3Nv SS3H8N08 B~9'88 :::J I- OVV'88 898 :::J ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ 198'v u.. va 198'v zZZr--Z 8~B'Bl 8 ~B'Bl 3 3 . ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ zzz..-z I 090'9~ 'OH 38N3HM\fl OBO'9~ gg 9O~ 6ll'9 6ll'9 ~ u(!) Ll.. 8vL'O ~ 8vL'O~ Ll.. ....~~ !:! ~J: z ~ 3 3 wa::~() Wu)~M ()I- _ _ t- ~ ~~ott() NZ"- ! a::~- $Oll~ w~C)a::tt W...J(!) . 0 Z:J z.ll Z CI)....NI-<{ U)a:E Ll..C)OI-a:: ZZtll ~ W Oz~()1- Oo~ ~ C) ...J- W...J w~a::o<{ U z ,.: W >_~ I- $:~~ ! ...J wxwa::o ...Jw>-n.1- u.. u. . u..~iii II II II II II ~.... ,e; c: i8 l- e ~ en Ig . w,...._gj~o_ W o - to ....U') .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ - - - I - , , , t I , - - - The phasing analysis worksheet can be found in Appendix B. Test Two There are no Test Two links within the study area. Driveway Analysis The projects' turning movements and daily driveway volumes are shown in Figure 4. Based on the projected driveway volumes, a westbound left turn lane is required at the projects' entrance along . Miner Road. CONCLUSION With the following phasing requirements this project meets the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and may be approved: . No more than 653 daily project trips (65 single family units) may be permitted until the contract has been let for widening Lawrence Road from Gateway Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road. . No more than 476 daily project trips (47 single family units) may be permitted until the beginning of construction for the widening Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road. 10 \\ ~' (T~ - T'" LC) - LC) T'" l "'=t - M T'" - - Mcx) "'=tN L - .- T'" - T"'f' - i Q 00 C) "C 0::: L- Q) c: ~ o z UJ .l') : UJ I ; ...J, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~~~ f~~~i Q :: :: E ill ~~~~~ I- 0.. < w a.. g - tt 01 ~ ! .....- ~ 10--- ..... -- ~ Cf) f- Z W ~ W >> 1-0 ~~ W(9 c.~ o 0::: '<t ~ :::> UJ 1'\ f- a:: w. >- ~ ~ ~ u: Ww 1-> tJ)- O~ u.o::: :::> o I ~ <( W 0... u(!) ..... 6; ?; w .z -~~ NZo. ' LLI~~l Z:::>(!) 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Sio ,~o . 0 CO <:> ~ o. ) or f-.....- , (0 ll) .....0 ~' ; in . ..., SnZ , 0 t'l t1 0 ~fj 0 ~o 0 ~<'J 0, . 2 .- 0 - o~ .- 5- 'l"- S '" ~ .;!: 2: Rli>CK 5 10" ------ It) Time and D:lte of ~keti.~<> / /#/03 4--30 Those J.ttendinC2: me.,tinz: - I I /J1'Lf-,-~L-,al~ N? Applicant's Name: PRE-APPLICATION CO::\TACT QUESTIONS ,~{ /ll~ Phone: -7/C7 - .-2-5 -2C? 1. HAVE YOU ~POKEN TO ~'\ "r- STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes ~No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NA.1vIE: /7)~ 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/illTERSECTIONS) ~(')5fZt/S ~F' - ~L'~~~~-2- ~7 /'---e-'7l--,--d YL',' ~~ ~77--Z'~~'L-<-L-e'-"-~7 -'. \VHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NE\V PROJECT BlJILDThTG EXPA.1"l"SION OR MODIFICATION, CHAL"l"GE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CONfl\;fERCLi\L PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNO\V THE ZONIN"G CODE DESIGNATION? ~ 4. TIME AL'ID DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MA1'\jy PEOPLE \VILL BE AT THE PRE-APP ivIEETIN"G? Note: Tell the persoll that someolle from the Departmellt will call them to confirm the meetillg. ................................................................................., . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module::. and should be s.::hedClb.: no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss \vith ;'v[ike or Lusia. . i\leetin!!s ma.... be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between I 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. S:\P I ann ing' P lann ing\Pre-appIicationcon tactquestions.doc (~~ : d~1 ~~y Fosr's. Itilf I[Dpr'p-t CA rON PRE-APPLICA.TION lVIEETING LOG I FA-,X: I / I PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA-.:.'-;CY: I DATE SUBIVIITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DE~lED: i COIYJJ."YIENTS: - 'S rtll/.s IHEETING AT : I) 0 2-tJD3 .~PLICA 101 S: I ZOl'HNG DISTRICT: I PRO CT NAlY1E: .s j' f1/! ! ATTEl ING STAFF: H'M I ATTENDING AS APPLICA,,'iT: I PHONE: ! NA.ME OF .~PLICA.J.'iT/CONTACT: I ADDRESS: 1; I I PHONE: 1-1) -2- $ (1 9 I PROJECT ADDRESS: I TBJE: I I 'p IJ h ~ AM A1.J D .DIJ ;/ E K:cLLcY !3c I<-N It-IW H 14- L If -/t:;;m- I FAX: I / /3 CJ7-# 4tz.D U ALA 1t-s T* I ~ ~ C/f7!llflbC #D ~c>"pr 'C4f1'OAJ P Sc-o , , I .::'.sHRD.-\.TA'l'!~nning'.stL-\.RED\\VP\.PROJECTS\P~ ,-\PPLlCATIO:-;S \ISE:TL',C LOGS',Pce-.-I.ppli.:~tio" ,.,[.:"::"~ Lo~ ~J': PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN"" SHEET PLEASE PRINT l'rIEETING DATE: TIME : ATTEl'11)ING FOR APPLICk~T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass rel:1ted to the proposed development and to discuss site pl:1n review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual laos submitted for review, City of Boynton Beach I Attending for Applicant Attending Staff I 1; 1;:12 ~ kvD I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I I I I i I I I I I J:'.sHRDA TA\PL.~'1;'-iI:\G\SHAREDI \\l'IFOR.\IS\PRE-A.PPL :-'IEETi."G-S IG:,{ ['i SHEET.DOC ~'- ~- Grayarc. P,o. Box 2944 twttord. CT 06104 - 2944 CALL roll. FREE: 1-600-243-5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At ( .) To Fit Grayarc Window Envelope " EW 1 OP REORDER ITEM " F269 r --, Sc.~-C"T ~'-~s (6- \ c.~~ E.:N~\;\S<Y\Erv'T ~~v?... FROM TO \-(10 \) ~~LL K-~283 SUB-TEeT: J3,4WIv'~'ij 8~PtT HIe.lte\:'G~n-/B\k.\Ty i t/,:;",e-r YA2..k,DATE: /.2;e; ('17 FOLD. WE ~~~ Pt1\J ~Nt:>tJY mC0S <:''ALL ~!C.~~(Y\?LA.l~) Rs: T~ ~~~\.)';?"~T ~~\ b-\'AVl~<;; ~ 1'K.~~~ i-J(c.. A~35SI'3ll...Cr'c' ?v:\T\-\ F\u9 D~~7-0Ft=- ~R.~ A~ L~\SlR.. VALG-"l "P<A~k~~v~ l-s~ ~\T'AC~~v. a ?GS 1='~aM FL~ A.Q~:Sd3\~\\:"'t' (,.~VG) , ~~\h\~A.i..l.Y r 1X::q~,\ 13~L...LG;l/G' l'NG"Y ~AVt:f ArV .... l... .. _ 6c:.<:::..u~ A:T~~l. L\.~~~'3e (--uL tHGI K V'ALST 5~\JLCe-. , - "- ?LGA'Sc JNV~"STJ\Q;.frG JtWy c~~ ErvG1tv65.E::.\i\J'<Q t:J(t~c A.,N'-( ~~'S?~N''V Sl~ ~ (HA--rks . - C BS\JC;; FII....E S .- PLEASE REPLY TO · SIGNED ..' l:)/;::..c" 1=])5 t, REPLY ..- DATE: SIGNED Item" F269 G.ayarc. P.Q, Box 2944, Harttocc!. CT 06104-2944 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSEe c Wheelec GrouP. Inc, 1982