CORRESPONDENCE Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken L. Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works May 22, 1992 Mr. Michael E. Haag City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: KNUTH ROAD PCD REVISED TRAFFIC STUDY Dear Mr. Haag: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the revised traffic impact study for the project entitled Knuth Road PCD pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-40). The study addresses a change to this previously approved project which consisted of 108,532 square feet of general retail, a 6,068 square foot high-turnover sit-down restaurant and a 5,400 square foot drive-in bank. The proposed project consists of 112,988 square feet of general retail, a 4,500 square foot drive-in bank and a service station with a car wash and a 2,000 square foot convenience store. The changes to the project results in a net increase in traffic of 380 trips. The build-out of the project is proposed for 1993. The Traffic Division has determined that the change to the project meets the standards of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Code. If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please contact Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER 09~:Jf~ FoR Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County Engineer -_....-~ ~",-.."""-' ',' # .../ ~ ,~. 1-; ''"-'' ,_".' ..i- ....___Al... ~ CRW:DW IM'i 29 pLANNiNG DE.P~ - File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review - h:\traffic\diw\boyn13 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on r9CycJed paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ;,1 rrFte City of ~"- 13oynton 13eac/i 'l!f4n.ni.na & ZonintJ 'Departme.nt 100 'Eo 'Boynton 'BeD&. 'Boukvarcf P.O. 'Bo~J10 'Boynton 'Bea&, 110ritfa 33425-0310 (407) 738.7490, 'f!U: (407) 738.7459 May 12, 1992 Dan We1sberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traff1c D1vis1on 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: Knuth Road, P.C.D. - File No. 661 Revised Traffic Impact Statement Mr. Weisberg: Please f1nd attached for your review and consideration a proposed change to the Knuth Road P.C.D. traffic study. The site is located at the Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. The proposed changes are described in the attached letter written by chuck Yannette dated April 16, 1992, identified as "Exh1bit A New Proposal" and depicted on the drawing identified as "Exhibit B New Proposal." Please note that Exhibit A is a new proposal that is different from the proposal that was previously reviewed by your office, see attached thirteen (13) page package titled "Exhibit C old Proposal." The significant change in the new proposal is the increase of size of the convenience store from 1,248 square feet to the proposed 2,000 square feet. The increase in traffic is described in the traffic impact statement prepared by Simmons and White, Inc. and identified as "Exhibit D Traffic Report." Please forward to me the results of your review and/or considerations. The intent of our zoning regulat10ns is to have the applicant mitigate additional impacts that affect the project as a result of any modification including changes in traffic generated. The right turn lane that was recommended as a result of the previous submittal has been accepted by the City and the applicant 1S required to install the turn lane and dedicate land for same. The drawing titled "Exhibit B New Proposal" depicts the ultimate right-of-way for Boynton Beach Boulevard that "qmcrica~~ Gateway to tfie Gu[fJtream To: Dan We1sberg Re: Knuth Road, P.C.D. Page Two of Two 1ncludes the land for the turn lane. Presently, the applicant 1S rece1ving Slte Plan Approval for the service station slte only. The C1ty 1S not requiring the applicant to 1nstall the turn lane w1th the development of the service station, but the turn lane shall be installed pr10r to further development on the Planned Commerc1al Development site. Thank your for your cooperation and timely response. If you have any quest10ns or requlre further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Administrator II ~)(.-~/elr A M!~ ~O"O'-- Kilday & Associates landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 II Ii..- April 16,1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road P.C.D. - Minor Master Plan Modification Our Project No. 799.14 Dear Mr. Cutro, Attached please find 12 copies of the revised plans and reports for the above noted project. These plans have been revised to respond to staf:f comments resulting from the January 28, 1992 Technical Review Committee Meeting and as noted in the staff comments relating to site plan review. Our submittal letter (see attached) of January 10, 1992, details the original modifications proposed for the approved master plan. This latest revision expand5 the service station outparcel approximately 51' to the south. This includes the parking area up to the main entry off Knuth Road and helps to clear up concerns regarding vehicular r:irculation prior to construction of the remainder of the P.C.D. The service station convenience store has been adjusted to 2000 square feet (an increase of 752 s. f.) and the retail bUildings have been adjusted to 78,988 s.f. (a decrease of 752 s.f.). The right-of-way requirements for Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard have been reviewed with the appropriate agencies. The ultimate right-of-way for Boynton Beach Boulevard has been adjusted to provide for a future turn lane to Knuth Road. The parking layout has been adjusted to provide a 100' throat at the entry off Knuth Road and to deter "cut through" traffic at the service station. The dumpster location at the service station has been coordinated with the Public Works Director. Other dumpster locations have been adjusted for improved circulation and will be closely coordinated with Public Works through the site plan review process. Also attached for your review are copies of the water, sewer, drainage and traffic impact statements. This information indicates that due to the above noted revisions, the impact on traffic will be increased from 5,841 trips per day to 6,221 trips per day, a 6.5% increase. The impact on water and sewer flows will be reduced from 32,840 gallons per day to 12,449 gallons per day and the impact on drainage will remain essentially the same. If you have any questions, or if additional information is necessary, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, .~~ Chuck Yannette enclosure cc: Bill Winchester Rick Rossi, Rossi & Malavasi Rob Rennebaum, Simmons & White Accepted by: Date: . Kilday & AssoCiates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 January 10, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road~ Our Project NO~ Dear Mr. Cutro, Please accept and process the attached information for a Minor Master Plan Modification to the above noted project, located on the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are submitting this information on behalf of the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd., owners of the property. The master plan has been revised to delete the 6,068 square foot restaurant in the outparcel on the northeast corner of the site and add in its place a service station with a 1,248 square foot convenience store and a 512 square foot car wash. A driveway has been added to provide direct access from the service station to Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are also proposing to reduce the size of the bank just west of the proposed service station fbom 5,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet, and to adjust the bank's orientation & parking to improve circulation. The retail areas flanking the department store have been adjusted to a total of 79,740 square feet. This adjustment keeps the total square footage for the project at the original approval of 120,000 square feet. The overall parking layout has also been adjusted slightly to accommodate all of the above noted revisions. Also attached for your review are copies of the traffic, water, and sewer impact statements as prepared by Simmons & White, Engineers. This information indicates that due to the above noted revisions, the impacts on traffic will be reduced from 5,841 t.p.d. to 5,820 t.p.d. and the impacts on both water and sewer flows will be reduced from 32,840 gal. per day to 12,449 gal. per day. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the master plan will result in a reduction in measurable impacts. ~.....~ If you have any questions, or if additional information is necessary, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ~/' ~- ~/ ~ .,. ~ /;-j-';~ ~uck Yannette - " cc: Bill Winchester Rick Rossi; Rossi & Malavasi Rob Rennebawn; Simmons &_ w~e I.. -2 1 L .-/A . Application accepted by: ~~ ~ ~ ///0/1/ / ( date: z o - t( u - u. - o ~ .oJ 0 ~~ ~z ~<( ~...J ~a. Lf\ffi ~I- ,C/) ~<( ~ x~ _~c w en o a. o ~~ g: o~i \!!~ . ~~~i ~~ 3;i'9 ~ :ih~:i:i~ "!ll!ll" Il~~: ~... ii ;: !!f~U ~!i" ~.. ."I!i . ~89~ Ii l : i;ftg ~~ b ~ ~3~~ ~~i~:i ..t () <J. ~\"t:, ~ l!l.....gl. ~ :i ~ ..; ...;..;. ~ ~~a1 . ,j. ~ ~~"i :t !l .. W ..:;....i t ~~ 5 1 ai~v~ ! ~ i ~ I.l. Z -i ~: ~IP ~~~ii ~ i ~ i ~ Q.I~ ~ ~!~ !~I~ . Ii ~!I~ I~~~ ;h;i ~ ~~~ II~iil ~ i- ~ 9\ I~~~ ~I~~ !~; I! bl! I~il ~ig~l ~' i~~~ 9- 'l! 9 \l t-'~:1 ,.i ;ldi i ~~ ~~~~ Ili:!~ ~ dlb.~U!ih :1 !!ll ~ lI!l~ iili i5ill!ii liii l!lii"~ i~~B' o ., . . ~ ~II ~ ~O .. ZO ~ IO( ~ 0_ fA ~dOrBd i at ON J. 'n:t 300Zl 'MlO J ~ rr:::";'~-' ,n--r:-\--n 11~~iJ~JJ T, wl1JinlTTTT/ll~ tp='''- ~:-, l II; ~ 111,1 ;........_ ./' }//^^ \ .' I , ~ ,- ""-. '.. ~ ,.." \ · I! 11 J .. i&' ; ,..<:;~ \ . HI &! .0 j .:-. "y^ , ! J . I .: S ~ , ! I \'0 / \: I / 1/ : ~ 'I I " L:J ~ I I 1- I. I I I. I / - ! g _ _ I" !oll.~ . t"'-- - - - \ ! ~ ~~ \. ~I ~ 11; I fl .~ 'r- act !;: ~ : ~: ~ g vi ~~ : ~l ~ i ;i:!;ll~ ~il~!~ I~ ; : t: E I ciial~h~ L Ii C!~ ~ ~ !~~Iii~~. lii1i ~!. ~ I 0 I ti1ill! -S lig! Itli - I ~ ~ !!i:~h~~ ~~~13 ~I~ ~ I I lL I !Idii~i~ iil!i Id ! I I I ~ ~~i 66!1~ ~~tl& ~l I ~ Iliil~!~li i!~!t I.~ i U) I da R",s~~ diii ~~~ l I r~ v~' -St I~ ~~i ig ~~~ 5..ll il in ~i i~1 Ii ~~ R~ .. ~ ~! iJv 2 ~ft ~il II! --~.... 'fif I L...=-:=-=--- - -- ~ .------ ,,"ce'2fS 'O^ 18 HO"t313 NOlNAOe -3 ....- - . ~~0 .yecityof . 1Joynton 13eac/i II Lx/-heir C tJ(.lJ fkoPoSI/'- II Pl'an.nine & Zonino 'Dtpartnunt 100 'E. tJJoynton tJJuz&. tJJouftvarrl P.O. tJJo't310 tJJoynton tJJUldr., %Jritfa 33425.0310 (407) 738-7490, ~j!X: (407) 738.7459 January 28, 1992 Mr. C. Walker Palm Beach county Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traffic Division 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: Knuth Road, P.C.D. - Revised traffic study (Change of use and added ingress/egress to the Northeast corner of the proposed site) Dear Mr. Walker: Please find attached two (2) copies of the undeveloped Knuth Road, P.C.D. Master Plan. One (1) copy is identifying the existing conditions. The other is showing a requested change of eliminating a restaurant outparcel and replacing it with a service station. The remainder of the project size and use remains unchanged. Simmons & White, Inc. prepared the enclosed revised traffic study of the area regarding the change. Does the change in use and added ingress/egress require additional right-of-way improvements different than the improvements that were previously identified by Mr. K.S. Rogers in a January 30, 1990, traffic impact analysis as follows: 1. At the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road: a. lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. b. signalize the intersection, when warranted, as determined by the county Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road, these two signals should be inter-connected. Jlmericas qateway to tlit qulfstream ~ , To: Mr. Walker Re: Knuth Road, P.C.D. Page Two of Two Would there now be any additional requirement for a deceleration right lane for vehicles approaching the Knuth Road intersection traveling East on Boynton Beach Boulevard? We would appreciate input from your office on what portion of the required improvements should be implemented if a service station is constructed and what additional improvements would be required by your office for the service station use. Your prompt attention and response to the review would be greatly appreciated. tl.~ ~ Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments xc: Project File chronological File \\ \ --\-- \, \ , . ~ --- , ~ ( %. 1 (i) \ \ 16 \ \ " -0 "- - \1 13 ..- 2- '8 ;. ~ :.-\ ..- ~ I ~ -0 r- \1 ~ I .! ~ o ~ o '-G- o .3 ~ " (l' -p ..-0 r J1 v ? o o '" ':P (\ ~ .. tt 2 _0 ~ ~~." ~ ~~~ l7 ( ;~~I \ ~~ ,-<~,\ ~ f ;~ ~ ~~ /~,., ~ , \ 0) .' 7'----=:' ,. \ '(..../\~' I I U\<<<--~ \, r:.......~':-. ~ --~--~.... ~~,.N020 ou~.... f'9 -,0 p \.,'!) ------- .r - ---.-------- :"..;;'[,1:1"" i'/ '\:~ 1~ '~:';'.~;~~;{:~i b", 'w'." t~, "Kilday &'Aaaocintes Landscape Architects! Planners . 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 ~ January 10, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road~~ Our Project NO~ Dear Mr. Cutro, Please accept and process the attached information for a Minor Master Plan Modification to the above noted project, located on the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are submitting this information on behalf of the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd., owners of the property. The master plan has been revised to delete the 6,068 square foot restaurant in the outparcel on the northeast corner of the site and add in its place a service station with a 1,248 square foot convenience store and a 512 square foot car wash. A driveway has been added to provide direct access from the service station to Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are also proposing to reduce the size of the bank just west of the proposed service station fbom 5,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet, and to adjust the bank's orientation & parking to improve circulation. The retail areas flanking the department store have been adjusted to a total of 79,740 square feet. This adjustment keeps the total square footage for the project at the original approval of 120,000 square feet. The overall parking layout has also been adjusted slightly to accommodate all of the above noted revisions. Also attached for your review are copies of the traffic, water, and sewer impact statements as prepared by Simmons & White, Engineers. This information indicates that due to the above noted revisions, the impacts on traffic will be reduced from 5,841 t.p.d. to 5,820 t.p.d. and the impacts on both water and sewer flows will be reduced from 32,840 gal. per day to 12,449 gal. per day. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the master plan will result in a reduction in measurable impacts. ~ .~J ....u'r . /' "I" / If you have any questions, or if additional information is necessary, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ~' ~.~ --;" '~ ..,.,/.- ~~....::~-- Chuck Yannette. .. cc: Bill Winchester Rick Rossi; Rossi & Malavasi Rob Rennebaum; Simmons & w~e _ Application accepted by: ~~)l ///0/1/ / ( date: ~ J - -- SIM. .ONS & WHITE, It~.. Engineers · Planners · Consultants January 7, 1992 Job No. 92-005 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Knuth Road P.C.D. Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. and contains approximately 13.9 acres. The site is currently approved for a 120,000 S.F. shopping center of which 34,000 S.F. is a major department, store, 74,532 S.F. consists of miscellaneous retail stores, 6068 S.F. is a high-turnover, sit-down restaurant and 5400 S.F. is a bank with drive-through windows. The report for the above scenario was prepared by K.S. Rogers Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January 30, 1990. The proposed scheme of development consists of a 34,000 S.F. major department store, 79,740 S.F. of miscellaneous retail stores, a 4500 S.F. bank with drive-through windows and a service station, car wash, and 1248 S.F. convenience store. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. TRAFFIC GENERATION Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90- 40, Article IV APPLICABILITY, Section 2(A)(3) requires that for the purposes of determining previous approval traffic, the generation rates and capture rates of the previous approval shall be updated to current pro forma traffic generation and pass-by rates, if applicable, and shall be used to calculate previous approval traffic. The proposed project traffic which exceeds previous approval traffic on the major thoroughfare system (if any) must meet the performance standards of Ordinance No. 90-40. The previous approval traffic for this development may be calculated as follows in accordance with the I.T.E. Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition and local passer-by capture rates accepted by Palm Beach County Traffic Division: General Retail (2862 S.F.) Ln (T) = .625 Ln (X) + 5.985 T = Trips Per Day X = Area in 1000 Gross S.F. Ln (T) = .625 Ln (108.532) + 5.985 = 7438 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Two GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) Pass-By 7- = 45.1 - .0225 (X) = 45.1 - .0225 (108.532) = 42.667- = 7438 7438 ( . 4266 ) = 4265 NET Hioh-Turnover. Sit-Down Restaurant (6068 S.F.) 6068 S.F. x 201 tcd 1000 S.F. = 1220 tpd Less 157- Internal = (183) Less 157- Capture = (156) NET = 881 tpd Bank With Drive-ThrouQh (5400 S.F. ) 5400 S.F. x 291 tod 1000 S.F. = 1571 tpd Less 18.057- Internal = (284) Less 467- Capture = (592) NET = 695 tpd The previous approval traffic based on current generation rates and pass-by rates is 5841 tpd as follows: 4265 + 881 + 695 = 5841 tpd The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road P.C.D. may be calculated as follows: General Retail (113.740 S.F.) Ln ( T ) = .625 Ln (X) + 5.985 .625 Ln (113.74) + 5.985 7659 tpd = = Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Three GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) NET = 45.1 - .0225 (X) = 45.1 - .0225 (113.74) = 42.547- = 7659 - 7659 ( .4254) = 4401 tpd Pass-By 7- Bank With Drive-ThrouQh (4500 S.F.) 4500 S.F. x 291 tcd 1000 S.F. Less 18.057- Internal Less 467- Capture = 1310 tpd = ( 236 ) = ( 494 ) NET = 580 tpd Service Station Service Station = 748 tpd Less 147- Internal = (105) Less 587- Capture . = (373) NET = 270 tpd Car Wash Car Wash = 166 tpd Convenience Store (1248 S.F.) 1248 S.F. x 887.056 tcd 1000 S.F. = 1107 tpd Less 507- Purchase Gas = (374) Less 457- Capture = (330) NET = 403 tpd . . Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Four. GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road P.C.D. is 5820 tpd as follows: 4401 + 580 + 270 + 166 + 403 = 5820 tpd CONCLUSION The proposed site improvements generate less trips per day than is currently vested to the site by the above-referenced previous approval. The above methodology has been discussed and approved by representatives of Palm Beach County Traffic Division and is in conformance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40. This site is therefore approvable with regards to traffic performance. F. Rennebaum, P.E. ida Registration No. 41168 .. . ~~.. ...... ... ccc 555 ..- ...... == =::~ :I::n' ...... 000 _0 - _f'IlIOo- --, =~l' ~..~ ~I.i ~ '- . SIMMONS g Wl/lTE JIVe L I i?-005 1/$/12 . .Ie.PR. KNII1/J '€()/}P Pf:lO ;:::14, pKr H~. /l/,l!J\JINtI /tI!Ov€MGAlrS /CErAIL 765'1 -tpd.. IN j7/(; NOVA!," LA (r):: , b31 in (x) .; ~553 :;. ,63'1 Ln (/13. 7'1-) ~ ,2, SS3 = 712 I:-K. hn cr')s SOX ~rE.e... 50;(, ~x/r 134N',J(, //,% /?II.F: /3/0 tprL - 23' (tl'JrEIZNAL) = /07~ t-j/<<- 11)7~ x , Ii, :: 172 ,P/(' hr. -cris '/8;1. ENTE~ .sz~ EXl7 6EIlVl:E. 'STAnON CA~NASi-l CotJv, SroeE 1'18 - 105 (;/lTELlJJJL) :: ~ '13 i:1''' /" -elt:! //tJ1-37'/ (GAS fJ(j,ttilIlSas)" 73~ c,"- ~rAL- /51/z t:;J4, ~1I,r:;r 5"% l~if2 x- . ()~. 77 rk. '1lr r"/~.s 507- ElVr~ 50/. EXIT rtlr/iL - 77 + 71Z. + 172" 96/' ~ 5"0% /,.1 .5o~ OeJr ~NvrH 25% 2Z% ~ - 22~ p;eOjEC, '> ~ 3/% ~ ~ ~--- . . .~ " . .' " ~\ - ,\ l \~ /80 1 { ~ - - RM. flF~ /'50 ..--, L.o 51t. r~s I'" 31#J \ t (" \ J 1./ 3 ...., o -.. \oN \0 ~ -:::)- - ~ - eoiN1'{J,J SCrl. SL. 'to. o. ~o ...} \ Ilf1J "\ ~ 5" ____ N \t\ 2., N~ ~N N .J\ 1-=> j "I' o ---"" - (:) 3~ --. N FEA/I- HOil/!- rtJpJlN 6 vOl_11M &5 ff!..O:J ec:r .,.~FFIe. jLN U1J1 ,€()AP p. C. J). 11\..\.. BGard of County Commissioners Karen T'. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roherts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster !\taude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Engineering and Public Works February 10, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: KNUTH ROAD, P.C.D. - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND KNUTH ROAD INTERSECTION Dear Mr. Cutro: I am writing in response to your letter of January 28, 1992, which set forth proposed revisions to the subject project. While the roads adjacent to this project are not County maintained, we would like to recommend that the following be imposed as conditions of this approval. 1. Dedication of the ultimate road rights-of-way shown on the site plan. 2. Dedication of right-of-way for, and the construction of a right turn 1 ane, west approach, on Boynton Beach Boul evard at Knuth Road, outside of the existing six-lane section. This should provide for a 12' wide lane with 200' of storage, and a 180' taper. The opportunity to comment on this matter is sincerely appreciated. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFFI~/JlER Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting ssistant County Engineer R"ECEIVf.D", fEllS ..... p\,lJ'tN\NG Ot.?T.., - File: Intersections - Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Rd. - ash\knuthrd.bbk "An Equal opportunity - Affinnatlve Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33418-1229 (407) 684-4000 @ prmted on recycled paper , " 1Ie:."1<h ~31'- D TRA~/C. fi'~/JIU'J.,.'J SIMMONS & WHITE, I~~. ". Engineers · Planners · Consultants April 14!, 1992 Job No. 92-005A TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Knuth Road P.C.D. Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. and contains approximately 13.9 acres. The site is currently approved for a 120,000 S.F. shopping center of which 34,000 S.F. is a major department store, 74,532 S.F. consists of miscellaneous retail stores, 6068 S.F. is a high-turnover, sit-down restaurant and 5400 S.F. is a bank with drive-through windows. The report for the above scenario was prepared by K.S. Rogers Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January 30, 1990. The proposed scheme of development consists of a 34,000 S.F. major department store, 78!,988 S.F. of miscellaneous retail stores, a 4500 S.F. bank with drive-through windows and a service s~ation, car wash, and 2000 S.F. convenience store. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. TRAFFIC GENERATION Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90- 40, Article IV APPLICABILITY, Section 2(A)(3) requires that for the purposes of determining previous approval traffic, the generation rates and capture rates of the previous approval shall be updated to current pro forma traffic generation and pass-by rates, if applicable, and shall be used to calculate previous approval traffic. The proposed project traffic which exceeds previous approval traffic on the major thoroughfare system (if any) must meet the performance standards of Ordinance No. 90-40. The previous approval traffic for this development may be calculated as follows in accordance with the I.T.E. Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition and local passer-by capture rates accepted by Palm Beach County Traffic Division: General Retail (108.532 S.F.) Ln (T) = .625 Ln (X) + 5.985 T = Trips Per Day X = Area in 1000 Gross S.F. Ln (T) = .625 Ln (108.532) + 5.985 = 7438 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 ;, Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005A April 14, 1992 - Page Two GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) Pass-By 7- = 45.1 - .0225 (X) 45.1 - .0225 (108.532) 42.667- = = NET = 7438 - 7438 (.4266) 4265 = Hiah-Turnover. Sit-Down Restaurant (6068 S.F.) 6068 S.F. x 201 tod 1000 S.F. = 1220 tpd Less 157. Internal = (183) Less 157- Capture = (156) NET = 881 tpd Bank With Drive-Throuah (5400 S.F. ) 5400 S.F. x 291 tDd 1000 S.F. = 1571 tpd Less 18.057- Internal = (284) Less 467. Capture = (592) NET = 695 tpd The previous approval traffic based on current generation rates and pass-by rates is 5841 tpd as follows: 4265 + 881 + 695 = 5841 tpd The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road p.e.D. may be calculated as follows: General Retail (112.988 S.F.) Ln ( T ) = .625 Ln (X) + 5.985 .625 Ln (112.988) + 5.985 7628 tpd = = Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005A April 14, 1992 - Page Three GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) Pass-By 7- = 45.1 - .0225 (X) 45.1 - .0225 (112.988) 42.567- = = NET = 7628 7628 (.4256) 4382 tpd = Bank With Drive-Throuah (4500 S.F.) 4500 S.F. x 291 tpd 1000 S.F. Less 18.057- Internal Less 467- Capture = 1310 tpd = (236) = ( 494 ) NET = 580 tpd Service Station Service Station = 748 tpd Less 147- Internal = (105) Less 587- Capture = (373) NET = 270 tpd Car Wash Car Wash = 166 tpd Convenience Store (2000 S.F.) 2000 S.F. x 887.056 tcd 1000 S.F. = 1774 tpd Less 37% Purchase Gas = (277) Less 457- Capture = (674) NET = 823 tpd Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005A . April 14, 1992 - Page Four GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road P.C.D. is 6221 tpd as follows: 4382 + 580 + 270 + 166 + 823 = 6221 tpd The net increase in traffic to be addressed by this report due to the proposed master plan revision is 380 tpd as follows: 6221 tpd - 5841 tpd = 380 tpd PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS This study will analyze the proposed development"s additional impact due to the revised master plan on the surrounding thoroughfares within the project"s radius of development influence in accordance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40. Ordinance No. 90-40 requires that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the buildout period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project"s radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the buildout period of the project. Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would add project traffic to any link within the project"s model radius of development influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the purposes of this analysis, the construction contemplated in the Modified 2010 Plan shall be used. This study will verify that the proposed development"s additional traffic impact will meet the above Performance Standards. Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005A April 14, 1992 - Page Five RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Based on Table 2A and 2B of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40, for a net trip generation of 380 trips the radius of development influence shall be one-half mile for Test 1 and the directly accessed link (Boynton Beach Boulevard) for Test 2. EXISTING TRAFFIC Existing average annual daily traffic volumes for the links within the project's radius of development influence were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County 1991 Annual Traffic Volume Map. Background traffic, consisting of historical growth allowances furnished by Palm Beach County, major project traffic, and anticipated development in the area was also considered and is shown in Figure 1. The project is expected to be built-out in 1993 and background traffic was projected to that time. Please refer to Figure 1. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT/DISTRIBUTION Based upon the existing and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a review of the existing and historical travel patterns, as well as a review of the proposed development and improvements in the area, the following traffic distribution was assumed for trips generated by the planned commercial development: North East South West 267- 267- 227- 267- The distributed traffic for the project at full buildout of the development was assigned to the links within the project's radius of development influence and can be seen in Figure 1. The 1991 average daily traffic volumes, the proposed project traffic, background traffic, and the total traffic are also shown in Figure 1. Based on the projected total traffic the links within the project's radius shown in Figure 1, this project performance standards listed under 90-40. and threshold volumes for of development influence as meets all applicable link "Test One" of Ordinance No. Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005A April 14, 1992 - Page Six PEAK HOUR VOLUMES P.M. peak hour traffic movements at the project's entrances were analyzed and are included with this report to assess the laneage requirements at the project entrances at project build-out. The peak hour factors and directional splits for the A.M. and P.M. peak hours are summarized on the enclosed worksheets. The proposed development's trips to the east and west on Boynton Beach Boulevard represent less than 107- of the total traffic on an average annual basis at project build-out leading to the intersections of both Congress Avenue and Lawrence Road. The determination of A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movements and levels of service for these intersections is therefore not required. MODEL TEST Modified Table 5, Projected Network Deficiencies for the future network, does not presently indicate that the applicable links within the project's model radius of development influence will be over capacity. Therefore, this project meets the Model Test. CONCLUSION The improvements shown on the revised master plan cause a net increase of 380 trips per day over the previously approved master plan. Based on an analysis of existing and project traffic characteristics and distribution, as well as the existing and future roadway network geometry and traffic volumes, this project meets the Link/Buildout Test and the Model Test as required by the Palm Beach County Traffi~cerform Standard Ordinance No. 90-40. -7~ ~ /~ " /" - /" j ::-.. , ' F. Rennebaum, P.E. . ~. J I I, o2Lf 37 /5-50 12J~// /3 700 I 80YN70N 2~/6'f 62- 5/7? 33, lft.f5 4 ft., 300 ) Ai SIt1MONS & WHITE, Ihe. Engineers · Planners · Consultants ~ ~ ~ /2,,/0 } 13 ~/z IS,235 /3,'700 /2} '/0 II 1,/2- /3, Z. '39 /3 700 I (z/,) o }.froM E.oAf) OLJJ ~ ~ 391252 33,252 ~ /25 (;03 <'"'\ (p 98 '3 t:,183 \41 -.J 40,3bO ~ L.fO, LJ38 ~~ ~ L/iP)300 ~ '-161300 ~ ~ ....J ~ 8E17CH SL \/1/. ( ~L..) tJ) \J1 l.t1 ~ ~ <: ~ 'J I"EOj€l!../ / ~ ~ ~ ~ F/Gu,e~ / I.. EG6/JD ZB /81./- /99/ ,4./-1.~ 7: ) S 2- PICOJE (!. r .-t}~~/6IJJv1eNr 5/79 13~CK.6K()UNO r,e~rF/C: 33) LJ'Is- /tJTftl- TEA~F/C L/~/300 f70tJPTED /HR&S;";ol-D VOLt/AlE K IV UTH R. 0,40 Pc..!/ 92-005 A ~,c;e ~//5/1 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 ~~~ ~... CC4: ~~~ 000 ""n", ~~~ ggg :l::l::l: "'~~ 000 1t'I~~ _No--~ G:lCOcD:> MMr"'~ <">INN" .........; ~~cl ~ SIUMONS 8 NI/Ill.!/ '12-005 l/tS/fZ R.P~ KNV1# Ro,.c;P p~o , ;::/vI, ,oK. j{,l!, /v~AI/N6 NOt/€M&N"TS J€€rl9/L 1~28 -t?~ fM?JG, HO(),e '" Lrl (r) : , b 37 Ln (x.) -F 3,553 :;. 1637 Ln (1/2,9'88) ~ 2.sS3 ~ 7tJ'I !:..K. hI'. t::rijs so;l. ENTE'€' 50;' ~x/r l34NIC /, ~ I? ,J./,F: /3/0 tpri - 23' (;/'JrE/VIJAL):; /o7Lf -t;;d. 11)7'1 x.. , /h = /72 ,p/<, hr. tris 'leX ENTE',€ .sz~ cX./7 1'1-8 - /05 (/jV~;J/JL) :: ~ '13 rl'c1 /6~ rIel /17'-/ -277 (G/JS f(J,ltHlJsat) "/t/97 CI"- SE.€VICt. "STATION C/l~N~SH CoN V. S 17JIZE "/7)rAJ., 2'301:;, rIel 230b)(. . o~ s ~fI,r: #' 5% 1/5 fk- IIr "C"jJ$ 50?_ E"/'ITE~ 5()/. EX/"'- 172 -I- 1/-5';; 99(, pht iCJr,4L -- 709+ "Z --4 ~NvrH - ~ ~ULL ./" Aa.eE~S f',€O:TEC-r e/6J.17 -IN ) ,e16Hr-oi.!r ONLY -< . .~ ~q: -I I~~.e .L 7 9a. 92-05 ...... .... ccc "''''''' aaa "'.... .,.,., "'.... ...... ...... :1::1::1: "'.... 000 W')2~ _NO.- co._:> M..,M ~ NNni ~"''''' ~~ci ~ N 209 i tf71 Lo o ...s <:> - () .JiL. ;-2// ( /'7 J I t r ~ /52 ....... ~ i~ o~ ~~~ , - - ~ /(,'10 .J t ItJOJ 5- 5.. Eo'/N7P,..} BcH, 8L va ( ~ ~ i t ?tAZA ) SW€Si 2.. I ZO 120--1" I i o ~ /S 0 9. /:: 1Vf, ?EIJIC HOVe rtJ/lNIN G VOL 11M ES ?.e 0.:1 Ec; r r,eAFP" Ie!.-- /iN'VT/I 1i?()IIP ,q e. 1), e~COMJ-'/ENPArIClNS " /CNvrfl ,ep: R T. rtl/ZN LANE) AI. ENr~ANCe 88 BL VO ; ..er, 7t//eN L.AN~) yt/, &N7~,:}NCE . ~~~ ~~~ <cC<C =>=>=> 000 "''''''' "''''''' "''''''' '.l.JWW ~~~ :n:J: "''''''' 000 "'~~ _1"'40-" ~~~, C"<lNN" ,.........i ~,., ~ ~/. 'Nt', j. fllTE _d~~ L -- KNtJ7lI1YJ A . 92-005 A I!/JT~;(JtIlL 6JeOWTJ1/ BlltKG;?~!JI)f) /R/!FFIC, /, 80y.AlTON 8EACI-! 8t VO a . W~ST or c/)NG~ES~ fr~ ~~ '7/o;(r '13 - 1!O,235 (6'U3) ) 6, ~I/sr ()F M/llrA~r r/l/l/L 8B - ~FF ;J~rlK (}~(jtVr - IIsE 87 B'1- Z (JO fB ..., fJ. 8 ~~ 't 93 - 3 3 3 ~ 3 II 2. 8) I eLf /' (.II/!)) C 5/'79) 2, L/lWKE/JCE ~tJAO a, N OF BB BLVO 1&9 P€,'lJ(. - fB3~ -r 92 PE.IlK- /~ 991 > (p.et.,- 91 .- /~ ~2'f ? 3 - /2) 57'1 (/550) 3, OLO BOyNTON If!,OAD ~. E. of L.4WICIENCE 88- II, 15Z II '/-r ift. 12) (P/O > 2.7'/' - 13 - /~ 222, ( ~/z) ________~~.______..._.._ __ _ ___ ~ _. u._..._~,__._.____~-_."-_._--- II /I /1 ~~ H/Slr Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 April 16,1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road P.C.D. - Minor Master Plan Modification Our Project No. 799,14 Dear Mr. Cutro, Attached please find 12 copies of the revised plans and reports for the above noted project. These plans have been revised to respond to staff comments resulting from the January 28, 1992 Technical Review Committee Meeting and as noted in the staff comments relating to site plan review. Our submittal letter (see attached) of January 10, 1992, details the original modifications proposed for the approved master plan. This latest revision expands the service station outparcel approximately 51' to the south. This includes the parking area up to the main entry off Knuth Road and helps to clear up concerns regarding vehicular circulation prior to construction of the remainder of the P.C.D. The service station convenience store has been adjusted to 2000 square feet (an increase of 752 s.t.) and the retail buildings have been adjusted to 78,988 s.f. (a decrease of 752 s.f.). The right-of-way requirements for Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard have been reviewed with the appropriate agencies. The ultimate right-of-way for Boynton Beach Boulevard has been adjusted to provide for a future turn lane to Knuth Road. The parking layout has been adjusted to provide a 100' throat at the entry off Knuth Road and to deter "cut through" traff ic at the service station. The dumpster location at the service station has been coordinated with the Public Works Director. Other dumpster locations have been adjusted for improved circulation and will be closely coordinated with Public Works through the site plan review process. Also attached for your review are copies of the water, sewer, drainage and traff ic impact statements. This information indicates that due to the above noted revisions, the impact on traffic will be increased from 5,841 trips per day to 6,221 trips per day, a 6.5% increase. The impact on water and sewer flows will be reduced from 32,840 gallons per day to 12,449 gallons per day and the impact on drainage will remain essentially the same. If you have any questions, or if additional information is necessary, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, .~~ Chuck Yannette enclosure cc: Bill Winchester Rick Rossi, Rossi & Malavasi Rob Rennebaum, Simmons & White Accepted by: Date: ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f. t(4!tM 7- ~I:.!;V 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 689'()554 FAX: (407) 689.1109 Ap r ill 6 , 19 92 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Department P.O. Bo x 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Christopher Cutro City Planner RE: BILL WINCHESTER - KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - SERVICE STATION SITE Dear Mr. Cutro: Please be advised that the modified conceptual Master Drainage Plan to provide for a service station does not create any additional drainage impact since the run-off is essentially the same as computed for the original use. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ENGI NEERS, INC. ER/jh cc: Chuck Yannetti, Kilday & Associates SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers. Planners · Consultants April 13~ 1992 Kilday and Associates 1551 Forum Place, Building 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attention: Mr. Chuck Yanette Re: Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Yanette: As per your recent request, our office has reviewed the approved Master Plan and the proposed Master Plan for the above-referenced project with regard to water and sewer usage. The site is currently approved for a 120,000 S.F. shopping center of which 34,000 S.F. is a major department store, 74,532 S.F. consists of miscellaneous retail stores, 6068 S.F. is a high-turnover, sit- down restaurant and 5400 S.F. is a bank with drive-through windows. The analysis for the above scenario was prepared by K.S. Rogers Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January 31, 1990. The proposed scheme of development consists of a 34,000 S.F. major department store, 78,988 S.F. of miscellaneous retail stores, a 4500 S.F. bank with drive-through windows and a service station, car wash, and 2000 S.F. convenience store. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. The analysis prepared by K.S. Rogers for the previously approved Master Plan estimated an average daily water usage of 32,840 gallons per day based on Palm Beach County Health Department usage standards as follows: General Retail Space 110,900 S.F. @ 0.01 gal./S.F. Restaurant (435 seats) 9,100 S.F. @ 50 gal./seat The improvements shown estimated average daily calculated in accordance Department usage standards on the proposed Master Plan have an water usage of 12,449 gallons per day with the Palm Beach County Health as follows: General Retail Space (Includes bank and convenience store) 119,488 S.F. @ 0.01 gal./S.F. Service Station (2 water closets) 2 water closets @ 250 gal./each 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Mr. Chuck Vanette . April 13, 1992 - Page Two The removal of the restaurant from the approved Master Plan and the addition of the service station and convenience store on the proposed Master Plan results in a significant decrease in the estimated average daily water usage. The proposed car wash on the service station parcel is required by the Palm Beach County Health Department to recycle the wash water, resulting in a very small to negligible daily water usage. As stated in the analysis prepared by K.S. Rogers, there is typically very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is proposed to utilize public water. The source of irrigation water is still anticipated to be from on- site wells. Sincerely, SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. /' -- ',.......,...~ F. Rennebaum, P.E. RFR/jp 92-005A ~...________..--l--__ Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee ~.L. - County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Engineering and Public Works February 10, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: KNUTH ROAD, P.C.D. - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND KNUTH ROAD INTERSECTION Dear Mr. Cutro: I am writing in response to your letter of January 28, 1992, which set forth proposed revisions to the subject project. While the roads adjacent to this project are not County maintained, we would like to recommend that the following be imposed as conditions of this approval, 1. Dedication of the ultimate road rights-of-way shown on the site plan. 2. Dedication of right-of-way for, and the construction of a right turn 1 ane, west approach, on Boynton Beach Boul evard at Knuth Road, outside of the existing six-lane section. This should provide for a 12' wide lane with 200' of storage, and a 180' taper. The opportunity to comment on this matter is sincerely appreciated. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFFI~~ER Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Actin~ssistant County Engineer CR~:db RECE1Vf.D" fEll 11 ...... pVt.NN1NG Ot.PT~.,. .- File: Intersections - Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Rd, -- ash\knuthrd.bbk "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 IX>. '6d printed on recycled paper '}~J~ Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan 'Ninters Department of Engineering and Public Works February 6, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: KNUTH ROAD, P.C.D. - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND KNUTH ROAD INTERSECTION Dear Mr. Cutro: I am writing in response to your letter of January 28, 1992, which set forth proposed revisions to the subject project, While the roads adjacent to this project are not County maintained, we would like to recommend that the following be imposed as conditions of this approval, 1. Dedication of the ultimate road rights-of-way shown on the site plan. 2. Dedication of right-of-way for, and the construction of a right turn 1 ane, west approach, on Boynton Beach Boul evard at Knuth Road, outside of the existing six-lane section. This should provide for a 12' wide lane with 200' of storage, and a 180' taper. The opportunity to comment on this matter is sincerely appreciated. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions, Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER RECEIVED Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County Engineer bll CRW:ASH:db ~EB 11 19 ~ PLANNING DEPT. File: Intersections - Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Rd. ash\knuthrd.bbk "An Equal Opportunity - Afllrmative Action Employer" Box 21229 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ro. ~ prInted on recycled paper -I ~ %e City of $oynton $eacfi ~. fi,':;~-J II. (. ~. ,. i" ~~A ~ PCanning & Zoning 'Department 100 'Eo, 13oynton 13each13oufevara P.O,130;l(310 'Boynton 'Beach, :F(oritfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, :FYlX: (407) 738-7459 January 28, 1992 Mr. C. Walker Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traffic Division 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: Knuth Road, P.C.D. - Revised traffic study (Change of use and added ingress/egress to the Northeast corner of the proposed site) Dear Mr. Walker: Please find attached two (2) copies of the undeveloped Knuth Road, P.C.D. Master Plan. One (1) copy is identifying the existing conditions. The other is showing a requested change of eliminating a restaurant outparcel and replacing it with a service station. The remainder of the project size and use remains unchanged. Simmons & White, Inc. prepared the enclosed revised traffic study of the area regarding the change. Does the change in use and added ingresslegress require additional right-of-way improvements different than the improvements that were previously identified by Mr. K.S. Rogers in a January 30, 1990, traffic impact analysis as follows: 1. At the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road: a. lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. b. signalize the intersection, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road, these two signals should be inter-connected. Jlmencas gateway to the gulfstream To: Mr. Walker Re: Knuth Road, P.C.D. Page Two of Two Would there now be any additional requirement for a deceleration right lane for vehicles approaching the Knuth Road intersection traveling East on Boynton Beach Boulevard? We would appreciate input from your office on what portion of the required improvements should be implemented if a service station is constructed and what additional improvements would be required by your office for the service station use. Your prompt attention and response to the review would be greatly appreciated. ~4-::> ~ Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director CC:ald Attachments XC: Project File Chronological File ':1/;) !)~~P:~~{~);F~~;;f .,,"'..,";'j@"."","'?',';\">,; '," \"'1, I, '. . Ii)' ''':-" "I~,~, r/~:'~~','~i;J' ,:,,\~", )"," 'IJ,:', ~ '..' y {:::-" "~~;~.'_~~..;~\ ;;, ,~ ' , ,. .. , -'Kiiday"&"-Assoclnies Landscape Architects/Planners , 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 January 10, 1992 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth ROad~~) Our Project NO~ Dear Mr. Cutro, Please accept and process the attached information for a Minor Master Plan Modification to the above noted project, located on the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are submitting this information on behalf of the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd., owners of the property. The master plan has been revised to delete the 6,068 square foot restaurant in the outparcel on the northeast corner of the site and add in its place a service station with a 1,248 square foot convenience store and a 512 square foot car wash. A driveway has been added to provide direct access from the service station to Boynton Beach Boulevard. We are also proposing to reduce the size of the bank just west of the proposed service station fbom 5,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet, and to adjust the bank's orientation & parking to improve circulation. The retail areas flanking the department store have been adjusted to a total of 79,740 square feet. This adjustment keeps the total square footage for the project at the original approval of 120,000 square feet. The overall parking layout has also been adjusted slightly to accommodate all of the above noted revisions. Also attached for your review are copies of the traffic, water, and sewer impact statements as prepared by Simmons & White, Engineers. This information indicates that due to the above noted revisions, the impacts on traffic will be reduced from 5,841 t.p.d. to 5,820 t.p.d. and the impacts on both water and sewer flows will be reduced from 32,840 gal. per day to 12,449 gal. per day. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the master plan will result in a reduction in measurable impacts.