REVIEW COMMENTS I 1 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-176 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director V~* FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Knuth Road PCD DATE: April 29, 1992 Thee are no desirable trees on the existing site, no additional comments. KH: ad Time: Forester/Environmentalist: 15 minutes Secretary: 15 minutes RECE'VED APR 3 0 1991 -~-_.- ---_.__..__.~.,-,._-_..._.._----~ '. ---'--'~------_.._-- - - _._--_._----~-_.~~._..__..__.,-- M E M 0 RAN DUM POLICE #92-083 TO: Dorothy Moore Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Police Department Community Relations Division DATE: 23 April 1992 SUBJECT: Minor Master Plan Modification - Knuth Road RCD After a review of the minor modification of Master Plan - Knuth Road P.C.D. located at the S.W. corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd., I find the plans acceptable. .., DIT/np RECEIVED APR 2 3 199~ PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 92-101 TO: CHRISTOPHER CUTRO - PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 22, 1922 SUBJ: KNUTH ROAD PCD MINOR MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Public Works comments have been met on this site, however Public Works should be contacted prior to forming dumpster pads at these sites to assure proper angle. Also, this developer is required to contact Public Works, 738-7420 for roll-off service at this site. ~ RE:he cc: file RECEIVED APR 2 2 19~tJ %e 'City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 1f'h Pfanning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 13oynton 13eacfi 130uUvard P.O.13o~31O 13oynton 13eadi, 1'foritfa. 33425-0310 (407) 738.7490, 1'JU: (407) 738.7459 February 21, 1992 Mr. Chuck Yannette Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Building 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 .' f RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS KNUTH ROAD, P.C.D. - MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Mr. Yannette: Please find attached courtesy comments for the above referenced project resulting from the January 28, 1992, Technical Review Committee Meeting. E. Haag Attachment Jlmerica~, (jateway to the gulfstream RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM *92-032 TO: Michael Haag Zoning & Site Development Coordinator FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Knuth Road, PCD (MPM, PP) DATE: January 31, 1992 K;/f The applicant should review the status with me of the environmental assessment prepared for the site. KH:ad PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 92-009 TO: MIKE HAAG - ZONING & SITE DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JANUARY 21, 1992 SUBJ: KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. This is to advise that the dumpster location at the Service Station, Bank and both double enclosures behind the Retail Center are unacceptable. Please contact Robert Eichorst at Public Works, 738-7424 RE:he cc:fi1e RECEIVED JAN 2 2 1992 SITE Dt: \lEt. BOYNTON 8EACH. flORIDA BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-032 February 4, 1992 FROM: Chris Cutro Planning Director Don Jaeger ff~~ Building ottfCial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: TRB COMMENTS - JANUARY 28, 1992 MEETING MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - KNUTH ROAD, P.C.D. The Building Department cannot issue permits for the signs that do not comply with the Sign Code (see section 21-25(b) for the number and size of signs and Section 21-30 for other P.C.D. requirements). Each site should comply with the handicap legislation in order to stand on its own if not permitted at the same time. The site plans need to show ramps and crosswalks per code as well. See Appendix C of the Accessibility Manual for the required number of parking spaces. ~ Al Ne old AN : bh KNUTH. DOC FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM - NO. 92-202 r:'o: ,::::=?"T[ ~::JLp..,.t,;r'\IEf-: f' }-~ ~:; I,: . FlEE: DE?D,FTMENT LP.TE: .]I\:NUJ:..F. T[ .:~); i 9 9 ~ r::~ , K?'J1Jfi-':-t F [jAr) P C~ D ....;=-1I-L~.~) E -l.- p... F'II-?EHYCF;\.;'J1r r~-lC) C~:J;,IF'(~:Er"! fT':) C~Tl''I{ E:-U;:~D [\'1 SIO!\] REQlJ~- REl,.'i],";i\J'TS SHALL BE PRUV12CC, ~44~~~" 1fb~f~sL:~~( ~l,l.,.~A." L.J. \..,~:u_.,,:., _, ~_! ~, FIRE C~FARTMENT THB REPRESENTATIVE ::~: ~:~:ief l~"'.~.~'~~~ _FilE~ }:.rlllrJ:rj 6 vq::l(~ P0