AGENDA DOCUMENTS VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS A cc: Bldg, Plan Eng, Util PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-072 AGENDA MEMORANDUM FOR APRIL 5, 1994 CITY COMMISSION MEETING FROM: J. Scott Miller City Manager Tambri J. HeYden'~~ Acting Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: March 23, 1994 SUBJECT: Sutton Place at Hunters Run, Tract "H" - File No. 815 Master Plan Modification (side setback) NATURE OF REOUEST David Beasley, 1gent for sutton Place at Hunters Run Homeowners' Association, Inc., is requesting that the previously approved master plan for sutton Place be modified to reduce the minimum side setback, as described within the attached letter of request. Specifically, the request is to reduce the current seven point five (7.5) feet side setback to six (6) feet for both sides of all the lots. This modification is requested to allow a golf cart garage to be attached to an existing garage on lot 25. The maximum forty- five (45) percent building coverage and twenty-five (25) foot front and rear setback will remain as previously approved. BACKGROUND sutton Place is a single family residential development, comprised of nineteen (19) platted lots, located within Tract "H" of the Hunters Run PUD. The PUD is located west of Congress Avenue between the LWDD L-25 and L-30 canals (see attached location map). On August 16, 1988, the final plat and construction plans for the project were approved by Resolution No. 88-YY. All nineteen (19) lots are developed with homes. Appendix B, Planned Unit Development, of the City Code of Ordinances states that changes in planned unit developments shall be processed as follows: Section 12. Changes in plans. Changes in plans approved as a part of the zoning to PUD may be permitted by the planning and zoning board upon application filed by the developer or his successors in interest, prior to the expiration of the PUD classification but only a finding that any such change or changes are in accord with all regulations in effect when the change or changes are requested and the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan in effect at the time of the proposed change. substantial changes shall be proposed as for a new application of PUD zoning. The determination of what constitutes a substantial change shall be within the sole discretion of the city commission. Nonsubstantial changes as determined by the city commission in plans shall not extend the expiration of the eighteen-month approval for the PUD classification. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo No. 94-072 March 23, 1994 Page 2 ANALYSIS The modified master plan (see attached drawing) submitted and prepared by David Beasley depicts the proposed six (6) foot side setback. Staff has reviewed this request for consistency with the PUO development standards, and the intent and the purpose of planned unit developments as stated in the following sections of Appendix B, Planned Unit Developments: Section 1. Intent and purpose. A Planned Unit Development District (PUO) is established. It is intended that this district be utilized to promote efficient and economical land use, improved amenities, appropriate and harmonious variety in physical development, creative design, improved living environment, orderly and economical development in the city, and the protection of adj acent and existing and future city development. The district is sui table for development, redevelopment, and conservation of land, water and other resources of the city. Regulations for planned unit developments are intended to accomplish the purposes of zoning, subdivision regulations, and other applicable city regulations to the same degree that they are intended to control development on a lot-by-lot basis. In view of the substantial public advantages of planned unit development, it is the intent of PUO regulations to promote and encourage development in this form where tracts suitable in size, location, and character for the uses and structures proposed are to be planned and developed as unified and coordinated units. Section 9. B. Internal Lots and Frontage. Within the boundaries of the PUD, no minimum lot size or minimum yards shall be required; provided, however, that PUO frontage on dedicated public roads shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with the zoning district the PUO use most closely resembles and that peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone. .. As stated above, there are no minimum yard requirements wi thin PUOs. The approved setbacks for the project are the same as the setbacks required in the R-IA Single-Family Residential District; the district the PUO most closely resembles. The master plan makes reference to restrictions regarding construction of buildings in utility easements. Easements of record affect the side setback of lots 2, 21 and 23, requiring certain side setbacks to be much larger than 7.5 feet for these lots. This condition will remain in effect with the proposed modification. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo No. 94-072 March 23, 1994 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION On Tuesday, March S, 1994, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met to review the master plan modification. The Board recommends that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the proposed modification, and that the Planning and Development Board approve the request, subject to the six (6) foot side setback being allowed for golf cart structures only, with no openings (such as doors, windows, vents, etc.) being placed on the portion of the golf cart structure that will touch the six (6) foot side setback line. The approved seven point five (7.5) foot side setback would apply to all structures, other than golf cart garages. MEH: frb Encs A:SPLACE.frb SUTTON PJ-:~CE AT Hu"~ J\gt Homeowners Assoclatlon,lnc. February 24, 1994 City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: SUTTON PLACE AT HUNTERS RUN CHANGE SIDE SETBACK FROM 7'6" TO 6'0" To Whom It May Concern: Please accept for your review a revised Master Plan for all 19 residences included in sutton Place at Hunters Run. This modification is in consideration of a proposed addition on the front of Lot #25 as drawn by David Beasley for a golf cart garage extension. In order to construct this addition, the side setback must be reduced from 7'6" to 6'0". This setback change must be applied to all 19 residences. Front and rear setbacks remain at 25'0". All other requirements for lot coverage, etc. remain unchanged. Any setbacks cannot overr ~de any easements previously established. Thank you for your consideration. ~ trUIYWS' . L~r:;7tgOZe~ pre~rd:~l SUTTON PLACE AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEO\VNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. attachment rick\cbbsupl.ltr rn 3700 Clubhouse Lane. Boynton Beach. Florida 33436. (407) 734.5000 . _~~ ~"I\~. ,==--:;,;,r \ \ \ n \'N"\~':...jl "C-" L I LLJU. I I I I I I J U_Ll :'~'-'~-illrr..:::-O::JIi]TI 1 TI I 1I11 ~ R3 )=rl.EW ULL enl I II ,"t l .' . TiT ~J: I I . L ~~ .. .("1'\. tj:.." 'IN PO li<'-" I...,.!:. . L"'" LA.I ~ ~ ~~ CIY .... 't1I> ~1~~] !.-'~"~I~\I; ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~i7t . 0=;::: .! ,:tJj' I : I. '\...\~' i=::!:i' ~ ~~ ~.,..- I- ... I.,..... ~ ,- l--: .J r<. ", - ~ 1(1' I kl 1- .~ ...-. '<,,,. . - - ~ ~/ ! .~ t,,= >-, . Ir . -< - ~~'.'1-:~ '~~':-\I' - .~~~.-.. ~j~=~~ff[J1J/;;jfPJ / ,(:.:" ~ I- h:-: .~- - '~':{ Ii .~ / \ U,- "V~. \i:- - ~ ~ . I I I Y ~ l!:iFi3JL. .~ ."~Y..l L ...... T)'; ~ ~~.... J-___..L;......~ 7 \ I ,-1 I f. '1\ \"\ jI -, -.,.....~ . ~ ~-Tr: fUQ ~ 10'.' , ~: I-~_"....--t -.. - I~' I , " . I(~ r - f- ~~.~;::-ii~ -::::::: :.. i~ () 0 . - '}I-I::' '--......~.;~~, t I I ,-- L- Il:: I I.' ..-l-~l..... ( I.... I I ,'. '~I I IT" r-: I \ I \ ! \ I ~ ...... ..... . 'C:'''';';'''1- - . .-- 1--,- - &. , L\- l(-;AIIUI'J IVIfU-'- SUTTON PLACE .. . ,'----, - ~ L - - '- r-=- ~ ~ .__ / r'"' ~ - Ie. J - rr-- I~ I )i!J~~,52-~~ ~ ~ 10 '{, 1\ __ ~~:f=L!~ Ii \ ~ fl ~ '--0 /1::':----:: r"" - -- ~ G,.:J Ii -";1 .. .'~~" = ..: -1. (I REC -l={)- ij:;'~i; " ~,\~ I rr .VI l ~ '\', ;~~rl ~ 0 Sit \'; \\ · =:- , I J1 ~ ~~ ~ \\ '-- R · RPN" , i" >...~~~.!) t:::, I' \'. " -' ~. " ~ .': . .;1' I ~'} i ; i.I' . \... ~ .,' \, ; J \ . : : i .' II ~-...' ... I :"I I I, '},q ;;;::r 0 ., L ,;.... ' .... -:.~... I iJ iJ ("~ t" I r ... ". \ '. ". : \' - -' , --- ,! ,:.: .;' ..r----~" , -\' . . "J ,.. PIII...... :"'" ~--"., ....:~II ~~n ~ l. :'.':V"; u II 1/ .... '. _H'.'.' ,....... IVI'I L."'-''' I! I 11 I . I I I I \ (0.9) i b I !I I I _1 h ~ I -'QI II II~ r/h/l,-J 7f1nn I ~. --=:J r L-.... .~._..._____.__ ...-----..--..,a...=.,:..:..~..-------.---.....--.. .. - -..---. -..- _#_- ... -.---'-." .. c.P,,...,.i- ~.!>o '0 1/8 MILES Till 1 \ I' . '0 400. '800 FEET . 3- ~4 \ ~ Vill1~ - \) v ~ ~ >-1 I ""T""'i~~.- I I ,.-. I : ii I I ! " I l't~ ~; ;.; , I' " p_U;. l~ f~: ~ , ~litrJ ': 4-tt 1 ;dti ,I' ~ ":= f : .:l ...{ ;, " \" l' ;- i. ~ l\l ,- it ". :~ ~r I, .~ !1 f. ." tl i . . . ~ , ' -- i ) :t-' .I ~;tl ~~. H,'{ i;, I C. ;, ji : 1 1 .'lP f 11pi lLli ..lnp1"il"1i- .. (I fJd !I! !r a. p ~ f i . ~, r , , i1 l\l :t to '1 e ~I 5 ,l I.,. I.' n f' "'-rr II ii' I Ii ;. ~I! ;; . . I" ~. I~ ,1 i...l...l...tf' · II ~ I,-1..L. I ,I I 1) ,r 't .. .~ ::; (P::; : ~ ~ tJ .:: ~. ~.. .... .." r= " ~ .. .- :: .~ ::: I ... . :.; ; . ~ i ~ ~ H~f pi r ;ij i Iii . / 5 ' ---. , ~~. ,.' '~"l:: ~. ,i; r - 11 ~ H . .q /1/- li~' 11 ,: I' IF . - \. 'I .t (]I r2 " . ~ '" ~ i' = I~ . . ;U . fI: ~ w \ I I \ I il I ~'''", ~. f:,l ; '1. ~ . . i'J.' I, ~ T. ~ ./., ~.. . f~' . i ~ ~, ~:'''';' ~ r-A! . ..~-- ,. z . o. :1 :! :: ft. I~ ~. "' .. i , I , I l " ,.. ., "'" ,. . , . : ~ It ." 't' v #-' j: .1 ::~ -, \ f~)-~ ~1." ~~1 :1.LJ!rJ --- \1/1-- t-:7 ~ ~~~~.., - .(~ 4...-c~ PLANNLNG AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Robert E1chorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy BU1lding Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Mike Kirrman, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Vince Finizio, Deputy City Engineer Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer~ FROM: DATE: March I, 1994 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 1994 Please be adv1sed that the Technical Review Comm1ttee will meet on Tuesday, March 8, 1994, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: I. LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS (other than site plans) Plans and wr1tten comments to be returned within 3 working daY3 following the meeting. A. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION 1. PROJECT: Sutton Place at Hunters Run LOCA':'ION: All 19 residences in Sutton Place at Hunters Run DESCRIPTION: Sutton Place at Hunters Run Homeowners Association, Inc. is requesting a change in side setbacKs from 7'6" to 6'1)" for all 19 residences. B. SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS 1. PROJECT: Catalina Centre - Boston Chicken LOCATION: 1755 North Congress Avenue DESCRIPTION: Review a revised shared parking analysis for Cata11na Centre as a result of a change of use from Flagler National Bank outparcel site to a Boston Chicken Restaurant outparcel. Code Sect10n Append1x A-Zonlng Section 11 H. 13. Plannlng and Zonln~ ~ artment Memorandum Page 2 II. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. MAJOR SITE PLAN HODIFICATION l. PROJECT: Boston Chicken LOCATION: Catalina Shopping Centre 2. PROJECT: Harvey's Restaurant LOC.n.TION: 119 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard III. OTHER A. None cc: MEMO ONLY J. Scott Mlller, Clty Manager Clty Commlssion (5) Don Jaeger, BUilding Officlal Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utllities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utllities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works James D. White, City Engineer Ann Ford, Downtown Development Coordlnator Central File A:;;:>plicant Tambri Heyden, Actlng Planning & Zonlng Director Mlke Haag, Zoning and Site Development Admlnistrator Mlke Rumpf, Senior Planner Project Fl1e Chronological File TRC Flle (Orlginal) A:':'RC3-01.JH o~ 8El SUTTON PLACE TRACT H AT HUNTERS RUN MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-091 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning an~dvelopment Board J~'k!. ,~ Tambri J. Heyd n Acting Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: April 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Sutton Place, Tract H, Hunters Run - File No. 815 Master Plan Modification (side setback reduction) INTRODUCTION David Beasley, agent for Sutton Place at Hunters Run Homeowners' Association, Inc., has requested a modification to the approved master plan for tract H of the Hunters Run PUD, as described in the attached report (Planning and Zoning Department Memo No. 94- 072) . RECOMMENDATION At the April 5, 1994 City Commission meeting, the City Commission unanimously made a finding of no substantial change regarding the modification requested. The Technical Review Committee has recommended that this request be approved, subject to the requested side setback reduction from 7.5 feet to 6.0 feet only applying to golf cart garages, with no openings (such as doors, windows, vents, etc.) allowed on the portion of the golf cart structure that will touch the six foot side yard. Therefore, if approved with this condition, the previously established, minimum 7.5 foot side yard would apply to all structures, other than golf cart garages. tjh Encs xc: Central File A:SutPIMPM PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-072 AGENDA MEMORANDUM FOR APRIL 5, 1994 CITY COMMISSION MEETING FROM: J. Scott Miller City Manager Tambri J. HeYden'~~ Acting Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: March 23, 1994 SUBJECT: Sutton Place at Hunters Run, Tract "H" - File No. 815 Master Plan Modification (side setback) NATURE OF REOUEST David Beasley, agent for Sutton Place at Hunters Run Homeowners' Association, Inc., is requesting that the previously approved master plan for Sutton Place be modified to reduce the minimum side setback, as described wi thin the attached letter of request. Specifically, the request is to reduce the current seven point five (7.5) feet side setback to six (6) feet for both sides of all the lots. This modification is requested to allow a golf cart garage to be attached to an existing garage on lot 25. The maximum forty- five (45) percent building coverage and twenty-five (25) foot front and rear setback will remain as previously approved. BACKGROUND Sutton Place is a single family residential development, comprised of nineteen (19) platted lots, located within Tract "H" of the Hunters Run PUD. The PUD is located west of congress Avenue between the LWDD L-25 and L-30 canals (see attacned location map). On August 16, 1988, the final plat and construction plans for the project were approved by Resolution No. 88-YY. All nineteen (19) lots are developed with homes. Appendix B, Planned Unit Development, of the City Code of Ordinances states that changes in planned unit developments shall be processed as follows: Section 12. Changes in plans. Changes in plans approved as a part of the zoning to PUD may be permitted by the planning and zoning board upon application filed by the developer or his successors in interest, prior to the expiration of the PUD classification but only a finding that any such change or changes are in accord with all regulations in effect when the change or changes are requested and the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan in effect at the time of the proposed change. Substantial changes shall be proposed as for a new application of PUD zoning. The determination of what constitutes a substantial chan~e shall be wi thin the sole discretion of the city commission. Nonsubstantial changes as determined by the city commission in plans shall not extend the expiration of the eighteen-month approval for the PUD classification. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo No. 94-072 March 23, 1994 Page 2 ANALYSIS The modified master plan (see attached drawing) submitted and prepared by David Beasley depicts the proposed six (6) foot side setback. Staff has reviewed this request for consistency with the PUD development standards, and the intent and the purpose of planned unit developments as stated in the following sections of Appendix B, Planned Unit Developments: Section 1. Intent and purpose. A Planned Unit Development District (PUD) is established. It is intended that this district be utilized to promote efficient and economical land use, improved amenities, appropriate and harmonious variety in physical development, creative design, improved living environment, orderly and economical development in the city, and the protection of adj acent and existing and future city development. The district is sui table for development, redevelopment, and conservation of land, water and other resources of the city. Regulations for planned unit developments are intended to accomplish the purposes of zoning, subdivision regulations, and other applicable city regulations to the same degree that they are intended to control development on a lot-by-Iot basis. In view of the substantial public advantages of planned unit development, it is the intent of PUD regulations to promote and encourage development in this form where tracts suitable in size, location, and character for the uses and structures proposed are to be plauned and developed as unified and coordinated units. Section 9. B. Internal Lots and Frontage. Within the boundaries of the PUD, no minimum lot size or minimum yards shall be required; provided, however, that PUD frontage on dedicated public roads shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with the zoning district the PUD use most closely resembles and that peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone. As stated above, there are no minimum yard requirements within PUDs. The approved setbacks for the project are the same as the setbacks required in the R-1A single-Family Residential District; the district the PUD most closely resembles. The master plan makes reference to restrictions regarding construction of buildings in utility easements. Easements of record affect the side setback of lots 2, 21 and 23, requiring certain side setbacks to be much larger than 7.5 feet for these lots. This condition will remain in effect with the proposed modification. Planning & Zoning Dept. Memo No. 94-072 March 23, 1994 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION On Tuesday, March 8, 1994, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met to review the master plan modification. The Board recommends that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the proposed modification, and that the Planning and Development Board approve the request, subject to the six (6) foot side setback being allowed for golf cart structures only, with no openings (such as doors, windows, vents, etc.) being placed on the portion of the golf cart structure that will touch the six (6) foot side setback line. The approved seven point five (7.5) foot side setback would apply to all structures, other than golf cart garages. MEH:frb Encs A:SPLACE.frb SUTTON PLACE AT Hu~ R!" Homeowners Association, Inc. February 24, 1994 city of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: SUTTON PLACE AT HUNTERS RUN CHANGE SIDE SETBACK FROM 7'6" TO 6'0" To Whom It May Concern: Please accept for your review a revised Master Plan for all 19 residences included in sutton Place at Hunters Run. . This modification is in consideration of a proposed addition on the front of Lot #25 as drawn by David Beasley for a golf cart garage extension. In order to construct this addition, the side setback must be reduced from 7'6" to 6'0". This setback change must be applied to all 19 residences. Front and rear setbacks remain at 25'0". All other requirements for lot coverage, etc. remain unchanged. Any setbacks cannot overrlde any easements previously established. Thank you for your consideration. ~ trUIY8~Y" Lar~gOZe~ President SUTTON PLACE AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEO\VNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FEe Z.51Jll ervtc- m attachment rick\cbbsupl.ltr 3700 Clubhouse Lane. Boynton Beach. Florida 33436. (407) 734.5000 ~--""i".~' ~<i II Tn ,t<\-1:..J ,... L Ll..uo"llJ I" U Ij.ll~ ~.-crT.;=';:; ,.,;"",-;::;':';:::=1 111n\ T nn1l1 ~ - 1='3 - .-~tlliJ ULLi-u.-L-U-L-LLD " ,... "({} - --1', '.-Tm ~.J:1 1 _'.. II~' ,( \) .\11.J~b J e-.-I:, ...~~.P." .C;~..~! ."I:~;...vM..' ~ ~" y:. . ..... I Co. tr'1l.li' "1\1 L.~" ,\: 11 A ~...~....: \..J,' >;; ./-;: - ~ t:ti 'U..;'" "", \.)1 ~ '\ H . ~ .... -. r:l - >- ~ \ ~ ' \ \ ~~~,~' __ :::;);;~~ t: t,,~iil.I" /-- l-~\ ~ [."7=1' ~ '<" I I>"l!:i"~--' ~I~_ "r.+~..J;;:~ ., _y/=E." . .",-, .L.~ /~_',. dIIii\I ~ ~~A.~i!S:.;::\~ 't:nn-RJM'~l /, ltO, L'61 _ '" '- ~ t: ~ ..- ' · t 1I11'''''''' IL..U:.n.-;--*i:;JJ 1_ '. \.' ~", 7) \l '- .:. IC\ l' I \ '7 c: r - !tih-'1...":ID&~...' ..' . I ./ T _ ,.~ _~.,w-_~.L...J i . T 7 17..-:."'" · , '\ 'TYI' , T ~1 1'1'-'-1'-" ...,,----:"n";' ;fJ/ A \01' .' ~ . l~:-::.~,~ t( /__J U\ .. . = '---" ,t ".'l~1_tL~t-Wil I\. 1 \. \ \ \ fI "1"1" --.';1 T TTllll \ --'c::~;.J-......~ ..-- ~c:-c.- LCGAT\ON MK SUTTON PLACE .' . ~ ~L" r-=- ~-i:r~ - oc g ~- ~ I I--~';;:' ;} , . ~\ t o-.~\ \ ..;. .9 ~-- _.- .... ..... ~ M~ L.2-Q , '111 \ \ '\ \ l.r-Q - t. t::l -1 \ ~?~ =-.J - L_-, ,A CA.,..,,...... 1-- ~o 1!J '0 1/8 M\LES "n \ \ \ \ l " ~O .400. '800 FEET '\ '. \ \~1~ \ \. ;~ o;U t~ i; '5:- ~1 , '!, ,. ~~ t~ ~_-J,,-. \ \ k .s,';: <1 l~~ 11~ h~ ~V .h ~Ot:l ~t~ ,,~ '. \ \ \ \ \ ~\ \ '" \ '. '- "- -. " , '., ,/~~:-., p.;-~.-.' '.~ .~: ., ~ ",.~'(.."'~ ....~~ i~ ., \ \ . .J\ . i \\'~ ~~ ~ ~ t~ ~lt ~ ~ ....... - - "t'~ \ ' {7" \J .:Ii '-" ~. t 1 ~l 1 -1 :,1\ . t 1 ~~ ~ ~ tel. \ \il . ~~'; \ t. i'~ l' ~~ III 'i 1- ~ ,j. \) l'f. \" \ h .\ t~ .~ ~~ : 'I:l~ ;J: _~ T .s ~.'. rr ;# (- ..I, ,i:, .. . ~t . ,.,.:/ \, ~'L \ ~ ~\ ~ (- ~ ~ "1. .\\l \\- .~ .. ''\' .. 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