CORRESPONDENCE Tucker, Patricia . ( .-& ?f'K- tV~ . c./P1 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Byrne, Nancy Thursday, June 28,2001 4:47 PM Rumpf, Michael Tucker, Patricia RE: Follow-up on items from Vice Mayor Weiland Mike, . \. '-- ./ J. o ....< k /' .::-<,,?C/ '\>> (v D ivpo', ~o" I"l~ ~ ~~ c~l., \f~ Don't forget to have someone get me a copy of the correspondence noted b Thanks, Nancy ----.--- -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1 :11 PM To: Byrne, Nancy Subject: RE: Follow-up on items from Vice Mayor Weiland ~. ~~ - . . -~--- On ugust 9 1 97 e Commission approved a variance application to allow a new single family home to be cons c ed at a height of 35 feet; a 10 variance over the then allowed 25 feet. ,~ Two property owners, Mr. Di Nizo and Mr. Deacon contacted the city on or about April 9, 2001 via a letter stating that they had never been notified of the variance request/hearing, and that they are owed to say what is approved next to their properties. I spoke to them on May 1 st at the Commission meeting and explained the process and that we had no evidence to support the claim that the mailing had been deficient or faulty. We have both gentleman/property owners listed on the printout of property listings that were included in the mailing. I sent out a letter in follow-up to that conversation. I'll provide you a copy. MR. -----Original Message----- From: Byrne, Nancy Sent: Thursday, June 28,20018:11 AM To: Johnson, Don; Rumpf, Michael Subject: FW: FollOW-Up on items from Vice Mayor Weiland Don & Mike, Please review the blue highlighted item and let me know what the status is. Thanks, Nancy -----Original Message----- From: Bressner, Kurt Sent: Wednesday, June 27,2001 5:33 PM To: Livergood, Jeffrey; Sugerman, Dale; Roberts, Christine; Byrne, Nancy; Gage, Marshall; Hawkins, Wilfred Cc: Costello, Joyce Subject: Follow-up on items from Vice Mayor Weiland Please review and advise by return e-mail on the status of the items below. I have listed appropriate staff to respond to me. Gateway Blvd -- Sight Obstruction issues -- east end of improvement. (Dale) -- I assume that we own the landscape material subject to the warranty period. I really would lie to see the plant material replaced with a more suitable species. Can we work with Parks to remove and to relocate the Gateway bushes to a City facility and plan a suitable replacement? 1 Street Lights -- Gulfview hClroour (Jeff/Chris) -- Please call Tony Newbull.. ""f FPL at 561-265-3103 to see if this can get unstuck. The item has been lagging too long. New House at End of Riviera (Nancy B) -- This is the house that was subject of a 1997 variation, I believe. The neighbors appeared at a Commission meeting last month and said they never received notification. I think we resolved this by sending them a letter. I need this information to give to VM Weiland. Also, there are concerns about the height of the house. I assume this was the subject of the variation, but please review/advise. Because this is an infm development subject to the new drainage rules, a review and verification of compliance from Building is also requested. Follow-up on 3622 SE 1 st (Marshall) -- This is the home under construction that was subject to early AM construction. We need to verify compliance as the complaints are still coming in from neighbor. Fluoride Treatment for Water (Dale) -- Is this operational yet? If not, what is ETA? Fence at SW corner of Cemetery Property (Wilfred) -- This was given to John during your illness. The storage area next to the vaults should be enclosed by a fence. This is a cemetery expense. Street Lights Near St. Marks -- (Marshall) Night PO shift should review and verify location (pole #'s) of street lights out in three block radius of the Church. Per Ron, a lot of them are out. This will help PW follow-up. Break-ins of Cars at 5:30 Saturday Mass (Marshall) -- Contact the Pastor of St. Marks. Per Ron cars are being broken in during this Mass. Again, please forward responses bye-mail. Thanks, Kurt 2 Ii,:v 0". (, ;j'~ 'v~ ~ ON v , . DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (' i L' . ...:::,. '. . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment May 9,2001 Philip T. Dinizo Jr. 655 Riviera Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 George Deacon 654 Riviera Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Subject: Lee Manor Isles Subdivision (Lot 10) - ZNCV 97-003 Dear Sirs: This letter is in response to both your letter dated April 9, 2001, and the public inquiry made during the May 1, 2001 City Commission meeting, whereby you question the approval of the above-referenced requ~st, given the lack of direct notifications received by property owners. As discussed with you on May 1st, the City of Boynton'Beach is required to mail notices on a periding variance to all individuals who own property located within 400 feet from the subject variance request. As also indicated to you, our project file still contains an accurate listing of all adjacent property owners who shall have received a direct notice, and according to the City's established process for distributing legal notices and positive track records, I have no reason to believe that the subject notices were not mailed out. Currently, the City is not required to distribute direct notices via Certified Mail. Whether there is room for improvements to our present system is always being considered through ongoing process evaluation; however, we must acknowledge that any changes made from this point forward will not reverse history nor address your concerns. At this time, I can only reiterate that it was the intent of the City, as confirmed by file documents, to have properly notified all property owners within the required radius. Please understand that it has not been my intent to explain why notices may not have been received by you or other nearby property owners, but rather to explain the intent of the City's process and file documentation. However, please contact me should you have further questions on this response, or the subject variance application. Sincerely, ........ ~ /Lt"L- Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director MWR:arw \\CH\MAfN\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Shafiqul Islam ZNCV 97 -003\Dinizo Jr-Deacon.-Lee Manor Isles Lot 10 .dot ~ City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fJ.us Mr. Philip T. Oi Nizo Jr. 655 Riviera Drive Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 - - Ce> Pj +-0 Ct:.:> )/1"- .... \ c.m. L/A ~ <,~ ~ ~-' ~ ~s. '::9.. -~ ..., ~ '~~ ~ ~~:. ~~. April 9th. 2001 APR . _. U"'O ~ 0-:' _ -n(p - -... rf'\ ;. c;~ a' rng. V \J ().. ~ot i11,c <:Of'! +0 ()\):~~~ 6C'~ ) ~ ~\~e. ~ . Mr. George Deacon 654 Riviera Drive Boynton Beach, FI 33435 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FI. 33435 , Dear Mayor Joe Gerald Broeing: And City Commissioners: It has come to our attention on this date, April 9th. 2001 ,a varian issued to a Mr. Shafique Islam 0 eptember 1997 t #10 at Lee Manor Isles, Boynton Beae . { We as neighboring home owners directly to the South and North of said property, would like to know how a variance was issued without notification to we the property owners within the 400 foot range of said .building as required by law. As 21 year tax payers here on Riviera Drive we feet we should have some say as to what is built next to our properties. We would very much appreciate your looking into this matter as we were never notified in any way, nor did we agree to a variance of any kind. We will be looking forward to an explanation from you on this issue. Thanking you in advance: Phil Oi Nizo ~~~4 Ge~rge Deacon \ .~ ~ ~~-J I AUG-15-31 FRI e4'ee PM . . ~ARVEY E OYER INSURANCE 407 364 9848 p.el ik ~~ Sv..-b-l" 2#CV .(DJ r:-({W..j~::-.? "nO! L~~., 5,7 .. P' ;?I;7.';.7'':;-'"~:,--,J ~.f1I~l'd: U .'~N'J <--,---_f.illi!!iQ DE PI: ~ _..............~....~-,.~~~,.,: -Ak. August 15, 1997 Mrs. lambri Hayden Planning & Zoning Director 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Zoning Request please remove the request for zoning varience - Lot 10 - Lee Manor Isle from the consent agenda, scheduled for August 19, 1997. Please place for appeal on the agenda of September 16, 1997. My attorney is currently on vacation and 1 would like for him to represent me. Respectfu ly Yours, shafiqu rltatJpan, ~NSMISSION VERIFICATION PEP OF _.1 TIME 08/15/1997 15:53 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5613756259 TEL 5613756260 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 08/15 15:49 97310065 00:03:45 07 OV STANDARD ECM AUG-22-31 FRI 02:32 PM HARVEY E OYER INSURANCE 407 364 9848 P.ell .i~ i~cv./l~ . ~ f.-{~ fc;;G::- (="~r?'-ri- 'IS --r\'."\'n ,', \ \ D) r.8-~)"",;-'2,.~L.";:!. i. i j II) I " IUIJI AUG 2 2 d. L-...-...._~.'"=~~-j PI' 11''1''[' t.I.':) . ~P,I\il'~H' ~l~':~~ J' ZONING DEPT,.. ~_ August 22, 1997 Mrs. Tambri Hayden Planning & Zoning Director 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Zoning Request Lot 101 Lee Manor Isle I plan to be at the September 2, 1997 city commiasion meeting to present my request for zoning variance. Respectf~lY Yo~rst?1! sl ~ ~ ~ C <<t1441 Shafiqu IB~'