APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: SHAFIQUL ISLAM LOCATION: LOT 10, LEE MANOR ISLES COMPUTER ID: ISLAM -- ZNCV FILE NO.: ZNCV 97-003 CASE #237 TYPE OF APPLICATION: VARIANCE APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: SHAFIQUL ISLAM PHONE: (561) 369-8436 PHONE: FAX: (561) FAX: ADDRESS: 2111 NE 3RD ST ADDRESS: BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 DATE RECEIVED: 6/17/97 DATE: 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: ADMINISTRATIVE TRC MEETING: TRC MEETING: RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED: PLANNING & DEV. BOARD MEETING: AUGUST 12, 1997 CITY COMMISSION MEETING: COMMENTS: S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO REVISED 4/25/97 1K);~r;j B/'->'A/f<j j, k-ln }-;n r ~ .' d u~ ..// (IV .L ~ .-"': .;;/&-(-<-1. -=1f.;:2 -;',.:;;;'-- . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES: Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date: The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) 10 Block Subdivision~J4.Ml).e -, SJ...l:;S Property ~Lf page~ or otherwise described as follows: Address LOT ID ~ 1'I7t+-NOf2- (SLEs, l3oYNrfJ1'lI35~d1-:F'L requesfe~~;JS- FEeT ileAfjh-t iN~TGtlJ IJF RS-f!) Plat Book Variance The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 'P Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. All property lines B. North arrow C. Existing structures and paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal Description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth- (1/100) of an acre J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. \ Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. r Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner (s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an agent is submitting the petition. a notarized copy of a letter designating him as such must accompany the petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type) : Page 2 Board of Zoning Appeals Variance Application An application fee in the amount of $400.00, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. Name and address of owner: ,t;J+ItPj Qu L IS LlJ-Nf c:l.lll f'/. E. 3kcl s+ (J.l.iJNr1J7/~~ FU 33f'3~ GfAME. ~ fiJJ1DYL) "7" 0- 0 U ~"'" _ / Applicant's phone #: ~~ ~+~ Signature of Applicant, ~41 ~ ~. B. C. D. E. ~. 6. 7. That special conditions and to the land, structure or applicable to other lands, zoning district; circumstances exist which are peculiar building involved and which are not structures or buildings in the same That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 8. Name of applicant: Applicant's address: Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR REPRESENTATIVE 1. Property is presently zoned:~I- M formerly zoned: 2. Property Control Number: 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning .or sign requirements (list section(s) of Code from which relief is required) : ct+r ~ 6dLOVt. 5'_ c. ( ~t)JJA~ ~~ 4. Nature o~ exception or variance required: Date: JJ~ I 5. Iii 7 ')/~ 1 Permit denied - Building Department Y Meeting Date: ~ 12' ~1 Case Number: Page 3 Board of Zoning Appeals Variance Application TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACTION: Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman Page 4 Board of Zoning Appeals Variance Application C E R T I F I CAT ION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. 6 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be accompanied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT -- PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 S:\PLANNING\SHARBD\WP\FORMS\APPS\BZAV\BZAV.APP April, 1997 HMtufn 10: l"nclo.. ..II.addre..ed .tamped _nv.lop", NAme: Gene !.'oore, Lawyer Addre":/J39 E Ocean Avenue ~ Boynton Beach, Florida wc#~.. WARRANTY DEED INOIVIO. TO INOIVIO. AAMCO FOR~l NO. 01 ... .. !: 33435 ~ 8 .r ! .. ~ ... .s .1 ~ r Address: Gene Moore, Lawyer 639 E Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida Prop.tly Appral.e,. Parcelldentlnc:allon (Folio Numb.r(.)): 08 43 45 27 05 000 0100 Gran'..[II S.S. '[11 33435 ... l.On .,............ t""'t".v.' V'I"""",. ..", VI""",! \1\ 1 I1f\'~'-i"1-,;".,:r-~; ;~.~~"~ 0-- ..----.... t .':......... 1. I I I 1. . _11-if" m , l '- 1 :::;r '\..::) 8. 76 I....."" 077'"'"-'!'''' .........- .... '\'/I\U i ~ ,...;:."_ 13 , LrL;- J'fSS'ff ii fii H B.ifi s:! l.J5; _~-.J~1 'U1"i1 i"";,.,,- ;'.. .:;:; ....~ . ~ u. \.I LJIJI.. J. , U.., I . UU ;.,:.' ;...f".....\"'-W'.. .,.....-"'... ."",. ,".7'.'.V'~" ...... \h WJ.Lt\t.r~; l-Lt.nl\ ~\j t,v:J~~; '(1 i-L This Instrumenl Prepared by: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR PROCESSING DATA SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING DATA W4h1 ~nrrmrlu c:!fl.e.eb~ Made the 30 day of April , 1997 . by ANNA C. CONDON, conveying her separate non-homestead property hereinafter called t~e Grantor, to SHAFIQUL ISLAM AND SHAMSAD ISLAM, HIS WIFE whose post office address is 2111 N.E. 3rd Street, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 hereinafter called the Grantee. (Wherever u.ed herein the tern -Grantor- and -Grante.- Includ. aI the pan", to thl. innrument and the heln. 1e1.1 repre.entatlve., and a"lsn. of Indlvldu.... and the .ucce..or. and ."lan. 01 corpondonl. wherever the context .0 .dmb or requires.) / I ahd other ~lIlHtnesset1y, That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $ 10. 00 valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. hereby grants. bargains. sells, releases. conveys and confirms unto the Grantee all that certain land. situate in Palm Beach County, State of Florida , viz: LOT 10, LEE MANOR ISLES, according of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Plat Book 24 at Page 211. to the Plat thereof, in and for Palm Beach aliens, remises, I : I on file in the OffiC~ County, Florida, reco\ded SUBJECT TO: easements, restrictions, reservations, road-right-of-way of record, if any, and zoning and building and governmental ordinances applicable to subject property, and taxes for the year 1997 and thereafter. '(flogttlyer, with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. '(0:0 ~&e mtb to ~lli, the same infee simpleforever. J\nb the Grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfUlly seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land. and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31. 1 ~ 6 . ~n ~itneilis ~lrer.eof, the said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and de/i\:e~ed in the presence of' 1/ / .,', c:_,-" 7 .1. ". /' / . . , -, { ;/ c/ Li- ~l Jt-:t/ L/ '(:.-, 71....(.- -c1~,{,/ Grutor SilDllture ANNA C. CONDON Prin,.d N..... 945 North Main Street POI' orne. Address ~ / Witness Sianature (u to first Grllltor) ,~ Barbara A. Ranta Prin'ed Nome Randolph, Massachusetts 02368 Co-Grantor Sipltwe, it my WilDes. Slp.tw. (eo '0 Co-Oru'or, irony) Prin'ed N II1II Print.d NIIIII POll Omee Addres. Willies. SipllUre (It to Co-Gratltor, ihny) Prioted Name STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA PALM BEACH ANNA C. CONDON known to me to be the person_ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged befon: me that she executed the same, and an oath was not taken. (Cbeck one:) 0 Said person(s) is/are personaIly known to me. iXSaid person(s) provided tbe following type ofidentilic:ation: M~~se(>hllsptts drivertfO license ) ) I hereby Certify that on tbis day, before me, an officer duly autborized to administer oatbs and take acknowledgments, personally appeared NOTARY RUBBER STAMP SEAL Witness my band and official seal in the County and Slate last aforesaid tbis . / d'y.f '/7 /J -.-. ~~~<./ ~'-' Notary SilDlllUre Barbara A. Ranta . A.D. 19-9] 06 18 93 OFFICIAL NOTARY SF-^L"'I BARBARA ^ RANTA. ''',"N. I NOTARY I'UBLlC STATE OF nOR IDA COMMISSION t'-j(l CC593nl J M'" COMlvllSSION EXP ocr I :;,:moo _._---.._,~----_..._-~............. / Printed Notuy Sign&IWG Page 2-5 Special Conditions A. This is a pie-shaped lot that limits the area that can be built upon. B. The special condition and circumstances are the result of plating the property approximately 40 years ago. C. The granting of the variance could possiblily be construed as a special privilege in that other residences do not have the heights that are required. However, granting the variance in the longer run should benefit the homeowners in the same zoning district as well as the entire city. The passage of time has made changes in the markets for quality homes. Today in the better homes the market is having 12-14' first floor and 10-12' for second stories that when added to the beam, slopes for the roof need a 351 height instead of 25'. D. The literal interpretation would be a hardship in that a pie shape lot on the Intercoastal Waterway with the added costs of piling, fill and other related costs does not make it cost effective to build under the current height restriction. The proof of this lot has been platted for over 35 years and has not been built upon. E. The variance requested is the minium needed to make a reaseonable use of the property. F. The granting of the variance in my opinion will be in harmony with the intent of zoning district and would not be injurious to the surrounding area or the city as a whole. I believe that granting the variance would be a more modern use of the property that would upgrade the amenities for everyone. P ALtJl Tax ID: Use J: Nam~ : OAd1r : Imp.~n : Acr~~ : Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES 'X~ r BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORl 08-4345~27-05-000-0090 PAddr : 654 RIVIERA DR 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1983 Stories: DEACON G N & KATHLEEN H ET AL Imprv:$ 155652 Zone : GEORGE N DEACON TRUST ET AL TI Land :$ 160000 BId Area: 654 RIVIERA DR Agri :$ A/C SqFt: BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6153 Assess:$ 315652 Tot SqFt: SFR Sav Hm:$ 272293 Baths : 80 X 142 Taxes: 6327.17 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: 2.0 R1AA 3411 2976 3697 3.0 1996 LT 9 Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 FIREPLACE 1 DECK 1 PATIO UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1.00 83 2000 187.00 187 1369.00 83 3833 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 WALL 1 DOCK 1 POOL UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 730.00 83 167~ 130.00 55: 96.00 83 384C -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 285000 Date: 10/15/85 Book/page: 004683/001715 Type: WD Qual:Q 110000 003551/000128 WD U / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/97 'd~- / J BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORl 08-4345~27-05-000-0150 PAddr : 641 RIVIERA DR 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1957 Stories: TEMPLETON ALVIN R Imprv:$ 79364 Zone : Land :$ 130000 BId Area: Agri :$ AIC SqFt: Assess:$ 209364 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 194098 Baths : Taxes: 4361.76 Millage: 41 Exempt: HM CondoBed: PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 641 RIVIERA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6152 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LOT 15 x Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 POOL 1 SCREEN 1 ROOF UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 88.00 3960 ENCLO 1880.00 1880 400.00 560 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED - - PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 640 CASTILLA LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6104 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LOTS 21 & 22 x Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 SCREEN ENCLO 1 DOCK 1 DECK UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 694.00 694 140.00 490 352.00 352 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED 1.0 R1AA 2207 1791 2489 2.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PATIO 1 DOCK UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1055.00 1635 140.00 490 1.0 R1AA 2426 1922 2722 3.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 DOCK 1 SPA UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 135.00 473 1.00 1000 INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 280000 Date: 09/15/87 Book/Page: 005439/001130 Type: WD Qual:Q / / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 78000 Date: 01/15/76 Book/page: 002623/001512 Type: Qual:U / / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/97 BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORP 08-4345-27-05-000-0210 PAddr : 640 CASTILLA LN 01 MLS: Status: X Yr BIt: 1956 Stories: KUJALA ROBERT C & JILL L Imprv:$ 76997 Zone : Land :$ 221000 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 297997 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 274696 Baths : Taxes: 6387.21 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: Revised: 04/15/97 Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 31 '- cI- ..,..:r 3/ BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY COR 08-4345-27-05-000-0310 PAddr : 641 CASTILLA LN 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1974 Stories: LIMAURO CAROL L & Imprv:$ 59427 Zone : MICHAEL GARCIA Land:$ 45000 BId Area: 641 CASTILLA LN Agri :$ A/C SqFt: BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6103 Assess:$ 104427 Tot SqFt: SFR Sav Hm: $ 104427 Baths : X Taxes: 2134.69 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: 1.0 - PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr R1AA 2126 1604 2540 2.0 1996 Features: BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUE BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUl -- SALES INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Sale 1:$ 152000 Date: 11/15/94 Book/Page: 008522/001214 Type: WD Qual:QM 2: $ 125000 005135/000374 WD U 3:$ 50000 004629/001943 WD U -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------. Revised: 04/15/9~ ~--~-,---_._._-'_.. ---'"._....~_._-~ "~~"- BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORl 08-4345~27-05-000-0030 PAddr : 630 RIVIERA DR 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1972 Stories: PECORA JOSEPH A & DONNA J Imprv:$ 57849 Zone : Land:$ 45000 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 102849 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 102849 Baths : Taxes: 2095.27 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: J" A ~''-f- :3 ,':" PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 630 RIVIERA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6153 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES E 90.5 FT OF LT 3 x Features: BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1 POOL 82.00 90 3772 1 SCREEN ENCLO 2086.00 90 2086 1.0 R1AA 1822 1426 2255 2.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PATIO UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 564.00 90 118~ INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 95000 Date: 09/15/86 Book/Page: 005025/000591 Type: WD Qual:Q 55000 002962/000542 U / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/97 BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORE 08-4345-27-05-000-0110 PAddr : 655 RIVIERA DR 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1978 Stories: DI NIZO PHILIP T JR & DOROTHY Imprv:$ 139866 Zone : P T JR & DOROTHY DI NIZO TR TI Land :$ 180000 BId Area: 655 RIVIERA DR Agri :$ A/C SqFt: BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6152 Assess:$ 319866 Tot SqFt: SFR Sav Hm: $ 271487 Baths : 70 X 178 Taxes: 6307.04 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED -- PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 11 Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PATIO 1 PATIO 2.0 R1AA 3355 2780 3943 3.5 1996 UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 98.00 127 1150.00 1783 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 DOCK 1 POOL UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 140.00 490 90.00 4140 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 36000 Date: 01/15/77 Book/page: 002686/001866 Type: Qual:U 30300 002391/000774 WD U / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/97 . c/v ~ . ~r BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY COR 08-434S-27-05-000-0290 PAddr : 649 CASTILLA LN 01 MLS: Status: X Yr BIt: 1992 Stories: FAVALE RAFFAELE & ANGELA Imprv:$ 150034 Zone : Land:$ 45000 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 195034 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 189481 Baths : Taxes: 4258.93 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 649 CASTILLA LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6103 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 29 X Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PATIO UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 378.00 92 586 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED -- PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 651 CASTILLA LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6103 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 30 X Features: BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1 POOL 96.00 3840 1 SCREEN ENCLO 1692.00 1692 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED 2.0 RlAA 3402 2926 3897 2.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 POOL UNITS YRB MKT VALUl 94.00 92 479' 1.0 R1AA 1880 1452 2227 2.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PATIO UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 660.00 85t INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 115000 Date: 03/15/93 BoOk/Page: 007626/000841 Type: WD Qual:QM 78000 003018/000460 U / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 30000 Date: 07/15/89 Book/Page: 006152/001011 Type: WD Qual:DM 30000 004659/001382 WD U / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/9~ BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORl 08-4345-27-05-000-0300 PAddr : 651 CASTILLA LN 01 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1957 Stories: MIMS R COLBY Imprv:$ 51763 Zone : Land:$ 45000 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 96763 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 96763 Baths : Taxes: 1943.29 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: Revised: 04/15/9~ - --_.._~---------------_.-._--~_._.~._--------- --. PALM Tax ID: Use N; C' c:/ (/) ~ ),. ~ BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ 08-4345~27-05-000-0230 01 MLS: Status: HOLTHOUSE DANIEL & DEBORAH L INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------. 170000 Date: 05/15/85 Book/Page: 004558/000109 Type: WD Qual:U / / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/9~ BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY COR! 08-4345-27-05-000-0240 PAddr : 652 CASTILLA LN 01 MLS: 440000 Status: A Yr BIt: 1987 Stories: LO FASO JOAN W Imprv:$ 108783 Zone : Land :$ 130000 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 238783 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ 224252 Baths : Taxes: 5127.34 Millage: 41 Exempt: HX CondoBed: o CASTILLA LN ,JYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6104 7"0)1/ S FR .....L ..:) : x .lJegal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 23 Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 DOCK 1 PATIO UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 496.00 90 1736 150.00 92 233 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED -- PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 652 CASTILLA LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-6104 SFR Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES LT 24 x Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 DOCK UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 230.00 87 805 INTEREALTY COR PAddr . 650 CASTILLA LN . Yr BIt: 1958 Stories : 1.0 Imprv :$ 79181 Zone : R1AA Land :$ 130000 BId Area: 2393 Agri :$ A/C SqFt: 1942 Assess:$ 209181 Tot SqFt: 2849 Sav Hm: $ 193910 Baths : 2.0 Taxes . 4369.55 Millage : 41 1996 . Exempt: HX CondoBed: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 POOL UNITS YRB MKT VALUl 87.00 92 443' 1.0 R1AA 2861 2283 3344 3.0 1996 BLD DESCRIPTION 1 SPA UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1.00 87 150C -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 75000 Date: 10/15/85 Book/Page: 004668/001695 Type: WD Qual:U / / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------. ----~~----~----- Revised: 04/15/9' '. -, ------------~_._-"'_._--"-- - ~ -f-II TOMBERG REAL EpTAT~ _____ 561-732-6509 06/11/97 ROBERTA TOMBERG -- PALM BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY Tax ID: 08-4345-27-05-000-0011 PAddr : 1120 FEDERAL HWY S Use 17 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1962 Stories: Name UNITED AMERICAN PROP INC Imprv:$ 95983 Zone : C1 OAddr Land : $ 133210 BId Area: 1120 S FEDERAL HWY Agri :$ A/C SqFt: BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-5616 Assess:$ 229193 Tot SqFt: OFFICE LOW RISE Sav Hm:$ Baths: X Taxes: 5954.29 Millage: 41 Exempt: 00 CondoBed: 204.32 FT OF LT 1 AS IN OR3503P659 Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES NLY 129.57 FT OF WLY CORl 1.0 3547 2740 4252 2.0 1996 Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 PAVING 1 FIREPLACE UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 14600.00 4380 1.00 800 BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1 WALKWAY 830.00 1075 1 FIRE EQUIP S 3526.00 1234 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED Imprv Acres Legal : LEE MANOR ISLES S 100 FT OF LT 2 INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 256200 Date: 08/15/94 Book/Page: 008409/000533 Type: WD Qual:UO 153000 07/20/92 007340/001854 WD DO / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/97 BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------------ INTEREALTY CORE 08-4345-27-05-000-0021 PAddr : 1320 FEDERAL HWY S 21 MLS: Status: Yr BIt: 1972 Stories: PATEL ANAND Imprv : $ 97220 Zone : C1 Land :$ 113255 BId Area: Agri :$ A/C SqFt: Assess:$ 210475 Tot SqFt: Sav Hm:$ Baths: Taxes: 6347.77 Millage: 41 1996 Exempt: 00 CondoBed: 1.0 -- PALM Tax ID: Use Name OAddr 1320 S FEDERAL HWY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33460-5639 RESTAURANT 2558 2414 2705 X Features: BLD DESCRIPTION 1 FACING UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 556.00 1168 BLD DESCRIPTION UNITS YRB MKT VALUE 1 PAVING 8781.00 2634 -- SALES Sale 1:$ 2:$ 3:$ -------------- INFORMATION DEEMED INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- 283000 Date: 05/15/96 Book/Page: 009253/001171 Type: WD Qual: / / RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED ----------------- Revised: 04/15/91 .'--.....;'''''"'..~ '..'~- ~ ,~." ~.?~'~~~-,---------~~.