REVIEW COMMENTS . :. .4 STAFF COMMENTS LAWSON GROUP INDUSTRIAL BUILDING !- -...... NEW SITE PLAN . BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum POLICE DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: See attached memorandum . ~, a MEMORANDUM November 8, 1989 TO: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Development Compliance Administrator RE: SITE PLAN FOR LAWSON GROUP INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Upon review of the above-mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: ~ ....., 1. ~ 2. 3. .. .. MEH:ld Off-street loading space, twelve (12) feet wide by 35 feet long, with a clear height of fourteen (14) feet, is required. The north and west on-site vehicular use areas must be screened from abutting properties with the appropriate size and spacing hedge material located within a 2.5 foot minimum width landscape strip. 4. The on-site vehicular use area abutting the south right-of-way at the lift station shall be buffered with the appropriate size and spacing hedge material located within a five (5) foot minimum width landscape strip. Unobstructed cross-visibility between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet is required where an accessway intersects a public right-of-way and/or where subject property abuts the intersection of two (2) or more public rights-of-way. 5. Solid wall dumpsters require accent shrub screening spaced twenty-four (24) inches on center. 6. Identification of total height of structure is required. -=v.J.O~ /4 ~hael E. Haag xc: Don Jaeger !3 MEMORANDUM November 8, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner VIA: Ann Toney Acting Engineering Administrator FRCM: Roger Kuver Acting Assistant to the City Engineer ~ RE: 'IRE Corrrrents Warehouse Facility for David Mackey - Lawson Industrial Park 1) Provide a parking lot lighting plan which includes fixture types, larrp types, wire size and conduit routing, etc. Plans shall also include light levels as per Article X. 2) Indicate all traffic control devices on plan. These include signs, pavenent markings, directional arrCMS, etc. 3) Provide a parking lot construction detail which includes corrpacted sub- grade, depth and corrpaction of base rock, concrete curbing, sidewalk details and wearing surface to be Used. 4) Provide a parking lot layout plan which includes dirrensions, elevations and intended direction of stormwater flow. 5) Provide a swale detail for perirreter of site to include S.W. 14th Place and S~W. 30th Avenue. 6) Submit drainage calculations prepared by a Florida Registered Engineer that neet parking lot and sul:division criteria. Sheeting stomwater off- site is prohibited. 7) Drainage structure details are required. 8) Driveway approach radii must be indicated on plans, 25 foot radius minimum. ~ Roger Kuver RK/ck 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director John A. Guidry ~ \~~ Director of Utilities ~ DATE: November 8, 1989 FROM: SUBJ: TRB Review Lawson Group Industrial Bldg. Site Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. The new fire hydrant line will require a 6" x 6tl tapping sleeve and valve, plus a 6tl gate valve near the hydrant. Indicate a 12' utility easement for this line. Also relocate the proposed black olive tree out of the ease- ment. ' 2. Specify size of meter to be installed. Also specify a reduced pressure backflow preventer of identical size as the meter, to be located on the customer's side of the water meter. 3. Due to location of the electrical panel and piping, the lift station access gate must remain facing southward. However, we are willing to discuss landscaping options around the lift station with the developer. 4. City water is not to be used for irrigation for conservation reasons. Please delete the notation which states otherwise. . dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Lawson Industrial Park DATE: November 6, 1989 . As per our discussions in regards to the Technical Review Board Meeting of November 7, 1989, I am recommending the following: 1. Comply with security construction ordinance. (City Ord. 5-86) i/4fJtd/ J~ . Dale Hammack DH/cm .. ip) H,r"r;-,"'t' ,. A\I....J.i3''--'~'.:..2 . tjPY G PU!"/t.!l"",, /;' . ~ <".~ ....... .. ? MEMORANDUM November 8, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board THROUGH: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director I'~ FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner Lawson Group Industrial Warehouse Building site Plan - File No. 362 RE: Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. Any future freestanding signs desired will need site plan approval. Chapter 21, Section 21-9. 2. Note colors (including paint chip numbers) and materials to be used on the elevations of the structures, sheet 3, consistent with the colored elevations submitted. Item #14, page 5 of the application. 3. Parking has been provided in excess of the rate of 1 parking space for every 500 square feet of gross floor area. At this rate, 45 parking spaces are required; 59 have been provided. This will allow leasing flexibility for a range of industrial uses permitted in the 00-1 zoning district as listed in Appendix A-Zoning, Section 8 including leasing of some bays for 00-1 permitted uses requiring more parking than 1 space per 500 square feet such as laboratories and research and development (1 space for every 300 square feet) and auto repair (1 space for every 250 square feet). Appendix A, Section II(H). 4. Show the existing driveways on the east side of S.W. 14th Place serving High Tech Center as they relate to the alignment of the 2 proposed driveways on the west side of S.W. 14th Place serving the subject warehouse building. Item #4, page 5 of application. 5. Dimension the landscape strip at the narrowest point abutting the adjacent property to the west. Chapter 7.5, Section 7.5-35(e). 6. As agreed by the applicant at the November 7, 1989 T.R.B. meeting, the driveway and pavement edge at the southwest corner of property should be revised as follows: a) reflect a one-way, egress only drive onto S.W. 30th Avenue (a minimum 12 feet in width) rather than the two-way drive as shown on the plans submitted, b) realign the two-way drive at the southwest corner of the building so that there is a minimum 12 feet of pavement measured west from the fence of the lift station tract, and c) continue the landscape strip along the western property line to the S.W. 30th Avenue right-of-way line, eliminating the pavement connection to the 60 foot drainage and water retention easement on the adjacent property to the west as shown on the plans submitted. 7 This rev~s~on will enable pretreatment of the drainage from the impervious area at the southwest corner of the property as required by AppendixC, Article X, Section 5B, reduce the erosion potential from sheetflow of water promoted by the pavement connection and create a functional driveway width as specified in Chapter 5, Article X, Section 5-142(h)1. It will also reduce the number of landscape appeals needed for approval by the Community Appearance Board as described in item #8 below. 7. Show a one-way pavement arrow and a one-way, do not enter sign on the site plan for the revised driveway discussed in item #6 above. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(e). 8. Unless landscape appeals are approved by the Community Appearance Board, the following items will need to be provided to comply with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 7.5-35(d) and (e): a) North property line abutting adjacent property - minimum 2-1/2 foot wide landscape strip with hedge. b) West property line abutting adjacent property - minimum 2-1/2 foot wide landscape strip continued to southwest corner of property and hedge added within entire length of landscape strip. c) South property line abutting public right-of-way - minimum 5 foot wide landscape strip continued to southwest corner of property (excluding areas for one-way drive and lift station drive) and trees 40 foot on center and hedge added within the strip. ~ ~ ~~'(). ~ Tambri J .vHeyd ' TJH:cp xc: Central File : Lawson r MEMORANDUM FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist TO: SUBJECT: Lawson Group Industrial Building - Site Plan DATE: November 8, 1989 The following pertain to the landscape plans for the above project: . 1. Thirty percent (30%) of the hedge materials must be native species. 2. Applicant cannot use municipal water for landscape areas; must be non-potable source. 3. A hedge (18" height) is required along property adjacent to north and west perimeter, unless existing structures provide visual screening. Applicant should clarify these areas on the landscape plan. ~ J ~~~ vin J. a1lcMan Forester/Horticulturist Recreation & Park Department KJH:pb A:LAWSON.DOC 9